#idk if junko was just playing with her
aparticularbandit · 8 months
Also. Unrelated. To my previous post.
I've been thinking a lot about the past stuff Kyoko doesn't know about because here's the thing - even if she doesn't know, Junko should - and trying to find the root of this whole knight thing and, uh.
Yeah, at least in backstory terms, this is probably definitely a past ship. Just in terms of this makes sense from what I'm gathering, this is the general scenario I'm seeing.
But it doesn't necessarily need to be that way?
(And I still don't know if Junko was even remotely being legit or if she was just...being Junko. Because like. Matsuda was still very much a thing. I'm definitely already implying that Mikan was a thing. And that's a really quick cycle from one to the other to a third there, especially if Mikan should have been simultaneous to probably both to some extent (and if I remember correctly, DR3 makes that SUPER abusive on Junko's end, and actually coming out of everything with Matsuda, I could see how she ended up there, but that's another theory to think about after I've actually seen DR3). Like there's some layers specifically just to the Junko side of this that I. still want to think through.)
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villainartist · 6 months
there is smth to be said abt how chihiro is always always always depicted in feminine clothing in merch + supplementary material despite her horribly written backstory like.
at some point, if she really wanted to 'stop pretending', she could easily make the choice to wear smth more unisex and 'subtle' but she always goes for the cutest, most feminine looking outfits and its like girl........ girl.....!
#and do NOT tell me its for non-spoilery reasons that shes still included with the girls and always wears cute feminine outfits in merch#pretty much everybody whos brushed against danganronpa knows whats going on with junko#if chihiro really truly was just A Cis Boy Crossdressing To Avoid Bullying (which inherently doesnt make much sense to me)#then like. you think said Cis Boy would... idk... at least try toeing the line between feminine and masculine expression more...#nobody is forcing 'him' to wear cutesy outfits and frilly dresses and brightly colored tops and short shorts in the summer...! just sayin#her internalized transphobia was absolutely self-devouring. honest to god#it ate her from the inside#junko probably took a lot of her self realization and mental peace away abt her gender expression w that memory wipe#its so fucked up. jesus christ#and then u play the game and sakura is forced to touch her corpse to discover the 'truth' and everyone just instantly switches#to masc pronouns with no struggle#its so badly written lmao#lets not even talk abt the whole physical strength = masculinity thing going on with her#also ive entirely given up on caring abt how other ppl perceive her gender#its a battle nobody will ever win#canon says shes a cis boy#her continous choice to express femininely#even in scenarios where she'd likely have 'come out' to her friends#saying otherwise#its just like#as long as you arent telling me to kms over a trans hc#then i dont have the energy to care#bc ppl who see her as a cis boy will not listen or change their minds#and i will not change my mind abt seeing her as a girl#i will say tho ppl who make older chihiro designs#and give her an out of nowhere square jaw and broad shoulders#and is like 6 feet tall#you are weird. i know what ur doing
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whattheskyknows · 2 years
Okay I just finished chapter 6 of sdr2 and to my surprise, I ended up disliking it. At first I was absolutely ecstatic that they were in a simulation because I like that trope. However, what made me dislike this chapter is Junko. I really don't like her and when Makoto started listing out what she and all the remnants of despair had done, it honestly made me feel queasy. I like the idea of Makoto helping the group but something about the despair story line makes me uncomfortable.
I think this is why I've always preferred drv3 and it's ending, I like the strong emphasis that everything is fictional and Danganronpa is just a game. Yes, I'm aware that every Danganronpa game is fictional but Junko as a villain and the whole tragedy plotline really doesn't do it for me. I really like drv3's plotline of the first two danganronpa games being actual games/game shows in the drv3 universe.
I mean story wise, sdr2's ending makes sense. I just really don't like the hope vs despair plot. I'm more of a fiction vs reality sort of person.
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Idk if you still write for Danganronpa, but i have a idea
What about Yandere remnants of despair with a darling that they thought that died, like after they got brainwashed darling went missing, but after some time they discover that they actually are alive and now works for the future foundation!
Bonus: They are now dating another member of the future foundation and darling is/acts like Tsumugi Shirogane(without the despair and mastermind thing, so darling is just a silly little person who cosplays and is the ultimate former cosplayer! You can ignore this part!)
Thanks for reading! Really, thank you so much! <333
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Found Again | Yandere Danganronpa
Since your class had turned to the remnants of despair the best thing you could do was pretend. Playing the part of a fellow brain-washed remnant before you could slip away to instead aid the future foundation. Now move on with your life it’s a shame that you seemed to be a poignant point in their fall to despair and now that they know you’re alive things are going to change:
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Sonia Nevermind
“What's this…how could you….how dare you take my sunshine?!”
Released from the brainwashing of the Ultimate Despair and returned to normal
During the rescue of those in future foundation finding you walking around and directing others
It’s horrifying because you are hers
So why do you have a ring on your finger
A small stupid ring that isn’t half the size of what she would have given you
She might take advantage of the chaos to convince you to come with her
Surely you wouldn’t mind helping her acclimate to a proper and hopeful life
Whoever gave you this useless ring shouldn’t need you
“Come on (Y/n)I Don’t you remember?! You are my sunshine! I need you to be good!”
Should she find out while still in the throes of despair, it’s a little bit of the same
“So my loyal subjects your king has been abducted and brainwashed by those unhopeful rats! Come my subjects! On my order burn down the future foundation and retrieve my King!”
As a princess turned Queen having the whole kingdom behind her in her rule of despair is incredibly helpful
Immediately informing the moles that lure you from your partner and subdue you
Bringing you to her kingdom in Novoselic
“There my King is in their rightful place….NOW~SHALL WE PRACTICE THE PUNISHMENT OF YOUR ABDUCTERS!?”
She’s still a remnant of despair 
Remnant of despair who delighted and yearned when she found evidence of your death
A remnant of despair who continues to swoon at the way your face morphs into fear
“There~ that is a face I will torture for to fill this Queen with despair.” 
