#idk tho then why am I waking up at like 3am and later?
fitgothgirl · 1 year
So tired of insomnia 😩 (pun intended…)
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toxiic-wastee · 3 years
hey buddy, I’ve got a request
how does the duwang gang (+Hazamada and Mikitaka and maybe even Yukako 😳😳) react to reader sending dumb shit at 3 AM? like memes or what happened in their dream. modern AU kinda because of textin and all, also gender neutral preferred.
sorry if you’re working on something else, thank you buddyyyyyy 🐎🐎🐎
IM WORKING ON DIFFERENT 7 SMUT REQUESTS BUT THIS IS BETTER. THIS IS FAR MORE IMPORTANT IT IS 3:12 PM AND IM IN THE SHOWER WHILE WRITING THIS ON A TUESDAY SO LETS SEE HOW FAST I CAN WRITE THIS WOOOOOO. Idk who you count as the Duwang but Ik who I count so. Can be read as romantic or platonic (except for Koichi it’s romantic for him)
-you remind him of Okuyasu tbh, the memes, the stupid ass dreams, the rants and you being sleepy and dumb.
-it’s so funny to him though.
-Tomoko took away his video game console for 2 weeks because she caught him talking to you at 4am.
-you told him about what happened in your dream and he mentally face Palmed, he gave you a resting bitch face picture once and you saw his hair all messy and you laughed at him so much. (Even going as far to threaten to leak the photo)
-there’s probably a group chat if you and Josuke and Okuyasu and Josuke just has to put up with your guys’ bullshit lmao.
-what makes you think he isn’t doing the exact same thing to you??
-you guys get no fucking sleep I swear. you both constantly text, and the fact you're just as weird as him makes him so happy, youre his 1st best bud, mans dont even care about Josuke anymore.
-he wakes up early so he can go to your house and walk to school together so instead of texting you abt his dream he can yell it at you.
-he probably sends you old vines.
-Ayana found him asleep with his phone buzzing due to you spamming him at 3am.
-he isn’t awake very late, he goes to sleep early. So when you first start spamming him he adjusts his sleep schedule to be able to text you. He probably gets caught talking to you a couple times by Mrs. Hirose, she’s so nice and sweet though. she gives him a warning and invites you over to spend the night and makes you guys food. But Ayana eavesdrops and reports to her mother about your guys’ conversations..
-he genuinely thinks the stuff you send him is funny and he giggles silently at all the stupid shit you send him.
Rohan Kishibabe
-he is so fucking pissed.
-“Y/N why would you interrupt me for your childish stories?”
-he probably blocks you :/ (he unblocks you later tho,, only to block you again the next night, it’s an endless cycle.)
-After a while he enjoys your goofy stories about your dreams, he may smile at your memes sometimes but never to go as far to actually laugh.
-you guys probably call often, Rohan is good at multitasking and can call while drawing his manga.
-as long as you don’t tell anybody your calling him during work hours he doesn’t care. (He doesn’t want the gang calling him while he’s at work, ur the exception)
-if he is up late and texts you it’s probably him giving you a list of shampoo, soaps and cleaning products because he says you stink.
Yukako Yamagashi
-As seen in most of Yukakos episodes she doesn’t enjoy people goofing off a lot, she’s strict and focused. Which is so beautiful I love her-
-She doesn’t mind you going off task and not sleeping though. Mainly because you spend the time texting her. She adores you and the stuff you find funny. She isn’t one for memes but I can see her liking memes after you spam them.
-whenever you tell Yukako about your dreams she always laughs and chuckles, she sends back long detailed paragraphs in response but if she’s too tired she send small paragraphs with poor grammar.
-She probably sends you pictures of herself at night, mainly her getting ready for bed with a smile, to remind you to “Go to sleep, we have a long day ahead of us! ❤️”
-he’s the type to send cursed images, you can expect horrifying shit to look at, I kinda feel like he would send pictures of dead animals with the words “Pablo dead” over them?? If this stuff freaks you out it’s gonna be a fictional animal, probably from a manga he likes.
-he tells you about his dreams too, he usually has nightmares but telling you helps him laugh it off.
