#if anything happens ill sue
olde-scratch · 2 years
some assholes just walked up to me and my family while we were shopping and filmed a skit abt a fucking pregnancy test that my mom panic-participated in and then left
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choccy-milky · 6 months
bruh i need to vent about a rude comment i got on my recent chap and also about clora, cuz its something thats been on my mind for a while now. it has spoilers to my most recent chap tho so im putting it below
so in my most recent chap clora gets hit by the killing curse but thanks to seb sacrificing himself for her, it doesn’t work/she survives. and I got a rly rude comment about how that’s super cringe and that clora is a "shoe horning of every possible manifestation of Mary-Sueism I have ever seen." theyre dropping my fic after almost 500k words bc apparently THAT’S where they draw the line and that "just somehow pulling it out the bag and surviving a killing curse from the power of love. In simpler terms, it’s absolutely cringe worthy" and "forgive me if I rolled an eye at the yet again invincible nature of Clora Clemons-the-one-eighth-Veela-extraordinaire"
BUT LIKE LMAO TELL ME U DIDN’T READ/WATCH HARRY POTTER WITHOUT TELLING ME. that’s literally what happens to harry??but its only cringe when it happens to our "mary-sue" clora? like yeah sure love magic might be a bit cringe but IM LITERALLY JUST PULLING FROM THE SOURCE MATERIAL. of all the things to take issue with in my fic and interpretations, theyre taking issue with something that’s canon BAHAHA.
and since im on the topic of clora being mary sue can I just say I hate the misogyny/internalized misogyny that i've seen some people (NOT A LOT, THANKFULLY) treat her with. like i get it, im not pale and blonde and as conventionally pretty as clora is, but even if I was, is that a reason to hate me?? and does being beautiful and well-liked = mary sue? bc as far as I know, mary sue is a chara who is just naturally amazing at everything and doesnt need to try hard and theyre just inexplicably great for no reason (like mc in the base game BAHHAA) if anything the mary sue in MY fic is seb LMAO (but hes a boy so its ok). like clora has worked hard and studied magic all her life due to being a squib and wanting to make up for not being able to DO it. she isnt good at flying, seb is still better at her than duelling, shes really short sighted when it comes to doing/thinking whats best for others and can be a huge idiot.... and like. the only guys that have even shown interest in clora on a real scale have been seb and leander (and then lawley for blackmail purposes, and also bc he hates seb) so its not like literally everyone is falling over themselves for her?? like her interactions with the main cast of boys (ominis, garreth, amit) theyre all indifferent to her LMAO but still, the fact that shes pretty and guys here and there might look at her and go o shes cute! doesnt make her a mary sue SORRy thats just called being attractive idk its just annoying that ppl automatically see a nice kind beautiful female character without any VISIBLE flaws and go SHES TOO PERFECT!! MARY SUE!! WAH IM JEALOUS! and like I get it bc when I was younger I probs would have been annoyed by clora as well due to my own insecurities and internalized misogyny but hey, how about u just realize that’s ur own problem and your own jealousy, and not a real one HAHAH anyway ive since evolved bc I used to be a ‘not like other girls’ type girl back in highschool. trying to be super tomboy-y bc I thought being feminine was cringe and too basic but now ive embraced it and love girly things and dresses and charas like clora who are still strong and showcase their strengths and weaknesses in subtler ways, and I want to smooch her and make out with her. get behind me clora ill protect you🤺🤺🤺
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gemsofgreece · 5 months
OK some things about Greece's Marina Satti results and we're done with this
JK I am not done with Marina I love her but we're done with the circus Marina was in, for another year
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So, she is a perfectionist but I hope she will soon understand how much SHE SUCCEEDED. And it will look like a love delirium but no I am not being biased.
Marina Satti got 11th place. Missed Top 10 by one. She was basically killed by the juries.
In the televoting she won 8th place. So she was in the top 10 of all people's votes. She was also 8th in the votes from the Rest of the World, which is a big deal in my opinion.
I won't be mad at the juries because their voting overall made sense in many ways and we were aware that Zari was a not jury-friendly song in any way. It had zurna, it had rap, obviously juries don't go for this stuff. So, it's okay. We knew that.
BUT Marina Satti got 8th - 11th place:
By singing exclusively in the Greek language.
By singing in an entirely Balkan, eastern melody during a year that a lot of the Balkans and East Europe had withdrawn from the contest.
By kinda rapping / reggaetoning, which is generally hated in Eurovision.
By doing exactly her thing, despite knowing how much she would be fought by certain people.
By knowingly choosing the very risky song instead of a ballad and a typical dance song that she also had available as options.
By not trying to be "understood" and get sympathy votes.
By being given a tiny budget from the Greek delegation, much smaller than any previous years including to last year's NQ lame tycoon nephew entry. So GD gave a famous artist like Marina much less money than to those small unknown kids that had gone before her. WTF
By being hated for her song and her (genius) music video and a large percentage of the population writing in English and asking foreigners to not vote for her and blaming her for insulting Greece, Greek culture etc (HINT: No she did not insult it and a blog called gemsofgreece tells you that so relax) and insulting her, her morals, her family, her father's descent and her talent relentlessly for three months
By the unprecedented thing of the freaking SHOWBIZ of the country making openly insulting attacks against her and her song. Like, seriously, there were FAMOUS celebrities going on TV and calling her song "cat vomit", a fashion designer (before her dress choice lol) saying she should go to Eurovision naked because there's no other hope for her to get votes. I am serious. You might say, oh, she must have done something. NO. Guys, no. She has never said or done anything wrong to any celebrity in the country as far as I am aware. She was attacked by musicians, fashion designers, TV shows and honestly nobody knows why. It's a different thing to not like something than to get a polemic position openly as a celebrity against another famous person. This has never happened before, I don't remember anything like this. Celebrities shitting on another artist's effort out of nowhere, especially in advance. To put it simply, now that Marina will have to return to Greece (poor thing), she has good reasons to sue half the country.
By losing her father one month ago.
By getting pretty ill during the semi-final, losing her voice and being administrated medication every three hours.
By suffering chronically from severe anxiety, which is why she refused three prior propositions from the Greek delegation to represent the country.
Well, by receiving a new massive wave of hate from people from or supporting Israel and the Greek government controlled media and press, who all started a fierce campaign against her the last two days before the final. The reason was that she showed intentionally boredom / sleepiness during the time the Israeli contestant was speaking. Make of that what you will, I am only presenting the facts of how her placement was formed here. Many Jewish people wrote they had voted her in the semi but now they wouldn't. I believe because Israel is an eastern country, probably several people of Jewish descent voted for her and then all those votes were lost. It's no matter, I am just explaining that she would probably otherwise be 7th in the televoting, 10th overall. Here we analyze if Marina succeeded her goal, we don't nitpick for Eurovision's sake.
And as you see, she succeeded. With all the odds against her, with a LOT of people hating her and making her life harder and her effort impossible, with the loss of her father, she succeeded in her vision. Bring back Greek language, the eastern sound and having the world dance with it. Shoutout to Armenia who also succeeded in this and made top 10, the song was a little more conventional. Let's be real, Satti achieved all this with a VERY difficult song. The definition of a difficult song and in a little known language. Nothing else, just congratulations to her and I hope she realises all this and does not let her trademark anxiety and perfectionism get the better of her. Also, she really created an international fan community with this and I think there are good things coming for her in the future :)))))
PS1: Odds had her 8th-10th place but they underestimated the juries and the last day's hate she got. In general odds were not very successful this year.
