#idk why but the youngest sound like a bella to me
vigarioamelia · 6 months
so i have been working on this fanfic which is basically:
instead of p being 'uh okay whatever i guess' when red fox (claudia) and black cat (lucio) tell him to just move forward without them during the malum district exploration, p insists on bringing them to the hotel and all of that.
it's 10k fucking words so far and i was definitely NOT planning on putting so much into it but i have so many headcanons and i really want to explore these characters... not only P himself, but Red Fox, Black Cat, the hotel crew and of course the Black Rabbit Brotherhood
so if anyone reads this would you mind giving your opinion on whether i should write a fic one-shot focusing on each (as in, a one-shot dedicated to what could red fox and black cat's relationship with P be, another one-shot with the Black Rabbit Brotherhood etc etc etc) or idk make every single one part of the same work with separate chapters?
all the one-shots would be part of a series btw
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xo-hugs-n-kisses-ox · 25 days
(v.) To think about [something] deeply
After Edward left her, Bella Swan fell apart. Desperate to try and save his eldest daughter, Charlie brings his youngest daughter to Forks to see if she can bring her sister out of her depression.
Now, y/n must try to help her sister find her way back to the light while also trying to navigate her Junior year of high school in the odd town of Forks.
Chapter Six: Hurt
Now Playing: Don’t Hurt Yourself by Beyoncé, feat. Jack White
Warnings: arguing, cursing, allusions to potentially controlling behavior?? Idk how to word it but Paul’s basically being an ass for like 90% of this sorry (he’ll get better I promise guys), miscommunication bc Paul’s emotionally constipated, Sam’s tired of his bs, reader’s tired of his bs but also on some bs 👍
Days passed. I didn’t see Paul, I hardly saw the others. Jacob was too busy catering to Bella, Embry was caring for Quil after his change, and Jared seemed afraid of getting his head ripped off anytime he even looked at me.
Emily and Sam treated me normally enough. The “enough” part comes into play when they would give me odd little looks when they thought I wasn’t looking.
Whatever. If they wanted to be weird, fine.
Roy’s was slower than it’s ever been, but Max always kept me company. He had stopped asking what was wrong, and I never brought it up. I almost felt like Bella when anything about the Cullens was mentioned. Except, unlike my sister, I didn’t break down into tears or get nauseous. I only felt angry.
Against his will, Paul had come to pick me up to take me back to Emily’s. Spitefully, I had given Max a long, lingering hug.
I knew the hug itself would piss Paul off, but what would really do it was the fact that I would also smell like Max’s cologne.
I ignore Paul as I walk to my truck, ignore him as he climbs in the bed of the truck instead of the cab, and ignore him as I start to drive.
The drive to Emily’s goes by excruciatingly slow. I’m unwilling to admit, even to myself, why that is.
I turn the truck off and go inside, not waiting for Paul. I hear that god-awful sound of his entire body popping into another shape, and he leaves for patrol.
I go into the house, slipping through the dinnertime rush in the kitchen and going to shower. The hot water feels good against my skin, and I had long since moved most of my things over here. Sam and Emily were happy enough to have me here, and I liked being in the house well enough after everything with Paul happened.
I slip on my pajamas and walk quietly to the kitchen to pick at leftovers. A plate had already been set out for me, to my pleasure, and I assumed Emily had done it. I eat quickly at the kitchen stove, eager to sleep. It had been a long day, and I just wanted it to be over with so I could start the weekend.
I woke up early to help Emily make food in the kitchen. Bella was still asleep, and the house was quiet except for the radio playing softly in the corner.
I caught my reflection in the mirror. My face was lined from sleep, the sheets creasing my cheeks and neck. My eyes were crusty from being asleep, my mouth dry and my lips slightly cracked. I sighed.
Wordlessly, I started helping Emily make eggs. She smiled at me as she began to focus on the biscuits and muffins. Making food was always quicker with another set of hands, especially when it was for boys who could out eat an army.
When we were done, I set out a plate for Bella and one for myself, putting them in the microwave to hide.
“You have until June, Paul.” Sam said slowly, “Then you tell her, or I do it for you.”
“You were the one that kept me from telling her in the beginning, but all of a sudden you give a shit?” Paul scoffed, anger bubbling in his chest.
Sam sighed, “That was a mistake on my part, I’ll admit it. But now your mess is interfering with the rest of us trying to go about our lives and trying to keep the Swan family safe.”
