#idk it’s weird I look back on pics of myself 12+ months ago at any given time and think I wish I still looked like that
fair-dinkum-mechanic · 5 months
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Cried at the gym bc I’m weak :’)
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revengerevisited · 4 years
i found this vanqua fic the other day, it’s only a couple chapters but i like it so far. :3 it does have a ‘creator chose not to add warnings’ label though, so please be cautious. also baby-xemnas aka kotbysleep (nsfw) aka nekokat42 (also nsfw) is a much better vanqua artist than me so please check him out. X’D (heads-up those twitter threads are way longer than you think so make sure you see eeeverything~).
anyway, more wip art below the cut, plus my endless rambling (i talk about 18+ topics, just a warning)—
i’m still working on venqua week and i’ve got 2 more prompts to go, one i haven’t started yet and one i’m halfway done with—
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~aaand yeah i’m re-using it for a vanqua pic too... X’D am i lazy, or just resourceful? you decide. ;P
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but yeah, both of these pics will have an 18+ version as well. i admit i’m super anxious about posting it next week, as i’ve seen just how absolutely toxic fandom is on twitter. like, you thought tumblr was bad? i’ve spent the last few days preemptively blocking literally hundreds if not thousands of antis just so i can feel a little safer posting my content without some asshat calling me a pedo or telling me to kill myself over cartoons. XU i somewhat worry that i’ve accidentally blocked some people who were just joking around and weren’t actually harassing anyone, but it’s just so hard to tell sometimes. if i’ve accidentally blocked anybody here, just let me know so i can unblock you. :3 (idk why that sentence came out so sinister sounding but i’m legit being sincere X’D).
but seriously, idk when fandom suddenly got such a stick up its ass (around 2016-17 from my guesstimate) and decided aging-up a fictional character by a year or two is such a crime, but i guess that’s just the state of things. :T i could draw vanitas as a centaur or make him blond or whatever and no one cares, but aging him by one year? suddenly big problem! yeah, right. XP like, i know i said every character in kh is 17+ as of khmom (ignoring any weird timeline retcons of course), but heck i could make an honest case for the wayfinder family all being adults. hear me out—
it’s been 13 years since bbs, right? and for 12 of those years, aqua was in the realm of darkness, terra had some awareness while being possessed by xehanort, ven experienced some of sora’s life when he was in a coma, and vanitas was almost certainly in ven/sora’s heart as well, so all four of them could be said to be 31, 33, and 29 respectively. it’s not like their character models were any different when they were young teens as opposed to older teens, so can we really be sure they’re not all 30~ by now? heck, since ven is from the age of fairytales i could say he’s 1000 years old if i wanted too! (psst, it’s almost as if these are all fictional characters living in a fantasy world with time travel and whatnot and their ages are completely arbitrary numbers nomura made up on the spot, numbers which he has retconned before! :P).
now i don’t actually think they’re that old, but if people are gonna hassle me over a goddamn 2-year age difference, i might as well say fuck it and have fun with it, right? ;P it’s not like antis even know what the canon character ages even actually are, like when they try to say that skuld is underage when (assuming she’s subject x) she’d be around 28~ by now, or axel and saïx’s age. (maybe i’ll draw some saïx x skuld art and watch the antis lose their minds. ;P it wouldn’t even have to be nsfw to rile them up).
anyway, i do admit i’m feeling a little burned out on art recently. XP i’ve been trying to get one art piece out per week plus venqua week, and yeah it’s kinda taken its toll. i know this really isn’t anything anyone wants to hear, but i’ve been kinda thinking of moving away from fandom projects to work on my own original work. now, i’m not saying i’m abandoning a heart and a half nor anything as drastic as that! but i have spent like 2 years of my life on it just to get to the halfway mark, and i’m not sure i can spend 2 more doing only that.
i’ve got an original story idea that i’ve been working on-and-off on for the past 7 years or so, and i’m thinking of going back to it again (it does need a pretty big re-write). its main pairing is actually pretty vanqua-ish, now that i think about it. like, imagine the realm of darkness but instead of the heartless it’s infested with demons, and the main characters are the demon-slaying duo of a serious yet kindhearted half-angel and a feral, snarky half-demon. i even aged them up from 14 to 18 so none of my potential fans have to suffer the same anti bullshit that i have. XP
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what else can i ramble about... oh, i got these super cute pins for christmas! :D the heartless is by xkirakira, and vanitas and aqua are by maxxmerch. they’re just so cute! X3 i hope everyone had a merry christmas and a happy holiday! i’ll see you guys later. ^3^ 
*looks around sheepishly* ó3ò alright... confession time. spoilers for a heart and a half for the rest of this post—
sooo~ i’ve kinda hinted at this before, but yeah i’ve always planned on adding a sex scene to a heart and a half; when i started writing back in 2018 i hadn’t realized how hostile fandom had become compared to only a few years ago, and it worries me that some readers might drop the fic because of it, or be angry with me over the underage aspect. :(
idk, i could go on about how i just wanted to explore every aspect of a romantic relationship, or how other disney/square enix characters married or had kids young (ariel, sarah hawkins, héctor, claudia strife, possibly jasmine), or how attempting to apply real-world rules to a videogame fantasy setting is inherently silly and pointless, but really it’s just ‘cause i love vanitas and aqua to bits and i just wanted to write a cute and funny mild sex scene between them (this fic is rated mature, not explicit, so much less graphic than confection affection), and at the end of the day they are just fictional characters, after all.
i guess all i can hope for is that i’m a skilled enough writer to pull it off in a believable way, and that my audience won’t be too put off by it. >_> i know vanitas and aqua have technically only known each other for about 2 months so it might not be ‘realistic’ for them to go so far into a relationship so soon, but i think it’s important to remember that ultimately this is a romantic fairytale, and other canon disney couples haven’t seen nearly as deeply into each other’s hearts as vanitas and aqua have (and this video also helped me feel better about it).
i also wanted to finish that nsfw venqua fic i started a few months back, it’s set just before the mark of mastery so yes ven would be 16. i suppose it’s a way of testing the waters to see what kind of reception i’d get (hopefully positive) before i get to that part of a heart and a half. i was also thinking of including some of the uh, ‘keyblades as erogenous zones’ aspect from this terraquaven fic as well... w-why are you looking at me like that?! it’s funny! *sweats nervously* o3o’
in all honesty, i’m probably just overthinking all this (which, knowing me, is almost a guarantee >_<) and i should just *ahem* let my heart be my guiding key, and just write what i want to write without worrying about it all the time. i just get so anxious so easily... buuut that’s not really news to anyone, now is it? ;P well, i think that’s the end of my endless ramble, thanks for reading if you got this far. X’D and i really hope i didn’t actually upset anybody about a heart and a half. ;_; i just felt like i needed to vent a little, but don’t worry about me, i’m doing fine. anyway, i really should stop typing and get back to work on venqua week, sooo... bye! X3
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purplesurveys · 6 years
For a change. I love Internet people for never running out of survey ideas.
Just say what you think of (doesn't have to be one-word answers) when I mention these. Quick, simple, just for fun. Curtain: I remember a story JM told us of when he nearly burned his house down when he was younger - he was flying paper airplanes but not without lighting the tips on fire. One of the planes landed on the curtain and I think it burned that particular room pretty bad or something. Door: I have a door to my right at the moment. It’s brown and I know my dog is waiting outside because I can hear his paws. Shoe: We went shoe hunting yesterday for Joacky, because he wanted a pair of the Nike Cortez. It’s widely popular in the PH right now so even though we visited like 7 shoe stores yesterday, we weren’t able to find one in the color that he likes. Pants: I finally got a pair of mom jeans yesterday and I can’t wait to wear it for school. I’m tired of wearing the same bottoms. Wig: I attended a workshop a few months ago where the speaker disclosed that she has leukemia, and she took off the wig she had been wearing the whole time to show us her head. I also remember the RuPaul Stans part of Twitter because they say ‘wig’ all the time...
Makeup: Kate made me her subject last Thursday and she played with my face and put makeup on it. Ended up feeling really pretty because she did a pretty awesome job. Instagram: I snubbed Instagram for the longest time but thought that a ‘one-pic-for-every-day-of-the-year’ dump account wouldn’t hurt, so I made one of those for 2019. My photography skills are absolutely nowhere to be found, and my gallery is super haphazard, but I really want to make an effort to store memories this year. YouTube: Hmm first thing I thought of was PewDiePie. I subscribed to the dude when he had like 60,000 subscribers eight years ago and only had a couple of Amnesia montages up. I always feel like a proud momma/early bird whenever I remember how far and how big he’s gotten since. Life: Exhaustion, mainly. It’s gonna start snowballing by next year when I graduate. It’ll be nonstop from there - facing the prospect of coming out to my parents, graduating, getting a job, getting my first credit card, moving out, paying bills...it’s all very exhausting, exhilarating, exciting, and overwhelming to think about. Chili: Gabie and I had Japanese for early dinner last week, and I was a little weirded out by the restaurant because each seat had a red chili pepper on the placemat? I’m talking every damn seat in the place??? Idk if it’s some sort of good luck charm for the owners but it made things very slightly unsettling hahaha. Cherry: There was a WWE Diva named Cherry like ten years ago who had the gimmick of a 50′s chick, I think...I was never quite sure what her character was supposed to be, but she had roller-skates every time she went to the ring and would sometimes wear outfits with polka dots so I thought she was pretty cute.   Neil: Armstrong. Haha I was going through Reddit awhile ago when I saw a video of Buzz Aldrin punch a dude who went up to him and said that the moon landing was a hoax. Not exactly Neil Armstrong but still a good story. Drive: I like watching car chases. It’s almost...therapeutic when the suspect crashes or loses control of his car and finally gets caught. Murder: I never got into How To Get Away With Murder. It’s too fast-paced for my life. I feel like I’m the only person who doesn’t understand legal concepts because so many people are able to catch up with this show even if Viola Davis speaks a thousand words a minute and they’re all really deep words??? Idk HAHAHA. I watched like two episodes and felt super dumb after. Ice cream: OMG I hate a la mode desserts. I’d eat anything, but I wouldn’t eat two separate things with different textures. Get your ice cream away from my brownie. Water: I can’t wait to go back to the beach. Hard: Hammer? It was the first image to pop up in my head. Anne: Harry Styles’ mom is named Anne hahaha the Directioner in me jumped out, sorry not sorry. Cow: There’s this video that went viral a few months ago of a girl who was playing the accordion; all of a sudden this adorable herd of like 15 cows come running up to her and just intently watch the kid. Wholesome af. Frog: Frog legs are served in some Philippine provinces. Tastes like chicken. Cheese: My lactose intolerant ass will grate half a block of cheese (exaggeration, but you get the point) for my spaghetti. That’s the only way to enjoy pasta. Bowl: Can’t really think of anything except that bowl cuts look so cute on babies hahaha. Television: Is something I never use nowadays unless I’m staying over at a hotel. Other than that, I cannot tell you the last time I held a TV remote control to change the channel or something. Skull: There’s an episode of Friends where Phoebe brings home a skull and nonchalantly sets it on the table where Monica, Rachel, and Chandler were hanging out. Chandler goes, “Pheebs...skull?” Phoebe says, “Yeah, it’s my mom’s,” and Rachel shrieks until Phoebe clarifies that her mom owned the skull, and that the skull wasn’t of her mom. Underrated segment. Rachel’s mini-meltdown was hilarious. Seasons: I had to watch Rent for film class several months ago. Terrible movie. Cemented my dislike for musicals. This is what I remembered because afaik this is the musical that has the minutes song. Language: I can speak two and can understand some archaic/modern Spanish because they conquered us for 300 years and subsequently ruined my country. Trump: McDonald’s. An international embarrassment. Chocolate: We found this AMAZING Chocnut spread at the mall yesterday. I had my initial doubts - I thought it was gonna taste like a cheap Nutella rip-off. But it tastes exactly like Chocnut, just in the most perfect spread-y form. I plan to finish the entire jar just with a spoon. Stove: I’m terribly afraid of using any and every kitchen equipment because I have a big fear of setting the house on fire. I only ever use the stove when I’m deathly hungry and I have to make something by myself. Toy: My family recently went to a kid’s birthday party that had giveaway bags with toys inside, but seeing as we’re all teenagers now who had no use for it, it was earning dust in the house. Now, the Philippines is abound with street children so when we went out yesterday, my mom gave the bag to a couple of kids who were knocking on our car. I know I’m not supposed to romanticize the situation, but they had the biggest smiles when they realized what they got and I saw them playing merrily at the side of the street and even invited some other kids to join in. Again, not glamorizing it - I’m just happy they were happy. Video: I could never run out of things to watch on YouTube. It’s one of my favorite websites, especially when bouts of depression have to happen. Kiss: It started out with a kiss, how did it end up like this? It was only a kiss, IT WAS ONLY A KISS. Glass: The glass section of department stores always creeped me out. One wrong move and you can knock a whole shelf down, and the ‘You break it you pay for it’ signs all over the area don’t help at all. Light: Light and queen come together in this survey and all I remember is Lightning McQueen. Queen: ^ Moon: Breakfast at Tiffany’s. Moon river, wider than a mile, I’m crossing you in style some day.  Blue: My organization’s color is blue, so I have a soft spot for blue. Cream: I like soups that are creamy. I say this because my sister had ramen yesterday and it was so oily and salty and fatty and creamy and ugh I loved it. Dead: The Misfits. They’re more horror than death, but still. Purple: My great-grandma loved the color purple and I remember when her house used to be peppered in purple stuff. All her dresses were purple. I’m fairly sure it was the reason why it was my favorite color as a kid. Lace: Underwear, hahaha. Cardboard: Gabie was munching on sunflower seeds when I picked her up last week. I’ve never tried those, so I asked for some and I said it tasted like cardboard. I’ve never eaten cardboard but I would imagine that that’s what it tastes like. Elephant: Majestic. Deserves to be saved and properly cared for. Harry: One of my fave members of the royal family. He’s so precious. Leather: Is bad. Paisley: Isn’t there a country singer with this name? Italy: Pasta and stuff. Joey Tribbiani. Immature: I saw the gun girl Kaitlin-something on Twitter because she got viral again for a dumb-ass tweet she made. She posted pics of herself in the snow and tweeted “Look at all this global warming,” like seriously America??? Wtf do they teach y’all in your schools?????? Crime: Raisins in cookies. Angel: I had a friend named Angel - talked about her a lot in old surveys. She migrated to Canada when we were 12 and I haven’t seen her since. We do follow each other on Twitter but all she tweets about is K-pop so I had to put her on mute. Great memories with her. Boil: When I read this tweet aloud in my head, what I did think of was Charles Boyle from B99. Key: Key lime pie. Never tried it, but I’m always down to try anything. Sacrifice: The Catholic schoolgirl in me remembers the crucifixion because textbooks and teachers would overuse the phrase, “Jesus sacrificed his life for our sins” or “God sacrificed his son to save the world,” and all those cheesy lines. It’s as though the Bible’s favorite word is ‘sacrifice.’ Larry: Punk and AJ’s dog is named Larry Talbot. Dog: ^ Psychology: I took one psych elective last semester, but the prof was average at best so it didn’t really win over the course as a whole to me. Psychology was one of my ‘what-if’ courses so at the start, I was excited about taking it - but the class that I had was just so boring and the prof gave tests that were way too hard for otherwise fairly easy topics, so I quickly ran out of enthusiasm for the class. Rag: I hate touching rags. Especially wet ones UGH. Sun: Hate it, unless I’m at the beach. Lips: My friends dragged me to the makeup section of the department store last week and there were rows upon rows of lipstick testers. As someone who’s never purposely browsed for makeup, I ended up swatching like 20 shades on my wrist and looked like a five year old who doodled all over her whole left arm. Cage: The UFC ring, because it looks like a cage. Alarm: I had/have several alarms set on my phone throughout today to tell me to start working on various deliverables. For example, I had an 8 AM alarm to work on my J 196 paper; then from 8:30 AM I had an alarm to compose letters that I needed to write as my org’s secretary; then at around 10 AM, my alarm was for finishing up my readings for Kas 154 (short for kasaysayan, which means history). Official: I have a batchmate from high school who just got engaged...she was honestly one of the weirder ones back then so as much as I didn’t want to judge, it was hard to take it seriously at first, but it’s whatevs. I have no business in her life and I’m happy she’s happy. King: I finished my history readings this morning and there were so many mentions of kings. Lost: That show. The general consensus is that they ended the show crappily, but other than that I know nothing about it. Dating: There was once a dude who joined a dating show. Ended up being a serial killer. I forgot his name though. Balm: I was at a Korean store yesterday and saw an array of lip balms and glosses. I was never much of a makeup girl but the collection they had was just so cute, it made me think if I should start investing in makeup as well hah. Tomato: Ketchup is my second least favorite condiment after mustard. Game: Hmmm I downloaded a bunch of new game apps on my phone because I recently realized that I’m so boring??? and I only have social media on my phone??? I got ten new apps to make my phone more alive haha. Lotion: Is slimy, but smells nice and makes my skin smooth and look better. I got two hand creams for Christmas last year and it was then that I knew I was getting older because I was genuinely excited to try them both out. Expensive: Everything is. Powder: Reminds me of babies. The smell calms me down so well. Cross: I was shopping for clip-on earrings yesterday and there were several designs with crosses on them, which just reminded me of Christianity and it kinda peeved me for like 3 minutes lol. History: My favorite subject. I’ve never been so excited to be dumped on with such a thick stack of readings until this semester. Sex: Haven’t had it in a bit, too busy. Rainbow: We watched a film called Rainbow’s Sunset, which was really promising because it told a story about two men, both very old, and are lovers. In a traditional, conservative, poisonously Catholic country such as the PH, it’s a very bold move to produce a feature film that tackled such a horrible, taboo, horrifying thing (please note the sarcasm/mockery). We didn’t escape the guffaws and the loud ew’s whenever the two leads would kiss, which was sad. 
Anyway that’s not my point and what I really want to say is that the film was ultimately terrible, it was terribly-executed and it portrayed gay men in such a cheesy manner which in the long run, probably contributes to the continuing negative image of LGBT people in the Philippines. Gab, the bigger film buff between the two of us, felt so offended by how bad the movie turned out to be lol. Bay: Bayley, from WWE. She was a huge star like 3 years ago, but I think the bookers ultimately fucked her character up and now she’s stale. I feel so bad. Seth: Seth Rollins, also from WWE. Also very attractive. Pepper: I had okonomiyaki for lunch yesterday and there was like a thicker chunk of pepper that made it to my plate. Didn’t particularly enjoy that bite. Necrophile: Katie Vick. Google it to believe it. Wrestling is fucking dumb. Gravel: Funnily enough I do have a memory for gravel. Akeelah and the Bee was one of my favorite movies growing up; I watched it so many times that I had chunks of dialogue memorized at one point. One of the first scenes had Akeelah joining her school’s spelling bee, and one of the kids spelled grovel as g-r-a-v-e-l. He couldn’t understand why he got it wrong so the judge had to tell him that the word ‘grovel’ actually exists and what it means. Deep: I had a mental picture of the ocean when I read this word, so there’s that. Stephen: Hawking. Bucket: Chum Bucket. Hahaha Spongebob forever. England: Rugby? Grown: I always use the term ‘grown-ass’ haha. Spell: Spelling was one of my favorite activities in grade school and I would always score the highest in spelling exams. Kind of led me to my favorite job of proofreading/copyediting, really. Bark: My dog barked at nothing for five whole minutes a couple of days ago and it was hilarious. I shot two minutes of it. Long: Trees? Fan: Pamaypay, or hand fans in English.
Australia: First things that came to mind were the Sydney Opera House and Vegemite. Iron: Gabie’s nose bled last week. It wouldn’t stop flowing out of her nostrils and it smelled like rust for a good 15 minutes while she was trying to wash all the blood off, so it didn’t exactly help my case as someone who’s squeamish to death at the sight of blood. Melt: Chocolate. Beanie: Too warm for this country’s climate. Wax: Candles. Vigils. Burning your finger. Staying up all night to pray. Catholic school. Disease: Zombies. Resident Evil. Cannibal: The band Cannibal Corpse. Tried to get into them because Punk listened to them but it was too heavy for me. Flight: Airplanes, flights, vacations, away from everyone, nothing to worry about, good food, fighting with my siblings for the window seats. Porn: People be having weird fetishes sometimes. The thumbnails I see on websites...some of y’all crazy. Pot: I thought about how college life is so crazy. People would sell brownies or cookies with weed in them IN SCHOOL, meanwhile I still don’t even know if weed and pot are the same or if they’re two different things ohmygod HAHAHAHA I’m so sheltered wow I’m hopeless?????? Style: Taylor Swift and that subtle shade to Harry. People were shookened five years ago. Floss: Pork floss is really good. Star: There was a local celebrity who recently tweeted a pic, supposedly of a tiny tiny star that was beside the moon at like 5 AM, and she was asking what it was. Someone replied that it was Venus and explained what she just saw for her. Super cool. Nate: I don’t know anyone named Nate. I DID, however, remember the Naked Brothers Band. The older brother is named Nat, so it’s close enough. Soft: Pillows are soft. Orange: Hayley Williams’ hair 11 years ago. Witch: Philippine superstitions and how crazy and obsessive Filipinos can get. My mom, one of the most rational, no-nonsense people I know, scolds me every time I mock witchcraft or what we call ‘kulam’ cos she believes something will happen to me if I do. I’m all for honoring our mythology and traditions but sheesh, not to the obsessive extent. Mound: Ants. Root: Gabie used to watch this show where she shipped two girls named Root and Shaw. Oil: Massages. Hot: Deserts. Disc: Childhood, blowing on it to make it work, double-sided discs for longer movies, if a disc had scratches expect it to die soon. Soil: Plants. Planting trees. Muddy. Ugly: That scene in Spongebo where Patrick tells the story of the ugly barnacle. “Once there was an ugly barnacle. He was so ugly that everyone died. The end,” which didn’t help Spongebob who at the time was feeling super ugly hahahahaha. Sugar: Maroon 5. Also, my grandma used one particular jar for sugar throughout my entire childhood. It’s plastic, it’s clear, and it came with a red-orange lid. I’d often eat sugar on its own so I saw that jar quite a bit and it gives me a sense of nostalgia. I’m not so sure if that’s still the jar being used in the old house. Bone: Ribs :( Been craving for some. Sigh: Air??? I don’t know. Throne: Game of Thrones. I had to watch a 26-minute documentary of a GoT production for my broadcast management class. It’s insanely hard. So much respect to everyone involved in its prod. Calendar: I’m secretary for my org, which means that I always have to update everyone about our calendar of events. Carpet: Fancy. Flesh: The Walking Dead. Cement: Dangerous. Vow: The movie with Rachel McAdams and Channing Tatum. One of my guiltier pleasures. Sweet: Desserts. And now I’m hungry.
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deeeelightfuldee · 3 years
How many people have you kissed in this month?
zero. but hey, the month just began. maybe this’ll be my month.
Do you know what you are going to wear tomorrow?
I have two different ideas. it depends if I do tan day tomorrow or if I do tan day tuesday. if tomorrow then it’ll be short shorts and a tank for most of the day. if its not shorts day then it’ll be like something with shorts because it’ll be the day for tshirts/swim/lingerie try on.
Where’s your girlfriend/boyfriend at?
honestly i haven’t got a clue. I don’t have one. the one I wanted does not want me like that. So now homegirl is putting herself back on the market and it’s off to an interesting start.
What are you doing tomorrow?
it will depend largely on my recovery for tomorrow. I have two big sets of plans depending if i’m OK or if it’s a bad day
What are you doing tonight?
eh. the night ended weird. it’s just so weird how the day went well in the beginning talkin to k about stuff and him actually admitting he missed me (???) and we reminisced and idk. he left me hanging saying he was all in his thoughts about our past and now his future whatever that meant. but then as the day progressed he got quieter and then it went back to me being the pocket girl. soI went out cus I know im just.. I get very caught up in my hurt about that and I don’t want to be this sad all the time. but he wasn’t.. idk... the night didn’t pan out well. so I came home and just kinda did nothing. I know this will pass. 
Where’s the closest hoodie to you right now?
every hoodie I own is downstairs, hung up, drying. those get tried on in the next day or two depending when they’re dry.
What’s bothering you at the moment?
stuff i cant go into. then stuff about K. but i think he reads these sometimes and i don’t need to make him feel any sort of way. theres a lot going on in my world and its so heavy all the time. probably also this is the first year I have to do this all on my own. 
How long does it take you to fall asleep at night?
a really, really long time. I keep switching up my sleeping pills and using more but nothing seems to work.
Think back to June. Were you in a relationship?
Is there a place that you wish you could visit?
all the places. I want to see it all.
Would you ever eat a bug for 1000 dollars?
idk. I am so not a bug person
Would you take $40,000 or a brand new car?
40k.I have around 16k in student loans and i would give my kidneys to have that off my shoulders.i would legit just walk everywhere i dont care.
Would black-rimmed glasses look good on you?
i want glasses so bad but i don’t need them and whenever i get the fake glass ones they give me instant headaches. but I always like them on me. I feel like it draws attention away from my dimples.
What room are you in?
my bedroom
Last pair of shoes you wore?
white slip on sandals. 
Do you have a certain color grape you like the most?
the red/purple ones because they are usually sweeter. I don’t like tart.
Name all the movies you remember crying during while watching them.
no thanks
Are you a fan of Elton John? 

