#idk i just keep buying two snack at the grocery store and than i sit here at almost 1am starving to death
barksbog · 2 years
does anyone have suggestion for good snacc? i´ve just been hungry all the time since starting T and i would like to not feel like a ravenous beast about to go feral for longer than 5 minutes please
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babymilkawa · 4 years
grocery shopping headcanons with:
kaminari denki & kirishima eijiro
gn!reader :)
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kaminari denki
as soon as you walk in the store and get the shopping cart, he offers to push it while you sit inside
and you ✨ respectfully ✨decline with a flick to his forehead 
then he offers to do it the other way around, getting another flick to the forehead because “there will be no room for groceries if your ass is in there” you say
you leave him rubbing his forehead, pouting
the WHOLE time I swear he’s making these ridiculous puns with every brand of food he sees
you end up just ditching him in an aisle, snickering, and you can hear him calling your name
you’re buying for the class so there’s a specific list to refer to but denki is literally sneaking snacks into the cart when you’re not looking
when you guys pay, you notice and you wack him in the head with them and make him go all the way back to put them where they belong
“but y/n, it’s faarrr” he whines, “and you’re just gonna ditch me againnnn :(”
he’s right tho
he’s also the type to take every single sample there is and both his hands will be full with them
if you’re pushing the cart, he’ll feed you the samples
he’ll also try to sneak another one from the booth and use the excuse of “Oh, they’re for my s/o” even though you never mentioned wanting it
when you’re at the produce area, you ask him to get those plastic bags and he’s just rolling and rolling it like “how am I supposed to rip this off?”
sry idk if this is just an American thing or not
DO NOT give him the list and split up the items with him because boy knows nothing about groceries
you’ll ask him to get the eggplant and he gets an actual egg carton and some mint leaves
you ask him to get milk and he gets the cream you put in coffee
at one point, he offers to push the cart and you let him cos he wouldn’t stop whining 
you see him push himself off the ground and ride behind the cart and next thing you know, you hear a crash in the aisle next to you
and the place isn’t even that big, you literally leave him for 2 seconds and he goes to the cashier to have them call your name on the speakers
when you see him, he’s sitting on the counter all pouty
in conclusion, don’t take him grocery shopping 
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kirishima eijiro
instead of pushing a cart, he’ll take a basket to flex his muscles and impress you
which means that every time you put something in there, you add your own weight to it and he’s there struggling to keep it from falling HAHAH bully y/n
kiri brought his own money too (along with the class’s) and lets you pick any snack you want
when you’re not looking, he takes cute pictures of you grocery store aesthetic
it honestly just ends up like a date for the two of you cos you’re having sm fun
he’ll chase you around the aisles while carrying the basket to his chest 
once he’s caught you, he’ll do the kabedon move and knock a couple things off the shelf oops
the two of you are laughing and picking things up while a worker threatens to kick y’all out
at the cashier, he suggests the two of you split up to pay for your separate orders and while he’s paying, he sneaks a flower bouquet in
y’all are walking out of the store and you offer to take one of the bags by holding your hand out but kiri just moves them to one hand and takes your hand with his free one OMIGD JSHDJFHJH
you don’t head back to the dorms right away, though
he’s got some money left so he takes you out for dinner
the place isn’t fancy but it’s one of your favs
before you go back in the dorms, he gives you the flower bouquet he bought and said that it reminded him of you 
you’re walking in and mina and Kaminari immediately go to you like “looks like y’all did more than grocery shopping huh” 😏 nudge nudge
“yea we almost got kicked out” 🤪
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bnha masterlist
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shotosimp1 · 4 years
How i personally think the haikyuu characters would react to their kid asking "where do babies come from?"
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✒•••Pairings with:
sugawara x gn!reader, hinata x gn!Reader, tendou x f!Reader.
↪ P.s: the reader isn't really going to be involved its just the character and the kid :)
fluff, comedy?
marriage, kids idk 😐, time skip spoilers!!
✒•••authors note📄:
I took inspiration from one of my favourites ever @dokifluffs ♡
✒•••General notes📝:
🔴D/N = daughters name
🟠S/N = sons name
Also the child is between 5-7
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✳Sugawara koushi✳ :
》 I feel like sugawara would just be VERY awkward like "heh um.."
》probably lie and say that he doesn't know how
》 or say it in a way a kid would understand and not get traumatised
》 he's a teacher he knows that this would happen but it just came from no where yk?
"Dad?" D/n and suga were sitting in the living room watching TV everything was going smoothly until d/n decided to ask an unpleasant question. "Yes sweetheart?" Suga answered "where do babies come from?" Sugawara almost choked on the tea he was drinking. That was very unexpected to say the least. "Uhm that.. is? Actually I dont know heh" d/n looked at him straight in the eyes "dad im 6 I know your lying just tell me please?" "Fine fine ahm ahm its like something magical! Only big people can do it tho thats why its a big secret." "Wait bu-" "OKAYY LOOK AT THE TIME ITS 9:00 BEDTIME"
Its definitely something fun to witness
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❇hinata shoyo❇:
》he would simply pass away
"Hey, dad?" hinata and s/n were sitting in the living room watching a Disney movie. It was MSBYs day off which you were so happy about! But Of course you couldn't spend all day with them. Not just because of your job and all the work you had to do but because of pregnancy. Your doctor had told you that you need time for yourself, to relax take a nap or a bath just anything that would make you feel relaxed. Its good for you and the child. And from that you had to excuse yourself to follow the doctors orders. The boys were left alone watching Disney movies. "Uhh yes?" "Where do babies come from? How did mom get one?"
