#idk where all this passion for aliens came from i just fucking love when there's a freak
the-acid-pear · 10 months
Honestly to expand on my last RB a little . . .
Like, remember all those stories about UFOs and, well, not really UFOs since they were on the ground but, those stories about things some suspect to be of alien origin and while unknown what's known is that you're going to die in 5 minutes. (Radiation poisoning)
If you truly went on to believe those were made by aliens it'd be like... So sad. Like imagine you crashed a fucking shit crash you're in a new place confused lost maybe you've been looking at it for a while but now you're stranded and now everyone who so little dares to come across you will literally die an horrible death. Like man. It'd fucking suck.
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trans-poppy · 2 months
ohhhhhhh my god. ohhhhhhh my god. ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh my god.
#rubys text tag#UWAAAAAA TEN GOKAIGER WAS SO GOOD!!!!! theres so much i loved about it#I LOVED SEEING EVERYONE COME BACK TOGETHER!!!! I REALLY LIKED SEEING HOW THE FIRST HALF OF THE FILM PLAYED OUT#they like took a more realistic approach to how gokaiger would be like in the 2020s and i really liked where they were going with the plot#it didnt matter that the villains ended up being alien pirates. THAT JUST MEANT MORE RIVAL PIRATE FACTIONS#which i felt gokaiger needed. to me personally. as a one piece enjoyer#I LOVED THE REFERENCES it was cute how basco's actor returned as a derby commentator and he had a cute monkey plush#i like teared up when i saw everyone do their gokai change and when they played the updated hero getter#UWAAAAAA THEY REMEMBERED CHARACTERS!!!! THEY REMEMBERED OLDER CHARACTERS NOW GROWN UP!!!!#from like early on in the show!!! okay the gokai galleon forms were a lil bit clunky looking but i love that they got their own super forms#IM ACTUALLY GLAD THE SUPER SENTAI REFERENCES IN THIS ONE WERE MORE SUBTLER!!!!#because this was a film more about gokaiger than super sentai in general (zenkaiger was airing that year we dont need another#super sentai-themed celebatory project) and seeing the bts footage of the cast hanging out and having fun its just AAAAAAA#THIS WAS A FILM WITH ALOT OF LOVE AND PASSION PUT INTO IT!!!! if gokaiger the show was a super sentai celebration#ten gokaiger was a celebration of the show it came from. why the hell arent more anniversary reunion films like this#<-shes only seen ooo 10th and she thought it was pretty good. ten gokaiger blew ooo 10th out of the water THIS WAS SO GOOD!!!!!!!!#gokaiger spoilers#ten gokaiger spoilers#okay okay okay i think thats all i wanted to say here its just YAAAAAAY!!!!! good fucking film i was satisfied#idk how other people felt about ten gokaiger but i really loved it
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neverdoingmuch · 4 years
now hear me out,,, an au where lan wangji is an editor who works for an erotica publisher and wei wuxian is essentially chuck tingle. (also lwj writes romance novels on the side)
wei wuxian didn’t plan to write erotica he wants to make that really clear, he was actually studying like biomed or something equally “oh wow my parents can brag to the other parents about this”
but, as frequently happens in wwx’s life, he got drunk with nhs, like really drunk and they woke up the next morning with a laptop on the floor beside them and loose paper strewn everywhere
they don’t really remember what they were doing or thinking last night but they’ve both drawn a bunch of really shitty and weird porn (the less said about the anthropomorphic version of wen chao’s pet turtle the better) and wei wuxian has like 20,000 words of an erotica story on his laptop
when he starts reading it, at first he’s like haha what the fuck this is so weird but then it turned out to be really good??? and nhs blushed at some of the ~sexy~ scenes so that’s how wwx knew he was writing the good stuff
anyway they’re sitting there, eating their hangover food and wei wuxian goes so uh my story was good right? and nhs is like yeah it was, top stuff i would buy it and wei wuxian goes what if i actually wrote it,,, haha just kidding,,,,, unless?
and in his defence he doesn’t actually write anything for the story for another like three months but then he finds himself in the middle of exam season and he’s like fuck it stress relief let’s write some erotica
he finishes the book and his exams (which he does well in but whatever) and then spends his summer holidays editing the book
when he comes back, he slaps down a paper copy on nhs’ desk and is like i finished it. nhs, thinking he meant his latest lab write up, opens it up to a random page and starts reading it out loud which was a Mistake
he trails off mid-sentence, and whips around to glare at wwx with all the wrath he can muster. it’s raunchy nhs says and just read it wwx tells him so nhs does
like 2 hours later nhs turns to him and says if it wasnt for you and the librarian staring at me the whole time i definitely would’ve felt something and wwx is like so it’s good? and nhs is like fuck yeah it is but i dont get what you want from me?
pretty much wwx passed out after exams, slept for like 20 hours and then woke up and went i should publish this and decided that nhs should draw the cover art.
nhs agrees of course and a month later wwx self-publishes bc there’s no way he can walk into a publishing house with his porn and not just combust on the spot and he decides to go by the name yiling patriarch
wwx clicks the final button to upload the fic and nhs just toasts him and goes yknow what,, this is the closest you’ve ever gotten to having sex and i’m proud of you
wei wuxian is the man who guarded his first kiss for the first twenty years of his life for someone special,,,, wwx definitely wants his first time to be special and there’s no way he’s putting out for someone he doesn’t think is important & despite having dated before, he’s never gotten close enough to someone to go yeah let’s do it so our boy is still a virgin
so wwx’s entire erotica writing inspiration comes from porn, nhs’ way too in-depth answers as to how his latest date went and uh more porn
wwx blusters about a bit bc how is he meant to respond to that and nhs is like maybe you’ll finally move on from reading those trashy romance novels and read something more exciting and wwx is like how dare you call them trashy!! hanguang-jun is a master of the romance novels!! he understands the heart in a way that no other person has ever!! 
and nhs just chugs a bunch of wine and is like yeah hon okay, do you still blush when the main characters hold hands? and wwx is like no! of course not! (it’s a lie, he blushes a lot)
so nothing really happens with the book at first and wwx forgets about it for the most part but then he wakes up one morning and he’s got an extra like RMB 1000 (i dont actually know much about currency so it’s roughly $200 if my quick interneting is legit)
wwx is like wtf? and once he finds out it’s from his novel he’s doubly like wtf? but then he finds out that someone had purchased his book and did a dramatic reading on youtube bc wwx decided that regular erotica was boring and decided to make it satirical or whatever and people loved it??
he’s got nothing better to do so he just goes hm yeah remember that Author i dated who had an “incredible idea that would absolutely amaze The Critics and helped explore his own convoluted mind” let’s make something of that and he writes another book kinda mocking that idea in a very horny way.
he publishes it and someone writes a review of his two books on their blog and now he’s actually starting to get popular - he’s got more money from those two books than he did by working at the local cafe for the whole week
wwx is poor and broke and semi-disowned anyway by this point so he goes fuck it and spends every moment he’s not studying writing erotica. 
he publishes another like five books by the time the year is out (i know the maths isnt working here but this is a book world where wwx can just do that via the power of loneliness and friends who egg you on)
also?? he varies his books. some of them are porn parody things a la chuck tingle and some of them are genuine porn and one book was just him writing a recipe book but making it sound as horny as possible
by the time he’s published his like 8th book or so he starts getting reviews that are critiquing his book and most of them boil down to the fact that he needs an editor or something 
he ends up asking nhs for help and he’s like oh sweet my brother’s boyfriend works for a publisher who does that sort of thing
cloud recesses actually specialises in erotica and i hate the idea that lqr has spent years reading and editing erotica but sacrifices must be made
(side note that i know nothing about the writing or publishing process so pls don’t judge me too harshly)
wwx goes in with his latest manuscript and ends up arriving like ten minutes late, he rushes into the room sweaty and hot, takes one look at the guy sitting on the other side of the desk, flushes an even brighter red and runs back out of the room. he checks the plaque on the door and walks back in slowly and goes hm i didnt expect you to be so hot
cue lan wangji
lwj has always enjoyed being an editor. what do editor do specifically? idk? edit? regardless, he enjoys it. 
while most of the time he’s happy working from this side of things he also likes writing
lwj fucks. he deserves it tbh. but, while he’s had a tonne of one night stands and fuckbuddies, he’s never actually dated someone. so the fact that he’s writing romance novels under the pseudonym hanguang-jun makes his friend jzx laugh a lot
he tried writing porn once and he just couldn’t do it. it was always too clinical or vague and lacked any actual passion bc he was always going oh okay mc sucks a dick but the guy i slept with last week was like a 6.4/10 when it came to sucking dick so maybe mc should also be bad at it or whatever and it just ends up falling apart,,,, but romance he can do
as an editor lwj has pretty high standards for good erotica but he’s really found himself enjoying yiling patriarch’s work even though he’s clearly just been editing himself so when the guy sent cloud recesses an email asking whether they’d be interested in his latest book lwj was ecstatic. 
he also didnt expect wwx to be so hot
anyway,,, we now get to enjoy a week of lwj thinking that wwx is super hot but even more annoying and then him deciding that annoying is hot and now wwx is just absolutely amazing and wwx is just panicking the entire time 
i want my publisher to rail me so hard wwx texts nhs and nhs just responds has he read the bdsm scene with the alien who has a tentacle dick and a knot yet? and wwx is like no??? nhs just goes shame, it will give him so ideas for if you ever grow a backbone and just ask him out
they publish one book together and nothing happened between them the entire time other than yearning and horniness,, of the heart and body. 
when wwx realises this means that he won’t get to see lwj again he immediately writes a new book and like a month later he’s back in lwj’s office, lying on his couch while whining about the cafeteria prices at university
lwj is very enamoured by the fact that wwx is writing erotica and studying biomed bc wow
they do this for like another three books and wwx’s eroticas evolve from here’s a dinosaur man fucking a politician while a mary sue watches on to be like here’s a dinosaur man with black hair and golden eyes and a stern look to his face fucking a politician while a mary sue watches on
and hanguang-jun’s latest book?? i dont want to say that this au’s version of wangxian is hanguang-jun finally finding inspiration to write porn (his muse is wwx of course) and writing the most amazing porn with feelings and plot novel ever,, but it is. 
wwx read it five times in the first week and when nhs finally tried to read it he was like uhhh wwx are you a narcissist, the love interest is exactly like you? and wwx is like ??? no???? he’s nothing like me??
anyway one day wwx gets called into lxc’s office and lxc is like so i’ve read your latest book (not the dinosaur man, a serious one with like normal people and not overly humorous thank fuck but still full of lwj yearning) and wwx is like okay? and lxc goes yes, see i was worried that you didn’t care very much for my brother but after reading your book i’m not so sure and wwx gets the weirdest shovel talk ever which is interspersed with like compliments for his porn writing skills
anyway lxc accidentally mentions that lwj writes books too and before he can take it back wwx is like who??? and lxc is like are you fucking stupid?? you told lwj to his face that you loved his books,,, he broke his theme of tender romance to write kinky sex with a character that’s a lot like you and wwx is like .,,,,,,,,, hanguang-jun??? HANGUANG-JUN???!!
lxc barely manages to confirm it before wwx is sprinting out of his office and across to find lwj.
regretfully for everyone else, lwj is in the lobby so thirty people get to hear it when wwx comes in and shouts LAN ZHAN!! back then, i really wanted write porn about you! ... i think i have actually? but i want to write porn about you and i want to be able to do the research to make it accurate! and i also want to go on dates and hold hands and feed each other food! and i love you a lot! 
lwj is dying inside bc his brother’s bf is there, his uncle is currently waiting for the elevators and a whole bunch of staff are also there but also wwx likes him??? dinosaur man was lwj??
he goes over and they make out for a really long time right there in the middle of the lobby but no one wants to get between them when they’ve been pining for so long
after that they start dating and they do all the romantic stuff but also,, let’s just say that the next book wwx publishes is a lot more creative than all of his previous books
and they become some writing power couple with horniness of the heart and body and sometimes wwx will be like hey lwj i don’t really know how the logistics of this sex scene will work and lwj will be like we could try it out ourselves? and wwx just pats him on the head and is like im sorry but you dont have enough dicks for it to work ),: better luck next time
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the-hopeless-haze · 4 years
Rebel Rebel (Part 1?)
Pairing: Janis Sarkisian/reader
A/N: okay this has been sitting in my drafts for months and I have no idea if I’m gonna continue this but fuck it???? Sorry for all the people who followed me for Barba lmao (I am continuing that don’t worry) but idk I just figured I may as well post this??? I have more of this written and I know how I wanted it to end but the middle is just not working and that’s why I never posted. But I just listened to Dead Girl Walking and I was reminded how gay I am for Barrett sooooo 😂 here you go? You’re welcome?? I haven’t edited this or looked at it since March so this may be a mess but... yeah
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It was eighth grade, nearing the end of the year and you were anxious, unsure of why. Would your friends still be your friends next year? High school was going to be a lot different, you could just tell.
You saw your two best friends, Regina and Janis talking to each other down the hallway, where their lockers were, so you headed down there. Regina was probably inviting Janis to the end of year pool party she’d been planning. It was going to be so great to at least be with all your friends one last time, even if high school might take them away.
As you got within earshot, though, you realized Regina was being anything but nice.
“But are you a lesbian, Janis? I can’t have a lesbian at my pool party,” you hear Regina’s high pitched voice chirp. “You understand that, right?”
“Regina... I—“
“What? So are you?”
“Why are you asking me this? Did I do something?”
“I need to know. Don’t you get it? You not wanting to answer is pretty suspicious.”
“I am a space alien and I have four butts!” Janis yelled and ran down the hallway, leaving Regina to laugh. She makes eye contact with you. “Wow, I dodged a bullet with that, huh?”
“Why did you do that?”
“Don’t you get she doesn’t fit in? I mean, she likes girls, first of all. Second of all... she doesn’t get this stuff. Don’t you want to be popular in high school? I can get you there. We’re on top here. Everyone knows us. But this is child’s play.”
“But that was mean, Regina!” you said, your tone accusatory.
She shrugs her shoulders. “Sometimes you have to be mean to get what you want. And we’re not going to get it with her.”
“But she’s our friend!”
“Was...our friend. Don’t you care that she’s a dyke?”
You sighed, defeated. You wanted to tell her, no, you didn’t care... but you knew she’d stop being friends with you too. And her talk of being popular and being on top of the world... it sounded good.
You had many regrets about this day, and if everyone has a couple turning points in their lives, this was your first.
Regina was right, though. She got you everything you had thought you’d always wanted, but you never felt good enough and a lot of the time, you’re miserable. You’re constantly worried about your weight, whether you got enough instagram likes on your 1000th picture with the plastics, as you’d been dubbed, and whether or not you were dating one of the hottest guys at school.
Who would’ve thought the hottest guys were so dumb? You didn’t like any of them, really, and the second they asked to get in your pants, you dropped them like flies. So you’d gotten a rep for being somewhat of a prude, which Regina would sometimes scold you for.
Regina just got meaner as time went on, and sometimes you regretted not turning on her the first day she showed her true colors, when she’d sharpied all over Janis’s locker “SPACE DYKE” and even included it in the burn book she made over the summer once yearbooks came out. Regina would flirt with boys that she thought you or Gretchen liked, just to show you she could have them. Jokes on her, you didn’t like any of them, but you had to pretend or there wouldn’t be any gossip or any of the infighting that Regina seemed to love. It was the beginning of sophomore year now, and it was beyond exhausting.
And oh, the parties that started now! You hated them, just an excuse for everyone to get shitfaced and girls to make dumb decisions that made boys so happy even though everyone was too drunk to really remember them the next day. Regina is hosting one tonight, and here you are, in your skimpy, skin tight blue dress that you had to buy with babysitting money— since there’s no way in hell your mother would buy that for you. A sophomore hosting a party was unheard of, but Regina has a huge house and her parents went on vacation for their anniversary. She’d use whatever she could to her advantage.
All she wanted was to climb that ladder, and she didn’t care who got hurt in the way.
But here you were, dancing with the hockey player you were dating now... or was it football? You didn’t even care. You vaguely remembered his name was Mike and you told him you needed to go to the bathroom. You headed to Regina’s room and locked the door, thankful you got there early enough that there was no one trying to hookup.
You got lost in your phone for a while, and you found Janis’s Instagram profile. It was private, but there was her profile picture. She was so pretty now, not the awkward girl who tried to dye her hair blonde and wear pink just to fit in. She wore dark makeup in the picture and she wasn’t looking at the camera, and it fit her so much better. Even her hair, which she had let just grow out from the blonde she’d dyed it, looked great. You nearly send a follow request and then think better of it.
You remembered having hobbies, painting at Janis’s house until your hands were covered in paint, and you remember laughing so hard you couldn’t breathe.
Sometimes Regina was a good friend. Sometimes she was a great friend. She was there for you when your grandmother died over that first summer without Janis, and she held you while you cried... and you cried a lot. But sometimes she was mean to even you and it was exhausting. You know she cares about you, but you know she’d turn on you, too, if you gave her what she deemed enough reason to.
You can’t remember laughing like you used to in a long time. You can’t remember being passionate about anything for a while, either. The only time was in your classes, really, you loved chemistry but you had to keep it under wraps because if it got out you were too nerdy... well, that’s social suicide.
The thing about being a plastic was that you couldn’t be anything or do anything too extreme. You had to just be a shell of human being, a shell of a hot girl, just to appease everyone. The money you spent, or had your parents spend, on your bleach blonde hair and your makeup and your hot clothes and your nails and your purses and your shoes... and the hours you spent at the salon and the mall with Regina and Gretchen and Karen, it was completely exhausting. And then you weren’t allowed to have a personality outside of all of this, it was just, clothes! Makeup! Shoes! Boys! Parties! Popularity!
All things girls were supposed to care about, but really, there was no girl left in you to care anymore. You slip off your heels and lie down on the bed, remembering Regina holding you. That felt nice, her slender arms around you, her chin against your shoulder, and she smelled so good, like a hair salon and vanilla and cinnamon and... you just wanted to cry. Why couldn’t she be like that all the time?
