#idk if that's necessary but eh
cheerioskid · 6 months
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a pearl & gem from the stream today
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Honestly at this point I'm just gonna categorize all these Odd-centric plots/AUs I've spawn as "Odd-shots". If I get the time and fight off the clutches of writers block I'll probably draft up some drabbles of what shenanigans can happen in the assortment of AUs I've written about.
If people do wanna hear more about certain AUs from below then I'd be happy to chat about them a bit more though. I want to at least get the brain firing ways to really draft up what could happen in these concepts beyond what I have already.
Some of the selection:
Bystander - "Make sure to send updates on Kiwi every day, Louise!" (aka the "Odd doesn't bring Kiwi to Kadic" AU; this one likely results in some Ulrich/Odd shipping and a much more stressed out group of Warriors trying to pick up the slack without their third member.)
New Kid - Maybe we shouldn't have the romantics fall in love with each other... (Odd and William bond during William's first day at Kadic, thus William develops a crush on the blond. WillOdd food for the soul as hilarity ensues with an oblivious Odd and a chaotic yet dorky William trying to woo him throughout Season 2.)
A Bizarre Guide to Living a Human Life - It takes a village to raise a kid. So uh, how much to raise four? (aka the "Odd, Ulrich, and Yumi are AI" AU. Toying around with lore is so fun but honestly I think the part I like the most here is just the Kadic students having to accept that "yeah these kids are really weird". That and as much as Jeremie tries to do this solo, the ensemble cast sort of step up to help him despite not knowing much about the circumstances.)
Odd is Alone - At the end of the day, always love yourself. (aka the "William/Odd roleswap" AU. Main thing in this fic would be Jeremie's implementation of Teleportation goes wrong so the canon!Odd gets sent into the world where his counterpart is XANA's pawn while William was a part of the team from the get-go.)
Cherrybird - Juggling multiple superhero lives is not for the weary. (one of the Miraculous/CL fics I have in the wings to scratch my itch of Odd/Adrien. This one pivots so Odd winds up the Ladybug wielder while his family was vacationing in Paris for the month. Now his hand is forced to try to stay in France so he can keep being the superhero Cherrybird, unknowingly signing up to deal with another evil once he begins his boarding school life at Kadic.)
For Me, It Was Only Today - Trying to keep their lives a secret sucks when your best friend is trying to court a literal superhero. (final CL/Miraculous AU focusing on toying with both lores, Lyoko powers rubbing off into the real world, and of course Ulrich's POV just trying to survive dealing with XANA while Odd crushes hard on the Parisian Hero Chat Noir.)
[yes there are other ones but these ones I at least feel like I have a decent idea as to where their direction would go. Or at least have some concepts that could just be hilarious to implement in some of them. Even if I don't touch any of them I honestly hope y'all enjoyed me posting about them lmao]
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iwanttobepersephone · 11 months
Logic and reasoning: What? You can't draw that, even with a reference! You've never done such extreme angles, nor a good side profile! You're being far too ambitious.
My overconfidence, adhd, impulsivity, and major amounts of luck: I'm sorry, what did you say? I couldn't hear you over the AUDACITY
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(Ref image included)
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nostalgic-bee · 6 months
My unpopular TOH opinion is I actually like the Azura B plot in ASIAS
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neverendingford · 1 year
#tag talk#storytime sexcapades#sadness is canceled. met a really cute cool dude visiting town for work and stayed up all night talking and uhhh. other things.#I really am so ready to move. I wanna be in a college town with community music groups and a larger visible queer population ugh.#anyway. the more I experiment the more I realize I'm actually definitely trans and I would like certain bits lopped off 😕#I will literally never shut up about the connection between sex and gender. I'm sure there's some shortsightedness to it#because I'm speaking largely from my own experience with it. so obviously there's an implicit perspective bias there#but like. turns out when you're dissociated from your body it can be hard to enjoy certain body activities.#I'm mostly over showers now. it's way easier to see myself the way I want to be. still things I want fixed. but things are livable.#but yeh. sex is difficult when you're at war with your skin.#also. why do people do poppers. your head spin for a minute and you smell organic solvent for a while. my head spins all the time#like. “it's just like sniffing glue” bro why do people sniff glue I don't get that either“.#“it's like being drunk for a short time” I don't get why people do that either.#throwback to that time someone said I needed to not become an alcoholic and I just pointed to my four month old vodka bottle in the fridge.#idk. there's a use for it. alcohol is a CNS depressant and I love it for that. but only sometimes is that necessary.#anyway. I'm curious to try other substances but I fully expect to walk away going “eh. I don't get what the deal is with that”.#but we keep doing new things. for science. to learn about the world. and to become a more understanding person. understanding is everything#anyway. cool people do exist. I literally said that thing about not meeting people I like and the universe decided to be a joker about it#did I already say that we stayed up all night? sitting on the trunk of you car watching the stars on a warm desert night is a good vibe.#I like getting out of the city and finding a patch of desert to park in and just bathe in the night air. and it's better with company#the end. bye. I have an age of empires game to finish cause I paused it to go meet up with him. and now I have to finish it#ALSO. yeah I know.. vodka in the fridge. I've started putting it in the freezer just cause there's not as much room in the fridge
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atsu-i · 1 year
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tvitr · 2 years
Well looky here Part 2
Yeah so let's continue this, shall we? :^)
Previously: Iono pesters Grusha into appearing on Iono Zone to talk about The Accident™️. Grusha fucks around and talks about a load of unrelated shite instead. Iono gets mad, Grusha gets offended, and finally snaps and tells her all about The Accident™️. Iono gets sad because as it turns out, The Accident™️ was a sad event. Who would've thought?
It's the next morning. As usual, Geeta is monitoring her gyms to ensure they've opened on time; each leader is given a key card which not only activates the power to the gym, but also lets her know they've arrived. It's a bit draconian, and she acknowledges that, but if she didn't watch them so closely, then Lord knows half of the barely interested motely crew she calls a League wouldn't even bother showing up to work.
Most of the leaders have signed in by now. All of them except for Grusha and Iono.
Now Grusha being late doesn't bother her in the slightest; she knows from the countless cancelled gym inspections that his gym's location makes it prone to closure due to adverse weather conditions. The weather can often get so bad that it's the only gym in Paldea with different opening hours depending on the season, as well as the only one with beds and showers in the event that staff find themselves stranded there overnight. Needless to say, him being a bit late isn't out of the ordinary.
Iono being late, on the other hand, certainly is out of the ordinary. Not only does she live within walking distance of her gym, but due to her gym career's popularity on her channel, she never misses a day off work, at least not without prior notification. Needless to say, her being late is definitely cause for concern, in Geeta's eyes anyway.
Geeta barges into the reception, likely interrupting Rika's escapades on Bumble, and asking her if she's heard from Iono that morning.
"No, why, should I have heard from her?"
"Well she's never usually this late."
"Hm. Strange." Rika's attention returns to her phone. This sounds suspiciously like a Geeta problem anyway. Only she's this anal about everyone being in on time.
"Grusha hasn't signed in either, could you call him as well after you've called Iono? It's probably just the weather in his case, but I just want to be sure-"
"Oh, apparently they were together last night. He was one of her streams. Didn't watch it myself but a few of my friends did-"
Geeta shot her a glare. "Are you suggesting they spent the night together...?"
Before Rika can respond, Geeta turns on her heel and leaves, demanding Rika call them both, just for putting the mental image of them making out into her mind. Rika huffs, closing Bumble and calling Iono. She's never off her phone, she'll answer for sure.
The number rings out.
She tries again, getting the same result. Third time, and the call is rejected outright. Either she's filming a video, or she really doesn't want to be contacted right now.
Assuming the former, and figuring Iono will just text her if she's currently busy, Rika then rings Grusha. He answers immediately.
"Listen, tell Geeta I'm on my way, it was really foggy this morning and it's only just lifted-"
"Yeah yeah, I figured. Listen, uh- wait you said you're on your way to your own gym?"
"Yeah, I just said that."
Technically he didn't, but she's willing to let that slide. "So you... didn't stay with Iono last night then?"
A loud fake retch from the other end. "Ew, no, why?"
"She hasn't signed in yet, Geeta says that's weird. Apparently."
"Well she wasn't exactly in good form when I left her yesterday. Not sure if that has anything to do with it."
"What do you mean?"
Grusha hadn't known what kind of reaction he was expecting from Iono when he showed her that photograph. He'd wanted an apology, sure, just... not a tearful one. He didn't like tears.
"I mean, you did ask."
Perhaps that was a bit too blunt for the occasion. Iono did seem genuine distressed and sorry after all, and he certainly didn't want to rub anything in.
But at the same time, she did ask.
She sniffed, wiping her nose on her oversized sleeve and regaining her composure a little. "I'm sorry, okay? I just..." Her voice trails off as the tears came back.
He sighs and sits down next to her, arms folded once again. "I'm not opposed to talking about it, you know."
She glares. "Then why didn't you?"
He leans back, eyes moving up to the ceiling. "Well, how would you feel if people kept asking you for interviews, but only about that one time you did a makeup video and your foundation was way too dark and-"
Iono groans loudly. "Why do you of all people know about that?"
"That doesn't matter. But you wouldn't want to be remembered only for that incident, would you?"
She suddenly seems to realise what he's getting at, and looks away sheepishly. "No. I guess not."
