#idfk it's past my bedtime
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neothesatisfactory · 4 months
About myself
and this blog
or something idfk
I guess it's about time I make a pinned post about myself, my preferences, this blog, tags i use, what to expect from me, and more, but I don't even know what all to include so this will likely be revised many many times. So please, bear with me.
Display your age if you want, I'm not entitled to that info. I will simply block if I find out you're underage. Nothing personal, sorry :/
While I'd love to make my blog a safe place for minors on this site, since I personally know what it's like to be a minor who has nowhere to go IRL or online, and that's a really shitty situation to be stuck in. Unfortunately though, I simply don't have the energy or working memory functionality to create an alt blog specifically for nsfw posts and actually use it, so, please see above.
Info about myself, my DNI policy, and tags I use below the break:
I use she/her pronouns
I go by the alias Neo
I am queer friendly! I am always doing what I can to learn about the various problems faced by various peoples within our community so I can better understand, help, and provide acceptance and comfort for everyone!
I try to keep an open mind. So long as myself (and when applicable, individuals or communities I affiliate with) are treated respectfully, I will do my best to listen to and understand someone else's perspective on a given topic.
I love helping people any way I can to the best of my ability within my boundaries. Recently this has mostly been in the form of long heartfelt discussion with validation, affirmation, and when needed or requested: advice; but I've also recently been told by some that my instrumental and singing abilities really helped them. (Catharsis through music I think?)
Some of my Interests include but definitely are not limited to: Photography, music production, archeology, anthropology, vehicles of all kinds, aeronautical engineering, 3d modeling, and chemistry.
I have a complicated relationship with my own voice. I am both very proud of it and feel a tinge of guilt when complimented on it.
I'm gonna flex a bit about my voice anyway: The most common compliment I get is on my voice, which I am very proud of as I had to train it to sound this way. – Many people, friends, acquaintances, and complete strangers have told me things such as: "Your voice is so soothing", "Your voice is perfect", "You have a very relaxing voice", "You sound like a voice actor for a milf in an anime" (one of the most unique ones), "you sound like a voice actor"/"you should be a voice actor", "can/will you read me bedtime stories?"/"I want you to read me a bedtime story"/"you seem like you're really good at reading bedtime stories"/etc., "Your voice is really hot", and "you should be an audiobook narrator". (I promise I'm not full of myself T^T, these are genuinely things people have said to me over the past couple years).
I am in fact working towards getting into voice acting, audiobook narration, and music production. Currently I am trying to save up for a new sound setup, but car issues suck and are expensive :(
My favourite pick-up line is: *while playing the piano, after the receiver of the line comments on my piano playing* "Look, I've been playing the piano for over a decade. One tends to get pretty good at fingering in that time~" sometimes with something like "and if you play your cards right, it won't just be the keys I finger tonight" added onto the end.
My DNI policy:
I don't believe in DNI's, I will simply block who I please as I please
Important tags I use:
For brevity, the word "posts" will refer to posts, reblogs, and replies.
#neo.master – Master post/Master list – Used on posts containing important information or directories on something. Used for personal reference, you can ignore this one.
#neo.txt – For self-written text posts – Used on posts that have text written by myself. This is used when I myself am speaking.
#neo.png – Contains oc images – Used on posts containing a picture that was taken/created by myself or by a friend of mine, with their permission.
#neo.mp4 – Contains oc video – Used on posts containing a video that was taken/created by myself or by a friend of mine, with their permission.
#neo.irl – "Neo (dot) in real life" – Used in conjunction with +neo.png and/or +neo.webm when the image or video was taken IRL.
#neo.ivr – "Neo (dot) in virtual reality" – Used in conjunction with +neo.png and/or +neo.webm when the picture or video was taken virtually. (E g. a screenshot/screenrecording of a game/application, or photo/video taken with an in-game/in-application virtual camera.)
#neo.slf – Contains a selfie – Used in conjunction with any or multiple of the above four tags, and on any post that contains an image or video in which myself (if IRL) or my avatar (if IVR) is present.
#neo.poll – Contains an oc poll – Used on posts containing a tumblr poll created by me.
#hornyposting, #hornypost, #horny, #nsfw, #nsft – These are all used on posts containing nsfw or otherwise horny content, and are used largely interchangeably. I'm trying to use them more often for your blacklisting convenience :)
Multiple of these will likely be used on the same posts when applicable.
