#idk dude could it perhaps be that I appreciate spending time with my family and getting to revisit the unique cultural/environmental things
ereh-emanresu-tresni · 6 months
People get wayyy too comfortable shitting on entire regions istg
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xbaepsae · 4 years
same old mistakes (m)
“But it wasn’t that you necessarily regretted sleeping with Hoseok. No, you very much enjoyed it—maybe too much—which is why it was wrong. So fucking wrong.”
[rich boy!hoseok x reader]
genre: country club!au, smut, slightly angsty, some fluff
word count: 12.8k
rating: mature
warnings: sex. lots and lots of unprotected sex lmao (please use protection), slight rough sex, some jealousy, rich prick asshole jung hoseok, mentions of alcohol, language, golf terminology (i’m sorry if it’s wrong idk anything about golf LMAO) oblivious mutual pining lol
a/n: omg this fic absolutely consumed me these last few weeks. i haven’t been able to think about anything else, which is why i haven’t been super active lol. so glad i finished this before the upcoming valentine’s holiday and hobi’s birthday <3 loved writing this so much! rich asshole hoseok has my heart. xoxo
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You have never felt more flustered in your life.
It’s the summer after your first year of college, and you decided to come home—to spend a little time with your mother and her new husband. Well, more like she begged you to come home. You actually wanted to visit your roommate’s family on the coast, and spend your days at the beach, but your mother insisted that you come home instead.
Now that you are home, she doesn’t even have time to spend with you. She and her husband are too busy vacationing; that should’ve been you. You can’t even bear to look at your roommate’s Instagram account. And worse of all, your mother signed you up for a job you did not consent to.
“You did what?”
Your mother blinked back at you, feigning innocence. “I heard from Mrs. Lee—you know, our neighbor down the street that attends the local country club—and she said that they were hiring for the summer. You know how rich people love their golf and fancy dinners.”
“And you just decided to volunteer me?” You couldn’t believe her. “I don’t want to work at some prissy country club.”
“Weren’t you just complaining about being broke last week?” She really did not need to expose you like that. “This’ll be good for you, honey.”
Thus, you found yourself standing in front of the country club not even a week later. They hadn’t even asked you to do an interview; you just talked to a manager on the phone and she said for you to just come in. Honestly, too suspiciously easy but what could you do about it? Your mother had been right—you did need the money.
When you arrived, you were immediately whisked away into training. There, one of the girls, Soyoung, fitted you into the uniform—a plain white polo and khaki shorts—and told you what you’d be doing here.
“So, there are a lot of different areas here,” she began, “as you can see from how big this country club is. So, you might find yourself working in different areas occasionally…but for now, you’re going to be on the course with the drink cart.”
Soyoung explained that as the drink cart girl, you’d be driving a golf cart around while handing out beer and other drinks to the golfers on the course. It seemed easy enough, except you’d never driven a golf cart before…or tried to sell people something. However, Soyoung assured you it was easy.
But that was about an hour ago. Since then, a lot has happened. You managed to get the golf cart to work, but it is considerably different from an actual car. The forward/backwards switches were tripping you up. Because of that, you already knocked over a display…or two.
Which leads you to your most embarrassing moment.
For some reason, you forgot that being back in your hometown means the possibility of running into people you went to high school with. The thought just didn’t seem to come to mind. Being off at university has made you forget about all of those idiots you used to be around every day. Until now, when you bump into one of them. Literally.
You really hadn’t seen him behind you; then again, you weren’t looking, which was probably not the greatest idea. But you blindly backed up and hit him. Not that you were going fast or anything, but he did cause an outburst.
“Oh my—fuck! Watch where you’re going!”
Horrified, you press onto the breaks. Turning around, an apology begins to fall from your lips. “I am so sorry. It’s my first time—”
You freeze at the voice; it sounds awfully familiar. Blinking a few times, your eyes focus on the person in front of you. And your stomach sinks. Standing in front of you is none other than Jung Hoseok—the last person you ever expected to see again.
He must see the recognition fill your eyes because he instantly smirks. “Wow, it really is you. It’s been a while, huh? Haven’t seen you since graduation.”
An awkward laugh passes through your teeth. “Yeah…it really has.”
“Didn’t expect to see you here,” his smirk seems to widen, and his eyes travel down to your clothes. “You work here or something?”
“Yeah…just started today, actually.”
He nods appreciatively. “Nice. Well, I’m here almost every day, so, I’m sure we’ll be seeing a lot more of each other.”
I hope not. “Sure.”
Just as Hoseok opens his mouth to say something else, someone calls his name. He looks away from you, and that’s when you finally allow yourself a moment to look at him. For the first time, you realize how long a year is and how much change can happen in that time frame. Even though it irks you a bit to think about, he looks really good—even in his damn polo and khakis.
You take in the curved slope of his nose, the way his brows are perfectly arched to match his equally perfect eyes. And you’re almost blinded by his pearly white smile. Perhaps, Hoseok has always been attractive—dark, windswept hair and all. You’ve just never wanted to admit it; even after that one—
“Catch you around, y/n,” he suddenly says, and that’s when you realize he’s caught you. He smirks and shoots you a wink as he walks away, leaving you to mentally kick yourself alone.
In high school, you and Jung Hoseok were in different crowds. He was preppy and popular—kind of snooty, to be honest—and you were just normal. Not popular, but not a complete wallflower either. Despite not being in the same circles, you both had a few classes together; which meant that you knew each other decently well. At least, you knew enough about Hoseok that you wanted nothing to do with him.
Except for that one, momentarily lapse of judgment, your conscious suddenly reminds you. But you’d rather not think about that right now.
Another thing about Hoseok that you knew of was his background; he came from money—a lot of it, actually. You don’t know exactly what his family does, but they’re those old money types; the kind of rich people that have been rich forever. Which helped to explain his popularity in high school, and how he had a country club membership now.
You wished you knew that before you got the job here.
As you drive around the golf course, feeling more comfortable driving the cart now, you may or may not be on the lookout for Hoseok. Now that you know he’s here, your eyes seem to search for him everywhere. And it’s not because you want to see him; you want to avoid him, if possible.
It’s not until you’re halfway through the course that you see him with a group of other guys, which—to your displeasure—are also people you went to high school with. It’s fitting though, you presume, considering they were all close then as well.
You don’t know anything about golf, but you watch as Hoseok lines up his club to the ball. He swings only once, and the ball flies. You follow where it goes and watch as it hits the grass and rolls right into the hole. His friends cheer for him as he turns around with a smug look on his face. “And that, everyone, is how you fucking do it.”
“Nice, man,” one person—who you recognize as Jeon Jeongguk—says, moving to pat him on the back.
“The motherfucking GOAT,” another—Kim Namjoon—laughs.
“Maybe you should just go pro or something, dude,” the last guy says, and you recognize him as Kim Seokjin. “Because you’ve hit an ace, birdie or eagle at every hole.”
Hoseok laughs at that. “Maybe I’m just lucky today.”
“Dude probably just had good ass last night,” Namjoon smirks. “So, who was it?”
“A gentleman does not kiss and tell, my friend,” Hoseok winks, and you can’t help but roll your eyes at the banter between all of these men. Disgusting. “But if you really want to know…”
“Not you trying to get Hoseok’s sloppy seconds,” Seokjin speaks directly to Namjoon. “Because we all know how that went the first time with—”
“It wasn’t my fault Katie caught feelings,” Hoseok interrupts, walking back towards the rest of his friends. “I told her it was a one-time thing.”
Jeongguk struggles not to laugh as he moves up to line his club and ball. “And then you introduced her to Namjoon.”
“And she used him to get closer to…” Seokjin starts to say, but then he notices you. You’ve never seen someone straighten up so quickly. “How long have you been sitting there?”
“Long enough,” you say as three pairs of eyes turn to look in your direction as well. “Um, drinks?”
“Took you long enough to get here, y/n. I was starting to wonder when you’d arrive,” Hoseok takes a step in your direction, and you watch as the rest of the guys do a double take.
Namjoon is the first to speak, “Ah…y/n. Yes, I remember you…we had chemistry together, right?”
“Oh my gosh, you were in my calculus class!” Jeongguk exclaims, golf club still mid-air.
“I don’t think we had any classes together,” Seokjin says with a pout. “Because if we did, I would’ve remembered you for sure.”
For some reason, you feel your cheeks get hotter. “Um, thanks?”
You can tell they want to say more to you, but Hoseok shoots his friends a look you can’t see, and they close their mouths immediately. Turning back to you, he takes another step close to your golf cart. “A beer for each of us.”
“Aren’t you all underage—”
“No one cares here, y/n,” he cuts you off with a smirk. “Besides, Seokjin’s father owns this country club—we can do whatever the fuck we want.”
Shock passes through you at this news, mouth dropping at the realization that Hoseok and his friends might be more privileged than you originally thought.
“And we don’t usually have to pay for anything, but”—he fishes for something in his pocket— “here.”
You look down at his extended hand, where a crumpled 100-dollar bill sits, and practically gawk at it. Who carries such large bills around so casually? “What—?”
“Keep the change,” he stares you right in the eyes, and you have no other choice but to accept the money.
“Thanks,” you manage to say before reaching around to grab four beers from the cooler.
As each bottle is plucked from your hands, Hoseok is the last person to grab his; and the way his fingers accidentally touch your own seems like no accident at all. Although it was only for a few seconds at most, his touch leaves your skin burning. Burning for what? You don’t know; but it lingers the rest of your shift in a way that is so distracting, you nearly hit someone else with the golf cart.
“So let me get this story straight, you saw a guy you fucked for the first time in a year and now you don’t know what to do with yourself. Worst of all, his presence at your new job is going to be the death of you.”
You cringe at your roommates’ words. “God, why do you have to say it like that.”
“I mean, that’s who he is right?” her voice echoes through the screen.
She’s not wrong, but it still doesn’t sit right with you. “When you say it like that, it’s just weird.”
“Y/n, you act like you haven’t fucked other guys before.”
“Yes, but what happened with Jung Hoseok was a mistake,” you breathe. “It was never supposed to happen.”
Her pixilated expression softens upon seeing your clear distress. “I understand, babe. We all do things we regret.”
But it wasn’t that you necessarily regretted sleeping with Hoseok. No, you very much enjoyed it—maybe too much—which is why it was wrong. So fucking wrong. It wasn’t like he coerced you into that bedroom; you willingly followed him inside. And you can’t even blame it on the alcohol because you had been as sober as the day you were born.
It was graduation weekend, and everyone had come out to celebrate. You really didn’t want to go, but some of your friends forced you. Just enjoy the time we still have together, y/n, they had said. Ironic, because you no longer spoke to any of them.
Around the fire, behind the massive patio of someone’s house, drinks were poured and passed around. Even though you held a red solo cup in your hand, the murky liquid didn’t draw you in; you hated the way alcohol tasted back then. Still kind of do. But you simply pretended like you were enjoying yourself.
Every single part of you wanted to leave early that night, but you didn’t. You ended up staying because of Hoseok. It was something about the way he carried himself at that bonfire that night. Before, you never saw him as anything more than a spoiled brat; however, the flames of the fire seemed to soften him before your eyes. Because before you knew it, Hoseok pulled you away from the stares of everyone else.
You don’t even remember what happened—what you two talked about or didn’t talk about. But something happened before he kissed you. Unfortunately, it’s all a blur now.
After swelling your lips with, what seemed like, a thousand kisses, he told you he wanted more; and you told him yes. The memory of him rushing with you through the house and into a vacant room still burns hotly in your mind. You had been giddy with nerves and excitement as he pushed you against the closed door, sucking the air from your lungs.
Hoseok ripped your clothes off with practiced hands, clearly experienced with this, and made you come undone more times than you can recall. Throughout this whole exchange, not much was said; but no words were needed when he could read your body so well.
The both of you ended up falling asleep like that—tangled in each other’s arms. And when you woke up a few hours later to the rising sun, horror filled your veins like a shock of ice.
You left without saying anything. Not that you think he would’ve cared either way. Jung Hoseok seemed like he would be used to stuff like that.
You just never thought you’d see him again one year later.
But here he is.
During your next few weeks at the country club, you try your best to avoid Hoseok.
This, however, proves difficult to do since you can hear his laughter echoing everywhere. From the hallways to the range, you can’t seem to escape him at all. And it doesn’t help that his friends all seem to be around too.
Every time you catch even the smallest glimpse of him, you turn in the opposite direction. You aren’t sure if he can tell that you’re avoiding him or not, but you don’t care—you just want to get this summer over with already.
Turing in the direction your name is being called, you see Soyoung walking towards you. You offer her a tight smile, hoping she isn’t here to tell you that you’re in trouble or something. “Soyoung. What’s up?”
“Do you mind helping me clean up a little by the pool? I know you just got done on the range, but a girl called out and I could really use the help.” She gives you this sad puppy look, which means you can’t refuse her offer. So, begrudgingly, you follow her back outside.
In the hot summer sun, the large crystal blue pool looks like temptation. Soyoung notices your face and laughs. At her laughter, you realize you’ve never seen the pool this close. You pass by the canopy lined pool lounge every day, but you’re not a maid here or on lifeguard duty so you’ve never had a reason to linger very long.
“Looks inviting, huh?”
All you can do is hum in agreement as you begin helping Soyoung pick up disserted pool towels and throwing them into the hamper. As you’re bending down to retrieve a particularly wet towel on the concrete, the hot sun beating down your back is suddenly gone. You look up and notice there’s a shadow blocking the sun—a suspiciously familiar shadow.
Immediately, your back straightens, and you turn around to face a shirtless Hoseok. His hair is wet from the pool, which means beads of water are cascading down his chest. You try not to stare, but he’s literally so close; there’s nowhere else to look. Your eyes follow the towel in his hand as he begins to dry himself up, going from his abdomen before they travel down to the dark trail of hair that leads to—
You freeze and force your eyes back up, but the smile on his face tells you that you got caught—again.
“Like what you see?” His smile seems to grow wider at your expression.
You scowl. “In your dreams, Jung Hoseok.”
He leans down, face inches from yours, whispering, “If I remember correctly, that dream already came true…one year ago.”
