#idk if I'll actually manage to come up with an idea for this but yeah
sky-of-ideas · 1 year
thinkin about rinin in the amber morro au
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seaofreverie · 2 days
Sparkstember Day 25: Hippopotamus (What The Hell Is It This Time?)
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My Hippopotamus rant is here. I love Hippo and I think this was one of the best examples of how putting something off for later can be a very good idea sometimes. So I didn't hear most of it until this summer, and hearing the whole album then was one of the biggest highlights of that time. Thank you modern era Sparks for always bringing us the awesomest music ever.
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wonderlandwalker · 17 days
Second Chances | Eddie Munson x Reader
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Stranger Things Masterlist / Inbox Summary: Eddie royally screws up your first date (read part 1 here) Content Warnings / Tags: fluff (i think), swearing, the worst luck ever, no use of y/n, henderson!reader, reader is described to have some freckles idk, prolly a lot of spelling errors that I'll fix later read now at your own will Word Count: 1.4k A/N: so I kinda went through some trauma this past month but I just started ADHD meds and surprise surprise they work. Still didn't proofread this and am purely posting it cause I literally just wrote all of it in one go and I have poor impulse control even the meds can't fix that
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He was late, and he only knew he was late because Wayne had gotten home and wondered what he was still doing at home. Now normally Wayne wouldn't have bothered grilling the guy, but Eddie hadn't been able to shut up about this for a week. Turns out this day was the day the kitchen clock had decided to stop working, resulting in a TV remote being flung at it the moment Eddie realised, because, of course, it had to be today, of course, his luck would run out again. But Wayne wouldn't let him give up that easily, because as he said it: "fate can go fuck itself, go over there and grovel", which honestly wasn't such a bad idea. So here he was now, definitely speeding, definitely more nervous than he already was, and definitely praying to any god who would listen for help. Because this was your first date, a date he didn't think would happen in the first place and he has already managed to screw it up without even being there. In an after thought he came to the further realization that he definitely did not want to face Dustin any time soon, the boy had become oddly protective of you once his friends actually clued him in on what was happening, which was obvious to everyone -except as established Dustin- with the way Eddie's eyes would trail after you every time he managed to spot you. He was trying to hype himself up, talk some confidence into himself and find a good way to apologize, not that he thought there were any. But just as he turned the corner to your block he heard it, he heard the worst possible sound on earth at this moment, he heard the sirens to Hopper's car. For a sweet small second, he allowed himself to believe Hopper wasn't after him, there was someone else committing a traffic violation on the other side of the street. Yeah, that's exactly what was going on, on the other side of this very much empty street was a car with a bunch of teens hooking up and Hopper had turned on his siren as a warning so he could put his clothes back on. Thinking about it, that wasn't even such a wild idea, like, that has happened to him before, well, except for the empty street anomaly. Right, time to face the music: Eddie came to a stop only about a hundred meters away from your house and rolled down his window as Hopper approached. Eddie shook out face to rid himself of the nerves and turned on his best smile. "So what's your excuse this time?" The Police Chief began to ask. Eddie quirked up at the question "It's not like the other times Jim I promise." Hopper looked him up and down squinted his eyes at him, cocking his head down just the slightest bit "How many warnings have I given you this month kid?" Eddie sighed, he knew where this was going. "Two" "Which makes this?" "The third" Eddie answered, dragging out his words. "Third warning kid, gotta write you up today" Hopper began to grab the police pad in his back pocket to write up the incident report, but Eddie was not above begging, at least not currently. "Listen, Jim-, Mr Hopper-, Sir, you can give me the ticket but can you please give it to me sometime else-" he was frantically moving his hands while talking now "- I'll even come by the station and pick it up myself tomorrow morning first thing but I have to-" And of course, things had to get worse:
The gods hadn't listened to his hasty prayers, because he could see Dustin in your open front door attempting to push you outside while pointing at Eddie's van. And he could tell the moment you spotted him because he could feel a small nerve entering his system, he could feel your presence connecting with his. And Hopper was asking him to please step out of the car right now. So he did, he stepped out and saw you give him a small wave which he tried to return except Hopper was snapping him out of the trance you still had on him from the other side of the street. So Eddie gave it one last-ditch attempt "Hopper please" "Alright let's hear it, what's your excuse?" Eddie's eyes brightened with the bit of hope he had just grabbed. "I have a date" he tried to explain "A date with who?" The chief wasn't gonna admit it, but the kid had grabbed his interest. So Eddie started rambling about how you two had met and how it should be your first date and then he caught your eyes again and he couldn't hear it but his mind filled in the blanks as he watched your soft giggling while looking at the situation unfold and he felt all his tension drop out of his body at once, he felt at ease from the way your eyes searched his, instantaneously so. "Wait a second, Claudia's daughter?" Hopper was looking over at the porch now too as your mother came out of the house as well. "That's not a great first impression" "Tell me about it" Eddie was trying to ignore reality as hard as he could right now. "Alright here's what's gonna happen, giving you one more warning but it's coming out of your tolerance next month" Hopper had assumed his dad stance, a hand on his hip and the other pointed straight at Eddie, and if he hadn't been oh so terribly grateful right now he would have been tempted to make fun of him for it. "Yes, yes! Definitely that please!" Hopper released one last sigh before he spoke back up "Go on over there then" Eddie took the olive branch and ran away with it before he could change his mind. With his van performing some emergency parking down the road he ran over to you just as you shooed off Dustin, and now he stood face to face with you, he stood close enough to count the fading summer freckles on the bridge of your nose and to smell the perfume he had started associating with you, and he wanted more time to admire how well he could see you right now but he had more pressing business. "I'll make this up to you I promise" He knew his promise probably wasn't worth much, but he had to try anyway. He had already started internally debating if it was worth getting down on his knees to beg as a smile cracked on your face. "This is exactly what Dustin predicted would happen" You were full-on grinning now, and it took him a second to comprehend that you weren't upset, you were amused, and he was confused. "He what?" "When he found out we had a date this weekend he tried to convince me you'd be at least an hour late with the Hopper on your ass I'm just stunned at his accuracy" Maybe this really was his year after all "So you're not upset?" "I'm just upset I owe that nosy dipshit money now" And now Eddie was laughing too because you started asking him if he wanted to just skip his reservation which you guys had missed anyway and go to the drive-in because you had heard they were playing Monty Python. So Monty Python it was as he drove there and got both the sweet and the salty popcorn because he wasn't sure which you'd prefer and spent the rest of the evening what he'd say was the perfect time. But he wasn't done yet, he had promised to make things up to you and this was only the beginning for him, a beginning to many good times ahead.
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[@saradika-graphics still being my go-to for dividers] Taglist: @vicurious28, @arlxtoa, @em0220, @madyoghurt, @saturnsbxtchx, @maskofmirrors
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wixenburr · 5 months
Saw some ppl talking about Reverse Robins and i had thoughts
Talking abt u guys @eldritchdreamss @brucewaynehater101
Why kill Tim when you could kill baby Jason? What I want is for all of them to keep their own backstories and personalities (Developed in line with the story of course) So ofc i had to write a 1,000 word brainrot abt it.
(Also i'll only be going over the main 4 batbros for now i will add more later but these guys are the ones im most passionate about so here we go)
Let Damian come in, desperate to be of use and be worthy of his father, only for a softer, less jaded bruce (since jason hasnt died yet) to help him open up his heart and let him act as a kid. With no competition for so long, I imagine he and Bruce get along very well while he works with him. Yeah, they need to work on the no killing deal and Damian's... i guess impulse control? But i think it would be easier with very intensely focused reparenting; no distractions of other kids you know? No favoring or anything.
I see Damian growing up as a stoic, jaded adult. He's had a rough life. Maybe he sticks with the vigilante business. but I really love headcanons where he gets out of it, and focuses on something calmer, like his art. (I do appreciate and love the veterinarian Damian AUs, but im going for FULL calmness, you know? And doctor/vet work is Not calm lol)
So yeah, maybe he grows a real passion for heroism, maybe he doesn't? Maybe he goes on to be an artist and that's just what he does. Bro is ready to settle down as a scarred, veteran trophy husband and i adore him for that.
(Sorry lol i just love Damian and i love the idea of him growing out of both of his parent's legacies. Let him live his own life!!! He fights so so hard for at least 15 years. ALL 15 years of his life. He deserves to have some peace.)
Tim i think would need a much different story to join the Batfam. He still starts out as a stalker who follows batman and. . . . . . . Redimar (meaning Redemption iykyk (I just spend 17min researching names rip)) at night, takes photos, etc... Since Damian doesn't die, maybe he finds Tim? and like, tim is like 11 and Damian is 17 or 18. He's started going out as Redimar less and less, not that B really minds? In fact hes probably happy for his son so...
But then Damian finds Tim, and now he has to keep going out because he can't let this kid get himself killed like this. He would hold himself accountable since hes the only reason Tim keeps going out so much- also i imagine Tim follows Redimar more than Batman.