"But that's what it feels like for me." His voice grows quieter. "Ever since my accident, it's like nobody ever cares about what I actually achieved. It's overshadowed everything. Every tournament, every achievement, every competition I ever won, everything I ever did for that sport here in Paldea, it just... doesn't matter any more. I'm the most decorated winter athlete in Paldean history, but it doesn't feel that way any more. I'm just "the one who had an accident" now. That's it."
Iono pauses. "I... I never thought about it that way."
"Let's just say... she has a lot to think about at the moment."
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llycaons · 5 months
something else I really love about feast and famine is how wwx isn't all 'wow lan zhan you're the best I can't believe you've been putting up with me I'm SO grateful you're literally perfect even though I'm so needy thank you so so so much' bc that sentiment arises in a lot of fics that handle his trauma or mental health and it's SO tiresome not to mention ooc. like it's not there for no reason bc wwx did express gratitude in canon and lwj IS a really good and supportive partner, but it's really refreshing to see wwx in a stable and reliable enough relationship where, except that one time he was triggered and panicking, he literally never once doubted that lwj would support and stand with him, nor did he ever feel the need to even thank lwj for being a good partner, even through the extremely heavy and difficult work of supporting him through what happened
and they DO communicate a lot, it's more that the gratitude is left unsaid because it's mutually understood to be unnecessary. and as much I'm in favor of them communicating their gratitude to each other, I feel like this dynamic for them is so much healthier and more mature and illustrates how strong their relationship is and how much they trust each other. also the idea of lwj as this...saintlike martyr who nobly supports and reassures a self-hating wwx is really tiring. he has his own struggles to be sure, but he has them away from wwx and the writing doesn't frame him as some tragic, self-sacrificing hero for it. like I love lwj but that's what it should be about, right? this was always going to be wwx's story first and foremost and I really appreciate works that let it be that
#like lwj freaking out to his brother or telling jyl about his trauma around his mom and going to support groups#that was so necessary and important for him. and wwx probably knew he was doing it. but he and the narrative didn't make it wwx's problem#OR make a big deal of not making it wwx's problem which is the more annoying and common trend#one of my early criticisms abt this fic was actually that they were TOO well-adjusted and healthy#wwx's past trauma seems to be limited to whatever made him scared of dogs and getting disowned as a teenager#which is awful to be sure but not rly comparable to canon#and in fact I was surprised his canon suicidal tendancies never showed up#but I think he was in a safe and supportive enough environment that that also made sense#like. everything possible that could be done was done. lwj came back from his trip. jyl was with him from that first morning#jc came in to help even though he fucked it up initially I think wwx clearly was really happy to have him there#he didn't have to work or worry about food or money or being alone#not that the current system is perfect obviously. like he did get a bunch of therapy and specialized therapy but#he got medical care immediately which while necessary was ALSO traumatizing and went to support groups which ALSO were horrible/demeaning#but overall compared to canon post-SS#he was able to break down and process everything in a healthy way#instead of suppressing his trauma because he has an obligation to be strong for others or to keep people alive#in canon he doesn't really have that freedom until postres. and then post-travels even#and by then things have faded with time. but I wonder if that makes it easier or harder to process them#esp since most of the people who he was close to back then are all gone#anyway. fic I think about literally constantly but idk if I can reread it all again it's very painful and heavy. like most of it but#the hospital scene is just so horrifying#not my favorite but up there maybe. I certainly regard it higher than a place to hide for exactly the reasons listed in the post#the first sex scene is so cringe tho 😔 I must sound like a maniac. like that post about showing ppl hxh for the first time#but it's so well-written besides that part I PROMISE#suicide tw#just a mention but eh#ficblogging
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nereidprinc3ss · 6 months
toaster waffles
in which spencer is woken up by fem!reader and their young daughter after being away on a case
fluff warnings/tags: none really, a bit of suggestiveness between spencer and reader but nothing explicit, their daughter is a genius duh, i love dad!spence so fucking much holy shit a/n: i wrote this in like thirty minutes so good luck! just needed to write dad spencer it just needed to happen idk
“No—baby, we have to let daddy sleep in,” you chide your daughter, jogging to catch her as she races down the hallway on clumsy little legs. 
“No! I wanna see daddy!” She yells—and if Spencer wasn’t awake yet, he will be now. You give in, opening the bedroom door for Ada with a fond (exasperated) sigh. 
“Daddy! Daddy wake up!” 
He blinks sleepily several times, sitting up and grinning at his daughter as she attempts to climb up onto the bed. 
“Hi, princess,” he laughs, grunting dramatically as he pulls her up onto his lap. “Oh my gosh, did you get all grown up while I was gone?”
He catches your eye as you stop at the foot of the bed, arms folded and mouthing an amused ‘I’m sorry.’ Spencer smiles and almost imperceptibly shakes his head, eyes sparkling as Ada attempts to use him as playground equipment. No apology necessary. 
“I made you breakfast!” she remembers, grabbing onto his shoulders and springing up and down on the bed. His eyes go wide. 
“You did? Where is it?”
“Oh no!” she claps her hands to her cheeks and opens her mouth wide, Home Alone style. Spencer laughs. “I forgot it!”
Then she’s wriggling off the bed and running as fast as her little feet will carry her, presumably to the kitchen. 
“You like cold toaster waffles, right?” you tease, approaching the bed and filling the now empty seat that is Spencer’s lap. His hands find your waist as you wrap your arms around his neck. 
“I would go so far as to say I love them. Hi, baby.”
“Hi,” you murmur, resting your head on his shoulder. “I missed you. I forgot how hard it is when you’re gone.”
He hums, running his hand over your hair. 
“I know. Me too.” Spencer now only consults on cases, and very rarely is he actually obliged to travel with the BAU. It was never easy before, but now that you have a child, it takes more out of everyone. “Hey. Look at me.”
You do, lifting your head and meeting his soft gaze. He leans forward and captures your lips in a gentle kiss, brushing his thumb over your cheek before pulling away. “I love you. Thank you for taking care of the progeny while I was away. I know it’s not easy on your own.”
“Eh. She’s alright. She reads to me at bedtime.”
Spencer grins, eyes darting back to your lips. Several quick kisses are pressed there in succession, and it’s not exactly how he wanted to say good morning to you but that will have to wait until later. 
Ada is at the door again, waffle in hand, making a half-disgust half-delight face before prancing back to the bed and receiving another airlift from Spencer up onto the mattress. 
“What do you mean, ew?” he asks in mock offense as her legs swing in the air. “You’re next!”
You watch in unadulterated joy as he peppers little kisses all over her face and she pretends to hate it, squealing with glee.
“Is that for me?” he asks once she’s comfortably sharing his lap with you, pointing to the forgotten waffle. She holds it up, pressing the disk against his lips. Spencer takes a bite, makes an exaggerated yum sound, and kisses her forehead once more. “Thank you. That was delicious.”
“You have to eat all of it so you’ll grow up big and strong.”
“Oh, okay. I’ll do that. Why don’t you leave it on the nightstand and go find a book we can read together?”
“Game of Thrones!”
“No!” he laughs. “That book is way too grownup for you!”
“But I read the first three pages!”
“I know you did. And Auntie Penelope is still in big trouble for that. Go get Lord of the Rings.”
Full of energy despite the early hour, Ada skitters off again to find the book. 
“She’s too smart for her own good,” you sigh, listening to her making up a song as she picks through the book shelf in the next room. 
“Intelligence is generally more nurture than nature. If we act fast we could probably stunt her IQ to just two or three standard deviations above the average.”
You giggle, straddling him as he slips his hand under your shirt to rub your back. Then you try to school your features into a serious expression.
“Not funny.”
That big, lazy grin might never fade—and you’d be happy to look at it forever. 
“You’re right. Not funny at all.”
“Hey,” you remember, grabbing his biceps. He raises his eyebrows expectantly. “I was gonna make you real breakfast. What do you want?”
“You don’t have to do that.”
“I know I don’t. I want to. So tell me what you want.”
“Anything other than a toaster waffle.”
You snort, moving to slide off the bed. 
“We can probably make that happen.”
“Hey—" he catches your waist, pulling you closer. “Penelope is taking Ada to the park this afternoon. We’re gonna spend some time together, okay?”
After having an entire child together, you still get butterflies when he looks at you like that. 
“What if I have plans this afternoon?”
Spencer doesn’t even look mildly concerned—just tilts his head, brushes his thumb over your lips. 
“Then I’m asking you to cancel them, pretty girl. I owe you some undivided attention.”
You chew on your lip. It’s embarrassing how easily he can still fluster you. 
“Right now I have to go find out why our child is being so quiet.”
He laughs, letting you slip from his grasp for good. 
“She probably got into the Stephen King again.”
You pick up the waffle and gesture at him with it emphatically as you walk away.
“This is all your fault.”
“Mm… let’s call it a team effort.”
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fictionismyreality3 · 10 days
Hi first off just wanted to say I absolutely love your work! But please remember to take care of yourself and have plenty of water and Food and please remember to take breaks 🫶
Anyways I was wondering if I could req a fic where Jason finds out his s/o is an Ex-Criminal who's trying really hard not to fall back into old habits but is struggling because these guys keep harrasing them to become a criminal again
Mm just gonna take this :D -🎧
Better off Before You
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Jason Todd x Reader
Tags: boyfriend!jason todd, ex-criminal!reader, established relationship, kinda controlling!jason todd idk, angst but it gets resolved at the end
Warnings: romance and everything that comes with it, violence, crime, drugs, weapons like knives and guns, arson, sexual assault 🤨
Notes: I gagged writing this 😩 sorry to all the Jefferey’s out there I just think Jeff is a creepy name. Kinda put a spin on the req hope that’s okay ☺️
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34 stitches, 18 hours, and 1 bullet.
