#icilara asked me
viktorbergmann776 · 8 months
Art requests, ask blogs, and just telling stuff about planned AUs is something I do on my blog.
Ik you have that Olaf and Michael ask blog that has very little attention, so maybe you could hype it up more with this blog? Just some ideas
Art requests are also some things that are fun since people will ask to see art in your style.
Talking about AUs help too, like you could talk about the lore of some characters in your AUs like Henry, Charles, and Ellie, and others involved. You could discuss ships that are in the story too. Even like headcanon siblings in your AU could help!
Again, these are all just ideas coming from me who hasn't been really active for a year, but hey, anything to help a friend out
This idea is not bad. About art requests. Lately, I haven't been drawing much, and often my art is like from the "ass", since I haven't painted for a very long time. Regarding the QnA heading, yes.. Questions and answers are currently more in demand in my account, and I'm still online to answer viewers' questions about my oc. As for ships and other things with the character, this is also a cool fan idea, but I don't know if others will be able to appreciate it.
AU? I had ideas about Richard the Hunter, and about playing with Olaf, but now I'm finishing a story about Olaf in depression. To be honest, I can't wait to see the finished version of the fanfic.
That's all what I can say
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