#icons denver
70sgroovy · 9 months
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john denver photographed in 1974🌼
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onlytiktoks · 3 months
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burlesque--emo · 4 months
I think a lot about how both ryan and dallon have incredible vocals, and how this was showcased in old shows and demos, but when it came down to studio recording it was solely brendon like imagine what we could've had.
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marina-na-na · 1 year
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herigo · 10 months
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rhynehoward · 2 years
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cynical-things · 1 month
sorry for the shit posting but huh???
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what do you mean 18 YEARS AGO????
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officialfoxsquadron · 7 months
rising, falling
972 words | my ao3
rating: general audience
summary: Aunt Beru's son is growing up. He is in danger. This, she has always known.
When Luke’s toys came crashing around him, she cursed him again. Not her nephew-no, never him. She cursed his father, Obi-Wan, the whole damned lot of them. They were sandstorms, these men-destroying everything in their path, not caring who they hurt or what they left behind.
Obi-Wan, at least, had the decency to stay close. She knew, eventually, that there would come a day when he would take her nephew-her son -away, and she would have to let him.
But that didn’t mean she had to trust him. Any of them, these sandstorm men who reached for the suns, tried to bring them crashing down. It wasn’t that she didn’t believe in the Force-it was hard not to when your son woke from his nightmares with toys floating around him. She just never understood why they had to mess with it.
“Aunt Beru,” His voice was small, quiet, and shaky, but Luke sat bolt upright. She felt her husband rush behind her, his hands ghosting her back as she clutched her collar. She had screamed, she realized. She shouldn't have done that.
He's growing like a weed, she thought dully. He'll need new clothes again. “Uncle Owen. I had a bad dream-”
“It’s alright, son,” her husband said, in that gruff voice of his. He brushed past Beru, smoothed his nephew’s blanket, laid him back down. “Just worried it was raiders, that’s all.”
“It’s alright.” Owen said-no, insisted. He wordlessly walked to the other side of Luke’s room and picked up his bantha plush, placing it back in Luke’s hands. “Just go back to sleep, we’ll fix it in the morning.”
“Okay.” Luke said, squeezing the toy near his chest, voice already dipping. “Just a bad dream?”
“Just a bad dream.” Owen confirmed, stroking his son’s hair as he fell to sleep.
Beru was still frozen in the doorway. She wanted to comfort her son, but Owen was always better at this part of parenting. He would rush in when fear made your heart leap into your throat. 
She did not want to be scared of him, her darling boy, who always knew how to make her laugh. But seeing the contents of his room floating around him, the pained noises that were in his throat-
“We love you, Luke,” she said, quietly, still trying to regain her breath. Luke was already asleep, but she hoped he heard her. “It’s alright. Go back to sleep.”
Owen wrapped his arm around her, her whole body still shaking, after he closed Luke’s door. He held her until they were back in their room and guided her to sit on the edge of their bed. He wrapped a blanket around her, wordlessly, and found the bottle of liquor they kept hidden for moments like these.
“Thank you, Owen,” she said, her voice clawing its way out of her throat. She took a sip-she hated the stuff, but her nerves were overactive all these years. “I’m sorry I didn’t-”
“Stop,” Owen said gruffly, taking her hand. He held it between his, rubbing his thumb along her palm. She felt the fear, the anger, the hatred die down for a moment, enough to regain her senses.
“How did you know to go to him?” Her husband rarely asked questions of her. She turned, looked into his eyes. They were blue, so blue, calm and silent.
“I dunno. I couldn’t sleep.” It was the truth. Sleep had never come easily to her, and she always made sure to peek into Luke’s room when she could. Just to make sure he was breathing. That’s when she saw it, the contents of the room floating above him. "I screamed, Owen. I should have never done that, he'll think-"
"Stop," he said again, kissing her forehead. "It's not your fault. You can't always control how you react to...something like that."
She thought-not for the first time, and certainly not for the last-of stories Shmi would tell her, of dreams and nightmares that led to a quickening in her womb. She thought of Luke’s mother, the beautiful woman from very far away. She had been so sad, even then, when she was supposed to be young and in love.
She gave Beru a smile when they parted, an odd little smile. A reassuring one. An apologetic one. It was one that twisted Beru's stomach.
She thought of the smile now, her parting gift from her sister-in-law. It was a gift women gave each other often; when they went off with bad men, when they hoped against hope that things would work out. She had given it to her, so that when reports of a massacre came in, Beru wouldn't scream. She would try and remember. She would try and control herself, hold still in a sandstorm, because the men were playing at gods again.
Her husband smoothed her hair, kissed the side of her head. She put the glass down and rested her head on his shoulder, letting herself melt into his familiar warmth. He guided them to lay on the bed, and she leaned into him, wrapped herself around him.
He sighed, in the way he sighed right before he said something he thought was terrifying. “He’s growing up, Beru.”
“I know,” she replied, and traced his jaw, his nose, the lines on his face. How did they get there? They were young once.
They didn’t need to say anything else. They never did. Her husband’s heartbeat, the rise and fall of his breath–it was a song she knew, a lullaby, and she let it calm her fried nerves. He fell asleep, and soon, she would too, despite herself.
We’ll fix it in the morning, she thought. Luke is growing up, and the sandstorm is coming, but there’s nothing for it now. We’ll fix it in the morning.
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dramoor · 2 years
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“There is an ascetic imperative, an utter necessity to enter into the  struggle that is Christ’s own struggle. We fast because Christ in us  fasts. We pray because Christ in us prays. We forgive because Christ in  us forgives. We love because Christ in us loves. We give because Christ  in us gives. Such a life is a sign of contradiction, a repudiation of  the world’s claims to be ‘normal’ or ‘just the way things are.’ The life  of Christ is the true life of the world, the purpose of all things.
People came to Christ with this question: ‘What must we do  to be saved?’ Ultimately, the answer is, ‘Do Christ.’ We walk in Him and  He walks in us. This is the ascetic imperative. This is the crucified  life of grace, the salvation of the world.”
~Fr. Stephen Freeman, From The Ascetic Imperative - A Matter of Communion
(Photo © dramoor 2014 Assumption of the Theotokos Greek Orthodox Cathedral, Denver, Colorado)
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evilfranzkafka · 2 years
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I don't know if anything from this has been posted (it probably has lol) but I found this magazine at an antique store near my house and wanted to quickly share Mike's "fact sheet" and the insane shit he says in his "10 facts about Mike Nesmith" section
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indeedgoodman · 10 months
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dejonariel · 1 year
photo dump from denver
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frootyrooties · 2 years
oh the perversity of inanimate objects.
-John Denver
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farmersmarketlesbian · 7 months
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the strap on my jumpsuit broke right before taking these but YVIE ODDLYYYY 😮😮😮
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biblicalhorror · 5 months
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THE Dr. Angela Davis speaking at the student encampment on Auraria campus in Denver this weekend.
"I want you to know how important it is that you are taking this stand and this moment," Davis said, addressing the protesters. "I want to emphasize what this means for history. As you imagine this period being narrated 10 years, 20 years, 50 years from now, you will be the historical actors who made it possible for a breakthrough for the struggle against Zionism and the struggle for a free Palestine."
Civil rights icon Angela Davis speaks at Auraria campus in Denver after 40 protestors arrested
Please take the time to donate to the Colorado Palestine Coalition and the encampment here if you can!
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