Cue a classic Tim Joining The Batfam plotline. They get to know each other better, get a grasp on Tim's situation, Damian finally introduces Tim to Bruce... (Probably something like Dami: "Father, this is my new brother. Timothy, say hello to Father," Tim: "Hello, Father," Dami: "Perfect." Bruce: "*falls off the batchair*)
Anyway, so, Tim ends up kinda just merging with the Waynes. They start training him, its all good and nice, and Tim makes his own little hero team unlike Damian, which is actually pretty interesting here; its Tim who made the first young hero team. Damian only ever had Jon (Superboy 1 in this!!) and he finds Young Just Us and becomes a great leader and its all fine and dandy.
Tim and Damian get along well. Damian is the sage older brother whos kinda distant, but only because he has such high emotional walls (but secretly a softy). He is very much like Bruce- nope, nevermind, hes definitely worse than Bruce in this AU, since Bruce is depicted as being much more agreeable before Jason's death, you know? So yeah, Damian is the emotionally constipated bitch in the fam and we love him for that. But hey!! Tim does manage to get through his walls! And Bruce does sometimes too!! (Tho i imagine Bruce and Damian's relationship to be very.. idk let me try to expalain. Dami: "Father." Bruce: "Son :)" Dami: "Tt." Bruce: *nods* "Hrn." Dami: "Hmph." Bruce: "Hm.") DO U PICK UP WHAT IM PUTTING DOWN--- lmfao. They hardly need words.
Tim ends up growing up very very capable. Once his parents die, he gets a little jaded, but hes still Tim. He and Damian become kind of an... ice prince duo? If you get what I mean. But Tim is the one whos actually the ice prince, Damian is secretly a HUGE softie. He is Delicate and Tim protects him lmfao.
Jason comes along like he does in canon. Has the same backstory. Tries to steal the Batmobile's wheels. Tim is sleeping over at Damian's flat for the night, so its just Bruce. They bond. Shit happens. Jason joins the fam.
I don't imagine them not getting along, but they don't immediately hit it off either. Jason is wary of all of them for a time, but he ends up warming up to Damian pretty fast after realizing what a softie he is. He pokes fun at Damian and Damian just freaking takes it lmao. Hes an adult he cannot be disturbed. Bro has seen too much and he finds Jason adorable. (Dami: "You were never this cute, Timothy." <- he is lying. Tim: *offended* "What the fu- flip!?" Jason: "Lmao Tim just say fuck." Dami: *deadpan stare* Tim: "JASON NO DONT SAY THE FUCK WORD-") ahem.
anywho and then Jason dies rip skill issue ratio.
The whole batfam is heartbroken. Genuinely shattered. Jason was a light in their lives. Not that they were WITHOUT any light, but Jason was the epitome of a sunshine child.
It's been too long since Damian has killed someone. Bro's god oodles and oodles of trauma. He can't bring himself to kill the Joker.
but Tim can.
It's a whole dramatic thing; Damian feels awful that he made his- now only- little brother kill. Bruce is hella upset but feels responsible for not seeing how badly both of his kids were handling the death of their brother. Tim goes a little off the deep end.
Things turn out.... okay. sort of. but not really. Tim changes his hero name to Red Cardinal. He feels pretty lost. Maybe he stumbles into Ra's al Ghul or smthn idk maybe smthn happens there perhaps. Maybe Damian has to put on Redimar again and rescue him? But its less of a rescue and more of a "Stop joining the dark side Tim jesus christ-" (and it does work).
They go home. Tim gets a boyfriend or two. Damian falls into his art. Bruce is throwing himself into work. They're all kind of a mess, but they keep moving.
and then
(lmao that sounded wrong)
ahem; and then the circus comes to town. The batfam- well, Tim, Damian, and Bruce- all decide to get together to do something fun. Take the opportunities given, yk? So they go to the circus together.
Wham bam rip the falling Flying Graysons.
They see Dick, breaking apart, and they know they have to do something. Bruce is the first to move. Then Tim. Damian is the last.
It's pretty quick getting Dick home, since Bruce is already a foster parent cuz of Tim yk. So Dick doesn't have to suffer in Juvie at all really. But that doesn't change the fact that he is ANGRY.
Dick is SO angry. he wants to kill the person who murdered his parents. He knows what he saw.
The fam of course do their best to investigate. Mostly Tim, who feels unworthy of being around an innocent little kid after his whole.... villain era, i suppose lol. (ofc Dick thinks Tim doesnt like him lol misunderstanding arc GO)
The whole "Dick accepts that justice is better than murder kinda maybe FOR NOW" storyline happens, and Dick becomes the conniving, bright, little Robin we all know and love. (Thinking of the Young Justice Cartoon Robin (but not the characters- just Dick's character) aaaand
Jason's Back
but i'll leave that for later.
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mikodrawnnarratives · 11 months
(not graphic blood but I'll still tag it just in case)
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Might want to turn up your brightness for this one fellas
This is Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Extra
(might end up being three parts actually lol)
(my script is like 3-4 pages long so....)
Long post under the cut
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I had all and then most of you, some and now none of you.
Take me back to the night we met.
I don't know what I'm supposed to do. Haunted by the ghost of you
Oh, take me back to the night we met
- The night we met by Lord Hurdon
This comic stems from my need for them to have a satisfying conclusion OKAY
I mean it's bittersweet but at least they make up (to a degree)
Explanation below (kind of spoiling next part) (kindof almost not really idk):
After being dangerously injured by a cryptid, Vanessa managed to contact the one person she wished she could have said goodbye to the most.
I'll explain more about why Vanessa is the way she is in the next part but without spoiling, Vanessa has grown a little since the last time she saw y/n. That, in combination with the fact she's bleeding out and taking on the mentality "fuck it why not", has led her to this decision.
This comic kinda goes off of the idea she gets an inkling of doubt in her mind about whether y/n is still "alive".
The next part will go into it more but that doubt mixed with her resolve leads her to at least try.
She tries to call y/n. They don't answer. She sends a text and no longer has the strength to hold on to her phone.
I don't think she'll be completely resolved to Vampires having actual consciousness but in her last moments she's also just wishing for her friend back. Her human friend. The one who has been dead all this time. Vanessa has a history with seeing ghosts so
It's worth a try
I'll let you decide which phone of y/n's she tried to contact.
Assuming y/n unblocked her on their previous phone at some point
So yeah, Vanessa in this comic is going back and forth on whether this is y/n or not. She's bleeding out, so does it really matter?
It's almost selfish how much she wishes to be free of the ache in her chest. The fact in the end, she couldn't free her friend.
You'll see more of this in the next part. I don't want to spoil it too much.
She doesn't wish to carry this burden of failing her friend. She reaches for a conclusion. She wants this to end well. She wants her friend to be okay. She wants to believe everything has worked out. She wants everyone she cares about to be okay without her.
She'll throw out her wish to the world. And hopefully, it'll come true.
She'll throw out her wish to you.
It is you.
I may have spoiled the next part a little bit oopsies
I just want to explain why Vanessa's different y'know
And y/n has their own conflicting emotions.
Even when things are a semblance of normal, it can't be. They are a vampire now. It tears them up inside.
But. Vanessa lets them touch her.
They've been afraid to do that. For the entirety of this reunion cut short.
She lets them touch her.
And again, Vanessa wouldn't be this way if... it weren't for a few somebodies.
But that's enough spoiling the next part.
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chaotic-starlight24 · 2 months
Sodapop Curtis General Headcanons
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Well y'all, here he is. Our pretty little boy. I love Soda so much though, I linger a bit on the sad stuff though :( I'll be covering Two-Bit next!
Freetime Headcanons
Warnings: Spoilers and Some angst
There was one book that he managed to read and actually enjoy, and that was The Phantom Tollbooth. He read it in middle school and his parents were very proud of him for finishing it AND not forcing him to read it. (He was probably forced by a teacher)
He pulls out snacks and drinks from EVERYWHERE. Like he has legit just been talking to Pony on the couch and pull a Pepsi-Cola from between the cushions.
I mentioned in my freetime post that he is really good at doing hair. So sometimes he helps out Two-Bit and his mom by doing Dolly’s (Two-Bit’s sister) hair. She always likes when he does it because if her brother does it she usually ends up with 2 crooked ponytails.
When they grow up, he and Steve plan to own a car shop together. Soda would also like to start a horse-riding club for rodeos and everything. As I mentioned in my Steve headcanons, Johnny and Steve did a design for fun of the future car shop but Soda and Steve do end up using it (with a couple tweaks). 
Is Soda innocent and sweet at all times? NO. He is not shy when it comes to flirting with people. But he is also very respectful of women whenever they come to the car shop. He only flirts if they try to flirt with him first. Only if they’re the same age as him ofc. But one time Steve had to take over because an older woman was making some really weird comments to him. 
He was the first one to make friends with Dally in the gang. Him and Steve were hanging out and they managed to get Two-Bit to come with them because Mrs. Curtis didn’t like the idea of them walking around alone. So they walked over to the diner to see if they could get a free drink or something and Soda looked over and saw him. This scruffy looking 13 year old, crouched at the end of the bar thing. Soda is the most golden retriever person ever so he immediately went to try and talk to him. Dally tried to push him away but soon enough he was dragged into their little group.