Before you can say anything, he stands back up to his full height and brushes past you—his naked skin burning holes through your clothes. Once he’s a few steps away from you, you realize his friends were also there the whole time. Embarrassment burns your cheeks at what they might’ve thought, but their expressions remain too ambiguous for you to read as they follow their friend.
“I didn’t know you knew Hoseok.”
Your head whips towards Soyoung. “I don’t…I mean, not really. We just went to high school together.”
But your coworker doesn’t seem to buy it. “Really? I’ve been working here for a few summers and those guys have always been around, especially because Seokjin’s dad is the owner. I’ve tried to make small talk with them a few times, but they’re pretty intimidating.”
“They’re pricks,” you tell her. “Typical entitled rich boys.”
“I suppose so,” she hums, throwing the last towel into the bin. “Anyway, can I ask for another favor?”
All you can do is nod. “What?”
“I have another thing I have to do,” Soyoung starts, making you realize she works pretty hard here, “so, can you put these towels in the laundry room? You don’t have to start a load or anything; just leave them and one of the maids will wash them later.”
She slips the laundry room key into your pocket, telling you to give it back to her later, as she rushes off to her next task. Which leaves you to find the laundry room by yourself. After nearly ten minutes of searching, you find it tucked in a small hallway.
Opening the door, you push the dirty towel hamper into the room. You look around and see multiple washers, dryers, and a lot of storage shelves filled with miscellaneous items. You’re so caught up in looking around the room that you almost don’t hear the door close. At the sound of the lock clicking into place, you turn around; immediately, your heart starts beating faster.
“What are you doing in here?”
Hoseok leans against the door, no longer shirtless like before, and smirks at you. “I was following you.”
Like that’s not weird at all. “Stalker much?”
“Just wanted to know why you’ve been avoiding me, that’s all,” he pushes off the door, taking a step closer. You unconsciously take a step back, hitting the hamper.
“I haven’t been avoiding you,” you lie.
He just blinks at you. “You’re a bad liar, you know that?”
You’re shocked that he can read you so well. “Okay, so what if I am avoiding you? It’s not like you should care. Just leave me alone.”
For a brief moment, something passes over his eyes; but the emotion’s gone before you can think about it. “I don’t think I can do that.”
“What?” Now, it was your turn to blink rapidly.
Hoseok takes another step towards you, severing whatever distance there had been before. His arms move to cage you between himself and the dirty hamper. Slowly, he leans down, making sure not to move his eyes away from yours. “I can’t just leave you alone—not when you’re the only thing on my mind.”
“What are you trying to say—” his hand wrapping around your jaw shuts you up.
“To put it simply, I can’t stop thinking about you—about that night after graduation,” he says, eyes swirling with a darkness you know all too well.
“But that was a year ago,” you manage to say through clenched teeth, and he loosens his grip on you.
His signature smirk lights his lips. “So?”
“I was drunk,” you lie again. “I don’t even remember what happened.”
“So, you’re telling me you don’t remember this?” One hand curves around your hip. “Or this?” Another wraps around your waist. “Or this?” He plants his lips onto your jaw.
You release a harsh breath as the memories of that night come flooding back. Heat begins to pool in your stomach from his touch. As he peppers kisses along your jaw and down your neck, your hands move to fist his shirt. Just as a moan threatens to leave your throat, he pulls away.
Your lips part in indignation at the loss of touch, and Hoseok just smirks even wider. “I thought you said you don’t remember?”
“I’m going to kill you, Jung Hoseok,” your frustration is through the roof.
“Tell me you remember.”
Right now, there are two sides of you fighting. There’s one part of you that wants to tell Hoseok you don’t remember a single thing—that you really had been drinking graduation night. But there’s an even larger part of you that wants him so bad—to feel the same high you felt a year ago.
So, you settle with, “But I’m working right now.”
Hoseok’s eyes turn obsidian as his smirk drops. “I’ll be quick.”
He pulls you away from the hamper and pushes you, stomach first, against one of the washers. Suddenly, you realize what’s about to happen and you try to force the dopey smile off your face by biting your lip. In one swift motion, he unbuttons and pulls both your shorts and panties down to your ankles. By the sudden coolness below, you already know you’re soaking.
And Hoseok must realize this too because you feel him swipe a long finger over your folds. You instinctively jerk back, letting out a moan at the slight pressure. “Hoseok—”
“Fuck, y/n, you’re so wet for me already,” he groans, using a second finger against your wetness. He slowly rubs your clit and you can’t help but tighten your grip against the cool machine. “Wonder if you’ve been wet since we saw each other earlier.”
You roll your eyes. Typical, cocky Jung Hoseok. “Of course not, you douchebag.”
“I beg to differ,” he hums, inserting a single digit inside of you. “So tight—just like I remembered. Tell me, y/n, has anyone else had the pleasure to fuck your pretty pussy after me?”
His words cause you tense for a moment, before replying, “Yes, asshole. I went to college. What do you think?”
“I’m thinking that I’m about to fuck you so good,” he starts and finishes with a whisper, “that you won’t remember any of them.”
If you weren’t already turned on before, you were now. Hoseok continues to fuck with his finger, slowly adding a second one, edging you until you’re a panting mess before him. “S-Stop teasing—I thought you said you were going to be quick?”
“I will be,” he promises, and you can hear him pushing the waistband of his swim trunks down. You’re dying to see his cock again, so you turn and nearly drool at the sight of his angry red tip. For some reason, he looks bigger than you remember and that worries you a little. “What? Think it won’t fit?”
You raise your eyes to look at his, and he has the sexiest expression on his face you’ve ever seen. “No. It fit before, right?”
He licks his lips as he brings his cock close to your entrance, brushing his head back and forth against your clit. You turn back around, arching your back more in hopes that he’ll finally just stick it inside already. But before you can get too lost in the moment, you gasp.
“What’s wrong?” He actually sounds concerned.
“Do you have a condom?” you ask, facing him again. And by the pained expression on his face, he doesn’t. You let out a frustrated groan at getting all worked up for nothing. You’re about to reach down for your panties when he pushes you back into place. “What?”
“Are you on the pill?”
“Yes,” you answer, “but the pill is only—”
“I’ll pull out,” he says. “And I’m clean, I swear.”
You look into his eyes and seeing the desperation in them makes you want to indulge him. “I’m clean too.”
Hoseok breathes a sigh of relief. “Thank fucking god.”
“You better pull out, or I swear Jung—”
You fail to get the rest of your words out because he slams his cock into you. And you’re right—he is bigger than you remember. He bottoms out at your cervix and you feel like a mess already. You both moan at the feeling of being connected like this again, after so long, and Hoseok keeps his promise and wastes no time.
He thrusts into you hard and fast, leaving you to do nothing but take everything he has to give. “Fuck, Hoseok—oh my god.”
Earlier, he talked about fucking your past sexual exploits out of you, but there was no need to mention anything at all; no one compares to him. They never had a chance.
“Shit, you feel so good wrapped around me,” he groans, digging his fingers into your hips.
And soon enough, you feel your orgasm approaching. It’s slow building, but it’s there and you want it. You figure you’ll just chase it yourself. Reaching a hand down, you find your clit and begin rubbing it. But just as soon as you feel yourself get closer to the high you desire, your hand is ripped away.
There is a sudden weight on your back as Hoseok whispers in your ear, “That’s my job, sweetheart.”
His fingers find your sensitive nub and you come immediately, screaming a string of curses into your arms in hopes that no one hears you. As you ride your high, you feel him pull out. With a groan, his cum spills all over your ass.
As you try to catch your breath and calm your erratic heart, you feel Hoseok pull his shorts back up and take a step back. All of the sudden, a strange feeling builds up in your chest. Is this what loss feels like? But you don’t have much time to dwell on your own thoughts because you feel a towel wiping your body.
You turn and see Hoseok cleaning the mess he made; but instead of looking down, he’s looking right at you.
“What?” you ask, sounding defensive.
“Nothing,” he says, and you hate that you can’t read people well. You wish you could know what he’s thinking right now.
After he cleans between your thighs, you pull your clothes back up your body. You still have a few hours left of your shift, so you hope you don’t look too much like a mess right now. Pulling your hair into a low ponytail, you feel awkwardness hit you like a truck. What are you supposed to say now?
“Uh…I have to go,” you can’t even look at him. “We have a meeting this afternoon…”
You don’t have a meeting, but you don’t know what else to say. But unlike you, Hoseok can take a hint and nods. “I’ll leave first…see you around…and thanks.”
He stares at you for a moment longer before leaving the room. You look out to make sure he’s a considerable distance away before you follow, ducking into the bathroom to check your appearance. Once you look into the mirror, you barely recognize the person you’re seeing.
The girl in front of you has flushed cheeks and sweaty hair.
You spend the rest of your shift daydreaming about what happened. In all honesty, your body aches in the best possible way. And even after your shift, once you get home and lay in your bed, you’re still thinking about everything.
Did you really willingly have sex with Jung Hoseok a second time? Once is a mistake, twice clearly means there was choice involved. What would your roomie say if she knew? You don’t plan on telling her—at least, not until you get back to school. If she knew you had succumbed to his charms this early in the summer, she’d chew you out for sure. Besides, you won’t let it happen again.
There will be no more slip ups this summer.
“Oh, fuck—yes. Right there…!”
You cling to the shelf as Hoseok fucks you from behind. Your legs feel impossibly weak from being in such an uncomfortable position, but you couldn’t care less right now—you just want to come.
“Don’t be so loud, sweetheart,” he groans through clenched teeth. “Don’t want to get caught now, do we?”
“N-No…but if you d-don’t make me c-come quicker, Hoseok…” you moan, and he proceeds to thrust faster. You don’t want to scream, but it just feels so fucking good for you not to. “I’m going to—”
Hoseok clamps a hand over your mouth as you come undone. Your eyes shut on their own accord as you scream into his hand, body shaking from the impact of your orgasm. He curses, probably from how tight you’re gripping his cock, but continues to thrust a few more times before pulling out and painting you in strings of milky white.
Once your body shops shaking, he pulls you up and presses a kiss onto your exposed shoulder. “You’re amazing.”
You can’t help but smile a little. “Thanks.”
The two of you quickly clean up and readjust your clothes. You’re supposed to be organizing after all—at the place you are working at for the summer—not fucking an old high school classmate. Hoseok leaves with a promise of finding you later, and you’re left alone with your thoughts again.
What just happened?
You really did mean it when you said that you didn’t want to have sex with Hoseok again, but here you are anyway. It’s already been a month since the first incident, and you’ve been sneaking quickies around the entire country club with Hoseok.
Every time you think you’re alone, he manages to find you and that infuriating smirk makes you helpless. You’ve lost track of how many times he’s already managed to make your panties drop. But even though he seeks you out for sex, every now and then he sticks around to have a conversation with you.
You feel your resolve crumbling away every time you get a glimpse of the human Hoseok.
“So, what are you studying in school?” he asked one day, settling beside you on the floor of the laundry room.
“Is it bad that I’m undecided?” You tried to laugh it off, but the sober expression on his face stopped you.
He shook his head. “No, you have time.”
And just like, all felt okay in the world.
“What about you?” you managed to ask.
The scrunch of his nose had been nearly undetectable, but you noticed it. “Business. My father wants me to take over the company one day.”
“And you don’t?” the question slipped past your lips without a second thought. You’d been horrified.
“I don’t mind business, but I don’t want my father’s. I’d rather start my own.”
This truth had been rather insightful, and you couldn’t help but change the way you looked at Hoseok—only a little though. You still thought he was an asshole.
After another moment pondering your idiocy, you go back to whatever you were doing before. Just as you place the last shampoo bottle on the rack, a knock sounds on the door. You jump, wondering if it’s Hoseok again; but when it opens, it’s just Soyoung. “Hey—you’ve been in here for a while. Almost done?”
If only she knew.
“Uh, yeah. Actually, just finished,” you try to smile. “Got a little distracted in here, I guess.” A little more than distracted.
Soyoung offers an understanding expression. “Feel that. These storage rooms can be a bit overwhelming.”
“Did you need something?” you ask, changing the conversation.
“I actually bring word from our manager. You don’t work tomorrow night, right?” Tomorrow is Saturday and one of the few days you actually have off this week. You’re dreading what Soyoung is about to tell you. “She asked if you could come in for a few hours—just to help with dinner. They’re expecting a big crowd tomorrow night since there’s a fundraiser happening during the day. It’ll be like three hours max.”
You think about it for a moment, rolling your lips between your teeth. Honestly, you don’t want to come in on your day off—who wants to work when they don’t have to—but three hours doesn’t sound so bad.
“Just three hours?”
Soyoung nods. “Just three hours. I’ll be helping with the dinner too, so we’ll get to work together. And afterwards, we can go to a party, if you want.”
That piques your interest, even though you aren’t one to go out often. “What party?”
“There’s a few houses on this property—they’re rented out to people who want to stay at the country club for an extended amount of time. And I heard from some of the other employees that a party is being hosted at one of the houses. Anyone and everyone is invited—even us.”
For some reason, you actually want to go to this party. Why? Maybe you just want to forget about Jung Hoseok’s charismatic smirk. A party should be a good distraction. So, you tell Soyoung that you’ll come work tomorrow and attend the party with her.
And the girl gives you hug, promising that it’ll be loads of fun.
You hope she’s right.
The next night, you arrive to work in a different version of your uniform. Instead of the usual polo and shorts the country club has you normally donned in, you’re wearing a long sleeve button up and black slacks. In your bag, you brought a change of clothes for later. Thankfully, you remembered to grab it on your way out. Imagine having to wear your server uniform to a party.
That would’ve been a social suicide.
You meet up with Soyoung for a few minutes before the dinner staff collects you all together. They debrief about tonight’s expectations and everyone’s roles. Next, they list all the jobs and when they call your name, you find out you’re going to be taking orders.
“Do I also need to bring the food out?” you ask.
One of the leaders shakes their head. “No, we’ll have people specifically there for that.”
After all the roles are established, dinner officially begins and you try not to look dumbstruck when you walk into the formal dining hall. This is the first time you’ve been in this room and it’s absolutely magnificent. You continue staring around for a moment before walking towards your section of the room—a row of tables by the window overlooking the setting sun.
