#idk i just think that purgatory hall is Home
koolades-world · 2 years
Random Obey Me! Headcannons
Lucifer really likes human world blue cheese but refuses to admit it because he knows he will be made fun of for it by his brothers
Mammon has his first dollar he made in the Devildom framed and when Mc found it while looking for condoms he was really embarrassed
Idk it’s so funny to me to think of Mc and Mammon about to have sexy time and they need to go look for a condom. Mammon swears he has some so Mc goes digging though a drawer and finds a framed dollar bill while butt naked
“Mammon what is this-”
Levi has neck and back pains from all the gaming he does and really loves massages but is too scared to ask
Satan once stole a pair of Lucifer’s underwear and hung it from the RAD flagpole
Asmo made it a point to introduce Mc into his nightly routine as his face mask buddy, even to the point of doing it over call if they’re separated
This also sounds funny as shit imagine someone like Levi walking in on that
“So anyways, I stomped their skull in and got blood on my new boots. My hands also hurt from wringing the neck of that-”
“Asmo, Lucifer wants to know- HOLY SHIT WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO YOU”
“A face mask, Levi. You could use one”
Beel loves kids and likes it when they use him as a jungle gym
Belphie always kicks people in his sleep without fail. Mammon swears he does it on purpose but knows he doesn't
Simeon does the best hair braids and is regarded the best in the Celestial Realm
Luke hates girl scout cookies since he thinks homemade cookies are so much better
Solomon can be seen leaving Asmo's room at any point during the day but nobody ever sees him going in. Imagine hanging out with Asmo and Solomon just fucking appears and then disappears just as fast
Diavolo's favorite color is pink
Barbatos has a succulent garden and Mc will bring him a new one every time they come back from the human world
Thirteen definitely loves Mexican food and spice in general
Raphael is convinced soft blankets are the best thing to ever exist
Mephisto once accidently knocked over one of Luke's cakes and felt so bad that he sent Purgatory Hall a buttload of money and wrote an article in the RAD newspaper about how great the angels were at baking
Mammon and Lucifer openly hate white chocolate (because it's not chocolate). Satan does too but pretends to like it because Lucifer likes it
Whenever Satan needs a parter to go to the events he gets invited to, Mc and Asmo are his first choices. He's closest with Asmo (Belphie is a second close) and doesn't mind the fanfare
Asmo and Beel often travel around the Devildom together. Asmo can't eat everything he orders since he just wants pictres so Beel is the ideal companion. Beel is also the perfect body guard
Solomon's current favorite liquor is Fireball and always has some on hand, but Luke always hides it because he thinks drinking is a bad habit
Barbatos definitely listens to heavy metal but everyone thinks he listens to classical music
If my grandmothers met the brothers, Beel would be their fav because he would clean his plate but if it was everyone, Simeon would take it home because he’s so charming even though he’s barely clothed
Everyone is so downbad for Mc I think it might scare off other people how much they hover. Like, a lower demon bothering you? Literally anything could happen to them, like they could be thrown in an endless loop of suffering, they could be made dirt poor for eternity, or they could be torn limb from limb <3 gotta love it
Asmo and Belphie make a deadly duo when to comes to trapping people/demons/angels. They both have the power to lure you in, and would probably take turn luring in victims for an evening as some sort of strange brother bonding. They both remind me of angler fish in a way. Asmo lures them with the pretense of sex and Belphie with relaxation, two things people can’t get enough of and they can stay calm enough to pull it off
Solomon has definitely made the brothers swap bodies or something crazy like that, on accident or not, you decide
Whenever Mc is feeling down, Diavolo offers his man titties as a nice pillow to relax on because he read somewhere once humans liked that
Beel is like a bull in a china shop so do not take him anyway where you need to be delicate. Belphie knows this, and will put him to sleep and carry him when they need to go somewhere like an antique shop by promising him a snack afterwards
Beel thinks Satan, Belphie, and Mc make the best weights out of everyone. Satan will just read, Belphie will just sleep, and Mc is like his personal cheerleader. However, he can and will lift all his brothers and Mc and the same time if he wants to, it’s just difficult to get them all in the same place at the same time
Thirteen, Belphie, and Satan got in a prank war once and it had to end in a draw since one party could not best the other. In the end, they made a final, collaborative prank and pulled it on Solomon
Mc once fell down the stairs in the human realm, ended up in the hospital, and sent the entire cast into panic so much that they took turns watching over them
Mephisto and Mc once had a night out drinking together and (somehow) returned to the HoL but were totally smashed. Lucifer forbid them from doing it again, but they still sneak out together and just crash at Mephiso’s place instead
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raazberry · 2 years
i was thinking about how fun it would be to live at purgatory hall so here’s a thing i wrote while half asleep about solomon, simeon and luke :)
If any of the brothers ever asked you who your favourite person at Purgatory Hall was, you don’t think that you would be able to give them an answer.
Although the House of Lamentation is quite homely, nothing there has made you feel quite at home as watching Simeon and Luke bake while Solomon struggles to find the ingredients - Luke shouting at the top of his lungs when Solomon accidentally hands him salt instead of the flour he’d asked for, and the sorcerer only laughing in turn as he imagines the taste of a salt cookie.
Simeon quietly pulls you aside sometimes, and asks - Is everything okay? They’re not being too loud, are they? And all you can do in turn, is smile and give him a big hug, because of course everything is okay. You’re with them, after all. Simeon chuckles and places a light kiss on your cheek, as you jokingly shift your head away from him in fear of getting flour on your face. You could never get tired of him, of this.
Solomon catches the two of you, and pulls you both in a hug, clearly still high off of whatever was happening in the kitchen. He wants to say so much to you - and to Simeon too, for teaching him so much, for keeping up with him, for being the only family he’s had in ages but he can’t get himself to verbalise any of it. So he just holds you both as tight as he possibly can, until Simeon complains about not being able to breath.
Solomon apologises as he gestures at the two of you to follow him back into the kitchen - no explanation for the previous hug. Not that either of you needed it.
You stand behind the counter and watch as Luke breaks a few eggs with an incredible amount of dedication - and it makes you wonder how anyone could do such a mundane task like that with so much passion. It’s just breaking eggs for god’s sake - but somehow, Luke’s determination seems to be endless.
Simeon and Solomon seem to be thinking the same thing as they stare at the bowl’s contents being mixed over and over and over again, and everything is completely silent except for the sound of the kneader hitting the bowl.
Nothing interesting happens for the twenty-or-so minutes the three of you stand there, but nobody makes the effort to go do something else, either. After a while, Luke asks you all to quit staring and just help him, which you happily oblige.
The cookies are delicious, you find out four hours later - just as you had expected. You sit in Simeon’s room as you eat them with the rest of the boys, because of course the brothers couldn’t resist Luke’s cookies. Even Barbatos complimented them, which has to count for something.
Hmm… maybe you should consider moving out and living at Purgatory Hall, no?
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iwannawritelots · 2 years
Originally written May 2022
Genre: angst, comfort, fluff kinda at the end
Ship(s): Lord Diavolo X Mammon
(genderless MC)
Trigger/content warnings: nonspecific trauma-induced nightmares, The Escorts, allusion to using unhealthy coping habits in the past
Headcanons/notes from the author: Lucifer being a dick overprotective. Uhhh idk, I really think Mammon X Diavolo is cute though. OH. Non-binary Barbatos
Brief Blurb: Mammon has a nightmare and calls Lucifer for comfort.
Lucifer hadn’t been able to fall asleep all night. He was desperate to finally have slumber take him captive, but his mind wouldn’t shut off. It was driving him to the brink of insanity, feeling like he was just about to sleep but then not having it happen. It wouldn’t be the first time he had a sleepless night like this, and it wouldn’t be the last.
On his bedside table, his D.D.D. began to ring. He groaned and opened his eyes only slightly. For a moment, he was sure he wouldn’t answer. No one would be calling this late for something that wasn’t important, though…
With an exhausted sigh, Lucifer reached over and grabbed the device. The caller ID made his hairs stand on end. Quickly, he pressed answer and brought the receiver to his ear. “Mammon? Why are you calling at this hour?”
Mammon was clearly crying on the other end.
“‘m s-sorry… I’m jus’ b-by myself and.. I-I didn’t wanna call Dia…”
“What do you mean you’re by yourself?” Lucifer could feel his blood boiling, fully awake from anxiety and rage. “Where is Diavolo?”
“H-He had to go… H-Human world s-stuff…” Mammon sniffled and let out a shaky exhale. “I-I-I th-thought… h-he’d be back by now…”
“Why didn’t you go with him?” Lucifer stood up, tripping on his own feet as he unplugged his phone and began to pace around his room. “Never mind, actually. Why are you crying? What happened?”
Mammon was quiet for a moment, then told him, “I-I had a nightmare about… M-M-Maddi… a-and… a-and I w-wasn’t going to call, b-but…” he trailed off, sobs escaping him despite his efforts to contain them. “I-I just… I-I didn’t wanna d-do something bad a-and make Dia f-feel guilty… I-I can’t hide things from him…”
“No, it’s good that you called. Just stay on the phone, it’s going to be okay.” Lucifer attempted to keep his voice calm and gentle, but he was drowning in concern. Didn’t Lord Diavolo know that Mammon had nightmares like this? How long had they lived together now…? A month? A little over a month? “Where’s Barbatos? Are they not home?”
