#if anyone replies with “bc he’s not real” I’m blocking u
darksber · 3 years
day 818 and Frankie Morales is still not my husband
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somedew-fictions · 4 years
ok so for the apology thing, can i have 1 w/ sebastian and a s/o who’s apologizing to him bc they keep avoiding him after being friends for like a whole year and it’s bc they’re terrified of losing him bc surprise they’re in love and that’s Scary As Shit for them preferably ends in something nice but angst for the most of it, and just. gn s/o pls n thank u 🥺
This kind of took a life of its own, so I’m sorry for that, personally. I tried to make it short so the imagery isn’t fully developed but I found this a lot of fun to write and I may just revisit this one day to make it more coherent. Please enjoy :D
#1: "I'm Sorry."
Sebastian always smells like smoke. The farmer used to hate it, but now? Now the scent has meaning, symbolizing something that was greater than themselves that they desperately wanted to smolder.
He was sitting directly beside them, their thighs touching as the two of them gaze across the ocean's vastness, their legs hanging over the edge of the pier. The farmer could feel their blood rushing through their veins, hear their heart beating in their ears, see the silent shroud around them, taste the dryness of their mouths, and smell the smoke on Sebastian's clothes. Yet their nose didn't wrinkle up the way it always did when they focused on his scent, but instead it seemed to lower the intensity of all their other senses, calming their nerves and bringing a strange sense of comfort to them.
What was going on?
"Hey," Sebastian's head turns to face the farmer, his smile faint. "I was thinking."
The farmer's eyes flutter closed, listening to his words but unable to turn their gaze towards him. If they couldn't see him, maybe his words wouldn't be real.
"You've been living here for quite some time now and..." the farmer can barely hear his clothes rustle as he lifts his arm and reaches out his hand towards the farmer's face. One of his knuckles brushes the farmer's cheek, but they can barely feel it. They feel desensitized, trying not to focus on him, but with every breath they take all they can smell is smoke. It smells so intense, wafting from his clothes and invading their nostrils, refusing to go away as all their other senses fade away.
"I think we have grown a lot closer..." Sebastian is practically talking in their ear but the farmer can barely hear him. They try to block him out, their mouth falling slightly agape, trying to focus on breathing through their mouth instead of there nose, but his scent perseveres, ingrained into their memory and wrapping around their wrists to sink into their skin and tickle their brain.
"And I..." Sebastian's voice fully fades away and the farmer forces their eyes open. Everything appears blurry, the colors smeared together into incomprehensible reminisces of the real world. The farmer swallows hard, turning their face towards Sebastian. Everything looks so much darker now- scarier as everything melts away into chaos yet the smell of smoke refuses to dissipate. It remains, tangling around them and forcing them to appear calm-
The farmer opens their eyes, bright sunlight filtering in as they remember where they are. They are currently kneeling in the fields of their farm West of their house, fertilizing their seeds to ensure a good harvest later in the season.
They take a deep breath to steady their shaking hands, the scent of smoke missing from their environment. The farmer hasn't seen Sebastian in over a week after that night on the pier, and they can't stop thinking about it- how they wanted to panic but they couldn't. How the harder they tried to shut him out and pull away from what was happening, the more they were thrown into it.
The farmer shakes their head and stands back up, deciding it was time to change their point of focus to keep their mind from wandering.
The farmer spends the rest of the day on simple tasks, changing their focus whenever their mind began to lose focus. They were panicking, trying their very best to take what kept arising in their thoughts and bury it. They didn't want to acknowledge what they were feeling, and they certainly didn't want to let anyone else figure it out.
By nightfall the farmer assumes it is safe to leave their property and head into town. Being inside their house wasn't ideal, and being in town during the day time wasn’t either. People ask questions, and certain objects carry memories, so the farmer wanted to do their best to avoid both settings. 
The farmer stops in the middle of the dirt road, spotting the bus stop in the distance. Something wasn’t right- but it isn’t until a certain scent wafts into their nostrils do they realize what it is.
“I was worried about you,” Sebastian’s voice calls out from the darkness, his silhouette coming out from the bus stop’s general direction as he steps into the road. “Is the farm work holding you up?”
The farmer feels through throat tighten, watching as Sebastian casually wanders over to them. He is wearing the same black hoodie he always wears and they spot him shoving a carton of cigarettes in his hands into his pocket, hiding them away out of sight.
The farmer wished everything was that easy; to simply take something and hide it away like it wasn’t there. They were trying to take Sebastian and hide him away in the depths of their brain but he just kept forcing his way to the front, his smile radiating in their mind and his scent torturing them even when he wasn’t around.
“We left on a strange note last week on the pier...” Sebastian admits, his voice fading away from the farmer’s ears despite him drawing closer, stopping in front of them. “When you didn’t reply to my texts that night I just thought you needed space but I...”
The farmer can no longer hear the words he is saying, their eyes meeting his but his face washes away like diffusing water colors. They try to act like they are paying attention, their fists clenched together at their sides as they try to wring out their emotions from their body without him noticing.
Sebastian was being so sweet, couldn’t the farmer see that? He was taking the leap the farmer was too scared to take, but didn’t he understand how hard the fall could be if he doesn’t make it? How there is no possible recovery from such a fall like that? Couldn’t he just sit back in his room as if the farmer had never existed and continue with his life- was risking their friendship worth it?
The smell of smoke swirled around the farmer’s feet before inching upward towards their face. Sweat began to form on the farmer’s face as they tried to ignore it, but the scent just poured into their pores, forcing them to acknowledge what was right in front of them. 
The farmer lets out a heavy breath and their eyes flutter closed. They then slowly inhale through their nose, allowing the smell of cigarette smoke send a shiver through their body. Their fists fall open into a more relaxed state, the sound of Sebastian’s voice slowly tuning back in. They lean forward towards him, their arms opening up wide. They would have fallen forward if Sebastian didn’t step forward to close the gap between them, engulfing them into a hug before they can tip over.
The farmer nuzzles their face into his hoodie, the scent it is stained with soothing their thoughts. They could only think of one thing, and a soft smile covers their face against his hoodie that falters into a deep frown, a soft sob escaping their lips.
“I’m sorry,” they whisper against his chest, returning his hug with a tight squeeze. “I thought I could close you out and I just...”
“It’s okay,” Sebastian assures them, the smile being heard in his voice. “I just missed you.”
“I missed you too,” the farmer nods and Sebastian hugs them tighter, letting the silence sink comfortably in.
The farmer couldn’t deny their feelings anymore, and maybe that leap Sebastian made wasn’t so scary after all if the person on the other side is willing to pull you up if you fall short.
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lilyhoshikawa · 4 years
Oh my goodness i saw that whole thread on my dash, i just wanted to make sure you are alright cause like i saw the whole 16 age thing and the fact that the person is talking back to an actual trans person acting all "holier than thou" about a topic that is obviously very personal to you. i dont know if im wording this correctly or anything i apoligize for my english but like if you want to vent or something after or whatever you are always welcome in my dms
Thank u friend, it’s appreciated
Mainly I bring up the fact that I was 16 and in conversion therapy at the time bc it illustrates one of the shitty ways he was attempting to invalidate my criticisms there, accusing me of not being a real activist bc I wasn’t active when I was a literal child under the thumb of my conservative parents
It’s always a warning sign when someone tries to police what ur able to say based on how valid of an activist they personally deem u to be
That said, this guy isn’t receptive to anything I attempt to say and the replies he’s given have made it clear he isn’t listening either. I’m gonna ignore him and if he keeps it up I’ll block him too. Like I said in my last post, I’ve got a lot on my plate and he’s not worth the extra effort
For anyone else: literally just listen to trans women, that’s all I ask. We know best about our own oppression
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thestuckylibrary · 5 years
Group Ask 159
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Please send us an ask stating which group ask and which person you are replying to. Thank you so much in advance!
Anon 1 said:
Hi, I'm looking for a fic where Bucky is a familiar and Steve is a witch. Bucky had been captured by a wizard that kept him as a source of magic. He escapes as a cat and runs into Steve, who takes him in under the impression that that he's a stray. Eventually he turns back into a human and, long story short, they fuck and live happily ever after. Thank you for your help!
Anon 2 said:
Hey! So, I've been looking for this fic for almost a year now, and I've had no luck in finding it. Here's what I remember: Natasha and Tony watch either live video or audio feed of Stucky having sex, and they both get turned on. Natasha leaves before Tony does, and at the end of the fic, Steve says something along the lines of "I know you're there, Tony". I wish I could I could remember more details, but it's been a while... I really, really hope you can find it. Thanks for the help!
shinsouaizawa said:
Hi, I’m looking for a fic where Steve takes Bucky to the MoMA after the events of tws and Bucky sees a Rothko painting and he gets real emotional about it? I can’t find it and would love some help. Thanks!
elladoraevans sent in Captain America and the Great Pygmalion Debacle by Chianine (complete | 31,739 | E)
definemathinnumbers said:
I was wondering if anyone knew the story where Bucky and Steve are con artists in modern day, and Bucky gets busted and taken in by SHIELD so Steve disguised himself as an agent to sneak in after him. He gets caught and recruited. Modern!skinny!steve, he was colour blind, had hearing aids and scoliosis? Shitty apartment, saving money for a better place and art school with scams. Bucky was pretending to be selling a cruise when he’s busted by Nat and Clint I believe
Anon 3 said:
i searched for this fic in your blog but i can’t find it but i remember clearly that i found it on your blog sorry :/// so steve is a retired cap?? n they are choosing the new cap between bucky sharon n peggy n one time steve kidnaps bucky bc bucky is fury’s best agent n he has smth w fury?? there’s some smut as well i think hopefully u can help me thanks so much!!! ur blog is super helpful xxxx (steve n peggy are divorced n age gap between steve n bucky if it helps!!) thanks again
dolphinqueen10 sent in  if you're looking for jesus (then get on your knees) by voxofthevoid (oneshot | 18,171 | E)
alrightyaphrdite said:
fic where steve like works as santa in a mall and i’m p sure it closes down or something n he needs a new job n starts working for bucky around his cabin in the woods??? i can’t find this anywhere
gildinwenthekittenblog said:
There's a post Endgame fix where our Steve- goes back to the 2012 timeline, to try to get that Timeline's Bucky out from under Hydra control much earlier. He makes out with himself early on in the fic, as ruse to explain why Cap is HYDRA ( going under the alias of Chris) and he finds closure with Natasha and Tony of that TL, and I can't find it which sucks cos I really loved it :(
getstucky sent in darling heart, i loved you from the start (but that’s no excuse for the state i’m in) by voxofthevoid (oneshot | 19,725 | T)
soulsofsunshines said:
Hi! I'm looking for a shrinkyclinks fic, with ws!bucky as part of the avengers team (none of the avengers actually know anything about him). They keep asking him to join them for movie nights, but he turns them down. Then one day something happens (I think he maybe has a bit of a panic attack???) and tiny Steve shows up and reminds Bucky that he doesn't have to do anything he doesn't want to do - like sort of reminding him he's a person? I've been searching forever, any help is appreciated!
time-lord-no-more sent in A Matter of Pride(?) by Quarra (complete | 5,918 | M)
Anon 4 said:
hey im looking for this fic i lost.. it's a modern, no powers au and steve smokes weed for pain management (?), bucky has two big doggos (i think it was huskies) and they are neighbors who don't immediately hit it off?? thanks for the help! :)
Anon 5 said:
steve has blood on his hands but only he can see it, bucky doesnt talk to him anymore but hes in a group called “the trio” with nat and clint, steve has a panic attack on a mission when bucky dances with natasha, bucky tells him later that he couldnt be around him because he didnt want to risk hurting him and he knew nat would fight back if he went back into winter soldier mode thank you for your help!!
dolphinqueen10 sent in Blood on my Hands by Tator (oneshot | 7,820 | G)
tiredhomosapien said:
Hi I've tried looking through tags but I can't find the fic where: Bucky is currently in college and Natasha just broke up with him for being too boring. He's mopes a little but Steve ( pre-serum) pops up again after being gone for years. Steve is there to woo him and is actually a pretty successful artist, Bucky models nude for him at some point. Steve speaks multiple languages and at one pints tells Tony(?) to back off because he was there for Bucky. Thank you for all the work you do!
dolphinqueen10 and autonomygirl sent in Lessons In Chemistry by Brenda (complete | 42,392 | E)
Anon 6 said: (polyamory)
Hi there! I'm trying to refind poly au series in which steve and bucky ask out Nurse! Tony and the date was going great on the end of Steve/Tony but Bucky was glaring and aloof to Tony the entire date.
