#idea train go brr
flamingredanon · 1 year
*collapses from the void with a thought that I may have rambled about before*
You know the idea of Right being with the Government and eventually getting disillusioned with their ideals (and maybe a certain possum twink as well) and leaves to join the Toppats?
May I present the idea of Reginald being formally in the Government?
Maybe he was still pretty low in the ranks despite being hard working (maybe add on Galeforce or Canterbury just telling Reg that the hard work would eventually pay off, many many years later) and after some run ins with some Toppats (and maybe a certain red head) he decides to jump ship.
Or Government spy Reginald who was sent to keep an eye on the Toppats and sees things from their side and decides to join them for real.
Bonus idea of it being a dual spy mission with Terrence but Reginald decides to turn sides and soon has a duel with Terrence to dethrone him or kill him to keep his Government spy secret safe. (And maybe guilt on the damage that was done on purpose by Terrence and their mission)
Either way, the Government would be pissed and maybe a reason a certain Galeforce wants to take the Toppats down and have Reginald arrested.
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nny11writes · 1 year
was being haunted so I drew a fucked up looking catra to get it out
then I drew an even more fucked up melog and stared at it until I realized I tried to draw a pony by default, then I leaned into it and made a monstrosity
You’re honor...
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I love them.
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tobiasdrake · 5 months
Fun Fact: As Saiyans go, Raditz isn't just weak; He's a talentless hack. Nappa is much more talented at martial arts, but his skills are undermined by him being a complete fucking moron.
Raditz is our introduction to the particularities of the Planet Trade Organization - or, well, the Saiyans since the PTO didn't quite exist as a concept yet when he showed up.
Toriyama only came up with the PTO later in the arc. It's honestly kind of funny; Vegeta's referred to as the "Strongest in the Universe" a couple times in this arc because the idea for Frieza doesn't exist yet. The original plan was that the Saiyan race are the ones doing planet gentrification on their own initiative, but they were almost all wiped out by a meteor so if we take out Strongest in the Universe Vegeta, we'll put an end to it.
So all this stuff like the spaceship pods and Scouters that was original Saiyan equipment and methodology got retooled into being PTO equipment and methodology.
But I digress. We meet Raditz and he's unlike anyone we've seen before. He immediately starts shit with Piccolo because they're both assholes, and we see how he operates.
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He has a little doodad that reads off someone's "Battle Power" into a flat, easily digestible number that even a child could understand. This is the industrialization of martial arts, simplifying it into something that can be replicated and mass-produced.
It's the difference between teaching swordsmanship lessons in your dojo versus handing someone an AK-47 and telling them to go shoot the enemy.
This is the key distinction between the Saiyans and Earthlings, that made Goku - A Saiyan raised on Earth engulfed by their martial arts philosophy - so formidable. The Saiyans and by extension Planet Trade's culture is built on capitalist efficiency. Their warriors are carefully measured, analyzed, and matched with suitable challenges. They aren't trained. In fact, Vegeta scoffs at the idea of it.
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They're battle-hardened.
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They measure their fighters and quantify their abilities into a number, then select the right target that matches that number. Those warriors become stronger through fire and frenzy, rather than by studying principles of martial technique.
Consequently, upwards mobility doesn't seem to be a thing. Nobody in the PTO got to where they are by working hard and improving themselves. Every single one of them is naturally gifted, coasting by on whatever privileges their birth afforded them. Especially Frieza.
They aren't practitioners of an art. They're cogs in a machine.
Raditz believes these distinctions made Goku weaker.
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He has no idea. The limitations of the PTO's methodology is a recurring theme in the Saiyan and Namek arcs.
Raditz is a low-class Saiyan. By virtue of being a Saiyan, he's still unbelievably powerful compared to the terrestrial races of the worlds he's sent to. But power is all he brings to the table; He's an unrefined juggernaut who coasts by entirely on Big Number Go Brrrrr. Philosophically, Goku is unimpressed.
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Coming from Goku, that's a pretty sick burn. He's already lost to Raditz once; He knows how Big Number this guy is. But he can't bite his tongue at Raditz's oversimplification of his art.
As a fighter, Raditz delivers what he promised. All he has going for him is Big Number Go Brr... but it's a really big number.
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Raditz is impossibly strong, impossibly fast, and his basic-ass ki blasts are impossibly powerful. The gulf between Goku and an adversary has never been so huge before.
And yet, for all his power, he is repeatedly startled and befuddled by Goku and Piccolo's training and technique. These weaklings are breaking out abilities he didn't even know were possible.
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Raditz watching Goku power up the most basic ki concentration technique on Earth and exclaiming "WHAT IS THIS SORCERY!?" really tells you everything about the PTO's methodology, doesn't it?
Raditz falls for every trick and every shenanigan that these guys have spent their careers honing, forced to rely solely on tanking attacks with his tremendous Numbers.
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This dipshit hasn't even trained the weakness out of his tail.
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Goku was fifteen years old when he trained his tail and eliminated this vulnerability.
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Raditz is less proficient than Goku was as a child. This isn't even the PTO's flaws manifesting through Raditz, either. Nappa and Vegeta trained their tails.
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"LOL What kind of a useless clown doesn't train his tail?" ~Nappa, probably. Oh, wait. No. Actually.
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~Vegeta literally.
Raditz is limited by the philosophy of the Planet Trade and he's also on the weaker side of Saiyans, but he also sucks even without taking power levels into account. He brings absolutely nothing to the table. He reads someone's number to tell him in advance if they'll fall down when he punches them, and then he punches them if the number tells him he's clear.
Raditz isn't a fighter. He's a bully with a gun.
For his part, Nappa is a more advanced version of Raditz. His Big Number Go Brr is even bigger than Raditz's and he's familiar with more advanced techniques beyond "Throw this ball of ki at your face".
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As a front-line fighter, Nappa is unbelievably tough. Blow after blow and attack after attack, he never gives as much as it feels like he should. No matter what they do to him, he keeps getting back up and coming back, more bloodied and bruised than ever but ready for another round. He is unbelievably resilient.