“N-No…” Mammon‘s voice cracked as he choked down his cries. “No, th-they’re at Purgatory Hall… b-boyfriends night or someth-thin’…”
Running his fingers through his hair, Lucifer mouthed a few swears. Of course Lord Diavolo just left Mammon all by himself! The damn prince probably didn’t even know Mammon had this reoccurring problem. “Okay,” Lucifer wracked his brain for ideas, feeling like a complete imbecile for letting Mammon move in with Lord Diavolo at all. He couldn’t trust anyone with his siblings, could he? “Okay… Okay, how long ago did you wake up?”
“I-I dunno…” Mammon mumbled, sniffling and whimpering. “A h-half hour at most…”
“Half an hour? Mammon, you should have called sooner.”
“D-Didn’t wanna bug ya…”
Lucifer facepalmed, realizing he began to scold Mammon instead of helping. “No, I’m sorry. You tried to calm down by yourself, that’s a good thing. I… am glad you called when you knew for sure that it wasn’t working.” He located his shoes and sat down on the bed with them, keeping his phone between his shoulder and cheek as did so. “Do you want to talk about it?”
“N-No…” Mammon told him softly. “N-No I jus’… I-I want my head to be quiet…”
Roughly putting on and tying his shoes, Lucifer asked, “What can I do to help you quiet down your head?”
“D-Dunno… I-I just… I-I want it t-to s-stop…” Mammon’s voice shook, making Lucifer’s heart rate increase from panic. He was going to spiral if no one was around to stop it. “I-I want it to stop…”
“Where are you in the castle?” Lucifer asked, standing and grabbing his cloak. “Are any Li’l D.s around? Maids?
“N-No…” Mammon broke into loud bawling. “I-I’m all by myself… I f-feel so unsafe…”
Lucifer hurried down the stairs, attempting to keep his demon form at bay. “You’re safe. No one can hurt you in the castle. You will be alright.” Lucifer wanted to beat Lord Diavolo into a pulp of red sludge. How dare he leave Mammon alone like this? What kind of fiancé was he? “Mammon, listen to me. You are safe. Tell me.”
“I-I am s-s-safe…” Mammon managed between sobs. “I-I am safe in the castle…”
Making his way out of the entrance hall doors, Lucifer told him, “That’s right. You’re safe in the castle. No one can hurt you. You’re safe.” He picked up his pace, ignoring the pain shooting through his body. “Where are you in the castle? Are you in your room?”
“I-I hid in our closet…” Mammon admitted in a whisper. “O-Our room is jus’… t-too big right now…”
“If I were to hang up for a few minutes, would you be able to keep yourself grounded?” Lucifer inquired gently.
“D-Dunno… I-I just…” Mammon sniffled and coughed violently, having cried so hard his breathing was uneven. “I-I don’t wanna b-be a-alone…”
“I’ll come to you, okay? I just can’t call and fly at once. It’ll take much longer if I walk.”
After a moment of thought, Mammon muttered, “‘k-‘kay…”
“Do you want me to call Barbatos? They might be—”
“N-No! N-No… No.” Mammon took a deep, strained breath. “No… th-they barely get nights off…”
“Okay, I won’t call Barbatos. I promise. Just… keep yourself safe until I arrive, alright?”
Lucifer hung up, threw on his cloak, then melted into his demon form. He spread out his wings, giving a pained gasp when one of them popped. Taking off, he quickly flew towards the Demon King’s castle. Once he got close enough, he landed haphazardly onto all fours before standing and hurrying to the entrance. The magic locks undid themselves for him, and he hurried upstairs to Lord Diavolo and Mammon’s room.
He opened the door and closed it gently behind himself, not wanting to startle Mammon. There was sniffling and sobbing coming from the inside of the closet, so Lucifer carefully walked over and opened it. “I’m here, Mammon,” he spoke softly, slipping into Celestial tongue. “I’m here. You’re safe.” He lowered himself onto the floor, cautiously reaching a hand out. “You’re safe.”
Mammon scrambled closer and hid into Lucifer’s arms, mumbling through tears in Celestial tongue, but Lucifer couldn’t hear him very well. He petted Mammon’s hair, softly humming and pulling him as close to himself as he could. “You don’t have to be scared, I’m here…” he whispered, attempting to sound calm despite the trembling and aching from his hurry to the castle. “Lucifer is here.”
Curling into Lucifer’s chest, Mammon hid as much as he could before settling into a position. “‘m sorry…” he muttered, voice shaking. “‘m sorry… I-I jus’ didn’t want to be alone…”
“Don’t worry about it,” Lucifer told him quietly. “I just want you safe, Mammon. It’s okay.”
After a long while of comforting, Mammon fell asleep in Lucifer’s arms. When was the last time he had coaxed Mammon into sleep…? Thousands of years? Millions…? Either way, it was welcome despite the circumstances behind it. His siblings and Satan didn’t confide in him much anymore, especially not for comfort.
The bedroom door creaked, and Lucifer quickly snapped his attention to the noise. “Lucifer…?” Lord Diavolo whispered, slowly closing the door behind himself. “What happened?”
It took Lucifer a moment to answer, needing to switch back to Infernal. “Mammon had a bad nightmare,” he stated softly, resuming his attention on his sleeping brother. “I’d like to speak with you, actually…”
“I… I see…” Lord Diavolo watched Lucifer stand, cradling Mammon in his arms. “I will wait in the hallway, then…”
After Lord Diavolo did as stated, Lucifer carried Mammon to the bed and very cautiously laid him down. When Mammon didn’t retaliate the action in his sleep, Lucifer glanced at the door before giving him a small peck on the forehead. After watching him a moment longer, he left the room and stood in the hallway with Lord Diavolo. “Lord Diavolo… do you know much about Mammon’s nightmares?”
“Well… no.” Lord Diavolo sighed and crossed his arms. “Mammon hasn’t said much about it besides having nightmares. I figure it’s about the fall or that witch…”
Lucifer raised an eyebrow. “That witch?”
“Mammon won’t tell me who it is.” Lord Diavolo shook his head. “I really tried asking, I did. I just didn’t want to be pushy if he didn’t want to talk about what happened. Hell, he didn’t tell me about what happened until we tried to be intimate and I did something that triggered him.”
“I see.” Lucifer pinched the bridge of his nose, then exhaled with frustration. “I was furious with you, but I suppose it’s not your fault.”
“I know how protective you are of your siblings…” Lord Diavolo ran his fingers through his curly, vibrant red hair. “I wish you would trust me more, however. Mammon will be my husband one day.”
Lucifer scoffed and looked Lord Diavolo directly in the eyes. “If I should trust you, then why did Mammon call me instead?”
“Mammon has told me that he’s afraid of overwhelming me with his mental problems, but I’ve been working on having him open up. I won’t force him to tell me something if he isn’t ready,” Lord Diavolo attempted to keep his voice steady, but it was still laced with upset from Lucifer’s accusation. “Do you not trust Solomon either? He and Asmodeus have been married for years.”
“Of course I don’t,” Lucifer snapped. “I don’t trust anyone with my family but me. I will do anything for my family.” Before he could continue, the door opened and they both startled. “Mammon?”
“Wh-What’s goin’ on?” Mammon asked Lucifer in Celestial tongue, knowing Lord Diavolo didn’t understand it well. “Why are ya raisin’ your voice at Dia?”
Lucifer’s face softened, and he felt foolish in an instant. They should have gone somewhere further away, not right in front of the bedroom door. “I’m concerned, that’s all,” he responded in Celestial tongue. “I didn’t mean to wake you.”
“You’re hurtin’ his feelings…” Mammon muttered, stepping out of the room to face Lucifer properly. “Thank ya for helping me… Could ya leave so I can speak with Dia, though?”
Lord Diavolo furrowed his eyebrows, not at all comprehending the language of angels. “Mammon? What are you two talking about?”
Lucifer took a deep breath, then let it go before switching to Infernal once more. “I will see you on Monday, Lord Diavolo.”
The couple watched him leave, then gazed at each other with concern. After a moment, Mammon stepped closer and cupped Lord Diavolo’s face. “‘m sorry, darlin’…” he muttered in Infernal. “I just didn’t want you to have to hear anything nasty he might have said.”
Lord Diavolo hesitantly placed his hands over Mammon’s. “Lucifer’s scary when it comes to you and the others…”
Chuckling, Mammon told him, “That’s true. I’m sorry you’re goin’ to end up with such a grumpy-ass brother-in-law.” He smiled when Lord Diavolo laughed at the comment, pleased that the situation hadn’t made his mood very low. “Look… I heard a lot of that jus’ now… ‘nd I appreciate ya not wantin’ to pressure me… but I think Lucifer’s right. I should trust ya more. I-I mean…” Mammon sighed and averted his gaze. “I jus’… I want ya to love me, and I don’t want ya to start infantilizin’ me because of my mental issues… and… a-and I jus’ don’t want ya to think it’s your fault when I have a bad episode, ‘c-‘cause it ain’t…”
Lord Diavolo felt his heart rip a little as Mammon began to blink out tears. “Mammon, I understand…” He very slowly and carefully moved his hands to Mammon’s shoulders, giving a gentle squeeze. “You could have told me that from the beginning, love. I’m not mad.”