Anon 7 said: (mcd)
there was an abo fic and it was set in 40s, steve didn't receive the serum and bucky came home after war. they are bonded and married and bucky works in a garage that's ruled by the romanoffs. they have a lot of kids, like a lot. and at the end i think it was steve who died first then bucky followed him in couple days. it was a very cute one and i'd like to read it again, pls help me thanks!!
goldenmoleblr sent in Like Rahab by moonythejedi394 (complete | 131,789 | E) - check additional tags!
Anon 8 said:   (Not Stucky)
Hello, Does anyone know of a fic where Bucky (I think) has a pet rock that someone glued onto a block of wood and added googly eyes and a tiara? It either said "Pretty Princess Award" or "I'm a pretty princess." I haven't been able to find it searching in the AU tags. Thanks!
Anon 9 said:
hello!!! im looking for a fic and the only part i can remember is this girl who works in the tower has a crush on bucky and then learns hes dating steve and tries to kiss bucky and take a picture so she can send it to steve but steve sees it happen and he yells at her, i think theres more to the one shot than this but i couldnt find it in your 5+1 tag, thank you for your help!
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zvkos · 5 years
wassup my loves!! it’s been a month since the last instant crush chap, and i feel so crappy that i haven’t been able to give y’all anything sooner. i have a part of chapter six that i wrote and then got rid of, but i thought: “instead of deleting it, why not post it as something separate?” so that’s what imma do! give you all something to tide over the wait till chapter seven. it’s short and sweet (and unedited :p) but pls take this as a peace offering 💕 
Sundays are lazy days for Clementine. They always have been. She'll wake up to the muffled sounds of the vacuum cleaner seeping underneath her door. She'll go downstairs to find Lee vacuuming the living room, singing along to the crooning of the television.
Undoubtedly on the 80s music channel.
He'll greet her before she pours herself a bowl of cereal in the kitchen. That bowl of cereal will accompany her in her room as she works on homework until A.J wakes up and demand she join him in watching the newest episode of his latest cartoon obsession. They'll spend quite some time like this—curled up on the couch together—until Lee makes A.J clean his room and start on his forgotten homework. Then Clem is left to her own devices.
Most teenagers are out with friends on Sundays. Some have extracurricular activities that keep them busy during the weekends. More often than not, Clem has nothing.
This Sunday is the same.
With only four months left in the school year, it’s too late to join any clubs. She contemplates texting Ruby and seeing what she’s up to, but decides against it for fear of coming off as clingy. The idea to text Sophie appears in her mind for a split second and disappears just as quick.  
No, instead she resolves to help Lee with laundry because… why not?
She’s folding A.J's shirts when her phone loudly vibrates on top of the dryer. Lee is separating the dark and light clothing when his head jerks up at the harsh sound.
Clem grabs her phone and checks the notification. Lee's watchful eye has her controlling her expression, but she can't stop the small smile that breaks through.
[3:16pm Louis] U ever feel like ur brain is melting out ur ears?
[3:16pm Louis] Bc that's me doing my calc hwk rn
She shoots a quick reply back and continues to fold A.J's shirts—periodically stopping to reply to Louis.
The cold loneliness she felt melts away. He’s so easy to talk to. She was nervous to text him after Saturday night, not wanting to disturb him. According to everyone, Louis is a social butterfly. He probably has plenty of people vying for his attention.
So she's pleasantly surprised he texted her at all.
She doesn't miss the way Lee watches her out of the corner of his eye. If he’s curious about who she’s talking to, he doesn’t say anything, choosing to stay silent.
She's grateful for that. She doesn't know how many more times she can say “a friend from school” before he insists on knowing who.
The texts continue long after she's done with the laundry. They're still going strong, even after the sun bleeds a deep orange into the sky and disappears behind the horizon. It's nearing six o'clock when she realizes they've been talking for two hours—going on three.
She only peels her eyes away from her phone when A.J appears at her door with his arms folded. “Who're you talking to?” he asks, raising an eyebrow.
“Louis,” she answers, sitting at her desk. Two new speech bubbles pop up on her screen as Louis replies.
A.J gasps and rushes to her, gripping the back of her chair as he peers over her shoulder. “Can I say hi?”
“I'm texting him, A.J.” Clem holds up her phone so he can glimpse at the bubbles of text. “I'll let him know you said hi, though.”
A.J frowns in confusion. “Why not just call him?” Before she can register what's happening, A.J snatches the phone out of Clem's hand and presses the button to video call Louis.
“Whoa—! A.J!” Clem twists around in her chair and reaches for her phone, but A.J is too fast. He darts away from her, holding the phone above his head.
“A.J, I swear—” Clem lunges for the phone at the exact moment Louis picks up the call.
She stops mid-action when his face takes up the majority of her screen. “Hey,” he says, looking slightly puzzled but still smiling. “If I had known you wanted to video call I would've—oh, you're not Clem.”
The phone is maybe four inches from A.J's face. “Hi, Louis!” the kid exclaims with a huge grin plastered on his face.
Louis says, “Hey, A.J!” Then adds, “You're a little close to the camera there, buddy. I can only see your forehead.”
A.J stretches out his arm so the phone is farther away. “Better?”
“Yup, better.”
Clem simmers off to the side, out of the camera's view. A.J can be a real pain sometimes.  
“So, uh, is Clem there? Or did you steal her phone?”
“Clem's here!” Before she can tell him no, A.J is shoving the phone in her face. “Say hi, Clem!”
She was not prepared to see anyone today, let alone Louis of all people. For one, she's still in her pajamas--which consists of an old, faded college shirt from Lee and grey sweats—and her hair is a mess. She's not one to fret over appearances, but this is a bit much. She wills her cheeks to remain their normal shade as she greets him with a wave. “Hey, Louis.”
“Hi, Clem.” He appears to be in his room—if the bed and books are anything to go by. He's wearing a white t-shirt, looking relaxed. “I'm assuming A.J is the one who called me?”
A.J turns the phone towards himself, interrupting her with his own sentence. “Yeah! I wanted to say hi.”
Louis chuckles. “I'm flattered. How are you, little man? Doin’ okay?”
“Mhm,” A.J hums. “Can I show you my Monster Alliance collection?”
Louis blinks, caught off guard. “S-Sure thing.”
Clementine stands behind A.J and rests her chin on his shoulder so their heads are side by side. She mouths, “I'm sorry” to Louis, unbeknownst to her little brother. Louis’ mouth twitches in a smirk.
“Lemme show you my room,” A.J says before he's off, gallivanting out of Clem's room and down the hallway.
“Don't hog the phone, A.J!” She calls after his retreating form. “I need it back!”
“I won't!”
Poor Louis. Clementine laughs inwardly, comparing his situation to a prisoner being carried away against their will. She's sat through one of A.J's Monster Alliance lectures before—they're not short. The kid knows enough information about the game to conduct his own class on it.
It's a good thing Louis is kind enough to listen. However, Clem finds herself restless in the absence of their conversation. She wishes A.J didn't have to interrupt their conversation.
Chatting with Louis was the highlight of her Sunday. Clem doesn't remember the last time she felt so comfortable talking to someone who wasn't her immediate family.
Yes, she's comfortable with Ruby, Omar, and Aasim—but there's an uninhibited comfort that can't be explained with Louis.
It softens her—makes her feel mellow.
But now she has to wait for A.J to finish talking to him and who knows how long that'll take.
So she pulls out her notebook and starts studying for her biology quiz because now's as good a time as any.
An hour full of microfilaments and microtubules passes before A.J barrels into her room a second time.
“So Vextaur doubles as a support and a defender,” Louis' voice comes from the phone in A.J's hand.
“Yup,” A.J says. “But a lot of players only use Vextaur as a support. That leaves their backline open for attack.”
Clem furrows her brows, not understanding a word of their conversation.
“Wow, I gotta remember that. Good tip, A.J,” Louis says.
“I can show you how to play next time you come over!” A.J stands next to Clem while she sits on her bed. He covers the screen with his hand and whispers, “Can you invite Louis over so we can play Monster Alliance?”
Clem snorts. “He can still hear you, A.J.”
“Please, Clem!” A.J begs.
“I’ll come over soon, little guy, I promise,” Louis says, his face still blocked under A.J’s hand.
A.J removes his hand to show his sudden grin. “Okay!”
“A.J!” Lee’s deep voice travels from downstairs. “Come here!”
Clem and A.J glance at each other in question. He hands the phone to Clem as he says, “I have to go! Bye!”
“Alright! See you, buddy!” is Louis’ farewell. A.J is gone in a second, leaving Clem in her room by herself.
“I’m so sorry,” Clem says, situating herself against her pillows. “How was A.J’s lesson?”
Louis seems to have his phone propped on something because both of his hands are free as they drag down his face. “My head hurts.”
Clem laughs. She knows that feeling.
