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Words from @r.h.sin. Me too. On my own. #strength #believeinyourself #icountonme #rhsin #bruisedbutnotbroken #persist #takecareofmyself #watercolors (at Mesa, Arizona)
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Thank you for existing in my life. 💗 Send this to 10 people who you think deserve a sweet and kind message in their inbox. Or don't! Either way thank you for making my life better 💕
Thank you love, this means a lot. I know I’m horrible and slow and bad at this sending them back to people but consider this sent
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HC + death
&&. Send me “HC” + a word and I’ll write a headcanon about it. || always accepting || @icountonme
death is always a hard word to swallow for her. death is scary to her, she fears dying at least once a week. she knows she most likely will never die, and even if she did die, she would most likely come back as a vampire from the blood that is coursing through her veins. she also fears her family dying, she knows they most likely never will, but she still fears it like anyone would. she has seen plenty of people die, most at the hand of her family, but even just elders passing away. she often wonders about where people go when they die, or if it’s just a void full of nothing. nonetheless, the word scares her, but she knows that it happens, and that someday she may even be ready to accept the word.
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icountonme replied to your post: SCREAMS ABOUT BEING 1 AWAY FROM A HUGE MILESTONE...
{Gimme a sec there, buddyyy…}
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thegreatmusewars · 8 years
‘’Make me Forget’’
with @icountonme based of this..it hurt by the way so thank you haha
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She had kinda began to truly understand damon given the time they have spent together as friends,so in the moment she saw the sadness in him;her eyes showed empathy and the similar sadness because truth be told she’d wish she could use a Forgetting spell on herself but she couldn’t after a while she spoke in a caring tone. ‘’I can do that,But I need you to be sure that’s what you want me to do” she couldn’t take the choice for him,but she at least wanted certainty of him.
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You are made of stardust and galaxies and I love you. Send to your ten favorite people on this website 💙💚😘 - send to 10 faves!
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HC + family
&&. Send me “HC” + a word and I’ll write a headcanon about it. || always accepting || @icountonme
the word family is the whole reason hope is so KIND. she knows her family is feared by many, and she knows her family is hated by many. but she also knows that by being kind-hearted, and caring, perhaps people would reconsider hating her family. if she could be that little ray of ’hope’, that little sprinkle of LIGHT perhaps she could be a role model for her family. even though she’s the youngest and it should be the other way around. but despite her family being the way they are, she loves them unconditionally, it doesn’t matter what they do, or who they kill, she loves them. and no one can tell her otherwise.
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banefulbloodstream · 7 years
▽ Why did you create this muse?
▽ Why did you create this muse?
I just thought it would be fun, to be honest. I was watching the first season of tvd on tv and thought “what if Zach had a daughter” and boom! Eva was born XD I actually had another Salvatore oc created prior (a sister to Damon and Stefan) but I had SUCH a fun time not only roleplaying her but also writing her bio and coming up with it and I wanted to do it again. It was pretty easy making up Eva because there was no children to Zach (I don’t consider Sarah canon - at all - fuck that shit) so I could do as I pleased. When I first created Eva (eight years ago) her bio originally only ended after Damon turned her. The only thing I added at the end was a bit of info on what Eva was like, info on human-vampire hybrids, but joining the bebo roleplay wikia and of course the tumblr roleplay wikia pushed me to expand Eva’s bio a hell of a lot more. 
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Send this to 10 other bloggers that you think are wonderful. Keep the game going, make someone smile!
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welcometoteamz · 7 years
icountonme replied to your post: When Rahul Kohli retweets your fanart and you get...
{OMGosh was it the Obi/Han one??}
(Yep! My friend was all ‘you should tweet that, since Rahul’s a Star Wars fan’ and while I freaked at the retweet... my phone keeps buzzing with notifs and the novelty has already worn thin. >.>)
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thegreatmusewars · 8 years
Witch!Padmé Starter for @icountonme
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Padme had used a cloaking spell to hide something very important to her,a necklace made by a certain boy a long time ago,her most prized possesion,and now it was time to see if after all the reading she could actually bring it back to her visible eyes after mouthing the spell over and over she finally spoke out loud.
‘’Phasmatos Oculacs!’’
After that The hexagon object appeared near a mirror making the girl sigh in relief ‘’There you are”
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damcned · 8 years
@icountonme liked mazikeen.
“ sorry man, but the boos has other plans for you and your filthy soul. “
                          the demon spoke intently, her eyes flashing the entire color of her soul as BLACKENED as it was during her soul being from hell. a twirling knife crossed around her fingers in a skillfull way before slowly and agonising slicing his throat, the warmth of the blood pulsing out from the skin and dripping down as the victim’s wide eyes looked upon her in disbelief and PAIN as he felt his life slipping away from his body.he collapsed right before her. she leaned in order to clean dry the blood from her knife before pushing it back to the holdster that was around her thigh. she knew already that his soul is in HELL and potentially, the torture was given away and started for him for all ETERNITY. she had once lived in hell and was one of the best torture machines down there but CADE decided that her talents would be useful in earth where souls would be collected.                                   suddenly her senses screamed at HER. the whoosh sounds that she heard and made her turn her head back and slowly walk away from the corpose had her in high ALERT. brows furrowing together in confusion, her hands removing from the holdester her knife, twirling around her finger in case she had to attack. and KILL.
“ i never was fan of playing hide and seek. how about you get your ass out of the shadows and play FAIR? “
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🍺 - Cheers! What is your character’s favorite alcoholic beverage? What was the last thing they got smashed off of?
Liv is a sucker for a good Scotch or a Whiskey, but she won’t turn down a drink, no matter what’s in it. The last thing she got entirely smashed off of was a bottle of Cognac. She swore never again. 
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My Tumblr Crushes:
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