#idek!!! lazy!!! careless!!!
catboyfurina · 2 years
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free-pool-trash · 4 years
disappointment - peter maximoff
i’ve yet again lost my ability to write :D anyway here you go lovelies <3 idek know what this is tbh i just had to post something (it’s not good im sorry I seriously hate this omg anyway im going)
word count: 2k
warnings: senseless angst, WandaVision spoilers, swearing
comments are appreciated <3
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“Are you nervous about the mission tomorrow? ‘Cus I am.” Peter’s voice sounded beside your ear. His head was tucked between your neck and shoulder while his chest was pressed flush against your back, his arms wound tightly around your middle.
With a tired yawn, you rubbed your boyfriend’s forearm soothingly. It was late and you were half asleep but you’d been dating Peter long enough to know that he could never sleep if there was something on his mind. “You’re not even going on the mission tomorrow, baby. Why’re you nervous?” You lazily played with his fingers, stopping them from anxiously drumming against your stomach, as you slurred your words sleepily.
Peter let out a heavy sigh and hid his face against your neck, pecking the skin softly with his lips as he did, “I’m not going, but you are. M’worried about you…”
His confession caused your eyes to flutter open.
Peter Maximoff had the biggest heart of anyone you’ve ever met. He loved hard but he worried harder. So when you heard the slight shake in his raspy voice, you twisted in his grip to face him.
His lips were turned downwards, as were his eyes as he avoided your gaze.
“Pete…” You whispered, moving your arms to wrap around his neck. “I’m gonna be okay. Raven and Charles will be with me the whole time, we’ll be in and out. I promise.” You pressed your lips against his quickly before pulling away to look at him, his brown eyes finally meeting yours, his hands holding you tightly against him still.
“I just don’t get why Charles won’t let me come.” He complained with a childish pout.
You let out a quiet laugh before tugging Peter’s head down slightly so his forehead could rest against yours, “We really need this mutant on our side, Pete. Charles insisted that only X-Men with the “powers of persuasion” are going.” You explained, making air quotes despite the fact he couldn’t see them.
With another light kiss you continued, “And hey, what’s the worst that can happen?”
Peter scoffed at that, scrunching his nose up in distaste, “He could blast the only woman I’ve ever loved into a different dimension.” He grumbled, rubbing his nose against yours.
His worry wasn’t exactly misplaced. There’d been a group of mutants on a warpath lately, one of the group slightly friendlier than the others, albeit, still highly malicious. The man in question had the ability to open portals to other realities, and he’d been using said ability to get rid of anyone who stood in his way.
Charles thought he’d be an asset, Raven thought he should be taken out of the picture and you thought the man was more than just a lackey, like he let on.
So Peter, as much as he liked to overthink, was definitely onto something. There was a huge possibility that, if anyone was going to get blasted into another reality on tomorrow’s mission, it was probably going to be you.
Your mutation was mind control, you could make anyone do anything just by saying the words. Charles’ tactic was to try persuade the mutant and if that failed, yourself and Raven would be brought in to manipulate his decision.
“That won’t happen.” You tried to reassure him, letting your hands run through his hair but Peter remained on edge.
“But what if-“ He started but you cut him off with a gentle tug on his silver hair.
“No buts. I’m gonna go on this mission, it’s gonna be a pain in the ass but it’s gonna be fine. I’m going to come home with not even a scratch on me. Then I’ll find you and you’ll kiss me and welcome me home like you always do.” You rattled off the usual post-mission routine with a fond smile across your lips.
Peter let out a defeated sigh, a smile of his own beginning to form as you placed lazy kisses against his jaw.
“Fine. I believe you. But if you don’t come back I’m gonna be seriously pissed.” He jostled your body, chuckling happily when you let out an airy giggle against his neck. “Don’t go getting any ideas, sweetheart. Even going to a different reality won’t get rid of me.”
You continued placing short kisses against his neck and jaw until you worked your way back up to his pink lips, you ghosted over them with your own, only barely pressing them down and pulling a whine from Peter when you pulled away to look at him with a teasing grin.
“So say your lovely girlfriend does get sent to an alternate reality… would you follow?” Within a second of your question, Peter had flipped your positions so that your back was against the mattress and the man in question was hovering on top of you with a cheeky grin.
