#idk how ive avoided spoilers for so long
volfoss · 10 months
⚜️ *Gives you the fanciest emoji I know of*
im so sorry this is like. 2 weeks late. a lot of stuff happened for me irl and i also was waiting to come across a character that i thought u would find really interesting :) i think you'd be able to really investigate veycer like a bug under a microscope.
i think youd like veycer SOLELY because of how complex he is written. he sucks soooo much as a person and i would like to blow him up HOWEVER i think as a villain he is so fascinating. volfoss doesnt really have villains in the usual sense, as its more just oh im on this side of the war, hes on the other side of the war and hes kinda being mean so hes the villain for this route. and you can side w his (veycers) side of the war and see different sides to him that way. like everyone just kind of sucks in the war really.
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^white boy of the year in a bad way
so like. in order to get into his complex writing i have to first again elaborate he sucks. you are not meant to really care about him unless you take the route where youre on the ikuaipe side (which hes the military leader of). and to really get into him as a character i have a LOT of explaining to do plot wise. so come with me. take my hand. we are having the tumblr askbox equivalent of my 30 minute volfoss politics powerpoint or whatever.
ikuaipe uses rare metals imported from asdenia, mainly to make drugs. asdenia one day is just like no. fuck you we are not exporting this to you anymore. this obviously causes a lot of tension. eventually the war is kickstarted (this is either because of a mysterious disease or because it appears that the leader of ikuaipe was kidnapped. put a pin in that. we will return to it later. sorry theres a lot to explain and i need to make it as cohesive as possible) and its kind of like. well not good for either side lmao. each of the three (technically four. its a long story.) nations has a different governing system: ikuaipe has a group of people leading (frokiston is kind of the head, gust is second in command, and veycer is kind of third), asdenia is like a religious leading (the archpriest leads the country), and caldealand is a monarchy (with a king and queen and prime minister). this is all important im so sorry stick with me here i have to set up a foundation for the politics.
so like. if volfoss was crazy popular and had gotten super fandomized, people would say frokiston was kinda like a father figure to veycer but like objectively they do care about each other a lot. i cannot even begin to get into their wide degree of issues but frokiston is arguably just trying to lead ikuaipe as best he can, so in the ikuaipe route, when hes kidnapped, it sends veycer into a panic. like to the point where hes rushing into battle, right into dangerous spots just because he HEARD thats where frokiston might be. he invades asdenia further bc it does seem like its a plausible place for him to be. frokiston is someone who you see reassure veycer when he's worried about the war and how they're losing. like he does genuinely care a lot about veycer and thats WHY veycer is pretty much willing to die to make sure hes ok.
i am not going to spoil the ikuaipe arc ending but veycer is kind of put in a position a lot where he has to make tough decisions and well. they are not normally handled well (in terms of he makes stupid as fuck decisions or like. decisions where youre sitting there like WHY would you do this). and the end of that arc is a very good example of that, as it deals with how someone who acts very calmly and level headedly about death can be forced to make a decision that doesn't make him act as calm as he normally would.
which this all ties into a couple very distinct moments that make me genuinely insane when i think about him. like again he sucks soooo bad its insane but hes very well written (which idk if ive gotten acorss bc i really do wanna avoid major ending spoilers. i think youd love volfoss a lot). bullet point list bc ive gone on long enough lol
his sister (Shes also an army commander. shes great you would love sheala) does a big fuck up on a mission and well. lemme just grab what i noted down here. auveon is another commander.
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but later he goes on to be like oh ty for protecting sheala ^-^ i care about my family. he does pardon her to just a demotion and i rly think that was his intent at first but he needed to seem strict to make ppl respect him.
one of his right hand men dies in one ending and he literally just does not care at all but i also think its a situation of keeping up a tough front. hes fascinating and id get more into it if my wrists were not cramping up insane style but they are so. i think youd love him in the way that he well. has diseases but is written with so much depth and compassion
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Nyx reads The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo
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Now that I've spent almost 30 minutes finding a playlist, choosing tabs, and getting said tabs to STICK IN THE FUCKING BOOK AND NOT FALL OUT, I am finally ready to start :)
Now as I said to Ives, I have thankfully avoided all spoilers! The only thing I absolutely know is the aesthetic and that there is gay and even that I'm unsure of but y'know I'm gonna stick with it until I am proven wrong or right
started: February 5th
Chapter 1!!
actually it's from a newspaper
I vibe with it
uh oh her brother
I know she's important
Celia but idk what for
you're special in some way
I'm picturing Frankie as Monica from WandaVision
can't tell if I like Frankie or not
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another newspaper
um what
this is embarrassing
ms julia please shut up
why are they
omg I'm gonna lose my mind
ok chapter 2
uh oh divorce
she's gorgeous my god
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aww I like Harry he seems to be the one with the most impact
who is this woman
damn she's 79 and still slaying
I hope there's sugar in that
not even that big of a deal but idc
I just read struck at the same time Taylor said it
I'm gonna lose my mind
aww the poster of Harry :/
so are they divorced or just separated
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chapter 4
MALIBU?? AS IN MALIBU RISING???? (I haven't read it don't come at me)
Don't tell me her dad died istg
that's so sad
Harry obviously
oh nevermind?
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chapter 5
ok already I can tell that yes, Ernie Diaz is in fact Getaway Car
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got tagged by @roycogaystar to do the TV Questionnaire
List 5 favourite shows (in no particular order) and answer questions accordingly
Fullmetal Alchemist (Brotherhood) SPOILERS!!!!!!!
Mob Psycho 100
One Piece
Saiki K
1. Who is your favourite character in 2?
Shigeo or Reigen, but Ritsu in s1 is so fucking relatable just ughhghghgh
2. Who is your least favourite character in 1?
SPOILERS!!! Shou Tucker
3. What's your favourite episode of 4?
im gonna go with arcs and then its probably that one filler arc, G-8 (other than that dressrosa, marineford alabasta or water 7)
4. What is your favourite season of 5?
the first because its the only one with a dub
5. What's your favourite relationship in 3?
uh uhm lesbians? not sure tbh
6. Who is your anti relationship in 2?
uuhmm ,,, theres litterally none??
7. How long have you watched 1?
first watched fma in 2013 and since ive watched brotherhood ive been rewatching it at least once a year
8. How did you become interested in 3?
i dont remember its so long ago
9. Who is your favourite actor in 4?
10. Which show do you prefer 1, 2 or 5?
1, forever 1
11. Which show have you seen more episodes of 1 or 3?
12. If you could be anyone from 4, who would you be?
random civilian on a far off island away from all the chaos, im not dealing with all that
13. How would you kill off your favourite character in 5?
accident, but like a stupid avoidable one (i also have the most angsty way but lets not entertain that idea, also im not telling who)
14. Would a 3/4 crossover work?
im?? not sure how???
