#idk if thats for the long quiet or the voice of the hero
mothscotch · 9 months
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ground-riot-jack · 3 years
Number 1 | K. Bakugou |
idk what this is man, an origin story maybe?? idk bakugou is an asshole and reader is a badass
The ratings where in, this is it, the big moment. After years of hard work and dedication, you’re finally about to find out if you made it the number Number 1 Hero Spot. You walk out on the stage with the other Top 5 heroes, one being your long term boyfriend, Bakugou. You’d been dating since highschool and worked at the same agency that he created.
“And for our number 2 Hero, we have...Ground Zero! Number 1... Angel! Thank you heroes for protecting and sacrificing your lives for us!” The announcer practically yelled at the large crowd of people.
You couldn’t believe it. You did it. You were the number 1 hero in all of Japan and your boyfriend was right behind you. The lights of the stage felt like power surging through your body. Your large white wings fluttered in excitement. You took your place at the number one podium and felt warm tears of joy stream down your face, you feel pata on your back and can hear congratulations swirling around but you can barely stand up straight.
Soon someone hands you a microphone, the crowd quieting down.
“Thank you all so much, I will work hard every single day until my body gives up to make sure this great nation is protected. I’ve worked very hard to get here so thank you all for recognizing my hard work and determination. I wanna thank Ground Zero, for being the best partner and for helping me get where I am. It won’t be easy but I will take this number 1 spot and wear it with pride. Thank you, i love you all” You spill out happily, you turn and grab onto Katsuki, hugging him and congratulating him on Number 2. You’d both climbed so high and so quickly since you’re UA days, it’s made you happy that you’ve come so far with the person you love most.
Bakugou however, didn’t look happy. It was extremely rare to see a smile on his face, but at the very least you’d expected his bored face. But now, he looked angry. He looked like he was ready to level the city withy he scowl pressed on his face.
“babe, what’s wrong? you good?” You grab his large bicep, getting him to look at you. His bright red eyes snap to yours and you feel locked in with how much animosity they hold.
“I’m ready to go home” He spits out before turning and walking back to the car you’d both arrived in.
You took a few more pictures with fans before following your grumpy boyfriend. As soon as you sat in the car, you could feel the tension thick in the air.
“Ok seriously babe, what the hell is wrong? We got the top spots, that’s amazing!” You turn towards him as the driver head back to your place.
“It’s nothing” He managed to say through his teeth with his are locked together with how tight he’s clenching his jaw.
“It’s something, you’re getting ready to blow this car up”
“I said it’s nothing, Angel” He speaks, the name oozing in malice and anger. Suddenly it clicked.
“You’re jealous that I got the number one spot while you got number two. jesus christ katsuki, could you be any more pessimistic. Why can’t you just be happy for me that i’ve reached a goal i’ve been trying to get my whole life? Number two is in no way shape or form bad.” You huff and fall back against the seat, you watch Bakugou clench and unclench his fists while staring out the window.
“I have to be number one and be better than All Might” He growls quietly, you knew it was a somewhat sensitive subject, but you couldn’t believe your ears.
“All might? Katsuki, you’re 23 years old, you can’t truly expect to be better than All Might right now? All might wasn’t even this good at this age yet, you’re way ahead of schedule. You can’t be happy for me because you wanna be better at 22 years old than All Might was in his prime? You’re delusional katsuki.”
“so you think I don’t deserve this katsuki? You think what? I haven’t worked hard enough? I’m nor strong enough? I’m not good enough? WHAT IS IT KATSUKI? Why don’t I deserve to be number one? Why do you think your were unfairly judged?”
You both stared at each other in silence for a while, anger boiling into the atmosphere. You understood the only thing that drove bakugou in highschool was his need to be number one. You were both adults now, and you were in love with each other. You’d hoped that you’d made a big enough impact on bakugou that your life and love together would be enough of a motivator to be great, the way it was with you.
You felt that car pull into your large home, and immediately jumped out, racing up to your shared bedroom. You got out of your hero costume and into leggings and a tank top. You took off all your makeup and picked the confetti out of your wings. You looked up as Bakugou walked in the room.
“Im not sorry that I’m not settling for number two, I never will and you know it, but i am sorry for yelling at you and the way I acted.” Katsuki grumbled while looking at the floor. Usually, his awkward and hesitant apologies warmed your heart and made you gush at how cute your angry boyfriend was, but now you find yourself staying angry.
“That’s not an apology katsuki. You refuse to be happy for me, even though you promised you would be. You refuse to even acknowledge how much work I put into this to be number one. I am THE youngest Hero to hit number one and you can’t even say good job babe. Instead you get angry and jealous and mean because it wasn’t you. Never mind the fact that you jumped from 10 to 2 which is THE biggest jump anyone’s seen in years bakugou. You won’t even let yourself be happy at what you’ve done, because you’re too busy being jealous” You poke his chest, finally standing in front of him.
“It’s not a bad thing to want to be the best” He crosses his arms, getting defensive.
“Of course not babe, I want you to be the best too. So why don’t you want me to be the best?”
“It’s not that, it’s-“
“It’s what Katsuki?”
“I made a promise to myself-”
“YOU MADE A PROMISE TO ME KATSUKI. You gave me this fucking promise ring and told me that you you’re gonna support me no matter what. That we were gonna work hard to get to where we need to go and we were gonna do it together. You promised me you’d be by my side. That’s the difference between us babe. You need to be number one for yourself, I need to be number one for us. You’ve forgotten that” You wipe your tears and move around the tall man in your way. It hurt that Katsuki couldn’t see this was bigger than his highschool days. This was your life together. You hadn’t spoken to All Might or even Midoriya in years, so why was it so hard for him to accept you as a permanent part of his life.
“Baby, i’m sorry I just. I get one track minded and I was so hopeful that this was finally the day. I needed so bad to be number one-“
“THIS IS NO LONGER ABOUT BEING NUMBER ONE KATSUKI, THIS IS ABOUT HOW YOU CANT SEE THAT YOURE TREATING ME LIKE A SIDE CHARACTER. I AM YOUR GIRLFRIEND!! For fucks sake katsuki, we live, work, sleep, eat do and do everything together, so the fact that I’m not even one of the reasons you go out and do what you do hurts because this” You pause and gestured to everything around you. “This is the reason I wake up every morning, you are the reason I fight crime and your reason is, a childhood rivalry. You’re am adult now, you’re supposed to be friends with midoriya and all might and you’re supposed to be over this whole thing. This isn’t supposed to be the thing that drives you. I’m not saying I have to be too of the list but it would be nice to be on the list” You sigh and look at your boyfriend. You knew this wasn’t healthy to yell at each other like this, but you needed him to understand where you’re coming from.
“Baby, Of course you’re my reason for waking up and being a hero, I would do anything to protect you, it’s just I always pictured me at Number 1 with my agency and you and a family. I have a need, a primal urge to be number one and that’s never going to change. Doesn’t mean i don’t love your dumbass”
“Well I’m number one Katsuki, and I earned the hell out of it. I worked my ass off day and night for weeks and months and years so that I could have this. And to see you pout and complain and look me in my face and tell me you don’t think I deserve this spot hurts more than some cute little apology where you call me dumbass lovingly. So i’ll ask you again, why don’t you think I deserve this spot? What makes you better?” You squinted your eyes at the tall man and clench your jaw.
“Im physically stronger-“ You interrupt your boyfriend by grabbing his arm and kicking his legs out from under him, using your wings to flip him over in his back, pinning him down.
“You’re so close minded katsuki, that you don’t even know what i’ve. been doing for the past 8 months. I an the number one hero you think i didn’t train to be stronger than everyone around me?” You ask, hurt laced in your voice.
“Fine, you deserve this spot. You’re the best.”
“You dont meant that, I’m gonna make you fucking mean it Katsuki. One day you’re gonna see me and i’m gonna be the best and you’re gonna be in awe of my power and then you’ll finally see that i deserve this.” You push off of him and stand up your wings tucking close to your body.
“Just-give me a week babe. I promise I’ll make it up to you and I’ll show you I am happy for you, it’s just difficult being let down like this. I’m a sore loser and you know it.” Bakugou grabs your shoulder and pulls you close to his chest.
“You haven’t even said you’re proud of me yet. or that you love me. or even good job katsuki. You don’t believe i’m your heart that i deserve this do you?” You look at him, heart in your throat.
“I believe I should be number one. Every time.” Katsuki mutters in your hair like it was a compliment. You push him back, rage filling your body.
“You’re fucked up katsuki. I’m fucking leaving” You spit, throwing on a jacket and shoes, heading towards your front door.
“Where the hell are you going?!” Bakugou snarls as you move past him.
“Katsuki, I love you with every fiber of my soul, but right now looking at your face makes me wanna throw you across town and beat the shit out of you. I’ll be back tomorrow maybe” You mumble the last part, not really sure how long you wanna be away from your hot headed boyfriend.
“you can’t just fucking leave y/n, how do you expect to be number one of you can’t even stay and win a fight against your boyfriend.” Katsuki let’s out a dry laugh, causing you to turn away from your front door.
You lunge at Katsuki, ready to punch him until he understands you’re the number one hero. You two roll around fighting and spewing things typically reserved for villains. Bakugou pins you down on the floor, his knee on your chest and his hands holding both your wrists beside your head. You close your eyes and focus all your energy into your chest, a faint ball of white light glows from your heart. Ktsuki looks at it with realization before the energy is expelled from you and your boyfriend is sent flying across the living room.
“You did not just use Power Surge on me.” He growls. wiping the sweat from his brow.
“I did, and i’m fucking leaving and your not gonna say shit or so help me god katsuki, i will shoot a beam of light so bright and hot that you wake up blind, burnt and fucking single.” You use your wings to send you flying straight to your front door, you look back at your confused boyfriend once more before taking to the sky.
Bakugou began the cleaning process, shocked and confused. Why didn’t you understand he wants to be happy for you, he truly does, but his pride won’t let him get away with not winning. He decided to let you fly off to calm down for the night, opting to call and talk to Kirishima. The two friends ended up talking for a bit longer than expected, bakugou trying to get kiri on his side, not his girlfriends. It didn’t work however, Kirishima understood that bakugou would let his emotions cloud his mind, even when it came to you. By the end of the conversation, bakugou was almost has heated as he was while fighting you. He concluded the best option was to head to his agency and train for the night.
He arrived and decided to do some things around the office before heading to the training and workout wing of his large building. While going thru last minute files, there’s a knock on his door.
“Ground Zero, i wasn’t expecting you to be here so late.” A stranger smiles in Bakugou face as he opens his office door, his secretary smiling sheepishly.
“Who the hell are you?” He cocks his head and tries to figure it out before he’s told, one of those weird habits he’s picked up being a hero.
“My apologies. I’m Niko Takeyama, I work for the Hero Commission. How would you like to be the number one hero by this time next month.”
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matronaa · 4 years
[1] i actually have two hawks scenarios so im just gonna send separately and u can do whatever u prefer whether is one or both of them (im using she/her but the reader can be gn or fem, ur choice). the first is: reader's a hairstylist and hawks comes over to get a haircut. she's just minding her bussiness, washing his hair and giving him a scalp massage, and he starts flirting with her bc he thinks she's cute. shy!reader btw. yes i thought of this while getting a haircut lmao
a/n: okay i got a little carried away with this i didnt mean for it to be so long but i really like this idea lollll its a little self indulgent srry abt that but i hope you like it :)
it also kinda sucks and its all over the place but like if you squint its fine shh
Aizawa had recommended you to Hawks after he wouldn’t stop asking how his hair was so nice all the time. Like seriously, Aizawa’s hair is so healthy and soft wtf. Anyways Hawks calls and sets an appointment and you’re kinda nervous because you weren’t expecting a pro hero to want to come to your salon. I mean yeah you do Aizawa’s hair but thats only because you’ve known him since highschool and he doesnt trust anyone else with his hair.
Your salon was small, you didn’t get many customers so only you and your best friend worked there. It was very homely, the scent of vanilla and a hint of KFC hit Hawk’s nose as he walked in- wait...
The bell on the door rang as it closed behind him. It was empty and quiet. Was no one here? Suddenly, his attention perked towards the doorway in the back. Your head popped out to see who was here, with a friend chicken leg between your teeth. Your face turned read as you locked eyes with Hawks. You stayed like that for a few seconds until you took the chicken out of your mouth and cleared your throat.
“Sorry about that, uhh, give me one second.” You quickly went back into the break room, wiping crumbs off your face and cleaning up your lunch. After you finish regaining your composure, you go back to the main room. Hawks was in the corner by a shelf of shampoos and conditioners, trying to determine which smelled the best.
“You’re here for a trim, right Mr. Hawks?” You asked. He hummed in agreement. “Are you sure you don’t want anything else today?”
He smiled at you, setting a purple bottle of conditioner down. “Well, my hair has been getting a little brassy, could you tone it for me sweetheart?” You walked over to him, grabbing a few products and explaining the process of what you’ll be doing to his hair. Your voice was quiet, sweet. He noticed how you almost refused to look at him directly, let alone in the eyes. Cute, he decided. You sat him down in a chair before you took a spray bottle and began wetting his hair. You noticed he had a lot of knots, so you grabbed a comb and began carefully detangling his hair. After you were done you started on giving him a trim. You made sure not to cut too much, and to maintain the shape it was naturally in since that was probably the way he liked it. Hawks was busy on his phone most of the time, but occacionally he would allow himself to look at you through the mirror, admiring the face you made when you were focused. After you were done trimming, you brought him over to the hair sink idk what its called i dont go to the salon and washed his hair. You then applied the toner, putting his hair in a cap so he could sit up. After a few minutes you rinsed out the toner and applied the purple conditioner he was eyeing earlier, watching as his eyes lit up recognizing the scent. After you towel dried his hair, you brought him back to his seat so he could see the color you toned it to. It wasn’t too different, but he definitely liked the change.