That’s what you’d scarified to get the life you had now. You’d done your time, and spent the hours necessary to detach yourself from your previous life and associates.
You had a lot to be grateful for and you knew that. It wasn’t like you were waking up everyday selfishly forgetting where you came from. That seemed impossible with the way the bullet was still lodged under the skin of your hip. But you were happy. You had a good life now and you were happy.
When you met Jay, you used to go by a different name, and when you thought about it, you were really a different person. But he pushed you. He wasn’t like those other self righteous hero’s you so often found yourself running from. He told it like it was, and he didn’t care if he hurt your feelings when he spoke. And back then, that’s something you needed desperately.
“You look like shit.”
Rolling your eyes, you wiped your lips, spitting the blood that had pooled in your mouth onto the gum covered pavement.
“You’re not exactly looking your best either, Red.” You drawled, eying the tall form of Jason Todd as he stalked down the alley towards you. “Yeah, well, it’s been one of those days.” He shrugged.
“Cortez?” Jason threw out there as he tucked his pistols away and got ready for a fist fight.
“No, Romero this time. You know what the buyers are like.”
Rain fell around you as you struck Jason in the stomach, his body expertly maneuvering to the side so he could grab your leg when you tried to throw a kick at him. Soon you were on your back, hitting at the inside of his elbow to push him off you. A well timed bite to shoulder and kick in the nuts let you escape.
That was 2 years ago.
Some days you almost wished you’d lost that fight, it would have made getting out from under your bosses thumb a lot easier had you been thrown in jail. You ended up having to do it the hard way. First breaking things off with Cortez, he was a squealer, especially when you pulled a few fingernails to reinforce he wouldn’t come after you.
Romero was harder. The man had a good few hundred men and women working for him. He practically ran the entire drug scene on the east end of Gotham. You used to be one of his best. It was a slightly demeaning work, being the person whose sole job was to ensure rich, high society people got their pill fix for the week, but it payed well. The only way you managed to get out was by knocking off his men one by one till you got to the top.
To him.
But Jay helped you, and you did it, even if it did leaving you with a permanent reminder in the flesh of your hip. There was no immediate way for Romero build back his little empire, and you allowed yourself to relax over the years, even getting to the point where Jason and you would run missions for Bruce.
Which is why this had to be a one time thing.
“Eh, c’mon pretty. Let’s not keep the boss waiting.”
How you found yourself back on the radar of the man you were trying so hard to distance yourself from seemed to be a sick joke from the universe. All it took was one wrong decision and you’d slipped right back into your old life like you’d never left. It wasn’t that you wanted to, but at this point, you didn’t have a choice.
You were sloppy. Normally you made sure to never take any jobs related to the underground drug rings so as to avoid spotted. But you didn’t do your research, and one bust got you noticed by one of Romero’s men who got away. That was all it took for him to go ratting back to his boss, who now held a massive grudge against you for how long it took him to regain power.
You fought hard when they found you again. The skin of your attackers still sat underneath your fingernails.
But you weren’t a super, you didn’t have powers or years of extreme training like Jay. You were just a girl who grew up on the wrong side of town, and chloroform wasn’t exactly easily avoided.
Scanning your surroundings, you tried to memorize the route of winding hallways you were being dragged through. The smell of gasoline and booze hung in the air, making your nose scrunch in disgust. Being pushed through a set of heavy metal doors, you found yourself face to face with the beady eyes of Jefferey Romero.
“You know, I’ve thought a lot about what I would say,” he began, standing up from the crusty folding chair he was sitting in. “When I saw you again.” Two men came and held your arms behind your back, their grip tight despite your struggling. “But all I can think about is how pathetic you look.”
One grubby hand reached up to clutch your chin, his fingers digging into your skin while he surveyed your face. The other reached down and squeezed at your ass.
“Fuck you.” You spat.
Driving your knee up, you kicked him as hard as you could in the dick, relishing the whiny noise of pain he made as he fell to his knees. Deciding to use the opportunity, you spat on him, but by then more of his men came to hold you still.
“You’re just as feisty as I remember too.” He coughed and brushed himself off. Getting back up, with a slight limp he came to stand in front of you. “You cost me a lot of money, you know.” Romero licked his lips. “It took me years to get it back.” He thread his fingers through your hair, yanking your head harshly to the side. “That’s why you’re gonna do me a little favour, bitch.”
You scoffed, wanting nothing more than to wrap your hands around his neck and choke him to death. “I’m not doing jack shit for you.” Romero let out a sneering laugh.
“Oh, but you will. Because I have this.”
As he held out his hand, your eyes darted down to the little enamel pin resting in his palm.
Your tongue was heavy in your mouth.
“What do you need?”
Jason wasn’t a great boyfriend when it came to his protectiveness. Knowing the life you’d came from, and how you two literally met when you were running from the cops, he was constantly worried about keeping you safe. It wasn’t that he didn’t trust you, he just wanted you to have the life you deserved.
Because he knew you deserved so much.
Fiddling with the string of his hoodie, he tried to stay focused on whatever random ass tv show was on. Pressing the material to his nose, he took a deep breath. Your perfume filled his lungs and he felt dizzy and relieved at the same time. It had only been a few hours since you left to go get some groceries, but the time away was killing him.
Clingy was a word he liked to pretend didn’t exist, but with the way you’d been acting for the last few weeks, he was getting more and more reluctant to let you out of his sight. Bruises that you’d brush off as you being clumsy, scrapes lining your knees, even the way your eyes were seemingly darting around to look for a threat that wasn’t there. All of it was beginning to leave a sour taste in Jason’s mouth.
Normally, he would never do anything to invade your privacy, but the nagging feeling in the back of his head wouldn’t let him drop it. Rustling through drawer after drawer, Jason searched from the objects that would confirm his suspicions. Cursing under his breath, he mumbled a few prayers that this wasn’t what he thought it was as he moved to your half of the closet.
Pushing the clothes to the side, his eyes got stuck on the red dress he’d bought you, and he had to clench his fists from punching the wall when he saw what was lying in the shoebox behind it.
Your knives.
The same knives he’d taken from you when you first started to change the way you were living. The same knives he’d hidden from you to help you transition. The same knives that were sitting there, clearly having been recently polish, laughing at him as they glinted in the light. The sound of the front door ripped him from his stupor.
“Hey, Jay. I got those chips you like-” Your words died on your tongue as you came face to face with a very angry Jason Todd, standing in the living room, holding a reminder of your past.
“What the fuck is this, huh?” He ground out, holding knives out with a shaking hand. “I promise, it’s not what it looks like.” You began quickly. Letting out a huff of tightly contained anger, Jason stormed up to you, grabbing you by the wrists and sending your shopping bags to the floor.
“Not what it looks like?” He scoffed. “No, I-”
“Because to me, it sure fucking looks like you’re working again.”
Your breath caught in your throat, and you stared up into the now swirling blue-green eyes of the one man who never left. “You don’t understand.” You tried to plead. Throwing the knives to the floor, Jason backed you up against the front door, his hands caging you against the wood. “I don’t understand?” He hissed. “I risked my ass when I asked Bruce to cover your bail.”
The pressure of your rapidly beating heart was barely being held in by your ribcage. “Jay, you can’t understand.”
Jason swore he felt a tooth crack with how hard he was clenching his jaw. There hadn’t been a lot of instances where he’d felt truly hurt in his life, not before you. He always kept himself too closed off for that. But now? Now the small sliver of worth you had given him felt like it was being doused in salt and vodka.
“Then make me understand, baby.” Jay pleaded. “I can’t let you do this to yourself.” He hated the way his voice cracked.
All at once you were overcome with the urge to tell him everything, to fall into his arms and cry to him about how Romero had found where your sister went to university, and how you might not have talked to her in years but you still couldn’t let her die.
But your mouth didn’t open.
And Jason could only drop his hands to his sides and take a step back from you.
“Where the fuck having you been goin’ for the last 3 weeks?” He said disbelieving. “I don’t even know who you are anymore!” Wiping the tear you didn’t realize was forming, took a deep breath and steeled yourself.
“I’ll tell you when it’s over.”
All his years of experience, the instincts and reaction times he’d had trained into him, seemed to vanish as he watched you turn on your heel and leave. Standing frozen for a moment, Jason stared at the handle of the door, as if his gaze would somehow cause it to turn and you to come back.
“Fuck.” He snarled, whipping around to leave a fist sized hole in the wall.
One more job.
One more job and then this would all be over.
That’s what you kept telling yourself. The words got repeated over and over again in your mind as you stepped out into the streets of Gotham and began walking towards where you were stashing your things. The words echoed into the foggy air as you mumbled to yourself, changing into your district clothes and heading to the target Romero sent you.
They acted as a sort of prayer to who ever was listening. A plea, for all of this mess to somehow how straighten itself out, and for you to be forgiven as you hurled the bottle of alcohol and flames at the cargo truck you’d been ordered to destroy.
The fire danced across the surface of the truck until the whole thing burst into a ball of heat. You don’t know what was in it or why Romero wanted it gone, and you didn’t ask. You didn’t want to know. All you felt like doing was crumbling into the pavement and disappearing into one of the cities many potholes so you never had to show your face again.
It was nearly impossible for Jason to keep from destroying the apartment. Every item of furniture you’d picked out together sat like a reminder. He’d been the one to get you off the streets. He’d been the one to show you that there were people who cared about more than their next hit or how to get money. He’d been the one to help you get free.