PS2. No worries Greek and Cypriot televoting exchanged the 12 points again :D
PS3: to the ageist haters who wondered why she looks 20 though she is 38, kitties reach her age and you will be crying to look like her
PS4: Marina’s 8th place in televoting was the best placement since 2013, surpassing Amanda and Stefania with the English jury friendly songs 😃😃😃 Greek delegation take a bloody hint
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pet-pet-peet · 1 year
Random Saiki Blurb
he doesn't actively look for any relationships
His friendships were accidents
The only person he admits he loves is his mom (and who doesn't lbh)
For romantic stories, it's difficult to write him well imo
He doesn't actively look for friendships, so stories of romance would have to be very slow burn
Probably a lot of "I'm forced to be here so I'm just not gonna interact with anyone"
If the mc/reader is popular or talented and well known for it, it's gonna take even longer
He doesn't like attracting attention, so it's gonna be extra hard to write him with someone who's always attracting attention
Gonna be a lot of mc/reader trying to get on his good side, but only for friendship because if he hears them think they want a relationship he'll try to avoid them like the plague
He is the definition of hard to get
Building time with the two characters, with them just trying to make Saiki comfortable, is the only way I can see a romance story with him.
Imo Saiki is demiromantic so he really needs a massive bond with someone to allow himself to feel anything for them that way
Mc/reader needs to be a genuine person but not a Mary Sue. Maybe they always speak their mind honestly, but that can result in misunderstanding and people considering them to be rude. Maybe they are kind but to a naive degree and end up in bad situations because of it. Maybe they have some sort of behavioral or emotional mental illness that they hide from others to keep everyone positive.
Saiki won't have a savior complex in these situations, but once he starts forming the small cracks in his walls he'll be more attentive and try to find others to help them out.
Its a very slow and very patience testing process, but I feel like when Saiki falls for someone he falls hard. He may never have done it before (with the acception of a certain boy 👀) but that will make it more intense when it does happen.
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sulfies · 6 months
can you spill more abt that self insert of yours? 👁️👁️
Oh boy oh boy can I? (big yapping incoming) (typo and grammar massaccare of 2024)
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He is a self insert OC Assassin from the Ottoman brotherhood (bc Im Turkish) and he is 23 (bc I am)
not a secret mentor or anything lol I was just joking in the first post making a mary sue.
I imagine he is similar or one above than whatever Yusuf’s rank is (I have yet to play Revelations :,p ) tho I do not know what time he should be in, Realistically if no time travel happened he would be in same time as Yusuf but I dont want Gilf Ezio (sorry) but if its Ezio, Alt and Desmon togather timeline probobly he is in around AC2 Brotherhood time. (maybe he came by Italy to do a mission and dropped by the hideout)
He is ethnically Balkan or/and Greek (bc I am) which probobly means he was taken to Constantinople as a teen or kid to eighter be sent to Jenniserrie training or the male-harem.
Small history lesson:
- Devşirme was the name of the practice where Ottoman empire basically enslaved young Greek,Balkan,Ukranian,etc etc boys and inserted them into an Elite military (Janniserries) even the Sultans themselves were scared of bc they were known to start coups and kill Sultans(they got a salary and are socially above the commonfolk but… military slaves non the less)
-Male-harems existed, again Balkan, Romanian, Slavic and greek etc people were often the main people in the harems (fun fact nearly no Sultan is Turkish due to this lmao they are all mixed), once again their status were above the common folk and they were well taken care of (the older males could even become gov officals after) but slavery non the less.
Idk if I want him to escape the harem or Jenniserrie for his edgy backgrund but maybe he did few years of training, cought the eye of the Sultan and escaped the moment someone was like “you have been promoted to an elite employeeee, u won harem lotterry” . Probobly wandered the streets a bit, got into hella fights till an Assassin picked him up escaping a group of soliders. Maybe it was an older dude who saw him when they were both in training
He is basically based off my own ethnicity and its context to the time and sociatal goings of that era lol (which was hella gay… very gay… too gay almost)
He probobly has some traditional slavic leg,hand and arm tattoos (bc I have em but also) mostly bc around those times (nearly always women) used to tattoo themselves in those motifs to remember their christian roots and their culture (that Ottoman tried to erease) and also to make themselves less appealing to Ottoman Harem/ Devşirme recuiters :,D
For his name, Maybe to be on the nose… Adem? (Turkish ver of Adam) so he is tied to the apples in a fun way? Or Poyraz (means a northern wind) since the meaning is similar to my own name?
He doesnt grow much facial hair (bc I am also stuck w a weak beard) but he refuses to get rid of it no matter how much others tease him bc he is like “I aint getting courted by random crazy men ew” (I dont irl also bc I desperetly believe it looks good…I refuse to open my eyes)
History lesson 2:
-facial hair was important in Ottoman times, It LİTTERALLY determined your gender and how you were approached.
-Socially and in Litriture Ottoman almost had 3 gender roles; Men, Boys (Oğlan) and Women. Once a man grew a beard he would “transition” from being a boy.
-Romantically having a beard versus not determined if you were to be courted or court. Bearded man were called “Lovers” while NON-bearded were called “Beloveds” (yes more often the boys were underage :/ for the sake of history lesson lets…. try to ignore that like ancient greeks)
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there is many gay ass poems ^
He got all the mentall illness coctails that I got bc why not make it worse fr him. I imagine him sarcastic and catty, Claudia prob loves taking him to shop around bc he always got something to fckn say about everyone. Big gossipper. Hides the fact that he hates being as short as he is very well (im like… 165? 5’5-4?). If in Yusuf time, nearly BFFS (if im not inserting myself into the throuple (bc Its my self insert and I CAN BE AS CRINGY AS I WANT) he would end up w Yusuf)
Him about others:
Ezio: will never stop calling him de la la la,likes him a lot, loves pranking and teasing him. Enjoys fake flirting with him till he takes it so far Ezio has to throw in the towel. Probobly teached him how to Oil wrestle and Ezio was like “Are you sure this is a real sport…” and all he did was sigh and say “I am so glad it actually is” as he admired Oiled up Ezio
Altaïr: loves mocking whatever big words he uses all the time. calls him “Big boss” just to see his eye twitch with cringe. Knows he can get away with shit if he acts stupid enough. Altair knows he is not that stupid but is impressed(deragotory, fondly) how low he is willing to go.
Desmond: clearly his favorite (im biased sue me) obvious by how much softer he acts around Des. Ezİo falls he laughs, Des falls “My leige, hop on my back”. Is facinated by his piercings and begs him to help him get some. Desmond desperetly wishes he could invent some ADHD Meds for him. Des also finds him strangely comforting, can imagine himself back in 2010s almost…
Idk im not rlly a self insert person so thinking about him was hard and I also dont wanna make my oc “the main character” in this au so I dont really wanna give him any secret powers or anything.
