#idk what do u think anon?
sleepis4theweak · 10 months
Honestly... ur so right I'm gonna go eat.
I have showered tho!!!! And then I'll finish my essay and eep.
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robobarbie · 2 months
Any facts about the cat hacker that could be shared?
Hmmmmmm in my mind I think odxny did swim team for a bit in secondary school
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losnordiquitos · 5 months
did yuo know,,,,,april is autism acceptance month!!!!!!!! can we see sweden being autistic
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yaaaay, um !!! i feel like big part of sve being autistic is him being nonverbal/having selective mutism so i tried to give him an aac device for the drawing... happy autism acceptance month gang...
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happyheidi · 3 months
Wanna have a laugh? Here’s something I say/pronounce incorrectly;
I say anime like one says anon;
AniM. Not AniMEY.
Your turn!
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kruinka · 1 year
Kaiser eating borger:)
i fought god to make this so im sorry if its a bit wonky bc i forgor how to draw
kaiser eating borger:
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kaiser eating BORGOR:
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alternatively titled, expectations vs reality
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oceanwithouthermoon · 6 months
sometimes i think about how the people who hate on my takes on here would talk to each other and its always phrased like the twitter fandom drama i see but completely irrational and it makes me giggle
"calling kusuke abusive just because he shot his brother with a lethal weapon, plotted his murder, planned to use their grandparents to assist in hurting/killing him, and tried for years to expose his secret to the entire world against his will and through knowingly hurtful means in order to destroy everything he cared about is so stupid! what a stretch!"
"the saiki k fandom is so damn sensitive. i shoot my brother with massive guns all the time and its not abusive because he just blocks it!" HELPEKSJJSJSKSKKS
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sammygender · 24 days
im just thinking abt like. sam (almost) never hits back. only under extreme duress. and i really can't imagine him lashing out at partners either, maybe yelling but never physical. and trying to understand why, like does he actually think he's better than dean by not punching? does he seek therapy at stanford? does he just think he deserves it and feels like he's at the bottom of the totem pole everywhere he goes?
literally makes me feel sick. idk i have a Thing for a teenage sam who is like totally opposed to violence (despite being forced on hunts and into sparring and training and loading guns all the time). there’s that throwaway joke about his idol being gandhi and there’s the fact that obviously sam doesnt Want any of this, this being Hunting and the constant violence that comes with, so i can just see this thing developing where for a brief period hes like sooo holier than thou about it i am better than you and dad cause i read books and i dont solve my problems by hitting things (which tbh he is so right about! <3) but obviously its just his way of coping with the violence that hes been entrenched in since he was six months old. and this is like literally just inside my head. but in my head its true. that was kind of unrelated actually but also not really
and so yeah i think. idk. violence is sooo normal to sam and dean. i think sam doesnt Want to hit back cause its counterproductive and unnecessary and he prefers to talk things through, like that’s just not how he deals with things, what use is hitting back going to do? like then they’d just get into a physical fight. which i dont think he wants. but also 100% even if not consciously i think sam believes he deserves it or at least that its Okay when it happens to him. he literally doesnt even question it. especially like… after s4. i think he tends to just accept deans treatment cause hes got this belief deep down that he’ll always deserve it, and also even if dean isn’t always right he always somehow ends up being right, and….. so awful.
also i do actually think sam went to therapy at stanford but thats just cause i find it fun to think about. like what did he say…. how do you even word the trauma of that upbringing. not sure if he actually took any valuable lessons from it or benefitted from it post short-term.
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theloveinc · 2 years
bf deku who's a little creepy with his love for u..
in a good way ... or a bad way?👁️👁️
Anywayyyyyy yeah. Yeah. You think it's just the honeymoon stage at first, cuz I mean, you feel the same and think it's all very sweet... but suddenly it's your year and six month anniversary and you realize none of his """"wacky"""" behavior has ever really stopped or changed.
But it is... cute? Sweet, at least, the way he's a lil overbearing about things. Always trying to feed you, whether at home or out in public... little bits of his lunch he breaks off to give you when you're sitting on his lap, to watch you eat and make sure you smile about.