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minblush · 7 years
do you realize you're always starting drama and are making people feel bad only on assumptions and things you only have seen? they are all flawed but how can call yourself a fan if you try to antagonize people who are very important to your own bias? I am not saying that we shouln't criticize them but speculating like this is bad for bts image and armys image
how can i call myself a fan… by being a fan? and what was i speculating about tbh, i just put out there what i saw with my own eyes.. it’s not like there are several instances of that sort of thing overall, that even trended in korea, that i feel like are more than enough to come to that conclusion..but you’re right that it’s not fair to talk about it just from my own experiences and without receipts.. the problem is that i am conflicted, you know? cause i am a fan and i don’t want to damage the group more than it is by spreading hamrful content, but at the same time i just… it’s difficult sometimes because i know that is wrong of me in the first place, cause my priorities should be different, but i try to keep the REALLY harmful things to myself, or things that i know would bother people.. but yesterday my temper got the better of me just seeing people… like the same people that scream “bts are woke kings” are the same ones that whenever there is even a hint of them fucking up, come up and say “they are young, ignorant, products of their culture” and it annoys me cause how can you promote both these narratives and not get a whiplash? but you’re right that i shouldn’t talk about it when i’m weak and can’t follow through with it.. i could easily just post the video and be like TEAR THEM APART but i suck.. and i am a fan.. that’s why i don’t want to go that far… go ahead and criticize me, i am a bad person in my own way, if you think i don’t feel like shit about yesterday i do, because what was the point anyway? just made some fans feel bad, good job me huh… i’m sorry
Anonymous said:I won’t come off anon bc you blocked me already & that’s as far as you can go so there wouldn’t be much meaning in it. I’d suggest you upload the vid on vimeo with a password so you can control who watches it. I really want to see for myself. If he really reacted that way then I’ll deal with my feelings about it, I just want to say that it is pretty shady of your part trying to portray Jimin as the only one good one -with good morals- & the rest is trash. They’re all, including Jimin, only human
i blocked you??? then how are you on my blog and seeing what i was talking about? i haven’t blocked anyone in months??? cause it’s not like what i said was being reblogged left and right, it was just happening on my blog really, so how did you come across it? either you’re stalking me, or you’re lying, both options make me not want to interact with you and go through that trouble.. esp that you’re saying this jimin thing even tho i explained in another ask right above the first one that i was being sarcastic and like how can you take from that i was saying he was the only good one, when i literally praised him for just at least keeping his ignorance to himself most of the time? that still makes him ignorant and i don’t expect anything better, so nuance is lost on you anyway
Anonymous said:I know that almost (or more) half of the fandom is young, so they might believe that everything BTS does is genuinely like they are on a day to day basis. But folks let’s keep this real, Korean idols have a character created - no matter how much the boys even want/try to be themselves - it’s practically a rule to have an image created for the fans. Don’t be disappointed, just remember that they can fuck up too. They’re humans like us, they make mistakes and hope that they can learn from it too
mte… nothing more to add
Anonymous said:It’s true that we need to think critically,but i’d like to disagree on how u view d discourse as purely sheep mentality..Esp in this case when there r clearly cultural n language barrier n problematic edits.From korean perspective,there’s d need to clarify, but some take it as blind support or saving faces.At this rate,we will get contents from them saying nothing in vids,even then people will still be offended smh.And u hv d audacity to say how u miss them being fun n silly on camera??????
sigh okay this is my fault for privating all the posts before it, but the thing is i wasn’t even mad about the run thing, because tbh it was more of a cultural difference than anything, like my language doesn’t even have an inoffensive word for native americans so aspects of it i understood way too well tho others were still ehhh, but yeah homogenous cultures are that and tbh like jimin made a bad joke using native americans himself a long time ago didn’t he? so it’s not like i’m shocked or anything...but i was mad about how the fans were behaving about it at that moment.. like seeing replies that someone that was discussing it on my dash got, people that were like Y’ALL GET OFFENDED ABOUT ANYTHING! YOU SJWS! YOU’RE BAD FANS FOR CRITICISING THEM! etc, which got me worked up and i complained about something else which happened, that i know was offensive from certain members but got buried, like the general notion of people treating them like they are so woke when there is not that much to back it up but quite a lot to tear that down.. and i don’t think there is any audacity in missing that? they can be fun and silly without being problematic ykwim? those aren’t mutually exclusive, false equivalence 
Anonymous said:Hi there just wanna say im sorry if i have sent an offending ask to u earlier i was not in the right mind hv a good day
maybe it didn’t get through? cause i didn’t receive any ask that would be offensive to me, but thank you for the sentiment anyway
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sunnysidewrites · 7 years
Vigilante Partner in Crime!Wonwoo Pt 2
LOOK WHO’S BACK WITH PART 2!! I WANNA THANK EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU WHO GAVE ME WONDERFUL FEEDBACK THE DAY I POSTED PART 1!!! Can you guys believe that was only my 2nd piece I posted on here?? And now look at how much has happened since then! IT’S BEEN OVER A MONTH!!! Thank you to everyone who encouraged me to write this!!! Writing this was a real struggle,,, my writer’s block for 3 weeks suddenly all disappeared TODAY and I couldn’t be happier!! Also,,, look out for that last bullet point ;)))  GET READY FOR A WILD RIDE AGAIN!!!! I MADE THIS TOO LONG LSJDFLJF I CAN’T CONTAIN MY FEELS FOR WONWOO HAPPY READING MY CHILDREN!! <3333 For a refresher, I recommend you reading Part 1 before continuing!
Part 1 | Part 2
“Hello?” a customer waved their hand in front of your face
Your hazy eyes focused back for the tenth time that same hour
“S-sorry, miss,” you stammered as you resumed scanning her items
Once she left, you sighed and shook your head for who knows how many times that week
Get it together, Y/N, you mentally scolded yourself and lightly smacked your cheeks
It already had been a week since that night
“Can’t we just,,, keep it between us?” his words still rang in your ears, a constant mantra that continues to linger in your thoughts
“Ugh, nO!!!”
“Okay, okay! It’s fine if you don’t wanna,,,, i can just do it myself,,,”
You turned around to meet a bewildered Wonwoo, his eyes slightly bugged out and his hands raised in defense
“O-oh,,, Wonwoo,,,, i’m sorry what did you say?”
“I just asked you if you wanted to restock with me,,,,,,,”
Your expression had “mental facepalm” written all over it
You quickly muttered an excuse to stay at the cashier and he seemed to get the hint
All week you’ve been making it a lil too obvious you were on the edge and if wonwoo had caught on, he sure didn’t say anything about it
You trudge back home where your grandma greets you granny makes a comeback!!!
“Welcome home y/n!!!” she excitedly hugs you
You return it and walk to the kitchen to grab a snack and a drink
You start talking about your day but you start noticing that your grandma is just,,, a little,,, too excited,,,,
“Ok grandma what’s got you bouncing on your toes”
“What,,, i’m perfectly fine,,,,”
“Right,,,, like you didn’t just jump 10 feet in the air,,,,”
“,,,,,u right”
You put down your glass of water on the counter and face your body towards her
She exhales a small breath before taking another in
“You’re bonnie aren’t you?”
Your heartbeat spikes up and you’re like oH MYGOSDJFJOFD
“What that’s ridiculous! I’m too busy studying--”
“No need to cover it up. I saw your attire stuffed in the back of your closet when i was trying to help clean it”
Your guarded expression immediately lets down and all she can see is pure anxiety on your face
“I support it”
You: what
“Look y/n,,,, i haven’t told you everything about what i did”
“,,,,what do you mean? Didn’t you say you were a detective?”
“Yes,,, i was,,,, but i was also just like you having that little ‘side job’”
You’re just like ????? what the????
“Ever heard of Shadowcat hun?”
And you’re like O M G IT CANT BE
She clicks her tongue, “in the flesh”
You’re still freaking out when her expression suddenly darkens
“And you’ve heard of Geney?”
“,,,,that scary mutation bad guy???” LMAO DO U GUYS GET THE PUN
“Correction. Bad woman. And she wasn’t always evil you know,” your grandma says with a hint of melancholy in her eyes
You decide that it’s a story for another time and make a mental note to ask her later as her eyes refocus back to you
“Anyways, she’s never quite up to any good. I hear there’s a bunch of delinquents from her family in your generation and they might cause you trouble,,,,”
“Grandma relax!! I got this in the bag!! And i have clyde!!! We’re unstoppable!! We are Bonnie and Clyde for a reason. We’ll figure out how to do it” You reassuringly pat her shoulder
“Hun i had that same mindset as you and things happened. Life happened. And it may happen to you as well”
“Seriously, grandma, we’re able to get through anything together,” you smiled and gave her one last pat on the shoulder before you left
The following night you were on another mission of yours, you scoping out the area as Wonwoo adjusted the subtle tool belt on each of your waists
“Okay, he just entered the building; we’re all clear--” you turn back to report your observations when,,,
Wonwoo’s face is just a little too close to yours
He was busy taking care of your supplies that he had bent down in concentration
You freeze, your breath hitching
He was still focused on your supplies and then smiled and looked up, “Great!”
He finally noticed the proximity and jerked his hands away from your belt
He quickly took a step back and covered the bottom half of his face with the back of his hand
“U-uh,,,, sorry,,,, I was just replenishing your things,,,,” he stammered, running his fingers through his hair
“It’s fine,,,” you reply, the both of you avoiding eye contact
You shake your head and continue to give him your report
You can’t help but notice the churning in your stomach
As of late, your stomach had been acting funny every time you were on these missions
But ofc you just brushed them off
“Lmao i probably just ate something bad”
Weeks pass by and you still get the uncomfortable nauseous feeling
“Are you feeling okay? You’re a little pale” wonwoo peeks at your face
“I’m fine! I’m fine,” you stop him before getting too close to you (since he’s the reason why lmAO)
You just take deep breaths in and try to put all your energy in the mission
He tries to ease your uneasiness by squeezing both of your shoulders
“We’re in this together. Partners in crime, right?”
You nod your head
“Partners in crime. Always.”
He gives you a quick kiss on the head, a gesture that you have gotten used to after this time
But for some reason, it felt,,,, different and gave you a fuzzy feeling
You confirm both of your roles and split up once you head inside the building of the crime scene
Fifteen minutes in and you find one of the minions (no not those minions lmao)
He tries escaping but you easily tackle him down
With his arms wrenched around his back, you whisper in his ear
“Mind telling me who the puppeteer of this freak show is?”
“Please believe me I don’t know anything!! OW!!”
“I don’t think you understand the position you’re in right now, mister. Now. I’ll say it again. Who’s the mastermind behind this?”
“Look. Just hear me out,,,, I’m on your side and am just as confused as you are,,,,,”
You tighten your grip on him, his howling filling the empty room
“i’m still waiting”
“OW!! I honestly don’t know,,,, but my best guess is Geney,,,,”
you release him and press your stun gun on him
Well,,, i mean you weren’t actually gonna kill him and plus this man didn’t even put up a fight lmao
You drag him into a storage room and lock him up there
You’re on your way to scope out more of the minions and check up on Wonwoo
You see a bright light shining in one of the rooms and cautiously approach it
You peek your head from the side of the door to check if anyone is already inside
You find a hiding spot and settle around it when all of a someone someone grabs your arm
You’re in automatic defense mode when you just see Wonwoo and sigh a breath of relief
“Jesus christ, wonwoo you scared me!” you whispered sharply
“Sorry,,,, i was just in the middle of searching for you. Is this the room?”
You nodded and turned your attention back to the brilliant lights
“Well,,, they sure made it obvious with all of these lights in the middle of the room”
He hushes you, his still hand on your arm
“I think they’re coming”
You nod silently and get in a position, ready to pounce at any time
“Guys! It’s in here!” A foreign voice shouted
You waited for them to start filing in and you and wonwoo exchange a look
You silently mouth one, two, three
And next thing you know you hear gunshots and punches being thrown
You’re in the middle of fighting a man and he keeps sneering at you
“You think you’re such a hotshot, playing the good guy here?”