“Before I blow dry it I’m going to apply this oil that will keep it soft and help it not get so tangled, okay?” You asked before proceeding. He nodded and you got to work, pouring some of the oil into your hand and then spreading it throughout his hair. You gently massaged your fingers against his scalp, and watched as his head rolled back towards your hands, his eyes closing. You smiled as you continued massaging his scalp, his lips slightly parting causing you to giggle. 
“You know, Y/n, you’re really good with your hands.” You met his eyes looking at you through the mirror. 
“Thank you, Mr Hawks.” You smiled as you looked back down to your hands.
“I wonder what else you could do with them, hmm?” He said quietly, almost to himself. You felt your face heat up, turning a bright shade of red. He chuckled at your reaction, but decided to stay quiet and let you finish your work. Instead of verbally harassing flirting with you, he just watched you through the mirror. He couldn’t deny he thought you were very attractive. He loved the comfortable silence that would cover the both of you, with your occacional humming to whatever song was playing through the overhead speakers.
After you were done drying and styling his hair, you both walked over to the receptionist desk. Yk, so he can pay you. He gives you a hefty tip and you’re kinda shook. You tried giving him some of it back because it was just too much but he wouldn’t let you.
“Thanks for today, Y/n, you did a great job.” He said as he sent a feather to tickle your nose. You giggled as you tried to wave it off, your nose scrunching cutely. “I’ll be back next time I need my hair done.” 
“I’ll be looking forward to it, Mr. Hawks.” You said as his feather finally retreated as he walked towards the door. 
“Just call me Hawks, kid.” He smiled and waved before he took off, flying out of your sight.
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burnedbyshoto · 5 years
My Way
Kinktober Day 19 ~ kink: deepthroating
pairing: monoma neito x fem!reader
warning: smut, cursing
word count: 2,115
a/n: yeah.... sorry about yesterday LMAOOOOO but two uploads today so fun??? right????? I think so!!!!! also I need to say I really really just want to write something thats not smut, but I have no idea what to write. also I had issues with making this rough smut because on one hand it can happen but also like monoma is actually a super sweet boy???????? so idk... you’ll see the power struggle
Sometimes, you really needed to learn how to shut up.
All you had done was get caught up in a conversation with Midoriya and Bakugou. Midoriya had been holding your bag because you had to carry something back to your dorm. The two of them had been your friends since the first year. Bakugou had been making sure to have all the doors open for you, pretending like he wasn’t apart of your little group.
Of course, this made you laugh. The conversation between the three of you flowing without much of a problem until you got into your dorm. With Bakugou complaining as loudly as he was, there was no questioning if you had walked in with anyone. Midoriya’s occasion shouts back about how Bakugou was being too loud. Overall it was their typical banter with your interruptions of the conversation.
Monoma was your boyfriend, someone you found endearing and loving when he wasn’t around people from other hero class. Today was the day he would stay behind and tutor Pony with more Japanese. She was fluent now but still struggled in grammar while writing. So while you would normally wait with Monoma during the tutoring sessions, helping out Pony yourself, you decided to leave when you saw Midoriya and Bakugou.
Instead of leaving when you entered your room, however, they made themselves comfortable choosing to hang out instead. It wasn’t too big of a deal, you sat down on your bed as they got comfortable as well.
So that’s how Monoma found you two hours later. Your legs are thrown over Midoriya’s lap, and Bakugou’s head on your leg as the three of you played Mario Kart. Laughter and raging occurring at every possible moment. Monoma’s smile was tight, his eyes trying not to show that he was still hooked on the rivalry thing from your first year. Something that was still very much a thing, but not to the extent of your first year.
You graced him with a smile, scooting over to make more room for your boyfriend who walked over. Placing himself behind you, you smile as your back falls onto his chest. Midoriya and Bakugou moving while they shouted at each other about who threw the blue shell at him, resulting in Bakugou moving from first place to eighth. You, however, were frozen as Monoma’s lips ghosted over your warm neck, his fingers digging into your hips as your words died on your lips.
“Baka,” Baugou snaps his eyes snapping over to yours, “don’t make us fucking lose!”
It was a team battle you guys were doing after all.
Monoma’s teeth pressed into your neck, your fingers trembling as you stand up, “S-Sorry! You guys have to go.” You say grabbing your friends by the wrists and dragging them out of your room. Their confusion and protests landing on deaf ears as you slam the door behind them.
Your eyes fluttered as Monoma pressed against you, his lips by your ear. “Was I interrupting a date with your boyfriends?” He growled, his hands gripping your waist.
“Neito…” You mumble, your eyes fluttering closed as he nibbles on your earlobe. “I don’t l-like them.”
“It didn’t look that way, sweetheart.” Monoma runs his hands up to your breasts, his hands squeezing them roughly. A lewd moan escapes your mouth as your ass grinds against his crotch.
“Oh, yeah?” You tease, “Sorry, I just didn’t want to tell you about the orgy I was planning for us.”
Those words were teasing. Monoma knew it, too. But it didn’t stop him from snarling, repeating the statement from the very beginning, and you knew then you went too far.
“You really think they could fuck you better than me?” Monoma growls, his teeth sinking into your skin. “You think they have the skills I do?” He asks, his tongue lashing out to smooth against your throbbing skin.
You whimper as your body confirms to his. “Maybe? I wouldn’t know.”
His body stiffens against yours, his hands leaving bruising prints onto your hips.
“I was going to fuck you so well, y/n.” He tuts, his hands trailing down your ass. “But I guess, I’ll just have my way with you.”
Monoma shoves you away, your eyes wide as you come to see his face. He sinks you to your knees in front of him. He sighs your name and is shaking his head, his hands keeping you down, and he’s already fumbling with his trousers, trying to broadcast his intentions in any way possible.
“You’re going to suck my cock like the good slut you are, do you understand?” Monoma snaps, his blue eyes are almost black with anger and lust.
You know that he seems very affected by your words, most likely feeling insecure, but it sends a chill down your spine. It’s hot to feel how badly he wants to fuck your mouth, to prove to you that he’s the one, and you don’t try to hide how much you want him in the same regard. You love Monoma Neito, and you were going to let him have his way with you.
When Monoma does finally free his cock, you have to take a moment to ask yourself how ready you are for this. You’ve sucked Monoma’s cock before, obviously. But each time, for the most part, had been gentle. The poor boy is nervous about hurting you as you went down on him. But it seemed that at least this time, he wasn’t going to be as gentle.
He lets out a curse as you pump him a couple of times, the precum beading on the end of his cock aiding your efforts. It would probably be fun to keep watching him thrust into her hand until he comes, but this is not enough for Monoma. He wants more, and he’s not going to stop until he does. Your gaze flicks upwards to see him biting his lip in an attempt to stay quiet while he stares down at her with an expression that’s a mixture of want, anger, hurt, and love. 
The very different emotions tug at your heart as you contemplate what to do.
You have no illusions about your worth; you figure that anyone would be wearing that expression if they were about to go from insecurity to having their cock down someone’s throat at the speed with which your and Monoma’s attentions have shifted. Still, it’s tough to tap down on that thought before it makes its way through his confused, lust-addled haze. One of his hands is braced on the pyramid above them, but the other is tangled in your hair, pulling it out of the bun you had thrown it into earlier. He’s pulling hard enough to hurt, but you know that he knows you like a little bit of pain.
Monoma’s grip on your hair tightens and he realizes that you’re unsure. His dance between aggression and passion too much for you to decide things on your own. You don’t have time to ask him a question as he grips his cock. Steering it towards your mouth. You don’t bother to hide how satisfied you are by his action as you open your mouth and wraps your lips around the tip of his cock.
“Fuck,” he hisses, his hips bucking forwards like he can’t stop himself from demanding more. You don’t mind; you open wider to take more of him in, and his cock thrusts further down your throat. He’s already panting, in his desperation, judging from the strangled sound he makes as you take him even deeper.
It’s the power you have over him when you got him like this. No matter what, it seemed that he couldn’t face fuck you hard, no matter how angry he was. The thought makes you hum, and you take him deep enough now that he must be able to feel the vibrations from your throat because that makes him hiss out another explicative. He’s shaking with the effort of not just slamming his cock down your throat. It’s surprisingly respectful, given that he hasn’t held back any of his other blows.
He’s underestimating you, however; you could take him in all power and length he could muster. You know that as you begin bobbing your head.
“Y/n,” he manages to get out through gritted teeth. “Fuck. y/n. You—” He cuts himself off with another groan as the tip of his cock hits the back of her throat.
There’s a brief moment of panic as you struggle to breathe. The force a but more than you expected, but you relax, getting yourself to calm back down. But then you inhale through your nose and force your throat to relax until you can take him all in, and not long after that, Monoma lets out a long, loud groan.
Your eyes flash upwards to look at his thrown back head. Your head moving at a gentle pace as his hands tug at your hair. He pulls you from his dick, his cock twitching as he does so.
“Neito.” You say as Monoma heaves softly. He wasn’t one for rough sex. “I want you so badly, my love. I want you to take my mouth and fuck me however you want. However you need.”
It’s then that your words seem to snap into place. Your wants coming to him. Monoma growls, his head nodding in newfound vigor.
Monoma shoves his cock past your lips, groaning as your expectant cheeks hollow out. Your tongue stroking against his head. You began to bob your head along his length, tongue swirling around the underside of his cock, feeling the prominent veins brushing against your teeth.
“You can do better than that,” Monoma’s voice was soft but confident he dragged his hands down to your face. Monoma pushed his cock forward again, pushing inside you deeper this time so his length hit the back of your throat. The motion causing your gag reflex to kick in as you spluttered against him. Monoma’s locked back into your hair, pulling and pushing while you were gagging as he continued to push his cock inside you. Each thrust had him hitting the back of your throat, saliva slipping out of your mouth as you tried to breathe through your nose, groaning against his length. It sent vibrations along with Monoma’s cock, causing the blond to grunt, his pace increasing. Your eyes began to water at the slightly painful sensation and tears slipped down your cheeks, his hips thrusting into you forcefully. Moving your hands to his upper thighs you try to relax against his forceful thrusts, desperate for time to adjust to his movements. Instead, Monoma pulled his fingers from your mouth, opting to weave them between your locks of hair, tilting your head up so he could have a better look at your clouded eyes.
“You look so pretty,” Monoma’s hands clutched your hair, fingers digging into your scalp as he used it as leverage to move you against his length. “Is this what you wanted all along? Is this why they were in your room? So that I could fake fuck you like this? You love me face fucking you don’t you? Such a fucking whore for my dick.”
The words shoot waves of pleasure down your back, your panties feeling like they’re soaked now. Your hands gripping his legs as you nod in agreement. Your moans vibrated around his length as you let your boyfriend pound into your heated mouth. Your attempts to swirl your tongue along his length are futile as the speed in which he was thrusting into your mouth made it hard for you to do anything except let Monoma continue his deep thrusts.
You felt Monoma’s thrusts stagger as he came closer to his release. His hips stuttering, your gags almost chokes as he gave a final hard thrust into your mouth. His tip hitting the back of your throat as he releases inside you with a groan. His hands held your head down on his length as you gasp, trying to take in all his release; his seed dribbling down your chin. When Monoma pulled his length from your mouth you immediately closed your jaw, trying to ease the tension that had built up over Monoma’s harsh thrusts. His own larger hands stroking your jawline comfortingly as his eyes softened.
You smile at him, his head dropping to press a gentle kiss against your forehead. “I’m not done with you just yet.” He whispers. “If you’re not naked and on the bed, in less than ten seconds you don’t get to come for the rest of the night.”
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boom-boom-boyx2 · 4 years
Kaminari Denki X Todoroki Shoto
Fandom : bnha; my hero academia; boku no hero acadamia
“Hey....is everything alright? I don’t mean to bother you just..you seem upset.” The multicolored boy sat down next to the fake confused blonde. “Huh? Todoroki what are you doing here? Hehe- I’m fine! You should, uh... you should get back to your friends!...” the now safer looking blonde tried looking away before he was pulled into a very hesitant, but caring hug. “Uh!” He gave off a whole to the one he called Todoroki causing him to look up at the other with a worried face, “are- are you alright? Did.. did I over step my boundaries? Do you want me-“ as Todoroki was weakening the hug The blonde pulled him closer, “no.....please don’t go..” the blonde barriered his face into the others chest and went silent for a moment. “..Kaminari- do you..uh.. if you wanna talk you can..I’ve been told I’m a good listener.” Todoroki stoped and waited for the other to respond, “hmm~” Kaminari sighed in the boys chest then raised his head, “I’m sure you are....” his eyes looked droopy, he looked exhausted and like he was holding something back.., “Denki...please, talk to me.” Todoroki looked Kaminari in the eyes when he said it this time, “oh.....o-okay..” Kaminari DONT want to- no. He couldn’t look him in they eyes when he said it... he had moved down to laying his head on Todoroki’s lap, “shoto, I’m having a hard time.” He paused and switched sides from his left to his right, “it’s hard for me to- to..” he stoped before he began to cry, “why is it s-so ha-hard t-to un-under-underst-stand thing-s.... I don’t understand it! I don’t get how I got into this class- you guys are way smarter than me and and an-“ the crying blonde was cut off by the others soft humming and fingers against his hair, “wh-what are yo-u doming...” he sniffled, the other paused before speaking again, “...is this ..helping? My mother used to do this to help calm me while I cried...I don’t mean to-“ the blonde forced out a soft giggle, “hehe, todo- that’s so cute...” he doesn’t move and they both lay there in silence for another short moment till the blonde spoke again. “Todoroki?” Before he could answer the other kept going, “how do you do it? How do you...how do you understand everything, how do you get all the information the teachers tell you, like- how do you remember it long enough for the test..?..” the multicolored boy could feel the others cold tears along his left leg, he was silent though. They both were. He didn’t respond just kept humming, “how come I don’t have control of my quirk? Why can’t I be as cool as you? Why do I have to be weak- why do I have to be stupid- it’s not fair! You guys are so much better than me..” Kaminari soobbed and Todoroki stoped, Todoroki stop humming, he stoped touching his hair, he stoped thinking, he stoped breathing. All he could think about was how wrong Kaminari was, how stupid* he was for not getting that he himself was amazing. “B-but, the worst part about it all...the worst part about it all was that even Aizawa Sensei thinks I’m useless, I’m just a pho-“ Todoroki thought of a way to shut the boy up before he could say any more lies, any more things that would be so in-true it would hurt both parties, “hm!” Denki shocked Shoto’s moth in well, shock. Once Todoroki realized what he did he let go of the others face, he tried to back away but ended up just hitting his head on the wall he was rested against, “I- uh..” Kaminari sat up and whipped the tears off his face, “I’m sor-“ Shoto was caught off by Kaminari this time. Denki kissed him passionately, it surprised Todoroki so much he ended up hitting his head again, “ouch..” when Denki had backed away from Shoto he he gave him a worried look.