Sniffling, Mammon made a weak giggle. “I g-guess that’s true… I just get really scared, Dia…” his voice creaked. “I mean… I know I trust ya. I do… but I get scared you’ll hate me if I tell ya things… and I don’t want you to be upset if I have an episode ‘nd you’re off doin’ business, l-like tonight… I’m a grown man, I can handle it most of the time… this was jus’ a really bad night…”
“Mammon, hey…” Lord Diavolo gently used one of his hands to have Mammon look at him again. “I know you can handle yourself. That’s why I didn’t push you to come with me… but I still want you to call me if you need me.” He kept his voice soft and firm, not wanting to sound like he was scolding. “I know you are capable of handling yourself. You are very, very strong. You’re the Great Mammon, aren’t you?” Mammon giggled through a tiny sob. “Everyone needs help sometimes, so don’t be afraid to talk to me out of fear that I will infantilize you. I’m not going to do that.”
“O-Okay…” Mammon sniffled and lowered his hands to Lord Diavolo’s chest. “I d-do trust you, I promise…”
“Love, I know…” Lord Diavolo chuckled and carded his fingers through Mammon’s curls. “I can’t be lied to, remember?”
Mammon made a soft laugh, blushing a little while he fumbled with his fiancé’s shirt. “R-Right. Ya can’t even lie.”
“I could, if I tried really hard.” Lord Diavolo made a silly scrunched up face, as if he were deep in thought, then relaxed it after a moment. “Ah… actually, it’s a lot more difficult than I imagined.”
Rolling his eyes and giggling, Mammon wiped his face. “I’d rather ya didn’t learn anyways.”
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weebswrites · 3 years
Heyy! I recently came across your blog and a absolutely love your writing! 🥰
Would it be possible to request an angst hc with the Obey me brothers? So maybe the bros were having a bad day and they lash out at the MC. The MC leaves them alone and the brothers don’t hear from them for hours and think MC just doesn’t want to talk to them but in reality MC got attacked and is barely alive. And maybe MC summons the brother with what little strength they have left so the brother is met with an MC laying in front of them almost dead.
Ah I’m sorry I know this is a lot so feel free to ignore this if it’s too much! Have a good day :D
The Demon Bros Saving Your Life (this will have swear words and light descriptions of violence so if that makes you uncomfortable read at your own discretion pls I love u guys)
“MC, please just leave me alone” he spat, trying to stay calm but losing his patience quickly
“Lucifer, I’m not letting you shove me away. You can do that to your brothers, but not to me” you insist, remembering your conversation where he said to ignore him when he tried to push you away
“I’ll do what I want to you, human, don’t forget your place” he boomed, so loud your eyes reactively filled with tears
“Fine, do what you want” you mutter at him before storming out, slamming the door behind you
He knew he fucked up, but wasn’t in the headspace to chase after you, so he stayed in his office and worked. He’d apologize later
You ran out of the HoL, just wanting to be out of Lucifer’s reach for a bit. You decide to go to Purgatory Hall to visit Simeon, your best friend outside of the HoL, but take the scenic route there to clear your head a bit and calm down. Before you know it the sun is setting, and figure you should get to Simeon’s sooner rather than later.
“Hey, aren’t you Lucifer’s bitch” you hear from an alleyway, and suddenly you’re just as annoyed as before. But you know better than to engage with any demons that are egging you on like that, so you keep walking
Then you’re grabbed from behind and slammed against a brick wall, hitting your head roughly against the surface
“Fuck” you exhale, vision already blurring
“Think you can ignore me, human? You’re weak here, nothing” the demon drove a fist into your stomach, causing you to cough
“I’ll show you not to come back to the Devildom ever again, filthy human”
By the time he was done you were a bloody mess crumpled on the ground, in the fetal position to protect your vital organs as much as you could, but you felt yourself losing consciousness
The demon spat on you before leaving, laughing as he walked away. Your body was in so much pain, and you felt yourself losing your grip on reality
You could felt your lips moving as your vision turned to black, and your last coherent thought before blacking out was realizing you were summoning Lucifer
“I...summon the Avatar of Pride...” you inhaled as much as you could, but his name came out a whisper, “Lucifer”
You saw his legs appear before you lost consciousness, thankful you were actually able to summon him
“What the fuck” was his first comment, as he didn’t see you at his feet, but as soon as he did he felt his heart shatter
“MC! Fuck, MC. MC?” he shook you very lightly, and when you didn’t respond he went into overdrive. He picked you up gently in his arms after examining where you were most badly injured, as to not make anything worse
He was in demon form from the moment he saw you, wanting as much of his strength at his disposal as he could have. He flew you to the nearest hospital (idk if there’s a hospital in the devildom but there is now) and demanded you be placed in the best care possible, and also made it very clear that he wasn’t going to leave your side
He watched as doctors sewed your wounds closed and put an IV in your arm, unable to take his eyes off their every move. After a few hours, the doctor turned to Lucifer
“They should wake up within a few hours,” the doctor said before leaving
“Thank you. Please mail the bill to Lord Diavolo and I’ll take care of it” he said, figuring that was easier than having to fill out the HoL on paperwork
He was then alone with you, and he scooted his chair next to your bed and took your hand in his, holding it gently
“I’m so sorry, MC” he whispered and pressed his lips to the top of your hand as he tried not to cry
He sat there for what felt like hours, but just twenty minutes passed before he felt you move slightly
Your eyes fluttered open, and you took a moment to adjust to the lights
You felt warmth around your hand, and recognized it instantly, looking to your side and locking eyes with Lucifer
“Luci” you whisper, voice hoarse from not having used it for hours
“MC, I’m so sorry” his voice was soft and you could tell how distraught he was, “I never should have snapped at you, it was out of place and rude and I’m sorry” he rambled on like this for a minute, and you just appreciated his genuine care for you as you listened to him speak
“Lucifer” you cut him off, “Thank you for taking care of me. I forgive you”
“Just get a job! Then your brothers won’t shit on you all the time” you suggested. Mammon had come to you venting about how some of his brothers had ganged up on him again and demanded that they pay him back. You were more understanding than you probably should have been with him, but wanted him to be proactive and get himself out of this on his own
“It isn’t that easy! Damnit MC, I thought you understood me!” he snapped, and you decided you should just let him cool down
“Look, Mammon. I’m always here for you with this, but you can’t keep complaining about this and not doing anything about it when there’s an easy solution. I have to go study with Satan for a test we have, so I’m going to go meet him. Text me when you’ve calmed down”
You meant it to be caring, but his mind was clouded, and he took it as you pitying him and running away - his greatest fear
“Fine!” he huffed, turning his back to you
You were saddened by this, but genuinely had to go, so you turned and left, thankful for the bit of time that you knew Mammon needed alone to clear his head
You were walking to the library, in the middle of a text to Satan when you accidentally bumped into another demon
“Shit, my bad” you apologize, but the demon had no intention of letting you get away with that
“A human, eh?” he grabbed your shirt collar and instantly drove a fist to your jaw
“What the fuck” you tried to say, but couldn’t really speak
The demon punched you a few more times, and you thought that they had the strength of Beel with how much it hurt
Your body was tossed to the ground and kicked before being abandoned, and you wished you didn’t take the back way to the library
“I summon the Avatar of Greed, Mammon” you whispered, hoping your words were enunciated enough for the summoning to work
“MC!” he noticed you instantly, crouching down and putting a hand on your arm, “MC what happened. Wait don’t talk, can you stand?”