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Nagito Komaeda
“Ah~To think my one true hope would be alive!”
He’s so so so happy you are even alive
He remembers the despair he was thrilling himself with and your supposed death definitely added to that
So him being able to experience this blossom of hope when in the process of saying so
He’s ecstatic 
Actually he abandons helping the future foundation to devise a plan—based on his luck—to get you on the ship with the rest of his class
He knows with his luck he’ll be able to pull it off
Though he’s certain there will be a death somewhere
But as long as it's not you, he doesn’t care 
Your back~and you’ll be his again
As a remnant of despair through his eagerness to have you knows no bounds
He almost doesn’t believe it
He doesn’t believe it
“I’ll believe it when I feel the despair of finding their body.”
It’s too hard to fool him
Likely you never did 
Him being constantly on the hunt to see your despair as he breaks your legs and does whatever he can to keep you in the pits of despair
And right by his side
He so dearly made his dear Junko a part of him is it insane he’d want to do the same
“My Despair! I’ve found you!” 
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Gundham Tanaka
“My Divas, please aid me in apprehending our fallen star!”
It’s fate that he should find you again
That he should have you again+
It was devastating waking up to find after his execution that he wasn’t reunited with you
But now he has
“Will you please just help the founders? I’m not your ‘star’ anymore.”
“How could you not be? Now that I’ve seen you, you’re burning so beautifully!”
“I’ve…found someone else Gundham.”
“....I see.”
He’ll understand liar
He’ll get back on his ship and leave you behind an act
He’ll let you live out your life alongside someone new wrong
The minute you’re around any large wildlife or swarm it’s over
They’ll do their dear Ultimate Breeder a fan by bringing you to him 
Switching off with others when it comes to water or islands
Eventually plopping you on the beach where he happily welcomes you
Commending their loyalty, he claims they did this without his judgment
“Their loyalty betrays my Star’s wishes, I’m sorry.But please for our class’ safety, you’ll stay with me us.”
As for the Remnant of Despair, it’s a miracle you even made it out
The animals are so much more vigilant 
Prepared to cripple you and drag you back to his side the second you step away
He is very intense about including you in his reshaping of the world
After all who wouldn’t be eager to share in the ritualistic sacrificing of those for despair
“It is I Gundham Tanaka! And my Star and I will be the ones to usher in this glorious revelry that is disastrous despair!”
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theamityelf · 7 months
Have you ever noticed that whenever people do protag switches it's always dr1/sdr2 or sdr2/ndrv3 but never dr1/ndrv3? I feel like that has unthought of potential. May I ask how you think that would go in both cases?
Ooooooh, I love it. Let's see. Let me try not to let my character biases factor in here, lol. (And you can obviously ask for elaboration on any of this, because clearly I'm not going to be super focused. Pretty much just stream of consciousness.)
In all scenarios, at least some of the deaths would happen differently, to different people, by different people, etc.
The Shuichi in THH scenario depends so heavily on which character he attaches himself to right away, lol. Unless we mean Kaede in THH?? Okay, that gets its own section. Yeah, let me section this...
Shuichi in THH
Like I said, this one depends on which character he attaches himself to right away. It could be Hina for her positivity and energy; she's probably the closest to Kaede, there. It could be Taka, who is also high energy and has the added bonus of being called the Ultimate Moral Compass. Shuichi really wants someone to be decisive and strongly believe in something when he feels he can't, and I can see Taka being that person for him. Where Shuichi's scared of doing the wrong thing and hurting people, he can feel assured that what Taka believes is generally going to be right.
Also great because, for all his passion, Taka's actual observations about the school are generally very surface level, so having Shuichi tag along will give him more information to report in his booming voice, while Shuichi gets to chill in his shadow.
When Taka and Mondo have their sauna showdown, I think Shuichi wouldn't go to bed when nighttime comes; he is more loyal to Taka than the nighttime promise. So he'd see the whole inception of the Ishimondo friendship, and I think it would take him a while to trust Mondo. There would be definite "Are you sure about this guy?" energy between him and Taka once Mondo is rolled into their friend group.
And due to Shuichi's overlap of being unfailingly loyal and super harsh when someone brings it out of him, I think the moment Byakuya talks crap about Taka, Shuichi would be the entire Byakuya Hate Squad.
Toko and Genocider would be interesting, because I think Shuichi's fear of convicting someone and ruining their life or getting them killed would interact in an interesting way with the prospect of Genocider Syo, who has gotten away with tons of murders because no one caught her...but then also Toko, who is just a temperamental artist who doesn't want to kill anyone and I bet Shuichi's read "So Lingers the Ocean". I think Toko and Syo would be a reason for Shuichi to confront his feelings about punitive justice. They're practically two diametrically opposed arguments in one body: Syo kills because she likes to, she doesn't regret it, she will keep doing it if no one stops her, but Toko has no choice but to be involved in it, etc. Idk. It's still a bad look for DID representation, so maybe we can take or leave that whole plot thread, but it would do interesting things for Shuichi's character, thematically.
He and Kyoko would work together frequently on investigations (in more of a parallel play kind of way) but not really develop the same bond of trust that she had with Makoto. They trust each other's competency, but beyond that they're not especially close.
Also, when Junko reveals this is a battle of hope versus despair, he would tear apart her whole argument. Like: No, this is a battle of whether subjecting people to absurd conditions might make them hurt each other, and the answer is obvious. Grow up.
It'd be interesting, lol.
Kaede in THH
In this case, I think she'd start off fully believing that someone is going to rescue them. She meets Byakuya and she's like, "Perfect! There's no way someone won't come looking for this guy. This will all be over soon." Since the situation in THH is more grounded than in V3, I think she wouldn't be nearly as serious about getting out until after the first motive. And even then, she's not the one who starts the killings; I still think that would be Sayaka.
I don't think any of the THH motives would really get Kaede, so she might not kill anyone.