And now he had failed you.
Jason sat on the couch, slumped forward with his head in his hands. He couldn’t shake the feeling that something was wrong. Really, everything was wrong, but something about the way you left felt odd. There was this look in your eye, the same one he saw the first time you’d met when he cornered you after the police slacked off at their jobs. A look of fear.
Not towards him. He could still remember it plain as day. It was more a look of dread, like you were worried about the consequences of getting caught and not the scary guy in the red mask who caught you. Like you were dreading someone finding out. Just thinking about it made his stomach churn. Although he was absolutely livid, he couldn’t stand seeing you in fear because he loved you.
He loved you.
“What the fuck am I doin’ just sitting here?”
When you got back to the seedy building near the docks, you were let in instantly by two of Romero’s men. The winding hallways of his new building had reluctantly become a familiar sight after spending the last 3 weeks running errands for him. But now your debt was paid, and you could get to tell Jay everything.
The same set of heavy metal doors that seemed to unlock a world you tried so desperately to forget opened once more, and you were once again standing in front of the man who used you. Putting out his cigarette, Jeffery Romero sauntered his way over to you.
“It’s done. The truck’s gone.” You spoke first. “I did my half of the bargain, so don’t you dare touch my sister.” With a thoughtful look that was clearly exaggerated, he looked you over, walking a circle around you. “I’ll admit, you weren’t as useless as I remembered.” The beady-eyed man snickered. Your hands were clenching, fingernails digging into your palms. “I might even take you back to work for me.”
“I’d never fucking work for you.”
His eyes narrowed, a dark smile curling across his lips. “That’s a shame,” He said nonchalantly. “Because you know too much now to be kept alive.”
As if waiting for their cue, the men who’d been leaning against the walls or playing poker and pretending not to listen pounced on you. Hands were tugging you in every which way, some tearing at your clothes as they shoved you to your knees. With a surge of adrenaline, you went down kicking and screaming, biting and pushing back against anyone who touched you. All the while Romero sat and watched, lighting another cigarette.
Glass shattered as the windows got kicked in. People were screaming. A gun went off. Again. And then again. And slowly, working through the shock, your mind caught up to process the image of Jason blowing the heads off of everyone around you, their brains splattering onto the walls and floor.
Letting out a practically feral noise, you lunged at Romero, shoving him to the ground and pounding your fists down into his face over and over again. Your vision was blurry, partly from your tears and partly from the blood that was spraying onto your face every time you brought your hand down. But you couldn’t stop. You busted his lip for your sister. You shattered his nose for the peace you’d fought for.
And you broke his jaw just for you.
Two strong arms were tugging you off the now lifeless body, and your face was pressed into a broad chest. Taking the first breath you’d been able to in 3 weeks, you got a lungful of Jason and you sobbed like a little baby. The hiss of his mask coming off barely registered in your mind.
“It’s okay. It’s okay, hey you’re- fuck, princess it’s okay.” He cooed and ran his gloved fingers through your hair. “It’s over. It’s over.”
“I should have-” You tried to speak but all that came out was a strangled gasping noise. Jason was wiping the blood off your face, pressing kisses to your forehead, your cheeks, your nose. “I should have told you.” You blubbered, clutching at the leather of his jacket. He didn’t even know what you were talking about, or how you got dragged into all this mess, but right now, he didn’t care. “M’not going anywhere, sweetheart. You’re stuck with me.”
“I’m always gonna stay.”
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xxsabitoxx · 1 year
Kishibe x Fem! Reader
Warnings: large age gap (reader is in her 20s but it’s unspecified) and Kishibe is 50, car sex, hand job, degrading, praising, smoking
A/N: this was meant to be a short 1-1.5k Drabble but it turned into a mini smut instead (my brain is weird so some of y’all may still consider this a Drabble or you may consider it a full fic… idk man) anywho here he is :)
Word count: 2.6k
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“You… you can’t be serious, oneechan.” Denji was staring at you with an udon noodle hanging between his lips. You chuckled at Denji’s constant use of calling you “big sis” — Aki had reprimanded him forever ago about using formalities with you. You had told him senpai was far too much and that calling you oneechan was fine. Still, it made you chuckle that it was the only nickname he ever stuck too with no bribery needed. Aki still used the gum tactic to get Power and Denji to use the correct terms while addressing him.
“I am serious.” The smile never left your face, watching as Denji slurped his noodle the rest of the way. “But why? He’s so old! Hell he’s over half your age! Ain’t he like 50 or something? And you’re like 20-something? I doubt he can even get his dick hard!” You rolled your eyes, laughter bubbling in your chest as Denji’s clear shock at your crush on his mentor. You’d known Kishibe since you joined public safety a few years prior, having worked alongside Aki when it came to training under the man’s brutal regime.
“Oh I doubt that. Kishibe is a man of experience, he probably has over 30 years worth with women.” Denji still couldn’t see how that would appeal to you, if anything he thought it should be a turn off. “That’s 30 years of use. You’ll probably catch a disease.” At that you couldn’t help but snort, putting your cigarette to your lips and inhaling. “Just think about it for a second, Denji. Wouldn't you want a woman that knows what she’s doing? One that would know how to take care of you?”
“I mean yeah, but maybe a woman that’s only a couple years older than me. You’re going after a man that was well into adulthood by the time you were born.” You shook your head, finding it rather funny that Denji was seemingly peeved by this. “That’s real bold coming from you, Denji-kun.” The blonde quirked his eyebrow, eyeing you suspiciously as he went in for yet another helping. “You and your crush on Makima? The fact that she seems to reciprocate your advances? Kinda a similar situation… but mine is legal.”
You shrugged your shoulders, blowing the smoke you had inhaled. “Yah, whatever… go for your creepy old man then.” He stuck his tongue out as you rolled your eyes, a victorious smile still present on your lips. “No really…” he drawled softly “he’s right there.” You froze, head whipping around to the direction Denji had motioned to. Sure enough, Kishibe was sitting at the bar, a glass of whisky in front of him… typical. You turned back to Denji, utterly mortified. “You don’t think he heard us, do you?” The blonde shrugged, a shit eating grin creeping up his face.
“Denji!” You whisper yelled this time, face growing warm. “Huh?” He spoke a little louder than necessary “I don’t think he heard? What’s the big deal anyways? Ain’t you want him to know? So you can like…actually do something about ya crush?” He drawled loudly, enough to draw a few wandering eyes to your table. “N-not the point! Shut up!” You were snuffing out your cigarettes on the underside of the table seconds later, ready to make a quick escape before Kishibe could even notice you there.
The problem being, you knew your old mentor fairly well. It was more than likely that he was already aware of your presence. Not only that but you were nearly positive he’d probably heard you and Denji talking about him. You wouldn’t be able to escape him unless you put a conscious effort into sneaking out of here. Even then, he’d find a way to corner you and ask you what the hell was going on. “Eh, whatever oneechan… at least I have the guts to go for the people I like.” Now you knew you were done for.
If Denji was going to make this a game of confidence, you’d have to do your “big sister” duties and simply one up him. “You’re a pain in my ass.” You scoffed, watching the grin return to the blonde’s face as you pushed your chair out. “You can thank me later.” Was all he said, returning to his udon as you made your way to the bar. “Captain Kishibe.” You fought to keep your voice steady. Kishibe turned to look at you, the usual stoic expression on his face.
“Come to talk to the creepy old man sitting alone at the bar?” He chimed softly, watching your face morph into embarrassment as he confirmed your biggest fear. He heard everything you and Denji had said. “Blame blondey over there for that nickname. Guessing that if you heard what Denji had to say you also heard what I had to say.” Your arms clasped behind your back, fidgeting with your fingers nervously as you waited for him to speak.
Kishibe swirled his glass around, watching the amber liquid slosh before he brought it to his lips and downed the rest. “Oh, I did. Not that I’m shocked… you’re far more transparent with your emotions than you think you are, y/n.” You could have melted on the spot, seeped straight into the floorboards and disappeared forever. Instead, you shifted your weight from foot to foot, willing yourself to grow some confidence and test the waters. It didn’t seem he was necessarily shutting you down just yet.
“Well… I guess this was a pretty lame ass way of saying I have a thing for my old mentor.” Kishibe leaned back, eyes shutting briefly as he inhaled through his nose. “You’re just looking for someone to show you a good time. Tell me, have you ever actually enjoyed any of the men you’ve slept with?” His eyes opened and he turned to face you fully now, tapping the wooden top of the bar twice to signal that he was ready to pay his tab. “Truthfully, no.” A breathy chuckle left him, one that sent shivers down your spine.
“I see. I guess that would make it my duty, Hmm? Your old mentor has to show you the ropes… show you the good from the bad. A private lesson, if you would.” You didn’t quite know how to react, your brain working in overdrive to try and process the words he had just spoken. “S-so you’re saying you’ll…” you flinched at your own stutter, watching Kishibe eye you carefully. “That I’ll show you how a man properly satisfies a lady? Yes, that’s exactly what I’m saying, Sugar.” Your heart jumped at the nickname.
You found it hard to speak, instead you kept your mouth shut and watched your old mentor pay his tab before grabbing his coat off the back of his chair. “I paid for the fool’s meal as well as yours, he’ll get home on his own just fine. Let’s go.” Kishibe was heading towards the door, you waited till he was facing away to shoot Denji a look. The blonde seemed a bit awestruck that you were already leaving with him, you just shrugged as you left. You’d probably have to apologize the next time you saw him.