You began to sit up, which he took as a yes, and he wrapped his arm around you to help you stand
He studied your injured face as you stood, and wished he had the power to heal you instantly
“Come on MC, the hospital is close”
“T-Text Satan I’m not coming” you handed him your phone, not wanting Satan to think that you ditched him
Mammon exhaled a laugh through his nose, “You’re always thinking of others, MC” he commented, “We really don’t deserve you”
You just shook your head, feeling like you didn’t deserve the joy the demons brought you
Mammon stayed by your side until you were completely healed, which took a few weeks. He even signed up for a job with Akuzon DC. It was the most selfless you’d ever seen him, and you thanked him for his kindness once you were healed with a gift card to his favorite store
“Just stop! I get it, you have other friends, I don’t care. Go have fun with them” he snapped. Levi hadn’t slept in about 48 hours and you could tell
“Levi, please sleep. I’ll be back in a few hours” you try to comfort him, but he isn’t hearing it
“Whatever, MC”
You’re hurt by his attitude, but know he’s just exhausted. You turn to leave and plan to head back to him a bit sooner to spend extra time with him (quality time love language lookin demon) (also the avatar of envy but that’s not as funny of a joke so)
You were planning to meet with some classmates to study, but you ran into a demon on your way that had been bullying you for being human for the whole semester
You hadn’t told any of the brothers because you didn’t want to make a big deal about it, but you were worried suddenly what the demon would do to you outside of the school grounds
“Hey, it’s the human” she snarled, stepping in front of you to stop your path
“Sorry, I’m busy” you tried to walk around her, but she had no intention of letting you go unscathed
“Not so fast” she stomped her foot over yours to stop you and shoved you back against a light pole nearby
You felt the cold metal slam against your spine and grunted in discomfort
“Can’t take a little pain? That’s too bad” she said, taking you by your shirt and  throwing your body on the road
She kicked your body for what felt like minutes while spitting insults at you, before leaving your weakened body on the ground
You tried to get up once she was gone but screamed in pain, not able to move a muscle
“I summon the Avatar of Envy, Leviathan,” you said, tears starting to run down your face at his name
“Levi, Levi please, help me” you whispered as he appeared
“MC, I’m here” he kneeled down beside you and inspected your body, “I’m here, don’t worry”
“Levi” your hand tightened around his jacket, “Help”
He picked you up, maintaining your position in his arms, and took you to the hospital as fast as he could while keeping you comfortable
He stayed by your side as much as he was legally allowed to while the doctors cared for your torso and x-rayed your foot. After a day or so you were allowed home, and he insisted that he stayed by your side until you were completely healed
“MC, I’ve asked you eight times to leave me alone, I’m clearly trying to read, can’t you take the hint?” he sighed exasperatedly and waited for you to leave, not intending his words to be so harsh but he figured you’d be fine
You were not fine! What the fuck Satan.
“Fine, screw you then” you retorted and left, slamming the door behind you
He realized that you weren’t fine, but wanted to finish his book. Then he’d apologize. But when we went to your room later that night to talk, you didn’t answer.
“MC, come on, open up. I’m sorry for earlier, can we just talk?”
Beelzebub was walking by, “I haven’t seen them since this morning, they left the house crying” he said awfully casually, “I never saw them come back”
Satan felt the blood drain from his face and he ran out of the HoL, ignoring Beel’s “I’m sure they’re fine now!” from behind him
He barely made it out of the doors before he was summoned, and he was confused before he realized the only way he could be summoned was by you
As soon as he was there he saw you, thrown against a dumpster, barely able to hold yourself up
“Satan” you called, voice weak, and he was at your side in less than a second
He stood in front of you and you got on his back, wrapping your arms over his neck
“Tell me what happened. Who did this” his voice was firm and you could almost feel the anger radiating off him
You muttered a name under your breath before resting your head on his shoulder, trying everything you could to not pass out
“Satan, talk to me. I can’t stay awake”
That scared him, so he walked to the hospital a bit faster, but gently still as to not cause you any extra pain
He started telling you about his book since that was all he did that day, but it ended up turning into a long apology for pushing you away and raising his voice earlier. You would have cut him off but you didn’t have the strength to, so you just listened to his words, noticing the thought he had clearly put into them throughout the day
“Satan-” you started, and he instantly stopped to listen, “I forgive you”
He was silent, a sense of relief and appreciation for you washing over him and he thanked you for your understanding of his anger as you arrived at the hospital
Similar to Lucifer, he demanded you to be seen by the best doctor there was on staff, price be damned. He watched intensely as the doctor checked you out, eyeing them up and down to make sure they were good enough and treating you with the same care he would
Once you were released he had Diavolo send a car to drive the two of you back to the HoL, where Satan had had your room prepared with new pillows (the kind you mentioned liking from his room, as well as new ones of the ones you had), freshly washed sheets and duvet, and a cup of your favorite drink waiting for you (he definitely didn’t bribe his brothers to get your room ready, not that it took much bribing)
In addition, each of the brothers had pitched in to get you flowers and a stuffed animal that you’d mentioned wanting, a few weeks ago. The sight of it all made you tear up, and you wrapped Satan in the tightest hug he’d ever gotten
“I appreciate you trying to cheer me up, MC, but I just need some time by myself,” he said, and you could tell he was losing his patience
“Are you sure?” you offer one last time before leaving, wanting to make sure he really wanted to be alone
“Yes! I am!” he snapped, and you felt bad for pushing
“Sorry, Asmo. Feel better” you leave and take care to close the door as quietly as you can on your way out
You were having a bit of a bad day yourself, so you decide to go walk around the devildom and let the fresh air clear your head
Which ended up being a bad idea, as you ran into one of the demons that always hit on you in one of your classes.
“Hey, MC, you finally aren’t with any of those idiot brothers” he approached you and tried to touch your arm, but you pushed it away
“Oh, they’re fiesty. I’ll have to teach you a lesson” he spat on the ground next to you and before you knew it he pushed you against a wall and was punching you senseless
It felt like he’d never stop, but eventually it did, and he left you to bleed on the road. You tried to stand up, not thinking your injuries would be that servere, but you couldn’t move. You sighed and closed your eyes, exhaustion suddenly washing over you
You knew you probably had a concussion and some broken ribs, and that you shouldn’t lose consciousness, so you did the only thing you could think to do. You summoned Asmo.
“I summon the Avatar of Lust, Asmodeus” you spoke, and there he was
“MC! Babes, what happened? Where are you hurt” he knelt in front of you and looked over your body
“Ribs...and my head...” you whined, leaning forward for him to take you in his arm
Asmodeus was stronger than you realized, and he picked you up easily and started walking you back to the HoL. “Let’s get you laying down and I’ll call a doctor” he said gently, “Then Satan and I will take care of the idiot who did this”
Until you were healed he was by your side, bringing you anything you even thought of wanting and getting the classwork you missed from your classes
“Hey Beel, what’s up!” you walked into the kitchen and greeted your favorite demon cheerily
He grunted, usually a sign that he should be left alone, but you wanted some Beel time and figured you’d just be cautious and give him his space
“How was your day” you asked innocently
“Not now, MC. I’m not in the mood” his voice was firm, and you took the message
“Got it, I’ll leave” you said apologetically, and left the kitchen. You were a bit upset by him pushing you away, but knew he just needed space. You decided to walk to get takeout for dinner, and made your way to the restaurant on your own.
That was a mistake. You weren’t even halfway there when you figured later you were just in the wrong place at the wrong time
“Is that a human? Here?” you heard from across the road, and sighed, hoping to get off easy
“Hey, human!” the demons walked over to you and you stopped, deciding to at least acknowledge them so they’d think they could insult you and move along
“Wow, I’ve never met a human in real life before” one of them smirked, “I wonder just how weak they really are”
“I wouldn’t test it, just because I’m a human doesn’t mean I don’t know some demons who would make your lives miserable if you hurt me”
The other demon scoffed, “You’re lying. What demon would befriend a human”
You were getting irritated at the attitude being thrown at you, so you decided to fight back with a little sass of your own, “Lucifer, Satan, Beelzebub, and Lord Diavolo, to name a few” you smirked and crossed your arms
“Bullshit” one of the two demons got in your face, “there’s no way a demon like that would look twice at you”, and before you could begin to think of a comeback you felt a sharp pain in your side
You looked down to see a gash in your side, thankfully seeming to not have hit an organ, but it was still bleeding pretty badly. You didn’t know what to do, but didn’t really have the chance to do much because a few strong punches were delivered to your core immediately after
“Fuck” you mumbled as you crumpled to the ground, and heard the demons laughing as they walked away. You felt yourself bleeding pretty heavily, and knew you wouldn’t be able to make it back to the HoL
“I summon the Avatar of Gluttony. Beelzebub” you said, hoping you remembered how to use your pact correctly
He appeared before you and you let out a sigh of relief, then wincing in pain at your own action
“MC!” he instantly took off his grey hoodie and pressed it to your wound, “There’s an underground hospital close, is it safe for me to lift you or can you walk”
“I think I can walk, but can you keep an arm around me” you ask, and he obviously does
You get to the hospital and are instantly checked in and brought to a care room. Beel holds your hand and lets you squeeze it as tightly as you need as your wound is sewn up, and then the nurses give you pain medication for the next few weeks
You didn’t know the names of the demons who hurt you, but Lucifer found out easily with his many connections, and he and the rest of his siblings, along with Lord Diavolo, made sure that the two demons never so much as thought about you ever again
“Belphie, please let me in” you knocked on his door again, not knowing what had caused him to storm off in the first place
The door opened, but before you could say anything Belphie was talking
“MC, I’m fucking pissed right now, and the last person I want to be around is you” his voice was sharp, and you almost teared up at how genuine his words seemed
“Fine, okay, I’m sorry for trying to help” you responded before turning and running down the stairs from his room in the attic, wanting to give him space but also run away from him
You were going to try not to cry, but as soon as you stepped outside the HoL you couldn’t hold back anymore. Sniffling, you walked to the park nearby to sit at a bench and think. You pulled out your D.D.D. to text Beelzebub and ask him to check up on Belphie, but didn’t even unlock it before someone sat down next to you
You didn’t recognize who it was, and you wiped under your eyes as the demon began to speak
But they didn’t say anything near what you expected. Well, you didn’t know what you were expecting, but it wasn’t to be called a filthy human by a stranger
The demon proceeded to call you names, but you were too mentally exhausted to fight back, so you just sat and listened as they tried to get a reaction from you
“What, aren’t you listening to me? Stupid human” and the demon started punching you. Hard.