Maybe some edgy gnarly scars on his back from a past mission where he came in contact with an apple? Maybe when he touched the apple he was supplied that canonly he doesnt exist and he is just a fan created being and has a whole issue about it? I can imagine a sad scene of him crying like “You dont understand, You exist! even as some damn video game you do and people know you they cannot deny you exist. ME? all I am is some weirdos self writing, not even enough to be in canon. Does anything I do matter?” lololol
Thats all I got for him for now lol but feel free to ask more:p Im also open to ideas for him.
sorry for the yapping and history lesson… here is some more fun facts:
-Oğlancılık (male prostitution) was pretty respected they were seen like any other tradesperson in some parts
-a Paşa tried to ban under 30 males from being washers in Turkish Hamams due to them also being sex workers and litterally everyone was so mad he got replaced
-dancers in coffeehouses wore the same fit no matter the gender so boys and girls looked the same (once again they were also sex workers)
-one time a jewish boy caused such a big fight between janniserries the sultan had to threathen to kill 40 man from each side if they didnt stop
-Draculas are real people and RADU the beutyfull (his OFFİCİAL NAME) had a full on recorded relationship with Sultan Mehmet2 :p
- Gay shit was legalized in 1853 mostly bc they never rlly punished it….
for the girlies
-in harems the girls couldnt order things like cucumbers or carrots to their rooms w out it being cut up :p
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shahrwrites · 6 months
I will never ever stop calling out Bruce for the abusive hypocrite that he is and here’s one of the many instances why:
**WARNING: the following contains spoilers for events Identity Crisis and Gotham War.**
Also, this is gonna be a lengthy read because I'm gonna elaborate on Identity Crisis a little first, so grab a snack, I guess? lol
A couple of days ago, I finished reading Identity Crisis, and a recent visit to twitter revealed to me that... it's not as well received as I had thought?? I mean, sure, it had its flaws, but most of the arguments I have read about it arises from a lack of a sufficient grip on the essence of the story.
One such argument being that "Jean only wanted to scare Sue, yet she brought a flame thrower with her." So did everyone collectively forget that she was institutionalized at the end of the story? Not to mention that she had a history of mental instability already, (Or so I've read about her) meaning she was mentally ill. She was very definitely lying through her teeth saying that she didn't mean to kill Sue.
Another was the leaguers being morally compromised because, 1) they altered Dr. Light's brain after he threatened to repeat everything he did to Sue and worse to their wives and family, and 2) Because they wiped away memories of a certain leaguer and kept what they did to Dr. Light a secret?
I don't know about you, but to me, that only shows that for the exception of one literal alien, they're all human at their core. They have flaws, they have fears, and they're not above making mistakes. For me, it painted what would be a bunch of one dimensional characters, in a more complex picture.
On another note, I understand that there may have been continuity errors, but honestly, what comic run doesn't have them? It's just become a feature of the comics over the years and given them a flexibility to explore new stories, ideas and themes.
Now, if Deathstroke was buffed up from fighting kids to one-man-up the League, if Firestorm died a little too randomly, you'll just have to excuse the poor writing in those respectives. This happens to the best of stories. At age ten, I found such ridiculous plot holes in Harry Potter of all stories it was seriously embarrassing.
Moving on,
Why did reading this comic specifically strike a nerve in me about Bruce and Jason in respect to the events of Gotham War? Because after what Dr. Light did to Sue and threatening the leaguers to do the same to their families, too, they made the choice to jumble his brains a little so as to stop such tragedy to ever befall again. Of course, Bruce wasn't there for the voting, but then he comes back when they're in the middle of transforming Light's personality. And this is what ensues:
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* Identity crisis (2016)
Say what you wanna say, it was more about Batman's authority than anything else or whatever. But don't you think Bruce would have stopped it and lashed out, either way? Well, I do. Because so many times, he's shown to be more sympathetic to monstrous criminals than to a boy he raised.
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* Batman – Catwoman – The Gotham War – Red Hood 002 (2023)
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* Batman (2016) #138
I think you've all had enough of reading about how Bruce took away Jason's autonomy in the name of giving him a normal life when he can't even be a normal human being anymore, all without an ounce of regret, so I won't go there.
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beyondtheink · 8 months
The Magnus Protocol theories about Augustus and why I disagree with most of them. Statement begins.
As the tags imply down below this post will contain spoilers of TMAGP up to episode 4 and spoilers for TMA.
First and foremost. Do I agree that the computer voices Chester and Norris are in fact the transferred soul fragments or consciousness of Jon and Marin? Yep.
But the overwhelming amount of people hoping for Augustus to be Jurgen Leitner, Elias Bouchard or even Gertrude Robinson is nonsensical.
We are all capable of accessing the internet and search for the VA's of aforementioned characters from TMA. Jurgen Leitner was voiced by Paul Sims (Jonny Sims' father) whilst it was Sue Sims (Jonny Sims' mother) who gave voice for Gertrude. As for Elias Bouchard (va Ben Meredith) he was a mere vessel for Jonah Magnus. In MAG049 - The Butcher's Window Jon states the following about Elias:
And yet, everything I found out about his life before the Institute seems… an ill fit with the austere man I know. He apparently graduated with a Third from Christchurch College in PPE, and I found [incredulous laugh] an old gossip column in the student newspaper, the Cherwell, that mentioned him. If I’m not reading too much into it, the implication seems to be that he was… ah, something of a pothead.
In the light of the provided information there's no reason to believe that Elias had any place being the 3rd voice (Augustus) but his body, his voice was used by the body hopping madman, Jonah Magnus.
Moreover, the main voices for The Magnus Protocol have been revealed from the start and can be found here (keep in mind that Seer Pink has been replaced by Billie Hindle)
Augustus is voiced by Tim Fearon. Meaning he can't be Jurgen Leitner or Gertrude Robinson.
He is either the original Jonah Magnus who created the Magnus Institute in 1818 or he is a completely unrelated character we've never encountered before.
What I also noticed is how the 3 computer voices divide the casements between each other.
Norris reads out the ones filled with emotions, loss of love, acceptance anything that could reflect how Martin might feel after everything that happened at the end of TMA.
Chester reads out the factual casements and possibly anything Magnus related especially if the casement warns the listener not to DIG DIG DIG out any info on the godforsaken place and get tangled with the Beholding.
Augustus will probably pick anything old as balls. Dangly, grey-haired old man balls. And gory as hell.
These preferences match with the characters Jon, Martin and Jonah perfectly.
Statement ends.
I'll pick apart another theory next time I gather the motivation to do some research and sum up my thoughts.
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pommunist · 6 months
I really appreciate coming to your blog, to be honest for me its like a healing balm after even just skimming and scrolling others feelings on all of this. I feel like sometimes people are so unreasonable and it hurts to see people "taking sides" at all with this situation.
All Ive ever cared about with this issue is the facts. The fact that a lot of workers got screwed over and instead of buckling down and talking to people QStudios would rather it all just stop happening, make changes and not acknowledge what they did. Honestly they dont have to say anything that even takes blame for it! All anyone was asking for at first was a goddamn DM man. Like they didnt even care if they got fired they just wanted a message SAYING that. But somehow they "cant talk about it" otherwise they would be "complicate" as if they were expecting people to sue them before anyone was even suggesting that?