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Fighting Nappa feels like an exercise in futility. You're going to have to kill this man to put him down because he'll accept nothing less. Even when Goku takes the field, he finds himself at a loss with Nappa's absolute unwillingness to take the hint and lose consciousness already.
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Nappa is a brick wall. Goku only finally manages to end this by breaking his spine so he can't keep getting up again.
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That is what Nappa brings to his table. Though it's worth noting that his Sisyphean endurance is something Vegeta shares as well. It's not unique to Nappa. Fights with Vegeta are every bit as much of an ordeal as this bout with Nappa was.
Saiyans are hard to put down.
Nappa's biggest weakness, however, is simple: Like Raditz, he's coasting on his brute strength. He doesn't pay attention to what's happening around him, and is easily blindsided by sudden attacks from other fighters in this brawl.
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Or baited into incredibly poor decision-making.
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For all his Saiyan might, the Earthlings would have killed Nappa well in advance of Goku's arrival, if he didn't have Vegeta to watch his back. I'm half-convinced the only reason he trained his tail is because Vegeta told him to.
Nappa is very much a follower. He does what he's told. He's honestly a better Saiyan than Vegeta in the sense that he. Like. Cares about other Saiyans? His kneejerk reaction when Vegeta suggests taking Earth's Dragon Balls is that he wants his friend back.
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And he's filled with eugenic fervor for the glory of the Saiyan race when he finds out what mixing Saiyan and Earthling physiology can do.
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Fun little side note: "Super Saiyan" was originally the term used to describe Gohan's hybrid abilities before it was recontextualized to mean something else on Namek.
It's honestly interesting to look at their interactions and realize that Vegeta is a cruel, monstrous, selfish bastard even by Saiyan standards. Vegeta is uniquely wicked within this culture of for-profit colonizing murderers.
But Nappa defers to Vegeta every time. Vegeta tells him, "No, you're wrong," and Nappa pivots to supporting whatever Vegeta just said instead. Nappa obeys.
But he doesn't listen. Vegeta and Nappa were following the action while Raditz was fighting Goku and Piccolo. They saw all of the strange anomalies that occurred, that Raditz couldn't comprehend. Vegeta spends this time thinking about what this means for Earth and re-evaluating his assessment of the foes to come.
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And he adjusts accordingly. From the moment they arrive at the fight, Vegeta pegs overreliance on the Scouter's readout for the vulnerability that it is.
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Like. He says this. He acknowledges that he understands. And not five minutes later:
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Even then, Nappa flat-out ignores The Numbers if he doesn't like what's printed on them.
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Nappa and Vegeta both disregard the printout this time, but in different ways. Vegeta observes that Earthlings suppress their ki, presenting a smaller number than their true ability. So when the Scouter says 5000, that means Goku's true level is likely well beyond that.
Nappa observes that Goku is probably weak so that's stupid and you're wrong.
Nappa just does things. He doesn't think or pay attention to what they're doing. He destroys a city as soon as they arrive, and Vegeta immediately lays into him for what a fucking idiotic thing to do that was.
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He's a beast on a chain, barely restrained by his deference to Vegeta. Powerful, seemingly unstoppable, but needing Vegeta to hold his hand and walk him through the higher concepts of combat and martial arts.
An absolute fool. But a Saiyan elite fool.
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fuckedmutt · 2 months
tell me your darkest fantasy, sir.
kidnapping kink going brr lately
being trapped in a cage in a dark basement, no idea what���s going on until light shines down from the stairs. being let out and leashed so i can’t run away.
my captor training my virgin holes to take cock. maybe even tying me up in my cage and leaving me to cockwarm something until they come to use me again
they can invite their friends to come use their new toy, my body fully there’s to give away
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suguru-getos · 2 years
| Itachi Uchiha x Reader | Grief |
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Summary: Itachi’s s/o has finally awoken her Sharingan. As much as it’s an opening for visual prowess, it is also a room for grief.
Warnings: Mentions of massacre, blood, it’s the Ninja world come on :3; Itachi being… insane, mentions of comfort, unhinged Uchiha brr! Also, I wrote this one on this blog let me live 🥹 not beta’d.
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Despite being from the esteemed, established Uchiha clan, the unmatched Kekkei Genkai weilders, you were deemed ‘safe’ from the cursed anomalies of this world. Sometimes you felt like a disgrace, when you saw younglings flash their Sharingan and Kunais, train with all their might and wits to be a remarkable Shinobi. Then, there was you, physically strong, knew Taijutsu, but nothing much apart from that. What truly was the salt in your open gash wounds were you being the sister of Shisui Uchiha. The teleporter, the powerful, renounced Ninja.
That also meant that you knew Itachi and Sasuke ever since you were a child. Itachi was three years older than you. Sasuke being two years younger. Being the middleman, you always spent time with Sasuke rather than Itachi. The latter being too engraved in his training, Hell he was the chief of Anbu Black Ops when he was 12.
You remember 9 years old you, walking upto Itachi, noticing his Sharingan, gleaming with pride. “Congratulations Itachi! You are so powerful,” you grinned, flicking his forehead softly. “So proud of you, keep protecting us yeah?” You brought him Dangos, watching him take them and bowing down to you as a token of thanks. “Thank you, y/n san.”
Itachi— always the respectful and distant one. You wouldn’t be lying if you confessed that there had been days when you bitched about his stoic behavior with his younger brother. Sometimes Itachi was just too much to handle. Too much to take in.
You had no idea how things twisted and turned, how your visits collided with his, how you two started talking more. Enough to deem everyone else’s presence as unfit. Things seemed sudden and yet, took enough time to root deep within, creating a stellar foundation between you & the Uchiha. There was no resistance from Mikoto or Fugaku. Kagami had always been the liberal one. Who else was left really? Shisui? He couldn’t really mind you getting close to his best friend.
