#idc tho shes cute as hell
archiiive · 6 months
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How To Get My Husband On My Side
I usually love strong female characters and I love reading them. Not a big fan of weak or damsel in distress characters. But RUBY. Idk how to explain my thoughts and feelings about her. Ik it doesn't make any sense but I feel like this is what I'd feel about my own daughter if I had one (I just turned 20 last month lolol). Ruby is by far my most favourite manhwa fmc and the most beautiful girl in my eyes I'm not even exaggerating. Yall won't believe how many times I scroll back to see the panels Ruby is in. I don't think I've even replayed shirtless Izek that many times lmao. I just stare at her in awe. I can't help but smile. I just re read this manhwa for the 4th time today, I just keep coming back here. This manhwa is so beautiful, cute, sad, painful and heartbreaking all at the same time. I cry, smile, laugh, giggle, get angry, so many emotions all at once.
I feel so sad whenever I look at Ruby's eyes. I just wanna give her a hug. Ruby is by far one of the strongest characters I've ever read. Being strong doesn't necessarily mean being physically strong yk. Everything she's gone through, those are unimaginable. The fact that she's still sane is probably the biggest proof of how strong she is. Cause imagine being abused like she was for that many years (even in her previous life, or should I say lives), she's only suffering. I can't imagine how deep the trauma runs.
Every kind of Abuse destroy people. She has gone thorough so many kind of abuses. But man SA has got to be the most horrendous things to ever happen to someone, that too by her own brother, at her own house, for so many years, where the so called brother even spread rumour about their questionable relationship outside just so her marriages could be broken off. I can't imagine going through all of that everyday and still having to smile sweetly 24/7, not having anyone to share these with, no one to rely on and pretending to be completely fine. I'd never be able to last so long, I'd be long gone.
As much as I love Izek now, it's an undeniable fact that he was a jerk to her when she first came here. Okay he had his reasons cause her family couldn't be trusted yada yada but RUBY didn't deserve any of it. Good thing she escaped from the hell, her own house but then came here to be treated like a nuisance by her own husband. Okay he's changed now and he loves her and everything is good so I'll kinda forgive him too cause at least he's giving Ruby the love, warmth, support, reassurance, comfort now. She needed them so bad. She really needed someone to confide in.
Whenever I see her holding things in and not being able to talk about her past traumas and abuse with anyone and silently putting up everything that fu*king Cesare bitch a**hole ugly looking piece of sh*t son of a wh*re does in fear that things will get worse, I just want to go get myself off by a truck and isekai into the story and stab that filthy guy until my hands fall of. I don't think I ever hated or will hate anything as much as I hate Cesare. This manhwa keeps breaking me but I still keep coming back for Ruby and maybe a little bit for Izek too, love to see them together.
I'm so mad she had to endure all of that. Idc what Ruby does or ever did. I'd support her even if she were to take initiative to end the world. I'd gladly let her destroy everything, kill everyone including me if that's what she wanted, I'd give her everything she could've ever asked for and even more cause RUBY my love deserves everything. Okay but why do I sound like a mom tho lolol. I guess Izek has a stronger competition now cause at least I'd never treat that angel like precious munchkin the way he did in the past hmph.
So in conclusion what I wanted to say is, I LOVE RUBY. My loveliest most adorable bestest sweetheart. My heart swells with love everytime she smiles. She shines so bright I fear. Ruby is the most amazing, Ruby is the most beautiful, Ruby is the strongest, i wanna bawl my eyes out everytime I look at her eyes. And if anyone tries to hurt my Ruby and talk shit about her, I'm personally coming for you, you better sleep at night with an eye open. Cause Ruby might be the sweetest but I'm certainly NOT.
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carmenized-onions · 4 months
CHAPTER 9 LETS FUCKING GOOOO (get ready for a yapfest, where most of it will probably be uncomprehensible because language can’t begin to capture the emotions your writing makes me feel) also !! add me to the taglist please and thank you<3
It is t-minus three days, until the worst Friday of your life. - already nervous and the chapter just started but fuck it we ball
you figure it’s probably just the breakfast from yesterday at La Mattina settling in your stomach— the way you scare me but still make me laugh
He does not care this much, he doesn’t even have basic reading comprehension— RICHIE HELL YEAHHHHH (and he calls her cousin🥹)
also big shout out to you author for making it so clear which texts were sent by what person (so how her texts are cursive and richie’s texts are bold) bc some fics make it so hard to differentiate who’s talking/texting!!<3<3
daddy - POR QUE. i know he didn’t mean it like that but shshshdh
See u chip - this is the cutest nickname!! everyone in that poll can fight me idc idc
It’s time to eat a whole freezer cake and lay in your pyjamas all day and interact with not a single soul on this entire planet. - me celebrating doing the bare minimum!! (but it’s still huge to me so i understand chip well)
To the air, more accurately, but, y’know, same thing. - [cries in norwegian]
You’re gonna get dinner, with Richie, this Friday. - OMGGGG HINTS FOR FRIDAY👀👀
THE SWITCH OVER TO CARMEN HELL YEAHHHH - fuckn delicious freezer cake for you author!!
He really needs his sister. - 🫶🏼 i feel like this is layered (like the carmenized onion)
you’re gonna work as a bottle girl for the rest of your life - his worst nightmare fr, worse than the restaurant closing actually
he’s never gonna get his shit together so he’s never gonna get to call you his - SHUT UPPP HOW COULD YOU DROP THIS ON ME😭😭
Sisyphean nightmare - YOUR WAY WITH WORDS I LOVEEEE IT
He smells your shampoo, in his hair, that helps. - the way your chapters always make me cry from either the fluff or the sad
he has to hide his smile with his hand - THEM
So good to him, too good to him. Too good to anyone - 😭💓🫶🏼😭🫶🏼😭💓
Carmen so, so fucking desperately wants to ask you to come to The Bear, right now. - BALEGDEH
he knows it’d be perfect cannon fodder to be teased into oblivion. - NO BC LIKE IVE BEEN THINKING ABOUT THIS *A LOT* WHAT WILL RICHIE THINK OF CARM AND CHIP. Like thinking of how he and mikey acted at christmas after seeing claire makes me wonder how he’d act when finding out about carm and chip (also carm is only able to date girls with c names apparently <even tho chippy is a nickname but hush>)
looks to his best friend - 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼
he’s not you. - LMAO
he can’t find your repair expenses anywhere on here. - OOOP CHIPPY IS ABOUT TO GET CAUGHT
“I’m not fuckin’ high, cousin—” - ISBRIFBRIRKR
also bet carmen doesn’t have a problem with the two hours when it means TWO HOURS OF CHIP IN HIS RESTAURANT WHERE HE CAN SNEAK GLANCES AT HER
“What’s uh— Why d’you call Tony ‘Chip’?” - the way you’re nailing his voice!!
“S’ not dark, kinda, it’s just, y’know. Personal.” - WAY TO BUILD TENSION AUTHOR. it’s very clear you’re a(n amazing) screenwriter
Mikey got to do that first, too, eh? - STAPH
he's willing to admit it, for you. - RICHIE AND CHIP BESTIES YEEEHAWWWW
“You really wanna fuckin know, huh?” Richie tilts down his head, teasing. - i love this
“Oh, fuck, you fuckin’ like her, don’t’chu, cousin? You fuckin’ dog.” - SKJDIDJFKD
Y’have my blessing. - CUTE
“Didn’t ask for it.” - CUTER
“Don’t gimme no talk back, she was my boy first, a’right?” - CUTEST (ok carmy is cutest but im doing a thing here)
“Gone, cousin.” - it’s cute that you think that richie!! have a cookie!!