sure but not obsessively
Would you rather go to a party or go on a quiet date?
if the guy is good to me, quiet date. I do really well for myself in terms of socializing in big groups, but i prefer 1-on-1
Who’s someone you miss?
k. k and myself when I wasn’t wrecked. I keep lookin at pics of myself like 6 months ago, 1 year ago, 2 years ago and i’m like wow, sweet girl you had no idea. i miss that girl.
What does your town’s name begin with?
Are you a seafood fan?

No. not at all.I wish i did, i know how great fish can be for you, but I can’t do it. I keep trying.
Give me a random word in another language. Tell me what it means.

amo amas amat. I love she loves he loves. 
Which city would you like to visit- Rome, Tunis, London, Madrid or Paris?

Have you got perfect vision?

20/12 so “better than perfect” is what they tell me which i think makes no sense.
What song(s) do you put on repeat often?
right now it’s “memory I don’t mess with” cus it reminds me of K
How many letters long is your last name?

A romantic meal, a trip to a theme park, or go to a concert?

meal. i don’t do theme parks
How good is your memory?

usually pretty decent but I block out things from time to time.
Have you ever seen someone you knew and purposely avoided seeing them?

oh heck’n yea
You think you can last in a relationship for six months?
Who’s the last person who you went out to eat with?

ummmmmm.. I went out by myself but other people like came and joined me
Pale or tan, which would you rather be? 

Tan preferably but only if it’s fake.I am not down with skin cancer.
What if you were drastically what you’d rather be overnight? 

what does this question even mean
How many piercings have you had, BESIDES ears? Which are those?
New tats in your near future?

Would you wear short shorts, long socks and converse? 

Do converse look/feel uncomfortable to you? 

