#idk about any other hugs i might be forgetting but still
chemical override
Ewan Mitchell x actress!reader
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a/n: i caved and did an actual Ewan fic! Given that the lad is more of a public persona nowadays, I reckon it's fine (?) This is pure self-indulgence for all my Ewan loves. May have a continuation but idk for now, enjoy!!
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The reader and Ewan are paired for press interviews. Despite barely having any scenes together and only knowing each other in passing on set, the chemistry they share cannot be denied...
Your first round of press takes place in a primped up hotel suite in Paris, thanks to the team at HBO.
You are an up and coming actress, much like some of your costars in the show, but the pressure is heavier on you because you were entering in season two, whereas everyone was already well-acquainted with one another.
Your few scenes were mostly with Jace and Baela, so you grew close to Harry and Bethany.
However, the media team decided to pair you up with Ewan for the day. A little fun initiative was set by the team that a character from the Blacks would be do press with a counterpart from the Greens - hence, yourself and Ewan.
You're nervous as you walk down the hallway, unable to fully pay attention to the instructions your lovely assistant gives you.
She tells you about the different interviewers for the day, bloggers and magazine writers from all over the world. She reminds you that each one will only be for a maximum of 5 minutes, so it shouldn't be too complicated. She smiles and eagerly says, "Take a deep breath, you got this!", as you reach the suite doors.
But in your mind, all you can recall is your first interaction with Ewan, almost a year ago right after the table read. You had nervously blurted out to him that Aemond is your favourite character, after he just asked, "How are you?". He laughed, said thank you, before he was pulled away in conversation by Tom.
You pray to the fictional Westerosi gods that things will fare better today. That you won't get all tongue-tied when those steel blue eyes land on you.
Upon entering the room, the team is quick to fuss over you. Sometimes you forget that you're actually an actress now. A celebrity, some might say. It all feels surreal and you have a inkling it won't ever stop being this way.
Ewan is already seated in front of the camera, and he stands to give you a hug as you finally walk over.
"Hey there, how are you?" he smiles widely, smelling like cigarettes and something muskier as he wraps his arms around you.
Unroll your tongue. Rework your brain. Calm down.
"Hey, Ewan!" you respond. "I'm doing great, happy to see you again."
"Well, I only wish we could have had more time together on set." Ever the gentleman, he gestures for you to take your seat before he does the same. "But next season perhaps? Who knows?"
"Oh, sure." You settle in, pleased by the fact that your chairs are only about a foot apart. "We can both look forward to my character giving Aemond the arse kicking he deserves."
He laughs, eyes glinting with mischief. "Come on now, I was thinking our characters are actually quite compatible, no?"
"Well, I sure wouldn't want to step on Alys' shoes. She'd probably curse my character all the way to Yi Ti."
"Hmm," he hums, biting his lip. You can't help but hear Aemond when he does that. "I say you can always count on Aemond and Vhagar to come to the rescue of a beautiful maiden such as yourself."
Well, you'll be damned. Ewan, while still an introvert of his own sort, is as charming as can be. If he's turning it on to get himself hyped for the press, it's working.
It's definitely working on you, to say the least.
The media manager gives the signal for the first interview to begin, and a reporter walks in, all ready with prepared script in hand.
"Here we go," you mutter, facing forward.
"Good luck," Ewan replies.
You both shake the reporter's hand, and he introduces himself as Jared.
"So guys," Jared begins. "Why don't we start with you telling me a little bit about what we can expect from your characters this season?"
The question is easy, and it doesn't take long for you and Ewan to think it through. Jared asks a few more basic questions, before drawing the attention more to you.
"When you watched season one, did you have a favourite character?" he asks you.
You smile, "Oh, I mean, I have to say - and Ewan already knows this, by the way - that Aemond was my favourite character."
"Was?" Ewan says, feigning shock. "Unacceptable."
"Was... Is... " you shrug, rolling your eyes playfully, earning a laugh from Jared. "I think I might be more a Daemon girl now."
"Oh!" Jared exclaims happily. "Does Matt know about this?"
"I'll be sure to tell him - "
Ewan interjects, shaking his head at you, "There's no need to tell him, because I'll convert her back to Team Aemond in no time, trust me."
"Daemon is awesome, though," you say to him, smiling.
"Sure." Ewan makes a face like that fact doesn't matter. Wasn't he the one who said that Daemon would be the character he would most like to play if not Aemond?
"And Caraxes is my favourite dragon." You share a look with Jared, hoping he would agree.
"Yes!" Jared says. "Caraxes is the best dragon in the show, in my opinion."
"Ah, you're both wrong," Ewan says. "My Vhagar is the oldest and baddest dragon in all of the land."
"My Vhagar, he says," you joke. "Seems like someone still hasn't shed Aemond for this press tour."
"And I never will, darling." His gaze is intense when he turns to you, and you clear your throat to fight the warmth rushing to your cheeks.
"Alright, they're giving me the wrap-up," Jared thankfully breaks the tension. "It was a pleasure talking to you guys, congratulations on the new season!"
One interview down, and your nerves have already considerably subsided. Ewan tapping your arm to start up a conversation once more surely helps in distracting you.
In the best damn way possible.
"How do you think we did? That wasn't too bad, was it?"
"I think we did quite well," you casually offer a high five, but your heart skips a beat when Ewan interlaces your suspended hands for just a moment.
"I'm glad they paired me with you," Ewan says, after releasing your hand. You hold on to the armrests to keep your fingers from twitching.
"I am, too," you admit. "I am a fan of you, after all, but I think you already know that."
He blushes, "Well, that's not a bad thing. I think you're a fantastic actress. I must have seen your first film a good ten times."
"You mean my first and only film," you add humbly. "But thank you."
"Only film for now," he affirms. "No doubt this is only the beginning for you, darling. With your talent and your charisma, I'm sure you have potential scripts piled up already."
"I could say the same for you! Have you seen what your fans say about you online? You're the internet's new boyfriend, Ewan Mitchell."
The media manager announces the next interview, but Ewan follows up with a response for you under his breath, "I have seen some things. But when I have a girlfriend, I'll make sure she won't have to share me at all."
Oh, so apparently he is single. But wait - why is he telling you this?
You don't get to mull over that thought. For the time being, the next interview starts and you make sure you do a good job at what you're paid to do - promoting the series.
Not daydreaming about getting with a costar, for heaven's sake. Stay professional.
▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎
You feel lightheaded after finishing the seventh - or had it been the eighth? - interview.
Your assistant delivers a coffee to you during the twenty-minute break. Ewan had stepped out to the balcony to have a smoke, leaving you alone with your thoughts.
He certainly is everything you expected him to be, and so much more. Insightful, cheeky, dedicated. An artist, through and through. He was in the business for all the right reasons, passion and respect for the craft.
If he had any flaws, you weren't privy to them yet. If there are any reasons for you not to be attracted to him, you didn't know what those were yet.
And with every flirtatious remark and pointed smile, you can't deny the hope blooming in you.
"Hey," he reappears, pulling you out of your musings. "I hope you don't mind that I smell of smoke."
No, you didn't, not when it's him.
"Don't worry about it," you reassure him. You tilt your head forward to take a sip of your coffee, but a lock of your hair falls in front of your face. Annoyed, you think to reach for it, but Ewan beats you to it, tucking it back in place.
"There you go, darling," he croons, gesturing for you to proceed in drinking.
"Th-thanks." His eyes don't leave yours as you take a slow sip.
"So," you say, desperate to break the silence, "which interview did you enjoy the most so far?"
"How can I possibly choose? I mean, I really liked the one with ComicSociety, the guy that said our characters have a lot of chemistry and should get together next season. He's right, I already told you!"
"Ohhh, sure, that will go down really well with the Blacks and Greens."
He smirks, "I don't see why not?"
"For one, Aemond is ensnared by Alys, and my character will never give up fighting for Rhaenyra. I just don't see it happening, Ewan."
"Right," he mutters thoughtfully, "there is still Alys in the picture."
"Still in the picture? With the amount of steamy scenes you two have lined up for season three, I'd say she will be Aemond's entire picture in and of herself."
"Hmm," he glances at you once, then looks down. Dare you think it, does he look disappointed?
"But hey," you add lightly, "maybe we can talk to Ryan and he can flip the entire script just for our characters."
"Yeah," his cheeky smile resurfaces, "maybe you can take Alys' place."
Take the place of Alys? Of Alys. Is he insinuating...
"Next round of interviews, guys!" The media manager announces to the room.
"Here we go again, darling," Ewan squeezes your hand once, before putting on his professional face once more.
▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎
By the end of it all, not even caffeine can perk you up. You were exhausted, you and Ewan having finished four full hours of press.
Your assistant comes to your aid, ready to direct you back to your own hotel room.
"This has been such a pleasure, Ewan, really." You stand, this time initiating the hug.
He squeezes you gently, humming in your ear. When you pull apart, he says, "I honestly wouldn't mind trudging through hours and hours of press with you."
That's sweet of him. You're too tired to mask the warmth that rises to your cheeks. "And I feel the same. Today couldn't have gone any better."
"Truly, and listen, maybe we could - "
"Ewan!" The manager approaches. "I'm so sorry to rush with this, but we need to film just a quick soundbite with you for Aemond. Just two to three questions for the Max Tiktok account?"
"Oh, okay - " Ewan is reluctant to turn away from you.
"Perfect! If you could just stand there by the windows please..." The manager already has him by the arm, directing where he has to go.
"We have to go," your assistant says. "Still have to prep for tomorrow."
"I'll see you soon, Ewan!" you call out to him. "Thanks again."
He gives a half-hearted wave, dejected as he watches you walk out of the room.
"That wasn't too bad," you share with your assistant as you enter the elevators. "Not bad at all, actually."
"Oh, you did so well," she compliments. "It definitely helps with the press that you and Mr. Mitchell have such insane natural chemistry."
▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎
In the calm of your hotel room, you get ready for bed.
Just when you're about to finish with your nightly routine, your phone rings from your bedside table. You're quick to rush over, thinking it could be your assistant or your manager, with an urgent update about work.
But no - it's an unknown number. A UK number, as it appears.
Confused, you click answer anyway, putting it to your ear with a tentative, "Hello, who is this?"
"Hi, darling."
"Yeah, uhm, I hope I didn't disturb you - "
"Not at all," your answer comes out in a rushed breath.
