#idk how tumblr tags work im a twitter person
iraprince · 2 years
Heyo! Any advice on struggling to get your art seen in the world? I feel like no matter how much I post, or what I post, people never see it or seem to like it. I love art and am pursuing it as a career (hence why Im getting a degree in it currently lmao) but its kind of disheartening to work really hard on something, post it, and no one sees it.
oh, man. i'm afraid for this one i don't feel like i have a lot of solid advice. having a large-ish following online feels like something that kind of just, like, Happened to me, mostly on accident/in ways outside of my control, and even if i had some ideas on how to potentially replicate those gains i don't think they'd work consistently. (also, a lot of my large jumps in follower count came from mental health related work going viral bc it's #relatable; this is something i have complicated feelings about and it's absolutely not a viable, like, "strategy" or something that i would recommend, in the way that ppl can say like, "fanart gets attention!" or stuff like that.)
so, i don't have advice for how to actually GET those eyes on your art; i can maybe help with making ppl more likely to STAY once they do find you, and how to build a following that will actually help you maintain a living from your work -- bc i have TONS of peers w a following a fraction of the size of mine who get more jobs than me, are doing cooler/more "professional" stuff than me, etc! (heads up that most of my experience is on twitter; i know less than nothing about places like instagram + tiktok, and while tumblr functions very differently from twitter i feel like i handle things mostly the same here, aside from doing less personal posting/being less talkative and not 'networking' or following many people).
a very important thing, especially professionally: it HAS to be easy to see what you do. (this is easier here on tumblr, where u can have a designated art tag etc, than on twitter, which is an awful website that sucks. <- guy who makes all his money on twitter) this means, like -- if i see something from you and get curious and click your profile, it should only take one more click to quickly see at least SOME of your art. on a professional account, it's probably best for your icon to be your own work, something snappy and memorable and eye-catching that reads well at a small size; people shouldn't have to dig for 20 minutes before they can start browsing your art. on twitter, this means TRY not to gunk up your media tab with a ton of reaction images/screencaps of your gacha pulls/etc; on here, it means make your art tag easy to find; on any website, a portfolio link, prominently displayed, is the best bet. (i am still working on that one myself lmao and i've been working professionally full time for a few years now so like, there are outliers and wiggle room on all of this).
next! it's great when your audience finds you, but you have to find them, too. find artists who do similar stuff to you and get into their stuff -- sincerely, not just as "networking." (like only do this with ppl whose stuff you actually think is cool, not just trying to get in mutuals with everyone you see in hopes of a bump, obviously.) get interested in other indie artists, find the people who are working/publishing in the spaces that are exciting and aspirational for you, and support them! i don't want it to sound cynical when i say there's a kind of give-and-take built into this; the point is not "well, if i reblog/retweet a bunch of YOUR stuff, maybe you'll feel obligated to boost mine in return," but that when you find other artists/creatives who are on the same wavelength as you, you will naturally stumble into pools of people who want to support art like yours, and you and your newfound peers will help each other when you hype each other's stuff up and direct followers to each other! (again re: things going differently on dif websites: this is twitter-specific for me, bc i use my tumblr as a gallery/portfolio. that doesn't mean it doesn't happen here tho! it can and does happen everywhere!)
it is really not a competition. i know that SOMETIMES it is in like, a really nitty-gritty numbers sense; people only have so much money to spare, they will make choices about whose patreon they can afford/what comic to buy/etc, that's true. but to me that's not competition. people who are sincerely into your stuff will hang on until they can afford it; maybe that means someone follows you for two whole years before the planets align and they have the budget/opportunity to commission you. by hanging out in similar circles you are not taking potential business or opportunities away from anyone else, nor are you risking leading your own audience to Someone They'll Like Better; you're just offering more options, and the internet is VAST and endless, and EVENTUALLY people will show up who are into YOUR STUFF, SPECIFICALLY. helping each other is never going to stifle or delay that!!
and my final chunk of advice is the one i give constantly that everyone is probably super sick of hearing but i just seriously seriously believe in it, even tho i know it's slow to pay off and hard to follow: keep doing exactly what you want to. keep doing it!!! you have to!!! yes, i mean the stuff that's getting like, 2 likes and 0 reblogs! the stuff that 'nobody likes!'
earlier i mentioned i have gotten big follower bumps from like adhd comics and stuff like that going viral. the thing is that, from a professional standpoint: my follower count has like, more than quintupled from where it was at a few years ago; my patreon income has absolutely NOT quintupled lmfao. it has less than doubled, over that same period of like... i wanna say over 4 years. that's still good, i'm grateful for it, and i owe a lot of it to the sheer numbers game (the more ppl see ur work, the more likely it is you'll reach someone who decides to support you), but there is absolutely not an actual direct correlation between numbers and career success/stability.
where there IS a direct correlation is between "people who give a shit about the art i really truly love making" and "people who like my art enough to support me professionally." HUGE chunks of the followers i get any time something goes viral slough off over time; there's nothing wrong with that, they just follow me bc something was funny/interesting and end up realizing my work's not actually their thing. but the ppl who follow me bc they're into all the stuff i post most consistently, the stuff i care about and am passionate about, stick around. and i would not have found them if i wasn't posting the shit i care about!
out there there are people who will be 100% crazy about the stuff that is 100% what you want to make. it's like actually statistically impossible for there not to be. the more niche your thing is, the longer it will take to find them, but they absolutely exist. but if you give up before you find them -- if you start saying, "well, i'll put in 50% of this idea that i love, but the other 50% is too weird and nobody's gonna like it and it'll flop" -- well, in that case, you can only ever find the ppl who are 50% into what you do. don't fuck yourself like that!! you cannot deny yourself the possibility (the INEVITABILITY!!! IMO!!!!!) of finding the people who will 100% get what you're doing.
so: on a pragmatic level, i'm sure there will be ppl who disagree with me on this, and who think it's absolutely mandatory to do fanart as a crowd draw or learn about algorithms and posting times and get on tiktok and do the visibility grind and everything and that it's stupid and irresponsible to tell people not to. i'm sure it's also easy to point out that i'm speaking from a place where i now have more eyes on my stuff than i know what to fucking do with so maybe i'm just totally out of touch and being naive or something. but for me the most important part of doing art now, ESPECIALLY as a career, is to keep loving it and to believe in what i'm doing and to build an audience that cares about the same things i do. and i think it is really really vital to make that your top priority. bc if you don't, then even if you DO crack the code to suddenly getting tons of notes on everything etc -- will you even keep wanting to do it?