“Uh, one sec, I just need to finish this fuckin’—” He shakes his hand in the air, “Whatever the fuck this is.” - again nailing his character
If he had a… lapse in behaviour, and it got back to you, would that ruin him? - you forget how she met you carm, having a meltdown in the freezer
He needs to find your invoice. - he’s so cuteee
Maybe he should just ask you, instead. Let Nat thank you for the heating pad she’s been loving, properly. Have dinner, all together, in an actual family home, instead of just each other's apartments. That'd be nice. - that’s so sweet but i fear it won’t happen, at least not YET
He’ll make you something off menu, on Friday. - HES THE SWEETEST
You’re coming before the rush, anyways, he’ll have time to play, on Friday. - 👀👀👀
He’s gonna do right by you, this Friday - he owns my heart
But right now, it’s Thursday night, and you’ve finally finished Carmen’s piece for The Bear - OMG I FORGOT ABOUT THIS MASTERPIECE, THE CUTEST GIFT EVER
You know you told him if he didn’t like it, he didn’t have to put it up, but admittedly, if he doesn’t like it, you will be crushed. - mood
Each square a snippet, a photo transfer. The squares themselves are messy, sun damaged, bleach stained, light flared. All twinged blue and yellowish. But so perfectly cut and curated. - the way you make it so easy to picture it, ugh we stan!!
Mikey. The only transfer completely unbleached, unaltered, unruined. He’s holding two cut outs. One, Food & Wine and the other, a small section in the off off off pages of the New York Times. - SHUT UP THATS THE CUTEST THING EVER TO EXIST
So so proud, silently, just with you— Couldn't look soft. Carmen does not know this photo exists. - Im gonna cry
You can only imagine the stress you could’ve eased, during their fire safety test - chip is such a slay
*the piece* is magnificent and perfect in every way and you did that!!
You took inspiration from the way his brain works - AWWWWW:3
He’s awfully inspiring. - the love that they have for each other is just everything. they are everything
You’re excited, to show this to him tomorrow, on Friday. Hopefully all goes well, on Friday. - EVIL
You’re gonna do right, by Carmen, on Friday. - SOULMATES🫶🏼
I almost briefed over all of these past few chapters to be nothing more than snippets in a chapter - i really really REALLY appreciated that you did in fact not do that
if you made it through this whole ask, god fnkn bless, looking forward to the master’s thesis i’ll write in your askbox after the next chapter
I had no idea people could make asks this long; like i mean on a character count level-- Did anyone know you could do this fr-- ANYWAYS I WANNA YAP BACK BUT I'M GONNA PUT A KEEP READING BUT PLEASE DO OPEN THIS THERE'S GONNA BE A POLL I WANT YOU CUTIES TO ANSWER
First of all, of course I will add you to the taglist, thank you for the gift of an essay everytime, i love u <3
I am ALL about Fear and Laughter. If I ever make business cards, that'll probably be the tagline. We ball.
It did make me laugh that you went RICHIE HELL YEAH after 'he doesn't have reading comprehension. I buried the lead on who the he in question was on purpose, and i was wondering if everyone would clock at that line immediately oh, it's richie. I'm so mean.
As for texting, I did read another person's fic and saw they put like screennames and sending times and i was like ah fuck, shoulda done that, but continuity,,,, so i didn't switch it up. Plus I enjoy thematically that Tony is italics, Carmen is italic/bold, and Richie is bold. I feel like it just kinda makes sense, character wise, that Tony and Richie are on either end of the spectrum and Carmen is inbetween.
They've gotta get an HR if Richie says daddy to anyone's face besides Tony frfr,
And THIS is where the new poll comes in, because you all SAY YOU WANNA FUCKIN KISS MIKEY, SO
Personally I do like Chippy a lot, not to colour your opinions. You'll see why i like it, eventually. And I'm sure when that happens we'll talk about it ad fuckin nauseam (and I'll eat it up, I will)
I love doing Carmen's perspective, it's like free therapy, realizing the way he and I both think is fucking crazy and I need to relax. He really does need his sister, poor bug. I genuinely do wonder how that's gonna be handled, in season 3.
HIS LITTLE STREAM OF CONSCIOUSNESS PANIC YESSIRRR, Bottle Girl Tony = Hell, Never gonna actually date Tony = Mega Hell, He's Still Gonna Be Him = Super Awful Ultra Hell
So many (2) people enjoyed Sisyphean nightmare, I think I just have tumblr accent, honestly.
I'm so glad, that the shampoo thing happened honestly. I know that's crazy to say it like that, as the writer, as I planned it, but i didn't think I'd be able to call back to it all that much-- But I get to call back to it so fucking much, and it's always either heartbreaking or adorable, or both, and I lovveee both.
The idea that anyone has been thinking about a plot line that has yet to arise alot is like-- Like my brain melted. Like that's so. I'm a puddle. Puddle in your hands. BUT YES, I did have to think on that absolutely. It's a weird line to tow, right? Because Richie's gotten more respectful since then, and he's actual friends with Tony-- But like,,, bro is still a bro, at the end of the day.
CHIPPY IS ABOUT TO GET CAUUGGHTTTT, thank god someone laughed at the I'm not fuckin high line, I was worried.
“What’s uh— Why d’you call Tony ‘Chip’?” - the way you’re nailing his voice!! Did you see my ask saying i'm never sure about Carmen's dialogue and are now trying to reassure me? It's working, if you are.
WAY TO BUILD TENSION AUTHOR. it’s very clear you’re a(n amazing) screenwriter Daww, too nice to me, it IS really how I think Richie would navigate this Chip story, though, you'll see why there's,,,, pause about it, eventually.
“Gone, cousin.” - it’s cute that you think that richie!! have a cookie!! Listen, we don't KNOW how many times Tony's listened to Wannabe by the Spice Girls. Probably would need more than a single word though, Rich. A touch dramatic, cousin.
All Tony and Carmen wanna do this Friday is impress each other, and that's totally exactly what's gonna happen idk what y'all are buggin abouttttttt
I'm so glad folks like the piece, i was worried I explained it bad/it's just kinda stupid-- I just felt like, Carmen doesn't give abstract art vibes. I felt like photography worked a lot better for him. It also gave me the opportunity to slip in more Mikey, of which I think he is mentioned literally at least once every chapter. Bro is the phantom in the pages. i adore him.
I am also very glad that I didn't end up doing just snippets from the Consultation chapter to now. I was worried they'd give off filler vibes, when turned into full on chapters, but looking at them all now, i'm like it would've been an insane injustice to not give them all full breathing room. And now i think there's a lot more to sink into and give a fuck about!! Which is gonna make Friday hurt all the more <3
Anyways, thank you thank you for yapping, and i seriously need to go the fuck to sleep fuck i'm gonna be so groggy for work i'm gonna NAP ON THE BUS AND NO ONE CAN STOP ME!!!
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golbrocklovely · 4 months
it's time to finally post my bridgerton, season 3 part one review.
this is just gonna be the first two episode bc apparently idk how to write a small reaction to anything lol
obvious spoilers (to both part one and the books) if you haven't seen/read them yet
episode one - out of the shadows
before i watched this episode, i ended up seeing the spoilers for it on twitter, which tbh didn't upset me bc when i read something, it's not the same as viewing it. like i'll have an idea in my head of what's to come, but it's never quite the same as the show presents it so, i never feel like i'm spoiled by reading something ahead of time.
as for this episode, what a fantastic way to start off the season. i think overall it was well paced and flowed so quickly. there wasn't a single moment i was bored during this episode.
i guess for this whole review i'm just gonna point out things i like and dislike. keep it simple.
seeing pen in her usual get up was such a good idea to start bc then seeing her transition into her glow up… crazy. literally night and day.
colin being a cocky bastard and so full of himself made my eyes roll MULTIPLE times. but i kinda love it lol
also the idea of him getting off the boat, after months of travel, most likely smelling like actual fucking ass, only to have a bunch of ladies swooning after him is a very funny sight to think of sksks
every single moment pen and colin interact i'm eating it up. idc if it's just the briefest of glances, i'm IN LOVE.