He can get very self-conscious since he is supposed to be the “pretty” brother and will occasionally be found by Steve, just looking in the mirror. He doesn’t really have dysmorphia of any kind and is actually quite confident but he still has those moments.
Soda was not shy at all when it came to pulling his teeth as a kid. It’s just a bit loose? He yanks it out because it's annoying. One time the dentist told him to expect a specific tooth to be loose and he just pulled it out right then and there. (ONE OF MY FRIENDS ACTUALLY DID THIS)
He is one of the most talented of the gang with gymnastics. His favorite trick to show off with is front-flipping into a handstand and spinning on one hand. Can this actually be done? Idk. Would it look sick? Oh yeah it would.
He has the most amazing and cute laugh ever. He looks majestic, sounds beautiful, just top-tier enjoyable laugh. He throws his head back a bit and has the most adorable crooked grin.
Now for a bit of angst >:) After Sandy he was a lot more sensitive when it came to flirting or mentions of romance. He really thought Sandy was the one. Soda does not get angry easily but after Sandy, that was the first time Steve saw him snap at a stranger. Some girls really wouldn’t leave him be and he went off on them.
After his main breakdown when Darry and Pony came after him, he was happy they came. Happy they helped him back up and heard him out. But a small part of him wish Pony wasn’t so dang fast and Darry wasn’t so dang strong. He wanted to just keep running. Run until he found Sandy. Run until he made it so far from Tulsa that no one knew what a greaser was. He knew a hug and some tears weren’t going to stop the fights between Pony and Darry.
He gets colds really easily but he can’t get cough syrup down his throat for his life. It doesn’t help that Darry has this really nasty stuff that tastes like honey and rotten eggs and is like 20 years old.
He has freckles. That’s all. They’re beautiful.
He is one of the few to actually take Two-Bit’s love of Mickey/Disney seriously. Two-Bit has even dragged him to a couple movies. His favorite one was Mary Poppins. He has attempted to dance like Bert does.
He is the most physically affectionate out of everyone in all of Oklahoma. The more friendly he is with you, the more he’s affectionate. When he and Steve are sitting together he just drapes himself across Steve while talking. When he listens to Pony he’s usually holding Pony or hugging him. If he’s dating someone, he’s kissing their face and holding their hand all the time. He’s just more comforted by it. Mr. Curtis was the same way. Just a little less.
A couple months before he dropped out some Socs stopped him in the hallways. They were trying to steal the pocket money he had. He tried his best to hold them off him but one of them started getting physical. Until one mentioned his big older brother and that they should be careful. But the main soc told him that Soda was too dumb to ever think about telling him, or anyone for that matter. Not a thing going on in that pretty little head of his. Eventually they did end up leaving him alone. But those words stuck with Soda. Dumb. That was the word that came up in his mind first when thinking about himself. He wasn’t much more, was he?
As mentioned in my Johnny headcanons, he was one of Johnny’s first friends. He was one of the few to hear all about Johnny’s thoughts. He just had that way of making people talk to him. He heard all about how worthless Johnny thought he was. How little confidence he had. He tried his best in encouragement but he knew Johnny wasn’t going to listen. Which made it all the worse once Johnny died. He toughed it out when around the gang but one day after his work, he walked to the graves. He kneeled in front of Johnny’s. And sobbed. The boy who died feeling worthless, in agonizing pain. His friend. One of his first. And now he was 6 feet under. Nothing would bring him back. And next to him? The other friend he brought into the gang. He never really understood Dally all that well, but that was one of his friends. Now both would never meet him again. No more giving Johnny a sandwich at the DX cause he had nothing better to do. No more dragging Dally away from Buck’s to go to rodeos with him and Steve. No more gang hangouts with them all together playing games.
When Pony came home and then Johnny and Dally died, Soda felt horrible for his little brother. He had to watch him become much more closed off and defensive. He could barely get Pony to open up to him. He was terrified Pony would never have a good friend again. Eventually Pony got a couple of friends (As mentioned in my Pony headcanons, he and Esther became better friends) and Soda felt a little more at peace.
With the whole Vietnam war thing… I do think he would end up going, BUT end up surviving. We can’t have Pony lose everything ok! He was put on the less violent jobs and not thrown head-first into battle. Let’s just say he was allowed to go home after 2 years at most. That is all I will cover on that subject.
He’s a pretty good singer and he and Darry jam out to Elvis all the time. He really does sing his heart out. If Blue Suede Shoes comes on you know he has a comb in hand and tries to dance like Elvis. He also loves “Please, Mr. Postman” and if he’s feeling dramatic “It’s My Party”.
He doesn’t really listen to his own emotions much or tell anyone about them. He feels he’s supposed to be the listener. Everyone’s going through so much more than him! So he needs to be there for them, not himself! The only person he’s been vulnerable around is Sandy. Steve as well. Which meant it hurt so much more when Sandy left him.
The Curtis Brothers have an elderly neighbor named Nellie, she's 92. Soda brings cake to her once a week and just sits and chats with her. She brings them berry jam.
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slayfics · 1 year
I've had this idea for ages but just haven't gotten around to writing it but genya's hobby is bonsai art so imagine the reader coming across him taking care of a bonsai tree (he normally acts all tough around the reader because of his shy demeanour) and the reader finally sees him looking peaceful
It could end up being really fluffy and sweet, and maybe the reader could join him (idk, you can choose ^^)
I absolutely adore your writing!
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You catch Genya tending to a bonsai tree.
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You had just finished up some tasks at headquarters and were waiting for your escort in order to take you back to your own estate. Given that headquarters was hidden you'd have to be blindfolded and carried out by a Kakushi the same way you came in.
You had some time to kill before the next available kakushi, so you walked around the garden taking in the sights. Walking through the garden you saw a familiar demon slayer sitting crossed leg on the floor appearing to be pruning a tree.
When you got closer you were shocked to see it was Genya and he was working on a Bonsai tree. In contrast to his usual tough demeanor, his face was soft and focused on his work. Instead of the anger usually held in his eyes, you saw tenderness as he worked delicately at the plant.
"Hey," You called, causing him to jump. He was so focused he had not realized you were watching him for the past several moments.
Looking up to see it was you, a small blush graced his cheeks, he still had not had much experience talking to girls and it always made him nervous.
"Hi," he said simply and went back to his pruning.
You sat down next to him watching his work, "I didn't know you had any hobbies other than target practice," you teased the slayer.
Genya just mumbled a low "Mhm~" at your observation, still overwhelmed in situations like these. It also didn't help that you sat unusually close to him in order to see, his arm occasionally brushing against yours as he pruned.
"Mind if I watch for a bit?" You asked.
Yes- Genya thought. Although he couldn't bring himself to voice that. Your very presence made him nervous and hands sake making it exceptionally difficult to work on the bonsai with precision.
Instead, Genya just worked silently, not answering your question.
"You're quiet today," you teased the slayer. "How long have you been doing this as a hobby?" You asked.
"Since I joined the corps," He managed to answer, keeping all his focus on his work, refusing to make eye contact with you.
"Wow, that's so cool! I've noticed bonsai around some of the estates. Is that all your work?" You asked.
Genya nodded.
"So shy, I won't bite you know... unless you ask nicely," you giggled.
Genya's face turned beet red at your teases.
"Wow, you actually get pretty worked up outside battling demons don't you," you nudged him teasing him further.
Genya looked away as your playfulness continued.
"Ok sorry, I'll stop," You said realizing your playful demeanor was making him more shy instead of loosening him up. "Can you maybe show me how this works? I don't know much about the work behind making bonsai," You asked.
At your question, Genya finally relaxed. He went into the history of bonsai, explaining where it started and how it has evolved over time. Including that, any tree can be made into a miniature form with time and patience. It was like you unlocked a different version of the demon slayer you had never seen before.
It wasn't until the Kakushi appeared behind you ready to escort you back that Genya stopped his history lesson.
"Wow, you're really passionate about this. I'd like to know more, but I've got to go. Why don't you write me a letter about it sometime?" You suggested smiling at him as you got up.
"Yeah sure," Genya answered with a small blush forming on his face again as you left with the Kakushi.
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Omg- this was such a cute idea. Thank you for giving me an excuse to write for Genya. He’s such a precious character~ Also you’ve supported me since back when I was only writing for Inosuke, so I want to say how grateful I am for your continued support~
@sakurasunkiss @hashiroses @snowmist-hashira
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king--atlas · 7 months
Okay, what if ahit but its a DnD type fantasy adventure? It starts with just hat kid and bow kid on a mission to defeat the evil overlord (Vanessa), but they end up forming a silly ragtag adventuring party with people they meet on the way. (Please click for better quality)
Character details I've come up with so far under cut, and also me sounding like a little nerd with dnd classes and stuff.