The pillows smell like her shampoo and you inch up to place your head on them, ready to fall asleep, the bass from the speakers downstairs lulling you.
You awake twenty minutes later with your phone blowing up from Regina. “Where’d you go? Party’s not fun without you 😘” her most recent text said. Your eyes burn from the makeup you fell asleep in and you blink a few times before replying, telling her you were in her room and not feeling well.
“Bummer! I’ll be up in a few xo” she texts back.
You answer the door when she knocks, and you smile when she hugs you immediately. “(Y/n)! I’m sorry you’re sick! Did you drink something Kevin made? Because don’t.”
“No... I just... I don’t know. I’m sick of the parties,” you grumble as you pull away from the hug and sit back on the bed. She follows you, her pink dress clinging to her every curve, riding up a little as she sits down.
“Why?” She laughs. “This is what high school is about! You’ve gotta have fun. You’re only hot once.”
“But this... it’s not fun to me. It’s not fun to get wasted and have guys try and get in my pants and watch girls throw up.”
“But we can get everything we want. It’s what I always told you,” she says, rubbing your back, but her voice is hollow.
“I don’t have everything I want! I don’t even know what I want anymore, but I’m not happy. Are you? What are you getting out of this because I don’t understand.”
“Respect. Love. Fear. It’s all I ever wanted, really,” Regina says. “People either love me or hate me but they think about me. They think about you, too. Everyone who’s a sophomore knows us, and most of the upperclassmen do too. Doesn’t it feel good?”
You sigh. “I guess, sometimes, it does. But most of the time it doesn’t! I don’t like it, feeling like I have to do everything perfectly because everyone’s watching. And it’s only going to get worse because next year we’re juniors...”
“If it makes you feel any better, I’m not entirely happy either. I don’t like Jack.”
“Then why are you dating him?”
“Because. Free popularity and all I gotta do is be seen with him.”
“But... doesn’t he ask for more?”
She laughs. “Sure he does! But you have to be strategic with that.”
“Right..." you say, slightly sarcastically. You didn't really know what she meant.
Regina places a hand on your knee. “I know it’s been hard for you. But it’s going to be okay.”
“Do you wanna... just lie for a minute? I know you have to go back to the party—“
“No, I can stay for you,” she says, smiling softly. There was the Regina you wanted to be friends with all the time.
You both lean back on the bed, and her arms wrap around you tightly, her chin nestling on your shoulder. Here, you were happy.
“It’s all worth it, all the fighting to just get to the top to sit like this with you,” she says quietly. “We could never be made fun of for this because we can’t be touched.”
“Don’t you get it? I... I don’t know how to say it. Just... trust me, okay?” You nod, not sure what she meant, but then she’s leaning over and turning your cheek toward her and she’s kissing you.
Regina George is kissing you.
It’s a quick peck, probably because she’s not sure how you’d react but it’s still the best kiss you’d ever had in your life. You don’t make any rational thoughts in the next few moments and you’re not sure if she kisses you again or you pull her back in, but all of a sudden she’s on top of you and kissing you harder, and slowly, the confusion sets in.
It almost feels too good to stop, but eventually your brain starts working again. “Regina... I... are you okay?” you ask as you pull away. “Are you drunk?”
“What? No. I wouldn’t get drunk at my own party, what kind of slut does that? No, (y/n)... I want you. Didn’t that feel good?”
“Yes... but... you kicked Janis out of the friend group for being a lesbian. Why would you do that if you were gay? You always said she had a crush on you. Why would that have been such a bad thing?”
Regina sighs and flops over to the other side of the bed. “I’m not gay. I mean. I don’t know. I definitely didn’t know back then but I knew Janis just didn’t fit in even if we took away all of the gay stuff. But if we talk about the gay stuff... then yeah. I was confused. Super confused. I didn’t know if I liked you or her and I knew I wasn’t supposed to like either of you. And then I saw the two of you together and you just... you had something I didn’t have, just genuine friendship, and maybe she had a crush on you. Either way I was jealous. And I had to get the two of you apart.”
“Regina... that’s awful,” you say.
“But then I tried to be nice to you! I just wanted to be friends. I mean, I didn’t think I wanted to sleep with you or anything. I just wanted to be friends. Karen and Gretchen are just stupid and I just don’t feel comfortable enough around them to be like this. To let go of the persona.”
“You haven’t been entirely nice to me, Regina. Plus you started this off by ruining my friendship with Janis.”
“I know. I shouldn’t have done that, but I was so... angry whenever she was around. I just... we could pass for straight. No one would know.”
“Regina... I can’t,” you say, biting your lip and trying not to cry.
“Do you... do you not like girls? Is that it? I’m so stupid,” she says bitterly.
“No, Regina, it’s not that, I mean... I don’t know if I do. But it’s just... I’m tired of living like this and I don’t want to have this secret to worry about. All we need is for Gretchen to find out...”
“But she wouldn’t. And even if she did, do you think she’d cross me? Cross us?” She grips your wrists. “Please.”
You start crying and you know you’re not going to be able to stop. If the circumstances were different, you’d love to date her. You think. “Regina. I don’t want to be popular anymore, and for that to happen, we can’t be friends and we... can’t do this.”
“If you want to drop it... then... if you want to give up being popular, being fake... then... then yes. Come out. Apologize to Janis. But I’m leaving, and I’m not leaving with baggage.”
She nods. “I... I understand. It’s okay. But I need this! They’d tear me apart if I came out and I can’t be... I can’t be outcasted. I’m exhausted, too, you know? But it’s... it’s better than the alternative. I hope you don’t come to realize that.”
“No, it’s fine. I really get it,” she says, smiling. “But I’m going to have to spread a rumor, something so they don’t question why you left the group.”
“I know. Just say I’m gay. It’s your trick.”
She starts crying then, sobbing, really, and your heart lurches. You lean over to hug her.
“You don’t have to be so mean.”
“Yeah. I do. Because if I’m not it’ll turn around on me. My mom... she’d never understand! I just... okay. I understand we can’t... be seen together if this is really what you want. But can you at least text me once in a while? So I know how you’re doing?”
“Of course,” you say. You hug her one last time, and she kisses your cheek. You leave the house with your head held high but your heart sinks as you realize this is the last time you’ll step foot in there.
Regina is meaner without you. She is hostile to Gretchen and Karen, and you can tell if they adored her at all before, that’s completely gone and they follow her out of fear that she’d make their lives a living hell.
Maybe it’s because she did go on and start the rumor you were a lesbian. Fair enough. You weren’t entirely sure about that label yet but it gave you enough freedom to maneuver this without having lame guys hit on you anymore. That may have stopped anyway since you weren’t competing with Regina for hottest in the sophomore class... but at least it stopped.
“So... looks like she did the same thing to you after all, bitch,” a female voice says as you slam your locker shut. You jump and look to your left to see Janis there... and your breath catches. She was all the more beautiful in person.
“Yeah,” you frown. “But hey... are you mad at me?”
Janis scoffs. “Kinda. But I know you weren’t to blame now. I mean, she did the same thing to you! And I hate Regina more than I could ever hate anybody. Also Damien made me talk to you.”
“Damien?” you ask. “Wait... that guy in musical theater?”
“Yes...” Janis says slowly. “How do you know?”
“He’s really good! I’ve gone and seen every play. Like, and sat in the back. But I’ve gone.”
“Wow. That surprises me. But you did used to love that sort of thing in middle school.”
“I think I made you listen to the Mamma Mia soundtrack at least 80 times.”
“Oh yes. Wait... did you know that they’re putting it on this year? It's the spring musical."
“Yeah. Maybe you could audition now that the plastics aren’t holding you back. You have like one day to make up your mind though. I do scenery. Maybe I’ll see you around?”
“Where do you sit at lunch?”
It was an awkward reintroduction and the words are never spoken. Is Janis gay? More importantly, are you gay, or bi, or something? Does wondering if another girl is gay make you gay?
But aside from the utter confusion of possibly having a crush on your ex best friend, you’re enjoying life as an ex-plastic. You’re auditioning for the role of Donna, but even if you don’t get it you’re going to get a part since so few people actually signed up to audition. You’re drawing again, too, even if you were never as good as Janis.
Regina hasn’t texted you yet, but you’re thankful. If she did too soon you’d get pulled back from the progress you’ve made. But you’re also worried about her, and your heart lurches whenever you make eye contact with her at lunch and she looks away quickly.
But this was how life was going to be from now on, so it was time to get used to it.
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Survey #416
“don’t pray for me when you’re the one to blame  /  don’t think of me when you go up in flames”
Does your town/area have a farmer’s market? Do you ever buy your vegetables there rather than grocery store? Not close enough for us to actually go there for groceries, no. If you had a significant other and somehow got a chance to kiss your celebrity crush, would you still go for it? Well no, given Mark's been in a serious relationship for like six years, and I'd feel disloyal to my partner. I can just dream about it, ha ha. Do you tend to be attracted to people that are more similar to you in interests and mannerisms or do you tend to be attracted to someone opposite/complementing to you? I tend to be drawn to people I'm more similar to. What is a talent that a lot of other people desire or value but you really don’t care to have (e.g., singing, etc.)? *shrug* If someone asks you to hang out, but for some reason you’re just feeling lazy/don’t want to go anywhere, do you ignore them, make up an excuse, or just tell them the honest truth? Tbh, odds are I'm making up an excuse. Would you like to meet an alien? That would depend on its motives. It might have wisdom to share, or it may be nefarious, in which case I don't wanna meet it obviously. If so, would you trust them enough to go back with them to their planet? That's a no no matter how it acts. Trust issues, my friend. And that's with humans. What do you think is at the end of space. It's kinda science that space is infinite... Do you like D&D or Magic: The Gathering the most? I've never played D&D because I know I would be way, way too awkward to actually do it. M:TG is fun, though. What is your favorite Disney movie? TLKKKKK. What’s your favorite book series? Wings of Fire tops the list right now, but Warriors will always have a very special place in my heart. What’s something you wish they’d build in your neighborhood? Idk. Do you usually keep ponytail holders around your wrist? No. I don't even wear my hair in a ponytail because it's too short. Sunny D or orange juice? Orange juice. I have to be in a very specific mood for Sunny D. Can you snap out of a bad mood fast? Nooooo, unless something drastically good happens. How can a person tell if you’re mad or annoyed? My face will probably give it away, mixed with me being short and snippy or more awkward than normal because I'm trying to not be a bother. What’s something you enjoy that’s outside your age level? Certain TV shows. When your friends come and hang out at your house, what do you get up to? The only friend I have that I hang out with once in a blue moon is Girt, and we'd usually play board games or watch TV. Do you think it’s ignorant for people to have unprotected sex when they’re not ready for a child? Yes. Like yes, I'm pro-choice so won't look down on someone getting an abortion, but I still think you should be willing to act to prevent things from getting to that point where that procedure is chosen. For it or against it, abortion is a serious decision and should be treated as such. What were your favourite things to do as a child? My favorite thing had to be video games, specifically Spyro, and I also adored Webkinz and Neopets on the computer. I also loved playing make-believe with my toys like every other kid. I loved watching Dad play video games, too. I've also been a drawing fiend since I was very little. If you were shopping with your best friend, and they picked an outfit that was completely unflattering, would you tell them? I honestly don't know if I would. Her being comfortable and happy in it is what matters, anyway. Do you prefer using air-con or having the windows down when you’re driving on a hot day? Team A/C for sure. I hate the feeling of wind just slapping the hell outta your face and making a nest out of your hair. Can you ever manage to finish three courses when you go out to eat at restaurants? No. What would you say your favourite farm animal is? Pigs! They are so incredibly misunderstood. They're very intelligent, CLEAN (I know, can you believe it?), silly, and happy animals that I just adore. Is your ex currently in a relationship and if yes, how do you feel about that? Idk if "the" ex is with anyone, and it's for the better I don't, probably. Which one of your friends should be a stand-up comedian? Girt. Is your mom a better driver or your dad? Oh yeah. Dad tailgates like a motherfucker. What's your least favorite genre of music? Either rap or country, idk. Do you like poems? I do. Do you enjoy drawing? I have a love-hate relationship with it. I LOVE when something comes out the way I wanted it to, but if it doesn't, I feel very disappointed in myself and bash it into my head that I could do better. Do you even have any drawing talent? So I'm told. Have you ever seen The Sound of Music? Yes, in elementary school's music class. Ever seen Beetlejuice? If so, did you enjoy it? Oh yes, that was one of Jason's favorites. I liked it. How do you deal with oppressive heat? Complain, sweat my ass off, do anything I can to cool off that doesn't involve taking clothes off. What’s one thing that people definitely CAN’T count on you for? To remember pretty much anything whatsoever. What about something they definitely can count on you for? An ear to listen and a shoulder to cry on. How do you feel about your handwriting? I like it. Is there a store that bothers you immensely for some reason (people who shop there irritate you or the employees who work there are rude, etc.)? Uhhhh I don't think so. What’s something you complain about frequently? If I'm hot, or my legs hurting. If you’re home alone and someone knocks on the door, what do you do? Ignore it. I'm not answering. What’s one book that you have read that will stick with you forever? Johnny Got His Gun by Dalton Trumbo. It's an anti-war pacifism novel, which is something I'm very much passionate about. Would you ever get one of those old school “mom” tattoos with the heart? No. I know with certainty I want a tribute to my mom when she passes, but definitely not that design. Are you a Giants fan? I don't care for sports, but the NYG always make me think of Jason's dad, who is like, obsessed with them. So I guess I feel a bit of warmness towards them just for memory's sake. Last time you went pumpkin picking? Never. Do you prefer eating corn straight off the cob or corn already taken off the cob? I think corn on the cob tastes better with all the butter and spices you can put on it, but I do enjoy off the cob too because it's just so much cleaner. Would you want your family to go on Wife Swap? Well, I live with my mom and she's divorced, so... I don't have to worry about this. How old is your current e-mail address? God, I've had it since I was a kid. Last time you conversed with someone in a language other than English? Not since taking a test for German in high school. Last video you favorited on YouTube? Oh my god, it was this video from my favorite reptile channel (Snake Discovery) of them taking their pet tegu to the park. She clearly had SO much fun. Now mind you I very rarely favorite things, so yeah, I adored the video. Do you like chocolate with coconut filling? Noooo, I'm not a coconut fan at all. What was the first thing you ate today? Mom made bacon, yuuuuum. Do you know how to play Mahjong? No. Mom loves it, though. Do you have any skirts longer than knee-length? I don't own any skirts. What’s the farthest you’ve gone with someone you weren’t dating? Just flirting. Ever had a promise ring? No. What about one of those “I’ll wait until marriage” rings (I think they’re called purity rings or something)? They're called abstinence rings, and yes, in HS. Funny how looking back I was definitely breaking that vow while I wore it lmao. What is the shortest time you’ve heard of people being together before getting married? My late grandma and her second husband got married SO fast. Like they were together for probably a couple months (maybe less?), then boom, the news came that they were engaged. Are any of your friends currently pregnant? Facebook friends, yes, which are mostly composed of old friends and acquaintances from school. One poor girl very recently got into a bad wreck, but thank goodness she and her unborn daughter are okay. Have you ever played golf? I loved playing putt-putt when I was younger, and then Jason and I once had a mini-golf date. It was really cute. When was the last time you waxed anything on your body, if ever? It's been some years since I used to wax my eyebrows. Have you ever been in a car accident? Yes. A minor one, but still. Can you honestly say you love the last person you kissed? Yep. Are you smiling in your Facebook profile picture? Yeah. Would you ever go on Fear Factor? Noooo. I would NEVER get past day #2 where they tend to do the disgusting shit, and I'm way too out of shape to do the wild stuff they do. What colour was the last mask you wore? Blue. Can any of your friends sing well? Which one has the nicest singing voice? Oh yes, Sara has an absolutely beautiful voice. When was the last time you had a nightmare? I had two last night, actually. I have this habit of taking my APAP mask off in the middle of the night because it's a nuisance, and I never remember doing so. When I do that, I'm much more prone to have nightmares because the mask helps my sleep apnea, which causes my nightmares/terrors. Where do you see yourself in ten years? I do NOT want to imagine this. It's either going to be beautiful or a fucking catastrophe, of that I'm sure. Does your family have traditions? Just pretty ordinary holiday ones. Have you ever met anyone half-way famous? Tez is famous, as far as I'm concerned. :') I also have some musician friends trying to make it, but idk how far they've actually gotten in the industry. Is there a celebrity that you are related to? No, just ancestors. Would you call your last relationship a mistake? Definitely not. Would you ever take up a job in photography? Ugh... that's the fucking dream. But I'm massively losing hope. Do you throw out your assignments once you’ve gotten them back? When I was in school, it depended on whether it would serve as good study material or not. Who was the last person you messaged on Facebook? My old friend Jenna messaged me a few days back just to say she was thinking about me and wished me well, which I really appreciated. Of course I messaged her back wishing her the same and all. Have you ever developed a crush on someone the first day you met them? Don't believe so, no. Do you have any friends who never shut up about their boyfriend/girlfriend? Well, I used to. She vanished. Have you ever showered with a member of the opposite sex? No. Don't want to. I want to be alone when I shower.
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chaoticspacefam · 4 years
2020 In Review: Wordcount Tag
I was tagged for this by @actualanxiousswampwitch​ , thank you! I’m not sure who’s already done or been tagged for this cause I am, once again, late to the party LOL but I shall (no pressure and sorry if you’ve already done it!) tag: @rainofaugustsith​ , @darth-bagel​ , @thatmmolesbian​ , @thelastenvoyyy​ and anybody else who wants to do this. Yes, I promise I mean you!
