#if he knew then why did he forgive noah so easily
cookiesupplier · 6 months
A Friend Down In Hell - Part Twenty
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pairing: Nick Folio x ofc (Ishtar)
warnings/tropes: slow burn, pining, idiot in love, language, drinking, mentions of violence, mentions of torture, mentions of religious mythology.
summary: Folio can't quite tell you how long he's been dead, but it doesn't matter when he has friends like his, and Ishtar. Ishtar, with whom he fell in love the moment he met her. The problem? She doesn't know it. How does he convince a demon, who is practically immortal, to date him when he's dead? How did Ellie do it so easily?
author’s note: Unbetaed.. Enjoy! You want a background scene, a moment you thought got lost in the shuffle? Feel free to message or inbox me.. it may or may not make my outtakes eventually :P
To read from the beginning: A Friend Down In Hell Masterlist
And for those that missed Noah & Ellie's Story previously, all Hell-Verse stories will be included here: Combined Hell-Verse Masterlist
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tags: @spicywhenspeaking @tearfallpixie @cncohshit @nyxthedestroyerofworlds @lyschko666 @bngurngheart @lacktoesandtoddlerants @sorrowsofsilence @collapsedglasshouses @vinyardmauro @dsireland86 @4rtificialfolio @emmmm127 @badomensls @agravemisstake @sunsshinesunny @blackveilomens @jilliemiw86
Tag lists are open, please let me know if you'd like to be added to this story, the Hell-Verse as a whole, or Everything
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She was never going to forgive him.
That was all Folio could think about when he headed home from the bar like she told him to. Told him to go home, and she’d talk to him tomorrow. When tomorrow though, tomorrow morning, tomorrow after work, when? His mind was reeling, and he couldn’t stop as he pulled his bike into his space at is apartment building on autopilot. Shit, he’d fucked up so bad, but he had just wanted to help Kera, he should have just stopped him without putting his hands on him, so stupid. He knew better, he knew better, he was Ishtar’s boss! Well, one of her bosses. As much as he’d been wanting to knock his teeth in for donkey years now, he knew better than to try, and now look at what he’d done.
He had just gone and made Ishtar’s life even worse! Dammit. 
Pacing around in his apartment, he just kept going over every moment of what happened in the bar. From the way he was treating Kera, to the way he’d shoved Folio when he’d pulled him off of her, and hell, even pulled a knife on him! What kind of idiot carried a tiny ass little knife in Hell? The way he’d handled it, he didn’t even know how to use the damn thing. Folio pulled the blade from his pocket, staring down at it in his hand, flicking out the blade from the handle, and then pushing it back. It had been so long since he’d held something like it in the palm of his hand, and yet it was almost like it was yesterday.
Just from the weight of the weapon, he could tell that it was only cheap, not that Folio was surprised. Why would someone have a fancy switch-blade in Hell? If you were going to have a good blade, you should go with a real dagger. He had seen some of the weapons that Noah could wield, and they were something wicked. This one, was obviously a cheap piece of crap, Tony, was a cheap piece of crap. He was the barest of minimum of humans in hell, and must have worked his way up in the bar by being the biggest brown noser. 
“Dammit no, no I can’t just sit around here.. I can’t wait until tomorrow.”
Muttering to himself, Folio grabbed the rest of the vegetarian spaghetti bolognese he’d made for Ishtar’s dinner. Oh yea, he’d been learning, attempting to make different things. This one, well, this was one of the FEW dishes that he felt like he could make pretty well on his own for her, which was why he’d made it to take down to her at work tonight. As a surprise. Well, that had turned out to be a flop, now, hadn’t it? With the rest of it packed up in a container, he’d planned for her to be able to have easier dinners for the week all along anyway. So now he could just take them over to hers, no harm in that, and wait for her. She might get upset, but he had to explain, he had to.
Getting to her apartment, of course she wasn’t home yet, she was still at work. He didn’t care how long he’d have to wait for her to get there, he would wait as long as he had to. Now, Folio could just let himself in to her apartment with the spare key she’d given him two weeks ago, but he didn’t deserve that after how upset she’d been tonight. He wasn’t technically even supposed to be here, after all, so he should at least wait for her to get home before going in. So he set himself down on her doorstep, waiting for her.
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That was exactly where Ishtar found him, sitting cross-legged with the container of food in his lap. She wasn’t pleased to see him after the night that she had had. 
“Nick, what are you doing here? I said I’d see you tomorrow.”
He scrambled up from the stoop, the look of surprise in his eyes wasn’t unexpected to her, she was home earlier than she would have guessed too. She’d been sent home halfway through her shift because of what happened, with how they’d finally decided to handle it. She’d gone back inside and Tony had ranted and raved to the other manager he’d called in because he couldn’t get a hold of the owner tonight. Ishtar knew he would have tried, those two were as thick as thieves, there was a reason the man still had his job after all these years, despite how bad he was at it.
“I know, I know, but I couldn’t just leave it like this, I needed to explain, I’m so sorry, Baby, I know I fucked up, but-”
Ishtar sighed, this wasn’t a conversation for them to have in the hall outside of her apartment, where her neighbours could probably be snooping, likely be snooping. Some of them were right busy bodies sometimes.
“Come inside, we’ll talk, you could have waited inside you know, you have a key for a reason. Silly Goose.”