eloise siding with and befriending cressida… i hate it with a fiery passion. something about it feels so slimy, to be friends with the person that has made your ex best friend's life a living hell. and look, i get it. pen is LW, she wrote things about eloise that "ruined her", along with other family drama that has occurred in the seasons. but my whole thing is… eloise will never be ruined. and the reason for it is bc she's a bridgerton. they never are actually ruined. they bounce back. they are one of the highest ranking families in the ton, they're rich and hot, their one daughter is a duchess, they are close with lady danbury and the queen. like???? they won't ever be ruined. unless something catastrophic happens, they will always be fine. so that's why even el being friendly with a gasp poor person didn't do anything to her withstanding. bc if it did, no one would want to court francesca. but clearly she's the diamond of the season.
and not only that, but LW has also written about pen's family, even when her family has far less withstanding. she has so much more to lose when writing of her own family's shortcomings. and on top of that, if she didn't do what she did last season, el would have been assumed to be LW and the queen would have actually fucked up that family's lives. so… while i get being upset at pen, to befriend a person that you both agreed was the absolute fucking worst just feels like a direct attack and not a "well she was the only one that was there for me"
all of colin's flirting at the garden party is both eye roll inducing and hilarious at the same time. and also a twinge bit hot lol
i LOVE how far up his own ass colin is that when he finally talks to pen, and she says "much has certainly changed in that time." he assumes she's talking about what he's wearing and he replies with "a good deal i know, but it was all the rage in paris." bro….. no one CARES about your fit.
i will say tho, the bts of the wardrobe department showing that he wore that greenish kerchief to possibly impress pen was honestly so cute. like… that man really was deeply in love with her without realizing it at all.
pen's sisters are the WORST (but so funny) and their husbands are the best. hands down.
someone pointed it out on twitter that gregory points his bow at colin, almost like he gets hit with an arrow (of love). eros and psyche come THRU
colin saying nothing about his travels to anyone strictly bc he's been told countless times no one cares, only to share them with pen…. GOD I LOVE THIS SEASON
i also really love that literally everyone who actually cares about colin sees thru his shtick. humble that man real fast lmao
controversial opinion (so i'm sorry in advance to anyone that loves francesca and her story) but god… i do not care about her whatsoever. at least in the show, it is very hard to care about her and whatever she's doing. if she had been in last season, even just in the background, maybe i would care a little bit about her. but i honestly just don't give a shit. respectfully, i don't even see how this show is gonna make it to her season in the first place, unless they start condensing seasons together.
that being said, her parts with john are absolutely adorable and i relate to wanting someone that can appreciate quiet like you can. trust and believe that. but knowing what ends up happening to him in the end, i just… can't be bothered to care or want to get attached.
also the mondrich's storyline; i think it could be more entertaining, but it feels kinda flat as of right now. maybe part two things pick up, but currently in the storyline… it's a no from me.
kate and anthony are so hot. holy shit. thank god jonny is gay bc if he wasn't i think i would spending every waking moment thirsting after him lol
pen's reveal feels weirdly… lackluster. i think the only reason i'm not wowed by it completely is just bc she looks so uncomfortable. i get why she's like that, but i kinda feel like it would have been better if she felt even just a little bit confident in herself since it's not the same citrus colors like usual, but then reality crashes back in when she has to flirt with suitors and it just goes horribly wrong.
and i hope we see her in dark green again in part two bc she looks so good in it. what a waste it will be otherwise if all we ever see her in is pastels.
colin losing his train of thought once he sees pen I KNOW THAT'S RIGHT
fran and pen's convo. i live for it. i hope we see more of them as friends in part two and later seasons. also omg pen… my poor baby. i just relate to her so much, it hurts.
i think the reason why i love debling so much, or that i think in some ways he could have been a good suitor is bc he sees pen as capable. everyone else in pen's life doubts her abilities. they don't see her as someone that could be "normal" so to speak. or really, no one else sees her as a woman other than him. at least at first. (i'll go into my explanation later in episode two)
colin being immediately concerned for pen as she runs away YES
the whole "goodnight mr. bridgerton" scene…………….. 10/10 in every way. READ HIS ASS TO FILTH PENELOPE
okay, so the one thing i actually genuinely love about this scene is that in the books, colin is always known as the charming one. and that ends up being something he hates. in this show, instead of charming, he's nice (he's also charming, don't get me wrong. but he's known as being the nice one). he's always nice. always doing something nice for someone else. always being told he's nice. so to have pen call him out and say "the one time you should have been nice, you were just like everyone else instead" god i just KNOW that shook that man to his core. which is why he comes back to her all sad and puppy dog eyed like 'pwease pen i'm swrry'
rae is a queen with her stares. props to that actress haha
colin's speech to her is basically a love confession. and then there's the one in the carriage…. and then we are also getting ANOTHER one (allegedly). i'm not gonna survive this season !!
pen/nic looks GORGEOUS in this dress. i wish she wore it in more than just this scene omg
"i'm gonna ruin lady whistledown"…. hehe yes you are
episode two - how bright the moon
i feel bad for pen every time she has to have an interaction with portia. she's so cold to her, it's so sad to see.
forgot to point it out from the previous episode, but pen losing her customer service voice with colin is honestly the funniest thing to me and also so real of her
the scene of her trying to seduce the men was the awkwardest thing i've ever seen and i literally could not watch it without skipping thru it. she's great in that scene don't get me wrong but the second hand embarrassment is just too much for me to take sksks
her sisters, while the worst, are the funniest. so props to them.
yes, the scene of him with the sex workers is gross bc it's very unlike colin. however…. my god is luke hot. please let me see more of him in roles like that, thank you very much.
also someone pointed it out that you can see his tattoo in that scene and wow you really can. they did a poor job of covering it up lol or at least a hasty one
(this is a side note too, but i could swear on my life that there is another romcom where it's a guy trying to help a girl get a date and on one of the days he tries to help he leaves to go hook up with someone else or before hand is hooking up with someone else. i know it probably exists out that but that whole sequence reminded me of something i can't remember fully)
him remembering the first time they met is adorable and i'm so happy they kept it similar to the books. but i do also love the fact that he thinks she was able to laugh things off with him bc she was charming and not bc she was totally in love with him from the second she saw him lol
the statue of eros and psyche on the table while they talk about how they met YALL AIN'T SLICK I SEE YOU
this whole scene is so flirty and cute omg i love it
i highly recommend on a rewatch to put the english audio descriptors on bc… this scene is a *chefs kiss* when it ends with "rae stares at them sourly… rae follows, casting a sharp look at colin" that queen knows what's going on sksks
him touching her back…. SCANDALOUS. literally when i first saw this i gasped
okay, so the whole part of him teaching her to flirt or whatever was what i was talking about in the previous episode. so many ppl in pen's life don't see her as capable to be a woman. to them, she's a child, navigating the world confused and with her head in the clouds. her sisters have never seen her as competition bc to them, she will be a spinster. el would have never suspected pen to want a husband bc she always assumed that they would both be old maids together, regardless of what pen wanted. colin didn't think she would be able to flirt with him or take his breath away bc he saw how she was at the park (a singular time) and "knew" that she was incapable of being a flirt, which is why he's so taken aback by her "remarkable shade of blue" comment. everyone underestimates her and never suspects her to be an actual woman, when she has been one for quite sometime.
him being stunned into silence THAT'S FUCKING RIGHT BB
parts of this episode, and really the whole of part one, were spoiled to me (thanks so much for that twitter). and i heard ppl saying that colin writes smut in his journal and i'm like… surely that's not the case. and it really wasn't, but i think so many ppl got hung up on the fact he did that and not on the fact that he literally says "yeah i'm having all this sex, but i'm lonely. there's no love here" like… what a sad boy.