Words: 45,314
Published: 0 (I’m not counting the couple of Six Sentence tags I’ve gotten, they’re snippets of an unfinished piece & are included below instead :), or roleplay replies, cause that feels like cheating lol.) I actually wrote a lot more than I thought I had, this is a rough guesstimate as well, as my oneshot WIPs tend to be all over the place across something like 6 different documents, some of which have existed since 2018, so I had to guess at how far up to count from the end for some of them, but I think it’s a fair guesstimate XD I also have included lore/worldbuilding docs in this because that was a 3-month long Lockdown 1.0 Boredom/”Canon is a trash fire so I’m ignoring that and making up my own lore” passion project and I’m goddamn proud of how much I wrote for that. It’s the most I’ve written in one stretch (think I finished it over a span of 3 nights or so, once I’d done all the research and made all the notes ofc ^^)
Not Published: 45,314
The Breakdown:
swtor - 45,314
for creeping shadows (my main longfic/part one of the subterfugeverse series) - 1,553  - Aria, stop being difficult! *shakes fists* XD
oneshots - 16,223
lore/worldbuilding (for subterfugeverse naturally) - 23,001 (is this ALL tomato alien lore? pretty much, yes, yes it is :’D ~400 words is “the WIP reworked timeline to correlate my worldbuilding with the canon timeline that was released”, but 98% is just...me thinking way too much about Purebloods and how they deserved way better goddamn lore. I blame @fluffynexu ‘s amazing tomato worldbuilding posts,  reading them when I went looking for “canon” lore one day for the rp is what got me started down that rabbithole (it’s awesome and if you haven’t already you should totally go check hers out too :DD), I had a “fuck you then canon I’ll do it myself too >:L” moment and once I started I couldn’t stop until I’d crapped out literally over 20k words on the subject *whispering* thank you LOL)
zephyrverse au bonus oneshots - 4,537 (stuff I wrote to fill in time gaps or “just cause I had a plot bunny”, relating to mine and k-christine’s zephyrverse au rp. None of these will likely be posted publicly, but they still deserve to be counted as words I wrote this year :’D
As you can see, most of my “muse” this year came from sporadic oneshots :’D The Ahaszaai twins also properly plot-bunnied their way into my brain in late 2019 and haven’t stopped making a nuisance of themselves the whole fucking year. Every time I tried to carry on with a chapter, one of the two of them would pop up like “Nooo write about ME! pay attention to ME!” - Yes, Ni’kasi, I will get to you this year, I promise XD
New Things I Tried:
Just Writing. Not worrying about whether “it wasn’t part of the next chapter” or “it comes from a part in the story that I’m nowhere near close to posting yet”. If I felt like writing something, or for a specific pairing/feeling/scene, whatever. I wrote until I ran outta muse juice. Yeah, it meant I didn’t technically “finish” anything this year BUT - the important thing is I wrote stuff. and that’s all that really matters, eh? :’D
Polyam ships! May not seem like a big deal but I spent a long time talking myself out of them because of internalised toxic monogamy and finally saying “you know what, fuck it! I can ship three or more people together and it can still be a perfectly wholesome, healthy and loving relationship and that’s okay” was a BIG thing for me this year.
Dialogue Scripts: which I didn’t count as wordcount because really it’s just word vomit of general tone/inflection and dialogue that I came up with right before falling asleep which I didn’t want to lose. Basically, if an exchange or a particularly punchy or moving line of dialogue popped into my brain but I wasn’t ready to write the whole scene that it fit into out, but didn’t want to forget the line(s). I wrote it out in movie script/script-style roleplay fashion e.g. Character’s Name: (emotion, hand gestures etc.) [Dialogue here] and so on. I know this is probably a well known trick of the trade, but I never took it seriously until this year. Seriously, do it. It’s great.
Favorite Thing I Wrote:
Hmmm, a snippet for Andronikos/Ni’kasi that I started this week which isn’t posted yet (saving it for this week’s Six Sentence Sunday so look out for it! :D) was pretty fun to work on, I love their dynamic and Kas is suprisingly fun to write for.
Also the Aria/Vano proposal scene that I posted a snippet for the week before last. I’m having great fun with that scene, and I really enjoy putting a non-serious spin on the classic “proposal scene” tropes. Can’t wait to finish it, though it may be a while before the full one goes up on AO3, as it depends whether it ends up fitting in as part of the mainfic or as an additional oneshot
And I have a D’leah/Kissai oneshot that I need to give another once-over before I finally yeet it onto AO3 and Tumblr for you guys to see :’D
Favorite Fic I Read:
@sleepswithvillains Eleanora/Quinn fic, Helplessly Hoping. I’m horribly behind on chapters and I gotta catch up and read the finale this week, but it’s been a helluva great ride and I’ve thoroughly enjoyed the story! <3
Also The Invitation collab with @tishinada featuring Zas and Fiona had me squealing, I can’t wait to catch up on HH and see more of these two, they’re adorable ;-; @a-muirehen​ ‘s Relu/Merkara series of course! I’m a complete sucker for (friends to lovers to in Ariano’s case but yea pfpfpf) enemies to lovers ships and these two are just so good, I am on the edge of my seat every time we get a new snippet for them, ngl (grimace emoji) @darth-bagel ‘s Sylvas/Graz’zt and Sylvas/Liz/Rilfaen snippets which they’ve been spoiling me with on Discord @mercurypilgrim ‘s Ven’fir/Quinn AU oneshots, Cloudbank (Western was a particular favourite, but all are very good!) and of course @rainofaugustsith ‘s Lana/Viri updates are always fantastic, some personal favourites from this year were Almost There & Memory of Healing :3 (I totally still go back to read Commander & Advisor too sometimes, getting to see Viri be a little diabolical and messing with “MiNiSTeR LoRMaN!” was and still is my favourite thing XD)
If I’ve left you out I’m sorry!! These were the ones that stuck out in my memory, but I’ve loved everyone’s writing this year, it’s been great :3
Writing Goals:
to actually finish and post chapter 8 & 9 of Creeping Shadows. Then we’ll get to the meat and potatoes of the story and maybe Aria will stop being a brat and fighting me every time I try to stick to a semi-regular update schedule Get off my butt, finalise the name and get started on Ni’kasi’s part of the Subterfugeverse story. Maybe run the updates in-tandem with Creeping Shadows but idk if I want to wait till after CS is done before I start posting Kas’s side, or do them side-by-side yet, we’ll see ;) Keep writing! I know better than to pressure myself by setting a specific word count goal, that’s never worked well in the past
At least 2 chapters of each of the works mentioned above would be great though, more would be better! We’ll see how I go
Words of Thanks:
honestly, to everybody in the fandom I’ve met this year. Anybody that I follow, thank you for being there and engaging with me and/or posting amazing content for me to look at! I came over from deviantART where the SWTOR fandom is incredibly small and generally quite inactive and the contrast since moving over here has been incredibly uplifting. I very nearly cancelled Creeping Shadows and stopped posting fic for my SWTORverse altogether because I got next to no engagement on dA and it was very disheartening to the point where I felt I could enjoy the game and the rp partners I had, but the solo projects I’d put so much thought, time and love into already weren’t worth continuing. You guys took that spark and kept it going and I really don’t have enough words to say how grateful I am for that. Even if I haven’t published much this year, making posts on this tumblr, interacting with everyone and working on lore, plot points and so on for Subterfugeverse has kept me going through the Hellish Year of Nightmares that was 2020 <3
to the amazing new friends I’ve made in this past year, who have listened to me ramble about headcanons, character backstories, writing snippets (and rambled/sent some back), keep being awesome: @walk-ng-d-saster , @darth-bagel , @kyber-heart , @deepseacritter , @thedinalixlegacy to further friends and meme tag buddies, I get so excited every time I see a mention for a new meme or ask game in my inbox, so thank you!! : @mimabeann , @palepinkycat , @a-master-procrastinator , @raven-of-domain-kwaad , @actualanxiousswampwitch , @thatmmolesbian , @a-muirehen to my regular commentors/rebloggers/likers/askbox lurkers, I see every one of you and every time your users pop up I grin like a kid in a toy shop: @starlightjedi , @sparkles-and-rust , @wilvarin-chan , @sunsetofdoom , @ask-an-andalite , @thelastenvoyyy . @lyrishadow and more because Tumblr only goes so far back and I have the memory of Swiss Cheese. If you regularly comment, like, reblog, or anything, from me, know that I see you, and I love and appreciate you for it! <3
I couldn’t possibly remember to tag everyone and I promise if I missed you out it’s not because I hate you! Anxiety just sometimes be a bitch and I don’t wanna look like a clown calling someone a “friend” if I’m not explicitly sure we are, in fact, friends. I think you’re all awesome and I’m so glad to have moved over here and met you all <3
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softschnappi · 4 years
A Different Kind of Hangout
So after literally FOREVER I had tons of motivation to write and I came up with this…its basically just smut but there’s some pretty cute fluff as well! What can I say, I love my boys…also it got super fluffy at the end idk wtf happened to me but 3am writing hit different
Warnings: nsfw, smut, dry humping, some dirty talk , swearing, you get the idea
Word Count: 4.9K
Summary: Will wants to fool around with Richie for the first time…summary sucks but pls read lol
NSFW under the cut!
“I’m bored,” Richie whined as he hit the spacebar on his laptop, pausing the shitty movie that was very disinteresting to him. He turned to Will, who was cuddled into his side, and asked him, “Do you still wanna watch?”
Will shook his head in response, before telling Richie that he was bored as well. The movie was a low-budget horror flick, the plot being so ridiculously stupid to the point where you couldn’t even make fun of it. Sticking Charlie Sheen in a conspiracy movie about aliens and dinosaurs alongside Molly Ringwald was definitely something not worth seeing it through to the ending. The problem was, they had already watched a bunch of youtube videos prior, as well as having previously watched everything they deemed “good” on Netflix. 
“I’ve already seen BoJack too many times, we’ve seen Big Mouth, Shrek, yadda, yadda, yadda…” Richie trailed off as he sighed into his palm. Will hummed a quiet yeah in agreement and gently squeezed Richie’s interlaced hand, softly rubbing his thumb over the other’s. 
Richie looked over to him and was now overwhelmed with the sight of his boyfriend. Will was absolutely gorgeous every minute of every day, but this day was a sunny day, pastel yellow rays of light shining in through Richie’s bedroom window, cascading upon Will’s features. His bright hazel eyes were glimmering as he focused on fiddling with Richie’s hand, his hair was the slightest bit messy, looking adorably…floofy, as Richie always describes it, and the gleaming light made his skin appear the softest thing in the world, as if Richie’s calloused hands on him would cause scratches would appear. 
Will let out a small squeak as Richie ripped his hand apart from his own and pinched his cheek. 
“You’re just so cute!” He cooed, earning an annoyed glance from Will, who just laid there and took it. His Grandma used to pinch his cheek whenever he, Jonathan, and Joyce visited her in the country, and it doesn’t hurt any less now that he was in college and all grown up. In fact, Richie pinches his cheeks harder. 
Richie pulled his hand away and closed his laptop, leaning up slightly to place it on his bedside table. He rolled onto his side and ran a hand through Will’s hair, raising it up through his fingers and watching it flop back down each time. 
“Do you wanna just make out?” Will asked, avoiding eye contact, suddenly finding the drawstrings of his - Richie’s - sweatshirt to be very fascinating. He and Richie have been together for over a year, but Will was still on the shy side when it came to certain things. Richie told him he would never say no to kissing and cuddling, but Will always feared asking because that’s what being shy all your life does to you. Even though he’d become more confident and social over the past handful of years, Will just wished that Richie could just read his mind and automatically know that he wants a goodbye kiss or a hug without him actually having to ask.
Richie chuckled, “I was just about to say that!” Before cupping Will’s face and leaning in to press his lips against him. Will smiled into the kiss and wrapped his arm around Richie’s waist, pulling him closer so that they were chest to chest.
They stayed like that for a while, passionately connecting their lips together, before Richie’s tongue swiped across Will’s bottom lip. Will opened his mouth and allowed Richie’s tongue to enter his mouth, both of them lightly giggling at the weird sensation of their tongues touching. It was nothing new, but they didn’t know if they’d ever get used to the first few seconds of it. Will cringed at the flavour of ground beef and Coca Cola washing over his taste buds, recalling the Taco Bell breakfast - yes, breakfast since Richie woke up craving diabetes - date they had earlier in the day. Regardless, he still enjoyed the way his and Richie’s tongues danced lazily with each other and sighed in bliss.
However, Will’s dick had some other ideas. He felt it twitch in his pants and knew he had to be careful here. Because of how horny he’d been all week, and had been prone to masturbate more than usual, his mind was being filled with suggestive ideas. However, this was the first time he was getting aroused by a makeout session, or at all in someone’s presence. 
Growing up, Will’s hormones weren’t all over the place as opposed to his friends, who’s main priorities seemed to all lie in sex, sex, and more sex. Dustin, Mike, and Lucas all had girlfriends, while Will was struggling with his sexuality, so it made sense. Over the years after he came to terms that he was gay, he figured out what got himself going and touched himself the odd night, but he didn’t want anyone actually putting their hands on him outside what happened in his head. It wasn’t until a few months ago that he found himself wanting to be sexually involved with Richie. Will knew as a teen that eventually one day he would be comfortable enough with someone to let them see his private places, but even though his dick twitched again inside his pants as Richie began peppering kisses along his jaw, he wasn’t quite ready to expose that part of himself yet. However, he still wanted to do something, particularly involving one fantasy of his in which he often humped his pillow to.
Will waited until Richie took his lips off of his neck and kissed him again, placing his hands on his chest and gently pushing him on his back. Richie sighed into Will’s mouth as the latter hovered over him. Moments later, Will swung a leg over Richie’s crotch, lowering himself to sit just inches away from his dick. They’ve made it a rule to leave x amount of space between Richie’s dick and Will when he’s sitting in his lap (it was rarely the other way around) to avoid unwanted boners. And it worked pretty well. Richie would speak up if Will accidentally moved a little too close, and Will would stumble out an apology and scoot backwards, and they would continue doing whatever. But this time, he wanted Richie to get hard. 
Richie slid his hands down Will’s waist and down to his ass, giving it a good squeeze before raising his hand and delivering a firm smack to his right cheek. Will let out a shriek that dissolved into a small hum. Richie loved having his hands on his ass, and Will often wondered what else Richie might like to do with his ass– and okay, woah, he needed to calm down, and more importantly keep his dick down at least for now. 
Beginning to mouth at Richie’s neck, Will moved his hips forward so that he was sitting over the invisible boundary line on Richie’s crotch.
“Baby,” Richie panted, licking his lips and letting his head fall back onto a pillow. “You might wanna, y’ know, back up a little…”
When Will kept quiet and continued to press hot, open-mouthed kisses to his neck, Richie let out a whine. He did not want to sprint to the bathroom out of humiliation and have to jerk off while Will was in his room, waiting for him to come back and continue to simply kiss him.
“Baby, ‘m gonna get hard…”
Will pulled off and wrapped his arms around Richie’s neck, the long sleeves of his boyfriend’s stolen sweater flapping as he did so, and rested his head on his shoulder. He was extremely grateful to have such a caring boyfriend like Richie, who completely understood that Will wasn’t ready for anything sexual when he brought up taking things to third base in their relationship a long while ago, and Will’s wish to keep things as they are, with makeouts and ass grabs. Richie told him that once he decided he was ready, he would always ask permission to touch him to make sure that he was okay with everything, but said that Will didn’t need to ask to touch him. I will literally never say no, He remembered Richie explaining, If you get home and really want some dick, just use me as you please, no words needed. I’ll be more than happy to assist the monsieur! As…charming as that conversation was, Will didn’t feel right going ahead with this without Richie’s verbal consent.
“Um…” He whispered into Richie’s ear, before feeling his cheeks heat up, causing him to bury his head in the crook of Richie’s neck. Of course, things were just starting to get good and he had to get all shy. When he didn’t move, Richie asked him if there was something wrong. “N-No, no…I, uh,” Will started, screwing his eyes shut even though he knew Richie couldn’t see him. “I’m doing it on purpose…like, not moving back…because I kinda wanna, um, you know…is that okay?”
There was silence for a moment, and Will’s heart was beating out of his chest. He was ready to run out of the room until Richie spoke up.
“Oh…” He said quietly, and then it really clicked. “Oh. Oh! Oh, fuck! Okay, yeah, I get it now,” Richie laughed, calling himself an idiot. His demeanour shifted to a kid in a candy store, asking Will what exactly he wanted to do, his cock beginning to prick up at the idea of finally getting some action with his boyfriend.
Will pulled away from Richie’s neck and faced him, cheeks dusted a rosy pink and his lip flushed between his teeth. Richie couldn’t help but lean up and kiss him. 
“Well,” Will began after they parted, eyes glued to Richie’s mug on his bedside table. “I-I wanna keep my clothes on. I don’t want you to see…down there yet.” Richie nodded. He sensed Will’s insecurity in regards to the whole situation and rubbed a hand up and down his back to soothe him a little bit. “But, I still wanna…you know…”
“You want me to give you a handjob over your clothes?” Richie guessed.
“No…” Will replied, but fuck, he never even thought of that. “Well, maybe another time, but I wanna stay in this position…and…move-”
Richie snapped his finger and pointed it at Will. “You wanna grind on me!”
“Would you like a prize?” Will groaned, hand covering his beet-red face.
“The ‘prize’ is gonna be you humping me, baby, fuck…” He groaned, his dick further hardening in his sweatpants. Richie could get fully hard in two minutes, and it was looking like he was going down that road. It was a high probability that Will could feel his dick poking his thigh, but he didn’t say anything about it if he did.
Will didn’t remove his hand from his face after a few moments, and Richie resumed the position of rubbing his back. “Hey, I know I’m never serious, but you better cherish it because I’m going to be right now. If you wanna do this, then let’s do it. We’ll find a good rhythm and it’ll feel really good. If you don’t wanna do it, or wanna stop in the middle then you just tell me. I have no problem with that, okay? I just want to make sure you feel comfortable and enjoy this, and I want you to know that I would never make fun of you if you do something wrong, or come too early, or fart or something, because some things are just bound to happen,” He shrugged his shoulders, “So you have nothing to be embarrassed about, baby, okay?”
