#idk where all that came from thank you for coming to my ted talk
gangrel-pride · 24 days
im already fully committed and subscribed to the inevitable Gomezification of Wednesday Addams so please give me your pitch dec of how Enid is Morticia because I fully agree
sorry it took me a bit i had to try and organize my thoughts and im not very good at that
admittedly I’d like to have more Morticia to compare Enid to but we only had 8 episodes so whatcanyado
under the cut so as not to annoy other people
-there’s The Big One: both Wednesday and Gomez would be dead were it not for Enid and Morticia. Garrett would have killed Gomez had Morticia not ran him through and Tyler would have gutted Wednesday where she stood had Enid not drop-kicked his ass
-then there's the fact they've both committed violence to protect the ones they love and 100% do not regret any of it— despite Enid being portrayed as extremely squeamish
-they’re both cunning as hell and they know how to "play their part" to their advantage. Enid can say what would Wednesday do as much as she wants, but at the end of the day the shit she pulled during the Poe Cup was 100% Enid—there’s also, you know,
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the way Enid managed to pull one over on Wednesday? she played the part of the "airhead roommate" (yeah you can't convince me that "ew, what died?" when she walked into a crypt wasn't calculated), so Wens would underestimate her. And while we haven’t seen enough of Morticia to judge she always gives off the vibe that she not only knows more than she lets on, she will 100% use it (honestly a lot of Tish's characterization has the benefit of other iterations of her you can use to fill in some blanks). She at the very least seemed to have a contingency plan for every possible thing Wednesday could have tried to get away from Nevermore
-they’re both actually really good at reading people, it’s tied to the above point
-Enid's well-liked enough to not only have friends in multiple different cliques but she’s also on good terms with enough people to be privy to all kinds of gossip, human or supernatural— and judging from what little Weems said, Morticia seemed to be popular way back when too. Though idk if Enid is the school darling to the extent Morticia seems to have been cause the closest we get to the whole school interacting with Enid is, well,
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-my absolute favorite parallel tho is how Enid's got Wednesday wrapped around her little finger just like Morticia’s got Gomez. Enid is the only one who can get Wednesday to do anything, from apologizing to Thing to putting her murder board somewhere else—she didn’t even have to ask, it made her uncomfortable and Wednesday just, like, moved it—to wrangle genuine compliments out of her. as a bonus Wednesday goes full My Girl Is Mad At Me I Hope I Die after their fight, which is very Gomez of her
-Enid can't stand staying away from Wednesday. In fact, she can stand it so little she doesn't even wait for Weds to apologize, she just comes back
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girl you didn't even give an explanation for why you work, you just got tired of waiting for Wednesday to swallow her fuckin pride and came back all on your own she gave you NOTHING!
And while you could argue this is some Gomez-ass behavior, i think Morticia and Gomez are just as bad as each other on this
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-this right here is some Morticia-ass behavior she's so proud:
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-the height difference, it's uncanny:
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in conclusion, whether intentional or not Enid is more Morticia than Wednesday is and Wens should be actually worried about being too much like her father thank you for coming to my TED Talk
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gamercats-fight · 6 months
[REDACTED] from Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective vs Judge from Off. Vote for your fav!!
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Need help picking? Check down here!
[REDACTED] - CAPCOM - 2010 - Magic black cat:
-He is DEAD and has GHOST POWERS. He can TIME TRAVEL. He has a LOVING CAT DAD as his OWNER and the only family they have left is EACH OTHER. I would go into detail but that would involve spoiling the best mystery game ever written. You should play Ghost Trick. This stupid cat has not left my brain in months. He's haunting me. Which is fitting because he is a ghost. Did I mention he's a ghost cat what is cooler than a ghost cat.
-most special little guy in the world. hes HUGE spoilers for the game btw but um. yea <3
-Because [REDACTED] is the true Schroeder’s cat, he is both dead and alive at the same time and has really cool ghost powers. Also, he can’t read!
-If you haven’t played Ghost Trick, I tragically cannot tell you the spoilers, but this cat is sweet and determined and got a sad man through some rough times.
Judge - Unproductive Fun Time - 2008 - White cat:
-Idk his teeth fucked up tho “I am meowing at my lung’s fullest. I would even argue that the voice that reverberates back to me is the voice of someone I know… have you seen my dear brother?”
-adding some extra propaganda for the judge [non-spoiler]
-He speaks like you gave someone thesaurus for the first time ("Nevertheless, I will introduce myself. I am the Judge, and I am aching to know your name, dear elusory interlocator."
-in some parts of the game it can be read as him making fun of the batter ("Oh, so you can read?" - in response to the batter reading aloud the ad for cat food he was admiring)
-his real name is Pablo
-His only family is his brother, who he watched as a bird came out of his mouth and revealed his brother was long dead and the bird was puppeteering his corpse around. While you fight the bird the only thing he can say is calling out his brothers name.
-after you kill the bird he stays at the rooftop where it happened and calls out his brothers name (with real sad cat meows) and says the meowing at his lungs fullest line in the original post. he isnt seen again until the very end of the game
-At the end of the game he reappears to berate you (the player) for helping the batter kill eveyone else in the world, and you can choose to side with him and kill the batter. All his special attacks are named after neck, spine, and brain injurys (Anyurysm rupture, Staggering sclerosis, ect)
-with your help he can easily kill the batter with three of his special attacks.
-after you kill the batter he is seen roaming the now empty world, seeming being one of three(?) people left in existance
hes a silly guy basically thanks for coming to my ted talk
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-ALSO The Judge was most likely the inspiration for SANS HIMSELF,
since undertale is highly inspired by OFF and both characters have a part in the game where they judge the players actions, and weigh their morality.