Before you knew it you were slipping into the passenger side of Kishibe’s car, thanking him softly for opening and closing the door for you. He slipped on the other side a moment later, turning the key so the engine roared to life. “I didn’t think you were the car type.” You commented softly, eyes scanning the amount of gadgets that littered the dashboard. The car’s interior was all black leather, that was at least something you expected from him.
“I’m not but the holiday bonus was nice and I needed an upgrade anyways.” He cracked his window, lighting up a cigarette before pulling out of the restaurant’s small lot and out into the bustling street. You didn’t expect him to be nervous, nor did you expect him to be awkward about the situation. Yet you were practically squirming in your seat, hoping he’d show some sort of nervousness to help you feel less inexperienced.
His cigarette hung half hazardously from his lips, one hand on the wheel while the other came down to rest on your thigh. You nearly choked on your own saliva, heat pooling in your gut at the simple action. “Amuse me, would you? What’s the best thing a guy has done for you, Hmm?” Smoke puffed out around his cigarette, eyes locked on the road as he waited for your response. “Offer to walk me home.” You admitted sheepishly, not quite sure how he’d react to such a lame response. It was true your taste in men hadn’t really benefited you in any way up until now.
He let out a gruff laugh, slowing down as he pulled up to a red light and plucked the cigarette from his lips. “That’s it? Seriously? Where the hell are you finding these bummy men?” You weren’t sure why his clear annoyance affected you the way it did, but you found yourself struggling to not press your thighs together. A small effort to relieve some of the ache, you knew if you moved your legs even a little he’d feel it. Then again, he was driving you back to his apartment to fuck you… would it really matter? “No need to be tense.” He murmured softly, hand squeezing your thigh.
“…’m not tense.” A stupid lie but it made him chuckle so you couldn’t really be mad at it. “Let me help you relax.” The cigarette was back between his lips, hand on the wheel as the light turned green. Kishibe pushed on your thigh, silently asking you to spread them. It took your brain a few seconds to properly respond, spreading them just enough that he could fit his hand between them. “Atta girl…” smoke puffed out around his lips once again, filling your nose in an almost intoxicating way. You were a bit shocked by the praise, nearly letting a whimper slip out.
The man you knew as your mentor was certainly not the same as the man sitting beside you. Then again you doubted he would ever woo the amount of women he did with his mentor attitude. Kishibe’s hand gingerly crept up your thigh before dipping between to cup your panty covered cunt. You mentally thanked yourself for wearing a skirt, giving the man in the driver's seat easy access to where you wanted him the most. He could feel your warmth radiating through the thin material, on top of that he could tell you were already wet.
Kishibe exhaled deeply, forcing himself to remain focused on the road even though he’d really like to look over and gauge your reaction. Truthfully, he had been waiting patiently for quite some time now for you to be the one to make the first move. He wasn’t lying when he said you were transparent with your emotions, but even then he didn’t want to risk creating awkward situations. He was getting old after all, a fifty year old man going for a woman in her twenties would certainly look terrible on his part if the other party didn’t reciprocate.
Maybe he was just a creepy old pervert for thinking that way.
Regardless, it was starting to get hard to ignore the persistent stiffness between his own legs. You’re breathing had hitched, suddenly dizzied by the fact that his hands were already on you. Two fingers pressed against the wetmark on your panties, drawing a sigh from your lips as he rubbed the material softly. “You’re more excited than you let on.” it was an off hand comment, one that had your fingers gripping the door handle to keep yourself grounded. Kishibe’s fingers slid along your slit, settling over your pulsing clit.
“You’ve said no man has ever satisfied you… I take it because he didn’t know where this was…” he pressed down, sending a shock of pleasure through you. Your mouth opened but nothing came out, slowly he began rubbing tentative circles, making sure you keep his fingers on the cloth of your panties. He wouldn’t let you feel his bare fingers just yet. More smoke puffed out, filling the car briefly before being sucked out the window. “I asked you a question, sugar.” you turned to look at him, face warm as his fingers continued to pleasure you. “T-that would be right…”
“Every woman is different, is this good for you?” you knew he was referring to his current action. “Y-yeah but…” you reached for his hand, placing yours over his as you guided him to a faster tempo. Kishibe took the reins again instantly, chuckling softly as you let out a soft moan. “Hmm, that better?” it was low, enough you send shivers through you as your hips jerked into his hand. “Need more…” you couldn’t quite figure out what specifically you needed, you just knew you needed more of him. “I know.” was all he said, fingers working you up continuously as he drove.
Part of you had to wonder if he was even driving you to his apartment at this point. It felt like you were going in circles around the city as he got you off in his front seat. Before you knew it, you felt your orgasm creeping up on you. “S-shit…” you clenched around nothing, the tension in your gut had appeared a lot quicker than usual. “You’re gonna cum, aren’t you?” he teased softly, fingers picking up speed ever so slightly. You mumbled out some sort of ‘yes’, gasping softly as the tension continued to build.
Maybe it was the combination of everything, Kishibe, his hand, the fact that he was doing this almost absentmindedly while driving through the city, everything was edging you on. “Then cum for me. Show me how much of a little slut you are. I mean really, you’re going to cum from me rubbing you through your panties. You’ll ruin them.” You whined at his words, the tension building so intensely that you were certain you’d fall apart. “Atta girl…cum for me” encouraged again, rolling to a stop at yet another red light.
He looked over at you know, the sudden motion causing you to turn to look at him. “C’mon… no need to hold back.” he sneered, the ghost of a smirk on his lips. You felt your lower lip tremble, head turning to look back at the road as your orgasm crashed down over you. Breathless gasps escaped your lips, hand shooting down to hold Kishibe’s wrist as he continued to work you through your ogasm. “…ough… enough…” you squeaked, overstimulation taking over as the light turned green.
He only slowed because of the light turning green, hand never retracting from where it was between your legs. “Here we are.” He commented offhand, pulling into the parking lot of his apartment building. You blinked, the throb already returning. “Hope you’re not worn out… I haven’t even gotten to show you a proper good time.” He pulled into a numbered space, shifting into park and plucking the nearly gone cigarette from his lips. You watched him put it out on an ashtray in his cup holder, turning the car off a moment later.
“Well?” You shivered as his hand pulled away, making you want to chase after him. “Y-yeah…I’m not worn out. Hell, after your training it’s hard to ever get worn out these days…captain.” You teased softly, not knowing where the confidence came from. A smile actually tugged at his lips, hand reaching for the door handle and pushing it open. “I’ll remember that, sugar.” For some reason, you felt as if you had just dug your own grave.
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☆ Thoughts On Part 2 ☆
Time for the unhinged companion to my part 1 post, lol. I love how much these musicals surprise me, I always have such a fun time and oh boy do I have thoughts and feelings about part 2.
Once again I am not going to be able to capture every thought I have about everything because there is... so much. But I can try to express a portion of it, so on with the rambling!
Meanwhile / Sia's Vision
I love part 1 & the new characters we met, but I was definitely missing the rest of the quartet so I was so excited to get to hear them again today. That being said, I was totally unprepared for how I would react to their arrival (heh). I was damn near kicking my feet and I was close to either giggling or crying basically the entire time, but I guess they balanced each other out so I basically just vibrated in my chair instead, lmao.
I'm so happy that Margaret has been to Lincoln Island before? I was a little worried that she didn't even have a chance to see that any of her people had survived before she was sent away and she lost her memories. (However the hell that happened.)
I love how John and Samuel are both like "I can accept this mysterious magical woman saving our lives once, but TWICE? That is a little suspicious. 🤨😑"
SIA'S VISION. It happened years ago, and now we know we're not alone that Sia went straight from 1835 to 1874 just like the quartet, so she must have gotten the vision sometime between 1829 and 1835, proooobably a lot closer to 1829, since she said 'years.' She sees the Antikythera being claimed by the Ellen Austin, and evidence of Margaret's transformation magic as well as her radiance. She also saw John (the scientist) screaming for Rose as she drowns while the Antikythera takes on water, perhaps sinking entirely.
SIA'S PLAN. (MAYBE.) Okay so I very well could be wrong, lol, I'll get that out of the way right now, but I think Margaret had already been sent away when Sia had her vision. Part of this reasoning is simply because it would feel more satisfying to me if the quartet didn't come together entirely because it was forseen, and also because Sia says 'our Margaret returned.' Idk, just the delivery of that makes me feel like she must already be gone at that point. Sia wouldn't have left Margaret somewhere unsafe, so she probably looked around New York to scout it out, and/or maybe she was watching from time to time, to make sure she was okay. So maybe she saw the Stratfords at some point—Samuel says he read about Margaret in The Sun, so maybe she was interviewed in the building and they occupied the same corner of the city at just the right time for Margaret's guardian traveler to see the twins?—and then when Sia has that vision, she recognizes them and that's when she knows they have to keep these people safe. (And maybe she uses a bit of magic to send a certain scientist a certain paper about certain discoveries to ensure he joins the party...?) So in the years before the quartet gathers together, Sia makes plans with her friends. I don't know exactly what these plans are and won't really try to guess, but clearly part of it involved scheming with Addison to make me SO WORRIED about her and the crew leave her ship (and an orrery for Rose) drifting on the Sargasso at the right time and place, AND they must have had enough foresight to be prepared for Sia's 39 years away; we didn't hear her poof back to let her friends know when she was going, and they knew when to expect her return, so it must have been pre-arranged to some extent. So Sia skips ahead, dropping off the quartet in 1874 and returning to Lincoln Island where Rose has already been learning and testing for 9 days, until it's time to meet Margaret again on the Antikythera. And now we're caught up. (Was this whole ramble necessary? Eh, maybe not, but I needed to think about it and it took long enough to type that I'm not deleting all that, are you kidding?)