“are- are you alright?” “I’m fine...” “Kaminari...” denki realized what he had just done, “OHMYGODIMSOSORRYTODOROKIWAITPLEASEAREYOUOKAYNONONONO IM SO SORRY! please don’t leave me- I don’t think I could loose you after what I just said I need you please-“ Kaminari was cut off by another kiss, “it uh.. it seemed to work last time..” Todoroki paused again before speaking, “ Denki Kaminari. You are an excellent student, I mean you made It into one of the most difficult schools in Japan, your in the top class, aND a second year... your quirk is beautiful, and you mean so much more to people than-what do u say?...oh! A charging station... your friends love you,” “yeah sur-“ “, and well, I Love You... Kaminari. Your so strong. And if I’m right, I’m pretty sure you might have this thing called ADHD..” Kaminari froze once he had said the I Love You part but when he said ADHD he caught his attention, “wait, what’s ADHD?” “Hmm, well it’s an attention Dissorder, you have trouble staying focused and you....wait you have anxiety right?” “Uh-uhm..yeah- I think I do at least...wait, how did you* even know what ADHD is do you? Like uhm ya’know.. have it?” Todoroki paused and sighed before answering, “my brother, Nastuo, has ADHD we got him tested and he takes medication, it’s very effective- and it’s not that expensive...” Denki had looked up at his...friend... and smiled weakly. “Kaminari, would you like to go to sleep?” “..yes please...” “would you.. would you like me to stay here..?” “Hmm, yes please...your keeping me warm..” Denki was obviously trying to lighten the mood.
Around 10pm
Mina has intered the chat
Sero has intered the chat
Kirshima has intered the chat
Jirou has intered the chat
Yo, did u guys see kamiBro after class today?
Nah- I kinda thought he was with you, I was gonna ask if he wanted to play games but his door was shut...
Oh fuck! Guyyysssss I thought he was with u guys! Damn it- he looked rlly sad at practice today Jirou Babez! U seen anything??
Did you say FUCKING lost pikachuu.
Oh! H eh Bakugou! Aren’t u in bed around 8;30!?
Did. You. Say. You. Lost. Kaminari. When. He’s. Upset.
Shit Kirshima!
Ahahahaha- no.....
I swear to fucking god, if he does something fucking stupid I’m going to kill all of you.
Wait what!? Was he planning on doing something stupid!?
Hold up! Bakugou!? Do u know something we didn’t!?
Be quiet. And check his room, I’m coming I’ll be a second I have to put a shirt on.
WAIT GUYS! CALM DOWN! He’s fine!! I swear!
He’s okay
Their finneneeds
Leave em’ be!
Wait whAT!?
Ohohohohoooo- calm down bakuBro! At least kami is okay! :)
Tch, he better be- I already put on a shirt and idc if he was his boyfriend over or not I’m going in.
Let’s noT!
Why? They having sex!?
Uhm- idk, I kept hearing hits on the wall earlier...
No! 😀🤚🏼
hakskdndkdbkdbf ur all dumbasses I’m climb with u
👁👄👁 thats not how that works Sero- I-
“DAMN IT KAMINARI! WAKE UR ASS UP!” ‘BOOM’ the door snapped open which quickly alerted the previous 2 from peacefully sleeping. “WHAT THE FU-“ “....ah, it’s just Bakugou...” the half of the door frame that Bakugou had his foot in was completely frozen and covered in ice, “DAMN YOU ICY HOT!?” “Please quiet down Bakugou, my boyfriend and I were trying to sleep.” He sighed and looked down at a blushing Kaminari, “ah, are you alright?” “I-I’m fine....didn’t know we were dating yet....but that’s cool...” Kaminari buried his chest into Todoroki’s once again, “now, what did you guys need?” Mina, Sero and Kirshima were all frozen with surprise and unexpectedness while Bakugou was physically frozen. “NO. WAY.” Mina shouted and basically flew three Kaminari s door to the couch, careful not to jump onto either of the two. “I CAN’T BELEIVE UOU NEVER TOLD US KAMI~ YOU HAVE A BOYFRIENDDDDDDD!!”
After they continued to scream and what not all TJE fangirling got cut off my well, more fan girls, “what’s with all the rucku-” ochaco had stoped in her tracks and gasped so hard todoroki was pretty sure she stoped breathing, “TODOROKI YOU DID IT! OMG FINALLY WAIT OMG I HAVE TO GST DEKU AND TSU AND IIDA AND MOMO AND AND-” she ran down the hallway shouting causing everyone to wake up, “wait...y-you liked me!?” Denki looked shocked and lost all while his face slowly steamed up, “ah, well yes, I figured you knew..” Todoroki looked at him blankly with the slightest bit of blush on his cheeks. “N-no, how would I know...” Todoroki pulled the blonde up for another kiss, then kissed his nose, “well, I figured when I did that you got the hint...” Todoroki chuckled softly before realizing he broke his boyfriend, “I-...” “wait-..” “hold up” “WHAT THE DUCK ICY-HOT HET A ROOM!” Todoroki turned around and looked at Bakugou in the eyes, “we did, then you broke the door.” The other responded with his signature ‘Tch’ before turning around “alright fuckers I’m going to bed- don’t fuck around to much and keep the damn noise down.” He walked off back to his dorm.
“Ah” they both sighed in relief when every one finally left them alone to go back to sleep, it had been a long day for Kaminari and Todoroki just wanted to cuddle his now, boyfriend in quiet but with everyone smuthering them they both felt to uncomfortable to cuddle up that close. “T-Todoroki?” Todoroki looked up to the blonde sitting next to him, “hmm?” “Do you- I mean like are we....are we togethe—r??” His voice cracked as he looked down back at his lap, “Kaminari... do you want us, to be? Uhm, together that is..” Todoroki sat up straight and turned his body toward the blonde, he saw the blondes whole face and got a bit worried, “Denki...are you alright??” He put his hand on his forehead, “ah!” Kaminari flinched and let out a tiny scratched scream. Kaminari looked up at the boy infront of him, the one that always knew what was wrong, and always knew just want to say even if he didn’t think he did, the one who was so beautiful and peaceful all the time, this boy, this boy who he has had a crush on since first year of high school. The boy who just asked him if they were together...
“Yes.” After a few minutes of silence, where Todoroki worried he had said something wrong, and What he could do to fix it had looked up at the sudden sound within the quiet room. “Yes, uh, we are together, I mean- I like you, that’s what I’m trying to say....” he paused and sighed, “damn, I feel like I’ve been holding that in forever, like some kind of stupid secret that I locked up in my mind. Not letting anyone see it, in case you where in love with someone else, I didn’t want to ruin that, I didn’t want to ruin your* love life, what could be your most amazing life with my stupid confession... it feels nice to finally have it out in the open, to know that you don’t hate me..” Todoroki was shocked....
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myherogroundzero · 5 years
‘til we meet again (hawks x reader)
A/N: i literally DIED bc like idk school is stressful but im back and im in LOVE with Hawks. i’m gonna be writing more parts to saving grace, but i needed to show my birdy some love. and let me freakin tell y’all, there’s so much dialogue and it’s all written so bad but i hope you love me regardless LMAO i’m just a bad writer. also i’m so bad at writing like angst and shit bc my heart can’t handle it so it went from pain to not really wanting to talk about pain bc pain is bad and bad makes me sad and sad means not happy and thats not good. but anyway, hope you enjoy and i’m gonna try to be more consistent but,,, no promises. the summer tho? that’s gonna be my prime. have a great day!!!
word count: 1.1k
warnings: language, blood
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the moon was rising and the stars were twinkling. the sky was such a beautiful ombré of blues and black. it was peaceful, quiet. though when you took a look down, there was chaos among the streets. the roof of the hospital building was where you went to unravel. after a long day of being second to an arrogant surgeon, it was the only way to relax.
though relaxation didn’t come easy when you knew that people were being attacked and heroes were risking their lives in the very town you call home. from the looks of it, it seemed you wouldn't be getting the rest of the night off. your eyes, however, went from the trainwreck of a town to the beautifully jeweled sky. it somehow still shone, even when bad things were happening. perhaps it was a sign that, although things got bad, there was still a light.
your thoughts had quickly disappeared when you heard a rather loud thud and a painful grunt come from behind you. you turned and immediately recognised the bright red wings of the number two hero, Hawks. he pushed himself up slightly, gripping his side as he tried to catch his breath. you rushed to his side to help him, though panic began to set in when you saw the blood that covered his entire left side, drenching his clothes.
“oh my God! are you okay? wait, that’s a stupid question, you’re clearly not— let me help you, yeah?” you panicked. you did your best to help him stand, making him drape his arm around your shoulders while you gently held his torso. his quiet pants and pained expressions were making you uneasy.
“thank you,” he managed to breathe out, hugging his side tighter with his right arm.
“i should be thanking you. after all, you’ve saved so many people. but i suppose that’s to be expected from the number two hero, right?” you smiled softly at him, attempting to take his mind off the pain in his side.
“i guess so, but people like you save others as well. what do you do exactly?”
“i’m actually an intern. i’m going to school to be a surgeon, but that won’t be for awhile. take a seat in that room, okay? i’ll be in to help in just a moment.”
“i’m going to be honest with you, that blood is not going to come out of these clothes. would you mind if i just cut it open?”
“do what you need to,”
you nodded and cut through his stained clothes, revealing a rather large gash. your stomach turned at the sight. sure, you wanted to be a surgeon, but you weren’t quite used to the bleeding and gruesome looking cuts just yet.
“you okay there?”
“huh? oh, yeah! i’m just… not used to this yet,” you muttered.
“well, tell me the news, doc. am i gonna make it?”
you laughed quietly as you began cleaning the wound.
“i don’t know, sir. that’s a pretty nasty cut you got there,”
he chuckled before hissing at the sting from the disinfectant you used.
“sorry… gotta clean it. it would suck if this thing got infected. you’re gonna need stitches, too.”
he nodded as he watched your hands. it was amazing how still and gentle you were. though he was in searing pain, your softness made it easier. you were kind and you joked in order to make the situation more lighthearted even if you were panicking, he appreciated that. he leaned back gently when you went to grab the things you needed to start the stitches, his head spinning. he tried to focus on his breathing to make the pounding in his head dissipate.
“Hawks? are you alright? what hurts?”
“fuck… everything,”
“are you saying ‘fuck everything’ or ‘fuck, everything’?”
“my head is killing me.”
“i’m gonna guess you said the second one, then. hold on, i’ll get you some medicine.”
you grabbed some water and painkillers for him to take while you stitch up his side.
“here, maybe this will help with your side, too. what’s your favourite colour?”
“what does that matter?”
“just some small talk to get your mind off the fact i just pushed a needle into your skin to stitch up the gaping laceration on your side. ooh! winter of autumn?”
“autumn, easier to fly. what about you?”
you stood still for a moment as you thought.
“well, autumn is gorgeous, but the snow is too. hard to say, honestly. probably autumn, though. your turn to ask a question!”
your fingers worked quickly as you tried to ignore his soft groans. you felt bad putting him in more pain, and the sounds he made were making you more worried.
“what’s your name?” he asked quietly.
“that’s your question? pretty boring, if you ask me. but it’s l/n. l/n y/n. and we’re done! that wasn’t too bad, yeah?” you beamed at him as you put your tools back where they belong. it hit you hard when you realised he'd have to pay for everything you did tonight if anyone else found out. it’d be kind of hard to sneak someone with giant wings out of a building, not including the security tapes.
“do you think you can fly?” you asked.
“yeah, i think so. why?”
“i don’t want you to have to pay for this. if you fly off the roof to your house, it’d be like you were never here. but you need to rest when you get home, which means no flying unless absolutely necessary!”
he laughed lightly and nodded.
“yes, ma’am. thank you for all your help, l/n.”
you grinned as you put a sticker on his hand, giggling softly at yourself.
“no problem, mr. pro-hero! now go home so you can get better and keep kicking ass.”
you walked him up to the roof, the two of you talking about yourselves to fill the silence. it was going to take awhile for him to heal, and it’d likely take longer if he decided to disobey you.
“can i see you again?” he looked at you, waiting for your response.
you got a funny feeling in your stomach when he asked you that.