Unlocking her door, shaking her head, of course Nick would be silly enough to punish himself by banishing himself outside of her apartment, but still she brought him right inside without another word. Making her way into her apartment, shrugging off her jacket, she didn’t hand it up at the door, she wasn’t bothered tonight to be precise, and neat, she didn’t have the mind to care. Not after everything that happened. She didn’t even really pay attention to Nick putting something in her fridge. Ishtar would find out later it was the rest of the food that he’d brought to the bar, the food she’d not even gotten the chance to eat. The food that was still at the bar, it wouldn’t go to waste though, nothing ever did. Plenty of time homemade meals disappeared in the staff room so fast if you didn’t label them, and even if Nick had, she wasn’t there to defend it tonight.
Ishtar just dropped her jacket over the back of one of the chairs when she heard Nick come back up behind her from his detour.
“Please, let me explain-”
She sighed heavily, they’d talked about Tony, they had so many times when she’d vented about him, and Nick had offered, jokingly, to kick his ass for her, because she couldn’t do it without getting in trouble. She’d always pointed out she’d get in just as much trouble if he did. Condoning him beating on her next level boss would not be good for her job, in any way. It would destroy everything she’d been working for. Turning to look towards him, gesturing with a wave of her hand, a silent continue.
“He was assaulting Kera, and I know, I know I shouldn’t have done it. I get that, I acted rashly, I know that now, but when I see a man put his hands on a woman, I have a problem with that. I tried to get him to stop, and he wouldn’t, so I hit him.”
Ishtar raised an eyebrow, she’d seen the bruise that Tony had been sporting, even an hour after the fight, it had not just looked like a simple punch.
“That’s it? You just hit him?”
“Well, I flattened him, actually. I swear, it was only one punch! The guy must have a glass jaw or something, he went down like a sack-o-potatoes! Just laid there staring up at me too, freaking little fucking coward. Wait, it doesn’t end there.” She frowned, okay, she remembered coming out to see Nick holding Tony down so that much she believed that that wasn’t all. The issue was, the fight getting worse did not bode well in Nick’s favour, as Tony going down in one punch and Nick still continuing to fight him was bad news, for both of them.
“So I turned to Kera to see if she was okay, she was, thankfully, and the next thing I know, the man is coming at me with a blade, Princess, a fucking switch-blade!. Here, I took it off of him.”
Nick pulled a foldable human styled pocket knife from his pocket, and she was shocked, she’d seen it before alright, it was the one that Tony carried. Thought it made him look all tough, and suave. She never in her life actually thought he’d use it, or that it was remotely even sharp. Many a time she’d seen him flick it open in front of women to try to make himself look worldly, and rugged, as if that would do either of those things. 
“I was disarming him when you came out, I wasn’t about to let him walk away with a weapon after he just tried to use it on me either. I might already be dead, but I ain’t stupid. I’ve been stabbed before, these things fucking hurt babe.”
None of what she was hearing was doing anything to ease the ever-growing distress she was feeling about this entire ordeal, even knowing that Nick was dead, and couldn’t die again, didn’t make her feel any better. Swallowing, it also didn’t help her thoughts to know that Nick, her Sunshine, knew what it had been like to get stabbed, living or dead. 
“By the Deities this isn’t helping me, Nick, Nicky, Baby, I am so glad you are okay, I am, but this doesn’t help me at all. They won’t care, Tony-”
“I’ll go and-”
“They fired me, Nick!”
She hadn’t wanted to tell him like this, she had planned to go into the bar tomorrow morning and demand to talk to the owner directly while he was at work. It wasn’t fair what they were doing, and the fact that Tony had had to convince the other manager that she was more trouble than she was worth because of Nick, and she was always being difficult, proved it. 
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Folio fell into stunned silence. He hadn’t just made her time at her job worse, he’d caused her to actually get fired. She’d lost her job because of him. Ishtar might hate working with Tony, and dealing with drunken idiots at the bar, but she loved her job. He knew she had dreams of working her way up to owning her own place one day, a bar, or maybe even better, a restaurant of her own one day, she’d told him. 
Swallowing as he looked to her, neither of them saying anything for a long moment, he didn’t know what to do, what he could say… he’d ruined this for her, and he knew it. She’d have to start all over again, and she’d been working at that job longer than he’d known her. Putting up with Tony longer than he’d known her, and in one night, it was all gone.
“I, are we breaking up?”
He’d had girlfriends breaking up with him for less, him with his stupid fighting in bars. Sure, it was different, it hadn’t been a stupid drunken bar brawl with the boys that she’d had to come down to the police station to bail him out for the millionth time. It did however, feel like he’d ruined her life, and the thought of her wanting to have nothing to do with him because of it just made him want to rip out his heart.
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Are we breaking up? Hearing those words coming out of Nick’s mouth almost broke her, did she really think that she cared about her job more than him?
“Oh Sunshine, babe.”
Stepping towards him, moving closer to him than she had since she got him, her hands finally touching him. She didn’t think she’d been keeping her distance, but maybe she had been. She’d needed space to cool down a bit, Nick wasn’t the only one that wanted to punch something at times, and hurting him was something she never wanted to do, even if she knew he’d heal. Case in point, broken noses from door handles. 
“I love you, I love you so much. I think what you did was so stupid. Noble, but stupid.”
Knowing the kind of man Tony was, beyond stupid, there was no winning with him, getting Kera away from him yes, but starting a fight? It could only end badly, and here they were.
“But no, I love you so much, not even you being so ridiculous sometimes could make me break up with you, you silly goose.”
Leaning in to bring her lips to his in a much-needed kiss, reassuring him of all her love, every little bit of it, she never wanted to let him go, not in this life, or the next.