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I haven't decided on any location or character names yet so :P
Hat Kid- She's a wannabe elf warlock and Bow Kid's best friend (they'll probably get names, probably). She doesn't have an arcane focus in the beginning, but she ends up finding and using an umbrella later on. She's very energetic and determined (a little too much at times) and actually manages to become Snatcher's best friend. Bow Kid- She's a human beast master ranger with either a cat or a crow as a companion (idk which one yet). She's a lot calmer than Hat Kid but still gets really excited when she sees a cute creature (even if it is literally trying to kill her.) Cooking Cat- She's a silly kitty cleric (either light or peace domain) from Mafia Town. She's a ray of sunshine and definitely the mom of the group. Snatcher- He's a circle of wildfire druid (bc silly) who, until the kids came and found him, hadn't left his forest in over a century. He was stuck there in wild shape (silly ghost form. Don't ask what creature it is or why he chose to be able to wild shape into it bc i have no clue) because of Vanessa. She tried to turn him into a tiefling like her but it did not go as planned. Clearly. He's still that dark kind of goofy he is in game but just a little bit nicer. Not by much, though. Vanessa- She's a tiefling shadow magic sorcerer who has control over the entire continent. While her outburst (I'll think about more details of it later) effected Subcon the most, it had minor effects all over. She presents herself in her more humanoid form with an overly sweet personality, but the second she's ticked off ditches the facade and becomes her horrid, more demon-like self. She's less of a direct threat until they reach her domain. Empress and the receptionist are also going to join the gang, but I didn't know what classes to make them or what to do with their designs soooooo..... yeah. (To be fair, the other's designs will also probably change bc I made them in like five minutes).
If you have any ideas (especially for Empress and Receptionist) or questions, tell me!
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pistachions · 1 month
Hi mootie!
Do u have any mml headcanons that you’d like to share? :3€
Hii! And YES I have SOO many and ive waited so long for someone to ask lmao
Thisd be a RLLY long post if I typed out all of the ones I have lmao (and ive gotta leave some if i ever get asked again lmao) so here's 1 for pretty much every character :) some are rlly dumb and some are just straight projection but that's what makes them fun to me lol
Milo - BIG neopoliten ice cream fan. I have NO idea how to spell it properly but to me he loves the idea of having 3 flavours in 1 and nothing can change my mind
Melissa - she can surf. Like rlly good. I think this comes from that line abt wanting to swim with sharks in free fall tbh :)
Zack - this guy LOVED science practicals in his old school.. but now he always ends up paired with milo and is always slightly scared through the lessons lmao. Idk why I think this it's probably rooted in how I got banned from practicals at school cuz me and my friend always messed them up tbh
Cavendish - ok. I love cavendish sm cuz he's LITERALLY my best friend reincarnated to me like from appearance to personality if she was an old man and not .. like a 16 year old girl they'd be the same person.. but ANYWAY I am a truther of the fact that cavendish isn't as old as he looks BUT it's all intentional to make him look more. Wise? ..ig lol. BUT my best friend ALSO has grey hair and that's totally cuz she's dyed it blue a lot. SO I use my great skills of 2nd hand projection to say that his appearance is a total reverse on trying to adapt it to look "cooler" with a failed dye job. Ooc? Probably. But like I said he IS my best friend to me and I'll add little parts of her into my hcs if I can lmao
Dakota - rlly simple compared to my cavendish one lmao but to me he's just chubbier than he is in canon. I think this is like a pretty popular hc too but I'm a total victim of whenever I watch an episode with him in I'm always like "oh yeah he does look like that" lol
Sara - as much as she loved dr zone there are certain arcs/episodes that she HATES and if one comes up in general conversation she with go on a WHOLE rant abt it (projectionprojectionprojection lmao)
Amanda - after she managed to get used to murphys law she actually came to realise that any accidents related to it ARENT as bad as she always thought cuz they're either 1) easily solvable or 2) noones fault :))
Bradley - he likes games with dice in them. Idk why she just does to me and this is such a STRONG hc to me for literally NO reason
I'll stop at this or I'll go on for hours lmao hope they're adequate hcs for you lmao (im also totally up for hearing yours if you have any too fr)
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stolaz-the-artist · 5 days
May you make a murder drones au of nexo knights Please 😢
I mean yeah, that's kind of obvious.
This Is gonna be a loooong post. Longest ask I've worked on.
I didn't need to make so many drawings but I had so much fun I just kind of had to.
im gonna do everyone a favor and kind of digitalize my writing under each page, just in case its hard to read.
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Serial Designator C
"I don't know because you won't tell me!"
"Oh please don't run! if I miss it will just prolong your suffering"
"Oh i do wanna be dapper *sigh* but alas"
Clay: Are you . . . new drones?
Macy: Uh, sure?
Clay: Hm. . . Well I have been saying we need more bots
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Serial Designator W
"C-100110010! HOW DARE YOU LOCK YOUR MOTHER UP!? You let me out this instant!"
"Wait . . . Prom queen?"
Lance: He's literally so ungrateful. Like you're so cool.
"How did you even manage to knock yourself offline?"
*Rebooting. . .*
"If the other one survived after all this time it's truly a miracle"
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Serial Designator F (Fletch)
Post limb change
Him and Izzy are very close friends (She think its cool when its revealed he's a Disassembly drone)
Was "adopted" by two worker drones (That W killed in an attempt to get him back)
He's a bit taller due to his torso, but because his legs cant fully support him, he's constantly hunching
"Im so tired of this shit"
Gets called names like • Loose-limb Fletch
•Snap-off Fletch
Wanda: Literally barely anything. Just put the right limbs on
Wanda: Like what kind of idiot tried to connect Worker drone limbs to a Disassembly drone torso?
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Macy Doorman
"Huh, knew illegal downloading all those Ned Knightly movies would come in handy"
Macy: One more buzzword and I'll do it
Jestro: . . . Equity Partnersh-
"Oh bite me"
Clay: Now im pretty new to this "Rebelling" stuff. But uh, do I have to fight my mom? Its just that-
Macy: YES!
Clay: sighhh Fine, lets do this
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"The hell happened to you?"
Aaron: So do you think they like video games?
Lance: Doubt it
Aaron: Then why are we here?
Lance: Blackmail
Aaron: Oh fair
One of Macy's best friends (And the friend she's had the longest)
"Super invited to my shindig next week"
Aaron, whispering: I mean, he's fun sized?
Aaron, whispering: Ok so not fun
Macy: whispering: OH REALLY!?
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Axl: Where's Macy
Lance: She went out
Axl: Out? Have she lost her mind?
Lance: Think so. Oh and Aaron went with her
Axl: Excuse me?
Lance: Yeah . .
Phone focus cuz tiny space
Wanda: This is so shit
Lance: I know right
Fashionista. Yes he knows there are non flip phones, he has one, but it just doesn't meet the same level of sass as a clip phone
Lance: Do you understand what will happen if you go out there? Let me spell it out; D-E-A-T-H! Are you out of your-
Aaron: I'll come lol
Lance: Yeah, no. You two gp enjoy dying. The hell you think this is, a shitty horror movie?
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"Im gone for 5 min to get some actual edible snacks and everyone is dead!?"
Accidentally gave her the gun idea
Really fixated on food, spends a lot of time recreating food
His bigger legs make him a bit less flexible, but he packs a mean kick (home made)
Axl: There we go!
Lance: Aren't you worried someones actually gonna drink it thinking its actually edible- or drinkable I guess
Lance: But idk, people are pretty stupid here
Axl: Hm, no you're right
Decoration don't drink u'll die lol
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Serial Designator J
"its tricked you! and if I promised you anything . . . It tricked me too . . ."
"Ha-ha! I-am so good-at-hiding!"
Is AD's most "trusted" worker (And with ,pst trusted I mean most easily manipulated)
Clay: What will the company do to us once we're done? How do we know the company wont get rid of us?
Jestro: Awh, im so sorry. You know the consequences of questioning the company
Clay: Hm, fair enough
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Absolute Destruction
"The flesh demands invitation"
"Dropped this-silly"
Pre-skinning Merlok
Robot view
Monstrux: You look g-great, toots! hm . .
Monstrux: Have you considered a hat-tho
There's a few extra sketches I did for fun lying around, and if ya'll want that (plus the story line of what's happening) just tell me I would include it here but this is painfully long enough
(Oh and all relationships are kinda neutral here. They don't entirely line up with the show. Ship whoever I don't care)
Anyways, this took weeks to make (cuz of studying and the fact I got sick in the middle of it) but im rather happy with what I have came up with!
Always feel free to make asks like this! I enjoy them a lot! might take a while for them to come out cuz of school but I'll do my best!
(Also I'm aware some are a bit out of character, it was for comedic purposes)
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Tehehe I’ll give you a sorta idea and you can do what you like with it! (Im totally head over heels for sahed the now, sorryyy😭)
So basically reader and tonny are close friends, and sahed is not so secretly jealous of that and then hears a rumour that reader and tonny were fount kissing (simply a rumour lolol)
And uhhh idk where to go with it except eventually sahed corners the reader and they kiss n shiii
AHAHA SORRY i felt like a child writing this but hopefully it helps!!
Bwhahahaha no I can totally agree, Sahed has my heart as well my precious strawberry!
Also we stan jealous Sahed.