“i’d like it. you know, if we saw each other again. maybe under less… intense circumstances. like a drink, for example. if that’s alright with you,” his voice was soft and inviting, and it made your heart jump.
“yeah, i’d love to! i come up here every night. meet me here whenever you’d like. i can’t guarantee i’ll be free, but you’d still get to see me.”
“it’s a date, then. ‘til we meet again?”
you smiled softly as you watched him fly off the roof.
“‘til we meet again.”
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jellyfishdooter · 6 years
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In spite of the current community fire I give you this Rise of the Guardians AU
Character explanations/ mini story under the cut
So after watching Rise of the Guardians (one of my fav animated movies) I got the idea for an AU where the egos are like the Guardians of the JSE community.
Their designs are based off/ inspired by the characters in the movie but instead of just drawing the egos as those characters, I more so let them inspire re-creations of their outfits/ powers
Chase: Jack Frost- Guardian of Family
In the beginning he doesn’t see himself as a guardian. He’s a screw up, a washout. But even through his depression he tries to make others happy before himself. He does this by having fun and trying to get those in the community to join in with him! It’s later on that he realizes he has a part to play and that his is making sure everyone is still together as one big community. He’s here to remind us that in troubling times that we all have each other- that we’re all family.
JBM: Santa- Guardian of Hope
Being the super hero of the group, it’s JBM’s job to protect the innocent and give off the appearance of being something people can depend upon- someone who can protect everyone from danger. He helps the community become strong and makes them laugh along the way (even if he has to make a fool of himself to do it, he loves our smiles)- he gives them hope.
Marvin: Tooth Fairy- Guardian of Creativity (Sams: small Tooth Fairies)
Much like tooth fairy in the movie, it’s Marvin’s job to collect fanart/ fanworks and store them so when the community forgets all that they have built together, he shows them. Not only that, he inspires the content creators and represents their passion for their art. And it’s what he protects. (Along with the help of the little Sams who are the ones who actually collects and re-distributes it so everyone can see what they’ve made.)
Jameson: Sandman- Guardian of Positivity
Arguably one of the most important guardians of the community, JJ is there to remind people the importance of PMA. In his own quiet ways, he encourages the members to think on the bright side- or is just there to give hugs and be there for them. Whenever someone is in such a dark place, he uses his powers to show them that they still have so much potential and that they’re not alone. He give them a light in a dark place to hold onto. (Yes, he uses sign language AND the sand symbols for those who don’t understand sign)
Schneep: Bunny- Guardian of Health
Being the good doctor of the group, he’s there to remind the community to take care of themselves. Yes he may be a lil aggressive in the way he gives out advice, but for a lot of people they need their butts a little kicks to get them moving to help themselves. But not only physical health, he’s also willing to sit down and talk about mental health and analyze what the problem is/ works to help you understand how to improve yourself.
Anti: The Boogieman- “Guardian” of Fear and Chaos
And last but not least, our dear little firestarter. For so LONG he’s waited, waited to be in the spotlight. Before the other egos show up it was just him and it was delicious. He had so much power as he fed off of our fears, insecurities, and of course the headcanons and theories we made about him. But then Jack HAD to make more egos and fill the community with positivity and light. So he sunk back and waited for his opportunity- he waited for his powers to grow strong in the background. And with all of the hints being dropped and community fueling the fire in a continuous positive feedback loop, he gains more and more strength every day. He reminds the community not everything is peachy and rosy. That there are awful things in the world and how you’re just a tiny ripple in a storming ocean. Insignificant. He doesn’t want to stamp out the community- that would be counterproductive. No he just wants them to feel fear for the channel- that nothing is safe anymore- at any turn he could be there. And with that everything always comes back to him.
And sooner or later, the others will fade away...
Extra Headcanons/ Tidbits:
Before they were all guardians they were other people. (TW: death and suicide mentions) -Anti was a reckless criminal and one night his “friends” betrayed him, leaving him behind which wound up being the end of him. They were running from the police and were trying to jump a tall fence when his comrades left the struggling man behind to take the fall. He did in more ways than one. -JBM was just a regular dude, but he sacrificed himself to save a kid getting hit by a bus in the city. Even though he was about to die he kept asking if the kid was okay. The medics told him he saved them and that’s all he needed to hear. -Marvin was a street magician in his time. He did tricks to cheer up people sitting on the sidewalk/ sitting alone and talked to them about their passions. Later the same people would come back and tell him about the new job they got or the current project they were working on. He pulled a teen off the side of a bridge and a local cop mistook it for him attacking her and.. well.. things escalated quickly -Henrik was an upstanding surgeon. He saved lives every day in his career. Even though his wife and child left him, he worked every day to become a better doctor and continued to save people. And after the surgeries he would personally counsel the patients to make sure they were okay physically and mentally. But one day.. they didn’t have a matching organ for the patient on standby.. and he knew he matched the credentials. -Jameson was a small movie star in his time. And when he wasn’t filming he went down in quiet to lift the spirits of homeless children and teens. He would put on small performances and then go around to each of them and comfort them if they said it was okay. He made sure by the end of his visit they were all in high spirit. But one day the filming studio caught fire. The smoke damaged his lungs so he couldn’t call out before the building collapsed. -And Chase... He had a loving wife and two kids who he cared for with his life. He vowed to himself to protect them, even though his wife turned into a bitch as the years went on. One night they were walking home from a day at the amusement park and Chase got jumped with his kids nearby. The criminal threatened to kill the kids if Chase didn’t comply. So to protect them, he did as the criminal said, handing over his wallet and watch and phone. And when the criminal was about to kill one of them anyway, instinct took over and Chase knocked the man down and knocked him out- but when he fell the gun went off
The lights on the globe are the septiclights, each one representing a person in the community
Instead of holidays, the guardians help in the background of charity livestreams and videos to give them that little extra spark.
Sean is the equivalent of the Man in the Moon
The extra fan-made egos (like Robbie, Shawn, Angus, and Bing) are still around, they just aren’t the big guardians.
If they were tho... Robbie- Guardian of Innocence, Shawn- Guardian of Voice, Angus- Guardian of... idk, Protection? Or maybe head cannons lol, Bing- Guardian of Online Connections
When too much of the community becomes afraid/ depressed, the guardian’s form changes (like in the movie) before they disappear -JBM: Becomes weaker, probably needs his glasses to see again, basically turned into a comicbook nerd -Marvin: Loses a lot of his color, magic goes away, turns into a cat? -Henrik: Hands continuously shake, gains a stutter so people can hardly understand him, becomes super paranoid/ closed off -JJ: His colors fade to black and white, it’s really hard to summon his powers, always about to cry/ wants to scream -Chase: Goes into a low state of depression, isolates himself a lot -Anti: His bravado diminishes- basically turns into an edgy teen with spasms instead of actual glitches, wound on his neck closes.
Like in the movie there’s a point where Anti takes over (like right now) and everyone’s powers start to fade
To make this angsty(er) he manages to kill JJ and he disappears, along with the light of positivity in the community.
Chase blames himself for not being fast enough to save him
To turn thing around Henrik suggests a charity livestream to promote a mental health organization. So they all work together to prep
A young community member somehow gets into Henrik’s realm
Memes and shenanigans ensue
“We spend all our time trying to protect the community, we don’t HAVE TIME-... for the community..?”
Chase runs off after young familiar voices calling out for their daddy
Chase ends up in Anti’s realm of fear(the opening is in the woods under an abandoned computer desk). It’s a series of twisted hallways bathed in red light and entire walls of glitching computer screens that cast weird shadows
When Chase gets out he realizes all the equipment is destroyed and he wasn’t there to help
Henrik blames Chase and sad dad runs off.
The community is plunged into a state of fire and fear and there’s no positivity anywhere to be found.
Except one last light...
A fan is talking to a Sam plushie, saying that yeah they understand why the stream COULD have been cancelled.. but everything in their life is just so dark they were really looking forward to it.
Chase finds them and uses his powers to make images of septic lights and funny moments in Jack’s videos
They realize it’s Chase who’s doing it and can see him
All the egos fight Anti with the help of a few community members beside them- giving them power to fight back.
The members bring back JJ
JJ kicks the ever living shit out of Anti with the help of the others beside him Okay I think I’ll stop here XD If you read all this... wowie!
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blacknovelist · 5 years
K A T S U K I B A K U G O, for the ask thingy please! Thank you!
i love these letter headcanons so much, my dudes
(okay so like, honesty hour it’s been a Solid While since I’ve read BNHA and I haven’t caught up yet but here’s my hot takes as requested.
I think the last I solidly caught up was about, like, the cultural festival? So if something happened later to like, contradict with these, just disregard it and don’t let me know - I’ll catch up and see for myself eventually.)
K: how do you know when you’ve upset them?
See, the thing about Bakugo is - he’s a loud sort, and it’s easy to assume (so very, very, very easy) that he is so in everything he ever does. He screams and hisses and swears and shouts at so many things, it’s his defining trait. The thing is, it’s not his volume that tells you first, if you know what to look for.
Nah, it’s in the look on his face. The way the lines of his cheek n jaw shift and his hands twitch and for a moment he ain’t just glaring and frowning at you or the world but at himself, too. When he realizes he’s upset his first instinct is always to reach inward, somehow - whether bodily or mentally or both, it depends - and study it. Examine it. Look at it. Once he’s got it pinned, then, then he’s gotta look for an outlet - a means to further that understanding if you will. And sometimes maybe also he’ll look to lash out at someone he sees as responsible for his pain, if such a person exists. It’s just, his brain works so fast - Bakugo is a prodigy in his own right, brilliant beneath all that rage - that actually noticing that moment, not passing it off as a fidget or a twitch or anything else it isn’t, is already hard enough as it is.
See like, his shouting, it’s a defense, but it’s also just who he is (be loud, they’ll notice you, attention is good). It’s that half-step pause, when he’s knocked off balance and that unsure look crosses his face as he does, thats when you know.
And then he’ll blast your ears off one way or another, and if you didn’t notice he’ll usually get louder and start cussing you out and you kind of have to notice. Unless you’ve really really upset him - then he goes a little quieter (in the way a car horn is softer than a foghorn) and obliterates you with his words. Bakugo will always know the most efficient way to shut someone down using only his words, you just gotta coax him to it. And when he’s upset, well, no one wants to keep talking to someone who’s made them upset - ending the conversation by returning the favor is just a bonus.
(Of course, I’m registering “upset” as not including or being the same as “anger”, at least at it’s core (bc he’ll progress to being angry abt it eventually), because Bakugo being angry is something we’re all quite familiar with. And of course, this is assuming someone has found the right buttons to push to even make him upset, given the fact that I also believe he just doesn’t care enough to really let what others say get to him.
If anyone’s gonna make Bakugo genuinely upset, I’d bet more money on it being himself - thinking, dreaming, wondering, questioning everything he’s done and is doing and will someday do, probably - than anyone else. But were that not the case, well. Here we are.)
A: what are/were their best subjects in school?
Bakugo is a boy of many talents - you need the best grades to get into UA, after all. I think he probably did best in English, because All Might is known to speak English phrases from time to time. (This is related to the fact that Bakugo is the English teacher in Ageswap)
He likely also is good with chemistry, given his Quirk - he’s gotta understand reactions and gases and which ones are where generally, the interactions of substances and those gasses with his Quirk and also their reactions when exposed to heat/light/etc, what things he can use to fuel explosions or put out fires caused by it, so on.
T: Where are they ticklish?
I don’t particularly imagine Bakugo as a ticklish person? Partially because he wouldn’t let anyone close enough to tickle, but mostly because he just doesn’t strike me like that (and it’s not because I’m not ticklish, because I am unfortunately extremely so). If I had to give a place, I’d say it’s probably somewhere a little strange, like the soles of his feet or the back of his neck or something.
S: How stealthy are they?
At first glance, unbelievably so. Those who know Bakugo know better, of course, but nonetheless. Despite the boisterous and angry manner Bakugo holds himself he is, again, extremely smart. He knows when to be subtle, when to quiet down and, most important in this case, when to lay low and sneak.
I don’t think I’d put him as like, top sneaker of the class, but the boy knows how to creep when he needs to. On a scale where say, Hagakure was 10/10, I’d pin him a solid 6 or 7/10 when he’s actually trying.
U: What’s their voice like?
I’ve always imagined his voice as always having a sort of… edge to it. Not a gritty-sounding emo sort of edge but like,, like he’s always chomping at the bit to end a conversation, I guess. Also, he talks a little quickly when he’s not swearing specifically at someone - not so fast that he’s incomprehensible, but more like what he’s saying is obvious and he can’t understand why you don’t see it that way either. It’s not malicious or on purpose, it’s just how he is.
I: On a scale of 1 to 10, how much do they love themselves?
Mmm. As a kid, a solid 9 or 10 - back then he was too young, just a boy with the entire damn world at his fingertips. He never had reason to believe he was anything less than the absolute best, and that’s fine.
At the start of the series I’d say he, to others, looks like he’s always on the high end of the spectrum (7-10 out of 10), and I’d say back then he probably felt it too. Middle schoolers are the absolute worst, I have no trouble believing he has that much confidence in the beginning.
By the boot camp he’s still putting off solid 7-10 vibes (I think there’s never a time he isn’t putting on that air with the world so just assume he is pls) but I think - with all the hits his self-confidence, what with how different UA is to anything else he’s ever known - he’s sitting at closer to 5’s and 6’s. After Kamino? He drops below 5 and for every moment he thinks about it (about the fight, about All Might, about the hero career that almost ended and the one that actually did) it continues to go down. The thing being, of course, that he doesn’t act it, and a part of me imagines he stays in partial denial (“I feel like this but maybe I don’t”) until about the provisional license. (Though, I don’t think he drops lower than 3)
Idk, maybe it’s just been a while and I’m overthinking it but I get the vibes that Bakugo vaguely acknowledging Izuku in that moment in the exam? It was kinda the moment it clicked in his own brain, an understanding of what Izuku has been given based on what he knows, so to speak, and how different it is from him. I think that’s when he stops denying how low he thinks he’s sunk, which leads to him wanting to get answers, which leads to the fight. Which is such a good moment, holy shit.