they’re so uncomfortable. they legit have zero support.
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surveysonfleek · 6 years
Does your alarm clock wake you with music, or with an annoying buzz sound? calming music.
Has anyone ever mistaken you for being anorexic? nope.
Can you completely annihilate the first Mario game in less than an hour? maybe not in less than an hour but definitely in one sitting!
Do holidays make you giddy? yes and nervous. last year i bought xmas presents early which was great lol. 
Which game would you love to play as a contestant on The Price Is Right? any of them which guarantees me a good prize just for playing.
Do you complain about public restrooms when they are nasty? alwaysssss. only to my friends of course.
Do you know how to play roulette? yes.
When you broke stuff in the house as a child, did you blame it on siblings? no. i didn’t break stuff often either.
Did you make it all the way through the Oregon Trail game? idk what that is.
Lions and tigers and bears, oh my! Which one are you more scared of? probably lions. 
When was the last time you looked at a book with hidden pics (ex.I-Spy)? about a couple months ago, i saw a where’s wally book in a store.
Do you know what is on your state’s quarter? no.
Quick! Write me a haiku: no. haha i actually don’t know what the formula is.
Describe the best use that you’ve found for duct tape: for sticking things.
Do you wrap gifts or use gift bags? wrap if it’s a box or prism. i already suck at wrapping so if the gift is a weird shape i’ll resort to gift bags.
Geico commercials: annoying or funny? haven’t seen any.
What infomercial almost has you convinced to buy the product it is selling? i never watch them. it’s been years.
What fast food place do you avoid at all costs? red rooster. it’s not that the food isn’t good, it’s just expensive and basic.
Did you cut the hair of your Barbie dolls to give them new ‘do’s? i have, yes haha.
Do you go to Wal-Mart in the middle of the night for no reason? i have while i was in hawaii coz my boyfriend and i had jetlag and were up at 2 in the morning. it was fun.
Are you afraid of deep sea creatures? the deep sea in general scares me.
Has the legacy of Jason Voorhies been taken too far? idk.
Ever contemplated climbing a water tower? no.
If you were at a beach, would you write something in the sand and leave it? lol i think i have before.
Did/Do your teachers write on dry-erase boards or chalkboards? dry erase.
Have you ever agreed to purchase something on Ebay and got scammed somehow? no. actually yes! i bought three phone rings for $3 from hong kong and they never came. i complained and the seller said they’d send it again and it still never came...
What food/drink must you get at a baseball game? fries or hotdogs.
If you get a call that says “Unknown”, do you answer it? not usually unless i’m expecting a call.
What do you do to make yourself feel better when you’re stressed out? sleep it off or clean.
Would you rather have 12 fingers or webbed toes? webbed toes.
Are you allergic to any foods? no.
Do you have any bobble head figures? no.
Have your parents ever left you somewhere without realizing it? yes haha.
Who’s the best late-night TV host? i like kimmel and fallon.
Fruit Roll-Ups or gummy snacks? i hate both.
Do you think riding on trains will ever be popular again? like to commute? of course.
Have you ever been to Hollywood? yes.
Have you ever caught an editing mistake in the newspaper? yes.
Would you rather have a paintbrush, a pen, a microphone, or a guitar? pen.
What’s your reason for getting up in the morning? i’ve had enough sleep.
Who is there in your life that you just couldn’t live without? family, my boyfriend and friends.
Do you like to look at old photos, remembering all the good times? sure.
Ideally, what would you like your future to consist of? happiness, success and good health for myself and family.
Do you really think it’s going to happen? if i work hard enough.
Is there anything you just cannot leave the house without? my phone.
What is more important to you? Yourself, your family, or your friends? family.
Where is the one place in the world that you’d always be happy to be? home.
Any particular reason? idk, it’s just... home.
When was the last time you smiled, for real? when i was with my bf tonight.
What/who was it that had made you smile? we were making each other laugh.
Ever felt like nothing seems to be going your way? yes.
Ever found yourself randomly smiling for no reason? not lately.
Ever been day-dreaming and didn’t realize someone was talking to you? yes.
Do you like to watch the sun rise/set? of course, when i manage to catch it.
Have you ever been to a waterfall? If not, would you like to? yes.
Would you ever want to go swimming with dolphins? i wouldn’t say no. i heard it’s expensive though.
Do you like walking through forests/ares with lots of trees? not really.
Would you prefer to walk along a sunny beach, or up some hills? a beach, it’s flatter lol.
Ever been anywhere really strange? yes. an underground cave.
Ever been anywhere you’d never like to go again? hmm...yeah this motel in connecticut. connecticut in general. it was cool but i’d have no reason to go back and visit.
Is there anywhere you have to go regularly that you really don’t like? doctors. it’s not that regular but it’s just a hassle to have to go in, wait, be seen for less than five minutes with a simple treatment.
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chickenfetus · 7 years
ALL MY EGG (and for the four names: jae, killer kang, minhyuk (whichever one), and santa
deadass i did the 100 questions ask meme for this ask and almost posted it rip
🐰 what is one secret that you’ve never told anyone?
theres literally nothing i dont even know what to say ???? 
💗 if you could hug anyone, who would it be?
not 2 be delusional but i would give up my world to hug changkyun
🐹 what are some of your favourite Pokémon and why?
glaceon is UP THERE idk why honestly but the sinnoh games were my first and i just??? i was really into ice and snow and shit u know so glaceon... thakn u
another pkmn ill always have is lucario ????? its just so cool?????
🌠 if you were in charge of the world, what would the world look like?
hopefully forgiveness and like???? acknowledging mistakes and learning from those u know jst positive stuff and like?? water. god i love water
👀 what was the most recent vivid dream that you had?
hm okay i think this one was from last night or the night b4??? and like???? idk???? i dont even know how 2 start tbh?
so im like hanging over at this two kid’s im a kid 2 i think place and idk we just talk and shit??? idk whomst the boys were tho
and then we get to a scene where its like??? at a train station???? and i go to the washroom to shit or smth idk thankfully i didnt shit myself irl
then i have to get onto the train which isnt even a train its like a carousel with seats??? and its like on a train track boys this is 2 much and i forgot to get ready my train card thing so the guy (who i was p sure was evil) waited for me to remove it so i got onto the transportation device lmao
and then once im seated i remember i forgot my jacket so i make like hand movements 2 the creep and hes runnig 2 me with my jakcet but the ride’s way too fast so i yell and say ill come back for it even tho im p sure i wasnt going 2
after that i wke up wild
☀️ what do you like the most about your best friend?
i dont have a best friend and all of my friends have their own unique qualities if i went into a rant abt them rn this will b so long
😘 talk about your crush or partner
[minhyuk voice] theres none
💁 if someone was rude to you, would you be rude back?
ya bc im petty but it really depends on the person
🌟 what do you like about yourself? (must choose at least 3 things!)
my personality (the good parts)
my values
my taste in friends (my Big Friends are either geminis or scorpios good)
🐾 what are you scared of most? how will you overcome it?
the dark and bitch isnt gonna turn off her night light any time soon
🎁 what never fails to make you happy?
seeing my favourite happy, listening to the music i like 
💙 what annoys you about some people?
i jjust went into a full out rant abt this on the other reply so ill be quiet now
😤 do you get angry easily?
🐇 what do you always daydream about?
my faves tbh
🌻 if you could change 3 things about the world what would you change?
bad people , gone.
everybody only sends love and happy things on anon
i just want everyone 2 b nice & friendly wars of any sort dont exist and no one wants anybody dead
🍓 send me 4 names: kiss, befriend, kill or marry?
if u sent jae’s name earlier id have trouble so im glad
kiss: tihis is so fucking embarrassing wtf minhyku (mx) but only on the cheek basically everywhere except the lips or anyplace weird
befriend: brian :-0
kill: jae goodbye loser
marry: sanha we can yell every time we gotta turn the lights off
✈️ what is your dream city and why?
tokyo bc its NICE
☕️ talk about your ideal day
cant read
🌸 are you an introvert, ambivert or extrovert?
i suddenly thought of the word ambivore which made me think of the word vore i wanna delete im a both? mayb idk
💧 when was the last time you cried?
nov 3 bc my heart hurts whenever i see ppl being a bad friend
🎵 name 5 songs you love at the moment
oh worm
all alone - day6
with you - astro
dramarama - mx (even though it isnt out yet lmao)
run - bts (the superior bts song)
hellevator - / (i was rly gonna make this mixed languages but rip)
⚡️ if you had any superpower, what would it be and why?
to fly bc im basic
💛 if you could talk to your younger self, what would you say?
dont do that
💚 who are you jealous of and why?
nobody in general????????? 
💎 which one would you rather have more of: intelligence, beauty, kindness, wealth or bravery? why?
intelligence i have 2 live somehow what if my money gets stolen
🙊 what are you ashamed of?
my humor
🌺 which languages do you know? which do you want to learn?
i (barely) know chinese despite having 2 take it all my life legends only
i know english but im bad at that 2 and its my first language once again legends only
i wanna learn japanese and korean 
🍀 if you could be any fictional character’s best friend/lover, which fictional character would you be?
the cow from voltron 
☁️ talk about your dream universe.
weve already discussed this
💜 which acts of kindness are you going to do today?
oh w-0rm ok so im a regular anon on this persons blog and i wanted to send an ask but never got arnd doing it so im gonna send her one. soon/
🐬 if you could transform into any animal/magical creature, what would you be and why?
let me live my life as a furry and cat
🍄 talk about someone/something you really dislike
are u ready 4 me to b the meanest person yet bc i sure am lets fucking go
so theres this girl. and i know her (unfortunately) and ive known her since like 4 years ago and back then she was already pretty shit tbh
she cried bc she had to sit in between the “weird” and “dirty” girls in our class and she headass cried in front of them and everyone just bc she didnt like the arrangement?? shes called the “dirty” girl disgusting before and has made fun of her in front of everybody its just bad :-/
now. fast forward 3 years and in addition to still being disrespectful and rude, she now vocalizes her weird fantasies for her “oppas”??? some examples: 
“when i go watch __ perform im gonna climb onto stage and then my mother and my future husband will fight for me” and she calls those kpop idols weird shit and basically sexualizes them/???? she says the weirdest fucking shit on her ig story and tags them??????? 
another thing. she went to korea nd took a picture of a complete stranger and posted it on her public ig and called him her “oppa” and said that they had a “fun day together” despite the guy not knowing her at all???? she posted the pic of him??? i still dont get it tbh 
she wasnt even being ironic at all??? she calls herself & classmates “autistic” whenever she/others do smth dumb or mess up and its just sososososo fucking wrong
being one of the people to see how shes basically grown from bad to worse is something i dont fucking enjoy and i jsut want to leave my class already lmao 
ok but there are times where i do appreciate her because sometimes the class will be rly quiet and the teacher is basically talking 2 themselves but she’ll always respond w/o fail so thats great but its only bc she talks so damn much 
i just got a flashback to when she “jokingly” said she wanted to be a trainee for the rest of her life how do i just. god
😣 talk about some things that have been making you depressed/angry/anxious lately
we’ve once again already discussed this
��� what did you want to be as a kid, and what do you want to be now?
i wanted to be various things honestly?? ranging from an astronaut to a vet to an editor to an animator to other stuff i get influenced pretty easily so if i watch smth and i think its cool ill want 2 be that i guess?? ive been trying 2 get rid of that habit so now i have no clue what i wanna be
🍰 what are some of your favourite sugary foods?
sweets and chocolate cake
🍑 what are you obsessed with?
drinking water and staying hydrated
making my friends laugh is great 2
💘 what happens to you when you’re stressed?
acne LMAO 
😪 what are you sick of?
the usual
🙀 are you an adrenaline seeker?
i love scouting on sif and bandori so yeah 
💥 what are some unpopular opinions that you have?
lets not 
☔️ would you consider yourself a good person?
to a certain extent
😊 what do you like to do as hobbies?
use my phone???? send nice anons and comment on art/fics 
🎤 what’s the last song you hummed or sang by yourself?
🐝 what’s your worst trait? how are you planning to improve it?
my tolerance for ppl’s shit is so low
🎨 what do you always doodle when you’re bored?
my ocs
🐻 what’s stopping you from chasing your dreams?
i dont have a dream hence myself
🌷 what’s your mbti personality and why do you think it suits you?
infpt i dont rmb shit but yeah
🐶 send me 3 fictional people and I’ll choose my favourite!
falen i dont rmb what u sent
👑 who are your favourite celebrities and why?
i dont follow any :-o zendaya has had my heart ever since shake it off tho
🐴 opinion on day6?
ur rly gonna do this 2m e?
all alone just started playng this is terrible lets get it
so day6. a band i only found out about in late june (thank u boxy) and before this i only ever listened to bts and mx bc my friends stan them so i thought i was gonna expect boys dancing, the usual. 
i clicked i smile and i lost my fucking shit as soon as i saw the instruments because prior to day6 i was a big 5sos fan so this was rly resonating to me tbh and i was just !!! so fukcng excited??? i never intended to even get into day6 honestly??? but after witnessing how good they are and watching about all of the available mvs at that point i was completely in awe so i caved a created a stan twitter for them.
now, this isnt even the most of it. after becoming a fan i realized how much more these 5 boys are. they compose (if im not wrong) and brian writes lyrics for the songs each month because of their everyday6 project and again, im wow-ed because??? the amount of dedication???? they went from releasing 2 title tracks in 2 years to releasing 12 title tracks and 12 bside tracks in a single year. they havent released the december song yet but haviing to work on 2 or more songs in 4 weeks is fucking amazing if you ask me. 
theyre really talented and theyre just so versatile (am i using that word correctly) and each month their songs sound different. this project has given them the opportunity to try new things and you can hear the steady improvement in each of their vocals (dowoonie not so much since he barely gets lines, but we all know hes working hard) and if you listen to their debut song - kongchu and compare it to the version they released along with sunrise it just???? the drumming has even changed from the original version nd its so noticeable that whenever i hear kongchu from 2015 i know its the old ver
to add to those, they do vlives every week and although those vlives are always scheduled it still makes my day seeing them and watching them do the usual. 
one thing im upset about is that how they barely promote themselves, they rarely get on variety shows (the most is individual schedules) and we, as mydays never really get to know the boys so its harder to fall for them as a whole. i dont know if its jyp or day6′s decision but if this is how they want to be known for - their music only, then so be it. we still have jae’s presence on youtube, music access and asc. thats the most we can get and it makes it difficult for us to learn about the rest but thats okay.
another thing. their concerts are something i always look forward to (even though my interest has died down a bit;) their concerts are just so fun to listen to?? there’ll always be mydays who stream the concert so everyone else can listen to them play and they sound so good live it drives me crazy. mydays are always so hyped and whenever mydays sing along it just gives me goosebumps??? bc theyre so???? good????? 
tldr; day6 deserve more, following wise and promotions wise because they work so hard and once this project ends i hope they’ll manage to rest but still remain as a presence that will be known instead of returning to jyp’s dungeon.
🍋 do you consider yourself an emotional person?
there are days where i am more emotional than usual 
📚 share 3 books that you love and your favourite quote from them.
this is tiring
😔 what do you always do when you feel sad? does it help?
i sleep and boy it really helps
😌 what thoughts keep you going when you’re sad?
🌍 which country do you live in?
🐧 describe yourself in 3 words
lame funny swag
🐵 which quotes changed you?