Will slowly put his hands back around Richie’s neck and looked into his eyes. He felt much more relaxed because Richie was telling the truth. This wasn’t going to play out perfectly or like studio porn because they were only doing this for the first time, and plus, Will wasn’t getting naked so he didn’t have to fret too much about his body. However, he was still a little on edge because he and Richie weren’t entirely in the same boat. This was going to be Will’s first time doing anything sexual with someone, while Richie, on the other hand, had already lost his virginity before college. He’d admitted that he and his best friend Beverly screwed around here and there, but it was never anything serious. Still, he had more experience than Will, which put a small damper on any confidence he had. However, Will had to push the thought out of his head because this was going to be Richie’s first sexual encounter with a boy, so there was going to be some shared firsts. 
“Okay…thank you. I don’t know who you are and what you did with my boyfriend, but-” Will paused upon Richie bursting into laughter and titling himself as Gandhi, which made no sense, but Will just snickered along. “Seriously, I want this.”
Richie vigorously nodded his head. “Okie Dokie! And I know you said you wanted to keep your clothes on, so would you wanna do this in our boxers? I mean, it eliminates two layers, and I think it’ll feel better, but it’s all up to you.”
Will thought about it for a long moment, having only imagined doing this with everything on, but recognized Richie’s point that it would feel better without pants, and nodded his head. “Yeah, okay.”
He rose up and hovered over Richie’s lower half, hooking his hands inside the waistband of his sweatpants, pulling them down to his ankles before Richie kicked them fully off. Will knew Richie was hard, he could feel his dick against him a few moments ago, but seeing the large tent in his grey boxers made his mouth go dry as he felt a wave of arousal wash over him, blood rushing down to his own hardening cock. When he tore his eyes away to look up at his face, Richie was blushing. 
Will crawled towards him and kissed him before they switched positions. Richie pulled down his black track pants and slipped his ankles out of the cuffs before balling it up and throwing it across his room. As he was about to look back to Will and get down to business, he jumped off of the bed and locked his door. He almost forgot to do that, and what a story it would be if Bill came back to the dorm anytime soon and saw some things he shouldn’t. Richie turned back to the beauty on his bed and smirked at him.
“Can this be the part where we get even and I stare at your dick?”
“Shut up!” Will giggled and instinctively closed his legs, before opening them again a few moments after. “Although…I guess it’s only fair, but I’m only a little bit hard…”
Richie could tell. Will was drowning in his sweater, the bottom sightly draping over his crotch, but Richie could still recognize the small bulge in his blue boxers. It wasn’t as prominent as his own, but the only thing he cared about at the moment was the soon reality of Will grinding against him, using him to make himself feel good.
He crawled back on the bed and laid beside Will, the latter resuming to hover over Richie. Panic washed over him as he realized he needed to find a good position, and he gulped. But Richie flew to action, as usual, and wrapped his arms around Will’s waist, pulling him close, but Will’s hips still remained to hover. He assured Richie that he wasn’t going to back out, but he was still a little anxious. They decided to put on some music to try and relieve the stiff tension of silence in the room, and Will thought to himself that rock ‘n’ roll wasn’t exactly the most appropriate for the situation, but it did make things a little less awkward. 
Richie would’ve bucked his hips up to make the first move, but Will was too far back, so he couldn’t. But he decided he’d need to give him a little push in the right direction. He leaned up and connected their lips whilst he rubbed Will’s back, and pulled back after Will sighed into his mouth. 
“Come on and make yourself feel good baby,” Richie prompted, smirking to himself as he watched Will shut his eyes and bite his lip. 
That was it. Of course Richie would be good at talking like he was straight out of Will’s wet dreams. Of course he would be. Will felt his cock begin to ache at his words and decided to get this show on the road. It was no different than what he did in the privacy of his own room, sticking a pillow between his legs and rutting against it until he came, imagining it was Richie anyway, but now he was finally going to be doing the real thing, so he pushed all of his worries behind him. Will sucked in a shaky breath, wrapped his arms around Richie’s neck while he kissed him, and lowered his hips down until he felt his cock lightly brush against his boyfriend’s. They both lightly gasped, barely audible over the music playing, and Richie’s hands flew to Will’s ass, pushing him fully down onto his crotch. 
Will weakly thrust his cock against Richie’s, burying his face into the crook of his neck, holding back a whimper at the delicious friction in an attempt to keep silent, as opposed to Richie, who let out a low groan as he bucked his hips up at the same time. Will was much too embarrassed to let any noises slip, unwilling to expose any more parts of himself, but as they picked up a steady rhythm, Richie wondered if Will was enjoying himself. He was cursing and moaning, while Will was solely panting against his neck. 
“Will, baby, are you– does this feel good?”
He felt Will nod into his neck, followed by a muffled, “Feels so good.” 
“Okay, just making sure,” Richie squeezed his ass before letting out a small grunt as Will jutted his hips forward again. “It’s just because I don’t hear anything and I worry…” 
Will mumbled about it being embarrassing, and Richie did his best to reassure him that it’s definitely not embarrassing, but rather hot and a turn on. Will agreed that he liked hearing Richie moan, and the latter told him he would sound so cute if he let the filter slip a little, gently begging him to make some noise for him. One thing about Richie is that he could be quite convincing sometimes, and as a result, in the next few moments Will was letting out soft uh uh uh ‘s into Richie’s ear. 
Richie’s dick twitched as he listened to Will and felt his hot breath on his ear. He let out a loud fuck as he leaned his head back onto the pillow. He was so fucking hard in his boxers, cock sticking straight up and stretching the fabric, and he could feel the slightest amount of wetness on his tip. Will wasn’t much different, cock curved to the left inside of his boxers, throbbing and leaking as well. 
Raising his head, Will sloppily pressed his lips to Richie’s, shoving his tongue inside of his mouth. Richie tightened his grasp on Will’s ass, pushing him forward and guiding him to move his hips faster. He broke away instantly, turning his head to the side, eyebrows scrunching together and mouth falling slack as he let out a small whimper at the sudden rush of pleasure. Richie couldn’t help but bite at his throat until Will retreated back to burying his face into his neck. 
“You’re so fucking cute,” Richie groaned out, “Grinding on me while wearing my sweater, like shit, baby, you could kill me.” Will panted, That’s the goal, into his ear and mouthed at his neck. “I gotta ask,” Richie started, cursing as the friction his cock was receiving began to steadily build a knot in his stomach. “Did making out really rile you up this much?”
“B-Been horny all week,” Will replied, internally screaming because he would never dare say that out loud on a regular day. “Why did I tell you that?” He groaned.
Richie lowly chuckled, “You can’t think straight when you’re feeling so good. Also, welcome to my life whenever you come around.”
“I-I make you horny when we hang out?”
“Fuck yes, I was horny at Taco Bell this morning, I just hide it well and keep it in my pants.” 
Will let out an unbashful moan and quickly slapped a hand over his mouth. Oops, he accidentally let one slip. But he forgot about it within seconds, and ground his cock down harder against Richie’s, chasing the waves of pleasure that ran down his spine. Feeling the increased dampness of the fabric around his tip, the tightening of his balls, and his cock having a full-on heartbeat, Will knew he was going to last about five minutes or less. 
“F-Fuck, Richie, what do you think about?”
Noticing the sudden change in Will’s behaviour, Richie figured he was getting closer, and he wasn’t too far behind. He bit his lip, bucked his hips up faster, and explained to Will, “I just wanna make you feel good, baby. I-I want you to moan my name, I wanna suck your cock, stick a couple of fingers in you before I fuck your cute little ass real good…” Richie moaned at his own words, feeling the knot in his lower stomach growing.
“Oh, keep talking, please, I’m close!” Will whined loudly, not caring what he sounded like anymore, he was too far gone. He sped his hips up, grinding as fast as he could, cock begging for release.
Richie internally laughed for a moment, having thought nobody would ever ask him to continue talking instead of shutting the fuck up, but shook his head and got back to reality. Will was shaking in his arms, humping him like there was no tomorrow, and the sight was the hottest fucking thing he’d ever seen.
“I masturbate to you every night,” Richie moaned, “ I come so hard thinking about you, making you feel good. Last night I imagined sucking you off underneath the table while you draw–”
“Holy fucking shit, yes!” Will practically shouted.
“Yeah? You want me to do that, baby?” Richie panted against Will’s neck.
“Yes yes yes yes yes! Oh shit–I’m gonna–I’m gonna-”
“That’s it, baby, be a good boy and cum for me,” Richie whispered, unknowing of where this sudden pet name came from, but boy did it have a magical effect on Will.
He pulled Richie in as close as he possibly could and stilled his hips, letting out a loud string of cries as he came, boxers filling up with shot after shot of hot cum. Richie could feel it seeping through the fabric, and faster than he could even let Will know, his back arched and he was coming into his own boxers with a roar. Will was trembling in Richie’s arms, and both of their orgasms seemed to go on forever, loud moans echoing the bedroom, but Will eventually slumped down into Richie’s hold, breathing heavily and heartbeat pounding in his ears. Richie was trying to catch his breath as his body relaxed into the mattress, and both of their energy was completely drained, neither one making any move to get up. 
Will felt as if his cheeks were on fire, stinging with heat as he came back to his senses and realized that he really just had the most intense orgasm of his life from grinding on his boyfriend…and also came in his underwear and oh my fucking shit he came in his underwear and it felt disgusting and there was probably an enormous stain–
“Hey, you alive?” Richie poked his back. 
“Good. That was fucking amazing!”
“Yeah, it was,” Will smiled, pecking him on the cheek. 
There was silence for a moment.
“So…” Richie started, turning to face Will. “Do you actually wanna do that stuff I said? Or did you just say yes in the heat of the moment…”
Will reached up and began swirling Richie’s hair with his fingers. “I do, but not yet. I mean, you haven’t even seen my dick yet, but we can work up to everything if you want to do it too.”
Eagerly nodding, Richie replied, “Fuck yes. Yes, I want to. Whenever you’re ready, though. I don’t want to put any pressure on you.”
“Thank you,” Will hummed and gently pressed his lips against Richie’s. 
“Of course,” Richie said, “So, about you being horny all week–”
Will cringed and sat up on Richie’s lap. “Uh, we don’t need to talk about that…” He placed his hands in front of his crotch as he looked at Richie. 
“Nuh-uh, you don’t get out of it,” Richie motioned for Will to take his hands away. “We’re both sporting a lake here, so lemme see.”
Slowly pulling his hands back, Will let Richie look at his stained boxers. He looked to Richie’s, and couldn’t help but giggle as he noticed a recognizable pattern in the mess. Richie looked up to him, his face deadpanned, and eyebrow raised as if to say, What the fuck are you laughing at?
“Oh, no I’m not–I would never–” Will just pointed to his crotch. “It looks like a heart!”
Richie looked down, cracking into a smile. “Holy shit, it does! Just for you, baby,” He said, making kissing noises in Will’s direction. “And I think I see a pattern in yours! It’s…a fuck ton of cum!” 
“Charming,” Will replied. He looked down for the first time, and yeah, that is a fuck ton of cum. It was drying too, and becoming sticky and gross. “I think I need to go clean up. But I’m all sweaty, so can I take a shower?”
“Mi casa es su casa! Just wash out your boxers and put them in my laundry, I’ll wash it for you.” Richie was definitely going to wash it. Totally not right after he jerked off to it. No way! 
When Will climbed off of the bed, Richie went into his closet and fetched him a towel. “Now, do you want to go commando when you get out or do you want to borrow one of my boxers?”
Will’s eyes lit up at the idea of getting to wear something of Richie’s. He loved wearing or using anything that belonged to his boyfriend, like his sweater and towel. He’s even stolen a few shirts from Richie’s dresser when he uses the bathroom. “I’ll just borrow yours, but I think my pants are dirty too,” He innocently complained, but Richie saw right through him.
“Oh yeah? Is my sweater, too? Do you want me to give you another one?”
“You gave this to me! And no, I think it’s just fine the way it is.”
Richie playfully shook his head as he got out a pair of red track pants, a pair of boxers, and a bonus Motley Crue t-shirt to make Will happy because why the hell not. He liked to tease Will for his obsession of wearing his stuff, but he couldn’t deny that he didn’t look absolutely adorable in everything. 
Richie laid on the bed scrolling on his phone, patiently waiting for Will to return. He’d picked out his own clothes to change into once he took a shower afterwards, and luckily, Will only took a few minutes and was soon back in the room. Richie did a double-take on him because it looked like Will was being swallowed by his clothes. Will was shorter than he was, so the pants slightly dragged on the floor and the t-shirt looked more like a short dress than anything. His hair was long and wet, no longer looking floofy, unfortunately, but he still looked-
“So fucking cute,” Richie squealed at him, hopping off the bed and pinching his cheek once again. 
Will whacked his hand away. “Stop it!” He lightly laughed. 
Richie couldn’t believe how lucky he was to end up with a complete treasure like Will, but he wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world. And even though he’d spent all day with him, it still wasn’t enough. 
“Hey, why don’t you stay the night?” Richie invited, “We can eat nearly expired iced cream and I promise we’ll find something fun to do!” Ever since mid-terms began, they each balanced their time between studying and hanging out, which meant neither of them stayed overnight. But now that bullshit was done and over so Richie wanted to make up for lost spooning in the night and burnt toast breakfasts.
“Yeah, sure, but I don’t care about doing something fun, I just wanna cuddle with you for hours after you shower…” Will looked up at him dreamily. “So get to it! You smell!” 
“Yes, sir!” Richie saluted and slapped Will’s ass as he walked out of the room. 
He grinned to himself the entire time he was in the shower. They seriously just humped each other and came together! What the fuck! Richie would be furious if he awoke from a dream any second, but luckily it was real. Everything was real. What a lovesick puppy he was.
When he came back to the room, Will was bundled up on his bed in the blankets and had his arms outstretched for Richie to climb in with him. He looked like a giant fluffy marshmallow, and Richie would be damned if he didn’t dive into bed and hold him in his arms for as long as possible. Hopefully forever.
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alexmanesairstream · 5 years
Okay. Time for my ramblings. You're all free to not read a word of this but I just needed to put my thoughts out there. So. Going into s2, my only reason for watching the show was seeing Alex Manes (bc Tyler is one of my all time favourite actors and also just ALEX MANES). But after seeing the promo and fan chatter before the premier I admit getting my hopes up and becoming a little more open to the entire show as a whole again. I had hoped that s2 would be a huge improvement in terms of writing, consistency, good representation and overall storytelling. Anyways, here’s just some thoughts I’ve had after the first episode if you care to read it. I've left the Malex (and Maria) thoughts to the end bc I wanted to speak about the entire episode first. The Malex part is right at the end if anyone is reading this and only wants to read that part.
Firstly, the episode felt very disconnected. I know there was a time jump but that also left so many questions unanswered.
Kyle and Alex are well aware of the alien secret, so it made no sense that they were in the dark about Rosa being alive and Max being dead. I would've thought that both of them would've been made aware of it immediately.
This may be more of a personal preference but I've always been more interested in sci-fi aspects of the show since I always find supernatural elements on shows to become repetitive and far fetched (yes I know it's supernatural but I've always liked when there was a scientific or logical explanation behind something). Ep1 (and I know Carina said this season would explore supernatural elements and not the sci-fi aspects of it) hinted a very big supernatural storyline which I wasn't too keen on- it just gave off some big vampire diaries 'the other side' vibes. I really wish they would've explores a more unique and original storyline rather than something so repetitive with regards to Max.
Now for the science and little sci-fi parts, I know they're strained for time so there's a lot that they have to leave out but most of the science seemed far fetched or rather lacking any good grounding explanation. I get that it's a show but I would've liked for it to have made some sense rather than the random stuff Michael and Liz would say that seemingly came out of thin air. Especially when they were having their science Bro moments and interacting with substances etc- where are these substances from? What to they do? How did you get it? Idk maybe I'm being overly obsessive over this but it irks me bc I always lose interest when I can't coherently follow a storyline with logic
Rosa being back. I don't have much to say on this. The sister dynamic is kinda cute. I really don't like this weird supernatural connection thing she has with Max. Like I said, very vampire diaries like and it's just not making sense (maybe I didn't pay close enough attention idk). Also, can we get some clarity on her age. She was 19 when she died. So she should be 29 in the present day. But she mentioned something about being the hottest 31 year old when Liz told her to get a license in California. So what's up with that.
Isobel pregnancy : Yeah there's a lot I could say here. I'm assuming they're trying to do a storyline on abortion and a woman's right to her own body which I would be eager to see but at the same time, Isobel being pregnant with her dead abusive rapist's baby seems a lot like it was done for drama (sigh). It also has me wondering how since it was clear in s1 that Isobel didn't want children while Noah did- obviously she may have changed her mind after their reconciliation after she came out of the pod and also bc I accidents happen (do condoms even work with aliens???).