15. Pair two characters in 1 that would make an unlikely, but strangely okay couple.
Sheska and Fokker? (they talked once) or Paninya and Winry? (but idk cause ed and winry are one of THE couples)
16. Overall, which show has the better cast, 3 or 5?
sweating nervously (3?)
not tagging anyone, but do it if u want to :)
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littlx-songbxrd · 2 years
I'm trying to avoid giving too many spoilers but here is the section I feel iffy about.
Kieran pulled her away from his shoulder to look at her face. She wasn’t looking him directly in the eye, instead opting for his long eyelashes. “I understand why you feel that way. I know all too well it is both a blessing and a curse to feel as we do. This is not your fault. None of this is your fault.”
Alyssa whined in protest. 
“I understand that you may have been told otherwise. You may have been told as a child that you were overly dramatic or too sensitive, a burden on others. But this is all nonsense. I may not have known you for very long, but I know this to be true. You are a good person Alyssa. You wouldn’t be this bothered by your own supposed failures if you did not care. Yes it’s true you are emotional and prone to anger, occasionally short sighted and stubborn but you are also passionate and kind. You are full of light and I enjoy being in your presence. Your dissatisfaction with your reality and the world surrounding you is not a flaw. It is powerful, and if you can harness that power it can be used to create things of great beauty. It can be used to improve upon the world.” He smiled at her. “And eventually you will come to realize that there is so much to love about this world. So much beauty and complexity, perfect imperfections, and through that, you realize that the same is true of yourself.”
Hmm okok this is iffy because while i do like parts of it, i can totally see why you think some of the advuce wouldnt resonate for Aly. I really enjoyed the last part but outting myself in Alyssas shoes at first i just felt, a bit anmoyed on her behalf. Because thats how 4s minds work. Sometimes, there are people who want to reasure that they understand but at desintegration points every attempt of understanding almost does the opposite effect. Accepting someone moght get it and is looking out for you is almost an insult, because what ive sat around and accepted my solitude to be told my issues arent mine alone? That ive isolated to the point i truly cannot trust anyone want or attempt to understand me and when the damage is done now people want to go ahead and get it?
I think the "this is nonesense" part is what looks the most iffy to me. In my very extremly humble opinion
The thing is im not a 4, so I cant 100% say of my advise will work or not. But maybe restructuring the beggining moght help? As if, less "i get it" more
Talk about his own experience? Kierans has been through desintegration and he totally understand the 4 trauma. Hes the first one to know of years ago youd have told him "hey i get your pain" he'd look at you horrified to.
Wouldnt it be more validating putting it into words? Bonding on the "youve been made to bla bla bla and this this this" ans at some point kieran isnt even sure if hes still talking about aly or himself. But its the aithenticity of his words that truly crack at least, smth, in Alyssa that he actually has some understanding of what shes talking about.
Perhaps also some awcknoladgement he will never understand Alyssas world the same way she can never hope to understand his? Idk i feel like thatd be important for 4s. To actually take into account eachs uniqueness while discussing their trauma.
Fours are sometimes like oil and water to eachother because they want to hold on to the idea of their solitude so highly they will 100% miss the fact they can help eachother. Im noy saying thats whats gonna go on here, im just saying its important fpr 4 to respect eachothers "otherness" if they want to help because if not it will turn into chaos
But thats all i have!!
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simply-a-void · 2 years
God ive only just finished season 2 of my rewatch and im already thinking about season 4 and that bullshit they pulled. I'm not lying when I say that what happened caused one of a handful of strong reactions to TV show scenes ive ever had (aka i had a long sob about it) like its the second time round so I know what the foreshadowing is about and it just is a lot. Also I know someone who hasn't finished season three so im trying to avoid spoilers just in case they are planning on finishing the magicians.
Anyways idk if this is like a controversial opinion, I think Alice is pretty cool but I kinda hate how whiplashy her and Quentin's relationship feels. Also I like Josh. Hear me out, he's not like amazing and the writers really try to hammer home that he does weed but as time goes on in the series you see that he really cares for margo and fen (ill fact check their interaction when I get there) I dunno i have big feeling about this show man is wat it is.
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kithtaehyung · 2 years
i havent been able to check the last 3tan fall drabble yet, especially with the busan concert 😩 so ive been avoiding your blog so to not get spoilers
but i just saw your word count for 3tan9 (forfeit?) and i just wanna say how excited i am! i cant imagine how much of an effort it is demanding from you, since you never give us nothing short of perfect, and im so grateful! it comes as no surprise you would want a break after it lol 😅, but yeah idk, just felt like thanking you! thank you to put in so much thought, to share so much of your process with us (im so happy whenever you talk about how your writing has been going), to engage so much with us and play along with our theories and our craziness, to write such great pieces and fics and storylines and arcs and developments and dynamics and urghhhhh EVERYTHING 🥺🥺😭
im sure the chapter will be amazing and super 😫🥰🥵🤠🙈 in a good way!!
you're really good to us, and i hope you can really enjoy your rest while you watch us screaming in your inbox 😂 u got an army right behind u too
btw ik im sappy as hell, damn, always reaching out with long ass asks and shit, sorry, i think im still on the edge cause of the show but that excuse only goes so far
anyways, thanks 😊
LUA you're gonna make me melt more and more with every message you send. every sentence, really. i'm just teary eyes rn i'm lucky i took pics before seeing this bc it finished me!!
it's okay! the drabble will still be there whenever you're ready to read. no rush at all, just enjoy when you can :D
forfeit is gonna be humongous omfg. and to make sure all of it is worth the wait, i do admit that it's a bit stressful on top of being just fun and comforting to write<3 it's been 3 months since the last major drop, so i feel like this needs to be super good! the break is gonna be muuuch needed :'))
oh my gosh, it's never dealing with y'all! i love interacting. it's a joy not a chore. thank you for being here with me and sending all the theories and encouragement and whatever else, truly. it makes my day to see y'all caring about this series as much as i do. tbh i had a little moment today in my car, just overwhelmed with how grateful i am to have bangtan, and 3tan, and y'all in my life. this year has been absolutely incredible and i can't believe i'm just now stopping to reflect on it.
just like in fireworks, when reader says being nostalgic for the same moment you're living? that's how i feel now. because the moments we're living now are my favorites.
i can't even describe how your army comment made me feel. just.. thank you. reaching out to hug you so tight🫂 y'all mean the world to me, and i know i say that often but i really do mean it.
sappiness makes me melt!! thank you for sending this bc i needed it. you're amazing, you know that?
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lqfiles · 3 months
tumblr user lqfiles ily u are a literary genius.