Mf took a screenshot istg.
"Uh so you see...😕"
"Its like? Very big"
"What? What's very big?"
"The yk heh 😆"
"Why can't you just tell me?"
"You're way to young to know sorry buddy"
Basically kinda ignores the question until the kid just stops asking about it lmao (ik its a terrible idea to ignore such question but he'd tell him when he grows up just a bit more.)
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✳tendou satori✳:
》 ngl it would be a very funny conversation 💀
》 he's still scared he would say something that may traumatise the kid so yeah
》 extra points for creativity 👏
"Ugh why cant you let me win at least ONE game?" You were out with your friends leaving tendou with D/n. They just came home from the grocery store after buying shit tons of sweets and snacks. Both of them were sitting on the living room sofa playing random video games. "Not my problem you don't know how to play the game" "its not fair! You actually know how to play it" tendou laughed "are you going to eat these chips or not?" "No thank you, im full" tendou got up and took the bag of left over chips and close it with a chip bag clip. While tendou was putting the extra sweets and bags of chips in the tapestry D/n had a question in mind.
"Dad, do you know how babies are made? Where do they come from?" Tendou smiled as he rested his body on the counter that was near him. "you see, when two people are ready to have kids they would make a spell that only they can master. Most important thing when doing this spell is that you have to keep the window open at night. If the spell works the universe would send strong light to mommy's stomach and boom! Baby" "wow, that's alot of work.." "uh yeah 😳"
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Hnnng hello!! I was actually working on this for like two fucking days and TODAY I WAS SUPPOSED TO FINSH IT but my body said no. Not only i got sick very badly for no reason but I was on my period ☺
I really wanted to add tsukishima and kita but i couldn't :(
But other than that I hope its okay sorry if there's any errors :D
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goldnratio · 4 years
Bad Days and Back Rubs (MGG x reader)
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Warnings: uhhhh none unless you count periods and the products needed to handle it, unedited writing
Word Count: 1,576
A/N: lots of italics and idk why. sorry this took longer than expected oops! also I hope u don’t mind I switched up the request a bit :) and reader has a uterus and I tried to keep it as gender neutral as possible. pls enjoy!!
When you woke up in the morning, you were almost surprised to have started your period. Granted, you kept a somewhat accurate track of your cycle with an app, but this time around, you had little to no PMS symptoms. Thinking your first day wouldn’t be so bad, you decide not to call in sick to work.
“Baby, why don’t you just stay home?” Matthew asked, wrapping his arms around your torso as you were getting ready in your shared bathroom.
“Because, Matthew, I have work to finish, and if I don’t get it done soon you know my manager will be the first to complain.”
Matthew spun you around to face him and gave you a sympathetic look. “C’mon, (Y/N), we both know your first day is always the worst—“ he brushed a piece of your hair out of your face, tucking it behind your ear— “we can just stay home and watch whatever you want.”
You really wanted to give in to his offer, considering Matthew hardly got enough time at home in between all of his filming. But you knew you had to go to work.
“As tempting as that sounds, my love, the answer is still no. Besides, the cramps aren’t so bad right now,” you said.
Matthew sighed. “Alright, but if you don’t feel good, then just come home okay?”
“I know, I’ll let you know. But I swear, I feel fine for it being my first day on my period!”
When you got to work, you started to feel slight back pain and cramps, but they weren’t so bad and you quickly brushed the discomfort off. You spent a while like that, with some odd cramps here and there. Nothing a couple ibuprofen pills couldn’t handle.
During your break when your pain began to increase. While you waited for your tea to heat up in the break room, you figure you should tell Matthew you’ll possibly leave work early.
To Gube💍🧸💖
hey baby, might go home early. my cramps are getting a little worse :(
You were starting to wish you’d just stayed home with your boyfriend. Cuddling on the warm couch, watching romantic comedies that would probably make you cry, eating anything that satisfies your cravings.
The sound of your phone’s text tone pulled you out of your thoughts.
From Gube💍🧸💖
oh I’m sorry love :( I’m out running errands but I should be home in a few hours, just call me if you want to go home. Love you❤️
To Gube💍🧸💖
I think I can handle it for a couple more hours but ok, love u too💞💞
Luckily the ibuprofen kicked in fast, so your pain was dealt with. However, your manager was really starting to get on your nerves, she just kept micromanaging you. Needless to say, it was irritating.
Lunch time came around and the painkillers began to wear off. Not wanting to deal with the period pains and being hungry, you head out to your car and call Matthew.
“Hi, pumpkin, how are you feeling?”
You groan.
“I don’t know, my manager is annoying me and my cramps are coming back— hold on, let me put you on speaker because I’m about to go grab something to eat.”
“On your lunch break?”
“Yeah, I can’t tell if I’m in the mood for Chinese food or pizza.”
“How about you get Chinese for lunch, and we can get pizza for dinner,” Matthew suggested.
“Hmm, that sounds like a genius idea, baby. Let me call you back though, I’m pulling up to the restaurant.”
