#idt Crewel knows what he’s fueling here
Crewel wagging his baton at Rollo. "Hmph. I heard you excel in potionology. A shame you have chosen not to take my alchemy course."
Like Fire, Hellfire.
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“Hah!” Crewel’s laugh was a dry bark. “To think that Trein-sensei and even Vargas-sensei have the opportunity to train you… I’m left feeling like an abandoned puppy on the side of the road.”
"Divus-sensei." Rollo politely bowed his head in reverence. "I apologize, I mean you no disrespect. I'm certain that you are a knowledgeable expert and instructor—I would have loved being under your tutelage."
A truth, white as snow.
He was nothing if not sincere to the man in the striped fur coat. Though the professor was a mage, Rollo would be lying if he claimed no respect for academics. They had some modicum of sense, sullied by the sin they practiced.
I call that a shame, he thought bitterly.
"That begs the question of why." Crewel curled a blood red glove against his chin. His eyes were sharp and discerning.
“Why, sir?” Rollo imperceptibly tensed.
"Why you chose to not enroll in my class. You enjoy Alchemy, correct? Your professors at Noble Bell College all speak highly of your abilities in the lab, even going so far as being involved independent research projects. All the factors indicate you should have been chomping at the bit to engage with my coursework.”
"... Sadly, it did not fit in with my schedule."
A lie, black as night.
Rollo’s stomach clenched at the thought of it—of being trapped in a room with the intoxicating potion fumes, forced to collaborate with heathens. It was a recipe for disaster, for his patience to fail and for his temper to spill over.
The corner of Crewel’s mouth quirked in amusement. “Exceptions can be made. The headmaster could have played around to ensure it fit—especially for a skilled young mage like yourself.”
“Please, I am worthy of no such praise.” Rollo clasped his hands together, one over the ring upon his right. “You must hold your own pupils to high expectations as well.”
His baton tapping patiently against his thigh, Crewel quietly assessed the student from the Shaftlands. Everything about him was careful and coordinated: looks, manners, words, actions. Perfect, almost like pure white or pitch black—but adults knew things, and one of those things was that there was no such thing as perfection.
“I can see that you’re of a humble breed, Flamme.” Crewel placed a hand on his shoulder, giving a quick pat. "However, I know a dog on a leash when I see one."
Confusion briefly flashed on Rollo’s face. “I’m afraid I don’t understand what you mean.”
“You’re a disciplined pup, but a restrained one—you aren’t realizing your full potential. You’re holding yourself back from doing what you really want: to let loose and to test your limits.”
Rollo’s eyes widened, repulsion lancing him.
He, desiring to openly revel in the devilry called magic? The man had it all wrong, had fallen for his controlled facade.
Perfect student, perfect boy. A paragon in pure white.
“I was a loose cannon myself back in the day,” Crewel continued, “A bad boy, a troublemaker, for the teachers to tame.”
“But you’re a teacher yourself now.”
“Yes, I’ve been trained well as you can see. That is also why I’ve got an eye for spotting those similar to myself.”
“What…” Rollo fumbled for his words. “Are you, as an instructor, encouraging disobedience and rebellion of your students?!”
“No, not exactly. However, a puppy won’t grow into a fine dog if they’re not granted the opportunity to go wild and experience what the world has to offer them. As the master of this litter of pups, it is also my responsibility to that through.”
Crewel smiled wickedly with his teeth, his canines pointed like some beast’s. A piece of his old self slipping through his well-groomed persona. Something gritty and dark.
Rollo shivered. He didn’t like that look.
“Go wild. Live a little—so long as you don’t cause your teachers any trouble.”
Give’m hell, pup.
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