Everyone is acting like legality is so important as if the people who first stepped up about all of this were instigating lawsuits when thats only happening NOW because they refused to say anything! Its like...why did they have to be "careful with what they say for legal reasons" when no one was threating to sue them. Almost as if they KNEW what they were doing was considered illegal and DID have grounds for legal recourse. If not then why not make ANY statement? Why be so scared to say anything at the beginning? It just dosnt make any sense. I mean even the Union was like "we dont wanna sue you just talk to your workers" at first!
It just feels a bit like a lot of this is being blown out of proportion and considering in his last stream Q ONLY talked about himself getting doxed (not saying that Q is "over reacting" from getting doxed by the way, of course, but rather the community seems to want to use this as a reason to exempt him from any wrong doing), the Brazilians (which by the way the fact that it took ALL OF THIS SHIT for him to BARLY EVEN mention the xenophobia is just….wild ill say), and that hes not gonna be the CEO anymore and like….okay cool dude not what anyone wanted a stream from you about but like pop off I guess. It just feels like every stream hes done about this situation never clears up anything and gives vague promises that dont seem to be held or at the very least is giving us basically no info and just promises.
Amen to all of that anon ! Like everyone (including myself i’ll admit) is saying how it’s difficult to speak about these things because it could lead to legal consequences but also… You want to avoid a lawsuit ? You truly have a desire to make things right ? Then go talk to your workers. Give them the answers they’ve been waiting for. Listen to their experience, listen to their demands, listen to what they want from you. Release a statement with full excuses on the behalf of the whole company to them, thank them for what they did. Pay them the fair compensation you owe them for the months of labour they did for your project. Demand that your community and everyone else leave them be in peace, and condemn everyone who doesn’t.
Like sure, that may need you to admit that you did wrong which could be used against you in court but lets be for real. Lawsuits are stressful, can cost money and are time consuming, so who, especially young people without a lot of money and ressources to their disposal, is going to want to go through that whole legal process after getting everything they wanted and deserved from you ?
This isn’t talking about the Q vs the higher ups who refused to pay the admins and mistreated them btw thats a whole different legal affairs but still then, wouldn’t ex admins have be able to provide you screenshots of payments and conversations that you could then use in your favour in court ?
Also my blog where all I talk about is workers exploitation is like a healing balm to you anon ? You sure you’re okay ? /j ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹
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muzaktomyears · 10 months
We saw Ringo's car coming down the street. It came to the front of the building and stopped. Ringo got out of the car slowly. When I saw his face, I gasped. It must have been audible because he looked up at me sheepishly. Then I felt even worse. He looked like he had been crying. He was shaking. He made his way slowly up the stairs. At one point he stopped as if to catch his breath or to regain his balance. He looked ill; I was feeling ill just looking at him. We didn't have long to wait to find out what had happened at Paul's. Debbie [the receptionist] propped the door open. We could see her at her desk. Chris O'Dell whispered something to her. Debbie shrieked and then screamed "The bastard! I don't believe it!" Chris spent some time trying to calm Debbie but Debbie, outraged, pushed past her and came outside to us. "You won't believe this!" she screamed. "Ringo went to Paul's. Paul wouldn't let him in the house! When Ringo stood on the front steps and explained the desire of John, George and himself for Paul to delay the release of his album..." she hesitated. She flushed and looked like she couldn't find the words. All of a sudden she sank to the steps. We moved around her and sat beside her. "Debbie?" Sue-John asked. "Are you OK? Should I get you a drink or something?" Debbie took a deep breath and continued in a rush, as if it was the only way to get it out - without pause. "Ringo's not saying anything about what happened next, but... but there's a mark on his face. I think Paul hit him!" "That's like hitting Santa Claus," I whispered. "Worse," Debbie screamed. "Ringo's never done anything to anybody!" She stood up quickly and marched back to her desk, shaking with anger. I was numb. Paul punched Ringo? What had got into him? Poor Ringo. He's such a sweetie. No wonder he had looked so ill and upset. "Oh, my God," I said out loud. Margo, Jill, Sue-John and Eileen turned to stare at me. They couldn't believe someone had been able to break the stifling silence. "What's wrong?" Margo asked. "What the hell will John do?" I said, looking at them one by one. Each in turn looked horror-stricken. "I'd rather not even think about it," Sue-John whispered.
Waiting for the Beatles: An Apple Scruff's Story, Carol Bedford (1984)
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eulchu · 10 months
I’m just truthfully preparing myself for the shit storm that’s gonna happen if he gets fully fired bc people will get mad at dream and use the “he’s just a kid” excuse and like dream didn’t DO anything the guy said and did it all himself dream simply posted the video like but people don’t seem to understand that
and to that ill say well too fucking bad girl like oh no dream got this kid who hits people verbally assaults and death threats them fired. count yourself lucky he didnt sue his damn ass
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bright-and-burning · 11 months
No bc I love women and football tell me all the gossip with mccabe and foord and the ex (who is she) ☕️
alright this is going to be long im sorry but get me started on woso and i just blabber. uhh most of my sources cited but this is mostly me going back thru texts from during the world cup and grabbing facts/pictures from then so a few of these claims are a little
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BUT i promise i didnt make this up LOL i was Deep in google for the entirety of the world cup so i Know i got my info from somewhere
everything else under the cut bc this got SO long im actually so sorry
there's three primary people involved here:
katie mccabe: left back (but honestly left everything wonder woman). captains the irish national team. plays for WSL's arsenal, has been since 2015 (minus a lil bit loaned to glasgow in 2017). those are the two important facts here really but the below is ~flavor~.
also for context this world cup was ireland's wnt's first ever major tournament appearance. she's the first ever irish goal-scorer (of men and women!). she's amazing. here's her for arsenal:
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ruesha littlejohn: striker/midfielder. scottish-irish, but represents ireland at the senior level. 33 years old. has played for a lot of teams club-wise. currently plays for london city lionesses, a second tier team, but that wasnt announced til after the world cup. her most recent wsl team was aston villa (but i mean it, she's played like everywhere lol). 5'6 if you're curious.
here's her in ireland's kit:
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caitlin foord: forward! plays for australia internationally, and arsenal (so teammates with katie. this is important.) she's played for arsenal since 2020! used to play for the thorns in the nwsl once upon a time. 5'7, if, again, you're curious. she used to date a swiss footballer (lia walti, who's played for arsenal since 2018) but they broke up like six months before the world cup. walti unfollows the australian team on instragram right after they post a video of foord, it's all very dramatic (THEYRE STILL TEAMMATES AT ARSENAL THIS WHOLE TIME BTW). arsenal man, always at the scene of the crime.