I think she would flirt with Chihiro. She would think Chihiro is the cutest thing, and she would say so, and Chihiro would blush profusely. I think those two would get really close, and Kaede would encourage Chihiro, in Chapter 2, that they're already strong in their own way, which would cause them to really focus on using their talent to help the group.
She would also flirt with Mukuro, for however long that lasts. And she would be excited about Sayaka; another musician!
I think Kaede would absolutely match Toko's energy so hard. Toko would definitely have crap to say about her looks and probably her proportions, and Kaede would throw it right back. Honestly same deal with Syo. They would be the toxic yuri to end all toxic yuri. (This is my first time saying "toxic yuri". Did I do it right?)
I hope she makes it long enough to see the music room. She would have a field day with Junko.
Makoto in V3
Finally, this. Wait, actually...
Makoto in V3 replacing Shuichi
Yeah, it occurs to me I have to split this one, too. Okay. I think if Makoto were in Shuichi's place, he would also partner up with Kaede. I think when the whole "tunnel escape" sequence happens, he would suggest that they go to bed and try again tomorrow before everyone reaches the "Screw this forever!" threshold.
I like to imagine, as a result of this, trying the tunnel escape would be a daily thing for a while. Just a scheduled thing that the group regularly does together, much like breakfast. They might give up on it after Chapter 1 or 2, but I just imagine it lasting longer as an activity than in canon.
He wouldn't notice the bookcase thing, so whatever Rantaro was planning would happen. I think, in that chain of events, Makoto and Kaede notice Kaito's little gathering taking place and go see what's going on there, someone spots Rantaro opening the bookshelf or just sees the bookshelf opening, and they reach the conclusion that the mastermind (or Monokuma) is making their move, resulting in a kerfuffle in which Rantaro is killed. Something like that.
I'm not saying who killed him just now; the sequence of deaths is its own thing.
I like to imagine that Kokichi calls Kaede and Makoto the team's mom and dad.
I think Kaito would be unsatisfied with Makoto's manliness, but I don't know that he'd invite him to workout sessions like he did with Shuichi in canon; I think, where Shuichi reads to Kaito as actively unconfident and in need of boosting, Makoto more reads as overly apologetic and easily manipulated/malleable. And depending on how long Kaede survives, I think Kaito would be less likely to treat Makoto as his sidekick than to just say that he, Kaede, and Makoto are all a powerful trio. (Maki does get roped in eventually, but it starts with them.) After all, Makoto isn't an accomplished detective; he's just a normal guy doing his best. And even when he does a really good job, it doesn't make Kaito all that insecure. The vibe is just different. (An Ultimate Detective effortlessly surpassing Kaito's efforts versus an Ultimate Luckster surpassing Kaito's efforts through high efforts of his own.)
The lack of Shuichi means the group does not have a detective. I think a result of this will be that Kokichi would be a bit more active in guiding the protagonists towards clues.
Maki still falls in love with Kaito, and she's also super protective of Makoto, mainly because he's short and can't take a hit. (If Kaito ever punched him, he would pass right out. But I don't think Kaito does punch him.)
Whenever Tenko talks to him, he reflexively apologizes. It's a running gag. His narration will be like, Why am I apologizing? and This was a pretty weird conversation...
Makoto in V3 replacing Kaede
Now, in this case, I'm imagining Makoto manages to trip out of the locker, does a full tumble over Shuichi, and bumps his head on a desk. Just full disaster stuff right off the bat, and Shuichi panics like "Are you okay??" and checks his head, makes sure he didn't bump it too badly, etc. I'm specifying this because Makoto won't be as energetic right out the gate as Kaede, but I do think Shuichi would really like and trust him if he stayed with him for longer than a second, so this is a contrivance to make sure Shuichi stays with him for longer than a second. Some luck, if you will.
(It might not be totally necessary; if they wake up in the same room, it makes sense for Makoto and Shuichi to stick together through the introductions. But this is just to make sure, lol.)
In this version of Chapter 1, they try the escape tunnel a normal amount of times and then give up on it, never to attempt it again (until Electrohammers).
Shuichi notices the bookcase, and they do set up the cameras, but there's no shot put ball trick. Rantaro dies a different way (likely orchestrated by Tsumugi) and the cameras are crucial evidence in the trial that follows.
Because of the steps needed to get to the camera plan, there's a running gag where Miu sees Makoto and Shuichi as her subs. Kaito sees Makoto and Shuichi as his sidekicks. (In this version, the nightly workouts do happen.)
Kokichi tries to make Kaito jealous of Shuichi's closeness with Makoto. (Kind of like, "Why would Shuichi need you when he has Makoto?")
In both versions, I like to think that Tsumugi relates to Makoto on the basis of plainness...or competes with him over it, to his confusion.
And in both versions, I think Makoto finds Angie really cute at first and they hang out a few times, before she starts the Student Council thing. He's kind of her friend. When he doesn't join her, it lowkey hurts her feelings a lot, but she expresses this by casually calling him a heretic.
Aaaand, in both versions, Makoto is the only person Kaito can best in the arcade games.
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hajihiko · 1 year
I've always been confused on why Junko didn't make her own class the remnants of despair? Like yeah class 77-B was a tight knit bunch but wouldn't it be easier to go after people she "loves" to see them despair even more?
Idk, what's your opinion on why she chose class 77-B?
Class 77 was uniquely suited to manipulation due to their largely awful backstories. I imagine she got at whoever keeps records and discovered that these kids have some massively flawed upbringing and social nets, ripe for the picking.
According to canon (???) She loved the people in her class so much that she wanted them to play her game without manipulation and interruption, with total purity if you will, to see how Despair would work on the people she bonded with and trusted. She never actually gave a shit about the Remnants, they were just puppets in comparison to her true targets.
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nerd-cat-rambles · 6 months
My Danganronpa Opinion Tier-list (With rankings, EX./10 and reasons why they're ranked that way below.) (I've only played the first two games, so the V3 ones might not be accurate.)