BUT AAHH FOOTBALL!!! I DONT REALLY GAF ABOUT IT BUT I WAS SO UPSET THAT TURKEY LOST 😞😞😞😞 i really dont know anything else other than turkey losing, but… it was sad! i think!
ptp makes me want to watch family guy so bad… r u secretly advertising or something.. but UM!! theyre cooking!!! i cant wait to see mc join the dark web market next episode 😍😍!!! i feel like mc and rina have to have a talk. like THE talk even. the voices have made up the theory that if karina was like girl idgaf go get ur man mc would not hold back sm.. also hc is, like,,, slowly coming to the realization that him and mc are in love and should get married and become cat parents (preferably jaemin’s cats, kidnapped) 😻
but from what i can tell ur summer is going great and i love that for u!!! yes kween 😻 ive been so stuck to my 3ds lately… i was gonna ask if you also had one and if so if you wanted to be friends but like… shittendo shut off online services so nvm 😞 uuh MUCH LOVE IMY ILY ALL OF THE ABOVE 💗💗
omo thank you??? genius lqfiles sounds nice
OMGGGF my sister was also upset even tho she isn’t turkish but tbh i can’t complain cos they went against the netherlands and that’s unfortunately my blood.. but we got a karma this week 😑 the best thing we got from turkey out of that match was me discovering who arda güler is and me being obsessed with him now you don’t get how badly i want want him he is only a year older than me GIVE HIM TO MEEEE
YOU SHOULDDDD i haven’t watched it in so long but its so fun :333 its lowkey edgy humour (?) idk but its funny !!! i’m more of a south park girl tho </3
im saving their talk for the angsty part 😝😝😝 like spoiler but i wanna make her avoid rina after she realises she likes hc a lotttt and rina is like ??????? why are you avoiding me????? also yesss i think i’ll have one of them admit to their feelings sooon (probably y/n idk yet) and YESSS THEY SHOULD BE CO CAT PARENTS, not jaems ones tho.. he gets serious about them don’t even play
IF I HAD A 3RDS I WOULDVE ADDED YOU PLSSS i actually soooo want one but we’re highkey broke over here </3 its okay we should be friends on smrh else, you got an ea account 👀? HOPE YOU HAVE A GREAT DAY MWUAHHHH
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tele-mesmerism · 2 years
pretty sure my first book of this yr is gonna be in my top 9 of the yr.. HIGHLY rec the seed keeper by diane wilson. (many cws, check them on sg + feel free to ask me for details abt how intense or graphic things were. its like. has a lot but most arent extremely vividly described but. they do happen)
disorganized thoughts on it (purposefully avoiding story spoilers
its mostly set just east of where i live which was. ! when theyd mention wanting to move to the twin cities & any major towns r ones i regularly hear abt l.. just do not get that a lot in books (& if theyre in mn theyre usually in the cities). also VERY. needed? to me bc i havent yet read anything (fictional) entirely centered on native ppl right. here. hoping i find a lot more. it mentioned quite a few things ive heard of/aware of but using them in a novel + more detailed, & more personal depictions. which helps my brain grasp how they effected ppl, & how the ppl who expd these things might have felt. which is why i read!!
the story & everything w the seeds being passed down and down was so. meaningful and impactful and special idk.. going to be thinking abt that & other parts for a long time
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kazuholic · 2 years
tr 253
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this haunts my fucking nightmares
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No spoilers but:
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orcelito · 3 years
Godddddd I'm on chapter 45 of marigolds & have been since approximately when it came out. It's up to 57 now. At this point i might as well reread the whole thing bc it's been like 10 months ish since I first read it and I've already got so much to read might as well do the whole thing
But it's fuckin 527k words and yea i could read that in like. A few days. A week tops, if I'm focused. (Read the 300k ish it was when i first read it in Two days).
But Also I'm devoted to writing discacc and that'll A: be time I could spend writing, & B: run the risk of muddling my characterizations aka why I avoid reading too much fic these days
But also,,,,, there is,,,,,, a desire
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stairset · 4 years
Okay yeah the walmart ps5 deal thing is a total scam
#like because there's so many people trying to order it as soon as it gets to the specific time it just immediately freezes up#so by the time the stupid add to cart button even appears it's already sold out#but this time it literally let me go through the whole check out process and then i hit place order and THEN it said it was sold out#and the next two times are while i'm working and my mom's gonna be working#and my dad will be home but he won't be able to do it cause he doesn't know shit about technology lmao#so basically im fucked#and idk if theyre gonna keep doing this or if its just for today#but either way this shit is just ridiculous#the ps4 was NOT this hard to get so i underestimated how much of a bitch it would be to get this one#god im so fucking exhausted and i still gotta work for five and a half hours soon fuck today man#i guess since i got the morning shift tomorrow ill just go to gamestop and ask the guy if he knows when theyre gonna get the next shipment#since ordering online clearly isnt gonna work#and god how fucking long am i gonna have to avoid spoilers for the miles game before i can finally fucking play it#i mean ive already gotten some things spoiled because jackasses on youtube like to put spoilers in the titles/thumbnails for clickbait#normally i dont even bother getting systems as soon as they come out for this exact reason but miles just HAD to be a launch title#fuck this man this is stupid#i would be tempted to resort to ebay but u just know they're gonna charge more than double what it's worth#at this point is it even worth trying to avoid spoilers#since i bet every major plot point is probably gonna pop up on my youtube feed by the time i even get the stupid system#i mean i think if a story is good then spoilers wont ruin it but at the same time i still like to be a LITTLE surprised#shut up tristan
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cookinguptales · 2 years
ive been feeling a bit disenchanted with season 4. maybe its cause im dreading the finale based on the vague spoilers i saw, or the treatment of marwa or how the "the gang is separated unexpectedly" twist of s3 was totaly glossed over... i dunno. how are you feeling about it?
No specific spoilers here for 4.09 and 4.10, but just in case people want to avoid even my vague feelings and criticisms, I'm putting my answer behind a cut. Plus, as always, this did get long.
Honestly, I'm feeling a bit disenchanted, too. I'll write some meta about my exact reasoning after the episode airs tonight (and even more after the finale airs), but I just... Now that I know how the rest of the season is going to go, it kind of puts a lot of things I've been putting up with for the rest of the season into sharp relief. I thought certain storylines were going somewhere so I put up with the way they were being written, but now that I know they're not going anywhere with them, I've had to come to terms with the fact that what I thought was maybe hints was actually just lazy writing. That's kind of where I've been at the past couple days. Looking at the lil bits we've been picking through on fandom and realizing that they never really intended to flesh out any of those things or take them in any interesting directions.
I also agree thoroughly with Marwa. It's one of the things that's been a growing concern of mine throughout the season, and now that we have spoilers... idk, again, I'll talk about this a lot more thoroughly tonight? But I hate this storyline now. I also hate what I'm now seeing as an overdependence on hypnosis and Djinn-facilitated personality transplants, too. Like... I can recognize now that it's a season-long issue. Like damn, stop using this to dig yourself out of plot holes. It's lazy writing and the implications get creepy very quickly. I thought they were doing these things on purpose to criticize it later but maybe?? they're not??
I'd say the big two disappointments for me are Marwa and Guillermo... I won't get into details with Marwa, but Guillermo... yeah. I've been saying it since literally the premiere aired, but the whole one-year gap was a killer. I hate that we just don't hear from any of them for a year when they are doing important things. We miss all of Laszlo's bumbling through the beginnings of parenthood. We miss Nandor's journeys, for the most part. We miss Nadja's growing disenchantment with the council. And Guillermo, Guillermo gets the worst of it. He has the most change and the least of it is shown onscreen.