this job is hard. it's lonely, in my experience; i spend so much time sitting in front of my computer alone. it's unstable, which is stressful and can be frightening. it's emotionally taxing, for me, because art is so important to me that it's hard to set boundaries and separate my identity from it and actually treat it like a job. it has taken me a long time to find success doing this; maybe i could have gotten there faster if i had tried to find ways to draw an audience specifically, but i think if i had somehow managed to get a big patreon following/tons of commissioners/etc by doing something formulaic or doing stuff that specifically gets tons of attention, but isn't what's natural for me -- i don't think i would have lasted very long that way. this is already hard and complicated enough; i don't think it's sustainable to give up any unnecessary ground on doing exactly what you're passionate about, bc at least in my case, that's mandatory for this even being a livable career for me. i would burn out and decide to do something else very quickly if the only way to succeed was to chase numbers/engagement.
doing it this way is very slow. if i hadn't been able to lean on family/my wife while starting up, i would have had to have a day job for much longer (like, years, probably) while saving up and preparing to go full time; for as long as you struggle to get traction, it may mean going full time has to be on the backburner. but the thing is that there's nothing wrong with that, it's the reality for the vast majority of us (from what i've seen) -- and you'll eventually build a career that can last way longer, i think.
okay oh my god i'm done. sorry about that. like i said this job is pretty lonely and i sit here all day and think about this stuff and then generally do not talk about it with anyone until somebody asks me about it and then i repeat myself at length again. like i did here. anyway have a good night sincerely and i hope some part of this was helpful!!!
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tapejob · 2 years
help im from twitter and idk what im doing. how does hockey tumblr work
so you just fled hockeytwt - what now?
hey anon, welcome to hockeyblr! we're imo one of the best communities on tumblr and we're so glad to have you. hopefully you'll enjoy your stay :)
some general tumblr things to note:
as you probably know, tumblr doesn't run on an algorithm
any content depends primarily on what blogs you follow + occasionally what tags you follow (less reliable. your main source will be by blogs)
tags serve mainly as an organizational/content marker, as well as for filtering purposes. tagging #fyp to get your content out there does nothing
to send an ask, click on the button beside the follow/following button on the user's blog - some people rename the 'ask' to some other things, which may make it hard to find
we are the faceless app. pls customize your blog a little so it doesn't look like you're a bot but do not feel pressured to reveal names/face/age/pronouns whatever
once again, the only way content is found is through reblogs. reblog things that u think are neat, no additions required :)
re filtering: you can block terms/tags/content you don't want to see on your dash (e.g. 'tw sexual assault'). here's a better post to explain trigger warning/tagging etiquette
ok onto general hockeyblr:
to follow tags, go into the search bar and type out #[tag] and click the blue follow button on the right. your basic starter pack of tags to follow in hockeyblr: #hockey, #nhl, etc.
but that's lame. and you're probably not gonna get any of the juicy stuff
following your team/the teams you are tangentially interested in and their popular player tags are often a good way to start breaking into the community (e.g. #pittsburgh penguins, #sidney crosby)
follow cool hockeyblr ppl! u can find ppl in your team spheres through the tags i mentioned above. there was also a hockeyblr directory made a while back (og masterlist is down but shoot me a message and i can get you some specific team lists. don't be afraid to ask ppl for recs too)
reblog, like, etc. esp with content creators/gifsets/etc. engagement does the heart good
wtf is liveblogging:
lots of users liveblog and post commentary during games!
you can find these posts in the lb tags, which vary by team and are sort of collectively known (e.g. #pens lb for pittsburgh)
some tags are a little less intuitive: #nyr lb or #rangers lb are both used for the rangers iirc, #bolts lb or #tbl lb have both been used for tampa - feel free to shoot me an ask/msg if you have trouble lol
big events, such as the playoffs, worlds, the all star game, etc may have their own special tags (e.g. #scp lb, #worlds lb, #asg lb, #team germany lb, etc). you'll figure it out as you go! and don't be afraid to ask for clarification
tagging your liveblogs are pretty important since:
it's fun to liveblog with a bunch of people on your silly little gang of guys! helps u find friends to follow, and
people who follow the opposing team might want to filter out your commentary (more info below)
ouch, yikes. i don't want to see that (aka, filtering/blocking)
coming back to filtering, the nice thing abt tumblr is that u can filter out whatever tags/blogs/keywords you don't want to see on your dash
go to your blog settings to live peacefully and with prosperity
you can filter out team tags/liveblogs/players, anything you want. in fact, u are encouraged bc not feeling extreme rage over some picture on the dash of the team that knocked your team out of the scp does the body good
filtered posts don't disappear entirely from the dash (in case u have fomo), but when a blog u follow posts about something in that tag, you will see a blurred post with the tags you filtered, as well as an option to view the post
Tumblr media
(looks like this)
some users also have specific tags that they may have created for organizational purposes and to help you block specific content (e.g. #nhl trade rumors are my personal tag for, you guessed it, trade rumors. some ppl don't wanna hear that, so easy tagging for filter)
on that note: filter and move on. don't go into opposing team tags/liveblogs and talk shit or stir up shit. you will be blocked by. a significant amount of people. play nice y'all, it's hockey
not really my area of expertise on tumblr, but there's a pretty big rpf/fic community on hockeyblr. follow or block as you need!
player relationship tags are a good place to look for content (e.g. #sidgeno, #8771)
use the :readmore: function on tumblr liberally if you're posting fics - full player fics in the player tags can suck to scroll through for an outside user
once again, don't be afraid to reach out and ask for help. best of luck navigating hockeyblr, you're sure to have a blast!
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tiyoin · 3 months
How does one acquire moots on this app(like how does that work😭😭?? Do other writers dance around each other like “hey I like your work” and then eventually become mooties?)