Arrival, part 2
aw, yay! I'm glad Margaret and the boys all got a similar welcome to Rose! I wasn't sure if there would be any fanfare for Samuel and John, lol.
The twins are reunited! 😭❤ (And Margaret and John get to say hi to Rose too, yes, yes, I was very happy, but this isn't about them right now. TWINS.)
Dakkar and his scanner, lmao. (Going to try and fail to not think about him taking out his trusty tech as a distraction when he witnesses the siblings' reunion. I'm totally fine and normal about this, guys. Trust me.)
Yes, filling everybody in about Kal! I suppose he was the specific threat they were worried about when they were trying to verify Rose's identity in part 1, which would probably make sense if he's Itzal's attack virologist or something. But I have concerns about how the scan went. Addison tells us Kal has a way of tracking people he encounters and the scanner they use to check has a database that doesn't recognize anything on Samuel and the others, but, uh. AFAIK that scanner has been here on Lincoln Island for 45 years, nice and protected. How many updates have they gotten? And what was that Kal said back in TGOA? "Non-lethal fog, my latest brew." ...YEAH. I HAVE CONCERNS.
Not Rose's somber "We must keep looking for the key" after the chorus 😭😭😭 We know Sia's been reassuring her and Ahlaam has been insistent that there's no pressure on her, but uh. There is pressure. And Rose probably feels some degree of guilt for not accomplishing everything these literally magical people hoped she would after they saved her life.
Margaret almost recognizing the people around her, Dakkar echoing/answering the calls we've heard from Margaret since the beginning of the story..... AUGHHHHH 😭
I am very interested in Samuel and Addison's dynamic (to put it lightly) and I want to know what the captain is so curious about bears for.
Magic Ways
I love this song so much. We get to receive lore in an easily digestible way AND the music is amazing???? Move over, Schoolhouse Rock, I only want to learn things from the Travelers and Searchers from now on. (This joke isn't even good but I've wanted to make one about Schoolhouse Rock since the premiere so this is what we get. sorry, lmao.)
SEVEN, SEVEN MAGIC WAYS! Radiance, Perception, Protection, Illusion, Healing, Movement, and Transformation. If I'm understanding correctly, everyone from the Blazing World has the Radiance. (And I assume every descendant born on Lincoln Island does, too? although if they didn't have any magic because they lost their connection to their world that could be interesting... 👀) It seems to be the root/core of it all, if it's the one everyone shares. All the magic connects them, but I think the Radiance is the deepest and strongest connection. I am not going to rattle off about all of the magic ways here because, well, reading my ramblings (delightful as they are) doesn't hold a candle to listening to the actual song, lmao, but I am going to share my ideas for what kinds of magic the different BW characters might have.
SIA — radiance, movement, perception, transformation, possibly more; if she was helping Margaret train her protection magic, then I think it could be reasonable to suspect Sia may also possess it? But that's a maybe for now—Sia could simply know both Margaret & how protection magic functions well enough to be able to coach her.
AHLAAM — radiance, movement, illusion (I believe she was going to cast an illusion spell on Rose during Two Weeks as one of the tests, and she also tells us about illusion magic in the song), possibly more; Ahlaam doesn't specifically say that she only had three magic ways, unlike...
DAKKAR — radiance, healing, protection. He says that "three is more than enough for me" so I think we can safely assume that's it for him, unless he has more magic that he just doesn't use for whatever reason, which could be an interesting idea. No evidence for it tho, I'm just saying words. <3
ADDISON — from what we know so far, she might have only one magic way, the radiance, but I keep thinking about her journal. Margaret had to use transformation magic on it to be able to read it, so does that mean Addison also has that power, or did somebody else (Sia?) transform the journal specifically so Margaret would have to transform it back and use her magic? Or, as some friends have joked, is Addison nerdy enough that she just writes in invisible ink?
MARGARET — in TGMH, we saw her use the radiance for the first time. in TBS, movement. TGOA, transformation. in this episode, she has started using protection magic. Matt has told us that there will be 7 pulps and there are 7 magic ways, so I'm wondering if we'll see her unlock or regain all the magic ways, with one new power returning in each episode. We still have one more part to go for this episode, so we'll see if this theory is disproven real quick or not, lol.
Thank Gravity
hi, what if I exploded?
the only m/f pairings I care about are written by Matt Dahan and this is only a slight exaggeration
what if I just, like, perished. would y'all be cool with that.
I am so not normal about how we've gone from them both yearning for 'a place with no laws of gravity' to them both thanking gravity—
have we considered the option of me just walking into the ocean? I think that might be the best course of action here.
oh my god. I love them.
Masterpiece Containing Masterpieces
Jackie's absolutely gorgeous art shows a bit of bright blue sky visible from the bridge of the Nautilus, so I'm guessing everyone got some much needed rest and continued the tours the next day, lol.
godddddd the callback to Margaret's Apartment. Maps of the Earth and sky lavishly hanging from golden frames—I need to bite something. (/pos)
John, if you're asking questions you should at least give people time to finish answering them, lmao
Someone is going to push one of those damn purple buttons and everyone is going to have a bad day, calling it now. If it doesn't happen this episode, it will happen in one of the later ones. And I am going to be glaring at them all mistrustfully until it finally happens. 😑👉🚫🟣‼️
Samuel and his imagination going crazy over the orrery's potential... and the way Addison talked about the Firestone getting burnt out, I wonder if that means it isn't repairable. Maybe Firestones are extremely rare, idk. curious how this orrery is still able to help them with the Gate somehow. WOULD LOVE TO HEAR MORE ABOUT THESE GATES, BY THE WAY. JUST SAYING. /lh
EDIT: oops, the orrery on the Nautilus is not the same as the Antiythera's, I don't think. but it still seems like this one can't go back in time, going by the conversation!
Before the Island
yessssssss new solo John song for me to lose my mind about. also a casual reminder that Curt Mega is so gender it's unfair. <3
John, I love this for you. so much. go crazy, run wild, be silly and push buttons—NOT THE PURPLE ONES, FFS 🙏—and be happy with Rose.
John thinking his dad would understand what he's feeling instead of feeling smothered by his father's legacy and afraid of disappointing him......... 🥺😭❤
Ipomoea, part 1
the cover art!!!!!
This song is so goddamn pretty. Natalie and Kim's voices are heavenly together.
the imagery Margaret describes is so gorgeous, I want to draw it.
Margaret is closer than she's ever been to getting her answers!!!
and here we learn another time travel rule, which simultaneously makes me go "oh cool, that will probably make the timeline a little less messy" and "oh poor Sia, you lost 39 years with your besties" and "HEY SIA SO YOU BASICALLY LIED ABOUT BEING ABLE TO HELP ANNA GET OFF THE SATELLITE, HUH? CARE TO EXPLAIN YOURSELF??" (This isn't really even about Travelovers, this is about Anna being LEFT UP THERE and someone needs to give Sia a talking to for this, on mine and Anna's behalf. 😭 John, you've smooched your girl, now go be mad for your bestie, plz.)
hi Dakkar, ilu, please never die
Ipomoea, part 2
I was a tiny bit worried about where this was going. I expected him to start using magic against Margaret to force her to defend herself, so the way he's like 'yo we should totally have Sia try to attack/kill us both' instead so they could combine their protection power was a really cool and delightful twist
I also love how Sia absolutely knows where this is going
Dakkar and Margaret are both so committed to this, & the way they sing together!!!!!!!
THEY'RE SIBLINGS! I don't currently have the brainpower (or time, tbh) to truly & accurately express how I feel about the reveal. Feel free to read my very smart friend's cool post about Dakkar and Margaret instead, it's very good.
I know I had a little "et cetera" sort of section at the end of my last post with some other thoughts, but honestly I am tapped right now, lol. Matt Dahan packs so much cool stuff in these episodes that there is undoubtedly a bunch of really cool theories and connections I haven't even touched upon in this post, but that's okay, it's long enough as it is. 😂
I love pulp so much and I am VERY AFRAID and VERY EXCITED for part 3.
Now if you'll excuse me I need to rewatch part 2 until Mr. Dahan himself pries the video out of my greedly little hands.
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puuuders · 6 days
In Pursuit of Something Better ~ Part 7
Ghost fanfiction
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Delta asks Omega for a favor.
Read on AO3
CW: idk if this might bother people so I will warn it anyway. There is some non consensual themes to this nearing the end, however it isn't sexual.
2.5k words
Terzo prodded the thin, silver needle through the strip of silk, dragging a golden thread through the material, overlapping some previously embroidered threat into his latest tailorship project. His painted nails seemed dangerously close to the tip, making Omega clench his teeth before letting his breath go as he was unharmed upon the needles resurfacing.
“Are you paying attention?” Terzo asked, not looking up from his work. “You are too quiet.”
Omega was, in fact, entirely attentive. He was watching so closely that his breath through his nose swept across Terzo's fingers and created goosebumps, though Terzo was also too focused to notice. Omega’s attention was always devoted to this subject, finding himself surprisingly interested in tailorship since he had been given the tools and time to even consider picking up a hobby.