You proceed taking orders from the first table—a family of four—and then the next—a group of six—before walking to a table that only seats two people. Probably a date. You barely look at the couple as you push a strand of loose hair behind your ear and pull out the notepad.
“Can I take your orders?” you ask, click your pen.
“Yes,” says a nasally voice to your right. You follow it, meeting the profile of a gorgeous girl. Long, silky hair drapes down her back in waterfalls and she’s wearing a tight pink dress. You think that she’ll turn her attention to you, but she doesn’t; she keeps staring at her date. “I’ll have the ratatouille. What about you, Hobi?”
Hobi? “I told you not to call me that, Nina.”
She pouts. “But you let me call you that when we were kids.”
“Yeah, we were kids then.”
You spare a look at Nina’s date and nearly falter when you realize who this Hobi is. It’s none other than Jung Hoseok himself. He’s wearing a fitted charcoal suit, hair slicked back slightly. Even from this view, you can tell his suit is expensive; definitely imported and tailored fitted to his body. Still, you can feel yourself salivating. The man looks like absolute sin, and you feel a sudden flash of jealousy because he’s on a date with someone else—someone he seems to know pretty well.
But you realize you have no right to feel that emotion at all. He’s not yours to have. You both just happen to be sexually compatible. That is all. You two never talked about being exclusive. He is allowed to see other girls, even though the thought makes you feel a little sick.
Hoseok brings his eyes to yours, flashing you a smirk that has your knees weak. “Y/n.”
“You two know each other?” Nina asks, but your eyes don’t move from his.
“A little,” he says. That’s an understatement.
“We just went to high school together,” you add, playing along with his little game. “We weren’t friends though, just happened to be in a few classes together.”
Hoseok feigns hurt, bringing a hand up to his chest. “Can’t believe you think so little of me.”
“Oh, Hobi,” Nina interjects, her hand finding his on top of the table. You zone in on the touch, blood pressure rising when you realize he hasn’t pushed her away.
You try not to roll your eyes. “Yes, poor Hobi.”
When you turn back to him, he’s already looking at you. You stiffen for a second, wondering if his eyes have been on you this whole time. And by the scathing sensation you feel on the side of your head—Nina’s eyes, no doubt—you realize he probably has. “Um. Anyway, what did you want?”
He smirks again. “I’ll have the same, y/n.”
You quickly jot it down and excuse yourself before you start thinking too much.
The rest of your short shift, you make sure not to walk by Hoseok’s table again. Whenever you’re around him, you can’t think properly. He always seems to cloud your best judgment, which is why you’ve already been fucking him this summer. You allow work to consume you, which makes the time fly by. Before you know it, the three hours is already up and you’re headed to the bathroom with Soyoung.
“See? Wasn’t that bad, huh?” she asks from the cubicle beside you.
It was terrible. “Could’ve been worse, I guess.”
“I’m so excited about the party,” Soyoung changes the conversation. “It’s been so long since I’ve had a night out.”
You can’t help the next words that bubble out of you. “Why do you overwork yourself?”
Honestly, you didn’t mean to ask. After all, it isn’t your business to ask such questions anyway. Sure, you were curious about Soyoung but it’s not your place. You’ve been really testing boundaries recently.
“It just kind of happens,” she answers, which shocks you. Not the answer itself, but the fact that she even answered you at all. “I’ve been working here for so long, I guess I just can’t help it.”
“Well,” you sigh, “don’t overwork yourself. Live a little, you know.”
Soyoung laughs. “I’ll try.”
You step out of the stall first, moving to stand in front of the full-length mirror. Tonight, you opted for a flowy crop top and tight skirt. Not something you’d usually wear, but tonight’s different than most nights—you want to enjoy yourself. You pull your hair out of its tight pony, humming in pleasure at the sensation of your hair being free.
“Okay, I see you with the sexy hair.”
You didn’t even hear Soyoung’s stall unlocking or opening. Turning in her direction, you see she’s wearing something similar to you. Only, both her top and skirt are flowy. “More like messy hair.”
She laughs. “It looks good still.”
After running a hand through your hair a few times, and fixing your makeup, the two of you throw your bags into your respective vehicles and walk across the country club’s property. Not even five minutes later, you can hear music playing. Across the distance, you can see a massive house—no, villa—lit up with lights and people all over the place.
“Woah,” you breathe.
“Right?” Soyoung chuckles. “I told you this party was going to be it.”
“I thought you said it was going to be a house party.”
“It is?” She seems confused.
You shake your head. “Are all the houses on the country club property this big?”
Even in the dim lighting, you can see her nod. “I think so. Maybe not this big, but they’re all large enough to house multiple people.”
Damn. You wonder who’s renting this place for the summer. It’s huge, so there must be more than one person; maybe a family? Though, that seems odd since a party filled with young people is happening right now. However, you can’t even begin to fathom how much it costs to rent. How can anyone actually afford that?
But all thoughts of money fade when you actually reach the villa. You assume there’s mainly college-aged people here, though it’s difficult to tell age these days. Soyoung leads the way as you two maneuver past groups of people and into the villa itself. Once inside, you have to force yourself not to gawk at everything.
Grand doesn’t even begin to describe the interior. There’s so much to look at and before you can even begin to look at everything, Soyoung pulls you away. She finds the kitchen and hands you a drink from the cooler. You remove the lid and begin sipping, tasting the slight bitterness of alcohol on your tongue.
“So what do we do now?” You’re acting like such a noob.
Soyoung slants a look at you. “We mingle, maybe dance a little. Do you like dancing?”
You bite the inside of your lip. “Umm, kind of?”
Of course, you’ve been to your fair share of college parties—where dancing and drinking do not mix well. But you don’t mind it; you just don’t think you’re very good. You voice this thought out loud and Soyoung rolls her eyes.
“You don’t have to be good at dancing. You just have to do it. Usually, it comes naturally.”
You aren’t too sure about that statement. But as Soyoung pulls you in a new direction, away from the kitchen, you realize that you have no choice. In another large room adjacent to the kitchen, someone has started a makeshift dancefloor. The bass is booming against the wall and strobe lights illuminate the room.
Even though you’re struggling, Soyoung pulls you both into the middle of the room and spins you around to the music. “I can’t.”
“Sure you can,” she shouts over the music, proceeding to move her body dramatically. You can’t help but laugh. Shaking your head, you realize dancing really isn’t a big deal and you allow Soyoung to move you to the beat. And eventually, you can do it by yourself.
You close your eyes as you sway to the music, occasionally bumping into Soyoung on purpose. It even gets to the point where you feel comfortable enough to lift your arms into the air, which is something you’d never thought you’d do.
It’s not until a few songs later that you finally open your eyes. And when you do, you immediately meet his gaze.
A jolt of electricity goes up your spine at the look Jung Hoseok is giving you right now. He’s leaning against the fireplace in the room across from you, changed out of that expensive suit he was wearing earlier. Now, he’s only wearing the white button up—sleeves rolled to his elbows—and a pair of navy-blue shorts. In his hand he nurses a beer, and that’s when you realize he’s still with that girl from earlier.
You try to keep your expression neutral as you stare at them; but by the way Hoseok’s hard gaze morphs into something smugger, you know you’re doing a bad job at concealing your feelings.
You quickly whisper something to Soyoung about needing some air as you look for the nearest exit. Unfortunately, you don’t know your way around the house. You meander around for a moment before you find a door that leads to the backyard. Breathing a sigh of relief, you open the door and walk into the cool summer night.
There’s a pathway of rocks that leads to the dock of a body of water—a body of water that you didn’t even know existed. You aren’t sure what to call it; a large pond? Whatever it is, you take the pathway until you reach the end of the dock. There, you settle on the edge and stare at the murky depths.
Bodies of water like this were unpredictable. You had no idea how deep it actually was. It could seem shallow, but in actuality be sixty feet deep. For a second, you consider dipping your toes in; however, you decide against it. Who knows what’s in there?
You allow the echoes of cicadas and other small insects to fill your senses. Eventually, you even lay down on the dock and close your eyes, trying not to think too much about—
“What are you doing?”
Your eyes flash open. And as they adjust to the night, you make out Hoseok’s infuriating perfect face. He’s leaning over you, and it pisses you off that he looks good even from this obscene angle. “Go away.”
“Well, aren’t you grumpy,” he hums. “It seemed like you were having a great time shaking you’re a—”
“Hoseok,” you breathe. “Leave me alone. I don’t want to play your stupid games right now.”
He cracks a rare half-smile. “Who said anything about playing games?”
When you don’t answer him, Hoseok’s smile falls and he frowns. You don’t care what else he has to say; you really meant it when you said you’re not in the mood for him right now. However, the boy doesn’t seem to take the hint like he usually does. Because he settles right beside you on the dock, laying down so he’s now eye-level with you.
“You’re insufferable,” you roll your eyes, shifting away from him.
“That’s what you like about me.”
“Who said I liked you?”
“I think your actions speak louder than you think,” he says, sounding awfully calm right now, which is very unlike him. You have no other choice but to look at him. And when you do, your breath gets caught in your throat. Even in the darkness, his eyes seem to sparkle as he looks at you—so fucking intently like he’s seeing you for the first time.
You don’t like it.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” you force your eyes away, but his stare burns your skin anyway.
“You were jealous at dinner, weren’t you?”
The scoff that leaves your lips sounds beyond bitter. “No, of course not. Why would I be?”
“If you were jealous,” Hoseok begins, which makes your stomach churn, “don’t be.”
“Huh?” you ask, still not able to look at him.
“Don’t be,” he repeats. “Don’t be jealous of Nina.”
“I wasn’t jealous of—”
He cuts you off. “Don’t be jealous of her. She’s just a family friend.”
“But you two seem so close…”
Hoseok laughs. “I just entertain her because our parents have been friends forever. I’m pretty sure they want me to marry someone like her. I mean, she’s hot”—you suck in a breath— “but she’s not you.”
Your eyes finally give him and meet his, and he’s still staring at you. “What’s that supposed to mean.”
As you both look at each other, you expect him to say something. But he never does. Instead, he scoots a few inches closer to you—so close your noses are almost touching—and runs his fingers through your hair. Weaving his digits through your still messy hair, he pulls your head towards his and your lips meet.
And underneath the moonlight, you allow Hoseok to kiss you until your head is dizzy and you have no choice but to let him consume you again.
The next morning, you find yourself wrapped in pristine white sheets that feel like silk beneath your fingers. But that’s not the only thing you’re wrapped in. A heavy arm is slumped over your waist and the body heat emanating from him sets yourself ablaze.
Last night, after Hoseok bruised your mouth and skin with his lips at the dock, you asked him why he was at the party.
“This is my house,” he said so casually, like it wasn’t a big deal at all. Your eyes bulged out of their sockets. “Well, my house for the summer at least.”
“You’ve been here this whole time?”
He nodded. “Our actual house is in the city, and I hate driving back and forth so much—especially since I’m here with the guys nearly every day. So, my parents decided to rent this.”
You didn’t know what to say. But you realized there was nothing that needed to be said because since this is where he was staying, it meant his bedroom was here too. You let him walk you back to the villa and up the stairs into his room, to which you had to text Soyoung and let her know you were headed home early. A lie. You told her you felt sick. Another lie. But she didn’t seem to mind. She had found a few other employees of the country club there and would walk back with them.
After losing track of how many orgasms he gave you, youth both shared a bottle of vodka he had stashed underneath his bed. And tipsy you had no inhibitions.
Every question Hoseok asked, you answered honestly.
“Favorite color?”
“Do you like working at the country club?”
“It’s a job.”
“If you could do anything in the world, what would it be?”
“Spend my life away on some island.”
He laughed. “Really?”
“Island life s-seems fun. It’s relaxing. You don’t have to worry about anything,” you slightly slurred your words. “You?”
“I think island life seems to be the move now.”
You both talked so much. About anything and everything. It reminded you so much of the first time you really spoke to him. Moments like this made Hoseok feel normal, which you don’t know how to feel about yet.
But one thing you realized you did enjoy was his laugh—his real laugh. Not the one he smirked with, but the one he gave when he thought no one else was watching.
You must’ve said something stupid—you honestly can’t recall it now—but when he doubled over in laughter, it was infectious.
The good thing is that you don’t have work today, which means you don’t have to rush anywhere. But you have a feeling that you’ve overstayed your welcome. You didn’t even mean to stay the night, but you’d been so comfortable in Hoseok’s bed that you fell asleep after all the conversations. It was probably the best sleep you’ve ever had.
You’re going to give the credit to Hoseok’s expensive mattress, and definitely not him.
Though, you can’t deny how good it feels to have him spooning you. A part of you wants to stay in this bed forever, but that’s crazy talk—you shouldn’t have come into the bed with him at all. You keep telling yourself—over and over again—that you don’t want to fuck him again.
But you’ve been such a liar.
Now, you’ve accepted the fact that you can’t resist him. You know it’s just sex, but you didn’t want to get involved with him in the first place.
You take in a few breaths as you try to move his arm off of you. Hoseok shifts a little, and you risk a look over your shoulder. When your eyes take in his face, your heart stutters for a moment. With his mouth slightly parted and eyes still firmly closed, you realize that he looks so peaceful asleep. So vulnerable. You have to force yourself from touching him.
What the fuck, y/n?
Turning back around, you gently pry his arm off of you and pray that you don’t wake him. But all your careful maneuvering proves to be futile because his arm releases from your grip and moves back down to your waist. With a squeal, Hoseok pulls you back on his chest.
“Where do you think you’re going?” God, his morning voice is so hot.
“Um, leaving?” you sound like an idiot.
“Stay,” he breathes against the back of your head.
You want to. You really, really want to. “I can’t.”
“Why not?” he asks, snaking his arms underneath the covers to find you—skin still bare from last night’s activities. Your breath hitches as his fingers trail across your skin, each touch feeling like sparks.
“I-I have somewhere I have to be,” you stutter as his rough hand wraps around one of your breasts, squeezing tight. Your nipple hardens immediately.
Hoseok slips the covers off your body, exposing you to the cool air-conditioned room. And without warning, he moves on top of you and begins trailing his lips over your body. You notice that he makes sure to suck those bruises he left scattered across your skin extra hard, purpling them even more.