Paul stood suddenly, storming out of the house and slamming the door behind him. He didn’t need this shit right now.
Sam closed his eyes, a weary sigh exhaled from his lips. Emily put her hand on his shoulder, comforting him.
When Paul left in a rage, Jacob followed. He had been sitting outside, waiting with the rest of his brothers to be let back in.
Had he been eavesdropping? Sure, but so was everyone else, so it cancels out. Besides, it was for the benefit of the whole pack, so it’s not such a bad thing.
Jacob quickly transformed, following Paul to wherever he was going.
I woke up late today.
I suppose it’s not a surprise, since any time I was asleep, it was restless. I didn’t remember my dreams, but Bella said I murmured a lot in my sleep because of them.
Jacob and Paul weren’t at the house when I woke up, and Emily said that they had left the night before after Bella and I had gone to bed.
Paul’s probably only being moody. Jacob’s who I was concerned about. But whatever. They were grown enough to make their own choices and grown enough to handle themselves.
I focused most of my energy on helping Quil adjust. He was scared about all the changes, and he didn’t know what to say to his mom. He didn’t want to tell her because he didn’t want her to be put in danger because of it, and he didn’t want to risk her not believing him
Jacob and Paul didn’t come back until dinner time. Bella gave them both the plates she had saved for them as I washed the dishes.
“Paul, why don’t you help y/n put the dishes up while the rest of us clean up in here?” Jacob suggested, and I slid my eyes towards him, pinning him with a flat stare. He cleared his throat, “Uh, or maybe not.”
Paul rolled his eyes, getting up to come to the kitchen. He reached for the dish in my hand, but I pulled it away from him.
“Quit being childish, Y/n.” He grunted, reaching again for the plate. I rolled my eyes, setting it on the drying rack instead. A muscle in his jaw twitched, but he didn’t say anything.
I didn’t speak to him as I washed the dishes, and he kept his distance. The silence between us was tense, and I wouldn’t be the one to break it.
“Tell your boyfriend to stop bathing in that god awful cologne.” Paul sneered, his arms crossed as he leaned against my truck.
“If you’re so bothered by it, stop picking me up,” I countered, exhausted from the day and not in the mood for his bullshit.
“How about you stop rubbing on him to make a point?” He accused, and I shot him a dirty look as I pulled out of the school parking lot.
“What, I can’t hug my friends now, Paul?” I demanded, “First you try control who I’m friends with, now you’re trying to control what I do with my friends?”
“I’m trying to tell you not to do shit you know will piss people off!” He snarled, “You know damn well how your little stunt is going to end if that vampire bitch smells you on that boy, but you don’t care because you’re to busy trying to stick it to me, right?”
“You think too highly of yourself, asshole,” I taunted, “Besides, Victoria’s after my sister only, what does she care what I do?”
“So fucking difficult, all the time,” he muttered angrily, “I can’t believe this shit.”
“Boo fucking hoo.” I snapped, cutting the engine off and marching inside the house. Noticing the tension between us when we walked in, Sam sighed.
Embry stared for a little too long and Paul smacked the back of his head. Quil and Jared were quick to mind their own business after that.
The rest of the day was spent helping Emily cook, like usual. She had tasked me with getting some more ingredients for the soup, and I went to go get my shoes.
Paul looked up as I put on my boots, asking, “Where are you going?”
I flicked my eyes over to him, “The store for Emily. Why, should I have asked your permission first?”
Before he could respond, Sam butted in.
“Take Paul with you. The rest of us have chores, and I don’t want you to go alone, just in case.” He said, pointedly busying himself with his cleaning so he didn’t have to look at me.
“Fine.” I conceded to avoid conflict, and I slid my eyes back to Paul, “Put a shirt on. They won’t let you in without one.”
He rolled his eyes and snatched a shirt from Quil, who was folding laundry. He quickly put it on, holding his arms out and staring at me. Happy?
I wordlessly turned and went to the car.
The drive to the grocery store is done in silence, save for the pop music blaring quietly from the radio. He moves to turn it down. I turn it back up.
We go in and I peruse around, looking for the potatoes and corn. Paul skulks behind me, his presence alone warding off anyone who would look our way for too long.
When I find it, the corn I need is on the top shelf. I purse my lips, debating if asking Paul for help would really be worth it.
I turn to him, “I need the corn on the top shelf.”
He looks at me flatly, “Think you’re missing a word.”
With gritted teeth, I force out, “Please.”