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ok so now you've met our main players!!
world cup happened this past summer (2023), btw. to give you an idea of timing.
katie mccabe and ruesha littlejohn dated for 6-7 years (some articles say 6, some say 7). they came out in june 2019 and said they'd been dating for three years already. their breakup was confirmed right before the world cup (like THE SAME WEEK??), in an article where mccabe was like "yeah, ruesha, my partner at the time..." very casual.
and then. in JUNE. (world cup starts july 20th!!)
foord and mccabe go to ibiza w an ex-arsenal player (jordan nobbs). who (in june 2023, not anymore) played at aston villa with. you guessed it. littlejohn. so yeah your ex gf goes on a trip to ibiza w a new girl and your current teammate, you might be a lil pissed off. maybe.
the sun's (i know, BOOOO but this made me laugh so hard) caption on a pic from the trip had me cackling:
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(the title of the article was "inside the glam lifestyle of pals caitlin foord and katie mccabe after ireland’s star’s ex snubs world cup handshake." borderline galpals commentary like have writers there never heard of regular synonyms for friends?? there was also a line that just screamed please don't sue us: "However, The Sun does not suggest the Aussie forward had anything to do with McCabe and Littlejohn's break-up.")
so now we've got two exes on the irish national team going into their first world cup appearance, the captain of the swiss national team and an australian player having broken up like six months ago, and much more, but that isn't directly related to This Specifically.
while you, anon, presumably know how the world cup works, ill give a mini explainer for anyone lost: there's the group stage, where the teams get divided into groups (in this case, of four), and your team plays every other team in the group. you get three points for winning a game, one for a draw, and none for a loss. those points add up and top two teams move on. and then you go into the knockout stage, where you have to win to advance, and if you keep winning you make it to the final yay!!
but for this we only care about the group stage. and more specifically, about group B.
group B is made up of nigeria, canada, australia, and (drumroll please) ireland!!! it is the stuff reality tv shows WISH they could make happen.
ireland and australia play. it is (almost*) the very first game of the tournament (but it's still on july 20th). it is at 5am my time. you would not believe the timezone fuckery i went through that month.
(*ok new zealand played norway starting a bit earlier on the same day but that's not as dramatic sounding)
and you know how they shake hands with the other team before a game? yeah well here's littlejohn apparently refusing to shake foord's hand:
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here's a lovely photo of a Look from littlejohn to mccabe:
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here's a diff irish player (sullivan) separating littlejohn and foord after the game (australia wins 1-0, btw.):
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and i already shared this on @powerful-owl's post BUT. here's mccabe's little sister, supporting mccabe. please note the date (july 20th) and the comment from foord (from after the game, im like 99.99% sure) asking if she wants her jersey now. me personally if i just beat my totally platonic friend/teammate on the world's stage i wouldnt be pulling up in their sister's comments asking if she wants a jersey now (also implication of the word now as in previously discussed, etc etc. this was the thing that pushed me over the edge into insanity at like 9am after no sleep)
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i admittedly have not kept up to date on anything that's gone down since the world cup so it's entirely possible more has happened! in fact i would say that it is downright likely lol. i love soccer lesbians n the insane charts necessary to keep track of their relationships <3
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wouldntyou-liketoknow · 8 months
Hi, do you take requests for x readers? Im really wanting some natemare x reader (they/she pronouns) fluffy cuddles maybe a cute date? Protective and mildly possessive Mare has my heart lol hes so precious and i love him, maybe its a date and Mare left to get drinks or something and a creep wouldnt leave y/n alone so Mare has to step in etc? Its okay if not that and its okay if you dont write x readers too ^-^ thanks :P
Call me Lyxie or Lyx ^-^
(for anon, ill be either Lyxie/Lyx or ^-^ anon if theyre free :P)
Weeeeell, this is a tiny bit awkward, considering the role I wrote Natemare into for Goretober 2022 (sue me, I took inspiration from FNAF lore.) But I'm still happy to write for him again! I really appreciate your patience. Hope it's okay!
(I am SO, SO, SO SORRY this took such an incredibly long time to post! The Goretober stuff and my last-minute Halloween Special Story had already been keeping me busy, AND THEN CHRISTMAS SEASON CAUGHT ME SO OFF-GUARD THAT MY HEAD IS STILL SPINNING FROM IRL CHAOS. I guess I should've expected that, because Christmas is always like that, but whatever.)
(Also, this is kind of my first time writing an x reader type story, or one specifically in a romantic sense, at least. So, sorry if this comes across a bit awkwardly 😅)
(Trigger Warnings: alcohol, eating/drinking, unwanted advances/creepy behavior, body horror, slight physical violence, strong language. Please let me know if I missed anything.)
You can be described as someone who’s skilled in rolling with the punches.
Now, rolling with the punches doesn’t always mean being able to understand things that really aren’t meant to be understood, but it seems you’ve got a certain knack. 
If you didn’t, then how else would you have found yourself in a nice relationship with a banshee-esque spirit?
Yeah, your and Mare’s first meeting had been a little awkward, considering you’d been sabotaging a cult that was trying to hold blood rituals in his adopted brother’s name, but you two still became fast friends afterwards. (‘Matter of fact, the adopted brother in question is a pretty chill guy, too. Shockingly chill for an eldritch abomination in disguise, at least.) 
Really, dating Mare has helped open up more of reality to you. Pretty much every aspect of the human world has a counterpart for no-so-human entities. (Yes, you sort of already knew about that, but thanks to Mare, you’ve been able to actually explore it for yourself.)
For example: the setting of your latest date. 
Holy Water Distilling Co. was one of many establishments owned and controlled in Phantom’s domain. 
By day, it was a tidy bar offering a pool table in one corner and a stage in the other. 
By night, it was. . .well, the same thing. The only parts of it to change were the clientele, as well as certain items on the menu. 
One particular evening, Mare just so happened to be up on the aforementioned stage, alongside a few of his musician-buddies. You, meanwhile, were seated at the counter, watching and listening as he performed.
(Not that you minded this arrangement. Mare’s affinity for music was what you initially bonded with him over, after all. You’d tagged along on his gigs before, and he’d never failed to make it a good time.)
Patiently waiting for him to wrap up his band’s last song so you two could enjoy the rest of the night together. . . 
“Y’know, it’s always easy to find some nice toys in this place,” an unfamiliar voice whispers from just a few seats away. “But I never thought I’d see a worthwhile human around here.” 
. . .and trying your absolute damnedest to ignore the stranger who just couldn’t seem to take a hint.
Similarly to Mare and Phantom, the stranger in question could almost pass for a human. Just not at the moment, since he’d obviously taken off whatever disguising veil he used (those were pretty popular among this crowd for many reasons). 
His eyes bulged from their sockets, lacking both pupils and irises. Just two orbs a little larger than the average tennis ball, coming in a shade of dark pink that looked more toxic than fluorescent, ever-so-slightly rolling around in his head as he stared at you. The grin he aimed in your direction would’ve been creepy even without his particular mouthful of oily-looking needle-teeth. 
You ground your jaw, feeling one of your hands curl into a fist on the bar counter. 
The bug-eyed stranger seemed to catch onto that body language. Though you didn’t look at him, your peripheral vision still allowed you to see how his smile fell. 
“What? I don’t get any gratitude for the compliment?” Mr. Bug-Eyes asked, his voice changing from smug to indignant in a heartbeat. 
“If you really think that being called a toy is a compliment,” you finally murmur in a clipped tone, “then you’re in for a rude awakening.”
“Oh, c’mon. I know what girls like,” Mr. Bug-Eyes retorted. “I’ll just never understand why you’re all so repressed.”
“I think you’re mistaking repression for self-respect,” you observed. 
You kept your focus on the stage, on Mare and his bandmates. You knew they were on their last song for the night’s performance. The music was winding down, but it was still awesome as ever. He’d asked for your help with lyrics and fine-tuning a good few times in the past, and that had been flattering enough.
But the fact that he was having such a good time singing the stuff that you helped him decide on. . .well, you weren’t sure when you’d stop riding that high, but you certainly weren’t complaining. 