And I kept hoping they'd go back to it. They'd go back to what he must have been feeling and the decisions he must have made. That they'd explain why his focuses and motivations seem different. Why he's stopped being a weird little busybody who's a lil freak about the others' personal lives. Like... I cannot get over his behavior at the wedding. I keep trying to find a way to make it make sense! I don't care if he was no longer in love with Nandor or not! It didn't make sense for the nosiest, most interfering character in the entire cast to be the only one not to object! Mr. We All Need To Grieve Colin Robinson? Mr. I'm Going to Manipulate Everyone? Mr. Gail?
But as far as I can tell, they're really never going to meaningfully engage with any of that. And no, just saying that he got a boyfriend is not enough for me. You don't get a total personality transplant when you start dating someone! If you want me to buy that all these changes happened, you have to show me how they did! I feel so... idk, cheated with Guillermo. And when I'm feeling uncharitable, it makes me feel like they've adapted his personality to be whatever it needs to be to forward the plot elements they decided on. That's just... it's not good writing, and that is not a criticism I am accustomed to making with this show.
I have thoughts about Nandor, too, but it's a lot harder to talk about those without delving into spoilers... But I do think that in some ways his character has regressed as well. I think some of it might be purposeful...? Like a one step forward, two steps back situation? But I'll reserve my judgment on that one a little more until I've actually seen the episode.
It's odd, because I feel like Guillermo and Nandor have actually had some really nice moments in s4... when we're not focusing on the (imo) truly disastrous storylines that are their romances. It's like all preexisting characterization just flies out the window sometimes and that's so frustrating.
As for 4.09 in particular, too... I'm not going to say any spoilers, but it is bewildering to me to see my sense of humor diverge so wildly from a show that's always made me laugh more than any other, especially because the writers of the episode wrote two of the best episodes of the entire series. I haven't seen the episode yet, so maybe it will be way less bad than I'm expecting! I'm holding onto that hope. But I cannot see how they could make the spoilers I know funny and not just. Very upsetting to me, actually. There's a sort of cruelty there that WWDITS has never quite hit in the past, for all that it tortures its characters, and it goes into some tropes that I just find overtly creepy, honestly. I do not think I'm going to enjoy watching this episode at all, which is a feeling I have never experienced from WWDITS before.
As for the cliffhanger in 4.10... I have to say I find it unconvincing. I just don't believe it'll have lasting implications, and moreover, after seeing the way they casually disregarded the emotional arcs they set up in the s3 finale, I no longer feel like we have any guarantee that the events of 4.09 and 4.10 will ever be dealt with in s5, either. I'll talk about this in more detail after it happens, obviously, but like. It does feel like they're going WOW, ARE WE ACTUALLY GOING TO DO THIS? and I'm just sitting here like. no... you're obviously not... So it doesn't feel all that cliffhanger-y, tbh.
It's odd, because the one aspect of this season I was most convinced I would hate (Baby Colin) has been the one thing that I've felt genuinely touched by. I feel like this show has been at its best when it's used Baby Colin to delve into ideas of family and fatherhood and belonging, and it frustrates me a little that the back half of the season put that on the back burner for pretty extended periods only to return to it in the finale. The pacing is off.
I think in general the back end of the season has been... weird. 4.08 notwithstanding, because I think it's kinda it's own thing... I know we've gone around and around and around with episode order and such but I really do feel like some of these late-stage episodes smack of rewrites. I keep thinking about the fact that the Djinn wasn't supposed to be in this many episodes and I really have to wonder how that affected the Marwa and Freddie storylines, which I feel are by far the weakest part of the season.
Like damn, I thought they were gonna fuck me up because of the implications for my OTP, but I can write my way out of 4.10 fairly easily, if we're just talking OTP. I never thought that these storylines were gonna make me lose faith in the writing team. I feel a little adrift, if I'm being honest with you.
I felt myself just instantly shift into fix-it fic mode as soon as I learned about the events of 4.09 and just. It's never where I wanted to be with this show. I've been a diehard WWDITS fan since the movie first came out and it's always been a franchise where I've respected the writing above all else. Not every episode of WWDITS and Wellington Paranormal is an absolute banger, but I've enjoyed all of them and loved most of them. Nothing has made me laugh like WWDITS and I've come to be truly invested in the characters. So to see things to go so spectacularly sideways so quickly has me like... ah...
I'm readjusting, I think. idk. I've been thinking a lot. I've been talking to my cat a lot. lmao. I still have some hopes for certain elements of the last two episodes and I did really, really enjoy certain parts of season 4. It just... didn't ever end up being as cohesive as I'd hoped, nor did it have the same loyalty to characterization that I was expecting. (And it really, really did not seem to have any respect for most of its new characters.) It's frustrating to have bad so thoroughly mixed in with the good and to have to puzzle out which things don't work for you and which things do. It'd be easier if I just hated all of it! But I really didn't.
Either way, anon, you're definitely gonna see a LOT of words from me over the next two weeks. I have a lot of things to talk about and a lot of feelings to express and honestly, I'm really hoping I end up having meta to write about things I like, too. But who knows? I guess we'll see.
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makiswirl · 2 years
!!!!! i would LOVE to talk abt fma but idk a good question to ask hmmm..... uhm! tell me abt a favourite detail of yours or smth u think not enough ppl appreciate!!!! can be from 2003 or fmab :] but jsyk so far ive only seen fmab (i do plan on watching fma 2003 in the future tho!!! ^_^)
OUUGHGHH OK! :0 i'll probably avoid talking about 03 beyond the tiny filler stuff then for spoilers' sake.. here's macchi's random deets they enjoy about fma (mangahood edition):
an fma japan-equivalent is mentioned in the manga, as amestris is certain countries from europe, drachma is from russia, and xing is from china! it's mentioned as a tiny island that made a form of chess i think in one of the chapters grumman and roy play it together? too lazy to go get the chapter though someone please tell me if you know where this is
ed isn't the only one who visibly ages in brotherhood! he does it in the manga too but it's more noticeable in the anime (and he does it in 03 as well). winry gets more square and ling gets Fucking Ripped™️, and we even see al get even MORE broadened out but i'm not sure if that's age or filling out after being malnourished after so long. either way he inherited hohenheim's chad jawline in the end.
dublith was a town with a bunch of running factories from when ed and al trained at the curtises', but we see that when they're older they've shut down (again mostly manga only)
automail only prospers as a result of the wars in amestris (again mentioned in the manga a few times), and probably heavily dies out after its government is reformed
ed and al seemingly knowing everyone in resembool! (this is specifically about the parts where ed greets the resembool train conductor in the manga and talks to a bunch of people in resembool in i Think every canon? might be only 03 though)? also in 2003 where winry begins talking about how they played with other resembool kids to al i just like knowing that the teens used to be normal
xingese being in square, rectangular bubbles instead of more circular or angled ones per-manga (+ there being 50 clans but only 43 living children in xing)
ed in the manga counting how many limbs he would have to lose to bring al's body back after realizing he's likely starving in the gate
(once again, manga only) izumi saying that ed can likely beat the truth and talking about the irony of the cost of their human transmutations before father mansplained it! i love me some foreshadowing!