“rocky swag” - park minhyuk, 2017
💭 do you keep a diary?
💫 who inspires you?
brian kang 
👻 do you believe in ghosts and why?
yes bc i love losing sleep
🎀 what’s your fashion sense like?
🎬 what are some of your favourite films?
i watched spiderman homecoming and i have no idea why i didnt see the plot twist coming but its GOOD watch it
🍦 what is one treasured childhood memory?
theres none lads
🐼 if you could meet anyone, who would it be and why?
all my internet buddies but sometimes i dont want to bc im kinda....gross
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ventus-shmentus · 7 years
1 through 100 for the question time?
oh man this is gonna keep me busy, thank you anon
1.) is there a boy/girl in your life?
*** sadly no, I've been single for like 3 years now
2.)  think of the last person who hurt you; do you forgive them?
*** yes! I generally try to forgive most ppl because I h a t e being angry w ppl
3.) what do you think of when you hear the word “meow?”
*** there was a girl in middle school that always stared me down and meowed at me at lunch???
4.) what’s something you really want right now?
*** strawberry lemonade from O’Charley’s
5.) are you afraid of falling in love?
*** thank god no, I love loving people
6.) do you like the beach?
*** yeah my fam goes every year for vacay and we spread my brothers ashes in the ocean and stuff so it’s comforting to go bc it’s like he’s still with me??
7.) have you ever slept on a couch with someone else?
*** tried to, but I have a lot of problems falling asleep so it didn't work out too well
8.) what’s the background on your cell?
*** my lock screen is me and a best friend and my home bg is a pic of ventus
9.)name the last four beds you were sat on?
***my sisters, my moms, faith’s, and Ryder’s if you count being sat on by dogs (I think thats what the question is asking lmao??)
10.) do you like your phone?
*** most of the time, yeah. the calls get messed up a lot tho and the battery sucks
11: honestly, are things going the way you planned?
*** god no, it’d be weird if they were. I'm doing much much better in life than I originally expected 
12: who was the last person whose phone number you added to your contacts?
*** probs the girls from my DBT therapy group
13: would you rather have a poodle or a rottweiler?
*** omg Rottweiler for sure,,, I love big doggies and they're such big babies
14: which hurts the most, physical or emotional pain?
*** I can't really answer this because they’re both felt in different ways
15: would you rather visit a zoo or an art museum?
*** I've never been to an art museum so id have to say zoo for now
16: are you tired?
*** heck yea my mom lost my sleep medication, I'm so tired to the point where I'm listening to Soulja boy and I'm not sure if its real or not
17: how long have you known your 1st phone contact?
*** like???? 15 years??
18: are they a relative?
*** nope just my sisters friend 
19: would you ever consider getting back together with any of your exes?
*** someone please kill me if I ever get back with one of my exes
20: when did you last talk to the last person you shared a kiss with?
*** honestly I can’t remember, probably like last month?
21: if you knew you had the right person, would you marry them today?
*** nonono I'm nowhere near ready to settle down in life like that. I'm only 19 and like I've never even had a job and I don't have my license and shit,,, def not ready for marriage
22: would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
*** yeah he was a good kisser, too bad I barely remember it lmao
23: how many bracelets do you have on your wrists right now?
*** 2 a hair tie and a friendship bracelet
24: is there a certain quote you live by?
*** Donald Duck going “WAK!”
25: what’s on your mind?
*** what happened to Kevin Jonas
26: do you have any tattoos?
*** no but I was planning on getting one soon as tribute to my brother
27: what is your favorite color?
*** yellow!! its so happy and bright
28: next time you will kiss someone on the lips?
*** heck idk no one ever seems interested in me so like?? its up to them bc I'm down to kiss like 90% of the people I know
29: who are you texting?
*** my boi Ryder bc he's coming over to give me birthday stuff
30: think to the last person you kissed, have you ever kissed them on a couch?
***nope, only a car
31: have you ever had the feeling something bad was going to happen and you were right?
*** I low key knew that my brother was gonna die the day he did but I didn't say anything to anyway bc I just blamed it on my anxiety
32: do you have a friend of the opposite sex you can talk to?
*** heck yeah, I got a couple thankfully
33: do you think anyone has feelings for you?
*** lmao ryder
34: has anyone ever told you you have pretty eyes?
*** yes! my eyes turn literally yellow in the summer and its p cool
35: say the last person you kissed was kissing someone right in front of you?
*** I'd be like “hell yeah I'm proud of u for getting action”
36: were you single on valentines day?
*** have been my whole life
37: are you friends with the last person you kissed?
*** yes but I rarely talk to him anymore
38: what do your friends call you?
*** karl, car keys, Karls, kar, karlie warlie
39: has anyone upset you in the last week?
*** does myself count lmao
40: have you ever cried over a text?
*** probably
41: where’s your last bruise located?
*** the tops of my feet 
42: what is it from?
*** dancing! you get bruises in weird places from dance lmao
43: last time you wanted to be away from somewhere really bad?
*** idk if this really counts but we went out to eat last night which is really triggering for me and I was like “I just want to go home and see my doggie”
44: who was the last person you were on the phone with?
***my sister on accident
45: do you have a favourite pair of shoes?
*** fav bc of looks are my white doc Martens but I wear my black converse most of the time
46: do you wear hats if your having a bad hair day?
*** no I look dumb in hats
47: would you ever go bald if it was the style?
*** honestly no just bc I like to have the mermaid hair effect when I’m in the bath or swimming
48: do you make supper for your family?
*** only if its like pizza rolls or smthn
49: does your bedroom have a door?
*** yes???
50: top 3 web-pages?
*** Tumblr, youtube and Facebook
51: do you know anyone who hates shopping?
*** my mom bc she hates going out in public
52: does anything on your body hurt?
*** my wrist!! I have a cyst in my joint and it hurts to move it too much 
53: are goodbyes hard for you?
*** yes bc I have a huge fear of abandonment
54: what was the last beverage you spilled on yourself?
*** strawberry lemonade
55: how is your hair?
*** its kinda short atm, I just got it cut and I'm mad bc its just the right length where only half of my hair goes into a ponytail
56: what do you usually do first in the morning?
*** pee tbh
57: do you think two people can last forever?
*** I mean I guess
58: think back to january 2007, were you single?
*** considering. was 8, yes
59: green or purple grapes?
*** depends on my mood tbh
60: when’s the next time you will give someone a big hug?
*** in like 10 minutes when Ryder is here
61: do you wish you were somewhere else right now?
*** not really but I wouldn't particularly mind if I was somewhere else
62: when will be the next time you text someone?
*** like rn
63: where will you be 5 hours from now?
*** in my living room talking to Ryder
64: what were you doing at 8 this morning.
*** pretending to be asleep
65: this time last year, can you remember who you liked?
***probably faith idk but thankfully thats faded by now
66: is there one person in your life that can always make you smile?
*** ryder and my sister tbh
67: did you kiss or hug anyone today?
*** my mom always hugs me good morning
68: what was your last thought before you went to bed last night?
*** “god I wish I could fall asleep”
69: have you ever tried your hardest and then gotten disappointed in the end?
*** did you mean: my entire dance career?
70: how many windows are open on your computer?
*** 5!
71: how many fingers do you have?
*** thankfully I got all 10
72: what is your ringtone?
*** the default iPhone ringtone, I've never bothered to change it but I want my text ringtone to be the thing from Kim possible
73: how old will you be in 5 months?
*** 19
74: where is your mum right now?
*** in my sister’s room helping her build a desk
75: why aren’t you with the person you were first in love with or almost in love?
*** bc he's an abusive piece of shit (:
76: have you held hands with somebody in the past three days?
*** sadly no ):
77: are you friends with the people you were friends with two years ago?
*** definitely not
78: do you remember who you had a crush on in year 7?
*** a dude named Zac but he was a terrible person lmao
79: is there anyone you know with the name mike?
*** my aunt's pos boyfriend
80: have you ever fallen asleep in someones arms?
*** no ):
81: how many people have you liked in the past three months?
*** not really anyone worth noting
82: has anyone seen you in your underwear in the last 3 days?
*** probably
83: will you talk to the person you like tonight?
*** I don't really like anyone atm
84: you’re drunk and yelling at hot guys/girls out of your car window, you’re with?
*** probably Bria or faith tbh
85: if your bf/gf was into drugs would you care?
*** I think it’d depend on what it was and if it was effecting them in an unhealthy way or not
86: what was the most eventful thing that happened last time you went to see a movie?
*** I threw up 20 mins into Spiderman homecoming
87: who was your last received call from?
*** my sister
88: if someone gave you $1,000 to burn a butterfly over a candle, would you?
*** I think it'd depend on what I needed the money for and how bad I needed it
89: what is something you wish you had more of?
*** friends
90: have you ever trusted someone too much?
*** all the time. I love trusting people but it gets me hurt a lot
91: do you sleep with your window open?
*** I wish but I got them allergies
92: do you get along with girls?
*** for the most part yes!
93: are you keeping a secret from someone who needs to know the truth?
*** yeah but its not worth telling them right now, gotta wait till the right time
94: does sex mean love?
*** nope!
95: you’re locked in a room with the last person you kissed, is that a problem?
*** no but I might have a hard time trying to find things to talk about
96: have you ever kissed anyone with a lip ring?
*** yeah I didn't really like it tbh
97: did you sleep alone this week?
*** always
98: everybody has somebody that makes them happy, do you?
*** yes! my sister and ryder
99: do you believe in love at first sight?
*** no bc then you're just falling in love with the persons looks and not the actual person
100: who was the last person that you pinky promise
*** my mom but I don't remember what for
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our-lovely-universe · 7 years
All the numbers, punk!!!
1: Let’s start with a tricky one; what is the real reason you are confused right now? lol I'm not really?2: Do you ever get “good morning” texts from anyone? my girlfriend sends me good morning snapchats everyday 💞💞3: If your significant other smoked pot, would you care? No, as long as it's not all the time.4: Do you find it easy to trust others? Oh yeah for sure! My uncle always says I'm super naive and need to stop trusting everyone I meet lol5: What were you doing at 11PM last night?sleeping 😴😴😴6: You’re drunk and lost walking down the road; who is with you? Hopefully someone that isn't drunk and knows where we are going haha7: What would you do if you found out you had been cheated on? Dump that person.8: Are you close with your dad? No not at all, I haven't seen my bio dad since I was 3 and then the man who basically raised me (who I call my real father) left me when I was 9 or 10, we only just now reconnected last year and we are still not close.9: I bet you kissed someone last night, right? Umm no unless you count kissing my little cousins goodnight 😂😂10: What are you listening to? New rules by dua lipa11: You can only drink ONE liquid for the rest of your life - what is it? Tea! I'm addicted to it lol12: Do you like hickeys? Heck yeah! Lol which is really weird for an asexual but I think they are more intimate than sexual.13: What time do you go to bed? If I have work I like to be in bed by like 10:30 cause I have to be up at 5:30 am but if I have nothing to do I usually don't fall asleep until 3am.14: Is there someone who continuously lets you down? My mother. I don't know how many chances I give her and she still disappoints me..15: Can you text as quickly with one hand as you do both? Yeah I think I can, though my texts are more sloppy lol (I did this one with one hand)16: Do you always answer your texts?I do but it may take forever. Sometimes days!!!! I forget about texts all the time hahaha17: Do you hate the person you fell the hardest for? Well I choose not to hate people, but I don't have respect for that person. They lied to me and always found a way to make me be the bad guy in a fight.18: When was the last time you talked to one of your best friends? Well I Snapchat my best friend everyday (even tho she is terrible at keeping a streak!) but it's been awhile since we have seen each other 😭😭19: Is there someone that makes you happy every time you see them? My littles cousins. They are the light of my life 💞💞20: What was your last thought before you went to bed last night? Well I like to go over everything in my life that is stressful at night because why the fuck not?!?! So I was probably thinking about all the shit that happened yesterday 😒😒21: Is anyone else in the room with you? Nope, I'm alone, or at least I hope so!!22: Do you believe what goes around comes around? I mean I guess?? I never really thought about it. I mean I always say be kind and kindness will come back so I guess that's the same lol23: Were you happier four months ago than you are now? Honestly no. Probably the same maybe a little worse.24: Is there someone you wish you could fix things with? My dad. Even after him leaving me for another family, I really want us to be able to work things out.25: In the past week, have you cried? Oh yeah, I've cried in the last hour lol26: What colour is the shirt you are wearing? Blue27: Do people ever call you by your last name? Yeah but they usually call me flawless lawless.28: Is anyone ignoring you right now? Not that I know of?29: Do you have a best friend? Yeah grace, we've been friends since we were little. And then also my girlfriend!30: Would it be hard seeing someone else kiss the last person you kissed? No not at all.31: Who was your last call/text message from? My aunt just texted me a picture of my cousin, today was her first day of kindergarten.32: Are you mad at anyone? Does myself count?33: Have you ever kissed someone older than you? Yes.34: How old will the last person you kissed be on his/her next birthday? I don't know.... barely knew the person.35: How many more days until your birthday? Tomorrow it will be exactly a month!!!! So excited!!36: Do you have any summer plans yet? Summers over yo! Start school next week!37: Do you have any good friends of the opposite sex? Sure I have one or two, use to have more but most my friends and I have grown apart due to distance.38: Are you keeping anything from your best friend(s) now? Yeah.39: Do you have a secret that you’ve never told anyone? Yes.40: Have you ever regretted kissing someone? Yes.....41: Do you think age matters in relationships? No, as long as you love the person and have a healthy relationship.42: Are you available? No I am very much unavailable.43: How many people have you had real, strong feelings for since high school ended? Um no one?44: If you had to get a piercing (not ears), what would you get? I had my nose pierced a couple times but I don't think I would get anything else pierced.45: Do you believe exes can be friends? Sure as long as you guys are both respectful of eachother.46: Do you regret anything? I choose not to regrets my choices in life.47: Honestly, what’s on your mind right now? Nothing really, my thoughts are pretty muddled today.48: Did you ever lose a best friend? Yeah kind of, it's complicated.49: Was your last kiss a mistake? Wait wasn't this asked earlier? Idk but yes my last kiss was def a mistake50: Why aren’t you pursuing the person you like? Well I mean I already got her lol51: Has the last person you kissed ever seen you cry? No.52: Do you still talk with the person you LAST kissed? Jesus Christ it's hard answering these last person you kissed, since the last person I kissed forced me. But no I do not!!53: What was the last thing you ate? Idk, I haven't eaten since yesterday.54: Did you get any compliments today? Yeah I got one from someone on Tumblr lol55: Where are you going on your next vacation? Idk but I would like to go to Canada to meet my gf or meet halfway somewhere with her.56: Do you own anything from other countries? Well most the stuff in America is made from china so yeah 😂😂57: Are most of your friend guys or girls? Idk I would say it's 50/5058: Where have you lived most of your life? Kansas59: When was the last time you took a long drive? 