-sometimes Surface steals Toshikazu’s phone and texts you, and if he does it means Hazamada is asleep. Toshikazu will take a picture of the sleeping Hazamada and send it to you saying “bitch fell asleep at 9pm.”
-he doesn’t have a phone, you’d probably have to buy him one. Or he’ll steal one. Either works 🤪
-he is amused by your ranting, he finds it very enjoyable.
-he doesn’t understand many of your memes but he always laughs.
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lesbianklance · 3 years
I was depressed all through high school, my sleep schedule was a mess. Bc of depression my grades were bad and I didn't really work, but I felt like I should at least try to work (I'd never had such bad grades too I was confused and frustrated about it)
So I decided to work during the night, but I often felt sleepy around 9 pm (which is very early, I usually sleep around 3 am). So since I was sleepy I'd go to sleep then, but I had to work, so I'd set up an alarm later, I'd literally sleep at 9pm then wake up at midnight then try to work a little then go back to sleep then wake up at 4 am to work some more because I hadn't made any progress. It was hell
And these days well I sleep at like 3 am which is normal for me, except this past week bc I have a lot of work so I'm pulling all nighters. Which is how/why I'm active here at night, but dem tbh you're really not helping me work or go sleep because interacting with you is pretty cool
wtf that sounds like literal hell how do you even survive???
3am is fine compared to that (in my opinion 3am is a normal time in general but i think by normal standards its late??? idk i dont understand sleep)
but damn dont pull too many all nighters trust me, not worth it
then you'll have a bunch of sleeping hours to replace and it might fuck up your schedule more
ALSO IM LITERALLY ONLINE ALL DAY GO TO SLEEP!!!!! (it IS cool interracting with you too tho ngl but SLEEP COMES FIRST)
also i hope your depression is better now i get how it goes along side with insomnia, not fun
im always here if you wanna talk about things or need a cheer up
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felixthekoala · 6 years
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*soft bias tag*:・゚✧*:・゚✧
tagged by: @bangchcn and @changbeanie ily guys <333
So, after popular request, I decided to do this for Jeongin, even though he’s technically not my bias, I’m just scared of Felix rn lol.
(Lemme just warn you I kinda got carried away lol)
*♡  。・゚゚・ 1. Who is your bias?
Felix, but I’m doing this for Jeongin!
*♡ 。・゚゚・ 2. What made you notice them?
I’m gonna answer this as what made me first start straying into his lane.  So he’s always been a wrecker of mine because we’re similar and we’re close in age, plus I love his eyes so much and his personality is just so lovable.  Also his singing voice gives me chills.  I just love Jeongin oof.  But he’s really become a huge wrecker for me ever since I went on asc and my friends (who call themselves love detectives XD) were convinced that he had a crush on me, and while I don’t fully believe it bc like that’s impossible esp for me lol, his reactions and stuff were cute and it just made me soft seeing him be so sweet and adorable when interacting with me.  And then I started watching a bunch of videos of him and stuff and I’m even softer for him.  Yeek someone help me.  
*♡ 。・゚゚・ 3. What’s your favorite thing about them?
Oof this is hard.  I really love his eyes, but I think the thing I like most about him is his smiley personality.  his smile is so beautiful and I love the fact that he started smiling more when he was told people were scared of him because he looked intimidating.  I actually can relate to that, because when I was in middle school as well, people thought I was mean because I had rbf.   Also I just love his interactions with the other members, especially Seungmin and he’s such an underrated meme like the faces he makes XD  Also the way he literally freezes when he does aegyo is like the cutest thing ever???  Like what’s not to love about him tbh.  But anyway yeah he’s just such a sweetheart and he’s so precious. 
*♡ 。・゚゚・ 4. Who would initiate skinship more?
honestly, I’m not sure, because we’ve seen him reject the members countless times, but idk if that’s him trying to maintain his savage maknae image or if he really isn’t comfortable with that sort of thing.  I am a koala though, and I even cuddle anything next to me when I’m sleeping, so I’d probably unintentionally initiate skinship constantly, so probs me?  But like I’ve seen him interacting with Felix on vlives and like Felix one time just leaned back on him and was like playing with his knee and Jeongin actually like lowkey put his hand through Felix’s arm and it was really subtle but sweet and adorable so I feel like he might do like really lowkey stuff like that that he might not realize at first?  Like absent-mindedly putting his hand on my arm or elsewhere and stuff like that.  Idk I just feel like he isn’t as afraid of cooties as he seems but he’s still pretty shy.