Triumphant, he reaches up and gets the corn for me and puts it in the basket around my arm. I continue in search of the potatoes, finding them easily enough and going to check out.
I move to grab my purse to pay the cashier, but Paul reaches around me and hands a twenty to the woman, who takes it quickly and counts out our change.
“So,” Charlie starts, poking at the salad Bella was making him eat, “What’s the deal between you and that Paul fella, Y/n?”
I stare at my plate for a moment before looking my father in the eye, “Nothing, Dad. Why?”
“Just because you and him seem bit… tense.” He glances at Bella, and I giver her a dirty look. Traitor.
“I didn’t tell him anything about your issues with Paul!” She defends, “Jake did that on his own!”
“That furry little freak, I’m never saving him food again,” I mutter, pushing around the mashed potatoes on my plate.
“Jake’s just looking out for you, Y/n,” Charlie reasoned, “He told me that you were sore with the boy because he overstepped his boundaries because he didn’t like that Maxwell kid.”
“Dad, do we really have to talk about this?” I sigh, and he nods.
“I learned my lesson about not talking about things after that Edward boy took his toll on your sister,” he said firmly, “So we’re having family meetings about— boy troubles.”
I only stay serious u til I make eye contact with Bella, who’s unable to stop herself from letting out an involuntary snicker of laughter. The two of us cackle at Charlie, and he sighs.
“Hardy-har, you two, but I’m serious,” Charlie says, “So. Who wants to go first; Bella about Jacob, or Y/n about Paul?”
Bella coughs, “What’s there to say about Jake and I? We’re only friends and—”
“I might be your old man, but I’m not so old that I don’t know about teenage love, Bella.” Charlie says, his eyebrow raised at her. I smirk as she flounders for an answer.
“Well, Jake and I just spend a lot of time together because we’re good buddies and—”
“Does he know that?” I say slyly, glancing innocently at her.
“Does Paul know he doesn’t have to be jealous of Maxwell?” Bella counters, and I scowl.
“Paul’s not jealous, he’s just an ass because he’s not getting his way.” I inform her, and she rolls her eyes.
Charlie, trying to follow, says, “Now hold on, since when was I supposed to be keeping an eye on Maxwell?”
Bella snickers and I put my head in my hands, “You don’t! Good lord, Max is just a friend!”
“Then what’s got Paul bent out of shape?” He asked, and I wanted to scream.
“Look what you’ve done now,” I groan, smacking Bella across the shoulder, “Dad, Paul’s just being pigheaded, I don’t know what’s wrong with him, and I don’t really care since he won’t tell me.”
“Paul,” Sam started over lunch.
“I’m getting around to it!” Paul protested grumpily, picking at his food. Quil opened his mouth to ask, but Embry stopped him with a sharp shake of his head.
“Paul,” Sam started again, “You need to talk to her.”
“And what? Get yelled at?” He shot back, a sneer on his face.
Sam sighed deeply, about to respond when Emily put her hand on his shoulder to stop him.
“Paul,” Emily said gently, “You need to explain your behavior. Without knowing why you’ve been so… agitated, Y/n thinks you’re just being an ass. You need to apologize to her and explain everything. It will help.”
“Look, I know that, okay?” Paul said, frustrated as he pushed his plate away from himself, “I’m well aware of what I need to do. But we all know what happens when Y/n and I are in the same room for more than a few minutes, especially when I try to do anything for her.”
“Yes, which is exactly why you need to explain everything and—” Emily started, stopping when Paul stood up and started to march out.
“Look, I appreciate the advice, but you aren’t telling me anything new, so both of you cut the shit.” With that, Paul slammed the door behind him and ran off into the woods.
After a long silence, Quil spoke up.
“…Can I have the rest of his food, since he’s not going to eat it?”
Ok short chapter today! What do we think??