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Kiyotaka Ishimaru - AMAZING CHARACTER, I LOVE HIM SO MUCH, LITERALLY KIN HIM SO MUCH, love the VA, hated his death and trial. - 10/10
Mondo Owada - He's also the best, I love his design, his character, his VA, his motive, his trial, his execution was kinda.... BUT I STILL LOVE MONDO - 10/10
Sonia Nevermind - She's so funny and her ftes are great! So good and love her in trials. Great VA, sondam is awesome. - 9/10
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu - Great Ch.Development after chp2 love him so much. - 9/10
Gundham Tanaka - I love him SO MUCH he's amazing and funny and his execution made me cry alot. Sondam for life - 9/10
I just realised Ishida wasn't on this list but Jill/Syo was, so I'm putting him below:
#. Kiyondo Ishida - Literally an icon. Wished he was in a trial with Syo. 8.8/10
6. Sayaka Maizono - I used to hate her lol, love this queen. - 8.7/10
7. Mikan Tsumiki - I might get hate for this one... - 8.5/10
8. Sakura Ogami - A sweetheart and a hero - 8.3/10
9. Chihiro Fujisaki - He's so cute I wanna pat him on the head - 8.3/10
10. Akane Owari - Underrated, love her. - 8/10
11. Hajime Hinata - Best Protag - 7.9/10
12. Kaito Momota - He believes in Gonta - 7.8/10
13. Shuichi Saihara - Pretty cool ngl I like him :3 - 7.8/10
14. Ryoma Hoshi - Underrated like Akane - 7.7/10
15. Chiaki Nanami - Her FTEs are cute. Noble character. Love her. - 7.6/10
16. Nagito Komaeda - A TINY bit overrated but I still love him - 7.5/10
17. Aoi Asahina - Relatable Queen - 7.4/10
18. Genocider Syo/Jill - She's much funnier than Toko tbh. - 7.4/10
19. Byakuaya Togami - Why did I put him next to Syo lol - 7.3/10
20. Kazuichi Souda - Shark guy. Funny. He's pretty good :) - 7.2/10
21. Peko Pekoyama - Sweet character, AMAZING EXECUTION - 7.1/10
22. Nekomaru Nidai - SO UNDERRATED - 7/10
23. Kaede Akamatsu - Probably would put higher if I had played V3 - 7/10
24. Gonta Gokuhara - Super nice and sweet :) - 7/10
25. K1-B0 (Keebo) - He's actually a cutie patootie - 7/10
26. Makoto Naegi - THE CUTIE PATOOTIE - 6.9/10
27. Kyoko Kirigiri - Nice, but I couldn't love her character like everybody else tbh- - 6.8/10
28. Leon Kuwata - Chill dude, him and Ibuki probs good friends. - 6.7
29. Kokichi Ouma - He's pretty cool, good VA, cooked in his trial. - 6.7
30. Ibuki Mioda - Funny, sweet, a tiny bit overrated. My mum called her a furry once- - 6.5
31. Monokuma - How can you not like the mascot y'all- - 6.4 bc he killed my faves :,)
32. Rantaro Amami - He's cool, but idk him well. Wish we got to see his character more. - 6.3
33. Korekiyo Shinguji - Chill guy, interesting, weird subplot. - 6.2
34. Himiko Yumeno - Overhated tbh, cute, nice, cries a bit too much. - 6.1/10
35. Maki Harukawa - Not a big fan of the quiet brooding ch. but Idk her well so I won't judge too much. :) - 6/10
Neutrual - Like:
36. Celestia Ludenburg - She's pretty cool, trash motive, lied about Taka. That's the reason she isn't higher. 5.9/10
37. Toko Fukawa - A bit creepy, weird, but I still like her. Glad she survived tho tbh. - 5.8/10
38. Tenko Chabashira - Idk her charcater, I just know her "degenerate male" thingy, which is... interesting... no hate tho - 5.7/10
39. Mukuro Ikusaba - Wish she was in THH longer! OMG FAKE-JUNKO WAS SO COOL! Didn't see enough of her to rate higher. - 5.6/10
40. Izuru Kamakura - Cool concept, overrated tho- 5.5/10
41. Junko Enoshima - Cool ch. shit motive. Killed my faves- 5.3/10
42. Imposter/"Byakuya" - Good in SDR2 but didn't see enough of him :( - 5.2/10
43. Usami/Monomi - Cute mascot but I skipped her ALL of her dialogue because she annoyed TF out of me. - 5.1/10
44. Tsumugi Shirogane - GREAT VA but, I kinda don't know what to think about her. - 5.1/10
45. Yasuhiro Hagakure - A bit of a silly-billy, I dunno how he survived. He's closer to like than dislike tho. 5/10
46. Kirumi Tojo - She has the same VA as Hiyoko. HOW. Anyways, talented VA, cool execution, wish we got to see more of her tho. 5/10
47. Monodam - Apparently not as bad at the other ones? Byakuyas VA- 5/10
48. Angie Yonaga - PRETTY DESIGN, GREAT VA, still not sure about her tho tbh... 4.6/10
49. Mahiru Koizumi - Boring, annoying, complains alot tbh, had great potential which wasn't used well. - 4.4/10
50. Teruteru Hanamura - Kinda... interesting. Surprisingly humane motive. I actually prefer him to Mahiru now... 4.3/10 (changed to 4.5/10)
51. Miu Iruma - There's alot to say about this girl... uh... 4.2/10
52. Hiyoko Saionji - Insufferable. I hate her, WHINY AND ANNOYING, I skipped all her dialogue. 3/10
53. Hifumi Yamada - I hate him, but I put him in this category bc why not. Skipped all of his dialogue, he annoyed me so much. I ignored him. He killed Taka for no reason. 2.5/10 because he was helpful in one trial.
