#if anyone has any inputs
Do You Know This Disabled Character?
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Zuko has facial scarring.
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asfodeltide · 2 months
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nellandvoid · 2 months
that backwards N with the line through it
so. spoilers below cut
on several of the results in the website (namely FORDTRAMARINE, JUST BLENDIN, LIES, and several pages of STODEHTTCENNOC) there's that little backwards N symbol. the conspiracy board on "DIONARAP" points it out specifically too (maybe just to call people like me out, who knows) but on the LIES and the STODEHTTCENNOC pages (specifically the book of predictions and (possibly) on the car in front of the waffle house) there are letters that are popping up on those pages (LIES has binary for the letter K, the book of predictions has HE, the car (again, maybe) has an S) and i was wondering if maybe this website is just getting to me or is there something like. actually there? idk but i'd love some input!!! cause maybe the symbol is just a bill thing (like a lil "hey guys there he is!" sorta deal) but there may be something else
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monty-glasses-roxy · 8 months
One of the things I've been thinking about lately is how interesting Roxy's relationship with the Raceway construction staff would be if some of them survived their visit to the pizzeria. Like it's kind of implied some dipshit led a team down there and never came back but if Roxy was the guard and went after them, managing to save at least one guy? That would put a lot of things in a new light for them, especially with the setup I like to use.
How do you react to the animatronic you've treated like shit this entire, time running to save your life from being ripped into six pieces, when you were the one that tricked her and locked her out so that she couldn't stop you from getting your life ripped into six pieces? How do you react to finding out the animatronic that has done nothing but destroy all your hard work on an almost daily basis, was doing so in order to protect you and countless other people from a monster? How do you react to the animatronic you threw countless words of abuse at, tried to chase off by whacking her with a metal stick, and loudly tried to convince management to scrap, showing up to save you from your own ignorance? Whilst she'd clearly a terrified wreck grasping at straws herself as she jumps into the line of fire for you? What about the so called worthless Mini Music Men that distracted the monster for you? The one that led you to a hiding spot while the others kept it distracted? The one that confused the monster so that it didn't know for sure where you were after it heard you?
How does anyone react to several glorified action figures choosing to fight desperately to save them? I just think that's really interesting to think about.
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Do you think you could do a poll for which mystery dungeon starters people have been?
I would be happy to!
The main issue is that there are so many starters and polls cap out at 12 options. Even just red and blue rescue team had 16 options..
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sassasafreeaction · 11 months
I had this sitting in a Google Doc from ages ago, and it seemed like now was a good time to pull it out. Let’s take a second to talk about the Ball, specifically the actual dancing part.
So you have the two lines of people facing one another. For this style of dance, the line would have traditionally been one line of men and one of women, but it’s scrambled in the show because gender is made up and the points don’t matter. The person across from you would be your partner for the dance. You come in and greet your partner in the center of the aisle and then go back to your respective lines. If it actually matters to anyone, I would say that Maggie’s line is intended to be the ‘male/lead’ side because she bows to Nina. 
This bit really only matters to me because later on you’ll see Aziraphale on the same side as Maggie. Both of them are the ones who are actively pursuing their partner. Maggie asked Nina to dance, and Aziraphale asked Crowley.
Once you’ve greeted your partner, then the rest of the dance commences. I’ve danced a few reels and contra style dances myself, but I’m not an expert on if there is a difference between them and what you’d find at a cotillion ball. I’m just going off what I do know. The most important thing that needs to be taken away from this dance is that everyone is doing the exact same steps. They even make a point of having Nina ask Maggie when she learned the steps to this dance because everyone is in sync despite no one dancing like this anymore. 
Now, the steps of this type of dance would usually be given to you by a caller. There’s generally someone directing at what point you’re intended to move. In my experience, it was a person, but the musical phrases can also do a lot of the heavy lifting to let people know when they’re meant to move, like in this scene. (Although, if you watch the X-ray, the actors apparently all had earpieces.) 
So why is all of this important? Because it still serves as a metaphor for Aziraphale and Crowley’s relationship. They’re continuing to follow the same steps that they always have. They fill their appropriate roles, and they still have to answer when their Head Offices call. More importantly, this type of dance doesn’t require any communication with your partner to complete it. It’s not like a waltz or any other two person style dance where someone is following the other person’s lead. You can operate as two separate parts as long as you still listen to the music or the instructions you’re given.
However, Aziraphale and Crowley don’t actually complete the dance. They don’t do that turn that everyone else does. They stop in the middle of the aisle to see the chaos outside. It serves as extra reinforcement that while they are trying to do the steps, they’re not quite succeeding like the other couples who are dancing (Mrs. Cheng and her husband, and Maggie and Nina).
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daonedaonlyskh · 3 months
I reallyyyyyyy wanna make a Leo Valdez pjo rp blog
but here’s the catch/problem: I want him to date Sk. Leo’s age would be 15-16, and Sk the character would be 14-15 ish. I would totally mention Valgrace (Jason was how he realized he was bi) and Caleo (they dated for a bit but decided they were better as just friends). But idkkkkkkkkk I don’t want it to be weird and I feel like it would be weird ughhhhgghgghgghgh.