You tried to fight back at first, but compared to the strength of a demon you couldn’t really do much. Once you started losing consciousness the other demon left you to sit, laughing at your wounds
You didn’t know what to do, you didn’t want to bother Belphie if he was still in a bad mood, but you needed help. You pulled out your D.D.D. and saw a text from him, reading: ‘MC, I’m sorry. Please come back, give me a chance to explain’
As you couldn’t move, you realized your only option was to summon him, so that’s exactly what you did
“I summon the Avatar of Sloth, Belphegor” you suddenly got nervous, unsure why since you and Belphie were so close, but you knew he’d help you no matter what
“MC? MC holy shit” he sat next to you on the bench and you instantly leaned into him and started sobbing
“MC I’m so sorry, this never should have happen” he had an arm around you
You sniffled, “It isn’t your fault, I was just clearing my head” you reassured him, still hurt by his previous words but not at all blaming him for the other demon’s attack
He brought you back to the HoL and gave you ice packs for the bruises that were starting to surface, making sure you had everything you needed for the next many days until you were healed
A/N: This took me longer than I thought it would to write but I also kept taking breaks and had three classes today lol. But here it is !!! I love writing angst hehe so this was really fun
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ami-s-place · 3 years
Hey, hope you are doing okay! I have an ask, it’s related to the replaced mc au. Could you write a scenario where the brothers leave mc for r/n but mc becomes more popular (basically thriving) without the brothers and they apologise? It’s okay if you don’t want to, take care of your self and I live your replaced mc au lol
Yesss!!! Finally an ask hooray 🎉🎉🎉
Sorry if it isn’t as good as you hoped haha
Idk I’m sorry I don’t like how this turned out should I continue it?
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R/n was a beautiful witch no wonder why all the brothers liked her over you
All you could think about was how r/n was better than you
You were in the living room scrolling through devilgram seeing r/n and the brothers you were self loathing and couldn’t stop
‘Stupid r/n fucking little bitch’
Deep down you liked her and were just jealous but pushed all your feelings out of the way
‘Why can’t I be as pretty and strong and likeable as her’
‘No one will ever like me or worship me like they worship r/n’
You grew tired of all the negative thoughts and went to Solomon
‘If they don’t like me for how I am now then they can just kiss my fucking ass’
You wanted to thrive like r/n
Your whole mood turned upside down although you knew it would crawl back to get you
Your happiness can’t last forever but you chose to hold on to it for as long as possible
You knocked on the door regretting your decision’s
‘I probably can’t use magic like r/n’
‘Things won’t go my way I bet’
‘Too late to turn back now he’s opened the door’
“Oh, hello mc”
“Hey, Solomon uh-“
Solomon tilted his head curious of what you had to say
“Uhm could you maybe teach me to be like uh ,to be like a powerful sorcerer like you?”
“Sure, why is that?”
“Oh it’s just…”
“It’s nothing I just want to be better in my classes”
“Okay then”
Then you realised what would being more powerful than r/n give you?
Or just shallow happiness.
‘No! I’m doing this for my sake!’
“Hey! Mc stop day dreaming”
“Oh sorry Solomon”
You were learning his techniques and copying them to perfection you’ve always had a nick for copying
‘If I become more powerful than r/n then the brothers have to respect me!’
But what if you became popular
Maybe like an idol!
Could you be a idol in hell?
Maybe get diavolo to fall head over heels for you
Your session was over with Solomon with him teleporting you back home because you were thinking more than doing anything
Or… I could get Solomon to date me then I’d be popular!
But… why
There’s no point for anything I’m just a failure nothing I’ll do will make me pretty or popular like r/n
I’ll just be the most independent powerful beautiful human in devildom..
But r/n is already that..
What can I do I’m just so confused I’ve got nothing special just a human that was unluckly
You decided that you were sick and tired of the brothers and wanted to seek reconciliation with diavolo
Of course diavolo knew what was happening he was the prince of hell and you knew that he hated being respected for being a prince
You stuck with the lessons with Solomon and quickly you were becoming powerful and at a fast rate but it was only because you were a descendant of Lilith but you’ve always been magically lucky
Always winning prizes in the human or the lotto but only the 100,000 ones but still
Why don’t you just go to purgatory hall, well it’s a bit too angelic and you weren’t so holy
But you realised how attractive diavolo is maybe luck would be on your side
And you could snatch diavolo
You were kinda close and weren’t so polite with him but he didn’t mind
(Omg how did this turn out this way wtf)
“Yes? Mc may I ask why you’re here?”
He’s godly voice said
“Uhm yes so this might be a lot to ask but may I live here? I find it a bit of a challenge to live with the brothers, I don’t really have a room anymore”
“Oh my, the brothers have said that they were treating you fine.”
“Yes I’m sorry for so suddenly asking”
“No no- it’s fine”
“Where will I stay?”
“We do have a guest room but you can always stay in my room” he gave a charming wink
“Oh, okay then” he wasn’t expecting for you to be so bold
Should I continue this?
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beelspillowpet · 4 years
pure angst with belphie. 😈 The MC hates him for what he did and makes no effort to hide it. The MC, his only link to his long dead sister, the only living proof that she lived a happy life, hates him. Cant even be in the same room without going full fight or flight mode and looking at him with such disdain. Is this a request? Idk man I just wanted to share my rambling ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Alright I had to do this one first because I’m impulsive and it feeds my inner angry brat bitch so thank you for this ask anon lmfaoooo I’d be more than happy to privately talk about this more too, since I feel there are some redeeming qualities about Belphie’s character. HOWEVER, brushing aside what he did can be pretty... upsetting to those who are sensitive to these type of topics.
That being said, I think there needs to be a talk about how Belphie’s character went sideways so quickly in season 1. I’d be willing to do an essay on that too, some day. But for now, we get ANGST! ANGST! ANGST!
I personally am slowly beginning to forgive Belphie for what he’s done, but some things don’t go away...
MC Cannot Forgive Belphegor
Content Warning!!! Angst | Depressive Content | Mentions of Violence/Suicidal thoughts/Murder attempts | MENTIONS OF CHAPTER 16 AND ONWARDS!!!!!!
You absolutely cannot stand the sight of him. The mere mention of his name either sends you into a panic attack, or another means of defending yourself. With all your strength in Leviathan’s grip, you once nearly broke his wrist just as Belphie left his bedroom to head to the attic.
If you thought things were tense before, you and the others were sorely mistaken. You were constantly in a state of fear or paranoia. Mostly both of them at the same time. No matter where you went, you looked over your shoulder to make sure he who shall not be mentioned isn’t following you.
Of all the brothers, unsurprisingly to everyone, the twins were taking it the hardest. Whatever you may have had with Beelzebub was cut short after you found the other version of yourself in Mammon’s arms. His willingness to forgive Belphie for what he’s done was heart crushing.
The rest of the brothers walking on eggshells for both you and their own brothers sake was weighing on everyone. No one was happy, everyone was miserable and tense.
Once while playing games with Leviathan in the living room, Belphie walked in looking for Beel. The memories of that day started flooding back in, and in an instant, you were charging at Belphie with a sharp piece in your hand, trying to stab him. The only thing that stopped you was Leviathan wrapping his arms around you and screaming. He didn’t want you to get hurt again, and he didn’t want Belphie to have to “defend himself”.
Another time was when you were sneaking out of your room to grab a snack. Beel had taken Belphie with him for a late night snack as well, and although he was sleeping at the table when you walked in, you nearly screamed at the very sight of him. It was like watching a bear sleep. The intensity of every step you made almost forced your heart to stop. One false move and he could strike again. And with Beel there, always defending his brothers bad habits, his bad actions, you weren’t sure if he would stand by and let Belphie kill you again or not.
You ended up going back to your room, not bothering to eat anymore. You’d lost your appetite ad quickly as you lost your life before. You thought about maybe if there was some sort of way to make this stop. By now everyone was starting to get along again without you. You didn’t want to be anywhere near Belphie, and you didn’t want to be nice to him when you were forced to be near him.
One days when you stayed home, Belphie would be there. He was always there. You’d sneak out and go to Purgatory Hall instead, and just try to get some peace of mind, less you try to kill Belphie again. Or vice versa.
All your progress of getting along with the brothers was dwindling fast. They were still being nice to you, but now they were distant. Moving on without you. They were forgiving Belphie for killing you, when it wasn’t their forgiveness he needed. it was yours. How were you meant to forgive Belphie, when he was literally getting away with murder?
When Diavolo’s birthday party came around, things went about as smooth as they could. You stuck to Mammon’s side, since he seemed like the only one really grasping how severe that situation was. When you were called up as guest of honor, you were even more surprised. With as much pain and suffering everyone has been put through (because of Belphie, not you.) you thought no one was thinking of you anymore.
