#if Frederick was never there i don't think they'd be friends
mail-posting · 4 months
honestly just kind of. rotating norton (and orpheus with him sometimes)
they’re so funny to me genuinely i adore polar opposite characters who would probably get in a mild fist fight for nothing but still choose to be around each other
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cursed-princess-club · 9 months
if you don't mind me asking, could you rank these "couples" from most to least likely to end up together in the final?
Maria and Blaine
Lorena and Lance
Gwen and Frederick
Nell and Jolie
Jamie and Leopold
Whitney and Prez
Saffron and Syrah (I'm helpless with names i'm pretty sure that's not how it's written)
7am for me on a weekend just woke up im still in bed and yeah sure why not lol
story-wise, i don't feel like any plaid/pastel ships will necessarily end up together. their mutual crushes are very canon and a plot point with gwen's self image slowly becoming dependent on how frederick sees her, and frederick learning how to care about himself and fight for what he believes in. gwen is kind of one of his first friends i'd say, they do like each other a lot, but my intuition tells me it'd be left ambiguous or with them taking time off deciding to be friends for now, and i would honestly love that. 1. Friendship is AWESOME and doesn't mean less than a romantic relationship!! so 2. just think it'd be cool... Frederick's whole arc is motivated by Gwen, and the message of him doing all this just for the fact he cares about her and NOT just to get with her, and him being just as happy that they're friends as much as he'd be happy if they kissed at the end of the fight or something. Epic
the farthest i could see their relationship going is some future flash forward where they're just casually together, or one of them approaches each other and is like "could we try this again?" otherwise i see gwen and frederick taking their relationship slow ever since the gala incident. Could also be completely wrong. 6/10 chance in my book
after the Gala Shebang, i think any infatuation maria felt for blaine has wiped away and i just can't see them ending up together together in the story, and having it make sense. Maybe like. 30 years in the future?? cause i could see maria dating around. Never text your ex when you're drunk type situation.
lorance: ...maybe.? I'll have to watch a little more and see what my brain tells me. so far im feeling they end up friends bc adore their friendship tbh. I'll have to see till after the siege, they very much so care about each other though!
jellie: Yes (just a hunch)
syron: ambiguous. a specific scenario suited towards their relationship . i feel it in my bones. epilogue where saff confesses and sy's just like haha. WAIT WHAT??? 7/10
leomie: Yes. their confession is in my top 3 for cpc. No words. Undescribed. I. I cannot express,
calwhit: feel like it'd stay unrequited on whitney's end but they'd be a great qpr! prez being romance avoidant and such 😎 (aro lore tbh)
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loominggaia · 1 year
I know Elska is ace but lets say she gets pregnant by some magic spell or something. What would she do and how does the FGG react to this?
That's an interesting question. Elska might seem like an unfeeling hardass at first, but we've seen that she has a soft spot for kids. Evan once pitted her against Frederick in a fighting match, telling her she could join the Freelance Good Guys if she won. Elska threw the match and scolded Evan for making her fight a child. Little did she know, Evan was actually testing her morals, and by refusing to fight Frederick she passed his test.
Even though she never met them, Elska also showed a lot of sadness for Philippa's children, who were killed by Evangelite slavers. Seeing children be mistreated in any way disgusts and enrages her, so if she had kids of her own, I think she would be surprisingly tender with them. She treats children much differently than she treats adults, like something switches in her brain and her whole personality changes. She gets softer somehow.
I imagine Elska would treat her children a lot like her father treated her: stern but fair. She'd encourage them to always do their best and wouldn't tolerate lazy or dishonorable behavior. Like her father, she cares a lot about tradition, but when push came to shove she wouldn't put tradition above her childrens' happiness. As much as it pained her, she'd be willing to bend rules and cultural norms if she thought it was in their best interest. Her father did this for her when she refused to marry his best friend's son. Most chiefs would have forced her to do it anyway because ~*~tradition~*~, but Chief Eindrid dared to be different and called off the wedding, even if it made him unpopular with his people. Elska would be this way too.
