#idk actually know if my thing about chris and being so dedicated to the mission makes sense but like
paigemathews · 2 years
How do you feel about Chris killing the Valkyries? I felt it was very out of character to the character he was shown to be personally, like he wouldn't have it in him to do something so wrong.
How do you feel about how fast Chris forgave Leo? I know by the time he found out who Chris was they didn't have much time to make it all spaced out but I do feel it was a little rushed for how much Chris had against Leo..But perhaps it's just me?
As always, general disclaimer that I haven't done a full rewatch in a while. (Y'know what would negate the need for a disclaimer, is if I just rewatched the show like I've been meaning to for the past two damn years.)
In regards to the Valkyries, I actually disagree, I feel like it's very in-character for him. (It helps that it happens in one of the first episodes, which are typically pretty foundational for characters', well, characters.) Chris is incredibly dedicated to his mission, ultimately dying for the cause, and I don't really think it's out of character for him to be willing to cross a line that others wouldn't (murder) to accomplish his goal. Admittedly, this is in the context of said goal being preventing the world from being subjugated by an evil, ultra-powerful tyrant. It's clearly something that he did not enjoy doing, by any means, but it was a necessary evil at the same time if that makes sense. I will say though that it's a pretty common interpretation that Chris was actively working against Wyatt in the UF, to varying interpretations, but I mean. Very few people are engaged in a war without some kind of blood on their hands and Chris already knew that he could kill the Valkyries by using his powers like that, which wasn't something we'd seen other good characters do before. I don't necessarily think that was the first time that Chris killed someone for the sake of the mission.
At the same though, I think that part of the issue is that Charmed is very much a show that is... I guess black and white with good and evil is the best way to put it. We as the audience don't really have a good framework to interpret Chris's actions in-universe because of that. It also doesn't help that a) it really isn't ever brought up again and b) Valkyries are cast in a weirdly antagonistic role, despite presumably being good beings? Chris also makes mention of an agreement, but we never get anything more about that. Honestly, it's very much an instance of the show not really knowing where they're going with him at that instance.
For Chris and Leo, I'm gonna be honest, I really don't know because I haven't seen those episodes for quite a while. With how season six is written, I'm inclined to agree that it was rushed. At the same time though, I think it's interesting that it's Chris forgiving Leo when he tries. Chris continually shoots him down, but Leo keeps trying, which is a stark difference from Chris's experience with UF!Leo, who was never there for him. It also might be that Chris actually realized that he was holding Leo accountable for things that he hadn't even done yet, and may never do which. Isn't exactly a stellar precedent when the tiny baby he's trying to save originally grows up to be a murderous tyrant, y'know? But you're definitely not alone in thinking it's a bit rushed, I still feel like season six was a bit more by the seat of your pants than it probably should have been.
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emsy55 · 4 years
Saturday nights
Note: I wrote this for @virgatto‘s 850 challenge. Congrats on 850 and I hope you like it!!
Summary: You’re going through a difficult time. Chris knows that and tries to keep your mind off your problems by keeping his tongue on your pussy.
Warnings: smut, oral sex, mentions of a troubled home but not too detailed, exhibitionism, and doing inappropriate things with fruit idk what was going on in my mind when writing this lol
Tags: @h-bea92 @cncogirl18 @sometimesbadalwaysboujie @papichriscnco  @erickcolonbrianfan92
I used the song Saturday nights by Khalid as inspiration for this.
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you hear a clinging sound as the cherry kernel you just spit out, hits the metal trashbin that’s on the other side of the balcony. “Yesss!!” you shout because you beat Chris at your little game.
You bite a tiny piece out of a red cherry and gently suck on it. You like to take your time with it, you want to appreciate the tasty and juicy piece of fruit. 
“you really can’t do anything the normal way, huh?” he says, making fun of the way you eat.
This unique way of eating cherries has given your plump lips a shiny red color. Chris chuckles as he sees your colored lips. His large hands grab your chin as his lips meet yours. He softly sucks the cherry juice off your lips, causing you to let out a moan mixed with a giggle. When your lips are clean, his tongue enters your mouth. You suck on his tongue the way you were sucking on those cherries, which he seems to like. 
Being a little out of breath, you pull away from his sweet lips. You're sitting outside on his balcony, next to him on his comfortable sofa. You let your head rest on his shoulder, you’re both enjoying the view of the city. Staring at the same, crowded and dirty city you look at every single day. But somehow, when you’re with Chris, this city turns into a paradise.
Chris felt a stinging pain in his chest when he picked you up earlier today. You didn’t say anything about what happened at home, but he knew what was going on from the moment you got in the car. No one knows you like he does. He wanted to talk about it, but before he could, you reminded him of the only rule you have; “We can talk about our misery every day of the week, but Saturday nights are for fun and love.” So he followed that rule and swallowed the words he wanted to say.