All the Monokubs, except I forgot their names. Incest weirdos, no point in the whole thing. 2/10
Anyway, my ranking is a bit controversial, so tell me what you guys think! <3
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lightlycareless · 11 months
but what reaction would the zenins have , especially naoaki 😳🤯 with the babies
Hi!!! I'm going with the twin girls au :> although these can be in general 🤔
Off we go to the reactions from the rest of the estate.
Being real, I think most of the clan would not like the fact that the heir had two girls to begin with. However, since Naoya and Y/N are known for being strong sorcerers by themselves, it was only natural that their kids would inherit those talents.
However, they'd still find a way to make them feel less, either by giving backhanded compliments, or voicing how a "son" would've been much better.
Naoya would immediately shut down those comments. We're talking about a man that has now learned how wrong his family is (in more ways than one) and having suffered from similar comments in the past, understands all too well how hurtful they could be, so he tries to shield his children the best he can.
As for reactions, let me put it like this:
Mai and Maki would love your kids, cause they love you very much :> there's no denying that. Would play with them as often as possible, they're like (are) the cool aunts. SPECIALLY if they're girl twins like them, it's probably the first time they ever felt happy with being twins I reckon.
Junko, Mai and Maki's mom, would keep her distance. It's not like she dislikes the kids, she just feels uncomfortable—however, she would like to watch the babies from time to time, silently gush at how adorable they are and remind her of when her daughters were babies too.
Ogi couldn't care less—in fact, I think he'd hate them just because they're a reminder of what he could've had, but didn't. No one allows him to get close to the kids, not even his wife.
Jinichi is in complete awe that Naoya would want to have kids in the first place, but not surprised that he went through with it. He's very precise when it comes those things, and from there he'll just stare at him and you whenever interacting with the kids—idk, he still doesn't believe it's happening. I guess in my mind he never considered that his family would want to have kids (Toji is like the prime example of that)
Naobito is... idk. He never really cared about having kids, so anything about lineage and whatnot is irrelevant to him, but I guess that in the deep confines of his mind he likes the fact of having grandchildren. Specially if they're strong, he'd be very proud of them, show off that they're related to him and whatnot. Do not expect him to be involved, and honestly? You and Naoya are kind of happy he isn't.
As for Naoaki, Naoya's oldest brother... he'd be shocked that the two eventually made amends, enough to have a family together. He just never thought the two were each other's type, or that it was in Naoya's plans to become a father. But it happened, and he just keeps his distance as well. Maybe he hoped he'd be that man, the one to have your kids or something, who knows. Either way, in the short moments he'll be able to see the kid, he'll note that they look like you, as maybe even hope that they act like you too. This whole situation is 100% the reason he stops talking to you all together. It's the official closure of that chapter.
And I don't think I'm missing any other relevant character :> I'd say that most of Naoya's brother would be somewhat confused that Naoya is possible of having adorable children or something hahaha although everyone thinks it's thanks to your genes 😂
Thank you so much for indulging me with this ask!! I want more baby stuff :') I'll see what I can write.
Have a wonderful week, take care, and hope to see you soon!!
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anon-maly · 6 months
Danganronpa Characters using Social Media
Ok so I've gotten obsessed over the idea of how Hope's Peak Academy students would use social media
I just want them to be normal happy high school teens acting like normal happy high school teens… is that too much to ask for…? 😔
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A lot of the Ultimates would have verified tags on social media
I feel like the students with the most followers on social media would be Junko Enoshima, Sayaka Maizono, Sonia Nevermind, and uhh can't think of anyone else rn lol
There would also be a lot of Ultimates who refuse to make their account public and keep their social media engagement to be just within their friends and mutuals
Some I can think of on the top of my head are Kyoko Kirigiri, uhhh you probably get the point, there's a lot to list
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Hajime Hinata would be the type of person to have a private Instagram account with around 200 something followers, even though he is one of the most popular/well-known people at Hope's Peak Academy
He would barely ever post anything (but I also HC him to post clips of him doing stuff like playing basketball on his story)
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Nagito Komaeda would be following thousands of people, but only have a few hundred followers.
Still, he would have more followers than Hajime, and Nagito’s account would be set public He would post aesthetic photos with inspirational/hopeful quotes in the caption
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Junko Enoshima would be the opposite: she would have hundreds of thousands followers but follow only like 10 people
But the people she follows are unexpected. For example, she would not follow Mukuro Ikusaba, her twin sister, but follow Makoto Naegi
She would also follow Yasuke Matsuda and Ryoko Otonashi, because I think it would be funny if some famous celebrity followed private accounts with only like 30 followers
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Junko Enoshima has an account for Monokuma on all social media platforms she’s on.
Notable things she posts there are “Monokuma Theatre” clips, and also uses those accounts to shit on stuff (like Hope’s Peak Academy) while role playing in her Monokuma character
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Also think it’s worth mentioning that while Nagito Komaeda posts interviews with Hope’s Peak Academy students to talk about how hopeful their talents are, Junko Enoshima uses her Monokuma account to slander HPA students and their talents
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Izuru Kamukura would get an Instagram account but never use it. He only uses it when someone convinces him to add him.
Would have no profile pic or bio
Has like 12 followers. Follows back 8
A private account with thousands of requests because Junko Enoshima keeps tagging him
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Idk why but something makes me feel like a lot of the V3 students would be TikTokers
Especially Tsumugi Shirogane because that's self-explanatory
Other V3 characters I can think of from the top of my mind that I can see being TikTokers with no proper explanation are
Angie Yonaga being those "mindfulness" social media influencers (for the lack of a better term)
Himiko Yumeno posting magic TikToks
Rantaro Amami. I can see him making stereotypical TikToks (like ones that do makeup stuff, trends, act hot, IDK THESE HCS ARE GETTING WEIRD??)