“Not my fault you guys always lose. I guess you got that in your bloodline”
He glares at you before smirking, “well i don’t think i have to worry about that at least for tonight”
You’re only caught off guard for a fraction of a second when someone holds you back, locking your arms
“Let!! Me!! Go!!” you struggle to get out of the lock but your capturer won’t budge
“No can do sweetie”
You immediately stop, your blood running cold
You,,,, you can’t believe,,,,,
The voice that you were so accustomed to for all of these years
The same voice that makes those stupid flirty jokes but you allow him to anyway bc he’s just him
The voice that promised to be partners in crime
The voice that you trusted
Suddenly you wanna vomit at the touch of his hands
You can hear his smirk from behind you
“Ah,,, well I didn’t want it to come to this bonnie but,,,, well i had to follow my grandma’s orders. She’s just kinda the boss around here”
Oh no
“You’re,,,,,,, you’re related to Geney????”
“Yes, and as much as I would love to chit chat, we have something to take” he looks at the minions and gestures to the artifact
“Why,,,, why would you do this?”
“Don’t take it too personally, bonnie. Our time here is up. You were a great partner while it lasted.”
He manhandles you to a bunch of his minions
“Oh and don’t even try attacking them. Be grateful i didn’t end you on the spot,” he winks and nonchalantly stuffs his hands in his pockets
He looks at the minions but returned his stare to you
“Do whatever you want to her,” he coldly states and stalks out
They drag you to the back of the building, ready to finish you off when you were able to knock all of them out
You stare at their bodies on the ground, your chest heaving gradually faster
You wanted to cry
You wanted to scream
You wanted to hit him
You wanted to hug your grandma
But you were only paralyzed
Just one more time, you scope the area
But instead of doing it for wonwoo
You did it bc of wonwoo
Wonwoo was still in the building strolling down the halls when he heard muffled shouts behind the storage door
He clucks his tongue in disapproval and kicks it down
“You’re still here?” he looks down at him in disdain
“What did you do to her?” he fumed, his eyes set ablaze
He laughs coolly, his head turned to the side before facing the pitiful look on the minion
“Guess she fell for it after all, huh?” he smirks a little too widely
He got out his right hand and casually threw out something on his lap
“She dropped this when I kicked her out”
Wonwoo suddenly reverted back to his form
“Sorry I had to use your little girlfriend, but I have to show the world Geney isn’t done just quite yet,” she threw a wink
“Oh, I guess I should turn you back into your original self since,,, well she doesn’t wanna do anything with you anymore,” she laughed shrilly before transforming him back and slamming the building door shut
He numbly looks down on his lap and bites his lip from shouting
The shiny golden band only stared back at him, the same words he told you before “betraying” you mockingly printed on it in small black script
Partners in crime, right?
Partners in crime. Always.
Ok lmao also i hella struggled writing part 2 but i did leave it at on open end,,,, so,,,, will i make a part 3??? Who knows???? ;)))) I DIDN’T EXPECT THIS TO LAST LONGER THAN 1 PART SLFJDLS but maybe i’ll do it if its highly requested!!! :))))
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enaasteria · 7 years
Answered Asks // 2
Under the cut~~~
Anonymous said to enaasteria: April 15th 2017, 9:14:00 pm · 6 months ago Ok, don't answer to this because I will not see it anyway. I was @jamlesspyo and I say was because when you'll see this my blog will already be deleted, personnal reasons. So I want to tell that you are one of the most amazing writer I had the chance to read a story of. You are also the sweetest person so thank you so much. I hope that one you will have enough confidence in yourself because you deserve it so much. Love you and stay healthy
I will answer this bc you might come back and I’ll def miss you. Thank you for all your warm encouragement and help throughout my struggles and I couldn’t have asked for a better reader/friend. Miss you and wishing you all the best!
Anonymous said to enaasteria: April 20th 2017, 10:59:00 pm · 6 months ago you might not read this for awhile and when you do you don't have to reply, but i just wanted to tell you that all of your writing here is beautiful and amazing! finishing your story is so worth waiting for and i can't wait to read the ending! thank you for sharing your writing!
You might not think this after you read chapter 16. It’s a kind of flargh chapter but needed to be in there so T_____T I’m kinda nervous about it but hopes everyone enjoys and feel it was worth the wait.
Anonymous said to enaasteria: April 23rd 2017, 1:14:00 am · 5 months ago Freaking heck, you are an amazing and professional writer!!! I'm reading through Apartment 5108 now and I can't think of words even close to satisfactory enough to compliment your writing!! All the best for your writing and future endeavours! :)
Ahhhhhh you are too kind to me. Thank you so much for reading and no worries. please don’t stress over what to write or compliments because I enjoy any kind of feedback tbh. Spazz messages are the best!
@sassyunicorns2​ said to enaasteria: May 11th 2017, 8:31:00 am · 5 months ago I won't lose hope! I know you can do it, because you are an amazing writter and you always have great ideas!!! I am here in the other part of the world cheering for you! 🙌 FIGHTING!! 💪👊 P.S.: I'm sorry for the errors.
I hope you enjoy this chapter and thank you so much for your continued support. It means so much to me and I’m so glad you love this story!
@whosexo​ said to enaasteria: May 11th 2017, 3:57:00 pm · 5 months ago SEND 💖 THIS 💖 TO 💖 THE 💖 FIFTEEN 💖 NICEST 💖 PEOPLE 💖 ON 💖 TUMBLR 💖 IF 💖 YOU 💖 GET 💖 5 💖 BACK 💖 YOU 💖 MUST 💖 BE 💖 PERFECT 💖 Miss you hope you're doing amazing!!
No words can amount to how much i love you too! I apologize for my year long disappearance. I’m a terrible person. UGH. But I shall blame it on work and daily stress. T___T Hope you are well too, love!
@dream-exo-fantasy said to enaasteria: May 11th 2017, 3:58:00 pm · 5 months ago SEND 💖 THIS 💖 TO 💖 THE 💖 FIFTEEN 💖 NICEST 💖 PEOPLE 💖 ON 💖 TUMBLR 💖 IF 💖 YOU 💖 GET 💖 5 💖 BACK 💖 YOU 💖 MUST 💖 BE 💖 PERFECT 💖 (A side message: I hope you're not stressing too much about writing. Take your time and stay healthy 💕)
You are the sweetest and thank you so much. 2017 was unfortunately the most stress filled year i’ve ever experienced but hopefully the latter end will treat us all better, yeah? T.T
Anonymous said to enaasteria: May 12th 2017, 1:46:00 am · 5 months ago wah yay! okay take your time! i (and many others) can't wait to see your masterpiece! 💕
Love you!
Anonymous said to enaasteria: May 20th 2017, 12:32:00 am · 5 months ago So I was wondering did ahri told sehun about what happened to her while sehun went after jiyul like she drank the juice and was taken to hospital or did sehun already knew or anyone told him bc I think you didn't mention that?..
Soi definitely told him---actually her wrath probably yelled at him and was infuriated with his poor actions. he probably got scolded by everyone tbh.
Anonymous said to enaasteria: May 29th 2017, 6:07:00 pm · 4 months ago Youre probably busy with apartment 5108 but i really hope you do come back to keepers! Chapter 1 left me on edge and im still eagerly waiting for the next part!! Much love sent your way❤️❤️❤️
I CANT WAIT FOR KEEPERS. I want to write it two ways but I might just do two endings bc I’m a sap and a total angst fest lol
Anonymous said to enaasteria: June 5th 2017, 8:41:00 pm · 4 months ago enaaaaaaa i miss yoooooouuuuuuuuu ):<
@unsungthoughts said to enaasteria: June 5th 2017, 9:19:00 pm · 4 months ago Apartment 5108. I'm beyond in love w this story! I was so into the story to the point where I could literally feel everything, the emotion esp. It is truly an amazing piece of writing. I'm new here (since yesterday and just finished 5min ago) --cont.cont.-- and yet to explore ur other stories, which I will definitely do cz I LOVE YOUR WRITING SO MUCH 💕
You make me blush! I’m so happy you enjoyed this story and I’m glad it made you feel things. I hope 16 treats you well and that you’re having a great time on tumblr! welcome, welcome. AND I LOVE YOU TOO
Anonymous said to enaasteria: June 15th 2017, 11:47:00 pm · 4 months ago power through love! you got this! 👏🏽👏🏽
I was jamming to POWER as I wrote this chapter. Lord knows I needed the help. orz
Anonymous said to enaasteria: June 23rd 2017, 2:25:00 pm · 3 months ago this is kinda random but Charlie puth's Attention reminds me of Red 😅
Imma go listen to this and add it to the playlist! TY ANON!
Anonymous said to enaasteria: June 24th 2017, 11:31:00 pm · 3 months ago ena, i just wish you can fathom 1/16 of the greatness you've omitted onto the exo fandom. you're writing is absolute perfection. fandom writers are just not appreciated enough! you're art is just as important than the art exo creates. you are able to create a story and a character. just think about that. a person and their life. real or not, you've created a character all of us can relate to in one way or another. i hope you keep finding joy in what you do and never lose this passion. 🌺
I remember reading this message 3 months ago and it made me want to cry. Thank you so much for your kind words and thank you for appreciating fanfiction as an art form. I think this writing is such a lost art and people don’t appreciate the time and effort going into a story. But reading this made it so worth it and thank you so much for your kindness!
Anonymous said to enaasteria: July 7th 2017, 7:22:00 am · 3 months ago Omg i just followed you now bcs of apartment 5108 and others too. Geez why i havent discovered you then?! Seriously for me its really hard to find fanfic that matches with my reading style gosh its pretty damn well written and you succesfully made me feel like im the character. You mess my feeling hun'. You did it. Seriously youre one of the best writer i ever known in tumblr. Im looking forward to ch 16 and others too. I hope u doing well!!!! Lots of love from your lovely reader💛
Thank you so much for your kind words! It’s such a huge compliment to see you hold my writing to such a high regard and I hope this next chapter doesn’t disappoint. I’m so glad you like it and please let me know what you think of the rest of the chaps!
Anonymous said to enaasteria: July 7th 2017, 12:45:00 pm · 3 months ago I've been following you for about a year now and DAMN HOW I LOVE YOU. Its been a year since you last updated Apartment 5108 but you still log in to check on your fans. Writers block is an ass but all you need is some inspiration and then you'll be firing away with the Seahri feels. or Ahrun feels. However you decide to ship them. Also Chanyeol is my fav and the fic you wrote called Two killsss meee. THANK YOU! Also, I'm Egyptian. Pretty cool knowing you have international readers eh?
I’m so sorry you’ve had to wait so long for a chapter!!! It’s so amazing how there are international people reading this and I can’t thank you enough for your kindness and also for sending me this comment but ALSO SEAHRI. LIKE THIS KILLS ME AND ITS SO CUTE AND ADORABLE.