You’d considered yourself lucky to have a job so close to a shopping center with several food options. Sometimes you walked to get food with a coworker, but walking there and back to work wasn’t happening today, much less with someone else.
“Okay. I love you, (Y/N).”
“I love you too, Matthew. Byeeee.”
Once you have your food and you’ve arrived back to work, you spend the rest of your lunch on the phone with Matthew as you peacefully eat your lunch in the car.
About an hour after your lunch break, you felt your cramps coming back. Only now they felt ten times worse than what you felt earlier, and your desk chair did nothing to help the sharp ache in your lower back. Instead of taking more pain medication, you take another bathroom break, and immediately wish you’d just stayed home.
You didn’t notice you used the last of your menstrual products earlier, and forgot to pack more. You check the dispensers in the bathroom, and thank the stars, the little meter still reads ‘full.’ Sighing in relief, you push the button for the feminine product.
Nothing falls.
You push the button again, still nothing.
Please don’t let it be jammed.
You tried jostling the dispenser, smacking the sides, pushing the different buttons. No luck.
“Great, this is just what I need right now,” you mumble to yourself.
With the cramps and back pain becoming borderline unbearable and your unsuccessful attempts with the product dispenser, you feel tears building up in your eyes. Rather than start bawling over not having your menstrual products, you quickly compose yourself and weigh your options.
I can either ask someone if I can have one of their stash or just go home…Home it is.
As you make your way to your manager’s office, you text Matthew letting him know you’re going home.
It took going back and forth with your manager for almost ten minutes, for her to finally agree to let you take the rest of the day off.
Once you’re out of the office, you notice Matthew hasn’t text you back, so you decide to call him. When he doesn’t pick up, your only choice is leaving a voicemail.
‘Hey, uh, it's me. Figured I’d call you since I’m leaving work early. Sooo yeah, I’ll see you in a bit. Love you, bye.’
It’s a quick drive home, mostly because by some miracle you’re only hitting green lights and there isn’t much traffic around two o’clock on a weekday.
Unlocking the front door, you take off your shoes and toss your bag and keys onto the coffee table.
“Hey, Gube! I’m home!”
“In the kitchen!”
He’s by the stove, about to take off his apron to greet you, but you just wrap your arms around his torso and nuzzle into his chest. “Smells good. Hi.” You look up at Matthew, and he tilts his head towards you to kiss you.
“Hi to you too, (Y/N). How you feelin’, pumpkin?”
“Mmm, tired and in pain.”
“I know, baby, I know.” He keeps you in his arms, swaying a bit, and presses his lips to your temple. “How was work?”
“Ugh, you were right. I should’ve just stayed home.”
Matthew chuckled, “that bad, huh?”
“I mean, actual work was okay, but my day could’ve been better,” you sigh, “it’s just that everything was hurting so much that I wanted to go home, and my manager was being difficult about letting me leave. How was your day?”
“Fine, most of it was spent at the store buying groceries,” Matthew says, “and things for you.” He ‘boops’ your nose, and you smile.
“Speaking of groceries, what’d you make?” you ask, suddenly curious as to what the delicious smells in the kitchen are.
“Well,” Matthew said, and spun you around to see, “I’m making you hot chocolate, some tea for later that should help with your cramps, and there’s a pizza in the oven for when you’re hungry. And I restocked on your favorite snacks.”
“Have I ever told you that I love you?” You playfully ask.
“Only about a thousand times.”
“Then let’s make it a thousand and one times, because I love you sooo much.”
You flash your boyfriend a smile before pulling him in for a kiss. A few moments later, a cramp hits you, and you groan into Matthew’s mouth. He pulls away, but just enough for your foreheads to still touch.
“More cramps?” He softly asks.
“Yeah, any chance that tea’s ready?”
“Of course, baby. Why don’t you go change into something comfortable, pick a movie, and I’ll bring over the tea and some snacks.”
You give Matthew a quick peck on his cheek before leaving the kitchen. “Sounds like a plan, you’re the best.”
After you’ve changed and used the bathroom, you spot Matthew holding a hot water bottle and the remote control. “You ready?”
Halfway through the movie, with your tea and most of the snacks finished, you’re hit with another wave of pain and tiredness. You sit up and climb into Matthew’s lap, peppering sleepy kisses on his neck.
“Gube, can you massage my back pleaseeee?”
Matthew shifts from under you to get more comfortable. “Since you asked so nicely.”
He placed the hot water bottle in between your stomachs and started working his large hands on your lower back, and it feels heavenly.
“Keep going like that, and I might fall asleep right here,” you mutter.
Matthew placed a kiss on top of your head, “Go ahead, baby.”
“Thank you, Matthew, really. For always taking care of me.” You tilt your head up to plant a gentle kiss on his jaw.
“Anytime, (Y/N).”
Within a few minutes, you’re falling asleep in your lover’s arms, and it feels so nice that you briefly forget about all the pain your period’s caused you.
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@navi-chan said,
(♡1♡) Hello ˃ᴗ˂ I wanna know who I match up with in A3 O(≧▽≦)O I'm a Virgo and IFJT girl living her life at the moment. I know and think things that are apparently weird (idk why) that makes my friends question on what I do when I'm alone (✿◠‿◠). I'm exactly 5 ft for now (still growing), wavy shoulder-length black hair and I have a fair skin tone cuz I don't like the sun too much XD. I love and enjoy to draw and read stories and articles that captivates my interest.