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kokiwiouma · 1 year
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Junko and Ibuki working at a rave or something idk i just want them to play 100 gec, kesha and hyper pop and Junko goes home looking like pete the party panda threw up on her 5 times
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alstroemerian-dragon · 6 months
theres something that really bothers me about the way a lot of people talk about and write peko re: her place as fuyuhiko’s “tool,” especially when it comes to like. despair. and i feel like it stems from a few different places and one of those is definitely uh. distance from the source material. because. w. did we play the same game
like. the second trial is a lot of things. annoying. about the death of a character i dont really care about. kind of confusing. Very Sad At The End. but the one thing it shows beyond any shadow of a doubt is that peko Does Not Want To Be Fuyuhiko’s Tool. she leans into it a lot in that trial, past the stupid. serial killer shit. which is literally just desperation and quick thinking on her part (and non diagetically meant to parallel the first game but whatever). but she does that because it is the only option she thinks she has if she wants to keep fuyuhiko alive. because thats her ultimate goal, right? sure, she’s his tool. sure, theyre Badly and Unhealthily codependent. sure, she was basically groomed to stay at his side no matter what. but…
she also cares about him. genuinely. she loves him. for all that teenagers can properly conceive of love in all its forms, but she at least think she does. but she does truly care about him.
did anybody do her free time events other than me? genuine question. because i dont think someone who wants to ask the guy shes sworn to protect on a date would be content being just his tool. that sure sounds like someone who wants to be on equal footing with him.
like. look. say what you want about the anime. take it with a grain of salt. cherry pick what you like and toss the rest of it out. that sure is what i do!! but even if you do that, youve got to take the text of the game itself into account if you want to have any semblance of regular characterization, and the game makes it clear that she hates this!!! she doesnt want to be his tool! she will fight him on things if she has to! she will disobey him if she has to!!! thats the whole point of the trial!!!!! he told her to run and that he would take the fall and she told him no!!!!!!!!!
and you cant ignore the fact that the time between them starting at hope’s peak and the tragedy hitting the ground running was two whole years. people can change a lot in two years, especially teenagers, and especially high schoolers. idk how long its been since you were in high school (unless you currently are in which case. dear gd im so sorry. good luck) but your mental state in high school is so fucked. you have no idea who you are and neither does anybody else and can you even imagine the kinds of pressure the ultimates would have been under?? again, taking the anime with a grain of salt, but even if you go along with it and think the school was barely a school at all, the pressure from society, from family, from peers still has an impact. everyone was telling them who they were and that thats who they were going to be for the rest of their lives and i doubt ANY of them felt like it.
and even if you subscribe to the idea, like me, that their second year was a downward spiral because of junko’s presence and influence, they still needed somewhere to fall from. the idea that peko was uniquely comfortable being quiet and violent and doing whatever fuyuhiko wanted so she didnt need despair to be his tool is ridiculous. i see the argument of “well watching her friends fall into despair and spiral made her spiral in turn and grow numb to it and retreat into herself until she needed to become fuyuhiko’s tool again as a coping mechanism” but. buddy. That Is Despair.
sometimes i feel like the only person who thinks about despair complexly and maybe thats its own post because this ones too long already but. despair isnt just Being Brainwashed Into A Monster. ignore what the writers told you. okay? look at me. Look Into My Eyes. The Writers Are Fucking Idiots And Dont Know How To Write Good Drama With Genuine Stakes. despair as a nuanced concept is so much more horrifying. different post. sorry. peko.
if peko had not been pulled down by despair just like the rest of them she would have fought tooth and nail to keep fuyuhiko above it. she would have demanded he explain to her why he was doing what he was doing. and she would have told him no.
and of course heres where i get into the accusatory part because the other place a lot of this comes from is, and im sorry, an unwillingness to write complex or nuanced women. not pointing fingers, but reducing peko down into “fuyuhiko’s tool” and “she does whatever he says without question” completely destroys any minuscule amount of agency she has. shes a fucking person. yes, shes pixels on a screen. yes, shes a representation of tropes. but diagetically, within the fiction of the game, she is a human being, and if you want to write her, and not be puppeting around a gddamn cardboard cutout, you have to think of her as a person with agency who makes her own fucking choices. sometimes those choices are taken away from her. but they shouldnt be taken away by you.
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I don't get Junko because I feel like with the resources she had, jumping to a Killing Game as her big despair-inducing broadcast feels so short-sighted. She had open access to memory erasing and brainwashing technology along with 15 completely isolated people that she knows like the back of her hand. There are hundreds upon hundreds of horrific scenarios she could put these people through, warping their perspectives however she might want to make the worst possible outcomes... and then, she could just refresh and do something completely different with them all next time. Hell, if she wanted the despair of death specifically, she could just make them all think whatever injuries inflicted are lethal when they really aren't, and that way she still keeps her little dolls to play with after the fact. And all of this would still inspire the despair of the world, perhaps even moreso than the original because of how omnipresent and impossible to beat the organizer of these events would seem since they're literally inside these people's heads. Idk it just surprises me for how much of a supposed sadistic genius who hates predictability she is that she had the perfect setup to make an actual Torment Nexus with potentially infinite variability and then just did the thing with the most predictable outcomes ever (re: this post) that could only ever be done once.
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aparticularbandit · 7 months
Still thinking about Ryoko Otonashi in DR2.
Because like. If you haven't read DR0, there's still the same weight as all the Hajime stuff, just extra because Hajime at least still has a body he can download back into. Ryoko's got nothing.
But then there's like. the additional layer if you've read DR0. And you know who Ryoko Otonashi is. And you're like I know what's going on here I've figured it out, particularly when Monokuma shows up again and you just, oh it's just Junko being Junko, this bitch, we have to kill her!
Except while you are right, in a sense, you are very wrong.
Junko's still the mastermind because Junko's always the mastermind, and Ryoko's the traitor, even though she doesn't know it or doesn't intend to be.
But Ryoko is not the mastermind because even though she's Junko, she's not Junko.
And it hits harder after spending an entire game hating on Ryoko and wanting to get rid of her and expecting that she's the traitor and the mastermind (you are wrong and you are right) and thinking you see through everything she's doing only to find out that, no. Ryoko's just. Ryoko. She's still Junko, in a sense, but she's not Junko. She never was.