Itachi was shy yet brave enough to take the first move, ask you out several times to go get Dango together, sitting by the lake and enjoying it. Not his problem that you couldn’t take it as a date! He was trying his best!
Hell, how you and Itachi really, really got together? That story needs a meticulous elaboration in itself. As a summary, let’s just say the Uchiha are a jealous, territorial, intense-emotion honers.
Having faced several instances in your now adulthood with the Uchiha, where you had been crying on his chest about not having a Sharingan. About not worthy of carrying the Uchiha name, you were slowly getting comfortable with the whole thing.
“Sssh~ stop shedding tears, my love. You have no idea, how gleeful it makes me,” Itachi cupped your face, kissing your tears away. “That you aren’t tainted, traumatized by the filth of this Shinobi world,”
Itachi meant every word he said. There was a carnal desire to protect you from all things bad instilled in him. Instilled in the very marrow of his bones. Often he has caught himself pondering about how he would lose a part of his sanity if something were to happen to you. If something as meagre as a wound makes him so worried; he can’t bring himself to imagine the wrath he would unleash if something were to…
It was nothing more than an escorting mission, something that you could carry out easily given you are to traverse through the Hidden Sand village. Nothing stressful was going to happen. Nothing that you could expect.
No one would’ve expected an assassination of your team mates, full scale on spot death taken by. No one would’ve expected ‘you’ to come out unscathed because of the cursed boon that ringed into the pupil of your eyes, shining red, thirsty for blood.
It happened before you could register anything, the mission was successful having you saving the host, passing out the very next moment.
When you woke up, you felt different, you felt disgusted, you felt like burning yourself alive. The gory, grotesque scenary of your comrades being stabbed, broken into pieces, dead. Kept replaying over and over and over.
Being still within the fourwalls of The Hidden Sand’s medical room, you gasped out, screaming loud enough for the room to vibrate.
It was then, that you saw a familiar face, rushing towards you. Worry & regret written all over him, his arms carefully snugging you close, making you listen to his heartbeat; which was also haywired.
“Sssh~ there there, it’s all okay. Breathe for me. I’m here, everything is fine and I’m here. I’m here for you Angel, please calm down,” your sobs only heard his soft cooes, his hands rubbing your back soothingly.
Then your tear prickled eyes, stained with grief met his. One tomoe Sharingan glazing against Itachi’s black eyed features. Itachi suspected it, how else were you able to finish the mission? What he didn’t expect was him feeling your grief as well.
“I’m sorry-” He managed to utter with a lost, defeated sigh. Eyes glossed up, gritted teeth at his abstinent belief to think you were fine. Careless, foolish— belief.
“It’s okay,” you managed to mumble, holding his now cold, hands in your warmth. “It’s okay Itachi, how long could you have stopped it anyway,” you leaned against his chest, hugging him tightly, wanting to be broken apart by nothing but his embrace alone.
Itachi hugged you through the whole night, not saying anything else. Kissing the crown of your head, kissing your fingers, your inner wrist, cherishing every single square inch of your body.
The soothing comfort oozing out of your lover lulled you into your sleep, eyelids drooping down into nothingness. Or maybe, just maybe it was his Genjutsu. He swears by it not to use it on you, because it induces headaches. But this time… it maybe was different.
Itachi’s pupils were finally shot open, his Mangekyo blazing in revenge. Let’s just say, the Bandit clan that caused this mishap on your way to the Hidden Sand had a thousand members, women, children. All unspared, all despicable, all worthless & useless.
Itachi had only one trail of logic, they were all future criminals if not present, the women are ill born and gave birth to those future criminals, the men have their hands stained by blood already. War is the masterpiece of havoc seen by Itachi; to protect his own, to save another war happening, he is just eliminating another threat.
That was the only trail in his mind when he massacred each and every single one of them. Eradicating their blood line from the land, blood stained all over his face. He knew the real reason isn’t war, isn’t the logic that he built up. The real reason was your Sharingan.
Your newly awoken Sharingan needed a sacrifice, it only deemed fit after you lost your innocence, after you were drilled with grief.
Maybe you will wake up and hate Itachi, to be a Shinobi is to be hated after all. Maybe he will hide it from you. Maybe he will confess. All of that can be handled later.
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hanafubukki · 1 year
Silver's Flower Bouquet Meaning
Twst Bdays Flower Language Masterlist
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*stares at the title* You have no idea how much I just want to put Silver Vanrouge as the title of this post. You have no Idea, I might still go back and do it. He is Silver Vanrouge in my heart and will always will be (or whatever combination of last names he takes up in the future).
Just as a precaution, I will be adding possible theories along the way and will be mentioning book 7 too and other cards that have been released, so heed spoilers for book 7 and cards that might have not released yet. I swear Diasomia just makes my mind go brr and I have no chill at all (or limit on word count).
This card is literally everything and more when it comes to Silver. We get his rare expressions and I love it. His fond smile that he has for family and then the surprised look he has in the groovy is perfect.
As with the other Birthday cards in twst, we can see the progress in each character (especially their relationship with MC). We can see how each one basically goes through a character development, and surely Silver is going through one as well.
For someone who has always had trouble with his emotions, it really comes out when it deals with those he loves. As we see in Endless Halloween, when he got mad at Lilia, as is rightly deserved. In book 7, we see a variety of emotions, but mostly sadness again due to Lilia. Other events include, masquerade and fair gala if. Otherwise, he always has a straight forward, nice, and truthful manner to the surprise of the NRC student 😂😂
A part of me theorizes that this is due to the fact that Lilia taught him to be such a way. He raised Silver to be someone who is the total opposite of him: someone without blood on his hands, someone who does not have to kill, someone with a family, who is not corrupt, and the list goes on. The opposite of what Lilia never was and never will be. We can also see how Silver has light symbolism while Lilia has dark as well. (I swear I had the perfect line thought up but then mind went blank because I got distracted, damnit).