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Dividers by @saradika-graphics
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goldenavenger02 · 2 years
Whumptober day 25. Duct Tape
As Deaton, Scott and Lydia walked into the dining room to discuss things without it overhearing, Melissa did what she did best and grabbed the peroxide, cotton balls and bandages from the bathroom before kneeling down on the floor and started to clean the jagged wound.
She could hear sharp inhales come from him as his skin jerked slightly under her touch despite the paralysis, but she kept her eyes on the wound because she knew that even she wouldn't be able to keep it together if she looked up and saw that she was causing pain to Stiles; not that she could even be sure it was Stiles at this point.
The soft whispers coming from the dining room made her stomach drop, but she kept her focus on the wound; luckily for everyone, it had stopped bleeding at this point so he didn't need stitches, but the fact that he was healing like her son did was also concerning.
'What if the healing affects how long the venom will last?'
It wasn't until she started bandaging the wound, however, that the sniffling started and she could feel her heart start to break as she looked up at his tear filled eyes. That was the boy she had taken care of so many times, both emotionally and physically. He had been under her care just two weeks ago for sleep depravation. This had to be Stiles.
"Stiles?" She asked as she put a hand on his knee, taking the duct tape off of his face gently after he nodded, lifting a hand up to his cheek as he sobbed. "It's going to be okay. We're going to help you."
She could have sworn she had felt a nod against her hand on his cheek before the tears stopped suddenly and the eyes that were once filled with tears turned into a steely glance that had Melissa removing her hand and moving, her back straight as it spoke.
"Really, Melissa? I shed one little tear and that's all it takes? Come on, you can't crumble that easily. How are you gonna hold up when Scott knows the truth?"
That last sentence made Melissa's heart skip a beat because the only ones who knew about that night, why there was an indent in her wood floor, were herself, Rafael and Noah. "What?"
"When he finds out why his dad really left," before she could retaliate, the nogitsune continued to speak, "you know he overheard it, right?" Her shock must've been a dead giveaway despite the fact she was glaring at him, "you had no idea. You called Stilinski right after it happened. You didn't tell Scott, but you told the sheriff. And Stiles heard it like he hears everything, but you know why he never told Scott? Because he knew that Scott would never forgive you. He knew how much he would hate you."
"This isn't you, Stiles." She said, the tears in her own voice coming out involuntarily, making that thing smile.
"It is now."
She grabbed the strip of duct tape again, leaned forward and made sure to push it down as hard as she could, all while it continued to smile at her. Bruises be damned.
'If it can heal from slashing it's own stomach open, it can heal from me too.'
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rithmeres · 7 years
Okay, Bhatair or Velvare?
inky………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..you know that this ask could not be answered in anything shorter than an essay. buckle up hon
for starters, i love this character. he’s so deeply flawed, but that’s what fascinates me.
vel and bay have both made really selfish and stupid decisions and yet. they both have tried so hard to be noble? even though velvare is bhatair’s idealized version of himself, i believe velvare is the lesser man. he’s the shell in fancy clothes. bhatair may have been immature around joshua and rash and selfish and argumentative, but he was genuine. he was the one who freed melete from herarat. he let his father have the curse that HE had the right to. he had faith in apen’s goodness and his ability to end an age-old conflict even when apen was just a child. even a little thing like giving starving noah a loaf of bread was an act of selflessness.
“but rey what about the elephant in the room” oh, you mean when bay gave away his son? here’s my take on it: i think he did it to protect enel. he didn’t want crazy shephards and axe murderers and vengeful curses coming after his youngest child - think about it. his oldest son died of disease (or maybe not but that’s what he says so we’ll go with it). his daughter was cut to pieces and left permanently scarred and disabled. sending enel away probably saved his life. bhatair thought it was the right thing to do - but he didn’t consider that ‘saving’ enel would mean losing gudrun.
the thing is, bhatair tries. he tries so hard, and makes a lot of mistakes, and its the results of those mistakes that lead him to the unhealthy attempted ~superior~ state he’s in as velvare.
velvare is… for lack of a better word, fake. he looks impeccable on the outside, but he never let go of that inherent selfishness that was his downfall from the start. he just covered it up with philanthropic deeds. (declining the crown? what a selfless man! adopting the orphaned prince? such nobility! ruling as the castellan? wonderful in gallitan’s eyes!) he went so far as to play off his own hunger for power as saving gallitan from bellingrath’s fate. little do his followers know of his deeper motivations or his actual relationship with his adopted son.
and because velvare is bhatair’s ~idealized self~, he doesn’t see his own flaws. its not that he thinks he can do no wrong, but that he thinks he’s justified right where he is - and that is a fatal frame of mind. that’s what blinds him to avidan’s situation and desperate need for love. velvare is so caught up in ‘being the mask’ that he’s lost sight of his original nobility.I’m not saying velvare isn’t noble. he’s done great things for gallitan as a country and gallitan as a people, but his motivation is wrong. (“let me tell you what i have done for the library.”) he’s all about doing ‘good’ for his own self-image
i really love the complexity that laura has written into him and i hope he learns to grow as a character and that his arc gets the satisfying conclusion he deserves. (is it too much to hope for forgiveness from gudrun and a family reunion?)
tl;dr i prefer bhatair because velvare is (in the words of laura) FAKE AND INEDIBLE
but to keep it real - all of this could change if future chapters show alternate takes and different motivations than what’s given in the comic thus far.
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plaidbooks · 4 years
Hi! I love your work and I’m in serious need for some hurt/comfort..Can you do prompts 9. “Did it mean anything to you? Did I mean anything to you? 11. “I loved you.” “Then why did you let (her/him/them) get in between us?” with Sonny please? Thanks!!
