#id go even further and say guy is dysphoric
greenliar · 9 months
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gee guys i think my man might have body dysmorphia the way his "powerful" versions are portrayed like . this. lot to think about
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gloriousmonsters · 2 years
hi!! obviously feel free to ignore, but just in case my other ask got lost i wanted to send another :) i just recently got into tgcf and have been going through various tags and i really liked reading your posts!! i was just curious to see how you view sqx's gender since rereading? the more fic ive read since finishing the book, the more surprised ive been to find that most of it (at least that ive read so far) really ignores any discussion of either gender id or having sqx be gnc or anything. like, it seems like if its a serious fic people write him in male form and if its a fun fic people write her in female form (and my/hx in female form as well, which is a whole other convo) and regardless of form its all very much adhering to expectations for whatever gender the author is writing, not really any gnc stuff. anyway! sorry, i got carried away, but i guess im really just looking for an insightful take on gnc cis sqx so that i can have some hope restored that there are people who have a nuanced take lol
hey, sorry for the late reply! I got your other ask, I just have been pretty caught up with work and other distracting things the past few days..../week. what is time
Honestly I haven't read much fic for TGCF at all and less featuring SQX, but i'm... sadly not surprised at hearing what you've mostly run into. People don't often seem to be up for any sort of complicated gender stuff on the average day, so it makes sense it wouldn't be addressed in a lot of fics, and SQX's femininity--in whatever form--being treated mostly as a 'fun' thing instead of a serious part of SQX's gender is... frustrating but again, not surprising.
It's been a bit since I last looked at TGCF, but my personal interpretation remains that SQX is a femme man, much as I view Ling Wen as a butch woman--I very much don't want to say it's not as valid or interesting to interpret either of them as trans, but for me personally both characters are most interesting to read as GNC cis characters. That's its own whole struggle, one that the issue of their worshipers essentially deciding what their gender is for them--because they don't conform to the conventions of their own--is painfully resonant with.
(I'll try not to talk more about Ling Wen more on this SQX gender post, but I'll make a last sidebar about I wish people would talk about Ling Wen's gender more in general.I barely even see people acknowledge that she HAS a male form or any of her character as it relates to her being masc/butch.)
SQX clearly enjoys wearing his female form, and it very much comes across as dressing up in clothes that really express how you feel--he's so much cuter, it's so fun to wear a female form (to such an extent that he will try to pester anyone left alone with him for five seconds into doing so, because how can you NOT ENJOY looking pretty??). But to me he never seems dysphoric about his male form--just bored and sometimes hurt by the limitations it imposes on him. Being a man isn't an issue for him, acting like a man is.
And I understand that for some people there's little difference between those things--a lot of people find their gender nonconformity means they're not that gender at all. I feel like another factor is the well-meaning anvil that got dropped a while ago of 'you can't write a stereotype, so all your queer men have to be normal macho and all your queer women have to be normal feminine' which further erased the very concept of GNC-ness, at least when it came to writing fic. I think that's one of the reasons I'm so attached to cis femme SQX--GNC characters, or even interpretations more complex than 'completely conventionally cis or binary, also conventionally (gender) trans' are thin on the ground in fandom.
(a sidebar: writing a guy as a uke-in-all-but-name is not the same as writing a guy as meaningfully gnc. like pursue your bliss and write what you want and all that, but I had the haunting suspicion that there's probably some 'gay twink that cries a lot and always bottoms' SQXs out there and i want to register that it's nooooot what i'm talking about when i talk about being gnc. WHOLE other discussion packed away inside that one. let's skip it for now)
I wish I had something more specific or insightful to say here, lol. You can enjoy looking like a woman and not be a woman. You can dislike being masculine and still be a man. SQX clearly, despite the not-cool reasons for him having it (because the implications of two gods being close, even if they were brothers, was just TOO GAY, we gotta make it straight! are their worshipers those people who genderbend just one sibling to write incest because i have some Annoyed Words for those people. Stop Making It Boring) is very attached to his female form and enjoys wearing it, and while it's not given a great deal of time, there's obviously friction between him and his brother based in the fact that, even while not wearing a female form, SQX just doesn't... act quite like a man should.
(This is pure personal interpretation/headcanon, but he often doesn't see the problem with how he's acting because he simply has an internal sense of gender that doesn't clash with looking like a woman or not acting like a man--gnc gender identity is no less deeply or completely felt than any other. It takes SWD or someone else reacting badly to remind him, ah, apparently not every man would be like this if he had the chance. Which seems fake, but ok)
if there's a conclusion, there's this--to write SQX as either a straightforward male or female character is just missing his whole point. He can be a gnc man, genderfluid, a trans woman--but whatever he is is complicated, despite how untroubled he usually seems by it all. There's tension between what he is, how he's viewed, and the limited means he has to express himself, and while that obviously can't be the point of every fic he appears in, it's always there. And cis gnc SQX remains, in the end, my favorite lens. It's unlikely, but I do hope someone got that boy a cute outfit at some point postcanon, it's the least he deserves.
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turgidscum · 1 year
Tbh your last anon might not have been a transmed, maybe a tucute mad and trying to make truscum look bad. Though tbh there's a lot of overcompensating transmeds who do say shit like what your mentality has to be to be a "real man" though often hypocritical cause many of them think you have to think its harder to be a man and complain since cis guys do but also tell you to be valid you need to be happy about negatives of being a man like balding (even though cis men hate that so wouldn't it be more masc to complain about it like all the other cis men do?) Always talking about how they dont ID as trans, just men, yet constantly go into trans specific spaces on the internet.
Though why don't you and your bf just do oral or abstain if you both have issues with penetration?
Also that respondent on your post talking about vnectomy was such a dumb bitch. Everyone uses v-nectomy instead of vaginectomy cause its less dysphoric and easier to. Nonbinaries need to mind their cis business when they don't even know terms our community uses.
could have been, but there are plenty of radmeds who say the same thing on the transmed subreddit, so i wouldn't be too surprised. either way, i don't want the last anon to paint a whole group, as there will always be bad actors in every bunch.
i will say i identify as a man to the public, as i've always just felt like i am a man and not trans specifically, but to deny that i'm a trans man would be hypocritical, you know? especially since i'm engaging in trans topics. but to the public, i'm just a man since i'm stealth and i prefer it that way lol.
as for oral, we do. at least on my end. i absolutely love giving oral, but because of my broken foot, he's not letting me do anything that might hurt me further lmao. he also... doesn't like giving oral. i've gotten it maybe five times from him the whole time we've been together. i would love to get it more - which he said he will probably do once i get bottom surgery - but he's very, very grossed out by germs and such to the point where he rarely puts anything that isn't food into his mouth. which is fine, we get around it other ways, but oral is currently not on the plate for me to get lmao.
once i get bottom tho... that's a different story. i like that idea.
and the whole v-ectomy thing was just wild. i looked at the user's profile and apparently they were either a detransitioner or a trans "man" who presented 100% feminine and went off testosterone. couldn't tell, but considering they said they hated men, including trans men, i'm going with a bitter detransitioner.
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