“Hoseok,” you try not to moan. “I really have t-to—”
His lips crashing onto yours shuts you up. You kiss him back forcefully, nipping his lips with your teeth and running your tongue across his. As you two battle it out, he settles in-between your thighs. Bringing a hand down your abdomen, it slides straight to your cunt—which is already drenched.
He hisses against your lips. “So fucking wet. Thought you had to go?”
“Shut up,” you moan as he runs a finger from your ass to your clit, swirling your juices everywhere. Involuntarily, your hips buck up when he slides a finger inside of you. He gently fucks you like that for a moment, leaving you writhing underneath him. “More, Hoseok—I need more.”
A wicked smile erupts on his face. “Are you going to beg for it?”
An incredulous expression lights your face. You’ve never begged in bed before, and you aren’t going to start now. However, the man on top of you is sure getting a kick out of this. Hoseok moves his finger slowly out of you, which agitates you to no end. If you weren’t so horny right now, you’d kill him.
“No,” you narrow your eyes, not willing to give in.
His finger stops moving. “A shame, really.”
You freeze. “What the fuck, Jung Hoseok?”
“I’m not doing anything until you say please,” he smirks, moving his upper body away from you.
Even though you’re pissed, you can’t help but drink in the Adonis in front of you. Like you, Hoseok is completely naked. Your eyes rake his defined muscles and his thick cock that’s already unbelievably hard. He’s hard for you. The fact that you turn him on makes you feel good—too good.
“Fine,” you shrug, and his smirk falls. “Just get blue balls then.”
As his body goes slack for a moment, you use the opportunity to slip from the bed. But you don’t manage to get very far at all. You probably only take three steps before his arm wraps around you and pulls you back to the bed.
You fall on your back, and Hoseok pins your arms on either side to keep you from moving. Still, you squirm—heart drumming in your chest at the look on his face. His eyes have turned black, and he looks like he wants to devour you. “I’m not begging.”
“We’ll see about that.”
With your arms still pinned, Hoseok lowers his body and your legs spread on their own accord. Fuck you, body. The movement makes him chuckle darkly and he begins peppering kisses along your thigh. Your breath hitches in your throat, which turns into a gasp when he suddenly bites down on your flesh. Not hard enough to draw blood, but it’s enough to be painful.
And as much as you hate to admit it, you like it very much.
Hoseok continues alternating between kissing and biting your thighs until you’re one-hundred-percent positive there is a pool of your wetness on the bed. You know what he’s trying to do and it’s working, but you don’t want to give in. And then he’s so close to your pussy, not even an inch away. You can feel his breath fanning you there. If you just move your hips a little…
“Don’t even think about it,” he moves his head away.
You release a groan of frustration. “Oh my god.”
“If you just say the magic word,” he taunts, lips now on your stomach. He moves low, but never low enough; never where you want him to go.
When he moves up your body, pressing chaste kisses on your nipples before latching his lips on your neck, you release a breathy moan. Hoseok lets out a groan from the back of his throat, hands tightening around your wrists. Fuck, why are the noises he makes even attractive? “Hoseok…”
“Y/n,” he’s still sucking on your neck.
This position, you realize, aligns him perfectly with your body. Again, if you were able to move just a little bit…but Hoseok’s weighing you down with his body, not allowing you to move at all.
“Hoseok,” you say his name again, but he doesn’t respond—he just moves his lips to your ear, nibbling on the sensitive flesh there. And that’s when you crumble. You can’t take it anymore. “Please…please just fuck me already.”
Simultaneously, he curses into your ear as he slides his cock into you. Too perfect—the way he fills you up is too perfect.
You expect Hoseok to fuck you hard, hips slamming into you, but he doesn’t. His thrusts are slow, but the way he hits your cervix has you nearly in tears. Fuck. He releases the hold on your wrists to grip onto either side of your face. With lips ghosting over yours, you tangle your hands into his dark hair.
Your breaths mesh together as he continues to fuck you with slow, measured thrusts. You’ve grown accustomed to the rough way Hoseok likes to fuck; but for some reason, you love this so much more. It’s intimate and makes your chest tighten in a strange way but feels so good you don’t want it to stop.
“Please,” you whisper against his lips again.
“Fuck, sweetheart,” he groans, rolling his hips in a way that has you arching off the bed. Yes.
“Just like t-that,” you say, slanting your mouth to mold against his again.
Your orgasm comes without warning; you moan into Hoseok’s mouth, gripping him closer to you and you ride your high. Through the haze of your earth-shattering orgasm, you hear Hoseok ask if he can come inside you. He’s always pulled out—even last night when he fucked you for hours. But right now you don’t care, and your answer comes in the form of your legs wrapping around his hips.
He kisses you hard and comes inside you a moment later. You’ve never let anyone else come raw inside of you; never trusted anyone else that much. And in that moment, a terrifying thought flashes across your mind.
I’m in love you.
The thought comes so suddenly, burns your brain so hotly, your body stills. Hoseok finally lifts off of you, eyes crinkling in concern. “You okay?”
You quickly try to shake the feeling away. “Um, yeah.”
“You sure? Should I not have come inside you?” he slips out of you, and for some reason you want to cry at the sudden emptiness you feel. “You’re looking pale right now.”
“No, it was fine,” you blink too fast, feeling tears begin to well in your eyes. Get a fucking grip on yourself. “I’m sorry, I really have to go.”
Hoseok doesn’t try to stop you this time when you move away from the bed. You find your clothes on the floor and slip everything back on without looking at him, even though you can feel his gaze on you the entire time. Not bothering to check your appearance, you grab your stuff and move towards his door.
“Y/n,” he calls your name, voice sounding strange, but you don’t want to look at him. If you look at him, you’re going to start crying. And that’s too embarrassing to explain.
You slip out of his bedroom and take the stairs two at a time. As you rush down, you run into someone. “Sorry—”
Looking up, you realize it’s Seokjin; he must’ve stayed the night. Even in your distress, you feel feverish wondering if you were too loud. However, he takes one look at you and stares like he has you all figured out. Your heart threatens to beat out of your chest.
“Did something happen…?” he asks, looking at the door you just left wide open upstairs.
“Don’t worry about it,” you quickly say, adverting your eyes and sidestepping him.
This morning, it’s much easier to find the front door. Just as you’re about to slip out, you hear your name being called again, heavy steps thundering down the stairs. Shit, shit, shit. You break into a run and don’t stop until you have no more air to spare in your lungs. Thankfully, you’re far enough from the villa and close to the country club.
Only then do you allow yourself to fall into the grass as the tears finally cascade down your cheeks.
You’re a fool, you realize. A fool to have fallen in love with someone like Jung Hoseok. Someone who will never feel the same way. Someone who just uses you for a good time. someone who you barely even know. Someone you never wanted to get involved with.
You call out of work the next week, claiming to have the stomach bug. But you don’t have the stomach bug; in fact, you’re not even physically ill at all. You just can’t bear the thought of running into Hoseok at the country club.
On the first day, you listen to your sad girl hours playlist on repeat.
During your second day of moping in bed, you half consider quitting your job. Would it be too cowardly? Maybe. Unfortunately, there’s only a few weeks left of summer and you doubt that you’ll be able to find another job.
When the third day arrives, you finally get out of bed and take a proper shower. You didn’t realize how much you needed it.
Your mom knocks on your door on the fourth day. You only know it’s her by the way she taps on your door rhythmically; she’s always done that ever since you were a child. When you don’t respond, she dares to crack the door open. Shit, you forgot to lock it last night.
“Are you feeling better, love?”
You don’t move on the bed, hoping your mother thinks you’re asleep or something. But despite you not moving, she still shuffles into your room and settles herself on the edge of the bed.
“Is this because I haven’t been spending time with you this summer?”
No, mom. It’s me. I fucked up. Although, I would appreciate it if you did spend time with me—like you dragged me here this summer to do.
“I’m really sorry, love,” she whispers, getting up after a moment.
Once you’re sure she’s by the door, you finally open your mouth. “It’s not because of you. It’s…something else.”
You hear her grab onto the door, but she doesn’t say another word before leaving you all alone again.
On the fifth day, the bruises that littered your skin finally start fading. Glancing into the mirror of your bathroom, you run your fingers along the—now greenish-yellow—hickies he left on your neck. Goodness, there were so many. And annoyingly enough, you can still feel exactly where he had touched you—like his hands are still there right now.
Pulling your t-shirt down, you see more evidence of Hoseok’s assault on your chest. You have to stop yourself from looking at the rest of your body.
The sixth day you, finally, spend time pondering that terrifying thought you had about Hoseok. Are you actually in love with him? Do you even know what love feels like? What even is love? You’ve always been an overthinker, and these questions only make your head spin more. But after hours and hours of teetering the files of your brain, you do know one thing.
You like him.
You like Hoseok a lot.
It might not be love—perhaps that had been your sex-brain talking—but you were definitely starting to fall for him. You don’t know when or where the change happened, or maybe you’ve always liked him, but it feels good to finally admit the truth to yourself.
Now, the real challenge was if you would tell him.
Would it be worth it?
“Y/n, I seriously thought you’d quit!”
Soyoung is the first person you run into on your first day back. You just thank god it’s her and not someone else. You flash her a quick smile and greeting. “Hey.”
“What happened to you?” she asks, walking beside you down the hall.
“Stomach bug,” the lie passes surprisingly easily through your lips. Good thing you had enough time to practice saying those words out loud.
Soyoung makes a face. “That must’ve been awful, but I’m glad you’re well enough to be here.”
“Yeah, totally.”
She leaves you at the golf cart and you get into the seat with a sigh. Over the month and whatever weeks you’ve been here, driving the cart now feels like second nature. You no longer bump into displays or people.
As you drive around the green, you make a stop at every hole and offer the players drinks. At the beginning of summer, you’d been a little apprehensive about this job. However, it turns out, working as the drink cart girl isn’t half bad. The tips you make are worth being out in the scorching summer sun.
Towards the end of your round, you feel your nerves twist. You’re relieved that you haven’t seen Hoseok; then again, a part of you is worried. Why isn’t he here? He’s always here. Every single time you’ve driven on the range, he’s been here.
Where is he today?
Soon, you realize that you didn’t need to worry at all.
At the last hole, you see him—well, them. Hoseok, Seokjin, Namjoon, and Jeongguk are together, like they always seem to be. Inseparable. For a second, you think about skipping them, but then you overhear their conversation.
“Damn, Hoseok,” Jeongguk whistles, leaning against his club, “this is the worst game you’ve ever played.”
“He played worse than Namjoon,” Seokjin snickers.
Namjoon narrows his eyes. “I’m not that bad.”
“You lack coordination,” Seokjin explains to his friend, as if that was supposed to make the burn better. “And Hoseok usually always wins.”
“Now that I’m thinking about it, he hasn’t played well all week,” Jeongguk twists his lips.
“Dude probably hasn’t had ass in a week,” Namjoon comments.
“I’m right fucking here, assholes.”
You finally allow your eyes to settle on the man of the hour. Like his friends have suggested, he does seem off today. Normally, the Jung Hoseok you know is easy going, laid back. He’s usually cocky and charismatic. Every time you’ve seen him play golf, he’s amazing. He always swings with blind sureness—like he knows the ball will hit green. But the man you’re looking at right now is beyond tense and agitated.
“You’re no fun today,” Jeongguk pouts.
“He hasn’t been fun all week,” Seokjin rolls his eyes. “Not since the house party.”
Your hands stiffen on wheel. Hoseok’s been in a mood for a whole week? You try to find the answer to your own question in his eyes, but he hasn’t looked in your direction yet. In fact, none of them seem to realize you’re close. They all seem to be thrown off their usual balance. That obvious fact makes you realize you should probably just skip them. But as you lift your foot to press the gas pedal, Seokjin notices you.
Damn. Why is he always the first one to see you?
His eyes widen at your appearance. “Just the girl I was thinking about.”
That statement draws everyone else from their stupor and towards you. You watch as Jeongguk and Namjoon’s eyes also widen, but the only pairs of eyes you really care about right now can’t even meet yours. Hoseok shoots you a glance before twisting away, jaw hardened. Ouch. You feel a pang in your chest.
For some reason, his dismissal hurts more than anything else right now.
“Glad you finally arrived,” Seokjin continues talking, walking closer to you. “I was wondering when you’d come.”
It was weird to have Seokjin speak so much to you. The only person you ever really spoke to was Hoseok, but it seems like he’s the last person who wants to talk to you right now. Maybe coming into work was a bad idea.
“I think you should talk to him,” he says, and it was your turn to have wide eyes.
“I don’t know…” What could you even say to him? You don’t know where to begin because you don’t know what kind of relationship you have with Hoseok. Did you want a relationship with him? Did he even feel the same way?
“He’s been a fucking wreck all week because of you, you know?”
Your chest hurts. “Really?”
Seokjin nods. “I mean, the guy’s always a pain in the ass…” he rolls his eyes, “but it’s worse now.”
Maybe you hadn’t been the only one suffering this past week. As horrible as it sounds, the thought makes you feel…hopeful.
“We’ll take your cart back and cover for you, if you want.”
You stare at Seokjin and find yourself nodding. “Okay.”
He calls Jeongguk and Namjoon over, asking you to get out of the cart. “Don’t worry—we won’t steal your money.”
It’s a joke. You know it’s a joke. Still, you can’t help the next that slip past your lips unconsciously. “Like you all need it.”
The three of them laugh at you as they pile into the cart. Before you can say anything else, they drive off—leaving you alone with the one person you’re most nervous to speak to. He’s still turned away from you, staring off into the distance. You will your heart to stop racing as you wipe your sweaty hands on the back of your shorts.
Calm down.
You take a deep breath before you decide it’s now or never. Deciding it is time, you take the tentative steps towards Hoseok and run a million different scenarios in your head. What’s the worst thing that can happen? He tells you to fuck off and never speak to him again?
Nausea settles into your throat at the idea.
By the time you run another worst-case-scenario into your head, you’re just a few steps behind him. Closer to him now, you feel like you’re going to burst at the seams. You stare at his disheveled hair—like he’s been running a hand through it all day—and stiff body. Despite his rigid posture, he’s still the most handsome person you’ve ever seen.