Weird ask I’m sorry
not a weird ask at all!!! because if you find out, lmk.
i used to complain on my blog about having no friends on tumblr so you’re not alone 😭 my first blog i had 1 friend (we met through paganism& we got each others socials. but we don’t talk anymore :,( ) then my second blog i had 2 and when switching over i lost 1 due to her deleting her blog and eventually my other friend stopped logging on, then on my third blog (this one) i finally have more than 2 friends (i hope) and even now idk if they’ll leave or smthn will happen. i briefly became friends with a random blog because we liked the same niche móvil pvp game and played a little bit… didn’t last long tho… i deleted the game for storage and haven’t been on since 😿
but yes. that’s usually how it happens (i think, still experimenting with this one)
i’m just gonna speak on how i became friends with my friends cause i also have no clue. hope this helps tho!!
honestly i got closer / made friends with a few people during the tumblr poke day. but most of the times it’s writers dancing around each other with ‘i like your writing’ and ‘omg they’re so cool i think i’m not cool enough to befriend them so ill just kinda stand around in the back cheering for them’ kinda stuff
(there’s one writer i wanna be friends with SO BADLY but im nervous so i just anon for her)😭
but i made another friend by becoming mutuals first and we started interacting friendly with each other and we became friends that way. (actually i think she made the first move 😭 this scenarios happened with my 2 other writer friends)
but i also became friends with people who interacted a lot with me through asks. they kept asking me things (a good thing) and i kinda lassoed them in and decided ‘you’re my friend now☺️’.
like personally, the more someone interacts with me the more i’m gonna interact with them and after a while i consider them my friend and bestow a tag for them. though i know the difference between someone wanting to be my friend and someone just asking a question or just interacting. regardless of the fact it’s very important to be polite and welcoming to everyone! not just because it’s courteous and kind, but it takes a lot of courage to ask an ask, even as an anon. (especially for those who have anxiety over like me).
fun little story: the closest online relationship i had was with someone i met on twitter in a kpop gc. we were so close to each other (a state away) that we’d ft quite frequently. but we grew apart due to life and she moved to the philippines so we don’t talk. i do, however, talk to her cousin😭 idk how that been started but we’re planning to visit each other soon😭😭 (he’s in europe). so you never know what’ll happen
a lot of the times you’ll lose friends who just go to different platforms with out giving each other other socials, or they’ll become busier with life, or just don’t go on the platform a lot and that lowkey sucks.
sometimes im still surprised i have online tumblr friends, because i knew thought that’d happen. so keep your chin up, and be confident 🫶
hopefully this helped you, i apologize if it doesn’t cause i have no clue😭🙇🏻
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factorialsotherfandoms · 11 months
hi hello this is user a_Saga_in_progress from ao3 and I uh. am new here. idk if this is how this is meant to be used but I wanted to say hi! do you have advice on how tumblr works for new users?
Hello its lovely to see you! And yeah if someone's ask box is open putting 'hi' is perfectly acceptable <3
Advice on tumblr... Err... Okay first off I've been here for over 10 years and /still/ don't really know how it works. But! I shall do my best.
If you're on browser, take the time to install xkit rewritten (or whichever form of xkit is most up to date). This has so many quality of life features like auto-tagging your reblogs and making tag bundles
I can't remember if tumblr by recommended is still a thing, but go into your settings and tell it to display dash in chronological anyway. I'd also recommend turning ON custom theme (biggest bonus - a version of your blog that links can be made to without tumblr demanding viewers log in on mobile - but also enables a month by month fast archive), OFF share following, and have an explore about other options. Things like turning your ask box on and off and also submissions are super helpful if you ever have problems with people sending you hate. I've been lucky enough not to, but its a social media platform, it can happen. Also you never have to have asks or submissions on ever if you don't want to. I'd also recommend snoozing tumblr live every month because otherwise you will be shown pictures of half naked women on your dash trying to get you to use it. God only knows why.
the site runs mostly on reblogs. This puts a copy of your post onto your blog, where people who follow you can then see it in turn! You can add comments to these - which again is always acceptable so long as you're being polite - which unlike twitter quote retweets will not 'steal' stats from the OP. You'll get notifications for likes and reblogs with that addition, the OP will still get those ones as well. Same goes for writing things in tags.
There's 3 ways to add comment on a post - reblog with comment, tags, and replies. Comment is just you add more stuff to the post, and anyone who reblogs it from you will share those too - an addition to the content. Replies are like quiet chatter - anyone can see them and reply if they click the button to view, but they're not in their face. There's often a lot of crap there, but welcome to any platform. Tags are, theoretically, for filing, but because people can see them they're often used to add bits of commentry - in the past they were only visible to your followers and visitors to your blog without extensions, though now they're visible to the OP, whomever you reblogged from, and anyone looking in the notes. However tags have no direct way to reply - sometimes people will reblog from the person whose tags they are responding to, or screenshot them and add them to the post, but there's no built in feature for it unlike replies. Whichever way you choose, comments are how community is built.
Tags! The first five tags are searchable, the rest aren't. Put most important stuff there. The system also breaks constantly.
Learn where the 'report for spam' buttons are for IMs and new followers. You will get some, sooner or later. Even my unlisted side blogs manage it.
You have a limit of 250 posts per day over your blog and any side blogs! I only started hitting this when I started liveblogging qsmp, tho, so don't worry /too/ much.
For sideblogs, the UI for deleting them is /really bad/. If you go to a sideblog, then its specific blog settings, then scroll down to the button which says 'delete [name of sideblog]', this button will delete your entire account, not just the sideblog. And getting it back isn't possible in most cases
Your block list is private, make use of it. Block specific tags for your triggers ("fandom neg" is a good start tbh), spam accounts, block anyone being an ass, block people because you see them a lot and you don't like their artstyle but people you follow do and you just want it off your blog - there is no morality involved in blocking, just do it to make your tumblr a happier place.
Unless someone says not to in their description, just scrolling through their entire blog and liking/reblogging things is fair game.
Likes do not share things to other people (and so artists will get sad if they get many likes and not many reblogs) but are super useful to mark when you've already seen something, or if you're (like me) sometimes on mobile and sometimes on computer and want to save them for the computer where tagging is a bit easier. I'd personally recommend turning them to private in settings, but each to their own.
