#idk remembering my last English teacher who was a dps fan
Most English teachers try to be mr keating, and it never works, they just end up looking like they’re trying too hard
But why is that
The reason why mr keating worked was because of Welton
If he went to a public normal school it wouldn’t have worked. Sure his classes would have been fun, but it wouldn’t have had half of the effect than his classes on Welton had.
Because Welton is super strict, the lives of the students are super strict, controlled by parents who want them to be what they couldn’t have been. Mr keating tells them than there’s more than one way to be, to make their own decisions, than not being a doctor or an engineer is fine, than wanting to be an actor or a writer is fine, than at the end of the day, their lives are theirs, to make them theirs because before they notice they will end.
Kids in normal public schools already know that. Sure, some might have more strict parents than others, but they know, they don’t need a teacher to explain it to them, they wouldn’t be realizing anything new.
In Welton, where everything is super strict and their lives don’t really even feel theirs (no matter how strict their parents are, they don’t need to be mr perry, but the fact alone than they are in Welton, a private boarding school, than they put them there specifically to succeed, even Charlie and Knox’s parents want them to be a banker and a lawyer), hearing that come from a teacher’s mouth, while teachers for so long just wanted them to do the opposite, to be quiet to obey to just do all the work without complaining, hearing a teacher, an adult in a position of power over them, tell them than they should, and can choose, that has an effect on them.
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