(♡2♡) I like to travel cuz I want to know the place and it's culture especially its art. I also like to sleep cuz whenever I'm alone and have nothing to do I would feel lonely that is why I tend to sleep the loneliness away. And, I love-hate cuddles (don't attack me pls ( ˃̵⌓˂̵)). LOVE cuz I would feel sense of comfort with the person. HATE cuz I feel like the person might disappear or will leave me behind and I would feel lonely again. Well, that's all (❁´▽`❁)
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✧ Tumblr is not letting me tag you. 😔 I hope you’ll see this. Honestly, I really wanted to match you with Azuma but ‘I’m still growing part’ made me feel like you’re a minor so I couldn’t. I can be wrong though lol. Sorry for taking so long and thank you for requesting a matchup, love. 💞✨
I’d match you with: . . .
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➜ HOW YOU TWO FIRST MET ; It was a hot summer day and for some reason you’ve made it into your personal mission to do random acts of kindness for the people who were a total stranger to you. So far, you’ve helped old people cross the street, helped someone load their groceries and left a copy of that days’s newspaper on your neighbor’s doorstep. You had to admit, it was a productive day and it wasn’t even midday yet! With your accomplishments for the day, you decided to treat yourself something cold, like ice cream or soda. Just the thought itself made you smile. With a nod of your head, you began walking towards the area that had the shops in it. While walking, you caught a glimpse of a boy in front of vending machine, sulking. He was wearing a short sleeved shirt with black and white patterns on it and a black shalwar like leggings. Ah, you knew what the problem was. The vending machines in this area were famous for eating the coins of people. You were a victim of them yourself many, many times. But with some brain power, you managed to come up with a single move that can get the snack or drink you’ve wanted. You were already on a kindness roll so you might as well help another person out. With a smile on your face, you cleared your throat and shot the boy a knowing look. “Allow me.” You have said before hitting a specific spot with your hip and bam! one of the sodas has dropped. Sticking your arm in, you grabbed the cold beverage and tossed it to the boy, who was looking at you with shining eyes. “Eh!? That was so cool! Teach me how to do it!” A giggle escaped from your lips at how enthusiastic he was being. You could basically see a tail behind him, wagging with anticipation. With a small shake of your head, you flashed a knowing grin as you took a coin out of your pocket and popped it into the machine, pressing the numbers of the drink you’ve wanted. You were planning on buying something cold anyway and this was more convenient for you too. And just as you thought, even though the vending machine took your money, it didn’t give you the drink. You hit the machine one more time and grabbed your drink after it fell down. You popped open the can and took a sip, turning your attention to the red head afterwards, you began to explain how hitting that exact spot was important and if he messed it up even just a little, the money would go to waste. With every word left your mouth, he nodded with serious eyes. After you were done, you took another coin and basically sacrificed it. “Alrighty, it’s now your turn. Give it your best shot!” You said before stepping aside and giving the boy a thumbs up. “Yes, ma’am.” He said before hitting the machine and successfully making the can of soda fall. His bright blue eyes lit up as he throw his fist up. “Hey, I did it! I really did it!” “Haha, congratulations. Make sure to use that power for good.” “You can count on me!” After that exchange you two grabbed your cans of sodas and sat on a nearby bench. He told you that his name was Taichi Nanao, he was a student at Ouka High School and an actor at Mankai Company. After that, you introduced yourself and you two just chatted about whatever came to mind until it was around three pm. Taichi was first to leave since he had practice with Autumn Troupe around an hour later but he didn’t leave without getting your phone number, which you happily gave without much thought.
➜ PERSONALITY COMPATIBILITY ; Taichi is like a puppy, often noisy and upbeat so there is never a dull moment when you two are together. Don’t ever worry about him leaving you behind because he is so whipped for you. In fact, I feel like you both might fear that whole ‘my significant other is to good for me what if they leave me all of a sudden?’ more than necessary. Yes, I said both of you because let’s not forget that under that positive attitude of his, Taichi actually has very low self esteem. What I’m trying to say is words of affirmation and physical touch is your canon love languages, although the later happened less in your earlier stage of relationship. IFJT people are often perfectionists with extremely high standards of performance for themselves so whenever you’re too harsh on yourself having a chill & silly boyfriend would calm you down or whenever he needs to get serious about something (ex. schoolwork because let’s face it, he’s the type of person who does his homework at the very last moment be it on the breakfast table or while the teacher is collecting them) you’re there making sure he’s not destroying his future academically. Those are just basic examples but in short, you two just balance each other out very nicely. Please just marry each other. 🥺
➜ SHARED ACTIVITIES ; Since apparently you do things that are considered weird, now you have a partner by your side to do those things. I feel like the both of you would totally be up to having intense conversations with pets, rating total strangers out of ten or texting each other weird things even though you're in the same room. If not, I can see you two going to a convenience store, buying the magazines that catches your eyes, sitting back to back or with him laying down on his back and you on top of him, making a + form and reading articles until one of you gets bored. If you’ve seen Taichi’s doodle he made in the notebook, you’d know that the boy is at the very least decent at drawing, so even though he might get bored quickly, he would do his best to draw with you. Since you don’t like the sun very much, if he wants to go outside with you he’d wait until late afternoon-evening. When it comes to outdoor dates the first thing came to my mind was amusement park date. Can you imagine how fun it would be to go on the rides with him??? I headcanon that Taichi loves rollercoasters so you bet he’s gonna beg your to go with him. If you freak out, he lets out a laugh and you feel his arm wrap around your waist, pulling you back against him, his other hand is stretched up to the sky.