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danphantom · 7 months
if ur curious abt the dans that i mentioned here's a post explaining them yippee
split core is an au sort of based in the doppelganger au--its a branch-off of it really--where clockwork wasnt happy with dan's progression and decided to teach him a lesson by splitting his core into the vlad and danny halves--red and green. however, a third core had formed over time--the dark core--and a third dan came out with them who was just the personification of all his bitterness and hatred. they looked like this (and forgive the old art i need to draw them again soon)
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and yall know doppelganger dan. hes just the redeemed dan from my doppelganger au/comic lol. he came back for revenge after TUE's events, but he was captured and (forcefully) rehabilitated by the fentons, mostly jazz. then his timeline's vlad showed up thanks to danny and threw him for a loop, but it ended up being what he needed to truly get better! also then later valerie showed up and things got complicated lol. this is him in case youve forgotten
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i mentioned "apprentice dan" and that was basically an au where dan was clockwork's apprentice! it was a way for clockwork to look after him without having him interfere with timelines by being part of them. i didnt develop this au a lot, i kind of only had a design and one shitpost comic, but i look back on it fondly. here's the art (also very old now)
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and finally, my attempt at a post-agit dan... i settled with just having him be in the clone vessel FOR NOW, because i kinda vibe(d?) with the idea of him being in the vessel to be anchored to the timeline but when he goes ghost he turns into his usual ghost form! here's the vessel design i landed on
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i actually just remembered i DO have two more dans from crossover aus i made in the past. how the hell did i forget saiyan dan and phantomborne dan. ESPECIALLY phantomborne dan.
here's saiyan dan first--it was a dragon ball z crossover where jack was a saiyan with amnesia which made danny a half saiyan. i cant remember exactly how i handled dan in this, but i THINK i made dan some time travel situation where he came to the past to make danny an evil saiyan (theyre both half saiyans in the au). this was him
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finally...phantomborne. this was my baby au that i was kind of obsessed with for a hot minute so i absolutely cannot believe i forgot about it until now. but it was my bloodborne crossover au where danny was a half beast due to a failed blood transfusion experiment and he could transform at will. dan, however, was a full beast, and he was still danny from the future--there was time travel that i implemented using the au version of clockwork, who kind of acted as a less creepy gehrman with time powers. i think i made him responsible for the reason hunters wake up from the hunter's dream and everything has respawned, like they want back in time??? idk lol. but yeah dan is a full beast in the future bc he was never cured of his beasthood + gave into his beastly urges. he's pretty sick and uses the beast cutter weapon. here's a pic of him with danny
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ok i think thats for real all of my dans now thank you for coming to my ted talk and apologies for the longass post. i hope yall had that post cutter thing turned on lol. i know i could have used a readmore but i didnt want to <3
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Listen, like, genuinely, jjk is sad to me cause there is barely any room to wiggle or explore cursed energy. We don’t know where cursed techniques came from, we just know they depend purely on your blood, you either are born with a good one or not. This post isn’t really an analysis, sorry, there isn’t much to analyse in the first place with just how much the jjk’s worldbuilding is lacking. This rant is so long im forced to put in under cut im being SILENCED(by myself)
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Which is like so insane considering cursed energy is heavily realiant on your negative emotions. This energy, this power, and curses themselves, are something so so deeply human, made from them, by them and because of them, it should be more flexible than that. Like currently my best theory on cursed techniques origins are either a binding vow made long ago or idk someone fucked cursed spirit. I’m willing to give the benefit of the doubt and propose something like what Ajin did (which is genuinely fucking genius. Like we have barely a couple of pages of explanations that’s purely speculative but those couple frames of ancient humans desperately struggling for survival that their struggle made one of them return from the dead is so fucking powerful and just gives all the possible answers and gives you freedom to think whatever) but that honestly sounds like absolutely too good to be true I don’t think we’re going to be that lucky.
Its such a powerful energy that it can turn a city into dust. Are you telling me no one had tried to convert it into electricity? Are you telling me that sorcerers are such a concervative society thet haven’t evolved for the last thousand years AT ALL? No one running to another corner of the earth to study in peace? If it was at least confirmed that you can create your own technique with enough suffering it would have made much more sense. Like okay someone did before and now it runs through the family alright. My smart thoughts are that the most logical thing would be if someone created it and then made a binding vow to bind it to their bloodline, because I kind of don’t accept the connection of cursed techniques to blood because we literally do not see it. There is no blood test that can yield whether you’re a sorcerer or not, there is no inherent physical differences between normal people and sorcerers.
But also that same theory would imply that it’s technically like making a binding vow with that cursed technique which implies it having some sort of intelligence, which would mean a symbiotic relationship which all leads me to the fact that cursed techniques are parasites surviving through blood thanks for coming to my ted talk. THAT would be a great twist and a very sexy conclusion and would be very cool to run off with but its still just my speculations that i was thinking about for a while. I like to personally explore that in my writing, it’s equally interesting to write about cursed techniques being parasites OR them created by people and just being another sort of power, shaping the culture around them, not a blessing from some higher power but a thing made purely by humans.
Like if I just try and look at jjk from worldbuilding’s perspective, literally nothing makes sense. There should be scientists trying to create sorcerers artificially, for war or other purposes, usually sponsored by government. There should be more influence of cursed energy on historical events, dictators cursing nations, there should be a lot more sorcerers using their cursed techniques to make way in politics. There should be much much many more sorcerers trying to negate the their weakness of cursed techniques by creating new ones or by other means.