You don’t know long you stand there and stare at Hoseok, but you don’t jolt out of your daze until you hear his voice.
“Are you just going to stare at me all day?”
“Oh, you’re—I mean, I—” you fumble with your words, nervously twitching your hands. “I wasn’t sure if you wanted to talk.”
“It’s kind of hard to talk to someone who doesn’t even like me,” he says, finally turning to face you.
What? “Hoseok—”
“I know you hate me, so I won’t bother you again, if that’s what you wanted to talk about,” his voice is detached, and you realize you’ve never seen this side of him before. No wonder his friends were fed up with him. You would’ve been too. “Sorry if I annoyed you this summer.”
Without another word, he begins to walk away from you. What the hell is going on? You shake your head as you march up to him and grab onto his shirt. “Stop.”
“Hoseok, shut up!” You bring your eyes up to glare at him. “Just—just let me talk first, okay?”
His eyes are still cold, but you can see a bit of softness pool in them. “Fine.”
“You’re an idiot,” you breathe, dropping your fist and feeling something prick your vision. “I-I don’t hate you…I don’t hate you at all. And I don’t want you to stop bothering me. Yes, you’re annoying”—you feel him take a step away— “but I like it. I like you. I like you a lot, Hoseok. So much…I don’t even know—”
He stops your rambling with his lips. The kiss makes your heart soar and ache all at once because it feels so damn good—Hoseok feels so damn good. But it ends all too soon when he pulls away.
“I like you too.”
“Then why are you being so mean to me?” You feel an onslaught of tears flow down your cheeks.
Hoseok wipes a tear away with his thumb. “Because I thought you hated me.”
“Well, I don’t,” you sniffle.
“Then, why’d you leave?”
You know he’s talking about that morning. Do you tell him the truth? “Because I thought I was in love with you.”
“Love?” he chokes, and you feel a blush heat your face. “What made you think that?”
“Uh…it was just a sudden thought,” you awkwardly scratch the side of your face. “But I thought about it, and it’s not love…at least, not yet.”
You say that last part so quietly, you don’t think Hoseok even heard. However, the way his eyes gloss over for a moment lets you know that he did. You’re even more embarrassed now. You try to cover your face, but he grabs both of your hands before you can.
“Let’s take this one step at a time, yeah?” Look at him being the rational one here.
You nod, agreeing with him. “So, we like each other.”
“We do,” he says, suddenly pulling you closer to him. Your body hums being so close to him. Being close like this, you’re able to wrap your arms around him and does the same—hand moving to the back of your neck to tilt your head back. At this angle, you’re exposed to him.
“So, what are we?” you dared to ask the question.
Hoseok ghosts his lips over you. “I don’t like sharing.”
Butterflies erupt in your stomach. “I haven’t been with anyone else this summer.”
It’s the truth. You haven’t even looked twice at anyone else. You haven’t desired anyone else. You don’t think you ever can again. Jung Hoseok has ruined you.
“Me either.”
“You and Nina—”
“We’re just family friends, remember?” he cuts you off.
“She clearly likes you.”
“Well, she’s not you. I’ve told you that before.”
He did. And, for some reason, you believed him.
“So, what are we?” you ask again, looking up at Hoseok to gauge what he’s going to say. He stares down at you for a moment before that smirk you know all too well graces his lips. As irritating as it is, you’ve missed it.
“We’re dating,” his eyes sparkle, before dimming a little. “If you’ll have me.”
Warmth pools in your stomach as you nod. “There’s nowhere else I’d rather be.”
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devildamn · 4 years
Well If I Can’t Have You
(A conversation between Lucifer and MC before the harem is official. They/them pronouns. second POV mixed with Third. Oof it’s a mess, idk how to write for ambiguous mcs lol im so new at this ;w;
Nobody gave me any prompts but I so badly wanna write for this fandom before I lose interest, so I just wrote the first idea I had -^-” Asks are still open and appreciated <3 More personal thoughts at the end.)
He asked you to be his,
With a confident smile and a relaxed pose, his eyes never wavered. His request was more of an insinuation to a predetermined conclusion.
Of course, you immediately declined.
This made him stiffen. He furrowed his brow.
"What possible reason could you have to deny me?"
Well, he was quite rude for starters. And those death threats never helped. He's sadistic. Controlling. Everything about him romantically rubbed you so wrong.
At the many insults, he was quick to bristle. You strategically reign in your list of things you dislike, to paint a bigger picture.
You know he is the most powerful of the brothers. You know of his achievements. He's responsible, dedicated, and sometimes, he shows a sweeter side that could melt anyone's heart.
Just not yours.
You already have a favorite.
Lucifer released a sigh. He moved from his spot to take a few steps back. He already suspected, but this was still a blow to his pride. To lose to someone else. To lose to him, specifically.
He couldn't accept such a thing.
So, he'd suggest a compromise instead.
"You may keep your favorite. Or try to. You see, it’s not that simple….”
It’s your turn to cross your arms.
What was he talking about?
“As you may have guessed by now... Our family is quite close. We’ve lived together for so long, after all. We argue, we fight, we make up, we… share. "
Alright, and?
He grins and stands before you. His hand brushes your cheek.
"You'll never be left alone. Not if you chose any of us as your partner. We are not just a family. We are a body. We’ve never been apart for long because we know we’d never be whole if one leaves. We’ll always seek them out and bring them back.”
You narrow your eyes. You know where this is going, and you hate it. It makes Lucifer smiles wider.
“How unfortunate for you, to love one of us. But it’s not too late! You haven’t confessed anything yet, right?”
You’re pretty sure your feelings are already clear to the other person… but nothing has been out in the open yet. Lucifer continues with a laugh.
“Then you have two choices still. You can confess. We’ll all know immediately, and… surely you know everyone well enough by now to know what their individual reactions would be.”
You’ve pictured it plenty of times before. You know how messy their moodiness would be.
“Yes, it wouldn’t be good for us now would it? Cause rifts perhaps. Brawls might even ensue. Can you blame us, when you so effectively had us wrapped in your finger?”
You scoff. It wasn’t your fault everyone read more into their interactions with you than what you truly felt. Lucifer shrugs.
“In the end, they’ll be governed by their feelings of betrayal. The body will implode… but it’s nothing new. We are demons. We live for so long. We’ve fought longer for less. Your lifetime will pass and our bonds can mend. But is that the life you want? An uneasy one? I can guarantee some of us would make it our mission to find ways to abduct you. Each more elaborate than the last. Your safety… your sanity… Well, you haven’t seen the worst we can do yet.”
The threats. You always know one will work itself into a conversation with Lucifer, but still, they make you grimace. Not because they make you scared… but because they’re so annoying to deal with. To be reminded of the reality of the danger demons have on your humanity. To be reminded you’re ultimately a plaything.
Alright, next option.
“This one is simpler. Harsher. You bury your love for him. You leave the House before any bridges get crossed. You don’t come back.” Lucifer stepped away, his gaze heavy.
You both know he dislikes that option. You dislike it too.
You shake your head. You tell him those are shit options. He agrees.
You tell him to give you the third option you know he’s leading up to, already. Lucifer gives another sigh.
“I already mentioned it. We are a body. We like to share.”
Your eyes widen. You bare your teeth at his bold insinuation. No matter how much they treat you as such, you are not a toy! You have preferences. Emotions. Sure, you like some of the other brothers, but there are also some you can’t stand. To be forced into something with them?
Lucifer growls at your use of the word. Even if you were entitled to your preferences… having his brothers called such a word was aggravating. He continued to push.
“All or nothing. That’s the only way there can be peace…”
“What’s truly wrong with this option? You get to keep your favorite. You get to try things with others you like. You don’t have to force yourself to love the ones you don’t… but to tolerate their presence at least. To keep some peace. Besides, who’s to say they won’t grow on you?”
You know yourself enough to know that could never be the case.
“I digress… One little human and seven powerful demons. You’d be crowned the luckiest of your kind.”
He released a curt laugh.
“You have to admit, there are worse fates than being loved too much.”
You don’t appreciate your serious position being mocked. Lucifer gave another shrug.
“This is it. It’s up to you…”
He turns around.
“You’re free to go now. Mull it over in your room.”
You rush out his door. You’re close to slamming it.
Lucifer glanced as the door shut and goes to his desk. He still has things to do.
But the letters to the contracts weren’t enough to keep his interest. He still had fantasies he had to let go of.
To live alone with the human.
Maybe if they had chosen to be his, such a thing could've been achieved. With Lucifer's power and connections, he would find a way to hide them. Maybe fake an accident to leave behind no trail. His brothers were already attached, but a mortal was still a mortal. And if they ever got close to the truth... Lucifer could plan for that too. He could leave behind everything, run forever from his meddling siblings with his human in his arms.
Truth be told he already had a map of places that would work to shield them for a year or two before he'd move to the next.
But, as was common with his tendency to over plan, those countless hours of his mind drifting away and spending breaks thinking things through had only been a waste.
How selfish of the human.
(I hope I wrote him well enough :,o Yeee, this is a bit of a ‘how things went’ for me in my playthrough. I love Mammon. He is my dude lol. And like, I can go on on how this all happened, but ultimately, My first few chapters, I was just getting less interested in everyone and more charmed with Mammon. And I kept expecting there to be a deviation in the story where I’d get more of a concentration in charming the demon I chose, like any other dating sim does. But nah. The story kept ENCOURAGING harem choices, even with demons I DID NOT LIKE. So I made this explanation. I had to. I view it as ‘they really are just a package deal and Im forced to deal with it lol.’ And of course Lucifer would be the one to make that clear. Uggh. -v-
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fae-fucker · 3 years
Review: There's Magic Between Us
by Jillian Maria
A diehard city girl, 16-year-old Lydia Barnes is reluctant to spend a week in her grandma’s small town. But hidden beneath Fairbrooke’s exterior of shoddy diners and empty farms, there’s a forest that calls to her. In it, she meets Eden: blunt, focused, and fascinating. She claims to be hunting fae treasure, and while Lydia laughs it off at first, it quickly becomes obvious that Eden’s not joking—magic is real. Lydia joins the treasure hunt, thrilled by all the things it offers her. Things like endless places in the forest to explore and a friendship with Eden that threatens to blossom into something more. But even as she throws herself into her new adventure, some questions linger. Why did her mom keep magic a secret? Why do most of the townspeople act like the forest is evil? It seems that, as much as Lydia would like to pretend otherwise, not everything in Fairbrooke is as bright and easy as a new crush…
I received a digital copy of the book in exchange for a review.
And here it is! Nearly a month late because I’m bad at time :)
But hey, that means the book is already out and you can go get it! Wee!
Also, here’s my review of Jillian Maria’s other book, The Songbird’s Refrain.
This review contains no spoilers aside from stuff that you can probably assume from the blurb, such as the existence of the fae and magic. Duh. Anyway, onward!
So, I’m gonna be straight with you fam, not that I can be anything else, but to spare any potential author their feelings and maybe prevent them from reading the review, not that that would happen, I hope:
This book was not for me.
Now, that doesn’t mean it was bad. Far from it, I think it’s pretty much exactly what it’s advertised as and anyone who thinks they might enjoy it will defo enjoy it. It’s a polished work of art that’s professionally written and presented, on par with and often above a lot of traditionally published stuff, and if you want a fluffy magical sapphic YA romance, this is for you.
But it wasn’t for me. Or, at least, I don’t think I’m the target audience. I enjoyed reading it, don’t get me wrong, but my enjoyment was always lukewarm, like I wasn’t quite getting the full experience. And that’s more on me than the book.
I won’t structure this review the way I usually do, mainly because I feel like my problems with the book are all intertwined and stem from the same source, which is ... I’m not sure? Genre? Target audience? Intent? All of the above?
The writing still carries the same sort of easy-to-read style that was present in The Songbird’s Refrain, though the main characters’ voices are obviously vastly different.
Overall, I liked the writing on a technical level, and I’m once again impressed with the author’s ability to avoid swear words, though Lydia is a bit more of a potty-mouth than Elizabeth was.
Lydia has a clear personality and voice, and one of my problems is that maybe it was a little too clear at times.
I know how that sounds, but it could be a side-effect of the book’s target audience being teens. Both Lydia and Eden have extremely defined and spelled-out character arcs. Lydia is too reckless and spontaneous and needs to chill, Eden is too chill and calculating and needs to let loose. A fine concept in theory, a good mirroring for a romance, but here, its execution feels a bit like a checklist? It’s basically spelled out for us how one influences the other, the character acknowledge their own flaws and at the end note how the other has changed them for the better, rounded them out. It didn’t feel very natural, and I thought it would’ve been better to leave that stuff implied since it was already pretty obvious.
It doesn’t help that both Lydia and Eden are far, far too mature for any sixteen-year-old I’ve ever met. They both recognize and acknowledge their feelings as irrational and apologize exactly for what they’ve done wrong, which sure, maybe is feel-good and a positive influence upon a teen reading this, but for me just felt a bit unrealistic. My favorite part of the book was when Lydia and Eden had a fight and Lydia stomped off all pissy and Eden refused to apologize later. It showed them being teens, individuals, idiots, flawed people who are growing up and learning to deal with their emotions. And then it’s somewhat undercut by them both having perfect apologies afterward where they know exactly what they did wrong just based on intuition? Like, complete with “here’s what I did wrong and why that was bad of me.” Idk, maybe JM was a better person as a teen than I was.
I really can’t say a lot about the other characters. The heroes of the story were all defined and had motivations and flaws of their own, while the antagonists were either a faceless mob, a faeceless mob (get it?), or just a dude who shows up in the last chapters and then is immediately dealt with. Compared to the antagonists in TSR, these guys felt a little underwhelming. They were set up from earlier in the story, of course, but their inclusion still felt a bit last-minute instead of a natural progression and integration into the fabric of the story.
And, again, I get it. This isn’t about the villains or that conflict. This is about the love story and the familial bonds and everything else comes after. Which is fine, but not something I personally found very compelling.
I think my favorite character was Eden, because she was cranky and awkward and flawed to a degree that felt right. She made mistakes but had her reasons, she was unlikable at times, and she felt grief and remorse.