I plan to do another chapter specifically on reader and Paul’s current relationship (or lack thereof) + adding in a scene request I got ☺️ if anyone wants to see anything specific in there lmk 😁
Anyway, then I’ll get back to the book-central plot and keep it pushing
Thanks for reading guys 🥰
ps do we like the first person or do we prefer third person?? I’m curious which people like more
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gamerwoo · 5 years
[SF9 Imprinted] Inseong: Home is Where the Heart Is
@neverknewgrey2016 asked: Idk, something with Inseong probably. I’m feeling fluff but really whatever you want tbh
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Characters: Inseong x female reader
Genre/warnings: werewolf au, college au, fluff, some crack, slight angst but like super slight i swear
Word count: 2,698
Summary: Having a long distance relationship is hard enough, but it’s even worse when you’re a werewolf struggling to deal with the pull to their mate. 
a/n: hello!! for anybody who doesn’t know, Imprinted is a series I have for multiple groups I write for. they’re all set in the same universe and do mingle sometimes but for the most part, each group’s respective series is separate. it’s all based on request aka you request more parts for somebody (you can include what genre you want and even a plot) and I’ll write it if it goes with the story (for example, you couldn’t request for Inseong to have a mate that’s one way if his mate in this is another). you can see what’s already been requested here! (and anything in bold in this story is in english)
Next | Imprinted Masterlist
“Wait, Dawon did what?”
“It was only a small fire, don’t worry about it.”
“Inseong, that’s very worrying.”
“Hey, have I ever told you that your Korean’s getting better?”
You chuckled, your eyes closing briefly as you shook your head. You knew he was just trying to distract you from what he just told you, but you decided to go with it since he already told you that nobody was hurt and nothing burned down.
You held your phone to your ear, trying to adjust the textbook you were carrying in your other arm with your knee, letting out a soft sigh, “I kind of have to get better if I want to spend my life with you.”
“I dunno,” Inseong replied, “some people make it without speaking a lot of Korean here.”
While Inseong was your mate, you lived a 23-ish hour flight away from him. While he was in South Korea, you were all the way in America. You only met Inseong when you went to Korea to study for a semester, and Inseong was hired at the translator for your program. It was literally love at first sight.
Of course, dropping the werewolf bomb on you wasn’t easy. You could be described as a laid back person, but anybody would freak out a little bit realizing the person they had strong feelings for could shift into a giant wolf. But once your panic subsided, things were fine.
Well, up until you had to go back home.
“So...is Inseong gonna die?” Chani wondered when he found out you were going home, sounding like he just asked what the weather was like outside.
“No, because she didn’t deny him,” Youngbin explained, “but he definitely won’t be at his best without his mate nearby for however long.”
You’d been back home in America for three very long months, and all you wanted was to be able to cuddle and kiss your boyfriend again. You tried your best to make the timezone thing work, too, so you could talk to each other, but that was difficult. Basically, everything about being in a long distance relationship with such strong ties to each other was a struggle.
You couldn’t even imagine what it must’ve been like for Inseong.
“You know, a few more paychecks and I should have enough to come visit!” Inseong informed you cheerily.
Ever since you left to go back home, Inseong had been keeping what was in his savings to go see you. He wasn’t sure for how long, but any little bit of time would be enough for him after not being near you for three months.
Little did he know that you were saving up, too.
“It’s so boring here,” you told him as you put your book on top of your car and unlocked the door. “I don’t even know what we’d be able to do together.”
“Doesn’t matter. As long as I’m with you, it’ll be fun.”
“God, you never get any less cheesy, do you?”
“Nope, I only get more cheesy!”
Things with the pack were getting a little...complicated this last week. Inseong wasn’t the only one to imprint in the pack, with Chani having imprinted but keeping his mate as far away from the pack as possible, and Juho recently found his since Inseong last spoke to you, and she was trying to keep herself away from him. Juho was a lot more open about his mate, though, so everybody pretty much assumed what the issue was: she was afraid. They all understood, but considering you were pretty open after that initial shock, and Chani’s mate didn’t even seem to care, this was kind of a wake up call to the pack that the rest of them could have mates just as difficult to get through to.
For now, though, they were trying to help Juho do just that: get her to warm up to him.
“The only way she’ll ever like me is if I’m not...me,” Juho sighed, dropping his head in his hands.
“I hope I get a mate like Inseong’s,” Dawon mumbled, but with Juho’s hearing, he heard it. He lifted his head to glare at the older wolf, so Dawon added, “...Sorry.”
“Not every person will be okay with all of this,” Inseong reminded them. “Even  _____ was afraid.”
“But not for long,” Rowoon pointed out, only to realize he wasn’t really helping.
“It’s a lot to take in: werewolves existing, being told they’re meant to be with you forever, and everything that comes with that. It’s really scary from their perspective,” Inseong tried to reason. He had spent a lot of time trying to look at the situation through your eyes when he first told you and you’d panicked about it. “You’ll gain her trust in time.”