Yes, Silver is Malleus' guard, but a part of me believe that Lilia thought Silver will be protected by Malleus and Sebek. After all, a human is only so powerful. That is also why Lilia trained Silver and Sebek the way he did.
Now to go back to the point about Silver always being truthful, Fae in many lore cannot lie. Hence, they are masters in manipulation and can twist words to their advantage. I believe that was why Silver was raised to be truthful because Fae cannot and look down on those who try to do so with them. (I mean, can we ever say Sebek has not been truthful?)
Also the last name aspect, names have power in Fae lore so that could be a reason why Silver doesn't have a last name (A father must protect his son after all, be him human or not). Another reason is that Lilia didn't want Silver to have the burden that comes with the name of "Vanrouge" even though we know Silver would be proud to have it. Plus, we don't know who SIlver's true family is and I believe Lilia did not want to take that option away from Silver. Let Silver decide his last name when the time comes. Let him be truly unbiased in choosing his name.
Let's try and not think about the insecurities that Silver might have faced (and still does) when he realized that he had no last name and Lilia did not give him his and can he be selfish to ask more of Lilia when he gave him so much already? Though Silver's heart probably still breaks because ...does Lilia consider him family when he won't give him his last name...anyways let's continue on before I got down that endless vortex.
When I first looked at Silver's bouquet, it reminded me of a wedding bouquet because of all the white. But given that white is usually seen as a color that depicts innocence, pure, and so forth. It fits Silver pretty well. He is the light in the darkness. The light among the dark fae.
Like with Malleus' Bouquet card, Twst has once again made some interesting moves. They are releasing Book 7 part 3 at the end of May. Which can signify what may come and how Silver may play a role. This goes to show that Malleus and Silver does have parallels as we've saw with Malleus Bouquet card and Silver Dorm card being released in the same month. Another commonality is both being raised by Lilia as well and whom is loved dearly by these two. (and Sebek is in the middle of family drama lol)
As we saw with Malleus' bouquet, his cards attributes are similar to Idia's. With Idia being Silver's Duo (which is surpassing because its a repeat I believe?), it stresses the role Ignihyde will play in book 7. I mean we've all seen Ortho's new card right? It already begins.
Now, lets talk about Flowers 🌺💚🌺💚
[As usual, my disclaimer from before stands, flowers have many different meanings depending on region and color, so the meanings I have might differ from the meanings you know.]
Flower Colors (general meaning): 
Green Flowers: Health, resilience, good fortune, and youth. It goes to say that these traits fit Silver perfectly.
White Flowers:  True love, purity, innocence, sympathy.  As someone with Aurora's characteristics and being raised the way he was, these flowers (and the bouquet as a whole) fits Silver perfectly.
White Rose: Reverence, remembrance, homage to a new start and expresses hope for a new future, devotion and innocence. The white rose has a special place in my heart because we see it in Lilia's Groom and Birthday bouquet card. The fact that we see this flower in Silver's card gives it new meaning as well as represents Lilia in Silver's bouquet. (Actually, there are two other flowers that show up in Silver's bouquet that was in Lilia's bouquet. The love and parallels between father and son has my heart I swear.) Another thing to note, in many asian cultures White represents purity and grief as that is a color you use in funerals. Now, does that represent Lilia or Silver? Only time will tell.
White Tulips: Lost love, forgive me, forgiveness, respect, purity and honor. This flower has a loaded meaning and can represent many aspects of Book 7. It could talk about SIlver's parents or Lilia, could talk about an act yet to be made, and as seen, it has many traits that symbolize Silver as well.
Gardenias: Purity, divine, awareness, and gentleness. Silver has the title of Knight of Dreams so this could be a hint at his Unique Magic.
Evergreen Candytuft: Indifference and stoicism but could also mean joy, beauty, and sweetness. This flower symbolizes the difficulties Silver faces. He had trouble expressing himself and sometimes comes off as indifferent or lacking emotion. In his Dorm card, he tries to change that. On the other hand, this flower also shows the qualities we all already know about him: his beauty and how prince like he is. One of the uses of this flower that I found that was funny to me was that they often use this flower to combat heartburn. Lilia complained about stomach issues in the fireworks event and I don't doubt that Lilia's cooking can cause...acid.
White Carnation: Love, good luck, purity, devotion, mother's love (well, it was woman's love to be put exactly) and pure affection. This is another flower that is also in Lilia's Bouquet. So we can say this flower represents Lilia's love for Silver, especially with the meaning of "mother's love." This flower also has my heart because of the recent Twst radio talk where the VA's state that Lilia is both the mother and father to the Diasomnia boys. White flowers in Japan can also represents mothers as well. I headcanon that Lilia gave this flower to Silver.
Crystallofolia: Its also called Frost flower. These flowers form during the winter on the stems. You can sometimes see them in autumn as well. Fun fact, you can see imagery of these flowers in greek art as well.
White Peonies: Shame, shyness, and apology. good luck, prosperity, also know as the ‘king of flower in Japan’ and is known for bravery and honor. Peonies can last over a hundred years, often outliving the ones who planted them. This is another flower that was also in Lilia's bouquet. We can see how the meanings can apply to both Lilia and Silver. Silver for Bravery and Honor. Lilia and how he might have possibly lived longer than Silver at one point, now we don't know how much longer he has left. Shame because Silver wanted to be there by his father's side but he couldn't because Lilia is emotionally stubborn. Another headcannon I have is that Silver would plant this flower for Lilia, so Lilia would always remember him as well as Malleus and Sebek (I doubt any of the Diasomnia boys would ever forget Silver but the symbolism remains). It's a living reminder of Silver after hundreds of years and the mark he left behind in their hearts and they can continue to see and remember him fondly through it.
Jasmine: Love, beauty, innocence, new beginnings, victory, hope, and abundance. The constant 'new beginning" meanings makes me wonder if this is referring to his heritage and Silver being a prince from an opposing kingdom theory (or any theory in which he's a prince honestly).
