#if anything you're indulging me by talking to me about your ideas!! so thanks :DD
kippentrash · 5 years
YES! Buffy as a coach in high school. I could totally see that a la Jess from Friday Night Lights. That would be such an interesting storyline, especially if she were to be assistant coach for the boys team instead of the girls. Dealing with sexism and stereotypes, and probably other topics I can't think of in the moment. And yes, she's gotta keep the competition alive with Marty so I'd like her to run in some capacity. I'm having so much fun with these headcanons. Thank you for indulging me!
YES!! And because I’m a SUCKER for platonic Tuffy, if she were to receive backlash I could totally see TJ be her support instead of her aggressor this time around too. Even if he’d receive some backlash since he doesn’t have as much power or reputation as a new player on the highschool team compared to being captain of the team in Jefferson, I’d love for that to help build their relationship more as well. Plus, that’d DEFINITELY be such a cool thing for her to look back on if she WERE to really become an NBA coach in the future like the group imagined in the finale. Parallels all around with a healthy dose of destroying haters!
And same @running with Marty for competition. Even though basketball was such great development for her, running track is sort of what got her started with joining school sports, so I love the idea of her continuing that too!! And it’s like... their thing. Muffy staples are parties, competition, napkins, and RUNNING. 
ALSO YEAH DROP BY ANYTIME! Lmao headcanons are fun and it’s always more fun talking out ideas with others :D
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cipherr · 7 years
24, 50, 42, 25, and 39? And you're turning 23, right? 23 too?
this got kinda long so i’ll stick it in a readmore :’DD 
24. If you could meet one OC of yours, who would it be and why?i gotta go with Razhie, she is the Top Babe and i just want to bask in her presence for a while and then maybe ask her to kindly destroy me idk :’DD
50. Give me the good ol’ OC talk here. Talk about anything you wantOH JEEZ THAT’S A CAN OF WORMS YOU REALLY DON’T WANNA OPEN UP LMAO but uhhh i guess here’s a good place to mention that all of my SWTOR babes exist in the same universe for me (with the exception of maybe Severine and perhaps my two new human Sith idk yet i’m still figuring it out) so i’m trying to do a thing where they are all connected somehow, to varying degrees, some only in passing and others playing bigger roles in the others’ lives than they’re even aware of and….yeah, it’s daunting and a lot of work to figure out but i’m having the time of my goddamn life :’D
42. Which one of your OCs would be the most interested in Greek gods?Sievve probably, she’s super into learning about other cultures and religions/mythos are some of her fave topics!
25. The OC that resembles you the most (same hobby, height, shared like/dislike for something etc?)mmm probably Thistle, my poor abandoned rwby OC who ended up a much bigger self-insert than i intended or even foresaw :’D (mostly in temperament, The Anxiety™, and yeh definitely height and build lmao)
39. Introduce any character you wanti don’t have any decent pics or anything (mostly bc art is hard) but i suppose this is a good time to introduce Vali, the main character of my original project that i’ve been slogging along with for literally going on 9 years now. this project of mine has changed and evolved a TON, in fact it’s completely unrecognizable from its origins at this point. Vali is an engineered human/alien hybrid and she has all sorts of fun existential problems. this entire project is entirely self-indulgent for me :’DD i’ve been neglecting Vali and my project a lot lately but ONE DAY I WILL RETURN and actually DO something with it i swear to god.
23. Introduce OC that has changed from your first idea concerning what the character would be like?(yep i’m 23 now LMAO) and omg that would actually be Vali again :’D she started out as an entirely human sorceress with earth-based powers to the futuristic science experiment she is today. i don’t even remember too many details of how she started out anymore and tbh that’s probably for the best, considering i had to have been in like…6th or 7th grade when she was made :’))
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