#idk what's trending here anymore
osaemu · 5 months
school's like basically done for me (if u forget finals exist) so i'll see if i can start writing again in the next couple days
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violets-r-purple · 2 years
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kittykatinabag · 1 year
While I greatly enjoy the subject of place making in urban design, I utterly hate the amount of pandering to capital holders a lot (if not most) of current "place making professionals" do in their work.
#also really hate some of the current trends of 'pop up events' that run for maybe a month and then never again#'its to get peoples imaginations going kristen!' until you realize that you dont actually leave any reliable framework when its done#and theres an inherent bias against creating those frameworks because that requires decentralization of your knowledge#which makes you and your work finacially threatened and even as a nonprofit you still need to make a living#idk im just pondering webs of power and the paradoxes of creating a better world using capitalism instead of dismantling it#also avoiding doing the newest academia bs and trying to avoid any fucking grades talk with the people i know here#because i havent told them that i havent turned anything in yet because depressions been kicking my ass#and they dont get the executive dysfunction part of it because their anxiety is so out of control that it still forces them to do things#and their reward circuits in their brains still work while mine dont anymore#and while they might have sympathy all theyre going to do is suggest solutions which is not what i need rn#also the solutions they will probably give probably wont work because ive tried pretty much off of them except cocaine#and im trying to avoid doing that for obvious reasons#i already know what i need is to 1- live alone; 2- live in a place with more amenities nearby; and 3- have an understanding support system#the problem is money. and circumstances. and having a support system. but mostly money and circumstances#the thing i cant figure out quite yet is why im avoiding telling them instead of just laying it out there#maybe cause it would seem like im putting part of this burden on them?#maybe something in my instincts and years of social observation is telling me that if i tell them their view of me will drastically change?#and then there goes whatever scraps of a support system i have out here#idk its probably just trauma leaking again#late night ramblings
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mandy-malady · 2 years
I live under such a desolate rock that when I start seeing screenshots of the same new people over and over it takes me at least 5 business days for it to sink in that new media has been released
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andreablog2 · 3 months
I think you're response to brat is a little intense for what it is. it's a good dance album lol idk where this "nostalgia" arrested development thing is coming from dance pop and edm has been having a little moment since the pandemic started because people like dancing and covid killed the clubs + moody pop is leaving the cultural zeitgeist
Maybe it’s because the positive reception of brat has also been intense so I need to balance that out…but no I’m actually really pissed how easily marketed everyone is now and there’s no snobbery anymore. She built her career of clout and networking/association w lots of incredible artists and frankly comes off as spineless. Nostalgia and mainstream resurgence are the same thing and yes….you all have arrested development. Idk what this has to do with moody pop leaving the cultural zeitgeist bc chappel roan, Billie eilish Sabrina carpenter are having huge years and release very moody music. Also the sade trend? Moody is still here and brat is a very moody album itself. I don’t think it’s a bad album and I don’t think there aren’t compelling songs but overall as a body of work and as a cultural phenomenon….I think it’s producing a net negative and apart of a larger trend of these cult favorite pop stars needing to colonize every superlative….like I think charli is simply doing to much and two years ago Beyoncé did a dance album that actually broke barriers, showcased her singing ability, was thoughtful with poetic lyrics, came with an impeccably tasteful tour and performances….so now this wasian girl does an album she marketed by associating with lame has been bushwickian grifters. Charli is to dimes-y in the traditional sense of the word it’s way on the nose and below my taste level. Sorry it’s hard being ahead.
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anonymouscheeses · 5 months
Big fckn redesigns here. Well mostly Charlie but Vaggie somewhat too 🥰🥰
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Blue fits Charlie soooo much and I cease to see that many redesigns with this color. I still want red to be used in most of their designs because well. They are in hell, but not too present so to make way for other unique colors. Charlie has several physical traits from her parents but also she has some details in her clothes that match with them. When I uhh, introduce their designs you'll see lmao. I also tried to make her have a more roundish design, I jst LOVE those typ of designs omg. I just want the characters with not too many sharp corners pls Viv bro... 😔 oh yeah she's mixed cuz her mom's are darker in their redesigns. Alot of their genetics went down to Charlie so she doesn't look like an exact copy of Lucifer, I kind of hate that trend with hh and hb characters, like did the moxxies dad give birth to him bro 😭 also I kept her bow because it looks so cute and silly on her it just fits, I wish they made it bigger in her show design because it would fit her silliness so much. She has a cape with stars because morningSTAR smh why didnt they do something fun with that, missed potential but whatevs yknow I still love og designs no matter what anyone sayss. Did you know I love Charlie, I could ramble for days. I think I love Charlie guys. Maybe jst a hunch idk... also... s-snake fangs.. jeepers anddd..... snake tongue.... shiver me timberz
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The wife ever. I had animation in mind more when I designed her, not like in a "How easy or hard would this be to animate" way. But I like to imagine when she's shocked her hair kind of fluffs out plus her actual fluff, when she's mad her bow turns into kind of horns and then her jacket expands like wings. Gave her a more hotel like outfit, she likes to work for fun (ew). Her socks are socks but she has some fluff under them she just tries to cover it up because she hates herself 🤪 (she doesn't hate her bigger body she actually feels much more comfortable chubby than when she was skinny with Adam. She was burdened with the weight of Adam's image of women... In this sorta rewrite she gained weight when she goes to the hotel because she's more happy. I'm dying I love chub Vaggie so much guys please) headcanon: she kind of likes fashion, it's like a fun hobby of hers to stitch together clothing and go out and buy clothes she'll never wear. She taught Charlie how to stitch and she SUCKS so you can jst see it on Charlie's pants.