Random Fact: Anniversaries could also be considered, since its the 3rd bdays for all the boys, their flower will be Sunflower: strength  be well, happiness, male healing, confidence, self-esteem, assertiveness. Sounds just like them, doesn’t it?
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lunarsaltstice · 1 year
QSMP Digimon AU
I'm cooking up another au for my own fun
my brain go brr so far I've given: (These are still in progress)
PHILZA - Karatenmon -> slide digivolves into Yatagaramon (Crowmon) -> Ravemon
BBH - Soulmon -> Phantomon -> Reapermon
Fit - Bombmon -> [No In-training or Rookie] -> BomberNanimon
Jaiden - SnowAgumon -> Seadramon -> MegaSeadramon ((Literally from her digimon video but I'll probably change hers to be more tailored towards qsmp related))
Jaiden (Alternate idea) - Biyomon -> Birdramon -> Parrotmon
Slimecicle - Pabumon
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deusvervewrites · 11 months
Honestly, All Might teaching them like he was taught was actually probably the best thing he could have done, given that when he retired society started collapsing. Yes, that was partially because of AFO, but if it wasn't AFO someone else would have caused the collapse.
Also, I maintain that the problem with the battle trials wasn't that they took place, but that a few students took things too far and didn't know restraint. After all, under perfect circumstances the trials would have given a better idea as to how much training everyone had done, allowing the teachers to give more personalized lessons, as well as showing a more thorough look at personalities and how they think and strategize then smashing mindless robots would
ha ha Nightmare Dystopia go brr
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lea-andres-dolls · 9 months
2024 Doll Resolutions
So... Yeah. Starting a doll sideblog because dolls make brain go brr but no one on my main blog will tolerate this LOL. I blame AG and Disney's new ILY dolls for being so so full of serotonin. But I want to do things with them aside just pose them and look at them.
1. Collect more dolls.
My AG collection is basically done. I'll take Ruthie, Claudie, and Kavi if they cross my path, but aside from them I have everyone else I want. As for the 11in ILY line, I've only just begun. I don't want EVERYONE though.
2. Make dollhouse/scenes!
I have an AG scale dollhouse that's in desperate need of a makeover, and my 11in scale dolls need a home. Or homes. MyFroggyStuff on YouTube makes these "hidden doll rooms" that fit on bookshelves, and they blew my mind. I also have plans for getting them an RV to hang out in, as soon as the seller on FB I'm breathing down the neck of* comes back from vacation.
(*I am exaggerating. We talked once, I asked for more pics of the interior, he said he'd get them when he comes back, I thanked him and haven't messaged him again since. ✌️)
I wanna make weird stuff though. My most normal idea's a sleeper train car. It's downhill from there.
3. Take more pics and videos of my dolls.
I have more ideas than the traditional pics one sees in dollblr and doll instagram (do they have a cute name like dollblr? I never use Instagram lmao). Any old foagies like me who remember these books might know what I'm up to.
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If you're unfamiliar with these books... You're (hopefully) in for a treat.
4. Introduce the dolls I already have.
That's a thing we do in dollblr, right? Introduce our dolls to everyone? My AG dolls are all the historicals, so we all more or less know already who they are, but the ILYs will need introduction.
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heavyknitter · 1 year
1 - How it started.
Two weeks ago I walked up 'n over to my aunt, who lives next door to me and asked her if she had some knitting needles and wool to show me how to do it. When I get the urge to do something, I need to do it right now, it can't wait, I need to ride this wave - thankfully my aunt is very much the same so she took one look at me, got up from her seat and started rifling through her stuff to find what I asked for. She used to be an expert knitter, but her eyesight is poor these days so she doesn't bother with that anymore - she is also, as I figured out quickly, not all that good at explaining shit. But eh, we made it work. We are both very kinaesthetic oriented learners and for her this is easy-peasy muscle memory and I had to remind her I have no context no idea how to loop what and where and more importantly, my hands may have a lot of muscle memory on various tasks but not this, none of that. So she manipulated my hand a bit until I got the idea of how and bäm. Suddenly I was knitting.
Well. I tried my best. It was a learning curve, thankfully a steep one. See, she cast on ten loops for me and did the first two rows to get me started and I jumped in and somehow made that 13 loops. That was fun because she of course asked me how the hell and I had no answer because we were at the bare bones, how to increase was not even a topic yet so idk what I did there.
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Next issue, which I was not really surprised by if I am honest, was the fact that I was knitting too tightly. See, as artist I have the issue of gripping my pens too tight, so tight in fact that I sometimes cut off the blood circulation in my fingers while I draw detailed linework. I have compression opera gloves to mitigate that issue a bit and keep my hands and arms protected while I try to unlearn this. I also started embroidery in autumn of 2022 and there I like to pull the thread tight to make the embroidery neat and even, so.. both of these things worked against me a wee bit. But I worked on this little test piece for like three days straight to get the movement into my system. To get my grip under control. To get a rhythm going. (To make sure I will not add any more loops to a row than those 13 because seriously where the fuck did they come from.)
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I mostly tried to get even rows but in the beginning I made some waves between tight loops and trying to loosen them again but eventually it clicked with my hands what I wanted them to do in terms of pressure and pull. My aunt is a darling you know? She said, those knitting needles are shit for the wool she had at hand but it will do for now, good enough to learn at least. And then she ran an errand the very next day and gave me some bulky as hell soft wool that has like.. the same feels as those soft synthetic cuddly blankets you can buy almost everywhere, so, perfect for me. And my first own knitting needles to go with that. And I showed her my test piece and how I slowly get a hang of it and she nodded in approval and praised how even my rows are getting and that made my brain go brr.
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And one day after I did go into the city and hit up the store next to the train station and went a bit wild on buying wool - which is a theme for the next couple of days to be honest. I bought a lot of wool because I really wanted to have everything in house when I go wild. And thus I started on my first real project. A scarf that is more like a shawl because I really really misjudged how broad the bulky soft wool makes the thing. But more on that later I guess <3
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rayman-chibi · 1 year
What is one head-canon you really REALLY like but don't actually want it to be canon?