colin being angry is so hot, i'm sorry. i'm toxic lol
again, audio descriptor coming in clutch "he curls his fingers inward, softly enfolding hers" BROOOOOOOOO i died when i heard that the first time omg
i love he's like "maybe we should finish this for the day. but also…….. am i gonna see you later" this guy is touch STARVED my lord lol
el caring about pen… my heart hurts
i need it to be known that luke/colin looks so much like nick/kevin jonas to me it's crazy. certain angles make him look exactly like them it's nuts.
colin "praise kink" bridgerton unlocked by just pen saying a few sweet words about his writing… same
them just giggling at a guy mourning the loss of his horse… they are sick and twisted and perfect for one another lmao
el has the loudest mouth in all the ton, my GOD
"inserts himself? inserts himself where?" will never not be funny.
jealous by nick jonas playing…. i know that's right
it's also hilarious to think that colin is literally jealous of her talking to some other guy that he did not decide she should talk to. and then hearing he's calling upon her tomorrow, the face he makes????? omg i'm DYING i love jealous men i'm sorry
angry colin twice in one episode???? fuck i'm in heaven
never did i think in my wildest dreams i'd see pen's sisters fucking their husbands sksksks
the pen and portia scene hurt a lot, imma be honest. i think what's so interesting is how similar they are to one another in a way, but how pen still has hope, while portia doesn't.
and there is one brief moment when she tries to reach out and comfort pen… god, that made me tear up the first time i saw it.
him bribing rae??? thank you sugar daddy haha
also did anyone else notice pen's little smile when he said that?? i'm LOSING IT
omg this kiss scene sent me into literal orbit holy shit
the first time i saw this scene i straight up cried bc i relate to pen so much so... that was fun lol
the emotional range this scene has is fantastic. pen's desperation and plea to colin, her finally admitting to something she truly wants and putting herself out there, and getting it back in return instead of disregarded. and the kiss?????? the score, the movement, the emotion; god an absolute 20/10 i've rewatched it countless times and never get tired of it
and colin being absolutely enamored and in love with her instantly once he kissed her??? ROMANCE IS BACK BABY
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hydrangeyes · 8 months
Rambles as I finally watch ep 5 and 6
Ep 5:
I adore when Alastor is just being the opposite of what a lot of us expected, it's legit funny to me. (reminds me of the livestreams)
OOOOOOOOO so like was someone telling Luci Charlie didn't want to see him and vice versa for Charlie cause this reeks miscommunication?
Oh. Oh no husky.....
curious about who has Alastor on a leash but tbh it has to be someone high up. I don't think it would be Lilith but I can see how if Charlie branched off to be her own person and then started the hotel publicly how she would one the strongest but not directly connected sinner to look after Charlie. (OOOO especially if Lilith knew about vaggie and didn't trust her.)
I've seen folks talk about Eve, cause yeah where are they in all this but I can't see why Eve would want anything to do with the hotel unless to use it to drag Adam down or rise back up to heaven- oooooooooooo
Still unsure why use Alastor for that but eh....
Is eve even in hell??? I'm trying to think back in the bible if she does or not (Not that I'm sticking to the stores there for an exact reference but eh wouldn't hurt)
I don't think Charlie yet understands there's more to being a "good" person than opening up and positivity. Especially if it landed you in hell? tho yeah there are some who can be hopeful, i would think they would travel to stay in the hotel if that were the case (but then again they would have to see proof that it's possible)
Luci boi has a point but i also think his unease/fear of heaven dampening things, that and his general distaste for humans clearly
hell yeah go off little man
mm so like what is up with the divorce couple? like clearly Lilith got Charlie in the divorce but the line that even before that she didn't know him (she looks fairly in her todler years so like)
I very much like loved more than anything the song.
lmao vaggie is STRESSED.
on to Ep 6!
oh vaggie looks exhausted
I have a head canon of Vaggie and Charlie have the same dynamic as Cassandra and Rapunzel if they hooked up.... before the plot twist reveal anyway.
God Sir pentious is so pathetic I love him
mmmm that was a design choice for saint peter but tbh Idc much
oooo the designs are prety cool!
Ugh fuckin' Adam
Wait- so legit NO one else knows about the extermination?????
mmm naming reasons a sideeeee Called it
God fuckin' Adam, get this man off my phone screen
I need charlie to spend a month on earth, cause hearing her marvel at rainbow sprinkles is both cute and sad
Oh Sera so like- you're kinda the worse huh?
"He was the first human-" Uh yeaaaaaa cause the rough draft is SO much better than the final product????
Pleaseeeeeee sir pentious be quietttttttttt
someone save sir pentious
UGH valentino
let's GOOOOOOOO Angel Dust
what ARE the rules to get into heaven??
legit if you know the answers please share with the class, then maybe you wouldn't have any issues?? what the fuck is actually going on here
mmm the bad place vibes
ooo vaggie angel reveaaalll
I hope Emily kicks ASS
I wonder if Adam legit has special first child privileges that is stopping him from falling cause HUUUUH there's no way he can get away with acting like that
Also given that only Sera and Adam (and his servants) Knew, word would HAVE to get out, as secrets doesn't seem to be a thing.
I wonder if Emily could take thiws up to someone higher like an archangel or something? I legit want Gabriel reveaal, 1: he seemed the most chill thinking back on old bible studies (Its been a while), and too cause supernatural brain rot made me love the dynamic of angel family drama tbh
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theodoraflowerday · 7 months
young royals s3e1 episode reaction:
oh god oh lord
let's go
and his LAWYER? is this about sara reporting him?
oh ludwig speaks
THEYRE BEING SUPPORTIVE???? I fr thought their marriage was a sham lol
PILLS????? KRISTINA??????????
bro wille really is a mini kristina huh.
wait simon's never been to the palace before has he?
a SETTLEMENT??????????
oh. my god burn it to the GROUND LINDA
oh? oh my god? what the fuck???
"piss person" well you little bitch baby that is Indeed what you are so
Linda is so right but so is Simon
I really hope this isn't how it's solved tho I wanna see August burning
"I just want it to be over" oh my baby boy oh my son
what's this hi hi what is this heartstopper
"cozy" oh kflfjdlfjdlgkdlgkdlgkdl little shit
(ps if I didn't rewatch yesterday I fully wouldn't have caught that throwback)
when Simon touched the curtain I knew kslfjdlfjdlfjdlfj
oh OH oh they're GOING at it
oh come ON
well that was precious as all hell
and now they're going back inside as if they weren't dry humping in wille's room 3 minutes ago. kings.
I want to smash rickard's face against a fire pit
simon: oh fuck. wille: oh yea you're lucky I didn't shoot you piece of shit
I'm losing my mind at linda being extremely surprised while kristina's like "sighs yeah. fucking figures. erik would never"
also losing my mind at wille's face lil bro is like AND I WILL DO IT AGAIN BAP BAP BAP
[maddie voice] FUCK YOU AUGUST
oh now linda's all disappointed. ok. be a better mom then.
i will literally rip August's face off idc
omg felice
oh baby girl no
I want to give felice so many hugs my bbg
oh my god farima what the fuck sjgldjfkdjfldkf
oh my god she really said "ok you're super gay now, wonderful, how can we use this to our advantage"
linda has been pissing me tf off since last season idc
omg someone snitched on hillerska
hey now hey now this is what dreams are made of etc etc
if simon sneaks out it's gonna bite them in the ass tho lmao
"sleep with a freshman" August did that twice lmao gross
vincent is such an asshole barfs
fine. I'm coming out. i am a big august/sara enjoyer.
not the tiny heart that's so fucking cute
he can't get tattoos?? that's such bullshit. get a tramp stamp wille it's what you deserve
not felice unloading on wille and simon HDKFJDKGJ babygirl I love you and you need a therapist bc that's so inappropriate
"how do you get over your best friend" felice baby im gonna send you a google doc called the lesbian masterpost hang on
yeah of course that piece of shit nasty asshole talked to the press lmfao
"ex" y'all kissed like twice, [clare from derry girls voice] look at the state of ya
actually? can rosh and ayub talk to him? with their fists? and a knife preferably?
you know, I actually kinda like nils. he's so fucked up but you can see he genuinely cares abt wille. in his own lil fucked up extremely upper class way.
oh lmfao that's literally how my dad's house looks like when I show up haha sad
omg are they gonna initiate her again
oh wille seems so cozy. wonder what's going to go down now.
oh did they write an article abt simon
oh it was not about simon
oh sweet baby jesus
I mean. it was totally alexander wasn't it lmfao
but also like....... I love that they're blowing that shit up. blow that school up.
aw they're sitting together. boyfriends.