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Second outfits! Charlie's hotel uniform for. Well. Hotel stuff. She usually only wears it when new people come to the hotel, which.... isn't often, if at all. She still likes to keep it just in case. Also she goes really cartoonish when it happens, she does the looney tunes run and changes into her clothes in like 2 seconds. Can you see my vision? 😭😭
Vaggie's is in her armor. She has several pairs of armor lying around in the hotel in completely hidden spots. It's kind of surprising uhh. Yeah she wears it alot more than Charlie wears her alt uniform but still rare to find her in it. I don't get the whole thing with the exterminators and them not being able to fight according to Carmilla. Which is kinda stupid, I'm not gonna lie. So, instead of that, Vaggie has just let her guard down and has gotten much more comfortable in her surroundings so she feels like she doesn't need to fight anymore, she's just gotten rusty 's what I'm sayin. I have no idea how to draw armor. You can tell...
Extra below cut vvvv
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BABY CHARLIE!!! With the heads of my redesigns for Luci, Eve, and Lillith. Haha you still cant see them. Uhh, ill definitely finish the thing one day. Its not even that big of a project thing, i think i jst keep going to other drawings so im like not focusing on one thing lmao. Lucifer has heterochromia because he was cursed to forever be reminded of his betrayal. I only explained that because Charlie has it too, it's kind of a curse on the entire blood line where at least one eye is red. This is like. Slightly older Charlie than the baby Charlie in show? I jst wanted to put her in overalls cuz omg that's jst so cute ughhh 😭😭
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pandoraroid · 4 months
in honor of surviving my final week finals week here are some more redacted filipino shitposts & my attempts at translations under the cut 🧍‍♀️
guy as your delivery food guy (lol)
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i'll arrive ma'am no matter what happens
don't look for anyone/anything else
freelancer & lovely once they've started at d.a.m.n
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"how's school?" why are you asking [about/the] school when i'm the one who's tired
darlin as that ig notes trend
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i honestly dont know how to explain this... there's this trend going on on filipino socmeds of posting pooly done or poorly worded quotes for shits and giggles. it's funny to me :(
damn crew's birthday cake for damien
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hi, first of all [is] before the first, next is second, and last is third. faster than fast. no matter what happens whatever happens there's no misunderstanding because we understand each other. because no matter what they say they will still have something to say. [just] happy birthday!
idk what to say further as to explain this... it's just a filipino thing i guess to mess with someone... it's meant to be light hearted ofc they have a proper cake for him...
and literally any one of the mates sending these to their partners:
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left pic: i want your attention please
right pic: baby please talk to me already. i can't do this anymore
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alkalinefrog · 2 years
I’ve always been curious about other people’s take on this but—
If Hiccup was thrown into the future, what do you think Jamie and/or the other kids try to show him? What kind of modern music would he like? Or other things like that? Would he like coffee? There are so many questions and things he could be exposed to—
I just love the idea of Hiccup being thrown into the future and I’d love to hear your take on it.
Jamie would be adamant about teaching Hiccup internet meme culture LMFAO the better question is which memes oh my god wait, would Jamie be on tiktok 😭😭😭 gen z KING LMAO
This post is gonna age so poorly but I gotta list some internet stuff he'd try to educate him on:
"here, read this brief summary of the last 1000 yrs of history to get caught up" rickrolls him
YOUR CLASSIC VINES like road work ahead, fresh ava ca do, oh my god they were roommates
"whatup I'm Hiccup I'm 18 and I never fucking learned how to read" "wtf I can read Norse runes dick"--- does google translate offer a Norse option LMFAO
Idk FNAF but I feel like Jamie is a FNAF kid just from vibes alone and he'd force Hiccup to play it
Creepy pastas
This is tiktok specific, I want Jamie to teach Hiccup how to get sturdy and forces him to do other dance trends together LMFAO
Minecraft, again based on vibes
Unfortunately I'm 50/50 on whether or not Jamie would like anime but that's a whole other can of worms I don't wanna go into kashalsbakvabfbsk
Essentially Jamie latches on to him like "omg new big brother"
Otherwise I haven't given too much thought to Hiccup in the future! In answer to your other examples, I feel like he'd have a soft spot for Nordic folk music but would be into modern indie rock, and he's more of a mead guy than coffee guy and drinks coffee more for the energy boost but gets jittery fast. I also think he'd get into motorcycles when he finds out there aren't dragons around anymore and misses the adrenaline rush from flying!
If you want a really fun Hiccup-gets-isekai'd-into-the-future au then I'd highly recommend checking out @midoristeashop's take on it!! Stellar art and au by a stellar artist!!!
Thanks for the fun ask dude!!
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i saw the collection of art displayed at the gallery nucleus event and ive been obsessed with these two pictures since so here are some details i noticed:
luz and eda are both wearing that grudgeby jacket, obviously.