“Sweet cheeks, I’d follow you anywhere.” He told you and you giggled at the stupid pet name before pulling him down to kiss you.
Your eyes fluttering shut as you murmured against his lips, “I love you, idiot.”
Softly, Peter tucked a strand of hair behind your ear.
“I love you too.
It was safe to say that the mission was a complete failure. As you’d thought, the mutant Charles wanted to befriend turned out to have plans of his own, one of those plans being to throw you head first into a different dimension, apparently.
As much as it pained you to admit; Peter was right.
Fuck, he was probably going out of his mind with worry. You kicked yourself internally, not believing that you’d actually been careless enough to get caught out by the burly mutant. Not that it was entirely your fault, now that you thought about it actually, it was pretty much entirely Charles’ fault for doing his usual; not listening to you. You warned him it wouldn’t work, yet he sent you in anyway. If he didn’t find a way to get you home soon you’d… well, you weren’t really sure what you’d do. Probably find Peter and tell him you love him then go kick Charles’ ass.
Dreams of giving your professor the biggest telling off of his life came to a crashing halt when you took in your new surroundings. It seemed you’d been regurgated out in the middle of some run down town, if you didn’t know any better you would’ve thought you were still in your own reality, but unfortunately, you did know better.
There was something wrong, or if not already, something was about to go very wrong in the little town. You could feel it. Someone very powerful was about to lose control of themselves. You couldn’t exactly tell the future but you had something of a disaster radar that told you when shit was about to hit the fan.
With nothing else to do, you decided to follow the feeling as it led you to a red car.
Noticing a woman in the driver’s seat, you approached cautiously. When she noticed you walking towards her she rolled down the passenger side window, looking at you with a questioning gaze.
“Sorry to intrude,” You told her genuinely, “It’s just I thought that maybe someone needed help.” You bet around the bush slightly, you knew it was the redhead in front of you that needed help but it wasn’t in your nature to use your powers to demand someone to spill their souls to you.
When her eyes lit up red, you didn’t startle. The feeling of someone poking around your thoughts wasn’t a new sensation to you, Charles seldom knew when to mind his own business, so the fact that the woman before you was reading your mind hardly phased you.
“I’ve got abilities too.” You told her with a small smile before going on, her eyes back to normal and her form more relaxed.
She nodded in understanding, “You’re very far from home, no?” Her tone was sympathetic and you let out a humourless laugh.
“That might be an understatement. Pretty morbid thinking I’ll probably never find my way home.” It was only when you spoke the words that it really hit you that the chances of returning home were slim to none. You’d probably never see the love of your life again, you’d probably have to wave goodbye to any possibility of having a future with your speedster.
Catching onto your miserable train of thought, Wanda leaned over and opened the passenger door for you, motioning for you to get in. Gratefully, you took the stranger up on her offer.
“I’ve lost everything too.” She confessed and you weren’t sure why but you felt the need to comfort her, once again following your instincts, you squeezed her hand and to your surprise, she reciprocated the action.
“My name is Wanda, by the way.” She introduced herself and you responded with a kind smile.
“I’m Y/n. It’s nice to meet you.”
With a deep breath, Wanda squeezed your hand one last time, then turned to face you. “I have to do something. Will you wait here until I come back? I believe we could be of some help to each other.”
“Of course. Take your time, I’ll wait for as long as you need.” You promised her. Watching as she took another shaky breath and got out of the car and made her way towards the foundation of a house.
After about a minute, Wanda fell to her knees. And then you saw nothing but scarlet.
Life in WestView was good. Sure, there were some holes in your memory, but other than that, things were good.
You had a nice house, right next to Wanda’s, your hair seemed to style itself most of the time and the nightmares that plagued you were hardly ever your own. Things were fine.
Being blissfully ignorant was good enough for you for a number of days, until a familiar face caused all of your hopes of living happily unaware to crumble to the ground.
You’d been over at Wanda and Visions house for dinner when he’d knocked on the door. Standing on Wanda’s front porch was the one and only, Peter Maximoff. Your Peter. The person you loved the most and your ticket home.
The second his brown eyes locked on yours you’d been so sure. You would’ve bet your life that the person playing Wanda’s twin was Peter.
