#idrc abt the news actually i am doing very bad i don't need more bad vibes
duoduotian · 2 years
it's so frustrating living with misophonia especially when the person that is causing the sound you hate, is aware you don't like hearing it and still do it. :) for me, i immensely dislike tv volume higher than usual range when no one is watching the tv. just turn it off it's not that hard lmaooo
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bytedykes · 4 years
Any particular reason you don't like Jace? No judgement I just live for hearing people's takes
i’d like to preface this by saying i don’t rlly have a problem with people who do like jace as long as they aren’t weird abt it, and that sometimes i do enjoy some portrayals of jace, none of them canon or widespread fanon.
in s1 jace is a selfish asshole who throws his bond with alec aside in favor of clary with absolutely no hesitation. he 1) refuses to listen to anyone unless they agree with him, 2) refuses to respect alec who is not only his parabatai and brother, but also the (acting) head of the institute jace is stationed at, aka his superior, 3) is just generally really shitty to alec (bringing up alec’s feelings for him and throwing them back in his face, “maybe your mother was right and your best just isn’t good enough,” yelling at alec when he ‘lost’ clary despite clary running away herself and alec not being at fault for that, etc) while alec does his best to protect him and help him with his halfbrained plan to get back clary’s mom. also i hate d*m sherwood lmao
he’s just a very self-centered person with no regard for consequences in s1, he mistreats the parabatai bond, and he betrays alec at some point. ik it sounds like i’m being biased as someone who likes alec but that’s not just it lol, there’s def more to it hfkjsh
(although i definitely am mad on alec’s (and magnus’) behalf too don’t get me wrong)
jace invites himself into magnus’ home with no prior notice and just announces he’s gonna be living there for a while?? he and clary are like, the sole cause of at least half the season’s problems, and i’m willing to cut clary some slack because she’s completely new to this and doesn’t have a clue what she’s doing. i have issues with her in s1 too but her behaviour is more justifiable imo. still shitty but i can see where she’s coming from and what her motives are. jace on the other hand should KNOW BETTER! he’s been in the shadowworld since BIRTH, he knows all the laws and customs and he just doesn’t give a shit!! he steals the goddamn mortal cup, convinces magnus to steal from alec, and in generally just behaves like a clown 🤡🤡🤡
i guess he’s less irritating (too mild of a term but w/e) in s2, but still incredibly frustrating at times, and i haven’t rlly seen s3 so idk what he’s like there but from what i know he’s still an entitled dick a lot of the time.
ofc he has his decent human being moments, but those are. hm. not as common as they should be for me to be able to enjoy his character asdlfkjkfd. that’s my reasons abt my issues with jace’s canonical self, but also i just generally don’t like him lol. like there are reasons (see above) but i also don’t need them to dislike him if ykwim.
i also dislike a lot of his fanon portrayal because most ppl who stan him (and i mean stan like hardcore stan, not just enjoy him normally btw; ppl who just like him and think critically abt him are ok i have nothing against them) excuse away all of his behaviour and flaws and refuse to think critically about his actions in favor of acting like he’s the best, morally righteous character around. (presumably because he’s a cishet white “bad boy” character which u know ppl go crazy for loll.) also, j@lecs. i wont get into that but j@lecs have highkey ruined jace even further for me.
this isn’t to say that i completely hate jace, i actually think that his character had the potential to be rlly interesting and at least semi-likeable, but he just. isn’t. i hate his canon character, and the way the majority of the fandom writes him. obvs u can like jace if u want idrc as long as u don’t try to convince me he’s actually a good character/person (in canon).
tl;dr: he’s an entitled asshole without regard for rules or other ppl’s feelings.
so yeah, there’s that. hope this was a take u liked hearing anon! hfkjshd<3
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