“Fine, fine. I get it: you don’t want things to move so fast,” Mr. Bug-Eyes piped up again, nudging his bar stool a few inches closer to you. He didn’t seem to notice how you automatically nudged your own chair a few inches further away. “Can’t I just get your number, honey? It’s clear you need someone to talk to.”
“I’ve already got that covered,” you replied. “That’s how having friends works.” 
“That’s big talk for someone who’s here all alone,” Mr. Bug-Eyes sneered. 
You feel your knuckles turn white. “I’m not alone.”
“Well, if that’s the case, your company isn’t paying enough attention to you.”
“That’s none of your damn business,” you hiss, trying to keep your voice down. Yeah, you weren’t shy about potentially clocking this guy in the chin if he tried anything, but you still didn’t want to cause a scene. Not when Mare was wrapping up his gig, so close to finally coming offstage and continuing his date with you. “I already told you: I’m. Not. Interested. If you were half the guy you think you are, you would’ve left me alone after the first time.”
Mr. Bug-Eyes gave a melodramatic sigh, and a sickeningly sweet smell permeated the air around you. It almost instantly caused the first stage of a migraine to flare along the bridge of your nose. You shook your head, blinking as your eyes grew watery way faster than necessary.
A chill raced down your spine as you registered the weight of a hand on your head, ruffling your hair.
You jerked back, slapping it away. “Get away from me!”
The quick motion, combined with the smell, caused you to lose your balance. However, instead of collapsing onto the floor, you felt yourself being caught. Despite your now hazy vision, it took no time at all for you to recognize the colorful tattoos adorning your rescuer’s arms. 
Relief sliced through the awful type of adrenaline that was thrumming through your head. 
From there, things moved pretty fast. 
The environment around you was a blur as clouds of dark violet smoke poured from Mare’s eyes, from his mouth, through his skin itself.  
Mare guided one of your arms to rest along his shoulder, helping you to keep up with his pace. 
Cool nighttime air rushed past the two of you; you almost didn’t notice the deep whooshing sound of a heavy glass door being swung open. 
And before you knew it, you were suddenly sitting down again. The weight of Mare’s arm was still around your waist.
“Deep breaths. Take deep breaths,” Mare coached. There was a slight echo in his voice; his pitch seemed a bit all over the place. That always seemed to happen whenever he had too much energy, good or bad. 
You nodded, following those instructions. You raised a hand to knead at your temple. Then, after a moment of scrubbing at your eyes, you realized that you were now in a completely different part of the downtown area. If memory served, you were now a far distance away from Holy Water Distilling Co.
“Are you okay?” Mare asked, keeping a firm yet gentle hold on your hand. 
You finally looked over at him. His eyes were pitch-black, the purple tear tracks on his face now branching out like veins or tree roots. His skin had turned a deathly shade of gray; if you looked closely enough, you could almost see the shapes of his teeth and skull through the barrier. 
Despite his obvious anger, concern and fear were still present in his features. 
“I’m okay. I’m okay,” you eventually reassured him. Your head still felt a little funny, but now that you were away from the scent, your senses were much clearer. You didn’t hesitate to hug him, resting your head on his shoulder. He returned the gesture tenfold, sighing. 
The minutes dragged along, but you didn’t mind. 
“Whoever that idiot was, I think I’m gonna have to kill him,” Mare murmured after you pulled away. The edge in his voice had died down a bit, and his features were slowly but surely turning less ghoulish, but his eyes remained dark. 
“I won’t stop you,” you hummed, having long-since grown accustomed to his more monstrous side, “but could that wait a bit? Just until tomorrow?” 
Mare squinted at you, understandably incredulous. 
You shrugged. “I mean, you seemed really excited about the movie. The screening’s supposed to start in about. . .” You glanced down to check the clock on your phone, “. . .twenty minutes from now, I think.”
Mare’s eyes widened as a surprised snicker escaped his lips. “Priorities, priorities.”
You tilted your head as you rose from the sidewalk bench. “Consider it your reward for rescuing the damsel in distress.”
“Well, when you put it like that. . .” Mare was quick to follow, locking arms with you as you began strolling together.
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golbrocklovely · 1 year
I don’t have a tik tok. What are they saying about our boys 🙄
omg thank you so much for sending in an ask about my post bc… i need to VENT lol
first and foremost, what aren't they saying about the boys on tiktok??? that's the real question.
imma just list the shit i've been either told or saw myself said about snc (but mostly colby).
sam should sue colby for the killing best friend prank (this one was brought to my attention by @xplrvibes like yesterday lol)
colby was molested
colby was sexually assaulted
elton made colby show his self harm scars on camera
colby has a bad relationship with his brother
sam cried being sexualized too much
the fans broke shea and colby up
colby has hated elton from the beginning
snc were talking about elton on the that one video years back (the one where they did the lie detector test on awesomenesstv)
not a SINGLE one of these are true, btw. that's the insane part to me. like…. every single one of these is a lie that i have no clue how they got started or who said them first.
and here, for anyone's benefit (in case you're curious) i will disprove all of these in one go.
sam was IN on the prank and has openly said that himself in the past
didn't happen/colby has never said that this has happened
same thing (granted if you want to make an argument that some fans have almost done this, that's a different story. but that's not what the fans on tiktok are talking about when they mention this)
colby has never self harmed. colby has never had depression, anxiety/has never been diagnosis with any mental illness. he even outright said in a video, EXPOSING THE TRUTH ABOUT COLBY BROCK, when asked if he was emo "depending on your definition of emo, if you say emo is somebody that hurts themselves - no. i'm not emo in that way." not to mention that if this is something that did happen, how come there was not a WORD about it until 2022??? the last time snc collabed with elton was in 2019. there is no WAY this shit could have happened, only to be talked about now with no proof. ALSO colby literally stated multiple times, back on metalife and even in a livestream in 2020/21, that he has never suffered from a mental illness, which is why he doesn't feel comfortable giving advice on it.
literally…. how would anyone know this in the first place? colby doesn't really talk about his family. but if you want to get technical, for a while in the back of his videos in 2020/21, you could see on his record player his brother's bands record. plus he literally went and saw him run a marathon in 2022 so… his relationship with him is fine.
that's literally not a thing at all lmao
shea and colby never dated, as much as shea would like you to believe otherwise. and if the fans are talking about their friendship… they are two grown adults. no one can make them do anything they don't want to do.
snc lived with elton for a full year, and continued to collab with him until 2019. elton didn't even become a hater until late 2020/early 21. so… no. colby didn't hate elton from the beginning just bc he has resting bitch face in some of the videos. if you want to make an argument that elton took some of his pranks too far, sure. but that's not what this is about.
this one is just ppl taking an old clip and trying to make it make sense to nowadays, so i'll give some slack. but again, this wasn't about elton. it was about aaron when they had beef with him for like a week and a half in 2019 lol
there is probably TONS of other shit said on there that i don't remember off the top of my head. but the fact that i've seen tons of these comments and tiktoks saying this shit is true is bonkers to me. idk who is starting these rumors, but like… dear lord above stop.
like i'm literally gonna have to make a snc tiktok account just to dispel rumors bc it annoys me to no end how these fans believe this stuff with literally NO PROOF.
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ok. i took a long, long time (song ref) but hi!!!!!!!!!