Now for the Malex and Maria part of it:
Since Alex was not aware of Max dying, wouldn't he have then made an effort to speak to Michael again in those two weeks since the finale. I would understand him wanting to give Michael space if he had known about Max dying but since he didn't know, did he just accept that Michael left him waiting at the trailer and leave it at that until after Noah's funeral? That just doesn't make sense to me but moving on
So Michael says that Alex told him he was going to leave the airforce to play music. Lol lots to get into here. Firstly, kinda strange that Alex would have told him that specifically that night in the trailer. Also, I was under the impression that what we were shown on screen was all that there was in that interaction. I don't see at which point Alex could've mentioned him leaving the airforce before Michael had to run out. Secondly, Alex leaving the airforce to play music? That just seems hella out of character and frankly completely unrealistic. Alex has spent the last 10 years gaining different skills, learning new things about himself, evolving and changing as a person. While he may have always had this dream about making music the fact is most people end up studying something or doing something in a different direction than their teenage self wanted. Alex is no different. While he may have wanted to leave the airforce it just doesn't seem plausible that he'd want to explore an entirely new career path as a musician. It would've made more sense for him to go into a career with cyber security and his skills in hacking, coding and programming instead. Also, unless he's got hell money from somewhere it's just completely unrealistic. He's a veteran (there are so many homeless, unemployed, uninsured, struggling veterans) who surely would need a stable income. It just feels like it's some a random storyline to have when there's been no indication of it, and it's completely out of character for Alex to decide to pursue music after 10 years in the airforce when we aren't even sure if he's done anything related to it in the last 10 years. Maybe I'm being harsh because personally I would've liked Alex to pursue something with the skills he gained in the airforce and also bc I rarely believe anyone is the same person with the same dreams and passions they had when they were a teenager. I mean, we all grow, evolve and change and that's okay. I would've really liked for Alex storyline to have been along those lines- taking what he's learned out of something he didn't necessarily want and taking control of who he is with those skills and his future (apparently in order to be a captain and also to be a code breaker Alex would've need to have gone to college while in the airforce). Idk maybe I'm bias bc I absolutely love seeing BAMF Alex Manes and how smart he is when he's working and code breaking.
Hmm Alex has a house. Like an actual house. And not a single person in the fandom knew this. In fact if Carina hadn't clarified on Twitter, we'd all be confused as hell. Literally everyone thought he lived at the cabin and rightfully so. It also makes me question why Alex had been at the cabin the day Kyle was there if he doesn't live at the cabin. But anyways small details. I'm trying not to be petty. I also really would like to know how Michael knows where Alex lives hmmm
I absolutely loved that Alex's first thought was to give Michael a guitar bc he remembers what he lost when Jesse ruined his hand. I am HERE for Alex Manes' kindness and wholesomeness.
Alex has PTSD. He would never be sitting with his back towards an entry point and music blaring loudly while he didn't have his prosthetic on. Carina responded on Twitter saying his PTSD is from childhood and not the war. I can't really understand how the war and losing a limb would not affect him and his existing PTSD at all. But again, I'll overlook this inconsistency
Michael's little confrontation speech to Alex- totally get it. It makes a lot of sense from Michael's perspective. I do however still have an issue with this thing of Alex 'leaving'. The ONLY time Alex actively left was when he enlisted. Any time after that was beyond his control. He was in the military. He had no choice. I really wish we could at some point see how all of this affected Alex instead of constantly seeing it from a one- sided Michael perspective.
And now Maria and Michael. Just a few words. What the fuck. I say all of this as someone who absolutely believes Malex shouldn't be together right now and who is fully on board with them just being friends right now:
- As someone who loved Maria in the first season and as a woman of colour, I fucking hate her storyline and what they're making her character do. It was cringe and desperate and humiliating for her to be running after Michael after one kiss. And also, SO out of character for her. Maria Deluca is her own saviour and would never run after someone who behaved the way Michael had in that ep. She would abso-fucking-lutely not chase after a man and put herself out there in such a desperate way like that.
- Secondly, has she just forgotten Alex exists? This is so not the Maria we know. Chasing after a man for something when he's not giving anything back in return and not even bothering to speak to Alex or attempt any sort of communication with him before she continues pursuing Michael. It makes no sense. I only see the Maria hate escalating at this point and I don't blame anyone for it. At this point she 100% deserves it. It's so so out of character for her not to have spoken to Alex and to continue pursuing Michael before speaking to Alex.
Honestly I've said it since the start- I hate love triangles and this one in particular rubs me the wrong way for so many reasons. I honestly don't see how we can redeem Maria's character after this mess. The whole Michael and Maria thing is just messy (and not in a cool dramatic TV show way), and is for a lot of us straight up character assassination for both Michael and Maria. I'm just so put off by both of their characters. If they were adamant about this storyline, I wish they'd done it and left Alex out from the start (I said Kylex rights!).
In conclusion, it's a shitshow. The show is just all over the place and the writing doesn't seem to have improved from the inconsistencies and plot holes. There's a lot more I could say but this was all I thought about right now for that episode. I also have so many thoughts on what Carina has recently said but I'm not in the right space of mind to address that rn. She's hell problematic lmao. But anyways, going forward, I'm just here for my Tyler Blackburn and watching him kill it as Alex Manes and I'm kinda really excited to see him with his new love interest.
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ofmorninglory · 5 years
Space Pirates (idk like Treasure Planet maybe?) + Stony or Clintasha
An expansion piece!!! To this post right here --> that’s Halbarry Space Pirates AU and honestly one of the Best AUs, no questions asked, that the lovely @magicalzatanna​ and I came up with when Crossover AU hell first started. Am I also adding that Barry and Clint are twin brothers? Why yes, I certainly am, and there is absolutely nothing anyone can do to stop me! This is basically Star Trek meets Something Like Treasure Planet: 
(I wanted desperately to put this under read more but it won’t LET ME so I’ll tag this as “long post” and hope you guys don’t hate me too much)
Does Clint absolutely hate his brother for getting him into this? He does, he most certainly would love to suffocate Barry while he was sleeping. Unlike his twin brother, Clint Allen would very much love to have his feet down on Earth. Space was unpredictable, unknown, and it gave Clint the heebie jeebies to actually think about all the things that were out there, floating in space, waiting to pounce on human idiocy. Nevertheless, he was Barry’s twin brother and they had never been more than a couple of days apart. Clint loved Barry more than anything (and how could he not? How could he not adore his twin brother, who was kind and solid ground, who taught everyone around them ASL so they could talk to Clint when he wasn’t feeling like wearing his hearing aids) and the thought of letting him go off-world without him? It was unconceiveable. Sure, he hates space, but he hates the thought of his brother out there all alone even more. (Their mother is gone, their father is in jail--Clint only has Barry and he doesn’t even want to let go) 
It’s a miracle that he gets into the Academy, given his hearing issues, but he figures it has something to do with being buddies with Tony Stark (who also designed all of his hearing aids, no charge or favors owned; “only the best of the best for one of my best” Stark had said back then) and how many recommendation letters administration got from other students (all of Barry’s friends, of course) commending him on his skills (near-perfect aim, spoke 3 languages fluently, skills in combat, great strategist and tactitian, also good with tech when it came down to it). He’s afraid that they might separate him and Barry, but Bruce Wayne is Captain, and chooses him and Barry in their respective departments (he’s Safety & Security while Barry’s Reasearch & Development) for the USS Justicia. Clint actually gets along pretty well with everyone in the ship, specially with the people in Barry’s Lab who all learned basic ASL language for him. He absolutely hates space with a burning passion (and he’ll continue to hate it no matter how many fucking times Barry and Tony get excited over aliens and other equally distressful scenarios), but at least he’s with his brother and that’s about enough for him.
But then there’s a fucking pirate space ship and Clint’s life goes to hell. He thought he had something going on, he really did, but space really is unpredictable. He tried telling this to Barry and Iris about five-hundred-and-forty-six times in the past, but no one ever listens to him. 
Cue in Natasha Romanoff (Natalia Romanova, Natalie Rushman, she doesn’t really know anymore) who was given a second chance at life by the Captain and the Commandos (”It’s my ship!” Hal screams everytime “We are not the Commandos!” “I’m the Captain,” Steve says back, calmly, “And we are.”) Before being found by the Highball, a hideous name if she ever heard one (she’s told Hal as much), Natasha was an asset for a well-known Space Trafficking Ring. She had been picked up as a child, and then whipped into shape by Madame B, under Thaal Sinestro’s orders. Since then, she’d been doing their bidding, hollow and more than a little lost. When Sinestro came back as a Yellow Lantern after being kicked out of the Green Lantern Corps, she was sent to eliminate Hal, of course, but the power of the ring stopped her from doing it. Hal extended her an olive branch, and asked her if this really was what she wanted to be doing. Natasha fled, at first, but the more she hid from Sinestro and Madame B, the more she thought maybe Hal had a point. She finds him, his ship and his crew, and asks to join them. She had to learn to adjust to being part of a team, and she still sometimes feels odd and out of place, but Steve and Sam help her through it. Bucky tries, sure, because he understands, but he’s never been really good. The Highball is as good as any home, she thinks, and she’s warming up to the people around her little by little. 
When the Highball crashes into the USS Justicia (and Tony and Hal bond over rumoured Treasure Planet that they may have been looking for since the ship was space-borne), Clint and Natasha are forced to co-exist, just like everyone else in the ship. Reparations for the USS Justicia are slow with little to no materials to actually do it, and if Clint hated space before he outright despises it now. He takes an instant interest in Natasha, because there’s something there that Clint can’t explain himself but he wants to know. Natasha is elusive and will go to great lengths to avoid him, but he’s sneaky and very good at finding her on every single hide-out in the ship. She hates him a little bit for it, but actually respects him. She starts warming up to the idea of him little by little (and it has nothing to do with how blue his eyes are, shut up, Sam) and they become kind-of-sort-of friends. They talk about combat, martial arts, his great marksmanship, the 800 languages she knows (“They’re 10, Clint.” “I CAN BARELY SAY MY NAME IN ENGLISH, TASHA”), and how their lives turned out like this. Clint probably finds Nat mid nightmare, mid panic attack, mid-I’m-still-in-the-Red-Room spiral down that seems never ending, and he’s the only one who’ll hold her and whisper sweet words into her hair, until she’s fallen back asleep in his arms. Natasha jumps in front of danger every single time Clint is in any bad situation that’s about to get worse. They suddenly start merging into a couple and no one really knows what the fuck is going on, those are facts. Barry’s just happy his brother’s got this out of space, which he seems to hate so much. 
Tony Stark is head of the R&D department and second in command in the USS Justicia. He and Bruce W had never gotten along much (not like he and Bruce B, who’s a sweetheart and owns Tony’s entire heart) but they’re effective enough together that the Federation thought it was a good idea to give them their own goddamn ship. Tony doesn’t complain. Much. There’s not much waiting for him on Earth (his father disowned him, Stark Industries fell to Obadiah Stane after his parent’s untimely death) and Bruce W is a good Captain that keeps their crew in top-shape. He’s not leading any of them into battle, like so many other Captains did nowadays, and Tony revels in the quiet existance that is flying through space in a glorified saucer. He likes his team (picked Barry himself, deeply interested in his thesis) and they discover heart-stopping, amazingly cool stuff every. Single. Day. Tony couldn’t be happier, he really couldn’t. (Some days Bruce W will go to a Federation Post somewhere for meetings and Tony will get to be Captain, that’s the only instance of all of this that made it better.)
Captain Steve Rogers, or former Captain at least, used to be the captain to an important Federation vessel, the USS Valkyrie, that doesn’t exist anymore (unless you count the heap of scrap that was left of it after it was decomissioned). He was never one to follow rules, and while the Federation had given him his dream to see the stars (something he never would have dreamed of in a million years as a sickly kid, who could never even get out of bed some days), there were still some rules and regulations he simply couldn’t agree on. After getting his rank revoked and his crew relocated (except Bucky, of course, who was with him to the end of the line; he couldn’t blame the others, either, they had families to feed) Steve and Bucky are back on Earth, feeling miserable and forlorn. That is, until the Highball docks in San Francisco (illegally, might I add) and Hal Jordan, in all his glory, offers them a spot in his crew of misfits, and the rest is pretty much history. They travel space, they help people the way they always wanted, they kick-ass, take names--Steve would have never thought, at the beginning of his career, that this is where years of training at the Academy would take him. He finds he doesn’t care very much. 
Until the day the Highball hits the fucking USS Justicia. Steve wants to pull out all of his hair because of course it had to be a fucking Federation vessel. Harold steps up as the calm, collected, reasonable adult that he never is, and get everyone on board. Steve thinks “hey, it can’t get much worse!” and then Tony-fucking-Stark walks through the door and he wants to die. 
Steve’s been crushing on Tony since the younger man stepped into the Academy, all those years ago, except he was never really good at expressing his feelings, and no matter how much Bucky tried to get him to ask Stark on a date, all Steve managed, every single time, was get Tony angrier at him and their relationship becoming even rockier. Tony immediately recognizes him and it’s like they’re younger now, back at the Academy, and being enemies (even when Steve wanted anything but that). Tensions are high at the Highball (hah!) and Steve, bless his heart, just wants to fix the USS Justicia as fast as is possible.
Except, you know, Clint and Natasha find a goddamn map to Treasure Planet (Steve never believed it to be a thing) and Hal and Tony can’t stop vibrating in their places, shooting off at the mouth, overexcitedly, about how many things could be in this planet!! Somehow, they all get roped into searching for this planet, and Steve really, really just wants to rest. Somewhere along the way, Tony stops being all fire and brimstone, and in turn, Steve tries to be less of an awkward idiot around him (Barry helps a lot, he really does) and the two form an unlikely friendship. Since Steve is still Captain of the Highball (Hal appointed him; there was a SIGNED CONTRACT in between; Hal could own the ship all he wanted, but he still was Captain) he feels responsible for everyone inside his ship, and the adventure they’re about to undertake is, perhaps, one of the most dangerous. Steve just hopes they’ll make it through it. 
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nenastrology · 6 years
you should rate the arcs. share your wisdom with us. (or rank them by craziness /wtf moments)
ok i think rating them is easier than ranking them i can add craziness as a category alright alright
ok this ended up being nightmarishly long so im just putting it all under the cut for anyone who feels like reading giant blocks of text on my opinions on every single naruto arc
land of waves - classic very good i genuinely wish there could have been more arcs like it to show team 7 really bonding and growing together before sasuke ends up feeling alienated its got a really sweet touching story and naruto and sasukes relationship starts off already at a pretty high level of crazy like oh yeah right out of the gate they are trying to die for each other this can only get crazier from here i would have probably liked it more if id read the manga first because the anime murders the pacing of the fights here but overall i do really like it
chuunin exams - i love lots of chunks of it but it did really feel like a slog to get through parts of the forest of death and a lot of the more minor fights because kishimotos really just not very good at writing fights that he doesnt put his absolute most effort into i really love how the anime added to the part where sasuke gets the curse mark and how naruto is separated from him its really emotional and strong sakura actually feels like shes trying to become a character here i love her fight with ino and cutting off her hair legendary and im not a monster gaara vs rock lee still makes me scream the craziness of this arc is actually finally not riding on sasuke being crazy finally gaaras carrying the craziness hello blood drinking 12 year old i hope you get better soon 
konoha crush since i guess its a different arc - ok i actually really love all the weird political stuff kinda added in here the hints at some actually interesting village conflict i wish thats what the ninja war arc could have built from and orochimarus definitely the most comprehensible villain in the story and i love naruto vs gaara so much like thats really peak and tbh extremely satisfying to watch the shitty old bitch hokage kick the bucket like killing gaaras evil dad and hiruzen really was the best thing orochimarus done finally gaara has more help with craziness cuz narutos losing his mind too and sasukes getting some crazy seeds planted for later craziness harvest
search for tsunade - i feel like i really like this arc but when i actually read it im like hmm theres all these parts i dont like but i really love all the character stuff itachis introduction is iconic and i really do love tsunade and her fighting orochimaru was like highlight of everything its weird i dont have a lot to say but i do actually like this arc a lot in a way im like not sure why craziness is kinda low except for sasuke whos absolutely losing his entire mind which stresses me out so much and this is where i start getting extremely sad about sasuke
sasuke recovery mission - 80% of it is the absolute worst part of part 1 and 20% of it is the absolute best part of part 1 like this is really where all the warning signs of quality dropping and like kishimotos lack of skill writing fights really really starts to show like really all those fights do is kill the emotional thread running from the hospital fight, sasukes goodbye to sakura and sasuke and narutos fight which are like the best things hes ever written the craziness is turned up as high as it can get the emotional stakes and pain and love are also so high this is peak naruto if we just pretend the fights against the sound 4 never happened just skip them
kazekage rescue mission - this is where all the omens from sasuke recovery mission and the quality drop really like finally start meaning something because really this arc SHOULD be good and its like really really good in certain places like any time naruto and gaara are talking thats just love right there and all those moments really make it almost worth it except that kishimoto really took such a nose dive on understanding how to pace fights the parts that dont have gaara and naruto gazing tenderly at each other feel like pulling teeth like sasori vs sakura really should be absolute peak and its got some truly fantastic moments but it just goes on for so long i feel like im gonna die before sasori ever does that fight could have given us womens rights and the craziness is really high like naruto is just losing his mind about gaara and sakura killed a man with her bare fists
tenchi bridge - oh the love its palpable here and so is the craziness like naruto going to 4 tails because orochimaru just says a few things about sasuke like wow and their whole reunion is so good the passion and weird emotional issues all coming to the surface i love yamato here hes a fun guy and i really like the new team 7 dynamics they are fun i like lots of parts of it but i cant think of anything else to say its what it says on the tin emotional sauske and naruto reunion
akatsuki suppression mission - alright full disclosure i fucking love this arc this arc is the reason i sometimes throw my brain right out of my head and start talking about how much i love shikamaru i prefer all the emotional moments in the anime a lot it felt very rushed in the manga and like that whole episode of team ten processing their grief was so good but god im so so mad that only shikamaru got to have a big important fight like ino and choji should have been helping equally and i really really hate the fight with kakuzu its just more badly paced bullshit for kakashi and naruto to get to be super op when this was supposed to be a bonding moment for team ten this is a little crazy but its team 10 crazy not team 7 crazy which means they are still pretty normal well adjusted people with brains in their heads who are just having a moment
itachi pursuit mission - sasuke killing orochimaru really was so incredibly perfect and forming taka? this arc is about gay rights uum its really short so i dont have the most thoughts but yeah sasukes like maybe at his least crazy until the end of the story like hes got a real concrete plan find gay friends and kill his brother but hes really got a big storm coming 
tale of jiraiya the gallant - i really do not like jiraiya all that much hes just boring and weird but i love the chunks of rain trio backstory we get they are really the last bit of complete villain characters we are gonna get very tragic idk the fight is like alright for this stage of naruto but it still lasts too long and pains powers still make no fucking sense and feel just too overpowered you know also zero crazy which is very disappointing all naruto arcs should have crazy
pain fight - ive got lots of conflicted feelings like the fights not very compelling at first because genuinely the pain bodies are just too strong its very weird and narutos got this big power up which is what it is i really love pain as a villain like hes literally right about everything hes saying but it has to be bizarrely undercut by just bonding awkwardly about jiraiya and yeah theres some very cool battle moments theres some good shit in there but long drawn out battles arent exactly my thing but naruto going 8 tails was still pretty fucking cool and god it was such a cop out that everyone came back to life at the end COWARD KISHIMOTO
kage summit - the one the only kage summit absolute peak craziness like sasuke trying to take down the entire world government thats absolutely iconic i love him for it so much narutos having his own melt down about sasuke sakuras decided she doesnt actually need a brain anymore and has also lost her whole fucking mind in the whirlwind of chaos like this arc feels like an anxiety attack at some points but god do i love it naruto and sasukes whole confrontation is absolutely peak ill bear the burden of your hatred and die with you?? the love the tragedy this is truly peak gay drama thats really like hes planning a lovers suicide and we are all just along for this crazy fucking ride love it
war arc - how did we go from kage summit to this like kage summit felt like it was maybe actually going somewhere but the quality drop is just like an elevator was cut and we are now all speeding to crash at rock bottom here what the fuck happened why was this written why is it literally 1/3 of all of naruto why has god abandoned us itachi and sasukes reunion was very good and needed i loved all the parts with hashirama and madara and really for one sweet moment it seemed like madara might just be a dumb sexy villain who just wrecks shit until all that spiraled down into garbage if i think about obito for too long i start to go crazy thats the real craziness of war arc is how fucking stupid it is and that is making everyone whos ever read or seen it go crazy right along with it
wiki is telling me the kaguya bit is its own arc so lets go with that - ok kaguya fight is pretty cool im into it to a certain extent her weird portal powers are fun i like that but thats really not what we are here for now are we no we are here for the conclusion to 15 years worth of crazy we are here for sasukes final massive lose his mind time and naruto to go right along with him the love and the tragedy but the hope it offers as well love was really invented by the second valley of the end fight and the anime said gay rights and made it the prettiest thing you will ever look at and also adding all the extra tender moments between them like this is it this is why you watch naruto you watch it all for this and god do we love it but wow the trying to be serious stuff about hokage really is so fucking stupid lets pretend that never happened 
wow i really just typed that all out shout out to u 2 loyal fans who read all this shit i guess it was only a matter of time before i wrote something this long and stupid see i do actually like naruto i feel like i couldnt really hit the balance of complaining or praising so idk it might sound more positive or more negative than i actually am but there are really some good parts yes i watched the whole war arc no you shouldnt
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paragonrobits · 6 years
in this liveblog i did while reading Vast Error, we shall see more of Albion, the gal who is all the Lantern Corps at once... kinda!