"I also hope you don't mind that I got my assistant to ask your assistant to give me your number? It's what I wanted to ask you before you left today."
"Oh." You feel fully awake now, by some miracle, butterflies finding home in your stomach. "I don't mind. I... I should have given you my number, anyway. I have most of the cast's, in case I need to get a hold of you guys."
"Hmm, right," he says from the other end. You hear him calmly breathing, the sound strangely comforting, and wonder if he can hear the same from you.
He says, "I just wanted to keep hearing your voice. Didn't get enough of it today," and your heart just about stops.
"Oh. Okay," is all you are able to respond with.
"What are you doing?"
"Just... just getting ready for bed." Phone pressed to your ear, you shuffle around the room, putting some things back in place.
He says nothing for a few seconds, but you still hear his breathing, and some shuffling in the background. It occurs to you that he might just be as nervous as you are now.
"Listen," he finally says, "do you want to hear my pitch to Ryan about why our characters should get together next season?"
A genuine laugh escapes you. He sure is persistent. Playful, sure, but you're definitely willing to play along.
"Let's hear it."
"First," he says, "you have to renounce Daemon as your favourite character - "
"Not a chance."
" - and swear your love for Aemond."
"Keep dreaming."
He laughs, and you can only picture the corners of his eyes crinkling.
"Aww darling," he teases, "don't you love me?"
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💌 part two - part three
The OGs will know that the final line is a nod to my first ever Aemond fic! 🖤
Did this slightly delay my series works? Yes, yes it did. Do I regret it? For Ewan frickin Mitchell, I would never ~
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wonton4rang · 2 months
Maybe bnd reacting to someone asking them if their girlfriend is single, like they obviously know it’s a joke but also 🤨🤨 yknow?
hi, hi. 🫶 gotchu gotchu :p
pairing: bnd x reader.
warnings: none? maybe a little bit suggestive in the legal line idk.
summary: how would bnd react to someone asking if their gf was single.
sungho; i feel like he won't be mad mad, he might laugh a little bit before answering with a "sorry, bud, missed the queue", holding you and kissing your cheek before feeling that thrill going up his body. he knew you were the prettiest girl and it made him so proud to have you for himself.
riwoo; "i'm sorry?" with the most concerned look ever. he would be a little bit offended by the fact that this person saw you with him, literally hugging and all lovey dovey, and still had the balls to ask if HIS girlfriend was single. be so fucking fr, he’s leaving that place with u ASAP.
jaehyun; tbh idk, i feel like he could be one edge or the other, like he might get super mad and uncomfortable about it or just completely ignore it and laugh about the fact that the guy thought he had a chance w u :') “she’s mine, bro, and i can assure u she ain’t going nowhere” he would mention w a sly smile, securing your waist a softly kissing your cheek. and he was so right about that.
taesan; he would be the quiet one, no laugh, no sadness, no pouting, just a blank stare that ended up by scaring the dude away because why the fuck was he just staring??? once they left, he would look at you and pout a little bit before clicking his tongue “why didn’t you say anything? are u perhaps single and I didn’t get the memo?” he would be so sulky about it on the way home only to forget about it when you softly cuddled him to sleep while assuring him he was the one and only for you.
leehan; dude didn’t even hear right away what the other guy said, he just frowned at him and tilted his head, a smirk landing on his lips when he noticed you didn’t say anything. “tbh idk, man, let’s ask her. are u single?” he turned to u this time with a mocking grin but you could tell that you should play it safe and not joke around with the tight grip on your waist when he demanded for an answer. “I am not, and will not be any time soon” , “what a bummer, right? just for u tho” he told the guy. he’s such a bitch omg.
woonhak; well, woonhak might get a little bit mad about it, feeling that maybe he wasn’t doing enough to make his presence in your life clear, and also because you just looked at him and did not deny the guy’s words. “she’s not, dude, wtf? we’re literally together, gtfo” and he wasn’t even entirely mad at you (just a little bit) but it would make him very uncomfortable and he would think about it for a few days, even asking you if he was not a good boyfie :(( please tell him he is.
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probablydinosaurs · 1 month
five joking about his life or throwing it in their faces makes the siblings uneasy. they cant FATHOM it and it hurts. tbh i feel once they aren't all in such danger and ignoring his warnings and ring leader like behavior , they would slowly start spoiling him a bit. he wouldn't notice at all at first but over time, he gets a deep sense that everyone pities him but he cant place it. he'd start denying any hand outs or good will bc he doesn't want to be seen as a headcase that needs coddling. and i think different siblings are in different camps if u put "baby" and "old man" on a sliding scale. none of these are like extreme stances, more just the vibes they feel from five.
Luther: old man 80% bc hes the only one that see's five's "older" self and can 100% say. same guy no changes. mentally unsound…. but like five stated in that whole fiasco, Luther has daddy issues and cant like. see that old man in such a young man. Luther has 1 half a brain cell. his need to nod and agree to every old man he listens to illnesses wont allow it. so he weirdly flip flops. he also develops the habit of trying to pick five up to calm him down, witch ends very poorly each time.
Diego: protective brother energy. cant fathom his brother got THAT much trauma in him. and is older then him. 13 years of being all the same age. 13 years of sharing the same birthday. and now well everyone ages up together, five is in his own corner being like 67 well the rest are like mm idk math 40 something. Diego just cant…think that far. denial. every time he thinks he's used to this old man or starts seeing him as the same age as everyone, five info dumps about the inner workings of a specific gun or the how good the wine in the celler will be 37 years exactly from now and to wait…Diego just mentally reboots.
Allison: baby camp. didn't take him very seriously back in the day either bc his ego is the size of a watermelon. and oh look the lil guy thinks bc he has more life behind him then us, he thinks he's the smartest one here. yeah right. she makes him his coffee when he wakes up or folds his Landry bc she needs to do hers and he forgot to take his out. five just thinks shes being passive aggressive but its more "if i don't then he might hurt himself or mumbling to himself about how forgetful he has become and i do NOT want to here that right how. il just do it. " tough love babying. five sometimes lets her brush his hair when he's in a bad state of mind.
klaus: depends on the day. he is the one who tease him about his height the most. i think Klaus tries to pinch his cheeks at least once a day and nearly got a blade through his hand at attempt # 23. but he also is second one that weirdly respects him the most. complementing how happy he looks DUE to his retirement and not just in general. likes buying him the stuffiest old man clothes ever from off the road and down an alley thrift shops, thinking everyone would find them silly but five like. genuinely adores them and borderlines on feeling the want to hug him but neh. too stubborn. almost though. witch is rare. five will never admit that he thinks Klaus has a good fashion sense.
ben: the brother that ruffles his hair the most. the two that severed the family. they have a unspoken energy about them. you don't mention my death, i wont bring up your past deal. Ben doesn't really care anyway. on the "i got my brother back, that's all that matters." camp with viktor. fuels five's need to bicker on topics. their hard ass but still playful energy balances each other out. is the one that tells klaus that the clothes he picks out for five is too much and he will hate them but gets surprised every time five likes them. riiight right. he wouldn't have the tastes as the 13 year old i remember him as. he downs scotch like a mad lad. gotta remember that.
viktor: leader of the "he could have come back to us as an acorn like dad warned and id still keep him in my pocket." camp. just happy to have his favorite sibling back. though they admit five also being the most open with him makes him uneasy. he wants to listen about the past 45 years but it can be very existential for viktor. five understands and lets him breath if its too much. (stealing this from this post) i feel like five owns and somehow still has on him a very worn and well loved copy of viktor's book. with notes and highlights scribbled in them. the cover fell off and five sewn it back on then poorly laminated it with the commission's laminating machine . viktor would cry if he saw it. full blown meltdown together.
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stinkypeanutbutter · 9 months
sbg sleepover hcs because I’m silly
Aiden brings a butt ton of junk food. Tyler balances it out with the healthy crap so they don’t get diabetes.
With a LOT of bargaining, and I mean a lot, they come up with hairstyles for Ashlyn. It’s only rarely she gives in, but it makes the sleepover worth while.
sleeps at Aidens house the most just cause it’s huge, and huge means lots of hiding spaces, and it also means getting lost easily (Taylor)
they have like scheduled calendars for each movie night on who gets to choose. It goes in some kind of order depending on who went first last time.
Aiden and Taylor choose the horror or drama movies, Tyler goes for comedy, believe it or not. Logan goes for any genre of sci - fi or fantasy (he also loves doctor who) , ben likes to put on musicals ( bless him) , and ash doesn’t have a preferred taste, but she really likes disaster movies ( and comedies with Tyler sometimes. Taylor also loves kids movies like trolls, MLP, uhhh idk any 😭)
aiden also puts on the weirdest things he could find. Put on human centipede once, got banned from picking movies for the next 4 nights
dinner ? They just order pizza or burgers. If they’re feeling adventurous, they make something together ( 60/40 chance of succeeding )
Probably do contests and play random board games. Aiden has a ton of them because he would play in his sad little room against himself when he was feeling energetic. ( help )
Tyler forgets his crap sometimes, so he just borrows from the others like a loser
They tell spooky stories at like 11pm just so when the clock hits twelve they drop down and become paranoid about everything
despite not speaking, Ben tells the best scary stories and it’s hilarious cause he’ll go out of his way and plant some fake audios around the house ( or ARE they ? 😦 )
ashlyn would keep her braids in no matter what, even if they keep getting stepped or rolled on or pulled or -
sleeping ? They plan on staying up after 12 ofc, but when they do fall asleep it’s kinda a mess . Ben sleep like he’s about to be dropped into his grave, at least so he’s able to react quick enough to whatever might be bad in the area . Logan sleeps like a caterpillar in its chrysalis stage , unless with the group , then he kinda just lays on his side if he’s comfy . Tyler likes sleeping on his stomach cause he’s afraid something might punch a hole through it again, so just in case . . Taylor hugs things in her sleep. Don’t matter who, just be her stuffed animal for a while and she’ll let you go and roll on her side. Aiden has a similar issue. But he only does this cause he never really had anything to actually cuddle up on besides his pillow so. . he’ll hug on to whoever is closest ( Ash or Ben ) . They don’t mind it , I mean Ash gets trapped but she’ll deal with it later. If no one is around or close enough, he’ll just curl up into a little ball like he did when he was younger ( habit ).
