#if canon danny looked like this his life would be sm easier
pokkeshii · 1 year
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He’s not missing please don’t worry about him
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ancmalychild · 7 years
Rule page for mobile users
Blog was created on October 29 2016 - original URL; fenton-to-phantom
Rules updated on: February 20 2019
In order to make my rules easier to read, I have split them up into multiple sections and tried to keep things as short as possible.
Blog information:
Indie, canon divergent, and selective - Canon divergent because I ignore Phantom Planet as canon. Selective because I have a lot of RP side blogs connected to my hub blog
The cursor was not made by me! All credit goes to the original creator
Follows from tiny-ghost-rp-hub - This blog can not follow back due to it being a side blog. This means that my hub blog, tiny-ghost-rp-hub, shall follow you instead
Mun is 18+ - I have turned 18 in August 2018
Dark themes are present on this blog - These will be tagged as well as, if these appear in threads, they can be wrote in ways that hardly mention them or wrote as fade to black scenes if you’re uncomfortable with them!
Swearing is allowed
No Godmodding - I would prefer it if we discuss stuff before hand if it’s for content involving killing or anything along those lines. This also goes for overshadowing for ghosts.
Feel free to write starters for me - Though I’m not active 24/7, if your muse wants to interact with mine, feel free to write random starters! I won’t mind
Multimuse blogs friendly - I am fine with interacting with multimuse blogs. I run a few, after all!
Duplicate blogs friendly - I have no issue with this. In fact, I encourage it! Let Danny meet his duplicates/alternates. If you don’t want it to be two different versions of Danny meeting, we could always have a twin verse (I already have a few icons and names ready for that if needed!)
OC blogs friendly - Throw all of your OCs at me. I don’t care how many you have; I will love them
AU blogs friendly - Like with OCs, throw them at me!
Non-mutuals friendly
M!As and asks are always welcomed
I won’t RP with: blogs with muses of real life people (e.g. YouTubers), personal blogs (okay with these sending in asks, though!)
About and rule pages - I expect my rules and about to be read (the other pages on this blog aren’t as important as these two!). I also expect there to be some kind of rule or about page on your blog so I know your muse(s) better as well as your limits!
Don’t steal content - If you want to use something like a headcanon I’ve personally wrote out, please ask me if you can before using it for your muse. Same goes for stuff like icons on here (only time you can use them without asking is if I’ve made a post stating that they’re free to use)
Don’t reblog threads you’re not apart of
Icons and formatting - You don’t have to use icons if you don’t want to. As for formatting; I don’t have an issue with it. Please note that I, personally, won’t format my replies. Only thing I will do is trim threads if they start to get too long
Discord available - I have Discord and I am willing to RP there or talk OOC!
I may be slow with replies - I’m a college student, my family aren’t healthy, and I - personally - am not healthy.
Passwords - I don’t have a password for reading my rules. I also don’t send them in to others due to my social anxiety (this doesn’t mean that I don’t read them!)
Tracking the tag ’#ancmalychild’
Muse information:
My Danny is trans - If you, personally, don’t headcanon him like this, that’s okay. However I, personally, write him like this so there will be mentions of him being trans on this blog
Child threads - I headcanon that he came out as trans to his family at a young age. This age is 5. This means that, if threads take place before he’s 5/comes out, there might be mentions of his dead name and old pronouns
Powers - Along with this appearing in some threads set in the past, Danny may also accidentally use his powers in some threads if they are set during the first season/just after the accident
My Danny is Autistic and has ADHD - Thanks to a friend of mine, I headcanon Danny to be Autistic along with having ADHD. I have not been diagnosed with either of these things nor do I think I have either therefore I have done research on these. If I happen to get anything wrong, please feel free to correct me!
Danny is half dead - The portal accident half killed him which resulted in him basically being an anomaly thanks to neither being dead or alive yet also both. I know; it’s shocking
Mental health and trauma - Though I have things like depression and anxiety, I don’t have everything Danny has nor have I gone through everything he has. This means I may get bits wrong. If this happens, please feel free to correct me
Platonic - I’m always open to this. Want your muse to have a sibling like relationship with mine? I will 100% be down for that!