also i initially wrote this by copy-pasting pictures from the actual site into the google doc but it didn’t paste over, and some of my writing was, at the time, based on the assumption you could see that too, im sorry
Let’s see, last time i was reading Vast Error, I met this olive gal called Albion! Let’s check up what’s with her, yeah?
What the heck that’s a green lantern ring, its even the right shape and stuff? Also that is a very pretty sweater, looks like a christmas sweater almost
You are completely green and stable! Hooray! You already knew this, because your ring is always completely green and stable as that is your WILL.
Um that sounds a bit worrying, Albion, are you okay?? But stability = green/Will sounds about right! It looks like her ring is….. A literal mood ring. I love and hate this pun, it is my new kismesis.
Reading further along, I get the impression that her moods strongly dictate her personality and she won’t let herself feel anger at all, nor fear or greed. While that’s a laudable goal, I feel that this is not at all healthy for her state of mind, especially not anger. Also, pity instead of love! CONSISTENCY WITH TROLL ALIEN-NESS.
I got a bit of a smile on the white = life thing, ahhh now the Blackest Night returns to me. The connoitions of the Black Lanterns corps as blank is an interesting one, too.
Star Childre reminds me of both a play on the whole Lantern Corps thing, and back when you have New Age philosophies that referred to themselves or their kids like that? That whole Indigo Children thing. I know they had specific terms for autistic people that was probably meant to be nice but even then came off as condescending at best.
Albion im probably going to gently mock u a little bit at some point but in all honesty your room sense is very well together. Look at this excellent lay out! IS THAT A FROG POND IN THE CORNER OR JUST A LOTUS. EITHER WAY IS SIGNIFICANT. That’s almost definitely a bonsai tree on your desk, in any case.
Now you have to do a quest to find a scholar in Daedric languages, stay away from the Stalwards of Stendar, they are mean. Plus you literally look like a daedra and someone with the right mods could easily play as you, so…… be careful plz
You're taking the time to properly translate it to CURRENT TEXT first, which has been taking longer than you expected. Your language as of now is structured very differently than that of anything before THE RENIASSANCE, in both phrase and symbol. You've been staying away from digging deep into this scroll until you've gotten that done, you like to be surprised when you read tales of the past. You really have your priorities straight!
Though, from what you've seen just at this quick glance, it seems to talk about some sort of CURSE THROUGH BLOOD.
Curse through blood?? I iniitally would assume that this would have something to do with a Karkat analogue but I know there’s nothing like that going on here. I therefore assume that it is an ancestral issue that will come into play later, maybe?
Doing this task was for once not for your personal enjoyment, but at the request of your MATESPRIT, who you have been slowly teaching PLANETARY CUSTOMS as they are rather BEHIND.
Your ring begins to turn PINK.
You slap it.
It goes back to green.
GAAAAAAAAAAAAAASP I DONT KNOW WHO IT IS BUT IM ALREADY SHIPPING IT. A lesson to other writers; if you want someone to ship the relationship you’re planning, a good idea might be to emulate that kind of writing. THAT is what they mean by ‘show, dont tell’
I wont lie, that looks disgusting as hell but it also looks genuinely relaxing. One time when i was living with my dad back when he was living with, and I’m not kidding here, an actual evil step-mother out for his money that abandoned him the second she cleaned him out, i took a mud bath in a giant hole we dug for…. Some reason. I don’t remember why. It was very nice, it was at a point of my life where ‘idk why the hell not’ is a legit excuse and i have recursed back to that era. The world may never know why this happens
You use GLOP ENHANCERS to make each experience slightly different, though you've been set on MIRACULOUS VIEW lately. The colors really permeate in both size and smell.
HMMMMMM. It’s just me remembering Gamzee, sweet as he was without Caliborn fucking him up, but ‘miraculous view’ has me deeply concerned and a bit suspicious here.
You could feel the hot passions of her overblown conundrums coming from miles away.
I was already shipping this before i even know it was my fav purple wrestler gal coming back in to hug my brain in an angry fashion.
Its likely not deliberate but ‘hot passions of overblown conundrums’ makes Taz sound exactly like what would happen if Karkat and Gamzee fused into a troll gal or had a daughter. IDEA FOR AN AU, KARKAT AND GAMZEE HAVE A DAUGHTER, WITH TEREZI AS SURROGATE MOTHER GRUB, AND TAZ IS THAT CHILD. FILM IT AND I PROMISE YOU ALL THE MONIES WILL FLOW.
However, you'll need your ASTRAL PROJECTOR in order to use SKORPE and speak with her, a device which has been placed in your SPIROGRAPH MODUS.
I assume that astral projector is a very literal thing here, and a spirograph modus sounds HORRIBLY inefficient
Your modus is currently rigged to an eleven card system on a ten point graph.
The ASTRAL PROJECTOR holds a spot in the middle, which will always be a WHITE card. It is also surrounded by five currently inaccessible BLACK cards and five accessible GREEN cards.
The center card can be accessed and can have something new put in it at any time. Doing either of these actions will alter the arrangement of the spirograph.
There’s more but i didnt wanna copy the whole page and really i was not wrong when i said this was inefficient, but it IS very interesting!
Like i honestly LOVE, LOVE TO PIECES the more in-depth and weird sylladexes that primiered with the trolls coming into the scene. Fandom never employs sylladexes and this is a travesty, bring them back, do it now, with GUSTO.
New challenge: take a fantroll and give them a sylladex that’s weird and cool. Not a joke, DO IT NOW PLEASE
Luckily, you've rigged your modus with some of your less appealing sounding candles to have your item just where you need it.
The SPIROGRAPH now allocates one of your TRANSLATED SCROLLS into the center card, allowing your POTENT GLOP ENHANCERS, SPARE INCENSE, SEXTANT and GRUBBY JUICE SCENTED CANDLE around it as the INACCESS cards. Not that you'll be needing them anytime soon.
Aren't things much better when you plan ahead?
I have to admit, if Karkat or literally any of the other trolls with ill-timed inventories had thoguht ahead like you, a lot of messes would have been avoided. You’d make a FANTASTIC life coach to the canon trolls, someone get albion a machine to travel into other universes so she can do just that.
Taz comes along and winds up seducing equius just by flexing in aggressive ways, their children are lovely
You place the ASTRAL PROJECTOR in front of you, using your SPIRIT POWER in order to activate it.
You will now have electronic access in THE CELL.
Aw, nice-
Did she say what i think she did
Holy fuck
Is she in some kind of prison!?
If she is i assume she put herself in there on purpose
Is, is that a fucking sniper rifle aimed right at her head!?!?!?!
Ohhhhh oh okay wait a minute:
I may have been misinformed about this, it looks like this is something similar to a chakra point being opend, perhaps? A sign of enlightenment tied to her meditating? AND WHAT IS UP WITH HER EYES IN THAT PAGE
MIRACULOUS INDEED. Seriously it looks like Gamzee-tier colorfulness
No wait!
Rainbow eyes
Eyes the color of all the shades in the spectrum
That is goddamn cool i want that to be a thing for trolls in general that are transcending the limits of the hemospectrum: AU where terezi’s eyes do that when she does the mind-y thing?
Ooooh pretty even the background takes on thel ight of the hemospectrum and, if im not wrong, the colors are grouped in a similar fashion but a bit more chaotically arranged. That might just be color blurring into another in the normal way, though
Tranquility is an asset harshly under utilized in the minds of others.
That is why yours acts as a personal safe haven.
Well i mean you’re not wrong
That’s pretty dang sensible, i like this way of doing it
Letting your mind be a safe haven is just…. Common sense, really, we sohuld all strive to be like her
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wlwhc · 7 years
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Requested by anonymous: Being Alex and Kara younger sister and being completely different from them, like in the angsty way, with problems with authority and alcohol, drugs and that kind of shit, just a mess, maybe you could add that she’s Jeremiah’s daughter? but she doesn’t get along with him either?daddy issues. I always saw Jeremiah as a villain so ;D
Requested by anonymous: a little crossover? maybe mixing Gotham with National City? Idk how I just want to be friends with the bat lol or Diana BOTH
Requested by Anon: something angsty with the danvers sisters? maybe make the reader their little sister with powers!!!
Warning: Mention of alcohol and being drunk. Mention of drugs. Mention of a bad relationship with your dad.
(a/n): I struggled with this so much, also, this is not angsty enough, and I’m sorry for that, but I had enough with the Diana one
I wrote this on my phone, please excuse the low quality and the mess
Chapter I - The Beginning
The Danvers family. United, passionate, and courageous. Who would even think that you came from such a nice family uh?. While they reunited every so often, hugs and sweet talks, Eliza cooking a nice meal for them, Alex probably snuggling into Maggie’s arms, while Kara is out there, finishing her shift at being Supergirl. You were probably spending your time at the nearest bar, refusing to go to the family reunion.
They have had their problems with Jeremiah, maybe that’s where you got your rebel side and problem with authority. Alex also had it, but not as much as you.
You are not going to lie, you have a few bad habits but everyone does right?. I don’t know what they do such a fuss over such silly things like ending up in the hospital because you forgot that you don’t have to mix vodka and MDMA, it was just a little mistake. A mistake that your family loves to remind you, that and the times you appear out of nowhere passed out on the couch with a bottle in your hand. You were young, two years younger than Alex, so they freaked out a lot, plus Alex had turned into a good girl all out of sudden making you look even worse.
Since your last party night in National City, which you end up in the hospital again, you left and never came back. Sadly, you didn’t end up in a very good place.
It isn’t like you don’t love your family, you do. But their disapproving look at your bad antics makes you want to run away. Especially Alex, the girl had her bad past, such as yourself, she used to spend her time in jail and drunk and blah blah blah, and now, she thinks she can judge you. If it wasn’t for the green guy she would still be in jail.
Clark had told you about the family reunion Kara was planning and that you had to go.
“I hope Y/N comes this time, I miss her, I wonder where she is” Kara asked her sister, after she got to change her costume off.
“you know her, she’s probably at some bar, drinking her ass off” Alex said, not being really happy with the idea of having you here. It isn’t that she hates you, but she’s really bitter about you leaving.
“Alex! , you’re talking about your sister” Eliza said, scolding her daughter.
“my problematic, alcoholic and even junky sister” Alex said, sipping on her glass of wine.
“do I need to remind you about your past?” Eliza said, raising an eyebrow.
“fair enough, but I wasn’t that bad, how long has been since we saw her?” Alex ask.
“it’s been a long time actually, I miss her, we used to be so close.” Kara said, looking sadly at her mom.
“I miss bee too, she’s my babygirl, she got a little bit out of control" Eliza said, sighing deeply.
“a little bit? as far as we know, she could be in an alley seeing unicorns-” Alex stop when she saw you standing in the doorway, you were glaring at her.
“I’m not in an alley, but I have to admit that sounds better than being here” Alex was pretty much speechless. You changed a lot, the bubbly and annoyingly energetic self , was now with a stone cold face, and your eyes, that used to be a dark blue were now a pale grey, no emotion seem to be there.
“…hey” That was the only thing that Alex managed to say, but judging by your intense glare, and how you walk past her instead of hugging her, she knew that you weren’t going to be nice.
“fuck off” You mutter still glaring her, walking past her, your destination was your mom., that was smiling at you.
“wow, okay! Hi ! where have you been? you’re so beautiful-We missed you a lot-are you staying? you have to stay!” Kara said, getting over excited, embracing you in a bone-crushing hug. She frowns at the mixed smell of tobacco and alcohol in your clothes, but she keeps the smile on her face.
“I just came to say hi, I’m not staying” You said, chuckling a little at her excitement. Kara almost drops you after she heard you.
“what? why not?! , t-there’s pie! you-y-you love pie!” Kara said, a worried look on her face.
“Kara, sweetheart..I hate pie” You said, walking to your mom that was waiting for you with open arms.
“hey mom” You mumbled, Eliza rushing to hug you.
“Sweetheart, you’re so tall!” You mom said, not daring to let you go.
“it may be the drugs-ouch!” Alex said, Maggie hitting her arm at hearing her comment. You already know who she is, she was the one who opened the door for you.
“what’s up with you?!” Maggie whispered to Alex, the D.E.O agent huff.
“where’s dad? Clark told me that you guys got him back” You asked, eating one of the french fries that were on the table. Earning a disapproving look from your mom.
“it’s a long story-” Kara started but you stop her.
“he got back with Lilian right?” You said, eating a few more french fries.
“h-how did you-”
“he visit me the other day, told me to stay away from trouble and the Luthors, but I thought he would at least visit you too, oh my god this is so good mom” You said, your mom now taking the french fries away from you.
“he visited you?!” Alex exclaimed, not believing that he had actually visited you. Even when he was around, you and he didn’t have the best relationship.
“are you deaf?”
“did he said anything else?” He did said a lot, but they didn’t need to know that.
“…nop, just that” Kara heart your heart race a little bit after saying that and send a look to Alex.
“you’re lying”
“if I were lying you wouldn’t even notice Alex” You said glaring at your older sister.
“what did he say? tell me exactly what he said-” Alex said walking closer to you
“don’t get all C.I.A with me-”
“I will if that means you will tell me the truth-”
“enough! , Alex go take a walk, Maggie could you calm her down?” Eliza said, Maggie was already dragging Alex away.
“copy that Mama Danvers, let’s get some fresh air ” After Maggie and Alex left, Eliza turn to you.
“we are going to talk-” You know where this was going to end up, and right now, you should be heading back to Gotham.
“I can’t, I just came to say hello, that’s all” You said, eyeing the door.
“We haven’t seen you in years Y/N-” Kara started.
“ let your mom know how are you-” Eliza said walking to you.
“I’m fine, see?” You said, turning around in a mocking way.
“amazing, splendid, living the best time of my life, yay!” Kara frowns at your words.
“you smell like cigarette-”
“I thought you stop smoking!” Your mom said, the same disappointed look you are were used to get from, well, everyone. Coming back was a bad idea.
“coming here was a bad idea, I’m going back home-” You say walking to the door, not caring about your family protests.
“This is your home!” Eliza says.
“It was good to see you and all, take care you two, Kara punch Alex for me please-”  You said now standing in front of the door.
“no wait! , don’t go yet, just stay a little bit more-” Kara said, grabbing your arm.
“I can’t I have to-” Right when you were about to open the door, it opens itself, revealing the man you hate most.
“Y/N, you’re not going anywhere” A sigh escapes from your mouth.
“Jeremiah, I thought you were alergic to family-”
“I’m not going to let you go back to that bar kid, I thought I told you to stay out of trouble-” You scoff, his presence making want to scream
How he dares to step into this house after all he has done to you and this family?. Kara could see your hands turning into fists, claw clenching and your eyes sending imaginary dagger at him. “I haven’t touched a bar in a long time, and you know a lot about getting in trouble right? you’re the one working with the phsyco after all-How is she anyway? she must be missing her lab rat-”
“Y/N-” He says in a threatening voice, you felt as he was mocking you.
“move” You didn’t sound as yourself anymore, and that scared the Danvers family. Jeremiah shifts uncomfortably in his place, knowing what you were capable of, but also knowing that you would not do anything stupid in front of Eliza or your sisters. He clears his throat and gives you the “listen to me” look pointing his finger at you.