“I know another game.” You take the stem of the cherry, “Can you tie this with your tongue, faster than I can?” He takes the stem and places it in his mouth with confidence. 
To your surprise, he has tied a little knot in only a few seconds. You can do it as well, it just takes some more time. He can see that you’re surprised. “Why so surprised, nena? If there’s one person that should know how skilled my tongue is, it’s you.” He chuckles and winks at you.
“hmm, I think I forgot about those skills, maybe you should refresh my memory?” you say, mimicking his wink. And as those words leave your mouth, you know the fun is about to start. 
At least, that’s what you hoped. You know the moment is ruined when you hear your phone ringing. It’s your mother, you know that without even looking. she always does this. She knows this is the only evening you don’t have to work. This is the only moment you don’t have to worry about anything, and she can’t stand it. She just has to take this precious moment away from you.
Chris puts his warm hand on top of yours as you want to grab your phone.
“Don’t. You know who it is and you know what she’s trying to do. Don’t let her, you deserve to have a moment for yourself, and you know that.” You're not surprised that he also knows who's calling you. Chris knows you so well, he's always the one that listens to your problems.
You gaze at the old balcony railing, avoiding eye-contact because you know he’s right. “She already ruined this evening by calling, so I might as well just listen to what she has to say.” 
He wants to convince you that the evening isn’t ruined. Just telling you that, is pointless. You’d start a discussion and by the time it ends, the evening actually is ruined. So he puts his lips on top of yours, you’re aware that this is his nice way of telling you to shut up, but you let him.
Chris knows that as soon as his lips leave yours, your mind will go back to your mom and all of your problems. So his lips don’t stop kissing you until he finds something to keep you distracted.
His tongue leaves your mouth and he ends the kiss with a last peck on your lips. “I still have to show you how skilled my tongue is.” You like the playful smile that appears on his face. His eyes get sparkly and he sticks out his tongue, it immediately makes you smile as well.
You take off your dress, giving him a very clear answer. His smile just gets wider. You don’t care that you’re sitting on a balcony in the middle of a crowded city, wearing only a tiny thong. And that’s what he loves most about you, you’re bold and you don’t care what other people think.
He grabs a cherry and bites a little piece out of it, just like you always do. He takes the cherry between his fingers and rubs it over your lips, making them red again. 
He places the cherry in your mouth and grabs another one. This time he uses the juices of the red cherry to color the skin in between your breasts. He softly rubs the tiny piece of fruit over your skin, from your breasts to your pubic bone.
He lays you down on the sofa and leans over you. He starts to clean your lips again, just like he did before. He sucks the juices of your plump lips and then enters his tongue in your mouth to kiss you with passion. He ends the kiss and starts cleaning the trail he left on your body. 
His tongue perfectly traces the red color, and sometimes he stops to leave some kisses. You have goosebumps all over your body.
You knew he liked the way you were eating the cherries, but you didn't know it inspired him in filthy ways like this. Your thong has a big wet spot on it, caused by the things Chris has been doing to you.
When he finally licked and sucked clean every piece of skin that was covered in red juices, he places his hands on your inner thighs and lets his chin rest on your pubic bone. His brown eyes look right into your eyes.
He grabs another cherry and breaks off the stem and hands it to you. "if you can tie a knot in it before I can make you orgasm, you win." he says with a wink.
You're a little confused but you like playing games, and you also like getting your pussy licked. So you just do what he says.
You put the stem in your mouth and Chris takes off your thong. He takes the cherry but doesn't bite a piece out of it. He places it in his mouth.
He starts leaving small kisses on your pussy. Then, he starts using the cherry as a little toy on your pussy. Without breaking eye contact, he rolls the little fruit over your wet folds. The cold feeling of the fruit and his warm tongue make your pussy tingle. But you’re aching for more, you want him to stop teasing and place his tongue fully on your pussy. 
He suddenly pushes the cherry against your entrance, causing you to widen your eyes. He slightly pushes it in your entrance, but quickly sucks it out again. 
When he notices that you’re almost succeeding in your little cherry stem mission, he finally decides to eat the cherry. You didn’t like sharing his mouth with that piece of fruit, you were craving his full attention.
He's sucking on your clit exactly how he was sucking on the cherries before. It feels amazing and looks so sexy. You try to tie the stem that's in your mouth, but his tongue on your sensitive pussy makes it too difficult to concentrate.
You almost choke on the stupid little stem when his tongue starts rubbing circles on your pulsing clit. He chuckles and decides to add more pleasure by pushing two of his long fingers in your entrance. 