1. titanic fic (*cue shit-eating grin*). umum. im curious if there's anything about the morse code yet. or codes in gen actually. so. sentences with the word "code" :3
2. titanic vid!!!! Idk if you like the engineering aspects, but there still were a ton of other facts sprinkled in (spiral staircases, people that monitored coal balance, separate staff room for firemen, how they got air down there etc) https://youtube.com/watch?v=4begc_U8ygI#searching
3. surprise!! this is an interview. i have some Official Author questions for you (feel free to pick and choose, come back to this later, or just striaght up ignore lol):
3a. Do you have any authors (professional or not) that you aspire to be like one day?
3b. Following that up, are there any specific works (again, published, professional, etc or just amazing amateur works!!) that really inspire you?
3c. What made you start writing? I'm curious on anything that led to the conscious decision, of course, but additionally do you think there was anything you grew up with that "planted the seeds"? Was it any of the people from question 3a?
3d. What's the silliest (/pos) idea you've ever had for a fic? If you didn't write/publish it, why not? Was it a recent thing? If not, do you think your experience would have influenced that idea today?
if those dont make sense u can send me a messgae or something 👍👍👍 goodnight
ITS BEEN THREE DAYS but im here okay……. lets do this. hi pep :>
1) alas, i’ve been focusing on a lot of other things so i havent reached a written point of the Code Usage, which begins in like chapter 3-4. sorry man 💔 (progress has been made ! just not as much as i’d hope 😭)
3a) uhmmmmmmmm i dont exactly pay attention to authors as much as i pay attention to books but you know what. rick riordan. not because of anything he’s done or written but because of his audacity to write 20+ books in the same universe and still get 100000000000000 people 1000000% invested in it. i wanna write sequels forever. can i be him
3b) OHHHHHHHH UHM UHM UHM UHM the thing that got me into fanfic specifically was the fic “versability” (it was a gf fic about ‘what if ford never made the portal’, written like 2015-16, and yeah i did know of and even read a bit of fic beforehand but i was never into it) but just READING ? the land of stories by chris colfer, easy. mmmmmmmmm that was my fucking Thing. if i wasnt a baby at that time i would have WROTE. SO. MUCH. GOOD GOD. IT WAS MY THING. THE THING THAT GOT ME INTO NOVELS. URGH. alex my iconic mentally ill bisexual, conner my precious cynical boy. i need to read those again my GOD now i think about it that was fairytale fanfiction that happejed to bepublished and ohhhhh it was beautiful. im gonna read jt . iM GONNA DO IT!!!!
3c) in writing in general or just fanfic? for fanfic its that one day i had an gf fic idea (that i had to heavily revise/rewrite, but it did end up getting out eventually) that i hadnt read anything like it, and i wanted to see it. decided: hey, im shit at writing, but might as well!!!!!! 65k words later, its not a joke anymore. im a Writer now :) but as for in general, well ofc reading books. people told me in the past im creative and should get into book writing if you like reading so much. i decided well im gonna do it professionally, but might as well do something tiny, so i well uh wrote. im not gonna tell you but it certainly was Something. classic isekai mary sue dramatic plot hybrids etc etc etc but actually the queen the mc is “related” to is actually polyam and was in a relationship with both their dad and their mom and the big villain is the queen’s sister who’s pissed that both of her lovers ditched her for the human world (but actually they had to break up because because the society was not polyam friendly. there just happened to be a war after that). everything else was basic isekai except for that little crumble of lore. the queen was a bisexual. the dad was a pansexual. the mom was a lesbian. i think i ate there to be honest
3d) mmmmmm i gotta think. there was definitely a gf x amphibia au where ford got ploped in amphibia and the plantars IMMEDIATELY stole him and wrapped him up in their adventures right when the plot starting becoming a thing (early season 2). there’s one where stan and ford just….. climb a tree. it’s laced with a lot of philosophical talks straight from good omens knowledge but ultimately its just goody fun. mmmmm theres one where gabriel has no idea what crowley looks like, but he DOES know what Bildad The Shuite looks like, itd be tiny but so so so so funny. the gf/gomens crossover…..a human au based on that one tumblr post about a necromancer bringing people back from the dead to fuck with the killer and opening a discord support group….. the s1 humans + aziraphale being the victims, crowley the necromancer, and the s2 humans being the nosy outsiders who Notice things happens but can never say shit. oughhhh……… Yeah. yeah, thats good. most of these are recent except 4 the amphibia one, wouldnt change much about it even with the shit i know now EXCEPT being able to handle the relationships/emotions between the characters better, ive certainly gotten better at it and i love it. i havent published any bc either i started but couldnt finished, or just thought it was neat and moved on to plop it in the ideas folder and wait 4 inspiration.
OKAY THATS A LOT BUT THERE YOU GO sorry for the wait, man. you’re my best cupperty you know that right 🫵 ANSWERS!!!!! and ill work on titanic as fast as i can, it hasnt been forgotten !! i just gotta mow the grass….. (“short” fic wips)
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cheshireegray · 2 years
His Mate
Klaus + Caroline
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I do not in anyway shape or form own Tvd/Or TO. Trust me if I did lots of changes would have happened! I don’t own the characters nor the actors that play said characters. just the name Corbin and Henry. Please don’t sue me I’m just doing this for fun thx enjoy!
*° Witches cursed klaus and whoever was his blood in wolf form until he agrees to help take down marcel, they keep trying to convince him that Hayley is carrying his child but he knows it’s not his.
His wolf would have immediately wanted to keep it, to protect it, to care and love for it, but he doesn’t feel anything for the thing that grows inside of her. He’s been spending most of his time in his room but tonight he heard them talking about putting a dagger in his chest.
Rushing down the stairs furious, how dare they think that he couldn’t hear them. Busting through the living room doors snarling at any and everyone. Camille was shocked but she knew normally he would calm down for her.
Walking closer to him as she hold her hand out to touch him, klaus gets even more angry. Camille doesn’t know him or his wolf, she was signing her own death certificate. Pretend to calm down for her seeing her smile, his wolf smirks at her.
Elijah and marcel know that look on his face, “CAMILLE NO!!” Marcel yells as he flashes her out of the way before klaus snapped his jaw shut. He snarls and barks viciously at everyone in the room, stomping his huge paw against the hard wood floor that cracks under pressure.
Elijah wants to reason with his brother about him hearing them talk about putting a special dagger in his chest. Putting his hand up in defense at his brothers snarls and growls “Niklaus it’s not what you think” he try’s to speak calmly because he knows his brother is unpredictable in wolf form.
Klaus’ head snaps in his direction as he lunges towards his brother “I DONT WANT TO HEAR YOUR EXCUSES!!” He growled at his brother for trying to calm him down but he was livid and there was only one person who might have been able to calm him down.
Kol reached in his back pocket for his phone, pressing call on her name. She answered the phone “what kol? Im trying to put the kids down for a nap” she sounded like she was moving frantically around her hotel room. Klaus was too busy snarling to hear her soft angelic voice.
“Daring I need you and the tiny yous to come to the manor, he’s loosing his bloody mind!” She sighed before saying she was on her way with the kids. Kol put his phone back into his pocket before scooting farther back into the corner as his brother stalked forward slowly.
He licked his fangs as he walk towards them in a sinister manner. The was a sudden set of paws coming from behind klaus, his ears perk up as he sniff the air. His wolf knows that smell by heart, he turns around to see a blonde-white wolf standing behind him.