Eda’s jacket has a patch on the left elbow when eda is wearing it. this was shown in the show as well. luz’s left elbow isn’t shown but we can assume the patch is still there.
luz, however, has a patch on her right elbow, which was where she tore the sleeve during the belos fight in king’s tide. we can assume hunter probably patched it up.
lilith and eda seem to have discovered their fashion taste in their teens and stuck with it to this day. lilith is in a similar long skirt and boots to what she wears in the show, and eda has the spiky/torn style dress look. guess she later decided to wear similar shoes to lilith though.
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speaking of shoes though raine honey what are you wearing,,,, are those ,,,shoelaces tied around your socks??? that can’t be comfortable or easy to get on/off,,,was this a fashion trend in their time???
gus’s shirt looks like it was two different shirts sewn into one shirt. i assume hunter did that for him too
gus is also still wearing two watches on one wrist and probably wearing the third on his other. boi’s got drip
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vee’s got an anklet. I wonder if this is an allusion to the ring on her tail in her basilisk form?
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luz has the portal key and a king-shaped keychain on her belt. does that mean they’ll end the show with her having a new portal so she can live in both worlds? that seems to be what the show is building towards
amity’s hair faded in season 3 and her roots were growing back but i think in here she redyed her hair to be a bright pink like before? i definitely don’t see her roots anymore. similarly i think willow has just been consistently dyeing that green streak
darius’s cape looks a lot like the golden guard’s. or just the emperor coven’s cape in general. his boots also look like the standard issue EC uniform ones. in fact, his whole outfit looks like a more casual emperor coven uniform. this adds fuel to my theory that he was being mentored by the golden guard to join the emperor’s coven, and when his mentor died, it shattered his trust in the EC which led to him joining the abomination coven instead. (why else would you get one of the top ranking officials of the emperor coven to mentor you, if not to join the coven itself?)
lilith and vee both have cute stylized backpacks and perry has a fanny pack, all of them shaped like demons. vee’s backpack is shaped like her (with a matching hoodie i think?), and because of the visible stitches, i will once again assume hunter made it for her. i will assume hunter did everything sewing-related for the hexsquad. love is stored in the hunter sewing project
in contrast to lilith, perry, and vee, alador’s bag is plain and practical. idk what this says about the characterization of these four but im sure it says something
everyone in the old hexsquad has their own style but alador is in his hexside uniform. again, very practical but he doesn’t seem to care enough about appearance (or hygiene considering he’s covered in abomination goo) to pursue anything beyond practicality
eda’s knee is scraped up. while this and the bandage on her face are probably supposed to indicate that she gets up to trouble a lot id like to think it’s also referencing the pain sharing spell she and lilith did in that scene of them as kids
hunter DEFINITELY did not dress himself those shoes are way too snazzy. darius sees him trying to leave the house in socks and sandals and has an aneurysm
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ppl mentioned how willow’s wearing an emerald entrails shirt but also! she has painted nails! i’d like to think amity painted them for her. first amity does her braids and now she paints her nails she is rekindling their friendship one makeover at a time
hunter wears glasses now. i guess after like 8 head injuries, a possession, and two eye color changes he’d have some trouble with his eyesight.
willow has discovered novelty glasses. she seems to be seeing fine so i assume they’re also prescription glasses, which is harder to get in cool shapes. did they get those in the human world or did the boiling isles already have them? or better, after the show they introduce the concept of novelty glasses to the boiling isles. i’d like to think gus gets his dad a pair in that scenario. and eda gets raine a pair
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hunter’s jacket has so many references on it to his new family i- 🥺 🥺 🥺 he has a wing patch for flapjack, an abomination with a ponytail for darius, a king patch for king (let them interact in the rest of season 3!!! please!!!), what seems to be the badge eda gives people for leaving their covens, and a flower probably for willow. seemingly no patches for luz, gus, amity, or vee. or the emerald entrails. though he could have more patches on the front of his jacket.
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trans hunter real
luz’s hairstyle with the front bangs swept back looks a lot like eda’s hairstyle but curlier. probably just the widow’s peak though
hunter is still rocking that mullet. i know even if they change his hair in a later episode they won’t spoil it in the art here. still even though i know why hunter didn’t want long hair i liked his longer hair + hair skrungly design better than his short hair design
the new hexsquad is dressed in a significantly more human style than the old hexsquad. seeing how luz has a portal key (idk if its real or just a charm), amity retouched her roots, and hunter has a jacket of patches referencing his 86 adopted family members, i would assume this shot of them is post-canon. guess luz takes her friends on another trip to the thrift store
(i know this specific scene where the new and old hexsquad check each other out is impossible temporally within canon what i mean is the hexsquad’s look is most likely something they’ll whip up post canon than during canon)
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willows pants have similar flowers on it as the flower patch on hunter’s jacket. the vine design and stitching around the flowers probably mean that they just came with a flower design when willow got it. however i headcanon that willow got hunter a bunch of flower shaped patches and he put one on his jacket. but later willow got a pair of those fashionably ripped jeans and left them somewhere where hunter found it. and when willow gets back hunter has used the rest of his his flower patches to patch up the rips in willows pants and sewed some stitching around the patches to make them look prettier. because he doesn’t understand why someone would wear ripped jeans on purpose. it’s like that one textpost with luz except it’s with willow. she can’t even be mad at him.