ed putting things in his mouth and just letting them stay there for some reason (e.g. toothpick in rush valley, fork in manga, etc.) also just spacing out entirely when he focuses to the point he can't even hear others or keep track of time! mostly manga only though.. again. why were we so robbed :-(
03's depiction of liore being more accurate geographically (being smack dab in the desert that goes off into xing like ishval, given they're in the same sector and entirely parallel from each other on the map)
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veeveex3 · 2 years
bro, just a quick late night thought (keep in mind, im only caught up to twst's story up to the english translation and only know about book 6 via spoilers -_- so if im wrong then please don't spoil anything that happens in book 5 part 3 and onwards)
alright, here it is: i don't think that twst is gonna end at book 7. i dunno if the devs ever said the story was gonna end at book 7 or not so correct me if im wrong but i feel like there's so much we don't know that i feel would only be rushed if the game's main story were to end at the end of book 7.
for example: anything about crowley! all we really know about him is that he's the headmaster, claims to be very generous and kind despite being a lazy prick who dumps all his issues on the dorm leaders + yuu, and seems to avoid getting yuu home at all cost, either cuz it's tiring for him (which would be funny but sorta disappointing) or cuz he needs them at nrc.
another example: mickey fucking mouse. i think the plot with mickey is gonna be resolved in book 7 but i still can't get over his existence (#antimickeyclub ig lol)
i know the whole point of the game is to focus on nrc and the villain students but id like to see more of royal sword academy. like, i think rn the main purpose of rsa is to juxtapose itself to nrc as well as to be the school niege comes from since he's based off of snow white and you get the point
ive seen one theory on tik tok (ill put their @ at the end of the post at a later date) or somewhere else but the theory goes that the reason as to why overblots seem to be happening so often is bc the stone you were trying to get in the prologue is inside nrc and probably affecting the students more. i wanna add onto this more by saying that overblots are deadly, meaning the spirit attacking you in the prologue is either the dead dwarves (yikes) or the spirit that appears after the overblot victims either fused with the dwarves or roaming free after the dwarves deaths. im really tired so idek where this is going but that's just another reason ig that the story would feel pretty empty after book 7 if it were to end there
another thing is malleus. assuming that he's going to be the next overblot victim and the final boss for his book, that would be really weird to end the book after that since, after defeating each book's boss, prologue included, grim (like the little dumbass cat he is) decided to eat the overblot residue rocks that are excreted at the end of the fight (which also give a flavor profile of the person who overblotted ??? which is sorta funny ngl). and im 1000% certain that this isn't just a read herring and him eating the rocks is going to lead to, as most people suspect, grim overblotting himself (during the tutorial, you even fight a boss that looks like grim but with characteristics of the other characters: dragon wings (malleus) more agressive blue flames (iida) a lion like face / muzzle (leona, which i know is a reach but still) as well as some of the abilities introduced in each book (idk i didn't really pay much attention to the tutorial lol)
so yeah, tldr; it doesn't make any sense to end twst's main story at book 7 unless they either add an epilogue where grim blots or at the blot sequence after malleus' boss fight, which would be pretty cool ngl, sorta like a little curve ball
im sorry this is so long, I just had a lotta thoughts and dumped them here lol
edit: I KNOW I JUST POSTED THIS BUT I JUST REMEMBERED SOMETHING! y'know how there's 22 students in the game? well, there's also 22 cards in the main arcana. given how clever the game can be, i don't this is just a coincidence. might make another post just on this specially since i like tarot cards and stuff like that
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probably-haven · 3 years
Spoilers Galor ...... it is time.... for me to do what ive been considering for quite some time
this is my arguement... on why, whether romantically or platonically, i think you should ship or bro-ship,...... Childe.... and Albedo
please just consider skimming it possibly- 
so for the first section of my argument, i will cover why this is a largely feasible possibility, so let’s set the stage
- Childe is from Snezhnaya, and he is shown to have a large amount of ties to his home, including but not limited to; his family, ice fishing, and just a large number of nostalgic references in his voice lines. 
- Because of this it’s a pretty common occurrence that he finds himself feeling homesick, as with many of the other Fatui.
- This is why he, like many of the other Fatui, so frequently visit and camp within Dragonspine, where the cold snowy atmosphere serves to remind them of home and the things they left behind.
- also in his birthday letter, it says he canonically visits Dragonspine, but explaining it this way gives it feeling 
- so considering that he would be in Dragonspine relatively often, and given the large number of Fatui camps in there regardless, it’s pretty clear he’d have heard of Albedo. So onto Albedo (unfortunately i wasnt there for his event so i dont have as much fuel, but it is what it is)
- there’s a few things that need to be asked first- It’s pretty clear that Albedo must have some interaction with the Fatui given the sheer number of them that camp in Dragonspine. Evidentially, he’s still alive so the question is why? and there’s a few possible explanations for this.
     - He just sneaks around a lot or avoids them (this i think is unlikely, as it would limit his actions while conducting experiments as well as the places where he’d be able to conduct them, which isn’t a big deal, but when there are other options I don’t think this is the one he’d pick)      - He just pulls a traveler and kills them (i don’t think he would do this except for as a last resort, he’s rather disconnected from any sense of empathy yes, but his time is better spent elsewhere. If it comes to that, it comes to that and he will, but he wouldn’t do it as his first option) (also i dont use geo characters much so idk how good he’d be at breaking their shields in this case)      - The Fatui don’t bother or attack him out of their own choice
- i think the third is the most likely, which sounds dumb but hear me out. 
- something that is stressed time and time again during the mondstadt archon quest is the fact that nobody wants to increase the always present strain on diplomatic relations between Mondstadt and Snezhnaya.      - Sure the Fatui do not care very much about this and have many ways to get around this. Signora attacking Venti (technically not a diplomat, and by disappearing she had plausible deniability; traveler’s words against her own, and really both traveler and Venti weren’t supposed to survive that, hence “leave no trace”), or the Fatui constantly attacking the traveler, (who’s canonically travelling alone with only Paimon, always on the move and encountering many unfamiliar dangers, not hard to clear up)      - However despite this, I still believe that Albedo’s safety(and by extent that of Sucrose and Timeus) on Dragonspine is maintained by a mixture of political agreement, situational convenience, and Albedo’s own actions
- its difficult for this to work but i believe it’s the most likely answer, combining all three possibilities that i mentioned above.  - Albedo is an official Knight of Favonius, so his death would cause a pretty dramatic commotion, and since he’s been in Dragonspine for as long as he has, if he was found dead outside of his lab- or suddenly disappeared, the first person to blame would be the Fatui.
- “But Flurp! what about the stuff you mentioned earlier, with Senora’s attack and the Fatui always going after the traveler?”