Anonymous said to enaasteria: July 7th 2017, 1:56:00 pm · 3 months ago Hey Ena! Just wanted to tell you that I literally open your page every single day (its been 3 months LOL) , just to check if there's any update for apt5108, no rush but that just show how much i adore your work, i just freakin' love your story! I never felt so desperate waiting for the next chapter.. but I believe good things take a long time, and I believe your work could be one of the good things, even better the best thing!! Love, Your biggest fan💕
IM SO SORRY FOR THE WAIT. I don’t know what to say other than this year has been a mess and a true struggle but I dearly wanted to write this chapter and forced myself to do it and post today. I’m so sorry if it wasn’t worth the wait but hopefully it’s a good continuation to their story T____T
@sehun---addict said to enaasteria: July 20th 2017, 10:07:00 pm · 3 months ago Personally i would rather wait until you finish the story and post it in one go bcs waiting game for each chap is pure torture . Much love♡
I wish I could’ve posted it all but 16 nearly killed me to just finish so I hope this is a good chapter to hold you off until 17 T___T
Anonymous said to enaasteria: July 20th 2017, 10:14:00 pm · 3 months ago In reference to your tag in the previous ask- I think posting the chapters as you finish them would be preferable for me. That way I wouldn't have to wait as long for another update? But I'm wondering if writing it all and posting it generally at one point would be easier on you, so that it could kind of be one and done. Either way, I appreciate you taking the time to write this story! You are so incredibly talented and I find it so kind that you take time out of your day to write.
16 is going up soon. I hope you enjoy it and I’m so sorry for the wait. Thank you for your patience and I hope you read with low expectations because I’m a bit nervous about this chapter. It’s excruciatingly long T.T
Anonymous said to enaasteria: July 20th 2017, 11:46:00 pm · 3 months ago please post 16 when it's finished! that way we can have a new chapter at a time to enjoy!
It’s going up!
Anonymous said to enaasteria: July 23rd 2017, 4:47:00 am · 2 months ago I know I'm late but about the end of appartment 5018 I'm really curious about Polaris. Will it be build ? Will it be insignifiant ? I really like it so yeah that's what I'm most curious about :)
This will be addressed in 17! :D
Anonymous said to enaasteria: August 2nd 2017, 9:53:00 pm · 2 months ago same anon who recommended moondust~~ i have another one for you ena ^^ it's the house we never built by gabrielle alpine <3 best of luck on the story!
Imma check this out after I answer these messages and add it to my playlist! Thank you so much!
@yoruu-gen said to enaasteria: August 21st 2017, 1:01:00 pm · a month ago Happy Fanfic Writers Appreciation Day to my most favorite fanfic author in existence ❤ Apt 5108 is by far the best thing I've read on this website and I look forward to continue stalking your Google Docs 👀 I'm so thankful that you pulled me out of the writer's block abyss and I hope I won't disappoint in the future lol. Thanks for always being such a great friend and for always dying with me about our biases 😅 Love u lots~~
YOUUUUUU. I LOVE YOU. I also thank you so much for helping me with this chapter. You are such an inspiration and I know you feel like you’re not that great of a writer but honestly---you are one of the two I really, truly, look up to on this platform. I always enjoy your words, your stories, YOUR STRUGGLES with your biases but also so thankful for your friendship. 
Anonymous said to enaasteria: August 26th 2017, 9:36:00 am · a month ago Red is my favorite fic and it impacted me so much in a way i can only be thankful. Getting away of a one-side love relationship was really a big choice i should have made before but it's really scary to do so. Reading Red helped me aknowledge what i was doing to myself after denying it for too long and i finally decided to take care of myself for once. So i'm thankful because your amazing way of using words helped me realize i should do what's better for me and no one else. Take care of yourself
Red is honestly one of my favorites too. It was so easy to write (compared to apt) hahaha and although Sehun wasn’t a good character in it, I enjoyed the progression of how real the characters were? Like---this happens in real life and not all things end happily with rainbows and butterflies. It is a struggle to see a person go through something like this but it’s also a testament to their character and their willpower to walk away from it and say when they’ve had enough. I hope you’re doing well, anon.
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kate-writes-fluff · 8 years
If you're still doing dialogue prompts? 160? For whatever you want?
160.  [text] Who says no to sex and donuts?!
When I saw this, I thought of Jean, so @tiggeryumyumm I decided to work in your Valentine’s day themed jeanmarco in the same prompt.
Sorry for the wait!  I’ve been fighting some real writer’s block.
Jean: Who says no to sex and donuts?!
Eren: just bc i work at a bakery doesn’t mean u can take advantage of it
Jean: I just thought it would sweeten the deal ;)
Eren: obviously it didn’t work
Jean: T-T
Eren: considering how thin the walls are in our apartment, i’m grateful for ur lackluster flirting skills
Jean: …. Rude
Jean locks his phone and sighs as lets himself into their apartment.  It’s only 5 a.m., about a half hour after the Wings of Freedom closes for the night and therefore way too early in the morning to deal with Eren’s teasing.  Jean drags his feet as he makes his way to his cluttered bedroom, exhausted from both his most recent rejection and a long night of wiping down tables at the bar.  He simply throws his uniform–which chronically reeks of alcohol–into a corner of the room as he strips, not even bothering to throw on pajamas before he flops into bed and promptly falls asleep.
Hours later he’s ripped away from a pleasant dream about a handsome stranger with plump kissable lips and warm, welcoming arms by an annoying buzzing noise uncomfortably close to his ear.  Jean groans as he fumbles, finally finding his phone underneath his pillow with the display lit up with a new message.  Part of him wants to ignore it, but he knows that if Eren pities him enough he might offer to bring him food–but only if he replies before he changes his mind.
Turns out, the text is from Eren, but it’s a picture of a flyer with no words attached.  He can’t help but groan as he taps the image to enlarge it and squint at the tiny, pixelated words his brain isn’t awake enough to comprehend yet.
“Valentine’s Meet Up,” it says in a curly romantic font.  “Hang out with other singles and donate your time to brighten someone’s day.  Make friends and meet someone new.”
Before Jean can think of a coherent response, though “what the fuck” would probably be a decent enough answer, Eren texts him again.
Eren:  i signed u up
Jean: whyyyyy?
Eren: bc ur single +whiney + u have a day off on 2/14
         also ur a romantic loser so i know ur gonna be extra whiney on V day
Jean: ….
Eren:  u kno im right. Accept it
Jean:  i only read this text b/c i thought you were offering me food
Eren:  if i bring u a donut will u stop complaining
Jean: its a start
Eren: i hate u
Jean puts his phone on his dresser and sighs happily as he relaxes back into his pillow, looking forward to the treat his roommate will inevitably bring him.
Jean makes good on his promise and doesn’t complain about the singles anonymous meeting Eren has signed him up for.  Though he makes sure to give his roommate the stink eye when he finds out that he has holiday plans of his own.
“If you’re hanging out with Mikasa and Armin, then why couldn’t you just let me tag along?”  Jean whines, turning to give his roommate the most pitiful expression he can muster from beside him on their lumpy clearance-sale couch.
Eren doesn’t bother to look up from his phone as he promptly answers, “Because you would spend the whole day complaining and flirting with my sister.”
“Not true!  I might flirt with Armin too,” Jean flutters his eyelashes as Eren groans, turning away from him to finish texting his sister about their plans.
“Yeah, like I want to make my sister and my best friend uncomfortable all day.”
“But you’ll let your sister crash your date with your crush.”
“It’s not a date!”  Eren exclaims despite his bright pink cheeks.
“But Armin is your crush?”  Jean laughs as he reaches out to playfully ruffle his roommate’s hair, an attempt that costs him an elbow in the side.
“I hate you,” Eren groans.
“Then get your own Netflix,” Jean suggests, switching windows on his computer away from the website in question to check his email.  He makes a point to delete his junk mail as slowly as possible, just to rile up his roommate even more.  After about ten excruciatingly long minutes he’s about to give in and start the episode of Stranger Things when a new email pops up in his inbox.
“It’s for that Valentine’s thing,” Jean remarks, catching Eren’s attention.  He crowds over Jean’s shoulder to watch as he opens the message.
Dear Mr. Kirstein,
Thank you for expressing interest in helping to set up and organize the Valentines Meet Up event.  Would you mind meeting me at the bakery to discuss planning details?
Marco Bodt
There’s a moment of silence as they stare blankly at the polite message before Jean pointedly glares over his shoulder.  “Eren!  I thought you signed me up for the event, not the planning committee!!”
“Whoops,” Eren shrugs and leans back into his own spot on the couch, giving his roommate the space he needs to properly fume.
“You did this on purpose, didn’t you?” Jean accuses, narrowing his eyes into an even harsher glare.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”  Eren turns his attention back to his phone, pointedly avoiding further eye-contact as he resumes texting.  Jean puffs his cheeks angrily, unsure whether the avoidance is a sign of guilt or exactly how little Eren cares about the situation.
“… That’s it, we’re watching Hart of Dixie.”
“No!” Eren exclaims, dropping his phone in his lap as he finally returns eye contact.
“If you signed me up to be a romantic sap for the full week until Valentine’s day, well then I’m going to start now.”
Eren groans but shifts in his seat to see the screen better.  “It’s not even romantic, they’re just idiots for the sake of drama.”
Though Jean agrees with him there, he can’t help but roll his eyes at the remark.  “You can complain when you have an actual love-life, Mr. I’m-in-love-with-my-bff-but-I’m-too-scared-to-say-anything.”
“Says the chronic single,” Eren bites back, digging his elbow into a ticklish spot in Jean’s side, making the other man squirm.  “I hope you meet someone at the stupid event so you’re too busy being stupid and in love to bother me anymore.”
“You and me both.  Watching you guys flirt is more excruciating than watching Zoe and Wade go back and forth.”
Eren grumbles profanities under his breath for several minutes before he angrily remarks, “Are you going to start the show or not?”
Jean sighs as his alarm goes off at 11 a.m. the next day.  Working nights means that on a normal day, he tends to sleep through the afternoon.  But thanks to Eren, he has plans to meet the event guy at the bakery that cut his much-needed sleep short.
The night before had been a long, tiring day and even as he wakes up he still feels tired and listless, barely able to keep his eyes open.  Maybe if he was more awake, he would have put the effort into dressing for a first impression.  But the fact is, he’s simply too tired to care.  So he slips into a pair of sweatpants and a flannel shirt, not even bothering to comb his hair before he shoves his shoes onto his feet and stumbles out the door.
Eren’s wiping down the counter when he arrives at the Braus’ bakery.  As Jean slumps against the customer side of the counter, Eren shoots him a distasteful look.  “Really, not even an effort?”  
Jean finds enough effort to roll his eyes.  “Give me the sugar I need to get through this.”
Eren grunts an affirmative as he reaches into the display case to pull out a raspberry filled donut.  As Jean pulls out his wallet to begrudgingly pay–though this is all his roommate’s fault, he knows better than asking him to pay too often–Eren nods toward one of the front tables.  “Marco’s here already.”
As Jean turns to find the person he’s meeting, he suddenly wishes he had bothered to look in a mirror before he left the apartment.  Dressed in a spotless lilac button-down and steam-pressed gray slacks, the man looks as put together as Jean isn’t.  But by this point, Jean is just too tired to even think about running back to his apartment to scrounge up an outfit that looks half decent.  Though he does quickly finger-comb his hair before he slides into the chair opposite the man.
“Hi!  Are you Jean?”  The man smiles brightly at his approach, making Jean regret his clothing choices all over again.  Because that dimpled smile single-handedly makes his heart clench and his hands start to sweat.  Though the freckles across his cheeks and the bridge of his nose certainly make the expression far more endearing than anything larger than a baby animal should ever be.  In contrast, Jean can almost feel the bags under his eyes and wonders what the stranger thinks about the hot mess he regrettably is.