“We’re going to have a nice day as a family-” You tried to get through him but he rest his disgusting hand in your shoulder which you slap away, making Kara and Eliza looked at each other wide eyed.
“Dad, move” You groan, getting all in you to not punch him. Kara was actually scared that you may hurt Jeremiah.
“you’re part of this family Y/N, I don’t care how much you beg, you’re not getting out of here-” That’s it, you’ll get out of here or he’s dead.
“Move! I don’t want to stay here! much less with a traitor like you!” You say, making Eliza gasp and Jeremiah glares at you.
“Y/N!” Eliza exclaims, you didn’t bother to look at her already knowing how distress she is. All that you wanted today was visit your mother and your alien sister, possibly see Alex too and not fight with her, and steal some popstickles from Kara. But nothing went as you planned.
“now move, or I’m going to make you and I’ll enjoy it while I do it so” You say. Kara could hear your heart stammering in your chest and you breathing turning a little uneven, but what it surprise her was the low growl that came out of your throat, she must be things, at least that’s what she thinks….if she only knew.
“You never listen do you?” Jeremiah spats at you, and you smirk. You get out of the apartment, making sure to carve a few words into his skull.
“I do, I listen to everything, and I see everything…I know everything dad” You said, the last sentence making Jeremiah looked at you in surprise, the atmosphere change, you were the one that was playing to be the mouse, and now Jeremiah was the one trembling, as if you were holding your finger in the trigger. You could easily spit all the truth, but they would not believe you. How could they? you couldn’t say “hey mom, dad killed me in order to protect his ass from Lilian, but don’t worry Mama Luthor bring me back from the dead and now I am a freak with crazy powers that I can’t control yay!”
“Y/N?” Kara call you out. Taking out of the glaring contest between you and Jeremiah.
“I have to go now, have a nice day” You mumbled, walking away from your family.
Outside the building was Maggie and Alex, the detective trying to calm down her girlfriend. You rush to the meeting are where Alfred was supposed to pick you up, but you forget that Maggie and Alex were outside.
“Your Dad is at the family reunion, you should run back there, he may disappear again” You say walking away, but Alex was not going to let you go so easily. She used to be the one sticking by your side the most. And when Kara appeared and Jeremiah disappeared, she used to hold you tighter at night, until everything went downhill, and both of you got separate ways.
After Alex got better with the help of J’onn, she tried to fix your relationship with her, but it was too late, you were already packing your things to leave. She blames herself for that everyday, she always has.
“Maggie can you wait for me inside?” Alex asks.
“sure, bye Y/N” Maggie waves at you and you smile at her.
“we need to talk”
“I don’t think there’s anything to discuss” You said, your eyes roaming around the street, searching for Alfred.
“what’s up with you? for real this time, where were you? we were all worried about you! you just disappear one day, if it wasn’t for Clark we would never know you were still alive!” Clark had only found you because you wanted him to. And you’re here standing in front of her because Diana had told you to, the Goddess can be very convincing when hugs and sweet talks are involved, actually, you would do anything she wants, you have a soft spot for her.
“would that even matters? you were busy sleeping in jail or avoiding Kara to even noticed that I left” You said, with more venom in your words that you had intended to. Well, Diana had told you to speak with the truth no matter how bad it was. You spot the black SUV, and start walking, ignoring Alex but like I already said, she was not going to let you go so easily. She grabs your arm, shoving you towards her.
Inside the car
“should we help her sir?”
“she’s talking with her sister, I don’t see why we should help her Alfred”
“well, I think you’re aware of Lady Y/N Danvers condition sir, she can’t be left unsupervised in violet or triggering environments, her arguing with her sister could trigger-”
“I am aware about her ..“condition” Alfred, but she is doing better, she’s not going to snap at her sister, plus.. it does not concern us”
“but sir Diana said-”
“Diana is not her babysitter or her Doctor, drop it”
“yes sir”
“you guys find out that I left a week later, just because the school called mom asking why I was not going” You say. Alex looks at you with pity. She knows her family had fucked up, but everyone makes mistakes!
“you were pretty shy and quiet, sometimes I even forgot you were there-” You scoff, slapping away her hand on your arm.
“oh shut up Alex, I had always spent time trying to talk to you, same as Kara but you always told me to shut up, I didn’t exist for you, let’s keep it that way”
“And that’s the problem!, I don’t even know you anymore!, all these years hoping that you were safe, that you were going to come back, you left just like dad did!” You sigh, running your fingers through your hair. You looked at her, she didn’t look sad, she looked exasperated.
“you pushed me away…don’t play the innocent card Alex…I have to go-” You say, walking towards the car.
“where? where are you going?” Alex asks following you. You didn’t want to tell her, but she would not stop until you tell her so…
“Gotham” You say just a few meters away from the car
“keep an eye on dad” You said once you open the door. Alex tried to look inside but you didn’t let her. She frowns at your words
“what? why? he’s okay”
“just…be careful with him, that’s all I’m going to say…be careful” And with that, you left, leaving a very confused and concerned Alex.
Alex ends up going back to Kara’s apartment, Maggie waiting outside the door for her.
“she left? are you okay love” Maggie rushes to her girlfriend.
“yeah, goddamit I think she’s in trouble” Alex mutters to her,  the detective smiles sadly at her.
“by the looks of it, she’s always in trouble hmm?”
“do you know where Gotham is?” Alex asks. The name sound familiar to her but she couldn’t put a finger on it.
“oh she lives there? that explains a lot” Maggie says, cringing a little.
“what? i-is it bad? it’s a bad place?” Alex says worried, and Maggie just nods at her.
“it’s not the best city to live in-it’s like a major city from crime and-” Kara burst into the door, looking at the Sanvers duo, her face being a mix between sadness and confusion.
“first of all, what the hell just happen” She exclaims making Alex sigh.
“and second… I heard everything, what does she mean by keeping an eye on Jeremiah?”
“maybe she’s just worried about him” Alex says.
“yeah, that’s not possible, she almost tackle him when he stepped in the door, she is really angry with him” Kara says, remembering the beautiful family reunion you two had, and your weird behavior.
“something’s wrong, something’s really wrong with her” Alex says. Maggie puts her arm around Alex’s waist, squeezing it gently.
“I do have that feeling too, what are we going to do?” Kara says, knowing that you weren’t going to disappear so easily this time, she wasn’t going to let you.
“right now, eat, we think about it later, come on Maggie, let me introduce you to my Dad” Alex say, remembering that her dad was there. Kara jumps with excitement.
“oh this is going to be fun!” Meanwhile, you were chatting with your friend.
“did you already have your family reunion?” Bruce asks you.
“why do you care? as long as you know, I could be an orphan” You say, eyeing the bottle of whiskey.
“but you’re not, you have a family…you should be grateful for that” Bruce said, grabbing the bottle and pouring you a glass of it, making you smile at him, he knows you so well.
“…I am…where are we going now?” You ask him, taking a sip from the ridiculous expensive whiskey.
“back to Gotham, Joker’s back up again with his… jokes” You scoff at him.
“are you sure you don’t want to stay? I can deal with the Joker by my own” He says. He knows that you will never admit how much you miss your family, if you’re lucky to have one, then you should with them.
“but who would take care of Harley then?” You say, smirking at him. He glares at you, remembering all the times he has found you sneaking out with the psychotic blonde.
“I can do that too, Lilian is here, and she’s planning something big, normally I wouldn’t care since is not my city…but your family is here…you should stay” You sigh, drinking your glass of whiskey in a row. You looked at him, not enjoying that he had taken the part of big brother with you.
“don’t bother me Bruce…you get all sappy with me” He chuckles.
“There’s a building where you can stay, I’ll send all your equipment just in case and I’ll send your motorbike too-” He says, already knowing that you want to stay.
“you don’t need to do that you know?” You say, counting mentally all the times he helped you.
“of course I do, I owe you that much and….you’re the only person I can bare” He says, now he was the one counting mentally all the times you had saved his ass.
“what about me sir?” Alfred asks, making you chuckle.
“you make me doubt sometimes Alfred” Alfred stopped the car in front of a big and fancy building. Bruce gets out of the car, same as Alfred.
Alfred opens the car’s trunk
“clothes” Says Alfred handing you one bag.
“and money” He says handing you the other bag. You sigh, not really sure of what to do.
“are you sure you don’t need help?” You ask, Bruce just smirks at you and puts a pair of keys in your pocket
“don’t make me change my mind Y/N” He says, walking to the car
“for being so cold and dark…you can be pretty nice sometimes batsy” You playfully say.
“I’m already regretting it” He said, getting into the car.
“if you need a hand with the Luthors, just call”
“will do” You begin walking inside the building.
“and Y/N-” You stop at the door.
“what is it this time?”
“…try to stay away from the bars or I’ll send Diana”
“..no promises”
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* THIS SUCKS IM SORRY
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cicinicole-14 · 7 years
let’s just talk for a moment here. 
I’m gonna say it: Lena Luthor loves Kara Danvers. loves her. and there are soooo many reasons why. 
first, let’s just list the reasons off the bat, then I'll explain my reasonings. 
lip bites/glances/looks
the thirst factor
food dates
meeting Alex
her heroics
“I've never stood behind a man” 
“I'm here for you, if you still want that”
“I miss you”
“I didn’t see your name on the by line”/ “unquit”
“I trust you”/Catco
heart emoji
ok let’s get started:
first, the doughnuts.
 lena is known for eating healthy. she drinks kombucha. she gets kara to probably eat vegetables. y’know the regular. probably is on a no carb diet. we never see her eating anything bad, because she’s probably been preened all her life to be picture perfect and eat only what’s good for you. but here comes her bff, her gal pal kara danvers, traipsing in with a bag of doughnuts. this happened a couple times, actually. lena indulged in a doughnut for kara. 
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the lip bites, holy fuck. I'm going to tie this in with the glances too. because holy mother of god. 
lena is always checking kara out, biting her lip (most likely surprising moans bc hot damn she’s in love with this woman) and the looks. the looks of. pure. unadulterated. love. 
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I mean you cannot tell me the look on lena’s face is anything but love? come on. even a blind man could tell. 
next, lena’s thirst factor. 
girl, she is always, always, (almost) always seen with a drink when around kara! 
exhibit A: their first meeting, lena has to pause and get herself a damn glass of water
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exhibit B: granted, yes they’re at a restaurant, but lena’s got an almost empty glass, bc hot damnvers kara is something. (lets take in account that kara’s glass is empty)
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exhibit C: in the most recent episode 3.01, lena is yet again, shown pouring herself some water bc girl is thirsty af 
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exhibit D: oh looky here, Lena’s getting a drink. I am pretty sure Kara just makes her speechless and she needs water to talk
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exhibit E: y’all see where I'm going with this, right?
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their brunch/lunch/dinner/kombucha dates
lena always seems to have a food date with kara. always. I mean it’s one thing to have one on occasion but they’re known to have these? and I know damn well that kara isn’t always the one to initiate them. lena is probably the one to invite her because she’s rich and offers to feed kara’s immense appetite. 
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what about the first time lena was introduced to Alex properly?
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this. this is the face of jealousy. she shows up unannounced at kara’s apartment (where’d she even get kara’s address?) and sees this beautiful woman in kara’s apartment and she’s jealous af, and Alex doesn’t let on anything. doesn’t, for a split second, let on that she’s kara’s sister, because I'm pretty sure she knew what Lena’s thoughts were. she knew for a flash of a second, lena was actually jealous, but ew gross, kara is her sister, and that’s when kara finally speaks up, and Lena’s face softens, and she remembers what she actually came over for... 
the gala
she invites, not only kara and supergirl to the gala, but kara’s man friend, mike of the interns, because she doesn’t care. if kara’s friends with this person, she figures she can trust this person too, who tf cares if you met them five seconds ago and could’ve easily told him “It’s an elite party, and I’m inviting kara as my plus one, sorry” but no, she extends an invitation to mike of the interns...
the flowers: plumerias
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these are plumerias, for anyone who hasn’t seen them before. they come in all different colors, ranging from blues, pinks, purples, melon, peach, yellow and white. they are an exotic flower, and a bit hard to come by. they have to be imported, usually from Hawaii. they have a few different meanings, but in Chinese, they symbolize love. they mean “I love you” and “you are special” 
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and kara’s office, just so happens to be overflown with flowers, most likely plumerias because she mentioned they remind her of her mother, and lena would totally import those flowers and fill her office as a thank you to saving her just because she loves kara. and you know damn well she knows what those flowers mean. she’s smart, we’ll touch on this fact later.
lena being a hero
she is.. its a fact. whether it’s supergirl or kara danvers’s hero, national city’s hero, or anyone’s hero, lena is a hero. 
lena chooses kara and being the hero and will always choose kara and being the hero. when it came to saving jack or saving supergirl, she chose kara over her ex-lover. and we can probably assume that because a) lena is young and b) lena is a luthor, jack was probably her only real relationship. she did love him, you could tell with the emotion from the kiss and even the relaxed-ness of her date with him, they were friends. and she did miss is company, though she wouldn’t date him again. yet then it comes to kara, as supergirl, and she has to choose whether to save jack or end his life to save national city’s hero. she chooses to let jack go, therefore ultimately killing him so she can save kara. she also saves kara’s man child boyfriend from the evil daxamite guard. by shooting him with an alien gun. and she and Winn made whatever that thing was under the table at the gala and it stopped those evildoers from attacking supergirl, and the kicker, my favorite, saving the whole population of national city, not once, but fucking twice.
in s2e8 lena, after finding out her mother is the ringleader of CADMUS, and kara ultimately yells at her and accuses her of knowing what her mother did, etc, still saves national city. she undermines her mother, weasels her way onto her mother’s good side, double-crosses her and makes the medusa virus inert, therefore saving national city’s population of aliens when the only friend she had hated her for the moment. she could've easily just given in and killed all the aliens, but she didn’t. she chose to save them because she loves kara and her pro-alien bleeding heart views, even when they sometimes disagree and fight. 
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and then again in s2e22, lena, and with the help of Lillian, build a device to rid the planet of the daxamites invading earth. a device that sends out lead into the atmosphere. and she knows what it’ll do. she knows that it’s going to send Mon-el away, and you know she was lowkey happy about that, but she knows it'll put kara through hell, yet she let’s kara make the ultimate decision to choose whether to go on with it, and kara does. supergirl tells them to use the device. and lena yet again, saves everyone, all because she loves kara and kara is her hero.
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and let’s not forget the best time lena was a hero and shot Corbin, therefore saving none other than Special Agent Alex Danvers with the DEO... hot damn, she’s my hero.
lena’s never stood behind a man
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*eh hem* I'll just leave these here. two examples of lena never standing behind a man, because she’s independent and fierce, but Kara is always protecting her and she lets kara/supergirl. we know damn well lena can hold her own, she is a Luthor after all, but she lets kara take the forefront and she stands behind her with grace and poise and love and admiration. 
“I'm here for you, if you still want that”
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Lena knows the hell kara is going through. she knows that kara lost her man child thing of a boyfriend she liked for five days. and kara is going through hell. and yet, she’s still cautious. I think this is one of the most significant things ever and we’re going to dissect for a second here. in the second image: kara tells lena “I'm right here” letting lena know she can talk to her and she wants her to, she’s almost willing her to. 
yet in the top image, lena adds the “if you still want that”. she is letting kara know a few things here. a) that she feels guilty over the lead being released in the atmosphere b) she doesn't want to use kara, because she’s not a talker herself. her walls are always built up so sturdy until kara breaks them down with her super strength and c) she doesn’t want to lose kara. she’s letting her know she’s there if kara wants her because its kara’s choice. she’s not going to force kara into being her friend just because kara is the only friend she has in national city and she will be ready to help kara any way she needs when the time comes. 
“I miss you” 
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this also follows with the “if you still want that” because she’s telling kara that she’s being ignored, but she’s not pushing. she knows that kara is distancing herself. but she still lets kara know in a subtle way that she’s still here, she still loves her and that she truly misses her best friend. she just misses her. she misses Kara Danvers, the girl she’s falling in love with more and more as each day passes.
“I didn’t see your name on the by line”/”unquit”
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now, first off, kara does anything lena suggests. Lena suggests, she become a reporter and guess who becomes one? Kara. lena tells her in such an unprofessional manner to “unquit” her job. and according to my laptop, unquit isn’t even a word, yet it came out of poised, perfect, prestined Lena Luthor’s mouth. “unquit” 
so kara unquits, and lena sends a heart emoji
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a red heart emoji. man, do I have some words about this. Lena, you little lesbian in love with your bestie, damn. lena could’ve easily replied back with a “okay” or “sounds great” or even a “see you tomorrow!” or if we’re going the emoji route: a smiley face, a thumbs up, or fuck idk, a yellow heart? because lena is very, very, very smart. and we all know she knows the meanings that colors represent. like how yellow means happiness, friendship, sunshine, and energy, yet miss luthor sent kara a red heart. red meaning love, passion, heat. you can't tell me she doesn’t know what they meant. she could've replied with so many different ways, yet she chooses a red heart.
and lets not forget the last points: lena buys fricken catco–– “I trust you”
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lena “I bought your job for you and I have no fucking idea how to run catco” luthor bought a multimillion dollar corporation so a sexist bottle of cheap cologne couldn’t and she has literally no idea how to run the company, yet she’s enlisting and trusting her best friend and the woman she likes to run it with her. she bought kara a company. because kara asked and she 
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lena just dropped everything, and potentially could ruin her career for this woman, and she did it all out of love. 
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she even admits to not even knowing how to run the place! yet, just because kara asked, she did it. kara says “jump” and lena asks “how high”. the girl will do anything for the woman she loves. 
anyway, so those are my thoughts and reasonings as to why I believe lena is in love with kara. you can agree or disagree, leave your opinions if you like, but if you’re anti-supercorp please do not leave your opinion. 