(Note: Currently, some of these tags aren't actually used on any of my posts yet. This list is a reminder/framework for when I do make a particular post, as well as a list of tags I actually use)
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eldritchsurveys · 4 years
Do you have a vlog? If not, have you ever considered starting a vlog? >> I don’t have a vlog and I’ve only considered it as a humorous thought exercise, not seriously. My own mannerisms and facial tics embarrass me when I’m aware of them or can see them on video, so I’d rather not put myself through that.
Did you go to AM or PM kindergarten? >> I don’t remember. Edit: I think at one point I was going to pre-K in the morning and kindergarten in the afternoon, because they realised I was precocious or whatever, but they didn’t want to just fully skip me to kindergarten (idfk, man, teachers are weird). So I went to both at the same time, and graduated from both at the end of the year.
What are your favorite youtube channels to watch? >> Wisecrack, Overly Sarcastic Productions, The Take, Philosophy Tube, ContraPoints, Ethys Asher, MTQCapture (just for FFXIV dungeon guides, but hers are the best), Final Fantasy Union, Implicitly Pretentious, NakeyJakey, Ask a Mortician... those are all the ones I can remember off the top of my head. I’m always looking for new channels, but it’s hard to find consistently interesting and well-made content that isn’t about things I just don’t particularly care about.
Which relative(s) do you look the most like? >> ---
Have you ever watched a live birth video? >> No.
Have you ever given birth? >> Heavens, no.
Do you remember when the Internet was a new thing? >> I vaguely remember when Internet for the casual at-home user became a thing. The Internet as a whole is a bit older than me, and I was very young when things like IRC came out.
Do you remember Y2K? >> Yes!
How old were you when the year changed to 2000? >> I was 12.
What was your favorite childhood vacation? >> ---
Have you ever wished you were born the opposite gender? >> I did think I was binary trans for a few years. Now I’m completely off the gender axis and floating in todash space somewhere. As intended.
What’s your birth order: oldest, middle, or youngest? >> I am the youngest of my father’s offspring.
Do you fit the stereotype for whatever birth order you are? >> I think if there’s any stereotype I’d be liable to fit, it’d be only-child stereotypes, since that’s how I was raised (my father’s other children were decades older than me and I barely knew them).
Have you ever worn overalls? >> Yeah.
If you’re a girl, how old were you when you started your period? >> I’m not a girl, but I was 11 or so.
Do you get cramps? >> I did. Awful ones, too, the kind that would incapacitate me (sometimes in public...). Which is the primary reason why I started taking the Pill -- I didn’t dare to hope that it would get rid of periods altogether, but I was very relieved and happy when it did.
Is your mom mentally stable? >> ---
Is your dad a complete jerk to you? >> ---
Where do you want to go on vacation next? >> I would love to go on a vacation to anywhere, but that’s not feasible right now.
What is one place you want to visit before you die? >> *shrug*
Has anyone ever committed suicide in your town, that you know of? >> I mean, I’m sure someone has, but I don’t know anything about it.
What’s your favorite type of crackers? >> Oh, god, I forgot what they’re called. But they’re long and thin and rectangular and they come in flavours like garlic and rosemary. Also, matzo. Love matzo, particularly the egg and onion kind.
What’s your favorite spice? >> I really couldn’t say.
Are you sensitive? >> Way more so than I’d thought I was. Turns out a complex system of protections and defense mechanisms was shielding a very soft core. (Thank god. As much as they can and do backfire and cause their own problems, can you imagine how much worse off I would have been without those mechanisms?)
Are you intuitive? >> I don’t know, really. How does one measure that?
Are you spiritual? >> Maybe. I don’t really know what people mean when they use that word, so I’m hesitant to say one way or the other.
Do you wish your life were easier? >> My life isn’t particularly difficult at this juncture. I just have... a very small window of tolerance and take things a lot harder as a result. I don’t wish my life was easier, I wish my brain was less on fire.
What color hair did your first crush have? >> ---
What was the name of your first crush? >> ---
Did you ever play on Mamamedia.com? >> No.
Do you remember your first email address? >> Yeah, it was [email protected].
Did you name your lego characters? >> I didn’t have LEGO. I had Tinker Toys and an Erector set, neither of which came with little people iirc.
What was/is your high school’s mascot? >> ---
What is/was your favorite class in high school? >> ---
Is college an adventure? >> ---
Do you take medication for anxiety or depression? If so, does it work? Does it help you? Or does it make you feel worse? >> I do not.
If applicable, what form of birth control do you use? >> The Pill. Not for the birth-control function, though... not having sex covers that pretty well.
