#idk it's just fun. theres so much you can do with the wacky lore in xiv.
transmiqote · 7 months
once you embrace the fact that the wol is canonically overpowered as fuck it's so fun to just. continue creating overpowered xiv ocs
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your-local-uwu-artist · 9 months
Yoooo Marilou has a sword? :O
Also I saw something about waterproof hair and fabrics in that gijinka universe, which is really interesting! Are there any other little details like that, about the funky traits pokemon can have and how they affect the world?
(my inital response got too long and crashed my computer lol TAKE TWO)
SHE DOES! She's an oshawott so her sword is her scallchop :3 it looks and behaves mostly just like a normal non gijinka one does. is attached to her belly button and considered a part of her body. the suction to her belly button is strong enough that it can be attached through a thin layer of fabric: but ussually marilou will still have her clothes either modified to have a hole or have a special belt to attach it too. Her scallchop extends to a full length sword when she chooses! no one else including another oshawott can make it extend to sword mode.
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the sword itself is based off of pirate swords and samurotts' sword thingie
THERES SO MUCH FUN FUNKY STUFF so much i'm working on some drawings of eevees evolved into every eeveelution as an excuse to infodump lol
heres some fun psmd gijinka au world building/lore facts!
-if marilou were to put on a normal collared shirt, the collar would transform into an upturned frilly one: bassically a pokemon 'pokemonness' (being very connected to not just nature but like the nature of the world) connects with the physical natural material in the clothes and can modify it slightly. never by a whole lot. but enough that theres a canon explanation
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so yeah the universe has a species dress code basically
-species names function a bit like last names. most (but not everyone!) does have a 'real' name, and in smaller communities generally everyone will know and address others as such (with the exception of like, an elder figure, like a kid won't call the kind charizard across the street by her name she's 'ms charizard' ), but generally speaking it's rude to ask for someones name, or adress someone by such if they havn't told you you can. whats wacky is sometimes if someones adopted by another species they'll adopt an aspect of one of their adoptive parental figures names as a middle name. Marilou and Comet both do this! Marilou's full name is 'Marilouise Brazil Oshawott' Brazil as in the tree nut (Nuzleaf's name) and is 'Comet Costa' Bulbasaur' Costa like Carracosta
- humans (while considered exitnct technically can still exist in the psmd-gijinka verse) can't have 'unnatural' hair colors! within anime reason of course like a black haired humans hair can be actually a shade of blue but like, a human can't naturally have a bright colorful hair color: they can have any color eyes though!
-pokemon still come from eggs in the psmdgijinka-verse. And they still can only reproduce with pokemon from the same egg group and the species of the kid will ussually be that of the 'mother' theres a chance it can be the other parent's. though maybe some species may give live birth like how there are some reptiles etc in our world that do that, but i'm not sure yet. yeah I'm that one nerd that will go on about how theoretically how pikachu can be both a mammal and lay eggs
-most fairy types have particularly like idk the word cause usually 'fair' means pale but what I really mean is that when drawing a fairy type I'll make sure they're skin tone is more saturated than I'd usually choose has more noticeable blush and is closer to the red/pink then orange/yellow hue
-so the shades of color a pokemon can be varies a lot! however the shiny color of a pokemon does effect this. like take vaporeon for example, It's more common for a vaporeon's shades of blue to be teal then indigo sense indigo is closer to purple (vaporeons shiny color)
-while more rare type exclusionist/discrimination/not comparable to any real life bigotry so idk what to call it does exist: like they make grass type dominated towns where fire types aren't allowed and dark and ghost types are often stereotyped as mischievous and up to no good. like yeah sometimes they are but not to the extent that people act
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heavensmortuary · 3 years
you must now gush about re and/or dbd. there is no other option. i am holding you at gunpoint. tell me about the wacky horror pixels
AAAAA ok I have a lot to say about RE
I love it so much because it's super nostalgic for me, used to watch my dad play it (RE1, 2, 3, 4, 5)when I was little (much too young for it, but he loved it and was happy I liked it too) and idk, after Village came out I was like oh right!!! I remember this series!! And then hyperfixation was like yea awesome lol
Idk, I know I probably look way too deep into the series, but I LOVE the themes at the core. There's found family, bravery, and selflessness?? Gotta love that bro,, all with zombies, mutants, and vampires just to make it fun lol it also tends to follow a similar pattern each theme but the characters really make the games worthwhile. I love their dynamics and even the cheesy one liners. Not to mention, its scary as heck playing it lol, I'm barely getting through RE1 remake HAHA
But yea, idk, theres so much too it, the lore is VERY DEEP AND WEIRD but interesting and just silly at times. Sure, Leon can do backflips and Chris punches boulders and everyone just so happens to have a rocket launcher, its just interesting seeing japanese horror tackle american action tropes, and its funny, and terrifying, as all get out. Not only that, and no matter how powerful the characters are? They all seem human. They screw up, they get scared, theyre stupid at times. It's almost comforting tbh. Not only that, it does playfully criticise modern fears about big medicine and I find it ironic lol. The characters are usually just good hearted and if theyre not, well their evil knows no bounds and its cool to see the protagonists win. Its easily one of the most optimistic horror games lmao despite the messed up stuff happening.