I think it’s after that that Bakugo starts working towards building himself back up internally. Needing to take that additional thing to get his license was a blow, but he’s nothing if not determined - he’ll make that comeback, just you wait. He’s a solid and even 6-7 by the cultural festival, and holding strong.
(Again: I haven’t caught up with canon for a very long time, so if canon seems to contradict me or if you’re looking for a look at how he is now, sorry)
B: Do they have any allergies?
Nope. Everyone hates him come allergy season because he’s always cool as a cucumber and the same as he always is.
G: How do they flirt?
man, this is so far out of my jurisdiction
here’s some true facts kids: I don’t generally judge ships and if it’s in character i’ll read almost anything
but i’m also not a shipper, at all. Given the option, I’d sooner throw my entire being into the pit that is “platonic shit” than have to deal with an excess of it.
So like, I’m not here for romance, and I tend to rely on tropes when I am, but Bakugo lands in that hotspot of “would not fulfill those romance tropes on his own of his own volition”.
I guess if I had to say, I think he’d probably extend invitations to let the person he’s interacting with learn more about him in general - hobbies n habits n shit like that. That is to say, he’d absolutely invite someone hiking or to spar or whatever in an attempt to both learn abt the person (how do they react) and to let them learn about him. He’s always struck me as being kind of private, so like, such a leap would probably mean a lot.
That’s as much as I’m getting from this one mate
O: What would it take to break them, inside and out?
We’ve already caught a good damn glimpse of this - you know that breakdown he has with Izuku, when he’s blaming himself for being the end of All Might?
Bakugo thrives on hard work and being the best (or at least, striving for it), and that leaves a number of ways for him to break, it’s just that he’s incredibly resilient as a person so it’s hard to tell.
The frustration of trying his best and still ending a situation with the worst case - a la Kamino but worse - would absolutely destroy him. Can you imagine? Working hard and powering through and doing everything in your damn power to do the right thing, to save yourself so you can save others, to be a hero, only for it to be for literally nothing in the end? The specific scenario I’ve got in mind is a little more long-term; I believe that if something big happened like that and he came out thinking it ended well enough, only for a shoe the size of the USA to drop on his head and disrupt everything he’s worked towards? Rendering nearly all their work for nothing? Revealing that he and everyone else played right into the villains’ hands, essentially making this their own faults?
Well, something would break in just any anyone.
(Alternately, a realization that everything you do is meaningless and a constant reinforcement of “you’ll never be who you want to be” would also do a pretty damn good job)
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milomeepit · 6 years
Theyre probably reacting like that because of other fandoms. I mean, most other fandoms the famous person would probably be like, assaulted with attention from fans and like? Going out of your way to figure out where hes going to be coming in after the 18 hour flight and going there to meet him flings up all sorts of warning flags? Like, imagine if one of your followers, who you dont know, did that. They don't have the right to yell at you for doing that but theyre just trying to protect Thomas.
like i said i get the concern and everything and i appreciate that ppl have opinions and stuff but i was very very much asking if everything was okay like even when i approached them i was like "... hi, is it ok if i talk to you guys?" and if it was me like id probably be p ok with it as long as they werent like??? tackling me??? and i know that may not go for thomas and everything- but they were clearly ok talking to me because t h e y approached me again when they walked past me a few minutes later so 🤷‍♀️- but im just upset about the screaming likei was doing my best to be quiet and respectful and stuff and i dont see? much difference to fans seeing like movie starsaside from the fact that i didnt like shriek or anything so idk some ppl with disagree and thats valid and i appreciate that buti was so excited about meeting my hero- a man who saved my goddamn life- and i wanted to share that experience and... now i feel nauseous and awful so idk that just how im feeling about the yelling ppl; this isnt about everyone voicing disagreement, just the yelling angry ones who are being super angry and harsh and screaming at me
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thelastpilot · 7 years
Miss Me- One Shot
I was talking with @tides-miraculous who, while we were talking about criminal lack of Nino (and Adrien’s interaction with Nino), mentioned jokingly that Nino could straight up move to Morocco and no one would notice. And then I proceeded to send to a 4k word one shot about exactly that. So keep in mind this was all in a text long so it isnt fantastic and the grammar isn’t wonderful lol, but I wanted to post it anyways. (Tide’s commentary has been kept lol) ((also i know phones dont work on planes just let me have this))
Angsty Nino one shot below the cut
Boy could move to morocco tomorrow and you won't notice
it would take adrien three days to notice he wasnt there
Adrien: *calls nino* " Hey, Nino you sick or something haven't seen u in a while
Nino: *hangs up*
aw thats sad
aw that makes me really sad and i just had a whole idea for it
Why we gotta back the salt angsty
bruh this is our thing, you say something sad and i make it worse
its always time for salt on the pain train
It's hella sad cuz man. Minus headcanons and crap we got nothing to back them up and be like "naah this shit ain't happening"
Cuz boi we know Nino cares. He got akumatized
For his frickin b-day but besides that nothing really on Adriens side
Not to mention all the hugs
Daamit Nino you're too good for him what is This?!!?
I'm so confused I'm trying to actually think or canon stuff to back them up and filtering fandom stuff and HOLY shit!??!
He was thinking 3,000 miles. That was about his current guess. Nino awkwardly shifted the mishappen box in his arms to tap his phone awake from sleep mode, and looked for a moment at the photo of him and adrien on his lock screen. That was an old photo... Maybe 4,000 then. Nino tried to ignore it as he placed the last of his things in the car, taking off his hat and throwing it into the backseat. The car hadnt been started yet and his parents were still inside, and despite how crowded Paris was for the moment he was alone on the sidewalk. He tapped his phone again. He was bound to be halfway gone before anybody even realized
He was 3,728 miles away before he got a text. He was nearly 4,000 before he got a call. and after that, the calls never stopped. Nino felt himself curling inward in the plane's seat as he screwed his eyes shut, furiously ignoring how his phone shook in his hands. Or maybe it was just him. He bitterly recalled the order to shut off his phone during flight and moved to unlock his phone, but even that was interrupted by another phone call.
He watched it vibrate for a while and let it go to voice mail. There were three there already
He was getting them from everyone now, Alya was sending the most texts, but Adrien was relentless with the phone calls. Out of everyone it was Adrien he felt the most betrayed by. Maybe he knew that...
Nino almost liked to picture Cat Noir showing up at the window of an empty apartment, he was just angry enough to take some kind of bitter feeling out of that. How he probably showed up to ask for a favor, wondering if he had been joking about leaving for good. His halfassed apology would have echoed back to him in the vacated rooms, the carpets dirty in the places where his family had walked for years and spotless in the spaces where his bed and desk used to be
Adrien called again
He didn't answer
My heart I'm so sad
"I can't talk. I'm on the plane" he found himself typing, interrupting the indication that Adrien was about to send another message. his finger hovered over the send icon, but he pressed it still. He wasn't sure what he was hoping for, what he could possible want, but his chest hurt and he could feel hot tracks of tears on his face. He was trying to be quiet, his parents asleep besides him, but his phone wouldn’t shut the hell up. It had always been silent before, it was only now that anybody seemed to care about reaching him
"The plane?" Adrien's text replied immediately. "You're serious? Nino please you have to be joking, I saw the place was empty but you just moved, you're joking"
"I've been joking for months now? Are you serious dude? You thought I was fucking lying?"
Nino wasn't sure what the point was in arguing but he wanted to argue. If he had the space he'd be screaming. "Nino," Adrien answered instantly, clearly waiting by his phone. "You're just gone? You're gone and you didn't call? you didn’t even say goodbye?"
I'm am currently in a quiet hallway at a cubicle absolute losing it
That pain in his chest grew cold, and he shrunk even further in his solitary, cramped space 30,000 miles above the black ocean. and he typed out what he had been thinking the whole time. "I didn't think you'd even notice."
Adrien called again.
He didn't answer
Mother fuck
I am so sad
He declined the call and typed out despite Adrien’s clearly frantic attempt to reply. "I've been packing for a week and a half. I was 3 hours into the PLANE RIDE before anyone even noticed. If you had even so much as spoken to me in the past two months maybe you would have fucking known about it. I tried to tell you and you were never fucking there. you dont get to do it now."
Oh shit go off nino
Nothing. Adrien started to reply and then stopped. He started again but stopped again, and after awhile there was nothing. And nothing His phone went quiet, and it was familiar to him, but somehow felt even worse. The cabin of the plane was dim, and it was aisles and aisles of people facing forward into darkness with headphones in, numbly and distantly checked out from their surroundings as they waited and waited in perfect, straight lines. And he was alone in the crowded, dark space of strangers and cut off goodbyes and lost homes and silent phones. And he cried.
He clutched his phone and he cried
Lmao what the SHIT
Yea so Nino's heart died and I died
you're welcome im in pain also
Okay baby boy just go to Morocco fucking live it up. Idk fu slipped in his miraculous into his luggage and now his jade in morocco done
Come back for uni. Shits still bad between friends kinda but they bond as heroes
I'm trying to fix this
i got a thing hold up
Agadir was a long way from home, and it felt really different in a lot of ways. Every way, honestly. It was by the ocean, which was new, and about over 50% of the people there didn’t speak a word of the only language he knew...so he found himself alone a lot. 'Nothing new there' he thought to himself bitterly. Moving in made it easier, he had something to do. He was out of school for the rest of the year and was probably going to start a year behind when enrollment happened again, so he had nowhere to go and no one to keep track of him. His father started his new job almost immediately, and his mother was wrapped up in adjusting. So when the few things he owned were set up and the last of the boxes were stored out of sight he would leave, and start to explore
About three months in he was running out of places to get lost, starting to recognize streets and having an easier time winding his way back to the dust colored box apartment that was 'home'. He would walk and someone might say something to him, but the words were rounded and he didn't understand them. He would then spout off the only Arabic he knew now. "I'm sorry, I don't understand" and he'd keep going
He was on the beach by himself, observing work day traffic on the raised streets when his phone rang
Nino sighed, shaking sand from his hands as he shifted his position to allow him to reach for his phone. He was working on figuring out where he was well enough to tell his mother when he looked at the screen, and his brow furrowed at the unfamiliar number
He sighed a second time, ready to rehearse his one line of arabic as he answered, saying plainly and without enthusiasm, "Hello?"
There was a sharp gasp, and then a harsh, familiar rush of desperate relief. "Oh god, you have the same number, yes PERFECT, thank god. Nino, holy crap I didn't think it would work"
Nino was frozen, the waves crashing a short distance away from him before he sputtered out, "ADRIEN?"
"Yes!!," his old best friends voice answered immediately, laughing uncomfortably, but still relieved. "It's me Nino. I- listen please don't hang up, I'm begging you give me just a second. Just thirty seconds of a call please."
There was silence, a thousand jagged emotions rooting Nino to the spot, but Adrien didn't wait for him, instead thinking aloud. "I can hear the waves. Are you near the water? Nino listen I-..." There was a silence, but in the need to not waste his half a minute he continued, the words rushed together. "You have every reason to hate me. I would hate me too. I DO hate me... but i can't do this. I can't just leave it knowing that I fucking did this. I made you think I don't care. I can't live with that. I need the chance to say it..."
"No, I didnt come this far to have this talk over the phone, tell me where you are. I can be there in five minutes. Well, maybe a minute more I'm still near the airport-"
Nino heard something muffled, a female voice shouting something to him over the din of background noise mixing with his own ambience of the waves. There was another one as well, and then a garbled, distant message projected over speakers in arabic, and Nino felt his stomach drop out.
"Wait, you're fucking HERE?"
Yeas blond use that cash for good!!!!
(Will continue in just a minute)
BRUH take your time
I'm still crying so everything's good
"Where are you? the beach? there isn’t that much beach right how much area is that?" there was more distant talking, and adrien was clearly eager to move. "I cant take this phone with me. Give us just one chance, please nino wait for us we'll be right there." "US?!" he responded incredulously, but the line was already dead, the hang-up tone loud in his ear
he pulled it away from his face, staring at it in disbelief like perhaps it hadn't even happened. and just like that it was only him and the waves again, no other passerbys on his beach that morning
anyone who was on the beach might have seen something odd, streaks of color dashing past that weren't from around. a group of kids moving a little too desperately, dressed strangely as they fled to the coast. Nino wasn't sure what to do, getting increasingly nervous as he walked the shoreline, his hands balled up into fists in his pockets and his back to the north. minutes ticked by and his heartbeat was loud to him, and he felt that bitter, numb something crawling in his throat. all the harsh and hurt things he wanted to say
but as he passed beneath a weathered and abandoned dock he heard three impacts in the sand behind him, and those words died in his throat
he turned slowly... stalling by obsessing over the gradients in the sand. The pattern of broken wood, the stench of ocean draped around them and clinging to the dock. and three lost friends, letting magic fall from their shoulders and leaving them exposed in front of him
they all felt exposed, in the moment. at least, for once, the ground they stood on was even
despite all their intentions, and all of his pain, and all of the distance, no one said anything at first. They stood in the shadow of the dock and the kwamis milled nervously, shooting each other glances but not interfering.
the waves creeped up, and slipped away, and Nino watched them. after a while, he shook his head
"gangs all here..." he muttered quietly. After a moment he felt he had to add, "I admit... i didnt see this coming"
"We would have come sooner..." Marinette spoke quietly, her voice almost out of place in his head. It had been awhile since he had last spoken with her. "It was hard to orchestrate. But we were trying from the day you..." she hesitated
She was going to say 'left', but she stopped short, unsure of herself. Saying that he left didnt sound right, even though in literal terms it was the best way to describe it. but it made it sound like it had been his decision, that he left THEM. and that wasn't what happened
There was silence again and the three heroes seemed agonized, but unsure of themselves. They watched as well-worn anger passed across Nino's expression. "So what? What happens now, guys? Is this the part where you say you're sorry, and that’s all supposed to be good enough and then it’s just better? ..." his voice dropped, and he looked down into the sand. After a pause, "Coming all the way here is... not what I expected. but clearly nobody has any idea what to say."