Word count: 2.8 k
warnings: jealous Sahed?? very jelly melly pouty pookie baby Sahed??? , the reader dies (trust me and just read), and yea
Jealous Sahed = hot Sahed
You were yawning at Tonny's nth try to make you laugh. At first, you found it sweet of him to try and cheer you up after you guys moved from your hometown -which you haven't visited in decades- and the homesickness knawed at your heart like a bee craved its nectar to make honey.
Tonny was a sweet guy, really, trying to make everyone feel at ease, and happy...if only he could come to terms that it was also okay to...not...feel positive emotions sometimes.
"Thanks, Anthonn...but I don't really feel like smiling.", you murmured as you combed his orange/red wig and looked at the shortening stash of make up. you guys would have to stock up again soon.
A random member of the circus happened to walk in on you two discussing, and that person was well, very drama-loving when they saw you and Gremminger conversing with one another. They smiled mischievously. Sahed will be boiling with anger and jealousy tonight. They hid behind a stack of boxes and listened to your conversation.
He sighed as he plopped down next to you. "yeah, sorry...it's just, you're my best friend, and I actually didn't want to bring you there, it was my fault-", he started, but you raised your hand like a mother before looking at him firmly as you interrupted him.
"No, no, Anthonn. Don't blame yourself. I wanted to visit my old home. It's just...so much had changed ever since I left, the people, my family... and now I'm leaving again...I just...I don't know if I actually wanna see it again, or...", you trailed off, thinking about the life-changing night you had as you joined the circus that faithful night.
'Just a quick walk, and then I'll be home again! Easy as pie!', you thought as you quickly braided your hair into a lose rope (sorry I can't describe hairstyles someone pls help) and walked towards the library.
The woman there promised you a book of your liking under the day, only about to give it to you now because she knew you were a poor kid, and her manager was looking over her shoulder.
'Just a few more steps- huh?', you thought, when you noticed a stranger. the person just...stood there as you were squinting your eyes to try and identify the person, but before you could realize that it was-
a sharp pain made your breath hitch. you looked down, your eyes seeing a knife in your stomach. when you looked up, you looked at the person you were supposed to marry.
you had rejected the man, and he swore for revenge.
You just didn't think he'd be such a psycho to actually kill you.
"why..?", you only asked as you started coughing up blood. You felt like you were being pressed out for air, your diaphragm not doing its job in raising itself to let your lungs breathe new air in.
"Why? I am the man of every women's dreams, ____! How dare you reject my offer?!", he yelled as he grabbed your hair, but another person broke his wrist.
you then felt a new pair of hands pulling out the knife, and you trying to surpress a scream. you didn't want to alarm the poor citizens. Every household had children, so if you'd had screamed, the kids would've ran out first, only to see your corpse laying on the pavement.
you couldn't do that.
So instead, you groaned as you tried to stop the blood from flowing. The pair which pulled out the knife held your hands away from the wound, and you looked up, only to come face to face with an Ah'kon.
You flinched. you tried bringing some distance between youself and the three-eyes, but he only pulled you closer to his chest. "shh...shh...hey, it's okay, we're saving you...", he muttered as he gently stroked your hair.
you sobbed into his shoulder, not being able to feel your legs anymore. "Why are you doing this...?! I want to live..!", you pleaded as you tried pushing the unhumanly man away from you, but to no avail. he only hugged you tighter to him, and thus making more blood rush out of your wound.
you cried.
"Sahed! Stop hurting her and kill her already!", the other guy, who saved you from your murderer whisper-yelled. You were shaking violently now.
"please...let me go...I have nothing to offer..!", you begged, and your breathing grew ragged as you tried to fight for your life by taking deep breaths, however it only spurred on the blood flow out of your body even more.
"I'm sorry, Tonny, but I can't bring it in myself to hurt a beautiful lady such as this one.", "Sahed" answered as he kept stroking your hair. A spider crawled up your arm as you were taking your last breaths.
Sahed faced you with a gentle smile. "What's your name, young miss?"
The spider bit you, but you didn't feel it. You told him your name, a tear rolled down your cheek, and you slowly slumped down into a slumber which you thought would last forever, but you were wrong.
When you opened your eyes again, Sahed and Tonny were in front of you, standing side by side and giving you sympathetic smiles. You only blinked at them. Then you looked and touched at your stomach.
"I- you- how?", was your spluttered question as you looked at them, your hair a little in your face. And just now, you looked at what surrounded you. Everything was...so...egg-yellow? You saw some objects floating, some notes being played here and there, and when you looked at the two men in front of you, you flinched.
Each one was holding a paper, and a feather with the pink covered in pink. Sahed's feather was a black one, with glowing blue ink at its tip, while Tonny had a white feather, with red ink on it.
"Would you like to live for eternity, ____?", Tonny asked as he took a step forward. sahed chuckled. "At least tell her where she is, Tonny. Look, she's all scared now...", Sahed lightly scolded Tonny as he put away the paper and feather as he approached you and bowed down.
"My name is Sahed. The person to my left is Anthoon Gremminger, but he also enjoys being called Tonny. See, we two are from a magical circus, and just happened to have walked in on you getting brutally stabbed by an ugly man.", Sahed introduced himself and Tonny, and also gave you a little information about themselves.
When Sahed said ugly man, addressing the rejected psycho, you giggled. "yeah...I knew he was weird.."
Tonny smiled. "Well, we're glad we could..." "Help me? yes, you guys actually helped me.", you finished, as you looked at the two men gratefully.
"If it weren't for you, Tonny, then he would've just stabbed me more and more...and Sahed, thank you for staying with me during my last living moments. It felt nice...dying in someone's arms.."
and you bowed down to Sahed this time. "I'm sorry when I flinched when I saw your three eyes, Sahed. It was simply the first time seeing an Ah'kon in real life, and since I was manipulated by the government for thinking that Ah'kons were bad, this...was my reaction. I humbly apologize for my behaviour."
Sahed's eyes were widened. A slow blush creeped out from his heart which warmed him up until his forehead. He averted his eyes. 'That woman, ____...she's definitely something else...', he thought as he nodded towards you. "It's alright. I forgive you.", he managed to answer.
You smiled at him, and Sahed's heart squeezed real tight. While he was turning around and acting as if he was examining the feather (but in reality he tried figuring out why his heart reacted like that and why it was racing now), you and Tonny chatted a bit.
It all came to the conclusion that you signed Tonny's and Sahed's contracts.
"...are you regretting joining us..?", Tonny asked when he leaned against you, and you huffed. "Quit that. and about your question...I don't. I'm surprised I have the abilities of a spider though. You know, walking up the walls and onto the ceiling, or shooting webs, and being crazy strong."
Tonny chuckled. "Yeah, you surprised me and Sahed and the others with that pretty much...I was not surprised when you won against Sahed when he was in his buff form."
You snorted. "Gosh, I can still remember his bamboozled face!"
And you two chuckled at that. You sighed after some time, leaning against Tonny. "I'm glad I joined the circus.", you stated after a while, and Tonny nodded in agreement. "You became a core member of this place, ____, you know that?", he asked quietly. you smiled.
"I'm happy to hear that. And thank you for trying to cheer me up.", you muttered. Tonny hugged you from the side and then he turned his head towards you.
Unfortunately, the peeping tom from their prespective saw you two 'kissing'. They quickly left to tell the others. Sahed could hear it from someone else.
"Hey, what if we go up the ceiling, hm?", Tonny asked, and you smiled as you nodded. And together, you ran towards Sahed to have him join you guys.
Now, Sahed was a patient man. He liked to plan some things ahead. Take some things slow.
And he had a plan with you as well. He had the plan to court you over time as he would gift you stuff, compliment you on your powers and abilities, as well as your beauty, and overall be very kind to you.
but, Tonny became a rival in Sahed's eyes. Sahed envied Tonny's close connection to you. He was always scowling when you and Tonny whispered under one another and cackled up right after.
Sahed tried to control his temper when Tonny teased him for blushing at your praises towards the Ah'kon, because why did Tonny have such a stupid grin on? why did he always get the longer end of the straw when it came to you?
Oh...my sweet, jealous Sahed...if only you knew...
You were actually having the fattest crush on the three-eyed eye candy. whenever Sahed was close to you, or even his name falling in a conversation, you were a blushing mess as your cheeks warmed up.
You were just too anxious and shy to confess to the handsome male, and you still thought that he might hold a grudge on you for looking at him all scared on the first time you met him.
but all these lovely dovey feelings itensified when Sahed caught wind of the rumor that you and Tonny had been kissing. Sahed had to check for himself, as he strutted away quickly, looking for you.
All the members who saw him could say he was pissed- no, beyong pissed. Furious, angry, mad. and from what?
Jealousy. They all knew Sahed's crush on you and your crush on him. It would be highest time for you two to start confessing.
just when you saw him, you called him cheerily. "Sahed! Come accompany us-" "I need to talk to you in private, ____.", the Ah'kon interrupted you. Then he glanced at Tonny and his concerned face became an annoyed snarl. Tonny looked at him a little irritated.