*please note: gifs and pictures are NOT mine and I will not take credit for them, I simply borrowed them from the internet. also I stg if the gifs don’t load I will cry, I don't know if they actually will, let’s hope.
edit: none of the gifs loaded I hate everything... oh fucking well, you get my point and y’all probably know what each gif is a scene of anyway… fml
edit pt2: I fixed/reuploaded some of the gifs that I could find!
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bi-dracula · 6 years
allllllll the numbahs
1) What images do you have set for your desktop/cell phone wallpapers?Melanie Martinez2) Have you ever had a crush on a teacher?Hella3) What was your last text message?Received? “It never came through earlier”. Sent? A video of Yebee4) What do you see yourself doing in 10 years?Napping 6 feet under the ground 5) If you could be anywhere else right now, where would you be?New York 6) What was your coolest Halloween costume?Batman 🦇7) What was your favorite 90s show?Uhhhhhhh idk, friends I guess8) Who was your last kiss?...muffins 9) Have you ever been stood up?Yeeep10) Favorite ice cream flavor?Uh, blackberry 11) Have you been to Las Vegas?Once12) Your favorite pair of shoes?Bootsie wootsies 13) Honestly, have you ever cheated on your significant other?Nada14) What is your favorite fruit?Banewnew banaynay bananarama 15) Have you talked to anyone on tumblr that you could see yourself dating/having sex with? If possible?Indeedly doodly 16) Are you into hookups? Short or long term relationships?Meh, not really. And Both? Both17) Do you smoke? If so, what?We’d18) What do you do to get over your anger?Lol I don’t 19) Do you believe in God?Ye20) Does the person you’re in love with know it?Yessiree 21) Favorite position?On my right side nestled between all 4 of my pillows and blanket, it’s a very snug sleeping position22) What’s your horoscope sign?♓️23) Your fears?Everything 24) How many pets do you have? What kind?One lovely kitty 25) What never fails to turn you on?Hmm, Melanie Martinez (jk, there is nothing)26) Your idea of a perfect first date?Literally anything I’m just happy to get a date27) What is something most people don’t know about you?What my actual personality is like28) What makes you feel the happiest?Melanie Martinez 29) What store do you shop at most often?Books a million 30) How do you feel about oral? Giving and/or receiving?Mehh 31) Do you believe in karma?Kinda, ye32) Are you single?Nope33) Do you think flowers or candy are a better way to apologize?Depends who you are apologizing to and what you did wrong, personally I would be more likely to forgive you if you gave me candy34) Are you a good swimmer?Ye35) Coffee or Tea?Neither. But if I had to choose it’d be tea36) Online shopping or shopping in person?Irl shopping is more fun37) Would you rather be older or younger than your current age?I’d like to be a child again so I can actually have a childhood thanks38) Cats or Dogs?Cats ftw. not really a huge fan of dogs ngl39) Are you a competitive person?Ohhh yeah40) Do you believe in aliens?Meh41) Do you like dancing?If I’m drunk hell yeah42) What kind of music to you listen to?Melanie Martinez 43) What is your favorite cartoon character?Hhhhnnnmmmgg...... Daggett the beaver 44) Where are you from?Maine45) Eat at home or eat out?Outoutoutout46) How much more social are you when you’re drunk?So much47) What was the last thing you bought for yourself?Melanie Martinez CD48) Why do you think your followers follow you?I have no fucking clue, my dude49) How many hours do you sleep at night?Somewhere between 14 and 250) What worries you most about the future?Literally everything 51) If you had a friend that spoke to you the same way you speak to yourself, how long would you be friends?We wouldn’t 52) Are you happy with yourself?Ehhhh no53) What do you wish you didn’t know?I wish I didn’t know what rosebudding was54) What big lesson could people learn from your life?Don’t do drugs, kids55) If you could live in any home on a television series, what would it be?The house from the Golden Girls56) What’s your favorite Website?YouTube 57) What’s the habit you’re proudest of breaking?Fighting 58) What was your most recent trip of more than 50 miles?I have no idea 59) What’s the best bargain you’ve ever found at a garage sale or thrift store?Never bought anything from places like that60) What do you order when you eat Chinese food?Chicken teriyaki, beef teriyaki, beef fried rice61) If you had to be named after one of the 50 states, which would it be?...Wyoming 62) If you had to teach a subject to a class, what would it be?History 63) Favorite kind of chips?Barbecue 64) Favorite kind of sandwich?...meat65) Which do you use more often, the dictionary or the thesaurus?Neither 66) Have you ever been stung by a bee?Once, it sucked 67) What’s your favorite form of exercise?Running 68) Are you afraid of heights?I mean, I’m afraid of falling so yes69) What’s the most memorable class you’ve ever taken?Science 70) What’s your favorite breakfast?Anything edible 71) Do you like guacamole?Ech no72) Have you ever been in a physical fight?Lol yeah73) What/who are you thinking about right now?Melanie Martinez 74) Do you like cuddling?Helllll to the yes75) Are you holding onto something you need to let go of?Probably a lot of things 76) Have you ever experienced one of your biggest fears?Kinda?77) Favorite city you’ve been to?NYC78) Would you break the law to save a family member?Depends on the law and the family member79) Talk about an embarrassing moment?No80) Are there any causes you strongly believe in?So many (like, 3)81) What’s the worst injury you’ve ever had?Ohhh that’s a tough one I’m not sure, honestly 82) Favorite day of the week?Any of them83) Do you consider yourself sexually open minded?Meh, not really 84) How do you feel about porn?Hate hate hate hate hate hate 85) Which living celebrity would you like to know?Melanie Martinez 86) Who was your hottest ex?All of them 87) Do you want/have kids?I have 2 babs88) Has anyone ever told you that they wanted to marry you?Yes 89) Do you get easily distracted?...maaaaaybe90) Ass or titties?Why not both?91) What is your favorite word?...FUCK92) How do you feel about tattoos?LOVE EM 10/1093) Do you have any pets?Kittykittykitty94) How tall are you?72 inches95) How old are you?312 months96) 3 physical features you get complimented on a lot?EyesHairHands97) Is there anything you’re really passionate about?Melanie Martinez 98) Do you have trust issues?Yes 99) Do you believe in love at first sight?Love? No, infatuation? Yes100) What are some words that you live by? Why?"Now where were we? Ah, yes - abject humiliation!" Because I always need to remember to humiliate myself at least once a month
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mitarashiarts · 7 years
I wanna know ur reasons for loving it so much ;w;
OFC YOU DO LOL. But okay, you opened the floodgates!! Also, I encourage people to talk to me about why they ship ZADR, let’s eXPAND ON THIS SHIT AND DISCUSS IT YO! I’m open to more reasons :DDD I may have missed somethin! 
Now sit down and lemme tell ya Mita’s shitty shipping reasons for ZADR (careful, it’s pretty long).
I’ll start off with different reasons from canon and how I view it as a sort of the foundation where the pairing comes from for me v/w/v
-Zim is seen as a failure, a defect and is literally tricked into a suicide mission to an unknown part of the galaxy with hopes of him never coming back. His own people want him dead and they fuckin hate him. I mean they have good reason as Zim’s a loose fuckin’ cannon and he’s dangerous and cannot seem to understand his own flaws (HEAVY WINK WONKS AT THE IDEA THAT ZIM DOES THIS TO DEFEND HIS FEEFEES ON HIS INSECURITY LOL) Dib is just the class freak that no one listens to and people just treat him like a mentally ill loser that can’t tell fiction from reality. No one wants to associate with him, everything sucks once Dib pitches in during class and he’s just an annoyance. Both are outcasts and no one cares about them, despite the fact that they both have untapped potential to be great (Zim is actually so much more capable than he lets on, he just…gets in his own way. Dib is so much smarter than everyone else, like ridiculously smarter, his interests just aren’t socially acceptable??).
-This actually makes me sad, but it’s very telling in Mopiness of Doom (i know this ep is used a lot for zadr but listen) because they finally found someone who matches them evenly, but the moment Dib gives up on it, they both become miserable. Like to the point that Zim actually does not want to conquer earth, hiS PRIME MISSION THAT HE WAS SO HELLBENT ABOUT!! I guess he doesn’t want his conquest to be easy or smth, but he just stopped tryin. Dib actually earns his father’s respect but it’s not worth it compared to the trials he goes through fighting Zim. Could be argued that his life was pretty boring before Zim came around and who wants to have a normal ass life?? Bitch there’s an aLIEN TO FUCK WITH. Their lives are practically meaningless if they’re not battling this… somewhat worthless fight with one another. It’s not as cute when thinkin about it like that imo… like damn. Part of me feels Jhonen wanted people to see that they are living sad, codependent lives on the enemy that they hate so much and their efforts are trivial compared to, say Dib actually doing ‘real science’ and making something of himself and Zim just… has nothing at all. Sadly humorous i guess?? 
-Branching off the one above, they generally believe the other is a real threat. Zim fully believes that Dib is a capable enemy; an 11 yr old kid. He’s actually evenly matched with a kid (motherfuckin child piloting a planet to fight him tho). He fully sees Dib as someone to tread carefully around and treats him as a worthy opponent despite talkin mad shit about humans 24/7, he knows Dib is the smartest among all the humans. Dib sees Zim as a huge threat too cause he finds observing Zim 24/7 is mandatory to keeping him from fucking up Earth. Sure you can argue the excitement he must feel to finally be able to investigate a live alien, but he truly thinks Zim is someone that needs constant surveillance cause he could destroy earth at any time. Even tho Dib has seen some of Zim’s plots as really stupid, he still knows Zim can be horribly dangerous and treats him as such. 
-I guess this summarizes the top two but they validate one another. Zim validates Dib’s suspicions of paranormal anomalies (Which is his life’s passion??? Like damn???), he validates Dib’s intelligence, his worth to society even if it seems like a useless cause (cause no one fuckin’ cares, why does Dib continue anyways?? Self-righteous as Dib can be he IS trying to keep mankind safe despite them being dicks to him). Dib validates Zim’s existence. And I mean this as in, he validates him as what he SEES himself as; an invader. His own people don’t see him as one, his PAK isn’t issued as one anymore, but he believes himself to be an invader, and so does Dib. Dib pays attention to him, he gives him the recognition he feels he deserves. A nemesis that he can count on to always be there to duke it out with him. SuRE THEY FUCKIN HATE EACH OTHER BUT SERIOUSLY MAN.
-They work well together. This could be said for MANY rivals as they’re often more alike than they’d like to admit. Nothin too different for ZADR cause when they do work together, shit gets done. They hate to admit this kind of thing and they aren’t fans of working with one another, but they do it anyways cause they know the other is capable. When Dib needs help, he will go to Zim if he feels it’s necessary and vice versa. Could argue that they only know each other with working labs or other people are too stupid, but idk, they know the other has the potential to help. Who knows, I like thinking they see the other as somewhat of a frenemy even tho they’d never admit it.
-More of a Dib thing, but that boy is obsessive. He is constantly on Zim’s ass every time. Mentioned before, but he watches him all the time. I mean the comic starts out where Dib literally remained glued to his chair wondering why Zim never left his house, and Zim watched Dib too.They’re stuck on one another, but this is way more of a Dib thing cause he goes out of his fuckin’ way. There’s also the fact that Dib literally goes to Zim’s house to check on him when he hasn’t been around much. He gets genuinely curious where Zim is and finds it odd if he’s not around to be do his usual bullshit. 
I guess that’s like from what I gather from the show as to where the foundation for it comes from. I like to analyze shit a lot so I try to make sense of the pairings I ship. If I can’t see the dynamic work, I probably wouldn’t ship it very hard. So… idk, i see those reasons as enough for the pairing, in my eyes, to work gradually. Some other reasons that stem more from headcanons: 
-I like the idea that as Dib gets older he calms the fuck down. Like not as violent or willing to cut Zim up into pieces. He just more or so acknowledges that Zim’s a weird idiot that’s just there to shake up the day sometimes. I really love the idea of him still entertaining the idea of fighting Zim but not seeing him as much of a threat later on? Like he tries to move on but zim is a constant in his life. Even if he tries to stop completely, he can;t stay away for too long. I enjoy them basically being too invested in one another to just give up. 
-Them knowing one another so well that they just… see through the other all the time. I feel this is a lil more ooc as Zim doesn’t feel the need to actually research or study Dib in the same way that Dib does to him. Like … just years and years of fighting and bickering they become so familiar with it that it’s almost endearing. That kind of bond that’s still settled on hatred but mutual understanding of the other just fucks me up?? Also all their insults becoming endearing terms in a way?? 
-HEIGHT. Bonus because Zim’s race bases so much importance on height. Like height differences is a huuuuge thing for me >w>;;;; I think that just speaks for itself honestly. I like Zim developing a crush on Dib specifically for his height as first like b o y . 
-Human/Alien. IM JUST. I LOVE HUMAN/NONHUMAN SHIT SO MUCH?? That potential of exploring the other’s body, culture, etc?? Always fun. Culture shock and generally not understand customs of another’s race/species is always so fun to me. Like wow, I love how Zim is confused 90 percent of the time over human customs. 
I could probably add more shit. I’D LOVE TO TALK ABOUT THIS MORE WITH PEOPLE??? 
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ocs-sni-ovg · 7 years
Mort and Ryou!!!
hell yea
Full Name: Mortimer Andrew BatesGender and Sexuality: male, not sure yet (both me and him in-charatcer lmao)Pronouns: he/himEthnicity/Species: white canadianBirthplace and Birthdate: i... have not decided on eitherGuilty Pleasures: mort has no guilty pleasures he’s already the dorkiest person on the planet he feels guilt about nothingPhobias:What They Would Be Famous For: a hit documentary on paranormal activity/just general weird shit with irrefutable proofWhat They Would Get Arrested For: trespassingOC You Ship Them With: none really?OC Most Likely To Murder Them: mort hasn’t done anything yet to warrant being murdered but honestly? adelina. gonna throw that out there cause it’s an occupational hazardFavorite Movie/Book Genre: science fiction and urban fantasyLeast Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: he hates when the monster or the alien or whatever is presented as just a mindless creature who ONLY EVER wants to murder/dismember/devour/vaporize/etc. the protagonists because that’s not how any animal works and also he thinks it’s lazy writing and not living up to the genre’s potential -excerpt from mort’s 3 hour presentation on why science fiction and fantasy deserve better which he made lavinia and cecil sit throughTalents and/or Powers: mort actually does have really good intuition, he trusts his gut feelings a lot and they usually don’t steer him wrongWhy Someone Might Love Them: he’s very passionate about his interests and super loyal to his friends. he genuinely believes friendship is the most important thing in the world, and there’s an added bonus that it’s safer to be in a group of people you know won’t abandon you when you go check out that possibly-haunted building and shit gets real.Why Someone Might Hate Them: god he talks so much. he’s so passionate but he’s passionate about things people tend to dismiss as pointless or useless, which can and will get on people’s nerves (i know this from experience). he’s also kind of slow on the uptake and doesn’t get new concepts easily, it takes him a lot of time to understand things. i’m not saying it’s good that people might hate him for that stuff just that people are people and based on my experience it’s not going to net him a lot of friends.How They Change: this is pretty vaguely worded but from an in-character perspective i think he adapts to living in a nightvale-esque (although i definitely came up with anders way before i knew about nightvale, so,) Very Weird town and doesn’t bother himself so much with the stuff everyone is already cool with but checks out the actually genuinely potentially dangerous shit. honestly mort is just ripe to be the protagonist of a supernatural coming-of-age story and his making friends and forming a... god what did i call them i had a name for them i think it was the spooky squad? is a big part of that. mort grows up.  Why You Love Them: in his setting he’s comedy gold (or, at least i find his situation hilarious) because he’s so used to having to go out and PROVE that there are SPOOKY PARANORMAL THINGS and his only hobby is basically being one of those guys on a ghost hunter show/paranormal investigation and then he moves to a town where all the weird supernatural shit is common knowledge and he literally lives in a genuinely haunted house
Full Name: Ryou NakamuraGender and Sexuality: male, he doesn’t really think about it (i feel bad abt not giving a straight (lmao) answer to either of these but dangit fish u managed to pick two of my only ocs who i don’t really know yet)Pronouns: he/himEthnicity/Species: japanese/japanese-canadian depending on the auBirthplace and Birthdate: i think his birthday is nov 14 and idr where he was bornGuilty Pleasures: idk he likes cats?Phobias: he doesn’t like knives and he’s claustrophobic. being buried alive is probably pretty high up there tooWhat They Would Get Arrested For: accomplice to arsonWhat They Would Be Famous For: ...accomplice to arsonOC You Ship Them With: i ship ryou with the sweet release of oblivion -ryou nakamura 2k17OC Most Likely To Murder Them: dear sweet mabel kilner (who does not belong to me) tbhFavorite Movie/Book Genre: mostly he’s into nonfiction but he’d probably like historical fiction?Least Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: ryou doesn’t really care that much about fiction but it bugs him when clearly unhealthy/abusive behaviour is excused or romanticized (me too bud)Talents and/or Powers: he’s good at sewing i guess?Why Someone Might Love Them: there is no reason to love ryouWhy Someone Might Hate Them: he’s a dick who intentionally pushes people away and tends to start conflicts rather than avoid them when it comes to people who really get on his nerves, he’s very meanHow They Change: god uh. ryou’s original concept was super different than any other actual iteration of him i always had a prettttyyy good idea of what he was supposed to be like but i’m bad at writing and that wasn’t... always.... reflected? he also used to be a lot more deliberately malicious though. he’s still a spiteful little fuck but he’s mostly bothered with being left alone and doesn’t start shit, and will actually hold a conversation now without being too much of a dick. he also started as an anime oc and he is not that now, i’ve kinda cut ties w/ the fandom he was fromWhy You Love Them: i don’t honestly he’s actually probably one of my most developed ocs/i have a reallllyy good idea of what goes on in his head (mainly because he’s kind of ended up being a self-insert?) so that’s a big part of why i actually am very fond of him as a character, like... idk he’s important to me but i’m not sure how to articulate why exactly that is
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