#icy hot chilled peppers
shares-a-vest · 3 months
I feel like over the past week and a half, I have been any given one of the trio in this ficlet. So yeah, I'm projecting onto my blorbos. Enjoy!
Eddie can sense Steve isn't in bed when he blinks awake. It's still dark out and the apartment is freezing. Well, Eddie is freezing without the furnace-like warmth of his boyfriend curled into his side.
He looks over at Steve's nightstand to find that the alarm clock only reads a little past 3am and that's when he begins to panic. It's nowhere near time for Steve's early morning run, nor is it a reasonable enough hour that he might be pottering about in the living room.
So, Eddie hops out of bed and is immediately hit by the winter chill of the two-bed apartment he and Steve share with Robin.
He shivers as he walks into the hallway, where he finds the apartment still shrouded in an icy darkness. He chances a peek into Robin's room, where he finds his housemate sound asleep and snoring, lying in the middle of her bed and certainly without the company of her best friend.
Steve has nightmares – hell, the three of them do. But Steve usually ends up with Robin if the situation arises.
Eddie continues on, now tucking his hands under his armpits, hugging himself as he dips his chin into the loosened neck-hole of his oversized sweater – a maroon-coloured former Harrington Classic.
He tiptoes along so as not to disturb Robin, almost sliding his socks along the floorboards as he makes his way into the living area, his path illuminated by outside street lamps.
Eddie tsks under his breath when he comes across Steve, curled in on himself as he lays soundly asleep on the couch, his nail bat close by on the floor.
Steve hums, or more shivers – visibly freezing as he sleeps in nothing more than an old pair of gym shorts whose material Eddie suspects might evaporate the next time they find themselves in one of the building's shoddy washing machines.
He sits by his boyfriend's side and places a hand on Steve's shoulder, desperate to stir him enough to coax him back to bed, but not spook him entirely.
"Sweetheart," he stage-whispers as Steve grumbles.
"Hmm?" he murmurs before startling awake. His eyes snap to attention and he looks up at Eddie as he speaks full volume, his voice groggy, "I heard a noise."
Steve rubs at his arms, the iciness of their surroundings hitting him now that he is (at least, partially) conscious.
"Love, I need you to come back to bed, it's freezing out here."
"But, I heard a noise," Steve whines, sitting up now.
Eddie can't help it, he presses his palm to Steve's cheek and his heart skips a beat at just how cold he feels.
"Shit," he curses and loops his arm around Steve's middle, commanding, "Bed, now."
Steve grumbles, but complies, lazily reaching for his bat before they both stand up as one. Eddie takes his boyfriend's weight, the bat dragging along by Steve's side as they shuffle back towards their bedroom.
Steve shivers and continues mumbling something about the noise he heard. And Eddie can't tell if it was an actual noise or something heard in that strange (and admittedly, scary) space between wake and sleep. Whatever it is, Steve seems both frightened and stubborn all in one.
He shudders again and Eddie can't bring himself to bite his tongue any longer.
"Baby, why aren't you wearing a shirt?"
Typically, he'd be all over Steve in such a state of undress – with all that hair and muscle. But right now, his arms are peppered with goosebumps and his eyes are starting to droop with every step.
"Got hot before," Steve explains, weary.
They pass by Robin's bedroom and the door opens fully, revealing a duvet-covered mass and in the darkness, Eddie can still spot a frown.
"What's going on?" she asks, voice like gravel but nonetheless worried.
"I heard a noise, Robbie."
His tone pains Eddie from his heart down to his gut and the same must happen to Robin too because, in an instant, she retreats to her room in haste.
Eddie continues on to his and Steve's bedroom and gently lowers Steve onto the edge of the bed before he takes the baseball bat. He makes a show of rolling it back under the bed but Steve isn't watching. Instead, his boyfriend is looking over at Robin, who has reappeared, cradling a handful of items and hunching her shoulders in a feeble attempt to keep some kind of hold on her blanket.
Eddie flicks on the bedside lamp and crosses her as he heads off in search of a sweater. He rifles through a drawer and listens on to what sounds like Robin crowding the nightstand with her stuff before she swishes about the excess bedding. Steve whines and Eddie turns back to find Robin with her arm around her best friend.
"Alright," Eddie says, holding out a navy sweater, "Time for bed."
He gestures for Steve to lift his arms up and he complies. It takes a moment, but Eddie wrestles the near-dead weight of Steve into a cozy sweater before he lifts his legs to help him into bed.
"In the middle, Dingus," Robin instructs, "And don't snore."
"How about, you don't fart," Steve quips, shuffling into the middle nonetheless.
There's a bitchy lilt to Steve's voice that has Eddie relaxing a little. He rolls his eyes, thinking the pair burrowing under the covers will probably bicker on. But honestly, he'd prefer that to the balled-up, half-naked, scared Steve he found out in the living room.
Eddie exchanges a glance with Robin before she reaches for the nightstand and grabs a hot water bottle, her Walkman, a notepad and a pencil.
"What the hell are you doing?" Eddie grouses, rounding his side of the bed – thankful to slip back under the covers.
But he pauses mid-way, distracted now as Robin juggles with her wears.
"I need my things," she grumbles as she places the hot water bottle on her stomach and dry sobs, "Oh no, it has gone cold!"
Steve rolls his eyes in Robin's direction, more sleepily than annoyed.
"Eddie, go get some hot water," he mumble-commands, turning to snuggle in close to his best friend.
"Fine," he reaches for the hot water bottle and snatches it from Robin's grasp.
Eddie thinks he must love his boyfriend a lot, considering how he freezes his ass off to a doubled-over, teeth-chattering level in the several minutes it takes for their stupid kettle to warm up. And by the time he gets back to the bedroom, Robin is quietly snoring with Steve tucked into her side, the two of them forming a single hair-filled mass of platonic soulmatedness.
Eddie tucks the hot water bottle under Robin's covers as best he can and resumes his spot, giggling at the thought of the inevitable drool that is going to make its way into Steve's hair at some point. He snuggles in behind Steve, forming a cocoon around him and his boyfriend snuffles at the touch.
"It's okay, Stevie," he says, kissing him just behind the ear, "Get some sleep. Don't think about the noise. You're safe here with me and Rob."
"What about my ba –"
"It's back under the bed, sweetheart," Steve hums at that, relaxing against him, "We'll figure out the noise in the morning, I promise."
"'Kay," Steve breathes more than speaks as sleep overcomes him, "Love... you."
"I won't let anything hurt you, Steve," Eddie says, hugging him tight.
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Hiromi Higuruma x Reader SMUT, 18+ only, MDNI ao3
The power is out in your apartment, a record heatwave has been raging for three days. You're hot, you're exhausted, you're miserable. Your husband has the perfect plan to help you sleep.
This was inspired by the other night when my power went out and I was miserable sweating in bed and wasn’t the nicest to my partner, sorry baby, I love you. Thanks for understanding. <3 enjoy y’all.
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It was hot. Too fucking hot. Skin meltingly hot. Brain boiling-ly hot. The heatwave had been going on for two days already, and previously it had been a nuisance that you could escape from in the chill of your air conditioned apartment. But this evening the power went out, plunging the small two bedroom into not only darkness, but slowly rising heat that was now becoming unbearable.
It was past midnight, the window in your and Hiromi’s bedroom was open, allowing some air to circulate, but did next to nothing to mitigate the heat. You couldn’t sleep if you wanted to, you had kicked off the covers, leaving your body exposed, you had forgone pajamas and desperately craved the icy blow of your bedroom fan, sitting impotently at your bedside. Your husband, Hiromi, was asleep next to you, or you assumed he was asleep. He hadn’t been moving, he was turned on his side, facing away from you. He too, had opted to sleep naked, the heat bothering him just as much. You were so envious of him right now, all you wanted to do was sleep. You had to work in a few hours, and you knew the longer you were up sweating, the more irritable you would be tomorrow. You huffed in frustration, feeling angry tears stinging your eyes. You just wanted to sleep.
“Still awake?” Hiromi’s sleep-thickened voice erased the silence of the bedroom.
“Yes.” You hissed miserably, turning your head to face him as he rolled over to lay on his other side toward you.
The covers were bunched around his legs, one of his long legs above the comforter, one tucked underneath. He was sweating too, his tan skin glistening in the faint moonbeams that streaked through the bedroom window. He looked like he was shimmering, small droplets of sweat peppering every inch of him. You looked at his sleepy eyes, focused closely on you in the dark. His heart ached seeing your brows furrowed and your frowning lips. His large, wiry hand touched your cheek lightly, his fingertips cool against your skin. For once his poor circulation was coming in handy.
“My love…” his tone was apologetic, as though he had turned off the power himself, and imposed this misery upon you.
Hiromi’s cold fingers felt so nice against your flushed cheek, a moan slipped through your lips, coaxing a smile from him. He trailed his fingertips down your cheek bone and across your lips, the feverish heat of your body soon robbing his fingers of their chill. You once again were too hot and too sweaty, altogether too uncomfortable to sleep.
You sat up frustrated, burying your head in your hands, finishing your hair wet with sweat. Hiromi sat up scooted closer to you, he wanted desperately to hold you, cuddle you back to sleep and help you rest. But he knew touching you would only make you both hotter so he opted to rest against one of his arms and watch you closely.