A/N: Oof, this was a request! The first part was based off of that one episode (I think when they find out about Noah’s dad) where Sonny’s undercover at a sex trafficking party and focusing on asses...I mean, same dude, but come on. There wasn’t a whole lot of comfort at the end of this, but assume that they work it out.
Tags: sexual assault, mentions of sex trafficking
Words: 2317
Taglist: @the-baby-bookworm @beccabarba @thatesqcrush @itsjustmyfantasyroom @stardust-fray @permanentlydizzy @infiniteoddball @ben-c-group-therapy @glowingmess @whimsicallymad @reading--mermaid @averyhotchner @mrsrafaelbarba @detective-giggles 
You grit your teeth, nostrils flared as you watched the video feed in the NYPD van. The feed was zeroed-in on a woman’s ass, a tight dress pulled across her curves, as she danced with a john. Amanda, who was seated at the controls in front of you, subtly glanced at you, then at Olivia.
“Maybe we should remind Carisi that we’re seeing this, too,” Amanda suggested in a soft voice. Olivia nodded, shooting you an apologetic look. But you were still glaring at the screen, your arms crossed over your chest, fingers digging into your arms. You and Sonny had disclosed your relationship to the department, and while you knew he’d never cheat on you, he also had a wandering eye that you weren’t fond of…and this wasn’t the first time you’ve caught him staring at another woman’s butt.
The camera feed moved down to Sonny’s phone, Olivia’s message on the screen telling him to stop taking in the sights. He quickly tucked his phone away, going back to scanning the johns at the party.
“When can we move in?” you asked tersely. You wanted tonight over with, partly because you wanted to bust this sex trafficking ring, but mostly because Sonny now knew he was in the doghouse, and the make-up sex would be mind-blowing.
Olivia glanced at you before her eyes returned to the screen. “We need just a little bit more,” she replied. But you never got to find out what else Liv was looking for, not when a scuffle broke out and a gun was being brandished. You, Olivia, Amanda, and an army of officers stormed the party, making arrests and getting the girls out of there.
Olivia gave you the pleasure of arresting Sonny, who rose his hands and said a very sincere, “I’m sorry,” to you as you cuffed him, leading him out the door.
Once at the station, Sonny apologized profusely, begging for your forgiveness, and promising to go to confession for it.
“Look, Son, what’s done is done.” You sighed, closing your eyes. “As long as it’s only looking, and nothing else—”
“Of course! I’d never cheat on you, doll. I love you, and I’ll prove it to you when we get home, just how much I love you,” Sonny replied, giving you a heated kiss. You resisted a moment before melting into his touch, kissing him back just as fiercely. It wasn’t like you didn’t look at attractive people as they walked by. Besides, you trusted Sonny with your life.
Slowly, you pulled out of his embrace. “Come on; we gotta go interview the girls,” you said, pulling him towards an interrogation room. You opened the door, Sonny following close behind you, but you paused for the briefest moment—the woman you were interviewing was the one that Sonny had been checking out at the party.
She seemed surprised to see Sonny there, no longer in his baggy, undercover attire, but in his crisp suit he normally wore to work. “What’s going on here?” she asked.
You gave her a warm smile, despite the anger that you were shoving down. What did she have that you didn’t? “We’re going after your pimp, and we’d like your help,” you explained. She looked doubtful, and you continued, “we can keep you safe; you never have to go back to that hell.”
“You can’t keep me safe,” she replied in a small voice. Then, louder, “and besides, I liked my life just how it was. Now let me go…before….”
“Before your pimp beats you?” you finished for her. You sighed; this was getting you nowhere. “Look, why don’t you tell us your name, first? I’m [Y/N], and this is Sonny,” you gestured to Sonny, who was still standing next to you, watching the interaction, waiting for an opening. Either this woman would be completely against talking to a man, or she’d do anything he’d ask…and Sonny was still trying to gauge her. But you noticed how her eyes sparkled when they slid over his tall form, and you clenched your jaw.
Finally, she looked back to you. “I’m thirsty. Got pepsi or something in this place?” she asked with an annoyed voice.
You gave her a hard look, and Sonny said, “yeah, we do.” Not taking his eyes off the woman’s face, he suggested softly, “[Y/N], why don’t you grab her a drink, eh?”
You told yourself over and over again that this was simply an interrogation tactic, that Sonny was playing her. But you were still seeing red as you left the room, heading for the vending machine.
“He’s just doing his job,” Olivia said as you came back, leaning against the glass and watching, listening.
“I know,” you replied, coming to stand next to her. Sonny had moved to lean against the table in the middle of the room, standing directly in front of the woman, close enough to touch her. You took this time to really look at her; her long, straight, brown hair, her small, perky breasts, her impossibly long legs, and her butt that Sonny had been so enraptured by. All of this was wrapped in a skin-tight, black dress that barely covered her chest and ended mid-thigh; though, the material was hiked up since she was sitting.
“We really can protect you,” Sonny was saying softly to her.
She looked up at him through her eyelashes, with her big doe eyes. “I bet you could protect me…but I don’t trust the police, Son….” She ran her fingertips over his thigh, and you’d seen enough. You made your way to the door with her soda, ripping it open. Sonny had the decency to look embarrassed, standing up straight from the table, but the woman just smiled knowingly at you.
“Here’s your pepsi,” you spat, placing it down hard in front of her. But before you could say anything else, Olivia was at the door, pulling you and Sonny out, but you could hurt your chances for information because of your anger.
“What the fuck was that?” you half-yelled at Sonny as the door closed behind him.
