#ie Being A Dementor or like
tenacious-minds · 5 months
I’ve been listening to endrinas the language of flowers fic, and in the authors notes of chapter 1 of part three, they mention how the book never explained how Sirius got his wand back, and my immediate reaction was “I always assumed they never bothered to take it off him”.
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leajoyrambles · 3 months
okay so, for my fic series Without a Compass Rose, I have a character sheet (basically) where I list characters, their aspirations, a generalized personality type (ie "analytical thinker" and "caretaker"), etc etc
one of the things I list is their patronus, though not on all of them. There are now several things I would like to say about patronuses
(yes, I meant for the "several things I would like to say" bit to be read in McGonagall's voice)
-Number One: Percy Weasley's patronus is DEFINITELY a polecat. Direct quote from an article on patronus types ahead:
Despite its name, a polecat isn’t really a cat at all. It’s actually closer to a ferret or a weasel and is known to cripple its prey by piercing its brains with its teeth before storing it, alive, for a later meal.
-Number Two: There's this idea that Fred and George would have the same patronus, and it would reflect some incredibly obvious aspect of their shared personality. I absolutely hate that. What I settled on was very far from R*wling's idea of them having magpie patronuses (I think? going from memory here).
Fred - bloodhound George - ibizan hound
another quote:
Not only are they highly intelligent, but their temperament makes them a true family favorite as well. Your Patronus will never let you down and follow you to the end in any situation. A wizarding myth says that Bloodhound Patronuses have alerted their witch or wizard to the impending arrival of the Dementors, making this a one-of-a-kind Patronus to produce.
and another, this one about ibizan:
This is an intelligent and independent dog but is known to be a clown. For the most part, these dogs are quiet until they need to alert people of danger. They are known escape artists, so this Patronus can get you out of any sticky situation.
So, a few things here.
A bloodhound patronus will "follow you to the end in any situation." Now, I haven't decided whether or not I'm killing off Fred in this series (leaning towards no, but no promises), but either way, this patronus would highlight a non-obvious facet of his personality - him being protective.
An ibizan hound being "a clown" does feel a bit obvious for one of the twins, but the "known escape artists" bit was interesting to me. I like the idea that George is the one who gets them out of trouble, at least when they're actually trying to get out of it.
Essentially, Fred is driven to impulsive action because he's protective to the point of self-sacrifice, and George saves his ass because he knows how to escape, even if by a hair.
I REALLY like the dynamic this sets up. It doesn't have them working as a single mind, always doing the same things because they're so similar, but it rather has them acting as a a team. Fred is the one to take action; George is the one doing damage control. And since they've been doing this song and dance their entire lives, they play off of each other without even realizing it.
George doesn't know that he'd be so much less compassionate without Fred, and Fred doesn't realize how reckless he'd be without George. The only thing that actually reveals this dynamic is their patronuses.
...yeah, okay, moving on.
-Number Three: I don't like that Cho's patronus is a swan. It feels like a reduction of her character (though... her character isn't really treated well to begin with, but that's a whole other issue).
It feels like her patronus being a swan is derived from how other characters perceive her - graceful, emotional, a love interest, etc. Honestly? I think her "hidden self" is mostly that she's... kind of fearless.
Like, yes, on the surface, she's graceful and loving and social and loyal and wears her heart on her sleeve. All of those things are part of her true self, too, and that's great.
I don't know exactly what her patronus should be, but I do like the idea of it being something really, really big. I'm talking elephant big.
(I also just really like the mental image of everyone learning to cast a patronus and then the Room of Requirement suddenly expands to a ridiculous degree and everyone looks up and sees just the most massive patronus ever and when they look for the source it turns out to be this person that most of them have been thinking of as "emotionally fragile" or something and-)
I digress.
-Number Four: I really like the idea of Pansy Parkinson having a hyena patronus.
This isn't meant to be disparaging. I just think it works well for her character. Here's another quote:
Often given a bad reputation, hyenas are cunning hunters and scavengers that know what they have to do to survive in the animal kingdom. They live and hunt in packs/clans and are very social animals. They often communicate with those in their clans by making a variety of noises, including the “laughter” they are so famous for. Hyenas are loyal, creative, and fierce.
Now, I may not totally adhere to fandom-popular characterization, but for Pansy? I definitely like what the fandom has going for her.
She attaches herself to the strongest player in the game. It's always been about survival. She has to be in the best possible social position, no matter what it costs her, and people outside of her circle think of her as annoying and even repulsive.
She often acts out of fear, but that doesn't mean she's a coward - she just doesn't care about being brave.
The idea of her being the kind of person people read wrong, her being that kind of person all the way to her core, and even her patronus being an oft-villainized animal?
Heck yeah.
Now, you may have gotten to this point in the post and just sort of thought, "hey, Lea, why tf did you even make this post?"
To which I would answer, "my username has the word 'ramble' in it. Also, I would love to hear other people's opinions on these things."
So, yeah. Any points you disagree on? Anything you strongly agreed with? Anything, like, at all that you just really want to say for some reason or another? Have at it.
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heliosoll · 1 year
hello! how's your day? so how was your experience at your harry potter dr? like, day to day in the castle, and outside of it? if you lived the events of the books, how was it??? especially the triwizard tournament and the battle of hogwarts i'm DYING to know what it's like to be in the middle of all this mess.
Dementors, have you come close to any? a chamber of secrets! what it was like to be at school during that? how is the castle?! many people talk about the feeling of home, is it like that there or is it just a castle? have you seen the magical world outside the british bubble? if so, anything interesting?
I see that you have experienced all four houses, do you have any preferences and comments on the differences? if you were close to the golden trio, what are they like? flew on a broom? how it was? TIME TURNER!! if used... comments? what is it like to write with a quill? I don't see how I wouldn't have horrendous writing on this dr honestly
seriously, any detail would be amazing and I'm so sorry for so many questions (english is not my first language btw) hehe 😗
Hi :) My day has been great!
Oh goodness... I don't know if I've said this before but a big reason why I had four separate DRs for HP was so I could experience different versions of the reality! For instance, in the Gryffindor and Slytherin DRs, the main plot of the books and movies here was happening but in the Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw DRs nothing was really happening (ie Voldemort didn't exist so we just chilled). Because of this, my experience in each DR was drastically different.
Day to day life is basically exactly what you see in the movies (at least for me it was)! You go to classes, you have some free time, you're able to chill around the school or in your dorm, etc. Every now and then something exciting or scary happens but it really was mostly normal school life (when you aren't getting into life endangering bullshit of course).
I was only in the Triwizard tournament in my Slytherin DR and for me it was more like the movies than the books. It's very intense though! Stupidly dangerous too. The most frustrating thing was not knowing what the tasks would be (I scripted to forget that little tidbit - big mistake on my part). The entire school gets swept up in the festivities, gossip, and betting on who's going to win though and that's actually fun. Not to mention the literal parties when the winner was from Hogwarts. It was really cute to see all four houses come together to cheer on the champion from Hogwarts, regardless of house rivalry.
The battle fucking sucked man 😭 Visually, it looked exactly like the movie! I remember being surprised at how hot it felt? But it was terrifying... I actually did remember the outcome of the battle while I was there but even then the adrenaline rush, fear, and anxiety I felt was so bad. I was genuinely scared that I was going to die or that people who "weren't supposed to die" were going to die even though I knew for a fact it wouldn't happen! I also scripted out certain deaths (like Fred and Sirius) but when it came time for Fred's death, I was really scared he was still going to die (he didn't). Idk... I've been to quite a few "scary" and dangerous DRs but I don't think I've ever felt that scared or anxious about a DR when I knew what was going to happen. I definitely recommend intending/scripting some fucking chill pills cause goddamn 💀 I had absolutely ZERO reason to be panicking that fucking hard
I have come close to Dementors! First, they smell like dead bodies. I don't know if that's in the books, but that's what it was like my all of my DRs. Gross. And by dead bodies, I mean the rotting variety. Stinky. They're also very cold! I think that's canon? When you get near them, it's... freezing. I remember reading a book about them and there were multiple documented cases of people getting frostbite from being near them.
During the chamber of secrets, well, I knew what was happening so I wasn't that concerned tbh. It was definitely scary but I also knew that everything would be okay and that no one was actually going to die. I was mostly worried about trying to tell them what was going on without making anyone suspicious of me.
I did get that feeling of the castle being home! While there was definitely a feeling of nostalgia, it also just happens naturally since you spend so much time there. It's literally a boarding school where you spend the majority of the year living, of course it's going to feel like home. It's really nice :)
I actually didn't see much of the magical world outside of Britain! I did travel to some places of course, but I didn't get a good grasp on other magical cultures. I actually plan to go back one day to travel more!
When it comes to the houses, I enjoyed my time in all of them! They all have their pros and cons hahah. I was surprised to find that Slytherin actually felt a lot more friendlier than I thought. They seriously value family and loyalty - once you're in Slytherin, you've got friends for life (whether you like it or not tbh). Ravenclaw was also a lot chiller than I thought it would be! Hm... I'm not really sure what else to say so let me know if you have specific questions about the houses :)
I got close to the golden trio in all of my DRs :) Personally, I was usually closest with either Harry or Hermione (sorry Ron), though there were a few times in my Slytherin DR where they didn't trust me. That hurt a little but I understood why so I wasn't that sad. As for their personalities, they were more like their book selves than their movie selves but every now and then something from the movie would slip out. (Like Ron being a little more naive in the movies happened a lot during the fourth year.)