“Maybe I should just get in the shower, it’ll cool me off for a little while.” You mumbled into your knees, already dreading the idea of showing in the pitch dark of your bathroom.
You had no window in the bathroom so even the moonlight couldn’t penetrate that darkness. You weren’t afraid of the dark, no one liked the dark. Especially not being naked and vulnerable in the dark. This sparked an idea in Higuruma’s mind. He slipped out of bed, standing to his full height, and sliding on his discarded boxer shorts from the previous day. He crossed around the bed and kissed your forehead.
“One second.” His voice was giddy with excitement as he padded through the dark into the kitchen.
You could hear the opening and shutting of the refrigerator, some cupboards, followed by the sound of Hiromi giggling to himself. How he could manage to be so happy while you were so miserable, you had no idea, but you couldn’t bring yourself to be upset with him. He was usually so serious, so sullen and focused all the time from overwork and his own battle with depression. Whatever he was up to was clearly bringing out the smiley and excitable man you had fallen in love with.
“Close your eyes,” his voice came from the otherside of the bedroom door, you obliged.
You felt him approach you, feeling the energy of his body closing in on yours. You couldn’t fight the smile on your lips as he stopped in front of you, you wanted to reach out and hold onto his hips in anticipation. But before you could move, you felt something against your mouth, gloriously cold, so perfectly, soothingly numbing that you gasped. Your eyes snapped open to see Higuruma kneeling before you, a bowl of ice resting next to him. He was sliding one ice cube against your bottom lip, cool water dripping down your chin as it melted.
“Oh Hiro…” you mewled out, grateful tears picking at your eyes, full and wet looking at him with so much love.
“Let me help you cool down, love. Lay back,” he leaned over you, standing again, encouraging you to lie on your back.
You let your back hit the sheets, already feeling some relief from the ice cube he slid down your neck. Goosebumps appeared in their wake, he was hypnotized by watching you change. Watching the ice melt so quickly against your burning skin, watching you release the tension that had been building since the heatwave began. Once the cube in his hand had melted completely, he splayed his icy, wet fingers on your stomach, opting to get the next cube with his mouth, using you for support to lean down. Grabbing the ice between his teeth he started lower this time, dragging it up your shin, water dripping down your calf muscle as he did. Contented moans slipped from your lips as you watched him. Your hands found his hair, expressing your gratitude with your nails against his scalp.
“Hiromi,” you cooed down to him, “ thank you, thank you.”
He was feeling pretty pleased with himself, pulling such beautiful praises from you with his little improvisation. The ice in his mouth was near melting and he sucked it in quickly, cooling his mouth, and kissed the juncture of your hip and your leg. Your hips twitched up barely at the chilled contact, but he noticed.
Higuruma wished he could say this was an entirely selfless pursuit, but the heat wasn’t the only thing keeping him awake tonight, he had roused himself near an hour ago now sporting a massive erection that hadn’t left him since. It had been too hot to fuck the last two nights and he was desperate for you. You were too, but tonight’s frustration had driven you mad before you had time to consider sex.
This time he held one cube in his mouth, and another in between his fingers. His hand held the cube to your lips, which you quickly began sucking at, suddenly noticing your dehydration. Proud of how well you could read his mind, he chuckled to himself, ice still in his mouth and leaned over you. He was kneeling between your legs, body caging you into the bed, as he dipped his head down to your collarbone, sliding the ice against the bone, and up your neck. Your satisfied sounds grew shaky, feeling a whole new form of stimuli. His fingers pushed the ice between your lips, then followed closely into the cavern of your mouth. You wrapped your lips around his middle and index fingers, sliding your tongue along where surface tension held the melted line of water.
He trailed the ice cube in his mouth down, between your breasts, marveling at how quickly your nipples erected themselves. His free hand wrapped around your right breast and he brought the ice across to circle the mound itself. You whimpered around his fingers. Hiromi smiled like a cat. He was so painfully hard, but not even his own pleasure could tempt him away from you right now. You sounded so beautiful under his touch, gasping as he added new ice, tongue slurping around his fingers, your back arching off the mattress as he circled your nipples.
“They’re melting right off of you, faster than I can replace.” He noted, catching your eye from his place between your breasts, “are you feeling cooler?”
You nodded helplessly, he looked so delicious to you like this. Mouth dripping, eyes blown out, his strong nose, his sharp features, his inky hair messy from your tugging.
He couldn’t help himself, he slithered back up to your face, kissing you desperately. Higuruma had always been an excellent kisser, but there were times like tonight where his passion was overwhelming. He kissed you like he was trying to spill all the love trapped in his chest directly into your open mouth. His tongue was like a creature of its own, exploring every texture of your mouth like he was studying you. The ice had cooled his mouth, yours too, so the kiss was creating its own hurricane. Chilled saliva mixing with hot, panting breaths.
You reached down, trying to reach the waistband of his boxers and slide them away, but his torso was so long you were coming up short. You grasped fruitlessly between your bodies, whimpering against his kisses.
“Off, baby, off, please. I need you.” You crooned against his lips, arching your chest into his own, your hands grabbing at his back.
You needed him so bad. He had already helped you so much, but he had fogged your mind completely. You weren’t sure how long you two had been playing his little ice game, but you were sure that it was enough time to have your pussy pulsating in desire. Hiromi chuckled at your pained pleas.
“You need some help, baby?” He slid his tongue against yours again so you couldn’t answer, “you need me to take care of you, is that it?”
You hated (loved) when he got cocky like this. Clearly so happy with himself for finding the solution to your ailments, you were sure that if the lights were on you could see him beaming with pride. You nodded again, hoping he wouldn’t do exactly what he did next.
“Say it.”
“Hiiiiiro…please it’s too hot…please.”
“Not until you say it.” He continued his kisses against your chin and neck, your body starting to heat itself again.
“Hiromi please, I need it so bad. I need you so bad. Please help me, Hiro.” You folded.
You rarely asked for help, in your marriage, in your personal life, at work. The phrase help me existed very rarely in your life, and you liked it that way. You were a capable woman, you didn’t like having to rely on anyone else. Even Higuruma, especially Higuruma. You loved him, and you did need him, but you hated admitting it. You hated the idea that one day the help you required from him would be too much, and he would resent you. But he loved it. He needed you to lean on him, he craved being needed by you. Times where you had fallen sick, and he had been able to wait on you hand and foot were some of his favorites. Obviously he hated when you were uncomfortable, but you so rarely asked anything of him. He wanted so badly to be there to help you. And here it was, a perfect opportunity for him to do just that, and he had. And he had heard you ask him, really ask him, for help. He nearly came untouched right then.
Hiromi quickly shed his underpants and kissed you again, deep and hard, his teeth clinking yours as he could no longer restrain himself. Your hands flew to his neck, pulling him closer to you. You hooked your legs up over his hips and released him for a moment so he could align himself at your core. His dark eyes met yours and you thought his pupils had turned to little hearts as he sheathed himself inside of you.
Everything about Hiromi Higuruma was long. His hands, his fingers, his legs, his nose, his body, and his cock was no exception. It seemed to go on forever as he penetrated you, pushing against your cervix and angling upwards to kiss the spot inside of you that sent stars into your vision. He let out a low howl, his eyes rolling back in his head, hands bruising your hips as he bottomed out.
“Fuck…” he cursed against the skin of your neck.
You whined, turning your head to the side and allowing him more access to your neck, you loved the feeling of his mouth kissing and biting you. The skin of your neck so sensitive, his teeth just barely scraping against the thin, taught skin. He pulled your thigh higher up on his hip, holding it back and allowing him to thrust deeper into you. The sounds of his balls slapping against your ass blended so perfectly with his low, throaty groans, and your choppy whimpers. His body shuddered as your walls clenched around him.
“Baby I’ll cum if you do that, stop.” His voice broke as he moved himself up into his hands, hips jerking into you uncontrollably.
“I want you to cum,” you moved your hands up his torso and chest, then up to his neck, you mewled against him once more, arching off the bed again, “cum inside me, Hiro. Please baby. You feel so good.”
He did, he filled you so completely, he always had, he knew exactly what you needed. He moved one of his hands to yours, bringing it to his mouth and kissing your fingers, regaining control over his thrusts and his breath. His other hand moved over your knee on his hip and down your thigh, bringing his thumb to your throbbing clitoris. You let out a shaky squeal, your jaw dropping in surprise.
“Then you’ll cum too.” He circled your clit perfectly, knowing your body maybe even better than you did.
Hiromi was an excellent, generous lover. He wanted to make you cum again and again before he did. In usual circumstances he would have pulled your orgasm from you with his fingers, then again with his tongue, then once more alongside him as he fucked you. But this was not a usual circumstance, his sweat dripped down his nose, your velvet walls felt so perfect around him, as though you were crafted just for him. Maybe you were? Maybe you and he were created just for one another, to please and love one another forever.
Your eyes fluttered closed as his efforts had your orgasm quickly approaching. Your hands gripped at his back and shoulders, loving the feeling of his lean muscle under your trembling fingers. The only thing leaving your lips was his name chanted over and over again. He could stop his hips from punishing your cervix more and more, his own voice croaking and moaning intelligibly.
“Baby please…I…oh fuck.” Hiromi was teetering on the edge of climax.