Who is your favorite cousin? >> ---
Do you look your age? >> According to other people, who apparently care about that sort of thing, no.
What’s your favorite flavor of frosting? >> ---
Do you like toe socks? >> No.
Muffins or cupcakes? >> Cupcakes, but rarely. I just don’t like muffins period.
Have you ever had a bag stolen? >> Probably.
How old were you when you got your first phone? >> Seventeen.
Are you ready for summer?!?! >> I will be in a couple of months, you can guarantee that.
Is winter your favorite season? >> No.
How many people do you know who’ve said winter is their favorite season? >> Quite a few, actually. I feel like I’ve encountered far more winter people than summer people. I see people complaining about warm weather constantly. I will never understand (even as a person who runs hot, I will still never understand). Even with the side effect of getting SAD in the winter, I love being solar powered.
Are you unique in any way? >> I mean, probably.
Do you have any hidden talents? >> No.
Has anyone said you and your mom look like sisters? >> ---
Who was your best friend in high school? >> ---
What book or movie gave you nightmares as a child? >> None.
What song makes you cry? >> Plenty, but I can’t think of one right now.
Does anyone know who your first crush was besides you? >> ---
How many teachers have you had crushes on? >> I was thinking about this last night. Calling the obsession I had with that one teacher a “crush” is erroneous because... the reason why I felt the way I felt about him is because he was nice to me. Literally, that was it. I was freshly traumatised (and being in and out of the hospital was just re-traumatising me), had an attachment disorder and was emotionally neglected, and was used to being treated poorly. When I told That One Teacher that I cut myself, he gave me a hug. Like... groundbreaking! No one else had responded that way! Of course I was attached to him, he actually treated me like someone who deserved kindness and care. It’s really hard not to feel crushingly sad for teenage!me (and, as an extension, current!me, who is still bearing the effects of the past) when I think about that.
Did you make your Barbie dolls get crushes on each other? >> I don’t really remember what I did with Barbie dolls.
Did your Barbie dolls go on dates? >> ^
How old were you when you had your first kiss? >> ---
Do you like church? >> Eh. Depends on the church, I guess. I’ll always have affection for Black Church(tm).
Do you have scars from self-harm? >> Yep.
Do you have cellulite? >> A little, I think.
How old were you when you started getting zits? >> I had them through my teenage years.
Did your hair change at all when you went through puberty? >> I don’t think so.
Are you taller, shorter, or the same height as your mom? >> I’ve been taller than that woman since I was 12.
Would you ever consider adopting a child? >> If I was ever going to raise a child, this would be the only way it’d happen.
Who was your first roommate? >> ---
Have you ever had a teacher who was rude? >> Yup.
Is your mom paranoid? >> ---
Do you trim your own hair? >> I buzz my own head, yeah.
Did your mom read you bedtime stories as a child? >> I was not read bedtime stories as a child. I made up my own in my head instead.
What are all the things you remember being for Halloween? >> ---
What was the name of the first pet that you loved? >> Roxie.
Did you have your own room as a child? >> I did.
What color was your nursery? >> ---
Did your parents know your gender before you were born? >> I don’t know.
What is your name (first and middle)? >> Mordred Shadow.
What would you have been named if you had been born the opposite gender? >> My name isn’t related to what my parent named me, and I have no idea what he would have named me if I was born the opposite sex.
Do you like your name? >> I like the one I gave myself, yes.
What would you name your children? >> ---
Do you exercise regularly? >> I’m again trying to do the take-a-daily-walk thing. Again. I fail every time, but I keep trying. Can Calah says there’s something good about that, better than failing and giving up on ever doing it again. I don’t know, but I’ll trust him on it.
Do you have a healthy BMI? >> I don’t know.
What is your favorite season? >> Spring.
Do you look like your mom? >> ---
What is the origin of your last name? >> I have no idea. I assumed that in this world, Stephen King made it up, but maybe he didn’t. The “canonical” origin of my last name is Gilead-That-Was.
What is the meaning of your first name? >> It’s unclear.
What month were you born in? >> May.
Do you share a birthday with anyone in your family? >> ---
Do you have a sweet tooth? >> Nope.
What photo editing software do you use? >> I either use Paint to just resize or crop an image, or Pixlr if I need extra editing tools.
Where do you buy most of your clothes? >> There is no place where I buy the majority of my clothes. They come from all over.