(Or the ones he comes into the room just to give you, like he was specifically thinking about you when he ordered a bento at the cafe, spoon in hand loaded with all your favorite things. you glare, cheekily, cuz you always tell him to order what HE wants, but no, never. he'd rather split everything with you than have anything of his own, and if he had his way, he always would.)
Even shower time, cuz if he's not in the water with you (big hands always peeling the soap and loofa and shampoo out of your grasp so he can wash you for you, big hands doing other things to your body that you enjoy but definitely do not include what you're supposed to be doing)... he's sitting on the toilet right next to you, playing on his phone while he waits for you to get out, OR even sitting against the door outside, after jiggling the handle and whining about you not letting him in.
(i saw a funny tik tok that was like, "whenever they say they're showering" and it was the guy running across the house naked LMFAO to get in with her... that's deku.)
And when you get mad at him, lock him out of the bedroom cuz he won't stop weeping and apologizing... he'll lay down on the floor outside and stick his fingers underneath the door to wiggle them at you, his nose too, like it will make you less angry, like he couldn't just bust the whole thing down if he REALLY wanted to (which he doesn't really, not unless you were in danger, not including the time you accidentally locked him out and he came home from patrol so exhausted that he popped the knob right off it's handle accidentally slamming it into the wall trying to get into bed with you).
LOOOOL and you go to his agency one day for some reason (he always wants to see you, his favorite days are when you visit for any reason), and while he's packing up to take a break with you, his computer backgrounds and screensavers are literally all just pictures of you. literally. every single one you've ever taken practically, even the gag photos you send your friends, with your hair all done for bed and face shiny from moisturizer...
It's almost like he snuck onto your phone once or twice to download everything onto his... which like. hmmmmmmmm. LOL. okay. Not to mention the fact that he has locations on and texts you whenever you go ANYWHERE. Even to the konbini across the street. Like he's constantly looking.
Bakugo def adores u for keeping deku out of his hair, but lowkey also has a little beef with you, too, for being practically the only other thing he talks about aside from work and business lksdfjadksljf.
and tbh? i'd feel bad for him, too.
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natsmagi · 6 months
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so close! its meant to be a squishy tsumugi drawing❤️
cant believe we're about to enter an era where you guys call THIS
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chubby yet proceed to trash on artists who add a little bit of softness to him, as canon claims he has, because its "not enough"
everyones free to draw him with more fat if they want! i think that would be super lovely! but as i have said 5 billion times this is the body type i envision for tsumugi, and canon sees it similarly, so im happy! its nice when canon agrees with a headcanon you have! soft tummy! thats what we got confirmation of!
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what kind of flowers would satoru give u on valentines? how about suguru?
ANON…. what a cute question 🥺🥺🥺🥺 this was soooooo fun to think about……. our baby boys and their gift giving ways………..
ultimately!!! i think satoru would go for flowers that remind him of you (or just your faves / something classic), while suguru would put a lot more thought into symbolism!! he’s a flower boy to me :33 buuut if we’re being more specific…..
my spontaneous thoughts (<- this is a lie i spent like half an hour choosing these) are as follows!! as you can tell i got carried away instantly <33
satoru’s picks:
(pink) roses the classic choice!! it’s what’s on sale, what everyone recommends, so he just goes for it. HOWEVER!! he doesn’t wanna be too basic so he goes for a nice pink instead of the classic red :33 might even go for yellow roses because i firmly believe he’d associate that colour with you. the sunshine of his silly little life !! if he finds out that yellow roses symbolize friendship he’s going back to pink though LMAOO he’ll apologize for friendzoning you too as if he doesn’t regularly call you his bestie …. silly man. i just know he’d get the biggest bouquet of these ever too <33 a whole delivery of roses that completely block your front door so you’re kinda… stuck. with him & his love. lucky you !!