“I know. Me too. I love you.” You brought your hand to his face guiding it down to press your foreheads together.
His thrust became slower and more direct toward your g spot, his thumb continuing to rub your clit, your orgasm bubbling up inside of you.
“Kiss me.” Your voice was barely audible, but Hiromi connected your lips instantly.
That was the perfect, final push you both needed to climax together. He pumped twice more, deep inside of you, you could feel the stream of cum painting your insides. He could feel you fluttering around him. You kept your lips connected, panting into each other’s mouths. He stayed inside of you, making sure to keep his cum as deep as he could. The intimacy of being engulfed by you, and you being filled to the brim with him, bodies as close as two people can be, sweat and spit and cum combining together, it had you delirious.
“I love you.” You both breathed out, giggling afterwards at your moment of synchronization.
You clenched up around him once again as he pulled out.
“You tease” he shook his head before moving to lay next to you, catching his breath.
You lay side by side panting together, the endorphins flooding both of your bodies, slowly fading, and the heat returning to your bedroom. You reached over to hold his hand, turning to face him. He looked up at the ceiling, eyes closed, his hooked nose angled up, mouth open. He was playing the evening back in his mind, luxuriating in the warmth of your love and the celebration of that love that you two shared. He intertwined his fingers with yours and turned to face you, his eyes softening as soon as they locked with yours. He took in a breath to profess his love to you once more, but cutting him off the lights suddenly came back on. The whirring of your air conditioner started again, and your bedroom fan began humming. You both smiled in awe. Already feeling the change in the air of your bedroom, you sighed happily, snuggling into Hiromi’s side. He quickly wrapped his arms around you and pulled the comforter over the pair of you.
“One of us has to get up and turn the lights off, you realize.” He kissed your forehead.
You groaned before peeling yourself from his side and starting to migrate to the wall switch. He pulled you back down by your arm making you bounce against the mattress.
“Oh stop, you know you’re not doing it.” He rolled his eyes and stood, his long legs needing only a few strides before he could flip the switch and darken the room again.
You were completely spoiled by him. You were so lucky to be with him, to be loved by him. He had gone so far out of his way tonight to help you feel comfortable. Hiromi slipped back into bed next to you, pulling you back into his embrace, burying his face in your neck.
“I love you, Hiromi.” You kissed his temple. “Thank you.”
“I love you too.” He kissed your cheek, you felt your eyes start to droop as cool air finally curl over your body.
Tag request!
@buttercupbitches I hope you enjoyed it! Thanks for being my first person to ask for a tag request!!
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Ooh I have an interesting question for you.
What are the subtle differences between Legacy and Childe? Like, besides the whole abyssal mothman transformation thing lmao. Things that only someone really close to them would notice.
No, no, lemme cook. It could be a difference in body language, it could be a hyper-specific mannerism, it could be a certain preference that contradicts the other side of him – or it could be something else entirely. A preferred manner of nonverbal communication. An emotional attachment to a specific thing. A memory the other side does not recall. A difference in their physical touch, or a different response to affection. Different fears.
Pls idek, I hope you can understand what I mean :')
I'd imagine Legacy relies heavily on instincts, rather than either emotion or logic, but that's as far as I can think, sleepless as I am. Thought you might like the lil prompt? Sort of?
Can this be considered a request?? Hmm... Whatever feels better for you I guess <33
Alr, that's all I think. Love you :DD
oh anon, i adore this. thank you so much
A Study of Mortal and Abyssal Nature
Foul Legacy x Reader Pronouns: Gender Neutral (no pronouns mentioned) Genre: Fluff, Comfort Warnings: Allusions to fighting and blood, mentions of the ocean
~ * ~ Childe stands tall, back straight with a hand casually on his hip, the epitome of confidence. If there’s a breeze his scarf begins to sway gently; a perfectly picturesque vision both strong and intimidating, as a Harbinger should be. Foul Legacy crouches, doing his best to seem unthreatening and gentle to the people he likes. He hunches in on himself, wanting to embrace, to listen, to comfort- but only for those he favors. Threats are met with snarls and bared fangs, claws sharp as razors and battle prowess honed to a deadly edge.
Childe has a wonderful, boisterous laugh that carries across the room and draws everyone’s eyes towards him. It’s loud and carefree, often done with his eyes closed and body doubled over as he fights to compose himself before finally looking up at you, breathless and grinning with delight. Foul Legacy chitters quietly, like a stream of soft, happy giggles. It’s almost always either from something you said or your reaction to his teasing, a glint of mischief in his crystalline eye, and he laughs until you’re laughing alongside him, before gently nudging his head under your chin with a lighthearted huff.
Childe walks down the streets with you easily, always touching you somehow- an arm around your shoulders, a hand on your waist, his fingers laced with yours. He cheerfully invades your personal space, bumping against you playfully and peppering kisses over your cheeks until you can’t help but push him away with a laugh, but he’ll stop instantly if you seem the slightest bit uncomfortable. Foul Legacy lingers close to you, nearby but not touching until you give him explicit permission, and even then his talons barely graze your skin. He gently bumps his forehead against yours instead, asking for you to scritch behind his horns and leaning into your touch. His head ends up in your lap more often than not, always making sure his kneading claws aren’t tearing your legs before inevitably falling asleep.
Childe loves the snow and all that it represents for him- his loyalty, his home, his strength. He stands firmly in the icy landscape, wrapped in a coat of furs and weaponry and love as he tells you to wait for him, wait for him in the warmth as he ventures into the cold, because he’ll always return just for you. Foul Legacy prefers warmth, having been surrounded by the chill of the Abyss for his whole life. His favorite moments are spent by a gentle fire, holding you close as you both sip hot drinks, and at night he makes sure to tightly curl around you. During the summer he basks in the sun, napping under the bright rays like a cat, only waking up with a sleepy rumble when you carefully shake him.
Childe prefers to hold you, shielding you from the outside world. As someone who was forced to grow up too soon, too quickly, Childe has seen darkness and despair firsthand, and wants nothing more than to protect you from everything cruel. He knows he can’t do it forever, that you’re plenty strong, but he can damn well try. Foul Legacy likes being held, having been deprived of kind touch in the Abyss. Being a native beast from the depths of the world, he was used to a solitary existence, but now he’s fallen in love with your hugs and kisses, burying himself in your arms when he’s feeling particularly lonely. There’s something so comforting about being able to curl against you, feeling you do your utmost to hug him even though he’s so much larger than you, his head against your shoulder and nuzzling against the crook of your neck.
Childe remembers bumping into you on the street, your apology quick and lighthearted. He had been wearing his Harbinger uniform, yet you still talked to him like he was an old friend, and Childe could feel his heart melting at that very instant. The next day he had walked that same path, and the next, and the next, until he finally came across you again with an eager shout. Foul Legacy remembers the first time Childe showed him to you, the way your eyes went wide with amazement. There had been a pause as Legacy crouched down to tentatively sniff you before letting out a delighted chirp- he recognized your scent, your voice, your appearance, from your time with Childe, watching from the back of the Harbinger’s mind. Now you were here, in front of him, and Legacy had quickly nudged his head against your outstretched hand with a purr.
Childe sings music from his home nation- popular songs, old ballads, lullabies his mother had sung for him. His accent comes through when he does, sheepishly laughing when you point it out, but he knows you love it so. He teaches you some of his and learns some of yours, mixing them together into something wholly unique. Foul Legacy’s songs are hauntingly beautiful, like an echoing whale’s call from deep beneath the sea. They’re all wordless tunes, composed entirely of notes and melodies, and he seems utterly overjoyed when you try to mimic them. One day he’ll tell you that his songs are reserved for you alone, the one he loves, but for now he’ll listen to you hum and hum back in return.
Childe tugs on your sleeve when he wants to get your attention, plopping his chin onto your shoulder as his arms wrap around you from behind. When you turn, you can see a silent pout on his lips, clearly telling you that he’s in need of some attention before he becomes restless. Foul Legacy approaches you directly, leaning down and bumping his head against your collarbone before looking at you imploringly. You’ll cup his face, swiping your thumbs over the plated cheeks, and a slow, soft purr rises from Legacy’s chest as he relaxes.
Childe fears the dark. Foul Legacy fears silence.
Childe fights to win. Foul Legacy fights to survive.
Both of them have nightmares. Both of them forcefully temper their hunger for blood with sparring. Both of them bristle at the slightest threat to the ones they care about. Both of them dread the day they’ll have to return to a kingdom of dead stars and corpses.
Both of them watch whatever you’re doing with a mushy, adoring look in their eyes, not saying a word. Both of them pick you up and spin you around in greeting after a long day’s work. Both of them sweep you into surprise dances, holding your hands like you’re a precious treasure. Both of them fall asleep leaning against you, waking up with a fluffy mess of ginger hair and a gentle, dreamy smile.
Both of them love you, unconditionally, now and forever.
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tinyundercover · 2 months
pepper & felix
this takes place after part twenty! thank you for reading! word count: 1.2k
Owen’s shoulder, as tall as he was, was incredibly spacious. 
Pepper had never sat on anyone’s shoulder but Felix’s, so it was a bit daunting— but in the last two months, Owen had proven himself to be more than trustworthy. The darkness of the theater enveloped both Pepper and Basil, and since Owen was seated directly next to the wall, both borrowers felt comfortable being out in the open, even with so many humans around.