I know I’ve complained about that before and obviously thats not something that I can change, but from my point of view as a writer trying to make sense of the world of sorcery, like basically nothing fits. Why are the higher ups so strict? Do they just want power? Why? What does that power give them? Can they influence the government? Do they have a monopoly on sorcery? Its not a dumb question because obviously they want it for something, but for what exactly? We don’t even know, and the answer “just because they’re evil” is not a proper one? Can i have some details. Are you telling me the government just takes it without trying to make their own alternatives how to fix the curses problem? Just accepting that sorcerers have monopoly over it? Nothing about the universe and politics in it makes sense which means I have to do everything myself when I write which basically means I might as well just write original work. Which is obviously my own personal problem, but jjk is so SO close to being great. Cursed energy is a very interesting concept and I love it but boy does it lack any sort of logical progression. Like the reversed cursed technique, I get it its hard to master. But are you telling me that for a thousands of years no one has ever developed any shortcuts for it? I feel like jjk has basically no faith in the indominable human spirit despite it being the actual central point of the narrative and the source of cursed energy itself. Sorry I know I complain about it at least once a month but its so CLOSE just give me SOMETHING. This is not like demon slayer where we have a specific one progenitor which is the reason they have demons in the first place and they all bad. No, here we are told curses existed always, and sorcerers have also always existed, this is not a situation where you can destroy all of them by destroying the source. In jjk curses are just part of life, and you would think sorcerers would have gotten more mechanisms to deal with them during centuries but I guess not. Sorry this is more rambling than anything else but do you get it? Do you get the gaps?
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emsuemsu · 5 months
Tag game
Thank you for the tag @mycupofrum 💕💕 it's always a beautiful day to talk about oneself and also as the curious girlie I am to read about other people!!!
Fave colour: black baby
Last song: according to my spotify history my last played song was on Thursday and it was Stars Are Blind by Paris Hilton. That is the only song I listened to that day. It is a banger
Last film: we went to see First Omen a few weeks ago with my friend, absolutely shooketh from it, it was only us and a couple in the last row and they shushed us at one point. Never in my life have I felt more like a teenager in my LIFE. It was mortifying. I’m so embarrassed. We weren’t that loud though, just scared of the movie??? It was a good movie, enjoyed it, next Tuesday we’re going to see Immaculate, this spring is giving antichrist apparently
Currently reading: I have a few fics I’m in the middle of reading (one of them is A Violet Kind of Spin by @cassiaratheslytherpuff which I’m DYING to get back to!!!! jfc it’s so good!!!!! I feel so bad for taking such a long break from it but not a day goes by that I don’t think about it 🥹) and one book (Swimming in the Dark by Tomasz Jedrowski) but my reading vibes have been off for a good few months now!! I’ve read some shorter fics and listened to some podfics but reading in general feels super hard right now. I can’t wait for my summer vacation, maybe I’ll have some peace of mind and will be able to slam some words down. My tbr list is diabolical.
Currently watching: I’m going to be boring and say that I’m still on my Grey’s Anatomy grind. I’m on season 9 episode 10, 10 seasons to go. I’ve been watching s20 as it’s airing right now but it’s just not… it. This show should be taken off life support already 💔
Currently craving: a cigarette, uv index of 7, the beach and a crispy coke zero 😩
Coffee or tea: coffee, I never drink tea
Three ships: Drarry, first and foremost 🙂‍↕️ drarry has caused my brain to rot for almost two decades now and god knows when it’ll stop. I’ve been on and off the fandom, mostly off, but drarry is just a part of my goddamn DNA at this point it’s ridiculous. Next idk man. I have to say it’s a duel between prongsfoot and jegulus, your honor I love them both. Jegulus is a new acquaintance and like I don’t even know if it makes any sense at all (like where did this ship came from???) but jfc I am sat, I am folded I am silenced. But prongsfoot is the love of my life out of these two, I know for a fact that one of the first fics I ever read at the ripe age of 10 or 11-ish was Sirius/James and ever since that they’ve been in my heart, in my soul and in my mind non-stop. Prongsfoot is such a niche ship and I can’t believe it’s not more popular!!! Like they’re soulmates honestly. Funny enough I haven’t read that much of prongsfoot fics, always up for recs 👀👀 I know that was three ships already but I have to mention Kingsley/Charlie and it’s all because of @squintclover and their recent little microfics that just SLAP so hard I’m bruised black. I’m beyond obsessed.
First ship: I mean it was drarry. The one and only.
Currently working on: getting my goddamn ass off the couch and start to clean and do laundry 🥹 I have a few school deadlines as well but that does not spark joy so whatever
Thank you for coming to my ted talk once again!!! I’m tagging @valoale @cassiaratheslytherpuff @lemonlimelea @soliblomst @kk1smet @lucifergraced no pressure spill the tea if feeling like it!! 😌
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ellzilla · 1 month
This started out as just saying Ella's dislike towards Will makes so much sense and then I just went the fuck off 😭 about an idea for an AU. So I apologize this shit long but also I'd wanna hear about AUs people thought up for my shit so why not send my own ideas to others about their shit right?
I always liked the idea of an AU where when Meatbag first took Ellas...cage(?) Will actually Caught his ass and instead of ratting him out to LJ or something tagged along because bro wanted to get out of there too and he seems like he wouldn't really be okay with how LJ treated her if he was aware of it.
(also I'd imagine him not saying anything much about it because either fear or just he might have mentioned it in a very passive way and LJ didn't listen or even laughed it off seems on brand. Least based on the impression of em I've gotten).
I think it'd be interesting though too just because of how different Ella Meatbag and Wills experiences are as far as toxic "relationships" what with Ella being the worst end of LJs abusive nature and Will being the person he probably treated best and yet that STILL wouldn't be a healthy relationship.
Also the potential of Will and Meatbag being friends seems really cool to me? Like idk if they would ACTUALLY get along but I'd imagine Will probably wouldn't be able to just go back to human society. I mean I'd imagine people would think he was dead and all his family is dead he wouldn't have anyone there. (I guess he could he'd just be lonely as fuck and it would be hard as hell) But meatbag is one of few people in the underworld who's a well intentioned good person (along with Frankie It seems)
I feel like Will could Sympathize with Meatbag and the fact that he can't live a normal life and it's because of someone else that he SHOULD HAVE been able to trust fucking up his whole life. I think it's a potential for him to develop another relationship that's platonic (if I remember right he had trouble with platonic relationships specifically not being used to them or something along those lines) I could see them even potentially developing a sorta sibling like bond even because Meatbag as a person is kinda cool as shit?? And ain't no way Will wouldn't recognize that! Especially after seeing how he deals with Ella going beast mode. Like bro spent all night trying not to die in a truck in the woods fearing for his life from this monstrous ass wolf woman and the first thing he does in the morning is get her a happymeal??? 😭
The fact he could keep them alive in the first place is impressive but then for him to still treat Ella like a person Id think from Wills perspective would be different just cause I'd imagine he'd be around mostly people who wouldn't be nice to someone after they just tried to kill them REGARDLESS of a case like Ella's where it's not really their fault. Also Will could use a positive familial relationship after LJ.