sunflowers kinda goes back to the forementioned point but i just feel like satoru views you as his sun :((( so when he discovers a fresh field of sunflowers he’s like !!!! wow !!!!! wowowow !!!!!! and buys a whole bunch immediately. he’ll be carrying as many sunflowers as he physically can, cradled by his long ass arms, bringing them to you with a big smile on his face <333 they end up reminding you more of him than anything because he’s just beaming when he gives them to you …. sunny sunshine man ,…… and that makes you love them so much more . you never tell him the reason why you suddenly adore sunflowers so much because that would be embarrassing + inflate his ego he would cry a little bit
lillies SENTIMENTAL SATORU HAS JOINED THE CHAT i just think he’s sort of drawn to lillies!! :< like i don’t necessarily think he’d be interested in the symbolism, lillies being associated with purity and whatnot — i think he’s just kind of mesmerized by them. their petals are silky and they smell so sweet and somehow he feels a little sappy to be carrying a bouquet of them around. nostalgic maybe; a little soft. like he’s your husband. even if you aren’t even close to that stage yet… (lillies can also symbolize commitment, which… yk). i just think it makes him feel oddly vulnerable LMAO he’s a loser. gives them to you with a soft smile and a kiss to your forehead <333 he thinks they look right at home in your arms.
suguru’s picks:
roses can’t go wrong with a classic!!! this is his spontaneous choice. the symbolism is obvious, and i think he just. likes the idea of being a rose guy yk… 😭😭 the kinda guy who gives you roses for every single special date !! makes sure there’s always a fresh bouquet waiting for you :33 personally i think he’s a basic bitch but he will continue to buy roses for you unless you tell him otherwise like he’s Very adamant abt it. true love!!! they symbolize true love!!! what else could he give to you? what else is there to say? he wants you to feel loved and special and when he can’t verbalize his love properly he knows the roses in his arms will do the talking for him <333 i think that in the beginning of your relationship your apartment is constantly smelling of roses because of this.. after a while he starts to chill out a bit and gives you other flowers, but you’ll never quite be rid of that floral scent.
camellias this is where he starts to get more creative. maybe satoru calls him basic or boring for always buying roses and suguru huffs and tells him to shut up but it still ends up bugging him LMAO… so !! he does his flower research <333 i firmly believe he would buy a whole book on flower symbolism JUST so he could pick out the most fitting bouquets for you.. he won’t tell you what they mean, though. just gives you a very fond, secretive look when you ask <333 (if you ever figure it out and he gets to see your cute blushing face, then that’s just a nice little bonus.) but yes!!!! camellias!!! a symbol of love and passion and inner strenght. i think he gives them to you with a sentiment of you being his inner strenght…. the reason he’s made it this far. camellias are also said to represent eternal love / everlasting devotion, because the calyx and the petals of a camellia always fall together… and i just think he’s weak for that. he’s like. that’s Us baby <33 but he doesn’t actually say it because that would ruin the subtlety of it all yk?? silly pretentious man…
forget-me-nots he’s a sentimentalist <333 i think i just associate him a lot with forget-me-nots bUT it feels very suguru to give you the most blatantly symbolic flowers he can find :’3 he’d give them to you in a small bouquet, but brimming with sooo many feelings and thoughts. the most obvious one is ”don’t forget me,” but i think he’d see it more as a symbol of trust and gratitude. and his own promise to never let you slip from his fingers or take you for granted :(( forget-me-nots symbolize both true love & devotion and i think that’s all suguru really wants to convey to you!! he’s in love, he’s devoted, you’ve burrowed your way so far into his life that he knows he’ll never be able to forget you. and he wants you to know. probably makes it a habit to get you these for every truly special occasion because he never wants you to forget how loyal he is to you. sap
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boxwinebaddie · 1 month
Hi Uncle Neen! HYH! It sucks to see you struggling cuz you are a big inspiration of mine :( but you said you did your makeup the other day. Can we seeeeeeeeee maybe?