I'll go first (TW Long rant about Rayman being trans and people not liking it)
As you may know, I was one of the first known Rayman artists to make the head-canon that Rayman is transfem, (which is ironic considering how manly Rayman is in his games like 95% of the time, but y'know, some transfems might have actually been like that before their eggs cracked, sometimes maybe even after to repress their gender dysphoria (not to be personal though -v-'))
When I first posted the drawing of Rayman holding the transfem/gender-fluid flag, I first thought that this would get me banned from the faces of Tumblr, Instagram, even Twitter (ESPECIALLY Twitter) just for making some video game character who's canonically male to have a more feminine gender... but surprisingly, people were cool with it. In fact, some people actually encouraged me to keep going with this head-canon. So I did. I've been showing off this head-canon to Tumblr and Instagram (mainly Tumblr), with other artists praising me for the stories I make with this head-canon, but this got me thinking at one point, "how would a more public audience react if this were canon?"
Now, this is where the second part of the question comes into play, because as much as I like the idea of Rayman suddenly realizing that he was an egg all this time and coming out to everyone he knows- his friends, his family, even his own worst enemies- that he's a trans woman/transfem and everyone just accepting it and even helping on defending him whenever some random person makes transphobic remarks to him... I'm kinda paranoid that this would hurt the series and the creators of said series as a whole.
So far, I only have one reason, but it's a reason to keep in mind, and that's the fact that there is a possibility this would end up in a situation similar to Snapdragon from High Guardian Spice or Bridget from the Guilty Gear series, with people getting angry at the creators of their respective series and even sending... pretty gruesome threats towards them. The only main difference is that while with Snapdragon and Bridget, when they were being feminine, it seemed to be a part of their characters and it's also what helped them grow to realize about themselves, with Rayman... well, what about Rayman?
As I've stated before, Rayman hasn't been very effeminate in the games; there was a time in a Hoodlum training video where we supposedly saw him dressed up as a ballerina for a few seconds and another time in the Raving Rabbids series where he dressed up as a grandma as a wearable costume... but that's just it. That's all the real explicit potential there is to make him a transfem. The effeminate aspect of him has been pushed aside by the creators and people brought those examples back up just to go, "oh meh gerd, look at how silly this is! Haha femboy go brr".
Now, again, it is possible for transfems to go through a masculine phase before realizing that they're trans, but this is a fictional character someone made and publicized who can't even talk much about their problems to you directly and therefore can't defend themselves from the many brutal messages coming from those who were fans of them we're talking about here, so the problem then is how people are going to react, and we all know how people had reacted to fictional characters going from effeminate men to trans women so suddenly.
It's also possible that that won't happen, but it still might because I'm kind of scared that the internet as a whole wouldn't learn their lesson and just dunk on Rayman of all people for being written to come out as trans, drowning out the actually accepting people who would come to those same terms.
I'm just gonna tell you right now that at the end of the day, this is just a fictional character, we and the original creators can do whatever we want with him (except make him into too much of a horrible person for either the stupidest of reasons or for no real reason at all), we can even call him a "her" if we so please, that is all.
Thanks for reading (if you've made it to this point at least)
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starxrocket11 · 2 years
Overanalyzing how Leo got better with his portals - Random ideas for a one-shot.
Ok, I'm totally using the fact that we don't really know how mysticism works to my advantage, so bear with me here.
It's no secret that Leo was the last one of his brothers to get the hang of his powers (not really counting Donnie here but you guys know what I mean)
And I was also thinking about when Leo can handle his powers, he has an amazing ability to move everyone where they need to be when they need to be. It's an ability that emphasizes why he's a great leader and strategist but think about the details of it for a minute.
Even with his crazy ass spacial awareness, it's difficult to see everything that's going on, and when it comes to portals, details are extremely important; size, how long it's open, exactly when to close it, position, and angle. Details that we have seen Leo use to his advantage countless times.
Now, there has to be a limit to his own vision range in the mess that can be the middle of a battle.
But what if he doesn't need to see it?
What I think, is that when they developed their mystic abilities they also developed these little "extras", the way their own brains coped with the new abilities and adapted to them.
Hc moment here, after Draxum's redemption arc, Leo has gotten better with his portals, but still remembers the whole portal-jacked incident and fears what another portal mistake may cause. So against all of his morals, he goes to Draxum.
He doesn't tell anyone bcs inferiority complex go brr and he wants to get better without anyone knowing the amount of effort that is taking him to get there.
Draxum introduces him to some basics of mysticism, which is fucking everywhere, spells and artifacts are just concentrated forms of mystic energy shaped in different ways, and those ways, are the spells.
His portals are concentrated forms of mystic energy, but contrary to his brothers. His powers don't manifest directly over his weapon, which is why is more difficult to shape it.
(Leo was secretly relieved to know that there was a reason why it was so difficult)
Draxum told him that his ability to make portals gave him a sensitivity to the mystic energy around him, and the better he was being aware of the mystic energy, the more accurate his portals could be.
Leo didn't like the training part, given that it was meditation.
But at least in this case, he had something to focus on. It took him a good couple of tries, but he started feeling it and being aware of the things around him that he wasn't aware of before. It was overwhelming and tiresome at first. But it got easier.
When he tried to meditate at the lair, he could see his brother's ninpo moving around the house, he could feel them.
If he focused enough on one of them, he could almost tell how they were feeling. Donnie was frustrated, probably because some project of his wasn't working. Raph was sleeping in the living room, Mikey was calm, and he was drawing in his room. He couldn't do this with other mystic beings, so he assumed that he was extra sensitive to his brother's and father's energy, because of the ninpo
When he got the hang of doing it while meditating, Draxum told him to start trying to do it while he was walking or just doing normal things. Slowly working his way up to doing it without thinking and being able to use it during the battle.
It took him months, but he sometimes surprised himself when he noticed how he could immediately tell where his brothers were around the house.