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floppyponysart · 4 months
Mane 6 redesigns - mlpfim fanart
I made these a good while ago and thought hard about them but no-one cared at the time coz it wasn't a trend but now it is for some reason so I guess I'm gonna try reposting lol -v-'
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get ready coz there is a long description of my inspirations and more details about these redesigns coming below. get ready for crazy amount of text
This is basically my concept for "what if twilight was like an actual nerd?".
i gave her freckles/acne and glasses coz they are typical nerdy things. i think they look super cute on her tho ^w^. i got rid of her highlights in her hair coz (even tho it is probably meant to be natural in the show) nerds dont have time for adding highlights to their hair. her hair is also shorter to make it look more like the kind of practical hair cut girl nerds often have. she is wearing her comfy clothes coz she wants to be cozy when studying and doesnt care how she looks. she is wearing her favourite nerdy fluffy socks with her fav star constellations on them (i only know the big dipper lol -v-'). she is also wearing her comfy grey plain hoodie. for some reason every nerd seems to have a plain grey hoodie. it has spare pens in the pockets to.
she has a different cutiemark here which is basically my concept for what her cutiemark might have been if she wasn't the fated leader of the elements of harmony. it represents her studious personality and her love of stars. I also gave her a big backpack stuffed full of supplies. i can attest to the fact that studious students never have enough equipment and our bags look like this XD. it is an old but sturdy bag which has even been patched up but still going. there is a pink ruler sticking out coz everyone seemed to have those pink rulers when i was at school lol.
Every badge on this bag actually is meant to have a specific subject although its hard to see so small. now i will go through each one. Top left green one with dark blue what looks like an animal is a picture of an Ursa Minor. Brown one top right is a man holding a bow ancient etching on a cave wall picture. Big blue one is obviously more star constellations. Bottom right is a fire so hot the flame is blue. Right middle one is a skull. Middle brown and green one is an abandoned church structure. Bottom middle blue one is the Milky Way. Bottom left is a nerdy funny quote. Middle green one I actually don’t remember what it was meant to be anymore. I’m gonna day it is a rare plant tho coz that makes sense I think it was something like that. It might have also been an old weapon artefact as I remember that being one of my ideas at the time. Brown middle left was a catapult shooting a melon.
This one is simpler than the last one. I already really like applejacks design and I had less ideas but I still like this. First things first, I think it would be more fitting if Applejack was a different species of pony. Here I have her as more of a wild pony which is hairier. I have her hair as rougher and shorter coz a farmer realistically would definitely not have long hair as it would get in the way of work. That has always been something that annoys me. Her hair in the show does look very nice but it just makes no sense. I didn’t change her cutiemark much coz her cutiemark from Pony Life is almost perfect. I just changed the shape of the leaf a little bit. I did add a speckled spot on her thigh around it tho. This is reminiscent of another species of horse and I think it adds a little more detail to make her look nice. It also matches her freckles on her face.
Speaking of her freckles, I added more all over her face and ears coz anyone with freckles will know it doesn’t usually stay in one pretty place on the cheeks. I think she looks cuter this way to be honest. She has cheeks which are a little chubby which makes her look younger than she actually is. Some people have a baby face for a longer time than most and idk but I felt this fit. She looks super cute and I love it. She has a hole in one ear which makes her look a little more imperfect and it shows her tough side. It’s a scar left from her tough working days in the past. Finally, I changed her hat. Yes I know. Probably people are going to hate me for this and I do like the hat but I always felt it was a little too stereotypical. So I gave her another hat which is often used in farming; a sunhat. I think this looks nice on her as well.
Yes I made a lot of changes here. I started off just wanting to draw her with braids and flowers and longer legs like her childhood self but then I thought she looked more like a deer. Tbh I prefer her as a deer coz it makes more sense. Deers are very skittish and timid so it makes perfect sense for Fluttershy. I like the little tail puff to coz it’s just so cute. Several people have drawn Fluttershy with flowers in her hair and she has even done it in the show. It makes perfect sense to me for her to have lovely flowers, seeds, twigs and saplings in her hair all the time if she is in nature all the time.
Braids make more sense to me for Fluttershy coz long hair not tied up is going to get in the way and braids take a long time but is relaxing to do. I can imagine Fluttershy just slowly and calmly enjoying making her braids in the morning. I also changed her cutiemark to an animal paw. I have always thought this would make more sense for her cutiemark although I do like the butterflies to don’t get me wrong. I have tried 2 different sets of colours here but really I had many different ideas for different combinations of these colours. What colours would you use? Which of these do you prefer? Let me know Btw she does have wings still but it’s hard to see them behind the braids.
It’s alpaca Pinkie! yeah I just thought it would be more fitting for her to be another animal considering I already did it for Fluttershy. Pinkie is the weird one so it makes sense if she is also a completely different species and not a very common one. Plus alpacas are friendly, like to bounce and fluffy so it’s perfect in my eyes.
She has a buck tooth coz that makes her seem more cute and imperfect which fits her personality. She has very puffy hair coz I kinda hate how Pinkie has those nonsensical curls at the ends when her hair is supposed to be super curly and puffy. Curly puffy hair just doesn’t work that way.