“I'm paying attention.” Omega mumbled. Terzo's eyes flicked up to look at the ghoul and he smiled. Terzo had noticed during their tailoring sessions that Omega had a habit of playing with his grucifix necklace when he was incredibly focused on something, twirling in his fingers and rubbing the smooth metal, the occasional glare of reflected light or tap of his claws poking a hole in Terzo’s hyperfixation. He would never point it out though. He did not want Omega to stop.
Omega finally met his gaze after Terzo did not continue his work for a few seconds. Seeing his look, Omega sat upright with a deep inhale, suddenly interested in the material of the wall next to them. Terzo's smile widened.
“Restless, hm? Suppose we've been doing this for some time.” Terzo clipped the thread, placed his needle back in their now shared sewing kit.
“Good progress though.” Omega gently pinched the article of clothing they were making, holding it up to admire it. It was a dark purple scarf that Terzo was teaching Omega how to embroider on, sewing a thick omega symbol on it as a gift from papa to ghoul for the upcoming cold weather. It was less than halfway finished, but Omega liked to look over it a few times throughout their sessions. He had sewed the ends of the scarf himself after Terzo spent much of each of their free times doing it.
“Well. It is getting late.” Terzo sighed. He sat up and stretched, squeezing his eyes shut as he arched his back.
“It is only 4.” Omega tilted his head, allowing his eyes to mindlessly examine Terzo's body.
“We have to fly to Oregon at 7, no?” Terzo turned to face his wide black dresser.
“Oh, right.” Omega stood up. He watched Terzo shamelessly open his undergarments drawer, unable to look away as he spotted particularly feminine products. He pulled some out, tossing them onto his bed behind him, and then began shuffling through his pants drawer.
“I need to pack too.” Omega excuses himself, though he was already packed and ready to go.
“You have 3 hours! Stay, stay.” Terzo tutted, despite having just used time as an excuse to stop sewing. He selected a few pants, silk pajamas, among other necessary clothing, as they would not be returning to the ministry for some time. They were not supposed to be here today, either, but Terzo insisted on giving himself and his ghouls a small break from the constant performing It angered Sister Imperator and Papa Nihil, but perhaps that was Terzo’s goal as well.
Terzo sat down on his bed and began folding it, humming a familiar tune as he did so.
“You are a talented writer.” Terzo said suddenly, patting the bed next to him. Omega sat, fidgeting with his claws. “Your friends have brought me their lyrics before. They are, eh, mediocre at best.”
“But mine showed you the light, hm?” Omega finished with a grin. “You tell me all the time, Papa. Thank you.”
“I do not say things that aren't true, you know.” Terzo pushed his pile of clothing behind them, bringing an awkward, yet natural, silence in the room apart from the tuned down sound of Queen music playing on Terzo's record player. Terzo tapped his fingers on his knees a few times, poking his inner cheek with his tongue before leaning back, moving his hand so that his fingers rested on top of Omega's.
“Do you like to sew, caro?” He asked, feeling Omega's claws. Omega stared at their hands, temporarily losing his voice.
“Um-” Omega's voice cracked and he cleared his throat, and Terzo laughed. Omega blushed furiously.
“Do not worry. It happens to me.” Terzo turned his attention to their hands as well, now bringing his other hand to gently hold Omega's fingers up, examining them like they were a piece of fine china.
“Your fingers are just so thick,” Terzo said, rubbing Omega's knuckles, “I do not understand how you can be as precise as you are.”
“It's… Well, it- I just hold the needle differently than- than you do.” Omega stuttered. Terzo's hands were so gentle and so soft, unnaturally so for his age. It was apparent that Terzo greatly valued his appearance and self care, from his wardrobe choice to the delicacy of his aging skin.
Terzo closed his eyes and brought Omega's hand up to his lips, one painted black and the other left nude along with the rest of his face apart from dark eyeshadow, humming lowly as he kissed his fingers. Omega gripped the bed sheets with his free hand on the other side of his lap, holding his breath to avoid letting out the flustered growl bubbling in his chest.
Terzo's thighs shifted, bringing a knee up to block off Omega's view of his waist. He began kissing each individual finger languidly, rubbing his ring for a moment before moving up to the tendons. He fluttered his eyes open to look at Omega, and Omega was hit with a wave of an emotion he hadn't sensed from Terzo since the beginning of their tour.
“Terzo…” he murmured, voice strained. Now understanding Terzo’s motives, yet feeling powerless to stop him. Terzo's eyes moved back down, his fingers pushing up the sleeve of Omega's thick coat, but the muscles of Omega’s thick arms prevented him from doing so. Terzo chuckled dryly and placed Omega's hand back down with a pat, blush spreading across his own face at his failure to kiss up the ghoul’s arm.
“Ah… I'm sorry, Omega.” Terzo whimpered, pressing his thighs together. Omega chose not to acknowledge the sudden emanation of concupiscence filling the room and plaguing his mind as savory as cyanide, offering only a soft smile before the silence was interrupted by an urgent knock at the door. They both looked back, mildly startled.
Terzo stood, dragging a finger that was lingering on Omega’s hand up his arm, flattening to his palm across his back before flicking off, making Omega shiver at the tender gesture. Terzo opened the door, gasping at the concerningly disheveled state of Delta who stood on the other side, his face dripping into a bucket he shakingly held at his chest.
”Oh, piccola cascata… What is wrong?” Terzo reached out to rub Delta’s arm in attempt to comfort him.
Delta looked inside the room as it was easy to see over the short man in front of him, eyes glued to Omega, who stared back at him.
“I need to talk to Omega,” Delta stammered, “are you busy?”
”No, come in!” Terzo opened the door fully, standing to the side, gesturing for Delta to enter.
“I’d rather talk to him privately.”
Omega rolled his eyes.
”What?” Omega asked, standing up, moving next to Terzo. The size difference between the two was comical, making Delta smile just a small bit. Terzo looked between the two ghouls, feeling incredibly small.
”It will only take a minute,” Delta spoke to Omega in a way he never had before, almost desperate, his aggression replaced with fraught. Omega felt inclined to be softer, dropping his typical wall of cynicism and harshness that he had held moments before.
”Make sure you two are ready to go by 7, si?” Terzo patted Omega’s back as he moved out of the door. Delta nodded and Terzo shut the door behind the bigger ghoul, tending to his own business as the ghouls meandered down the hallway.
“What is it?” Omega asked again after a few minutes of silence and observing the contorting expressions of Delta’s face. Delta sniffed, the water that was temporarily slowing and thinning dripping faster.
“I need a giant favor from you, please,” Delta blurted, squeezing the bucket tighter in his arms, “I won’t ever ask you for anything again, I just need you to help me, just this once, I-“
”What is it?” Omega interrupted. He was growing more annoyed, irritated that Delta had barged in on his and Terzo’s time off to ask him for a favor. But what did he expect? He was the only quintessence ghoul, it was a constant occurrence for his break time to be cut short by his needy pack. He knew that Delta would ask him for more favors eventually. Each time he did, he always claimed it would be the last, and then the next day he would be asking for something else.
”I just want to know what Alpha saw.” Delta confessed. His request was met with a loud sigh.
“I’m not-“
“Please!” Delta broke into sobs again, water breaking out of his skin like a crack in a dam. “I know what you will say, and I don’t care! Anything is better than not knowing. Just once!”
”You’re only going to get hurt.” Omega spoke solemnly, a foreign sound of sympathy for Delta lacing his tone.
“It will be easier to get over if I see it for myself.”
“You only say that because you are desperate.”
”Please, Omega. I will do your chores for the rest of our lives!”
Omega rolled his eyes, biting the inside of his cheek in thought. Truthfully, Delta had a right to know. It was his partner of many years, and Earth’s time had ended so suddenly, along with the revelation of something so hurtful, that the whole incident had obviously traumatized the water ghoul to a crippling level. That honest thought brought guilt to Omega, his eyes dropping to the floor in shame. He really was so harsh on Delta.
Yet, on the other hand, helping Delta would require a potential violation of his best friend’s privacy. If Alpha were to say no, Omega would have to respect that decision, and Delta would be even more hurt.
He looked over at Delta who was already staring with wide, pleading eyes, and sighed once more.
”If Alpha says no, then that is all I can do.” Omega said sternly.
“Why would he say no?” Delta whined.
”I don’t know. But if he does, I will not force him.”
“Okay. Will you ask him at least? If he says no?”
“Thank you!” Delta dropped the bucket, spilling at least a gallon of the water he had been trying to keep from slicking the ministry floor, erasing his efforts as he flew his arms around Omega. Omega scoffed, but placed his arms around him, deciding that now was not the time for yet another lecture.
To Alpha’s surprise, Omega had sat with him on the bus this night. He stopped sitting with him a few days after the tour began, opting to sit with their Papa, who almost always appeared significantly weaker and sore after each show than the ghouls did. He would watch Omega bring Terzo bottles of water, whisper in his ear, before Terzo would slowly regain his strength enough to engage with the other ghouls. It was funny at first, because all of the ghouls knew what had gone down in their Papa’s pants during the concerts. It grew uninteresting and less amusing throughout the weeks of the tour, except for Omega, who felt obliged to care for Terzo after wrecking his body without a single physical touch.
”Don’t like Terzo anymore, huh?” Alpha said with a smirk, taking a drink of his water bottle.
”I will sit with him afterwards. I kind of wanted to talk to you.” Omega said, trying to catch Alpha’s eyes. Having been his friend for so long, Alpha could tell when Omega was trying to reach out, even if it was silent. He fought it for a moment playfully, before sitting still and leaning his head back against the cushioned brown seats of the bus, looking into Omega’s eyes. Allowing him in.