2 weeks ago to see my sister.60: Have you ever played Spin the Bottle? No61: Have you ever TPd someone’s house? No that's mean!62: Who do you text the most? My girlfriend.63: What was the last movie you saw? I'm watching a lifetime movie right now about a teenage murderer.64: What’s preventing your current boyfriend/girlfriend from going back to their ex? Idk, I mean I know nothing about their exes, but I have faith in my partner.65: How many boyfriends/girlfriends did you have in 2011? Um none probably. I didn't date a lot.66: Is the last person you kissed younger than you? No.67: Do you curse around your parents? Oh yeah.68: Are you happy with where you live? I mean I'm content but it's not where I want to be for the rest of my life.69: Picture of yourself? Idk how to add pics to a answer thing? Lol70: Are you a monogamous person or do you believe in open-ended relationships? Def monogamous!!71: Have you ever been dumped? No I'm usually the dumpee.72: What do you most like about making out? Well I'm not a huge fan of it, I mean it's nice but Idk lol73: Have you ever casually made out with someone who you weren’t seriously involved with? Yeah like one girl but I was trashed 74: When you kiss someone for the first time, is it usually you who initiates it or the other? Usually the other person 😬 I don't normally initiate the kissing.75: What part of a person’s body do you find most attractive? Their minds 😅😏76: Who was the last person you talked to last night before you went to bed? Holly77: Had sex with someone you knew less than an hour? No.78: Had sex with someone you didn’t know their name? No.79: What makes your heart flutter and brings a big cheesy smile to your face? My significant annoyance 😂😂 no but for real they make my life so much better. 80: Would you get involved with someone if they had a child already? Yeah definitely.81: Has someone who had a crush on you ever confessed to you? Yeah.82: Do you tell a lot of people when you have a crush? No I tend to keep to myself.83: Do you miss your last sweetie? No84: Last time you slow danced with someone? Prom.85: Have you ever ‘dated’ someone you’ve never met? Well I've never met my current gf.86: How can I win your heart? It's pretty easy, I have a big heart that loves everyone I meet. Buy me some Starbucks and we good 👌🏻👌🏻87: What is your astrological sign? Virgo88: What were you doing last night at 12 AM? Sleeping!89: Do you cook? Oh yes! I love it!90: Have you ever gotten back in touch with an old flame after a time of more than 3 months of no communication? Yeah my first girlfriend, we are kind of friends now, but only on social media, we don't talk much.91: If you’re single right now, do you wish you were in a relationship? I am in a relationship.92: Do you prefer to date various people or do you pretty much fall into monogamous relationships quickly? I swear this has already been asked hahaha93: What physical traits do you look for in a potential interest? I don't really have a type. Though I think tattoos are really attractive.94: Name four things that you wish you had? 1. A dog2. My own place3. Some coffee4. A blanket (it's always across the room)95: Are you a player? No.96: Have you ever kissed 2 people in one day? No.97: Are you a tease? No.98: Ever meet anyone you met on Tumblr? No99: Have you ever been deeply in love with someone? Yeah. Once before and right now.100: Anybody on Tumblr that you’d go on a date with? My gf101: Hugs or Kisses? Hugs!!! 102: Are you too shy to ask someone out? No.103: The first thing you notice about the opposite sex? Um idk.104: Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you babe? Idk I think it's my least favorite just because my step sister and her fiancée always call each other babe and nothing else and it's the most annoying thing ever! Me and my sis make fun of them all the time for it! 105: If a sexy person was pursuing you, but you knew he/she was in relationship, would you go for it? Nooo!!!106: Do you flirt a lot? Yeah I guess!107: Your last kiss? Don't want to talk about it 👌🏻👌🏻108: Have you kissed more than 5 people since the start of 2012? No.109: Have you kissed anyone in the past month? No.110: If you could kiss anyone who would it be? My gf111: Do you know who you’ll kiss next? My gf112: Does someone like you currently? Hopefully a lot of people like me, I try to be a like-able person.113: Do you currently have feelings for anyone? My gf114: Do you like to be in serious relationships or just flings? Serious relationship.115: Ever made out with just a friend? No.116: Are you happier single or in a relationship? Relationship obviously, she makes like so much happier!!
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thedeliverygod · 8 years
so I’m gonna do something I haven’t done in a looong time! I’m gonna go back and take this survey (now called a meme I guess lol) that I did back in 2008 and compare answers for funsies
here we go~ bold answers are current answers. 
Do you think that you are a good singer? sometimes/yeah sometimes lol. sometimes not. Are you sure of your sexuality? sure./ yup, I’m asexual. At the time I took this before I thought I was just heterosexual and weird lol. Do you love your parents? yeah/ mhmm.  Do you think that you are smart? not really, more like average./ uhh. For some things yes, other things no. I seem to have a little bit of knowledge on a wide variety of things. Are you pretending to be someone that you're not? no./ nopeee.  Do you like to read? yeah/ I do but it’s hard to find things to read.
How often do you talk on the phone? like once everyday for a tops of like 5 mins./ uhh not very often at all. probably once every few days at most. Are you a local celebrity? definately not./ lol yeah no. Also I’m glad I finally learned how to spell definitely after so many years of struggling with it.  Is your mom awesome? yeah/ she has her moments that are good but she also has her bad moments Are you a pottymouth? no./ not really but I curse now, unlike when I took this survey in 2008 lol. Do you think that you are a good writer? I am! ^_^/ eh I’m alright. There’s plenty of people who are more talented than me and I wish I could have their talent brush off on me lol but I enjoy writing a lot so I won’t quit. What was the last compliment that you got? I dunno./ hmmm I dunno. I get ‘cute’ a decent amount I suppose.  What does your home phone look like? we don't have one./ idk just a standard home phone lol silver and black. What was the last hoodie that you wore? don't know./ idk but probably my black hoodie from American Eagle that says “NYC” on it.  What grade are you in right now if you are in school? eleventh./ I graduated college in December 2014 so it’s been 2 years since I got my bachelor’s degree (and I still have no full time job yay lol) Do you eat candy daily? haha no./ ummm almost? lmao. I kinda constantly keep chocolate around. Name a song from this artist/band: 
Paramore: decode/ misguided ghosts Cartel: if I were to write the song/ save us My Chemical Romance: ghost of you/ Black parade I guess haha Teddy Geiger: night air/ same song lol Three Days Grace: over and over/ Animals? haha The Rocket Summer: Aerosmith: dream on. Mika: popular with Ariana Grande (wow he was around back then? I had no idea) Cute Is What We Aim For:   Avenged Sevenfold: darkness surrounding/ I don’t even know anything by this band anymore lol  Fall Out Boy: thnks fr th mmrs./ hum hallelujah  Have you ever moved to a different home? yeaaaah/ yeah a decent amount Have you ever switched schools? just graduating from them./ same’s true now. Started at UNCG and graduated from UNCG.  Do you like to go swimming? when it's warm outside./ yeah but I hardly get the opportunity to go anymore. Have you ever been to camp? no, not really./ not an organized summer camp, no. I’ve been traditional camping (in a tent and an RV) though, yes. Do you have a pet, if so, what? yes. 2 dogs, 3 cats, and 2 finches./ aw the finches I miss them. Um I’ve just got Kairi, really, and then my dad has 3 cats. My mom also has 2 cats and a dog that I used to live with so I kinda consider mine still too. Do you have trouble spelling certain words? haha yeah. Disappear is one I spell wrong often./ plenty but I can’t think of any on the spot.  Do you get nervous with public speaking? yes./ hells yeah Do you know the words to your myspace song? yep./ lol myspace is long gone.  What is your favorite TV show? don't watch TV./ Prison Break & Scrubs for traditional TV (live action). Noragami for anime.  Do you know anyone with a really weird name? not really./ nah What are you going to name your kids? Cameron or Landon [I remembered that name today and I love it] annnnd Kayla or October. I don't care if the name October Melody sounds emo/goth, it's beautiful./ I don’t plan on having biological kids and therefore don’t really plan on naming any kids. I do really love Yukine’s name though.  Are you taken? no./ nope, single once again Do you fight with your parents all the time? no./ no, I’ve fought with my mom a few times now that I’m older but it just ends in me getting into panic attacks so I’m good. Is your tongue pierced? no./ nooo. I don’t have any piercings and don’t ever plan to. Are you in pain right now? no./ no but I wish this cold would go away What are you doing tomorrow? homework./ dunno but I should really do laundry.  Where does the last person you kissed go to school? n/a/ he graduated in 2014 as well. Who do you blame for your bad mood today? no one/ myself if I had one but I think today has been relatively neutral.  What was the first thing you did this morning? watched the ending of A Walk to Remember cuz my mom was watching it in the living room. haha./ the same thing I do every morning. Check all my emails, facebook, tumblr & LINE all on my phone XD Do you care of what people think of you? to a certain degree./ hell yeah. I’m surprised I said ‘to a certain degree’ back in high school. I’ve always wanted to please everyone. Who was the last person you took a picture with? *shrug* / oh I had a picture taken of me at work recently, I think it was was Jake.  Last person you went to the movies with? Holt/ a whole group of my friends went to see Finding Dory in IMAX. Today, would you rather go back a week or go forward a week? forward./ definitely forward.  What are you looking forward to right now? christmas break./ Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue on Tuesday~ Do you miss someone? no./ I always miss someone these days but oh well.  Where was your default pic taken? here./ in my work parking lot  Your current relationship status? single/ single Does your crush like you back? n/a/ same thing, n/a What is your current mood? eh, neutral./ yeah pretty much the same lol If you could go back in time and change something, would you? no./ I wanna say no because it could change some of the good things that happened to me but at the same I wish I could do a few things differently in terms of school. Have a crazy side? haha not really./ it’s more like I have a weeb side.  Ever had a near death experience? not really./ yeah kinda.. Something you do a lot? sing./ write and live on the internet lol Angry at anyone? nah./ our “president” and his chosen administration How many people have you liked in the past 8 months? I haven't! blahhh./ my ex boyfriend before and shortly after we broke up, that’s it. I mean if I think about it too much today I’m sure I can still get really sad but overall I’m okay. What did you do today? nothing much yet./ not much tbh lol  Where will you be 12 hours from now? dunno./ probably right here on this couch Have you ever been to a tanning bed? nah. /nope not interested. Is it easy for others to make you feel awkward? not really. / what the hell??? was I really more self confident in high school or was I just extremely unaware? Yes. It is extremely easy for others to make me feel awkward lol. Where do you wish you were right now? *shrug*/ in my own apartment. Does anyone hate you for no reason? not that I know of./ not for no reason. but nah I don’t think anyone truly hates me. we’ve just had some disagreements about things like homosexuality.  Have you ever kissed someone who's name starts with the letter B? no./ still on. have only kissed one person. Has anyone ever borrowed something from you and never returned it back? hah yeah. / yeaaaaah but for most things it’s been so long I don’t even care anymore. My creative writing teacher didn’t give me my favorite book back lol but I bought a new copy and I hope he continues to use it in his classes.  Today did you hug a person you have feelings for? n/a / there’s no person I have feelings for but I also I haven’t hugged anyone lol What was the first thing you thought this morning? I dunno. what time is it? / “I feel like I can probably go back to sleep but maybe I should get up.” *looks at clock* “holy... how is it 11:47???” Have you ever told someone of the opposite sex you loved them and meant it? yes/ yeah How is your day so far? alright./ it’s fine. Do you want to go to college? yeah./ been there, done that. Kinda would like to go back but pretty sure I can’t.  What's your favorite season? summer. / still true.  When was the last time you cried and the reasons? I found a letter my Dad wrote me a while ago when he didn't leave here. / because of all of my self-doubt from not having a full time job yet along with negativity stemming from all the terrible things that can happen with Trump now in office including losing my healthcare.   Have you ever talked to someone when they were high? yeah./ yeah I guess so What was your favorite grade? 7th grade. haha. or last year, I guess./ probably 12th grade. But college was the best.  Have you ever, in any way, been betrayed by someone you trusted? yeaaaaaah / yeah. It took me a minute to remember what I was talking about when I answered this the first time but yeah.  Do you know anyone who would just drop everything to come see you? sure yeah./ a lot of my friends probably would but idk if I would want them to 1.Do you like to brag? sometimes but not usually. / I guess if I can do it without coming off like a jerk? lol I like to feel proud of myself.  2.What do you do when you are alone? think. haha. / write, edit videos, play video games, watch movies. idk I do a lot of things alone.  3.Would you go out wearing sweats? I don't like sweatpants much, but I would if I had some I guess./ definitely. 4.What color is your coat? blue. / I have a black one and a green one.  5.Does it bother you when people don't call you back? sometimes. / depends. Most of the time it’s a relief I guess haha 6.Is their ever a legit reason to smoke? no, there's not. / no not really. smoke in any form is bad for your lungs.  7.What was the last movie you watched? the end of A Walk to Remember. / ummmm. War Horse.  8.Where is the last place you went to? Fayeteville, my grandma's house. / my work.  9.What made you laugh last? Taylor and her texts I guess lol. / I had Noragami paused and it was just the baby from the 1st episode of Aragoto just floating in the air this big burst of light underneath him and idk it was hilarious 10.Have you ever done drugs? no. / still no, not interested in the least.  11.What show do you watch the most? none. / noragami.  12.How are you feeling right now? content. / okay, but my eyes and my stomach kinda hurt a little bit.  13.What season is your birthday in? spring. 14.What color eyes does the person you like have? n/a 15.Do you wear polos? no. / I do for work but that’s it lol 16.What color are your socks? no socks. / black 17.Do you like going to the dentist? lol noo. / hells no. I haven’t been in quite a few years now cuz I know they’ll just yell at me about my wisdom teeth which have already grown in.  18. What is the best thing about hugs? *shrug*/ they’re warm and comforting? lol idk 19.Who’s birthday is coming up next? my Dad's. / Mine I guess 20.Do you like kids? yeah / I like kids but I’m super awkward with babies.  21.Do you wear glasses or contacts? neither. 22.Are you listening to music? goin' back to cali--Sevendust. /nope, have Law & Order SVU on the TV.  23.What do you think of sex before marriage? sure. just make your old enough to handle the consequences and I obviously believe that you should be in love. / have at it. Just be prepared with birth control, condoms, etc. I retract the statement about love since even though I don’t really understand the want for casual sex, I realize it’s something a lot of people do want.  24.Do you and your dad have a good relationship? ehhh. mostly./ yeah it’s better now.  25.What color is your toothbrush? blue. / still blue haha 26.Do you believe in god? yeah / I believe in a god but probably not the one this survey is asking about. I don’t believe in a god that has any sort of interaction with humans/impacts their lives. I basically believe god is a culmination of all the energy in the universe.  27.Do you wear chapstick? nope./ yes, I need it especially in winter. 28.What is the last thing you bought? I dunno. oh wait I bought sodas for me and my mom. haha./ cat litter, cupcake hersey’s kisses, and cold medicine.  29.Is there anything/anyone that you hate? sure I hate things like racism and etc. oh and OCD Christians. I hate how Religion causes so many issues as well. /I mean yeah I hate people who are judgmental and hateful towards people and treat them as less than equal for any reason. Also I apologize for my past use of OCD.  30.Are you currently craving anything? nah. /nope I’m good.  31.What color is your clock? don't have one. / silver.  32.What time do you usually go to bed? 10: 30 on weeknights, whenever I feel like it on the weekends. / it used to be 1:30 AM but it’s been more like 2:30 AM lately.  33.What do you eat for breakfast? nothing or blueberry poptarts./ nothing.  34.Dog person or cat person? probably cat person but I like both. / both. 35.Something you can't wait to do? road trip. haha. / go to Animazement this year, go to the KH Orchestra World Tour in June~  36.Last thing you put into your mouth? coke./ mountain dew probably 37.What band did you like as a kid? Backstreet Boys and Nsync, duhhh. 38.Do you have a piggy bank? I have a like 3 gallon water tank thing that we store change in haha. / same thing lol also I have a box full of coins too.  39.What time is it? 4: 04 pm / 7:44 PM 40.Do you forgive and forget? forgive, I don't really forget. / I try to forget if I can but it depends on the issue I suppose.