The queue! Beloved queue. If you add things to your queue they will auto-post later. I use it for when I hit post count, and also to store up reblogged art for later.
Concerning side blogs - you can only follow, like and send asks from your main account, but you can post on, reblog to, recieve messages to, and reply from any (replying from side accounts is very new and very exciting). (So my case is obvious but if you see @factorialrabbits about in your notifications, that's my main, this is a side <3 )
Tagging/atting people! If you want someone's attention on a post, you use "@", then type their name. This doesn't always work, and should be used sparingly as it's basically like showing up to their front door and yelling for them lol. I mostly see it used for reblog games, and if someone's asked for say specific clips or timestamps for a VoD alerting them to a post which has them.
Search is fucky, but its a good way to find art. I tend not to search by tags, just keywords, then swap to most recent. Trying to find a specific post after its gone, though? good luck you'll need it.
Not a modern tumblr, but trivia - historically you used to be able to get an email address for your blog, and any email you sent to that address would be posted to it, and of all tumblr features I miss it the most.
Hopefully that helps? I need to go get some groceries but am happy to answer specific questions if you have them <3 I'm just never sure where to start lol
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tfc-gal-pal · 6 months
Tbh I know gay Eddie is the most popular headcanon but I think objectively he would be bisexual. Whether one wants to believe he was in love with Shannon or not (and I think the show wants us to believe it), he had a lot of sex with her and it was never implied he didn't enjoy it. A lot of people seem to either have convinced themselves that the Shannon plot didn't happen or that it doesn't count anymore since it was so long ago. That's not how sexuality works tho. So yeah, I wouldn't say we have all come to the same conclusion here.
Thank you for the ask!
That’s totally valid and that makes sense with what the writers have given us since we first met Shannon. She has been the only solid love interest. And yes, you are right, he did seem to enjoy hooking up with her. Based on this, I think there is a solid claim for him being bisexual.
As for him being not into women at all, the main argument I’ve seen has been his seeming disinterest in the women he’s dated. (except Shannon). I speculated somewhere else that it’s possible he formed a strong friendship with Shannon that he mistook for romance, but this doesn’t explain his physical attraction towards her. As you said, sexuality includes physical attraction.
There is, of course, the possibility Eddie is straight, but I dont think he is and i am extremely hopeful that the showrunners aren’t going to make him “come out” as straight.
As for the post i made asking when we’d decided Eddie was gay and not bi, the only posts i have seen have been saying he’s gay since i started actively following the 911 tag here about 2 weeks ago. It was a lighthearted way of basically asking how did the majority of people come to this conclusion im curious. i personally don’t have a strong feelings on it, my opinion is that he’s definitely queer and might go as far as to call him gay (as in a guy who likes guys but not necessarily restricted to them, i am bi also call myself gay sometimes, idk if anyone else does this) but beyond that idk.
Regardless, sexuality is very nuanced and every person has their own unique experience with it. I’m not sure how Eddie would choose to identify or if the show is even going to attach a label to him. I hope however they do (or don’t) label him, people don’t start tearing each other and the actors to shreds.
I hope this makes sense? Again thank you for the ask! This was fun to analyze. I’m really excited we’re getting to see these stories play out and to have the possibility of confirmed queer Eddie on screen, something that I think many of us can agree was almost nonexistent under Fox.
If anyone made it to the end of my jumbled thoughts, thank you, i would love to hear yours in the comments or asks. i know a lot of people have really strong feelings about Buddie and 911 in general and while tumblr isn’t the shitshow that is currently twitter, this is my first time wading into waters like these and i am scared so please be nice even if you disagree :)
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counting-eyerolls · 9 months
because i yet again got triggered: idk how much more ‘people sticking their noses in artists’ personal and romantic lives and then horny posting about it all over social media’ i can take 🥹 like. seriously. some of the shit i see is wild like i get appreciating someone and their work and maybe having a crush but like 🥹🥹 im pretty sure tagging them in extremely horny and explicit posts isn’t really the way to go. (im talking about twitter btw usually people dont do this on tumblr or it happens more rarely)
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bigstupiddummie · 9 months
making a post in the tags to “call out” a person is so dumb and childish and stupid, so i won’t put this in there. however, the admin of @wavehq is full lying on my name these days even though i haven’t talked to them or anyone else involved in there in like 6mos. and i rly want them to stop.
i don’t have my old discord account w ss. if anyone else has ss with me in them, u can add them to this post idc how ugly it makes me look. i talked a LOT of shit ( and pertaining to this story, about sel esp ) and called ppl some nasty names and any ss will incriminate me of that. so me talking shit isn’t a ‘gotcha’ anymore. i talked shit and called sel names, as well as k, and i know sel called me names, and im sure everyone else did too. whatevs.
yk what i never did ? i never made a “manifesto” about my ex friend, or priv-retweeted their personal ooc twitter account to mock them. i never helped create and work on an rpt blog, then went and consoled the person being mentioned in nasty messages in the blog on some “oh im so sorry this is happening to you ˙◠˙” shit when it was them the whole time. the worst i did was “fuck her, he’s a cunt, fuck them”, but dream, you lied to me a Lot!
and you’re lying in defending yourself by saying i “heavily hate” sid or anyone. i never have, never did, never will. the last thing i said to sid in like July was “hey, heres my ooc tiktok, im deleting discord. if i never hear from you again, take care.” and then i left rp and the rpc entirely. haven’t talked to or even perceived any of you in months.
you want to believe i’m “bringing this up now” to start stuff or something, but what stakes do i have in any of this? you and yours drove me out of the hobby i’ve loved since i was 12, used an rpt blog to force me to defend myself against your ugly claims at a time you Knew well and good i was absent and dealing with a family death ( and then came in my dms to comfort me ??? you and k both. ) . i lost all of my best friends of several years. trust me, i want no part of the rpc anymore. i don’t want back in. i don’t want to engage. this is a nothing tumblr account that ill never use again. consider, instead, that another person close to the situation and i shared similar experiences and realized there were too many untruths and inconsistencies to let it rest, rather than just ‘starting stuff’ to start stuff.