I also liked Lydia’s mother, who, despite being in fear or pain for a lot of her on-page presence, still loved her daughter fiercely. She felt a lot like a real parent, even if her and Lydia’s relationship was a bit too saccharine for me to fully get behind.
Now let’s talk about the plot, or rather, the pacing, which was my other big problem with the book. The first third is very slow, my dudes. It may have contributed to why it took me so long to finish the book, a lot of it is just Lydia faffing about. The book is very light on magic stuff in the beginning, and it would’ve been fine if it didn’t do a whole 180 at the end and turned into a low-fantasy menacing mystery, complete with the vague threat of a human-fae war. I would’ve liked to have seen less Lydia and Eden faffing about and more of that magic plot, and while I understand that the focus of the first third was character-building, it still could’ve been done with a more balanced spread of plot vs character interaction.
But here’s where my personal tastes cloud my judgment. I’m not a young teen, so maybe I don’t see the value in more compassionate and understanding teen characters who could serve as role models. I’m not a WLW, so maybe I don’t see the value in two girls faffing about looking for a magic stick in the forest. I’m not a fluff-enjoyer (whatever the proper word for that is), so maybe the universally loving and positive characters just don’t land as well for me.
I can’t say that I hated this book, because I didn’t. In fact, I really enjoyed the latter half of it. I thought the fae were cool and interesting and felt disappointed there weren’t more of them in the story. Despite my grumbling, I do still appreciate what the book tried to do with the comfortable and loving family relationships between the characters and their relatives. I can see how this could help other readers and make them feel seen or perhaps soothe them when they don’t have the same thing in their lives.
I can see what this book was going for. I respect it, and I respect the work and effort and love put into it. It oozes from every word like a warm, sweet sludge.
But I’m covered in goop now. And my hands are all sticky.
This wasn’t for me. But maybe it can be for you. If you want to read a sweet, magical and well-written gay YA romance, this is for you. It was specifically made for you, made for someone who craves this but doesn’t see enough of it. This book is important for what it represents and for what it is. And I hope with all my heart you love it as much as it deserves to be loved, as much as it loves you for reading it.
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allsassnoclass · 4 years
You’re right about the kid Dimitri thing it’s a cute element of the movie that adds to their relationship and also dimitris search bc he’s looking for the girl he saved. See I have an attachment to Rasputin&the bat which is half my issue but you’re right about the new guy just. Not being dangerous enough for it to work in the musical. Also pls go off about Newsies I wanna hear about that one
okay this is going under a read more because it inevitably will get very very long.  also spoilers for newsies (1992 movie and musical) below:
first of all a disclaimer: I do like the musical and this isn’t me saying that they didn’t improve anything (Crutchy/Crutchie, actually developing their token female (although I do have thoughts about that as well), what they did with “Once and for All” etc.) but I was a fan of the 1992 movie first so my loyalties lie there.  Also this is all just my opinion
First and foremost: all characters except for Jack, Medda, Crutchie, and Pultizer were done dirty.  The background characters were my favorite part of the movie and the musical really dropped the ball with them, often at the sacrifice of historical accuracy
Mush Meyers, Boots, Kid Blink, Racetrack Higgins, and Spot Conlon were all real people actually involved in the strike (Kid Blink was historically the leader, they created Jack Kelly to have more freedom with characterization), and all of these characters were taken out of the musical or given lesser roles.  They also (along with Crutchy) create the supporting cast (with Jack, Denton, David, and Les being the main cast), which means I was emotionally attached to all of these people and then they were taken away from me :( It’s clear that the people adapting the musical did not think they were important enough to keep consistent, which is just false
In general, because they spend so much time focusing on Jack and Katherine, all of the background newsies are less developed, which means that the Found Family vibes are also slightly less developed (especially when taking away the lodging house/newsies square as a definitive home base and Kloppman as a father/grandfather figure)
seriously I miss Kloppman that dude woke them up every morning, helped them with their spelling, lied to Snyder’s face about Jack’s whereabouts... MVP right there
Racetrack and Spot were done the most dirty (because the others don’t even exist).  Allow me to explain: In the movie and in real life, Racetrack got his name because he sells at Sheepshead Races and bets on the horses there (the betting is more of a reoccurring thing in the movie).  Therefore, in “King of New York,” he is the character to wish for “a permanent spot at Sheepshead Races,” and for absolutely no reason (besides laziness) they have someone else say that in the musical and also cut half his name???  He also is shown to be very good with kids (David telling him to watch Les when he goes after Jack, all of his interactions with Snipeshooter), and there’s an interesting thing to be said about how Wiesel will spot him papers.  All of this is lost simply because they don’t have the stage time for the background newsies
SPOT CONLON! WAS RUINED! perhaps that’s a very strong opinion but they really did him dirty.  In the movie he’s a shrimp with the aura of a mob boss.  he wasn’t buff, and that made him more intimidating because he still somehow was arguably the most powerful newsie! also by cutting out the scene where Jack, David, and Boots go to Brooklyn to see him, we miss seeing him as a true leader and getting an actual introduction to him and how the newsies of different boroughs interact.  I miss his slingshot and his pimp cane.  I miss David calling him the key to the strike.  I miss him showing up earlier than the second act so it actually makes sense for him to be seen as the strike leader that the musical is so desperate to make him (seriously what’s the point of him being in Pulitzer’s office at the end???). also by introducing him later we miss all of the sprace moments :(
I even have some beef with Katherine because, although she’s much more developed as a love interest than Sarah (rip Sarah 1992 maybe if they had actually kept her song Truth About the Moon in there...), I think it was cheap and unnecessary to make her Pulitzer’s daughter, and she doesn’t really have much of a personality outside of Strong Independent Woman who still somehow needs a man in order to get her big break.  She was really written as a Token Female and while I love her and I appreciate that she wants agency and to fight for a cause, Sarah punching a Delancey brother was more feminist.  Also, even David’s role in the story was lessened in order to give room for Katherine’s whole subplot and Dramatic Family Reveal and as an avid Javid shipper that made me sad :(
Now on to more plot-focused concerns!
The! Betrayal! Scene! The movie betrayal scene! So much better! Allow me to explain!
First of all, Jack just waltzing into Pulitzer’s office and getting captured? boring. cheap.  Snyder and the police infiltrating the rally so we get to see Every Single Newsie try so desperately to keep Jack safe and yet he (and all the named newsies) still get captured? Heartbreaking! Engaging! Shows plainly the bond of the newsies!
(also allowed us to have the “on the grounds of Brooklyn, your honor” line at the trial)
The one-on-one confrontation between Jack and Pulitzer is much more engaging and more of a game of wits in my opinion.  You don’t feel like Jack is the underdog and won’t win until Pulitzer directly threatens David, whereas having all of Pulitzer’s friends there in the musical means Jack is automatically going to lose and you don’t even get a chance to cheer for him
The Alley Scene!!!!
Then the actual betrayal scene, with Jack fully dressed like a scab.  every single newsie feeling personally hurt and calling out to Jack, spot having to be forcibly pulled back by multiple people, and then David gets the chance to speak and nearly starts a fist fight when he was the one who always said they couldn’t beat up the scabs… “I ain’t got nobody tucking me in at night, like you.  It’s just me, and I gotta look out for myself” “you had the newsies!”
I quote that scene so much y’all
I miss Jack meeting David’s whole family.  It really shows what Jack himself is missing and longing for, it more blatantly shows David’s Jewishness, and makes Jack finding a family with David and the newsies that much sweeter at the end.  I also liked how a nuclear family was something no movie newsies had (less historically accurate, I know) because I think that bonded them together more, because they genuinely only had each other in the movie (can you tell that found family is extremely important to me)
Jack’s background story.  him lying about his name and then it all getting revealed at the trial was a very spicy moment, and I think it shows just how much he relied on Santa Fe as an escape for him.  He’s created an entire other life in his imagination for himself, going so far as to change his name and fantasize about having a family, and I think that that makes his decision to stay in New York and accept both his reality and the newsies as his family sweeter
also in the musical it’s implied that Jack stole food and clothing for the kids in the refuge, and that’s how he got himself arrested the first time.  I almost like it better if he was stealing for himself at first, because I like having a protagonist who doesn’t need to always be completely altruistic like he was starving and he stole some food and I think that’s justified, so I don’t like how they felt the need to turn him into some sort of saint who was stealing for someone else (that’s a really nitpicky thing but!)
The absolutely bonkers commitment to nicknames in the movie was very spicy.  I think Jake (and Jack, who was lying, and David and Les, who started as outsiders) was the only one with a name and he was even a very deep background newsie.  Wasn’t historically accurate but it sure created a lot of possibilities about the power of names that could be exploited in fanfiction
And now some nitpicky things about elements of a musical that bothered me:
they took away the upper harmonies in carrying the banner???? why would you do that you have Broadway singers and you take away the upper harmony???
switching Jack’s line of “I want space not just air” to “I need space and fresh air” idk I think the first one more fully portrays how trapped he feels in New York and in his situation also it’s more poetic
I’ve already talked about Race’s line in King of New York :)
how all of the newsies are supposed to be kids but instead were played by adults... I know this was because of child labor laws but that’s why newsies is going to be best done as a high school musical (or a combined middle school/high school like my school was... Mr. Holsen when you retire put in a good word for me so I can take over).  if you don’t have at least 3 newsies who are small and young enough to be lifted onto another newsie’s shoulders then you’re doing it wrong
this is very much a personal preference but I really liked how the color pallet in the movie was a lot of browns and earth tones.  with the musical doing a lot of steel and blues it definitely feels like the progression into the mechanical age but it also feels colder and more rigid and I liked the warmth of the movie.
In a similar vein that is also a very personal preference, I liked how the singing and dancing was a bit rougher around the edges in the movie.  I’m a dancer so Of Course I love the Broadway choreo but it feels too polished sometimes.  these are young scrappy kids and they’re dancing like professionals who went to julliard (which like. some of them probably did). the scruffiness of the movie makes it feel more down to earth and swallowable for me
Jack’s cowboy hat :( Jack’s costume in general :( his nickname is cowboy and they took away his cowboy hat and red bandana :(
This is obnoxiously long but I just. y’all I have so many feelings about newsies and everyone always talks about the musical when they’re really two different stories and I just want to talk about the movie so thank you for indulging me
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lareinedelapoubelle · 7 years
ALL of the luxury asks. do every single one
bubble bath: do you have any routines before bedtime? like skin care, etc. what are they?  
It’s so meticulous, I hate it. 
1). I do shower at night, so first I get clean and I use soap and a body conditioner (it’s like an in-shower lotion) 
2). I use face cleansers, a gel/cream thing my dermatologist gave me, moisturizers, and an anti-aging cream for under my eyes. 
3). When I feel fancy, I spray perfume on afterwards. Perhaps that should become a regular thing. 
Bonus: Today, I purchased a neat toner thing, we’ll see how that goes. 
champagne: what topic could you talk about for hours?  
In all honesty, I’m not too picky about conversation topics...just pls, no politics. It’s so tiring. If I had to choose one topic, maaaaybe history/literature?
crushed velvet: have you ever used your charm to get something you want?  
“Charm” isn’t the word I’d use, it’s more phrasing. I remember being little and being like, “Oh, this is really nice...” to get a toy that I wanted. I really didn’t like asking people for things, I still don’t. 
diamonds: how do you feel about excessively spending money?  
If you have money to throw away, that’s nice (throw some my way.) I like the concept, but I myself cannot do it. I’m very frugal and it can be frustrating because I’ll pick something up at a store, intent on buying it, and then not buy it. HOWEVER, I will gladly spend money on friends/family, they deserve good gifts. 
faux fur: describe your wardrobe.   
Consists of: edgy, bohemian, classy, ethereal, and a shit-load of leggings. 
glitter: describe someone special to you.  
Very intelligent, altruistic, resilient. She’s my rock and role model (lmao I just noticed what I did there.) 
gold: describe what you would call the most perfect meal.  
See now, my taste in food is either really fancy or really trashy. I’d honestly be so happy with just a pizza. 
jazz: name a song that resonates with you and your emotions. explain the reason why.  
I remember being little and my mom having this “Greatest Hits” CD of the Counting Crows. Her favorite song was “Mrs. Potter’s Lullaby” and when I listen to it now, it makes me so nostalgic. I’m older now, so I can really appreciate and understand the lyrics, as well. That dude can write. 
lace: what is something in your life completely different from last year?  
Um, I’m still stressed now because of college applications, but I’m nowhere near as stressed as I was last year. That’s pretty good, I guess. I was always independent, but idk, this year I just feel so...worldly, cultured, and I feel like I know myself enough to really be on my own. It’s weird, but relieving. 
lingerie: do you consider yourself a promiscuous person?  
NO. I think I can be flirtatious, but most of the time it’s unintentional and a subconscious thing. It’s my sharp wit doing the talking in those instances. Ultimately, though, no, I am not promiscuous and I would consider myself to be a very committed person. I mean, I’m still not over that really hot waiter from Canada so...
lipstick: do you enjoy talking to strangers?  
I’m very shy, so it’s hard for me to engage in conversation. However, once that veil has been lifted, I can be very chatty if I wanted to be. As long as the person doesn’t give off weird vibes, I’ll talk to them. 
pearls: what's something about your personality that surprises others?  
I have this weird aura about me where I seem brooding and mysterious, but I’m actually very affectionate and lovable. I’m sensitive to a fault, actually.  
penthouse: what would you consider your dream home? describe it.  
Well, I mean...
perfume: if you could make your own signature fragrance, what would it smell like?  
I really love the perfumes I already own, specifically this one. Were I to create my own fragrance, however, I’d really want to capture the smell of old books into a perfume. That, or petrichor. 
robe: how do you prepare for an evening alone with a loved one/date? 
Well, I don’t go on a lot of dates, so I don’t really have a set routine. I do like getting dressed up for exciting occasions, so I’m sure I’d revel in the “getting ready” aspect. If I’m just hangin’ with a friend, though, I’ll usually just get comfy and chill. 
roses: If it had to be winter, autumn, spring or summer for the rest of your life, which would you choose? 
Autumn, for sure. 
satin: what is your most favorite article of clothing?  