➜ ZODIAC COMPATIBILITY ; Taichi’s birthday is on October 11 which makes him a Libra. Considering that Libra and Virgo are zodiac neighbours, it goes without saying that the two will be compatible. While Libra is an air sign, and Virgo is an earth sign, the two are as disconnected as they are connected. Virgo is duty-bound and nurturing. While Libra is also a sign that will do what needs to be done, their priority will be more on the reality than the idealistic acts. When Virgo and Libra join together in a love match, it can be like puting two puzzle pieces together. Each locks into the other and sits comfortably in place. Both Signs seek security in partnership, and they share a love of beauty and culture. They can work together efficiently and smoothly because they desire similar rewards. The Virgo-Libra relationship may trickle along in the beginning, but it will rev up once both partners grow to respect one another. Just like any other pairing, this pairing has its own set of pros and cons. Both these personality types have a tendency to be very similar to each other. As such, the suggestion would always be to give this relationship a shot. However, another advice would be to keep your eyes open. While loyalty is the way for both these signs, triggers for a change of duty may be something as simple as their partner not putting the toilet seat down. All the best!
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sunshine-pup-fics · 5 years
V O O D O O // Shinso x Reader
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So I actually really like this quirk idea and want to develop it more and make an actual character out of it- but we’ll see how it goes!
Also, this idea just hit me and I really like it... But idk if I managed to write it well... also Shinso feels a little OOC? :p
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(Y/n) frowned, gazing down at her supplies before her. There were a plentiful amount of small glass bottles littering her desk, each with a label with something scrawled on it.  She traced her fingers across them, scanning the names for what she was searching for. She finally picked out one of the bottles, holding it up to the light. There was a small amount of liquid, perhaps enough for a few drops. She sighed, putting the bottle back as she quickly packed them all roughly away. She fled to her bedside table, grabbing her phone and purse, before slipping them into a messenger bag. She slung it over her shoulder, heading for her bedroom door. She skidded down the halls, sliding on her socks as she searched for her parents, which she finally found in the kitchen. “I’m going to the store super quick, do we need anything for dinner?” Her mother glanced at her, smiling as she hummed softly. “Ah, if you could grab some snacks for your lunches that would be great. There should be some money on the counter.” She gestured vaguely toward the other side of the kitchen before returning to her cooking. (Y/n) swipes the few notes from the counter, then headed toward the front door. She slipped on her shoes then hurried out the door.
(Y/n) dawdled down the sidewalk, eyeing the colourful storefronts. There were bookstores and clothing stores, with the local grocer just down the road. However, she turned into one of the stores, a small one that was painted a deep blue. A little bell jingled as she pushed the door open, and the scent of lavender seemed to smack her in the face as she headed in. There was a small portion of the wall covered in plants, beside it was a small couch. The rest of the room had shelves lining the walls, with a variety of different sized and different colours bottles sitting atop them. (Y/n) headed for one of the shelves, plucking a bottle from it and heading straight for the counter, which was nestled in the back corner. It was decorated with more plants, as well as some different crystals ranging in size and colour. There was an elderly lady behind the counter, who smiled warmly. “Another bottle of lavender? Is it for your newest little friend?” She expertly scanned it, slipping it into a small paper bag. “Thank you!” (Y/n) chirped. She handed over a few yen notes, taking the light paper bag and bidding farewell before heading back out to the street. She turned to her left, continuing down toward the grocery store. There was a dull chime as she entered, but no one paid her any mind. She began down each aisle, picking a few items each time. Arms full, she headed quickly toward the counter. There were a few people already standing in line, so she joined the queue. A few moments passed before she caught sight of a flash of purple in the corner of her eye. She casually turned to glance at it, only to be staring at none other than her classmate, Shinso. “O-oh. Good afternoon, Shinso.” She timidly bowed, averting her gaze away from him. The boy cleared his throat, keeping his gaze off her as well. “You’re... (Y/n), right?” The girl bobbed her head. “General studies, class 1-C.” They fell to silence. Shinso idly glanced around the store, while (Y/n) resorted to staring down at the food in her arms. Her head suddenly jumped to look at him, and she opened her mouth as if to speak.  Shinso brought his gaze to hers, quirking a brow. (Y/n) closed her mouth, lightly shaking her head as whispered a “sorry, it’s nothing.” 
