#idk man im just going through my steam library
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ilsseongyi · 2 years
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hello everyone,,, here is my boy nam seongwon aka seongyi. he is a 27 year old nerd horror fanatic. i honestly dont know how serious i want this kid to be yet or maybe more comedic than serious even. but some mystery is on the way for him so we'll take it in stride. mmm idk how to properly tldr or introduce so check out his points down below! anddd i don't currently have any wanted connections or plots as of now that im writing this preparing for opening sooo drop a like if you're alright with a completely random starter or check out the prompts below !
“fun facts”
stays up late to listen to horror podcasts from around the world. also does late night lives in his room to talk about horror stories and conspiracies in the dark.
usually out of the house at very odd times of the night due to his bad sleeping habits. doesn't run by a particular timezone. so
perpetually tired™
kind of a nerd but like, not the fan type nerds, just really geeky
seems smart...
studied abroad after his freshman year in uni and graduated in the states. ( five years abroad )
went by alex in the states because no one could pronounce his name. aka one of his first friends said "you look like an alex." and his english name was born
wanted to live out the rest of his life in the states, but the job he wanted fell through and he had to return to korea.
arrived after his grandfather's funeral took place and his parents told him to start over by taking over his grandfather's old business — isang wonders
didn't love the idea of returning to ilsang because he's reminded of why he hated his birthname and all the memories of everyone thinking he was a girl before meeting him
lowkey triggered because no one knows he legally changed his name to seongwon years ago so everyone still calls him seongyi
likes gaming from time to time in between his breaks from horror research and whatnot
lives in yeonhwa-gil because he’s in his grandfather’s old home was there. absolutely hates it because it smells like fish like all the time and he also hates eating fish. 
a full grown ass man but can’t sell the house because his parents won’t allow him to. lol
dude is only put together when he wants too otherwise,, things are kind of a mess.
honestly a completely different person than when he was in america because lowkey depressed and not all that optimistic being in ilsang
“random starters”
these can all be adjusted and changed as we go! just ideas to get started! reply with the corresponding number if you’d like me to write a starter based off of one of the prompts below!
it’s 3 fucking am and you keep hearing something meowing in the street but it doesn’t sound like the cats you usually hear. you go to look to see if its an injured cat but you find this nutcase in nothing but a tshirt, shorts and sandals meowing to a dark corner. he tells you the electricity went out in his house and he didn’t want to be alone so he’s trying to find a cat to keep him company outside.
you run into seongyi and think he’s a foreigner because he’s speaking fluent english. commence being convinced he’s not a native until he steps in dogshit and starts swearing up a storm.
it’s getting late and the library is closing and they’re kicking you out. but you notice there’s some guy sitting in the corner that they haven’t mentioned and say you’re with him.... now you’ve both been kicked out and seongyi is kindaa annoyed bec he was like five books deep in research and the librarian yelled at him.
the elders of yeonhwa-gil have organized a neighborhood dinner and both you and seongyi were invited. surprise surprise, they only have fish. fish stew. grilled fish. steamed fish. pan-fried fish. just everything you could think of plus fish. seongyi sees you brought something that ISN’T fish and honestly, you’re his new best friend in that moment.
hi yeonhwa-gil neighbor. the plumbing and electricity both stopped working in my house and for some reason the electrician is not picking up his phone. can i use your bathroom. except i keep coming when it’s super late or super early until you get sick of me and tell me to go to just get a room at haedodi.
hey i know you, you’re the guy who makes video and streams online about horror and scary things right? you recognize seongyi from some of his videos maybe or clips of him that have gone around. he has verified social media after all. maybe you guys talk about things in ilsang.
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