“Yeah.” Jean does his best to smile politely, though it falls short.  His cheeks feel stiff and his flirting muscles are not quite awake enough to throw out his usual charms.  “Are we waiting for anyone else?”  He takes a moment to look around the shop and though there are few people getting breakfast to go, there aren’t many people milling around.
“No… you’re the only volunteer.”  Marco threads his fingers around his coffee cup and looks crestfallen for a moment before he smiles again.  “Let’s start brainstorming, shall we?” he suggests as he pulls out a small spiral notebook and a pen.
“Um, sure.  What do you have in mind?”
Marco eagerly flips the page in his notebook, revealing rows upon rows of neat handwriting and messy doodles and diagrams.  “I’m so glad you asked.”
The following week is the busiest Jean’s had in years.  Whenever he turns around, he’s making bright colored paper chains or folding squares of paper and cutting out paper shapes, filling his and Eren’s apartment with boxes upon boxes of decorations.  Whenever Jean gets ready for work, he can hear Eren stumbling and cursing over the new boxes that appear while he’s out of the apartment.  It would be funnier if Jean didn’t trip over the damn things himself, too.
The highlight of all the paper toil is that Marco is loathe to make him work alone.  During the week, they meet up at the bakery at noon, where Marco spends his lunch break away from the library decorating the place with him.  (Jean makes a mental note to pay the local library a visit someday soon.)
Even after spending so much time together, Jean doesn’t find himself tiring of Marco.  In fact, with each day he looks forward to every time he leaves to return to work, Jean finds himself actually looking forward to the next day even more.  Marco is just as charming as he was the first day they met, cheerful, creative, and fun.  
Unwilling to repeat the embarrassment of their first meeting, Jean’s careful to pick the best outfits in his closet for their afternoon meetings.  He can’t help but blush the day Marco compliments a shirt ornamented with an iron-on transfer of one of his own art prints.
Jean has always been one to preen over compliments, but the sheer sincerity in Marco’s voice and smile as he gives them is enough to fluster him every time.  Halfway through the week, Jean realizes that his attraction for Marco is slowly growing more than skin-deep.  That day, Marco laughs cheerfully at even the shittiest of his puns–a quip about Eren being the real breadwinner in their roommate relationship because bussing tables doesn’t exactly set the bar high–and Jean softens.
By the weekend, Jean finally finds the guts to invite Marco over, so they can watch movies while they create card supplies.  Marco brings takeout and they eat together on his lumpy couch.  When Jean watches tv with Eren, they have no qualms about personal space, throwing arms and legs into the lap of the other at a whim because they’ve learned not to care about boundaries after years of living together.  Here, with Marco, Jean is fully aware of just how small the sofa is and just the barest brushing of skin against skin is enough to make him jittery.  
Marco doesn’t seem to mind his nervousness, too busy laughing at the antics of the characters of The Grand Budapest Hotel and flashing smiles Jean’s way when a particularly funny line is spoken.  Jean confides that he’s an aspiring artist working at the bar only to make money in the meantime, so Marco makes an effort to point out the parts he finds visually inspiring.  He enjoys the pastel color palettes–strikingly similar to the colors of his dress shirts– and cheerfully taps Jean’s knee to point out the most brightly colorful scenes.  (He likes the pinks of the Mendl’s boxes the most.)
At nine o’ clock, Marco needs to leave and Jean has to get dressed for another night working the bar.  As Jean locks the door behind them, Marco hesitates for a moment, twisting his fingers together.  “I’ve heard that In the Mood for Love is a really visually interesting movie too.  And I’ve been dying to see it,” he remarks off-handedly, looking down the hall at the flickering lights instead of at Jean.
“Sounds cool,” he says, words that seem like the understatement of the century.  
For the first time ever, he smiles through his whole shift at work.
“Do you guys have to come flirt at my workplace every day?”  Eren asks on February 13th.  “It’s sorta gross.”
Jean’s ears warm but he scoffs at the question, “We are not flirting.  He just happens to actually appreciate my jokes.  Unlike some people.”  
Eren snorts.  “The only way he’d find you funny is if he has a crush.”  He leans against the oven door casually, enjoying watching Jean squirm with embarrassment for once.
Jean huffs in retaliation, “Less talking, more baking.  If we’re doing to decorate cookies tomorrow, we need cookies.”
Finally it’s the night of Valentine’s day and Jean’s nervous.  All their hard work is on display, hung up around the bakery, decorating it with reds and pinks from head to toe.  Trays of fresh cookies are ready to decorate and paper pieces are prepared for cards.
The cheerfully colored donation boxes are set up in the front of the room, listing the names of local hospitals and orphanages that are accepting cards.  The slogan “Give a card, give a smile,” hangs on a banner directly behind the boxes.
Sugary sweet pop music starts playing as Marco returns from the sound system, setting up a themed playlist from his phone.  Jean tries not to stare at the pink tie the man has on–the same color as the Mendl’s boxes in the movie they had seen together.
“It’s almost time,” Marco smiles, threading his fingers together restlessly.  “People should start arriving anytime now.”  The air between them seems charged with anxious restlessness.  Suddenly, in their last moments alone together it hits Jean that once the day is over, once they clean up the bakery, they’ll lose their excuses to see each other.
It doesn’t really matter that over the course of the week, Jean has learned that Marco’s favorite color is teal and that Persuasion is his favorite Jane Austen novel.  That Marco didn’t tease him when Jean confided that his favorite childhood movie was The Princess Bride.  It doesn’t matter that Jean showed Marco his art portfolio and the other man enthusiastically admired it, saying that if he ever finished writing his book he’d love to commission him to design the cover.
Once the event is done, they no longer have a reason to spend so much time together.
The shop bell rings and people start arriving, forcing the two men to separate and socialize, doing their best to keep the mingling running as smoothly as possible.  (Honestly, Jean hates this sort of thing, but after all the work they had done, he can’t weasel his way out of chaperoning a bunch of adults for a night.)
Regardless of how busy Jean finds himself throughout the night, his eyes always wander to the other side of the room where Marco is cheerfully chatting with other cute single people.  
He’s busy staring instead of paying attention to the card making tables when a young woman with wavy auburn hair whistles at him.  “Yo loverboy.  This is the wrong place to stand around being lovesick,” she chides, carelessly wiping cookie crumbs off her fingers.  “Sit down, make a card.  You’ll fit in with all the unhappy singles that way.”  She grabs a sheet of cardstock out of the pile and quickly scribbles something on it before handing it over.
It messily reads “Ur hot freckleface” above a hand-drawn heart that looks remarkably like a butt.
“See, it’s half done now.”
Jean sighs but sits down to work on fix the card she started.  He grabs a pink paper heart that’s just barely large enough to cover her unromantic words.  As he glues it down, he can’t help but notice that it’s the same shade as Marco’s tie and that thought convinces him to hazard a glance over at him.  The tall man is busy chatting and working on decorating his own cookies, even as he oversees others.
It wouldn’t hurt to make my own, I guess, he muses, searching through the box of children’s markers to find a color he likes.  It’s been years since he’s made anyone a hand-made valentine.  The only friend that might appreciate one would be Armin–the most sentimental out of the group–, though Eren would definitely change the wifi passwords for that sort of “personal offence.”
After an hour, Jean and Marco switch stations; Jean overseeing the decorations of the last batch of cookies while Marco helps with the cards.  Jean slides his own card into the back pocket of his jeans, unwilling to let his newfound friend even guess toward his intentions yet.
Finally, two hours after it started, people begin to leave, many of them in small groups as they chat and exchange phone numbers.  Even the woman who “helped” Jean with his card is cheekily hanging off the arm of a stern-faced young man.  She whispers something in his ear and his cheeks flare red before she turns back to wink at Jean as they leave the building.
The floor is covered in cookie crumbs, sprinkles, and paper scraps that will be a pain to clean-up, but even so Marco still smiles.  “Looks like a success.  People walked in alone, but they’re leaving with friends.”
Jean’s card feels like a weight in his pocket and he has to concede that yeah, it really seems like a success.  
They take their time cleaning, taking away all the little sugary clues that they’d been there, that they’d prepared for a whole week over it.  Jean’s smile falls as he returns to his earlier train in thought:  that their reason for spending time together is quickly falling away as they sweep up the mess.
“Cheer up, Jean.  The night’s still young,” Marco laughs, taking a moment to turn up the speakers.  Cascada’s “Everytime We Touch” blares, bringing back memories of youtube videos Jean forgot watching.
“Where’d you find this?  What year do you think it is?  2007?”  
The music becomes a palpable presence in the room, especially as Marco begins singing along, dancing with his broom as he sweeps.  Jean cracks a smile as he laughs, leaning into the table he was in the midst of cleaning for support.  He’s laughing so hard that he doesn’t notice Marco’s approach until he leans the broom against his table.
“Mind dancing with me?  That broom is just too stiff and wooden.”  Marco holds his palm upwards, like a prince asking for a dance in the ball of a fairytale, not in an empty bakery that looks like it was ransacked by preschoolers on a sugar-high.
“I can’t dance.”  Jean waves his hands in refusal, but Marco’s grin only widens.
“Neither can I.”
Finally, Jean gives in and reaches out to hold onto Marco’s shoulders as the other man leads him around the room.  They trip and stumble on chairs they hadn’t put away yet, but they only laugh in the face of their own clumsiness, each mistake bringing their bodies even closer together.
The song ends and something slower and mellower replaces it.  Jean can feel his pulse pounding but it’s hard to be embarrassed about it when he can feel the beat of Marco’s own heart from where their chests are touching.  
“I’m not looking for somebody with some superhuman gifts.  Some superhero, some fairytale bliss.
Just something I can turn to, somebody I can kiss.”
Marco smiles breathlessly, his lips barely inches from Jean’s, and suddenly it feels a little too close and intimate, so Jean takes a step back to pull the card out of his pocket.  It’s more than a little crumpled around the edges from their romp around the shop, but Jean finds himself passing it over anyway.  It just seems… fitting.
The card is brightly colored and framed with paper hearts, but on the front it simply reads “Thanks” in Jean’s best penmanship.  Marco’s face falls a little as he looks at it, so Jean hurries to explain himself as he opens it.  “I wanted to thank you for setting this all up, because it really turned out to be a lot of fun.  And mostly because I got to meet you.  And I hope you don’t mind if I ask, but I’d really like to keep hanging out, even though Valentine’s day is over….”
Marco cuts him off with a gentle hand on his own.  “I’d really like that…  But you know, Valentine’s day isn’t over quite yet….  And there’s no one I’d rather spend it with than you.”
Jean’s cheeks burn brightly as Marco retrieves a small plastic bag from where it’s lying forgotten on the counter:  a cookie decorated with a heart and Jean spelled in pretty cursive.
They have a whole lot of cleanup left to do, but Jean really can’t bring himself to mind.  Even if he had to stay there all night, picking up each and every crumb individually with his bare fingers, he’d willingly do it if Marco would keep looking at him the way he is now, like he’s been the highlight of the night.
But the night’s still young, of course.  And if they want to watch In the Mood for Love and kiss on Jean’s couch, then they need to finish cleaning.