Perhaps your fatal flaw was wishful thinking as the hope of your love coming to rescue you, however romantic, was naive.
It hit you like a freight train, that realisation. You were truly and completely alone, for when WestView fell it took all of your hope with it.
He wasn’t Peter and he never had been. Sure, he had his face, his body, his personality and even his superspeed… but he wasn’t him.
When you’d uncovered his true identity with Monica, a part of you shattered on the spot. A familiar, decolate feeling washed over you in the moment and you weren’t sure if you’d even bother to carry on.
It was the kind of gut wrenching feeling of being so disappointed to the point where it physically hurt. It was the pain of truly accepting that he hadn’t actually followed you into another reality, that maybe your love wasn’t strong enough to warrent a visit to another reality and it was the pain of knowing that his life would go on without you.
The X-Men would encourage him to move on and, you had a fair idea of how it would go, he’d fight them relentlessly but eventually he’d cave, he’d let Jean set him up on a date and then he’d go from there, however reluctantly.
And you? You’d simply be a name lost in time. The one they think about, from time to time. You’d be spared nothing more than, “I wonder how she’s doing’ or ‘whatever happened to that girl? Remember the one?”, but life would go on without you.
That sting, you knew, would never leave you. As hope was dangerous and unreliable and painful you made yourself a promise, you wouldn’t hold out for a knight in shining armour to come rescue you. All you could do now was find a way to live. By yourself.
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ayrennaranaaldmeri · 5 years
Hey, your rant about the food issueTM is very valid. Was just curious to hear your thoughts on this: considering D spent the majority of S.2 looking for shelter and food for her people, doesn't it seem like lazy writing that neither her, nor J or the very smart people who advise her thought of this? I get the writers are trying to pit S and D against each other (maybe to showcase that S would be a better ruler?) but it just seems like lazy writing. Do you think there's another explanation?
Hey! Thanks for the question; I got a bit long and rambling so i’m going to put my response under a read more. 
Yeah, it really is interesting that S2 D had gonethrough this and yet she doesn’t even seem to care about food problems in s8. Ithink d&d’s writing has never been that great to begin with – and there’s definitelya marked decline in quality after they passed the events of the published books.imo they’re ignoring “pre dothraki sea D” and going for dark!d now bc they’re onthe last season and they have to get to it, but unlike grrm, they really didn’tlay the groundwork that he does for her character to come to the ‘dragons plantno trees’ and ‘fire and blood’ decision. (meereenese blot goes into this farbetter than I could & is grrm approved).
Since they’ve already been relying on this kh*leesibadass kween persona more than the meat of what makes her book counterpart agreat character for a while now and most of what she wants in the show she getsor she takes in the manner of a conqueror, and all her weaknesses come through when it comes to the actual ruling part of it, so I’m assuming it’s the same logicfor food for her army; the first option didn’t work so she either just didn’tthink about it deeply or she just assumes that since Jon bent the knee, thenortherners are going to take care of her giant army bc after all, she’s theirqueen now. (honestly I think j & d were too busy fucking l.ol)
She’s always been kinda short sighted imo, like I haveto side-eye a person who’d leave her recently jilted mercenary lover in chargeof a city that still has tons of problems; I can’t just believe that meereen istotes fine now bc she roasted some boats and killed the sons of the harpy, butthen no one really seems to give a fuck about Essos soooo.