Shinso seemed to notice her more the next day. They were in the same class, yet he’d never really seemed to notice her. She sat near back, on the furthest row from the door. He wasn’t sure why he was suddenly curious about her. He pinned to the fact that he just wanted to know what she was going to say in the supermarket. He kept seeing her in the corner of his eye. Talking to someone or grabbing a book, or even just passing him in the hall. He kept noticing her, but she seemed totally oblivious to him. Not once did he catch her gaze. It even occurred to him that he didn’t have an inkling of an idea to what her quirk was. The final bell rang and there was a flurry of scraping chairs as the students hurried out of the classroom. Shinso stacked his books, slipping them into his bag before slinging it over his shoulder. He turned to leave, before hearing a small voice call his name. “Excuse me, Shinso.” He glanced over his shoulder, seeing none other than (Y/n) weaving around the tables toward him. She paused before him, gripping her bag strap as she gazed over his shoulder. “I just... wanted to ask if you were feeling okay? I-uh. The rest of the class-Uhm- noticed that you seemed less agitated.” She chewed her lip. Shinso furrowed his brow, before lightly nodding. “I don’t know why you need to know, but yeah. I’ve been feeling... better, than usual.” Shinso couldn’t describe it. As soon as she said that, (Y/n) seemed to glow. Her eyes lit up, and a soft smile graced her lips. She tried to play it off, scuffing the floor with her shoe and pretending to not be too interested. “Oh, that’s nice then! I uh- I have to get going. A few people in the class were just curious.” She bowed her head before ducking around him. He turned to watch her, only catching her (h/c) hair disappear past the door. If he was already curious, he was surely infatuated now. He felt drawn to her. He felt as if he was already comfortable with her like she calmed him down. And he was going to figure out why.
For the next few days, he tried to coincidentally ‘bump’ into her. In the hallways, during lunch, he even headed back to the convenience store a few times in hopes he might catch her again. She hadn’t seemed to change her behaviour, she either didn’t notice his glances or she didn’t care. Yet he had caught her stealing glances at himself a few times. Today had produced futile attempts, as usual. He’d wandered around the store after school, eyeing different foods and drinks in order to at least pretend like he was shopping. However, it didn’t seem she was coming today either. He picked up a bottle of water, quickly heading to the register and paying before shuffling out the door. He turned to continue down the street, only casually throwing a glance over his shoulder. And then he spotted her. Her unmistakable (h/c) (h/s) hair bouncing with each of her steps as she hurried up the sidewalk. She was heading the other direction, but he scrambled to follow her, weaving through the few people wandering the street. He slowed when he passed the store she has come out of. His gaze flickered between the two, before he came to a stop, watching her disappear around a corner. He hesitantly turned toward the store. It was painted dark blue, with a worn-out awning bolted to the wall. He craned his neck, peering in through the tinted window. After a few moments of deliberation, he headed for the door. He nearly jumped when a small bell rung as he pushed the door open. The first thing he noticed was the distinct smell of lavender. He felt as if all his jittering nerves seemed to settle almost immediately. He gazed around, simply taking in the small store. “Do you need anything, dear?” Shinso spun on his heel, realising the middle-aged woman seated at the counter at the back of the room. She was smiling politely. He glanced toward the door. He was too far in to back out now. He sheepishly wandered toward her, coming to a halt as he gazed at the nearest bottles, trying to read their labels. “What can I... hmm.” The woman trailed off, glancing him up and down, brows furrowed. “May I ask what you sell here?” Shinso inquired. The lady seemed to snap from her trance. “Oh, we sell natural oils and extracts. They’re mostly used for things like incense and natural remedies.” Shinso picked up one of the bottles, frowning when he noticed the price. “If you don’t mind, could you tell me about that girl that was just in here?” Shinso tensed as the women sent a stern look his way. “Dear (Y/n)? She’s one of my best customers. Very polite and so dedicated to her craft.” She seemingly smiled to herself. “She’s been buying a lot more lavender than usual recently... must be for someone...” she paused. Her gaze then shot to Shinso and she grinned. “You! That’s where I recognise you from! Ah, of course! You’re her newest victim.” She chimed. “Excuse me?” The woman quickly waved him closer. “Oh, I shouldn’t say it quite like that. You’re a classmate of hers, correct?” Shinso nodded. “(Y/n) has a quirk fit for the hero course, yet it apparently did no good against the machines they set you lot against in the entrance exam. She’s absolutely wonderful. I can’t remember exactly what it’s called, but she uses voodoo dolls! Like in the movies! Bless the girl, she makes dolls for her family and friends and bathes them in oils and showers them with love. Of course, her quirk is involved and whatever she does to those dolls actually does affect the person.” “Wait, are you saying she-“ “Oh! I’ve gone and said too much already! Here, take this lavender oil and give it to her next time you see her, alright? Now shoo! I can’t go blabbering again!” Shinso couldn’t even get another word in. A small bottle was shoved into his hands and he was ushered out the door. 