"did that happen to you" how is wille more worried abt the gay porn one and not ALL THE OTHER SHIT THEY DID TO HIM
oh I like her she reminds me of the lady from the incredibles
get over yourself vincent. fuck you vincent.
oh they're gonna close this shit
fuck okay wonderful
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p4lm5prings · 2 years
So if anyone wants to write this fic I’m about to explain (and probably not do a good job about it) please do and tag me there is not enough mattjen content on this app and it’s criminal!!
Ok so it’s been a few years since Jen and Matt hooked up in her show, they tried the whole long distance relationship thing but it just didn’t work out. But they’re still friends don’t you worry! They still beat up the occasional bad guy together when they are together. but yea so it’s been a few years and it’s actually Jen Walters’ wedding day (omg right?) so yea she started dating this guy after her and Matt ended maybe it could be John Jonah Jameson the third or something (ya know J Jonah Jameson’s son who she’s dated in the comics) or just som guy called John idc about that really.
But yep it’s Jen’s wedding day and it’s all going well until suddenly she has this realisation of ‘maybe this isn’t what I wanted’ cos she’s not feeling how typical brides feel like on their wedding day ya know? Our Jen is kinda just like ‘ok let’s get this over with’ and she’s realising that’s not a good feeling to have on your wedding day. So here enters Nikki and Pug (or just Nikki, maybe just Nikki. Whatever you want) and they’re like ‘ok girl you ready??’ And Jen’s like ‘lol not really guys’ and she starts explaining how she’s kinda only doing this wedding because that’s what people expect from her and she hasn’t taken a moment to think about what she wants. So now Nikki and Pug are panicking cos like they want the best for their bestie and this doesn’t sound like the best, but Jen being Jen is like ‘ah maybe I’m just overthinking everything idk guys’ and heads to the ceremony (btw idk if you’ve realised but she’s not overthinking).
Ok so remember I mentioned Matt earlier, well guess what? He’s at Jen’s wedding! Yeah! Matt, Foggy and Karen were all invited because everyone’s friends!! And another thing!! Matt heard everything Jen said to Nikki and Pug cos ya know he was focusing on Jen cos he cares and there are obviously still some romantic feelings there between them cos they didn’t really wanna end things but Matt’s home is New York and Jen’s is LA so it had to be done. But yes!! Matt heard all of Jen’s worries and 100% feels like it’s his duty to do something about it because the man is Matt Murdock what were you expecting?? Slight problem tho Jen’s like about to walk down the aisle and Matt’s now getting all agitated and everything, foggy notices and is like ‘what’s with you man?’ And then Matt’s like ‘I need stop this wedding’ and you can imagine foggy’s reaction to that.
So in true speak now by taylor swift fashion, Matt hears the preacher say ‘speak now or forever holddddd youuuuur peaaaceeeee’ (I had to). He gets up like ‘I reject!’, everyone’s like ‘huh?’, foggy and Karen are just embarrassed to even be associated with the man, Jen’s fiancé is 100% like ‘what the hell man??’ But you know what? Jen’s smiling and she’s not hiding it. Lots of drama blah blah blah. Matt and Jen confess their love for one another, and they run off together.
You talented writers can obviously make the hot mess I wrote good but I thought it was a cute idea idk I was thinking about speak now then I thought about the Elaine’s big day episode of new girl and I’m obviously gonna find a way to incorporate my faves in that.
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lesbianspeedy · 2 years
If mia had a new costume, what would u wanna see?
okay so completely removed from my artemis dream if shes still speedy or even if shes not and she gets a completely new costume here are my ideals
keep the red and yellow colour scheme, shes a bright gal i love her being the equivalent of a fucking flashlight in every group panel shes in. actually im even a lil flexible on the red, just dont let her go back to her emo bumblebee phase
my dream for literally any of the arrowfam, but esp mia, is the incorporation of a chest guard, i think it could be worked real nicely into a vigilante suit, and for mia especially it could work to put her lil arrow symbol on. and yknow. as an archer who also has tits. chest guards man. chest guards. you do NOT want to catch a nip with a bowstring it STINGS. tmi? idk anyways.
running off that. i do love her stubby lil arrow. i do hope if she ever gets to the point of a new suit it stays. its Hers.
i am flexible on the hood, but she needs to at least have some kind of cloak or cape. hell put on a rain poncho idc
keep the arm braces, no more clunky boots/shin guards tho, she's light on her feet she doesnt need them
mask wise i prefer her like tie off at the back zorro-esque as opposed to a generic domino, i think her and connor having matching masks like that is cute idk. i could also see her with just the lower half of her face covered, but like i also want emi to get her face mask back so idk if they'd like clash.
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How many shots I’d take to sleep with the jackass/cky crew (2000s edition)
-2 shots
-he’s way too hot for me
-5 shots
-TOO annoying
-I feel like it would be so awkward lol but he’s so gorg I can’t lie
-6 shots
-not really my type
-I can’t even tell if I’m attracted to Dave like that tbh bc sometimes I’m like “haiiii :3” and other times I’m like “you scare me.”
-5 shots
-again not my type
-so so so sexy omg
-though I’d force him to take a shower before we do anything
-3 shots
-it’s not that he’s not attractive, it’s just his height
-I feel like with our height difference (I’m 5’9”), we wouldn’t be able to do that much lol
-he’s a very cool guy tho
-baby boy baby boy baby boy baby boy baby boy <333
-I’m sorry but no I just can’t
Steve o:
-1 shot
-just to calm my nerves down
-I’d also force him to shower before we do anything
-I’ve got a feeling he’s packing too if yk what I mean…
-10 shots
-for confidence btw!!!!
-just thinking about him alone makes me incredibly flustered
-that man is sex on legs
-he’s absolutely insane and I’d let him do anything to me idc
-he’s an absolute dilf like who wouldn’t??
-she’s literally my wife
-so gorg
-my queennnn I would do anything for her
-3 shots
-idk not my type lol
-5 shots
-intimidating as hell
-I have no idea tbh
-I can see myself being blackout drunk or straight up sober but whatever happens happens
-he would teach me a lot about sex, it would be life changing
-HOWEVER, if he has long hair then I’m S.O.B.E.R.
-so fucking sober
-marry me challenge
-I’d rather kill myself.
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cinamun · 2 years
Okay girl I been catching up on our latest with Hope and chile!!!!!
I feel maybe her and Jayce needs a break.. Now I know we love them together yes sirrrreee, but he's dealing with his own demons chile & clearly he's not letting Hope in which is his own right tbr. I just feel Hope shouldn't be stressing herself out so early when they're still in the beginning phases. Indya is mother but IDK SIS Hope gon have to take that light away! The love for Jayce runs deeps but it seems she's trying or wants to carry his problems at the expense of her own feelings & that's not healthy. Maybe they both just need to sit down and express how they feel , if not then give him some more space/just love from afar.. Hate this for niecy pooh lmfao smfh
And also! Indya can meet me outside cause ain't nothing wrong with posting up when we look good, idc who around! Jayce will get over it don't bring none of this insecure fragile masculinity mess ova here!
Indya talkin' bout give him the courtesy of letting him know! I mean, that's her. Me personally? Now that I've reached my idgaf era? I would have been like "BOO YOU SEE MY CUTE PICTURES ON THE BUNNY???" and dare him to ask "who's that in the middle?" lmfaoooooooooo I'm also dumb as hell so there's that.