I feel like it'd take AGES for Ella to be comfortable around will and NOT wanna kill him. I mean the fact he DIDN'T tell LJ might help but even then I could see there being some distrust and paranoia that he's just making it easier for LJ to find them or something. Ella would have to do a lot of Healing I'd imagine before she'd even wanna know what Wills situation was. I remember her getting upset with Meatbag when his backstory came up so I'd imagine with Will that shit would make her VIOLENT but if wills not aware of what she's been through it could be another reason for him to want to distance himself from LJ and maybe even if in the events that he DID find them he'd actually do more to try and keep LJ from just dragging both of them back. But that's again if he's unaware of how LJ treats Ella.
Anyway thank you for coming to my TED talk!
Okay not only is it insane to know someone thought so deeply of my characters but also. I have had Meatbag and Ella for YEARS and somehow I never thought of Will interacting with Meatbag AT ALL! But this is actually such a good AU idea! To respond to some points: Will knows exactly how LJ's treated because not only did he make Will watch whenever he put her in a pit with some other monster to fight for entertainment, he's also used her as a test dummy for examples to 'where to strike to kill a person'. He def did NOT like a second of it bc killing people is one thing but that crossed a line in his brain. I think Will and Meatbag could be friends but not close friends. He'd probably find it iffy Will didn't try to leave LJ sooner, but then again... he'd be a hypocrite if he said that aloud. Both would be mutually glad about the other tho, simply bc they are mostly decent people who don't want to kill eachother. But yeah Will would be astounded by the fact Meatbag didn't leave Ella the first time she tried to rip him to shreds bc remember, Ella also attacked Meatbag the first time they met bc she didn't trust him. The trust probably would be a lot less w/ Will around, but she's slowly come around. It'd def take like. A whole year or more for her to 'forgive' Will, but she'd probably be on non-biting terms after a few months. Especially if he started talking abt the shit LJ's done to his life. Prior that... Meatbag would have to keep an eye on her to make sure she didn't make a meal out of Will lol But yes I am very glad to attend this TED talk because!!! gRRAGh!!!
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achoshistor · 7 months
[totk] what's up with dinraal?
shoutout to the person that reblogged this post of mine! tbh i completely forgot about it (and lowkey this account too). im gonna be honest i downloaded honkai star rail right before totk came out bc i missed the open world so like 5 months after finishing totk thats all i did bro the grind is so bad
[tbh i cannot remember the specifics of the plot rn would recommend not reading if you've not finished totk and botw + most sides]
anyways tbh to me it feels kinda like the botw/totk fanbase is slowly slowing growth esp with the announcement of no dlc... that's why i sorta lost interest. but basically
naydra = widsom, owl (ergo mineru/zelda?)
farosh = courage, dragon (ergo rauru/link?)
dinraal = power, boar (ergo ???/ganondorf)
clearly the power aspect was of some importance considering they had boar statues (again pic in this reddit post); however reading the article on the wiki (i have not 100%ed the game) they said the true crest of the zonai is not the spiral we see all over faron, but a different rectangular crest (let me see if i can find an image) i believe they were referring to the secret stones? which almost makes sense considering the spiral but at the end of the day that spiral looks like a much more evolved version of the secret stone crest, nor would the placement of the zonai people make any sense in regards to what we seen in totk: why are the ruins concentrated in the faron jungle, which is much farther south than the great plateau where the zonai are shown to have resided?
i mean even going onto dinraal, on another wiki it says that she's a fire spirit serving the spring of power; but the spring of power seems to be almost completely hylian in contrast to the spring of courage in the jungle. interestingly enough though unlike really in hateno necluda area there seem to be more zonai ruins but again underground or seemingly not tied to the zonai (bargainer statue).
naydra matches up with nayru, farosh with lanayru (farore maybe) but who does that leave dinraal with? actually it leaves her with din lmao i forgot there were three goddesses but actually therefore are these dragons like the literal immortalized forms of the three goddesses from like the non totk botw games? tbh then i think the ganondorf linkage is a red herring. the zonai (at least whoever was on the surface) must have worshipped the triforce. but i think this still does not solve the mystery of which zonai(?) would have been associated with the power aspect of the triforce. will we ever find out? idk... thank you for coming to my ted talk
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galadae · 8 months
8, 15, +17?
thanks gigi 💗 I heard your food wasn't salty enough so I hope this helps!!
8. common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
okay buckle up akdbkd Idk if it's common across fandom bc he's not super popular but I've seen it enough times to wonder where it came from. And perhaps I am misunderstanding the trope. But I don't think I am. So please I just want someone to explain... how Hien is a himbo. He can be fanciful and maybe a little silly at times, but it doesn't mean he's always head empty! He's still young, he should be at the club if not for the horrors! He's had to play 5d political chess with unlikely and volatile allies and yet some people think he's a clueless idiot and I'm just. so confused how they came to this conclusion. Has he always made the best decision for everyone in every situation? No, but not because he was clueless. At most he might have a himbo moment or two, but how is that his entire personality? I'm sure he'd like to not have to think about anything because he has so much to deal with all the damn time, but that's not the same! But seems to be a popular interpretation (well, as popular as Hien gets, which isn't much.) People are just blinded by Arm I guess. Thanks for coming to my salty Ted Talk!