RE7 is probably my favorite because of this; I freaking love Ethan's character no matter what people say; hes painfully relatable in his cluelessness, but hes full of nervous courage while basically going through hell in RE7 and RE8. His voice shakes, hes not invincible, but he wants to help and thats what matters. RE7 is just, the way it changes the series from RE6 (arguably a good game, but not a good RE game if that makes sense). Its extremely horrifying, and it is simply a love letter to the horror genre. Its where the horror is CLOSE to home. Literally, its southern gothic in a way, in all its swamp-waterlogged glory.
I'm making no sense now but yea, I just man,, i love this series, it means a lot to me and I just love it lots
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some-spooky-stuff · 5 years
Completed all of Friday the 13th series! (Yay)
Sharing some notes and some thoughts I had while watching
Friday the 13th: lacking atmosphere, slow pace, interesting POV shots but over all pretty slow and quiet. No flashy scenes compared to ANoES. Reflective of the characters in a way. Jason is slow and quiet. Freddy is wacky and loud. Works for me.And when I say it lacks atmosphere, I mean it lacks theatrical atmosphere, where things are purposefully added to heighten the mood. It didnt feel like much was added, we were in the woods, at some cabins, its quiet, its dark, thats it. simple and too the point. Boy when Pamula showed up, shit got real!!!! Loved her (sure, watch)
Friday the 13th Part 2: similar to the first but Jason is there and the final girl is pretty neat. Some fun kills too. Also Mom Shrine... very cool. (sure.. watch if you want)
Friday the 13th Part 3: prepare for repetitive notes. similar empty atmosphere, and colors and quiet scenes, but Jason got his mask! woo! Also some really cool kills (and some not cool kills) (eh, sure, go ahead and watch)
Friday the 13th the Final Friday: Tommy Jarvis, probably the only character (besides Jason and Mom) in the series that is important. Uhhh Jason got beat by a child. Also.... the title is a lie. (its Tommy, you kind of have to..... )
Friday the 13th A New Beginning: Tommy Jarvis is back and grown up. Also Jason is back. but hes not. but he is. but hes not because Jason isnt even in this movie so yeah... but the movie has a new setting!! so thats refreshing. (you can pass)
Friday the 13th Jason Lives: this movie was good!! I was surprised! Also Tommy Jarvis is back again! and Jason is freshly risen from the dead! woo!!!! this movie is way more interesting and had interesting characters. Cool interaction between Jason and a little girl. also.... I cant remember seeing any boobs. Im noticing that as the movies progress in the series, more atmosphere is added in, not so much empty silence. interesting. (WATCH)
Friday the 13th The New Blood: Jason is all rotting away and its DOPE he looks so cool. Also Hi Kane Hodder good to see you. The difference is clear, so much shit happens to Jason in this movie, quality stunts!!! The characters were super cheesy and such tropes. But the final girl was... kind of interesting.. though all she did was cry and use her powers. A little too supernatural but whatever. Jason actually had to fight, final girl was strong. nice. (sure, watch)
Friday the 13th Jason takes Manhattan: wtf is this opening scene. Why is New York looking like a shithole. wtf. These characters arent that great, but theres a dog. Im a little confused how crystal lake is connected to NY but you know what? who cares. Some of these kills are pretty great. Jason hooked on the anchor is hilarious. more underage shit. Also theres child Jason popping up but he looks normal and each time he showed up he was a little more and more deformed and idk why they did that... WHEN ARE THEY GETTING TO NY. Theres also a character who looks like any guy from downtown in the modern times of 2019 LMAO. Jason also wooshes around like in the game, teleporting. neat. Also I like Jason’s design in this one. Big dark eyes. A lot of amazing scenes, him in time square, him on the subway, its all so cool. Also they really tried to make New York the most horrifying pace on earth. why. (watch if you just wanna chill and giggle and maybe drink)
Jason Goes to Hell: I didnt like this movie. Its boring and dumb, and for some reason the necronomicon is there, Freddy shows up, Jason now has weird lore and more family that I dont want to acknowledge. Kane Hodder was there playing a cop lol! I knew he looked familiar. A lot of characters are just assholes, and the bounty hunter guy was just so unlikeable. This movie took way too long to end. (please no)
Jason X: huge improvement compared to Part 9 ugh. Jason has a cool design in this one. I like the mask. This movie was really so much better than Jason Goes to Hell. so much more entertaining, very silly and fun. Its dumb, but I had a blast watching it. More interesting characters, I like the android chick. She gets all pleathered up and obliterates Jason. Also Robo Jason is hilarious and awesome. I like this movie. I like the old cg. also..... Jason beating a chick in a sleeping bag using a chick in a sleeping bag.. AMAZING. (watch it, whats stopping you)
Friday the 13th (2009) Jason is fast and brutal and has more added to his character. It wasnt well received and at first I wasnt too sure about it. but I do like what they did with him. The dude lives alone in the woods, of course he’s going to be fast, of course hes going to know how to kill, he had to have hunted to survive. duh... I liked it. Id like to see more. Of course he died at the end... well “died” ... . idk. Decent movie, shitty characters but they all died in cool ways. Cool Jason!!! I like this Jason!!!  (watch, form your own opinions and ignore the elitists)
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