d'awwww ksahdlkdss, you are so sweet, nonnie! thank you so so soooo much, baby! xx i really needed this. i hope i heal ( i will...i have to, i am too much of an asshole to let god win, fuck him ) and i hope you heal from whatever harms you as well! you can do it! mWAH!~
-- also brb crying ;-; <3333 whenever y'all tell me i inspire you, it seriously makes me want to cry; you mean SO much to me, so to mean so much to you; it's Everything to me, my love. thank you for believing in me, know i believe infinitely in YOU and will keep fighting the good fight, living authentically and modelling pos behavior on this blog bc i take being a role model very seriously. :')
BUT ANYWAYS! sakhdlasd oh my god aaAaaAAAaa please!!! YOU ARE SO CUTE, THIS IS SO CUTE OF YOU, hELP AAAAA!!!!!! but yes, of course, of course. considering i am super bacteria nina right now and had to resign from my ( admittedly ) trash job and am no longer, at this moment, an education girlie ( besides on here, ofc, educating you on my two gay sons in love ), i can freely exist and post pictures of myself again! thank you for for giving me a safe place to do that. <3
i'll elaborate on what 'safe' means to me down below, but just for context i took this...sigh...last week, when i was told i would 'all better', just trying to feel like myself again after a month of being unmadeup and unfitted and ugly and troll-like and on death fucking row and fucking miserable as hell, i had my new hair appointment lined up, was about ready to take life by the balls again...and that shit BLUE BALLED ME SO HARD AND SAID *ravenstan vc* JK, BABY!
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okay, sorry i have some really bad scarring and wounding up there by my neck so i had to cover her up but...there she is! the she beast!
as for posting pictures of myself just...please...PLEASE BE KIND. and i wish i meant that as a joke, i mean it very, VERY seriously. i am at a point right now, where i look my very fucking worst, i am weaker than i have ever been in my life, there are abrasions all over my body, which per the results of my culture ( i was right...several fucking times and no one would listen to me ) my body is trying to kill me and right now...it is Winning. ( i'm not gonna lose tho, dw, i am a nasty bitch from hell and i refuse to die this ugly, i fucking won't; choke )
i know we shoot the shit on here and are funny and clown eachother, you guys are my family; it's what families do, but my boundary is that you can say i am pretty and be objectively kind or Please do not send me anything At ALL about how i look; i CANNOT take it rn. i know were just joking, but please, please, PLEASE Do NOT compare me to any ugly creatures, make me feel weird about any part of my face, tell me i look blurry, say anything is too big or too small…
please don’t meme on me abt my appearance...Ever.
it’s a very sensitive spot for me and makes me v anxious.
all this to say, i love you; thank you for being my home.
-uncle nina, single ravesey mother and human petri dish
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batsplat · 4 months
from the stuff i’ve heard marc’s former honda teammates (dani jorge and pol in their media careers but joan also i guess) say about him now that they’re racing is generally quite positive, both on a professional/riding level but also seemingly on a personal level? i’m wondering what you make of that given that, yeah, marc doesn’t seem like a very good teammate (unless you’re alex who i’ve left off this list). like MARC wants to separate on and off track stuff and it seems like all of these guys are willing too at least in retrospect, so he can’t have truly burned bridges with them. do you have any thoughts on that
(x, x) most riders are quite good at not burning bridges with each other! it's not like marc's competitors don't know that this stuff is kinda part of the game. I mean, all of marc's past teammates were also trying to assert themselves within the internal hierarchy... you can say that certain teammates engage in 'worse' behaviour than others, but, like, these people do understand they're supposed to be fighting each other! a baseline degree of nastiness is factored in and will be accepted to a greater or lesser extent by your rivals - especially when it comes to asserting yourself in intra-team power struggles. you might hate the other guy in the moment, but generally speaking once the active part of the rivalry is done with... you will probably get over it. marc's fellow riders are aware of how ultra-competitive marc is - and to a certain point they do respect it, not least because they're aware that this is part of the reason why marc has ended up with all those titles. it's like dani said, right, it's marc's strong suit. and in general, you do have to say that there's relatively few teammate pairings that devolve to the level of toxicity that it completely destroys the interpersonal relationship. you might need some level of preexisting animosity... most of the purely competitive sins can be healed with a little time
on the 'separating on-track and off-track' thing... well. this is kind of a question of how you define these things, you can say that marc generally speaking isn't going to massively hold grudges over isolated on-track incidents or whatever... but he doesn't just leave his fighting to the track, and personally I've also never felt he can entirely separate these things out in his mind. can you really say his professional and private relationships with other riders are completely detached from one another? mostly, he's opted to be pretty disengaged from his fellow riders as a collective, and obviously that's a good way to not take things too personally... it's all part of the game, isn't it? sometimes it's good to go with the straightforward approach: marc tells you he will make your life hell, he does indeed make your life hell, and then you both move on with your lives and can maybe actually have a pretty amiable relationship with him in years to come. he's not really defying your expectations at any point here, is he now? it's still a question for each of them as individuals as to whether they think that kind of behaviour is above board and acceptable or not... but everyone by now knows that marc plays these games, so it's not like they're going in blind