She has confetti stuck in her hair coz I mean puffy hair is hard to clean and she has parties all the time so it makes sense. she also has colourful spots which match the colours of the balloons in her cutiemark. A spotty colourful pattern just makes sense for bubbly party Pinkie.
I actually decided to make her a unicorn to but you can’t see her horn coz she is so fluffy. I mean she is constantly doing weird and magical things so why isn’t she a unicorn?! It also makes sense people would think she is strange coz they can’t see her horn.
Last but not least, I like her cutiemark in the show but why does it have to be 3 separate balloons when balloons are often together anyway? So I grouped them together to make one big cutiemark instead and I think it looks better. What do you think?
I couldn’t do much with this one coz rainbow dash is already perfect. I tried some ideas here tho and I still like the results. It’s good in its own way.
I basically focused on the sporty side of rainbow dash here as you can probably tell. I made her thicker with strong cheek bones like an actual sporty person. I also gave her sweatbands coz of course she should be wearing those if she is doing sports all the time.
I gave her shorter hair coz they get in the way when doing sports and gave her the hair she has in pony life coz it just looks better sorry not sorry.
Anyone else always bothered by the fact her hair has half of it one o half of the colours and the other half the other half of the colours? Originally her hair had red, orange and yellow on top of her head and green, blue and purple on the hair on the back of her head. I just always felt that was weird so I made her tail and head have all the colours instead.
I also thought it was always a missed opportunity with the wings to not have them rainbow feathers like this. I mean why not?! It’s perfect!
I am really happy with her new cutiemark. I kept the rainbow and lightning bolt but made it have a football in instead. She’s into football in equestrian girls so this made sense to me and I love how the design came out. What do you think?
Last but not least I even designed an accessory for her. Of course it’s not fashionable or anything. It’s just a water bottle she carries around with her to make sure she stays hydrated when exercising. Hydration is important!
At first I had no idea how to redesign rarity coz she is already pretty dang perfectly designed for her personality. But then I had the idea of making her older and more experienced with life kinda like a fashionista which has had kids or a cougar.
So here she is. She is no longer a unicorn but an earth pony instead. I never thought she needed magic tbh. She still wants to look pretty but her fashion sense is not great and she instead is just wearing bits and bobs of things she likes which don’t go together.
Her hair is shorter as she has less time to clean and maintain it and she wants to show off her accessories more anyway. She had a handbag which is a mixture between nice looking and big so it’s practical to use.
She has purple lipstick (just in case you can’t tell coz it is kinda hard to see). I also tried giving her a different eye colour which I think still looks nice on her and is more fitting of this version of her design.
I also gave her a different cutiemark. I do like her cutiemark but it doesn’t really relate to her love of fashion much and didn’t seem fitting to my design so I made this one for her. It’s a heart which represents her generosity and it wears a hat and and an earring which represents her love of fashion. What do you think? I love this cutiemark design personally.
The accessories are pretty self explanatory but just in case (coz I’m bad at drawing objects -v-') I’m gonna explain some of them. There is a pearl necklace with a nice big green gem. There is a gold bracelet with small red gems in it.
She is wearing earrings which are supposed to be green and blue opals. It was hard to get them to look like opals do with different colours merged together but I think I ended up with a pretty good result. It’s more green and murky than I intended tho. It also was difficult coz of how small it is. Any tips for how to make something look like that?
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foxykate42 · 7 months
If you're a wonderful human out there posting nsfw/sugestive/minimaly clothed selfies more power to you, i love to see it, dont stop, you deserve to shine a spotlight on yourself and you are amazing.
But if you're a porn bot or equivalent, and you're using the trending trans tags to just farm....what...it's not reddit so there's no karma. Likes/reblogs don't really matter. What is there to get out of this site? Just...please stop....
I know this probably won't do anything, I'm just venting here. This post will die with this site anyways.
*throws hands up groaning and tossing the phone away*
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front-facing-pokemon · 9 months
I just found this blog so I'm jumping aboard the plushie bandwagon.
First we got Absol. (i feel like maybe i should've taken a closer-up picture but it's the face sooo)
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Then a Wooloo
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And, saving best for last, this Leafeon plush I own... of which I swear on my life is official merch.
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I also have some more eeveelutions (plus an eevee and a few more) but: 1. I didn't want to send too many. 2. Eeveelutions are more popular so I wanted to give some other people the chance to submit their own. 3. I don't know where my Pikachu and Snivy plushies are cuz I own too many stuffed animals.
Only reason I submitted Leafeon was so I could show off this ~masterpiece~ of a plushie I own. And it's face isn't the only thing wrong with it too lol. Also I just noticed I accidentally had one of the ears hanging back but I'm too lazy to go take another photo but i hope this amuses you nonetheless.