15. that one thing you see in fanart all the time
I'm by no means saying people can't be thirsty. I'm thirsty too. And boobs are great. But I am a balloon titty hater 😭 this isn't specific to ffxiv but I feel like if people are gonna draw pinups of characters I like when they clearly have skill and thorough knowledge of anatomy, that maybe the tits should look like real tits instead of orbs glued onto a body.
To anyone who genuinely enjoys balloon titties, no shade, you can like what you want. Just don't show me the art akbfkdjf
17. there should be more of this type of fic/art
I mean. I would love more variety in terms of what characters get focus? This is partly selfish ofc 😂 but I love when I see art about specific side quests or little job quest moments, or lesser known npcs. I just think more character variety is good in general!
also, bc I feel the need to be positive too akdbkdkd I absolutely love hyper specific headcanon art even if I don't always understand it. Just the fact that people put that much work into it is inspiring. Give me more of that!
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gambitgambino · 1 year
Idk about you, but I believe in the “Problem Sleuth, The Felt, and The Midnight Crew co-Exist in the same universe” supremacy even though it may not be true. It’s real in my heart 😞💖
I believe this with all my heart too!!! It would be wasted potential otherwise 😩
Personally I like when the Felt are included in the mix! Its either MC and Team Sleuth, or MC and Felt, but rarely all three. Like the idea of the Crew and Team Sleuth potentially working together against a common enemy is too good. Better the devil you know than the devil you don't, right?
This is where I start rambling and its really long, you don't have to read it! I just felt inspired (I even talk about this post)
I also like to imagine the historical innacuracies in the Problem Sleuth universe are due to the Felt messing with the timelines. Tho it's not like their universe was entirely accurate and realistic in the first place (it doesn't have to be), as stuff like innocuous doubles and the imagination realm are a thing that exist and make sense to them.
I should clarify two things:
As a noir artist (aesthetic, NOT values) who's really keen on history I've done plenty of research on the time period that PS is based on for my own stories, and I'm in no way saying that it should be accurate! I just think it's funny to imagine a gang who messes with time and space were the reason why a noir detective knows the existence of Snoop Dog.
I should also say that I apologize if my ideas have already been said or done before. I got no way of knowing what people in the 2010s came up with already (I was 8 when Homestuck was peak in popularity, have mercy). Tho I do have to thank a specific fanfic that triggered my monkey brain into developing a similar concept to what the author did with the Crew (Y'all have made me start reading fanfics again, I hope you're happy). it's Mr Suit and Tie btw.
All being said, I proceed to talk about my silly little universe half inspired by TWAU game.
Before the events of Problem Sleuth it was just Team Sleuth, the gals and Kingpin as n°1 public enemy. All living in a film noir world forever stuck in the prohibition era, and althought the years go by they essentially stay the same. Not until one day stuff not yet invented started to appear out of nowhere, time anomalies that affected sometimes even structures began to happen (Spiderman into the spider-verse type of anomalies), same time as two new criminal organizations began causing trouble.
Again, this was all before the events of Problem Sleuth. So they had time to accept these new changes over the years and grew accustomed to the new stuff around them, using them to their advantage even.
Also similar to GPI creating the universe thanks to time shenanigans, Slick created the city even if he "didn't exist yet" in this universe
As I explained in a previous post, Team Sleuth and other characters from the webcomic are all human in my interpretation (with a few exceptions). While the Midnight Crew and The Felt are just disguised as such. I don't have an explanation why or where they come from, nor do I want an explanation. As @/problemsleuth said "a little bit of supernatural & eldritchness goes a long way in making noir very very fun." and it's SO very true.
But why I find this particularly interesting is because I think it gives a great excuse why Team Sleuth is after the MC and the Felt. We're talking about a new set of characters who all weirdly possess strange abilities that could endanger the public (the MC with their shadow based magic and the Felt with their time shenanigans), and not just common mobsters. I don't think it's unfair for Team Sleuth as they got equally powerful friends and are not entirely incompetent at times. If they could beat DMK, they can beat anything tbh.
I got a lot more to say about the whole "human disguises" stuff, but this post is already too long and it's off topic (my whole rambling is off topic) so I'll leave it up to here.
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk, if you've read this far.
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every-single-day · 3 months
Hihihihihi just read through all of your seeing the show stuff and also omg I love that you call Brody Brodington Grantifer in the least creepy way possible I’m literally in love with him (I’m a lesbian idk where that came from) sorry idk I just have such brain rot from seeing the show, got tickets as a graduation present and saw it early June and idk since then it’s been the ok so how can I see this again like genuinely when am I seeing this again I need to see it for my stupid mental health OH ALSO WHEN I WENT I GOT A PIC WITH EMMA I LOVE HER (yes I’m also in love with her) um yeah I’ve turned to strangers on the internet to ramble about my love of this show to bc I don’t have anyone irl to do it to (they have gotten so sick of it lol) anyway thanks for reading this essay with zero punctuation anyway thanks for coming to my ted talk about how I’m in love with the cast!
Thank you, thank you creating “Brodington Grantifer” is one of my proudest accomplishments
I’m so glad you got to see it!!!!! Manifesting that we all get a chance to see it again 🙏🙏🙏
And Ahhhhhh that’s so exciting!!!! Emma was out for my show, but her understudy Maggie did a great job!
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ghosts-of-love · 11 months
⭐I'd love to hear more about the confession scene from Lost Then Found!⭐
ooooh okay interesting!! 💕💕 I’ll just have a little read of it now and write my thoughts:
i was sooo desperate for the Captain to have a little rom-com moment – running through the rain to go and talk to Pat – it’s like he’s spent the whole fic thinking he’s in a tragedy and now he’s finally aware of the genre lol idk)
“Pat I’ve been a fool” and “God, I’ve been so blind.” were meant to echo things that Lizzy Bennet says in Pride and Prejudice 2005 :))))) I can’t find any clips of them though :( and then the moving forward and hesitating is meant to be Mr Darcy-esque.