As for the rest of the FGG...well, they'd just treat Elska's kids as an extension of Elska. They tread lightly around her, so they'd do the same around her offspring. Because the crew knows if they do anything to make those little shits cry, a very pissed off Elska is going to show up in 2 seconds and make them cry too.
She's quite reasonable when she's calm, but once she's already angry, all logic goes out the window. We've seen this behavior from her many times in the series. She's 2,000 pounds of fury barreling towards the scene at 40mph, and whoever happens to be standing closest to her crying baby is getting ass-slammed into oblivion. That's just how it is and her crewmen damn well know it lol.
The crew would basically treat Elska's kids like bear cubs. Don't touch them, don't yell at them, don't even breathe on them, just give them whatever they want and hope they leave peacefully...
But to be honest, I think Elska's kids would be some of the most well-behaved ones you could ask for. She wouldn't tolerate bullshit behavior from them. I feel like they'd respect her authority and wouldn't want to disappoint her by acting like brats. I could see her handling one kid just fine, but two or more might overwhelm her both mentally and emotionally. She would lean on the crew for help in this case, since her clan traditionally relies on other clanmates to help raise children anyway.
Lore Masterpost
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alexandersimpleton · 2 years
It's Frederick birthday and gets an idea from a birthday card.
(intended as a sequel to Loser and Dork, two other fics for mine, but can be read standalone)
After that, I tried the next day. And the next, and the next, and the days passed in a blur. At this point, I'm really not trying to make friends anymore. Everyone in this school hates losers like me. But today something was different.
I got something from in the mail? Who would want to send mail to someone like me? I'm "The Family Disappointment" after all... (why am I getting angry at them? It's the truth).
The note was a birthday card from my mother, with a little dragon egg on it. I must have forgotten my birthday. I know generally people don't care about my birthday, they throw a token party for the sake of appearances, but I don't get any say in who gets invited or the theme or anything like my brothers. At first I thought that was because I wasn't old enough. I know better now.
Wait... father! He's the one who always knew I was trash, so he must know what to do! I'll write him something! I'm sure he'll me right! And before long, I was taking out my quill and some paper, and writing a note. First I wrote about the bullies. I said that they're being super mean very cruel to me. I talked about no one wanting to play hang out with me, and all the mean cruel things they said. I also wrote a note to mother, about how everyone was celebrating my birthday and it was happy and fun. I know they don't talk to each other enough to figure out I'm lying, and I know that thinking that would make mother happy. I would have written to Lance and Blain too, but they're probably busy with their oh so important "princely duties" to read a note anyway.
I got a note back from father a couple days later. "Sink Or Swim Son" was all it said. Yeah I suppose that's right. If I were actually worth something, I would be swimming and thriving like everyone else. But I guess I'll just have to sink.
After that I read that book again. The angel and the serpent was one I really liked. I gave me (worthless) hope that someone would come save me. They'd accept me and vanquish all the bullies who were mean to me, and the kids who ignored me, and dad who never cared about me, and mom, and Lance and Blain, and everyone else. Because all I can do is hope. Hope that someone will come rescue me from this hell, and I'll keep hoping until someone does
But nobody came
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bi-bard · 2 years
Sonder - The Wrecks Writing Challenge (Masterlist)
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This is a masterlist for my next writing challenge! It's going to be dedicated to "Sonder" by The Wrecks. If you haven't listened to the album yet, you need to. It's brilliant.
I hope you enjoy this! I had a lot of fun planning it!
(Thank you to The Wrecks for making an album that was so easy to think of plots for)
How Come Your Truth Revolves Around You? Frederick Chilton X Reader (Hannibal) Summary: Someone can only work with Dr. Frederick Chilton for so long before they realize where his ambitions lie. Some people can't sit by and watch that.
I Love This Part
This is the Part Where You Recognize This Was Your Fault and You Made it Mine Kara Danvers X Reader (Supergirl) Summary: After getting sent away by the D.E.O, (Y/n) turns to one person that they trusted to never turn their back on their friends. However, the world is never that predictable.