You shrugged your shoulders, bidding a confused Tonny farewell before following Sahed into his room. "Sahed? What is it that you wanted to talk about?", you asked after you stood in front of him with his back facing your face.
"I heard a rumor that you and Tonny...had been kissing...is that true?"
You looked at him for a short moment before breaking out in laughter. "Bwahahahaahahha! Now who told you that joke!?", you asked between your fits of laughter.
Sahed only breathed out in relief, raking a hand over his head to his hair as he turned to you. when you were done laughing, having subsided to small giggles.
"Is that all you were going to ask me?", you questioned when you looked at him with a smile and a raised brow. Sahed only shook his head as he laid it on your shoulder, one of his hands resting in his pockets, the other one gently taking your hand and leading it to his lips.
you froze in place, and you focused on the feel of his lips against your knuckles. 'Chapped lips, glazed with lip balm...newly applied a few moments ago? ah, he must've done it when he turned around..'
Then, Sahed raised his head and turned it to an angle where his lips would meet yours perfectly. You stumbled back. "Ah, s-sorry, I didn't mean to-", you apologized again, your back hitting the corner.
Sahed only walked towards you, his expression solemn as he walked towards you. "why...why do you always run away from me...?", he asked quietly as he gently took your hand again. He looked at it with a sad frown, and his mouth was turned down a bit.
You were speechless. 'me? running away from you..?'
"no..it's just...I was just-" "Scared?"
"No! No. I was just surprised wh-when you leaned down for a kiss...", you tried to explain as your cheeks and forehead burned. You looked up at him when you put your other hand on his which was holding your first hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze.
"I'm just...surprised, that you'd even do such a thing..", you trailed off as your thumb stroked the polished and black nail on Sahed's thumb.
Sahed frowned as he looked into your face. he was an expert at reading peoples' minds when just looking at their faces, but when he looked at you...you never had any other emotions evident on your face than what you showed. Now you looked...bashful? sheepish?
"And why not? Do you actually have any idea how long I've loved you, ____?", he asked before he put a strand of hair behind your hear and lifted up your chin to look at him.
Your eyes were wide open in surprise, and your mouth parted slightly.
"I've fell for you the moment I laid eyes on you, ____...even when it was your dying moment...you looked pretty. And you look even prettier now.", he murmured before kissing the hand on top of his softly.
You felt your heartbeat race, and you also felt like fainting. 'Sahed loves me?!', cue to your blush intensifying. You thought that Sahed was done talking, but he still continued.
"And so...I thought that I could win you over with my charms, gifting you stuff, complimenting you, flirting with you...and then, Tonny...", he whispered as he scowled again. you frowned. "What's with him...?", you asked when your hand came in contact with his cheek, and he pushed the side of his head into your hand affectionately. But his three eyes were still downcast.
"I thought that you and Tonny were, well...close...and I didn't want you to like that clown...but when I heard that you and Tonny kissed...I-...I couldn't stand it...it broke my heart, you know?", he finished before he looked up at you. you could just melt then and there.
"so...you were jealous...?" "P-pretty much..."
An angry, jealous Sahed...he was hot before, but it seemed like his jealousy gave him a special note. I mean, he wouldn't corner you, would he? with holding your hands and kissing them as he tells you how jealous he was of you for hanging out with your best friend.
You huffed playfully. "There's nothing to worry about, Sahed. I love you too, you know?"
There was a moment of silence, before Sahed's face turned beet red. you couldn't help but giggle at his reaction.
"You know...I think I should make you more jealous in the future.."
"what?! Why??", he asked, a worried expression on his face.
"well...it makes you look hot.", you answered, smirking at him a little seductively. He chuckled at that.
"And I'm not hot now? Or most of the time?"
"Depends on what?"
"Are you still thinking about kissing me?"
"I am restraining myself from doing so, yes."
"Then loosen up and kiss me."
And with that, Sahed kissed you. His lips were chapped as you guessed correctly, but you didn't mind it. You brought your hands to his hair, and payed with it as he pecked your lips again and again.
Sahed grew bold. He started kissing down your jaw to place open-mouthed kisses on your throat before placing a hickey on your neck.
"Heh.", he said proudly when he examined his work. you were panting when you looked at him with a confused face. "Huh? w-what did you do?"
"nothin'...!", he quickly answered before kissing you again, and you closed your eyes in bliss as you kissed him back just as eagerly.
when you looked into the mirror after your little...interaction with your new boyfriend Sahed, you saw his work. A big, dark purple hickey, right on the side of your neck, and in a very visible area as well.
'So this is why everyone's been looking at me strangely..!', you thought as you blushed furiously and thought about ways to take your revenge on your lover.
Heyyyy! I thought that this would be a nice ending, and yeahhh! I hope I could fulfill your request how you liked, and if you didn't, tell me, so that I can improve my writing and give you the satisfaction you deserve, 🍓!
Requests are open!
Read you guys in the next post!
taglist: @littlegremlinflower
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Hunter x Hunter: Post Mortem Nen (troupe business)
hi so the troupe and post mortem nen.
i dont ... actually expect them to be utilizing post mortem nen because that's not how they work. they're content with death and dont ever think of cheating it because its never been a threat before.
but. the brainworms started crawling with this very touching sentimental idea: a pact was founded between the 8 founding members that weren't chrollo to create post mortem nen contracts.
and this is entirely copium. take it with a grain of desperation.
the founding members all know- the second the untrustworthy number four was added that the spider has one glaring weakness. once it loses its original members, which is very much a possibility especially in the early days, the troupe's entire purpose would be swayed.
what purpose? good question.
the 8 excluding chrollo make an agreement to make post mortem nen agreements so that the spider's purpose and its drive would never be forgotten. and each of them do it differently because obviously they have different abilities.
nobunaga i fully believe just has a straight up post mortem hatsu. since we've never seen it and since he's based on the samurai. i fully believe that he exclusively focused his hatsu into his time after death. it allows him to be more careless with his life and apply his knowledge of nen more recklessly. if he is killed nothing happens but if he manages to end his own life via seppuku then it activates. idk what exactly but im thinking real hard about it.
feitan i think i talked about before but Mortem Vindicta. applied to his own death, whatever he suffered from the deaths of any of those he cared about would unleash in an attack so powerful it would vaporize anyone in its vicinity. and yeah i get that part of his immense power is that he has no control over it but in post mortem nen i feel like he could slip in a clause about not harming anyone bearing the spider tattoo.
machi could just keep sewing herself up remotely. like after she 'dies' her nen will fix her body to a state of plausible resurrection but needs an additional push to be fully resuscitated. so like someone would have to restart her heart but other than that she's perfectly healthy. and it doesn't ever expire.
phinks i cant think of a good one but probably something very simple since he is an enhancer. since his ability revolves around karma and he takes heavy inspiration from egyptian mythology, i'm thinking something about earning his right to live again in death. i'll come back to this when i get a good idea but there is something there i can mess with.
shalnark would have something to do with his pins and his phone. his power i believe is sourced by his phone being one of a kind. so therefore he'd tie an ability into that. i believe his post mortem nen would involve a consciousness transfer. if someone uses his antenna on someone else and presses ok on the prompt on his phone, then a copy of his consciousness will be downloaded into the target and overridden creating a perfect replica of shalnark in a different body. however this only works if same person is the one to complete both actions. and his phone has to be undamaged and functional.
franklin is hard because i feel like he'd be the least willing to indulge in post mortem nen. i dont think he would choose himself to come back to life but rather use his nen to protect another. since he's an emitter his post mortem nen could take the form of a nen beast similar to the ones in the succession war. maybe a large sniper rifle headed beast thats an amalgamation of different limbs similar to frankenstein. it can appear with any troupe member and as soon as any target the majority of the present troupe absolutely hates comes into view they get sniped into oblivion. it never misses. it has exactly 7 shots and then after that it's gone forever.
paku is hard because i think she'd be like franklin. she doesn't want to live again if her death was deserved, so she'll choose to protect others. and i think hers is very straightforward: exactly what she did in yorknew. she would share her memories and her desires with the rest of the troupe. keep the dream alive and therefore she lives on through them. call it Memory Bomb: remembering purpose.
uvo i think would also not want to engage in post mortem nen, but he would still make the contract with himself after listening to some reason. and i think he values the quality of new members very much. so he could set a condition on his number and then the approval or disapproval of his peers. so it would go something like: if i die and the one who replaces me/takes the number 11 is not approved of or betrays the troupe, his nen will resurrect him immediately and he will have the insatiable need to find and kill the perpetrator. after that tho he chillin. back to normal.
this is wild speculation and major amounts of coping. but i will admit that this intrigues me.
im intrigued...
bonus thought of chrollo seeing that extra clause in shalnark's entry in bandit's secret and meaning to ask him but by then the phone was damaged and shalnark was dead
and chrollo remembering that clause and holding shal's phone that has a single bullet hole through the screen.