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bipolar-boygirl · 4 days
The Castle Beyond The Goblin City
so, me and @sweetdangerine were talking about what the layout of the castle even is, since we don't actually see that much of it, and i was thinking of making a post about it anyway, so here we go! lots of pictures and visual aides ahead
starting simple: the castle itself
this is the clearest shot we get of the castle in the film
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there's also this one, but its kinda crummy because its from a distance towards the start of the film
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so the castle seems to be made up of one main building, two (maybe three?) towers, and a second smaller building connected by a bridge or something
it's hard to see, but i'm pretty sure this little dark blob is the entrance
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we get a nice shot of the doors where you can see some organic rock to the right of it, which lines up with the doors being right next to the weird rock formation in the other picture
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the doors open and we get to see a bit of the interior
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not much to really glean from here, other than whoever designed this castle must really like stairs, cause this hallway is ALL stairs. we do learn that the way to the throne room is to the right of the main entrance though because that's the direction our characters go
speaking of the throne room, where in the hell is it? I'm pretty sure it's somewhere in this section of the building
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we get this shot of Jareth looking out of the window during the battle, and again we see more of that organic rock to the right
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but the window he's looking through looks completely different than the one we can see in the wide shot, and we also get to see his view from the window a few scenes later
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and this seems pretty close to the ground level, comparatively, so I think the window might be hidden from view by the rock formation, or (and maybe more likely) it's an inconsistency between set pieces
the entrance into the throne room is right next to this window on the inside, so I also think that the rock formation is actually a part of the castle/has been built into from the inside and made a part of the castle
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also, the hall into the throne room actually forks and looks like it leads into barracks or something similar, based on the flag
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and then finally, the throne room itself
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it's a very circular room, with windows on three different sides, which I think helps strengthen the idea that the throne room is in the section of the castle that juts out from the main building, and, if we're allowing for slight inconsistencies between set pieces, there's also this little bit that sticks off the side of the building that I think would fit the curved hallway into the escher room quite nicely
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which means the escher room is in the main building that sits behind where the throne room is, which makes sense for how big it is (of course discounting any kind of magic shenanigans that might be going on with that room)
and that's all I got. the left side of the castle and the towers are a complete mystery, but that's why we have fanfic, isn't it?
I've been scrutinizing the hell out of this movie for set details for awhile, so it's nice to finally put it all down in a post, and maybe I can save some of you from losing your minds the way i did lol
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mani-mari · 3 months
I'm curious...
Note: I do not hang around ace people in person. I am the only ace person I know and talk to regularly in my life. I'm curious about the answer because I notice a lot of people tend to touch the person they are attracted to in conversation. For example, they will lightly touch the person's arms, or put their hand on the person's lower back. However, I, an asexual person, do not do this.
Do other aces do this? I'm also curious about whether aros do this for their friends- but romantic attraction does not have the same image as platonic attraction in pop culture. If you have input, explain in the tags :)!
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thatnununguy · 1 year
would LOVE to hear more about the lusii-troll au thing
It's basically guidestuck before I knew what guidestuck was, but actually it's kinda really different! It's mostly just fun designs I made, there's no story or plot as of writing this.
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I'm still figuring everyone out, and some characters are a lot more refined then others, like Spidermom and Pounce de Leon, but I have basic ideas for the whole crew. I plan on making a masterpost with all of the info and the complete designs once I'm happy with everything. Until then, please enjoy these doodles of me trying to figure everything out :)
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monkee-mobile · 7 months
Okay so apparently i’m not sleeping yet, here is my current stock of toddler davy pictures, just pictures where he looks so ultimately like a toddler, now featuring a new addition:
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deuynndoodles · 6 months
btw as someone who uses mirror pronouns, i think when a narrator is referring to a character who uses mirror pronouns they should use the pronouns of whoever the character is interacting with. like if link uses mirror and zelda uses she/her, the narrator would refer to link with she/her as well. does this make any sense whatsoever
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grymmdark · 3 days
i think chai or a other character from hi-fi rush could've made an interesting guilty gear strive guest character. im only really saying this cus both are games with a lotta rock influence tbh, but also i think having chai have some sorta mechanic of doing moves to the tempo of whatever song is playing would be a really unique mechanic
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cripcrowfeather · 1 year
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Wanted to get in on the @mommyclan action! This is Hazydawn. She's autistic and epileptic, and too disabled to be a warrior, both because her seizures endanger her and because the more complex and physically demanding tasks of a warrior are impossible for her. She understands this, and has long since accepted it. She mostly likes to stay in camp. She can usually be found playing with the kits or in the medicine den for a check-up or getting a small wound disinfected. Sometimes she can be persuaded to walk around the territory, but she prefers to stick with what she knows. She's fascinated by the behavior of other cats and often sits around and just watches them.
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miramisaki · 6 months
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58(???) days until Charlie...
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theeio · 1 year
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…yeah okay im burnt out
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