Each gift felt like a slap in the face. They were all still thinking of you. They all still scared about you, even after what happened. of course they did. This was all Belphie’s fault. You two were cordial with each other even after he lied to you about who he was.The straw that broke the camel's back was him murdering you.
When Belphie tried to talk with you, have a heart to heart, it didn’t work. You immediately shot down any offer he was willing to give you. Everything from his space in the house, to a pact with him,a dn even his own life. Nothing would take back what he’d done to you, and he could never fix this. None of them could.
Lucifer was trying (and failing) to make you comfortable in his home. it pained him to do so, but he spoke to Belphie about showing his face less still, just to make you comfortable. This resulted in another argument, and after failing to convince Belphie, he instead tried to plead you to forgive him. It seemed out of character for him, but you realized the exhaustion of keeping up the lies and playing games with the hearts of everyone around him, was wearing him down. The last thing he ever wanted to do was hurt his family; his own pride and joy. But here he was, suffering in silence yet again, for something he couldn’t control.
When your year was up, you felt... lost. Life was horrible when you first got here, and this was meant to be treated as a forced vacation. You were beginning to relax and feel much better, much happier. But then after the nonsense with Belphie happened, your relationships crumbled, as did your grades and quality of life.
Some days you wanted to die, other days you wanted to kill someone. Kill him. You thought you were going crazy; you probably were. So leaving was probably the best thing you did for yourself. Returning to your subpar life before the Devildom. Your only real regret was not making that pact with Belphie. Maybe then, you could have ordered him to off himself. Or at least let you do it, slowly.
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doormarrow · 4 years
The Infamous House of Lamentation Cuddle Pile
Idk if this is a headcanon or a fic, but here we gooooo
The Curious Incident of the Infamous House of Lamentation Cuddle Pile
Let’s just say MC had a no good very bad day. It might have even been a lost-a-bet-and-had-to-eat-Solomon’s-cooking kind of a day
When they got back to the House of Lamentation, it was time to collapse. The floor of the common room looked *very* tempting, but they trudged up to the attic.
It turns out that Belphie was there first, much to MC’s surprise. MC noticed lumps in the bed, sure, but assumed that they were pillows and did their best dramatic flop, squishing the demon in the process. 
You would think Belphie would be startled; But if you think this exact same situation hasn’t happened with Beel before, you’re wrong.
He just lazily turned to MC, long enough to give them a grumpy look, and then buried his face back in his cow pillow. He may or may not have been secretly glad to *be* a pillow, but he would never tell. 
But where there’s one, there’s undoubtedly the other. Beel came looking for Belphie a minute or two later, wanting to relax and watch a movie (possibly with some popcorn). When he saw Belphie’s head peeking out from underneath MC, he smiled a bit to himself and settled beside his two favorite people in the world, propping himself up on the headboard. He’s a careful cuddler, and if he can’t be on the bottom of the pile, he will be as gentle as demonly possible.
MC was satisfied that the attic sandwich was now complete, but now there were voices downstairs, echoing in the entryway. They tried to snuggle deeper in between Beel and Belphie to drown out the noise, but the door burst open.
In came Asmo. He had been looking for the MC ever since he heard they came home tired, wanting to make sure they were alright, and that they got enough sleep last night. He was stopped in his tracks though. He had always thought the attic sandwich was overwhelmingly adorable (and maybe he was just a bit jealous of it as well) but this was a whole other plane of existence. He rushed over, and promptly put an elbow on Belphie to lean over and tell MC how adorable they were. He began to chat about his day, and the best posts he saw on Devilgram, never stopping to acknowledge the occasional snarky comment from Belphie. If allowed, he will absolutely begin playing with MC’s hair. 
Luke shows up a bit out of breath and peering around the door. He had just escaped the commotion downstairs and almost turned around when he saw yet more demons, but when Beelzebub motioned him over he sighed, defeated, and trotted over to the bed. Beel pulled up his knees, and Luke plopped down cross legged in front of him, beginning a tale of being called a chihuahua yet again by Lucifer. And so the pile now numbers 5.
Simeon marched up the stairs to find the very smol angel. Simeon, like Asmo, wholly endorses cuddle piles, albeit he suspects not in the same way. He politely asked to join the pile, and somehow manages to do it quite gracefully, lying side by side with the MC, while staying in head-pat range of Luke. He couldn’t help but think about how wonderful it was that the MC had brought them all together like this, and he began to drift off, wondering about how best to translate that quality into Henry...
Satan came up to try and find a quiet place to study, as now his least favorite demon was tearing up the house, trying to find Mammon. He debates briefly whether or not to move on to the library, but Asmo caught him as soon as he poked his head in the door, and pleaded for him to join the rest of them. Satan sighed, but a puppy eyed look from MC convinced him to settle on top of the headboard and try to continue his reading as best as he could. MC, now thoroughly squished by demons and some angels to boot, was positively beaming. Satan could swear that if he listened close enough they were actually purring, and a smile crept across his face, almost without him realizing it. Once he did however, he used his book to shield his face (and his now very prominent blush) from view.
Levi shows up with a laptop, looking very grumpy. He has been spam texting the MC for the last half hour because they said they would stream the premiere of the new TSL movie with him. He is even more grumpy when he realizes that the MC is sandwiched in a bunch of normies, but when given puppy eyes will begrudgingly set up the projector in the attic to watch the movie there. When he’s invited to attempt to sit on the  now-very-full bed, he gives them all the look of utter horror, but once more pleading eyes from his Henry win the day. Levi gingerly sits on the very edge of the mattress closest to MC, mumbling about normies and covering his face. He startles a bit when Belphie starts snoring from the depths of the pile, but otherwise settles in.
This did not last long. Shortly after the movie starts, in a tense scene between the Lord of Corruption and the Lord of Fools, the door bursts open again, scaring Luke into Beel’s chest. Mammon was doing his best impression of Cerberus’s zoomies, and dove headfirst into Levi, knocking him further back into the pile. He then proceeds to burrow as fast as he can, trying to hide. After explaining in very hurried terms that unless he hides now his future is upside down and attached to the ceiling, he covers himself with the edge of a blanket. His brothers (except perhaps, for Beel, who personally thinks that Mammon is great for hugs and therefore great for cuddle piles, and Belphie, who at this point is mostly unconscious and couldn’t care less as long as the MC remained on top of him) all internally debate kicking him out of the pile, but a murderous look from the MC puts a stop to that. MC grabs another edge of the blanket, and they create a tent to keep in the warmth. Levi.exe stopped working, as after being knocked over he was now directly on top of the MC. He might’ve complained about Mammon, but at the moment his brain was too overloaded from how impossibly cute the situation was. Not even in his favorite team sport anime was there anything that could have prepared him for this. 
Solomon shows up not long after, waving his DDD in the air with a suspiciously familiar picture— Levi nearly shushes him, but when he took a closer look at the picture on the phone, he blushes hard and retreats under the blanket. On his DDD is a selfie Asmo took with the whole pile behind him. 
“Asmo, you called?” Solomon is grinning ear to ear, and without asking sets himself down beside the mischievous Avatar of Lust. Asmo does his best to make room for him, not wanting to exclude anyone from the monstrous pile. Solomon, being a human, takes up no where near the amount of space that, say, Beel does, but his legs just couldn’t quite fit. He solves the problem by making an ottoman himself, drawing some glowing purple rings and symbols in the air beside the bed and crossing his ankles over top of them. He congratulates Levi on his choice of movie, and leans against the pile to watch.
They all get to about the midpoint of the movie, when Asmo feels that he’s somehow forgetting something. Something, or someone important… He was about to forget it when Diavolo climbs through the window asking “dID yOU FOrgET ABOuT ME” appeared in the doorway, looking utterly offended.
He quickly forgives them for apparently forgetting to invite him to the cuddle party, and advances on the bed. He stops, turns around and oh no he’s doing a trust fall—
The whole pile groans and Levi wonders if he’ll be able to breathe again. Diavolo, on the other hand, could not be more delighted, putting his hands behind his head and asking about the movie. 
Barbatos watched, amused, from a corner of the room. No one is exactly sure how or when he got there, but that wasn’t at all unusual for Barbatos. MC asks him to join, which prompts Levi to silently plead for his lungs, but Barbatos politely declines. Being pestered further however, the prince in particular putting up a strong argument, Barbatos gives a slight smile and manages to find a single open edge to precariously balance on. He laughs a bit to himself, at the very least glad that everyone is getting along for once. MC is pleased, but both they and Asmo could still tell someone was missing…
Lucifer was having a difficult day. He couldn’t find Cerberus, who was due for a brushing, and he had begun to worry about the MC, who came in with a face so beaten down that it made him of all people feel beyond exhausted. On top of that, Mammon had the audacity to inform him that he had planned a spur of the moment get together at the House of Lamentation with Purgatory Hall, Diavolo, and Barbatos in which he promised that Lucifer would do the cooking.