Pancakes in the morning let’s gooo !!!!!!! Most of them collectively use a bunch of whipped cream . I mean , who doesn’t ? Lame - o’s. Aiden likes to see how many pancakes he can stack on top on eachother before it falls
No pancakes ? Cereal it is . Ash likes Frosted Flakes cause of the texture, and how they don’t crunch as loud when you chew em. Plus, they’re tasty. Taylor got them captain crunch and lucky charms. Tyler likes Honey Nut Cheerios cause he’s basic , but can’t resist honeycombs . . Cause he’s still basic . ( They slap tho idc what y’all say 🫠 ) Logan prefers fruity pebbles ( me fr ) or cinnamon taste crunch . Ben doesn’t eat too much cereal, but he likes rice Krispys cause their soft on his throat. Aiden likes whatever, he’s probably gonna add random crap in it anyway lol
that last part wasn’t really a sleepover headcanon but uhms ignore that 😅😅😅😿
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caramelpenguin · 6 months
S3 EP6 (thoughts + theories)
I want to get all the insane predictions out so I can look back on how much I clowned.🤡
These are ideas based on the moments that were in the trailer/teasers/stills. Or things that I feel might be addressed before the end...
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Hillerska closing down🏫
We aren't directly told what Felice said in her interview. It's left ambiguous. So why wouldn't they tell us? Sure, there's a chance that she just praised the school but....
we got that very small snippet of the forest ridge boys yelling at each other. Could this be because they heard that Hillerska was going to shut down?
Simon (and his family) might move away 👋
they have the money now ig. this could be a reason why the ending, as ive seen around, has occasionally been described as 'open'.
this could be the context behind the shot of Linda's head on Simon's shoulder.
or maybe the 3 of them are doing smthn related to micke?
Abdication or King Wille? And August...👑
I think one of the reasons for August's storyline this season was for us to understand him more as a character so that if he becomes King, we know that he'll actually try or that he may not have been as bad as we thought. (my opinion of August isn't necessary here).
we really see how much the monarchy consumes Wille this season. Though I don't know how we'd approach the topic of abdication in just one episode.
wille has said that one of the reasons he wants to remain Crown Prince is bcos of Erik. Knowing what we now know, i'm intrigued as to what will happen.
will they acknowledge more of August's eating disorder?
August and Sara🤔
I think felice will (eventually) be fine with it. I don't know about Simon.
Things will work out, i'm sure.
Frederika and Stella💵
....they'll kiss in ep6. something will happen between them, anyway.
Shot of the 4 girls hugging
frederika has realises she likes stella by this point??
maybe Roussea will get a slight mention in a conversation with August. Or maybe not. Who knowwwss
Wilmon screaming in the car🚗
is this Sara's car? things need to be okay by this point, right? is it after the lake scene??
Wilmon stare down👀
how? will ? this? fit? in?
is it after the graduation ceremony but before the neon party and the lake scene? does the shot of wille (with simon's hands around his neck) come after this?
is the lake scene not the final scene? is this scene actually the next day during the graduation?
does simon tell wille he's going to move away?
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The Neon Party + Lake Scene 💧
the neon party is where they reconcile.
BUT i dont think it'll be a full reconcile. Simon's line 'Can't we just forget everything that's happened? Just for tonight?' makes sense to be here.
the lake scene with the swimming could happen because they both leave the party early, i dunno.
is this the last time they're able to hang out (bcos simon is moving away and bcos Hillerska will shut down)?
but we've all SEEN that it looks sad, which doesnt look all that great for endgame, and we've also been told that this is (most likely) the final scene. so. get tissues ready.
(am i crazy or is there a tiny smile on simons face in this scene? from that edmar promo we got? )
swimming happens after the sadness right? bcos (apart from the tears) they dont look wet.
if its the final scene idk what the hopes r for wilmon endgame icl
MUSIC (+Wille's birthday present)🎶
we know that 'Alice' by Rhys will play at some point. Doesn't mean it'll be a wilmon scene. it could be sara and august OR frederika and stella (?)
normally, there's a song in ep4 that's repeated in the final moments of the season. ep 4 in s3 doesn't end with a song and (from the one check I've done), i can't really hear any of the other songs used in that episode as the final song of the season. then again, i could be wrong
ELIAS SONG?? they could play 'revolution' again to make it a full circle (dont think this will happen tho). they might use a new song. i just rlly hope we'll hear an Elias song and...i feel like we will.
THE TRAILER SONG? I really pray this will be in the episode. I pray i pray i pray i-
we'll hear Simon's new song. I don't know how or when (especially if this is simon's gift to wille) but...c'mon
initially, i didn't think Redlight would appear in YR. Omar has a career outside of the show, but i do agree that the lyrics fit wilmon quite well. also, if we're gonna hear Simon's new song then I don't know how the script would work around Simon singing another song. He told Wille that his present isn't yet finished (which im sure is the song simon is currently working on), tho ig we could argue that he may sing a brand new song.
BUT then i realised that simon doesn't have to sing this song. redlight could just be part of the soundtrack ( it seems that everyone got to that conclusion before me). and the way that it's being promoted this week has me suspicious. I don't wanna get my hopes up, and maybe Omar is just being clever and promoting it during the week of YR hype, so i dont think redlight will be in s3. BUT I WILL BE VERY HAPPY IF IM WRONG❤️
ig we'll find out when the playlist gets updated
Football Field Scene
to my knowledge, we haven't got proof that they filmed there apart from that pic from Lisa (and are we sure this pic is from s3 filming?)
it would be AMAZING if they returned to this setting. ICONIC.
but idk how why they'd return here and how it would fit
it might not be a wilmon scene (could be simon + rosh + ayub, but i think theres a higher chance of it being a wilmon scene than the trio)
question- lisa said it was a wrap with a pic from the football field. which COULD mean that the last scene they filmed was there (tho it might not be the actual final scene) - was this where edmar couldn't stop crying?
they better or im going to riot
no but srsly, i dont think we'll go down a 'la la land' route. worst comes to worst, it'll be a positive open ending e.g. 'you were amazing. you'll be wonderful. we'll meet again with more freedom.' it'll be even better if there's a time skip here hahahha
like the end of ep5 gave me no hope cos idk how they're gonna get back together in one episode. but anything is possible.
arguably, the promo we've got since then leans towards endgame (?), but i dont think they'd reveal they're gonna be endgame if there wwen't gonna be more issues.
theres so much to cover in the final episode!! so i dont think everything will be acknowledged/addressed. things will be left ambiguous to keep the viewers thinking.
imagine if the break up at the end of ep5 wasnt that huge. that theyre still together (with tension) at the start of ep6, then they kidna ignore their disagreement. this culminates until the end, where they break up ( but very unlikely)
the future letters were there to show august's past. but could there be more to it? could we get a time skip? (again, unlikely imo. but would be sweet if done well)
a reference to the heart simon drew? maybe? probably not...
will simon give wille his orange jumper back? id love to see this on our screens but im sure we wont.
will sara's necklace make a comeback?
where does wille's 'what if I don't want to?' line come in? and the queen's line...
the shot of wille in the library (with that book in clear sight) hasn't yet appeared, right?
simon talking to sara by micke's house....hmmm. i would love a simon and micke interaction
volleyball scene + running into the lake happen as a connection to graduation?
wille with those sunglasses is a moment with felice?
do we hear anything more abt wille's birthday wish?
there are plenty of moments that happen that we don't see as viewers. so that jumper simon wears at the start of ep 2 looks like wille's. and if it is, then we didnt see the moment simon stole it wille gave it to him.
and when simon mentioned a mental health foundation, it implied that they may have had a discussion abt wille's anxiety before.
the piano scene in ep2 could have been a piano lesson that wille was giving simon, which probably means a lot more of these happened without us knowing
this makes me wonder how much wille knows about micke??
simon told august that sara's with her dad and all that- so does wille also know?
WHEN I FIRST WATCHED AND FINISHED S1 AND S2 OF YOUNG ROYALS, i knew wilmon would be together by the end of s3. like i was 100% convinced the show would end with them happy bcos that's what it had leaned towards the entire time. the vibe of it just screamed wilmon endgame to me.
i really hope past me was right, bcos the s3 promo really had me wondering. and then ep5 had me proper questioning. but netflix (and lisa) will have to pay for so much therapy if they arent endgame sooo🤷‍♀️
livelovelaugh wilmon ig
edit: ive just listened to omar's interview and now im qquuiiitteee sure redlight wont be in ep6🤷‍♀️
edit 2: will anyone else find out that it was august who posted the video?? will this prevent him from taking the throne??
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campbyler · 6 months
mmm what the fuck?
how am i supposed to live like a normal functioning person after experiencing the full range of human and Inhuman emotions?
thea i love u i promise but i also want to kill u in the most cruel way possible.
i was trying to read 32k words one hour before the work and failed Miserably 😭 i only get through driving lesson part. can u believe i had to do actual work the entire day instead of reading my gay fanfiction? 💔heartbreaking misogynistic And homophobic if u ask me.
anyway. i know im going to forget something. it always happens and then im too shy to send other asks so let hope it doesn’t happen this time.
driving lesson.
don’t worry about ur manual transmission description. i’ve changed three instructors in the span of year and a half and all three of them told me different things. i didn’t notice any Big Serious issues that would be at odds with driving mechanic.
to the other news. will sucks 😭😭 not his fault Obviously. he’s naturally anxious and tbh mike didn’t give him any hints about how to feel when the car is ready to go. not mikes fault too. i bet he doesn’t even think about this little thing anymore (and cause u don’t know about them either. which is ok don’t worry about it. u probably just need to experience it ti fully understand). i was so happy when will finally manage to get the car going 😭😭 i probably called him baby too.
and then i literally passed out when i saw the mike called Him baby?? first will’s brain in denial made me questioning was it really for him or for the car. cause mike Loves that car i wouldn’t be surprised if he really call it baby from time to time. but then i remembered that we know how mike feels thanks god and i became like 85% sure that it was for will. (i also Run to check playlist right after this line. yeah i found “king of my heart” there. u make the impossible possible cause why am i listening to two of my least favorite reputation songs and genuinely enjoy them?)
i mentally add the keychains to the list of things we need to know more about. but i think it’s cute that they both not only save them but also use them almost daily. and they both choose car keys to hang the keychains on. dare i say soulmates.