- context is key. The traveler is a traveler, and Venti was a necessity to achieve their goal. The traveler is also a huge threat to what they are trying to do, since the Fatui have probably heard of their accomplishments. Them attacking Venti was inevitable, no matter the strain it would cause. The fact that the traveler was there as well was merely coincidence in my opinion
- again “leave no trace” means the intent was that both the Traveller and Venti weren’t meant to survive. This is important because if the traveler disappeared, they would have vanished shortly after finishing what they had to do in mondstadt and thered be no reason to suspect anything had happened to them, just that they had moved onto Liyue. 
- Venti would pose risk, but again, the pros outweighed any risk it could have posed to their relations.
- with the Fatui regularly attacking the Traveler, again, that’s easy to clear up and would be difficult to pin on the Fatui, assuming how long it would take to realize they were gone (because despite helping so many people, its still natural to assume they’ve just travelled elsewhere)
- Albedo on the other hand, is technically a legal official, because of his high rank in the knights. He is also only ever really found in Dragonspine and Mondstadt the city. And he is well familiar with the dangers of Dragonspine, so if he were to die there it would be assumed to be either at the hands of the Fatui, or one of his own experiments.
- Thus attacking him is very high risk(unlike the traveler), and since he has nothing to do with their plans, low reward(unlike Venti). 
- So most likely he doesn’t needlessly interact with the Fatui, but should an experiment need to expand into the space of one of their camps, it’s likely he would need some kind of documentation to do so. At the same time, Albedo himself would also not be able to harm the Fatui who frequent the mountain. I TOOK WAY TO LONG TO EXPLAIN THAT UGGGGHHHHHHH anyways
- So set the stage, Childe is visiting Dragonspine, right? And he hears from whichever Fatui Camp he happens to stop in about the one Knight of Favonius that they keep seeing around Dragonspine, the one who just last week came to them with a stack of documents saying they would have to move their camp, it’s annoying but they have orders not to attack him. 
- and then there’s Childe, who’s been living in Liyue, surrounded by people who basically fear Dragonspine as if its some kind of deadzone, and he just assumed that for anyone not from Snezhnaya, thats exactly what it was. He assumed nobody but the Fatui would dare even visit there, let alone be there as frequently as whoever this person was. 
- And he’s got to be pretty important for there to be orders not to attack him, right?       - cue Childe’s unique brand of curiosity, so he asks more, apparently the fellow has a geo vision, and had been spotted taking down or even just lurking by a number of Dragonspine’s dangers as though it was merely routine       - cue flashback to when he first met the traveler, instantly hesitant, hostile, and potentially even afraid towards him as soon as he realized he was Fatui, even before revealing himself as a harbinger.
- so what was it about this guy that made him so convinced he could walk into a Fatui camp alone, order them around, and still walk out alive. Even Childe could admit how underhanded the Fatui were at times, their true orders could have been anything
- He’s not just going to leave now, no. So he asks more questions and figures out that they did at one point scout out his lab while the Knight was out, and give him the location. He’s a harbinger, what are they gonna say “sorry sir, can’t tell ya” no, these bitches see him with the same amount of fear they’d have for Dotorre or Scaramouche or La Signora or any of the others- you don’t just tell a harbinger “no”
- So anyways Childe decides to check it out 
- in the case that Albedo’s mid experiment in his lab when this happens, he’ll probably assume it’s a Knight, since the Fatui haven’t tried anything in quite some time and would just send off a quick “I am in the middle of an experiment right now, I would prefer not to be disturbed”      - and Childe would laugh at his voice because let’s be honest, he thinks of himself as a Chad and it just sounds “weak” to him, and then the scenario leads into what would happen even if he wasnt mid-experiment
and now a look into Albedo’s perspective
- let’s assume that the Knights heard about the Traveler’s role in what happened in Liyue, since it’s kind of common knowledge that Childe was the one who did it, and the traveler doesn’t exactly try to hide that he fought Childe. So considering how often the knights and the Fatui clash, and what happened with Signora, they would likely ask the traveler about it, in order to be better prepared, and for that same reason i feel like the traveler would tell them some of it. 
- so in this situation, it’s likely that Albedo would recognize him and likely know an amount of his combat abilities, and the thing with the fake seals of permission/Osial, but I don’t think the Traveler would have given told any more than that
- so here’s Albedo, surrounded by Fatui camps, knowing that he knows more about this Harbinger than the other thinks he does and assuming that Childe knows more about him himself, but just how much does he know.
- it’s the first time one of the Fatui has come to his lab in- he doesn’t know how long (other than the occasional instance of a wounded member risking the encounter in a moment of desperation. He’s observed that those who wield hydro have never been present in any of these instances, and are most likely designated as healers, but he isn’t in the best position to find out.)      - and the fact that the first Fatui to come to his camp(out of anything other than necessity) is a Harbinger, is certainly very off putting, as he knows that Childe most certainly has the ability to change the orders of the Fatui around him whose cooperation with him is something that he recognizes as very fragile
- and he knows it’s unlikely, in the back of his mind he keeps recalling that this specific Harbinger is the one who resurrected a dead god for the purpose of destroying a city (flashback to the famous “if I destroy Mondstadt” line) but he reminds himself that it’s highly improbable and thus illogical to jump to that conclusion, but he is nonetheless very on edge with Childe’s presence
- However, as with the rest of the Fatui, his hands are legally tied, and unless Childe moves to attack him, any move he makes would only serve to reflect on the rest of the knights
- As such neither would attack the other in this scenario, though Childe would very much want to, and Albedo would very much be prepared to.      - and both of these people are very observant (Albedo in the general sense and Childe in the ‘reading body language for combat’ sense) so both of them are completely aware of that, though Albedo would probably acknowledge that it may just be a result of his own paranoia
- However, unless Childe has orders otherwise, he tends to approach interactions with a more amiable attitude, extending his hand and introducing himself as “Childe,” less flamboyant than normal, because yes he’s extra, but not an idiot, he’s not gonna say “hey girlie, hold still” when the guy obviously has his hand tensed like that, “discretely” ready to reach for whats assumed to be a weapon, a melee one based on the position, sword or polearm probably
- Albedo, isn’t really one for pleasantries though, he has a number of things he still needs to do, and he does not want this Harbinger in or nearby his camp. “I’m aware” he says, giving his full attention, so as not to be caught off guard, and to get this over as quickly as possible. “I assume you have some purpose behind this visit. I am rather busy at the moment, so i would prefer that we keep this interaction brief.”
- and Childe is a little shit who still doesn’t know how to associate violence and hostility with any kind of bad vibes so he just laughs and holds up his hands “relax relax, I’m not here on business, no need to be on edge, right?”
- But Childe has a tendency while speaking to, knowingly or unknowingly, give his words a rather ominous tone. That and the fact that Albedo is in his lab, one of few places in Dragonspine where any misfortune that might befall him could be pinned on his own experiments keeps him from letting down his guard just yet. 