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maevetm · 4 years
hey ,   hi .   it  is  way  past  my  bedtime  because  work’s  gonna  super  suuuuck  this  week .   here’s  a  lowkey  starter  call  for  text  threads  cause  that’s  all  i’ll  be  good  for  this  week .   if  u  want  anything  from  maeve ,   sawyer ,   or  my  newest  bb  rhiannon ,   pls  lmk  or  like  this  post  or  hit  me  with  some  im’s  idfk  just ...   let  me  love  on  every  character   (   especially  ones  i  haven’t  interacted  w  yet  but  also  everyone  else  too  of  course !!!   )
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retreated-cutie · 2 years
for when i’ll inevitably show my boyfriend this blog i’m copying and pasting and doing this goddamn stupid thing
1🐝 What Age(s) Do You Regress To
3 to 5 i don’t know but however i act is not how i acted when i was that age
 2🍯 Do You Pet Regress As Well / What Animal
~ 3🥮 How Long Have You Been Regressing
i have no idea
~ 4🐌 Is Your Regression Voluntary, Involuntary, Or A Mixture
 ~ 5🐻 What's Your Personality Like When Regressed
bratty and difficult and mean
~ 6🐴 How Often Do You Regress ~
whenever i’m frustrated or upset
 7☕ What Helps You Get Into Headspace
i don’t want to do that
~ 8📜 Are You A Baby, Toddler, Or Big Kid Regressor ~
 9🦇 Do Your Likes Change When Regressed
not really i was childish to begin with
~ 10⏳ Do You Have A Baby Voice In Headspace ~
no its more like tsundere anime girl voice
 11🍪 What Makes You Instantly Small
didn’t i just answer this
~ 12🧋Why Do You Regress ~
didn’t i just answer this.
13🌙 Pink Or Blue
 ~ 14⭐ Dragons, Unicorns Or Fairies
 ~ 15☁️ Dinos, Princesses, Space Or Safari Theme
~ 16💫 Neon, Pastel, Neutral Or Dark Pallets
~ 17🐮 Favorite Regression Clothes ~
being naked while in that head space is upsetting i prefer long sleeves and sweatpants
18🌸 Favorite Color
 ~ 19🐭 Do You Collect Stickers
accidentally yes
 ~ 20🧁 Coloring Book Or Paint By Numbers
coloring book
 ~ 21🍧 Playdoh, Legos Or Slime ~
 22🦄 Finger Paint Or Brushes
~ 23🧼 Crayons, Colored Pencils Or Markers ~
colored pencils
24☀️ Do You Have A CG / Name For CG
~ 25🌻 Do You Have A Baby Sitter
~ 26✨ Do You Have Any Sibbies
~ 27🧺 Do Your Parents Know About Your Regression
i’d kill myself
 ~ 28🧋 Favorite Nicknames / Pet Names ~
i’m not answering this
 29🍕 Ideal Playdate
i don’t do this if i had to hang out with another person when i felt this way i’d end my life
~ 30🐱 Sleep In Crib Or With CG ~
neither oh my god let me sleep alone
31🍼 Favorite Snack ~
idfk probably like funyuns or something
 32🧸 Favorite Juice
 ~ 33🍪 Favorite Icecream Flavor
~ 34🩹 Favorite Type Of Milk
i’m lactose intolerant
~ 35🐶 Sweet, Sour, Spicy, Bitter Or Savory
savory but since i still have like 70% of my taste, i don’t get savory anymore
~ 36🍰 Favorite Dessert
all i eat is dessert
37🍦 Favorite Type Of Chocolate
milk chocolate
 ~ 38⏳ Mac & Cheese Or Nuggets
39🎒 Favorite Movie
fight club or princess and the pauper
~ 40🍬 Favorite Cartoon
uh right now moral orel
~ 41🚀 Favorite Game
genshin impact
~ 42🎀 Favorite Disney Princess
i don’t know if it’s obvious
~ 43⚾ If You Could Have Any 1 Superpower What Would It Be
removing my age regressing tendencies
 44🍄 Anime Or Cartoons
~ 45🍓 Favorite Carebear
i hated the carebears as a child
~ 46✏️ Shows Or Movies ~
47🐛 Do You Believe In Fairies
~ 48🐸 Do You Have A Comfort Character
a religiously traumatized 12 year old
 49🌱 Do You Like Rain At Night
i like rain in day
 50🦕 Are You Easily Scared
~ 51🧃 Are You Also A Carer
 52🌵 Are You Independent Or Dependent
 53🍃 What Pulls You Out Of Headspace
 54🍏 Are You Scared Of Bugs
eh kinda
55🦝 Favorite Toy Series
i don’t watch that.