*two weeks later*
also i think it’s funny they consider each other hot while driving.
and of course mike is obsessed with old expensive cars!!
are the malls in the us exactly dying? my office building is near the mall and i can guarantee u that in my country they r super alive.
ok i might be wrong but i think that the deleted scene is from bookstore part idk.
i think it’s cute that they trust each other enough to allow to choose as significant item as journals concerning that they really picky about them.
and i loved that mike blushed over a simple kiss 🫶🏻🫶🏻
(i feel like i want to catch up on everything and it’s killing me cause i write down one thing and immediately remember the other 😭)
THEY WERE SO BOYFRIENDS IN DINER!!! i don’t think i will ever recover from how cute they r and how much they actually like each other (and how single i am. as the classic said “when someone will prey on my neurodivergency….” and so on and so forth). i love that everyone can see it and im obsessed that boys don’t even want to deny it. i think a lot about the fact that mike said that they middle school sweethearts like he regrets about the missed opportunities (but also he doesn’t regret cause the thing they have now (at this exact moment. cause i still have bad feeling) is like that Because of years of semi-friendship and rivalry and unsaid confessions).
and i think even more about the fact that mike didn’t want to talk about his pretentious ivy league college. squinting so hard and taking a lot of notes (in fact writing paragraphs of analysis to my friends who has no idea what acswy).
the photobooth scene!!! omg i can’t believe u almost deleted it all??? suni is our hero! lots of hugs and kisses and thanks to them!!
i can’t believe mike talked about showing pictures to their friends in one minute and literally kissing will on them in the other. i love them they r so silly and in love and can’t get enough of each other. u can feel how close they become and that the air is thick with the newfound (and rediscovered) feelings. and they can’t live without touching and the hold hands constantly!!! all day long!!! and it’s not enough!!! and oh. i think it wasn’t the last time we saw pictures (squinting even harder).
the way max immediately cut the bullshit and asked about swearshirt. i need to know what lucas wrote to mike.
he likes him!!!
i love the difference between mikes “i know i like him but i won’t do anything about it” and wills “i need to kiss him to death right now!”
and the kiss on the backseat of mikes stupid mustang!! we were all waiting for it!
i think i reread and memorized the last part and in still shaking whenever i think about “nervous” part. mike makes will nervous!! and he makes him shake and do stupid stuff like kissing and blushing and thinking to add heart next to his name and call him his boyfriend!!! omg!!
“I’ve got you, baby” WHO WILL GET ME??? im the one who is going insane??? it’s so tender. my boys 💔💔💔
(the second time. my eyes r hurting from squinting that much. and i feel like we’ll have “el’s not stupid” kind of scene in the flashbacks)
this character hits so hard!! i’ve never doubted any of u but i can see why this one is one of ur favorite thea!
thank u so much for ur hard work. if i could draw i would to the whole ass animation of this chapter (and any other too).
love u. thank u for reading all this rambling
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mmm what the fuck is RIGHT alya bc this is how i feel every time i read one of ur lovely essay comments. bc whaqt the fuck. why do u want me to CRY ALL THE TIME. (i guess it's fair considering we are making u cry with the fic itself but still . Rude)
you are so real for trying to read 32k in one hour and also so me . rly fucked up and cruel that you would have to work (even tho u threatened to murder me)...i hope you are freed from these perils Soon. don't ever be too shy to send more asks tho every ask from you is a BLESSING and a TREAT!!! EVEN WHENTHEY ARE LACED W THREATS!!!!!!!!!!!! and also tysm for validating my manual driving lesson description bc fr every video i watched was different and i was so stressed but it's FINE. ALYA SIGNED OFF ON IT SO NO ONE ELSE MATTERS!!!!!!!!!!!!! DEAL W IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! will Does suck and that's one thing we can all agree on 💗💗💗 i was going to include a bit about likee what the engine Sounds like bc i know it sounds different when you're ready to switch gears but honest tbhly the driving scene alone is like 12k and i was super losing steam by the time i thought of it so i didn't <3 he is def a baby and mike def refers to his car as baby so he is right to be confused. but it WAS for him!! we actually aren't 100% sure of mike's feelings Yet (ch08 is meant to be the precipice of a realization, not an actual one) but obviously . we do have a pretty good idea of how he does feel. teehee. also i am glad you are enjoying komh now bc wtf......how is it one of your least faves................i support you but i am also judging u a little alya .
i think keychains will be included in one of the companions :o) also OBVIOUSLY they find each other hot while driving. they're both annoying and down bad 🙄🙄
malls here are super dying!! i think the only ones that aren't are ones in Major Cities (there's two nearby me that are pretty popular, but the other ones are mostly closed, and it's definitely been a phenomenon in the us over the last few years thanks to online shopping)!! the deleted scene is actually from the driving scene, but the bookstore scene Feels shorter bc i was truly at the point where i had nothing left to give when writing it (it was the last part of ch09 to be written), so it definitely suffered from that. if we ever do Huge post-mortem edits once acswy is over, i might go back and add to it, or write a deleted-scene-type companion, but tht's the tea w the bookstore scene <3
the diner scene was SOOOO fun to write and it had me blushing frfr. i answered this in another ask but the middle school sweethearts comment was Definitely the most insane thing that i thought of for this chapter and to me it was for sure the nail in the coffin for will of like damn. ok. he's Serious abt this. bc i think with their #history that will has trouble admitting even to himself that he likes mike, and so he'd need to feel pretty certain of how mike feels first, and after processing the middle school sweethearts comment later in the car that's what made him realize like oh damn. i Do like him. SO MUCH. and we all nodded and patted his back and said yeah baby we know. but what you described mike thinking is absolutely exactly how he feels 💗 very reminiscent and wistful, even.
LOL LITERALLY THIS HAS BEEN A UNANIMOUS COMMENT ACROSS THE BOARD OF "THANK GOD FOR SUNI" (INCLUDING MYSELF). to Explain the way i was feeling about it -- i did not initially mean to have that be a Spicy make out moment! it was supposed to read more along the lines of the thrift store scene, or even the kiss after will finished driving the mustang, so very sweet and soft and Romantic. it just didn't come out that way once i was actually writing it, and so i was nervous that i was toeing the line too heavily, or tht it was out of place with the rest of the vibe i had constructed for the chapter. a combination of suni (and abby, who got early access and acted as our second beta) being adamant that it Did fit and worked well, and me being too pressed for time/not having enough energy to rewrite that saved it from the deleted scene graveyard <3 thank god fr. they are both so fucking stupid.
the entiiiiire realization scene up from will realizing he likes mike to the very end of the chapter is my favorite thing that i have ever written i think 💗 i am just so happy with the way it turned out, especially with it being at the point in the fic that it's at!! it felt rly right for will :') also mike calling him baby!!! that was such a last minute decision but i'm so glad i went for it!! the original line was "i've got you, yeah?" but baby hit So much harder so shout out to editing thea for making that change 🤸 will wants to add a heart next to mike's name in his phone SOOOO BAD!!! WHEN WILL HE GET TO!!!!!!!!!!!
your second ask SO TRUE SO REAL. TEEHEE AND MWAHA AND SO ON AND SO FORTH. also you're so right jonathan is so fucked up for stealing steve from will like that 🙄
tytyty as always for your novel length comment alya 💗 really and genuinely and truthfully the thought of getting to read ur reactions is one of the most exciting parts of uploading a chapter!! i eagerly await all of ur other reactions <3333
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omfg so this is for @strawberrylabs birthday which was a month ago school has overtaken my life and i havent been able to work on any reqs or really anything except school i am so sorry to anyone whos requested and i still havent done the request - im trying my best to finish them but final year is very hectic
anyways without further ado~!
how they celebrate your birthday !!
ft. nagi seishiro, bachira meguru and kaedehara kazuha
!!WARNINGS!! gender neutral reader / no pronouns mentioned no actual warnings just pure fluff
nagi seishiro
so nagi
my husband
we all know how he is, he's very lazy and does not like putting effort into things
he loves you very much but he doesn't have the energy for anything
honestly a part of me feels like he'd forget about your birthday and reo would have to remind him
when he remembers its your birthday he'll do a little something
i think he'd by you a little gaming console as your gift so you could play games with him
this man cannot cook to save his life so dont expect him to cook you dinner
but he would order some food and light a small candle and make it look like a cute romantic dinner date
he only puts effort into / pays attention to things he likes
and he likes you a lot :)
after the dinner he'll drag you to bed and cuddle with you
and once he's latched on to you good luck getting him off he'll be on top of you cuddling you
and this man is h e a v y
tall muscle man
if you need to get up for whatever reason youll either have to pry him off or beg till he gives in (which will take a long time so you better start prying his arms off your body)
i like to think he likes wearing oversized hoodies so he can pull them over your head and the two of you can cuddle in his hoodie
my skrunkly baby mwah mwah i love him
bachira meguru
this rat /affectionate
this man would do SO MUCH for your birthday
imagine coming home from work / school and the entire house is decorated
like there's balloons everywhere and confetti
oh and a giant pile of gifts
you'll do a double take when you see the huge gift pile "meguru darling! what is this-" you call out to him "hun!! you're back!!" he pops his head into the room
he has a giant grin on his face and he's wearing a little party hat
he runs over to you and spins you around in a hug and puts a little crown on your head
"come on i have so much planned for today!"
he doesn't even let you get a word in he just drags you off
you have an amazing birthday
he makes you open all the presents while he records because he wants to show his mom his amazing partner
most of the gifts are very sweet and things you wanted
but there will be a couple of… odd- gifts
like a single sock
idk don't ask
this man will literally tell you he's proud of you for being born
10/10 very good boyfriend
kazuha my love
so as we know from what beidou said when she introduced him flowers come out of his mouth the moment he speaks
so just be prepared for that
i think kazuha would write poems for and about his s/o all the time and that includes a special birthday poem for you
if at the time of your birthday youre out at sea with the alcor crew then your birthday will be celebrated by the whole crew all together
its a very lively and fun celebration
but afterwards (when most of the crew passed out) kazuha will take you to a part of the ship where no one else is
the two of you will sit in the moonlight and he'll sing? recite-? idk but he'll tell you the poem he wrote for you
the two of you will have a nice romantic moment
the two of you might end up falling asleep together on the ships deck under the moonlight
AN// ohkay! thats done now
i hope you like it beloved <33 and others who read hope you enjoy too~!
i am now going to go work on other requests while im still in the groove
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autisticempathydaemon · 4 months
hello everynyan :3 /ref
4 the redacted match-ups ! not sure if you're still doing these or not bc i'll be damned i'd give up after the first 3 🙌🙌🙌 power 2 ya ! (if you ARE, in fact, not doing these anymore pls ignore this. this never happened. kay.)