With the advisors, she doesn’t really listen to them, like you’d think she would with that heartto heart with varys but she’s kind erratic, and loses her temper when tyrion’sinitial advice failed. Despite Varys and Tyrion being totally on her team,they’re still relatively new to the team. It’s not totally surprising that ifd&d are taking her on a darker route, they’d kill off Barristan, someoneshe trusted and would listen to. before she even set foot on Westeros.I’m assuming the reach food was their first and only option, dany was relying on it feed her giant army but her temper got the better of her and she turned it all to dust. I would say they probably thought they had a lot more time than they did and they’d be able to scrounge it all up from somewhere since they have no idea that they basically handed the NK a wmd that he used to breach the wall, drastically reducing the time they had to prepare.I also do think they’re all just primarily focused on the war and the war alone bc Jon’s primary goal is to stop the NK but if that was their logic, it’s bad, because wars can take time, even against ice zombies and your soldiers need to eat. Anyway again, Jon is probably first and foremost concerned with getting her army and dragons to winterfell bc he just wants to end the NK threat. Unless he’s playing some long game, which, Idek because he definitely acts like a stupidhead who is borderline obsessed with her already when’s talking about her with other people “iTs tReAsOn” but when he’s with her emilia’s pouring dany’s heart out and kit is stuck in permanent hide the pain Harold mode. I’ve seen how he looks when he’s in love and I’m sorry but that’s just not it.On the other hand, the fact that they didn’t seem to think about the food or anything might just be bad writing as well tbh.  They’re definitely trying to show that Sansa is more of a ruler and long term planner than D (bc I think this season is definitely going to be contrasting Cersei, Sansa and D a lot), but I don’t think its lazy writing bc while D-stans tend to insist that it’s not important, Northern Independence is a major theme of these books, a lot of these people believe in that cause and their king only to have their trust in him seemingly betrayed and, The Starklings, the Northerners, they have every right to be suspicious of new people that marches in with a gigantic army. Hell, D gets off on scaring a bunch of wary peasants as soon as she enters Winterfell just because they weren’t instantly like “MHYSA MHYSA MHYSA  MY KWEEN”; they weren’t even looking at her with disgust, spitting at her, protesting her arrival. They were just staring at her and her giant army. (yeah she’s happy to see her children or whatever, but smug as hell that they invoke fear in ordinary people) which speaks volumes to her attitude. She demands respect, she doesn’t want to earn it. And this episode has tons of call backs to the first episode of the show, and the last time some ruler marched in with their host, all subsequent events led to a lot of tragedy for the North and for the Starks.The food issue is being hammered in and it’s being hammered in intentionally. “The dragons only ate 13?? Sheep and some other cattle or something, and that amount means ‘tHe dRaGoNs ArEn’T eAtInG’” but they wouldn’t put in the effort to mention a number unless they’re drawing your attention to how much of a toll feeding those iguanas (’what do dragons eat anyway? whatever they want’) is gonna take on the limited food supply. (they’re gonna end up hunting something and by something I absolutely mean people, drogon already has a taste for human flesh). 
Most likely, D’s own carelessness is boiling down to the darker route they’re planning on taking her down. If they weren’t deliberately making her look bad or setting some more conflict (not just between her and Sansa), Bran wouldn’t have chosen the time when Sam’s opinion of D was at its lowest to have him tell Jon the truth about his parentage.Of course, I wouldn’t put it past them to completely ignore everything they’ve established and just make her the uwu hero again and throw the starklings at her feet for forgiveness or even turn the starklings into villains™ but I don’t think they would do that bc in the end, D and her iguanas are not the most powerful weapon against the Night King. Bran is. 
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Negative Personality Traits/OC Negative Meme
I was tagged by @tracinyad (thanks, Su!)
Rules: Bold traits that apply always. Italicize occasional or situational traits.
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aggressive | arrogant | authoritarian | bitter | brutal | callous | cannibal | careless | cold/cold-hearted | compulsive | controlling | “corrects” others constantly* | cowardly | critical | cruel | delusional | demanding | disillusioned | domineering | envious |emotionally stunted | greedy | grim | guarded | hard | harsh | hypocritical | impatient | impolite | intimidating | irritable | kidnapper | lazy | liar | lustful | manipulative | materialistic | mean | merciless | messianic | mistrusting | murderer | narrow-minded | obsessive | opinionated | over-bearing | over-critical | over-emotional | over-thinking | patronizing | proud | remote | repressed | rigid | rules with an iron fist | ruthless | sarcastic | self-righteous | self-indulgent | serial killer | taciturn | torturer | touchy | traitorous | unsympathetic | unpredictable | uptight | vain | vengeful
IDEK who to tag so I'm just leaving this as is 🤷
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eyesofwater · 8 years
Aggressive | callous | cannibal | careless | compulsive | cowardly | domineering | envious | greedy | hypocritical | impatient | impolite | kidnapper | lazy | liar | materialistic |murderer|obsessive | over-critical | over-emotional | patronizing | sarcastic | self-indulgent | serial-killer| torturer | touchy | traitorous | unclean | unpredictable | untidy | vain |vengeful
Tagged by: @regiaservitia Tagging: idek.
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