Shinso was nervous the next morning. He wasn’t sure why. All he had to do was talk to (Y/n). It’s not like he hadn’t done that before... but before he hadn’t know anything about (Y/n)... he trailed the school halls, paying no mind to the other students that killed around. Every step toward the classroom felt a little heavier than the last. He felt as if he had become hypersensitive. He could hear her beautiful laugh from the classroom down the hall. He was in so deep now. He tried to act inconspicuous, simply walking into class. (Y/n) was by her desk, talking to one of her classmates. All he had to do was act natural. He shuffled over, pausing a few feet away as they quickly finished their conversation. He cleared his throat, quickly gaining their attention. “Excuse me, I need to speak to (Y/n). Would lunch be alright?” The girl in question looked surprised, stuttering for a moment before nodding. “O-okay. Yeah. See you then.” She kept her gaze locked on her books, and if Shinso wasn’t mistaken, a faint pink flushed her cheeks. (Y/n) stood quietly by the cafeteria door, watching the few stragglers make their way into the lunchroom. She rocked on her heels, gaze trailing up and down the halls in search of the purple-haired boy. She slipped her hand into her pocket, absent-mindedness beginning to fiddle with the little doll she kept in her pocket. Shinso finally appeared, coming to a halt a few steps away. “So... what is it you want to talk about?” (Y/n) asked. Shinso pulled something from his pocket. Held between his thumb and forefinger was a small bottle. (Y/n) knee instantly what it was. “A-Ah... right... Shinso- I-I don’t mean any harm by what I do! I swear I don’t do anything bad! I know it sounds bad you include voodoo dolls but-“ Shinso cut her of with a frown. “Look, that old lady said some stuff, but I want to know from the source. What’s your quirk?” (Y/n) tensed, a knot tying itself in her stomach. She hesitantly opened her mouth. “My quirk involves what’s commonly known as voodoo dolls. I make them all myself... essentially, like the movies, whatever I do to the doll happens to the person... in a sense. So I... I've made dolls of my friends and family and I take care of them. I use essential oils like lavender-“ She gestured to the bottle he was holding, “to help them feel calm.” She smiled sheepishly. “And uh...” she pulled her hand from her pocket, revealing a small doll in her hand. It had a mess of purple wool hair and matching button eyes. It even had a small u.a blazer. Shinso started at, mouth left hanging open. “Sorry if it’s been to invasive or anything...” Shinso shook his head, earning a surprised gaze. “Why? Why would you care about some classmate?” He took s step forward. “You just... you always looked tired, stressed, overworked. I could see it. So I figured I could help. Even just a little bit...” Shinso watched as her gaze fell to the floor, tracing the tiles. “There’s something else, isn’t there?” He pushed. “I guess once I heard about your quirk... I felt like maybe we were already closer... i... i got shunned by my old classmates for having such an evil quirk. They always said that I’d always be capable of more harm than good. Whispered about how at any moment, I could kill someone...” she sniffled, keenly aware of the wet streak down her cheek. There was silence. Shinso wordlessly shuffled closer. He gently took (Y/n)s spare hand, and pressed the bottle into her palm. “I’ve felt the best I have been in a long time. I’ve actually been able to have a good nights sleep... could you... please, keep doing whatever it is you do.” He fell silent, quickly looking away, pink encroaching on his ears. (Y/n) let a smile grace her lips. “Gladly.” Shinso stepped back, shoving his hands into his pockets. His stoic expression returned. “However I’ll buy any of the oils you need. I’m not allowing you to spend so much money on me.” “What-“ Shinso sharpened his gaze. “Okay. Okay... would you like to accompany me to the store after school then?” “Sure.” “See you then, Hitoshi” (Y/n) turned on her heel and disappeared through the cafeteria doors, leaving behind a stuttering Shinso.
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mondarmy · 6 years
Rumors Come True : SHW
Anon: Hi!! I just love your scenarios :) I was wondering if I can request something, if you’re not too busy. a short where you and Shownu are best friends and you go over his apartment allot at night time and hang out and stay over, but of course you sleep on the couch or something. Late night watching TV and chatting up till the morning laughing and your both college students of different schools (went to H.S. together) but one day risky rumors go around about the two of you because you stay
over allot, and you two both have feelings for each other but don’t realize it yet, and next time you come over its a bit awkward/nervous/tension because you’re worried what each of you think of the rumors. Then he accidentally falls on top of you on the couch trying to get something? 😂 Idk if that made any sense, but if you actually do this I thank you so much!! 💖
Words: 1.6K
Genera: Fluff
“And you’re dismissed” the professor finally concluded with the sentence you wanted to leave his mouth so bad for the past hour or so. You shoved all your books, notebooks, and pens in your book bag and ran out of your last lecture for that day.
You walked through the hallways cheerfully as you made your way towards the exit. When you finally made it, you saw a car you’ve missed. A car that took you to so many places before. Good and bad.
“Get in! Get over the nostalgia already!” Hyunwoo yelled from the driver’s seat as he rolled down the window of his old BMW. You giggled and finally walked to the car and got in the passenger seat next to him, placing your bag on wherever it landed in the backseat.
You two talked about your day and how it would have been if you had one another in it. And of course your high school days were brought up and you both told the stories you’ve told before for many times. They were too precious for both of you to forget or get bored of.
Hyunwoo stopped by a grocery store and got out of his car to get some snacks for both of you. Not too long later he came back to the car with two bags. He got back behind the steering wheel and placed the bags on your lap casually and you directly went through them.
“Funny how you used to buy us strawberry milk but now you get us cans of beer” you chuckled and he smiled, glancing at you as he drove back into the main road.
When you got to his apartment, you two threw your shoes randomly and jumped on the couch, laying all the snacks on the table that was between the TV and the couch. It was like any of those many nights you’ve spent with your bestfriend. Just chilling and watching TV then talking for a while with two beer cans to emphasize some honesty in the conversation.
Monday came back on and you had to go with your usual routine and schedule. But something wasn’t right that day. You were getting more looks than usual and people kept whispering around you. But you managed to ignore.
Hyunwoo’s day was going almost exactly as yours except that his friends kept teasing him about the rumors that started going around.
“You guys know better than anyone else that we’re just really close friends!” He defended himself as they all sat down by a tree to spend their free time.