“I’m nervous,” Felix’s fluttery voice floated through Pepper’s mind. Pepper’s lips twitched into a smile, and he clasped his hands against his chest.
“Don’t be. You’re gonna do great.”
“Did you get to the theater okay? Can anyone see you?”
“We’re hidden, Felix, I promise. Don’t worry about us.”
“Good— that’s good.” Felix paused. “Thank you for coming.”
Pepper beamed. “Good luck. I love you.”
“I love you, too.”
Pepper’s hands fell away from his chest, just as Owen’s did as well. Pepper brushed Owen’s neck to get his attention, lifting his voice. “Is Bree nervous?”
“A little,” Owen murmured. He couldn’t turn his head to face the borrowers, but Pepper could sense the smile in his voice. “But she’s gonna do great. Felix and Alice, too.”
“It’s gonna be weird when Felix and Alice kiss,” Basil teased, unhelpfully. 
“Shut up.” Pepper snorted, shoving his sister. “They’re just acting.”
“You should— oh, something’s happening.”
Basil fell quiet as music filled the theater, loud but not unpleasant. Owen briefly brought his hand to his shoulder, brushing his thumb over the two borrowers as if to ensure they were still there, and receiving two small pats in response. Pepper beamed up at him, although he knew Owen couldn’t see it. He made a mental note to thank Owen for bringing them. He appreciated it more than Owen knew.
Pepper was entranced as soon as the curtains opened. 
Alice looked more like herself than he expected; her dark hair cascaded over her shoulders like a waterfall, while a glimmering green dress concealed her legs, draping over the stage floor. 
Ironically, from this distance, Alice looked very small. Pepper lifted his hand, enthralled by how his palm appeared to envelop the human girl. 
“Oh,” Basil murmured affectionately. “She sounds really good.”
Indeed, Alice was singing. Her voice shimmered with a liquid which surprised Pepper, so accustomed to her usual sharp, icy tone. He blinked, heart swelling, and leaned forward in intrigue.
It felt as if he were watching a movie, but this performance was real, gorgeous, fascinating. Alice disappeared after the end of her song, and was replaced by a crowd of humans that Pepper didn’t recognize. Their outfits were strange and unusual, but they drew Pepper in. 
Pepper and Basil occasionally shared a few comments, but for the most part they were quiet, fascinated. When Felix appeared, Pepper straightened up.
The stage lights illuminated Felix in a very flattering glow, highlighting the sharpness of his bone structure, drawing Pepper’s attention to his face in a way he hadn’t noticed before. The borrower blinked, mesmerized, barely paying attention to what was happening onstage. 
“You know what,” Basil mused, “I see it. Felix is hot.”
“Dude, shut up,” Pepper hushed, face warm. Basil snickered.
The story was unusual, but Pepper followed along, mind wandering. He didn’t know much about human myths, but this concept of mermaids and witches and magical sea creatures intrigued him. 
Breanna, as kind and gentle and sweet as she was, was surprisingly frightening when she appeared onstage. Both Pepper and Basil stiffened upon seeing her, and for a moment Pepper didn’t recognize her. A dark, twisting, glittering costume swarmed her, sticking out in unusual directions, and her voice carried a villainous amusement that sent a chill down Pepper’s spine. 
“It’s like Alice and Bree switched personalities,” Basil giggled. Pepper squinted at her.
“Heh, you know— Alice is like Ursula in real life, and Bree is like Ariel. You know, because Alice is evil and Bree’s sweet.”
“Who— what?”
Basil gestured towards the stage, amused. “Dude, pay attention. The characters have names.”
The story surged on, and Pepper enjoyed it immensely. Felix had been so incredibly nervous over the past week, absolutely dreading opening night, convinced that he was going to butcher his songs and ruin the show. Pepper had assured him time and time again that that wouldn’t happen. Pepper had been right.
Felix’s voice didn’t waver in the slightest, flowing over the audience like a river, while he moved gracefully over the stage. Pepper’s heart spun in his chest, swelling with adoration, unable to pull his gaze away. 
If Felix was feeling nervous, it wasn’t perceptible to the audience in the slightest. Pepper smiled, entranced.
After a fifteen-minute intermission, in which Owen had to explain several times that no, it didn’t just end there, it’s only halfway done, the story resumed. Pepper actually found himself to be quite disappointed when it ended, but when Felix and Alice took their final bow together, glowing and laughing and beaming, his heart soared.
“I go to all their shows,” Owen remarked, later, once he had found an empty hallway to stand in. Pepper and Basil were seated in his large palms, filled with an excitable energy after the show. “This is the first time they’ve all been leads together. I’m really proud.”
His casual voice brimmed with more emotion than usual. Pepper smiled, heart warm.
“What shows are they doing after this?” After months of talking with Felix, and more recently Alice and Breanna, Pepper was proud to have learned a bit more about theater. 
Owen tilted his head, thoughtful. “Hm… our college just released the theater season for next year. Breanna was really excited for the fall one, I think it’s, uh— Chicago? Or Cabaret? One of the two.”
“I don’t know either of those,” Pepper admitted with a laugh. 
“Me neither.” Owen smiled, amused. “But I’m already excited to see it.”
A feminine voice drew all three of their gazes. Pepper sat up straighter as Breanna approached, looking frighteningly witchy in her black dress and glimmering dark makeup, but her beaming smile underneath was comfortingly familiar. 
Owen’s hand rocked as Breanna threw her arms around him, and when Pepper and Basil both let out quiet exclamations, Breanna’s gaze landed on them. “Oh! Pepper, Basil!”
She excitedly lifted a hand in greeting, pulling away from her soulmate, and the borrowers grinned.
“You did amazing,” Basil gushed, while Pepper nodded rapidly. “I didn’t know you could sing like that.”
As Owen continued to shower Breanna in compliments, two more humans appeared around the corner, gazes searching— and when Felix and Alice spotted them, they lit up.
Within seconds, Pepper was being scooped up into Felix’s hands, held against his cheek. The borrower laughed when he noticed the beige makeup smudging his clothes, and Felix jumped into breathless apologies, which Pepper disregarded.
“Felix,” Pepper beamed, meeting his soulmate’s gaze. “You were wonderful.”
Somewhere to Pepper’s right, Basil was perched in Alice’s hands, showering her supposed enemy with bright words and enthusiastic compliments. Pepper laughed, heart swelling, and leaned forward to kiss Felix’s cheek. 
“Thank you!” Felix’s voice was bright, much more energetic than what Pepper usually heard. “I– I was so nervous, but– it went well!”
Between Felix’s initial audition and now, the human had improved immensely– not necessarily in his singing ability, but in his confidence– and Pepper smiled at the thought. His gray gaze twinkled up at Felix, pride filling his expression.
“You didn’t seem nervous at all,” Pepper promised. “Seriously, I– you’re amazing. And you look… you looked really good.” He raised his eyebrows pointedly before a laugh escaped him at Felix’s flustered, amused expression. “I love you.”
With a laugh, Felix drew him closer to his face again. “I love you, too.”
TAGLIST: @smallsday @compact-katrina @satethesatelite @taters169 @entomolog-t @gtzel @gt-newbie @da3dm @clumsiergiantess @vee-normous @fee-hunter @torakan @mabelisthebatman @andithewhumper @mothsintherain @violetlight @heroofthe13thday @phoenix-on-the-run @houseboatmac @dav8530 @ididit-allofit-foryou @soakedmilkgt
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lady-charinette · 11 months
Shadows of Chat Blanc
Sometimes, Marinette dreams of going on dates with Chat Noir. Always, Chat Noir is a true romantic, whispering sweet nothings in her ear. Once, Chat Noir promised her something that made the blood in her veins freeze. "I would even give you the moon, princess." Her dream changed. She wasn't with Chat Noir anymore, somebody else greeted her. His smile never reached his icy blue eyes, so unlike her kitty. And yet, all the same. "I did good, didn't I? I gave you the moon, purrincess, I did good, right?!"
It was a cool evening, but his arms around her allowed Marinette to feel none of the chill.
Paris was quiet, a serene city plagued by chaos and nightmares during the day to be granted some respite in the evenings.
Sometimes, Marinette wished this moment could last forever.
The warmth of her kitty left her when he stood up, standing on top of her balcony railing and offering her his hand with a kind smile. “Just say the word princess and I’ll grant you any wish.”
A smile lit up her face and Marinette took Chat Noir’s offered hand. “Silly kitty, what if I ask for something impossible?”
Chat Noir leaned his head down, grabbing both of her hands into his own to pepper gentle kisses on her knuckles. “I would even give you the moon.”
Marinette smiled, leaning in to kiss him sweetly when ice rushed down her spine like lightning.
The moon.
Behind Chat Noir, the image of the brightly shining moon flickered.
Something snapped, a distant image filled Marinette’s mind.
A dream.
A vision.
A memory.
The warmth of her evening date with Chat Noir disappeared, replaced by the rush of harsh winter prickling her skin like sharp blades.
A soft thud behind her alerted her of another’s presence and when Marinette turned around, she swore the cold around her froze her very blood.
Standing before her isn’t Chat Noir anymore, but Chat Blanc.