Flying on a broom is amazing!! Definitely recommend shifting there just for that honestly. I mean I love flying anyway so maybe I'm biased but it's an incredible feeling, especially once you get the hang of it. I didn't expect to like quidditch since I'm not much of a sports person here, but I ended up really loving it just because I love flying so much.
The time turner was fun! A little disorienting though... I felt nauseous the first time I experienced it. But you get used to it really fast and it feels normal after the first couple of times.
Writing with a quill is just like it is here hahah It's definitely different than writing with a pen or pencil, but you get the hang of it. Just be careful with ink pooling and you'll be okay :)
I hope this answers all of your questions! This got a lot longer than I expected hahah
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bluethepineapple · 3 years
Auror Hermione Headcanons
@thedreamermusing and @thecat-isblogging-blog kindly indulged my desire to write Auror Hermione headcanons by asking me questions. I present the results.
1)   Hermione was guilted into becoming an auror. The selectiveness of the auror program meant that there are very few fully trained aurors at any given time. Between that and the number that died or were severely injured in the war, the department manpower was severely depleted. 
Like Harry and Ron, Kingsley also also asked Hermione to join the task force. While she initially refused the offer, eying a more legislative position in the Ministry, a surge of post-war criminality forced Kingsley to ask her to reconsider. Between her combat and investigative experiences plus her ease with learning and magic, he suspected that she could be fully trained in only a quarter of the time necessary, and they needed more people on the ground immediately. 
After a particularly heinous case that the department simply had no manpower to investigate, she finally agrees to help with the caveat that she stays only until their ranks replenish properly. 
2)   Hermione’s first case was about a streak of abductions and killings muggle-borns who have been "forgotten". They have been alienated from their muggle families but were not able to find a foothold in the Wizarding World. The abductor was using this creature who fed off loneliness and were drawn to people with strong feelings of abandonment, and it was through following this creature that Hermione discovers the possibility of there being only one killer.
It turns out that such killings have been going on for years but because of the nature of the victims (ie. muggle-born, no family, no political power), the Ministry has been ignoring the cases, and they ignored Hermione as well when she wanted to investigate. Not able to find any support, she publicly breaks up with Ron on the anniversary of Fred's death, guessing that it would get the family to turn on her and that Harry would follow suit. 
The killer finds her, does abduct her, not realizing that while she does feel abandoned, she also knew that she was a big enough figure to open the investigation properly, especially since Harry knows and falling out or not, he will find her.
The case is solved, but it does introduce her to the more systemic (but not genocidal) inequalities in government and this is where she actually begins advocating for the muggle-borns.
3)  The hardest part of being an auror is having to kill. Hermione is the only person alive who knows the process for making the horcruxes, and that means that her knowledge of soul magic is far greater than most. She knows what it means for to murder someone, understands full well the way it mutilates the soul. 
She can rationalize her kills, understands the necessity of them, and will not hesitate to do what she must when it matters. But she also knows the stain on her soul intimately, can calculate with surgical precision just how much and what each death costs her. Worse still, she could never bring herself to regret the ones she killed. She did it to protect.
Privately, she understands why the Ministry instituted the dementors as punishment - what they spare wizards from having to do and suffer - , and she hates herself for even thinking that.
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swashbucklery · 3 years
Please expand on the hair and staging thing in the cwverse?
Okay so like. The caveat to this is I have absolutely zero insider knowledge; I don't know what the COVID restrictions actually are and I have no confirmation that any of this is actually related it's 100% spec. BUT I'm pretty familiar with Canadian pandemic restrictions bc I am living them and here are some things I'm noticing:
Smaller, tighter scenes. Like on Supergirl there’s the obvious piece of Melissa being In Space so she can have a mat leave but even there, like. They are clearly curating who gets to lead an ep so we see Brainy and Nia get an arc without much of the other cast and Lena getting an episode but not interacting with other people.
Within Legends especially, the episodes usually have at least an A and B plot but they've been breaking it up into ABC or ABCD a lot more this season. Working with core cast performers in pairs or threes and minimizing the number of ensemble scenes = fewer people working on a given day, as well as fewer contacts/staff out if someone needs to isolate.
Fewer background performers! There are also a lot more scenes filmed in private or intimate spaces where the lack of background won't be noticeable - homes and bedrooms vs coffee shops or crowded street scenes. Also, the faces-in-screens jury for Lex's trial and the same technique for the audience on Da Throne.
I feel like there is also more Canadian content when it comes to guest performers although tbh I'm not researching this so I could be wrong idk. I'm seeing more recognizable Canadian Actor Bingo guest performers, for sure. There is a 2 week quarantine period for anyone crossing the border from outside the country, which would mean a lot of work to import guest stars so this makes sense to me if it is true.
More practical effects! Like, Supergirl and Legends BOTH had recurrent monsters done using practical effects (masks + makeup) instead of CGI like they have in previous seasons I don't think this is a coincidence?
Also tentacle monster/floating monster/wind power fights can be blocked with both performers 2m apart and I wonder if the space dementor/chicken wing tentacle alien masks can either fit a medical mask under them or count as a face covering.
And look the hair and wardrobe thing is so subjective all of this is so subjective I COULD BE WRONG but I’m noticing like. A lot more casual wear/less elaborate costuming outside of the supersuits, and more low-maintenance hairstyles ie french braids that don’t need someone touching them up 40 times an hour. 
Anyway this is all EXTREMELY SPECULATIVE I have no insider knowledge but I can’t unsee it and now I guess neither can you, anon.
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dat-silvers-girl · 4 years
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Canon vs Headcanon Rakepick
aaaaAAAAHHHHH I've been working on this since December and it's finally done!
There's a HUGE difference between Jam City's "canon" Rakepick, who is a Dementor that can go screw herself, and my headcanon Rakepick who is actually HUMAN with real human emotions. While my headcanon Rakepick is still a murderer and antagonist, I devised headcanons to make her a human with real regret ie. Somewhat redeemable. SOMEWHAT. NOT COMPLETELY. DON'T FIGHT WITH ME PLEASE.
Headcanons and more below the cut...
The Golden Flower Sarahi had gifted Rakepick in Year 5 is the symbol of the relationship between them. She had recieved more kindness from Sarahi than she every had from anyone else, leading her to feel absolutely terrible about the betrayal and everything else that followed suit, as she had acted out of fear.
Reasons why headcanon Rakepick isn't the worst despite everything:
1. The real villains are 'R' members Alan Wattle* (aka Jammy) and Cassandra Halloway*, and the 'R' leader. And possibly Verucca depending on who she is when she shows up. Cassandra and/or Verucca know about the soft spot Rakepick had for Sarahi, and used that against her by promising that as long as she did what they said, the 'R' wouldn't hurt Sarahi. Rakepick made the mistake of blindly believing them.
2. Killing a friend was an order Rakepick wished she hadn't followed. She traumatized herself by becoming a murderer, because not only did she completely break the child she loved, but her best and only friend in 'R', Adelaide Inkwell*, got mad at her for it to the point of abandoning her to fend for herself. The gravity of her mistake of killing Rowan hit her moments after the killing curse had been cast, once she had heard Sarahi's screams.
3. She desperately wants to make up for what she did, but couldn't due to her deep seated fear of the Cabal, and that she knew what she had done was unforgivable. She knew Sarahi wouldn't take her as an ally again, so she let Sarahi take her prisoner.
4. Once she finds out what was actually in the Sunken Vault, Rakepick knows that she owes her life and sanity to Sarahi's mercy, and that the 'R' wanted to be rid of her. (This headcanon rides on the hope that she escapes before getting to Azkaban.)
5. Despite having done R's bidding to the tee by killing Rowan, 'R' broke their deal by hurting Sarahi indirectly. Alan Wattle's attack on Sarahi had placed a fatal curse in Sarahi's blood. This curse would only hurt Sarahi when she comes in contact with one of the cursed gems that had placed the curse on her in the first place, and it hurts worse than Crucio by making you feel like the insides of your body are on fire. Verucca and/or Cassandra went out of their way to get Sarahi to hold a gem, and the unbearable pain would have killed her, if it wasn't for Rakepick who knew the obscure counter-curse and saved her, thus officially resigning from the 'R'.
6. Rakepick has a soul that takes the form of her friend, Adelaide Inkwell, as her voice of reason, and Sarahi Silvers, as her heart. She helps in the Rebellion against 'R' led by Adelaide. She died fighting for a happy ending she knew she deserved no part of, just so that the only two people she ever loved and had loved her back could have it.
*Cassandra Halloway, Alan Wattle and Adelaide Inkwell are 'R' member characters I made up. Because if Jam City won't give 'R' depth, I WILL.
Video version because it do be better quality.
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Here the actual drawings I deleted wips because I'm a banana
Look I'm just really obsessed with Rakepick and forever salty about her being the antagonist OK
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ottogatto · 4 years
Mirroring the Boggart
lol lol see what I did
Often when people want to accuse Snape, they will say “he was Neville’s worst fear”; from this problem, the Snapedom has elaborated a theory: our deepest fear is 1) not necessarily the most constant one and can be influenced by the environment (ie Neville had just seen Snape twice) 2) being the “worst” doesn’t mean the fear is debilitating (as shown when Neville can defeat the Boggart contrary to Harry, Molly or Hermione) 3) we don’t fear what’s objectively the most terrible but what appears as such subjectively, like Harry’s Boggart being a Dementor/hearing his mother’s last pleas instead of Voldemort/Quirell/Basilisk, and of course 4) a person can fear what the Boggart represents, what it’s linked to, rather than what’s incarnated itself.