*♡ 。・゚゚・ 5. Who would hog blankets more?
oof me.  I pull blankets off everyone.  But I can see Jeongin being like one of those grumpy sleepers who fights back so it’d turn into an all-out blanket war with neither of us conscious and we’d wake up with random footprints and bruises on each other XD
*♡ 。・゚゚・ 6. Who would be more clingy?
Probs me tbh, unless he was like really whipped for me, but I feel like this boy would try to seem cool or whatever and be like that subtle clingy type, like pretends he doesn’t care but comes up with excuses for his s/o to stay with him.  Like ya know that typical “you should be near me so you don’t die of hypothermia” kinda thing.
*♡ 。・゚゚・ 7. Who would say ‘I love you’ first?
honestly, probably him because I’d be so scared of being rejected I’d wait for him to say it first, which might take a while lol.  Watch it be like months of us shying away from saying it but talking about it 
*♡ 。・゚゚・  8. Who would be more easily flustered?
Jeongin is a shy floof, so probs him, but like that boy makes my heart race so idk we might be equal...  Like we’d take turns making each other flustered.
“Hey Cait”
“hehe hey Jeongin”
“Hehe u look nice today”
“Hehe u look even better”
*both faces red as tomatoes*
*♡ 。・゚゚・ 9. What cuddling position would you two have?
I’m the little spoon all the way.  But like couch cuddling (if he’d permit it lol) I’d def just like curl up with my head on his shoulders and his arm around me cuz that’s like my fav position.  When I sleep, like I’ve said before, I am literally a koala, like anyone or anything that is in bed with me (ask my various friends who have shared a bed with me on school trips lol they have some hilarious stories XD) will end up with all of my limbs (arms and legs) wrapped tightly around them and my head tucked into them.  So I feel like Jeongin is just gonna end up getting used to me falling asleep while with him and wrapping my entire body around him.  who knows?  Maybe he’d eventually find it endearing/enjoyable XD.
*♡ 。・゚゚・ 10. Which colours remind you of them and why?
pink, bc both of us really love pink and pink is a soft color just like that soft boy.  Also he said he wants to dye his hair hot pink and I’m actually dyeing my hair rose gold next week so lol we could be the pink 01 liner squad/duo  jkjk idk what im saying lol
*♡ 。・゚゚・ 12. Which season would you like to spend with them?
all of them autumn.  Autumn is my favorite season, and plus it’s the season for cozying up by the fire with my favorite autumn scented candles and hot apple cider and I can bake cookies and pies and stuff.  And autumn is also halloween, so we could wear amazing couple costumes and eat a bunch of candy and watch scary movies together (with me ending up in his lap hiding my face in his chest bc I’m the jumpiest person ever).  It’s also the time my family tends to go to Disneyland, so I could go there with him over Thanksgiving while the festival of holidays is going on so we can go on all the special revamped rides and eat a bunch of the special foods and enjoy the ambiance and take a million cute couple photos at different parts of the park and go on California screamin and the Guardians ride a million times and take adorable photos on them as well.  Oof I’m sorry I could go on about all the Autumn things I’d kill to do with Jeongin omg
*♡ 。・゚゚・ 13. Who would bake the cookies and who would steal the batter?
I’d bake and he’d steal the batter, but I’d def take a bunch too.  Tbh, it’d end up a full-out batter battle with more batter on our faces/in our hair than in the bowls.  Then we’d just go out for ice cream XD
*♡ 。・゚゚・ 14. Which one of you would make bad puns and how would the other react?
I’d make the bad puns and he’d half judge me half laugh shyly bc he thought it was cute?  (this is hypothetical, if he liked me lol just gotta remind y’all i don’t actually think Jeongin thinks I’m cute XD)  
*♡ 。・゚゚・ 15. Who would want to adopt 50 dogs and cats?