Where Are You Now?
Where Are You Now? Emily Prentiss X Reader (Criminal Minds) Summary: Emily was (Y/n)'s first love. When she leaves without a goodbye, (Y/n) never thought they'd see each other again... until they start working together.
Don't Be Scared
Don't be Scared; This is the Life Oliver Queen X Reader (Arrow) Summary: (Y/n) didn't know what they were truly signing up for when Oliver became mayor and hired them After disagreements and arguments, (Y/n) starts to realize that their new job just might not work out.
Open Your Eyes; Here Comes the Old Me Cal Roberts X Reader (The Path) Summary: After Cal's first major TV interview, an anonymous article is released describing manipulation at the hands of the man trying to recruit
We're on Our Way to Dystopia Eddie Lane X Reader (The Path) Summary: After his original crisis of faith, Eddie is on the search for answers. However, it is far too easy for the wires between answers and happiness to get crossed.
Unrequited Love Makes the Heart Grow Fonder Barry Allen X Reader (CW's The Flash) Summary: (Y/n)- and almost everyone else around them- was convinced that Barry and them were either together or on the way there. So, when Barry and Iris get together, there are a lot of questions from all angles.
No Place I'd Rather Be
I'll Plant My Soul, Just Take Me There Adam Raki X Reader [Adam (2009)] Summary: Adam gets offered a job in California and wants nothing more than for (Y/n) to go with him. (Y/n) just needs a good reason for uprooting their life.
Ugly Side
I'm Just Asking if I Can See You Lance Sweets X Reader (Bones) Summary: Lance spent a long time trying to get through (Y/n)'s shell. It looks like he's finally found success. However, when (Y/n) is ready to be serious, Lance suddenly decides to run for the hills.
I Just Wanna Fall in Love Like Everybody Else Does Dean Winchester X Reader (Supernatural) Summary: Dean wants to try his hand at a "normal" relationship. His biggest fear is that his lifestyle and past will keep him from experiencing the one thing he wants more than anything.
Lone Survivor
I'm a Reckless Lone Survivor Alana Bloom X Reader (Hannibal) Summary: (Y/n) tries to warn Alana about Dr. Lecter's true nature. Alana doesn't take the warning seriously until it's almost too late.
Masterlist (Includes links to All Writing Challenges)
What I Write For
Some Original Characters
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perceabeth · 3 years
annabeth felt like she wasnt wanted even when she was bc her dad was getting a new wife and some more kids? idk its pretty accurate to how kids feel when that stuff happens. it complements her character in a way that i actually REALLY like? its like shes stubborn and believes shes right and she IS smart but that doesnt mean she cant be wrong or eventually open u to others perspectives. and idk if my kid said they were being bit by spiders and there were never any spiders or bite marks i would think they were making it up? not in a negative way but just in a way that kids OFTEN do. sorry but kids do make stuff up and all you can do is listen to them. it doesnt make someone neglectful for listening and still just not believing someone.
even wayyy back in titans curse it shows that annabeth feeling unwanted was more of a misinterpretation or miscommunication than any actual hostility. her dads kinda an idiot ngl but athena randomly stuck some absent minded professor type who was obsessed with his work with a kid? i dont think he even did anything to contribute to annabeths existence so this is one of the few times where pregnancy isnt the least bit the guys responsibility and he just wasnt prepared for it. idk as usual way more than the humans it comes down to the godly parents being terrible
and when did they leave her for dead? she ran off and ended up at camp half blood. tbh literally the safest place for her if shes being hunted by monsters? and what are they supposed to do, drag annabeth kicking and screaming to a place she doesnt want to be? thats technically more dangerous for her? just for her to run away and end up dead the next time? all they can do is let her know shes welcome whenever she wants, which they do?