Well I have found elements sustaining point 1 and 2 in canon, even if it’s not direct: the Mirror of Erised or Mirror of Desire.
Like the Boggart that’s supposed to show our deepest fear, the Mirror will show the opposite; as per Dumbledore says: ‘It shows us nothing more or less than the deepest, most desperate desire of our hearts.’
Because I love doing things in order, let’s talk about point 2.
The text in PoA quite clearly draws a difference between what it considers a benign fear and a serious fear, often opposed as childish/adult. Neville can defeat his Boggarts twice on the first try, while it takes months for Harry to defeat his, and Molly never gets to banish her own. This difference between what’s considered mild, pleasant, almost ridiculous, and what’s related to something heartbreaking, is plastered upon how the Mirror of Erised works as well.
When Ron observes the Mirror, he’s pleased in seeing himself becoming all and more than what his brothers were: Head Boy (Bill/Percy), Quidditch captain (Charlie), winner of the House Cup. Interestingly, when Ron wants to admire himself more, Harry says: ‘You’re only holding the Quidditch Cup, what’s interesting about that? I want to see my parents.’ The difference is there: what is representative of Ron’s inferiority complexes is nothing compared to the tragedy of being an orphan who never knew his parents. They leave.
Later Harry will want to go see the Mirror. But Ron, who’d seen himself happy in the Mirror, isn’t affected like Harry. He refuses: ‘I know what you’re thinking about, Harry, that mirror. Don’t go back tonight. […] I dunno, I’ve just got a bad feeling about it – and anyway, you’ve had too many close shaves already. Filch, Snape and Mrs Norris are wandering around. So what if they can’t see you? What if they walk into you? What if you knock something over. […] I’m serious, Harry, don’t go.’
Ron serves as a comparison with Harry to precisely say that objects showing our deepest fear/desire don’t have the same effect on everyone, and often Harry’s case is the tragic one.
Because what happens when your ‘deepest desire’ is truly desperate? You get obsessed with the Mirror, you can’t stop going to see it without someone helping you back, and in the end, you turn mad.
·         He tore his eyes away from his mother’s face, whispered, ‘I’ll come back,’ and hurried from the room.
·         Harry couldn’t eat. He had seen his parents and would be seeing them again tonight. He had almost forgotten about Flamel. It didn’t seem very important any more. Who cared what the threeheaded dog was guarding? What did it matter if Snape stole it, really? ‘Are you all right?’ said Ron. ‘You look odd.’
·         ‘I’m freezing,’ said Ron. ‘Let’s forget it and go back.’ / ‘No!’ Harry hissed. ‘I know it’s here somewhere.’
·         ‘How can it? All my family are dead – let me have another look –’ / ‘You had it to yourself all last night, give me a bit more time.’ / ���You’re only holding the Quidditch Cup, what’s interesting about that? I want to see my parents.’ / ‘Don’t push me –’
·         ‘Want to play chess, Harry?’ said Ron. / ‘No.’ ‘Why don’t we go down and visit Hagrid?’ ‘No... you go...’
·         But Harry only had one thought in his head, which was to get back in front of the mirror, and Ron wasn’t going to stop him.
·         He was walking so fast he knew he was making more noise than was wise, but he didn’t meet anyone.
·         And there were his mother and father smiling at him again, and one of his grandfathers nodding happily Harry sank down to sit on the floor in front of the mirror. There was nothing to stop him staying here all night with his family. Nothing at all.
·         It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live, remember that.
·         Harry wished he could forget what he’d seen in the Mirror as easily, but he couldn’t. He started having nightmares. Over and over again he dreamed about his parents disappearing in a flash of green light while a high voice cackled with laughter. ‘You see, Dumbledore was right, that mirror could drive you mad,’ said Ron, when Harry told him about these dreams.
Interestingly, people have found a way to fight off a Boggart with Riddikulus, but nobody has invented a counter-spell for our deepest desire.
Now, what about point 1? I found this most interesting passage in the chapter where Harry confronts Quirell:
‘What I want more than anything else in the world at the moment’, he thought, ‘is to find the Stone before Quirell does.’
The object supposed to show you the deepest, most desperate desire in the world can show a desire that appears AT THE MOMENT. Now, I understand that Harry was desperate to survive… but this is not what Harry actually says he desires, not what the Mirror shows – or else Harry would have seen himself escaping the room in the reflection. Instead, his wish is to get the Stone before Quirell. Meaning he has put an instinctual desire – the desperate wish to survive – below a more rational, more “noble/brave” and somehow less representative one: he wants to find the Stone before Quirell, supposedly to protect it.
If Harry’s most desperate desire to see his parents could 1) be changed at the moment and 2) be replaced by something not related to what he truly wants, or what anybody else would scream to do, ie fight or flight, but a more indirect and more rational desire, then it is logical to apply the same for a Boggart.
The question is: how easy is it to change at the moment our what the Mirror reflects or the shape our Boggart takes?
I will just finish with that quote however: ‘But then, [Harry] thought, as he shoved Scabbers off his pillow, it had been quite a personal question [to ask Dumbledore what he saw in the Mirror].
If what the Mirror shows is personal… then imagine showing your Boggart to your whole class.
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dolohcv · 4 years
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❝ A fire, a fire is burning! I hear the boot of Lucifer, I see his filthy face! ❞ huh, who’s ZAZIE BEETS? no, you’re mistaken, that’s actually EDEN DOLOHOV. she is a THIRTY-ONE year old PUREBLOOD witch who is a DESIGNER FOR TWILFITT AND TATTINGS. she is known for being APATHETIC, DISCOURTEOUS, ARROGANT, DISHONEST, and BIASED but also TOUGH, FOCUSED, PERCEPTIVE, SKILLFUL, and DECISIVE, so that must be why she always reminds me of the song BLOODY MARY by LADY GAGA and DANCING IN A CROWDED NIGHTCLUB, MUSCLE ACHES AFTER A LONG RUN, TOUCHING UP YESTERDAY’S EYELINER, THE TANG OF FRESH LIME JUICE, BURNING YOUR FINGER ON HOT CANDLE WAX. i hear she is aligned with THE DEATH EATERS, so be sure to keep an eye on her.
tw: murder, sibling death, general violence. 
eden dolohov is a woman for whom there have been little consequences for bad behavior. it comes with the territory of being in a family that values power over everything else  —  magical power, power that stretches across generations, power that comes from something deep and pure from time immemorial. 
antonin dolohov — her grandfather and guiding patriarch of the family — gains a compassionate release from azkaban by claiming insanity. and maybe he is, but he’s certainly not fragile. he returns to his son, maxim sr., daughter-in-law, aminata, grandson maxim jr, and granddaughters eden and dasha as a quieter man, but no less fanatical. no less dedicated to the dark lord, whom he believes to still be alive.
antonin sees eden’s fierceness and drive from a young age. she takes to magic like a grindylow to water, has a wand in her hand (lent from her mother) as young as seven. her tantrums are legendary. her power is frightening. but instead of being punished she’s rewarded for her violence, given toys and sweets and pretty things. “an excellent weapon,” antonin says, beaming. “you’ll serve our dark lord well.” 
maxim jr., the intended heir, tries, tries, tries, but just can’t manage to do the same things his sister can. his jealousy burns as bright as her talent. his frustrations? he takes out on dasha. 
dasha is a squib. there are never any bubbles appearing from nowhere, no literal bouncing baby girl, no levitating crayons. eden loves her little sister in spite of it — maybe because of it, as she’s never in competition with her non-magical sibling. antonin suggests the family toss her off of the third floor balcony to kickstart her magic during one of his drunken rants. only one family member takes this idea seriously. 
when twelve-year-old eden finds nine-year-old dasha crumpled at the foot of the stairs, fifteen-year-old maxim jr. looming over her with a mixture of shame and triumph written all over his face, she absolutely loses it. she casts the first spell that comes to mind, a spell she’s never tried before, a spell she’s only seen her grandfather cast on training dummies. with a flash of purple flame, maxim jr.’s chest caves in on itself and blood spurts from his mouth. he’s dead before he hits the floor.
her father takes the fall for these murders — aminata can’t lose a third child in as many hours, and antonin can’t lose his prized gift to the dark lord. maxim sr. figures he faces time in azkaban that will end with a returned dark lord’s interference, but his children’s deaths coincide with a major child welfare reform bill (authored by astoria malfoy) being passed by the wizengamot, and he receives the dementor’s kiss. [ END TW ] 
within a year eden has a new stepfather and little sister. she finds it easier than she thought it would to let aminata become a borgin, to grow cold and unkind and attracted to violence as an outlet. she sees something of her own fierceness in victoria. likes her. she’s not dasha, that’s for sure —  but that’s a good thing.
present day. 
by day, eden serves the wealthy clientele of twilfitt and tattings with a mixture of hatred for the retail profession and a love for fine clothes and luxury. by night, she is an eager soldier for the death eaters, positively reveling in the destruction she is capable of causing. her particular brand of violence is calculated and specific. she regularly offers ideas to her fellow death eaters on ways to twist the knife (literal or figurative) deeper into their victims. 