BOTH OF US  I already have 3 dogs and 2 cats and I’m sure Jeongin would love all of them, but he’d also want one that was like ours so he’d probs get at least another puppy and name it some cute name that’s like an inside joke or something that only we would get.  Or tbh he’d name it a marvel name like Loki bc we’re both geeks like that XD  (one of my cats’ full name is Loki’s Bolt of Chaos, so...)
*♡ 。・゚゚・ 16. Which one of you would nearly burn down the kitchen try to microwave a pop tart and who would come to the rescue?
I’d def burn down the kitchen, I’ve already burned myself countless times and set myself and my school’s chem lab on fire...  and Jeongin would come in a panic and try to stop the fire but he’d be clueless how to stop it and end up having to call Chan to help.  Cut to twenty minutes later after all the boys were dragged out of bed by the commotion, glaring at me and Jeongin while Chan lectured us about the dangers of trying to make a snack at 3am while half asleep.
*♡ 。・゚゚・ 17. Who likes to lean over tall railings and who pulls them back?
He’d lean over and I’d pull him back because one of the major fears I have is losing things I love over a railing/bridge (ahem my phone, I always have a hulk-like grip on it when on bridges and the like) so I’d be terrified he would fall off and if he didn’t go down immediately I’d probably have a panic attack and end up crying bc like I said that’s like one of my biggest fears and I couldn’t afford to lose him.  Obvs my crying would make him immediately jump down and see what was wrong.  And after that I’d hold his hand tight and make sure he didn’t get within 3 feet of a railing.
*♡ 。・゚゚・ 18. What would watching a horror film with them be like?
I feel like we’d both be pretty terrified (tho I’d def be more terrified cuz I’m the jumpiest person ever), and Jeongin would try to seem cool but inside he’d end up being too scared to go to sleep that night and we would just end up staying up and talking and watching comedies and stuff.  Maybe he’d find it cute when I squeaked and jumped during the horror movie??  Idk lol
*♡ 。・゚゚・ 19. Who would be the cheesy flirt and who would be the smooth flirt?
I feel like both of us would be the shy flirt.  Like Jeongin is a shy floof and I just spazz out when trying to flirt, so I wouldn’t actually be able to flirt with him until I was more confident with our relationship.  Like I’m okay flirting around people I’m not crazy about, but with Jeongin I’d be super shy and end up tripping over a trashcan and falling on top of it as a result of me trying to look cool in front of him.  (funny story that actually happened to me.  The guy definitely noticed me lol.  And talked to me.  Literally just to ask me if I was okay bc he saw the whole thing including me walking into two walls right before then... yea... and that’s def not the only time I’ve embarrassed myself and spazzed out in front of my crushes...)
*♡ 。・゚゚・ 20. Who is more competitve?
Probs me.  But when I like someone I either turn like extremely competitive to look good in front of them or whatever or I do the exact opposite and let them win bc I don’t want them to feel bad or be annoyed by me.  But with Jeongin I can totally see myself getting super competitive with him while baking cookies or something and we like turn it into a contest to see who can make the best cookies and then he tries to sabotage my batter and I try to retaliate and it ends with both of us on the floor covered in flour and chocolate
*♡ 。・゚゚・ 21. Who would have to be given constant reminders? (Remember to eat, don’t forget to your keys, etc)
Probably Jeongin, like I’d take care of him whenever and obvs I’d be constantly worried about him, but I feel like he’d nag me for being awake/on my phone at 4:00am and I’m very forgetful and all that lol.  I can see him trying to seem all judgey or savage ahem fact attack Jeongin u guys like “tf are you doing up, we both know you need that beauty sleep” but after a few months of me panicking and thinking he actually meant exactly what he said, I’d realize that’s just Jeongin’s way of showing he cares so I’d start sassing him back and wow I just turned this into a rant/me just droning on about texting Jeongin someone help me
*♡ 。・゚゚・ 22. Who sends memes and who sends cute ‘I miss you’ texts at 3am?