and it's not like other former teammates are constantly badmouthing each other. I mean... look, let's just cut to the chase here and bring in valentino as our reference point (as he is for the sport as a whole, which by the way does also help create a certain baseline of acceptability for marc's antics - maybe goated riders are just supposed to be dicks who knows). vale's premier class teammates were 1) nobody (2000-01), 2) tohru ukawa (2002), 3) nicky hayden (2003; 2011-12), 4) carlos checa (2004), 5) colin edwards (2005-2007), 6) jorge lorenzo (2008-10; 2013-16), 7) maverick vinales (2017-20), 8) franco morbidelli (2021), and 9) andrea dovizioso (2021). of these eight men (let's just exclude 'nobody' for now), do you know how many had serious complaints at any point about valentino as a teammate? that's right, it's one guy. one. some of valentino's other teammates, like hayden, checa and edwards, were even quite actively positive about their whole experience. this is the thing - you do need some specific circumstances for teammate rivalries to escalate from 'being kinda bitchy every other month' to 'actively fantasising about stabbing each other'. not accounting for natural interpersonal animosity, let's list some circumstantial factors that you need to get a bridge-burning-worthy level of feud:
you need a competitive bike. it is possible to beef about development direction when you're in the trenches (cf late 2010's yamaha, 2020's honda)... but generally speaking this is going to be quite low-level petty stuff, not actual war
you also need something that approaches competitiveness between teammates. if one teammate is unquestionably stronger than the other one, then it is very unlikely that you are going to get any open hostilities. the tension comes when the two sides are close enough to each other for the internal hierarchy to actually be a contentious issue (this is also basic self preservation... if you're the far weaker teammate then you do not want to make the situation troublesome, because then you will be the one to be fired)
following on from those first two things... well, it doesn't hurt to have a title fight in the mix. there are also other ways you can generate competitive stakes, like, for instance, if you and your teammate know that one of you will be out of a job soon. basically, it helps to have something to squabble over
it is maybe easy to forget how rare it is this century for teammates to be fighting directly for a title, let alone over the course of multiple seasons. only two 1-2's since the year 2000 and they're both for the factory yamaha's (though 2006, 2011-13 and 2017 did all prominently feature two factory hondas). which means that for valentino, the prerequisites were met just the once in his premier class career... and yes, the results were pretty memorable, but (topic! for! another! post!) it's worth pointing out that even that relationship was pretty much 'fine' whenever there was a sizeable disparity between the two of them performance-wise (2008 and 2013 are the most clear cut examples). I think the way I'd frame it with marc is that he has a bunch of mildly dubious strategies up his sleeve to assert himself within the team, which don't really deviate that far from what you'd expect from a rider of marc's calibre and only need to be escalated under specific circumstances. that doesn't mean he doesn't have the potential to be ruthless, but up until now it's mostly been a fairly 'acceptable' level of ruthlessness on the intra-team level... and not something that is likely to make other riders actually hate him
taking marc's teammates one by one... dani was the closest to meeting the bridge-burning prerequisites, though he was only a title rival in marc's rookie season. and marc did go further with him than he did with anyone else, and dani has made some pointed comments about marc's style as a teammate... but yes, he is fonder of marc these days. partly I'd just emphasise again that this is a fairly natural progression when you've stopped directly competing for long enough, and partly it's also just a question of individual personality - dani's not massively into holding grudges. then there's jorge, who... I mean, they might as well not have been teammates, given that jorge was either too slow or too injured to even be sharing any track space with marc. you have to put that one down primarily to circumstance, seeing as jorge's own track record on the teammate front isn't exactly spotless. marc and jorge beefing in 2019 would have been pretty dumb and also a massive waste of everyone's time in a year in which marc singlehandedly won the team's championship. even those two needed more to get things going