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akaydah · 6 years
ono I know you’re probably both watching all my shit rn, I can assume sammi knows all about what’s going on (i.e you told her too (((: ) because you both blocked me on absolutely everything lol V typical but I only wanna kinda say my thing and then I’m not going to speak to/about u anymore because literally no one I know cares (or knows u) so I’ll be washing my hands of it.  Riley today u pulled some shit I honestly never evr evr evr expected from YOU of all people, but you did, you betrayed me soooo fucking hard and now private info abt me is available to the public&people who dont fuckin like me. Because of a featherweight amount of pressure. And you hid it from me for months. I still do not agree with what happened initially to cause this mess (Still think he’s in the wrong and shouldn’t have hurt you), but after 8 years I figure you know you can come and talk to me about anything (as soon as I found out I was offering amends, literally would have took 3 seconds to send me a message), but instead you chose to fuck me over in the worst way and DO THE ONE EXACT TTHING I FUCKIN ASKED U NOT TO DO AFTER I TRUSTED YOU N OPENED UP TO YOU. What sort of friend does that. that isn’t a friend. thts snakey as fuck.  Who knows who else knows now too loooool C: Fuck me I guess right?? Musta been so spooky to see a post like that. clearly you’re just in exposing peoples private info. I want you to know you’re the first nd only person tht I opened up to on the level that we did. We’ve related on things I’ve never related to anyone else on before and for someone who shares a similar experience I can’t fuckin wrap my head around why tf you did this dude :C I’m still never going to utter a word of anything private tht you revealed to me no matter how mad I get. Ever. Because I’m real af when I say ur secrets are safe with me.  It hurts so fuckin bad. 8 years of friendship for what?? Like what do I have to show for this now besides ANOTHER fuckin scar and another fuckin blow to my trust. A burn. just like always And sammi, I can’t really say I’m surprised you went with them. We had good times and all that but I fully expect you to stand by your partner no matter how many times they fuck up nd hurt the people around them. I appreciate you standing by them because everyone needs someone and you two deserve each other <3 But the fact that you obviously know every detail about what’s going on and every detail about how riley betrayed and then proceeded to abandon me, and still choose to stick around a person that can do that to someone they called a friend, best friend, sister, family.... I can’t fuck w that. That’s some sociopath shit. idc what ur justification is.  Anyway feel free to talk all u want about this and how I’m probably somehow evil for having feelings and wanting privacy, I’ll read a response if ur inclined to make one bc I LIVE FOR THE TEA but i’m really not gunna reply or talk about this anymore.  I guess this is it.  Please do not contact me or my friends on any accounts now or at any time in the future. I don’t want to talk to you. I’ll never want to talk to you. We never met. Should be easy bc we’re a whole country apart lol H8 u.  Baaai..
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junker-town · 6 years
THIS WEEK IN SCHADENFREUDE, Texas is just hopping mad
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Texas leads a wide-ranging tour of the angry college football internet after Week 9.
Welcome back to THIS WEEK IN SCHADENFREUDE, your weekly rocket ship ride through the most infuriated regions of the college football galaxy. Last week, this page focused exclusively on Ohio State, because that was the only logical choice. This week, we’re taking a journey around a small handful of furious fanbases on the internet.
Texas lost to Oklahoma State, knocking the Longhorns out of the top 10.
Though they remain in the thick of a chaotic Big 12 race, it’s a disappointing moment for Tom Herman’s bunch. Said one Longhorn fan afterward:
I don’t want to watch football anymore
That was the title of a message board thread. This was the profound body:
And there you have it.
A former Texas linebacker got into a fast-escalating online beef with a current Texas cornerback, who’d been suspended for the first quarter.
Ex-Horn Emmanuel Acho initially defended the suspended Kris Boyd, because Texas sitting down a starting cornerback had the side effect of helping OSU get lots of yards:
I understand all the, “teach your players a lesson” tweets, but YALL understand, if Saban benched players everytime they violated team or American laws, Bama might not have a single national title.
— Emmanuel Acho (@thEMANacho) October 28, 2018
But then Acho — who’s now an ESPN analyst — got rougher.
Bruh, you can’t be late to meetings THEN come out here and get mossed. Your team needs you. #Texas #OkState
— Emmanuel Acho (@thEMANacho) October 28, 2018
And then he used the “trash” word ...
I can’t watch this dude play defense anymore. It’s actually trash. If you know. You know. #Texas
— Emmanuel Acho (@thEMANacho) October 28, 2018
... and said he wasn’t talking specifically about Boyd, but, uh:
Naw I feel u, and I didn’t say I was talking about Kris, I would never put nobody on front street like that... but anybody who feels that tweet applies to them should probably step up. I played hella trash games in my day lol. U grow and move on u feel me
— Emmanuel Acho (@thEMANacho) October 28, 2018
How’d Boyd respond? Aggressively.
Boyd going straight after Acho on Instagram. Smart. pic.twitter.com/0LuqqMGzl4
— Burnt Orange Nation (@BON_SBNation) October 28, 2018
Fortunately for Boyd, INSTAGRAM ASSAULT is not a violation of team rules.
One fan had a spicy take about what should be done to the game’s officiating crew: They should all be handed over to the mob.
Refs are screwing us again
The offsides on that 4th down was f%<*¥ing criminal. Somebody send the mafia to threaten the refs to pay these dickheads back for 2015.
Texas fans were livid at the officiating in 2015’s OSU-UT game, when a few apparent officiating errors went against the Horns. Every other Big 12 fan in the universe thought it was deeply ironic to see Texas fans upset about refs.
(Texas actually had a legit beef about that offside call, yeah. Oklahoma State sent a bunch of guys in a “motion” that looked a lot like emulating live play, and refs didn’t call a false start, but instead penalized the Horns for jumping off. The Horns also probably got away with a penalty in their end zone later in the game. Either way, Sicilian crime families must get involved.)
This Horns fan was MAD and only got MADDER when nobody wanted to join in being EXTREMELY MAD.
User TexasHorn started this thread on the team’s 247Sports message board before Texas’ body was even cold, while it was still the second half:
Dan Neil, we have our answer, NO, Texas is not mature enough to handle success
Being destroyed on national television - not sure if the Horns can recover before next week because wvu has a better team than osu
Nobody responded, so they added:
Sorry for being honest - where am I wrong guys, seriously?
Any one thrilled with this performance?
Still, nobody responded, so they added again:
Explain the off sides guys - want to argue the complete joke comment?
So tired or posting without any response - gutless!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Finally, someone replied:
We’re playing scared like a bunch of pussies. Coaches and players.
Persistence always pays off.
THIS WEEK IN SCHADENFREUDE is usually about fans, but Tom Herman is now the second head coach to make an appearance, thanks to the end of the game.
This is the sort of sprinting velocity that can only be generated by pure anger.
Recap of Tom Herman & Mike Gundy in the late scrap, their postgame handshake and Gundy's interview explanation pic.twitter.com/CMzJpKwzpw
— CJ Fogler (@cjzer0) October 28, 2018
(Herman and Mike Gundy are fine.)
Herman joins Jeremy Pruitt, who kicked a whiteboard and was thus included by rule:
Hey Knoxville... how's it going? #UFvsUT pic.twitter.com/HxplOn0uRQ
— Mike Gillespie (@MikeABCColumbia) September 23, 2018
Washington lost to Cal as a disappointing season became a total failure.
The Huskies are not even making a New Year’s Six bowl in Jake Browning’s senior year, two years after getting to the Playoff with him as a sophomore.
In some corners of the web, faith’s running short in Chris Petersen.
At HardcoreHusky.com, someone started a thread: People you have more faith in than CP, reflecting the fanbase’s growing impatience with Petersen, whose job titles are head coach, Guy Who Won a Million Games at Boise State, and Guy Who Got Washington to the College Football Playoff.
This was the only thing there:
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Photo by Stephen Chernin/Getty Images
This was another fan’s measured response:
Someone urged this poster to say calm:
Stay positive! Fuck Petersen!
But this blunt response to the loss pretty much summed it up:
We lost to cal
Lol I’m done. Fuck Husky football. Fuck Petersen. Fuck Browning. Fuck Haener. Fuck everything. Roll tide.
Maybe that sounds harsh, but UW fans have wanted Bama since early in 2016:
Settle down, Washington pic.twitter.com/4lnFCfcJ4i
— College Football by SB Nation (@SBNationCFB) September 3, 2016
Miami lost to Boston College, which means it’s time to look at how Hurricanes fans responded to the team’s official Twitter account in real time.
When Miami loses, checking Twitter’s important, because Canes fans are always the most direct in college football. The classic of this genre:
I’m gonna jump off a building
— Heat 3x (@Jbazo5D) September 3, 2018
As Boston College put a thumping on the Canes, fans responded well. Just follow along with various score updates and quarter breaks.
1. After the first Boston College score:
Already with the bs
— Howard Webster (@TbearCane17) October 26, 2018
2. After, um, a Miami score:
— Carlos Marante (@ItsACanesThing5) October 27, 2018
3. After another BC score:
Is this a retweet?
— Tucker McFall (@RealTuckMcFall) October 26, 2018
4. End of the first quarter!
— Brandon English (@BEnglish007) October 26, 2018
5. After some ostensibly good news?
Way to look at the bright side.
— Brandon English (@BEnglish007) October 27, 2018
6. After an actual good play:
Throw the ball in front of the receiver and it could've been 6
— Christopher Gray (@Barclayallday26) October 27, 2018
7. After a touchdown by Miami:
How on Gods green earth do you have a -5 yard punt return, inside the 10-yard line, with not one but TWO blocks in the back on the return? That's piss poor
— Tucker McFall (@RealTuckMcFall) October 27, 2018
8. After a defensive stop by Miami:
We must be trying to run the clock out....ridiculous
— umcane (@umcane26) October 27, 2018
9. Halftime!
Yes a dogfight with BC! Proud day for the Canes.
— Bryant Jensen (@Bjensen630) October 27, 2018
10. After another good play by Miami’s defense:
BC knows our QB can’t hit the side of a barn further than ten yards so they playing up on the line
— solidlifefitness (@solidlifefitnes) October 27, 2018
11. A little later:
This guy is worse than Jacory Harris
— The Bad Hombre (@jbjammin34) October 27, 2018
12. Things getting desperate:
Get Jimmy Johnson out of retirement
— John Bennett (@DirtyBirdz19) October 27, 2018
13. The Turnover Chain is out! This is good for Miami!
This is the most remedial offense I've ever seen
— The Bad Hombre (@jbjammin34) October 27, 2018
14. End of the third quarter!
Social Media dude.. let Coach know Malik ain't it. Thanks boss.
— Joey Inza (@JoeyInza) October 27, 2018
15. Game over.
— Nick Alvarez (@NicksTake22) October 27, 2018
I’ve said it before, but Miami fans are the overprotective relative who will roast you all day but threaten to burn down the house of anyone else who criticizes you.
I respect and fear them in equal measure.
Ultimately, it was best to just step away.
recap, 3 stars, good, bad, and ugly up on https://t.co/W9gmsOyW7d i have nothing else to say. i'm going to play #RDR2 bye.
— StateOfTheU.com (@TheStateOfTheU) October 27, 2018
Florida lost to Georgia, ending the Gators’ dreams of winning the SEC East.
Gators fans were actually pretty reasonable about it. I don’t have jokes. I’m just making the note here so that you know I was as disappointed to learn this as you were. I checked.