HOWEVER i cant do dialogue... and this isn’t technically a fanfiction so i can summarize-
- Childe is basically all like “so why the shit are you in dragonspine comrade? i thought yall hated it”
- and albedo is all “experiments and this is where my lab is, is ” but like- not key details cuz he isnt going to reveal stuff to the fatui
-and Childe basically be like “ why up here, isnt there other places,” cuz he legit doesn’t get it. He gets that his mindset isn’t the norm, so he’d assume Albedo would want to do anything to avoid Dragonspine and its dangers like what seems to be the norm for what most people hes interacted with have generally agreed
- and Albedo says some flowery words for like oh “In the pursuit of knowledge if one allows themselves to be dissuaded by potential dangers, then they will find it quite difficult to progress beyond that which is already known”
- which, is important cuz it reflects Childe’s mindset on getting stronger, so he’s like yeah, checks out, and being the extroverted shit he is, he has the guts to ask “aren’t you gonna ask why im in dragonspine?” or something because honestly he likes talking about himself, and thats a topic that doesnt have to do with the fatui so it’s an easy way to make conversation.
- and Albedo, who has by now slightly relaxed just enough to resume preparing the experiment he was preparing before Childe came in. and all passive aggressively is like “The same as the rest of the Fatui, most likely. Now if you don’t mind I do have a number of experiments to conduct and I’m afraid it can get rather dangerous, so it would be best that you take your leave now”
- and Childe gets the message that he’s essentially being told to fuck off but he’s also cheeky as shit and absolutely loves to test his luck so he’d be all “I thought you said not to be dissuaded by potential dangers” sounding all proud of himself for using the other’s words against him 
- and Albedo doesn’t have time for this so he just turns back towards Childe, same tone and same face as before, and repeats “it would best that you take your leave”
- Now Childe doesn’t see this as a challenge persay, but he sees how easily it can turn into one, and speaks the two cliche words “make me”
- but Albedo is also a little shit and just turns to resume his experiment, letting out a sigh “Stay if you’d like. I didn’t consider this possibility but I may have to request my lab be made off limits to the Fatui. A shame, I didn’t plan to return to Mondstadt for quite some time”
- and Childe, he’s decently smart- and he knows a number of things, 1 the other harbingers are gonna be pissed if they find out he caused more work for them again, 2 this individual is interesting and he very much wants the opportunity to fight them in the future, and 3 he’s not involved in politics and should Albedo follow through, the Harbingers wouldn’t give 2 shits if he asked them to try and get the change reversed.
- and so he leaves, but he’ll be back
- Albedo’s threat may have given him the upper hand for now, but it also served as a challenge he wouldn’t forget.       - of course it’s not really that big a deal though, just if he’s ever in Dragonspine again and there’s nothing nearby to kill, he’d keep it in mind, and hey, best case scenario he can get more information to contribute to the Fatui
- so now that Childe is gone and Albedo is able to reflect on the interaction, at first he’s just relieved nothing bad happened
- within the following day he reflects once again, deciding that the Harbinger most likely wasn’t lying about his intentions, he truly did seem seem to merely have been curious as he had claimed
- in hindsight he also realizes that conversing with him may also allow him to confirm or deny a number of the theories he had on the Fatui, or perhaps raise more questions for him to look into that he had not yet considered... or at least it could as long as he was careful about how he asked.
- AND THUS there a few more meetings, many are purely conversational, each trying to get knowledge from the other while being fully aware that the other is trying to do the same      - not the type of battle Childe is used to, and it does get boring at times, but it’s all part of the game so he persists
- and eventually, as Albedo recognizes this as a regular thing, he begins enlisting Childe’s help in a number of experiments. Just figuring that since he’s doing an experiment and Childe is there regardless, it’s the most efficient option. That and it keeps the more dangerous questions to a minimum, often redirecting the questions towards alchemy, a much safer topic that he does not need to step so carefully around in order to discuss.
- There comes a point where Childe decides to point out the fact that Albedo most often has him help out with combat-requiring aspects of his experiments, and questions why
- Albedo, figuring it was obvious, reminds him of the conversation a few visits ago, where Childe mentioned his drive to get stronger, and(to requote) said that if he didn’t feel these opponents were sufficient to increase Childe’s strength, he could always bring in a couple Oceanids to fight. He then points out afterwards that ruin guards are a bit easier to fight with a bow
- Mixed responses from Childe including but not limited to      - quickly refusing in the language of hydro vision panic, followed quickly by      - oh, so he’s been trying to help this whole time, to-      - how the fuck would he bring Oceanids to Dragonspine, is that even possible?      - followed by curiosity
- and so he brings up the point that he’s never seen Albedo fight, which is a shame. “If you can’t take them down on your own just say so, no need to make excuses.” because heck yeah he’s going to taunt him, I mean this is Childe
- which of course Albedo returns with “If you want to see me in combat, follow your own advice” because of course, by now he knows about Childe’s combat obsession, like you don’t need to know him that long to figure it out, its kind of obvious. 
- but he recognizes the intention, so he finishes what he’s doing checking what he needs for his future plans before exiting the lab, Childe following behind him, eager to see his future opponent in action
- so albedo goes to a ruin guard/grader/hunter(one of those), because otherwise it’s hilichurls or abyss mages and he knows enough to be able to tell that’s not exactly the kind of opponent Childe meant, and he would prefer not to have the topic brought up again, if he knew how to avoid it.
- so Childe stands back and Albedo, who is well accustomed to having to defeat the enemies in Dragonspine in order to get components for his alchemy knows exactly how to kill this bitch cuz honestly, the number of these guys he’s probably killed for research purposes is astronomical, so it’s done rather quickly and methodically, as if just another part of routine, exactly the way that it had been described when Childe was first asking the Fatui at that one camp about the alchemist.
- And that interest/intrigue that had started in the side of Childe’s mind and grew over time into one of the reasons(tho not the main reason) that he would often go to Dragonspine... it multiplied exponentially
- cue a few more visits and a new turning point occurs
- Childe comes to visit, and upon arriving at the lab he sees a child
- cue Childe approaching again, amiable grin on is face “and who’s this young lady”       - because it’s literally canon that he’s good with kids
- but Klee isn’t any kid
- and Klee was there for the briefing so she has just as much information on Childe as any of the other higher ranking knights      - and only that much information
- a short time later they’re cleaning up the scattered remains of what was Albedo’s last experiment, lucky that the explosion was set off near the entrance so the damage wasn’t too extensive
- “Please don’t tell Master Jean, Dodocco said he was sorry”
- Cue Childe’s “I’m not a bad guy... okay I’m kind of a bad guy” quote       - “but I mean no harm, I’m a friend of Albedo’s”
- and Albedo’s standing there like when I agree to that but he wants to see how this plays out
- and I’m really unfamiliar with Klee’s characterization, but you get the point Childe is canonically god at kids, he’s gonna learn that Klee’s basically Albedo’s little sister, Klee’s gonna get attached to him and remind him of his siblings back home, Childe’s interaction with Klee is basically what gets Albedo to start actually somewhat trusting Childe as opposed to just using him from a metaphorical distance and subtly helping in ways that wouldnt really negatively impact the knights
- and now that hes no longer actively distrustful his mind is more open to actually becoming attached, as he now begin to recognize that that which he initially believed to be mere manipulation tactics was actually just... Childe being genuine, or as genuine as a person can be in their situation
- so theres the obvious things i already mentioned, like their mutual extreme drive to improve in their respective fields that separates them from others, even within their own respective groups/organizations which already(to an extent) separate their members from most others
now lets talk about this point specifically
- both Childe and Albedo are capable of helping each other grow in their respective fields.