You're right tho, its still very early in the "JayHo" era so who's to say a break won't help them? They've got their whole simulated lives! One thing I'll add is, he should be checked for not letting Hope in. Maybe just a little bit. In the only way she can check him.... but you didn't hear that from me.
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cherienymphe · 1 year
Unpopular twilight opinions? Bet.
Carlisle is great and all, but he’s a pussy for letting Edward uproot the entire family bc he’s dumb 😭
Bella and Edward are not cute as a couple
I genuinely feel that Bella and Edward are more infatuated than in love with each other
Bella is very, very selfish
Jacob is toxic as hell
We gonna ignore the fact that not one, but TWO teen boys imprinted of infants/little kids and idc if ppl try to use the excuse that they can’t control it, bc we clearly see a vision of Jacob and Renesmee walking and holding hands
Bella was so wrong for trying to name her kid Edward Jacob 😭
Why does everyone refuse to acknowledge that Edward is a 100 something year old man 😭 like his body didn’t mature but by the way he behaves and talks, it’s obvious his mind has
Stephanie Meyers is just gross and weird and Twilight could’ve been sooooooo much better
Still love it tho lol it’s like a guilty pleasure for me
I agree with some of these but I will only defend two.
Bella being selfish is a huge part of her character because of how she was raised or lack thereof. It's stated several times in the series that Bella basically raised her mom and not the other way around. She didn't really get a chance to be a kid. She always had to be the responsible one and so with Edward, it's the first time in her life where she can be selfish and put herself first. Do I agree with all the ways she did it? Like constantly worrying Charlie? No but I understand why she's written that way.
As for Edward's age, it's unfortunately (or fortunately depending on how you look at it) canon that vampires mentally remain at whatever age they're turned in the smeyer verse. That's why immortal children are illegal. Because they can't mentally mature out of the mindset of a toddler or baby and temper tantrum would take out entire villages. Edward talks that way because he died in 1918 or whatever. He's just from a different time but still 17 😭 and I think that plays a part in a lot of the decisions he made. Picking apart twilight will make you realize that Edward was not that mature
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TOH S3 E3 Thoughts
I don't wanna just spam a ton of thoughts so here they all are
girl were are we
so here I was already freaking tf out because wtf is going on with everyone im only like 4 minutes in AND THEN HUNTER WITH THE HUGE CRACKED STATUE OF FLAPJACK????? babes I can't do the
shoutout to my bestie luz, that fangirl really knowledge really came in clutch
maybe its just me but this show always has such cool titles. watching and dreaming? hell yeah you know you are getting a good story with a title like that
noooo I forgot about Raine someone save them I can't be seeing this my heart hurts
also the collector is a baby. idc what horrible things he's done he's like a toddler and just needs some parenting ok
dnfakljdsflasdjf raine is fighting back
nooooo baby (the collector is so sad :(((( poor baby)
MY BABY (bitch I was not expecting his backstory to be so sad wtf)
babes no I am not gonna cry over this show so stop fucking talking about being alone
yoooo Raine my bestie! they pushed out belos!!
noooo bestie
wtf wtf wtf wtf
ok ok good the squad woke up
lmao the graffiti "bad word" "owls r dumb" 10/10 insults
oh no
babyboy no. kindness and forgiveness yes but belos is just a bit too far gone
babes no im actually gonna cry wtf was that
like realistically ik she can't die she's the fucking main character BUT IM STILL GONNA CRY
im having way more of an emotional reaction than I thought I would and I can't even put it into words
something you have to understand is I do not cry. like in general I don't express my emotions very well but there are actual tears in my eyes
ayyy non-binary/gender-fluid king's dad
yes that Camila sense and comfort is what we all need
no no stop the collector cannot get corrupted
!!!! that's so fucking cool
luz you are an icon
character design really popped off with this one
mmmm yes the found family fighting unit
oh my god oh my god oh my god pls pls pls raeda reunion
literally fuck disney I needed so much more of raeda
wow. I have actual goosebumps from after belos was defeated
wow. idk how they do it but that sense of wonder(?) and peace/relief? executed amazingly
bitch tf are you even trying now. we know that was no curse
awww I loaf you that's adorable
ayyy lili & Steve I've decided they are bffs
awwwwwwwwww Darius being hunter's family!!!!!! and hunter showing off his shirt!!!!!! yes!!!! give me more
all the reunions are so cute but Eda being so nervous to meet camilla and then being pulled into a hug is amazing
ayyyy hooty is back! (amity's reaction tho lmao)
AHHHHHHH king & collector bff agenda is back on "I hope I see you again" ARE YOU KIDDING ME
yes I have decided the collector is my baby and I would die for them
and oh I love that Eda & Raine are just being together and finally resting in the background
babes ik you are saying a chapter is over, but you better still be visiting the demon realm
also im prepared for a time skip, the narration has been pretty obvious that's what it's leading to
yup I was right
she's going to college????
also hell yeah vee & luz the noceda twins graduating
big fan of the polaroids (is that an amity undercut I see???)
ayyyyyyy thank god. magic college lol
also I fully read Boiling Isles History as Bi history lol
also luz is kinda giving gender envy rn (especially cause current her is only like a few months older than me now)
!!!!!!! the portal house
nooo now im gonna get a bittersweet feeling from these last few minute dana how could you do this to me
WAIT .. hunter carves palisman now???
also hell yeah willow's new look is amazing
shut the fuck up you cannot do this to me. why would you do this
(that was about flapjack's grave. bestie I already cried over this ep do not show me that with the fucking "thank you for finding me" inscription)
ayyyyy curator hooty and museum (owner? architect? idk) lili
bitch I am in love with amity's new look
I honestly might get that haircut if I wasn't already planning on a shorter androgynous style one
YO they can remove the sigil now!!
!!! Darius + alador?? here for it
yooo emira's hair too
ooo gus teaching, I approve
YES. headmaster eda I love that
wait that's so fucking cute??? king-ceañera? amazing
lmao the pain-yata
new glyph language!!
besties I am about to be so inconsolable about this
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averys-happy-space · 2 years
club penguin rambles
there are a LOT of images bc the post is abt cp outfits. but also a ton of text bc i talk way too much. also I POSTED THIS ON THE WRONG ACC. I POSTED IT ON MY THEME TESTING BLOG BY ACCIDENT SO I HAD TO REPOST THIS. its the 11pm brain fog getting to me
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okay so club penguin released a new clothing catalogue for november and here's my hippie fall outfit i came up with. it's designed around the sweater bc i thought the sweater was super cute but there wasn't any other hand item except guitar that really matched with the outfit. and like yes i could have it without the guitar (which i did do to take the 2nd pic) but i wanna equip a hand item!!! which sounds really stupid bc it is stupid but i'm picky and idc. the sweater IS adorable tho like look at it, its got little puffles on it and shit!!!! fucking adorable!!! and the colour is so pretty and nice too :3c i would buy that sweater if it existed irl. also look at the cool ass ghost puffle!!! their name is goober LMAO i dont rmb why i named them that. i think i was thinking like goofy goober but i already have an orange puffle named goofy ah so i guess thats why i just named this ghost puffle goober? genuinely i have no fucking clue. but i'm gonna keep them around cuz they look dope as fuck and also they match my penguins purple skin colour which i think is neat.
other outfits
since i am making a post abt cp outfits i also decided to add my previous outfits (that i have screenshots of) to this post too just to archive them so i can come back in 10 yrs and be like wow 16 yr old me had horrible fashion taste. (i hope tumblr is still around in 10 yrs. i mean, its lasted 15 yrs, so like whats another 10 right?)