Omega entered in a smooth movement. Entering Alpha’s mind was always the easiest, as he knew his mind, every nook and cranny, avoiding places he was not allowed to be, pressing places he knew would spread dopamine and serotonin throughout the ghoul. And he prodded those areas to loosen him, earning a soft smile from Alpha as Omega’s grip tightened.
“What is this?” Alpha whispered, scooting closer. “It has been so long. I miss you, beast.”
Omega hummed, allowing Alpha to get close, to touch his knee and rub up his thigh. Omega was nervous; he was hovering over the part of Alpha’s mind in which his memories were stored, a place Alpha had mentioned time and time again for Omega to leave alone. He stopped telling him over time, trusting Omega with his life. The fear of destroying that trust for the likeness of Delta is what scared Omega.
Alpha giggled. “I can feel you getting nervous.” He whispered. The other ghouls were sitting up in the front where the alcohol was stored in some mini fridges, hollering and laughing with Papa Terzo, who was slightly buzzed.
”They won’t see. I promise.” Alpha leaned in closer, his face approaching Omega’s neck. He closed his eyes, Omega’s grip being tight enough on Alpha’s mind that he could do so, and he began planting kisses on his skin.
And then his eyes snapped open as he felt something break. A flood of memories permeated his brain, feeling Omega urgently sifting through them, the banging sounds of the day Earth was banished being thrusted to the front.
“Hey!” Alpha tore himself back, grabbing Omega’s shoulders. His head began to ache, watching Omega’s anxious expression, his eyes darting around as he searched.
“Stop!” Alpha hissed through his teeth, shaking Omega and squeezing his eyes shut, trying to force him out. “Stop!”
Omega couldn’t. Guilt seeped from his mind to Alpha’s, making Alpha squirm even more, begging his friend to get out. Omega had told himself that he would respect it, that he would pull out the moment Alpha said so, yet he found himself delving deeper with each cry. Omega gasped as he felt himself sink further inside, falling into the memory he had been searching for, passing out on top of Alpha as he entered a self-inflicted state of unconsciousness.
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thekingofwinterblog · 8 months
There is one detail were I think I need a second opinion on:
So during the manga ending, there is that detail of supposedly Lord Death, with his "madness of order" being able to control everyone on earth - basically being able to solve all crime/evil things from happening.
The fact that he doesnt use this power is presented as a positive thing, basically an indirect way of answering the problem of evil with "actually God gives us free will and thats why evil happens, because denying us the free will would be more evil than anything else"
So ok, what is the sticking point to me? Well Lord Death was kinda hinted as being deeply flawed, and even his death at the end is framed as tragic but as the time necessary and a positive thing, a new generiation taking over creating a better wolrd, ect.
But isn't including such a huge revelation - a revelation that only makes sense with an All Good, kinda absolute God?
Basically, maybe I'm just looking for nitpicks, but to me these two things clash - like the story and Ohkubo couldnt decide between if Lord Death was holding the world back and needed to pass the torch or if he actually was the wacky all knowing force for good all along -
Like if instead it was revealed that Lord Death was pressured to make Kid be an automaton to avoid an Asura situation, but he refused because he didnt sucumb to the despair of failure and had hope in humanity and freedom, it could work as "wow Lord Death had past sins and couldnt steer the world into the future, but here is an action that proved that the flame of his vision was still good and know Kid will be his resurection, like that old NAS song"
Idk, maybe this is all just nonsense to normal people but to me its the best example of Soul Eaters (more the mangas) unwillingness to commit to the "Death is not all good thing" - like the whole WMD's parrelel and shit seems even more out of place and ironically as a way to say "well Bush made mistakes, but American imperialism is a good thing overall!"
(Ok i probably shouldnt have included "politics" here lol)
Anyway I think the anime in the end was better with its more simplistic worldview - cause atleat it didnt break itself - the shadyness of Death was worked into Kids isuess of trust and accepting that he isnt perfect and can place his trust in his partners and is more simmilar to his father in this way etc.
So yeah, if you are still reading and didnt delete it out of boredom, Im interested in a response, cause I'll admit I'm not sure about it 100 percent myself so if you go and say "Nah, thats wrong cause-" I'll probably open to listening
Eh, i'd say that you're looking at this from a wrong perspective.
Shinigami was a good, if very flawed individual, but the thing is that the reason why he could not lead the new age was not because be was flawed... It was because in chasing perfection, he made an error so great that he could never recover from it.
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That error being the way he created his first son, not to create a successor, but instead as a byproduct of ripping his fear out of his own self in order to become a "better" God of order, a desciaion that had enormous consequences in that it laid the groundwork for the first Kishin, but also because it left him utterly incapable of feeling fear, and thus incapable of feeling bravery either, and drastically affecting his descision making.
As such, he was incapable of decisively defeating his son, and had to resort to sealing him away, something that also required him to stay in one place forever afterwards.
The school that he founded afterwards to replace his team of immensely powerfull warriors that Asura and Excalibur was a part of, came as a consequence of his own failures shattering that group, and with him no longer being able to move around, he couldn't even uphold his actual purpose in the world.
And thats withouth taking into account how much getting ridd of his own fear screwed him up as a person. Through the series, shinigami is utterly incapable of showing real, true fear, no matter how dire things get. All of his angry moments happens in the moment, as things are happening around him.
He was incapable of truly feeling any sense of urgency when Asura was about to escape, and only after he is free is he able to confront the very real consequences on an emotional level.
Similarily at the end of the series he isnt actually afraid of the witches betraying them despite thinking this is the likely outcome, but when he thinks they do, he flies off the handle to reveal just how much hate he truly has for them.
Hia philosophy debate with his son near the end of the anime is all about exploring how these two family members are unable to feel fear and by extention understand bravery.
Ultimately what Shinigami came to realise and finally accept, is that as a consequence of chasing utter perfection, he ironically made himself too fundamentally broken to lead the way, both as a person, and as a king/god who should be leading his organization by example, rather than being trapped in his city.
Fundamentally Shinigami was a good person... But by his own actions, while chasing perfection he crossed a line that he was never able to uncross. Very much like his son, he believed that if he was the strongest, withouth "flaws", he would be able to see his vision through. Only where Asura wanted to feel completely out of any possible danger, Shinigami wanted keep the word orderly and safe for the good people of the planet.
A good goal. But as they say, the road to hell is paved with good intentions.
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neverendingford · 1 year
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sleepy-vix · 6 months
ok guys i finished the poppy war wtf. i feel so hollow right now. i feel so... unsatisfied by the ending but not necessary in a bad way??? i have to read the other books and see what happens but at the same time it feels so hopeless and i dont approve of rin as a main character anymore (tho i am aware that it doesnt matter whether i "approve" of her or not) but i will still definitely read the other books bc i loved the book overall. i just think that the storyline rn is very... surreal?
(spoilers below)
i NEED TO KNOW what the fuck happened to nezha bc i just know that rf kuang has smtg cooking for him. my personal theory is that he didnt die from the gas bc he secretly is connected to the god of healing (hence why his spine healed so fast and enki speculated abt his dragon insigna) and so hes alive and maybe imprisoned? maybe he was sent to a science lab to, or he somehow ran away, or he pretended to join forces?? idrk but im sure that hes alive and its got to do with his dragon insignia
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im so sad that everybody from sineguard died/isnt in the story anymore (other than kitayyyyyy thank god. im so glad he reappeared) bc i tbh dont feel much of an attachment toward the cike members 😭 like idk i love Qara and Chaghan but the others are eh to me, like i would trade their presence for Irjah's or Raban or Niang or EVEN JUN 😭 tho im just being sentimental, i dont actually mean it. (tho i would like to see a jun reappearance and redemption...)
oh btw i think i rate this a 4/5 star read
my criticisms are as such:
- the middle part where they kept losing was very dreary (tho i imagine kuang was trying to make it seem desperate/devastating and tense, it was just droll to read tbh).
- the sudden reconciliation between nezha and rin felt very unnatural (like i understand the feeling of "who cares abt our petty rivalry when theres literally a whole ass war happening?" but then again, this is just fiction and it wouldve been nice to read their familiar banter- or at least have it dragged out a bit before the reconciliation). i feel like it was just very unnatural, unless.... unless nezha fell in love with Rin when she erupted into flames at sineguard???? if THAT happened then i feel like the reconciliation would make alot more sense bc when nezha came to khurdalain it was like he was desperate to make Rin like him/forgive him ???
- a few things were pretty predictable. it was pretty obvious that Jiang was the gatekeeper, which was disappointing because if that was a little less obvious, i feel like the scene were Rin and Altam discover Jiang in the Stone Mountain would've had a bigger emotional impact on the reader (me)
though here are the things i liked:
- Rin at the first half of the book was the best mc everrrr
- Kitay. i have nothing wrong with Kitay. he's my favourite for sure
- Jiang's style of teaching (i loved how they just conversed and would come to nonsensical philosphical questions that made Rin frustrated but made Jiang delighted. eg "Why do people dream what they dream?")
- the way Kuang described the god realm vs the human realm. it was all very believable and assured. it wasn't vague at all, in my opinion. theres ofc alot of questions abt the different planes still, but the genius of it is that she wrote about it in a way that assured that it was normal to have questions, and even more normal to not get answers for them, and that we should just accept it (idk, thats the vibe i was getting. like, she didnt say "just believe it" as an excuse for lazy writing, she said "just believe it" because, well, just believe it.)
ok yeah thats all i have to say for now :)
if you've read the poppy war, PLEASEEE INTERACT (no spoilers tho pls)
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