~ 56🚛    Do You Use Pacis
i have one i don’t use it
 57🦴    Do You Use Diaps
no but i’d probably wear one for like an hour if i felt comfortable enough, i wouldn’t actually use it
~ 58🦈   Gear Wishlist
~ 59🍵   Favorite Regression Item
a gun to kill myself with
 60🐾   Sippy Cup Or Bottle
sippy cup
61🦊  Oldest Stuffie
 62🎃  Do You Sleep With A Stuffie
yes and i wake up if i sense he’s not in my arms
~ 63🔥  How Many Stuffies Do You Have
 ~ 64🍂  Newest Favorite Stuffie
this question is a disgrace
~ 65🏵️  Build A Bear, Amusement Park, Or Disney Store
i’ve never been to any of those
~ 66🥧  Stuffed Animals Or Dolls
67👽    Do You Have A Bedtime
~ 68🍭    Do You Keep An AgeRe Journal
this account is one
 69⚡️ Do You Have Rules
~ 70🍥 Blankie Or Paci
~ 71🌈 Night Light Or Glow-In-The-Dark Stars
night light
~ 72🌿  Bedtime Stories Or Lullabies
bedtime stories
73🎩 Favorite Thing To Do Outside While Small
i’d rather die
~ 74🐵 Favorite Thing To Do Inside While Small
barbie movies
 75🦋 Blanket Fort Or Bouncy House
blanket fort but when i go in blanket forts there are immediately shadow people outside waiting to kill me
 76🐯 Stroller Or Walk
~ 77🔮 Dress Up Or Tea Party
~ 78🦜 Do You Like The Playground
never did
79💖 Early Bird Or Night Owl
night owl
~ 80📝 Indoors Or Outdoors
 81💕 Warm Or Cold Weather
~ 82🦢 Dogs Or Cats
 83☎️ Do You Have Any Pets
~ 84💌 Favorite Animal
85🍒 Favorite Holiday
i really dislike holidays
~ 86🐇 Favorite Season
~ 87❤️ What’s Your Big Age
~ 88🌼   What’s  A Nostalgic Place For You
my childhood home
89🐳 Playdoh, Legos Or Slime
this was literally already asked
   90🐙 Do You Collect Anything
sunglasses, my own teeth, stuffed animals, fortune cookie slips, idk
91🐠 Bubble Baths Or Bath Toys
 92🍑 Are Your Agere Interests More Fem Or Masc
so much for inclusivity
 93☔️ Do You Stim More While Regressed
94🎨 Favorite Place To Regress
i’d rather not regress but if i had to i’d want to be ALONE
 95🧵 Favorite Regression Youtuber
 96🌈 Favorite Site/App For Regression Community
i’d honestly rather die
97💐 What Do You Wanna Be When You Grow Up
   98📒 What’s The Most Nostalgic Electronic For You
 99📀 A Toy You Always Wanted But Never Got As A Kid
dude this happened to me so much in my life i dont remember anymore
100🪐 What Is Your Favorite Thing To Learn About In Headspace
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aparoxysm · 7 years
☼ Brandon x Sally
☼ Sally & Brandon ☼
who would be the one to randomly adopt a puppy without consultation 
um neither, because neither of them are exactly impulsive. anyway sally already has a dog that brandon doesnt care about at all so like what more could a healthy relationship need???
who would force the other to take aesthetic pictures of them
sally but i will tailor the question bc sally is that person who refuses to be in a photograph, she hates being photographed, she has v intense self-image issues and shes very moody about photos of her. like even the kid photos her parents have up she pretty much will never look at if she can help it. but her shoe collection or like, her work? or maybe an outfit but like from the neck down or the thighs up or whatever like very explicit instructions that arent to be disobeyed lest she have a mental breakdown over something not being done perfectly.
who would do stuff they think is stupid just to make the other one happy
i feel like brandon but like, u know he’d do it ironically. like maybe if she was ever legit upset about something he’d leave her a whole box set of Shakespeare classics and a crumpled up croissant on her desk and she would be like omfg i hate u sm :’) but its like ~perspective. cause the things that annoy her about him i think are becoming her favorites.
who picks out the horror movies to watch just so the other will cling to them
foreign indie films w/ subtitles or nothing tbh.
who is constantly studying and who is constantly trying to distract them
sally working and brandon being the distraction, the universe knows no other way.