for eden, cruelty is the point. after all, it’s all she knows.
name. eden natalya dolohov
birthdate. 14th february 1998
place of birth. st. mungo’s
family.  aminata borgin (formerly dolohov, née mbaye) — mother, maxim dolohov sr. (recipient of dementor’s kiss) — father, maxim jr. –– older brother, dasha (deceased) - little sister, victoria borgin — stepsister, nicholas borgin ii — stepfather, various younger half-siblings
occupation. designer and seamstress at twilfitt and tattings 
gender identity. cis-woman
romantic orientation. biromantic
sexuality. bisexual
blood status. pureblood
relationship status. single
pets. a bat named vladislav - vlad for short. 
house. former ravenclaw
allegiance. the death eaters
n.e.w.t. grades. defense (o), charms (o), herbology (o), potions (o), history of magic (o), ancient runes (a), care of magical creatures (p) 
wand. ash, 10 inches, dragon heartstring core, springy
boggart. her sister’s ghost, asking why eden didn’t protect her
amortentia. the deep woods, gillywater and gin, limes, clean fabric. 
magical strengths. hexes, curses, herbology, legilimency (to an extent), occulmency, potions.
magical weaknesses. transfiguration, care of magical creatures, spells that require positive emotion (ie. patronus charm, boggart banishing spell) 
sun - aquarius - “…aquarians are generally very clever, witty, and intellectual. They value progress and frankness. It’s difficult to throw Aquarians for a loop–they’re generally on top of things…”
moon - aquarius - “…whether due to character or conditioning, moon in aquarius people often grow up feeling “different”. although rather sociable, they are often loners at heart…their inner feeling of loneliness–that they don’t quite fit in–puts them on the outside, looking in…”
rising - libra - “libra rising generally appear to be smoothing everything over. they have charming smiles, a gentle approach with others, and an easygoing image. even if they were not endowed with good looks, they are attractive. most pay a lot of attention to their personal appearance – the colors they wear, their hair, the way they walk…libra rising people can be enormously persuasive, although they will almost always use a “soft sell” approach when they want to win others over, which is all of the time!”
mbti.  - ENTJ
+ efficient, self-confident, strong-willed
- intolerant, arrogant, ruthless 
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Okay so I'd like to share what I commented on this video. I watched it and it sent me into a whole rant about the motives and characterization of Draco. I recommend watching before reading this:
@quinncurio is the original poster
Here's the copy paste of my comment/ Essay. I was slight heated when I wrote this, but my points still stand.
Calling a Draco a cowardly bigoted bully, and a carbon copy of Dudley is the most SHALLOW and LOW EFFORT CONCLUSION YOU COULD POSSIBLY DRAW. IT IS LOW HANGING FRUIT. I'm going to have to break this into sections to truly explain why your conclusion is soooo incredibly shallow. You may have done your research, but I feel like you learned nothing more about Draco then if you'd never seen more then 5 min. So I'm going to start the same way you have and break this down into the same points.
I'm not going to go into detail of Harry's impression or ideas of Draco, because this analysis is about Draco, Not Harry. Also remember the books were written from Harry's POV, not a neutral party. I'm not obliged to Harry's opinions, just facts. Which brings up the first true conclusion about Draco's character. *Draco Malfoy feels a strong need to impress others, to gain their affection.* He does this through incisive bragging, trying to make people believe he knows best, and tearing down the reputation of others, so the object of his desires sees Draco and the most obvious choice. Where we differ is:
You believe Draco does this, because he thinks, he's better then others.
I believe,(which circumstantially has more evidence), Draco does this because he wants the affection, and acceptance of others
Whether you believe he acts out this way bc of how he is raised, his privilege, or something else, it doesn't change the fact that Draco was truly trying to make a friend, perhaps the only way he knew how.
In noble wizarding society, traditions, and your family does mean a lot. Not even looking at it from a pureblood view, imagine having a family that old and known. They really are a type of nobility, with family Lords even having political seats in the Wizengamote just because of their family name. The Longbottoms and Weaselys hold this same political influence, and it's not tied to Slytherins, pureblood ideals or anything like that. Draco is an only child, and an heir to his family line, so he is going to be treated importantly bc of that. He is raised with that responsibility, and in social situations not only represents himself, but the whole heritage of his family. Draco hasn't had the ability to act like a normal petulant child (part of the reason he tends to act out at Hogwarts.*ie. away from home*). He's been taught to act proper, make good allies, and impress others for the good of his reputation. I'd say most noble wizarding children probably get the same training and lectures, and have their own customs and culture of educate. What may come for Draco as polite, and diplomatic, may sound rude or arrogant to Harry. This is because Draco was not aware how different Harry's upbringing was from his own, and has never dealt with not having enough. Perhaps if Draco knew how different and ignorant Harry was he would have felt pity, or a sense of wrongness at Harry's injustice. Though Draco is just an 11yr old boy, who's only ever had a loving family, and almost anything he wanted. It is difficult for him to relate to the lack of others. As all wizarding children, he probably grew up with the story of the boy who lived and may have even been excited when his father said he wanted them to become friends. He truely was excited to meet Harry and genuinely wanted to be friends. While yes Lucius definitely wanted Draco to befriend Harry to help lighten their family reputation, I also think that Draco, being a child, would more likely be more excited of making a famous friend. Maybe he even had some hope seeing he'd met Harry before when he saw him on the train.
Draco's sense of superiority comes from his traditions and pride in his family, while Dudley's is strictly from his own greed and selfishness. Draco would't do half of the things Dudley does simply because it's incredibly unclothe, and he has better ways of getting what he wants. Dudley isn't smart enough to compare to Draco. Though Draco and Dudley might both have things handed to them, Draco is not gluttonous or greedy about it. Dudley will trash his gifts and belongings, constantly wanting more, and viewing things given to him as disposable. Draco wants things yes (like every child does) but he's proud of his possessions and cherishes them, brags about them. Dudley is an animal compared to Draco. He doesn't have the same skill, smarts or self control. Dudley is abusive, and a tyrant in his bullying. Dudley wants to see Harry hurt and bleed. He is very violent compared to Draco. While we constantly and repeatedly see Draco shy away from violence, and use more his words.
Draco despite his threats and facade is Not a violent person. This is because despite all Draco's bravo, and cruel words, Draco is kind. Yes he is conflicted, but that is only more proof of his inner kindness. If he didn't feel guilty, he wouldn't feel conflicted. Which means he really doesn't want to be mean to others, but he's just acting out based on how he thinks he's supposed to feel/act, but doesn't really enjoy it. I think when you strip Draco back behind his actions, and pose, you'll find a very different person. The half-blood prince gave us some of that, but it's another thing to see it in Draco from the beginning. Essentially Draco's attempt at bullying started when Harry rejected his friendship. Draco had probably never been rejected before, and probably couldn't possibly fathom why Harry would choose anyone else over him. While yes that's a bit coincided, Draco was also incredibly sheltered and probably wasn't introduced to children who weren't already tied to his family. Harry's rejection irrevocably shattered Draco's confidence and perception, which sent him into literal years of lashing out at Harry for his hurt emotions, and pining for his attention. It is the most pathetic excuse for bullying, and Draco antagonizing Harry is the equivalent of pulling a girl's pigtails. Draco did get quite shrewd with words, but he was really just trying to get the biggest reaction, especially since Harry is so volatile at times. The truth of the matter is Draco is actually very jealous, because deep down he really admires Harry. He want's the same freedom Harry has. He doesn't want to worry about his duty or who he has to be, but to be able to live authentically the way he views that Harry does. Draco really just wants to be more like Harry, but feels he is stuck, by the Dark Lord, his family obligations or anything else. Draco isn't a bully, he's just sad. Not even Ron or Hermione take him seriously after a while. *cough*this is why Drarry is so huge*
Part 4 : He had no choice?????
Everyone has a choice, but I think you over estimate how easy a choice can be. Family is important to Draco, they are probably the only people who love him for who he is, not what they can get out of him. As a child Draco felt pride in his family, and family made him feel special and important. As he got older that pride turn into expectations, and responsibility. Lucius and Narcissa value the preservation of their family above all else. They are protective and loving and those feeling extended to Draco. It's where he gets his kindness. It is indeed a Slytherin trait to value those you care about above everyone else. We protect our own, a loyalty probably stronger then Hufflepuff for those select few a Slytherin deeply cares about. Draco's parent would let the whole world burn to save him, and Draco would do the same for them. While Draco's family did hold pureblood ideals, after the first war Voldemort was not someone they willing wanted to follow. The light sided also would have never offered aid to death eaters, because fundamentally they were still against the dark, and there was no other place for dark wizards to go except Voldemort. Most of the death eaters had actually been somewhat relived at the news of Voldemort's death, and the boy who lived, as Voldemort had already become insane to the point of torturing his own followers, and wasn't getting them anywhere near their goals. Except for the also insane brainwashed few like Bella who'd follow her lord to the grave, many of the death eater's were content to be peaceful and stay quite after the war. Probably even grateful for it, as there were many needless casualties on both sides. I feel like the Malfoys were one of those families that were happy to get out. If the side they are on is harmful or losing, they are ready to abandon ship. This may sound like they are cowardly with no resolve, but if it was the life and death of your family, and your loved ones, I think you might think differently. I feel like we aren't too far off in agreement here, but where we differ is in judgement and motives we feel the Malfoys, or Draco had. Lucius made a mistake in the first war, and spent the second trying to keep his family out of danger. I can't imagine the fear he had in Azkaban for his family, the dementors feeding off him and what he thought the Dark Lord would do to his only son, his wife, his family. Meanwhile Draco was left with the threat of his father rotting in Azkaban, and his mother being killed. His mother also with the thought of her son being killed. So yes Draco could have made a choice, and he did make a choice, a choice to protect his family, and honestly I can't see that as wrong. Maybe if Harry would have actually taken his offer of friendship things could have gone differently and it wouldn't have come to that.