Despite the initial rom-com-ness of the opening, i did also want them to be emotionally mature about everything, especially after the Captain was so quick to react the day before, i wanted things to feel like they'd really slowed down.
Cap taking the time to walk around his kitchen and remind himself of what makes it his house. The mantra of ‘this is my house and he won’t make me leave’. Just knowing that he’s safe enough with Pat to not start the conversation right away.
I think I remember that I wanted the overarching feeling to be like, relief basically. Relief that they’re on the same page, that they can both be honest, that they both understand where the misunderstanding after Pat’s attempt at a kiss came from.
There’s also a sort of mutual understanding that this relationship will not just fix the Captain immediately. You can tell that from the chapters following where he’s still so unsure of himself, and so worried that he’s being clingy. You can also see it in the one shot ‘two steps on the water’.
The KISS being on Pat’s hand (the one that punched Julian) showing Cap’s attention to detail – that he remembers which hand – and that he wants to show Pat how much that meant to him. And also show him that things are making a lot more sense to him, and that he realises that Pat was probably in love with him even back then. This later gets confirmed for him.
“Ted.” Not to be silly with it amongst the emotion but you know if Pat had an ounce less sense he’d have sucked Cap sloppy style at the kitchen table right then and there. Thank god he knew how important it was to let Cap speak.
I also needed them both to apologise to each other – they both had a hand in the misunderstanding. Pat for being impulsive, Cap for not listening to any explanation. They can’t start a relationship on that kind of footing.
I think the early sort of ‘setting some parameters and asking about boundaries’ helps Pat realise the kind of work they’ll have to put in eg. “Can I - can I hug you? And things like that?” and “You can’t kick me out in the morning if we’re in my own home, after all.”. it makes him sad but also grateful because I think he realises that Cap could have very easily come to a different conclusion after his session with Alison and decided he wasn’t ready for a relationship.
I had considered that as an option actually. And then something a couple of months down the line would have changed Cap’s mind/helped him realise he was ready. But I decided I had put him through enough, actually, and he deserved to know he was loved.
GOD Pat just knowing Cap so well by this point and knowing that they definitely shouldn’t rush into anything physical – even if Cap consents, he might not be doing it for the right reasons and he might regret it. Sensible guy, love u patty cakes.
I just really enjoy how much they say they love each other in this chapter too!! also then doing relationshippy things/ Cap experiencing them for the first time. Having Pat cook him dinner, brushing their teeth in front of the mirror together, fucking SPOONING!!
in short: I love them
fanfic writers: director's cut
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baynton · 1 year
tagged by @blackbeardsblanketfort​ - thank you 🥰
8 shows to get to know me better
1. bbc ghosts
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this is where the mat obsession started. it actually started as a ben/patcap obsession, funnily enough, but within mere weeks of being back on tumblr i had spiralled into mat insanity, never to return. for real though, this show is so good. i love it so much. i love all the characters. patcap is real and i love it. i don’t really need to say anymore about it since i think everyone who follows me here has at least SEEN ghosts. 
2. spy (2011)
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spy is so important to me. it gave me chris pitt-goddard. he is me, i am him. i love him more than i love life itself. one of the best mat characters to ever exist. thomas thorne could never. the rest of the show is fine, the other characters are alright (i am soft on tim though) but chris MAKES the show. the things he comes out with are iconic. plus. without chris, the iconic chris x joe ship would have never been born (which would have been an absolute TRAGEDY) 
3. reluctant persuaders
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because this is about shows rather than specifically television shows i am including reluctant persuaders, hit bbc radio show. it’s funny, it’s iconic, all the characters are phenomenal. even if mat wasn’t in it, i would still love it. but he is, and he plays joe starling, the soggiest wettest most pathetic mat character to ever exist. my mans is insulted by everyone every episode. they all comment on how pathetic he is all the time. how sad and lonely he is. how he looks about 10 years older than he actually is. it’s wonderful. and, of course, without joe, the iconic chris x joe ship would have never been born. tragic. but it’s ok because they’re here and i was here to coin the ship so we can all heave a sigh of relief. 
4. you me and the apocalypse 
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okay, you might be sensing a theme here. and yes, okay, the theme is that they are all mat shows (i WILL be including at least one non-mat show though, never fear). but this one gave us two PHENOMENAL mats. the twins. THE twins. of all time. cersei and jaime were usurped by ariel and jamie (idk why iconic twins always have a jamie but it’s NOTED). this show is also just objectively brilliant. it’s not like spy where it would suck without the mat character. this show is just great. 
5. the wrong mans
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i can’t talk about mat shows without THIS one. because mat not only wrote and starred in this beautiful wonderful show, it’s also iconic for the soppiest wettest mat character we get to see on tv. (the only one who holds a candle here is william from quacks but.. i think sammy takes the cake). he’s a cute tiny baby and i love him dearly.
6. inside no.9
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okay, so this one genuinely doesn’t count as a mat show, but mat is very beautiful in the few minutes he has in that one episode and so, here u go, mat gif. i loved this show long before i descended into mat madness, and for good reason! it’s brilliant, inspired, genuinely incredible. and watching it again with @the-20th-century-girl has been an absolute joy. looking at reece with her (and yes, okay, SOMETIMES i look at steve and his lovely legs too) is always a good time. i love almost all the episodes. anthology series are fucking fantastic but this one takes the cake. i love black mirror, but black mirror wishes it was in9. 
7. ted lasso
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this show is absolutely fantastic and i went absoltuely insane watching it over the space of about 5 days. i was then left with the last 4 or so episodes to watch as they came out, which was brilliant. i got to experience the end with everyone else, lol. but seriously, this show has some fantastic characters and storylines and character GROWTH. jamie tartt at the start of s1 vs jamie tartt by the end of s3 is just. INCREDIBLE. the whole nate the great arc. like holy shit this show went HARD and it paid off.