wow this was way longer than I thought RIP. but that was interesting to say the least. 
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I recently moved WITHIN the same county and my car insurance rates increased because of the move. Should it increase even though I am in the same county???? It's seriously like 5 miles from my old house....
I need insurance on a car I just bought what should I tell the insurance company I am using it for?
I am planning on using it for all 3 options so I am wondering what one will cost the least. The options are Commute, Business, and Pleasure.""
What is a good affordable medical insurance for the California Area?
What is a good affordable medical insurance for the California Area?
Will My car insurance go up if a 16 year old gets a older 2 door car?
Will My car insurance go up if a 16 year old gets a older 2 door car?
Republicans whats the difference between being forced to buy health insurance and car insurance?
If it is unconstitutional to force some to buy to health insurance how is it constitutional to force people to buy car insurance??
How much should I be looking for to pay for car insurance?
Its a 98 ford escort with 127,000 miles and it has a salvage title""
Nevada/or California car insurance cheaper?
I just moved to Las Vegas from California and learning car insurance is more in the silver state. When I go to purchase new car insurance can I lie and say I live in California still. What are the cons to keeping my insurance registered in Cal?
landlord insurance quote uk
landlord insurance quote uk
Car insurance in new York city vs age and area?
Im making payments on a car $190 I'm paying full coverage for the car $695 a month and I'm 21 do you think its possible To switch to liability while I'm still paying the car note? Due to my age and new to insurance and live in NY I'm guessing that's y it's so high and can't get help from others so I wouldn't mind striving for myself.
Does anyone know the penalty for a motorist not having auto insurance in Texas?
The auto is insured, and the driver is authorized to drive it. Got speeding ticket and showed proof of insurance for auto. Went to get deferred adjudication and included copy of insurance card where authorized user but now being asked for insurance on driver.""
Rear ended someone.. how much to get fixed without insurance?
i just got my car like 6 months ago and i was with my friend and he had to stop suddenly cuz of something runnin out in the road and i wasnt paying attention and i rear ended him.. neither of us wanted to get the cops involved cuz he had someone in his car and just got his license which is illegal and i didnt want me insurance 2 go up http://i44.tinypic[dot]com/5obq8[dot]jpg can't link so just replace the [dot] with a period . thats a pic of the damage i dont think its too bad probably just need a new hood bumper fenders and lights right? also if i did end up going through insurance how much would it go up about im 17 yrs old? my mom is paying for it right now but she said if i ever get a ticket or anything that i cant get out of then i gotta pay the difference so idk if itll be cheaper this way or something
What insurance do i need?
What type of insurance is required by the California DMV for a drivers test?
Whats the average cost for teenage car insurance?
im going to get my permit soon and i would like to know what the average teen car insurance cost is.
Is life insurance a good ivnestment?
Is it wise to ivnest in a life insurance? Have you heard of Manulife?
Affordable health insurance?
I am a 40 yr old female who lives in washington state and I have never been sick or in the hospital and never drank or smoked.I am 4ft11 and 160 lbs so I am overweight.I need help in finding some affordable health insurance.I went down today to apply for washington basic health and they told me that no more applications were being taken.Now what do I do.I cannot afford exspensive Health insurance.I only make 1,200 a month if that.I need insurance so I can get a physical witch I have never had.I haven't been to a doctor since a kid.can someone tell me if there is any good health insurance for under 100 a month that covers things like physicals and if I had a heart attack,stroke ect...please help me find a good insurance for a low price.""
What is the cheapest liability car insurance in the US?
What is the cheapest liability car insurance in the US?
What is the cheapest car to insure for a 17-19 year old guy from the UK in 2013?
I'm 16 and will be taking my test next year and I want to know what to get for my first car?
Best life insurance company?
Best life insurance company?
Best place to purchase health insurance?
I am starting my own small business and need health insurance for my family. I won't go with Kaiser, please don't ask why. I need an HMO with no deductable or a very low deductable because in my area the Blue Cross, Blue Shield, HealthNet networks have pretty good doctors and hospitals within their approved networks. It will be a family-owned sole prop business. I live and work in California, but if there is value in incorporating in another state for the purpose of taxes or prices on health insurance, I guess I could do it...because I have not formally formed the corporation yet. I used to be under the impression that the best prices for Heath Insurance came when you worked for a big company, but things seem to have changed. I recently worked for another smalll family-owned business, and they got very good rates by incorporating and claiming a Headquarters in Washington. What is the best strategy to get the best insurance at the lowest rates for a small group- one family? Thanks!""
How Does Full Coverage Auto Insurance Work?
How Does Full Coverage Auto Insurance Work?
Where can I find a comparative listing for auto insurance rates?
Where can I find a comparative listing for auto insurance rates?
How much should insurance for a 20 year old male driving an 81 corolla cost. no tickets at all?
How much should insurance for a 20 year old male driving an 81 corolla cost. no tickets at all?
Can i get affordable baby health insurance?
ready to have a baby soon but husband insurance would go from 250 to 700 a month (can't afford 700) if we have a baby but if me or the baby gets our own insurance somewhere it would be 250 but i have some health issues so i can't get my own insurance (i get denied everywhere, my job doesn't offer health insurance) so when i do get pregnant and have a baby can i get affordable insurance by it's self?I live in Colorado, will not use government help PLEASE DO NOT WRITE BACK IF YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT OR SAY SOMETHING DUMB OR USELESS THANKS!""
Who has the best & affordable dental and medical insurance?
I need a lot of work on my teeth and I will know it will be expensive. I'm trying to find a good and affordable insurance for dental and medical. I would like my copay to be no more than 20% and my deductible to be no more than $3,000 & doctor visits no more than $30. Can anyone help me out? I'm also looking for not only me but my child as well.""
Where can I find ratings for the service of various insurance companies?
Where can I find ratings for the service of various insurance companies?
How much will I get charged for an insurance ?
Im 20 and I received a Ticket for no Insurance, How much should I get charged once I get one? Which One is a cheap one to get, and how much for a Fred Loya insurance ?""
How much does health insurance cost for a Florida student?
I am going to be a college student in Florida and I want to know the cost of health insurance in Florida. I have no illness or family history of illness. I am not disabled or as such but it is good to have insurance and in my case, required. So can anyone help me find the cheapest health insurance plan in Florida please?""
Does owning a home increase car insurance rates?
A coworker once told me that once you're labeled as a homeowner, your car insurance rates go up b/c you can be sued for your house. Is there any truth to this? If it matters, I live in NY.""
Wats the cheapest insurance in oklahoma?
Wats the cheapest insurance in oklahoma?
What is insurance like on an 02-05 VW GTI 1.8t?
I'm not looking for exact rates, just trying to get an idea if the insurance will cost more than normal because it's turbo. How would insurance compare to something like a 95 Accord EX 4 door?""
Have lots of car insurance questions ?
hello had a car accident i am not in fault my medical bill are almost $100K the other party insurance accept its fault in the accident and it appears that they have full coverage if the insurance i have is the basic that covers $25K in medical bills so the other insurance tells me that there limit is $25K-$50K how can it be possible that it only covers $25K same as mine if she has full coverage and i don't?? Next question. How can i make the insurance or the lady that hit me to show me the policy??? is there anyway i can force them?? i have an attorney working on the case and he said that the insurance did not let them see the policy but i want to know and see the policy so i know that neither the insurance or my attorney is lying. next question from the accident i was really damage after 6 months I am still going to therapy I have proof of all my bills and doctors reports from all my illnesses in which I have deafness caused from the accident I had a head injury and was hospitalized for 5 days the docs had said that it was really a serious accident including my attorney. How much is fair to fight for pain and suffering, medical bills, compensation for hearing loss including seance of smell and taste, everything I have paid like taxis, pills and more. don't want to take advantage from the accident but how much can I fight for?? thank you for answering but please only answer if you know. this is very important for me.""
What determines how much the unemployed/disabled get paid?
I have to type up a report on unemployment insurance/diability insurance. I can't find out what determines their pay. Any help or resources would be greatly appreciated :) Also I need to interview an unemployment insurance agent. I don't know where to find one?
Which website is best for buying health insurance in California?
ehealthinsurance.com, shopyourowninsurance.com, or gohealthinsurance.com? The prices all seem to be the same. Is there any advantage in going with a particular one?""
landlord insurance quote uk
landlord insurance quote uk
Car insurance?
how much can it increase by having one point on your driving record?
Cheapest car to insure?
im looking to buy a car but im a 18 yr old male and my insurance will be very high. so im trying to find the cheapest car out there to insure and something good on gas. i know ill probably be paying around 3000 a year. but any ideas?
How much do you pay for car insurance?
I am currently a 24 year old male and I think my car insurance company is not giving me the best deal. Who do you get insurance from, how much do you pay and if you don't mind me asking, how old are you and what car you drive. Also what factors determine how much my insurance payments will be?""
How much would motorcycle insurance cost?
Hello, i'm 20 about to be 21 in december, but i'm gonna be going for my motorcycle license in a week, an planning on buying a kawasaki ninja 250R since it has good reviews, but i'm wondering how much it would be for insurance i'm just going for motorcycle license cause i don't like cars, trucks etc. but yeah so i don't have a normal license so i have no driving record of crashes etc. i'm in indianapolis, IN cause i know states vary. Rob""
How much is lowering a car likely to cost on insurance?
how much is it likely to increase insurance by replacing the springs with a Spax piece of kit?
Which insurance company offers the best rates for car insurance in ONT?
for one with no insurance history at all, with a G2 licence""
Can I get liability insurance on a 2005 mazda tribute or will I have to get full coverage?
Can I get liability insurance on a 2005 mazda tribute or will I have to get full coverage?
Car insurance deposit?
i want my car insurance to start on 11th feb. my quote says i need to pay a deposit followed by 11 monthly installments. If i signed up for the policy today to start on 11th will they ask me for the deposit to be paid now or will they take it on 11th?
""Speeding ticket, will it raise my insurance in texas?""
hey, I got a speeding ticket a few days ago and would like to take the defensive driving class instead, if the judge will let me. i really dont want to let my dad know about it and i am willing to pay all of it, i just dont want to have to deal with my dad. Will my insurance go up even if i do the defensive driving class? Thanks!""
Do you have good Car Insurance Rates?
I was just wondering if anyone out there had advice for some good car insurance rates or coverage? I found this guy who talked about car insurance coverage that was based on your driving behavior... unfortunately I don't live in the area... http://www.sodahead.com/question/271859/car-insurance-rates-based-on-behavior-do-you-have-good-car-insurance-coverage/?link=wenf_ya So you have any suggestions for a car insurance company that has good rates?
Does affordable car insurance exist for a 19 year old?
I'm a 19 year college student. Currently I'm a closing manager at McDonald's and a certified Cisco Network Associate. I'm in the process of buying a vehicle and was optimistic about it until I started to look for insurance. The cheapest policy I've found is $338 a month. There isn't any way I can afford that and the car payment. It's not that I'm lazy and don't work, I work 40 hour weeks plus overtime from closing. I live in a rural area (North Georgia Mountains) so taking the bus isn't a option for a 20 mile commute. My closest neighbor is 7 miles away so car pooling isn't realistic. I feel somewhat hopeless. I would join my parent's policy or something similar but I live on my own and have little to no contact with them. I've been borrowing my Mother's car to get to work but she's given me 3 weeks to get a vehicle or walk. I have found it to be almost impossible to transition into the real world and become an adult and live on my own. What's a guy to do in my situation? I can't work without transportation, and without work I can't pay bills. That American Dream I grew up hearing about seems to only exist for people who have established wealth and good parents. What's left for the others? Are people in my situation just ******?""
Nj motorcycle insurance?
im 23, male, have a pretty good car driving record (if that helps), but my credit isnt that good. how much (ball park) would it be in nj for motorcycle insurance. im planning on purchasing a bike in the next 8 months and wanna know how much i should expect to pay for insurance. i will get a quote, i just wanna know from you guys a rough estimate. thanks""
Does car title have to be in my name before I get insurance on it?
I am currently under my parent's car insurance and the car is titled in their name. However, my husband I recently got married and are going to be getting our own car insurance policy tomorrow. Does the title of my car need to be transferred to my name before I can get the insurance on it?""
How much do you pay for teen car insurance per 6 month?
We have 2 cars 01 camry and 98 nissan. I am 18 , dad is 54 and we pay 35004+ for 6 months . Is that high?""
""Hi fellow seniors, do you have household insurance?
With so many thefts of late and now mass flooding in and around the UK I hear so many cases of people being out of pocket as they're uninsured. Thankfully hubby and I can just about afford to pay it and so far so good we haven't needed to make any claims. With insurance costs at a premium I wonder just how many of you can afford it?
Difference between a deductible and co-insurance?
I am shopping for individual health insurance and I do not understand the difference between these terms. Also, if a plan has a $1000 deductible does that apply to the entire 12 month term of the plan or every single time I receive health care services? And what about co-insurance?""
Can I buy life insurance for my grandmother?
She lives in Alaska and is 82yrs old. She wants me to have a little money and take care of the funeral expenses when she passes. She's in very good health. I was thinking a term life 10yr $100,000 policy. The monthly payment is rougly $572.00 a month. Is it possible if I make the payments on her life insurance?""
The cost of a 125CC motorbike? Tests? Gear? Running costs?
Ok, so here it is. I know a bit about cars and I can drive one - I have a Peugeot 205. I know nothing about bikes! A freind of mine recently bought a 125CC Yamaha bike for 600 and did his CBT, his insurance is 200! So I was thinking about taking a 125CC bike crash course or getting a CBT certificate. Which is better to do? What costs are there involved? I was thinking about getting a twist and go bike (although I have had a go on a manual geared one and found it to be ok).""
How to get low mileage discount from Progressive auto insurance?
I know that many companies will give a huge discount on your automotive insurance premiums if you supply them with proof that you drive far fewer miles than average. I understand that the best way to do this would be to mail a copy of recent vehicle inspections so that they can officially see the low mileage driven over time. However, Progressive does not mention anything, anywhere about low mileage discounts. I have been told you have to ask for this, or else you would never know it is possible. Does anyone have any knowledge, advice, tips, etc regarding this? Furthermore, does anyone know how you would go about this specifically with Progressive?""
