#idky i always make this post on new blogs
aimdotcom · 1 year
beep boop new blog smell
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llazyneiph · 6 years
update but also some truth bruh (not drama dw lmao)
I’m starting my diploma of game art on monday, which is a fulltime study load. Obviously this means I’m going to have less time for this blog, but luckily anything I make during class can also be uploaded as TS4 content. 
I’m hoping my content is going to become a better quality, cus this is something I’ve always been self conscious about, whether it was made early last year when I was just starting, or it’s an issue that I still don’t know how to fix. 
I also want to make more tutorials as I learn, TS4 honestly only has a few good and actually understandable tutorials for complete newbies to cc making, and, mini storytime bros, I’ve wanted to make cc for sims since I was playing TS2.  It was just so stupidly unobtainable because of the lack of beginner tutorials before, so every time I tried, I just gave up. Which I think a lot of people who want to learn cc making can relate to. 
Since I will be learning literally everything, my ultimate ‘dream’ is to make a tutorial for every part of cc, head to toe, for very beginners. Whilst TS4 is by far the easiest sims game to mod, I know for a lot of people (bc they’ve personally fckin told me) that even just starting is completely overwhelming because of either assumed knowledge and/or the fact that the only tutorial they can find is for non-beginners. 
And like, being totally real for a sec, 99% of simblrs want more followers. You wanna get daily anons and have people interact with your work, and this ISN’T a bad thing. Idky people keep making it out to be, people need to learn the difference between value and validation. If someone has put 2 or 3 hours into editing this pic and they absolutely love it, or they’re consistently posting gameplay shots multiple times a day but it only gets a couple likes... that shit is crushing. Thats some ‘whats the point’ shit.  Anyway my point being, that unless you are some special fuckin sunflower with the absolute best gameplay shots, or a story that people binge, you’re not going to get ‘popular’. I’m sorry, that’s the hard truth about it. A truth I spent 3 years learning, and still am.  Being a content creator is (not always, but mostly) the only way you can build any kind of following on here. Which sucks, but is sadly true. 
Tangent aside, my point with that was simblrs want followers/more interaction> cc is the best way to get widespread recognition> tutorials are overwhelming and not targeted at beginners> cc creating basically looks like a guilded, gated community> simblr gives up> leaves the community because they don’t feel valued enough.
I’m not talking outta my ass either, I’ve been here for 4 fuckin years, and I’ve seen so many absolutely incredibly people leave because the work they were putting in wasn’t worth the reward. Now, I’m not saying that if someone starts making cc that they will instantly get thousands of followers, but I’m saying that if you look at the ‘big’ simblrs, they’re all content creators. 
I hope you’se get what I mean. This isn’t like a whole ‘oooh content creators are so much better than everyone else!!1!’, this is just saying what everyone already knows. Creators get followers and likes because people will ALWAYS want new cc. 
To wrap things up; I’m not saying I know everything about cc, but I’m now in a place where I will be learning everything so I can get a job in the games industry one day. And even though I do tend to come off as an asshole sometimes, I do genuinely care about this community and the people in it.  It would be a dick move of me to keep what I learn to myself. 
The easiest thing for me to do would be videos with voice-overs, but those of you who know what I’m going thru rn would probably know why I have an issue with my voice lmao. So the tutorials may just be in written format.  Idk, we’ll see?? I’ve gone off on such a fuckin tangent holy shit
TL;DR Since I’m now a game design student it would be selfish of me to keep everything I learn to myself, therefore I want to make tutorials on every step of cc making for complete beginners, so I don’t have to watch more people leave when they feel unappreciated. 
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mechani · 4 years
Tumblr media
Greetings! Mechani here.
How have you been?
This is my first ever post on the Tumblr mobile application for IOS, so that’s eggciting! This whole thing’s a thought ramble about my inability to get anything I want done. Idky I’m even positing this. Maybe it’ll be helpful to someone, idk:
I honestly have not made much progress on anything. I feel so unhappy with my progress. I keep avoiding stuff I should do, like start something. During this period, I’ve listening to Joji. I usually never listen to music, but I’ve been listening lots because:
it’s a tasty vibe
It fills me with determination excitement to do something
Maybe I’ll do something about my feelings, or maybe I’ll just keep wallowing in procrastionation. This happened last year, when I used to listen to the She Didn’t Text Back podcast. I was so inspired by the host’s drive that I was like “yeAH IMA DO SOMETHING!” The only thing I did was write those feelings out on a now deleted blog.
Goodness, my attempts to create are always the same. First, I’m so determined and excited to start a project. Then, I actually start. However, even if I did make something, I will end up eventually working on it only in my thoughts for whatever discouraging procrastionat-ey reason. I have many “projects” that never took off, like FameStarz713, B Brats, Petalled Pencil/Pencil Pettals, Woosh Foosh, Asavia, Mythical Moon, and so much more!
I have a few ideas on why I do not return to or even begin projects. One of which is that I put too much pressure on “doing the thing” instead of just “doing the thing.” Over the years, the way I’ve delevoped my “doing the thing” skills is by avoiding it while thinking that I’ll be working in it at any moment. Freaking weird, man.
I feel like I’m coming back to the start of the cycle. Yesterday, I played the heck outta my electric piano. It got a new adapter jack-thing so now I can play with headphones on! IT’S SO COOL AHHH! I have one thing I really want to do: to make a civer of Joji’s Like You Do. I’m not sure how I’d do it, but it’d be fun to try it! Today, I actually streamed. It was so weeiiirrrrddddd to be streaming aH idk how i feel about it!
Tomorrow, I’ll be competing against my friends to make the best song in one hour. I’m sure that I will not win because I have been soooo out of touch with music omg. I took AP Music Theory in high school where I learned sO MUCH MUSIC STUFF, but nearly four years later and I’ve forgotten so much of it. Lucky for them, my compeditors took the course last year. I had forgotten so much that I had to look up a key signature and a minor chord and it was simply very pathetic on my part. Anyways, I hope I can at least have something to submit! Idk what exactly I’ll do, like think of a simple ABAA’ song with easy peasy chord progression and stuff or what. idk man idk. It’s gonna be lit, hopefully.
I wish I could have had something better to report, but I want to keep it real, I guess. For whoever also suffers from the inability to get stuff done. I’m here too, man don’t you worry!
Until then,
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aimdotcom · 1 year
beep boop new blog smell
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