Enemies - Like with platonic, I’m down for Danny being enemies or not getting along with other muses. Please note that, if this does happen, this doesn’t mean I - the mun - hate you or your muse!
Romantic - I am single ship with Danny (one ship per verse. E.g. one ship for main verse, one ship for a verse where he’s a merman, etc.). I will not ship him with others in verses where he is a child or younger. I will, however, ship (romantically only) him in verses where he’s 14+ since, well, he got into relationships before at that age
One sided - I’m fine with either of our muses gaining a crush on the other. Once again, I won’t have Danny gain a crush on your muse if it’s in a verse where he’s, like, 5
Chemistry - I ship mostly based on chemistry however that doesn’t mean discussing things can’t happen!
Don’t force relationships - This has happened to me before. Please don’t just randomly jump into my ask one day stating that your muse is, for example, the lover of my muse when they have never met before. If you want to set up a relationship with my muse, either see how chemistry works between them or discuss it with me first.
What I won’t ship: Incest, selfcest, ships similar to Pom//pous P//ep, paedophilia (and some other ships I have yet to list because there’s too many in the Phandom).
Sm//ut information:
18+ -  I will not write sm//ut with those below the age of 18. If you lie about your age and try to get me to write it with you, I shall block you
Limits - Though I am up for writing sm//ut, please note that I am not here to only write sm//ut
Discord only - Due to the recent rule and bot added to Tumblr, I will only write this content in private on Discord. Though Tumblr said that this content is okay when written, I’d rather do it on Discord since, well, I don’t trust Tumblr
No underage sm//ut - Don’t try to force me to write sm//ut with you if either of our muses are underage. If you do try to, I will block you
Consent only - I will only write sm//ut if there’s consent between muses. This means I will not write sm//ut of subjects like noncon/rape (please note that this is for my own comfort. I’m completely fine if this subject happens to be part of a backstory or something like that; I just won’t write smut of it). If you try to force me to write smut of this, I will block you
Don’t force writing sm//ut on me - Sm//ut is a subject I don’t want to write 24/7. It’s also a subject I don’t expect others to want to write 24/7. Please understand and respect if I say I don’t want to write sm//ut
Triggers are tagged - I will tag every triggering (and possibly triggering content) with two different tags so they have more chance of being black listed. These tags methods are as seen: ’#trigger’ and ’#trigger /’
Remind me of triggers - I follow over 600+ different blogs plus I have a bad memory thanks to physical and mental health. This means, at times, I may forget a trigger or two. If this happens, please do remind me! I don’t want to accidentally trigger someone.
Please tag the following if I follow you: Videos/photos of real life spiders, real life creatures that look like spiders (e.g. tarantulas), pictures/drawings of events like 9/11, pictures of anything related to Nazis (groups like Hy//dra are okay), Pom//pous P//ep (even if Danny is 18+).
Catch all tag: ’ #Otus don’t look ’
Mun information:
I’m Otus! I’m an 18 year old British Trans Man (he/him; okay with they/them) who still lives in the UK. I’m currently in college and come from a family who have health conditions which means I may not be active 24/7.
Due to things such as my past and what I got from my family, I have both mental and physical health issues. These are:
Depression - Diagnosed by professionals. I don’t take medication for this because the UK is awful with this sort of stuff.
General anxiety - Diagnosed by professionals. Like with depression, I don’t take anything for this because the UK is awful.
Social anxiety - Diagnosed by professionals. Same as the other two.
Raynaud’s - Not diagnosed. Parents say I have it since I’ve shown the signs of it.
Fibromyalgia - Not diagnosed. Like with Raynaud’s. Both this and Raynaud’s get worse in the winter and make it where I can’t do much due to fatigue. After a bad cold I got, coughing badly in the winter makes this a lot worse for me because it makes my chest muscles act up (which isn’t fun when you have a binder on)
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