idk i think i kinda vibe with percy cuz my household was seriously unstable and volatile growing up, while in annabeths case it seems miscommunication and annabeth not realizing what she had? that doesnt make her stupid or bad, just fallible and... a literal child? children often arent appreciative that doesnt mean they're brats or spoiled or ungrateful, it means theyre kids.
sometimes when u do things like this, just. stop and think to urself: am i reading a post to find a way to argue, or am i, in fact, interested in what OP is saying ? if u are not interested, just stop reading !
no, actually, i would say u are wrong !
first of all, she was seven years old when she decided to run away. do u know how many seven year old kids try to run away from home? just about everyone. if ur child runs away, it is ur responsibility to look for her lol. u can't go 'aw no she's gone? ok whats for breakfast x' babes that's insanity. besides, she must have been on the news all the time considering she was traveling with Thalia, and we all know how much press coverage Percy got based on how much trouble he attracted as a child of the big three- Thalia's mum was dead, Luke's mum was driven mad. What excuse do the Chases have for never coming looking?
she was seven and a demigod, a fact both frederick chase and his wife were fully aware of :) another thing they were BOTH aware of: the existence of this camp for kids like her. Why, my love, do u think it's normal for them to not only let her run away, but also not even consider for ONE secnd making the trip up to Long Island to drop her off so at least they'd know she was safe? A child is, whether u like it or not, a parent's responsibility, actually, and Annabeth got dealt a shit hand.
ok, they didn't see the spiders, but they did see the webs, did they not? usually when a child is traumatised and begging for help, u don't ignore it because that's how children are- u ask them to describe their experiences, and if it does persist, it's cause to have them checked out, actually! ur thinking of imaginary friends and a child's inability to make out fiction from reality- but in this case, it is actual trauma. just bc they're children does not mean u can dismiss their fears and thoughts!! refusing to care for a child's mental health or seeking treatment for it is, in fact, a form of child neglect which is child abuse.
her stepmother made her feel like she was putting her children in danger- that is not something that a seven year old concocts in her own mind. she was still learning how to join her letters or what a fraction was, she was incredibly young lol. she ran away from home and literally would have rather starved or gotten eaten by monsters than return. that's how unwelcome she felt in her own home- whether or not that's how the parents felt as well, it was their responsibility to keep her safe, to bring her back and assure her that she had a place with them- not when she's fourteen and missing and possibly on the brink of death, but when she's seven and tries to sneak out of the house. furthermore, it should never have been Annabeth reaching out to them twice after she ran away to amend things. Frederick should have been on his knees at Camp begging for her to give him a second chance he was a grown man who destroyed a child? And after ALL of that, he wanted to move her to San Francisco, where he knew was far too dangerous for a girl like her. He repeatedly chose just about anything over her. Risking a child's safety? abuse, baby!
and this argument is probably the worst defence of Frederick and I see it so often it's ridiculous. YES, I understand that he didn't do anything that would warrant a child. I GET that- but he had options, did he not? He could have dropped her off at CHB, given her up for adoption, have someone in his massive family care for her? Are you telling me that if handed a baby that u don't want, you would just leave it on the pavement and go about ur day? that isn't an excuse lmao a baby has done NOTHING to hurt u why would u punish it?? that is the single most terrible excuse i'm so sorry i know i'm being extremely nasty to u but unfortunately u are just. one of the thousand people coming to me like this and my patience has worn thin. this rly isn't personal i promise lol
You vibe with Percy, that's cool but just because his home was one form of godawful does not mean Annabeth was privileged to be born into her family. the thing is, it doesn't seem at all like miscommunication- but it's written off as miscommunication. that's where the issue lies. Because her storyline is far worse and Percy's narrative dismisses it because he had it rougher. through the course of the books, Annabeth has a lot of personal biases and she learns to undo them. She's wrong a lot, emotional, hurt, stubborn, as u said- but based on textual evidence and extrapolation, this was not the same case :) obviously, u are welcome to walk away from this thinking i'm wrong, and that's fine, but please don't send me another message lol i'm not gna sit here justifying what feels quite obvious to me in the books!
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