He admires the view he has. you look so beautiful, and so concentrated on the pleasure he’s giving you. You’re not thinking about the fact that you’re naked on a balcony, giving a perfect view to the neighbors.
His fingers leave your entrance and he replaces his tongue with his thumb. His thumb plays with your sensitive nub and his tongue enters your entrance. The feeling of his warm wet tongue inside you tickles a little and is making you chuckle. 
You admire how he eats your pussy with so much dedication, doing all the things that drive you insane. your hands are placed on his head, playing with his soft hair. 
The moment he starts sucking on your sensitive clit again is the moment you fall apart. Your hands are pulling his hair as you scream out in pleasure. He lets his mouth rest on your pussy for a few seconds, before he gets up and lays next to you on the sofa.
His mouth is still covered in your juices as he teasingly says "I won."
"No Chris, I think I won," you say, referring to the amazing orgasm he just gave you.
your head is placed on his warm chest and his arm is wrapped around you. He smiles, your phone ringed at least 3 times but you didn’t notice. 
He’s proud that on yet another Saturday night, he got your mind off of all the misery that’s going on in your life. Because; we can talk about our misery every day of the week, but Saturday nights are for fun and love.
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cassidy-malta · 8 years
March 22: Q & A
Holy buckets, based on the amount of food questions I’ve gotten, I will make an entire post dedicated to food in the very near future. Here’s some of my favorite questions! 
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(This week we went to a Mexican restaurant where Hayes, Kameron, and I bought 3 burgers, 2 tacos, a nachos plate, a pizza, and a piece of cake. When Luther is paying, we go all in.)
“I have a question: how are you affording all this stuff?” -Tracy Jaquette
This is a very very very valid question. To be completely honest, I’m mainly using my mom and dad’s credit card and they get mailed the bill (ha- only half joking!). My family and I have been saving for this experience pretty much my entire life, as going abroad has never been a “maybe/maybe not” for me but a “definitely- I want that” type of deal. In addition to saving, my extended family have been chipping in by helping to purchase little travel-needs, weekend excursions off the island, and my flights to and from America. Luther supports me greatly in that all of my scholarships transferred over with me so the comprehensive program fee is my remaining Luther tuition (after financial aid is added) + $1000 dollars (I’m on my own for my flights and spending money beyond a $70 weekly food stipend Luther gives me). Finally, I’ve been stupidly frugal while here. To fly around Europe is cheap (I spent about 30 euro to get to Greece and back), when traveling I stay in hostels (dorm-like hotels with many beds and few amenities) and pack many of my meals/make my meals in the flats. I always ask for student discounts and kids meals when I’m out. Every euro counts! 
“Quality of the classes.  I get that there’s in class and out of class education going on.  It sounds as though the benefits are split 85:15 with out of class being the most helpful.” -Steve Woods
“Is the percentage of religious participation as low as the rest of Europe?” -Steve Woods
“Is there much of an environmental ethic?  Parks, clean waters, no litter, etc.  (Greece was horrible for litter and polluted harbors.)” -Steve Woods
These questions are actually all related! Out of class time is certainly beneficial but I would say in terms of education, it’s more of a 60/40 split (out of class is still more beneficial, but not that much of a split). I’m taking two courses on Catholicism (For those in Malta who do practice religion, they’re more than likely Catholic. With a cultural history and identity so ingrained with Catholicism, it helps to have a basic understanding of the religion), a Maltese contemporary ethics class (we examine ethical issues facing the country including religious issues, welfare systems, healthcare, immigration, business, diversity, etc...), and finally a history course (we literally started with the cavemen and are currently working our way through the medieval period). So because of these classes, I am better able to understand the layout of the island, the people, and I am able to answer your other questions! 
According to our ethics course, in the 70′s church attendance was at 84%, and steadily decreased to 43% by the early 2000′s. This is due to a political shift in the 1970′s that pretty much is the equivalent to our “Separation of Church and State”. After a long staunchly Catholic history, the passage of laws (decriminalisation of homosexuality & adultery, laws based on gender, divorce, lgbtq, womens rights, etc) by a non-Catholic government in addition to how interconnected Malta has become with the rest of the world (which consequently has made people more outspoken and opinionated on issues of morality) are said to be the main reasons that Maltese church attendance has dropped. 
In terms of environmental ethics, before Malta’s 2004 entrance to the European Union, it had outlawed plastic bottles and established an extensive glass recycling program. However when joining the EU, they had to abandon their anti-plastic ways for legal reasons but many of the products on the island still come in recyclable glass bottles. The streets are messy but that could just be attributed to the waste removal system as well as the fact that this is a city. Products on the shelves are marked if they’re bio-friendly. Compared to other cities, it seems to really be progressive overall. It’s certainly not perfect and there is a hefty amount of trash on the streets. 