“She’s spending the entire night at your place and you pick her up after her lectures are over. People will obviously talk!” Jooheon nudged him, smiling so that his dimples were showing.
“Can’t we just have that kind of relationship without any feelings involved?! The hell?!” He protested, clearly getting annoyed from the subject as he got up and made his way to his next lecture.
As you scribbled on your supposedly note-taking page, a girl you usually hung out with made herself comfortable on the vacant seat next to you. You smiled at her, finally looking up from your notebook.
“So…you’re taken I’ve heard” she smiled excitedly as she whispered to you, making your brain go into a crazy cloud of assumptions.
“Everyone is talking about it! A guy from a college nearby is picking you up almost everyday and you’ve been spending the nights over..?” Her tone trailed off to a curious one. You frowned at her and shook your head as your expressions slowly turned into an understanding smile.
“He’s my bestfriend, that’s all!” You told her and she narrowed her eyes at you.
“For real!”
That day kept dragging out for ages and with you knowing why people kept staring and whispering and pointing fingers, things only got more uncomfortable. And when the day was finally over, you made your way out to see Hyunwoo’s car stopped at its usual place and you dragged yourself to it.
You slowly got in and it was so quiet that only the barely turned up radio could be heard. You both assumed you were the only one who knew about the rumors, oblivious that both of you knew but just tried forgetting about it.
Assuming that you didn’t know, Hyunwoo did what he usually did and drove to his apartment so both of you could finish up your studies together then hang out until the late evening. But the closer he got to his apartment, the faster your heart started to beat.
He finally parked the car and you both got out of the car and made your way to the entrance of the building then took the elevator up to Hyunwoo’s apartment.
He unlocked the door and you almost got in when he stepped forward to step in as well. You both stopped, letting the other one walk first, but then both of you walked in at the same time again only making things more awkward.
“You go in first” Hyunwoo gestured and you nodded, quickly getting in before he followed you.
Studying together wasn’t anywhere near less awkward. You wanted to to grab a pencil that was laying on the wooden dining table that you both usually studied at, but Hyunwoo happened to reach for it as well and caused your hands to overlap. You glanced at each other and pulled your hands back quickly.
After studying, you sat on the couch, keeping a good distance between each other and sticking to either arm of the couch. The TV had a drama on and you both started to forget all about the awkwardness and discomfort that accompanied you throughout the day as the events engrossed you.
But not too long later, when the lead actors started looking into each other’s eyes and their hands got intertwined, you both started gulping and looking around the dimly lit room, trying to take in all the discomfort that started to pour down on you again.
Hyunwoo leaned over you to grab the remote from the coffee table next to your side of the couch. You pressed yourself into the couch’s back behind you to avoid his cheek brushing against your nose. But all your efforts went down the drain when he lost his balance and fell on you, his face sinking into the thinly sponge-filled arm of the couch. He stayed as he was while he thought of a way to react. You froze in your position as well and when he finally slightly lifted his head, you placed your hands down on his back and leaned in slightly.
“Are…you okay?” It came out as a whisper even though you intended for it to be louder. He raised his hand, nodding as he slowly looked into your eyes.
Your eyes widened into each other and the drama’s soundtrack on the started to play. In that moment, you didn’t know who was the leading pair.
“You know, right?” He suddenly asked and you clearly knew what he meant.
“I do. But they’re just rumors-”
“I like…you, y/n” he cut you off and your jaw fell, but not too low. You shut your mouth and hummed in a flat tone.
“As a man to a woman” he seemed choking as he whispered the completion of his sudden confession. You started choking as well. Choking with confusion and burst of unknown emotions.
“You don’t have to reply. No pressure” he finally sat up quickly and stood up from the couch.
You watched him stable himself on his feet by the TV, turning so that his back was facing you. He rested his hands on his hips as you opened your mouth to try speaking again.
“I’ve heard about the rumors, but I…I never thought they’re…true” you looked at his back with hopeful eyes, hoping he wouldn’t take that as a rejection to his feelings. It was too sudden that you didn’t even know how you felt in that moment.
“They’re not true…yet” he slightly turned so you would be seen from the corner of his eye. Your eyes widened again.
“Why did you just confess so suddenly?” You couldn’t help but ask. He sighed and turned, walking slowly to you before sitting on the table that centered the sitting area in front you.
“Honestly” he smiled at the ceiling, intertwining his fingers by his a knees. You raised your eyebrows, anticipating what he was going to say.
“I’ve been into you since our senior year of high school” he finally spoke and your eyes widened.
“You’ve liked me for three years?!” You exclaimed, smiling afterwards. He nodded.
“I just didn’t want to confess to you. I hoped my feelings will eventually fade and we wouldn’t have to ruin this friendship we have-”
“Why would we ruin it? Don’t we both feel the same way?” You cut him off and he looked at you, eyebrows raised and mouth slightly open before shaking his head and smiling.
“Both?” He raised an eyebrow and his sweet smile slowly transformed into a smirk. You nodded, assuring him of your word choice. He transferred himself from the table to the couch next to you.
“May I ask you out for a fancy dinner Friday night?” He asked, looking into your eyes. You held back your giggles, feeling slightly unfamiliar with the Hyunwoo that talked to you.
“Sure. I would like to make those rumors come to life, Hyunwoo”
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