Striking green eyes became piercingly blue, betraying the pain and anger that consumed him. That plagued him.
Chat Blanc offered Marinette his hand, a distorted mirror image of her kitty from mere moments before. But his smile was pained, drawn tight over the corners, all teeth.
No warmth.
“I did good, didn’t I?” his words struck her chest like a physical blow.
“…What?” Marinette shook her head, the burn in her eyes worsening when she spotted the rising water consuming the buildings. The floating bodies.
A haunting laugh.
“Here purrincess, I gave you the moon. I did good, didn’t I?”
A dull thumping sound echoes in Marinette’s ears and she realized Chat Blanc had grabbed one of her hands, like Chat Noir had done, only he didn’t kiss her hands, he pressed them over his heart. Each pulse a reminder of the agony that coursed through his veins, a desolate existence, where warmth and life have been extinguished, replaced by the unbearable chill that grips him from within.
A chill that threatened to consume her whole.
Marinette wrenched her hand away, stumbling backward.
Chat Blanc’s eyes narrowed at Marinette’s silence and actions. He crawled towards her form on the ground, claws digging into her arms as he gripped her close. “I did good, didn’t I?! Wasn’t this what you wanted?!”
His maniacal laughter drowned out all the alarm bells ringing in her mind, the icy shower covering her body replaced with the white-hot pain of Chat Blanc’s claws digging into her arms.
His shoulders suddenly slumped low, the world was silent until Chat Blanc lifted his head again, stark white hair falling into icy blue eyes.
“I said I did good, isn’t that right, little bug?” Chat Blanc traced his fingers across her jaw and gripped her chin, the claws nicking her skin, a river of blood trailing down her neck.
Chat Blanc licked his lips at that, Marinette swallowed thickly.
“I did everything you told me to, Marinette!” Chat Blanc’s voice filled with malice as it taunted her.
This is all your fault!
When Marinette found her world changing again, she woke up in her room, her bed damp with cold sweat.
When her eyes landed on Tikki sleeping peacefully, her body finally relaxed, evidence that her recurring nightmare didn’t turn into reality.
Gazing out through her window, Marinette’s gaze stayed transfixed on the source of the white glow that illuminated the dark night sky.
The moon.
Hope you enjoyed! Angsty prompts are welcome :3
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drunk-on-dk · 2 years
Ugly Sweater Bar | Choi Seungcheol (m)
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✦pairing: stranger/one-nightstand!Seungcheol x fem!reader
✦genre: pwp (some plot, heavy emphasis on some), SMUT (minors DNI)
✦w/c: ~1.4k
✦summary: Only Seungcheol could keep you warm after all those drinks at the chilly Ugly Sweater Bar.
NSFW warnings under the cut, minors do not read, 18+ only
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✦c/w: one-nightstand; no pronouns used but female anatomy; unprotected sex (be safe pls); teasing; pet name (baby); oral (f. receiving); thigh fucking; temperature play; mentions of alcohol; maybe big cock cheol (we know he's big does it even really need to be mentioned); lmk if i missed anything
✦a/n: a little Christmas drabble and gift for you all, heavily inspired by the cold ass weather I am experiencing currently and my constant state of cheol brain rot. Anyways, I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas if you celebrate, otherwise happy holidays, and stay warm out there<3
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“Want to get out of here and warm up at my place?” Seungcheol’s lips were hot on the shell of your ear and convincing enough for you to abandon your overpriced, festive cocktail at the bar. Honestly, even in the chilly winter atmosphere of this cursed Ugly Sweater Bar, the large hand splayed on your back had your body temperature running so high you may as well be considered a space heater for the room. However, how could you turn down such an offer from the dashingly handsome stranger that you’ve just met tonight?
You first saw Seungcheol from across the bar, appreciating that he and his group of friends were following the dress code for this ridiculous Christmas pop-up bar theme. You despised the people that dared to show up without their best ugly sweater, and something about Seungcheol in his over-the-top light-up sweater made you even more attracted to him.
Admittedly, this wasn’t Seungcheol’s sort of thing, ears burning and muttering phrases of denial when Jeonghan first handed him the sweater earlier in the night. Little did he know, this was the exact thing that scored his shot with you.
Your friends had encouraged you to go talk to him, but you weren’t quite sure you had built up the liquid confidence yet to approach a potential hook-up.  Surprisingly, he had beat you to it, sending a free shot your way, before greeting you with a cheers motion and taking a shot with you from the opposite side.
Now here you are, not warm at all despite Seungcheol’s original promise, pressed against the cool sheets of his bed as he devilishly trails an ice cube from the swell of your chest down to the contrasting heat of your core.
“Love the way you shiver, baby,” Seungcheol groans, eyes widening at the way your back arches for him, nipples hardening, and watching the little goosebumps that pepper your soft skin.
“Thought you said we’d warm up at your place?”
“Oh,” he coos, the sound coming out teasing and patronizing as he brings the ice cube back up to your chest, letting it melt on your burning skin and wetting your peaks. “Are you cold? Let me warm you up then.”
The juxtaposition of his hot lips on your icy chest has you moaning in relief, his tongue searing the skin as it tauntingly flicks and teases one of your nipples, one hand coming up to massage the other mound, fingers tweaking the peak ever so slightly.
Seungcheol loved how he felt you instantly warm upon pressing his body and lips against yours, breaking away to look at the trail of red skin that was once chilled by the ice cube but has now been soothed by the warm contact of his skin on yours.
“Better now?” Seungcheol taunts you, savoring the way you whimper beneath him as he nips at your chest, tongue tracing down your body until he reaches your lower belly. “Still cold down here?”
You’re nodding, watching him with starry eyes as he gets closer and closer to where you need him the most, “still cold, Cheol, please do something.”
“Don’t want ‘ya to be cold, baby,” he mutters before diving into your core, fiery tongue hastily licking between your folds and instantly making you writhe beneath him. Seungcheol harshly grips your hips, holding you flush against the mattress before continuing to lick and suck at your clit.
Seungcheol was right, you felt like your entire body was burning up in flames, and the only shivers coming from your body were now from pure, euphoric pleasure as he works his tongue in and out of your cunt.
You could tell you were becoming a mess, feeling your wetness spread to your thighs as he continued working at your sopping core. Seungcheol added two fingers, letting them slip between your folds and scissoring inside of you, only making your walls slicker with each pump. You were struggling beneath him, attempting to chase your orgasm against his tongue and with his fingers by bucking your hips, but his tight grip on you didn’t allow for any movement.
You had to admit, you were impressed when Seungcheol coaxed your first orgasm from you, gushing around his fingers as the coil inside of you snapped. You were dizzy from the pleasure, the arousal still burning inside of your lower stomach and making you claw at his biceps, begging him just to fuck you at this point. Now that would really warm you up.
Seungcheol wouldn’t indulge you that fast though. Lifting your legs up and holding them together, he used the slick that had covered your inner thighs from how messily you came for him, experimentally rutting his cock between your two thighs. Seungcheol couldn’t hold back the guttural groan that escaped his body when he felt you squeeze your muscles for him, loving the way you let out a moan too from just the sight of him fucking your thighs, lewd noises coming from your mouth and skin.
Before Seungcheol could lose himself in the pleasure, he slowed down his motions, dragging his cock slowly between your inner thighs as he antagonized you. “Getting too warm now, baby? Do we need to stop?”
You’re crying out pathetically at this point, exclaiming that you’re still so cold and need him to warm you up again. Seungcheol would beg to differ though, not when you’re this wet that your slick is providing sufficient lubrication for him to drag his cock continuously between your thighs and feel this warm around him.
“What can I do to make it better then?” He’s losing himself, hips rutting dangerously against the back of your thighs as he continues to pleasure himself with your body. He almost cums when you beg him to fill you, claiming that is the only thing that will keep you warm, but he can’t miss out on the opportunity.
Seungcheol is filling you with ease, the mess from his precum that’s mixed with your wetness has him sliding between your walls effortlessly. Moaning in unison as he bottoms out inside of you, you clench around him as his thick length fills you so perfectly, reheating your body instantly from how full you feel.  
“God, you didn’t tell me you were so fucking warm n’ tight,” Seungcheol is groaning out, lips coming down to your neck after losing the strength to hold himself up, wrapping one of your thighs around his waist as he begins to slowly thrust in and out of your walls.
Body arching into him, you attempt to tease him back, “maybe you’re the one who needed warming up?” Seungcheol doesn’t like this though, wanting to stay in control as he rams his hips back into yours, the tip of his cock dragging harshly against your walls before hitting you so deep that he has you gasping for air.
You absolutely love the way Seungcheol continuously bullies his length into you. Each thrust pulls a gasp and moan from your chest as he hits the spongey spot deep inside of you, and it makes you clamp down on his length even tighter with each pump of his cock.
It doesn’t take much until you're reaching your second orgasm, letting Seungcheol know when your sounds get louder and louder and your walls gripping him impossibly tighter. Your hips are desperately chasing his to allow for more friction against your clit as he ruthlessly fucks you into his bed. The coil inside of you is overheating at this point, a hot white pleasure taking over your body as you finish from his cock, your walls fluttering around him and clit throbbing from the extreme pleasure.