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4-as-in-a-trenchcoat · 9 months
Here's a list of all my aus + tiny explanations about them! Might make separate posts for all of them someday idk
1. Dad!Rex au
-Of course, the only au I've been public about so far. If you've seen my other posts about it, you already know what this is about, but if not, it's basically just a child (Theodore) crashing in Undar while Emmet/Rex's still there. Theo helps with trauma, Rex realizes he doesn't want anyone to go through what he went through and as a result, Rex adopts more children. Basically just wholesomeness yesyes
2. Dualistic Sides au (idk)
-In an alternate timeline, Emmet gets saved a year before he becomes Rex. He's still traumatized though, so he's basically just Emmet with PTSD and trust issues. After like, maybe a few months, this version of Emmet, who let's call.. Evan, starts to get really depressed and misses being his past self, so he decided the only logical thing to do is to travel back in time to before he crashed in Undar. But of course, our Rex also still has that idea, so now it's basically just an 'angel and devil on your shoulder' situation as both Rex and Evan try to guide Emmet in their own plans respectively. Evan genuinely wants to help, but Rex just wants to manipulate Emmet. (Edit: I just realized that this au is REALLY similar to @thinknamewhat 's Time Rivals au so credits to them! shddhhsh I did not mean to practically copy paste it with just a few tweaks sorry 😭)
3. Undar Explorer au
-Instead of being paralyzed, Emmet can still move in Undar. But with his ship still destroyed, he's forced to survive in Undar all on his own. And instead of Undar being a barren planet, there are just enough life forces that it becomes a challenge. Oh also, his friends eventually crash in Undar as well a few years later, for drama✨ (this au is basically just a copy paste of Della's situation in DuckTales and. yeah 🙂)
4. Switched Situations au (Idk either 😭)
-Instead of Emmet crashing in Undar, this time it's Mayhem, Lucy, Unikitty, Benny, Metalbeard and Batman who crashes. Emmet's the one who manages to get through the Stairgate, but when he doesn't find his friends in the Systar System, he accuses Watevra of kidnapping them, and in turn, Watevra accuses Emmet and the other Apocalypseburgers of kidnapping Mayhem. Angry and devastated, they end up starting a deadly war against each other. And the ones who got stuck in Undar time travel to the past to: stop themselves from crashing, stop Emmet from confronting Watevra, and most importantly, stop the war.
5. Criminal au
-Self explanatory, instead of being masterbuilders who fight for a righteous cause, the masterbuilders are actual criminals who do crime and end up accidentally dragging Emmet into everything (happens during the first movie).
6. Ghost!Emmet au
-After Emmet sacrifices himself in TLM, he doesn't come back to life. He does come back as a ghost though. ..Yeah that's all there is to it, really.
7. The Worst Timeline/Replacement au
-Basically another dead!Emmet but so much worse! So here, Lucy doesn't arrive on time and Rex ends up killing Emmet. Everybody (as in, even the citizens of Apocalypseburg and the Systar System) eventually arrives to see Emmet dead and Lucy in complete despair. Rex explains everything and then just.. fades away because. Emmet's fucking dead. And now everyone's in even more despair. A year passes, and nobody has fully moved on yet, until eventually, it all becomes too much and Lucy and her friends all agree to time travel to the past to kidnap past Emmet, from wayyyyy back before the Duplos invaded, but still after TLM. They essentially gaslight and manipulate Emmet into thinking this was his original timeline. And.. yeah.
8. Lost Memories au
-Emmet just loses his memories after crashing in Undar. ..Actually I'm pretty sure someone already made an au about this, but I'm not sure?? If someone knows if anyone made this au yet, please tell me and I'll remove it here.
9. Mother Knows Best au
-Doris, Emmet's mom, got worried over Emmet's lack of contact, since he always contacts her, even after moving away. She decides to visit Apocalypseburg, only to find Syspocalypstar, and a memorial statue of Emmet, much to her surprise. After she finds Lucy and the others and gets them to explain, she begs them to help her find him. So feeling guilty, they all agree. And.. they do end up finding Emmet. Doris gets angry at Emmet's friends, thinking that if they've just searched more and put more effort in trying to find him, then he wouldn't have to have been so traumatized. She prevents Emmet from seeing them and becomes really overprotective. E.
10. Kids au
-Again, self-explanatory, it's basically just a prequel to TLM and it's the main cast (except Watevra and Mayhem of course) as children. It's literally just an excuse to write fluffy and angsty backstories about them, actually :b
11. Keeper Of The Timelines au
-After Rex back-to-the-future's in the 2nd movie, he becomes some sort of keeper of timelines, having access to the past, present, and future, he kinda subtly tries to keep everything going smoothly. From Emmet meeting Lucy, to him becoming the Special, to him meeting Rex, etc. And even though he knows not to interfere with already existing timelines, he still ensures that no more Emmets get stuck in Undar, or have to go through the same fate as him. Not if he can help it.
Yeah, that's all of them so far! Feel free to ask me questions if you're curious about any of them :)
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bisaster-energy · 9 months
you can tell me about your idea!!!
thank you so much 😭 it's kinda long sorry
SO i was listening to a song my sister like (Valerie, Amy Winehouse) and there's this line about ginger hair and it was just so specific ig it stuck with me? so im thinking man who do i know with red hair...DUH KUWABARA!!!
nearly every song i listen to gets assigned a character or ship or relationship of some sort idk why but yeah once i fixated on the hair i was able to expand on the rest of the song and a sort of idea settled in the back of my head about kuwameshi
we all know kuwabara is always the one getting left behind but what if while he's off doing his thing yusuke also feels that sense of loss? an absence even though it was his decision to up and leave. it makes no sense cos hey! you felt the need to go back to the demon realm bro but he cannot help how he feels left behind in some illogical sense. i made some notes 😤😤
centers round the time where yusuke goes back to makai after the whole sensui debacle and kuwabara is getting his education studying in prep for college (hell yeah boy !!) not sure if the timelines even match up like that but i literally dont care
i'm working under the canon divergence that keiko really did decide she's not gonna wait for urameshi like that but ofc she's still his bestie and he loves her sooooo much <3
so he's going back. he's a demon now so he feels drawn to the culture. it's a side of himself he's never known after feeling so othered ofc he's interested right?
i mean sure he grew up with other humans but almost everyone hated him/was scared of him ironically he was called a demon or monster or wtv
reactions like that are why he almost decided not to come back to life in the first place!! it wasn't a welcoming atmosphere and even his home didn't feel great cos his mom isn't exactly the mothering type
im all for deadbeat moms but the neglect will fuck a kid up. demon heritage or not
and he loves her and all but it's just all fucked up at home so he ended up wandering around a lot being mad about his shitty life and he likes fighting so that's what he did!
and obviously in makai this behavior isnt like. crazy or uncalled for
but yeah the only connections he's got to ningenkai is his mom, keiko (her parents by extension) and of course kuwabara; the only friends he managed to not scare off
anyway. you get it. so yusuke is back in makai and without his permission his mind keeps wandering to kuwabara who he hasn't seen in let's say. a year and some change? i'll decide later but A While
and like. last time he was in the demon world kuwa was WITH him yknow? like yeah the world was ending but it feels weird without him even if he is having a blast fighting with his new demon buddies and acquaintances
so he's a little distracted when he literally came here to fight he cant even focus on it
"how is college prep treating him? are the teachers there just as bad as middle school? did he make new human friends? a girlfriend?" basically he's spiraling over changes he might be missing out on this very moment
there's a bunch of talk in the song where the singer wonders if valerie dyed her hair if she's busy if she ever paid that fine if she sold her house if she got a man so that's where i got it lol
yusuke doesn't have to worry about kurama and hiei cos hey they're from here and have lived way longer and they actually do visit but who knows what typa shit could be happening to kuwa right now
ofc he can take care of himself he's really strong but yusuke can't help but remember that time he let kuwabara go when he shouldn't have and he almost died because he wasn't there and yeah. he's worried. sue him
so it's half worry half wistfulness and maybe some other secret third thing and when hiei and maybe kurama (depending on how the idea forms as i write) come to visit or maybe they're also participating wtv
he cant help but think well kuwabara could be here with us if he really WANTED to :/ he's got the jigen to down pat by now so...why hasn't he...
and those old but ever remaining insecurities resurface about how people don't wanna be around him they think he's a nuisance at best no good waste of time a trouble maker. keiko already dumped my sorry ass so who knows maybe kuwabara just...wisened up
hiei and kurama are like this bitch is back on his bullshit (affectionate)
they manage to weedle his worries out of him hiei ofc trying to act like he doesnt really care (he cares a lot) "you must not have much faith in kuwabara if you think he'd abandon you just from some time apart. and i thought HE was the oaf between the two of you"
kurama with his fox self is like "well yes hiei is right of course kazuma is too loyal to do something like that. but he is human...the only human of us now."
yusuke is like wth is that supposed to mean on the defensive even tho kurama is their friend and hasn't even said anything untrue and hiei narrows his eyes a bit maybe but is still acting like this doesn't really concern him
"i just mean that...from what i've learned about humans over the time i've spent with them...time feels different. we demons live such long lives that when faced with the human lifespan well...it can be laughable to some. that's why demons can be so callous about their lives."