What song are you fixated on at the moment? What lyric or verse, and why?
this was the hardest question bc i LOVEEMUSIC so bad i can never really pick ONE fav bc it changes every 2 seconds but !!! gun to my head as of rn i'd say -- "but not kiss" - faye webster
'i want to see you in my dreams,
but then forget.
we're meant to be,
but not yet.
you're all that i have,
but can't get.'
i chose this song primarily because of the aesthetics & instrumental,, + the feels - i love how the piano carries and portrays every feeling (dread? maybe?) alongside the vocalist ugh sick to my stomach /pos
as for the verses i've chosen i just. really like the way she sings them HA i guess depending on my current mood i might relate to the lyrics for .5 seconds due to a past relationship of mine that had me fuckedd anyway.
Do you love gargantuan Youtube video essays, and if so, which is your favorite and why?
i WISH i could enjoy these as much as others but i have the attention spam of a fucking goldfish i need to be stimulated 24/7. i cannot stare at the same face and occasional photo/clip for over 10 mins.
i might watch more of em if they had like a satisfying slime video in the corner or smth. i find i only watch ones that have a topic/interest of mine that i am actively curious about/into????if that makes sense??
for instance, the only one that comes to mind rn is "in defense of chat noir" by toon ruins UGH ITS SO GOOD i used to be a huge fan of miraculous so that defffinitely takes part in why i rewatch it every few months.
What is your go-to way to fall asleep?
on my stomach. arms under pillows. one leg up. yo i bought these headphones made specifically for sleeping while listening to relaxing noises or smth & i kid you not i use them shits to listen to asmr/rp audios. sometimes it puts me to sleep other times i'm up all night tryna figure out what position the listener and 'character' are in. anyway!!!
If you had to change your name, what would it be, and why? (In tandem, if you have changed your name, why did you pick that one?)
first thing that comes 2 mindd for whatever reason is 'may' ?? possibly bc i really like my birth name already and 'may' is somewhat close to it already? also because i'd love writing it over and over in my handwriting . probably just an excuse to write the letter 'y' actually.
What is your favorite of Redacted’s audios, and why?
fav character changes ALLL THE TIMEE for no reason my fav is all of them rlly i just wanna love and be loved BUT when i reaaaally think about it ?? hudson. even though he's like. an easter egg. i cant have anything. wanna "D D D D DDDJJJ ANXIETY" into his pants. what. who said that. just got hacked wtff
What Redacted boy holds no appeal to you, and why? Like, not the one you hate but the one who you don’t get the hype for. (I won’t judge, I promise.)
a know a LOTT of ppl love david but i am sorry i just cannot. angel better than me idk how they do it. srry. my momma raised a bitch. i've never ever gotten to finishing any of his videos so maybe im the problem but from the get-go THIS BITCH IS SCARY BRO he's so damn intimidating . the fact that his voice is rlly deep doesn't help either :C ..& don't even get me started on early david.
Which Redacted boy are you platonically attracted to? Like- forget dating, which dude do you want to be your best friend?
this is such a good question rlly makin me think . hmm . OK I FEEL LIKE A BASIC BlTCH BC PPL HAVE BEEN SAYIN THIS ALREADY BUT . hux. we like this 🤞 . as for why?? i feel like i need and would . honestly really appreciate more,, warmth and positivity in my life - and i def get that sorta 'aura' from him. & i know damn well he'd give the best hugs. and we could go to the gym together. it'd be so fun. so precious.
Do you have a go-to thing you ramble about when you’re tired, and if so, what is it? (For example, my boyfriend knows I’m ready to sleep when I start talking about space.)
ok first of all #relationshipgoals that is so sweet awe :((
i wouldn't say i really 'ramble' per say -- i just talk. to myself. like a normal person. mhm. i struggle with sleep in general, so i'm usually up till like 5am. typically endlessly scrolling through my phone, or talking to the abyss about something personal that's been on my mind for a while. if it's really bad, i cry in my voice memos. if i just need to - refresh? get smth off my mind so i can sleep? i write songs.
...and then i record them on my $15 wireless headphones. onto that very same voice memos app.
Tell me your go-to gas station and drink combo.
if im being honest,, depends on my mood . but god could i fuck up some strawberry milk and mini oreos right about now. . mind you i've had strawberry milk like once but it changed my life u dont understand
Tell me about your favorite playlist at the moment.
i mean i don't listen to it 24/7 but man i outdid myself w this one. it's called "insanity" and every single song matches the vibe of . just straight up 'otherworldly' ?? if u catching what im throwin?? all songs r pretty 'out-there' - in terms of the vibes - at least i like to think so. for reference it has songs like "goth - sidewalks and skeletons" and "eternal youth - růde" . IDK i guess it makes me happy when songs from a playlist actually match up with one other
What’s your guilty pleasure media, and why?
i listen to this japanese-kawaii-metal-based group called BABYMETAL and i loveee them soso much. a few "metal enthusiasts" go out and call their work 'not real metal' , which is why i guess you can technically call their music a pleasure media -- as well as the fact that whenever i put on one of their songs mfs r like ... what is this - cause its three young japanese girls talking abt bubblegum with the the most insane guitar riff in the back. their newer stuff is incredible. womanhood at it's finest. give them a shot plspls /nf
ALL DONE !! ty 4 reading & have a lovely day/night, wherever you may be <3
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Oh, this one is perfect and required, like, no thought. Vibes-wise? Given your energy? It’s just gotta be Guy.
Building on that, I love that you write songs and he writes screenplays(?). I think it’s so cute to pair writers together so that you might inspire one another and be each other's biggest fans. I also like Guy for you because he strikes me as one of those people who calls themselves “polyjamorous”, listening to basically anything and everything. He loves all your songs and all your playlists, vibing along to all of it even if there’s no words or words in another language. He doesn’t care: he’s with you, so he’s having a good time.
I would predict a fun, artistic life for the two of you like parallel-playing co-writing sessions with the two of you having individual headphones on, making funny faces at one another when you catch the other staring. You take turns showing each what you’ve created and hyping each other up, offering critique. When the writer's clock keeps y’all up till 3 AM, he’s got leftover pizza and any snacks you could possibly want. (He strikes me as the sort of guy who always has junk food caches.)
It was just two lovers/ Sittin' in the car, listening to Blonde/ Fallin' for each other/ Pink and orange skies, feelin' super childish/ No Donald Glover/ Missed call from my mother/ Like, "Where you at tonight?" Got no alibi/ I was all alone with the love of my life
Given your passion for music, I tried to pick a love song for y’all that was emotionally evocative to the mind and the ear. I chose this one because I thought the piano instrumental and how it evokes that mental imagery of sitting with someone during the golden hour might resonate with you. I also like it for y’all because this song got really popular on tiktok, and Guy would probably know it from there.
Obviously, we have to have Hudson as a runner-up. As a DJ, he’d be so loving and so supportive of your craft, hyping you up on air all the time and playing your work whenever he can. He’d also make you really bomb-ass playlists. A less obvious runner-up would be Anton, but I really like this one. You’d be more of an opposites attract sort of pair, but I think it’d be cute, and listening to music would remind Anton of you while he’s away~
Read this post and send me an ask if you’d like a match-up of your own! 💌
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krnzysh · 2 years
SUMMARY where you finally say yes to your suitor in a creative way
CHARACTER kamisato ayato x gn!reader
CW very self indulgent, modern au, gender neutral reader, just pure fluff, angst if you squint, rushed fic, mentions of crying, overthinking, use of call signs, not proofread. lmk if I missed any
[ 💬 ] LOVE, AIKA ¹this is the result of my spin the wheel journey. fluff for now hehehe might post angst soon? idk depends on how busy/motivated I am. ²i got this idea after watching this tiktok wjdhfdndo
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“I’m on my way,” Ayato spoke from the other side of the call.
Today marked the 2nd year Ayato had been courting you. Throughout those two years, Ayato had always been patient.
For two years he had been working hard to get that single word from you finally.
Every day for the last two years, he never failed to show you how important you are to him.
Ayato always said to take your time, and that he’s not rushing you to enter a relationship with him.
Despite this, you couldn’t help but worry. What if he got tired of waiting for you? What if he finds someone else to love? So many what-ifs ran through your head.
Ayato knew, he always knew about those thoughts you have, he did his best to quell your worries. It always worked.
Today, you wanted to finally answer the long-asked question. You wanted to tell him “Yes”.
But what's the fun in just telling him? So you concocted a plan together with his sister, Ayaka, who had always been supportive of you both.
Your train of thoughts came to a halt when you heard a knock on your door.
Grabbing your things, and making a beeline to the door, there greeted you the sight of your boyfriend-to-be, holding a bouquet of crochet flowers.
You swear you felt your heart beat faster at the sight.
He wrapped you up in his embrace before handing the bouquet which contained an assortment of flowers.
Returning the hug albeit a bit tighter, and giving his cheek a kiss as a thank you.
He chuckled, his ears turning a pink hue.
"Hi, love" Ayato greeted you,
"Hello" It was your turn to get flustered, he was truly a very unpredictable man, as mischievous as he is, you can't deny the fact that is one of his many quirks that you fell in love with.
Noticing you reddening cheeks, he let out another chuckle. 'Adorable', he thought.
Being the gentleman he is, he walked you to his car with a hand on the small of your back. Opening the door and helping you buckle your seat.
The drive to the location was a quiet one, you loved the fact that no matter how many words were spoken be it none or thousands, you never felt empty, his presence alone was enough to fill your heart.
"We're here," Ayato announced after parking the car.
The view was one you could never forget, it was breathtaking.
The setting sun made it more ethereal, it was like a scene from a book, it looked so unreal.
But to Ayato? You were the most breathtaking view, seeing you gaze at the unending sky with your sparkling eyes.
He fell in love with you all over again.