Part 5 : Abuse Theory
I definitely agree with you here. The Malfoys were not abusive, and get a better anthology for racism then something which in fact could be solved with a study on culture rather then blood. If you want a good parallel for racism in HP forget muggleborns, and look at creature blood, not dumb house elfs either, but werewolves, goblins, centaurs beings just as intelligent as wizards. The bigotry towards werewolves especially is horrific, especially from the "light side" who avidly labels them as dangerous dark creatures. *Also note about the scene in Borgen and Berks* Lucius stopped Draco from touching the artifact because it was probably cursed, as many dark artifacts are. Even if you know what you're doing they can be dangerous to handle carelessly. So Lucius was actually very wise and protecting Draco, his 12 yr old son, from getting badly hurt. Why the cane? If touching a cursed object curses you, then its better not to get close with your actual hands. Using his cane to push Draco away was actually a precaution. Lucius is anything but careless,
Part 6: Draco's Wand and Symbolism
I generally agree here too, but I believe this symbolism is more reflective of the things Draco wishes he could have had, or done differently. If anything the wand and symbolism Draco has is representative of the good in him, and not cowardice, or inability to do enough.
Part 7: Redemption
Tbh I'm part of the crowd that would have liked that deleted scene to stay in the final cut. However I understand what's justifiable for one person, may not be enough for someone else. This is where you get more into the topic of morality, and how much are you morally responsible for as a person. Harry has been drilled with the mindset for years that he has to save everyone, and that if your not in it for the greater good, ready to lay down your life you better forget being in it at all. Personally I don't believe Harry has any right to claim that rhetoric, as Dumbledore(and by association Grindlewald) practically spoon fed it down his throat; but I wont talk about that as it's a whole other issue. Draco, you have to understand has a whole type of different morality. Objectively I believe he's a good person, if not pressured by the echo chamber of ideals around him. Yet Draco repeatedly gives signs, and expresses the desire to want to do good. In order to properly analyze Draco you have to look past his outward facade, and actions, or you'll never see him as anything more then he pretends to be. If you can only read plain text, if you can't see past the obvious, you will always have a very flat one dimensional view of a character or a person. To me there's no redemption needed. Draco is already good, more good then his parents, and perhaps more good then some who claim goodness.
In summary Draco is a very complex person, who tries to over compensate for his flaws, struggles to express honesty, but deeply cares for others, especially his family. His duality lies in how he wants to be good to others, yet how in the end he always chooses to save the ones he loves, over the majority. Draco will always have his flaws, but he will always have his goodness too, and I hope you won't disregard that.
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.
Kudos to anyone who read through all that.
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cassiopeia-black · 5 years
Why don’t more of the Powerful/Independent Harry fics start at the end of PoA? Why wait until Sirius dies? Why not bring the prophecy Trelawney gave Harry into things with added context of the stuff with Sirius and the timeturner and the Minister’s behaviour?
It’s three strikes right there:
Voldemort’s going to come back.
Dumbledore was told and did nothing to help. In fact, he and Hermione had to save the day afterwards.
The Ministy won’t be any help either.
Add this to the obvious fact that as much as he might want Sirius’ help he can’t do much as a fugitive: and doesn’t wanting to help Sirius give him some incentive beyond everyone is useless and there’s a terrorist out to get me.
It gives Harry an entire year before he faces the Wizengamot too, and there can be some Percy Weasley side plot with him just not doing what the letter’s from ‘Barty Crouch Sr’ are telling him to do because they’re really stupid orders and he doesn’t want to fuck up his job when he is technically in charge ie. accidentally screwing over Voldemort’s plans to destroy Britain’s International Relations.
Two of my favourite characters realising everyone who’s supposed to be in charge sure make some god-awful decisions so I’m doing everything myself I guess.
Maybe they end up taking over the Ministry without ever talking about it to each other because it’s the job of the Junior Undersecretary to make sure all paper work is filed including the orders to send Dementors to Little Whinging and Percy wasn’t going to not do his job well and to the letter no sir. Meanwhile, Harry’s sat there with the paper in front of him laughing because don’t let it be said that no one in the Minister’s Office is doing their job.
I like bashing fics, not going to lie. But oh dear Merlin it’s possible to have fics like these without ruining everyother character in the fic. All it takes is one or two Dumbledore-Critical or Ministry-Critical chatacters that actually do something and you’ve got a good story without everyone being OOC.
This Harry Potter would probably side with Percy when it comes to the family thing. If Percy’s given the chance to argue his point to Harry that is. Because he’s absolutely going to agree with the children shouldn’t be in danger if only the adults, Dumbledore but other members of the teaching staff (McGonagall in particular when looking at PS) as well, did something.
But at the same time Harry’s going to know that all of the above means he’s going to have to fight this war, if only because he’s clearly a target, and that if Percy knows his siblings even half as well as Harry does then he should know that no amount of trying to get them to stay away will work.
(It looks like my Harry Potter vs The Ministry fanfiction is starting to get some substance. Apologies to everyone following me because of my Regulus Black stuff maybe he’ll make his way in as a ghost? He, Harry and Percy are my top three characters so...)
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thevagueambition · 5 years
@thebearmuse​ replied to your post “@thebearmuse replied to your post “Imagine being a Scottish Hogwarts...”
JKR failing at worldbuilding??? *overexaggerated gasp* I never would have believed it! I like your theory on floo powder to get everyone to the same starting place. Otherwise, the train surely should have, y'know, *stopped to pick people up*.
Yeah, and I’m pretty sure Prisoner of Azkaban explicitly mentions than the train doesn’t normally stope (ie why everyone is immediately like ??? when it stops for the dementors) so I do think we have to assume everyone gets on at King’s Cross.
The Leaky Cauldron’s entrance in muggle London is canonically somewhere on Charring Cross Road, which is not unreasonably far from King’s Cross Station, yet far enough that I don’t think parents with eleven year olds would opt to walk all the way if it could be avoided. 
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Still, the Weasleys always take the car to King’s Cross Station iirc, which they probably wouldn’t if there was a floo network exit closer to it than the Leaky Cauldron, so one assumes most people either walked from the Leaky Cauldron, took the tube from Charring Cross Station (if they had the necessary muggle knowledge lol) or used a car like the Weasleys do. The Knight Bus probably also drives that route, come to think of it. 
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paintingraves · 6 years
Hey ! I saw your education posts and I had some thoughts. Strap in this is going to be a multi parter ask. Ohhh no this is intersting. So there’s no university in this setting right? But because of what we’ve seen, we know there’s at least people practicing law and politics. I think it would make sense that future lawyers/politician/aurors have the same “tronc commun” if you will in terms of study. 1 out of many
I imagine at least 2 or 3 years of a “common” certifications of those, maybe the third year being a specialization. for Example you could haveFirst year : Required, all this classes are purely theorical :Constitutional Law (Do wizards have a Constitution? I’m going to go on a limb and say they do, because I find it hard to believe that they would have their entire structure built totally detached from the muggle one (2 out of many)
It would actually be interesting to see what’s different? Like obviously in England torture in prison is not anti-constitutional (because of the dementors). Is there a declaration of Wizard rights? Who knows….)- Civil Law of course. Like law principles and shit. - Economics Policy 101.- Defense against the Darks Arts (the only 50/50 theorical/practical)- No Maj and Wizard Relations. That's the end of the core subject (3 /many)
Optional, at least choose 3 : - Dueling Class (75% practical)- Potion – either research or practical- International Policy and or International Relations in Wizarding societies. theorical- No Maj History theorical- No Maj Law theorical- Transfiguration -either research and practical. (4 out of many)
Optional entirely: - Foreign Language (there’s probably spells for that but I doubt it would be thrown upon to at least know Latin considering the origin of most spells. Oh now I’m thinking maybe actually it could be about learning different languages of spells. Like spells from Semitic languages must be a bit different right? And if you don’t know what’s being thrown at you, good luck to parry it)- Sports- No maj specialty (math, chemistry, etc) (5 out of many)
This year would be very tough, so maybe a tutor system would be in place? And tutoring would be a core requirement for second years, to make sure that they understand and remember the material. I don’t really have ideas for second year (maybe an Ethics class at least should be added, oh and administration definitely. Also, Wizard institutions), but for third year I’m thinking - Law path (I’m not detailing those because I’m have work)- Politician path (6 out of many)
- Auror path : Which requires at least 1 transfiguration semester, dueling, and potion. In third year medical spells will be added, and mediwizard in training can join at that time. There’s no economy in this major, and less law, but intensified spell training, dueling, also magical creature’s class is introduced. There’s an entire course that’s the statue of Secrecy. Also legilimency ! (I forgot) (7 out of many, maybe 10)
After I think maybe alternating class/ field training for the next year. Eventually if they don’t like field training, they can change majors and go back to pursue either Law or Politics path, which are longer and more theorical. After the third year, you can choose a specialty, or start training full time. For example, executioner, wand permits only need this level of education, though they are often more qualified due to the high demand/low opportunity aspect of those jobs. (8 out of many)
Then I’m thinking maybe a bit foolishly something a little videogame-y. Like who continue to pursue theorical and practical aurror training can major in healing on the field, (and eventually know some more complex procedures) That’s the longest path, and requires extremely high qualifications in potion making, and healing spells, but you also have to be very good in defensive spells. (I’m thinking like 7 years total, and you can go into research after that). 9 out of many
Security : it’s the most theorical major. Major strength and classes are wards / magical creatures / transfiguration. They also have to be familiar with no-maj culture, which makes this a major with a high number of wizards who have at least 1 parent no-maj. 10/11 ! Nearly there 
Field work and Investigation : probably the major everyone wants but only a few actually like. More practical than theorical, it has no research outcomes. Strength need to be dueling, legilimency, charms, and an overall good dossier is expected. This field is the one which requires you to be good at everything, but you don’t have to be excellent at anything. Though sometimes, elements who are terribly strong in one subject get a free pass to work on specific areas 11/12 :'(
(ie legilimency for interrogation, transfiguration for infiltration, etc…) Ay ! that's everything I wrote sorry for the spam you probably weren't asking for an essay haha. Good luck on your wirting ! :D
This is all super interesting dude, thank you so much for sharing your thoughts !! :DD it’s def gonna be helpful !! you’re a dear !!