“sid says steph crops screenshots to make them look incriminating” aye , but i definitely gave my entire discord login out, more than once, and encouraged my friend at the time to go ahead and look for themselves ( they declined at the time. i can still give the login i really do not care. though idk if the login will work anymore bc the accounts been deactivated for, uh, 6 months.) i cropped ss where earthp members were telling me how K is making them uncomfortable and how they were worried lenny was being dragged around by K, that i did do. and i STILL let k know that that’s what they were saying. i can’t stress enough ive got Nothing here that im fighting for i just think its ugly to lie for so long to everyone
“steph heavily hates sid” i do not. note the last thing i said to sid, up there ^. we did follow each other on tiktok then, and then we didn’t speak for 6 months. as of this morning, we are no longer tiktok mutuals - so it goes. sid never owed me anything. i don’t hate them. they know ( and yk what, so do my irl work managers!!! bc this shit affected my actual real mental health!!! ) that the day things went down, i left work early sobbing full blown emotional episode, writing paragraphs in desperation, to the point of overwhelming them and myself. i loved them dearly, called them my ‘spouse’ and best friend everyday, etc. though i don’t know now if they knew more about you than they let on. anyway……. please don’t just be declaring shit about me like it’s fact ?? i don’t hate anyone. not even you dream! just stop lyinggggg i hate that
ye all made me feel like i was crazy and losing myself in my own paranoia omg??? and ye were in your private chats afterward going “well deserved!!!” who even are you what did i do to you omgggg are we not in our late 20s with lives and careers ?????
if this is all bc of heddie/reddie and avengefm ? its ships dude it’s dolls it’s not real and to commit so much energy and emotion to lying to protect ur ships/rps is troubling at best. and if its not about heddie/reddie, then i haven’t a NOTION bc you and i, even when we were friendly w each other, were not close enough to create a bond to break??? i didnt do anything to you but welcome you into my writing spaces and engage in yours to the best of my ability. i was transparent with you when my activity struggled or i needed a break for mental health reasons… but what you had done with your friends is what ruined my mental health ?… go figure ….
i know who was behind that blog because they came clean and told me your connection to it as well. i know sel said nasty things about me too - we’re human and humans love talking shit. but no one else ever took it as far as you did, dream.
i don’t want anything from you! just stop lying on my name i don’t “heavily hate” anyone. outside of my shit talking from 6mos ago, i haven’t said a word against anyone but yourself; i’ve called you a liar, here in this post, because that is what i believe you are.
nobody in my entire life brings up what happened in everwell more than you and k. i owned up to every part i had ( whether directly or by my unavailability, all of it ), i deplatformed and cut out my two best friends ( people i had had in my HOME and had met IRL they were real people to me!!!!! ) and apologized personally to everyone affected, while picking out a funeral outfit and consoling my crying family. these are all my cards on table. you don’t have to respond either. just omg quit lying about me and the way i feel and what my intentions are - if a mf wants to know what im thinking and feeling, they can just Ask me.
and k i don’t want anything from you either! your names in this post because you were involved, and you know your involvement with that blog and how you also came to console me after. outside of that, i do not think of you and do not care what you think of me.
sid, i don’t want anything from u all either and i meant it when i said if i never hear from you again, take care bc i did care for u lots and also invited you into my home bc you were a real person to me. just know for a fact that anything dream says i’m saying about you or feeling toward you is just pulled out of thin air for whatever reason.
i always thought ye all were great writers!!! and so did snags and lex, way back when it was about writing for the love of writing. i would say all the time “omg dream is so funny” “omg k is cracking me up”, and they’d agree. hell if they’re at all in the rpc anymore and see this - hey guys! sorry shit got so ugly. you’ll never guess who was behind it.
i left the rpc and got mental help. i hope ye can get some help too.
* this is dream bringing sel into the Issues and tying her directly to k, btw. you keep saying you didn’t bring sel into the k stuff, but “they’re besties” “she and sel” “they want peach to drop eddie so sel can pick up eddie” this is where we’re getting that from, bc you keep saying you only referenced sel’s activity and didn’t connect her to k at all. i cropped out sids response. i can add it if need be but it’s just sid believing you.
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this is where i’m pulling what im referencing in this post from. the second half is censored bc it doesn’t have to do with me.
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this is me texting my irl work manager on the day sid and i last spoke. i was distraught and emotional and crying but ok yeah i “heavily hate” sid when the way everything went down broke me to bits OKAYYY
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the censored names are the names of my irl managers like it was So Serious so don’t try putting words in my mouth about sid.
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nyx-fey · 7 months
Uhhhhhhhhhh hi! hello! I'm Nyx! Welcome, and thanks for stopping by (the odd crab seems to be happy)
So uh, I recently got motivated to start posting more about my fanfictions/weird art here.
I'll be starting a more dedicated side blog soon, (one that's pretty much all robots since that what I'm obsessed with rn) and it will definitely be nsft, since I'm trying to keep everything sfw on main. So look out for that if you are only here because I've started writing about spike.
(I will talk about transformers here too, I've got a bunch of fic ideas in the works, I'm just bad about finishing them. Other than that it's mostly obscure lore and speculative biology; and also uh, about having read through like 3/4ths of the AO3 collection. It's just got a lot to compete with on main)
I'm still planning to use my main for weird insomniac rambling, and cryptid hunting, and transformers fandom- also just the rare reference to actually being a human and not like. a weird squid. (One can dream 😮‍💨)
This blog is, for the most part, SFW. But there are some exceptions. My fossilized friend may not curse, but I do. I also talk about doing adult things like drinking and eating weed. I am not excessive about it, but I'm not trying to hide it either. So if that is something you want to avoid this this is not the blog for you.
(Mostly I use sfw/nsft when talking about excessive-gore type horror, or explicit sexual material which will both get dedicated blogs with specialized 18+ only warnings. I will not be putting content of either type on my main.)
Main is definitely the best place to learn about how far along any of my projects are coming though. And I will put them here if they are sfw.
So uh, besides that, this is also the place where I primarily simp for Eldritch horrors beyond moral comprehension; pretend to be a cambrian era plectronoceras, because it makes me happy; talk about being pagan; reblog whatever cool things I find scrolling Tumblr with zero rhyme or reason; talk about my hyperfixations; be unapologetically gay; build real life robots; and garbagepost (idk the right word) at three in the morning when I can't sleep.