He put his hands up in surrender. “What? I got information from her, something that wasn’t happening with both of us, there!”
“Oh? And what information did you get, huh?”
Sonny went on the defensive, his voice rising to match yours. “I got her name, I got the name of her pimp, and I got when and where the next party is!”
You glared at him, pissed he was able to seduce information from her. “How do you know she’s not playing you—”
“Enough you two,” Olivia ordered, her voice cutting through yours. She waited a moment before continuing, “we’ll look into what Emma told you. We’re also going to put her in protective custody until we get her pimp, which Sonny found out is named Clayton.” You nodded, trying to let your rage and jealousy drain from you, but it wasn’t going away so easily. “Now go home; it’s been a long night. I’ll see you two in the morning.”
It had been a week since the bust at the party, since the night Emma had come into the precinct. You and Sonny had worked through it; it was an interrogation technique, to flirt for information. And Sonny reassured you—with his words, his mouth, his fingers, and every other part of him—that he loved you and only you.
But nothing, nothing, could prepare you for when you had left for the day, realized you had forgotten your jacket, and rushed back in, only to find Emma pushing Sonny against the lockers, kissing him. His hands were on her shoulders, and as you watched, she wrapped a leg around his waist.
“What the fuck?!” you screamed. Turning on your heel, you headed for the door, needing fresh air, and to get that image out of your head.
Sonny pushed Emma off him, his voice calling out your name as he followed you. “[Y/N]! Come back, please! Talk to me…let me explain—”
“I don’t want to hear it,” you retorted, your voice venomous. You made it outside, Sonny right behind you.
“Please, doll, let me—”
You whipped around to glare at him, pointing a finger into his face. “No Dom! Just, no. I’m done, I’m….” Tears appeared in your eyes, and you cursed yourself for crying. You didn’t want to waste tears on him when you were fuming. In a soft voice, barely audible above the hustle and bustle of NYC, you murmured, “Did it mean anything to you? Did I mean anything to you?”
You watched Sonny’s heart break in his chest, his face falling and tears appearing in his own eyes. “Of course, you did—you do. You’re…you’re everything—”
“Well, you have a funny way of showing it,” you replied, waving down a cab. Sonny could do nothing but stand and watch as you got in, the cab pulling away from the curb.
Sonny texted and called you a few times over the next few days. You ignored him, trying to work through your anger so that you could at least be levelheaded when you talked to him next. But not being able to go to work, and living in a fucking hotel room, wasn’t helping your rage. You had thought about going to your shared apartment when Sonny was at work, but the thought on packing things up filled you with dread. So, you waited, trying to work through your emotions.
Suddenly, there was a knock at your door, Sonny’s voice coming through it. “[Y/N], I know you’re in there. Come on, let’s talk.” You folded your arms across your chest stubbornly, not moving from your bed. You could hear him sigh, then say something muffled to someone else. There was a beep, and then your door was opened, the hotel manager having let him in.
“Fucking really? Take a hint, Dom—”
“Please, just…please listen,” Sonny said, coming into your room and closing the door behind him. You glared daggers at him, ignoring the way your heart strained at seeing him. He looked haggard; his face scruffy, his eyes bloodshot, his hair a mess, his Henley untucked and stained.
“Fine. What do you want to say?” you spat, trying to hang onto that anger that was quickly fleeing at the sight of his defeated form.
“I—I loved you, still do, with all my heart—”
“Then why did you let her get in between us?” you asked softly, and the fight drained from you as he winced, as if you had hit him.
Sonny looked crestfallen. “I—I didn’t, though. That’s what I’ve been trying to tell you; Emma…she—she assaulted me…not that I’m pressing charges, but I swear to you—”
“And you expect me to believe that? After you were ogling her? Flirting with her?”
He cleared his throat. “I can prove it. There’re security cameras in the locker room…. I—Liv already showed me the footage.” Sonny’s shoulders slumped, and he looked at the floor. “Ya know, we’ve had so many victims tell us that they…that they freeze. And I never really understood that until now…. When—when Emma pushed up against me…when she kissed me, I—I froze. I couldn’t bring myself to shove her….”
You scrutinized Sonny, trying to see any trace of a lie, but you only found a sad, remorseful man. “Fine. Show me,” you said, getting up.
The ride to the precinct was quiet, the wait for TARU to pull up the footage even quieter, tension thick in the air. You watched with wide eyes as Emma entered the precinct, just after the elevator doors closed behind you—she had taken the stairs. She had quickly found Sonny, started touching him: his arms, his chest. Being the good detective he was, Sonny tried to gently stop her, push her away. You watched as he led her to an interview room, then he left to go to the vending machine, presumably to get her a drink. On his way back, Emma had cornered him in the locker room, which you had to pass through to get to the vending machine. She reached out to touch Sonny’s chest, but he gave her a little shove, obviously losing patience with her. And that’s when she flung herself onto him, kissing him, and he stumbled backwards from the force of her body colliding with his. He was pressed against the lockers, and he dropped the can of soda, his hands hanging limply for a moment. Then his hands went to her shoulders, and he tried to push her, but she latched on tighter, pulling herself closer.
You watched, tears in your eyes as you appeared in the doorway, catching Emma sexually assaulting your boyfriend, and blaming him for it. You could feel Sonny’s gaze on your face as you watched the screen, even as TARU stopped the playback. Your heart was in your throat, and you tried to swallow past the lump.
“D-Dominick…I’m so…” you started, but he cut you off with a hug, his arms pulling you tightly to his chest.