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for context:
the first one is one of my earliest outfits which i made with help & advice from moose bc i suck at fashion (thank u moose). i think it looks cool, tho there wasnt like a theme or anything that i was going for. i just liked the hair + jacket and wanted to make an outfit with it lol
the pizza one is from the pizza party event. do not ask me why they had a pizza party event. i have no idea. anyway it was really stupid but fun and i suck at the pizzatron 3000 minigame. i wanted to use a mouse for it but my mom took my mouse when she took my gaming pc so i had to use mac trackpad to play and boy it was Not good. also i gave my puffle jellybean a sombrero which i know is mexican and pizzas are from italy but i didnt know what else to give him!!! plus he looks really stupid cuz the sombrero is massive which i think is cute. oh yea, also i met rookie during the pizza party and i wanted to equip his background but my penguin covers half of rookies body and it didnt look good so i ended up going for this bg instead. its kinda lame but whatever, i still got to meet rookie and thats all that matters <3 (btw, for context, theres lots of npc mascots in the game and every so often they "come online" (its just a bot walking around really) and if u join the same area as them, u get a stamp + bg gift. i met rookie & jetpack guy during the pizza party and got their stamps and gifts but i love rookie more lol, hence why i wanted to use his bg. its too sad it didnt fit nicely bc i think its a p cool bg but oh well)
the bottom two are just variations of each other. basically for the sept or oct catalogue (i forgot which), the cp team added a bunch of punk stuff and i bought all of it bc it actually looked dope as hell. the one on the left came first but i didnt rlly vibe w the hair which is why i ended up changing it. also, the wings are a neck item which is why the first outfit doesn't have the dog tags even tho i wanted them. couldn't have both ): anyway, the second one came about after i got to meet cadence during the music party and i LOVE cadence (i had a massive crush on her when i was younger. like literally shes so pretty?!!) so i got rid of the raven wings so u can see her face in the bg. i can't lie i do think the bg is a bit lame bc its completely empty on the right which makes it feel kinda unbalanced, also u can see i have the cadence signature pin equipped. u can't change the positioning of the pin which sucks bc i would've put it on the right if i could but oh well. and yea i added the dog tags since no more wings. i accidentally clicked jellybean before taking this pic so it sent him home LMAOOO and i couldnt be bothered to get him back at the time so thats why hes missing from the pic. overall i think this outfit is def my favourite, the vibes are just so good. i love punk. oh and also the vampire teeth are bc the catalogue was mainly a halloween theme and well, they looked cool lol
for the record, jellybean is my favourite puffle hence why hes in all these pics. idk why but i just love white puffles, theyre so adorable and smiley despite being shy. also white puffles are slightly smaller than all other puffles which makes them 10x cuter. but i'm gonna keep goober around for a while just cuz they look cool as fuck. but i'll prob switch over back to jellybean when its closer to xmas. anyway its now 1120pm (i spent like half an hour writing this) so im going to sleep. goodnight
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kait16xo · 1 month
Dance Moms: A New Era: Thoughts (Episode 7)
As usual, spoilers under the cut :)
* Every time Domenica talks it gives me whiplash…love her curls tho
* Oh they’re talking shit about a kid how cute
* Well, Ashlan is spoiled but I still don’t think that was her mistake 😐
* Girl Gina NEEDS to be there sorry not sorry
* Not episode related but my god does this website I’m watching this on SUCK. Guess we’re moving to music free youtube 😔
* Aww happy tears from Bellatrix! :)
* Yay Bellatrix finally got a solo! Also I did not know that name meant “female warrior”
* Girl I would’ve been that head in a heartbeat but good for her
* “I’m a dance mom of course—“ STOP ITTTTT 😭 at least they’re having fun
* “Yes chef!” Ohhh my god lol
* Ashlan absolutely needs a break maybe Domenica ate for once
* Omg of course it’s this fuck ass music
* Ashlan didn’t get in trouble bc of Gina…Gina didn’t fuck up the circle
* “Good for you, Roxce” eat her ass up Gina actually
* Can you not two take your issues with each other on your fucking kids please. Let them fucking talk to each other or this dance is gonna fall apart
* This “cut off their breast” line reminds me of when Abby told the s8 kids what happens to an injured horse and Brady was just “ 🫢 “
* “I’d rather have my butt than my boobs cut off” oh Leilah I can’t with you lol
* Omg Roxce the least you can do is apologize to the kid for being nasty right in front of her 😐 idk if she messed you up or not
* She took her shoes off she means business. Also THANK YOU for not doing this in front of her kid
* *literally not even a minute later* Well…nevermind I guess! :D poor kid
* Lily taking yet another L :(
* “This isn’t a fair team” girl…your kid wasn’t holding her weight I wouldn’t say this is why the team is unfair
* Aww bellatrix and her short hair I love it
* “Cinnamon Paradiso” that is…okay subtitles
* Ugh Gina’s technique is SO GOOD
* Bellatrix’s jacket in her interview is so cute
* Leilah is doing ALL the dangerous stuff I see lol
* You know it’s bad when even Domenica is over it
* Well Jing and Roxce just jinxed the next 7 years of their lives 😭 also damn the producers bought those cute little mirrors for y’all and you’re just gonna throw em 😔
* “Go out there and kick some ass” abby is in the corner having a stroke at that whole interaction
* Gina is such a good technical dancer
* It took me way too long to realize what MD stood for
* Oh nope Bellatrix’s music was muted 😔 but the cheers weren’t so this is so awkward!
* Oh no bellatrix fell :/ she did some cool stuff too
* “Yes chef!” 💃 “yes chef!” 🕺
* No one: Lilly: 👁️u👁️
* Ok so update the dance was literally amazing. This was Audrey’s best lead performance + everything that initially went wrong went off without a hitch 👏 this is probably one of my favorite groups so far alongside medium
* Uh oh Bellatrix got 5th
* gina got first slayyy (no one is surprised)
* Holy shit is this the first episode Ashlan didn’t cry??
* Gina deserves a solo at nationals idc
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alistairlowes · 7 months
finished redoing my room and s3 of 13rw this is by far worst season so far 😭😭 i truly didn't think it could get that bad... afraid of s4 but i'll have to find something else to do while watching it
- what the hell is the color grading this season
- bryce dead? good hope jessica got him
- srsly who is this girl i hate this because i watch these shows specifically so i could only listen to them but she has an accent and now i got lost
- oh they think they are in elite... well elite could do 13rw but 13rw could not do elite
- ohh i forgot we are doing the pregnancy plot zZz
- no bryce you can't sit with us
- omg he's getting bullied lmaao deserved SUFFER!!!
- tyler needs to grow his hair back
- oh he DEAD dead
- i'm still confused why is this girl a narrator??? 
- justin and clay being brothers is so cute 😭😭💕
- color grading ugly ass fr it's so gray
- it is... why is their character giving... sjw twt account
- i do not... and i can't stress this enough... GIVE A FUCK ABOUT BRYCE. idc who killed him good riddance begoneee
- how am i only on ep 4 i've been watching this season for 5 years now. worst season so far bdw lich rally zero plot
- not bexs character telling tyler to shut up because he doesn't know what being SAd is like 😭😭
- monty gay now too???
- gay and homophobic pick a struggle
- i hate how bryce actor speaks lower this season to make bryce have gentler voice. i will not be sympathetic for that cunt fuck off
- this show has the most token gay characters ever. like courtney and ryan are there just to be gay and annoying and occasionally show up and be like oh i'm not single anymore cuz i'm out and proud!!! 🥰 i'll be written out now and you'll never see me again 🥰 and then there is tony with his boring boyfriends and their undeveloped relationship that no one gives a fuck about!! but when you have someone with nice chemistry like zack and alex then it's one sided ha bitch you thought!! but hey we also have monty who is a literal rapist but let's give him mlm era 😍
- jake weber is eating everyone up with his acting
- i don't understand the point of the new girl??? so clay gets a gf???
- [speaking in spanish] thanks i understand it all
- not the ICE 😭😭 they just throwin shit in now
- clays new i can fix him project is tyler
- alex needs to calm down he needs to get railed or something
- aww new girl and bryce having a moment how cute too bad I DONT GIVE A SHIT!!! to hell with bryce.