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wizardhq · 6 years
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             ✧・゚: *✧・゚: 𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒏𝒕 (41) – 𝓼𝓾𝓶𝓶𝓮𝓻 𝓱𝓸𝓵𝓲𝓭𝓪𝔂.
“the sunlight was warm on his face and the heat of the quickly fading day perked up his hope that this summer would be different than all the others. so with the sunshine and the great bursts of leaves growing on the trees, just as things grow in novels, there was that familiar conviction that life was beginning over again with the holiday.”
   The students of Hogwarts get a nine week summer holiday, before having to return for schooling. What they get up to during this time is anyone’s guess, aside from the small collection of summer assignments, but it’s safe to say that regardless of whatever year of schooling they’ve just finished, they’ve all got one thing on their mind: relaxation.
Timeline: You can write threads from any point of the summer, whether it’s late June to late August. These weeks of writing the summer holiday are yours to do whatever you wish.
Muses: Whether you write a student muse, a professor or teaching assistant muse, or a muse who has absolutely nothing to do with Hogwarts at this point in their career doesn’t matter. Just to reiterate, you can literally write whatever you want in the realm of the Wizarding World of Harry Potter. Hell, write your muse getting chased by a skeleton in the catacombs of France, or some kind of other magical adventure. Or maybe they just want a vacation. You could also just be mean to them and have them work the whole time; ( unless they teach at Hogwarts, in which case, they’ll have to get another job for the summer if you want them to! ) whether they’re alumnus muse who can’t get any time off, or a student muse whose parent forced them to take up an internship or work study somewhere. Really. It’s up to you!
Travel: Your character can travel by broom, portkey, floo powder, or train. There is also apparition, comparable to the muggle theory of teleportation. No is wand needed and therefore it does not qualify as wandless magic ( though some wizards hold theirs to channel magic more easily. ) Your character can get their apparition license once they turn seventeen / have taken the course prior to their birthday. There is regular apparating, which is by yourself, and side-along apparition, which is when multiple people apparate together guided by one individual. Please keep in mind that while international apparating is possible, it can potentially dangerous and there is a higher risk of splinching, which is basically when you lose body parts. 
Starter Tagging: Due to the new starter tagging system, there will be no limit to where a student muse may post an open starter location wise in the #wizard:world tag. However, the main does ask that you refrain from using the #wizard:hogwarts tag during this time, in conjunction with the #wizard:open tag. They also ask that you don’t use it altogether unless it makes sense. For example, if you’re writing a throwback thread ( ie. you’re writing a 1x1 event that took place during a past school year that wasn’t this last one, ) a 1x1 thread relevant to a character transferring to Hogwarts, a self-para or 1x1 thread of a Professor who lives there year round, a muse applying for a position, etc. Otherwise, your threads should be focused on life outside of Hogwarts 99%. Again, you may NOT under any circumstance, post an open starter using #wizard:hogwarts. If you must post a starter at Hogwarts, it should be posted under #wizard:closed and thought out for a specific muse. Lastly, no student may stay at Hogwarts for the summer holiday, no exceptions.
Communication: It’s highly suggested that you participate in communication threads. This can involve sending letters by owl post, but do keep in mind it takes days to be delivered. It’s asked that you date the letters at the top if you’re writing a continuous thread, so that way ic it was spread over several days or weeks. Try not to date anything prior to June 20th, just to give an idea of where to start. There’s also two way mirrors. Characters with money would be likely to purchase these. They come in pairs, and it would be similar to facetiming. They would say the character name of the other who has the matching pair, and they would be alerted to being called. You can read more on two way mirrors here.
Underaged Magic: As far as underaged magic goes, there’s the law that states no one under the age of seventeen ( the legal adult age for wizards ) can perform it outside of school. Still, the trace doesn’t actually pin point who performed underaged magic, just that it was performed in the vicinity of an underaged individual. So unless your character is the only magical person around, they’re not going to get busted for it. As far as mixed canon between the movies and books go, while it was harped that it was of the utmost importance to not perform any magic outside of Hogwarts in the books, it didn’t stop the many occasions of it being used in the movies, sometimes in plain sight. ( ie. Hermione fixing Harry’s glasses in Diagon Alley, Hermione saying she’d already practiced spells before they’d even gotten to Hogwarts, Harry performing the lumos charm despite being the only wizard in the vicinity. ) Nothing bad happened, except for when extreme charms were used. ( ie. when Harry used accidental wandless magic and blew up Aunt Petunia like a balloon, and sent away the Dementors. ) So, with that being said, along with the fact the rule was primarily made to make sure muggles never see anything they’re not supposed to, the main chooses to go with that while the rule on underaged magic still stands, it’s only heavily enforced when it’s performed outside of Wizarding Communities, ( ie. Hermione would’ve gotten in huge trouble if she’d fixed Harry’s glasses in muggle London, verses Diagon Alley. ) and that’s only if 1) it was something other than a simple spell, 2) they catch wind of it at all / figure out it was an underaged individual performing magic due to the inconsistencies of the trace. You can read more on the “Decree for the Reasonable Restriction of Underage Sorcery” here, which essentially echoes all of the above. There’s also more on this on the kiosk page.
Student Positions: The main will be asking the roleplayers next in line, whom have been here the longest after those who have already written prefect characters, if they’d like their character/or to create a character to be a Head Girl or Boy. So, just to reiterate, those titles are not up for grabs. There will, however, be new spots opened up due to characters graduating or going up a school year ( leadership positions like captains, duelling club, quidditch positions, etc. ) and those will be first come first serve, although as far as captains and positions for the quidditch teams go, they won’t know they’re apart of the team until the ic written tryout period is over later on, though you will know ooc. The same goes for prefect positions, although fifth years do find out during the summer before school starts. Feel free to send ask requests once the main has made a post indicating everything has been updated. 
Old threads: You may continue threads from this last school year until completion, but if there was anything you missed writing that hasn’t been started, it’s preferred you write it with the other person on another website like Chatzy or Discord, then post it under read more with details such as summary, location, pupils involved, and a title above as well. Please also refer to the Starter Tagging section.
Plot Drops: Please have your character mention and, in some respects, have their summer holiday revolve around the recent plot drop series, Cauldron Heists. Click here for the update tag.
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CURRENT ALUMNI CHARACTERS: Please submit the age they will be as of September 1st, so that the necessary updates can be made. If you’re confused, reference the before applying page’s help section for alumni.
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This event will start on JULY 8TH AT 12 AM EST and will end sometime on the earlier side of AUGUST, unless the majority of the roleplay chooses to have it extended. Please put all posts (including any private thread starters, pictures, anything related at all) under the tag wizard:summerholiday89.
The START OF TERM will be SEPTEMBER 1ST ic. Please await more details.
This event is mandatory. Everyone, both student and alumni, is expected to participate and write their character’s summer in one way or another.
This is a semi-canon event.