The waves echoed in their small, dim space, and just looking at them standing there so unsure of themselves… it made him angry. His hands were balled into fists at his side and his body was tense. That horrible feeling chipped at his insides and it felt like it was suffocating him.
"Nino-" Adrien tried to speak next, his expression horribly pained, but Nino couldn't hear it. He spoke clearly enough by Nino realized in a flash of sharp pain that he was incapable of hearing it. He didn't want to see him dare to pretend. Like he was mocking him. "Shut up!" he cut him off, his voice hard and hitting adrien with enough force to push him back a step.
"I get it, okay!?" Nino spat at the three of them, trying and failing to keep his voice steady. "I understand. It fucking sucked but it always made sense to me. You're busy, you're all busy you have so much shit that you have to do, so much is expected and you have this whole other part of your lives that doesn’t involve me, but it involves each other doesn’t it? You have each other. That was enough for you, and I get it alright, I fucking always got it." He grit his teeth and he nailed Adrien to the spot just by looking at him... but his voice wavered. "It always made sense to me..."
On one hand I want them all to make up and hug it out but on the other... GO OFF NINO
"You're important. You're important people with important shit and you got all caught up in everything else. In the fight, in the fucking powers in all the bullshit in EACH OTHER," he couldn’t help but add, throwing out a hand to gesture harshly between Marinette and Adrien. "You had other shit going on, you always did. You weren't bothered with me being there so I didn't bother you with leaving. I was surprised anybody even noticed."
He looked away from their expressions, his heart cracking just that much more. They looked... horrified, and he didnt want to see it. He didnt want to fucking make it easy for them. He was angry
"I was attatched to how it had been before, but looking back to some degree it was always like this and I get it. Once Alya joined in it was harder cause then I was the only one left behind all the time, but I got it. I'm not saying you should have stuck around. I'm not saying that you had to... i'm not even saying you owed me much of anything at all. But you owed me a goodbye..." His voice cracked and he folded slightly, fists uncurling so he could cross his arms, but it felt more like holding himself together. "Fucking listen to me... im sobbing about this shit again and I'm sick of it. But you fucking know what? out of all the people standing here I was not the fucking one who owed you all a goodbye. It wasn't me. You all left me behind and you did it way worse. You did it over MONTHS of just leaving me out and ignoring me and putting me off, if you were done with me you should have just said it...
The pause between his words was deafening. The dock creaked in the wind that picked up, the ocean churned as if it had been disturbed, and Nino, who was sick of crying over all the same things, cried. And he hated it. "I understand why you left me behind... but I don't want to hear you apologize for it. Because even if I'm stupid for it I still just wanted you guys to be alright. And if you are doing what you need to now then all the best... But if that picture didnt include me then you never should have pretended that it did. You made me feel like i was part of your 'team' but I fucking wasn’t and I GET IT, but im sick of pretending..." Nino raised a hand and rubbed harshly at the tears, angry that his hand was shaking. Angry that he kept crying like a child. Angry that this even still hurt
"I just wanted my fucking friends..." His voice shook again and he shrunk in on himself, standing on the coast line of a whole other country, out of place and lost and too far away from all of them, even when he was finally right there. "They told me we were leaving. they TOLD me they didnt ask and do you fucking know, how much I just wanted someone to tell. And I tried, for ALL OF YOU and there was no one there? cause there was never anyone there? I was losing EVERYTHING, I'm in this fucking place where I cant even speak to half the people here and i just want to go home and I cant and theres no POINT."
"I was freaking out and I just wanted my friends and you weren't there... so why the fuck did you bother? Whats the point of THIS!? Whats the fucking point of even coming when NO ONE HAS ANYTHING TO SAY"
there was a space there, so grand and torn that he couldnt see any way across it. and in a lot of ways he was looking for one. Nino wanted, in the deepest kind of honesty, just to go to his friends. He wanted to just pretend it was fine and be with them while they were there. He wanted someone to miss him, and he felt like no one did. He felt like no one ever did. He didn't want to look at their faces and play in to the fantasy in his head that they were sorry. He didnt want them to trick him into forgiving them. He didn't want to-
Yeas I read a line and think "wow my heart can't break anymore" then I read the next and I'm provide wrong
Just shit this is actually so heart breaking what the shit girl this is golden
"He wanted someone to miss him, and he felt no one did. He felt no one ever did" I AM SOBBING
He felt them around him, Alya's face buried into his chest, Adrien reaching out, Marinette stumbling to be behind him. It was like something had broken further in that rift and people were falling, desperate to do anything. Part of him wanted to shake them off. But part of him held them too. He was too unstable to support their weight, all three of them speaking but the words not reaching him. As they noticed that he couldnt seem to hear they became more desperate, but Alya's words were unintelligible with tears and Adrien was too quiet, too far away. He felt like they were all sinking into the sand, and he murmured wretchedly. "I just wanted someone to miss me..."
"I'm sorry... I'm sorry," it sounded in a chorus, bursting through their sentences wherever it could fit and each sounding different in their voices. They spoke over each other and Nino looked at none of them, shaking with anger but not falling. They lowered into the sand and they supported him, kneeling together under a battered, ruined dock and begging for him to listen.
"You're right..." it was one of the first things that caught his attention.
Nino looked over, the girls falling silent and looking to Adrien. His head was hung low, sand coating his jeans as he sat there, defeated. Miserable. When Adrien looked up he met Nino's eyes, and Nino could see how far down it went. It was like there was a pit behind his eyes that sank lower and lower, and he said it again
"You're right... and i'm sorry... I dont know how to say it... I don't have the right words to explain it. We were wrong... I was wrong. But I can't do this. I can't stand it Nino, seeing this. You're in the wrong place, and you were scared and I wasn't there and I wasn't ever fucking THERE and I didn't notice that you felt like this. And it's my fault. But i can't let you say what you said nino i cant stand it. I can't stand you saying that you understand why we pulled away, because there is no WHY," adrien shouted, his voice cracking and faltering. "You talk like we were right to do it! Fucking leave you behind because of what?! We have no excuse! There IS no excuse. I left my /best friend/ to feel like we were better off without you and I CANT, I- I cant..."
"Nino... I don't know how to make you believe that I love you, because I gave you a hundred reasons to believe that I don't. But god Nino I miss you so much... I miss you so fucking much and I don't know what to do."
"... you were fine without me before-"
"I wasnt! That isn't what that was! You're right, we got caught up in all this other shit, I took for granted that you would always be there but I never pulled away because of- because of ANY of that shit you said, like we were better or too busy for you, too important. I never hesitated to believe that you would always be there for me and I forgot to make sure that you knew the same... I never imagined you leaving because I couldn't picture us without you... I know you don't believe me- fuck," he bowed his head, a sob wracking through his chest and shaking him. "I never tried to think about what you being gone would feel like because I never thought it would happen. But then I was standing in your room with everything torn off the walls and I lost it, and I lost you and you were thousands of miles away... I have no excuse, there is no excuse... but I've been desperate to get here because I couldn't let you think that I didn't care. that i didn't notice...
Marinettes quiet voice shook and wavered, Nino's eyes turning to her as she clung to him and cried. "We should have been there... we should have-..." she repeated herself quietly, desperatly, and Alya spoke into his chest, her words thrumming against him and her tears wet against his skin as it soaked through the shirt. "I'm so sorry... I'm so sorry DJ- I, we..." she sobbed hard,folding against him. She turned her cheek to him and said something that stood out on its own. The second thing that truly stood out. "I love you. WE love you. We love you, I love you I'm sorry I'm sorry"
Marinette whispered something and she wrapped her arms around his stomach, her face turned into his back. Adrien was bent forward over himself, but he was reaching out, one hand on Nino. Marinettes quiet, broken, wretched chant chipped at him, his anger and hate and injustice slipping through his fingers... like sand in the ocean. "We're here... we're here... we're here."
He was so far away, kneeling by the ocean with something too big and heavy to survive in his chest. He was displaced, pulled away from his home and tossed to the side and left alone in a city with foreign grating words, and cold, stretching oceans. He was left alone with the knowledge that no one would come for him, and that no one would notice. And heard the only thing, he had been waiting so long to hear. "We're here... we're here... we're here"
  ~~end of story~~
Girl u deadass just spat out a one shot like it was nothing
... i kinda hate the mental image of nino kneeling in the sand of a foreign coast and above him it just says "i just wanted someone to miss me..."
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choisgirls · 8 years
ok so there's ton of HCs of the RFA protecting MC but what if the tables were turned? How about some HCs of MC protecting the RFA + Saeran from harassment/being hit on by other people? (in all honesty if someone hit on my S/O they would experience hell)
A/N: honestly i’d liketo say i’d be the same but like i’m too shy and just yeah with my personalityi’d just let it happen unless my s/o is uncomfortable ^^;;; (also loOK I TRIEDTO MAKE IT NON VIOLENT FOR THE MOST PART BECAUSE SOME PEOPLE DON’T LIKE VIOLENCEBUT I MEAN I’M THE TYPE TO THROW PUNCHES SOOOO) ~Admin 404
           -I’ve discussed before that he isvery oblivious
           -So he wouldn’t even really noticewhen people hit on him?
           -But you sure did, and you didn’tenjoy it one bit
           -He never really acknowledges ituntil he sees the disapproving face you’re giving the other person
           -Then he starts getting a littleuncomfortable because wow he finally started to think about what the person wassaying, and that’s where you step in
           -You’re a nice person, you neverreally get physical with the person, you just…. use your facial expressionsto communicate.
           -So when you gave the person hittingon your boyfriend a death glare that could almost rival Saeran’s…. thenimmediately replace it with a smile…. needless to say, they froze.
           -In a sweet, innocent voice, yougreet them, introducing yourself as his s/o, and watch as they (usually)nervously take their leave
           -He actually really appreciates itthough? Like, you love and appreciate him enough to get jealous like that? Notto mention you’ve gotten him out of a few awkward situations where he was toonice to just walk away. WOW MC LOVES ME, THAT’S AMAZING please take chargemore often mc, wink wonk
           -But at the same time he’s concernedbecause some of his fans….. tend to be a little…. adherent
           -You never get physical or hurtanyone, mind you
           -But you’re very open with youremotions
           -So if someone is hitting on him,you immediately voice your opinion
           -You place yourself in betweenwhoever is flirting with your Zenny and himself, and look them in the eye
           -“Hi there, I’m MC, Zen’s s/o.It’s nice to meet you. You think he’s handsome? That’s so funny, I think thattoo!”
           -Sounds nice, right? WRONG- yourvoice has a hint of disapproval in it, not to mention dripping with sarcasm andover-exaggerating your words
           -You’re never MEAN though becauseyou couldn’t do that. But you make it obvious enough that, hey, this is my man,please stop hitting on him. And he’s actually just so surprised that this sweetlittle person can lowkey scARE HIM WITH JUST A CERTAIN TONE OF VOICE, WHAT THE
           -He can’t really… judge though?Because he gets the same way no you get way worse, zenny, so as long asthe two of you show each other there’s nothing to worry about, you’re all okay!
           -Baehee takes care of her damn self,okay
           -But she appreciates when you stepin like her hero and save the day
           -Like if someone’s too close for hercomfort, you’re there in a flash to gently drag her in the other direction
           -You’re more of a quiet pouter- ifsomeone’s flirting with her and she doesn’t seem uncomfortable, you stand withyour arms crossed and a pout across your face
           -She tries to be polite but, hey, atthis point, you aren’t because??? Why don’t they get the hint??? No means no??
           -So you’re constantly taking theslip of paper and promptly throwing it away or you wait until she hands you herphone and delete their number. Right in front of them. Show no mercy.
           -Do you feel bad? Yeah sometimes. Doesshe appreciate what you do though? Oh yes, very much
           -You always get a kiss on the cheekwhen you help her out of situations like that SCORE
           - threatened to punch one guythough when he tried touching her hair. doNT DO THAT. THATS MY JAEHEE, YOU STOPTHAT
           -He doesn’t even pay attention topeople flirting with him
           -Why should he? He has who he wants,and that’s you. No one else matters???
           -Why do you get so upset over it??? idkjumin why do YOU get so upset over it
           -Takes it as the highest form ofcompliment and profession of love, because that means you want him all toyourself- just like he does with you
           -But MC please don’t get physicalwith these people that’s not professional
           -Loves when you cling, though. Hangoff his arm, lay your head against his chest, like yES MC DO THAT SHIT, SHOWPEOPLE I’M YOURS
           -He was talking to a guest once, andin mid-sentence, he watched you cover the guest’s eyes with your hand.“You stop that, don’t give him those eyes, you can’t have him” mCPLS
           -Overall, your demeanor stops peoplein their tracks before they even attempt to flirt with him. You radiate thissort of aura that says “back off this is my boyfriend”. Only thestrong-willed attempt, but they always fail. Though, Jumin has to kiss the sideof your head to remind you he isn’t going anywhere, there’s no need to get soworked up
           - “why are people flirtingwith me im terrible” (same saeyoung, same)
           -He’s just confused all the time byit
           -And since he’s confused, he doesn’tknow how to really…react. So he just accepts it
           -But??? You don’t like that?? Don’ttouch my nerd boy
           -You like to take the “Jokinglyinsult them but lowkey mean the insult” route to get your point across
           -When I say “insult” idon’t mean you belittle them or anything, mind you. Kind of more along thelines of saying “leave him the fuck alone” without saying itoutright- you say it more in ways like “yeah he does like pizza- hisfavourite is when he’s getting it with me” ya know, that kind of thing
           -And he can’t help but laugh?? Likeit’s kind of mean and the both of you know it is but?? They don’t get the hintto leave him alone??