who initiates the facetime calls whenever they’re separated
okay well when shes finally comfortable in the relationship brandon is so gonna wish sally didn’t know how to operate facetime, js.
who is more likely to storm out after a fight and who is more likely to cry when they do
omg sally is a stormer and a cryer. all round tantrum thrower. but if brandon stormed out she’d probably just follow him like “I HAVE 21893721 MORE POINTS TO MAKE DONT U WALK AWAY FROM ME” but then if she stormed out and he didn’t follow she’d have to chew him out for that too bc again she still has 21893721 more points to make.
who stays up way too late binge-watching their favorite shows
brandon, i guess, bc dude never sleeps. idk how much he’d stay up for a tv show though. sally zonks out like a light once it’s past her bedtime lololol she’d never make it past the first one or two episodes.
who bites the other’s ear when they’re feeling frisky
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who sprays the other with water when they’re washing the car
either of them doing physical labor? LOLOLOLOLOL. (brandon)
who has more fun decorating the house during holidays
sally. she goes a lot overboard.
who is more likely to give the silent treatment when they’re mad at the other
omg both but then like. i feel like brandon can commit to the cold shoulder, but the second sally opens her mouth he’s gonna have the compulsive need to reply so it would never last bc both would be like ben in parks and rec “i can’t even begin to tell you how wrong you are. actually, it’s gonna bug me if i dont”
who plays with the others’ hair more
ehhhh?? neither? sally would probably rather die than have brandon ruin her hair in broad daylight and brandon is probably like ditto
who is more likely to climb all over the other one when they’re bored
hahaha oh my god neither.
who tries to kiss the other as often as they can
maybe sally, again, once she’s found a shred of her chill and is comfortable and its just like in passing and not A Big Deal™ anymore. she can be affectionate, but it usually is just like in private like PDA makes her wanna commit a felony.
who pouts when the other one tells them to shut the fuck up
who initiates the sex and who walks away when the other is riled up  
like probably brandon has to initiate and sally would 100% walk away if everything isnt exactly the way she wants it to be, like her mood and the stars are not in position, idfk. again, hella private person. she’d have to know that nobody is within a 100 mile radius and she doesnt have 200 other things she needs to be doing. i mean its all an excuse anyway she just 100% doesnt know what shes doing LOL. 
who always forgets the umbrella and who holds it when they actually have one
brandon would forget. sally would probably have 200 on hand ready to go. so naturally they get 100 each bc sharing is overrated. OR he’d have to hold it as punishment.
who demands showering first in the mornings
sally hands down because i dont think brandon knows what a morning is.
who sneaks into the shower with the other one in the mornings
i feel like neither. brandon knows sally likes her space and she’d probably complain the whole time anyway, and like, if he even remotely tried to make it hot she’d state that like 70% of accidents happen in the home and most of them are in the bathroom and if he’s the cause of her throwing out her back or breaking her neck she might just have to return the favor. brandon would know its not worth it OR alternatively see it as a good plan to annoy her beyond measure.
who prefers riding the roller coasters and who prefers playing the games
sally on a rollercoaster L O L over her dead body. i think they both would just rather not go tbh. if they had to though, they’d probably like to stand on the side and make fun of everyone losing the games bc rigged and they are obviously the smarter species not to participate.
who will text the other one thirty times in a row until they respond
sally. unless its about something destined to annoy sally or to prove a point and then i could see brandon spamming facts about it.
who always forgets to charge their phone overnight
brandon bc he is probably using it all night instead of SLEEPING.
who comes up behind the other and slide their hands into their back pockets
sally would have a heartattack and die. also that insinuates she wears something with back pockets and i think we both know she only owns 1 pair of brandon jeans. so like. idk maybe her @ him??? maybe??? tho tbh she will probably commandeer his wallet upon convenience. even if shes the rich one, i think sally will forever make it a point that he has to pay for her newly formed coffee addiction.
who tries to get hugs from the other as often as they can 
neither i think. i dont really see them being the kind of couple to actively validate each other through physical affection, especially given their upbringing, so  i think they’ll just sort of gravitate out of natural chemistry. and like a touch will always mean more.
who is louder and who constantly has the tell the other to be quiet
i think sally gets loud bc IF UR LOUD THEN THE POINT WILL GET ACROSS BETTER. plus she is hella passionate about things. whereas brandon is like a jabber, he kind of has this cool, limited emotional plane that he sticks to. and if this q is actually sexual then hell, who knows, maybe it translates there too RIP her vocal chords and his eardrums.
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