let's start with these guys. beautiful. wonderful. i do not believe that that leafeon is official merch. this statement is baffling to me. welcome to the front-facing pokémon family. i love the eyes on that absol and wooloo is one of my faves. i was rather obsessed with it when it first came out and have a whole wooloo tag on my main blog because of it. though i guess i cleared that whole thing out recently so i don't anymore
let's get the nose ratings out of the way:
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↑ this is a lie. 10/10 chespin
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it's very wide and also 10/10 you're being too harsh. merry day to you too
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circular face indeed. did i already post this one? if i did you can have it again
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clodsire be upon ye. clodsire fans this is your treat until gen 9
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this is a trend now. i think tumblr just crunched this image to hell for some reason so here's what the text says:
"Felt like joining the others for front facing pokeplushies [images] I have more pokemon but its early morning and these are the plushies that are easy to access"
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i have not but i imagine "a moment" has long passed by now. my apologies but apparently today was an important day or something? idk
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YEAH it's super unbelievably fucked up. i think i kinda remember the circumstance being a bit dire so everyone else was more worried about either 1. protagonist getting stomped on brutally or 2. saving the world from kyurem / the bittercold. i was totally under the impression that he was dead in that moment but i guess the characters may have known that he would just come back? i seem to vaguely remember partner being surprised that he came back and being like "but we watched you die :OOO" but maybe i'm misremembering that. i do create a lot of pmd lore on my own time so i have a hard time telling the difference between canon and fanon sometimes
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two a day makes the world go round! this blog started when i started college, paused for 80% of my college career and now has started back up and i just graduated college a week ago. i would say "how time flies" but it has been a very, very long year
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i've said it before and i'll say it again: gen 6 is my favorite gen, so you'll be seeing lots of favor for this gen from me in the tags i'm sure. maybe gen 6 is my excuse to start doing other things here. like that stream i keep talking about
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if they put meloetta as a little obscure puzzle thang in sv, i'm sure they'll do something for genesect. i hope. at least for keldeo probably. genesect i'm not sure is very popular, unfortunately, outside of the tumblr crowd. if the general public's opinion on genesect is favorable, then maybe
okay and then i tried to scroll down further in my screenshots for more asks and saw the wobbly will smith in a hospital bed Gimme a Hug, Man that i copied from the "i get a little bit genghis kanghis" post so that's it. to everyone who christmases: merry it. it is today. although it's basically over by now so! merry boxing day for tomorrow if i don't say anything tomorrow. but i probably will. now i'm gonna go queue up today's 'mons because i haven't done it yet today. see you all in a few weeks when those post
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Today is the international holocaust Remembrance eve.
To those who say “I’m not antisemitic, I’m anti Zionist” .I wish that were true, but it’s not.
The denial of the events of October 7th and the terror Israelis have always faced , has reminded many of holocaust denial. Which by the way, is also on the rise right now.
Hell, holocaust survivors who survived October 7th as well have compared the two.
I can’t believe I have to say this - comparing Israel’s actions to the Nazis’ is incredibly vile and ignorant. It a lazy comparison and I cannot stress it enough how different these are. Educate yourself.
Moreover,I’ve said it before, today, antisemitism is rebranded as anti Zionism. since the October 7th attacks/ Israeli Hamas war has started the following things have happened:
According to a recent survey conducted by CNN,73% of Jewish Americans college students have “expressed or seen antisemitism since the start of the school year “. Jewish students are terrified and I don’t blame them at all, when people are chanting “globalise the intifadas “.
-Antisemitic rates and antisemitic based crimes rates have gone up by hundreds-thousands of precedents (depending on the country).
-Swatikas or stars of David are drawn on Jewish homes. “Hitler was right” was trending multiple times ffs . Suddenly it’s ok to say that (or at least ignored). Suddenly , antisemitic stereotypes and antisemitic Blood libels are popping up. This is not a coincidence, and You cant deny it.
Whether you support them or not is another matter, and idk like to believe you don’t. If you see them, don’t jump on the bandwagon. Think about the sources of what you’re reading or hearing.
Jewish and Israeli people are constantly harassed, myself included. This has got to a point that as an Israeli jewish woman the current travel ban / recommendation for me are literally the entire world.
We are all advised to not wear Jewish symbols or speak Hebrew loudly. We’ve always done this but this time it’s different.
I will not let that be my reality anymore. This is not what my great grandparents legacy should be. In a way, I’m glad they’re not here to see this.
There are so many other examples for this concerning phenomenon. I could go on about how this phenomenon is caused by antisemitism and ignorance. Honestly, I just don’t want to see anymore hate today. You can read them yourself.
The main takeaway should be that You can wish for a better future for the Palestinian people without harassing or hating jews . Without demonising Israelis.
עם ישראל חי🫶🇮🇱✡️
Ps- Every time I post something about antisemitism/ the difficulties of being Israeli or Jewish nowadays, I get called “deluded” , “whiny”, or “self victimising “. If you fail to see how this is not any of these- you’re gonna get blocked.
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rmorde · 15 days
Trigun Manga Reaction
Now back with Volume 1 - Chapter 3
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I like this. Simple pose but very interesting with the "imbalance" I guess with the tilted head, shadowed face, and slightly lower slope of one shoulder. It's not "stiff" and it's easy to imagine the wind blowing through Vash's coat and hair.
A thought occurs tho, Did Trigun predate Tetsuya Nomura's obsessive belts, belts, and more belts design quirk? Did Nightow and Vash started that anime fashion trend?
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Uhuh. Says the people who tried to shoot a GRENADE at that same one guy.
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I kinda put these three panels in a sequence because... we know Vash is a good guy. Of course, he's going to save the women but the emphasis on the Nebraskas reaction to his rescue is really interesting.
Vash gives them a side-eye. He's either gauging their capacity for mercy or already clocked in that they are capable of mercy and silently hints for them to wait just a moment.