And the hit of the idea that what Junko did to all of the Remnants she did to herself first - taking the Ryoko that she was and turning her into herself.
Ryoko in DR2 hits SO much harder.
(And then that white noise line of Ryoko Otonashi never existed in the first place hurts in a way that it doesn't in the main game if you haven't read DR0. Because she DOES exist. You met her! You spent time with her! Perhaps you are even still playing as her! And you know that you exist! But you do not exist separate from this horrible evil thing that you've become!)
((Add to that with Nagito's murder. If Ryoko doesn't know that she's the traitor. If they choose wrong. If everyone else dies and it's just Ryoko, alone, piecing everything together, finding all of the manga Monokuma made about who she is and what's happened and what's been the truth with everyone else, and getting to the end and just.
Ryoko, alone, staring down Junko.
Ryoko, alone, with Future Foundation members coming in so that they can override her decision to save herself or destroy Junko.
Ryoko, alone, being reminded that she doesn't matter, in the end.
(Junko giving Ryoko the power to kill the others because they're one and the same, aren't they? Doesn't she want to live? Because Junko controls the world, and she can wrap these people up and keep them from voting. She can keep them from coming in.)
Or the idea that it's just Makoto who joins Ryoko in NWP. Because the rest of them can't upload for whatever reason (Junko). And then you still get that stand-off and that choice.))
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noctiilio · 2 years
Since you seem to like the Dream World Duo, did you know they actually have a speaking cameo in the officially licensed game Lost Word (at least according to the TV tropes article and the wiki, haven't played the game)
I am. TERRIFIED by this message. I think it's about time i express my deepest fear: Lost word is. Not a piece of media i regard fondly. I played it on launch unassuming and blissfully unaware of what i had gotten myself into. However my time was short lived because the way the characters were written genuinely threw me off. Not only is it stock full of fanservice which is a whole can of worms, but everyone feels ooc. It's kind of detrimental to the portrayal of these characters imo bc i look and them and go "that's not...? Who is this. Who the hell is this. Huh, Kaguya would NOT fucking say that." Like, when i tell you i uninstalled the game as soon as i heard Flandre's "friends" bond tier voice line, because they made her ambiguously sound like she's moaning at you. WHICH I DONT NEED TO TELL YOU IS MAKING ME FEEL ILL. If i had to point out what's wrong with LW, i'd just point at Nameless Horror Junko. They felt the need to turn you know, The Mom of All Time into a child, keep her outfit from her original INCLUDING the split that lets her naked legs peek through her dress, its just. Saying it's Not Good is an understatement. They have this trend of making "l*li" alts for established character INCLUDING THOSE WHO ARE CHILDREN BY DEFAULT LIKE REMILIA so idk what to tell you other than lost word is every single thing that sickens me at once, leave these girls alone they already suffer enough from character assassination as is Which leads me to the dream world twins. I sincerely hope and implore everything holy that they don't appear in this game because their characters would be butchered and disfigured to the point that their whole lore would be unrecognizable. They would both be incredibly OOC. AND i don't even wanna know what they're gonna do to them to "appeal" to the playerbase. They already suffer enough, i've seen horrors i can't even begin to speak of. They're very obscure characters. You have to dig up their lore to really understand their whole deal. Hell! Very few people know these characters are children, because they don't take the time to look up their original portrayal! Every single time i see someone sexualize mugetsu's maid dress or portray gengetsu as a predator i lose a decade of my lifespan. So if LW truly implements them it's gonna be the last blow. LW's popularity will make them more accessible to fans who don't know them but they're going to disfigure them completely. i truly hope this never fucking happens for the twins' sake, i'll be devastated. It's a monkey paw curl scenario, they become more popular but they''ll have nothing to do with what i find charming anymore. And unlike Flandre and Junko, who are more popular, their obscurity will leave their portrayal permanently scarred.
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hopespeak-hostclub · 9 months
Danganronpa Trigger Happy Havoc Taylor Swift fave songs
Im such a swiftie and also danganronpa is my life so I absolutely had to do this I’m so sorry
I tried to include reasoning, but a lot don’t have any! I just think they fit!!!
Makoto: The Best Day (Taylor’s version)
He loved his family so much and I can 1000% envision him crying to this song (same bro)
Sayaka: Me!
Literally no reason I just feel like she likes it and it’s one of my least faves just like sayaka sorry girl
Kyoko: no body, no crime (feat HAIM)
I genuinely don’t even need to say why
Byakuya: look what you made me do
This one was so hard if you have anything better lmk bc oh my god
Celeste: New Romantics (Taylor’s version)
„We're so young But we're on the road to ruin. We play dumb but we know exactly what we're doin'. We cry tears of mascara in the bathroom. Honey, life is just a classroom. 'Cause baby, I could build a castle, Out of all the bricks they threw at me And every day is like a battle. But every night with us is like a dream” idk homegirls would prob eat this song up
Chihiro: Anti-Hero
Jack: vigilante shit
Asahina: It’s Nice to have a friend
she thinks about Sakura
Sakura: illicit affairs
I can’t explain this one but it makes so much sense to me
Kiyotaka : the last great American dynasty
Hiro: lavender haze
He thinks it’s a weed strain but we love him for that
Junko : mastermind
Leon: karma
Mukuro: I can see you (Taylor’s version) (from the vault)
I can’t explain it but girl screams this in her room
Mondo: Blank Space-I prevail cover
He’s “too cool” for Taylor but likes her music but won’t admit it
Hifumi: …ready for it?
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alfiely-art · 5 months
Listened to Ada Rook for like two hours and these are my thoughts about the songs I listened to (very random bc of spotify mobile)
Thank u for showing me ada rook @highoncatfood
Yo that guitar slaps
I have no idea what she's saying but I can groove to this
This is likeeee. Animated musical villain is hypnotizing a character music
Yo is breathing part of the beat? Love when music does that
Very good I'd say likeeee 7.5/10 would listen again
Curse (for Devi)
Again that's a good guitar
Oh is this like a love song
Like the whispery type thing she's got going on
Still barely know what she's saying but it's okay !!!!!