Mammon had disappeared, and so Lucifer sat down at his desk defeated. He would message Diavolo in the meantime, asking to perhaps try a different day, or to go out to Ristorante Six instead. He picked up his DDD to do so, but something nagged at the back of his head. The House of Lamentation was too quiet. The last time the house had been this quiet, Satan had rigged a glitter bomb in the kitchen that took several decades to wash out. He still shuddered at the thought of green glitter. He was brought out of his thoughts as the DDD rumbled in his hand. A new Devilgram post? The image that came up was from Asmodeus’s account... 
Mammon was busy arguing with Levi about how no I don’t want ta cuddle with you weirdos, I’m just lookin out for my best interests, s’all. What dya mean tsundere? Look who’s talking scale boi when the poor, beaten-and-abused attic door was slammed open once again. 
Lucifer loomed, putting on his best lecture face. Mammon was so far beneath the pile at this point that Lucifer would have to pry them all apart to get to him. 
“What in the Devildom do you think you’re doing? Being cute won’t get you out of this.” Lucifer begins to explain that snuggling the Prince of the Devildom is improper at a time like this, Mammon should learn not to pull others into his promises, etc. Barbatos is unimpressed. Lucifer definitely thinks this is cute, but he would never, in any time or realm, admit it.
He continues uninterrupted, but something can be heard padding up the stairs. A minute or so into his speech, he is suddenly toppled over, careening headfirst into the pile.
Absolute confusion from everyone involved, and a very, very grumpy Lucifer. Also chaotic laughter from Satan, who is now directly above Lucifer, sitting on the headboard.
Cerberus has arrived, claiming his spot atop the pile. He proudly sits on Lucifer’s chest, as if to say to the MC, look what I brought, aren’t I a good boy?
Lucifer makes an attempt to get up, but then Diavolo, Asmo, Simeon, and the MC began pleading with him to stay a while. He melted a little on the inside, but when the MC grabbed his hand to stop him from leaving he broke, and resigned to stay, just for the moment. He closes his eyes, for once relishing the fact of being surrounded by his family and closest friends. Cerberus curled up on top, content that he had brought the last piece to his puppy pile.
And so they stayed like that for the rest of the night, even after the movie ended, only pausing for Asmo to get his softest blankets and pillows from his room. Satan got drowsy while reading his book, eventually nodding off and moving from the headboard into the pile, and accidentally leaning on Lucifer and Cerberus. Lucifer was more than surprised, but he vowed not to move a muscle so he wouldn’t disturb the sleeping bookworm. Diavolo took the other side of Lucifer resting his head on Lucifer’s shoulder, and even Barbatos relaxed against the pile, folding his hands on his chest, and glancing every once in a while at Luke to make sure he was comfortable. Mammon and Levi shared their spot squishing the MC, heads together and snoring lightly. MC hugged and held hands with whoever was closest by, occasionally shifting their weight to hopefully make Belphie more comfortable. Asmo and Solomon leaned on each other on one side of the bed, Asmo co-opting his magical ottoman and curling up as best he could. Simeon, oddly content with his spot near the bottom at the pile, was dozing away peacefully, somehow still graceful but letting out a small, perfectly pitched whistle as he breathed in and out. Last but not least, Luke had rolled himself into a tiny angel ball against Beel’s chest, and Beel left one hand on his head at all times. Beel was the last to fall asleep. He was too busy smiling, feeling fuller now than he had in ages.
All photo evidence of the event mysteriously disappeared, and that was how the infamous House of Lamentation cuddle pile happened, cross my heart and hope to sneeze.
RIP Belphie
PS Asmo is platonic and non-platonic cuddle king, fight me on it.
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hey i hope you're doing well!! i was wondering if i could request a oneshot that kinda diverges from canon ? so basically mc is given the chance to go back to the human world (permanently) or stay in devildom w the brothers. so everyone literally expects for them to stay bcs they really "happy" with the brothers + the (un)dateables,, but surprise:: theyre fucking ecstatic to go back to the human world !!!! and they re all like "why mc dont u love us 🥺" and mc just goes full rant about every shitty thing that happened to them in devildom: belphie killing them, brothers treating her as lilith's replacement, dangerous shit 😌😌😌😌 tHIS IS SO LONG N SPECIFIC OMG IM SORRY
Oo. Yes. This is it. I remember always choosing the "Yeah fuck you guys I wanna go home," choices lmao. There's so much I personally would say to them if put in that situation. One would be what the fuck.
This takes place after Belphegor kills you, but before you go home. The undatebles aren't really included because none of them really fit in with the scene I'm painting.
Also! To my followers, I'm thinking of opening a patreon? Idk if anyone would use it or not. It's just that I am trying to make money, and since I can't work consistently, this might be my best shot for now. It's just a thought! I won't do it if you guys think it's stupid. Thanks babes 💞
It was an offer from Diavolo that started all this.
After Belphegor had lashed out you'd taken to staying away from any of the brothers. You'd never totally felt safe around the demons. They are demons after all, but you trusted that someone would always be there to protect you. That was what you were told at least. It worked in many circumstances, but not when you needed it most. Not when you actually died.
You were miserable. Everyone could tell just by the way you acted. A frown was on your face the majority of the time, you were always on guard around any demons, and you spent the majority of your nights at purgatory hall for some reason or another.
It hurt them to see you so terrified of their presence. Any little fight they had now flashed like a warning sign in your mind, alerting you to the danger of meddling in demon affairs. You'd leave, and they'd become discouraged, only realizing how empty everything felt with you gone. They try to make it up to you, try to keep away from their natural tendencies to get a bit rowdy, but nothing works. You're still petrified in their presence.
That's when Diavolo asks you if you want to go home. You're not comfortable here, it's written on your sleeve. It's affecting your mental health, and despite how much it hurts to send someone so perfect away, he does suggest you leave. To get some help, reconnect with yourself, and possibly forget they ever existed.
You agree.
It's heartbreaking when they find out. Belphegor blames himself, and so does everyone else. They see his mistake as the catalyst for all your changes in personality, when really it was just the final nail in the coffin. After being forced to participate in a stressful school schedule, to deal with men constantly busting into the room despite the lock, being expected to cook for the avatar of Gluttony at least once a week, and to have to find new hiding spots for your precious items to avoid loosing them to Mammon, it was a lot. You were always up, ready for some crazy new happening, never resting even when your body was on the verge of collapse. Your body couldn't handle it anymore, and after Belphegor, you knew you'd never sleep again
You don't say goodbye to them.
Lucifer acts like it doesn't bother him, and he'll act this way until the day he ceases to exist. It does though. He considered you a friend, possibly more, but seeing as you willingly left the realm, it's clear that he misjudged the situation. Satan doesn't receive the news any better. He's a lot more angry then Lucifer, but deep down they both know the eldest is just better at hiding his feelings. The house is a wreck without these two micromanaging every aspect, but neither ever pleaded with you to stay.
They blame Belphegor, but they also blame themselves for not showing you how much you meant to them. Satan knows he could have done more. He should have. In all the books in his library, why is there not one explaining how to fix such a situation? Lucifer almost thinks the same, but he knows he does not need books. He should have noticed your little set backs from the beginning, without the help of a book.
Mammon doesn't completely understand what happened. He's confused, not knowing what he did to make you despise him so. Levi tries to explain, sometimes through teary eyes and anxious hand movements, yet it still never really sinks in. Part of him believes he could have possibly shown his affections more. The other remaining side can't stop chastising himself for not knowing.
The third eldest feels abandoned, and he doesn't know why. You're just a normie. Just some human who shouldn't mean anything to him, but you do. He hates it. Leviathan wants nothing more to forget you, but how can he when your ghost still haunts these halls?
The only one who seems to be able to move on is Asmodeus, but that's far from the truth. He's good at faking emotions. Sure, he's never really had to fake being happy, but all the improv disappointment and whiney attitudes have prepared him for this. Asmo looks fine. No one really worries about him. They should.
Beelzebub and Belphegor have been at odds ever since you left. They both blame the youngest, and whilst Belphie doesn't usually care about his sibling's opinions, knowing Beelzebub is so angry with him hurts. He can't fix it either. You're not coming back, and Beelzebub will always be angry with him for doing something so selfish.
And Beelzebub is angry. He moves out of their shared bedroom and into your room. For weeks he refuses to even speak to Belphie, and after that he only acknowledges him in passing. It's heartbreaking to watch, but Beelzebub doesn't care. You're gone.
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beels-burger-babe · 3 years
What Would You Like Next??
I’m torn between fic ideas and figured I’d throw these in the air and ya’ll can vote on which one you want to see next. These will all be written by yours truly eventually, it’s just a matter of which idea gets the honor of my short attention first. 
That being said, I will be writing these, as childish as it sounds these are mine and I ask that you don’t steal them (though I understand some of these use common fanfic or Obey Me tropes and concepts)
ps. These summaries are my pre-writing notes so don’t take them too too seriously as they’re just me spit balling and getting the idea out on paper...or screen...whatever.