My black faux-suede fringe jacket. I didn’t expect for it to go with literally everything I own, but alas...also my Bowie boots. 
sheet mask: what's your favorite lazy activity?  
Tbh, scrolling through this site, laying on my bed. I also really like eating cereal out of the box like some heathen, it’s really fulfilling and idk why. I guess taking baths too, but I’d consider that luxurious, not lazy. 
silk: do you have more inner or outer beauty? 
Inner, oh my God. I look like a sewer witch. 
silver: do you have any obscure hobbies? what are they? 
I do, it’s called maintaining my own existence. 
sparkling water: what are your top three songs for the summer? 
I don’t think I have a “top three,” so here are selections that remind me of the season:
1). Doin’ Time - Sublime (hard for me not to think of summer as he croons “Summertime~”)
2). Literally any Beach Boys song, they all feel like sunshine. 
3). Breakfast in America - Supertramp 
wine: what kind of drunk are you (happy/affectionate, angry, sad, fun/wild)? if you don't drink, what kind do you think you WOULD be? 
I’m 100% the fun/silly drunk. I’ve learned through various experiences: 
1). “Is Grey Goose supposed to make ya feel...funnnayyy?” - me, about 7 years old wasted on a sip of the aforementioned beverage.
2). That bout of giddiness at a child’s birthday party after having had some white wine, making stupid smiles and laughing at my painting. 
3). That time I volunteered to hide 100 Easter Eggs all by myself in my very expansive backyard; giving up at one point and literally just throwing them; getting a twig stuck in my dress. 
4). “Maia, close the door. We have to be very quiet about this...” 
      Me: “OHHHH, SECERETS *slams door*!!!”
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nataliecrown · 8 years
4x02 Recap - Heavy Lies the Crown (The 100)
This was a quality episode. It’s not gonna jump on to my all time faves list, possibly because pretty much everything was spoiled beforehand (can’t wait to be past the screener eps, honestly), but it was some high calibre shit.
Warning: I am in a foul and irritable mood. If this recap is saltier than usual, I apologise. Unless you like salt, in which case - I did it especially for you!
- NOTE: They fixed Zach’s name in the credits. My question is, how the hell was that mistake ever allowed to happen. My god.
Radioactive, Radioactive
- The butterflies are back! I am HERE for throwing back to the S1 radioactive imagery. Could it be that we will see random dude from S2 again at some point? A GIRL CAN DREAM.
- So this whole opening sequence was seriously rad. We got to see ALIE again. Who knew that would excite me so much (Erica’s performance is just so damn good), we got to hear Tree Adam’s awesome soundtrack again, and we got a pretty brilliant introduction to Ilian. I gave exactly zero shits about RILEY later on in the episode, but I am instantly a fan of this dude.
- I also think it’s worth pointing out that his trauma must be EXTREME. He murdered his family. Yes, he wasn’t in control. But he can remember every damn moment. I doubt he will remain an antagonist forever, but I can’t say I blame him for being seriously fucked up and needing to expel that fucked up ness through violence and rage.
- It’s legit pretty rad that an older couple get to have proper on screen sexy times on a ‘teen’ show. Kudos! It’s hawt.
- Paige Turco’s legs. Damn.
- ALSO when Abby said Roan was expecting her...was I the only one whose mind swept off into an AU where Abby is like...the king’s wife, but she’s getting it on with one of his most trusted Ambassadors and it’s a tale of star crossed lovers and... @kane-and-griffin SURELY YOU WENT THERE?
- Kane’s smile while she has her back to him is just lovely.
- AND THEN the whole interaction with the necklace is just wonderful. Abby will never stop loving Jake, she will never stop missing him. But she is allowed to move on. Knowing that won’t stop her feeling guilty though, at least for a little while. Her hesitation is true to real life, and Kane’s gentle understanding is absolutely exquisite. He is not at all fazed by the spectre of her dead husband, to the point that he does not hesitate to help her put the necklace back on. And Abby does not express her gratitude with words, but with a kiss - her own gentle reminder to him that despite that guilt that is impossibly to not feel, she knows that she wants him. That she wants this.
The T Kru
- So we check in with the new peeps. We have the leader who is alllll about taking out King Roan. I think it’s important to note Ilian pointing out that he only wants revenge against Skaikru, and not the king. 
- Just kidding, it is clearly Octavia and I am about to be controversial...are you ready?
- Yes, Octavia looks like a badass, and angel of death, a vixen ready to get a mixen. HOWEVER...isn’t the point of an assassin meant to be that they are inconspicuous? If she wants to fade into the background and eavesdrop on conversations...if she wants her identity to remain secret for more than two minutes...shouldn’t she dress like everybody else? The cape is stunning but also....VERY UNIQUE COMPARED TO EVERYTHING ELSE WE HAVE EVER SEEN ON THIS SHOW.
- ANYWAY nobody notices her REALLY UNIQUE CAPE and Octavia learns vital information. The T Kru are going to challenge Roan to combat. Which, normally might be sweet, but Roan was shot - remember?
- God, I hate that crown. FREE ZACH’S BROW 2K17.
- I just want to point out that Octavia is still wearing Niylah’s clothes. JUST POINTING IT OUT LEAVE ME ALONE.
- Octavia has continuous smug face going on this season and I love it. Echo, perhaps, is not such a fan.
- ‘You’ll lose. Lexa kicked your ass...’ ROAN’S FACE AHAHAHA. And Kane’s reaction is priceless too. I am living for a season of Octavia just straight talking 24/7.
- Roan, Octavia and Kane are a squad I can get behind. Kane is going to try for diplomacy...we’ll see how that goes...
- Clarke’s look is fucking great, I love it so much. It is hints of S1 whilst also being fresh. I am a staunch defender of most of season 3. I think the overarching...arcs... were necessary and well placed. But lawwwwd it is nice to see Clarke back at home, and looking like Clarke again.
- This scene really nicely sets up the differing stances of Bravelarke. Nobody is right, nobody is wrong. The back and forth is really nicely done. It’s all very head, heart, and hands I must say.
- ‘A choice your dad died for’ RAVEN REYES, SLYTHERIN.
- Clarke’s expression and voice get super fierce here. It makes me so sad for her considering the end of the episode. So Raven is Jake, Clarke is Jaha, and Bellamy is Abby? I’m for it.
- The real MVP of this scene is Monty, and I love how he isn’t actively part of the conversation that the ‘leaders’ are having, but his mind is constantly working. While the others are going around in circles, Monty thinks up a solution.
- ‘We’re standing in our viable solution.’ The way they all look around at the Ark which was both salvation and prison for them, all hopeful and wide eyed...IDK my dudes, it gives me the heart feelings.
Checking in with the other delinquents...
- Something about Bellamy going to Miller and Bryan gives me feelings, mostly bc of the knowledge that Bellamy and Miller are BFFs. RIGHT.
- Bryan is recovering remarkably well. I somehow doubt you should ever base gunshot wound recovery times off of this show folks.
- Bryan gets more character in this episode than he has at any other point. Jonathan does a really fantastic job of portraying his trepidation, his anger, and his general level of irritation at Miller.
- I LOVE THE PIKE CONVERSATION. IT IS VERY VERY IMPORTANT. It’s also super important that what Octavia did is referred to as murder here. Last episode we had Clarke assure Bellamy that Pike had it coming. I think that was said, for the most part, to make Bellamy feel better. But this show is nothing if not fair when it comes to showcasing all sides of things. Pike was, in most respects, a hero and saviour to Bryan. And he was elected Chancellor, fairly. It’s not a simple situation.
- ‘To save you, Nate.’ I’m not hardcore Briller or anything, but the delivery here was spot on. Annnnnd I actually think super important in establishing Bryan’s character some more. We all know Bryan will be heading out the door sooner or later, but I still appreciate how the shows likes to give any and all characters depth.
- The hug and no kiss thing is...weird. There can be no denying.
- HONESTLY THOUGH. When Jasper says ‘Monty’ all serious and turns off the shower, I CACKLE. And then ‘look at me’ I’M TRYING NOT TO. BLESS YOU LOVELY CHILDREN.
- As things stand, I am loving where the show has taken Jasper post 4x01. And I’m intrigued to see where it goes.
- Obviously the best part of this scene is THE JONTY HIGH FIVE. HUZZAH.
- ‘Hey, you wanna hug?’ *giggles*
- Okay, so Bellarke. There is this super brief shot after Clarke hands over the whatever whing, where Bellamy looks away from her and she just STARES AT HIM YOU GUYS. HER FACE IS SO WARM AND FOND AND GLOWY. I’VE NOT SEEN ANYONE ELSE MENTION THIS MILLISECOND FRAME BUT IT’S EVERYTHING.
- Bellamy is so...energised this season? I’m fully loving it. I’m sure his self loathing is absolute, but he’s channelling it in such a positive way since he got to unload at Pike in 3x16. Clarke doesn’t have that same energy though, and you can almost see more of her own seep away as she watches him leave. 
- Also, another cute Raven and Monty nod. I POINT OUT ALL THE DETAILS OKAY. MAKE YOU READ ALL THE WORDS.
- That was a quick trip.
- The Marper hand hold is cute.
- Things go to shit pretty fast! Bellamy is all about making sure everybody else chills out in this episode. Even when he gets smacked upside the head, he is DEDICATED TO THE CAUSE.
- It’s not my place to talk about in depth, but the casting of extras and small bits parts on this show feels remarkably diverse compared to literally everything else I watch.
- We get a clear indication that the Ice Nation are not particularly fond of their King.
- Personally...I don’t reallyyyyy get why they back down? But whatever. I guess the leader does at least slightly fear the king?
- Okay, so Raven having to do her first mini boss speech and feeling all awkward and overwhelmed is the start of what will end up being another amazing arc. I FEEL IT IN MY BONES.
- SINCLAIRRRRR. But we do at least see now why he kind of needed to die. Kabby must, obviously, be protected at all costs. However, this show very much is about the 100 (+ Raven and Bellamy). Raven has to rise to the occasion in his absence.
- This conversation between Raven and Clarke is EVERYTHING. EVERYTHING. It reminds me so much of S1 and ‘I’d pick you first.’ GAH. Just seeing them working together, and supporting each other means so much. Neither of them really know what they’re doing, but they’re doing it anyway. MORE. GIVE ME MORE.
- Fucking Jaha.
- Okay, FINE. Jaha having actual relevance to main characters is infinitely more interesting than Jaha out on his own doing his own wild things.
- I LOVE RAVEN BRINGING UP THE WRIST THING, AND CLARKE FINDING THE STRENGTH WITHIN TO POINT OUT THAT JAHA WAS ALSO CHIPPED. But Raven is having NONE of that. Remember that Jaha, at ALIEs behest, zoned in on Raven. She was the key. He went after her, after her injury, preyed on her pain. No wonder she is seething. Jaha’s zen owning of all his crimes is...vaguely interesting, I guess. 
- Sort the scrap you dumb dumb.
- Even if preview articles and teasers hadn’t already given away what Bellamy’s choice would be, as soon as we saw that little girl we all know he was saving the slaves, right?
- The appearance of the slaves strikes me as entirely random and contrived though. Why would the Ice Nation have massacred so many of Farm Station if they had a legitimate use for them? Whatever.
- So, Riley! Definitely in to the idea of him and Bryan having a history together, and the two of them rowing off into some off screen happiness together later in the season. I’m sure, given time, Riley may grow on me. This show does a remarkable job of making me care about everyone. But at this point I feel nothing. I’m all in with Ilian, and intrigued by Kenza...Riley, not so much.
- Everything about Echo and Roan’s sparring is attractive. EVERYTHING.
- I’m sorry, but Abby is totally checking Roan out in all of her reaction shots. That, or she’s fantasising about Kane.
- ‘If you can’t help me, why the hell are you still here.’ That clearly influences Abby’s decision to leave later.
- So, I didn’t talk about Roan and Echo much earlier because I LOVE THIS SCENE HERE. I’m so intrigued by where the show is going with these two. It’s a huge deal that Roan trusts her with the radiation information. I suppose it might not be trust per se, perhaps more like necessity - but still! And I also think it means a lot that Echo seems truly dedicated to helping him. As was said in 4x01, she’s very loyal. It’s proving true so far.
- Echo at Arkadia. Now, that will be interesting.
Octavia, back at it again with the sass and the smirks.
- Kane makes a valiant attempt at diplomacy! He points out that while Arkadia might have helped spread the CoL, they also destroyed it and saved humanity. 
- When that doesn’t work, Octavia employs an intimidating lead with some shit talking. Solid tactics, O.
- NIYTAVIA FOR LIFE...but in the meantime, we’re calling it Butterfly Assassin?
- ‘Well that went well.’ Kane’s look up at her is just like, DON’T.
- I kind of adore that Clarke’s reaction to hearing music is DA FUQ IS THIS? NO TO MUSIC. NO TO JOY.
- I really enjoy the scene with Clarke and Jasper. You can still feel his anger at Clarke, but...I don’t know...there’s something different about it. I almost feel like Jasper has put aside his anger, and is just...shooting from the hip, rather than from grief? Clarke’s face breaks my heart when he points out how similar it all sounds to them being sent to the ground though.
- Okay, so first of all...I love that we got to hear everybody’s perspective. This was democracy at work and it wasn’t a decision Bellamy made alone. So we can put that narrative to bed now.
- Minty lives
- I’m actually not going to go in depth on the choice that Bellamy ultimately makes, because I can see both sides and I don’t think either is right or wrong. We don’t have to justify anything here. Yes, perhaps somewhere down the line the squad will realise that the generator really was their only option and the reality of his choice will crash down on Bellamy. But imagine that he had decided to leave the slaves, and then in two weeks time they found a gigantic underground bunker that could fit 10,000 people. He’d feel pretty shit about letting the slaves suffer then, right? The characters don’t know what the future holds, and they don’t have the benefit of knowing they are part of a narrative which ensures that some of them will at least survive. 
- So, whatever basically. I’d have been cool with this going either way.
- Stoke that they saved Riley though, obviously.
- Important quote to note... ‘we have Raven.’ I, like Bellamy, believe that Raven Reyes can do anything - including make water out of nothing.
- Also worth noting how...incredibly risky their plan was? Like. Yikes.