Kinda less funky than sardonica, still good though. Id say 6.5/10 because less funky but I can understand the lyrics better
Tru U
Still so good. Can really understand what she's saying
Makes me want to junko pose /pos
The chorus has such a good beat I bop to it
Definitely like. 8.5/10 because it hurts my ears sometimes but I adore it. Fave so far !!!! Which is funny because it was the first one I heard she just knocked it out of the park immediately.
Time dilation
more lowkey…. Kinda sad sounding
I like it. different vibe from the others But it's good!!!!
I like the flute thing going on in the back. And guitar as always
Kinda sounds like something that would play during a sad party scene in a movie. But actually good
Solid 7/10
Hmmm that tune seems familiar
I swear I've heard it before… Like a synth song or smth
Also a sadder one
Like the acoustic guitar here, sounds less funky but is nice for the song
Idk it's kinda. Boring ? Tru U set me up for Screaming Battery Acid and This is not that
It's not bad though! I'd say likkeeee 5/10
Starlight Zone
Oh. Hm
The screaming has never sounded like that Before
it sounds like it hurts her voice :<
am Not grooving to this one sadly
4/10 this is not the vibe for me
Omori battle music right here
Honestly the instrumental is really good
I love the way it sounds
This is making me imagine an Infinity Train AMV???? It's got that sad scifi vibe
Also like the beat of the singing
Battery Acid here we goooooo
Will definitely hurt my ears like Tru U but it's okay this is good
Original rating was 6.5/10 I judged too soon. Bumping that up rn
This song makes me realize that Ada rooks voice reminds me of. Scaramouche’s English va when he sings yes I'm making this about blorbos
Solid 7.5/10
Oh I can understand her this time
I thought the drop would give More but this is a vibe
Enjoyable !!!!
The instrumental is great
6/10, good!!!
Beginning reminds me of porter Robinson
This is a chill vibe so far
Hmmmm. Unsure
Not very boppable
I'm gonna sayyy 5/10 it's not bad I like the instrumental
Mystery School
This sounds like a more lowkey 100 Geccs
I enjoy it… good stuff
Not much of a beat but the instrumental Is sooooo funky
Good shit !!!!
Ur gonna live
This could make a good Lemon Demon beat
Love the instrumental
Kinda loses steam
But the guitar is good
Like the ending…. Oooo
Total memory failure
Another sad one but I like the “ahhh” in the instrumental
I can imagine sad amvs to this
Definitely has more of a beat
It sounds like they're tapping glasses in the instrumental that's a vibe
Ohhh that slowing of the tempo
Good stuff….
Sabotage everything
Not a lot going on in the instrumental
Took half the sing to get good but it's okay
That's gooodddddd
6/10 because it takes so long to get good
Don't wake
Oooo guitar…
This is 9/10 this is amazing. Can we get a vocaloid cover. Make it sound even more computery. Holy crap. Wish this was longer Oh my goddddddddddd
Broken grace
It just started and I'm head bopping
Wait did she just say she needs to pee
Oh well this is Gooddd
Makes me wish I knew how to play the electric guitar
Ohhhhhhhh ourghhhhhh aaaaaaaa this is good
8/10 I enjoy !!!!!
Ooo acoustic guitar again
Bird noises….
Quieter… more calm
Sounds like it'd be a good song for an open world
Not really something I would listen to on the regular though
Solid 6/10 but that guitar is nice <333
Deep fantasy
Another villain Hypnotizing you musical number !!!
Kinda like it less than Sardonica though. Less going on
But not bad!!!!
Like what's going on in the instrumental
6/10 methinks
Oh I don't like that opening
My ear rejects this my earbud has fallen out twice
I mean it's not bad I just don't really. Like it ? It picked up but this isn't it for me
5/10 it's fine I just don't really like it
Oooo distorted ads
This is gonna hurt my ears but. Oooooooo me like !!!
Hmmm. The screaming kinda. Ruins it here usually it goes along with it
Instrumental is good I adore it
But. Yeah the screaming isn't matching well with the instrumental
Vibe change. Hm. Why does the melody remind me of fricken. Shawn Mendez
I think I would enjoy an instrumental version but the voice and instrumental just don't match super well in this one except for like. 1 part
6/10, instrumental is 8/10
Gravity weapon
Ohhh that instrumental is funkyyyy
Funky opening. Love the samples
I'm cat bopping to this
Would also hurt my ears but that's okay
Me likey…. Ouhhh this is good
I wanna dance to this
No. I want to become an edit with this song
I hate that stupid mouse again !!!! Horray!!!! It's a silly line me likey
Solid 7.5/10
Coward 2 Coward
Yoo that opening is fun
This is funkyyy
Less going on so far but oòooo..
OHH that's a pretty voice outside the screaming
She could sing a creepy lullaby I think
Mmmmm instrumental
I think if they eat us we die… crazy ikr
OHHHHH that piano bit…. This is spoopy
Anyway I like this. 7/10 just wish there was More stuff going on
Oh. Don't really like that opening
I don't know why I don't like this it doesn't have the funkiness I like from Ada and the singer doesn't match the instrumental
This is making my head hurt actually what the Frick
Like the singing voice is good ! It's just too deep for the instrumental
My mouth hurts
3/10. The instrumental is kinda boring and the voices don't match it very well. Singing is fine but would've been suited to a different song ? This is actually painful what the fuxk
Puragtor3y modulation engine
Ohh this is an interesting opening
Fuckkkkk ohhhhh
Major step up
Ohhhhhh aaaaa oooo rurrururhrrh
Wait actual words. Okay uh this song just hits that itch
Her voice is great in this song, the screaming matching just as well as the normal singing
The instrumental has moments of calmness and that funkiness I love
I wanna dance j wanna groove
That endingggg
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