8. bbc merlin
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going RIGHT back to my roots with this one. while glee got me onto tumblr and twitter back in the day, it was merlin that got me INVOLVED in fandom. i learnt to gif because of this show, i went to my first fandom event because of this show (bradley and tom’s football game), i made my first group of fandom friends because of this show. it’s still one i go back to and rewatch every now and then. sometimes i still read merthur fic when i think about a Specific Fic i remember i used to love. i will always have a special place in my heart for this show fr.
right! there we go, that’s it! tagging: @matbaynton, @toomanyfandomsneverenoughtime, @the-illuminated-one​, @the-20th-century-girl​ and @catboyrightsdefender​ but no pressure if you don’t want to 🫡
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1ore · 1 year
ough. everything happens so much and i barely have the processing power to talk about the men who live in my brain that aren't real. this is unacceptable. how is a woman to work under these conditions.
byuuillggghhh i make an effort anyway.
yuri got his shit rocked in the mists. i still cant believe my dumb throwaway idea is canon. i dont think that man 'came back wrong' so much as he didn't come back at all. instead, an entity who has been transformed to the point of being unrecognizable (but still technically a continuation of the same person) came out of the mists. happy pride.  
i think the sheer need to kick balthazar's ass is what brought him back. not just his own desire, but that of everyone and everything around him. he forms around the collective suffering and vacuous emptiness left behind in his wake, and while he DOES recover some memories on the way up, all of them are of conflict and war. which. has some implications for his sense of self and how he relates with literally everyone around him.  
he is instinctively drawn to people with unresolved grief, righteous anger, or other wounds related to wartime. For a while, he's not really a person but a physical force that strongarms the cruel and powerful into paying their moral debts, whatever that means. (the Norn description of the six gods not as persons but as motive forces is bouncing around in my brain.)  
inevitably this leads him back to his old gang as they converge on Kicking Balthazar's Ass. yuri is drawn to their hurt and remembers most of them from his time with the Pact, but only in broad strokes-- the great victories and terrible losses. he remembers almost nothing of their actual day-to-day relationships. he is vaguely compelled to learn more, but he doesn't know how to be anything but a shambling wraith. so. emotional intimacy doesn't come naturally. that, and everyone else just thinks they're hallucinating him out of grief.  
idk if yuri even GETS to kill balthazar. i think it's fun if he's robbed of the chance to fulfill his purpose, and feels anchored to tyria out of this sense of unfinished business. my man is once again embodying the vacuous emptiness left behind by war.  
right now, in the aftermath, he's kind of just orbiting people and trying to be helpful in his narrow, ominous, vaguely upsetting definition of being helpful. he remembers 'Commander Atropos' and 'Marshal Trahearne' well enough to hold a stilted conversation. The Lastborn is a puzzle to him, definitely knows that guy, definitely has The Long Shadow Of War hanging over him, but cannot for the life of him pin down why or from where. hasn't met his daughter the vinetooth yet, but when he does, she Will force those memories back into his miserable brain like a square cube into a circular hole. biting him and biting him and biting him and b  
(Of all people the Lastborn is probably handling this the best. he's like oh we all have those days where we cannot continue to exist without annihilating everything that we were and everything that we could have been. you're not special. maybe if you eat some soup you'll calm down.)  
something something trahearne finally getting to reciprocate the patience and kindness that yuri showed to him while he was in the pits of his psychic mordremoth prison. at first he's being dragged kicking and screaming into this but then he picks himself up and dusts himself off and 180's on it, just like his wild hunt. anyway that's all thanks for coming to my ted talk.
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kithtaehyung · 2 years
so its one in the morning here in brazil, and i finally just read "you're next" and... yeah. so that's what wamrth feel like? cuz i feel so, so, so... hugged? there's this portuguese word im thinking of, and its acolhimento, but i just couldn't think of a way to translate it properly, so i figured id describe it to you.
saturday i felt happy. i was bubbly, giggling the whole day remembering the show, the documentaries that i was able to see completely and overall just really happy i got to spend a whole morning with bts. of course, i had to go to work soon after, but fuck it, i was so calm.
then monday came and yeah, we know how we all felt.
today, i came to your blog, and saw the post that you said you have plans to post 3tan9 around this week so i decided to make time to read the drabble before. i come across a bunch of things im used to from you: good writing, amazing control and crescendo of tension and expectation, taehyung being the best possible friend, funny and realistic dialogue, that even without the text i could just hear and know who's speaking. but then there's something else here. there's the teasing that leads to nothing but domesticity, the natural banter that leads to two people enjoying and sharing their foods in a public place, so comfortable with each other that dialogue, the exchange, is the mere company. not that it didn’t happen before, but for it to be at fall, in public and them acting so harmoniously... idk, it reminded me of the chapter they go for a walk and he kisses her in the swing, but here's just so much more intimate, so much more comfortable and maybe its cuz of the moment but idk??????
thing is, it just made me feel like there's always this place where, regardless of where bts is, we can always find them and connect with them. and idk, just to picture the reader and yoongi sitting down together in silence, eating like they're in some long term relationship brought such comfort to my chest, a reassurance that 3 tangerines will always be here, and so will our stories that they help us tell, and the inspiration they spark in us, how their message goes beyong themselves and idk 😭
urgh IM SO CHEESY, im really really sorry, i know i drag this stuff way too much, but your writing provokes me to such degree you have no idea??? id love for 3tan to be a physical book so i could put it up my shelf
just wanna add that your smut is always super sexy and jimin and taehyung make me wanna scream into my pillow all the time???!!
also, love to picture jimin and yoongi's interaction before jimin left to leave them be lol
again, ill eventually learn to be concise 😭 hope you’re doing well!!
