#idk maybe ill put it on a back burner and if my braincells kick up ill put something together
phoebehalliwell · 4 years
I agree wholeheartedly with ur wyatt is gay hc so I’ll use chris for this thought but like imagine him accidentally getting some girl pregnant but he just Doesn’t see her again until a few weeks later when she calls him like “hi I’m pregnant. also i sneezed yesterday and everything just fell off my kitchen table lmao that’s wild” and chris is like ah shit
bro. i love it. a quintessential storytelling device. these two lads are tied together now. knocked up who?? chris being like okay um lmao guess i should probably tell you now uh magic is real and im a witch and she's like oh. cool. and chris is like wow that went surprisingly well and then she faints. and then like full quirky rom com from here on out. chris and wyatt are definitely battling demons when she calls and chris is like oh uh i gotta take this?? and wyatts like you definitely do go ill handle this and chris's girlfriend is like i can teleport now??? is this baby in my womb teleporting me?????? and chris is like .... yeah. i technical she's orbing you but the terminology doesn't really matter. they definitely fall in love piper definitely swears to kill chris for knocking up some random girl but still of course has a big hand at planning the super cute wedding a couple months after the baby is born and chris is like i know we don't need a shotgun wedding anymore bc well they baby's already born but uh i really like spending time with you and i really like you and are you proposing to me? yeah? cool. im in.
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