Who needs life insurance?
At what point in life should one stop buying term insurance?
Why's my insurance so high at 19?
I've had my licence since October last year and i had my car before i passed my test so i could get insured on it straight away. When I looked at quotes last year i was getting prices of around 3400 and couldn't get it below the 3000 mark, but now I'm getting prices of about 2700 on a 1.0 litre vaxhaull corsa which is the cheapest car for me to insure as it has the smallest engine i can find as is only group 1 insurance but still way to expensive. can anybody tell me why mine is so high please?""
""I am turning 16 soon and I am a guy, What is a car that is sporty, but is safe and has low insurance?""
I need help selecting a car... I want a car that is sporty, has low insurance, and safe and very reliable with good MPG""
What restrictions do i have with my motorcycle permit in California?
What can I do now that I have my motorcycle permit? I'm living in California (also an CA permit, fyi), and I'm not sure if I'm now able to ride on my own, when i'm able to ride etc. I've heard that I need someone over 21 'supervising'. Does anyone know if there's a penalty for not riding with an over-21 adult? Also, insurance-wise, what do I need to do once I buy my motorbike?""
Refused car insurance for being?
a house husband (was told by insurers ) so could i word it as being a child carer (without telling lies) for insurance purposes
Which insurance is cheap for 20 years old new drivers in WA Everett.?
Which insurance is cheap for 20 years old new drivers in WA Everett.?
landlord insurance quote uk
landlord insurance quote uk
Whats the best car insurance comparison site for older drivers?
Whats the best car insurance comparison site for older drivers?
""Insurance , real estate, law question?""
if a person drive a vehicle :D, the vehicle is under the other person name H, H buy the car insurance, the D doenst have the car insurance, and D get in the car accident with K, K is the one who is false, Who is the one false in this situation, it is D or K. Because K are false, will K insurance company pay all the fee in the accident and hospital? Will K insurance company pay for the damage K cause for D? Will K insurance company pay for D health injuries? Even if D doesnt have the insurance, D drive under the vehicle that belong to H, H has the vehicle AND INSURANCE UNDER HER NAME, AND D is H sister.""
""Please tell me the difference between insure , assure , and ensure . Thank you""
Please tell me the difference between insure , assure , and ensure . Thank you""
Can anyone tell me how do you get cheap auto insurance rate and from what company or any website or link?
How do you get cheap auto insurance rate and from what company?can you tell me?
Does auto insurance.... ?
if lets say i hit a car with my car and the other guy claims the accident does the my auto insurance investigate the accident at all or do they just fix the car without asking questions??? im comfused
I need cheap insurance?
I have a vauxhall corsa 1.2 SXi and I am 18. The cheapest is 1300 but I know people have got theres for 900
Car Insurance question!?
ill be 16 years old. I'm getting a 1986-1988 Pontiac Trans Am. Very good responsible driver. so, would car insurance be a lot of money??? What would be a good and cheap company to go with??? name brands please (state farm, All state, 21st Century, ext.)""
Do I need to buy car insurance before driving a used car that I purchase home?
I am thinking about buying a car. I won't know if I'm buying this used car until I go look at it. How do I drive it home, if I won't have car insurance at the moment that I buy it?""
Car insurance?
i am a student, 20 years old, that cannot afford car insurance. Is there a state (ca) program or something for people with really low income?""
""Automobile incident question. Who pays, the business or insurance?""
Im just curious, if a branch of a tree hit my car and cracked it moderately, and i was parked at the parking lot of a gym, does the damages get payed by my insurance or from the gym? If my gym tells me that the insurance pays for it, should i demand the gym to pay?...since my insurance cost might increase because of this incident.""
Does auto insurance cover a person or an automobile?What if someone drives your insured car and they have none
If you drive someone's car who has insurance on their car but you don't have any auto insurance and you get in a wreck does their insurance cover it or could you get a ticket ...show more
How much will my insurance pay if i have a deductable of 500.00????
last week i hit a deer with my car, not on purpose on accident the deer rain right out in front of my car and it messed up my car pretty badly, i cant open my right passenger front door, and i have an adjuster coming out to look at my ca will they cut me a check right today that is what someone had told me i was wondering if that is true or not.""
Car insurance rates for teens?
I just got my drivers license a little more than a month ago. My parents are telling me that they're going to wait for another year before they add me to their insurance policy because it'll be less expense by then. Is this true? I also read somewhere that the earlier you add a teen to your insurance policy, the rates will lower quicker because they insurance company know that i'll have some experience by then. So if my parents add me to their insurance policy now, would it be lower in a year compared to them waiting a year for them to add me?""
How much will my car insurance go up and who should pay?
My ex-husband just bought my 17 year old son a car. He will not pay for the insurance and my son does not have a job to pay for it or for gas money. How much will the insurance cost and who should pay for it? My ex or me?
I want to get either a reno clio 2001 or an old mini. i know the mini is likely to be cheapest. I'm a 17year old male. Which company would give me the cheapest car insurance? DON'T TELL ME TO GO TO GOCOMPARE.COM TRIED THIS ALREADY, AND ON VARIOUS OTHER COMPARISON SITES. Thanks""
Does anyone know what 'excess reduction insurance' is?
Im thinking of renting a car. In the price quote it says basic car insurance is included but excess reduction isnt. does anyone know what this is? how is it different from the basic car insurance and do u know if the excess reduction insurance is also compulsory?
Progressive auto quote confirmation?
I had to ask a bunch of questions regarding insurance for a certain car for my driver education project and I got an email saying that I quoted with Progressive. What does this mean?
Car Insurance On An Accident?
Yesterday I got in a car accident and it was my fault. It was a very little crash and no damage was done to either vehicle, but I gave her my insurance information anyway. If no damage was done to her vehicle will my insurance provider find out? My insurance provider is State Farm.""
""Im looking for affordable whole life insurance for myself and my husband, we are on a fixed income.?
our ages are male 42 and female 41
Do I need my own car insurance?
I have paid my car off to my mom. She paid for it initially and is the listed owner of the vehicle. I'm 20 years old. Since she is the owner does that mean she will always have to be the primary driver listed on the insurance? If I move out after I graduate in a few months, do I need to get my own insurance plan on the car or stay on hers? I plan to keep her house as my permanent address for at least a few years until I really settle down. It would be cheaper to stay on the plan with her, but can I do that if I don't live in the same household?""
My car insurance went up 50 more dollars a month. They said it's an increase in Florida ?
Do any one know where I can get some good reasonable car insurance
Health Insurance - What's your stance?
Should everyone be required to have health insurance? If you want to keep it hypothetical, assume health care is inexpensive and available. If NO, who will pay for the care of the ...show more""
Why did Geico raise my insurance just because I changed my ADDRESS!?
What in the hell was this all about?! I simply moved 30 mins away from my previous residence and ALL I NEEDED to do was just change my mailing address.....so I went online, gave them my new info.....and they said my premium was increased by over $60.00! Why is this? Has this happened to anyone else?""
Got into a car wreck w/o insurance!?
The other day I accidently backed into this couple that have full coverage insurance. I believed everything was okay until an investigator called and left a message saying that my brother had cancelled my insurance. Therefore, I didn't have any insurance at the time of the accident. The person I hit did not get a ticket and I did not get a ticket. What is going to happen with this? Will I loose my lisence or will I have to pay for their car damages even though they have full coverage? If I call and get car insurance today, will it be effective for the accident?""
I am looking for insurance I am 18 I dont work I live with my god father but he doesn't have insurance either.?
And I was wondering if I could get free insurance in Mo
landlord insurance quote uk
landlord insurance quote uk
0 notes
saturnsovereign · 7 years
All of the asks!!!
Unusual Asks
Spotify, SoundCloud, or Pandora? Spotify
is your room messy or clean? mostly clean
what color are your eyes? brown almost black
do you like your name? why? eh, its weird but pretty uncommon so i don’t usually have to worry about sharing it
what is your relationship status? taken
describe your personality in 3 words or less tired gay dork
what color hair do you have? black
what kind of car do you drive? color? Rav4, dark grey
where do you shop? target 
how would you describe your style? i get clothes on and try to at least look decent
favorite social media account tumblr and maybe snapchat
what size bed do you have? twin in dorms, queen at home
any siblings? 2
if you can live anywhere in the world where would it be? why? probs back in the bay area, i miss the business there
favorite snapchat filter? i like the flower crown and like those greek ones with like the shiny crowns and stuff
favorite makeup brand(s) none really
how many times a week do you shower? 5 times
favorite tv show? rn its probably Lucifer
shoe size? 7-7.5 depending on brand
how tall are you? 5′2″
sandals or sneakers? sneakers
do you go to the gym? haha no
describe your dream date a date where we don’t have to worry about anything after 
how much money do you have in your wallet at the moment? $240 but i plan on depositing 200 in the bank later
what color socks are you wearing? white
how many pillows do you sleep with? three
do you have a job? what do you do? volunteer guard instructor
how many friends do you have? i can count maybe like on 2 hands
whats the worst thing you have ever done? i hurt my gf
whats your favorite candle scent? i like cucumber melon from when we used to sell candles for a fundraiser in my elementary school
3 favorite boy names Fabian, Santiago, idk
3 favorite girl names Bella 😉, Noelle, idk
favorite actor? the only dude that comes to mind is Drew Seeley and even then he’s not my favorite
favorite actress? Katie McGrath
who is your celebrity crush? Katie McGrath
favorite movie? Beauty and the Beast, Treasure Planet, Lovestruck
do you read a lot? whats your favorite book? not really anymore, 
money or brains? brains, then you can figure out how to handle money
do you have a nickname? what is it? Feliz Navidad
how many times have you been to the hospital? like once unless you count yearly appointments and stuff
top 10 favorite songs DJ Got Us Fallin in Love, The Nights, Say You Won’t Let Go, etc. 
do you take any medications daily? no
what is your skin type? (oily, dry, etc) its a bit on both oily and dry in different places
what is your biggest fear? fear of abandonment
how many kids do you want? maybe 2
whats your go to hair style? half up half down
what type of house do you live in? (big, small, etc) i mean i feel its big after living in an apartment for a while
who is your role model? dont have one tbh
what was the last compliment you received? this morning when my gf snapchatted me the usual ‘good morning beautiful’ snap
what was the last text you sent? “if you want to use additional sources you have to annotate them too 😒”
how old were you when you found out santa wasn’t real? i came from the philippines and they don’t really have a santa there when i was little so there wasn’t really a big reveal, just played along to get presents i guess
what is your dream car? a pick up
opinion on smoking? not for me
do you go to college? yeah
what is your dream job? i wanna be a billionaire from helping people somehow
would you rather live in rural areas or the suburbs? suburbs, i’ve lived and am living in a somewhat rural area and i like being close to them cities
do you take shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels? haha yeah i’m asian ofc
do you have freckles? no
do you smile for pictures? yeah or else i just look weird
how many pictures do you have on your phone? 3,000+
have you ever peed in the woods? i can’t remember the last time i popped and squated
do you still watch cartoons? yeah
do you prefer chicken nuggets from Wendy’s or McDonalds? McDonalds my dude
Favorite dipping sauce? depends on what i’m eating
what do you wear to bed? a shirt and either a pajama bottom or shorts
have you ever won a spelling bee? no
what are your hobbies? calligraphy, drumming, (knitting)
can you draw? to an extent
do you play an instrument? drums
what was the last concert you saw? none really
tea or coffee? coffee
Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts? starbucks
do you want to get married? yes
what is your crush’s first and last initial? ahaha BJ
are you going to change your last name when you get married? maybe get it hyphenated
what color looks best on you? dark colors for me and maybe some white thrown in there
do you miss anyone right now? yeah
do you sleep with your door open or closed? closed
do you believe in ghosts? eh, yes and no
what is your biggest pet peeve? idk
last person you called`  my brother bc we were trying to figure out where he went in target
favorite ice cream flavor? rocky road
regular oreos or golden oreos? regular
chocolate or rainbow sprinkles? rainbow
what shirt are you wearing? class of 2017 shirt
what is your phone background? pic of my two best friends and me during my graduation
are you outgoing or shy? shy
do you like it when people play with your hair? only like one person
do you like your neighbors? i dont know them tbh
do you wash your face? at night? in the morning? morning and when i take a shower
have you ever been high? no
have you ever been drunk? nope but im curious
last thing you ate? burrito bowl
favorite lyrics right now none come to mind
summer or winter? winter
day or night? night
dark, milk, or white chocolate? all?
favorite month? don’t have one
what is your zodiac sign capricorn
who was the last person you cried in front of? i was crying in front of my gf bc i saw a video of a cat that was too cute last night.
Other ask bc i didn’t know which one you were referring to but imma do it anyway