“Werewolves don’t have time,” Taeyang reminded them. “If she doesn’t accept him as her mate soon, then...”
He trailed off, pretending to choke himself while he dramatically stuck out his tongue and rolled his eyes up into his head.
Chani gave him a blank look, “...She’ll strangle him to death?”
Taeyang sighed, using his hand to hit the youngest in the arm instead, “I’ll strangle you.”
Everybody knew what would happen if a werewolf wasn’t accepted by their mate: death. It happened slowly, the wolf’s life getting drained little by little over the course of about a month until they just died. The just needed their mate that badly that they couldn’t live without them.
The only way that wouldn’t happen was if the mate died, but it was still an awful thing to live through. But without that pull there, fate would reset, and they’d have a new mate to find. It was kind of fucked up, but it was how things worked.
“Ooh, you know what you should do?” Dawon spoke up excitedly, his golden eyes wide as he pointed at Juho. “You should save her from danger! Like in Twilight!”
“You watched Twilight...?” Youngbin asked slowly, making a face at him.
Ignoring the alpha, Dawon continued, “When Bella got in trouble, Edward was always there to save her! And now look at them!”
“They’re fictional,” Inseong reminded him.
Jaeyoon shrugged, “It would gain her trust though, I guess. But she’s not in trouble, and I don’t suggest you get her into any.”
“I wouldn’t!” Juho whined, seeming offended his brother would even think he’d do that. “But...Dawon, tell me more about this.”
Inseong sighed and rolled his eyes, standing up to leave the living room before this conversation got any weirder. He just hoped things were sorted before he had to leave for America. He was so close to having enough for the round trip, he just needed a little bit more. But if his pack was still a mess, how could he leave them? Sure, he wasn’t the alpha, but as the oldest, he felt he should stick around to make sure everybody was okay and nobody was getting in trouble. Plus, with Juho being rejected meant he wouldn’t have much time left, which was why the pack was scrambling for ideas.
He shook his head. He couldn’t think negatively. For now, he had to focus on the positives. It wouldn’t be long until he could see you again and hold you in his arms, and that was all he wanted to think about.
As always, Inseong tried to call you everyday. However, about a week and a half after the time you spoke to him and he told you how Dawon set the microwave on fire, Inseong didn’t sound as happy as every other time he had called you since then.
“Inseong, what happened?” you asked, knowing something was wrong just from the tone of his voice.
He sighed deeply and stayed silent for a moment before saying, “I can’t come to see you.”
You didn’t understand that. Did he not want to? Did something happen to the pack? Did something happen to him?
“What, why?” you asked.
“This is going to sound dumb, but Juho punched my car.”
Now you were quiet, not really knowing what to say to that. His brother...punched his car? Like, for fun or what?
“Can I have elaboration on that?” you asked.
So Inseong began to tell you the story of how Juho’s mate was terrified of him because he was a werewolf, and how Dawon had come up with this dumb idea that was inspired by Twilight of all things, and Juho hadn’t understood it all that well.
“So?” Dawon had asked eagerly when Juho had come through the door. “What happened?”
“I punched a car,” Juho replied, but he didn’t seem happy.
Then Inseong took in his words and turned to talk to the younger wolf that was now looking through the fridge and running a hand through his hair.
“I’m sorry, you did what?” Inseong asked.
“I punched a car like Dawon told me to,” he repeated, looking at the eldest around the door of the fridge.
Not only was Inseong staring at Juho like he was stupid, but Dawon was too -- and that was saying something because Dawon was the king of doing dumb things.
“That’s not what I--” Dawon cut himself off, sighing and shaking his head, “Whatever. So what happened?”
Juho shut the fridge with slight force, throwing his hands out to his sides in frustration, “She’s even more terrified of me.”
“Well yeah, you punched a car for no reason!” Inseong laughed.
“Wait,” Dawon spoke up, holding up a finger as he narrowed his eyes at Juho, “who’s car did you punch...?”
Now, instead of looking annoyed and upset, Juho looked nervous and slightly scared.
“So I had to pay to get my car fixed because he didn’t even punch the side of it like in the movie, he punched into the hood and actually broke something in the engine,” Inseong sighed in frustration. “And by ‘something’ I mean ‘a lot of things’.”
You frowned even though he couldn’t see, “I’m sorry, baby.”
“I’m just so upset I can’t go see you now,” he said, sounding completely defeated. “I’ve been saving up for so long and now I’m back to almost nothing in my savings. I have to save up all over again.”