Seungcheol follows suit, working you through your orgasm as long as possible until his hips and thrusts become sloppy. Reluctantly, he pulls his length from between your walls, pumping his cock with his hand and letting his seed spill all over your stomach. The aftershocks of pleasure are intense for you both, your body jerking beneath Seungcheol’s as he spreads his cum across your lower stomach, finger dipping in the blistering liquid before bringing it to your lips for a taste.
“What do you say? I kept you warm, didn’t I?”
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
So… Freyja!Reader x Nikola Telsa… the current that the goddess would give the scientist would send him to a paradise of pleasure~ NSFW? Please
-You smiled as your lips nibbled along Nikola’s ear, making him arch his back slightly, a shiver running up his spine, “And this?”
-He swallowed hard, his face flushed, hands gripping the sheets below him as you straddled his hips, having stripped him bare and you only in your panties now, slowly moving your hips along his hardened length.
-He clenched his eyes shut as you nipped his lobe, wanting an answer, “Nerve endings in the cartilage of my ear sending messages that it’s painful, but the released endorphins saying it feels good.”
-You giggled softly in his ear. He was always so much fun to rile up and have fun with, so much more than any of your previous partners.
-He tried to argue that everything has a scientific explanation, from his machines to your magic, as he didn’t believe your magic was that, thinking it was actually an advanced type of science that he had yet to understand how it worked.
-You weren’t cruel, however, not denying him his pleasure if he refused to say magic was real, as you weren’t going to force him, it was what he believed, and you had nothing against that.
-You peppered his cheek with soft kisses, making him hum quietly before you pressed your lips to his own and he groaned, kissing you back.
-You rolled your hips, a smile of delight appearing as he groaned loudly, his hips bucking into yours, making you mewl in delight at the friction.
-You sat up, smiling fondly down at your lover as he gazed up at you, looking at you like you were everything, it warmed your heart.
-Your hands cupped his cheeks, before moving slowly down, magic forming around your fingertips, vibrating as you slowly trailed them down his body, the temperature going from a pleasant warmth to an icy chill, making goosebumps appear.
-He choked out your name as your fingers circled his nipples, making you cry out as he bucked up hard, pleasure shooting through his body.
-His teeth clenched together, eyes wide before you continued down, the sensation igniting all of his nerves, he loved the feeling.
-You licked your lips, his eyes locked on your tongue which made you smile wickedly, “Oh~ what’s this~” he choked on his words as you slid down until you were looking at his throbbing cock.
-Nikola clutched the blankets tighter, gasping out your name as your hand, still alight with your magic enveloped his cock, sending light vibrations through him, making him throw his head back, a guttural groan leaving him, one that made your own back arch.
-You jacked him off, pumping him slowly, licking your lips, “Tell me my love, can you explain to me what I’m doing now?”
-He couldn’t form words, gasping out, begging you, pleading for more.
-You swallowed him, deep throating him to the base, your hand lowering to his balls as he all but screamed out your name, bucking his hips up, making you choke but you were quick to recover, hollowing your cheeks as you sucked up, vibrating your throat as you went.
-It was sloppy and savage, you felt so hot, and Nikola felt like his brain was melting, even more so as your hand trailed down, slowly circling his puckered entrance.
-He tried to beg you to stop, feeling like he was going to explode, but you didn’t your magic keeping his hands bound as two of your fingers entered carefully, making him moan loudly, “Please-please let- let me cum!!”
-Your fingertips vibrated against his prostate and Nikola’s vision went wide as he instantly came hard, filling your mouth to the point you couldn’t swallow it all.
-You pulled back, wiping your hands and mouth on the blanket, looking down at him as he twitched, on the brink of unconsciousness, gasping for air, he had never came so hard in life!
-You licked your lips, delighted to see him in such a way as your removed your panties, now wet with your own slick and you slowly crawled up his body, “Don’t pass out on me now, dear Nikola, you need to tell me what I’m doing now~”
-He swallowed hard, his eyes focusing as you grabbed his cock again, guiding it to your dripping hole, a plead looking in his eyes as you smiled down at him, ready for your own fun.
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oneofstarkskids · 8 months
warning!!: lots of angst
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the wind blew tiny snowflakes into your eyelashes. you didn't flinch.
icy tears rolled down your face and you didn't know if it was the cold winter breeze or the presence of death that chilled your bones more.
you gently laid a beautiful bouquet of assorted flowers down in front of her tombstone. not a scratch or a chip could be found on the newly carved rock.
you stared at the name engraved on it like you were staring into a face. MAY PARKER.
how did you ever let it come to this? when did things get so hopelessly out of your control?
you and happy had just arrived at his, now demolished, apartment complex. your friend needed your help, the last piece to some puzzle he was putting together.
when tony stark died, all of his equipment and research went to his firstborn. that would be you. so if peter needed you, you were going to be there for him.
as soon as you stepped out of the car the hot scent of smoke singed your lungs. it filled the building, rendering your sight useless.
"happy?" you turned to him and whispered in terror. then the sirens roared. somehow you hadn't heard them before, but now they were flooding the parking lot. cops came in from all sides pointing their machinery at the building like there was some kind of barbarian inside.
two of them broke off and slammed happy against the hood of his car. you began to feel sick to your stomach and everything sort of felt like a dream. a horrible, terrifying dream you couldn't escape from.
happy was shouting at someone in the building. as a cop grabbed you by the shoulders and cuffed your hands behind your back, all you could make out was happy's strained voice yelling,"RUN!"
you winced as the police officer drug you away from the scene and into a black and white car. you still weren't entirely sure what happened, but happy's anguished expression said more than you needed to know.
something was very wrong.
may had been to you what your father had been to peter. the other half of the equation. the parental figure you seemed to be missing.
she gave you advice that tony couldn't. pepper did too, but pepper was always busy being CEO of your father's company. may was more laid back.
she knew how to make you laugh. she knew when you had a crush on someone. she knew when all you needed was a hug. it seemed impossible for someone who was radiant with life and beauty to just cease to exist anymore.
you kneeled down and pressed your fingers tips against the gravestone. there would be people who never knew the name may parker. who never saw her smile or knew how bad of a cook she was. they would never know how many people she saved or the joy she seemed to bring to others so effortlessly. and that seemed...impossible.
you got up, took a deep breath, and turned to go home. you could stay in the graveyard all night, all day. forever if you wanted, but it would never bring her back.
as you wrapped your arms around yourself to preserve what little body heat you had left, you saw a dark blue beanie. a colorful contrast against the stark white trees covered in snow.
it didn't take long for you to recognize the face under the hat. "peter?" you asked to be sure. his head snapped up to look at you.
you ran towards him, not noticing the look of shock and confusion spread across his features. "peter, what the hell happened? where have you been?" his body was stiff as a rock against the hug you pulled him into.
you let him go to look him in the eyes. he was acting strange. of course he was, he just lost the only relative he had left. but somehow, it felt like there was more to his unusual behavior.
"peter, is everything okay?" you voiced. a stupid question to ask given the circumstances.
peter's eyes began to swell with tears, "you remember me." he whispered with a gentle smile.
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fioreofthemarch · 1 year
Finding Her - Chapter 3
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Link makes notes, takes photos and keeps time on his quest across Hyrule, in the hopes of finding Zelda and staying sane until he does. [ Previous | Next | First | AO3 ]
Log date: 12:30. 5th month, 22nd day 104 AC Location: New Serenne Stable Weather: Sunny
Lady Impa was glad to see me. But maybe not as much as I was surprised to see her. Was heading north, towards Tabantha, when these silvery lines began snaking their way under my feet — next thing I knew the whole field was covered in them. 
That’s where Lady Impa was, with Cado, and a hot air balloon. She calls them geoglyphs, says they were created by the people of ancient times. (Why can we only see them now? Magic? It’s usually magic.) She said the glyphs were made to house tears, and that if there was one here it might help us find Zelda. So I spent an hour running every line and checking every stalk of silver grass until I found it. 
Zelda and I have probably seen every inch of this kingdom in our travels but somehow we’d never noticed it — a shallow pool, no bigger than a foot across, hidden on the hills of north Hyrule. It showed me her. The shortest of visions. Gotta admit, don’t like what I saw. Because if it was real, if it means what I think it means…
Impa spoke about the Forgotten Temple holding more clues and then sailed away in her balloon. No choice but to follow. If the weather holds, I can make that ride in less than a day. 
A photograph taken from Impa’s hot air balloon of the geoglyph of Hyrule Ridge, depicting a large figure with long ears and an outstretched hand. 
Caption: Wait…Rauru? 
Purah Pointer #34: The regions of Hebra and Tabantha in Hyrule are cold! Pack warm clothes or make sure you have a steady supply of warming foods such as Spicy Peppers. Be especially careful of monsters in these regions that utilise an icy breath.
(Note: Purah Pointers are suggestions only and should NOT be relied upon to ensure safe and secure adventuring. Hatento Ancient Technology Industries disclaims liability for injury or death as a result of using the Purah Pad)
Log date: 19:45. 5th month 23rd day 104AC Location: Snowfield Stable Weather: Light snowfall  
Been to the Forgotten Temple with Impa and now on the way to Rito Village, stopping at this stable on the way. Looks like there are plenty more geoglyphs to see and hopefully more visions of Zelda too. If I can make it that far. 