“I know—I get it, okay? I understand,” he murmured into your hair. You hugged him back, sobbing softly into his chest.
“I love you, Dom…I’m so sorry, baby. I love you,” you whispered, tugging him impossibly closer.
“I love you, too, sweetheart; I would never cheat on you, ever.” Sonny’s long fingers stroked your hair. “Come on, come home with me, please. I’ve missed you so much.”
You were already nodding against him. “I’ve missed you, too.” You both headed out of the precinct, an arm wrapped possessively around each other. “I’m gonna punch Emma in the face next time I see her,” you promised.
Sonny laughed. “That’s fair…. At least she gave up her pimp.”
“Yeah, but I don’t share.”
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kidnappedbycartoons · 4 years
Thoughts on Lottie
I was debating between doing Lottie or Hope first. Because I like them both (Except when I was on Gary’s Route, I didn’t like Lottie at all). But I tossed a coin and now I’m doing Lottie.
The First Week:
I did not like Lottie. On the first episode of the first day, I thought she was alright. But then the rest happened. That snide comment she made when Hope went first on Truth or Dare and how she treated Priya on the first four days. I will say that I was kind of on her side when Priya grinded against Noah during the slime challenge, it was obvious that Priya was trying to stick it on him while Hope had her back turned. She was both insecure and felt the need to control everything going on around her because she couldn’t fathom that other people had their minds. That’s why she probably latched onto Hannah in the beginning. Hannah was naive, easily swayed, and wouldn’t argue with someone. All the other girls weren’t like that.
Now, with her and Rocco (I’m using the non-Gary route for this part, I will get into Gary later), she didn’t like him. At all. Even when they first got together, I’m sure of it. But she wasn’t going to say anything and let the girls know that her couple isn’t stable, which wouldn’t have been a problem it was the first week. But we also have to remember that she had kissed Gary on day three and was developing a little crush on him. She even asks MC how she thinks her and Gary would look as a couple on Day Five, so yeah, she didn’t care for Rocco. So when the whole thing with Rocco and Marisol happened, I think what upset Lottie more was that Marisol didn’t follow Girl Code and both of them went behind her back. She knew Rocco was talking to other girls, she just didn’t care. But they were snakey and that was the issue Lottie had with it.
However, how she treated Rocco after was uncalled for. Girl didn’t even like him like that, but she’s going to give him the silent treatment? Childish. And when she and Gary were making fun of the two on Day Eight, like why? And then when MC tells her what Marisol said, she gives that lame “I just don’t like it when it’s in my face”. Turn your head then! She’s dragging it out, probably because she liked being the center of attention when it comes to the drama.
And then with her and Priya on Day Four. She tried to bring MC into it and my MC didn’t care at all. Lottie was trying to gang up on Priya, but Priya wasn’t having that and that was upsetting Lottie. She wanted to win the argument, she wanted to be right, she wanted to have some sort of power over Priya. She’s insecure and shows that in terrible ways.
Day Nine Onwards:
After all of that, once she couples up with Gary, she is tamer. When Operation Nope happens, I don’t blame her for telling Hope. But to get upset because no one told her what was going on? This has nothing to do with you! She was feeling left out and I’ve always had the urge to use the option where I think it says “No one likes you”, but I never did so if someone used that, please show me her reaction. Because it’s lowkey the truth. Gary and Bobby are the only guys brave enough to couple up with her, the other girls could do without her, and she knows this.
When Chelsea drops the bomb about the kiss, I could understand why Lottie would have a problem. Chelsea said five sentences before dropping that bomb. And she felt cornered too. Priya was demanding an answer, Chelsea was just standing there talking about it, and MC is there to play peacemaker, so of course, she would target Chelsea and walk off. Though she does forgive Chelsea and Priya the next day if MC helps, I don’t know what happens if MC doesn’t, so she seems to be doing better and letting go of grudges.
She kind of takes a backseat if you’re not on Gary’s route, but when she and Gary go to the hideaway, her insecurities show up again. Gary says something about her hair in his sleep and she gets upset and then asks MC about her hair the next day. I need to know why she is like this. A part of me thinks that she was either bullied or something happened in her family life or one of her relationships. Someone messed with her confidence.
During Casa Amor, she has fun with Kassam for a bit and if MC says she wants to sleep with him on the first day of CA, Lottie lets it go and doesn’t try to claim Kassam. She goes back to her childish ways after the video comes out with having the girls try to kiss every guy in Casa Amor, but she doesn’t seem to really care. She does make some comments towards Chelsea during this time because she feels like Chelsea has no right to be upset and I think that is the old Lottie creeping up. Still, she sticks so that she can get back to Gary. Afterward, she is the one who comes up with the idea to figure out what Noah said and she seems to be proud of Hope and Noah reconciling and I think that was a nice moment. After this, she is tolerable. But then Hannah comes back and, you know what? Let me get into her and Gary.
Lottie and Gary:
When I wasn’t on Gary’s route, I thought they were alright. The two had some moments prior to them coupling up and I thought it was kind of ironic if they get together considering that Lottie said that Gary was too much of a lad on Day One. But you know how every other couple gets a moment where you can tell they’ve talked to each other? Like how Hope and Noah both wanted to get a dog, go to Bali, etc? Or when Marisol and Graham were talking about his mom’s crab or whatever happened with the fishes (Why is his whole personality fish)? Everything Lottie knew about Gary, we already knew. The nan, the cranes, we knew this. We didn’t learn anything new with them being together. Remember when Gary opened up about his issues with his body? Why wasn’t Lottie there? When Rocco opened up about his college years and depression, Gary and Bobby were there. It would’ve been nice to have Lottie there so we can see them as a couple. But she wasn’t.