With how upset your boyfriend sounded, you wanted to just blurt out your plans. You felt so bad because he sounded so heartbroken, but you wanted to surprise him. Plus, the surprise would mean so much more to him now.
“Don’t worry, we’ll figure something out,” was all you told him.
Tired. The only thing you felt was tired. You couldn’t even feel happiness or excitement because jet lag was a bitch and you wanted to just curl up in bed and pass out. But it was the middle of the day here so that wasn’t really ideal. You were wondering if maybe a short nap would suffice but you were scared you’d sleep through your alarm and then be awake all night.
It definitely took a lot to transfer to this new university, but it would be well worth it. You just had to stay awake long enough to call Inseong, but you weren’t sure if you could even do that. But you were going to force yourself to.
Standing in the middle of your new dorm, you went to Inseong’s contact in your phone and called. It rang longer than normal, and you thought maybe you caught him at a bad time at work -- if you weren’t so sleepy, you’d know today was his day off -- before somebody answered.
“Hi, _____!” somebody chirped.
“Um...who is this?” you asked.
“Rowoon,” he replied with a chuckle. “Sorry, I should’ve figured you wouldn’t know. Inseong’s out doing groceries right now and he forgot his phone here. If you need something though, I can give you Chani’s number and--”
“Actually,” you spoke up, “maybe you can help me.”
“With what?”
“Would you be able to come pick me up?”
“What?” he asked like you were crazy. “You’re all the way in America! I can’t just float my car across the ocean.”
“Don’t worry, it’s not far,” you promised with a sleepy laugh. “I’ll send you the address.”
Inseong was confused the entire time he was with Chani doing grocery shopping. He had instincts that they called the mating pull that would lead him to you no matter where you were, and those instincts were telling him you were closer to him than before. His instincts had really been all over the place the last 24 hours, actually. But he couldn’t call you and ask about it because you had already told him you’d be at your parents and couldn’t use your phone because they had a thing about ‘family time’.
“Inseong, what’re you making that face for?” Chani asked as he looked over at Inseong while they drove home.
The older wolf couldn’t tell, but his eyes were narrowed slightly, and his brows were furrowed just a bit like he was concentrating or thinking. But it was only because something must’ve not been right because he felt like you were very close by. Last he checked, your parents didn’t live in South Korea, so he knew you couldn’t possibly be anywhere near here.
“I feel...weird,” was all he replied in a murmur.
Chani just nodded, raising his eyebrows, “Sure, dude.”
Chani was already in on it. Rowoon had texted him about it, so Chani was well aware as to what was up with Inseong. But he was very good at playing dumb.
Inseong pulled into the driveway, shut off the car, and opened the door. But as soon as the air hit him, he smelled something vaguely familiar. It was a scent he hadn’t smelled in a while, but it was one he could never forget. It was like the sweetest, best scent he’d ever smelled, and he knew exactly what it meant. He just didn’t know how.
Without even saying anything to Chani, Inseong booked it into the house and followed his instincts up the stairs. He burst into his room, just barely catching his door from slamming against the wall when he saw you fast asleep in his bed. He was so happy, tears started forming in his eyes. He couldn’t believe you were here, and somehow having you sleeping so soundly in his bed made him even happier. He still didn’t understand how or why you were here, but it didn’t matter because you were here and he could touch you and kiss you and be with you.
Inseong quietly closed his door before he made his way over to you, he crouched down at the side of his bed and looked at your peaceful face as you slept, reaching out to lightly stroke your cheek with his thumb to make sure you were real. The widest, brightest smile spread across his face being able to look at you and touch you and hear your heartbeat.
He stood up to slide off his shoes before he carefully climbed over you into bed. He wrapped his arms around you and pulled you closer to him, not wanting to wake you but just needing to hold you as close as he could.
You woke up just a little bit -- enough to just feel that Inseong was with you -- and rolled over to face him. You buried your face in his chest, clinging to him and making him chuckle. When you were settled again, he nuzzled into your hair and just took in your scent, just wanting to stay in that moment with you forever.
“She’s here for good, y’know,” Rowoon said as he quietly entered the room. “She transferred to the college in the city. The train ride there isn’t too long.”
“A train ride isn’t anything to me,” Inseong scoffed, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. 
You used to be a 23-hour plane ride away, so he would sit on a train for hours if he had to just to see you. But luckily, you were right here with him, in his arms. You were home.
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