#if Keith David’s amazing voice potential isn’t utilised again for something sickeningly heartfelt I’m jumping off Earth
iwozlegit · 5 months
|| 🍍• Just saw someone mention this on tiktok…
…but a perfect song for Huskerdust would be Evermore by Dan Stevens from the live-action Beauty and the Beast.
Every lyric HITS
• It’s giving Husk being so incredibly proud of Angel getting to go to heaven.
• BUT, it’s also giving Husk “waiting by an open door” at the hotel’s bar alone fooling himself that Angel will “walk right in” and unwind with him at his bar like old times, as Husk stares forlorn into a drink with another he’s made beside him out of habit.
• It’s giving Husk seeing the ghosts of him and Angel around him like snapshots in time - angry, then wistful, then content, then irritated again. Closing his eyes but Angel is “…still there.”
• It’s giving Husk clawing his head at the memories so blissful yet almost painful to witness, as he slowly begins to realise what the hollowness he’s feeling actually is.
• It’s giving Husk slowly filling with understanding, warmth and vigour, embracing this newfound discovery as he hops over the bar and moves through the hotel with a pace we’ve never seen before towards the roof. He has to see the sky. He has to get as close to it as his chains permit to. To see the faint pearly gates of heaven. To…make use of the small time he has left. Because even though Husk knows Angel has “flown far beyond” his “reach…he’s never out of sight.”
• It’s giving Husk atop the hotel with his face dropping slightly as he sees Angel “…fade from view”, thinking “…of what might have been” if he hadn’t “realised the truth too late.”
• It’s giving Husk then braving a sad smile with hand outstretched to the sky where a phantom Angel rests his cheek against Husk’s palm, and they share a tender dance akin to Loser, Baby with a twirl and dip. And “As the long dark nights draw in”, Husk accepts his feelings, that Angel will always “be part of everything” he is…
…as he sings FOR EVERMORE atop the highest peak of the hotel.
For, oh, how lovely it was - albeit short - to have gained the ability to love again, than to have never regained it at all…
And, I…
FUCK, I need a minute :’)…
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