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saturninebravery · 7 years
*cracks knuckles* alright, let’s get some thoughts down. and remember kids, saturn is not trying to start shit. saturn does not care for flame wars. bye
PRISONER OF AZKABAN VS SEVERUS SNAPE: a reflection you never asked for.
snerp is a piece of shit.
okay but the books are written to be narrated from harry’s point of view (for the most anyway). so it stands to reason that severus snape is an unredeemable greasy git of a bully who does nothing but make harry’s life hell (amongst others). doesn’t help that he shows no emotion by way of occluding and is by far the hardest character to read. he also is prone to saying angry shit he doesn’t always mean (ahem mudblood?) this means we are taking his words and behaviours at face value. which is why the prince’s tale is one of the most heart-wrenching, finest plot twist chapters i’ve seen in a long time. it is arguably the biggest reveal in the deathly hallows instalment, let alone the entire saga. who’d have thought snerp to be anything other than the secretive bastard murdering death eater he’d played the part of so well? anyway i’m getting ahead of myself. point is, through a clever literary device we are only given snippets of this character through hostile eyes - mostly people he’s antagonised, until we finally see the story through his own eyes, and it changes E  V E R Y T H I N G. 
disclaimer: this is my interpretation (and how i weave it into my main verse narrative)
1. Why does Snape hate Sirius? oh boi. they go way back. snerp believes that (this is a non exhaustive list):
- sirius trash talks slytherin house during their first meeting - sirius is part of a popular clique: is arrogant, good looking and everything snape isn’t. his antipathy with sirius is unfounded, is skin deep and visceral. - sirius seems to enjoy bullying snape for entertainment (and it would seem that james did so also to amuse sirius) - sirius tried to kill him back in the summer of 1958 saturn this is not a stephen king novel -as a result of that ‘prank’ he now owes a debt to james fucking potter which he certainly isn’t pleased about - sirius betrayed the potters which led to their deaths and killed peter pettigrew - sirius broke out of azkaban to seek revenge on harry for the dark lord’s demise - the blacks are well known for pure blood fanaticism and obsessive loyalty - after witnessing his capability for murder, snape didn’t seem to think that sirius becoming a death eater like bellatrix and regulus was too far fetched - he overhears him boasting about the prank in the shack. as far as he’s concerned he’s a gloating killer
2. Why did he leave the Wolfsbane potion in Lupin’s office? premise: he was sure to see lupin there, so obviously that must have jump started his heart into a frenzy - ‘where the fuck is he, he is supposed to be taking this at this precise time’ etc. we don’t know the particulars of the wolfsbane ie if it needs to be drunk at a specific time, if it can be put in specific containers, ect.
1. lupin is not there when he SHOULD be as he needs to take the potion before he goes on a murdering rampage in a school 2. he’s clearly left in a hurry (ie something very important) to which snape jumps to the conclusion he’s been suspecting all year: the time has come for lupin to let mass murderer sirius black in 3. his suspicions are raised alarmingly when he sees the map lupin has left out. does he trust a random magical artefact he has no time to study? probably not. is he going to take the risk considering there is no time, he’s already paranoid and all he lives for is saving harry potter’s life? h e l l  y e s.  4. he panics. he leaves in a rush and forgets. unlikely snape behaviour? we know he’s a man with a plan and takes calculated risks UNLESS it involves harry directly. then caution is thrown to the wind and he r u n s. 5. OR if he hasn’t forgotten like a dunderhead, there is no time left. either the wolfsbane might be ineffective if removed/carried out/drank at a different time or it’s just too long a way to the shack: sirius could already be doing murdery things to the trio, children are in mortal danger, lupin could be transforming any moment - does he really have time to scoop that shit up in a container, or go back for it provided that he’s momentarily forgotten?
3. Why did Snape react angrily and irrationally? erm. he is trapped at the end of a tunnel - down memory lane - in front of a mass murderer and a werewolf about to transform. double the trouble he once almost died to, and he has to face this shit again because there is NO ONE ELSE. he fears for his life and three kids to top it off, one of which he has sworn to protect. so he is doubly scared - triggered by the memory, and by the fact that he is about to lose harry and fail his only reason for living. by black’s hand. AGAIN. he overhears sirius talk about the prank (strike one), sees ron with a broken leg (strike two), and when he reveals himself sirius taunts him (joke’s on you again) and remus calls him a fool (strike three). rage and terror work a charm on him. he’s not going to take their word for it. he doesn’t know about them being animagi and so spinning a story of how peter was a DEATH EATER (of all things?) has been living as a rat in the weasley household for the last 13 years seems as likely as his happy ending. snape is a close minded misanthrope. he does not take a step back, he does not listen.
and then he gets c o n c u s s e d. he literally bleeds from his head. obviously later he’s going to act frantic, mad with rage and utterly irrational (and out of character for him) which is in line with some of the symptoms of concussion.
shit went down really badly and really fast, and this probably ranks very high in the worst nights of his life. 
conclusion: is it personal? to a point. he barrelled into a known danger out of fear for the children’s life, but also a rush of adrenaline in knowing he was R I G H T all along, his instincts had not betrayed him. so he’d want to rub it in everyone’s face (ESPECIALLY Dumbledore), save the trio, get revenge for lily’s betrayal by delivering the pair of traitors to the dementors (which he believed was the apt punishment for their infamy) and get a well deserved order of merlin. recognition does not come by severus snape’s path often. or ever. he lives in the shadows, serving two masters in deceit. he will never get a chance to see his name restored or his talent extolled. he’s always the greasy git with the shady reputation. so excuse u for being fucking miffed at losing the one chance of being rewarded.
epilogue:  is clear in the later books that snape has eventually come to accept sirius’ innocence and loyalty to the order, although he still hates his guts and he makes no secret of that. while it may be viewed as a ploy to get him riled up, he does seem to try get him to stay away from the Ministry at the end of OotP (perhaps to protect him from harry’s vision coming true). he also warns dumbledore and gives fake veritaserum to umbridge so that harry won’t spill the truth.
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athyrabunlord · 6 years
Below is my rambling response to @argnatien’s lovely review of 3.3k words (?!??!?!?) for LLSHP AU ch16~
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I had hoped to finish ch17 in February but oh, it’s April now XD;;; So I’m definitely way later than you. But! I’m still very happy to receive your feedback! Yes, I did intend this chapter to be ‘quieter’ in terms of actions, but definitely still a turmoil in terms of emotions. The thing with the ending chapters of Arc2 is that, the characters were not given time to truly absorb the aftermaths. Everything happened so quickly, back to back, and suddenly their world is turned upside down. It’s not just Yoshiko – Dia and Riko are abruptly gone from their peaceful school life. Chika and You learned about what really happened to them but they never got the chance to talk to Riko about it.
I think I mentioned this already, but I’ll stress again that, if it weren’t for the carbonado necklace, Riko would have ended up like Frank and Alice Longbottom. She was subjected to not just one but several Cruciatus Curses on top of many Legilimens. It was a difficult scene for me to write as well, though I still strive to be as realistic as possible given the circumstances.
Riko had immediately Obliviated You and Chika while their… ‘injuries’ were still fresh, so to speak, while it’s already too late for Riko. Her mind was broken already, so there’s no point in Obliviating them. Besides, messing with memories is a crude method to deal with Cruciatus aftermath – it’s not done in canon HP verse. Unlike physical torture, I believe Cruciatus to be a direct attack on the mind to stimulate pain receptors, rather than actual attack on the person’s nervous system. So, if the mind forgets that it ever sent such signals, perhaps there wouldn’t be an aftereffect. Of course, all of this is just my assumption and play around with HP canon material XD;
Back to present, Chika said that being surrounded by friends and family would remind her that the pain from Cruciatus is in the past. What Riko needs now certainly is time and, as the girls have discovered, Dia to be with her too. I can’t elaborate more on this point but indeed, there is hope. Hope is what Aqours is all about.
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Dia was raised and shown in public as the heiress of the Kurosawa family. They could not just outright disown or strip her of her title for no reason, that would be even worse shame than the current suspicions she now faced. Hence the best countermeasure they have for now is to keep her from public eyes. There’s the matter of her relationship with Riko as well. Though the Sakurauchis is an old family with prominent background, their lineage is nowhere as pure as Kurosawas. Both women, different social status, and now this incident… Dia and Riko indeed face quite a lot of obstacles.
Grounded in her family home, unable to contact friends and left with only thoughts of guilt and regret, Dia’s not in a good state in many ways (as briefly shown in ch17). Dia is not privy to Riko’s condition, so her mind would just keep wandering and assuming the worst. As Dia-oshi (that’s hard to believe probably, considering what I’ve done), it’s difficult for me to imagine how much pain Dia’s been experiencing but had to keep inside her with no way to vent her stress.
My parchment paper analogy is my attempt to differentiate Magical healing from Muggle healing process. For Muggles, we have equipment like MRT scans, EGG scans etc. So, as I try to rationalize how Healers work, the parchment analogy came to mind. Ink is indeed the stressor and is unpredictable, as in what sort of stain the ink would make on the paper is dependent on how the ink is dropped upon it. Thoughts/experiences change the pattern that the ink runs on the paper. Chika and You mentioned how their minds are like ‘dried parchment, one that’s been stained before but the ink color has long lightened.’ So, just how can Riko’s ‘parchment’ be salvaged?
Yes, you’re correct, she was just having a PTSD flashback upon seeing the person who betrayed and tortured her. She had no idea it was ‘Yohane’ – she still thought it was Yoshiko. She definitely is in no state of mind to think about the why and how. ………… yeah, I deserve to be stoned by Riko-oshis.
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Hmm, yeah, can’t comment much on Yoshiko & Riko atm. But yes, Yoshiko will not go anywhere near Riko in fear of triggering another panic attack. I don’t remember what I said to you for ch15’s review LOL I agree, trust is indeed hard to regain.
Can’t comment much on the Yohane-Yoshiko connection either. Just as how Yoshiko can do certain things Yohane can’t (ie cast the Patronus), there are things Yohane can do that Yoshiko can’t either. The how and why shall be revealed in the remainder of Arc3. Yoshiko’s bad Occlumency is due to the fact she’s not ‘whole’. Yohane is definitely more accustomed to handling matters related to her soul, having practically grown up with such knowledge and those wings being a natural occurrence for her. In the alley, Yoshiko was practically losing control and attempting to force her way into Yohane’s mind, and so Yohane abruptly cut off the connection.