He uttered your name, beckoning you to come sit with him. He fed you the snacks he brought, and even cuddled you close to him.
After awhile of just sitting together and talking about what not, you gaze into his lavender eyes, you find yourself lost in them.
'Now's the chance' you thought. It was finally time to give him your long awaited gift.
He hummed in response, knowing he's listening you decided to continue on.
"What's your favorite number from 1 to 30?"
Though surprised by the sudden question, he nonetheless answered, "19, why?"
Still a bit anxious, you decided to stall more, so, you asked again
"Aside from 19?"
"26, my birthdate"
He answered despite the initial confusion.
"Do you want to know mine?"
"Of course, I want to know everything there is about you"
'Smooth.' you though to yourself.
"My favorite number is 6, ask me why,"
Without any hesitation, he asked "Why?"
"That would be our monthsary!" you replied, anxiously waiting for his reaction.
Pure confusion was written all over his face that you couldn't help but let out a small giggle.
It still hasn't registered in his head, 'monthsary..?' what could it ever mean?
Then it all clicked, you were finally saying yes to his courting!
His face glowed red, salty droplets of tears rolled down his face, he couldn't help it can he?
"Love, are you serious right now?"
"Of course I am. Today is April 6 right?"
"May 6 would be our first monthsary then."
"That's right, what am I to you now?"
"My lover"
"Let's make it official, Love"
That was the first time you ever called him Love outside of texts, he felt butterflies fluttering all over is stomach at that very moment.
"I love you so much," He said, the first to many more.
"I love you too" you told him, leaning your forehead against his, staring at each other with so much love and adoration.
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© aiikalvr — do not repost, translate, or plagiarize any of my works on any platform !
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fyodoro · 2 years
hiyahhhhh:) am i able to request a rui x reader where he gets jealous?
Jealousy, Jealousy
Featuring Rui Kamishiro
Hi anon, sorry this took a bit longer… I’ve been busy catching up in school. But i hope you enjoy:}
Cw) cursing (once), kinda cringe tbh but I was exhausted while writing this, short?? Idk depends on what you consider a shirt fic.
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Something you’ve caught onto with all your time being with Rui was that he is surprisingly not the jealous type. He might be afraid to lose you- but he has too much trust in you to get jealous. When he feels a tinge of jealousy, Rui remembers that at the end of the day, he’ll still be your #1.
With that said, what does make Rui so jealous that he forgets his go to thought? This guy who doesn’t know when to shut his mouth.
You and Rui have almost every class together, so you two are rarely separated. And in each of those classes- everyone knows you two are together. Your peers don’t bother you or him as much when they realize how happy of a couple you are. But keyword, almost. Almost every class.
And in that one class there just so happens to be a classmate you’ve gotten closer with in the past few days. Getting paired up together often for assignments and group projects, and you got along quite well. He, of course, was not as relevant to you as you were to him. So you never really brought him up to Rui.
So when Rui is on his way to meet up with you after class ends, he raises a brow at the guy chatting your ear off. Raising that brow higher when he notices you were giggling a lot and paying close attention.
Rui tries to brush it off- he’s just one of your friends. Friends laugh with each other and talk with each other, this isn’t any different. But the way neither you or your classmate noticed Rui standing right behind you slightly irritated him.
“I saw this new shop that opened around the corner- I think you might like it! Do you wanna swing by it with me?” ‘Is he trying to ask them on a date?’
“Is there really? I’m sorry- me and my boyfriend are supposed to have met up by now and go home. What about another time” Rui felt his heart flutter a bit, reassured you haven’t forgotten about him.
“Oh shit- you have a boyfriend? I mean, congrats? I just thought you were single y’know?”
Yeah, Rui’s had enough at this point. This guy clearly had intentions on being more than friends and whether you realized it or not- he’s kept making moves till you got the hint. Which of course, you didn’t. You would only notice and pay attention to Rui’s romantic gestures.
“Yeah actually, they’re taken. I’m their boyfriend. And we were meant to be on our way minutes ago but you couldn’t seem to notice they have no interest. C’mon (Name), let’s get going.”
You wondered how long Rui had been standing there before he spoke up, and you felt guilt swell up in your chest. How did you not realize your own boyfriend was standing right behind you while another guy was asking you out? He didn’t look sad, or upset, he looked slightly irritated but besides that his expression was blank.
The walk home was silent, but you still held onto each other’s hands with the occasional squeeze, it was reassuring.
Once the two of you were home, Rui didn’t waste a second to tightly hug you. You hugged back- appreciating this moment and his touch. When he pulled away he just looked at you, not knowing where to start when talking about how he feels.
“It’s ok, Rui, I know you were jealous and I’m sorry for not realizing my classmate’s intentions. But look who I’m with now! I’d choose you over anyone anytime. I’m not going to leave you, Rui.”
He’s not sure why- but Rui felt joy overcome him when you read him perfectly. He didn’t need to say anything and find a way to put his emotions into words, you already did.
“I’m sorry I got jealous over something so dumb. I love you, (Name).”
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stxrmylxve · 2 years
Ran (p2 of 2)
If you don’t remember… :
@tenjikusstuff: omg i never requested anyone i just don't know how request work...but like. ANYTHING with Ran makes my knees week. From the most angsty thing to the most fluff thoot sweet one. I just love him THAT much. And same gors for Hanma fucking Shuji. These beanpoles have my heart attached to strings.
So basically I saw an alphabet thing where people did every letter for something regarding a character? Idk if that makes sense lol but here’s where I got credit from; (sfw) (nsfw)
A - Aftercare This poor man. He switches from ruthless to being the most worrisome man in the world. You might doze off, but you will wake up to food and water and be wrapped up in a blanket while he lies cold behind you.
B - Bff Similar to how he is as a bf, I think he would worry 24/7. He knew you were a little oblivious at times and couldn't help but hope no one bothered you while he was away from you.
C - Cum (legit so awkward to write this cause its interesting to describe lol) He has a bit of a shitty diet so this reflects that lol. It's more clear than anything else and sticks to legit everything. Still enjoyable to take in LOL
D - Domestic (settling down) If you were ready, he would be too. He likes to cook, especially with you, and wouldn't mind taking on the house-husband role outside of work.
E - Experience Might seem like big shit but is probably truly learning with you, prove me wrong. He might have a club, see ladies, and get bitches all the time, but sex? No clue.
F - Favorite Position Cowgirl's helper is a yes along with leapfrog. I think just anything to where he could see your body react to him would be fine. These are only 2 out of many though.
G - Gentleness SO GENTLE. GENTLEMAN. If you have a headache and you're into brushing your hair to relieve stress, you bet he is going to do it for you. Have stuff in your hands? He's taking them and walking in the door, he doesn't care if it's heavy, he's taking them.
H - Hugs? It might weird him out at first, but if you do it enough, he will ask for them every day almost.
I - Intimacy Not romantic enough to have music playing or anything, but he might light your favorite candle and take a bath with you...
J - Jealousy If it's in one of his places, and he owns a lot, he will get mad and fire any employee that looks you up and down.
K - Kiss No brainer, sucker for kisses. And if you pull his hair slightly? He's gone, buckling, like legit crumbles.
L - Location (to do it) Private places like the bedroom, not into others watching in public if he doesn't know them. Ultimately your choice tbh.
M - Mornings (with them) You can't tell me he isn't the one man we wish to wake up to. Messy bedhead hair, raspy voice, does the stomach scratch thing that reveals the slightest below the belt... AH
N - No’s (turnoffs) When a person doesn't care for themselves and/or their s/o bugs Ran sm. Also just not being a good person. Like sure, he smokes some, yeah, but he's not rude to people or bothered if someone tries to make small talk if they haven't done anything?
O - Oral (giving, receive) Opposite of Hanma, better with the mouth than with the fingers. Legit almost chokes on air if you give it to him.
P - Patience Surprisingly patient. Wants shit done but can wait if it's necessary.
Q - Quickies Perfectly fine with them. Although it's normally just a name since he likes to take his time and it turns into an hour in the bathroom instead of a few minutes.
R - Risks He's risky all the time. Like mentioned above, a little clueless when it comes to the deed so you might need to explain the quote 'risk' before he goes at it.
S - Security Cares about you SO MUCH. Ran >>>> bodyguard
T - Toys? He has them. They're still in the packaging.
U - Ugly Habits He has a bad habit of forgetting things. Important things. It could be a simple meeting, or it could be a bigger thing like forgetting to eat.
V - Volume Loud af. Doesn't really care if someone hears, but you're equally as vocal so... guttural moans every time with praises.
W - Would they be whole without you? Absolutely not. He would beat himself up, even if it wasn't his fault you left him. If he left you, it would only ever be because it was for your safety.
X - X-ray Girthy and 5-6 inches. Cute little mushroom top :)
Y - Yearning Depends. If he has been tired for the past week due to work, begs you for a taste. Ordinarily, honestly could care less if it's not important to you either. If you ask, ofc he will. But won't outright be desperate like when he is tired.
Z - Zzz Sleep for so long. IDK WHY HE IS SO TIRED??? Maybe it's just a bad sleeping habit that became a habit, he will sleep in most days and be late to work.
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isimpfornatsume · 1 month
Jealousy (Oikawa x reader) part 2
Masterlist | part 1 | part 3
((Carrying on from before...))
"Y/N-chan. I got a confession from Ruby-senpai and I'd like to discuss with you about it..." Oikawa said seriously.
The Oikawa Tooru you knew was rarely serious and when he is serious, he means business. You knew that from dating him for almost a year now that serious Oikawa is never to be taken likely. The last time he was serious, he severed a ball so hard to the other side of the court in their matcha against Shiratorizawa it seemed more like a super suuuuuper hard spike and the impact caused the ball to bend in a weird way a few months back. A/N: I'm sorry idk how to explain but its like the spike he did against Karasuno in the Spring High. That was when you knew your boyfriend was not to be messed with when serious. 
"Y/N-chan? About Ruby-senpai's confession... I'm going to..." Oikawa trailed off
"To?" you asked not wanted to be left hanging, being and pleading whatever is above for him to reject her confession.
"Accept it." Oikawa muttered out.
"WHAT?! ARE YOU CRAZY?!" you exclaimed upon hearing his answer and after a moment of realisation you whispered out, barely audible, "what about me? Are we gonna bre-"
"No no! Its not like that N/N-chan." Oikawa interrupted.