moving on to the dark years, pol and marc had an extremely stop-and-start partnership on a honda that was generally pretty uncompetitive... so the only stuff they could get ever so mildly irritable about were riveting incidents like 'marc saying pol wasn't the biggest championship threat' (neither of them were) or 'pol saying he'd copy marc's set up' (which proved entirely useless). not exactly title decider territory, is it now, and marc very much had pol covered as a challenger throughout their partnership. also, those two do have a longer history! they've known each other since they were kids and hold a pretty significant place in each other's careers. now that pol's more or less retired, it's natural there'll be quite a lot of sentimentality there - which will paper over any small cracks that appeared during those two years. and joan was a one year teammate at a time in which the bike was consistently close to offing them both. they only managed to start a sunday race together as teammates on thirteen occasions. it would take some serious effort to engineer a feud with that little opportunity, and, really, why on earth would you bother. maybe if honda had gone for rinsy rather than joan for the factory seat, it could've been a bit more prickly, but it's unlikely that it would have escalated beyond that
this is the thing, right, the only one of these partnerships that would have been worth burning bridges over was dani, and even there marc pretty much had him handled after the first season. in general, marc has been pretty clear on how he's not interested in making friends with the other side of the garage while the teammate relationship is ongoing... which is fine! there's some prominent-ish teammate pairings that are actually good friends, some teammate pairings where one of them is actively helping out and advising the other one, but some riders prefer to just keep their distance. it would have been a little silly of marc to start a feud with a teammate who is galaxies away from being a competitive threat, let alone a title rival, but generally it is possible to toe the line between 'attempting to suppress your internal rivals enough to stop them from becoming a problem for you' and 'taking radical enough action to make your internal rivals despise you'
especially in the post-dani era, marc never really had any need to push things too far... and, let's face it, how many of your teammate relationships end up with burnt bridges is also quite frankly a question of luck and circumstance. do you want to guess which top rider on paper has the worst track record this century with premier class teammate feuds, in terms of a) how many they've had, and b) how little public reconciliation there has been since the end of the rivalry?
yes, that's right, it's the first name that comes to mind when you're thinking of toxic and conflict-prone riders: andrea dovizioso. that old devil, constantly causing trouble. just couldn't stop undermining his poor, innocent teammates. can somebody please stop this ruthless bully before it's too late
I think you get the point. I would personally suggest that dovi is not in fact the worst teammate it is possible to have in a motogp top team. he just happened to find himself in a situation where he was teammates with two separate guys he did not click with at all, in situations that involved a pairing of riders who were (or had the potential to be) competitive with each other, as well as some proper stakes attached to the rivalry. in general, situational factors are going to determine this stuff more than anything else... and marc more often than not does have a reasonably good feel for picking his battles. he's flirted with the line, but he's mostly avoided crossing it. he hasn't had to
#'joan also i guess' hold on now anon that's his former teammate relationship that's most important to ME i love them...#elephant in the room is 'let's revisit this in 1.5 years time'. ik people will try to make that just about the vr46 factor but *shrug*#i kinda feel like maybe i should have mentioned in the casey/marc post that casey is arguably more of an outlier than marc is#like his alienation with the sport ran deep which is how you get him engaging in melandri slander who was pee one million in 2008#y'know casey/jorge ducati was a real possibility for a hot second and my take on that would ALSO be 'hm yeah maybe not <3'#ESPECIALLY given that it's quite likely the incoming jorge would've been paid way way more than casey was ('09 ducati... let's not even)#AND given how yamaha had repeatedly burnt casey and then handed jorge the seat on a silver platter... like idk man!!#genuinely fascinating '10 counterfactual... i do like casey/marc but i've also game planned casey/vale and casey/jorge i'm a completionist#(either dani or vale would've likely won the title in that timeline. but crucially casey/jorge interpersonally would've been. well)#//#brr brr#alien tag#batsplat responds#i need an ask tag so badly but i can't be bothered to back tag... i'll do it at some point#in my notes i did once actually rank the aliens by how much they'd suck as teammates but the order might be a wee bit controversial#i'm sorry to the guy i ranked number one but he did objectively have the worst track record like... it has to be said#i think u have like. different modes right. where how bad u are as a teammate is scaled to how big the threat ur facing is#now EYE actually think marc's not got a particularly *great* neutral mode either but it's not bridge-burning mode#also what even is a burnt bridge... i mean god knows even valentino and jorge are taking photos together these days...#jorge's still conducting autopsies of old beef every fortnight but otoh he's joking about motegi on instagram which is crazyyyyyy#you genuinely cannot. CANNOT convince me that if marc/jorge had had a title fight as teammates it wouldn't have been a MESS#there is literally no way. none whatsoever#and if i said dani had a higher number of strained premier class teammate relationships than valentino did... what then...