           -Until you get tired of the personand just grab Saeyoung’s glasses off his face, and plant a kiss straight to hislips
           -Which hey he isn’t gonna complain.He actually takes advantage of the situation and puts his hand on your lowerback, dips you slightly, and just hardcore kisses you because maybe then theperson will get the hint???
           -YOU’RE SUCH AN ASSHOLE THOUGH youwink at the person before you take Saeyoung in the other direction
           -Don’t even breathe in the directionof my cinnamon roll
           -But you can. So when someone’sflirting and asks for his number, you casually walk up and just straight denythem
           -“I was wondering if you’d liketo go grab some dinner some ti-” “No” “Who are you?”“No”
           -And he just smiles the whole timebecause!!! He’s glad you showed up!!! He loves you so much!!! And you’re ableto say no, unlike him
           -And for the ones who are more…persistent,despite the “no”, your persona flips like a light switch
           -You can walk up, happy andcarefree, and the moment they touch your boyfriend in a more than friendly way,you’re as cold as ice
           -That’s usually his cue that heneeds to excuse the two of you. You’d never say anything harsh, mind you, butyou would sort of keep that personality for the rest of the day. He’d have tofind a way to cheer you up so you don’t feel bad!
           -He always jokes that your face isgonna get stuck in a pout, pinches your cheeks, and waits for you to smile.INTENSE CUDDLING FOR THE REST OF THE DAY because hey MC, he’s yours and no oneis gonna threaten that
           -i can see why the two of you area couple
           -you perfected the death glarefrom him as well
           -He’s uncomfortable in almost anysituation so someone hitting on him, and that someone NOT being you, makes himVERY UNCOMFORTABLE
           -And he’s not quiet about it, either.He voices that he isn’t interested, and that they should just back off but forsome reason people take that as a challenge?
           -So you warn them with a deathglare, then by reminding them that he said he isn’t interested, then your angergets the better of you
           -There are times that you get apunch or two in, but most of the time, the furthest you get to go is grabbingthem by the front of their shirt, and pulling them real close to your face
           -There’s always threats, and neverclean language
           -But Saeran doesn’t want you to getviolent like he can be so he usually has to physically carry you away from theother person
           -BUT YOU’RE GETTING BETTER! Now youtend to just push the person away, grab Saeran’s hand while giving the otherperson a look of disinterest, and walking away wow mc look at you, you’recalming down!
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saltykong · 7 years
what are your favourite hongbin vocal bits from vixx songs? :D
Hello Anon~~~!!!
I’m sorry it took me so long to answer this one, it’s because I generally had no time to sit down and do this. But I have finally did it the best as possible! I put it under the cut!
 But I am a little all over the place with it ^^;;
But I would like to say is, even though Hongbin doesn’t get many lines, to me, he gets the MOST memorable ones. The parts you will find yourself singing and in a way, that is just as good.
With that said, it’s down below~!
+Super Hero: Hongbin’s first verse…and second….
+Rock Ur Body: Hongbin’’s first verse and HONGBIN IN THE BREAKDOWN (2:36-2:49)
+On and On: 1:57-2:03 Okay! So originally Hongbin is autotuned in this song but during the lives he BREAKS THROUGH THE AUTOTUNE DOING THAT HIGH NOTE. UGHHH I DIE HEARING THAT IT IS SO AMAZING YES YES YES.
+Hyde: Hongbin’s part where is the evil opposed to Hyuk’s good. Also, 2:00-2:06, this part is usually amazing as Hongbin is going backwards like he is being consumed (by the members). Hongbin’s acting is one of the greatest things you guys.
-G.R.8.U: The ooooh weee yeaaaaah~~~ part haha :D
+Only U: His first verse
+Voodoo Doll: Hongbin’s first part (Also, Hakyeon’s part!!!)
+Error: 0:45-0:54 He drags out his voice because it is getting lower!
-After Dark: 0:20-0:26 idk, I recently found this song haha!
-What U Waiting For: 0:08-0:16
+Love Equation: He…didn’t have many parts…so whatever there is, I’ll take it.
+Chained Up: 0:12-0:20 (HA HA :’’’’’’’’D)
-Hot Enough:0:20-0:29 HE GROWLS IN THE BEGINNING PLEASE TELL ME YOU HEAR THIS TOO. HE GROWLS OH MY GOD IT VIBRATES MY EARDRUM OH MAN. (Bonus: HYUK’S PART!!!! I WANT TO KILL MYSELF!!!!!!!!!!! My sisters and I all get very quiet when Hyuk sings because we like to take it in? Also I'm obsessed with Hakyeon's "musk" part. But is was Leo at 3:03-3:06 Single-handedly brought me to the STARLIGHT fandom)
+Dynamite: The Suri Suri parts man WOOOO. (Suri suri all mine Suri Suri her mind)
-Six Feet Under: I sing his “Six feet under thats enough” a lot.
+Fantasy: All of his parts! He didn’t get many in this comeback unfortunately.
(SOMEONE HELP) Oh! 2:13-2:16 :)
-Love Me Do: 1:40-1:45 + Hyuk’s part after. To be honest, this whole song is a masterpiece let us thank Yongguk for it. (Also, Leo’s “Something” has always been addictive)
+The Closer: 0:47-0:54 (PLS KILL ME I LOVE THIS WHOLE ERA AND DISTRIBUTION, also I punched my bedroom wall because I was so overwhelmed with him singing “Getting Closer”)
-Desperate: 1:00- 1:05, 1:20-1:28
-Shooting Star: 2:32- 2:37 HONGBIN IN THE BREAKDOWN PT. 2!!!!!
+Milky Way: 0:45-0:50 I’M GOING TO CRY
Thank you for asking such a creative question!!!! I had fun!
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a guide to starship’s newest boy group Monsta X
if you ever want to get into monsta x (or just want more info or videos off them) then here’s a guide to introduce you to them!
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SHOWNU (son hyunwoo)
leader, main dancer, and lead singer
18 june 1992 (gemini)
181 cm/ 5′11″
dancing machine
used to be a backup dancer lee hyori
was a former jyp trainer and is friends with got7 and miss a
was apart of nu boyz with wonho, jooheon, and gunhee
he is considered the dad of the group and the members often call him that
also his nickname is robot shownu/ roboshownu because he acts like a robot ig
kind of quiet so when he does speak you think its something profound... but it’s not
hi hello annyeong
was in sistar’s shake it mv with wonho
he’s actually very close with sistar’s soyou
helps create some of mx’s choreos
cannot act cute to save his life 
the members tease him a lot but he loves them anyway
he loves to exercise for some reason
arms bigger than his own head
he’s a guest on lipstick prince
whats his shirt made out of?? boyfriend material
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WONHO (shin hoseok)
vocalist, dancer, and 1/3 of the visual line
1 march 1993 (pisces)
178 cm/ 5′10″
very charming
very good at writing music even though starship is constantly shutting him down
may seem intimidating but is very sweet and kind most of the time
former ulzzang
was caught up in some scandals predebut 
was apart of nu boyz with shownu, jooheon, and gunhee
was in sistar’s shake it mv with shownu
can speak japanese and french
even tho he’s ripped he has a weak body and gets sick a lot
he’s extremely afraid of heights and cried when he bungee jumped during right now
“the biggest lie i’ve ever told is that i’m ugly”
has tattoos on his left thigh, right foot, and asscheek 
probably has a nipple piercing but thats not confirmed™
broke his finger during the filming of trespass, but didn’t know he broke it and kept on filming
used to not get lines but gets lines now
when they asked him his ideal type he said “someone who makes ramen well” and everyone pointed to kihyun wonho said “as long as you can make ramen, gender doesn’t matter”
constantly made to pull up shirt/show off his body in choreo even tho he’s expressed how it makes him uncomfortable
loves his family and works really hard to support them because his family went bankrupt while he was a trainee
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MINHYUK (lee minhyuk)
vocal and 1/3 of the visual line
3 november 1993 (scorpio)
178 cm/ 5′10″
loudest member 
you can tell which one he is because he’s screaming or joking a lot or talking in general
warning headphone users
mood maker
actually very sweet and takes care of the members a lot and is a great caregiver
extremely touchy
underrated vocals
needs to be an mc
shownu has said that minhyuk is a natural born leader and that he even follows him sometimes
is very cute but doesnt like hearing hes cute
indirectly called zico ugly 
can speak to dolphins
during no.mercy no one really believed he was going to make it into the group like he didn’t even think he was gonna make it 
didn’t win any of the missions he was apart of but he won the world’s hearts
during right now he said that if they had to eat chicken by the beach because of kihyun he would drop kick him and he did
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KIHYUN (yoo kihyun)
main vocal
22 november 1993
175 cm/ 5′9″ (shortest)
power vocal
the members call him the mom of the group
best cook in the group (or so he says)
thinks he’s gordon ramsay or something
always acts embarrassed when they ask him to be cute and says he can’t act cute but is also always trying to act cute (earned nicknames like cutie or cutie kihyunnie and tiny during rush era)
1 + 1 = kihyunnie
don’t let him fool you tho he’s also ready to call out the members at any given moment and not go to their funeral after he slaughers them
also he’s always saying embarrassing pick up lines and has no filter
also he’s actually made of grease and not as smooth as he thinks
fans also call him a hamster a lot too
would die for chicken
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HYUNGWON (chae hyungwon)
vocalist, dancer, and 1/3 of the visual line
15 january 1994
181 cm/ 5′11″ (tallest)
meme king
like 50% of the mx memes you see are him
he’s a model (he was even modeling during their survival show no.mercy)
181 cms its all real baby
honestly you’ll hear this evetually so i’ll just say it: lips
he’s actually a really talented dancer but no one remembers that 
not an example but mantis dance
fake maknae
always sleeping or thinking about sleeping, hardest member to wake up
would burn down the kitchen if you let him cook
searches his own name online
like kihyun he’s always ready to call out the members (especially kihyun(saltmates)) at any given moment
president of the roasting commitee
either tries too hard or doesn’t try at all
does not get the lines he deserves #nolinerking
a weakling
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JOOHEON (lee jooheon)
6 october 1994 (libra)
177 cm/ 5′9″
you can tell when he’s about to rap because he always shouts “JOOHEON” and if that isn’t iconic idk what is
 “Excuse my charisma”
spits literal fire 
but also the cutest member (the real cutest not fake cute like kihyun) 
likes being cute more than manly
his dimples are a mile deep
used to apart of nuboyz w shownu, wonho, and gunhee
was a regular host for a while on weekly idol (along with got7′s jackson, exid’s hani, twice’s dahyun, and gfriend’s sinb)
was also on celebrity bromance with jackson
he’s literally friends with everyone, you see a kpop idol  jooheon probably has connections with them
was on smtm4 but eliminated the 3rd round
takes part in writing mx’s music and lyrics
also helps design album’s jacket and covers
featured in many songs, even before debut ( 깽값 - mad clown, coach me- hyolyn and sane, get low - mad clown etc)
he often talks about how he wants to lose weight or go on a diet but fans are always telling him he doesn’t need to (which is good)
probably has a snapback for everyday of the year
was the first one to open up to i.m when he came onto no.mercy
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I.M (im changkyun)
rapper, youngest
26 january 1996 (aquarius)
175cm / 5′9″
the oddest or most “4d” member of the group
“i am what i am man”
speaks english
spits fire
does not seem like the youngest
lower voice than expected
the ‘manliest’
traveled a lot when he was younger (lived in boston for 3 yrs and israel for 4 yrs)
helps write mx’s songs and lyrics
has some solo songs ( Who Am I (featuring YESEO) and  Madeleine with Brother Su feat. J.Han)
was brought on in episode 8 of no.mercy and because he was brought on so late the members were very cold to him at first, but of course they all love him now
was supposed to join a group called nu’bility in 2014
always biting shownu’s arms 
has the most photos of wonho on his ipod
shownu is his current boyfriend, wonho is his next boyfriend
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monsta x debuted may 14, 2015
they currently have 4 mini albums
they were on a survival show before debut called no.mercy
their fans are called monbebes
gone bad
perfect girl
all in
unfair love
white sugar
roller coaster
white love
iconic performances: mirotic stage,  Nam + Kung Ddari Sha Bah Rah,  Moves Like Jagger,  INTRO+All in, this particular hero stage, hyungwon in this ukiss cover, furry minhyuk in this bad girl good girl cover, shownu hit the stage, shownu hit the stage again, kihyun king of masked singer, kihyun king of masked singer with namjoo, trepass beagle ver, hero halloween ver
no.mercy (survival show): X
right now: X
deokspatch: X
Some Variety Shows and interviews
after school club 161: X
asc 177: X
asc 213: X
weekly idol 216: X
fan heart attack: X
today’s room: X
the qmentary: X
kiss the radio: X
idol battle likes: X
Kim Jiwon's Rooftop Radio : X
Soompo interview: X
Play J's Weekly Idol: X
whatever the hell starship calls this mess: X
this is where monsta x ray subs would go if there were any
that should be enough to get you acquainted with the boys! hope you enjoy! and im always open to questions!!