Use the ask box to interact with the squid guy! He wants to be friends with you 💚🐙🐚
(that's all I'm using the ask box for ATM, it brings me joy)
My Twitter: Coming soon!
My AO3: Coming soon!
My Transformers side blog: Coming soon!
Origin of my profile pic art:
(I'll be replacing it soon though)
--About the ask box--
I will almost always be in character when answering the ask box, but that won't stop me from talking about whatever fanfiction or art I happen to be working on. (Or getting really excided about The Transformers)
Asks can range from anything regarding my creative works, discussions about fandoms, questions about the mollusk, asking about other things I'm interested in, to just giving the Squid-wizard a cool rock you found.
Since you can only have one(?) Pinned post, ask box rules will be tagged with #ask box rules please look it up before asking. (I'm sorry I know that's clunky, I'll re-type it up here soon)
#3 am nonsense | absolute random garbage hopefully still fun though
#writing / #fanfiction | talking about how my writting is going or fanfiction culture
#how do drawing tablets work? | A genuine question, and also where I talk about any of my drawing ideas
#im only putting this here because i don't know where else to put it | Here as in here on Tumblr, also garbageposting but it's about real life mostly- I'm still keeping it vague because that's how I prefer it.
#eldritch horrors that give me warm fuzzy feelings | exactly what it says. Mostly Lovecraft focused. (He was beyond a terrible person- but he's dead now and I can put Cthulhu in a dress if I want to spite him.)
#uerrgh... art | things that I've drawn and posted here
#wow i actually wrote something | for when I actually finish a writting project as post it here
#video games i like | Talking about video games
#transformers / #macadams | Transformers focused posts and my current obsession
#really cool art i found / #i loved reading this | the general tags I use for stuff that's not mine but that I also really liked
#is that a cambrian-era plectronoceras? | Ask box answers, interact with squid guy
#thats right nyx is a furry | I really am! Nyx Fey has been my fursona name for years- before I decided that Nyx would just be my preferred name when online. I will also probably make a side blog about this too!
There are others but none of them are really dedicated enough to put here, I will update later if I need to. Especially as I make side blogs to try and organize things better.
I'm still relearning Tumblr so please be a little patient with me thank you 💚
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kaleidosouls · 1 year
hi. (pulls out uke)
IM JOKING but i havent posted here in forever huh, are ppl still around? i guess ill comment on like, whats been going in in the time i havent posted
so a long time ago now i wanted to like, cut off from twitter, so i deleted the kaleidosouls twitter, and wanted to keep my art stuff just on insta mostly, trying to move since twitter is a sinking ship right. then my instagram got deleted for no reason (and so did my pinterest that was ful of refs and honestly that was more upseting than insta getting deletedand losing all my art following)
ive been mildly caught up in IRL/college stuff in the meantime,having da depression, and the exec dysfunction same as awlays like. not much has actually been happening but ive been going acutally all over the place trying to figure out what im gonna do with my internet social media stuff. im looking into internships (other field) and im like, i havent given up being an artist professionally exactly but i think im like fuck it. fuck this like, building my Internet career or whatever. like, im gona wokr on my art portfolio and try to find art job stuf thats not really about how popular my art is on twitter or smth. none of that shit rly matters anymoer. same w here, i probably wouldve delted this tumblr if it wasnt the main like, blog so all my other blogs dpened on this one right.
im not like, done posting art online but ive been changing how im going about it and i still havent found my like, place yet. i did remake instagram, a main one and one for creature/pokemon stuff. idk im figuring out my life but i guess the main point is that its all a mess, and its not a disaster like things are going bad or anythin just that ive been in this inertia of disorder for a long time. im getting old. really tired lately, barely draw that much
i still rly love and am holding onto my personal ideas/projects that i want to execute oveer time altho they cant be a priority rn becuase of stuff in life. i got a really bad attention span so ill probably like, work on smth a lot for a few ays and then pick it up again in a year or more. the SU stuff is one of those. i actually ammaking this post bc i got really fucking dickhead comments and i was thinking of going off but my social media paranoia PR brain is like weighting on how i cant do that bc itll make my brand look bad and immature, and its like exhausting to live like that yk. altho it Is wise to restrain myself from being mean dsgkj but i also think itd be funny to cuss ppl off so :( life is very hard as an adult!
anyway point is. thigns are a mess rn and they will continue to be for the time being. my accoutns got obliterated so if you wanna keep up with me maybe follow my instagram if you want, i keep forgetting tumblr exists so tahst why i post so little on here. i do like postingt here though, nad i like making little blogs. i like ppls tags on ym art and replies. even the pricky ones like, i get to engage my brain a litlte bit adn its like ppl are out there yk? seieng my stuff, rather than just like, a bunch of numbers of how many likes or reblogs smth has.
most of the stuff left on this blog is for SU reclaimed and i still rly like the idea and its good coping for me and i want to pick it up sometimes but idk what to do with it wrt how i wanna present the content. ive considerd many times making a separate tumblr for it and i am considering that Again but maybe i should just quit it and post it here and forget about that. and find a different way to present the totality of the contents of the AU and use this tumblr as a way to just post it like, a 'devblog' (i am not developing SHIT this is just conceptual design writing stuff)
if theres anyone still following thats like engaged/interested in SU reclaimed feel free to comment with your thoughts or suggestions,i guess i could make an instagram for it? but ehh... idt thats how i wanna like, execute it. welp. i guess if i do make smth ill post about it here,i guess the point is that maybe i can try to post on here moreoften, idk, like i want my instagrams to be more tidy and like, impersonal. i deleted twitter bc i dont want to engage that personalyl at ALL anymore as an artist w viewers. not to mention it sinking. but i guess tumblr Is the perfect place to keep that unprofessional, slightly casual blogging artist experience. maybe if i get to cuss ppl out :D but then i dont wanna get harassed later over it. hm.. sucks to exist online tbh
thank u if youve read this far. if youre a mutual (somehow) or a long time follower and wanna know how to better keep up w me since i know im disappearing a lot feel free to dm
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relaxxattack · 2 years
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I posted 10,222 times in 2022
2,102 posts created (21%)
8,120 posts reblogged (79%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 5,615 of my posts in 2022
Only 45% of my posts had no tags
#fanart - 1,095 posts
#homestuck - 750 posts
#davekat - 229 posts
#being smart - 190 posts
#knifetrick fanart - 172 posts
#being normal - 154 posts
#fave - 148 posts
#save - 145 posts
#wof - 126 posts
#knifetrick - 119 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#‘karkat struggles with blurred quadrant boxes for his whole arc… but then he ‘human dates’ which is basically just flushed and hes fixed!!’