“Any weird animal encounters?” -Steve Woods
I took my shoes off last night to move a big crab. 
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(I almost lost a toe to this big guy because I took my shoes off. What this picture doesn’t show is my peers yelling at me telling me to run away as the crab was in attack mode)
“What is one thing you're gonna miss most when you are back in the States?” -Nam Nguyen
“If you could never go back, what would you miss the most?” -Natalie Hackbarth
This was a tough question to answer that had me stumped but I’ve decided that I can not capture with words what it is that I am going to miss most. I am simply going to miss Malta. If I had to choose, I will miss the walking the most. I am definitely going to miss the necessity of walking everywhere, the weather that allows the walking, the people, families, and dogs I see when I’m walking, and the adventures I embark on each time I walk out of the flat door. The large lots and spread out cities in America do not compare to the tightly condensed and claustrophobic atmosphere I have learned to love here in Malta. Not having Walmart or Target at my fingertips can be frustrating, but the adventures I’ve gone on in search of a single item are valuable and exciting and I certainly will miss that part of Malta. 
“Where is Gort?” -Joshua Lutz
Here, enjoying the sunshine.
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(Gort, my trusty sloth aquired on my Mission Trips summer job is here with me in Malta, enjoying the wine culture as much as I am!)
“The real question: what's your average Fitbit score?” -Liesl Allen
Painfully high. 
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(These are averages- my personal record while in Malta was a Sunday in February when I got 35,000 steps)
“Favorite phrase to spout in Maltese...” -Margo Nelson
“Mela”. A Maltese word that means: whatever, yes, no, maybe, sure, okay, although, alright, therefore, um, but, so, then, well (etc). We hear it between every word in Maltese conversation. 
“Have you gotten lost in Malta yet, and if so, how did you find your way? (idk i'm just a sucker for mildly embarrassing stories)” -Lexa Krug
Girl I get lost every single fricken day. The best moments are when I finally swallow my pride and admit to my companions that I have no clue where I am and they inform me that we are a block away from the flat (sigh). 
“Oddest encounter with a boy human.” -Avery Mossman “You find yourself a nice Maltan boy?” -Chris Kim
There are no men on this island. I haven’t seen a single male in 3 months. What’s a boy?
“To someone going on this trip next year, what is one useful piece of advice you would give me?” -Wyatt Anians
To take the words of StoryPeople author & Decorah artist, Brian Andreas, “Say yes. Whatever it is, say yes with your whole heart & simple as it sounds, that’s all the excuse life needs to grab you by the hands & start to dance.” Let life take your hands. Do everything you thought you never would. When someone asks you to go to the new lebanese grill, get happy hour drinks, go out for St. Patricks day, whatever- just say yes. Go with it, dude. Message me when you start packing (slippers are a must. As is stick deodorant). 
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(I said “yes” to hitting the town during St. Patty’s day and ended up in the midst of a massive street party- much larger than I ever anticipated. I had so much fun though!)
“If your trip to Malta was a reality show what would your tagline be and what would your theme song be?” -Natalie Hackbarth
My tagline, “Sorry, I was napping.” 
My theme song would probably just be an array of screaming. 
“What, if anything, have you learned about yourself while there?” -Chloe Grube
I thought I was strong before this, but this has given me a whole new resilience I never knew I had. I’ve survived every one of my worst days. I know my posts make it seem like I’m having the time of my life, but there are ups and downs. Our group has quite a bit of interpersonal drama, I miss my friends and family painfully, and I haven’t gotten any decent alone time in about three months. This is an incredibly challenging and stressful adventure but I wouldn’t trade it for anything.
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(This is my roomie, Maddie. She’s been an amazing friend and source of comfort to me when things get rough)
“What is one highlight of the experience?” -Joan Francois
One highlight would certainly be Rome. Rome was a dream come true and exactly what I was expecting from this trip. It opened my eyes to a new culture and I got to see the things I’ve been dreaming about. Additionally, I had a lot of very very very good food. 
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(just look at me cheesing in The Colosseum!!!!)
Thanks for your support and all of the awesome questions- Some remained unanswered as you guys had some really tough ones and this was already a really long post! On Friday, I embark on an adventure to England all by myself- yes, two days after a terrorist attack. Yes, I am going to London, yes, I am going to the location of the attack, and yes, I’m scared. However, I know the risk of getting hurt is small and I will not let my fears hold me back from exploring the world. That being said, send your prayers, good vibes, etc my direction as I travel. 
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