Head’s swimming. Thank Hylia for stable-made stew. They use the good stuff here; endura carrots, gourmet meat, maybe even truffles. The owner says they have to, or they won’t get many visitors ‘at the edge of the world’ he calls it. 
Might have been a bit reckless. Feeling reckless, lately. Like my joints are all loose; like anything could happen. Less than two weeks without her and I’m starting to wonder how I lived this long. 
Harlow at the stable said there was a three-headed dragon nearby scaring off travellers and that she fears it'll attack any day now. Alright. A dragon, easy. Have met dragons before, they’re not so bad, as long as you approach carefully. 
Not this one. 
It saw me and a second later the worst chill you can imagine filled the air. It burrowed deep under the Hylian tunic I bought and chewed through the heat of the Spicy Pepper Skewers I’d been eating. Relentless. Barely remember the rest. Fired a few clumsy arrows its way, dodged its ice breath, fell down and was preparing to die face down in the snow like an idiot when I heard a roar. Didn’t get a good look at what happened, only that when I got to my feet the Gleeok was fleeing, and the Light Dragon was circling maybe 300ft above and rising. Not sure what I did to receive its blessing but, any help you can get, right? 
Gonna go ask for a third serving of stew. 
A photograph at maximum zoom, taken from behind some ancient ruins, of a huge ice Gleeok flying in the distance. The air around it is thick with snow such that the creature is barely visible. 
Caption: Will be back for a rematch. 
Log date: 10:00. 5th month, 25th day 104AC Location: Lucky Clover Gazette Correspondent Temporary Quarters   Weather: Snowfall continuing 
Another tear, another vision. Worst fears confirmed. Zelda didn’t just fall, she disappeared – and landed somewhere so far back in the past it makes my stomach turn. Just have to trust she found her way back, somehow. 
Currently resting up at the Lucky Clover Gazette. Zelda used to get their paper delivered every week, guess this is their new headquarters here in Hebra. Somehow got roped into being a reporter for them. They’re chasing leads about Zelda’s whereabouts so why not. Will try anything once. 
Traysi has a whole operation here. Research notes, archives, a pictobox, a printing machine, issues packed and ready for distribution. Didn’t see any other reporters except Penn though, and me I guess.
(This job pays, right?)
According to Traysi there there are reports of someone who looks just like Zelda. Sightings all over the place. Is she okay? In danger? Trapped somewhere? If she made her way home, why hasn’t she told us?
Penn said to meet him at the Woodland Stables – he heard she’d been seen there – and it’s taking every ounce of willpower not to go right away. But Hebra is calling, and Zelda has friends there among the Rito. She’d want me to help them. Have to start somewhere or I’ll never start anywhere. Will follow any lead I have.
A photograph of Penn, the Rito journalist, in front of a large corkboard with copious notes, drawings and maps pinned to it, centered around large letters that read ‘ZELDA?’. He is pointing to one of the papers, explaining something with an animated expression even behind his flying mask.
Caption: He lost me five out of fifteen minutes in. 
**LOCKED ENTRY** Please enter passcode to view this log. 
> **** **** ****
Passcode validated. 
Log date: 10:10. 5th month, 22nd day 104AC Location: North Hyrule Plain  Weather: Sunny 
A photograph of Link running through a gently rising field, the ground painted with the faint glow of a large geoglyph.
Dearest Zelda,
I hope the day comes when you can view this entry on the Purah Pad. I have locked it with your passcode. 
If you are reading this, it hopefully means you are returned to us. That or it is Link reading this, having cracked the passcode (or made Robbie unlock it for him, though I doubt that).
I have met with Link only ten minutes ago, near the old Royal Ancient Tech Lab that you were so fond of. He has entrusted the Purah Pad to my care as he searches for the secret of the geoglyph that has appeared here. We think it may help him find you; I pray to Hylia we do, and soon. 
I cannot doubt Link will prevail however, for I have never seen such single-mindedness, such breathless abandon as he chases even the slightest hint of your presence. If I told him your shadow had passed over the ground at our feet, he would all but drop to his knees to praise it.  
I will continue my travels to document these geoglyphs, as I know you would give anything to be the one doing so. The least I can do is record my findings to someday share with you. Your Link has been doing much the same. 
If the Goddess is kind, you will soon have a chance to read the story of his travels — and then hopefully write the final chapter. 
Always in your service,
Impa of Kakariko Village
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tisiphonewolfe · 1 year
Seven Snippets, Seven People
Tagged by @sam-glade whose post is here. Thanks! I appreciate the Shatranj snippet~
You know what? I post a lot of MWC&C. I'm gonna challenge myself to post some BBS&B without spoiling too much!
Rules: Post seven snippets (however long or short as you want) and tag seven people.
That was fair. Releine took her point. “What about you, then? How come you’re so keen to go rescue her nibs?” Releine felt Jessa’s shoulders shake in a silent chuckle. “I owe her my life, much as I owe you my life. I’ll come whenever she calls until the day I die.” “Your life? I’m not sure we did that much. We just pulled you out of a bad situation.” “No.” There was a deep warmth in Jessa’s voice and she reached a hand up to pat Releine’s neck. “It was my life. Living like that was death, and it would have meant death sooner or later.” After a moment of silence she said, in a measured, deliberate tone; “You can’t ever be a different person than yourself. You can’t follow rules that aren’t your own. It kills you.”
Releine, out of breath, stumbled and skidded down the icy slope, a tumbling mess of limbs and tail. When she landed, miraculously still on her feet somehow, at the bottom, she announced to the wide-eyed onlookers; “I’m coming with you.” Hyrin rolled her eyes, sighed, and flicked a coin to Saff, who was grinning smugly. He fumbled the catch and got down on his knees to dig for it through the foot-deep snow.
It would be trivial to construct a lockpick if she hadn’t made some alterations to her door’s lock. As it was, it would take some doing. But before she could consider how to begin, a voice from behind the door teased her; “I don’t recommend it.” The smooth, low voice was the familiar not-quite-whisper of Oda Hopesinger. An old classmate of Maribelle’s. She had excelled in almost any field of study she turned her hands and mind to, but what she had settled on set Maribelle’s shoulders tight and chilled her spine. Oda Hopesinger was the Genius of Murder. “Why are you here, Oda?” she called, trying to conceal the tremor in her voice. “Just checking up on you.” “I’m fine. Go away.” “I’m sorry. Not for your sake, I’m afraid. I’ve been asked to keep an eye on you, make sure you don’t go anywhere.”
He had tried to insist that she should run. Forget about Selgg, about Gorzlon Kudh. Wouldn’t it be better to live for her betrayed comrades than die for them? “Papa,” she had said, “it’s you that I can’t forget about.” "Selgg will kill you, sweetweed,” he had insisted, sadly. “She’s not only battle-strong, but strong in the sight. Some say that she can see up to twelve seconds, even in the heat of combat. Have you ever fought another with the sight?” Yurhagh hadn’t, and she had, at the most, only four seconds of sight. So she had spent the night thinking about how to win against someone else who could see the future.
She made her way to the entrance hall, down twining staircases, running her hand over the lumpy, carved grotesque that decorated the end of each banister. The entrance hall was full of faceless statues, loitering on chequered tile. She hadn’t realised it the night of her arrival, but as Theo walked her through here in the afternoon, she noticed that the statues hadn’t always been faceless - the faces were chiselled off. She shivered as she tiptoed her way out into the grounds, through doors more than three times her height that groaned like dying men no matter how gently she moved them. The night air was still and cold and she dearly wished she had brought a cardigan.
That evening, Theo introduced dinner as one of Versewelt’s national dishes - chicken stewed in a sauce of orange-red peppers. It smelled delicious, but Almyra had to restrain a cough as she took her first bite. It was searingly hot on her tongue and made her eyes water. As soon as she had swallowed it, she threw an entire glass of water down her throat. Theo regarded her with amusement. “Apologies, Princess, is it too hot for you? I can have Frederica make something else.” Almyra now found herself holding back an attack of the hiccoughs. “No, no,” she struggled out, “I was just a little overeager, my Lord. It’s delicious, Frederica.” The maid’s cheeks grew greener in what Almyra recognised, after a moment, was a blush, and she curtsied politely.
Almyra came to gradually, slipping between the dream and wakefulness, such that what was probably thirty seconds felt like thirty minutes. When she did finally arrive in the waking world, she could smell fresh pine-scented air, hear birds singing in the distance, sense the warm light through her eyelids. She could also feel fine, smooth silk under her cheek that was, worryingly, quite damp. She opened her eyes and registered the swampy green tint on the pale skin of someone’s neck. The person had leaned across the bed, leaving their weight half-resting on the mattress. Their jaw was pressed against Almyra’s skull. She could feel the teeth mindlessly rubbing up and down over her skin as the drool trickled through her hair to wet the pillow beneath. With a shriek she jerked away and fell entirely from the bed with a thump, onto hardwood floors.
And seven wonderful people!!!
@heymacareyna @e-lisard @onecunninglinguist @bethany-sensei @n1ghtcrwler @ashirisu @late-to-the-fandom
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futurexheroes · 2 years
@icy-hot-chilled-peppers X
"Can you make lava?" She asked. "Or dry ice? I like dry ice, it makes stuff explode and look cool!" Masami was absolutely overestimating the extent of his quirk. "And are you and Izu gonna get married even though you beat the shit out of him? I wanna be the flower girl!!"