And even if it hurt to say, Draxum was right, making his portals have never been easier and he was thriving with the happiness of his powers finally becoming the extension of himself that they were supposed to be.
Now, the one-shot idea is that none of the brothers are aware that Leo's doing this. They noticed how he has been meditating more, but none of them really said anything about it, thinking it was Leo trying to talk to gram-gram.
But once the whole Kraang fiasco happens, Mikey starts his own mystic training, Draxum also advises him to practice to be more aware of his mystic energy, so he could eventually manifest it without needing his weapons as a conductor.
The first couple of times he practices over at Draxum's, but one day he decides to practice by himself in the lair.
And the weird thing is that he feels... waves?
It was so weird, that he snapped out of it before going back to meditating to actually see what the hell it was. It felt like those echo-location radars he sees in the movies. Constant, and calm, but always present. But it didn't feel like something bad like it was just... there.
It took a bit of him, but he used his own ninpo to try and track down the source, which led him to Leo.
I will write down the rest eventually lmao, stay posted, and if you read until here, thank you 💜
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Hello! This is a question regarding complex childhood trauma and how it could lead to CDDs-
So, background info, I’ve been questioning whether or not I’m a system for a while. Other people have also basically gone ‘🤨’ at me and have told me that my experiences seem rather similar to OSDD. I may quote someone as saying ‘yeah that’s some OSDD shit’. Includinggg one Dxed DID system. Which is. Hm!
It’s gotten to where the woman doing my intake appointment for my college counseling sessions has suspected me of it. (Though I wouldn’t call them… the MOST ah, experienced institution for it considering a lot of their knowledge is from one 1-week seminar that was done last year)
One thing that I tend to get hung up on is what exactly my trauma was to cause this, or at least a level of dissociation to resemble a CDD at all.
Now, I know that it’s not the best idea to go digging for trauma, but I’m a very curious person at heart, and it’s less digging up memories and more ‘which already known memory or events could have caused this?’
One of my leading hypotheses is: literally just having untreated generalized anxiety disorder through my WHOLE childhood. It’s genetic so it was there biting my ass the whole time.
This does beg the question; CAN such a thing cause a CDD or CDD-presenting symptoms?
I’ve heard that it’s chronic trauma, or repeat chronic stressors that lead to the development of CDDs. A sort of constant fight or flight mode.
What’s fucky about GAD is that it can give ya that shit for free! No outside stressors needed!
Note that, like disorders do, my GAD is far greater in severity now than it was in my childhood, but my example still stands…
TLDR: could someone develop a CDD from untreated childhood generalized anxiety disorder while having a pretty good life otherwise, because generalized anxiety can mayhaps ‘substitute’ for a stressful environment in childhood with its own, shall I say, ‘home-grown’ stress? Could just having a genetic anxiety disorder throughout childhood lead to such stress as to cause dissociation to cope with it?
Are there any studies on this? If not, anybody wanna do a study? I think people should do studies more, they can be fun to do. But not tumblr poll studies, like, actual research paper studies. With annotated bibliographies and statistical significance and all that fancy stuff.
(Additional thing: I really feel people underestimate how Fucked GAD can be as a disorder. It can fuck up your cardiovascular system! It can give you HEART PROBLEMS just because heehoo adrenaline glands go brr! No major panic attacks needed, even! Just chronic stress alone!)
I’m going to first link you to my most recent ask so that I don’t have to repeat the same things over and over. https://www.tumblr.com/dissociativediscourse/715062976412073984/hello-i-made-a-post-reaching-out-to-the-plural
And then, I’m going to restate something: I can’t diagnose you. I don’t diagnose people, and neither should anyone else on Tumblr or IRL (that isn’t a licensed professional). The words of others that say you have Vibes really don’t matter that much in the big picture because whether they have it or not or have been through a one week seminar or not, they aren’t professionals and have not been trained to spot it and diagnose it and treat it, and that’s kind of the deal with that.
Secondly, I want you to know that I’m not trying to invalidate you or say that you’re wrong or anything like that… But there are a few things I have to point out.
One of those is that a huge part of DID is disorganized attachment/lack of a trustworthy caregiver/inability to receive comfort from trauma/lack of a safe place. As well, your brain can’t traumatize itself to the point of developing a CDD. This is an immutable fact, no matter what disorder is involved. GAD alone cannot and will not ever be able to cause DID, nor will any other disorder. The question isn’t “was this traumatic”. It is “Did this disrupt this child���s brain development repeatedly in a way that would result in a CDD?”.
GAD is stressful, but it would need a few extra steps from the outside to cause a CDD to form.
Now, I don’t know whether or not those happened. And if you don’t, you shouldn’t go digging at this point. You should honestly take the advice that I linked to in the last ask. Get help, and start working on symptom management. Because it doesn’t matter whether or not you have a dissociative disorder as much as it matters that you’re okay. If you need help, you deserve it. And you deserve help that works for you. The whole point of a diagnosis is to allow you get the right help and be as safe and happy as possible.
I don’t know anything about your childhood besides what you’ve told me, so that’s about as far as my advice goes. But if you do one thing, please, *please* read the post I linked, because that’s the best starting point I can offer.
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3am-dumbassery · 2 years
MC's Neuro-Divergence
Once again completely self indulgent thoughts to help me cope with life. Might turn this sort of thing into a mini series to expand on these situations? Lmk if y'all want that.
MC has issues with executive functioning due to ADHD and/or anxiety/depression
TW: Gn!MC, mention of mental illness, panic attacks, breakdowns,
lmk if I missed any
(list follows a sort of thought train in order of issues as they were taken note of while in the Devildom)
Trouble focusing after a certain threshold is reached. Struggled alot to take in the concept of being in a different realm
Overwhelmed by the idea of packing
Starts breaking down when doesn't understand classwork
Trouble controlling their speech. Talks too much sometimes at inappropriate times
Difficulty with social class. Treats Diavolo the same as a lesser demon (not disrespectfully tho) also treats humans, demons and angels the same
Randomly fucks up sleep schedule accidentally
Everything is colours. Kind of like an aura but more abstract. (Synesthesia go brr)
Random hyperfixations. Once,- pre devildom - obsessed over mythology and knows a really odd collection of knowledge that can help at RAD and just dealing with the devildom
REALLY curious about the extra appendages. Has definitely asked to touch various parts and asks a ton of questions
On that Self-Doubt and Self-Deprication grind (much like Levi) and regularly cries because "no one likes me..."