Also, I don’t think they were compatible. Lottie is insecure and needs constant reassurance, and we see this when Hannah comes back. Lottie is worried because of the kiss and if Hannah holds a grudge against her. Not to mention, Gary checked Hannah out when she came back. Before that, Gary didn’t even wake Lottie up to tell her he was going on a date. Everyone playing knows that Lottie would’ve had an issue with that if she woke up and he wasn’t there, but luckily she woke up as he was leaving. And then after that, Gary was playing in the pool with Hannah (Along with whoever MC saves) and Lottie was watching that. And Gary doesn’t ever reassure her. He’s not that type of person. He just expects her to know that his head hasn’t turned and that’s a problem with anyone but especially Lottie.
Now, when MC is on his route, she is the worst. Even if MC doesn’t get with him on Day One, she thinks she has some sort of claim on him when MC couples up with him on Day Nine. Like? Y’all kissed one time, get over it. And she expects MC to give up on Gary because Lottie wants her to? That growth that she has off of his route is gone over here. But know what the worst part is? Bobby.
She is coupled with Bobby if you’re with Gary and it’s so sad watching Bobby develop a crush on her while her entire focus is on a man that doesn’t want her. The two of them even sleep together and imagine how Bobby feels knowing that this girl that he’s slept with was probably thinking of another guy, not just another guy but Gary at that, during the whole thing? And she’s not considerate about anyone’s feelings on his route? Everything is about her. That controlling thing is full force here. She literally tries to bully MC out of coupling with Gary. Bobby is stuck in a one-sided couple. All because she can’t move on from a guy that doesn’t want her! I could understand if Gary was leading her on, but he doesn’t. So what’s the reason? His route is so frustrating having to deal with her.
Lottie And The Girls:
We already know that she and Priya weren’t really friends. I don’t need to get into that again. But as for the other girls, I don’t think she had a friend in them unless your MC becomes one. And Hannah almost forgot about her.
She and Hope never really had any moments and as for her and Marisol, I feel like it was slightly one-sided. Marisol psychoanalyzes a lot and she has made some comments about Lottie, her and Gary, and more behind her back. If you’re on Marisol’s route, Lottie cheers y’all on. I’m pretty sure if Lottie was watching the show after it ends, she would have a problem with Marisol.
But for her and MC, they could either be enemies or friends. Obviously, if you’re on Gary’s route, I’m pretty sure it’s almost impossible for the two of you to be friends. Off, Lottie seems to respect MC’s opinions. She seems to think that MC is the only one in the villa that cares about her and bothers to check up on her. Like on Day Four after the fight with Priya or on Day Six after Marisol and Rocco’s drama. But here’s the thing. Unless Lottie is the one you’re closest with, she doesn’t check up on MC. Certain things like when MC is talking to her on the daybeds on Day Five is coded for whoever MC is closest with. When whoever you’re least closest to on that stupid girl’s day episode calls you a people pleaser, the one you’re closest to will stand up for you. But unlike Chelsea who has her own scenes where she checks on MC, Lottie doesn’t do that. This is lowkey a one-sided friendship. And Lottie probably likes it that way. MC keeps running after, checking on her and everything, but Lottie won’t do the same. She likes the attention, but doesn’t want to give the same effort. Matter of fact, and this could go for all of her relationships, she expects the other to give her whatever she wants but won’t do the same.
Hannah latched onto Lottie because she thought that she was cool and confident, which Lottie struggles with herself. But Lottie leads Hannah on the first three days, it’s not an equal effort. Yeah, Lottie was upset when Hannah left but that’s because she lost her sidekick. Now, she was stuck in this villa with girls who won’t do what she says so easily and that shows, especially on Day Four with Priya. She tries to stick her problems onto them, but they don’t bend so easily. That’s why she missed Hannah. We see that when Hannah came back on some impostor shit, Lottie was nervous. Remember when Hannah said “Not everything is about you” and left Lottie shook? Hannah came back on some little revenge tip and Lottie was shaking.
Final Thoughts:
Off of Gary’s route, she has potential for growth. There are seeds there, she just needs to water them. I like to think she starts working on herself after seeing how she was in the villa. She starts to become more secure and confident in herself and actually learns how to give up control.
Next up...is a wild card.
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mistake ~ machine gun kelly
word count: 2024
request?: yes!
@colsondaddybakerxx​ “okay can you do one where they were dating for almost 5 ish years but then Kells made a huge mistake and cheated and instead of him admitting he was wrong he got with another artist (anyone Idm) and y/n was so heart broken about it but after a couple months Kells realized he was wrong and was trying to win her back? ? (Fluffy ending tho pls)🥺”
description: after making the worst mistake of his life, colson tries to win back the love of his life
pairing: machine gun kelly x female!reader
warnings: swearing, cheating
i’m using sommer ray but know that this isn’t hate or anything towards her, i don’t really know much about her besides the fact that she’s dating colson she was just the first person i thought of where she’s his current girlfriend
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Five years. That’s how long we were together: five years. Most couples had gotten engaged in that time, or even gotten married. Some had kids, or were considering having kids. In five years, most couples were preparing for a future together.
Not me and Colson. After five years, Colson was throwing away our entire relationship.
At first, I thought it was another bullshit, drama baiting article using pictures Colson himself had taken and posted on Instagram. It had happened at least twice so far in the year, and twice the year before. Colson had plenty of female friends, which meant the press had a field day whenever he even looked their way.