"Then what Tooru. Then what? You want to 2-time me?!" you asked.
"No. Sweetheart, no. Listen ok? Here is my plan. You know how I don't let any one in sch know that I am dating you to avoid my crazy fans to bully you right?" Oikawa explained, choosing his words carefully.
"Ok, so I'll date her but there will be a lot of things she can't do and she would never know that we are dating and I'll priorities you ok? You will always be my no. 1 ok?" Oikawa explained clearly.
"Sooo you're technically fake dating Ruby-senpai. And dating me in secret so you are 2-timing her." you summarized.
"Yup! So do you agree?" Oikawa questioned.
"Do I get to state my conditions and what you can do with her and not?"
"Yes you can. Anything for you N/N-chan~"
"You can't do any intimate stuff with her. You can only hug, kiss her but not on the lips and intimate areas. You can only kiss her face, and at most, at most her neck. You can also hold her hand and stroke/pat her hair/head. THAT IS ALL! Promise?"
"Ok so hug, hold hand, stroke/pat head and kiss face and at most neck no lips. Right?" Oikawa confirmed.
"Ok then, I promise you I would never do any of the things you told me not to to Ruby-senpai."
 "Ok. I trust you and I still wanna be your no. 1 can I? Pls?" you asked eyes filled with hope
"Of course N/N-chan. I'm 'dating' her but my heart is and will forever be yours Y/N" Oikawa confessed. A/N: Cappybara gave me this idea so thx Cappybara!
"Aww that is so cute and cheesy" you said giggling.
"Sooo I have your approval to 'date' her?"
"Yes you do"
((Timeskip: the next day))
Oikawa went to find Ruby in her class. "Ano, Ruby-senpai, I have an answer to your confession... I decided to accept your confession. So Ruby-senpai, would you be my gf?"
"Yes! Of course I would!" Ruby exclaimed in excitement and wrapped her hands around Oikawa's shoulder leaned in for a kiss but Oikawa covered her mouth with his palm. "Not now Ruby-senpai. Let's take it slow." and he wrapped his other arm around Ruby's waist tightly and filled with affection. He was hugging her just the way he always did with you...
Little did they know that you were in the corner watching them, and your heart sank... You knew you had given Oikawa the permission to hug Ruby and you knew it was going to hurt, but you never expected it to hurt this much. It was like your heart has been shattered into millions and billions of pieces just by watching them hug. You couldn't help but wonder what would happen if Oikawa disobeyed your conditions and kissed Ruby on the lips at a place where you could see. How painful it would be and how angry and jealous would you feel... 
 Maybe one day, one day Oikawa Tooru might forget you and put is 'gf' as his no. 1 priority instead of you. Would you regret it? Maybe you would. But will Oikawa actually hurt you even tho he made a promise? A/N: You will find out soon. In chapter 3 and more...
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xokohaneazusawa · 2 months
Hihi congrats on the milestone (again) wanted to join in on this since yesterday but kept forgetting until now BUT i finally got my brain to get around to it! Can I get a matchup for either bllk or bsd?
My pronouns are she/her but I rlly don’t mind any, and my preferred name (online at least) is dor/doro/dorcie/whatever variant of dor someone comes up with. I don’t mind any character tbh! Anyone BUT shidou bc i hate that ugly FREAK😠!!!!!
My likes are all over the place… i’ve been enjoying thrifting a lot recently, especially w my friends. I also like record stores and second-hand book stores (i think they smell good). Uhhh i’ve been obsessed with the legend of zelda and splatoon since i was like… 7? Very dear franchises to me. I love reading and writing (duh) and also online shopping! Also i love walks. Long walks, short walks, idcidc if i can walk somewhere I’m happy. I have a sweet tooth but recently i’ve been enjoying rlly bitter things?? Black coffee is surprisingly enjoyable?? But i still love sweet stuff especially cherry or strawberry flavors yum. Also coffee smells so good…
Dislikes BLEHH. i hate annoying people i hate close-minded people and i have a great dislike towards people who over consume. Snakes are nasty EW WHY ARE THEY SO SLITHERY WHY DO THEY MIVE LIKE THAT i hate snakes… ew. I’m also insomniac so i don’t like that… also tiktok influencers more than half of them suck booty and irk me
Hobbies.. writing ofc, painting occasionally, idk if the gym counts but. I love the gym. !! My personality is ENTP and i’ve been told im a dun person to be around or talk to. A few of my friends call me an orange cat??? If that counts as a personality trait. I’m lazy sometimes but other times i’m doing like 20 things at once on a whim cause why not
Love language (giving) : acts of service 100% i love doing things for my friends and when im in a relationship. Quality time is up there too! Physical touch is 50/50 tho it really depends on my mood.
Love language (receiving) : quality time fs i love quality time its so dear to me
Idk how i’d describe my appearance tbh? I’m pretty tall, like 5’7 and a half? I think? Last time i went to the doctor thats what i got😭 mid length dark brown hair and hazel eyes, also an athletic build cause i’m rlly active. I think my aesthetic is somewhere between vintage and grunge? I’m kinda basic sometimes too it depends on the day, yknow?
Sorry for writing an essay 😔
I think you'd go well with...
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Kunigami Rensuke!
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-> Off the bat, you two probably met at the gym or when you both were out walking! After that he started finding times to talk to you before he eventually asked you out! -> The cutest little gym dates every once in a while, along with taking walks and going to little nearby bookstores and even thrifting places, once he learns you like that stuff, he's be so happy to accompany you really anywhere! -> Understands about your dislike for close minded people, and luckily as long as there isn't anything wrong with what you're doing then he's totally there to support you in whatever you do! -> Tries to help you in any way possible with your insomnia, even staying up with you if it helps in any way, even if he normally tries to get 8 hours. He doesn't wanna just leave you awake, especially if he can help in some way -> Loves having conversations with you, especially since you have those traits of being social and a fun person to be around, and when he sees you trying to do a bunch of stuff at once he'll always try to help you out. He just doesn't want you to get too overwhelmed with doing to much -> Doesn't quite understand why you like doing things for him at first, but once he realizes that it's how you show your love it's really heartwarming to him, and he might ask you to get him stuff more times on purpose just because, and with the 50/50 on touch, he gets it. He doesn't constantly like being touched either but whenever you wanna hug or just to cuddle together he'll never say no!
I think you’d go well with…
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Chuuya Nakahara!
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-> Loves taking you out on shopping dates whenever he's not busy. Bookstore? Sure, he could always also use a new book. Old record store? Who doesn't like music. Even just walking around while window shopping is so much better with you around. Though you might have to take Elise with you every so often! -> He'll end up going with you to the gym every once in a while, he doesn't always have the time but when he does it's not a bad thing to do. Though sometimes he'll just kinda watch and do barley anything, normally it's because he's still kinda sore or beat up from a past mission -> Your personality types work out pretty well, you being an ENTP and him as a ESTP, showing that you have pretty similar thoughts and feelings about things which makes it a little easier to understand each other! There may be a couple things you disagree on but he'll at least try to understand your side and hopes you do the same with him -> Also has a dislike for closed minded people, so he's always willing to complain or listen to you when you come across one, and he totally gets it and will get pissed off, even if he wasn't there -> Actually really likes that your love language is acts of service, it not only helps him when he needs something but also the fact that it takes a lot of stress off him if he has you helping him! Of course he'll never take it for granted and he always reminds you to take a break, and he'll help you whenever he can as well. Also in the same boat with being a 50/50 on physical affection, it's nice every once in a while but especially with his job he can't always be around to hug and do things like that. But he makes up for it by trying to be around as much as he can when he is around!
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silvergoldraeven · 2 years
Resurrected Heimdall AU but it’s part 3
ehehehehe i’m gay for him okay- i might be cringe but im free :3
part two here :)
part four here
- both their house in Midgard and Sindri’s house are like their main houses, tho Heimdall refuses to sleep in the cabin and just hangs out there throughout the day if anything
- Atreus and Heimdall tend to read til late in the night, usually falling asleep together in the process. Kratos makes sure to tuck them in whenever he finds them like that
- Heimdall’s left arm has become even stronger from him relying on that one alone so much
- he’s become great at climbing trees, too, which he loves to do since he keep an eye on everything around them more easily from up high.
- just the mental image of this fucker just climbing all the way to the top with one arm like its nothing
- he makes sure to take Mimir with him when he knows he’s gonna be there for a while
- Sometimes he leaves Mimir hanging from a tree branch and just goes “wow Mimir, you truly are the best tree ornament.. bye now :)”
- yes he gets scolded every time by Kratos
- Heimdall and Atreus both staring at any cute dude and then later talking about them like girls gossiping at the dinner table
- Atreus wakes up a lot from nightmares of Ragnarok, usually when Heimdall is awake already
- Heimdall doesn’t even need to use his abilities to know that the kid just needs some comfort, so he lets Atreus cuddle up to him for a few extra hours of sleep
- Atreus and Heimdall fighting on who gets the comfiest spot on the sled while Kratos just stands there, he’s too tired for this shit
- Heimdall LOVES hide n seek, he, Atreus, Thrud and Angrboda play constantly. Sometimes others join in too. Turns out Kratos is a great hider.
- Heimdall being the seeker is kinda cheating tho because this man can literally hear grass grow
- their games can take HOURS if its just Heimdall and Atreus, because both are competitive as fuck
- just. Atreus going as far as holding his breath or hiding underwater or some other dumb shit so Heimdall can’t sense him
- “father i’ve looked in 8 realms and i still can’t find him what the fuck”
- when Atreus is in a bad mood but just wants a distraction, Heimdall will just start counting down, a cue for Atreus to sprint off and hide.
- surprise hide n seek, who doesnt love it c:
- i feel like Heimdall never really got the chance to be a proper kid, hell, even Atreus didn’t get the chance. so they make up for their lost time together
- idk i just had the mental image of Kratos carving Atreus some wooden toys and Heimdall pretending So Hard to not be envious
- Heimdall later acquires a shelf of wooden trinkets his dad made for him :)
- him pretending to hate hugs and dodging any attempt from anyone.