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thegeminisage · 8 years
more botw blogging, SUPER spoilery
this is a real long post sorry normally i break these up and this time i didn’t
and finally, off we go to a new province
this time im making its tower my first stop, since i can see it from here
i tried to paraglide across the river but i didn't have enough height so i landed on the cliffside and ITS RAINING!!!!! for fucks sake
i cant believe this game actually got me to hate rain..........
not only that but when i died in the water it didn't reload me back to where i started to glide from but a bit of cliff i stood on lol so #struggles right from the first minute
rain for the next 3 hours.......and i gotta climb it in the rain....jesus
i guess i could fast travel but i'd have to walk all the way back there :/
hmm. maybe the gae's throwing me the rain on purpose. an npc mentioned this river was notoriously difficult to cross :///
yep as soon as i turned away: it cleared. Great
well i see some bridge-like things further downstream i guess i'll check that out
lol jk i managed to glide across a different part and climb
like i saw my forecast change but then it changed back to sun so w/e i'll take it im up here now
aaaaah i can see so many cool things from here!!!!! i cant wait to explore them all!!!! that #new province feel
i hate like, feeling obligated to track down every last bit of stuff in the old ones when you're seeing new exciting stuff
but i love the feel of getting to a new one and not even knowing which cool thing to check out first
ohhh my god lol there's a big-ass bokoblin camp on the way to the tower i think i see a moblin but im not sure
aaaand im dead
at least there werernt any moblins!
tbh it isnt a difficult camp i just wasnt vigilant about healing
me every time i see something new: what the Fuck is that!?
in this case it was an ice wizzrobe which made it snow EVERYWHERE oh my god
That Was Difficult
if i didn't have my fire arrows and lynel bow it would have taken way longer
i died again!!!
those weird pattern bokoblins have SO much attack power ):
come on i have to clear out the camp AGAIN? and kill the wizzrobe?
naw dude i am skipping this nonsense i am going straight up the fucking cliff
HA i sniped them from above >:3
there's a zora on top of this tower!!!!!!!
omg poor thing he can't get back down i wish i could carry him on my paraglider
man i love the tower cutscenes and music and the way they unfold it's so cool
oh hey i found another zora down near these bridges
they all want me to go see their prince haha noooo i have too much to explore!!!
oooh it's so easy to get all turned around on these bridge thingies
man i love this province it's SO pretty
ah i found a goron on a sandbar!! how did you get out here with all this water...
nooo the blood moon again i knew it was coming the music has been funny all night >:(
lol jk the music faked me out its 2am and i warped to the stable for nothing (i was trying to get that one dude's reaction)
i came back and did the shrine and found another zora!! lol they all really want me to go see that dude
there's a thing i need to climb but ugh rain
while i was bored i chopped grass and attached octo balloons to things
now i am in the wetlands which are AWFUL to walk through i can practically feel the mud squishing between my toes and i want to die lmao
there are horses here!! i miss mine ):
ive done enough shrines now to get another upgrade but i dont feel like doing all that backtracking blegh
oh noooo i see a guardian out here, a moving one ;_;
ah it's been awhile since i failed to fight the still ones on the plateau...i wonder what the start screen meant by "the right tools" ive got a lot of damn tools!! did they mean arrows??
lol yet another zora telling me to meet with the prince.........dude
this prince must be either desperate or spoiled
okay maybe its a glitch but i think?? i see?? a flying island in the distance? What The Fuck
wait no it looks kind of like a ship or giant bird??
my pins don't stick to it, it's definitely moving around
jesus fuck
jesus christ i hate those things!!!! you can't kill them!!!!!!!
NO oh my god there's a hinox over here too
why this Why This
lol the hinox fighting music is giving me trauma flashbacks
actually that wasnt so bad with a defense elixir on
maybe it's just me but this province feels kinda small? i feel like i could finish exploring it p quickly, which is nice
not that i'm not having fun but i know i'm going so slowly ):
me every five seconds: i miss my hooorse i want one to ride around to go faaaaster
i guess...i could catch...one of these
and like. not register it bc the stable is 10000 miles away but
a temp ride. let's see if i can. need to use up some of my sneak potions anyways
i caught one and rode it awhile, but my heart's not in training it...i want My Horse
oh my god wait i hear town music!! is this a stable right here!! AAAAAH
so i did catch a pretty black one and named it luna - had to let the first one i caught go lol but it didn't have great stats and i only rode it once so it'll be happier in the wild probably
he's playing epona's song i'm gonna CRY
oh my god he had a story for me!! the same one that impa told!!!!! man
the music is still so good. fuck.
lmao i was talking to one dude and he was like well might as well head back inside ugh that place is so filthy and the women so free you might as well call it a manfill
i can see hyrule castle super close from where i am and it looks super scary and i super want nothing to do with it rn
i get the feeling you can like, go in there whenever? maybe even do the endgame stuff early? but oh my god i Dont wanna
OMG i just mounted a bear
i read that you could ride things other than horses but holy shit lmao
i mean
it killed me after i got off, but man
sadly i must now board my horse and continue with The Story see i explored the non-story bits of that province SUPER quickly dang
oh no
this shrine is called a minor test of strength
Oh No
Why, God
oh. that was actually like SUPER easy compared to the other two haha phew
this lady at the crossroads said the prince was creepy omg i knew there was something, ahaha, excuse me, "fishy"
whoa i love his music theme!!
lmao i always get so SHOCKED when they talk!!! even still!!!!!
voice acted cutscenes of this game are like fmvs of final fantasy games in generations 5-7 lol
oh my god...the wink/sparkle thing...he's such a HAM
he's flattering me TOO much omg dude what do you want.......
ok, ok, i like him
he doesn't seem very trustworthy but since his people are in trouble i'll cut him some slack on that one
oh nooo i gotta climb this in the rain......
ah, it's sunshowering tho! that's kinda neat
i just got attacked by octoroks and my heart wept a little because traveling up zora's river dodging octoroks to get to and save zora's domain...I've Been Here Before
listen, i could write a book on this
(lol i did write 300k on this but shhh that was a long time ago)
like...if link is actually a reincarnation does he get flashes of memory
oot happened in every timeline but i know wind waker didn't
but do you think assuming this is in the same timeline as wind waker something in him feels at home the first time he sails a raft again
or hears kass play epona's song at the ranch
or ducks an octorok on his way to zora's domain
people treat the incarnation thing as a kind of tragedy - the world will never be free of evil so long as ganon/ganondorf exists
but maybe there's happiness in it too
no matter what happens, no matter how sad the ending - i mean hell, in this very game, link and zelda LOST
no matter what though, it's guaranteed that they'll see each other again
over and over and over without end, link and zelda are gonna meet and be together for awhile while they defend hyrule again
frankly if that's not a soulmate idk what is
and frankly i'm perpetually offended that they don't develop ganondorf the man more like they did in wind waker...that was the Peak tbqh
i would kill for something like that again
i love how present the current here is, like with the stuff floating down the river, thats a NICE touch
tbh it's actually really nice that he keeps uselessly checking on me on the way up the river
like, i've been so lonely
even now i miss my companion going "what's WITH that guy" like they probably would if i had one
so this is nice. tbh.
i know it was probably a deliberate choice and makes the game stronger but a companion for this game, someone to share it with...that would've been cool
even just zelda as the protag, she could do some internal narration
but the whole thing is just so quiet.
this place is so pretty tho?? in the distance i see these like, pink coral looking plant things, and the blue columns and bridges are gorgeous
i think its an area thing too i cant just wait it out lmao im gonna Die
oh jk it's just rain now
idk why my entire forcecast changes to a particular type of weather and its only like that a few seconds...super weird and annoying
lol sidon all "you're almost halfway there i believe in you!!" and not helping fight and link's little "k" wave
i love link as a silent protag even if i did have him talk in my writing like it's so endearing
i wonder if link is like sgr like "i am 100 years old what is this zora kid even doing. what is he EVEN DOING."
lol just had to dodge some rocks rollin down a hill
you see this is what i mean. there's a weird sense of familiarity and nostalgia if you've played the games a lot. i wonder if the spirit of the hero feels that way with each new adventure, too
like if he's okay doomed to an eternity of fighting and parting with zelda over and over
because in the end he always gets to do this again
like i can see the spirit of the princess/goddess being high key miserable about those circumstances but i wonder if the spirit of the hero is maybe secretly glad
because part of him will always yearn for the next adventure
he never COULD be happy settling because this is what he was born for
WE love doing this again and again and again, maybe it's not such a stretch to think the spirit of the hero does too
or maybe i'm projecting so hard onto him because undertale has so successfully blurred the line between the player and the game for me LMAO
oh man i just noticed all the names on this map
lulu, mikau ;_;
i miss them!!!!
just once i wish zelda games would feature the same side characters in two or three titles
we never got to see saria or darunia or lulu again
we get to come back to the world but every friend we've ever made has been gone
like some narnia shit i swear to god
lol this is why i should never do story all i do is rant about My Zelda Feels, which are literally endless
oh NICE battle with a blue moblin on the bridge!!!!
ah i like the zora history here too please give me all the worldbuilding i wanna know everything about this world that i can bc rn all i know is "we got Fucked"
i guess i also know about the automans but i need More
i say, while procrastinating on getting to the story
in other news i have an ice and lightning rod which i havent bothered trying to use
bc when i tried to use the boomerang i failed utterly lol
but these? holy shit dude these are Powerful when you actually land a magic hit like Dang
i Love them im never avoiding another wizzrobe again (thats where they drop from)
oh wow
i finally made it, and
man. oh man. it's so beautiful
i wish i could see if better
jesus the zoras always had the prettiest parts of the games imo
OH NO!!! im gonna cry omg
it's the same melody from oot i think!! oh my god!!!!!!
omg there's a zora here named rivan who says he knows me?!?!
omg no he's listing some of link's old pals from Before im so sad why can't he remember
OOOH i shouldn't speak to the elderly bc apparently i am "guilty" of something?? i love this development PLEASE tell me more
i love that they all age so slowly #nice
am i walking into a fucking execution lmao sidon don't play me......
omg the little zora kids are adorable!!!
omg there's a statue of the zora champion ;_;
man this is all so cool i wanna know EVERYTHING about what happened back then!!!!
lol the shrine here was SUPER nerve wracking god you had to like, roll the giant ball down a hill and stop time at JUST the right moment skjghf
oh my gosh ANOTHER zora who knows me (lol "linny")
im so ;w; they all know me!!!!!!
i slept on the blissful water bed at the inn and was mystified and alarmed by the sound effects but i got an extra stamina wheel and 3 extra hearts!!! god damn you can't beat that shit
im so amazed at how many people knew link and like, blame him? i wanna know so bad what happened, i wanna know more about mipha
ten bucks says she's still alive and like trapped in the divine beast but corrupted
or a ghost or something like the old man ;_;
aww zoras sleep in the water aw aw :3
i'm loving this theme of link sleeping for so long like at first i thought of sgr but i just realized it's also like oot (and i can't believe i didn't make that connection first...)
like in oot the people who knew him Before are so happy to see him again and are sure he can help them
but in this game it's a bit mixed
and in this game we don't know the details of 100 years ago yet ;_;
zora's domain here is like. so GLOWY. reminds me of waterfall from undertale tbh lol i wanna paint it
so i'm talking to the king and this one elderly zora goes "the hylians abused an ancient society's power to turn hyrule into what it is today" & like...tbh my dude you have a point. if they had never gotten those guardians out then they couldn't have turned on them
oh my GOD
i just got my first look at a divine beast and i can't believe i was calling them jaegers
my jaw dropped irl holy shit
like that thing truly looks both divine and beastly (this one is an elephant)
is mipha still in there as like a ghost ;_;
it's so clear how much everyone misses her
and she seemed so sweet in the one short memory i recovered
every time sidon does his sparkle smile i love him a little more
i didn't trust him at first bc he seemed a little too eager but now i see he's just doing his best!!!!
especially as someone who thinks radically and progressively in a society where elders stay around hundreds of years
SWIM SPEED UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
omfg and it's an engagement thing just like the sapphire
thats right that other lady said link was supposed to choose between her and mipha
listen mipha seems cool and all but i've been shipping zelink for 19 years, so
oh NO, mipha had feelings for link
oh no poor mipha...oh my god
"no matter how bad the wound i will ALWAYS" heal you and then link wakes up in water
did she do that!!! did she save him ;_; oh my god im going to cry
"you are quivering like a hatchling" PLEASE protect my poor son
muzu is making me sad dude he misses her so much and he hates this so much
ooooh i have to fight another lynel for shock arrows...good Lord im not looking forward to that
"calamity ganon took control of the beasts and trapped the champions inside" yep either she's still alive like link and zelda or her body is in there and so is her fucking ghost
DUDE!! i just swam up my first waterfall and it was AWESOME!!!!!
so im at shatterback point now hwere lynel is just bc i wanted to swim up a waterfall but probably he will kill me quickly lmao
apparently you can mount him too which. sick.
but idk i dont have any good food or elixirs or weapons ready im just up here for science im probably gonna knock off soon i gotta Draw
Oh Fuck There He Is ):
it's super tedious to have top go back and delete every fucking picture i take for my copendium one by one those shouldn't save in my album automatically come on dude im trying to take a picture of this lion centaur thing here
aaah there's a rainbow here too #nice
ah well got him about a quarter pf the way down before i died :/ not bad for being completely unprepared
tbh i only had one defense food?? had i had more i could have whittled him down eventually
anyway thats all for tonight!! i doubt i'll play anymore tonight bc i have drawing to do
lol this is a long post but it's all in one bc i'm typing them in notepad now and don't have to worry about them getting too long
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