My Top Posts in 2022:
twitter users please migrate to instagram instead. you wont like it here we say bad words and hate brands and are very problematic
5,296 notes - Posted November 17, 2022
anyway 4/13 is tommorow and there’s never a better day to start reading homestuck so i’ll probably pin the free unofficial recovered version for anyone who wants to read! i know homestuck is cringe and everyone says they hate it but tbh ive never known a more enjoyable and memorable character-driven story. if youre looking for something to get into, well, it never hurts to try something new
also its ok if you dont understand everything in the first acts, itll make a lot more sense on a reread. the characters are whats important anyway :]
5,390 notes - Posted April 12, 2022
tbh wilbur sharing his dream has me fully believing technos in a good place now. its silly but legitimately since i heard that im not even sad anymore. hes resting, and hes having a grand old time, and all thats left to do is share his stories warmly. hed still want to be making people laugh, i think. idk. its helping me
6,808 notes - Posted July 2, 2022
i know this is just one post on tumblr but i am BEGGING people who can to be loud about strange world.
it is so fucking unfair for disney to not properly promote this movie at all and for it to bomb so badly in theaters like it’s doing just because it actually had genuinely good poc and queer rep! i am SEETHING about how they intentionally set it up to fail and i can’t imagine how the people who worked on the movie feel!
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See the full post
20,826 notes - Posted November 30, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
tbfh i love when people will headcanon characters as being of their culture and then draw little comics of them participating in traditions that the artist is clearly intimately familiar with. like YESSS share your personal cultural experiences with me through the blorbos!!! i love to see it!!!!!!!
44,924 notes - Posted May 22, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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barbiegirldream · 2 years
how do you decide when to unfollow or block someone im not really sure the right thing to do
well if someone is really being mean/annoying/grossing you out block them right away don't ever feel bad about curating your own space. if it's someone you follow just unfollow it's not a big deal. and if it's a mutual soft blocking works (block then unblock) or if it's someone who you think would be crazy about an unfollow hard block them.
my personal rule of thumb is a two strike policy for non mutuals. meaning if i see something weird (like an offputting tag for example) i make note of it but it's not an automatic block (unless it was just like genuinely something gross/offensive etc) and if it happens again then i block. And if it is a mutual well it depends on the context i guess idk. tumblr savior can be good if a mutual is having a moment just pop their url in and it's like muting them on twitter for the day
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thisbrilliantsky · 1 year
i feel like this whole "likes vs reblogs" discourse is (as usual) two semi mutually exclusive sides of tumblr talking past each other. some of us are here to hang out with our friends and pass around funny pictures and sad poems etc., and to this side a like is a lil hug or a bro fist or otherwise silent acknowledgement that is appreciated as such. and some ppl are here to engage in a wider community outside their friend group; to create and share fanworks, art, original projects etc., and thus are trying to reach an audience who will hopefully engage with aforementioned art and share it so more ppl can engage with it. and here by "engage" i mean comment, and by "comment" i mean discuss, not just with the original artist, but with others as well. yes some ppl make art etc. just as a hobby and a lil hug from a friend or a mutual-in-law is more than enough reason to warrant sharing it online. but other ppl make art 1) for a living, and 2) specifically bc they want to DISCUSS that art and the creation of art in general with a wider audience, not just their friends. and if they can't do that here, they will likely try to find other places where they can.
and ofc, many, many of the ppl who were "audience members" so to speak (i.e., here primarily to find and engage with art in a community, not necessarily just to hang out with a small circle of friends) left in the great twitter migration a few years back. thus the art and fandom side of tumblr suffered a huge downswing, while the friendgroup hangout side continued mostly unchanged.
ALL THIS TO SAY! the artists who are sad or upset that ppl don't reblog their work arent just snobs who don't like hugs, theyre just craving a wider audience and deeper engagement in their work, and feel that when their "audience" only likes and doesnt reblog (which is where tumblr puts our comments/discussion!), it feels like said audience just hasnt found the artwork worthy of discussion. which naturally would make the artist a bit sad and less likely to post more art later. which is why there has been a push to revive the old art and fanworks side of tumblr which revolved around indiscriminate reblogging and essay-long tags etc. WHICH! is a completely different way of blogging! than those of us who just post stuff to talk to our friends and are NOT trying to reach ppl we don't know!
however! i'm sure we would all be sad if artists (im including gifmakers) left tumblr or stopped posting their work! it would hurt no one if we made a point to reblog more stuff for our lil friend groups! artists asking for more reblogs is not a personal attack!
and artists! pls remember that us lil friend group folks are giving u lil hugs with our likes! it means we liked it! and pls dont be discouraged by lower numbers of notes than five or six years ago, there are genuinely fewer ppl here than there used to be (tho considering the recent reddit situation idk how that may be changing) and the general vibe has changed to lean more toward private groupchat hiveminds than big groups of strangers talking to each other.
ALL THIS TO SAY! pls just. don't take all this personally. these are just two different ways of using this site overlapping. there are multiple perspectives here. more than one thing can be true at the same time. thank u that is all
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caelumsnuff · 1 year
i find it kinda interesting that the similar-sized ~smaller fandoms I'm in (a certain twitch streamer, various interactive fiction pieces, certain DnD podcasts/shows), you're allowed to put constructive criticism in the main tags (obv hate will always get people riled up) of the work, but Redacted Audio fandom if you go 'Xavier only seems to have gotten introduced to die; we should have seen more of Lovely's difficulty after turning; Imperium!Asher & David's in Cataclysm felt like overpowered a lot (for a couple that weren't initially a thing in season one of Imperium) especially over Imperium!Milo & Sweetheart's current relationship, etc lol...people get upset, they block, no one interacts.