Sensory issues - might have trouble with food for a while
I may add more in future. For now I'm sleeping cuz it's nearly 3am and I have uni at 9 :/
Hope you enjoy!
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anxietywriter · 1 year
Gilded Cage
Hehehehe corruption prompts. Like actual corruption, get your head out the gutter. Of course this is based off the idea of someone saying knowledge is power only to be countered with, "no. Power is power" because it makes brain go brr.
Gotta love the classic political corruption that happens in the fantasy worlds. Love the tyrant kings and their circle of knights that funnel power and resources to both themselves and the elite, forcing the general population to live with next to nothing and hopefully eventually revolt teehee. Or perhaps one of the elites rise up and stage a coup against the king? Gahhh can you tell I love this?
The rigged elections in a dystopian world and maybe there is some suspicion or theories about votes being rigged, but actual information about it somehow gets leaked to the general public and it spreads like wildfire. Cue the manhunt for the person that leaked the information and the damage control and the forming rebellions.
Using political corruption and loopholes to keep a community in poverty/near poverty. Like the denizens try to get legislation passed that will improve the community but it never gets passed. Probably because it wasn't profitable or because it would hurt a big company/power. Then them trying to just do stuff like garden or make little community cabinets and always getting shut down. It's nothing super sinister it's just that no matter what they do and how hard they try, nothing ever actually changes.
The press/media skewing stories. Preferably about the protagonist(s). Perhaps any small mistake gets blown out of proportion while their good deeds go ignored. Things to make it so the public perceives them poorly. Accidentally breaking something for example gets skewed into being a careless act that shows no respect for locals and is completely tactless.
That bribe money folks. Just the entire system being based on who is the highest bidder gets the policies that benefits them the most. And everyone else can rot, because who cares if they're not the ones lining the elites' pockets. Or alternatively... Those who accept bribes doing a complete U-turn because it was never about morality to them. Whether they turn from being good to evil or evil to good, it doesn't matter to them as long as that particular side pays up. Kind of like a mercenary.
Using animals as spies! Kind of a cool concept and would work in theory if said animal had proper training and maybe a tracker on them. And given that said animal doesn't run into any deadly obstacles or isn't caught. Anyways, using them to either expose corruption or used by corrupt companies to steal their rival's secrets.
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mushroom-for-art · 2 years
Au where Mewtwosona didn't escape Team Rocket and is now one of their assets and was traded to another facility where they encountered @blues-sues Rue!
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So au go brr for one and for two the guards faces are static cause they're not important yeet I just figured Rue probably isn't allowed to wander without an escort and they'd also want an escort for the new asset. Also Rue I adore you but ur tail stripe gave me so much trouble and for what (don't worry I still love u)
So Rue and the sona weren't actually meant to meet each other yet! By accident they passed each other as Rue left examination and they were taken to examination being traded in from another building
Sona requires limited to no control plans due to being as this building finds out a bit of a dud. No move pool terrible stats no real psychic capabilities they quickly realised why the other building were chill trading them over. She does have good stamina and endurance supposedly and can mega evolve though just requires some assistance with it.
The devices around her neck and wrist are artificial energy introducers. Which translated means they're shock cuffs and collar. To trigger mega evo they just shock her continuously to either activate/energise the mega stone or trigger fight or flight enough to make her mega up. Has a mega X stone. Look team rocket is nothing if not cruel.
Rue and the sona officially meet a few days after this brief encounter for a sparring/training match. They figured hey either this'll prove she can mega evolve and wasn't an absolute cheat by the other building or Rue gets to beat them to a pulp and after we can throw it back at those assholes.
After they watch Rue probably very much winning the spar for a bit (but probably not going all out she can probably tell the Sonas a bit weak and I can't see her actively beating on her just light smacking because she's been told to fight her) they eventually would use the AEIs and it would trigger a mega evolution and apparently access to moves, psychic ability and ferocity levelling the playing field where the match probably gets stopped and called a draw
Sona isn't tiny sona is just far away XD sona is about 5'4 just a bit shorter than Rue but with a shorter tail. She's also usually heavily freckled I just,,,cbas lmao
If asked about the AEIs sona would shrug it off like oh they're just introducing energy into my body and I guess it's a bit overwhelming but they aren't trying to hurt me (honey...) I think if Sona did imply they did it on purpose they probably wouldn't want Rue around her can't have Rue questioning them
Un/Luckily sona was born and raised in team rocket and thus trust and believe them so would be permitted around Rue probably cause yea two who also believes us make friends.
Sonas chest piece in this au is slightly grey off color just a little grey spot around the mega stone, it's nothing to worry about at all Sona tells Rue they were part of a hybrid project but apparently forgotten but maybe not and it was some hybrid feature coming through. Or just a bruise haha! It's all fine :)
Sona doesn't need her glasses when mega for some reason and uses them for distance vision often taking them off to read and such. She would also probably try to help Rue the best she could with mega evolution despite being unable to do so unassisted like she can try to help! Wants to halp friend.
The original idea for the drawing I wanted to do of these two was them on a table together leaning shoulders together just leaning into each other chatting giggling, I was inspired mentally by Rue sitting on the table during her ask time but lmao I had to ✨establish✨ first visual contact.
I might do that eventually lmao. Idk I just love Rue and to some degree Rue going??? Who dis bitch??? Is very funny to me XD slightly offended and challenged by this other two until she realises she's a bit shit and is like oh nvm why was I even nervous.
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