- clay talking to dead bryce now jesus christ this show gave me rabies
- how are they doing bryce redemption while also making him a serial rapist. like wasn't the whole point he didn't feel guilty about the rape because he felt entitled but now he literally has rape fantasies even tho he knows it's wrong what???
- one thing this show does right is make all the other guys trust clay who helps them idk
- bryce listened to tapes and realized he evil and now he wants to apologize i'm killing myself ENOUGHH THEY DID 180 ON HIMMM UNDESERVED NOT ALL MEN BUT SOMEHOW ALWAYS A MAN
- clay is a suspect due logic known only to this show
- yeah ok now bryce is threatening monty because of the rape and monty is like why are you booing me when you're a rapist too... HE MADE SOME POINTS OK
- what is this scene 😭😭 i think i saw this somewhere like a clip. honestly dumb fucking idea to take off your clothes
 - clay got arrested for what girl
- who is this rando guy wanting to help tyler he is giving major fruit vibes
- why is he defending him omggggggg
- i'm freee
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sennaverstappendiary · 7 months
singapore grand prix ✩ 17.09.2023
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so... this is where it ends 🥺🥺 this is where it allll ends... when i needed her (max win) most... she disappeared (KIDDING) 😭😭😭💔💔💔 nah for real i came into this weekend being hopeful but cautious, knowing max and rbr have already achieved everything i wanted them to achieve this year, except all podium finishes for max (and ofc the championships, but like, come on man) 🥺🥺🥺🥺 so like... i wasn't going to enjoy seeing max lose but it could've been worse‼️‼️‼️‼️ fun fact: this was the first race i watched while enrolled in my internship. sigh. after this my experiences will probably get shorter bc internship like blended my life and i genuinely don't remember much 😭😭😭
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soo before getting into qualifying... lets talk about fp. yeah yeah every fucking weekend id say OUR PACE IS SHIT AHHH IM SO SCARED‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️ but like... now i was for real scared. for good reason of course but SJGHDF 😭😭😭😭😭 anyway we got da lizard on da track... love that for us 🦎🦎🦎🦎🦎🦎 other than that no comment
qualifying!!! yeah what the actual living fuck did i just watch‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️ what the fuck was that‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️ U DONT UNDERSTAND OKAY i was watching w my dad and we were just... not sure if max would get pole but i joked and said lets see if max will even make q3 lol (spoiler. he didnt). ALSO MAX WHATTT THE FUCK WAS THAT TERRORISM???? TO YUKI??? jonathan i owe u my everything like im on my knees bc idk how u talked him out of 184877364 penalties 😭😭😭😭💥💥💥💥💥 like genuinely couldnt believe my eyes when i saw no grid penalty. 😁😁😁😁😁 what the hell man. ANYWAY. liam lawson q3 my fucking beloved COME BACK LIAM WE MISS U QUEEN 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕
i almost didnt want to watch the race. also because ajax was on at the same time. lost twice in one weekend guys 💔💔💔💔💥💥💥💥💥 nah but i genuinely had hope was the awful part. race pace wasnt even bad genuinely it was fine. and then we just so happened to have the worst luck ever with sc. logan ily but i will not forgive u... 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 "they are sacrificing leclerc!" was gen hilarious tho like idc that he crashed george was the main character this weekend and no one will ever convince me otherwise. love him SO much my silly goober 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 the race itself was boring as fuck btw the best part was george absolutely smashing it that made it worth watching TO ME 🙏😁 and carlando was cute too,,,, ☀️���️☀️ but i was too fucking mad at max breaking not only his win streak but also his PODIUM streak that i truly didnt care... sorry.
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✩ song of the race: why are sundays so depressing - the strokes
no comment. yall can figure it out i think...
✩ extra: a small photodump
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Watching community. On the 4tb season rn. Just wanted to put down some of my observations. The pilot characterisation is drastically different compared to the later seasons. Abed is functioning(he can read time, when later on he can't??? Tf??), but special quirky funny smart kinda way. Idk he seemed so much more mature compared to the later seasons. Dreamatorium, and all his schizo tendencies infantanlised him too much. Troy was the American football start still hung up about his high school life, young cool dumb and kinda stereotypically normal. He was rooted in reality, and could actually be a real person. But then they turned him into the other schizo sheep for their rainman duo. Dumbed him down and made him into a different character. Annie was supposed to be the young naive insecure girl unsure of sex...?ish. Like sheltered and unsure. She was worried about her social standing, popularity and shit. Shallow stuff, but again, real and relatable. Then she turned into... Bruh I don't even know. I guess one can argue that she grew up, and I guess Ill acclet that. She ok if guess, believable character growth that I honestly don't mind. Britta was smart, cold, strong, SMART OK?! she was independent and knew her worth. She was cooooollll as a cucumber. Like. What happened??😭😭😭😭 They made her so WEIRD WTF. Like she was sexy and cool bro, then she became dependent on guys(blade... Like, NAHHHH)and became dumb as shit. What the fuck, they did her so dirty, like frrrr lobotomised her. Like she was the girl you were intimidated of, but was still attracted to, and knew you had to put in a lot of effort into charming, but then she became some brain-dead retard. LMAOOO. Not exactly complaining about all of these changes btw, just kinda confused and a little sad. But wtv. Shirley was kinda the same. And Pierce too. Made him dumber tho, but maybe that's cuz he's just getting older and more senile. Idk, he's kinda funny.😭😭idk why ppl hate him so much, (yeah, he's homophobic, annoying asf, dumb, old, racist, everythingphobic, but that's funny bro, grow a thicker skin, Jesus fuck. Just cause your funny little show is full of cannon rainmans and rupauls, you don't get to filter out the guy.) think he's needed in the dynamic and he adds the flavour. Ppls shouldn't excluded him from their fanarts and stupid fanon shit I've been seeing. Idk, I think he's part of the group, they clearly care for him, and he's an important part, so idk. I guess ppl just seeing and selectively talking about what they want to see kind of pisses me off. But also, it's just a show, so I really shouldn't be so pressed, it's really not that deep. Ppl can do whatever they want, idc, and even if I did, no one else does. So. Jeff. Side note, he can stab me, beat me, gaslight me, manipulate me, hurt me, punch me, kick me, and I wouldn't mind. He cute asf.😭😭 And he was so cool and smart and aloof in the beginning. Twisting your words around like THAT. SO COOL. I have a thing for smart white guys with a little scruff and windblown hair. (House, and Lucifer spn, etc...) But yeah, he gets kind of lame later on. I hate that he starts having a heart and CARING for the ppl around him. Like....Ew....no. I wanted him to go back to being a cool heartless lawyer who cares about superficial things and thrives with other soulless bastards. Mmmm. Now that's sexy. Idk, he got so.... Lame. Lame lame lame. Not cool. No. Got less smart too. Hmmmm. There might be a direct correlation between coolness and intelligence.
Also, the banter of the show was smart and interesting and intricate and funny as hell. I'm not saying it still isn't(at least in season 4), but I feel like they put in a little less effort. The pilot was so good, so many iconic moments in ONE episode, so many good jokes I got pulled in LITERALLY the first scene. That's how good and consistent the jokes were.
Overall, I like what I'm seeing, really really funny show, so much fucking better than SUPERNATURAL. YES, IM STILL PISSED I WASTED SO MUCH TIME ON THAT HOT PILE OF GARBAGE. I love how much reference they put in there, the cinematography, filming styles, stylistic choices..... SOOOOOOO GOOODDD. I could cum, I love shows that do this type of shit. Documentary one ep, heist format, law and order, courtroom style drama, who dunnits, all so funny and Samer, they way they rewrite all these tropes to fit into a fucking COMMUNITY COLLEGE SETTING. WTFFF SO GOOD. I give it, so far at least, a 8.5/10. Yay.
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