Not yet noticing the tiny little wolves behind her, klaus wolf form doesn’t want to shift back. Instead he lunges at Caroline who swiftly moves out of his way, he lunges again making her move away from her pups. Klaus wasn’t paying attention to the pure white pup under his paw that he steps on him.
Henry lets out a fierce yelp as he whines from his father stepping on him, Caroline sees Henry crying out In pain and her wolf snaps. She picks him up by his torso before moving him behind her. Letting the anger come out she jumps onto klaus as he falls onto his back. Klaus had just noticed that he stepped on the pup, she’s standing over him in all of her glory.
Snarling angrily at him “YOU JUST STEPPED ON MY SON, CALM THE FUCK DOWN! OR ILL KILL YOU MYSELF!” Her eyes glowing a crimson blue color as she has her paw on his chest keeping him on the ground. His wolf submits to her command as he calms down, realization hits him.
Only a male alphas mate can command the male to listen and have no rebuttal from him. She moves away from him as she goes to check on Henry who was playing with his uncle Kol. Nudging him with her nose as he jumps away from his tackled uncle towards his momma.
She licks his fur as a kiss “are you alright baby?” He rubs up against her front legs before kissing her nose “yes momma, I strong boy!” He turns back to his uncle who had just pulled his tail, Henry shakes his little butt before pouncing on top of his uncle. Klaus had gotten up as he sat down trying to understand what Caroline meant by her son.
A tiny little grey-brown pup trots over to him, he looks down at the pup with his head tilted. The pup rubs up against his legs, klaus leans down to give it a nudge. The pup nips at his nose before rubbing her head against his nose, he doesn’t know why but his wolf licks the pups head.
The pups tail wags as she nestled in between his large front legs “my papa!” Caroline looks at Lizzie who found her way towards her daddy and a comfortable spot between his legs. Noticing her smallest baby hiding behind the couch she goes over towards him.
Licking all over his face and head as he rubs up against her nose and legs. Corbin was a shy little boy so he would always hide behind other bigger objects as a protective act. She picks him up by his jet black fur and walks over towards his dad who’s cleaning Lizzie’s head.
Klaus was laid on his stomach with Lizzie in between his front legs, near his neck as she snuggled into him. Caroline lays beside him as she sits Corbin down and pushes him towards klaus who looks his little way.
Seeing how the little pup has the same color fur as him, he picks him as while he squirms under his fathers soft teeth. Klaus puts him down beside his sister who snuggled her littlest brother, he licks Corbin’s head getting a soft nose kiss in return.
Corbin snuggles his dad as him and his sister close their eyes, seeing how it was past their nap time anyways. Caroline rubs her head under klaus chin as he closes his eyes rubs the top of her head. “Yes they are yours!” She whispered in her head knowing he would hear her.
Henry looked over at his momma and papa snuggling his siblings and he wanted a part of the snuggles. Nipping at his uncle lijah once more before trotting over to his momma, Caroline noticed him and perked her ears up tilting her head.
Making his way in front of his momma as he trots in a circle before plopping down in between her legs up against her neck. Caroline licks all over his pure white fur as he starts to fall asleep, he may have been a little goofball but he loved his naps.
Everyone was relieved that klaus was now calm and happy, Camille was hurt that klaus hadn’t calmed down for her but they way he was around the blonde-white coated wolf let her know that he loved her. Rebekah and kol were happy that they secret was finally out in the open.
Their brother had three kids who adored him, now all they had to deal with was Hayley. Elijah was surprised but content that his brother had other children and another wolf in his life. Marcel was quiet he didn’t know what to think or say he just watched klaus be calm and loving towards his pups and the female wolf.
Camille couldn’t take it anymore she wanted to know why klaus tried to kill her and why he was snuggled up with some blonde wolf. “What is he doing? Why did he try to bite me?” She asked everyone but they were too busy watching the adorable scene in front of them.
Camille was about to go up to the blonde wolf but Elijah stoped her by grabbing her arm “Camille it would be best if didn’t try that. As you can see my brother is very protective over his mate and pups, so going near them uninvited could get you killed. Me nor my siblings would be able to help you!” As always Elijah spoke calmly before letting go of Camille who was shocked to say the least.
Elijah had said Klaus’ Mate. Meaning he was basically married to the blonde wolf and he loved her more than she thought he did for herself. Blinking away the tears she steps back and crosses her arms not saying another word.
Everyone watched as klaus, his pups, and Caroline laid on the ground napping peacefully together. Nobody dared to bother them or to say anything, it was a beautiful scene to see klaus calm and gentle with his pups and Caroline.
Elijah may have thought that they child Hayley carried was his brothers redemption, but seeing him and his three pups along with Caroline made his understand. Caroline was his brothers Mate and she along with her kids were his brothers redemption.
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Hi, I am having a really stressful time at the moment. It is just bad luck, many things that haven't been properly resolved in the past, and now all of them demand a resolution during the next week, a lot just happening with the family, illness, issues with my apartment etc. I am really working on all of this, it feels like that's all I do all day. And still, every day my todo list is longer than the previous day. I can't catch up with all of this. And it is so unfair, none of this is really my fault. Most is just miscommunication, some just bad luck. I get letters "We are going to sue you" and the reason is the easiest miscommunication, that I am trying to solve for 3 years, I wrote them letters, mails, etc but they probably didn't even read them? And now it is my fault and "at the end of the week we will call the police?" Today I totally snapped, I wrote mails to them every other hour, all day. I was on their phone queue all day. I was trying to annoy them into reading my letters. And guess what. Nothing happened. Didn't reach anyone on the phone, no answer at my mails etc. And then they are threatening to sue me? That's so unfair, and I can't do anything, if they just don't read my stuff.
This is my biggest "now" problem, but there are also other ones. Miscommunication, so I didn't pay my med insurance properly the last year. They want 5k, rightfully, but I don't have it. So I am stuck at their phone queue, trying to make a payment plan etc. "When will you be able to visit our uncle in the hospital, who, out of nothing got a potentially deadly illness"? My washing machine exploded (lightly).
All my days are wasted, solving random issues. I am so overwhelmed, I can't anymore. But I am also so stressed that, even without the threats, I wouldn't be able to relax either.
I hate that I spam those people every two hours with my bs mail, I am shivering when I open my mailbox. But I have to. I just can't anymore, but if I don't, i get sued. I get yelled at. I get yelled at by my family. Might lose my med insurance. Issues with the landlord, all of it.
I just don't see any light, the list just gets longer every day... idk, idk what to do. I just wished there was an (adultier) adult, a parent, who would help me with all of this, whom I could cry to and who'd hug me..
Hi anon,
It sounds like you're stuck juggling a lot of different stressful obligations that are making you understandably overwhelmed and hopeless. If it's any comfort or reassurance, please know that these are things that many adults unfortunately have to deal with - you're not alone.
I'm not sure who is threatening to sue or call the police on you and there's a possibility it could be a scam. But if it is real, you've clearly proven an effort to reach out and try to rectify the situation, so if god forbid a lawsuit ensues, you at least have that proof in your favor.
I hope things get easier for you soon. If anyone has any comments or suggestions, please feel free to add on. Otherwise, I hope I could help and please let us know if you need anything.
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