Idk if Erik deleting the Bright Eyes storyline just frightened people into rarely even offering slight notes (which I know some people were annoying about having an unlikable listener), but it's odd. Everyone seems hesitant to give this man anything but glowing praise for everything. Everything lol. He mentioned thinking of himself as a writer first and previously wanting to be an author, but I wonder if he would even be able to incorporate notes from a professional developmental editor (or even try to). I think he could accomplish a lot by even running plans through with a critique partner or two.
Isn't it odd? Ive been in a shit ton of fandoms, but ive never been in one that is like this staunchly anti-critique/anti-analysis. It's strangely cult-like in the way that voicing dissenting opinions, expressing differences in interpretations, or analyzing the work in a way that is more critique driven rather than theory driven gets you shunned. HUGE swathes of hate mail, death threats, suicide baiting, and so on and so forth for daring to not listen to the Word of God or not consuming the plots and messaging on a surface level. I feel like some of these people never developed critical thinking skills. Hell, this fandom will even hates on you for... liking the villians???? The purity culture in this fandom bro....
I do think the aversion to this stuff is bc of the bright eyes and fred situation, at least in large part. But iirc the reason those videos got deleted was because everybody was arguing over who was really in the wrong. I wasn't participating in redacted fandom spaces at the time, but i know the discord was up back then, so it probably has something to do with Erik actually seeing the bickering. No one can convince me he didn't leave the discord for similar reasons. He's probably not on tumblr or twitter or tiktok or ao3 or whatever fucking hellsite looking at our opinions. And shit, even if he was, that's on him bro. The idea that expressing dissatisfaction, dislike, critique, or otherwise not accepting being spoonfed how we're supposed to feel about the work is somehow going to make him delete content is wild.
Said it before, but if he's that sensitive about his work being critiqued, he should not be posting his art online. And i don't mean that in a mean-hearted way, if seeing people not like/critique your art makes you want to hide it or puts pressure on you to change it, you shouldn't put it up online. Protect yourself from the emotional distress yanno? That's one of the reasons i don't post my own drawings/paintings online. My art is very personal to me, and despite knowing im a very good artist, seeing someone not like it or make fun of it would hurt a lot. So i only post my fics online. At least for now.
Anyways, thank you for the ask. I totally agree, its interesting. And fucking weird.
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honkkarl · 2 years
hi im a couple months into using tumblr (not inherently from twitter but got on more after-ik a lot of people don't like that so sorry >_<) but i don't really know how the mutuals culture/etiquette works here? tbh i don't rly know how it works anywhere else either, but are there any tips/advice that would be important to know? i don't want to accidentally stalk anyone or seem rude
hi nonie!! dont worry, twitter refugees are welcome here as long as they r respectful <333
idk if im the right person to ask ab this, but as far as mutual culture/etiquette goes, i think if theres someone u want to talk to u can start maybe with leaving some tags on one of their posts, sending an ask, or commenting on one of their posts. if someone follows u back, and/or they start returning the same engagement/enthusiasm then its safe to say u should shoot them a message!
this is just how i go ab it, but it's worked for me and i've made a lot of great friends here :))
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roostertuftart · 2 years
actually im relatively new to the fandom & i have found you to be one of the people who has occasionally reblogged from me despite def not knowing me beforehand. idk what that anon is talking about tbh
Yeah idk I reblog nearly all of the art on my dash and occasionally check tags and my for you page,, and I rb a lot of the stuff from there too. And I’ve really tried to make an effort to share newer people on Tumblr’s work ever since people starting evacuating Twitter,, So I don’t really feel insecure about what they’re accusing me of, but honestly I don’t think they believe what they’re saying either.
They’re just a very angry troll trying to pick on every post I make, presumably to make me feel bad or like I’m widely hated maybe??? but god, it’s so clearly been the same exact person behind this anon for months and they’re just one creepy person who’s got a hate boner for me and like… Yeah, there’s no point to even arguing or trying to point out what they’re saying is wrong bc they’re not making it with the belief that they’re right. At least, I really really highly doubt they are, because idk how someone can look through the constant stream of rbs on my Tumblr and accuse me of not sharing other people’s work.
Anyway thank you for your support though :)
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charmspoint · 2 years
with the twitter junk I’m trying to move to tumblr 😭 but idk how tagging works and what ppl usually do and wanted to ask you bc your main site is tumblr iirc sjdjdj so like. do you have any advice 🎤
So the way tagging works is you press the hastag at the bottom of the post and just tag one by one anything you find relevant
For example i usually tag the fandom and if its art i also tag that, i tag my own posts under #lucy blabs and i tag my asks as #answered, aside from fandom tags most of these are basically whatever u want like someone might tag their asks as #ask or #thank you for the ask or anything they really want, those are kinda more to make ur blog be more searchable (as searchable as tumblr can be lmao) then to actually be found in any wider tags (tho if ur posting art of fics or edits or whatever youd tag anything relevant like #fandom #relevant character #relevant ship etc so ur works CAN be found in those tags) I hope all of that makes sense. Tags are also used to just kinda, talk in them! Like usually if i want to comment on art or make a joke or anything ill do it in tags like #Great art op! I usually think of this as unobtrusivly whispering your thoughts, fbvhb i found twitter v intimidating because if you wanted to say something u had to comment on the post and that felt like walking right up to the creator and talking in their face! Scary!
What people usually do...basically anything? Im not really sure what this is refering to chfg. Its not that different from twitter, you can post your own stuff and share other peoples stuff. The biggest difference i can think of that unlike twitter where u may see content the person u followed reblogged/liked/commented/even just is following the person whos content ur seeing, tumblr is 100% about reblogs. There is an option to leave ur likes visible on ur page, but ppl will only see those if they specifically go to your page. What your followers see of you on their dashes is 100% what u reblog. It makes it super easy to currate your dash because you get exactly what you follow, you wont be getting some random persons content on ur dash just because the person u follow is following them (unless its a blazed post ofc). Use tags, block tags u dont like and follow ppl who post what you like and you should be good! Also dont worry about the follower count or unfollowing someone if u stop liking what they post, follower count isnt publicly visible on tumblr and nobody seriously cares about it
I hope that helps!
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