1. Think of the last person who said I love you, do you think they meant it? yeah2. Would you date an 18-year-old at the age you are now? yeah3. When’s the last time you were aggravated and happy at the same time? a while ago4. Would you ever smile at a stranger? i do it bc i like awkward5. Is there someone mad because you’re dating/talking to the person you are? idk6. Have you heard a song that reminds you of someone today? i havent listened to anything today7. What exactly are you wearing right now? sweatshirt, shirt, pants8. How often do you listen to music? sometimes everyday, depends on my mood9. Do you wear jeans or sweats more? jeans10. Do you think your life will change dramatically before 2013? …yeah?11. Are you a social or an antisocial person? im antisocial12. Have you ever kissed someone whose name begins with the letter ‘A’? no13. What about ‘R’? no14. Can you drive a stick shift? nope15. Do you care if people talk badly about you? a bit 16. Are you going out of town soon? if you mean back home by friday yeah17. When was the last time you cried? see previous ask18. Have you ever told someone you loved them? yes19. If you could change your eye color, would you? idk i feel like any other eye color would just look weird on me20. Is there a boy who you would do absolutely everything for? no21. Name something you dislike about the day you’re having. i have to keep writing my papers22. Is it cute when guys kiss you on your forehead? when my girl does it yeah23. Are you dating the last person you talked to? no24. What are you sitting on right now? my bed25. Does anyone regularly (other than family) tell you they love you? yeah26. Have you ever wanted someone you couldn’t have? yeah27. Who was the last person you talked to before you went to bed last night? my gf28. Do you get a lot of colds? i get the occasional cold29. Where is the shirt you are wearing from? last year?30. Does anyone hate you? idk maybe31. Do you have any empty alcohol bottles hidden somewhere in your room? no32. Do you like watching scary movies? no33. Do you want your tongue pierced? no34. If you had to delete one year of your life completely, which would it be? idk they’ve been pretty important to my character so35. Did you have a dream last night? i dont remember it but yeah i think so36. When was the last time you told someone you loved them? a few hours ago, i texted my gf37. Do you think you’ll be married in 5 years? idk, we’d still be in college38. Do you think someone has feelings for you? i mean i hope she does39. Do you think someone is thinking about you right now? idk40. Did you have a good day yesterday? …eh41. Think back 2 months ago; were you in a relationship? yeah42. In the next 48 hours, will you hang out with a girl? yeah43. Has anyone told you they don’t want to ever lose you? yeah44. What’s the best part about school? friends and some sense of purpose45. Do you have any pictures on your Facebook? yes46. Do you ever pass notes to your friends in school? haha yeah47. Do you replay things that have happened in your head? oh boy do i48. Were you single over the last summer? no49. Is your life anything like it was two years ago? no, its changed drastically tbh50. What are you supposed to be doing right now? sleeping51. Do you hate the last guy you had a conversation with? no52. Are you nice to everyone? most of time i hope53. Have you ever liked someone you didn’t expect to? ha yeah54. Do you think you can last in a relationship for 6 months and not cheat? well yeah55. Are you good at hiding your feelings? …56. Do you think you like someone? i mean yeah my gf57. Have you kissed someone whose name starts with a ‘J’? oh haha yeah58. Do you prefer to be friends with girls or boys? girls59. Has anyone of your friends ever seen you cry? yeah over a movie60. Do you hate anyone? myself61. How’s your heart? its beating62. Is there something that happened in your past that you hate talking about? what happened last year before school started63. Have you ever cried over a guy? yeah64. Who is probably talking a load of crap about you right now? idk65. Are your toenails painted pink? nope66. Will your next kiss be a mistake? i don’t think so?67. Girls love it when boyfriends cry; correct? what?68. Have your pants ever fallen down in public? they weren’t pants but it was a kilt69. Who was the last person you were on the phone with? see above?70. How do you look right now? tired71. Do you have someone you can be your complete self around? yeah72. Can you commit to one person? yeah73. Do you have someone of the opposite sex you can tell everything to? no74. Have you ever felt replaced? oh yeah75. Did you wake up cranky? haha maybe bc i didn’t wanna get out of bed and face the world76. Are you a jealous person? :/77. Are relationships ever worth it? you gotta make them worth it78. Anyone you’re giving up on? i don’t think so?79. Currently wanting to see anyone? i can see people outside my window80. Name something you have to do tomorrow? college81. Last person you cried in front of? see above82. Is there someone you will never forget? my gf83. Do you think the person you have feelings for is protective of you? i think so?84. If the person you wish to be with were with you, what would you be doing right now? cuddling85. Are you over your past? never have been probably never will86. Have you ever liked one of your best friends of the opposite sex? well yeah87. Is there anyone you can tell EVERYTHING to? oh boy lord you wouldn’t want that88. If your first true love knocked on your door with apology and presents, would you accept? define first true love? if its my gf i’d accept her empty handed89. So, the last person you kissed just happens to arrive at your door at 3AM; do you let them in? yeah90. Have you ever liked someone who your friends hated? uh they eventually disliked her after i stopped liking her91. Will you be in a relationship in 2 months? hopefully92. Is there anyone you know with the name Michael? thats weird cuz no XD93. Have you ever kissed a Matthew? nope94. Were you in a relationship in January? How was it going? yeah, it was going95. Were you happy with the person you liked in March? yeah96. Don’t tell me lies, is the last person you texted attractive? the last person i texted other than my group chat is my gf and yeah i definitely find her attractive97. Who do you have texts from? my friends and family?98. If the person you like says they like someone else, what would you say? cool99. Have you ever kissed someone older than you? thats weird… no XD100. Who’s in your profile picture with you? tigger101. Ever kissed under fireworks? no actually102. Has anybody ever given you butterflies? yeah
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lomo-is-not-cool · 7 years
Answer. Them. All. ~ your parental unit
1. Eh... Not really?2. Yeah as long as they are healthy.3. Yes.4. Yes. ❤️ @cat-waffles5. .... Yes.6. Nopety nope nope.7. Yeah seems like it? I could never cheat.8. Perfect, amazing, sweet, and hilarious.9. ^^^^10. Yeahhhh.11. Maybe one day, although marriage is just proving love to the government and I don't see the pull point in that just for someone's relationship? Except like it's almost necessary for financial reasons sometimes and stuff like that.12. Lmao you could probably try to kill me and fail and I'd forgive you the next day.13. ...yes14. Uh my date mate.15. In my ears yeah.16. No but I want to get a bunch when I'm older.17. It's alright.18. Yeah unless I'm in like a depressive episode and then I'm just gross and don't leave my room. 😅19. Uhhh, Jay? Maybe some other people? Definitely some anons?20. Maybe, I can only hope XD.21. Yeah? Why wouldn't I?22. Lmao nah I'll still be pretty young to be married.23. I'm in a happy one now so I hope to stay in it.24. Yes, and I've told someone the same.25. A few times. 😅26. Yes.27. Nope.28. I uh... Would wanna be a lil skinnier.29. Haahah obviously I'm Lo who cried about everything.30. Yes, it fjcksbdks sucks.31. No.32. Nope.33. Uh by a year XD.34. Yup.35. Haha yeah. I've also been the hated one.36. Yisss. 37. Mhm many times call me Lo the hopeless romantic.38. Haha yeah I have actually.39. No.40. Uh idk haven't learned that yet.41. 2 months.. for both I've been in, both times I was the one broken up with.42. Two girlfriends and a current date mate.43. Uh probably quite a few as a dare. I never back down from a dare.44. None?45. 1446. I support them. If that person makes them happy, then let them be happy.47. Their eyes are amazing, and their laugh is just ahh!48. No.49. Uh Jay is not a boy nor a girl so no? XD I'm a smartass sorry.50. Yeah. They ended up being an ass to me.51. AHHH YEAH LMAO IT'S FUNNY AND FJSNFKS MEAN SO @ DAT BOI PLS STOP BECAUSE WE'RE NOT STOPPING BC YOU CAN'T HANDLE IT.52. Yeah...53. Uh once I was in a really unhealthy relationship and I look back on it and think of myself as an idiot for staying.54. I'm 5'5, I have a lot of freckles on my left arm but like none on my right, I have scars on my left bicep, scars on my stomach, ankles too, and the worst of the scars are on my thighs, I at least consider myself kinda fat, I'm kinda hourglass shaped.55. Please don't hurt anyone else. Including yourself.56. Uh hugs, kisses, cuddles bc ah, being nice to me?, And complimenting things I'm insecure about.57. I've posted a few pics but I'll post another after this post.58. A year.59. Smile.60. Uhh idk XD.61. Depends.62. Romantic involvement/interest with another person, even if they don't kiss or anything further if they flirt with someone purposefully and stuff?63. Uh idk how about we just cuddle for hours. 64. Uh I don't really role-play in this sense. My OCs yes but not in a romantic/sexy way XD.65. Idk I have many ideas.66. I've been playing around with some labels and I think I'm like homoflexibile/pan.67. People being mean 😅.68. Nexttt question. 69. Nope.70. Idk.71. Idk like just invite me places and realize that sometimes I get all weird and don't seem as "there" and that's probably just mental Illness doing the mental Illness thing and I don't love you any less.72. Uh idk probably smile again like if they smile a lot? If that counts.73. Uh Jay defaced public property 😂😂😂😂.74. Made their favorite food for them? Idk what other sweetest things I've done. 😂75. As long as they are consenting and legal and not too far off they're fine.76. Nextttt questionnn.77. Couple days ago. Situation with Jay's ex 😂.78. Yesterday? Or the day before if I forgot Because I wasn't super talkative yesterday.79. Jay, Rowan Blanchard, Tom Holland, Zendaya, RUBY FRIKIN ROSE Y'ALL.80. Jay.81. Jayyyyy. (If it means not a dare or anything, as a dare it was a classmate in like second grade)82. It just wasn't a healthy relationship from the start.83. I have and I'm not too sure I'd do it again.
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chickenfetus · 7 years
ALL!!!! (also the gemini sqUAD LOL)
im gonna enjoy a nice cup of water while doing this bc idk a tea (update i didnt drink water at all and now im dying of thirst,, also undercut bc many)
1: Golden mornings or peachy sunsets?
i dont wake up early enough to see the sunrise and when i do i never manage to take pics bc of school so peachy sunsets
2: Sugar cones or waffle cones?
idk what a sugar cone is but i like waffle cones!!! havent eaten ice cream with a cone in forever though,, i rarely eat ice cream now
3: Do you wear scarves often? do you have a favorite?
listen…. its about 33 degrees everyday but even if im in a colder country i dont wear scarves
4: How long do you lay in bed before you finally get up?
this depends?? on how motivated im feeling lmao never more than 10 minutes though because if i lay awake for that long ill just fall back asleep
5: Is there a food you’ve never had but always wanted to try?
i dont think so?? im bad at trying new things especially food
6: What does your umbrella look like?
i dont.. go outside often and whenever i do i take public transport so basically everythings sheltered so i never had a need for umbrellas
7: Do you listen to ASMR?
ive only listened to one everybody please listen to this gift
8: Rain storms or a light drizzle?
both, preferably when im indoors
9: What’s a little thing in life that you love?
hm??????????? my tags lmao 
UPDATE: i also really like reading other people’s tags and their rambles that is all
10: Favorite color aesthetic?
does the word aesthetic make this question any different from a normal favourite colour question???? if it doesnt then sky blue 
11: Wobbly lines or using a ruler?
in this house we draw lines with no ruler like men (but also because even if i did use a ruler it wouldnt be like… straight idk i cant use rulers
12:  Bright colorful living room or neutral cozy living room?
neutral cozy living room but i also love basking in sunlight 
13: Do you have any candles? what scents are they?
im not a big fan of heavy smelling products so i dont own any candles
14: Have you ever rode a horse?
i dont think so??????? ive seen horses before though
15: Do you have glasses?
without my glasses i wouldnt be able to read these questions lmao and . .. theyre also a result of watching pokemon too closely to the tv at a young age… its been like 10 years since i got glasses
16: What’s a language you’d like to speak?
japanese i tried speaking it but i got 2 embarrassed to say anything properly while i was in japan (i cant even speak english properly to a friend whyd i think i could speak another language to a stranger beats me) 
17: What’s your favorite season and favorite month in that season?
my singaporean no season ass: ? but autumn and november (is this cutting it too close to winter? idk my seasons)
18: Do you have a favorite pair of socks?
hm not really i just wear blue ankle socks a lot but my friend did give me a pair of pokemon and gudetama socks before and i adore those although i lost the gudetama ones in the uk last year she got me another pair whatd i do to deserve her?
19: Favorite Ghibli and/or disney movie
m .. um? big. hero 6?????? 
20: Disney, Dreamworks, or Pixar?
my dumb ass didnt know they were different
21: What snacks do you usually get at the theater?
i rarely go and watch movies anymore but when i did watch a lot of movies with my friend at the theater we’d get afternoon shows and sneak mcdonalds in lmao
22: What’s an underrated video game/ movie/ show you love and think it needs more recognition?
how about band? day6 i only ever play pokemon + sif + bandori so i cant say much and i rarely watch movies and a show? if its an anime id say the one i mentioned before in my one text post 
23: Would you fill your house with plants if you had a green thumb?
not really rip 
24; All plants are great but do you have a favorite?
HM mmmmmm there was this one but i forgot the name lmao pass
25: Do you have a favorite type of art style? (eg: soft looking, no to little color, sketches, crisp and clean, minimalist, pixel art etc.)
when im the … audience? what do u call it???? i like seeing all kinda of art styles!!! everyone has their own unique art style and i love it all :o
for ME,, , ive been doing art for 6 years maybe and i still cant do shit
26: What would you do if someone gave you flowers?
i would die straight up die thats such a soft concept i cant imagine myself receiving flowers thats 2 sweet oh my god wtf id combust??? i prefer leaves though is that weird i picked some nice leaves recently and im gonna give those to my friends
27: Do you like nicknames?
giving and having nicknames is my favorite past time
28: Do you still watch shows you watched when you were a kid? even from time to time?
pokemon lmao thank u 4 not ending it…. the animation has only improved and im so proud to have been watching it since the start pokemon is my special thing i love it so much!! an interest that never died down, with an anime that stays super like idk to my preference? i tried watching the new digimon stuff but i just couldnt :^( im glad they made ash stay the main character 
29: Do you still like old memes? (tell the truth)
never forget dat boi
30: Favorite Halloween costume you dressed up as? (if you don’t celebrate halloween have you ever cosplayed or would you like to? who did you cosplay as?)
we dont celebrate halloween and i would never cosplay, big shoutout to cosplayers though!!! they put in so much effort and just, respect!!!!! 
i dont know if this is an actual memory because i dont remember well but when i was younger i thiNK? i had to dress up as a swan thing i have no clue i dont even remember the performance but i might have had to ?? and dance??? or act i dont remember everythings fuzzy but i dressed up a swan once? in kindergarten ????? 
31:  Are you a fashionable person?
i have the worst fashion sense and even though jeans are nice once again the weather here doesnt allow me to be as fashionable as i can be
32: Do you like watching holiday movies?
not realyyy??? the jack frost (rip) movie was ncie????
33:  Cookies or brownies?
i live 4 chocolate chip cookies but too much is . . not preferable
34: Do you blow in the cold air just to see your breath?
no i hate breathing in & out from my mouth
35: Do you find the crickets chirping outside your window relaxing?
WELL from the great cockroach ordeal last night id probably die bc we live in an apartment building so the only way id be hearing crickets would be if they were in the ROOM 
36: Do you like cobblestone streets?
my only knowledge of cobblestone is from minecraft so idk
37:  How often do you doodle?
when school was still relevant i would doodle as soon as i picked up a pencil lmao i try not to anymore bc i doodled on my math assignment and forgot to fucking erase it and my math teacher called me out
38: When was the last time you blew bubbles?
a year ago?? i dont remember but i do remember when i was younger id try and blow bubbles at the void deck do yall kno what that is its just a space near the lift lobby anyway i swallowed the soap thing idk u know how ur supposed to blow? well i sucked the soap in yum
39: What’s your favorite random piece of decor in your house and room?
in my room its the bed and in the house its the water bottle that contains water
40: Do you bite your fingernails off or clip them more often?
i………………………… i dont actualy kno how to clip my nails and my mum would kill me if i tried but i dont bite my nails either
41: Any birthmarks?
not that i know of
42: Thoughts on freckles?
ive never actually seen someone with freckles in public before but theyre good stuff i gueess?? i dont actually have an opinion on them? everyone says theyre cute and all but im just ??? not that i hate freckles tho if u have freckles? thats cool! 
43: First video game you ever played?
pokemon pearl?? either that or megaman on my ps3 OR the bomb square guy????? idk the game name but.. ya
44: what type of bird do you hear most often outside your door?
i dont know what the bird species are but theyre small black birds not crows idk
45: Do you use gifs/ memes a lot when replying to people?
memes yes gifs no bc im not lame like jen
46: Thoughts on spring?
no comment?? i mean? its nice??????? i guess ??? if we had a spring
47: Ideal temperature outside?
oh boy 20 degrees would be enough for me but its never gotten that low before sunny island’s life
48: Cloudy, partly cloudy, or clear skies?
i like clear skies when its bright! but not too sunny and not too warm!!!!! clouds are nice to look at too though
49: How often do you hear airplanes outside?
yeah we live near an airport i dont think anybody uses????
50: Do you enjoy windy days?
windy days are my SHIT back in school our basketball court was open spaced and whenevr wind blew we could feel it man thats the life right there but i hate windy days when im sitting at home bc it flows the curtains rigth into my face i like the feel of the wind and the smell of fresh air but… curtains in my face? not 2 great so rip i close all the windows lmao
okay thank u so much 4 asking falen i love you and wow this was a lot
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