FIC IDEA #1 - One Shot - TW: ANGST, AB*SE:
Use the canon stuff from when MC and the exchange students return to the human world from the game; but have MC really really upset because their “home” is abusive and after being cared for by the bros for so long, that don’t know they could survive going back. Be sure to Trigger Warn, angst and abuse
FIC IDEA #2 - One Shot - Tags: Fluff/Crack, Jealous!Demon Bros, Oblivious! MC:
Lower Demon student at RAD who is in the ONE class that none of the other bros are in with MC gets close with them and they become friends. MC starts hanging out with them more and more and invites them over and everything. Demon Bros are jealous with a capital J as they can tell that this demon likes and MC and- Holy shit! Did that mother fucker fucking SCENT them?! Nuh uh! Not allowed! Something needs done.
FIC IDEA #3 - Series?? - TW: ANGST, Bad person? (idk what imma have them do yet. I’m thinking they were manipulative and a yandere? Think Joe from the show You..maybe...idk), Violent thoughts, Potential Murder and/or torture
pt 1  MC went out with the Purgatory Hall gang spots someone who greatly, and I mean, PAST THE POINT OF FORGIVING hurt them in their past. They’re shook by it, and have a hard time getting it out of their head. Low energy, nightmares, lack of appetite, the whole she-bang  pt 2 They don’t feel safe any more knowing that this person is here with them. They want them gone. They go to the brothers asking for help killing someone. A mix of shocked, concern, acceptance, and confusion is the followed reaction.  Add more???
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mammonspeanut · 4 years
Safe in an angel’s arms (Simeon x Reader
Idk I just felt like writing something about Simeon. Not as good as some previous things but I do like it myself. 
You awake to loud knocking at your door, as per usual it is Mammon who is calling for you to get dressed before you’re late to RAD. Shifting in bed you roll over, trying to be as quiet as possible in hopes that he would leave soon. You haven’t been feeling your best the last few days, which wasn’t anything new to you since you’ve been used to having this feeling from time to time. As you laid in silence you thanked Lucifer for putting a hex on your door so no-one would be able to enter without your permission. None of the boys liked the fact that Lucifer did it but to save your sanity you just had to ask for that favor. Closing your eyes after you heard Mammon walk away you could feel yourself slip into a deep slumber.
After waking and falling back to sleep a few more times you knew you had lost all sense of time, not that you had a feeling for it since arriving here anyways but, you had slowly been adapting to it and were at least during the daytime awake. You let your hand creep around in bed as the sound of Lucifer’s voice resonated in your head: “You know it isn’t healthy for humans to sleep in bed with your phone. You should at least put it on the nightstand.” You sighed as you finally wrapped your fingers around the cold surface of your phone under your pillow, maybe someday you’ll do it but for now, it wasn’t going to be an option. Even lesser of an option was you ever turning off dnd you thought as you pulled out your blinking phone from underneath.
Unlocking the phone you noticed you had quite a few messages from the boys, no-one, except Mammon, had sent an overwhelming amount of texts but summed up there still were way too many that you could bother yourself with reading. Glancing at the time as you pulled the covers closer to your chin, you were surprised to find out that you had pretty much slept all day. Laying there you didn’t feel tired enough to sleep but you also weren’t willing to stay awake. So you decided on trying to let sleep envelope you once again as you rolled over closing your eyes. After laying in silence for a while you suddenly began to think about Simeon. Deep down you knew there was no reason to do so but you still craved his touch and his warm, deep and soothing voice. You imagined what it would feel like to lay in his warm embrace as he quietly slept behind you, tugging you closer to feel your body against his. With your eyes still, close you let your fingers crawl under your sheets in search of your phone once again.
After forcing yourself out of bed to take a shower and brush your teeth you returned to your room to slip into something comfortable. Noticing your phone blinking you unlocked it :
Simeon are you still awake?
Indeed I am dear. Is there anything I can do for you?
Can I come over?
At this time of the night? I don’t think you should be walking the streets of devildome alone this late.
… true
Though I wouldn’t mind having you over. I do really miss you.
I miss you too… can you pick me up?
Sure, I’ll be there soon.
I’m outside.
After slipping into a fresh pair of clothing you grabbed your phone, toothbrush, and charger. Knowing Simeon would never let you stay the night without your meds you turned around to grab them as well. As you slowly crept towards the front door you prayed silently that none of the floorboards would creak loud enough for Lucifer to leave his room. After carefully opening the door you were greeted by the cool night air. Turning around Simeon flashed you one of his warm smiles before embracing you while holding you close to him, he noticed something was different so he held you a bit longer as usual.
“Ready to leave?”, he asked after gently rubbing your back. You nodded in response before slowly closing the door behind you. After releasing you from his hug you noticed that he had left the house only wearing a random T-Shirt and a pair of sweatpants. It was a rare sight since he only left the house looking the best but seeing him dress this casually gave you the impression as if he was just a human like you. After walking for a while Simeon softly grabbed your hand without saying a word, you looked up at him but he just looked straight forward as if nothing had happened. At times could feel him gently squeeze your hand when you got spooked by a sound, reassuring you that he was there and protecting you. All you could concentrate on was the way your heart fluttered in your chest as you both walked down the streets hand in hand. 
Upon entering Purgatory hall Simeon brought you right to his room. Although you had been in Purgatory hall quite often, sometimes a little too often, you’d reside in either Luke’s or Solomon’s room. Against what you imagined Simeon had his own room which was fairly empty. “I bet you thought I was sharing my room with Luke.”, Simeon stated breaking the silence as you took in your impression of his room. “To be honest, yes I mean there are two beds after all. But then again I’m pretty sure you’re happy to be alone every now and then.”, you replied as Simeon turned on his water cooker. With his back turned to you as he took out two cups from the cupboard you could hear the smile in his voice as he explained: “I do enjoy Luke’s presence a lot, especially since his views have been shifting greatly but, it doesn’t change the fact that I am far older than him and do need my privacy. Plus I wouldn’t be able to bring you over in the middle of the night if I was to share my room with someone.” Forgetting that Simeon wasn’t facing you, you nodded as you listened to the water cooker click and the clinking of spoons into two cups. “I suppose you are right.”, you said right before Simeon turned around: “Tea?”, he asked while handing you a cup, recognizing the art on the cup you couldn’t help but smile because you yourself had exactly the same one at home. Smiling you took the cup and followed Simeon over to his bed. “Come here.”, Simeon said inviting you to sit next to him on the bed. 
You spent most of the night talking about whatever popped into your minds, Simeon would tell you about the life in the celestial realm as you explained certain phrases he’d ask you about. After you emptied your tea you cuddled up next to him laying your head on his shoulder as you drooped one leg over one of his while he placed his chin on top of your head, wrapping one of his arms around your shoulder. You could feel one of his hands gently pet your head as he finally asked: “Why did you want to come over?” After a moment of silence and thinking about what lie you could tell him you decided to just be honest for the first time: “I didn’t want to be alone.” He let out a soft understanding hum before continuing to speak:“ Why would you be alone After all you are in the house with seven of the most high ranking demons, who also seem to pester you more than needed.” “I don’t know, I just feel so sad and I don’t know why. Though I am shutting them out I also feel like I can’t go to them because of their status. I mean come on how much pitty can the avatar of pride have for a mortal like me.”, You explain as you shifted in his arms, uneasy from speaking about how you feel for the first time
Another understanding hum followed after you uttered your words “That’s a really good and legit question indeed. ”, Simeon agreed as both of you were engulfed in silence once again. “Aren’t you going to pester me with questions like why I am sad and what not or bombard me with comments like "just smile “ or "it’s not that bad?”, you asked confused after looking up at him. A soft smile spread on his face as he brushed your hair out of your face “Oh no, though I do feel your emotions right now and know that you feel confused and lost about your deep sadness. I figure if you knew what was wrong or felt secure enough you would open up at your own time and tell me.”
“Can I move in with you?”, You suddenly asked as you held back your tears and buried your face into Simeon’s chest. You could feel his body vibrate as he chuckled: “Though I would love that. I don’t think the brothers would be happy about it. ” “I don’t care.”, you mumbled into his chest trying not to laugh at your own stubbornness as Simeon let out a chuckle:“ Very brave of you to not care but I’d rather not have my feathers plucked.” You laid your head back onto his chest and look at the door. “I’ve missed being alone with you to talk or just spend our time together in silence.”, you mentioned as you mindlessly drew circles on Simeon’s chest. “I have missed it as well.”, he whispered before kissing the top of your head.
After laying with him in silence for a while, listening to Simeon’s heartbeat you suddenly felt his soft lips against your forehead. The unsure gesture suddenly filled you with a sense of calmness and love as a warmth spread throughout your body. You sighed, releasing all tension you had in your body as Simeon pulled you in closer. The overwhelming feeling of security made you tear up so you buried your face into his chest before he softly put his fingers under your chin and tipping it upwards so he could look into your eyes as your lips ever so slightly parted. He slowly leaned in, stopping mere inches from your mouth as he whispered: “I know I shouldn’t do this but I’ve always wondered what your lips tasted like. ”
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