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michinekot · 3 months
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i felt like drawing Maru but I really don't have the energy to even color this sketch.
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bunnihearted · 7 months
#i shouldnt have fav mutuals bc i get sooo sad when they soft block me#which *always* happens like im not joking the day will come when they're just like nahhh bye#🥲🥲 nd i cant help but get sad#nd i dont even agree w that anon who said that 'no wonder everyone blocks u' bc im never mean to anyone#i think it's just bc im fundamentally unlikable and unlovable and the time will come when smth abt me#ticks them off nd nothing abt me is ever tolerated i always have to be perfect for everyone so then i just get cut off like dead weight lmao#also it shows that i get attached so easily but in reality ... ppl are not at all as attached to me 💀💀#like i care abt them but they dont care abt me nd it makes me feel so stupid#why do i so easily care for ppl?????? why do i have to care nd like ppl when it's always gonna end the same way#me being me is bad nd wrong and nobody could ever truly know me nd still like me#i have to live my life constantly hiding parts of myself and making sure im not too authentic or too open bc then i will make ppl dislike me#it rlly is that. im never mean. i never fight. ppl just see smth abt me nd go 'oh ewwwwww' nd then leave#nd if it hasnt already happened it will at some point nd im constantly waiting for the other shoe to drop#whenever i realize i say or did smth wrong im tense waiting for the moment where they'll leave me will arrive#ok this might sound silly bc i was like 'triggered' by smth small but like#all my life thats just how it's been. im not even mean or cruel. i just exist and ppl dont like me or who i am or what i think#i can never be truly myself anywhere. that is sure to result in being all alone 4ever. but i dont like hiding parts of myself#but i have to. but its hard when im trying to hide nd be lowkey but i still manage to make ppl dislike me T-T#idek what im supposed to do bc i just exist nd im not likable. i try to be that but im still not. idk what to do#anyway.. who cares.. j'appartiens seul#but yeah it is bc it's like this for me all the time nd ig that triggered me lmao#i mean just w my sisters.. their issue is just who i am. my personality. i havent been cruel to them. or bullied them. or put them down#they just get irritated from my personality nd who i am. thats what makes them mad. nd they kinda want me to just stop being me nd idk how#to do that and therefore we arent even talking. havent talked for a year#i wanna cry like????? what am i supposed to do??????? im so extremely fucking horrible that just by exisiting nd not being mean or cruel mak#es me unworthy of everything. idk idk like. omg i feel so stupid for being triggered by that#maybe if i had irl friends and a job and a life i wouldnt care but im a fucking loser failure worthless good for nothing idiot. ofc im this
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lokh · 8 months
Honestly I think its mad funny that in the Shuro/Laios au Laios’ Party think it was HIS idea. Like wait till they find out this was from Shuro like that Laios’ proximity chart about to be a family staple passed down from generation to generation, lovingly given to his fiancee.
AJABSBDBXBX 😭😭😭😭 all trust in shuro absolutely fucking lost like how could they ever have thought he was a Reasonable guy... in his defense maizuru is the one that came up with it and he's a pushover and couldn't put a stop to it fast enough. i feel like it would definitely make him more likeable to marcille tho lmao, like 1) no longer attempting to court falin but also 2) Ah, so you too have been influenced by laios....
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xiewho · 6 months
i love love love the way you draw gorgug!! you give him so much personality :)
ouhhh omg thank u so much 😭😭 he’s my favorite bad kid so i tend to overthink a lot when i draw him haha but im really glad u like the way i draw him :’)
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