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queenofbaws · 1 year
For six sentence weekend, Silas’ biological parents comforting him after a bad day with a cup of hot chocolate.
He hadn't lost their faces yet, and some might've thought that a flimsy consolation, but for Silas, it was closer to a lifeline: a buoy he held to when he felt the most alone. He still had their faces, almost had their voices, always had his memories.
The first cold snap in the air brought it back to him in vibrant color - where he'd been, he couldn't say, but what mattered was the flush he'd felt from head to toe as he'd run inside from out of the cold, his nose already running and his fingers going numb in his mittens. The kitchen had smelled of cinnamon, of sugary things baking for later, and his mother's nose had been so warm against the side of his face as she'd peppered his icy cheek with kisses. His father had grinned his way while she was distracted, using the opportunity to fill a mug almost to brim with marshmallows (the brightly colored kind, in fun little shapes) before pouring the cocoa, and when he'd put the mug in his hands, the chill of the day had simply melted.
No matter where he found himself, no matter what was taken from him, at least Silas had that; at least he had that warm winter's morning with his parents, his palms warm and his lips sticky with marshmallow foam.
six sentence sat(or)sunday!!!
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laurens-rp-archive · 3 months
Archived about pages
All blog links:
Group (includes all below after certain date + more)
BnHA Canon
Izuku and Katsuki - @ooh-ouch-me-bones
Eri - @broken-curse
Hitoshi and Aizawa - @scarf-isms
Shoto - @icy-hot-chilled-peppers
Kurogiri - @dutybound-haze
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drvitaltips · 6 months
Best Foods to Freeze: Cut Waste, Save Cash
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Did you know freezing food is like hitting 'pause' on the freshness clock? It's a genius way to save money, eat healthier, and make mealtimes a whole lot easier. Whether you're buying in bulk to save a few bucks or rescuing those almost-too-ripe bananas, your freezer is your friend. Let's dive into the best foods to freeze, some handy tips, and a few things to avoid tossing in there. Get ready to make your kitchen more efficient! Foods That Freeze Well (and Why) Ok, let's get practical! Here's a breakdown of foods that love a little chill time: - Dairy Delights: Milk? Yep! Butter? You bet! Even shredded cheese and yogurt (if you're using it in smoothies or baking later) can take a freezer vacation. - Quick Tip: Textures can change a bit, but the taste won't. - Fruit & Veggie Heroes: Think berries, bananas ready for smoothies, grapes (a fun frozen snack!), peppers, onions, carrots, even zucchini if you grate it first. - Pro Tip: Blanch veggies (quick dip in boiling water) to keep them bright and flavorful. - Protein Powerhouses: Cooked meats like chicken and ground beef are perfect for future meals. Raw meats freeze fine too – just follow those USDA guidelines for safe storage! - Meal Prep Champs: Soups, stews, and casseroles are amazing freezer friends. Just leave a bit of room on top for things to expand as they freeze. - Handy Staples: Tomato paste, bread, cooked rice, nuts, even popcorn kernels freeze like a dream. Tips for Freezing Food Ready to fill up that freezer? Here's how to do it right: - Cool it Down: Don't put hot food straight in the freezer – let it cool to room temperature first. You don't want to warm everything else up! - Portion Control: Freeze stuff in the amounts you'll actually use. No one needs a giant block of frozen berries when a handful will do! - Airtight is Key: Use freezer bags, containers, or even good quality plastic wrap to keep air out and prevent freezer burn. - Label Everything: Write the name of what it is and the date you froze it. Your future self will thank you! - Liquids Need Room: Soups and sauces will expand a little when they freeze, so don't fill containers to the very top. Myth Buster: Did you know you can freeze eggs? It's true, but you have to crack them first! Whisk them up and freeze them in an ice cube tray for easy use in recipes later. Is there anything these freezers can't do? Well, some things don't love freezing... Foods That Don't Freeze Well Not everything belongs in the icy depths! Here's what to avoid freezing: - Delicate Produce: Lettuce, cucumbers, and other high-water-content veggies turn to mush when thawed. Best eaten fresh! - Creamy Creations: Sauces with cream or milk tend to separate when frozen. They might be okay in cooked dishes, but not on their own. - Fried Foods: The crispy goodness won't survive the thaw, sadly. Enjoy those while they're hot! - Soft Cheeses: Cream cheese, ricotta... their textures take a serious hit in the freezer. Hard cheeses generally fare better. Making the Most of Your Freezer Now, let's turn your freezer into a superpower! Here's how: - Meal Prep Master: Got a favorite recipe? Double it and freeze half for a night when cooking feels impossible. - Bulk Bargains: Meat on sale? Stock up and freeze it! Just remember to divide it into usable portions first. - Waste Warrior: Bananas turning brown? Bread going stale? Pop them in the freezer for later use (smoothies and bread pudding, anyone?) - Freezer Inventory: Keep a list on your fridge of what's frozen. It'll prevent you from buying stuff you already have stashed away! ProsConsSaves money: Buy in bulk or rescue food about to go badRequires some planning: Need proper containers and portioningReduces food waste: Prevents perishables from spoilingSome texture changes: Certain items won't be exactly the same after thawingConvenient: Have pre-prepped ingredients or ready-to-heat mealsFreezer space: Can fill up quicklyPreserves nutrients: Locks in nutrition at its peakNot everything freezes well: Delicate foods and creamy sauces can be tricky FAQs about Freezing Food - How long does food last in the freezer? It depends on the food, but usually several months to a year. There are handy charts online for reference. - Thawed something and won't use it all? In most cases, you can safely refreeze food as long as it was thawed properly in the fridge. - Is freezer burn dangerous? Nope, just unappetizing. It affects the taste and texture, but it won't make you sick. The Importance of Food Safety & Quality Freezing is fantastic, but food safety still matters! Here's the lowdown: - USDA Guidelines Are Golden: They'll tell you safe freezing times and the best way to thaw different foods. Read the Freezing and Food Safety here - Freezing Stops the Clock: It doesn't kill bacteria. So, if food was getting a bit iffy, freezing won't magically make it good again. - Thaw Right: In the fridge is the safest way! Never leave things out on the counter to thaw. Freezing Tips for Specific Foods Alright, let's get specific! Here are some bonus tips for those everyday items: - Fruits: - Berries: Rinse, dry, and spread them out on a baking sheet to freeze individually. Then pop them in a bag – perfect for smoothies and snacking! - Bananas: Peel, slice, or even leave whole (for smoothies). A squeeze of lemon juice helps them keep their color. - Other fruits: Peaches, apples, and the like need a little prep before freezing, like peeling and preventing browning. - Vegetables: - Green beans, broccoli, etc.: Blanching quickly preserves their vibrant color and a bit of crunch. - Peppers and onions: Chop and freeze raw – so convenient for tossing into soups and stir-fries later! - Zucchini: Grate and squeeze out extra moisture. Great for sneaking into sauces and baked goods. - Bread and baked goods: - Sliced bread: Separates easily when frozen, perfect for grabbing a slice or two at a time. - Muffins, cookies, etc.: Freeze individually, then store them together for easy grab-and-go treats. - Herbs: - Hardy herbs: Think rosemary and thyme – freeze them whole on the stem. - Tender herbs: Like basil and cilantro – chop them finely and freeze in ice cube trays with a bit of olive oil for bursts of flavor. - Liquids: - Stock and broth: Freeze in ice cube trays or portions you'll actually use. Label with the amount! - Tomato Sauce: Use freezer-safe containers and remember to leave room for expansion. Funny Freezer Fact: You know those popsicles you buy in the long plastic sleeves? You can make your own! Fill the sleeves with juice, yogurt, or whatever you like, and freeze – perfect summer treat! Key Takeaways - Your freezer is a powerful tool for saving money and reducing food waste. - Many foods freeze beautifully, extending their shelf life and preserving nutrients. - Proper freezing techniques ensure your food stays tasty and safe to eat. Conclusion Your freezer isn't just for ice cream anymore! It's your secret weapon for saving money, reducing waste, and making healthy eating easier. By knowing what freezes well and following a few simple tips, you'll be amazed at what you can do. Remember, freezing is like a pause button on freshness – so use your frozen goodies in a timely way for the best flavors and textures. Disclaimer: The information provided on this website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Always consult with a qualified healthcare professional before making any decisions about your health. Read the full article
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pikanari-archived · 3 years
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“DON’T SAY I SAID ANYTHING LIKE THAT TO HIM WHEN IT’S NOT TRUE, TODOROKI!” He really didn’t want to die via explosions today.
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ignitionxblast · 3 years
@icy-hot-chilled-peppers​ asked:  "... Bakugo. I made food. It isn't burned. Be proud of me." Was Shoto feeling needy? Yes. Was said non-burned food a plain sandwich (not even buttered, just a piece of ham between two pieces of bread)? Also yes.
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Food Crime || Always Accepting
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Hearing his name, Katsuki looked over at the dual quirked user before looking at the non-burnt but butter-less ham sandwich. 
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“Good job, Icy Hot!” He stated, before adding, “you’ve made a normal looking sandwich.”
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