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just realized i forgot my train of thought, so point is: i felt acolhida, in the sense that this drabble hugged me and let me breath, made me smile and tighten my chest in a good way. and i feel like i can revisit it at any time and find that comfortable again and again. that's acolhimento thanks for coming to my long ass ted talk
LUAAAA oh my gosh here i am finally responding to stuff that you sent in months ago :'))) i can't fall this far behind on feedback again my goodness, i am so so sorry!
so its one in the morning here in brazil, and i finally just read "you're next" and... yeah. so that's what wamrth feel like? cuz i feel so, so, so... hugged? there's this portuguese word im thinking of, and its acolhimento, but i just couldn't think of a way to translate it properly, so i figured id describe it to you.
already off to an emotional start!! i'm glad you got that feeling from these drabbles.. they gave me that same feeling, and i'm happy that i now have the word to describe it<3 thank you so much for that! these were meant to be lighthearted, feel good pieces so i'm glad they turned out that way.
saturday i felt happy. i was bubbly, giggling the whole day remembering the show, the documentaries that i was able to see completely and overall just really happy i got to spend a whole morning with bts. of course, i had to go to work soon after, but fuck it, i was so calm. then monday came and yeah, we know how we all felt.
ah, yes. i do remember that this was around the time we were all feeling calm before the big storm. :(
today, i came to your blog, and saw the post that you said you have plans to post 3tan9 around this week so i decided to make time to read the drabble before. i come across a bunch of things im used to from you: good writing, amazing control and crescendo of tension and expectation, taehyung being the best possible friend, funny and realistic dialogue, that even without the text i could just hear and know who's speaking.
first, this all put a smile on my face. if you're used to all of that, that means consistency and all of those are things i strive for! especially the writing and dialogue comments. wow, thank you again :'))
but then there's something else here. there's the teasing that leads to nothing but domesticity, the natural banter that leads to two people enjoying and sharing their foods in a public place, so comfortable with each other that dialogue, the exchange, is the mere company. not that it didn’t happen before, but for it to be at fall, in public and them acting so harmoniously... idk, it reminded me of the chapter they go for a walk and he kisses her in the swing, but here's just so much more intimate, so much more comfortable and maybe its cuz of the moment but idk??????
oh my gosh, sidewalk talk!! one of the chapters that will stay with me just from the atmosphere alone.. i think that one and fireworks have their own feeling that i dunno if i can truly replicate. it's the nostalgia, the suspension of time, everything that makes those chapters separate from the rest. idk. but yeah.
it's definitely intimate without trying to be! like they're just hanging out in public. but that's what makes this special. it's far from what they've been given and used to<3
thing is, it just made me feel like there's always this place where, regardless of where bts is, we can always find them and connect with them. and idk, just to picture the reader and yoongi sitting down together in silence, eating like they're in some long term relationship brought such comfort to my chest, a reassurance that 3 tangerines will always be here, and so will our stories that they help us tell, and the inspiration they spark in us, how their message goes beyong themselves and idk 😭
okay now i'm just emotional because you're putting bts and 3tan in the same type of commentary and i'm just SDFKSD i'm tearing up?? like what an honor to even be compared to them. in any capacity. because bangtan is my comfort place and people, so for something i'm writing to be the same to someone else? that's a responsibility i will always be aware of and will hold close.
and you're right. 3tan will always be here. yoongi, reader, the friends, and even me through asks like these and responses to lovely reviews that y'all send in. we'll be here even when things are said and done. at least, that's exactly what i plan on.
urgh IM SO CHEESY, im really really sorry, i know i drag this stuff way too much, but your writing provokes me to such degree you have no idea??? id love for 3tan to be a physical book so i could put it up my shelf
i love it all, lua. trust me, even if you think it's cheesy i adore it endlessly, and no need to apologize for sending stuff like this at all. i think i will look into making 3tan a physical book, along with all the extras that i can possibly add!
just wanna add that your smut is always super sexy and jimin and taehyung make me wanna scream into my pillow all the time???!! also, love to picture jimin and yoongi's interaction before jimin left to leave them be lol
YAAAY glad you liked the smut despite it being short! and vmin.. god i love them. so, so much lol. yoongi's and jimin's interaction before he left? ahhh, it was definitely a short convo lmfao
again, ill eventually learn to be concise 😭 hope you’re doing well!!
I LOVE NOT CONCISE THINGS LOLOL i promise!! thank you so much again for everything you say. it makes my days brighter, for sure. i'm doing well and i hope the same for you!
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bunnypig18 · 2 years
For someone who doesn’t write y/n fanfiction, I get an awful lot of y/n dreams. Here are two, because I have a mighty need to share. Like last week I had a dream where I was in a movie theatre with Seventeen. After the movie had ended, we all got some Pocky (dream logic). Mingyu, who had a crush on me, came over and promised to play the Pocky game with me later, then walked away again. Hoshi, who was sitting next to me and whom I had a crush on, glared at me and said “We should play the Pocky game too. I’m gonna destroy you!” in like the most homoerotic way possible. I was excited, even though I knew he was only mad at me because, plot twist, Hoshi had a crush on Mingyu and hated how I kept getting his attention. True love triangle right here, baby. Unfortunately I woke up before anything could be resolved. The next dream was about me being at a fair with Johnny, Mark (from NCT) and another girl, can't remember who, doesn't matter. I was flirting shamelessly with Johnny the whole time. Like we all got puppies at first (dream logic again) and I called mine Johnny. Mark called my puppy Hermoine first and when I said "No, his name is Johnny, because he's cute" JOHNNY WALKED BY and he smirked at me and just said "Of course". Then we went to get pizza. I put on my best puppy eyes, looked at Mark and Johnny and asked "Would one of you buy me a pizza too?"  and despite the other girl being like "No way are they gonna do that", Johnny didn't even hesitate and said "I'll buy you one. I'll pay for your movie ticket too". No fucking clue where the movie thing came from, but I was so happy and proud in the dream and then I fucking woke up. Didn’t even get my pizza Anyway, thank you for coming to my ted talk. Idk why my brain is trying to fuel the delulu like this, but here we are
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