Father Nebraska understanding and just waits as he smokes. Then confirms first if Vash is ready to rumble again.
Idk. It's a moment of humanity not only for Vash but for the Nebraskas too imo.
AND IT'S WEIRD! In '98, Father Nebraska tried to get a cheap shot on Vash while he was still carrying someone to safety.
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Yeah, assholes. Vash is doing his best to keep the women in the clear while you guys just throws grenades willy-nilly into buildings who have people in them. Smh.
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Ngl. This sequence confuses me a bit. But, going with what happened earlier, the Nebraskas were not targeting the women. The punch was intended for Vash - which he dodged easily. However, instead of running further away, he shielded the women from the flying debris that the punch caused.
In the '98, they are bonafide bad guys but in the manga they're still bad but not "Muwahahaha I'll shoot the injured women Hahahaha!" bad . The Nebraskas have some semblance of honor here.
I guess this is why TriStamp has a much more nuanced presentation of these characters. It's closer to the manga.
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Oof... Owww... Vash... 😢
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Another gorgeous art. I like how Nightow's way of using perspective here!
Junior is established to be huge - a giant. He always take up so much space in the panels/pages like below:
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However, when Vash finally "duelled" them seriously. Doesn't Junior suddenly "feels" smaller and Vash really big?
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It's really cool how it instantly shows that Vash isn't goofing off anymore and the Nebraskas stand no chance in winning this.
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Ragey Baby Girl no longer smiling.
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Sigh. Gotta admire their one track mind.
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Ngl. The line work here gave me Junji Ito vides for some reason. Vash's eye look haunting, cold, and really old.
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Linework carrying hard on this page. Vash is obviously quicker with how much lines are there in his entire arm - convincingly too fast of a blur. Meanwhile Junior has less lines which makes his fist less blurry and, therefore, slower.
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Clever use of the sound effects in the first panel.
I don't know what the fuck is going on in the second panel. I've been staring at it too long already and I still can't understand except it has something to do with Junior's arm?
Third panel is the crazy detail on Vash's eye. His glasses seem like he is looking at the side. However, on closer inspection, Vash is actually not looking away from the incoming attack.
The following pages is really great at building the tension on how would this duel end. The '98 anime captured it very well!
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Looking cool, Vash!
Also, is it just me or does he always look for opportunities to show off his flexibility and long long legs. Must he really split here?
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Oh. Ooooh! So that's what happened!
In '98, this conclusion was given to the bandit in Episode 1. His own enhancements crunching his body until he passed out and lost to Vash. However, they can't exactly rehash this in Episode 5. So, we have the "LOVE AND PEACE!" scene instead.
Admittedly, I prefer the "LOVE AND PEACE" conclusion more.
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I like how, so far imo, Nightow just gives no fucks about anatomy in his art. I mean... Look at this! Even if we reason that it's because his coat is dramatically billowing with the wind, Vash's body is not proportionate. However, it doesn't matter! It looks cool and it evokes the right emotions just fine: fear and awe.
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OMFG?!!! The trials these two are going through! These poor insurance ladies! Milly hanging on for dear life to that pillar. Meryl just screaming her lungs out EVEN WITH A MEGAPHONE!
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Being considered as someone equivalent to a natural disaster shouldn't bring joy, but damn it... LOOK AT HOW HAPPY VASH IS!!! AWWW BABY GIRL!!!
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Awww. Their first interaction is SO CUTE!!!
In '98, it's funny and amusing. Ditto on TriStamp. But this one is sweet since Meryl and Milly kinda saved Vash in here.
I mean. Yeah, the townspeople are scared because Vash just beat the Nebraskas, but they are desperate for money. Desperation can override fear given enough time. Vash would've been hunted all over again.
I take it back. The insurance ladies climbing up to that bell tower was not for nothing. It was enough to allow Vash a moment to breathe and, as he rejoices, be free (even just for a while).
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Wonder what exactly went through Vash's head here. Confusion? Fear? Dread?
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Oh. Some responses to the a couple of tags:
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Thanks! Glad you're having fun too because I sure am. I appreciate the warning and I'm kinda nervous because the action this chapter was kinda confusing to understand. Hopefully, it won't get worse (will it?) I agree that they are very cool nonetheless!
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Thanks for explaining! Paneling is always fun to study in mangas because they usually follow a 3 or 4 panels which mangakas creatively breakdown to evoke a feeling among readers.
Trigun is interesting because its from the 90's! So, some of the paneling are probably "prototypes" of the crazy ones we'd see in modern mangas.
I guess, Nightow's aiming to make the page very "cinematic" with slo-mo (sparse panels) and hyper focus on details (graphic weight). It draws us readers in to the story more effectively as if we are there too with the townspeople looking at the Humanoid Typhoon.
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
Give me your theories Shaz. You said you feel something is coming. What change in Jikook behavior do u see and where do you think it leads? I attributed the uptick in jikookery due to Face being out and promos over, so Jimin is just more available and less anxious maybe. Maybe both the album and Seven’s success offered a sense of relief and reinforced their importance/influence to the company. I find JK’s foray into TikTok interesting and wonder why now? Is it about content control? They will enlist by the end of the year so what do you think will happen between then and now? Anyway you said you were nervous and I wondered if u feared something negative was going to happen?