- two things that have the potential to cause Childe trouble and lessen his combat ability and the problems with his delusion and his foul legacy transformation
- these two things are things likely unlike anything that Albedo has been able to study before (tho delusions he might have some experience with- but it’s unlikely) and it would likely be able to expand his knowledge, were he given the opportunity to experiment them, while simultaneously helping childe improve his strength
- both of them know just how fragile the relationship(whatever it is) between them is, how quickly tensions can shift and orders can change, so in order to protect both the other and themselves they both understand that actually going through with this wouldn’t truly be safe and both sides could get in trouble for it
- because no matter what they do there will always be a constantly present risk hanging over their heads, but ill come back to that
- Dragonspine      - in a lot of Albedo ships, the other character has to go through the effort of going to Dragonspine, which tends to serve as an obstacle for the relationship to be overcome (exception of sucrose and... idk do people ship him with Timeus? just in case, recognizing them both as potential exceptions)       - However, in the case of Childe, who legitimately enjoys coming to Dragonspine, he wouldn’t hesitate to visit Albedo      - with most it becomes “wow, i haven’t seen Albedo in a while, gee, i wish he’d come down the mountain, nonetheless i am a good lover so i shall make the harsh trek to see my beloved”      - with this bitch Childe tho it’s more like “oops, feelin’ homesick, Imma see how Albedo’s doing, hope he’s made progress, wonder if Klee will be there” or “Wow I haven’t seen Albedo in awhile. Finna finish up these fatui duties real quick and head over, if i say im checking on the Fatui stationed there, I dont even have to ask to go on leave” (he gets in trouble for not officially asking for a day off anyways)
-anywho, Childe is largely used to interacting with the Harbingers, who always seem to have some other secret second layered plan of sorts that he’s not always informed about (ex: him being intended to fail when he summoned Osial, but being kept in the dark about it), which conflicts with Childe’s relatively straight forward nature      - Albedo also possesses the potential to be similar, however he doesn’t often see the need for such things, preferring to be frank about his goals and expectations, so unlike with his fellow harbingers, Childe knows that when Albedo tells him something or asks something of him, what he’s being told is usually exactly what actually is true/intended. And if it’s not, Albedo is the kind of person to explain that it’s something he can’t tell him, which he understands, since he has his own share of things he cant share because of his Fatui alignment.
- there is going to be an interaction where at some point Childe is rambling about his family back home, and Albedo questions him about what they look like, a few days later handing him a surprisingly accurate drawing of his siblings      - “I did have to try to check appearance with the traveler but unfortunately they weren’t in Mondstadt, do I do hope there aren’t too many inaccuracies”      - Homeboy doesn’t cry(probably) but he gets really fucking close      - cue socially isolated Alchemist boy misunderstanding and trying to apologize, which Childe responds to by just hugging him- because both of these boys are touch starved and honestly they fucking need it. 
- and now that Childe knows Albedo doesn’t actually have a significant boundary on physical affection, as with most Childe ships... it happens a lot
- headcanon that Childe tends to just lean/rest his head on things like a dog.  - additional headcanon that Albedo tends to have a need to keep his hands busy at all times     - so just cue the scene where Albedo is working on experiments as usual, Childe watching from behind with his head rested on his shoulder and Albedo just absentmindedly playing with his hair with one hand while the other continues with his work
- also talking with Albedo gives Childe a a lot of harmless fun facts and he loves rubbing it in they’re faces when he gets to correct one of the other harbingers on something because of this
- Albedo does also have a tendency to overthink things though, and Childe’s more straight forward mindset gives a new perspective that helps him work around issues more often than he would have expected
- Also Albedo’s love language is totally words of affirmation (i will die on this hill, he doesn’t even realize he does it probably). So he wouldn’t hesitate to sincerely thank or praise Childe whenever he helps or does something good. And Childe is a Fatui, most of the praise he gets is from the subordinates who admire him yes, but also lowkey highkey fear him, and especially after all of Liyue knows he summoned Osial basically, he is pretty damn starved for affirmation and praise and wouldn’t even notice just how much until Albedo gave that to him.      - like Childe is over here melting into a puddle of fluff and Albedo probably wouldn’t even realize what he’s doing, he’s just stating his observations out loud
- Childe and Albedo making a pinkie promise, Childe does the little Snezhnayan chant, and Albedo’s gaze just shifts slowly towards the nearby frozen lake in intense concern
- They go ice fishing with Klee who introduces Childe to fish blasting and it’s a whole new world of possibilities now. Albedo has many regrets.
- the harbingers have all basically figured it out by now and are concerned about security but mostly they just mock him for it      - the Fatui stationed in Dragonspine however, probably know because 1 they’ve seen Childe with Albedo almost every time he visits, and Childe brags about it regularly           - at this point a majority of them ship it and needless to say Albedo’s risk of death via Fatui has gone down significantly, and it’s had a surprisingly positive benefit on relations between the knights and Fatui overall
- the Knights took a bit longer to catch on, since Albedo isn’t exactly in Mondstadt all that often, but it’s the city of freedom, what are they gonna do? say no? again, they are concerned about security risks, but trust Albedo to recognize what should be withheld.
- also its canon that Childe enjoys cooking, and Albedo has a line about like... let me look it up rq- It’s his “Least Favorite Food” line which talks about how he doesn’t eat at restaurants cuz he has a small appetite and doesn’t want to waste food, which is unfortunate cuz then he has to spend time making his own food      - idk its kind of small but i just saw it and thought it was kind of a cute detail
- Childe is a chaotic bean and we love him for it      - on the other hand Albedo is more calm and patient, able to put up with this, and realistically, he has enough experience with Klee to not accidentally put him out or down or otherwise dampen his natural personality...... it’s just when the two of them get together that Albedo experiences true fear.
- Albedo: I have an idea for an experiment but the Jean has suggested that the risk is- - Childe: you should do it! - Albedo: -that the risk is too great and has disallowed me from continuing it - Childe: Oh? well she can’t tell me not to it, now can she?  - Both: *mutual gremlin noises*
anyway... im probs gonna add more to this later.... I’m just really bad at coming up with ship dynamics- so my main point in this is to get people to realize that it possible and that it could work- because there is... nearly 0 material on it- and i just think it has the potential to be so wonderful but I do not have the potential to make it that way. Like it has the potential for so many different dynamics and iconic moments and theres so many reasonable ways they could meet and just so many possibilities and im just really hoping to show the ship to more people because, y’know, it’s rare and i want them to suffer from the lack of content too, because I’m just a kind person like that.
i would have put it under a cut if i could, but i have no idea how to do that so... apologies...
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