In all kinds of weather, y'all, and go Gators pic.twitter.com/jTaaNcXnvS
— BUM CHILLUPS (@edsbs) October 27, 2018
And TCU lost to Kansas, thus earning automatic inclusion as the last team on this list.
Things are dark in Fort Worth.
Is this how Baylor Feels?
For the first time I am embarrassed to wear my TCU gear in public.
The last spot in this list is now just tradition, devoted to any team that might lose to Kansas in a given week.
In Week 3, a Rutgers fan asked after losing to KU: “What stage of grief are you in?”
They have grinded me down into not caring about college football at all just like the Knicks and the Mets have done in basketball and baseball respectively. In a way it’s good. I can enjoy my kids without having to give a hoot about the scores on Saturdays.
Before that, in Week 2, a fan of the MAC’s Central Michigan wrote this:
Fire Bonamego
I know I’ll hear a lot of the usual “it’s too soon in the season” and “MAC play hasn’t even started”, but I’ve been a die-hard supporter of the football program and I EXPECT us to compete against the power teams every year. There’s no reason that we can’t be like Boise State or better. We need to strive to be better and we shouldn’t settle for mediocracy.
Again, that was a MAC fan distraught about losing to a Big 12 team.
Congrats to the Horned Frogs and their fans on joining this prestigious club.
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k-histoires-blog · 7 years
Introduction of the admins
Hello everyone,
This is a new account all about K-pop, K-dramas, anime and what not. We will post fanfictions written by us, drawings we made, and a lot more. Please keep in mind that none of us is a professional in any way in writing, drawing etc. We started this account purely for fun and to connect and interact with other people in the world who enjoy K-pop, K-dramas, etc. This account is a creative outlet for us and critique and criticism is always welcome. We will try our best to listen to your complaints or tips and change our account/content for the better.
Never be afraid to leave a comment or ask us a question because that is why we started this blog. However, all of the admins do have a personal life and school/university so we will not be able to reply or post content all the time. We hope you understand this and support us anyway.
Another important thing to be addressed is the matter of plagiarism. We will NOT accept any form of plagiarism for the work we post here was made by us and nobody else. It took us hard work and time to create all the stories and other things, so if anyone decides to use (some) of our work, we will take action. If anyone sees content of ours on another blog - or somewhere else on the internet - without our permission, please report this to us and we will take action. Thank you in advance.
That said, we would like to introduce ourselves individually.
Admin Bluebell:
Hey everyone,
I am the admin called Bluebell or also known as the thick thighs enthusiast (I am looking at you Jimin, Jungkook, Jooheon, Wonho, Shownu etc.). My real name is Fleur and like the other admins I am Dutch. I got into K-pop, I think, at the end of 2015. The first group to spark my interest was EXO and since then I was hooked. My bias in EXO went from Chen to Chanyeol to Baekhyun and D.O. If I could listen to D.O. sing every day for the rest of my life I would be a happy girl.
However, after seeing a certain clip of BTS I started stanning them and my life changed forever. (cheesy I know). At first my bias was Taehyung, then Jimin decided to creep in my life and screw up my feelings but since about 7 months I have found my ultimate bias. It is the one and only leader Kim Namjoon. I could rant for nine years about why I love him so much but no one has that much time. I like a lot of other artists as well, such as BTOB (after BTS they are my favourite group), EXO of course, Monsta X, GOT7, Day6, Shinee, Block B, VIXX, NCT, Big Bang, MAMAMOO, EXID, Red Velvet, Twice, f(x), Girls Generation, Dean, Zion. T, Heize, Hoody and the list goes on and on.
I’m not a big fan of K-dramas but I am a big fan of (K)-movies. So if you have any recommendations or just want to talk about a movie with me, you can message us!  I also love reading books and especially if they were written by Neil Gaiman. So if you can always message me when you want to geek out about a book or series.
In terms of what I will be posting on this account, you can mainly expect stories and drawings. I know I am still lacking a lot in both of these departments but I will try my best to create interesting and good content. I apologise if my stories won’t be so long because I do struggle with that, but this will not stop me from trying. Also my drawings aren’t the best ever  but I am confident enough to post them!
I think that was all there is to know about me so I am looking forward to running this blog with my fellow two admins and let’s have fun whilst doing so!
Admin Boa:
I'm the admin with the 'second lead syndrome' so if you want to rant about why the second lead deserves the girl/ how unfair life is you've come to the right place!
My real name is Frédérique but everyone calls me Freddie. I'm 18 years old (20.11.1998) and I currently live in the Netherlands. My nationality is Dutch but I was practically born and raised in England.
My favourite actors include (not in this order bc I literally can't choose a favourite): Choi Tae Joon, Do Ji Han, Seo Kang Joon, Kim Woo Bin, Lee Jong Suk and many many more!!! My favourite actrices are Park Shin Hye and Kim Go Eun.
I also write fanfiction, badly. But I'll upload my fics anyways. They're mostly boy×boy. I don't write for a specific group because there are a lot of groups that I stan and they all deserve love and attention. My favourite boy group always changes because of comebacks lmao, but I'm very loyal to my favourite girl group f(x). My ultimate bias is SEVENTEEN's Mingyu (he's literally the definition of adorkable).
The underground rap scene also has a lot of music I enjoy listening to (for as far as I know it). My favourite Korean program is SMTM. I recently got into Chinese films so if you would like to recommend any, please do so! I love reading good books so a recommendation is never a bad thing!
If you want to know more about me or like talking about any of the above (and more) please don't be shy and leave a message! The more people to talk with the better!
My personal 'K-pop experience'
I got to know K-pop in 2013 (if we don't count PSY's Gangnam Style) when I watched SHINee's Ring Ding Dong. I found it really funny and different from what I usually listened to since it was something I'd never seen before. I started liking it because it made me laugh. In the beginning for me it just looked really stupid (no offense, I love SHINee and I love Ring Ding Dong but I'd never seen something of the like). I really didn't take it serious. It was only when I saw more and different K-pop groups and their concepts that I started to take K-pop seriously as a hobby. When I watched SWING by Super Junior-M with a friend, that's when I began to see K-pop not only as comedic entertainment, but also as a great music genre with crazy good choreographies.
My first ultimate bias was Taehyung from BTS. I decided that when I saw him in I NEED U. He was gorgeous. Although he's still my BTS bias, my ultimate bias changed about a year later to Mingyu and it has stayed that way.
Groups that I stan off the top of my head are: SEVENTEEN, WINNER, NCT, B.A.P, SHINee, BTS, GOT7, KNK, BLOCK B, DAY6, f(x), Brave Girls, TWICE, FIESTAR, etc.
I also like a lot of soloists including: Crush, DEAN, Jay Park, C.Jamm, BeWhy, and many more!
I'm also taking a course of the Korean language. I'm very bad at learning new languages but I'm trying this anyways! (I'm not very advanced and I forget a lot so don't expect much of it lmao)
This is what I like in short. If you'd like to ask about more personal stuff (within certain boundaries) you're always welcome to do so!
I probably won't post often since I have 0 skills, but I'll be here to chat if you'd like!!
Admin Ana:
Hi everyone!
I'm Admin Ana, best described as a procrastinating perfectionist who tends to abuse the passive voice in her writings a lot. I'm 17 years old, born and raised in the Netherlands and an avid listener to Korean music since June 2016. My hobbies include makeup, music, reading, writing and travelling. I started taking writing seriously about five years ago, and it has been one of my hobbies ever since. Besides writing, I also like to draw. Even though I haven't drawn in a really long time, I'd still consider it one of my favourite things to do. If I pick up the pen and muster up the courage, I might share some of my drawings in the future as well.
Among the three of us, I was the last to start taking a liking to Korean music and Korean dramas and in all honesty, I was a little sceptical about the whole thing at first. Despite my doubts, I decided to give both a try and after watching the first few episodes of Kill Me, Heal Me, I fell in love with all that the Korean entertainment industry has to offer. Besides Kill Me, Heal Me, I've also watched and enjoyed dramas such as Goblin, Strong Woman Do Bong Soon, W, Doctors, Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo and Chicago Typewriter. Frankly, even after immersing myself in Korean dramas, it still took quite a while before I started appreciating Korean music. Yet, after being introduced to BTS by my fellow admins, I was won over. Soon DEAN and EXO caught my eye as well, and ever since then, I've been a lost cause. In one year’s time, I’ve got to know a lot of artists. Some of my favourites include BIGBANG, Monsta X, Block B, WINNER and GOT7. I'm also an AOMG enthusiast.
On this blog, I'll be mainly posting my drawings and writings. If I feel like promoting a soloist, group or series, I'll do so as well. If you have a question recommendation or request, feel free to message us! I'd love to chitchat a little. If you want to talk or ask us anything on a more serious note, don't hesitate to message us as well.
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icarealatte-blog · 8 years
Embarrassing Crush Story #1
Just thinking about this makes me cringe. So welcome to the world of middle school, with a bunch of immature kids acting like we’re college hoes. One Saturday I was snapping my BFF, and my crush adds me. For privacy’s sake I’m going to call him C. I add him back and we start snapping. This is how the conversation goes:
C: Hey
Me: Wasup
C: Nothin much, wanna start a streak?
Me: Sure
*we exchange a few pics of our faces*
C: So, are you single?
At this point in time I’m talking on the phone with my BFF, and she’s going on and on about how he likes me. So me, after carefully plotting how to respond, reply:
Me: Yeah, why do u care?
C: Idk, just curious.
C and I keep snapping random pics of the floor, our faces, surroundings, etc. Then all of a sudden C goes:
C: so who do u like?
In real life, I’m turning bright red, I’m screaming quietly, and I can hear my BFF doing the same on the other end of the phone.
Me: TBH, I dont really like anyone, but y do u care?
C: idk, just nvm
For like five minutes, neither one of us snaps the other back, because I feel really weird and awkward, and he is probably embarrassed. Then he must have either gotten dared or figured out “Oh, maybe if I grow a pair and tell her I like her, maybe she actually likes me back.” So he goes.
C: and Bc I like u
My face is seriously as bright as a tomato, and I’m dying. Like, seriously, he is the most popular guy in school, and I’m this little potato who has a couple classes with him. TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE!!! Right? Wrong.
C: So, do u like me back.
I decide to try to be flirty so I go
Me: Maybe I do, maybe I don’t
C: I just admitted that I liked you, and just fucked myself over if u don’t like me bk, so plz tell me yes or no.
Me: Maybe I like u just a lil....
Flash forward a few hours, he said he was dared to compliment my butt, and he teases me about how nice it is. I’m starting to get really uncomfortable, so I just keep being like: 
Me: Can we please change the conversation, I’m like really uncomfortable rn XD
So, we do and the next day, the first thing he asks me (It’s 9 AM on a Sunday, and I’m at church playing on my phone when it looks like Im reading the bible) is:
C: U wanna exchange pics? ;D
I know exactly what he means, but I try to play dumb to escape the convo
Me: Face pics? Sure
C: No- other pics ;)
Me: I’m sorry but I’m at church, and I think u need to be their too bc there is obviously some fucking satan in u. Don’t EVER snap me again.
Then I blocked him. I snapped what happened to a couple of my other friends, and they said that he had said the same thing to them. Yup, I got played by my crush. Let’s just say Monday was real fucking awkward! XD
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