yusuke just wants him to get to the point ofc "what i'm saying is we don't need a lot of contact with each other to keep relationships fresh and healthy but, kuwabara might be a little different. 3 years will do nothing to your bond but...i do worry about longer periods..."
and he seems to just trail off and it just gets quiet and a little sad and hiei isn't looking at them anymore
kurama starts again pretty cheerfully tho "well, don't worry! i'm planning on staying in the human world for quite some time once i'm done with this visit! i do have the company to take care of so i'll make sure to see kazuma all the time! i'll even send him a message from you if you want to say anything :)"
kurama has deliberately been using kuwa's first name knowing damn well urameshi doesn't even use it because this dude is not JUST a sweetie he's a fucking master manipulator. gaslight gatekeep bbg
yusuke is like okay yeah no new plan i'll just go see him now. no need for a middle man thanks anyway and then he's just gone. left the tournament early. like bruh that's what you came here for 😐
so yeah he's breaking into kuwa's house next thing you know and ofc he goes through the window not the door like a normal person and he just kinda stops short because he hasn't seen his friend in what feels like forever even though it's only been like a year or so but he just looks so different
and yeah a big part might be the hair he's never seen without that popadour, long soft copper coils, and he's somehow even bigger than when yusuke left him jesus when did he get so swole? when did he have time in between all those brainiac classes
yusuke knows he's bound to look a lil different too ofc i mean they weren't kids anymore really but like. when they hell did you go and grow up?
"next time i come back is this even gonna be your house anymore? will you still wanna hang out with dropout delinquent demon urameshi?" he gets so insecure in so little time
anyway kuwabara didn't sense him at first cos yusuke isn't a threat and he never really thought he'd be coming especially not yet but when he does notice
kuwabara just gets the biggest goofiest grin he's like urameshi you dog when the hell did you get back in town you're early!!
and yusuke is significantly eased by this reaction but now he feels stupid cos he up a left everything just to what? bother kuwabara while he studies to achieve his dreams? yusuke has got no human world aspirations like keiko had. like kurama has. like kuwabara.
and ofc kuwabara looks glad to see him but he wasn't desperate enough to just show up like yusuke had just done and he feels like a pathetic loser so he pouts
he's like yeah hey man just uh. checking in. and i should probably check out hah you seem busy with your books so im gonna scram and he tries to retreat through the window
and ofc kuwa is NOT letting him get away
and there's that desperation yusuke had selfishly wanted to see. kuwabara had just grabbed him without thinking even though he'd promised himself when urameshi left he wasn't gonna just sit around waiting for his life to start when he came back
he remembers when yusuke took him into that headlock and he wanted to succeed like he said he would that day
but still he's just thinking about urameshi all the time and it's awful. he always said he was gonna beat him some day but he just wanted to be near him. but all he sees is his back, even right now
part ii cos it's too many words!
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slexenskee · 9 months
Hey :)
I like your playlists and I found lots of new songs that way. Would you mind posting your spotify wrapped? I'm curious 👀
This just... made my year??? Omg thank you???!
Ok plot twist I don't actually use spotify 😅 I must be the only person on planet earth that switched back to an iPhone so I could use my iTunes again... but yeah I don't use a streaming service, but I do have my most played for the year! I uploaded it here - its on my instagram as a highlight reel!
For people who don't / can't access gram:
Most Played Songs by Month:
January: Mob by Eve
Shockingly my only Eve song for the year?? Last year I had like 3. Fight Song by Eve, one the CSM EDs, was my second most played Eve song but wasn't quite in my January Top 10
February: Shiki no Real by Chanceデラソウル
Suuuper groovy future funk remix of Shiki no Uta, the Samurai Champloo ED and one of my all time favorite/most played songs in my life lol
March: You Know How We Do It by Ice Cube
I go through a huge Dr. Dre/Ice Cube/Snoop phase every year and I'm not embarrassed to say it lol (also yes these are color coded by seasons bc my iTunes top playlists are separated by seasons idk why and yes that I am embarrassed about)
April: When Your Ex Says He Wants You Back by LTB Remix
I have no idea what the real name of this remix is?? I know it's a remix of When Your Ex Says He Wants You Back by Surface, but idk which one. On a related note no idea how I managed to get a full version, the only one I've found online is this version at the very beginning of this big mix
May: Deep Down by Neverdull
I will never pass up a song that samples Crystal Water's Gypsy Woman, and I am also a massive fan of everything Neverdull has put out, so it was no surprise this was my most played song when I discovered it and was in the Top 10 for several months after
June: Blame Brett by The Beaches
Omg man did I get obsessed with this band after this song. Also a huge fan of their other single Me & Me.
July: Disco by Surf Curse
I don't dislike Surf Curse but I don't listen to much else from them but this song, that always ends up on my Top 10 lists during summer. idk what it is but it's such a great beachy vibe for me. I genuinely cannot go to the beach without listening to it several times
August: Slingshot by Good Kid
Good Kid is actually my top artist of the year, and I'm thrilled to see it. It's really rare that I like so many songs off of a band's discography, and I think I have every single one of theirs. Also in my Top 10 for August was Alchemist, Osmosis, Tell me You Know, and No Time to Explain from them.
September: Honey by ID Chief
My favorite kind of future funk is when the original song isn't so spliced you can barely hear it, but there's still enough remix involved to really modernize the disco.
October: North Wind by Six Lounge
Shockingly enough I didn't actually listen to Ao no Sumika - arguably 'The' J-rock song of 2023 - very much even though I like that song a lot. I think I just can't handle my own feels, and tbh, as far as J-rock for this year goes I liked this ED from MHA more? I think the hook is just a little smoother and catchier imo.
November: From the Start by Good Kid
While I also love the bossa nova vibes of the original Laufey version, this cover is soooo freaking good. It definitely has summer anime OP vibes and there's actually an AMV using the first JJK S2 opening that gives me so many feels.
December: Standing Next to You by Jungkook
Ooof ok I'll come clean here I used to love k-pop back in 2014 and kind of got sick of the genre after EXO and F(x) broke up and was never into BTS or any of the new K-pop acts. But man this song slaps. I'm obviously a disco fan and there's some major disco grooves in this song
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louisisalarrie · 7 months
i've been reading your posts about industry topics and the current h & b*n situation (and the az*offs) and i just can't comprehend how someone can sell their voice and values and morals for money? to continue their career? it just seems so money-hungry to me yk? and weak-minded, i don't want to sound rude because i don't know everything about the whole situation but yeah. i get having a dream, wanting to fulfil that dream and once one has it its hard to let go but how can one just turn off one's consciousness, ignore it all? for money, fame, a dream? my biggest dream is to be a model, i got castings and offers but i'd rather not achieve that dream if that means supporting a system that glorifies anorexia, is fatphobic etcetc, i was 17 back then. it was so easy to choose my morals. idk i'm rambling sorry for that, i just had this in my head. also when he does say political stuff etcetc why is he also supporting people like w*nstok az*offs etc? you cant be an ally and concurrently support antis yk... i mean yk ok i'll. stop rambling sorry for my english, not my first language :/
Don’t apologise for rambling, and certainly not your English!!! It’s fantastic, and thank you for sending this in!!
I think the modelling industry has been exposed for its problematic issues to the wider public a lot earlier on than the music industry has. Sure, both industries are very messy, but it’s a lot easier to point out “oh the modelling industry is fatphobic/encourages eating disorders” than “the music industry is corrupt and artists are forced to be closeted and overworked to the point of taking adrenaline shots before shows and barely ever actually seeing any of their own money the whole time” for the general public, because a lot of them just don’t have the awareness of how bad the music industry truly is, unless they’ve done research, been in this fandom (or one similar), or have come across info on social media about it, which is happening more and more these days. The technology to now communicate to massive groups of people and expose people/industries/artists and everything is an excellent tool to encourage change. The modelling industry has certainly seen a shift, and the music industry is slowly moving a bit as well. It’s just… an absolute mess though.
At the end of the day, they were kids who auditioned for a singing show because their mums encouraged them to, and they had no idea what was gonna happen if they did “make it”. Shooting to fame from the X Factor where you already get a huge amount of PR from being on TV, as opposed to working your way up slowly and seeing how it works, and understanding what you want, and choosing labels/managers etc. to work with who you know for a fact aren’t gonna do what Coward did, is just vastly different. I didn’t understand so much about the industry until I was already in it. And those kids were locked in with contracts, groomed, and thrown into the spotlight. And now they’re men. And we know they are good guys. But… it’s not as simple as just dropping everything to stand up for what you believe in, ya know?
I mean, obviously all the great stuff that they love about their job they want to keep, but they’re also tied up to a million contracts. So it’s actually a really long legal process to cut ties with it all without going entirely bankrupt/sued/having your whole career ruined. It’s very yikes but they’re already in the thick of it, and at the top of it. So yeah. Even just speaking up could mean a breach of contract. It is very disappointing he’s not at the very least cut off W*nston though.
Both industries are profiting at the expense of young hopefuls, both industries have produced incredibly inspiring and fantastic people, and both industries have burnt people out to nothing. It’s extremely frustrating to watch.
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