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No..nothing negative.
Warning: rambling ahead. 😁
What do we know about JK? 🤔 By his own admission he is a mix of all the members. And we have seen this with our own eyes. That includes being extremely humble and kind and so so thoughtful.
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Excuse me for a second while I
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Okay so what was I saying? Right. JK is a humble dude. There is no two ways about it. Which is why, if you're any good with reading body language cues you will notice JK laughs alot during this. Everytime he would say something cocky, a laugh would follow
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Because he doesn't do this. He doesn't talk like this. Its out of his comfort zone. But thing is, I believe him. I believe he wants to be big...huge...massive. Like his dick 🍆
Sorry. I had to. 🤭🤭
Jimin wants this too btw. Dude was made for pop. Cue this wonderful FACE breakdown by Boracity magazine
So even if JK becomes this huge popstar he won't be the only one. And as we speak there's artists who go back and forth so he won't be the first or only and I'm sure even he knows this. But like afore mentioned I believe he wants to do this. To be this.
I have a point guys. I promise. And that point is No one can touch you when you are at the top.
So for me it is weird that Jikook went from being so quiet to being... not so much. While before I attributed them laying low to MS, that doesn't make sense anymore. MS is blooming and yet here were are, with JK flirting with Jimin while naked. So that can't be it.
So I'm left to explore the other option which is sasaengs or people who downright want to expose their rlship in I'll intentioned ways. All the JK stalking that's been happening and the break in at 9/1. I think due to this they stopped hanging out publicly in daylight.
But we've established laying low wasn't something JK was happy with and he fought against that.
Can we for a second appreciate how Jimin flew to NY to be there for JK and they've somehow managed to make it feel like we imagined all of it??? Like, they're both acting as if they didn't trend for several days over this. 😂😂 JK has come live multiple times since, has been getting asks about it but its been 🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗 from him. This is so funny to me 😂🤭
Anyway, do you guys understand what I'm trying to say?
They will enlist by the end of the year so what do you think will happen between then and now?
Idk. I really don't. But i feel like it's already began 😳
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brakingpoint · 6 days
i love it when you get sustantiatedly bitchy about things that don't really matter like ships, so i'd love you to talk about some of the ones you feel most strongly about, but tbh now i am also curious what you DO see
strongly tempted to put "i love it when you get substantiatedly bitchy about things that don't really matter" in my bio 👍🏻
anyway i feel like most of my examples are honestly not down to anything wrong with that particular ship but moreso overall trends in f1blr shipping (and i think i have set forward this exact thesis before so apologies for repeating myself but i love getting bitchy as much as you love to read it so i will yap about it again 😁) so it's probably more productive for me to just moan about those. perhaps with examples. just to swing the bat at the hornets' nest a little bit harder
in my opinion all of these trends are also interconnected - although they may at first seem contradictory - and feed into and amplify each other's respective flaws to create one big mess of mediocre shipping
trend one: trying to make fetch (yaoi) happen for every combo of teammates, rivals, drivers who came up through feeder series together regardless of if there is any chemistry or even anything remotely interesting about the dynamic
trend two: when there is no chemistry or canonically compelling feature to a certain combo, instead of doing the tried and true crackship method of getting a bit silly with it and going "hey would this be fucked up/funny/sexy/cute or what" everythingggg has to be about overwrought tinhat soulmateism, which is what makes trend one so exhausting. you can't be telling me you actually think every single teammate combo on the grid are actually star crossed lovers with abundant genuine and compelling yaoi fodder. it's not possible
trend three: everyone on here has the attention span and object permanence of a six month old cocomelon addict and so instead of respecting and sticking to the genuinely fantastic "vintage" (read: they were teammates/friends 2-5 years ago and don't interact as much publicly anymore) ships that exist for several drivers the overwhelming trend is for people to flock to the next big thing (read: whatever two drivers are standing next to each other for this season). it's kind of like migratory slash fandom but it's even weirder because it's happening all within one fandom, and half the time you're abandoning a genuinely good fun interesting ship for something that fits trends one & two and is therefore, to me, a bit shit
anyway examples of ships i just don't really Get for one or more of the above reasons include: a lot of contemporary lando ships (i'm not actually saying this because i'm a lando hater on track. when it comes to yaoi i do not discriminate and i think carlando is an all time banger f1 rpf staple. which is why i'm baffled by so many people acting like landoscar is anywhere near a worthy replacement); certain other teammate ships like britcedes, alex/logan (🕊️), zhou/bottas; even (please don't kill me) lestappen to an extent which i don't mind and have even written multiple fics for but i think people are taylor swift easter egging it a bit too hard at this point
on the other hand some of the ships i DO still like and Get include: strollonso (genuinely top ship to me at this point, peak contemporary teammate ship), piarles (idk if this has fallen victim to the Vintage Ship issue as much as i think or if i just perceive it that way bc half the pierre blogs on here have me blocked), some maxiel (lowkey prefer it when treated as a Vintage Ship as opposed to trying very hard to prove it's still alive and kicking today), carlando as already mentioned, whatever was going on between lando and max fewtrell and their possibly shared girlfriend a couple of years back, charlos (another strong contemporary teammate ship), sebmark, and of course my beautiful iconic eternal brocedes. OH and max/gp 😜
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