- Harper kicking due in the face is my kink.
- MONTY IS SUPER GREAT IN THIS EPISODE. Everything about his reaction to meeting his dads murderer is just exquisitely well done. Leaving his death to the slaves is both powerful and also really quite dark.
Heavy Lies the Crown
- The Clarke/Jaha scene is so good and so hurtful to me. 
- Fucking Jaha.
- Clarke referencing her father and being locked up is really important, but...so is the parallel to Jaha’s choices. Ugh. Everything he says is actually so on point, and you can see realisation that Clarke is seeing herself in Jaha is disgusting to her but also unavoidable.
- Back to Kabby. We saw Kane have absolute faith in Abby last episode, so it’s nice to hear her being so sure that he will figure something out (YES, IT’S ALL VERY BELLARKE I KNOW).
- Kane quickly figures out that Abby is going back to Arcadia (judging from the promo, she’s going to be needed). I’m excited for this because more Abby and Clarke, but also maybe some Clarke and Raven please? We get some more gloriously supportive stuff from Kane...
- And then Kane notices that Abby isn’t wearing her necklace! Upon first viewing, I didn’t pick up on the fact that this scene feels a bit cut up. I can see it on second watch, and I can understand that’s frustrating. That being said, I don’t think the scene loses its meaning? To me, the removal of her necklace is Abby’s way of saying she’s ready to move on and it’s her way of saying it to Kane without putting it into words.
- Prayer circle that Abby gives the rings to Clarke.
- So, I’m skipping straight to the murder. I FUCKING LOVE ITTTTTTTTTTT. I just...I’m so relieved that Octavia’s mudering is FOR her people, and not against. It makes so much sense.
- I can’t help giggling a little at Octavia being so ballsy about dueling these folk. THEY MIGHT ALL BE TONS BETTER THAN YOU, BABE. THEY’VE HAD YEARS TO PRACTICE. But whatever.
- Soooo the stabbing into the earhole to hide the wound and thus make it seem like he died of natural causes is BADASS.
- HEADCANON: Octavia did not learn this tactic on the ground. She learned it as a child when Bellamy was reading her some classic murderous fiction.
- Kane is CONCERNED about his daughter’s MURDEROUS WAYS.
- Ilian has also figured it out.
- And Echo too seems suspicious. STICKING A PIN IN THAT FOR THE FUTURE.
Clarke, we have adopted more children
- So Briller are breaking up, and I can’t be mad at the show for it because Jonathan got a new gig and can’t commit (sound familiar, oooh I went there). I do hope that this time around they let him just disappear into the sunset. Learn from your mistakes show.
- Make sure he takes Riley with him.
- Again, kudos to Jonathan for this ep. He really brings it.
- Okay, so the scene where Riley and Clarke are revealed as old friends (I have zero romance fears here btw) is HILLARIOUS TO ME. It’s so blatantly shoe horned in. AS IF they would be reunited, hug, and then just...blah. Like...it’s so noodley? 
- Anyway, Raven realises there is no generator and Bellamy fesses up to his maternal instincts.
- I actually love Clarke’s ‘you just did’. The delivery doesn’t imply blame to me, which is backed up by how immediately Clarke accepts his choice. It’s more a simple statement of fact, coming from a place of understanding.
- Raven, on the other hand, is pissed. ‘You’re not the only one who has to live with it. As usual.’ This is a direct throwback to Bellamy chucking the radio, right? That’s pertinent to their history. Look, Raven is a spitfire. She’s scared and under pressure, and she hasn’t had to make the leadership calls yet. She clearly will at some point this season, and we’ll see her gain a healthy dose of respect for Clarke and Bellamy when she does. For now, I think her anger is perfect.
- I know ‘no more than a 100′ is really on the nose but I LOVE IT SO SO MUCH. WHO’S GONNA MAKE IT YOU GUYS. AHHHH. MY SHOW.
- Clarke is just the accepted leader of Skaikru now and I love it.
- TOGETHER. Looks at Bellamy. OF COURSE SHE DOES. Can we also talk about Raven’s heart eyes towards Clarke? I mean...they fade to ash pretty fast, but just for that moment it’s the purest of loves!
- So, Clarke lies, and just like Bellamy and the generator...I won’t call right or wrong. There is no answer, just a choice. 
- ‘Your father would be so proud’ OUCH. OUCH. OUCH. Raven lashing out at Clarke here is much more personal than what she says to Bellamy. It’s more vicious. But I’m still not going to rail on her, for the same reasons as mentioned above. It’s time for her to get to work. I am so excited to see her in this role.
- And so Bellamy repeats ‘we save who we can save today’ and the important thing here is how Clarke nods. She’s not mad. She respects and understands his choice. Most of all she trusts him. Even if she CAN’T understand a choice he makes, she’ll always trust that it came from the right place. They’re a team.
- And to reinforce that, the episode ends with a glorious Bellarke shot as they contemplate what is to come.
- How many episodes will end with a Bellarke shot this season? I say 12/13.
My laptop is acting up and I’m as grumpy as a Clarke that hears music playing, so I’m not even re reading this. Apologies for typos. And congratulations if you made it to the end!
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rantceratops · 8 years
It’s been a while since I did one of my rewatch posts, and what better episode to hop back into the swing of things than Secrets? I remember the morning after this episode aired, I got my mom to sit down and watch it with me over breakfast because Artemis and Zee kicked so much ass and I figured she’d appreciate that (as well as the Marvin the Martian reference, hehe).
Nothing bad ever happens on Halloween, amiright?
I like how that museum curator guy just happens to decide that he REALLY needs to say the Beowulf sword incantation for that cop, you know, just in case some wacko in a cut up trench coat is crouching up in the rafters nearby and might need it or something. How considerate! (dude, you could have prevented this ENTIRE episode from happening if you had not said that. YOU HAD ONE JOB.)
“Mediocrity such as this is never far from Harm.” Is Harm insinuating that he attracts mediocrity? I know he means that as a compliment to himself but I just can’t help but see it as he’s a loser so he attracts other losers.
Harm reminds me of a guy that I went to high school with, that always had really long hair and wore all black and a trench coat like all the fucking time. I shit you not I think of that guy every time I watch this episode, the resemblance is uncanny.
In fact now I’m just imagining that Harm was some fucking edgelord that was like obsessed with old legends and creepy shit and then somehow got stuck on the Beowulf legend and the sword and started taking things too far. 
LOL, Museum Curator is like okay see you guys, we’re fucked.
“The legends say the heart must be pure, they never said pure good.” You know, he really does have a point. 
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“Really, you’re not going to join in? What kind of wolf are you?” The kind that doesn’t respond to what arguably sounds like an actual dying dog, Wally.
Leave it to Conner to get Megan to wrap some toilet paper all over him and call himself a mummy. (I’m just kidding it’s probably not toilet paper but still)
Wally please stop with your face
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Awww, poor Billy! He wants to hang out with the Team! He’s so precious <3
AW YEAH AND HERE ARE THE LADIES OF THE HOUR. (well actually of the half hour but)
Okay, I really do not fucking have a clue as to why, but for some reason whenever I see Artemis in that vampire get-up my brain likens her to one of those uh... ugh, that Scooby-Doo movie with the three sisters that sang in it? Were they humans or vampires? I don’t remember but for some odd ass reason I get vibes of one of those chicks (or all of them?) from Artemis the vampire. IT’S WEIRD.
Also why didn’t they give Artemis fangs. LOST. OPPORTUNITY.
On a shippers note I find it interesting that Wally is a werewolf and Artemis is a vampire. Obviously those two creatures of the night are often heavily entwined, be it as star-crossed lovers a la Underworld, or something more like Van Helsing. I wonder if the choice was intentional, or perhaps coincidental... considering there is 0 Wally and Artemis interaction in this episode. (kind of a shame, tbh, I feel there might have been some funny potential in at least having them comment on each other’s costumes or something at the beginning) Not to mention the fact that Artemis’s angry attitude in this episode has a whole lot to do with Wally, despite no interaction.
The Justice League didn’t have a Halloween Party!? WHAT A BUNCH OF LOSERS.
You know, I don’t believe that Wally or Artemis were really 100% oblivious to Conner and M’gann being a thing. I think for both of their parts it was something more along the lines of wishful thinking, or perhaps shrugging off certain blatant signs of affection as nothing more than friendship. Considering that Greg said neither Wally nor Artemis took the revelation as hard as they appear to (moreso in Artemis’s case, as Wally gets over it pretty much immediately compared to her) I think that deep down they were both kidding themselves. As has been said many times before, Conner and M’gann were merely distractions for both of them, somewhere to focus their affections when they were too scared to admit they liked the other, or when the other seemed unobtainable to them. Crutch crushes, if you will. For Artemis, Wally seemed out of reach, so she went back to hot, beefy Conner; for Wally, his intense and undeniable feelings for Artemis began to scare him, so he went back to safe, sweet Megan instead of confronting those feelings.
“You are so making this up to me later.” I think we all know what that means...
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“Girl’s night out.”
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“I know Artemis isn’t shooting straight. For starter’s she isn’t Green Arrow’s niece.” “What?” “Well, yeah, in fact she’s related to--”  Awww, Dick was just so unconcerned about it and I love that. Like, he KNOWS and he doesn’t even consider for two seconds that Artemis is the Team mole. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: DICK AND ARTEMIS’S FRIENDSHIP IS SO IMPORTANT. (if you don’t think that Dick hacked into the Bat-computer and looked up info on Artemis pretty much the night she joined then you’re wrong)
Four for you, YJ Bats, sticking up for Artemis’s right to have a secret identity! See, this is the kind of times that I like Batman.
Why does Dick almost seem sad about there not being a traitor? I never could quite figure out what that expression of his is supposed to mean, unless it’s just a kind of like “I’m stumped” kind of sad/deflated thing. IDK
I was sooooo glad we got an episode of Zee and Artemis being badasses on motorcycles, considering those two were absent for the brief motorcycle fun times in Schooled.
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I also liked the headcanon that Zatanna was borrowing Robin’s motorcycle in this episode, huehue. (too bad it uh... blew up)
I fucking love that Artemis has this kind of... like, attitude of being pissed off and just wanting to pummel the shit out of something instead of actually talk about it, especially considering it’s a matter of the heart. I don’t think Artemis follows the closed off trope per se, but she’s just so convinced that Wally doesn’t want her and that the Team would shun her if they found out about her family that she’s closing herself off where she normally wouldn’t.  Like, I love that Zatanna tries to be a good friend and let her talk it out, but Artemis is only interested and venting some of her pent up anger on some hapless bastards. Her feelings and her secrets are eating her up from the inside out at this point.
“What I need is something to beat up.”
God Artemis is such a badass, can we just appreciate the fact that she’s a badass enough archer to fucking nail very precise targets from a moving vehicle? And then like, punches some guy as she’s driving past and finishes him off? 
Harm is a fucking creeper.
“You know, there were easier ways to take them.” “Pfft, they had it coming, no harm done.” THAT’S RIGHT ARTEMIS YOU KICK BITCHES IN THE FACE. (especially considering the implications of what they were going to do when circling that blonde girl... they definitely deserved the punishment Artemis dished out)
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“We get it, your name is Harm!” 
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“Their ridiculous garb--” Excuse me? Coming from the guy with no shirt on and a ripped up trench coat thing? Come on brah, who’s really ridiculous here? My ladies have style!
Let’s just take a moment to appreciate Zatanna’s awesome flip thing while saving Artemis, shall we?
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Oh my god I forever love that Zatanna changes her fucking boots mid chase sequence because they’re impractical. XD
I’m always just a little bit disappointed that the dagger that slices Artemis’s mask didn’t leave a bloody scratch. Like, they could have gotten away with a red line on her cheek to represent it being a scratch. Idk, I’ve seen fics where she does have one and Wally asks about it and stuff like that, I choose to headcanon it nicked her skin.
I also kind of like that Zatanna lasts about two seconds against Harm but Artemis holds her own for a good minute or so. My point being that there’s an obvious contrast in each of their training, that Zatanna probably doesn’t physically fight very much due to her spells, where as Artemis is quite proficiently trained in melee as well as her bow and arrows. It’s also an interesting contrast in that they’re both technically “ranged” heroes if you will, but one of them is still more melee inclined than the other. This is in no way saying Zatanna is weak, I’m sure she at least knows some basic fighting/defense, I’m sure Zatara would’ve taught her something, but Artemis is clearly the winner here, especially with her upbringing (god knows all the shit Lawrence taught her). And in general I greatly appreciate that Artemis could have very easily just been the stereotypical “girl’s are ranged” trope with no combat prowess at all, but instead she’s inclined to both ways of fighting and in fact spends the majority of season 2 fighting melee with a sword. 
Appreciation time for the rooftop fight, as the choreography for it is particularly top-notch!
Also, Artemis is fierce!
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“You wanna play without the toys?”
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Artemis, please, stop, you can’t just unleash that much of your badassery at once, it’s bad for my health!
Shipper goggles: When Harm hits Artemis in the face I’m always just like wondering how Wally would have reacted to that. For no other reason than shipper reasons. I would’ve just loved to see him be all like AW HELL NAW and just rush Harm recklessly and probably get his ass whooped.
“The martians are coming, the martians are coming!” Oh my fucking GOD this part cracks me the fuck up every time.
“Watch out! They have disintegration rays!” Conner, honey, I can tell you that you’re not getting an Oscar for that line delivery anytime soon.
Wally is so silent this whole episode, though, tbh. He has like two lines at the beginning and then yells about martians, but other than that he’s completely silent, it’s weird.
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Oh, man, Artemis getting so... just absolutely fucking livid when she finds out that Harm murdered his sister. “You did this! To your own sister! And you had the gall to write beloved!” Like, she can’t even imagine doing that to Jade, or Jade doing that to her. They are very obviously on the opposite sides of the law, but when it comes down to it Jade nor Artemis would ever do anything that would kill the other, they love each other, and the idea that someone could do that to their own sibling just fucking appalls her.
“It can’t fight us while it fights itself!” FUCK HIM UP, ART!
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How does that boot taste, mother fucker?!
“I still can’t believe someone could do that to his own sister... I mean if my...”
:((( Artemis you hurt me.
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