I’d def send memes and tbh he would too lol, but if either of us sent like a sweet serious text (esp him), we’d reply with a lovely wholesome meme (esp me).  But tbh once I got comfortable around him (cuz I’d be shy af at first), I’d def just send him a million sweet messages, although tbh I’d more likely call him 24/7 bc I miss him and I’d say it to him over the phone as opposed to through message.
tagging: @doublekn0t  (I made this extra long and detailed just for you def not bc I got carried away in my love for Jeongin heh)  @realstraykids @maaatryoshka @kpop-stole-my-lyfe @minhomygod @straycuties @bangchanmix @bangchant @bangchcn @meatmeinthemiddle-mark @strgaykids @himeaegyo @hey-hey-chan @jiisung @xxstraykids @s0ftminho @busanjeongin@awoojinstan @bangchanstic
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lunnonbridges · 4 years
life update
i literally have so much time during the night when I have to stay up for my night shifts lol so much time that I even get bored of watching tv/youtube lol wow who am i but anyways i guess here’s an update on me and my mental health!
overall, life is chugging along and I have no real complaints. of course I wish the times were different bc i was looking forward to seattle summer outside lmao but there’s nothing I can do except adapt and make the most of it! 
i realized that I hold myself to ridiculously high standards and that i need to let myself loosen up a little otherwise it’s really going to take a huge toll on me and my mental health every time I make a small mistake or something doesn’t go accordingly. esp during a pandemic when literally everyday is different and unknown..it’s ok to just live life day by day instead of forcing myself to live a set routine. it’s ok to just take a day off to just breathe and recharge!! it’s ok to have a self care day and just let yourself indulge in spending some money or eating whatever I feel like without worrying about the consequences!! it is ok!!! (as long as it’s not every single day lmao) 
I got to vchat with albert last week or so and I really enjoyed that since he’s one of my closest friends ever actually now that i’ve known him for about 9 years wow i am very very grateful that he keeps in touch with me (idk if he knows that tho) and that we can keep a convo going despite everythings thats going on. I’m glad he’s doing well physically and mentally since I just want what’s best for my friends. he’s one of the few friends that knows some of my most hidden secrets/fears and if the going gets tough I know i could rely on him and hopefully vice versa. i gotta catch up with some other friends too so I should message them later this week once i’m done with work. friends are honestly so important esp during times like these since we’re all so isolated from society it makes everyone go insane slightly.
family seems to be doing well we dont text everyday but theyre always looking out for me making sure that I am eating well and taking care of myself adequately. i want to go home but i dont think its safe yet since I could be a carrier for something and if i was the reason why my parents got sick i could never ever forgive myself esp since theyre at higher risk now due to age. i do miss home and cali tho and just all my friends, the food, the vibes and the comfortingness of cupertino lol hopefully i can go home later this year? 
work is going well for the most part. everyone is so supportive and helpful which im extremely grateful for since without them I’d be a lost sheep lol i still can’t believe im on my own now managing 4-5 pts like wow i’ve definitely gained confidence although i’m still on the quiet side id say but wow the me in march could never have ahha excited/nervous to see how this journey continues!! i love learning and i love medicine and i thoroughly enjoy being a nurse and there’s nothing else id rather be tbh
realized i’ve been feeling kinda lonely the past few weeeks actually and I thought i was ok with being single and for the most part i am but at the same time when we go out for picnics and i literally see couples everywhere I’m like why not me too? when i hear my friends tell me about their relationships or dates/flings I’m genuinely happy for them but it makes me wonder why i haven’t found anyone too? am i that unlikeable? or have i just not found someone whos compatible with me yet? i really don’t know. I don’t think im like super unattractive but I also don’t think im very attractive lol such small problems to worry about right now when there’s so many bigger things to worry about tbh but ya i hope i find someone before 2020s up but also im not gonna force anything just so i can say im in a relationship ya know? we shall see how the second half of 2020 goes there’s no way it’ll be worse than the first half LMAO
ugh its only 3am and i still have to be awake for at least 3 more hours so i wake up around 5pm ugh im glad i could write this all out even though theres still so much more on my mind i just don’t want to type it all out lol
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