- until he’s alone with his dad and brother ofc those two are the only ones allowed to touch him, he loves hugs from them even if he acts like he doesn’t
- Atreus breaking a chest open with his as Heimdall watches
Heimdall pushes him aside with the next one “here, i’ll help :)” and smashes it with his bifrost arm ofc because why would he pass up on an opportunity to show off
“that’s cheating, Heimdall”
“absolutely not, i’m simply using my strengths as an advantage :)”
atreus motions to his bow “oh yeah? well me too” and just whacks Heimdall in the back of the knees before sprinting away from his quickly approaching doom
  - Kratos and/or Atreus waking up, house completely dark besides 2 bright pink/purple eyes staring at them, totally not unnerving
“why are you sitting in complete darkness”
“.... it’s comfortable”
- Atreus calling for Heimdall who’s pretending to not hear him, Thrud watches him try for a bit. “oh yeah he does that, i have something that always works tho”
“oh really? what is it?”
*Thrud just going “pspspsps” at Heimdall*
- Heimdall repeating the sounds Gulltoppr makes when no one else is around. just:
“mrow? agreed.”
- Heimdall constantly forgetting that he’s missing his arm and trying to pick stuff up and then just kinda stares in confusion for a few seconds
- my theory of Heimdall being part giant too stands so im wondering if Angrboda and Atreus teach him giant magic at some point too
- he’s VERY good at haggling with any trader, especially the more expensive ones. sometimes he comes home with fancy robes he traded for his family.
- imagine if at one point he finds someone selling wine from Greece so he haggles it off the trader and excitedly brings it to Kratos
- Atreus doing pushups with Kratos to see who can do the most and Heimdall just going “i can do that with one hand :)”
- Heimdall letting Atreus braid his hair since he had practice on Mimir’s beard anyway. Kid’s fast and precise with it which Heimdall didn’t expect.
- Atreus just being a whole ass barber for everyone is a funny thought
- even after Fumbulwinter has died down completely, Midgard keeps being a tad too cold for Heimdall’s taste
- everyone swimming together in a lake and Heimdall just. sitting next to the river because the water is too cold for him. “i mean, we could go to Vanaheim, the water there is nice and warm-” “no.”
- everyone sleeping without blankets or anything and then there’s Heimdall with enough blankets and furs to keep every person in Midgard warm
- Atreus coming to Heimdall because he wants to gift Angrboda something but doesnt know what to gift her because of that one time he offered her a flower and she didnt want it.
“obviously she prefers her flowers alive and not dead, so try that”
Atreus stops pacing around the room and just stares at his brother in confusion “wh-” “grow some flowers yourself, idiot”
- Heimdall, master of romance and courtship (<- this is a lie, probably)
- His love language being physical touch and just being all up in people’s personal space when he cares about them, pretending to annoy them
- Atreus: *causes slight chaos*
Heimdall, immediately: “i should’ve just thrown you off that wall the second i saw you”
Atreus: “love you too, brother! :D”
- mental image of Mimir, Kratos and Heimdall writing a book together called ‘gods and their skill to fuck up severely; how to not do that’
- the family sharing their stories and poems with each other because it’s cute and they all deserve to be loved and have fun
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🦋 Hello~
Could you do scenarios ; How the Hetalia guys would motivate and help with studying, basically making sure their S/O stay on top of school work. Any character is fine, you can pick, no pressure.
Tho speaking of who Is your favourite character? 🍬 you don’t have to answer if you’re uncomfortable it’s cool
America, China, Canada, and France helping/motivating their S/O with schoolwork
note: i’m sorry it took awhile, idk how to format it yet. oh also i couldn't finish canada since idk what to write for him (sorry again) my favorite character kinda depends on my mood but Hungary, Canada, and Switzerland are my top three.
He would try and help you study but sadly your face is too distracting for him.
So, he ends up just looking for articles or books that can help you.
America would force you on a burger break because while he cares for your education, your inner peace is more important to him.
He would hang out in the room you’re studying in, (or you're studying where he's working) occasionally looking over your shoulder to see what you’re doing. He always compliments your good work after checking too.
Alfred hugs your back, resting his head on your shoulder. “Lookin’ good, babe.” You can’t tell whether he said that to you, or if it was directed towards your work. Either way the statement is still flattering though. You look up at him to notice him looking right back at you. Alfred chuckles once you look back to your schoolwork.
China will be really helpful, he’d probably encourage note taking and other good methods to remember things.
He’d make you some tea, or just water if you dislike that. He doesn’t want you to forget about staying hydrated.
Wouldn’t distract you as much as some the others might, he finds your schoolwork to be very important.
Altogether very helpful, does his best to help you with it. He probably knows a lot too with how ancient he is.
"S/O, I made you some tea! This helps with memory so it should help you a lot." He smiles, placing the cup down gently for you. "Thank you." You sighed looking to him, you appreciated the stuff he did for you. It might not be much but it helps. He presses a soft kiss to your cheek, "Call for me if you need anything." then he leaves. Even if he never stays for long, it's still nice when he does check in on you.
He makes you some pancakes to eat while working, might even try to shape it into something cute like a heart for you.
Extra helpful if you’re writing something. I feel like that’d be his best subject.
The way he’d help with that is spelling corrections, telling you different ways to phrase something you said.
If it’s anything else he’s still helpful, mostly just there for moral support though.
(I WROTE SOMETHING HERE WHY THE FUCK DID IT DISSAPEAR?!?!??! i'm so sorry canada lovers but i aint rewriting that shit😭)
France is the classic "i will help you study!" but you end up getting nothing done because of him.
Keeps asking you to take a break, he's kind of needy about your affection. Will try and look sad if you say no, does his own version of puppy dog eyes.
Eventually he gives up and goes to at least make you a snack, you deserve it for being such a determined worker.
He'll come and go, definitely the least helpful but he is pretty fun so that kind of makes up for it.
"S/OOO~." He whispers in your ear, his persistence for your attention is starting to become sad with how desperate he's getting. Currently, your lovely boyfriend is trying to convince you how taking another break will help your work ethic. You love him loads but he's really time consuming. Sighing, you turn around and grab his shoulders. "Francis. If you give me another hour to work, I will go out and have dinner with you. Okay?" He seems pleased with this compromise, already going off to get ready and plan where you two will go.
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tsuncda · 1 year
ooo ok idk if CYMs are allowed in here but
🪑 (chair) — come talk with me! i don’t have any ask games in mind, so come annoy me however you see fit <3.
maybe as ur playlists? bc u have some very cool names for them
omg,,,,,, your mIND is impossibly big for this, bestie!!!! i am a sucker for a good cym and nothing will bring me back to my tumblr rot than one of these bad boys <33
disclaimer that my memory has never been worse when it comes to who falls under the "mutual" category. i might forget some of you and i'm so sorry for that 😔✌️
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@destourtereaux is despite everything, there is light (it's all my like,,,, soft core kpop that i listen to when i'm #overwhelmed on a monday evening and still have so much to do even though i'm so done with life itself. it's the perfect balancing act between a pick me up and a cradling hug that doesn't ask me to be okay,,, just get through <3) alternatively; we burn just like stars
@musicallisto is do you even dvicio? (because yeah <3 she's the only other girlie who understands the dvicio brainrot <3 also i heard a rumor that literally all of their love songs are written about her???? and like,,, i can confirm it's true. there's no better subject material for love songs than clara <3) alternatively; summer borne seconds? i only have 5. also; though their lips sound of things done
@amortensie is sing because you just need to sing (it's literally just musicals <3 nixie is that theatre kid out of all my mutuals and she should be immensely proud of that <3. also, there's so many different genres held within that behemoth of a playlist and nixie has multitudes and depth that we might never expect <3) alternatively; mele
@genyakosstyk is the haole boys know how to make good beats on occasion (this one is just a collection of white boy artists (hapa haole included!!!) and idk why i'm giving it to lottie, tbh. i just feel like she'd lovingly roast my occasional, misguided brainrot over objectively average white men like alec benjamin, but also let it happen and learn the lyrics to support me. it's a playlist i listen to when i want to tap into the teenage me who had a favorite backstreet boy, okay? ooooohhh... you know what? maybe this association came about because i associate lottie with &juliet... and they have a lot of white pop on that list.... yeah. i think that's it.) alternatively; six of crows radio
@bright-molina is summer borne seconds? i only have 5. (it's a 5SOS playlist. i think the association explains itself.) alternatively; stealing elias goldstein's headphones
@heliads is do i want roses? only if they sound like this. (it's a collection of music by the k-band the rose and i just,,,,,,, there's nothing more comforting in this whole wide world <3. why do i associate it with lisa? i mean,,, it's not a 1-1 association since i don't think lisa knows the rose exists, but i feel like their ~sound~ fits her vibes <3) alternatively; i am the sea or i am nothing
@oceanspray5 is heavy are the mountains; heavy the seas (this one is my like,,,, indie folk pop playlist. at least i think that's what the genre is...? the sound for of monsters and men. the oh hellos. the lumineers. idk why other than the sound fits the aesthetic of iffah's blog.) alternatively; a little parenthesis in eternity
@noesapphic is the dark of getting it (it's my secret agent au playlist. self explanatory vibes <3) alternatively; cantar
@the-radio-star is perhaps i am digging his grave (one of my oldest, most robust, and beloved playlist <3. it's arguably a lot of genres but it scratches the same itch of ~ooooooohhhh,,,, i'm dark and angsty and arguably a mess but also a bad bitch on alternating wednesdays~) alternatively; saranghae but it's a mournful yeehaw
@permanentreverie is bts mayhaps? (i think this one explains itself <3 but also!!!!!!!!!! bts changed me and so does lindsay. daily. not always for the better of society, but alas. change can never be contained to one linear direction <3) alternatively; thirteen of them but they take up seventeen places in my heart and; this world rests beneath a blood red sky
@biqherosix is tomorrow? girl, only if we're together (i don't think daniza knows txt - if you don't, this is my not so silent plea for you to give them a listen - but literally the vibes align so perfectly. she and txt get each other, they just don't know it yet. listen to 0x1=LOVESONG and tell me daniza wouldn't just,,,,, go feral to that song. also Lo$er=Lo♡er) alternatively; the haole boys know how to make good beats on occasion
@johnskeating is CELESTIAL (for obvious reasons (to her at least) that i will not disclose and neither will anyone else under threat of death <3. but also, it's a collaborative playlist with a lot of summer-adventures-with-your-best-friends vibes and that's cass <3) alternatively; all that's beyond my grasp
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