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Specifically, it was Yoshiko’s emotional attachment to Hanamaru’s broken wand that stopped her from going berserk. To her, the broken wand was a remnant of the ‘old’ Hanamaru, from a period of time where things were still good. As hinted in past chapters, being the one to be able to approach Yoshiko while those tendrils were rampant, Hanamaru is a key factor in calming down Yoshiko.  Emotion is another key catalyst for the black tendrils. Finding out that Yohane had tortured Riko caused such undulated anger in Yoshiko. Clues from past events will be accumulating and adding up, and of course more to come. Good speculations, that’s all I can say for now 😃
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Yup, playing around one’s soul definitely isn’t healthy for the long run, especially when you use said soul fragments as a form of weapon or defense. In a way, you could say Yohane-Yoshiko are damaged already. Neither of them is whole after all. Again, great speculations!
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Hanamaru is connected to Yoshiko in a way, ever since the Dementor incident as a child. (ch17 sheds some light onto that mystery) She hasn’t been aware of this connection, at least not consciously, but she’s always been able to locate Yoshiko at Hogwarts (between classes and whatnot). After the Chamber of Secrets event though, she becomes aware of it without understanding what it really means. Seeing the Augurey enables her to make a comparison/metaphor, and so she stated that she could hear Yoshiko’s soul crying.
Foreshadowing… welp, ch17 did reveal more things haha
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I’ve been fascinated by Augurey since I first read Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, which listed them alphabetically. So in the very early planning stages of this story, I thought of Yoshiko right away and wanted it to play a significant role. Ch17 does reveal more than it being a symbol. The Hogwarts registry that writes down the names of magical children is an Augurey quill, that’s why I chose to use it for a purpose in this story as well.
Just as how Professor Koizumi coaxed Ruby into letting out her emotions in Interlude2, Hanamaru managed to do so for Yoshiko. The poor girl needs it, it’s not healthy keeping everything inside after all. It’s mostly guilt, she keeps telling herself she doesn’t deserve to be comforted and she’s in no position to be crying when everyone else have suffered so much more. I’m glad that you as a reader find the moment satisfying, as I intended it to be in spite of the overall solemn and melancholic tone. Ch17 presents a different catharsis for her, another one that she needs, and for Hanamaru as well.
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<_< ah yes memories. I’ve always found Obliviate a very fascinating spell – a dangerous one too – yet it was never expanded much in the HP canon. The most poignant instances would be Gilderoy Lockhart stealing credit, Hermione to protect her parents, and Bertha Jorkins who got tortured by Voldemort and regained her memories. All of these have different impacts, positive and negative, on characters and the plot.
And so, I did a little variation amongst the members – the Memory Charm saved You and Chika’s lives; Riko extracted her memory into the Pensieve before her mind cracked; Yoshiko’s own memories being disjointed due to the whole Horcrux issue; Hanamaru’s memory repression being purely psychological.
I make them suffer a lot don’t I… (but this is nothing compared to other AUs I had for them LOL *gets shot*) But personally, I find things so much sweeter (or, bittersweet at least) if there was suffering beforehand. The saying of ‘you won’t realize how much you miss/need something until it’s gone’ kind of feel.
Again, I must say I’m beyond amazed at the 3.3k review. Like, holy moly, that’s longer than most some of my blips already! I really appreciate all these feedbacks though – it lets me see how a reader views the story, and it brings me joy to see the little nuances here and there noticed and appreciated. I’m also glad to elaborate upon/share the more intricate details that have no room in the storytelling.
Thanks again!
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Marauders Headcanon #11
Harry was born three days after a full moon. Remus remembers it well- he was still undercover in a werewolf pack. He was hurting, worse than he ever had at Hogwarts. Being undercover and all, he couldn’t use any of the remedies that he had learned over the years, and there had been no Padfoot or Prongs or Wormtail to distract him. He remembered seeing the owl, perched on a nearby tree, a letter tied to it’s foot. He had panicked- something had to have been wrong, for one of the order to risk sending him a letter. He had taken it from the Owl and quickly shooed the little thing on it’s way, before sneaking away from the pack to read it. The message had contained 3 words, scrawled in Sirius’ unruly handwriting. Prongslette is here. Joy exploded in Remus’ chest. Lily had had her baby. James’ son. And they must be alright, because Sirius hadn’t mentioned anything being wrong. He grinned, folding the note up small and shoving it into his pocket, before turning to return to the pack.
Remus didn’t get to meet Harry until he was nearly a month old. When he finally returned to the outside world, it was nearing the full moon a second time. As soon as Remus apparated to Order headquarters, he was seized by a grinning Sirius who held out photos of a baby with dark hair and green eyes. Before Remus could so much as blink, Sirius was taking him to Godric’s Hollow with side-along apparation. James opened the door. He looked exhausted and rumpled, but he looked happy. He pulled Remus into a bone-crushing hug and let them in. Remus nearly cried when they walked in and saw Lily, asleep on the couch, baby Harry sleeping on her chest. He was small and helpless and perfect. James asked if he wanted to hold Harry. Remus looked so startled and frightened at the idea that James didn’t ask again.
Remus held Harry for the first time after that next full moon. Peter was on an order mission, and Remus refused to let James leave his brand-new son for him, so there was only Sirius that night. The next morning, Sirius apparated him to James and Lily’s, where James fussed over him as bad as Madame Pomfrey would have. Remus was propped up on the couch when Lily came over, a stern look on her face, and told him that he was going to hold her son. Before Remus could argue, she practically dropped Harry into his arms. Remus did cry, then, because Harry was so small. James, sitting in a chair across from the couch, laughed at him. (“Merlin, Moony, you’re crying more than Lily did, and she was pushing the kid out of h- Ow, Lily, that hurt!”)
Remus picked out Harry's first sweater, a dark red one with a little gold lion on the front. Lily laughed at her little Gryffindor.(James reminded everyone that, “We’ll love Harry no matter what house he’s in, and- oh, who am I kidding? That kid’s gonna be captain of the Gryffindor quidditch team, just like his father.”) In fact, Remus helped Lily pick out a lot of Harry’s things- baby blankets, clothing, toys, books, pacifiers, shoes, you name it. Remus was the only one Lily trusted to go shopping for the baby and not come back with something utterly ridiculous. (He did anyways, but Lily couldn’t fault him because he looked so happy doing it.)
Moony was Harry’s fifth word. It sounded more like Moo-ie, but it still made Remus cry and Sirius indignant. (“He’s my godchild, he’s supposed to love me best!” “Get over yourself, Padfoot, honestly.”) Harry’s favorite napping place was Remus. It wasn’t uncommon to find Harry in Remus’ arms, falling asleep as Remus read to him in a soothing, low voice. (Remus read him everything, from The Very Hungry Caterpillar to Robert Frost poetry.) As Harry got a little older, he loved to run his hands over the scars on Remus’ face. (”Wow, Pads, isn’t that usually your jo- Lily! That hurts!”) Remus let him, even when they were aching, because somehow baby Harry could look at his scars and laugh, and Remus thought that maybe watching the baby would teach him how to do the same. Despite Sirius being Harry’s godfather, Remus was the babysitter of choice. (Sirius usually came along, anyways.) He was more responsible than Sirius and more capable than Peter. The real reason, though, was because Lily and James knew that it was unlikely Remus would ever have kids of his own, and they wanted to give him everything they could of Harry.
The night James and Lily died, Remus was halfway across the country on Order business. He didn’t find out what had happened until after Sirius was in Azkaban, after Peter was dead, after Harry was gone to the Dursley’s. Remus returned to the house in Godric’s Hollow the day he found out, because he had to see it for himself. The bodies had already been removed, but there were still devastating thing to be found. He found James’ wand, lying on the couch. He found one of Harry’s socks, abandoned on the living room floor. He found Lily’s favorite blanket, crumpled on the floor.  He found James’ broom, propped up by the back door like James was planning to go flying. He found the basket of books Remus had read to Harry upended in the nursery. He found Harry’s crib, empty and cold. He found that little red sweater Remus had bought him nearly a year ago, abandoned on the changing table. A few of it’s threads were loose. Remus stared at that sweater for a long, long time. The next day, he went by number 4 Privet drive. A woman holding a fat, screaming baby with a long, skinny neck opened the door. Remus introduced himself as a friend of Lily and James’, and asked if he could see Harry. The woman slammed the door in his face. Remus tried again the next day, and the next. On the third day, a thick man with a large mustache opened the door and told him that if he didn’t stop calling, he would call the police. Remus would have kept going back, but Dumbledore told him to leave Harry be. Remus was devastated, but he couldn’t disobey Dumbledore.
Remus met Harry again on the train. That awful, awful train ride. Remus had woken to the cold chill of the dementors, the memory of James and Lily’s death playing at the edge of his mind. He had cast the patronus spell, looked around the compartment, and seen James crumpled on the floor. Remus had nearly lost it right then, seeing his dead friend lying on the floor. It took him far too long to realize that it wasn’t James. It was Harry. His Harry, his Prongslette, the child he loved like his own flesh and blood. He looked so much like James that it physically hurt. Remus had to leave the compartment, had to compose himself for a moment. When he returned, he asked, “Are you alright, Harry?” Harry didn’t ask how Remus knew his name. Remus wished he had.
He really, really wished he had.
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