But then I saw the paparazzi photos.
They must not have known there was anyone taking any pictures or else they would’ve been more discreet. Or maybe not, maybe they wanted to be caught.
They were kissing, Colson’s hands were on her ass, and she was leaning into him as if to get as close to him as she possibly could.
I didn’t call him. I didn’t send him the link to the article, I didn’t even text him. I packed my things, called my best friend, and went to stay with her. The minute I got there, I blocked his number and all of his social media accounts.
That was months ago. The first month after I spent most my time crying or just generally struggling with it all. The second month, my best friend helped me find a new apartment. By the third month, the pain was still there, but I had moved on the best I could.
That was, until the familiar blonde hair and blue eyes walked into the café I worked at.
I desperately looked over my shoulder to find a coworker to serve him instead, but everyone else was either busy or on break.
“What do you want?” I hissed under my breath so none of my coworkers heard me.
“I want to talk to you,” he responded. “You blocked me everywhere, I didn’t know how else to get ahold of you.”
“I wonder why. Maybe it’s because you fucking cheated on me after five goddamn years together.”
Colson grimaced. “I’m sorry.”
I scoffed. “You’re sorry?! Colson, this is so far past sorry that sorry is like a fucking insult.” I pinched the bridge of my nose, trying to calm myself down. “Please leave Colson.”
“Not until you talk to me.”
I eyed the growing line behind him. I sighed heavily. “If I say yes, will you leave?” He nodded. I rolled my eyes and replied, “Fine. I get off work at five, meet me outside of the café and we can go for a walk or something.”
“I can’t meet you at your apartment or something?”
I glared at him. “Don’t push it. Get the fuck out.”
He nodded and walked out. I watched him go, my anger rising. I had to take a deep breath to calm myself down, before plastering a fake smile on my face and calling forward the next person.
I wanted the time to go slow so that I didn’t have to face him just yet, but of course that’s not how things work. When Colson had left, I had nearly four hours left of my shift. I continued to serve customers, and it felt like only a few minutes passed. I was shocked when the girl taking over for me touched my shoulder and told me I was good to go.
And of course, there he was. I could see him before I even walked out of the door. I dreaded having to go out there and talk to him, but I knew if I didn’t he would just keep coming and bothering me.
He was smoking a joint when I walked out. “You shouldn’t be doing that, you can get in trouble.”
He jumped and turned to look at me. Those beautiful blue eyes that I loved so much looked down into mine, and I had to look away. My heart was beginning to flutter the way it had whenever he used to look at me before, but I knew I couldn’t let it. Not after what he did to me, not after I finally got over him.
“You have however long it takes for us to walk around the block,” I told him. “But just know that just because I’m letting you explain doesn’t mean that I’m going to forgive you.”
I started walking before he could digest what I had said. Colson took two long strides to try and catch up with me.
“I understand, and I totally deserve that. I hurt you so bad and I hate myself for doing that - ” he started to say.
I put a hand up to cut him off. “I don’t want to hear any of that shit. Just answer some questions for me.” He nodded, but stayed silent. “Who was she?”
“Sommer Ray.”
I sighed and pinched my nose again, this time to keep from crying.
Of course, Sommer. I knew who she was. She and Colson had become friends around the beginning of the year. I had met her once at a party at Colson’s house. She seemed really nice, but I also knew she was the most beautiful girl I had ever met, and she was very flirty, despite being in a relationship at the time.
“How...how long?” I asked, although I knew that the answer was going to break my heart even more.
“Just that one night,” he responded. “We met up while I was on tour and went out for a few drinks. One thing led to another, and next thing I knew I was...waking up in her bed.”
I nodded, unable to speak. Part of me wasn’t sure if I believed him. Why would I? He hadn’t exactly given me any reason to considering he cheated on me in the first place.
“I didn’t see any of the articles until I got home,” he continued when I didn’t say anything. “You weren’t answering any of my texts or calls, I got really worried so I came home early. When I walked through the door and saw all your stuff was gone, I just...I collapsed onto the floor. I cried for hours, I couldn’t see straight, I couldn’t even breathe. I knew you found out, but it wasn’t until one of the boys sent me the numerous articles about Sommer and I being caught that I realized you found out in the worst way possible.”
“Finding out I was cheated on in any way is the worst way possible,” I pointed out. “I just...I can’t believe you did it. Did our relationship mean nothing?”
Colson stopped then, causing me to stop and turn back to look at him. “Of course it meant so much to me, it still does. I love you so much, (Y/N), you’re the love of my life.”
“If I’m the love of your life you wouldn’t have cheated on me,” I snapped.
“I was drunk!” Colson argued, suddenly raising his voice.
I raised an eyebrow at him and stepped forward so I was in his face. He nearly stepped back, realizing what he had done wrong.
“First off,” I started, “being drunk is not an excuse. You’ve been drunk so many times before and you’ve never done this to me. Not that I know of, but now that I’m thinking about it maybe you have and this is the first time you’ve been caught.”
“It was the only time - ”
“Don’t fucking cut me off!” I snapped. “Also, don’t raise your voice at me. You don’t get to be mad right now Colson. You aren’t the one who was fucking cheated on! I waited for you, constantly, in that big empty house whenever you went on tour. I waited when you recorded yet another album despite telling me you were going to take time off for us, and for Casie. I waited through constant cheating rumors because you were hanging out with fucking Noah and Demi and Chantel and Ashley and whoever the fuck else you were supposedly linked to since we started dating. And I never once considered leaving you, or cheating on you, because I fucking love you Colson. You were the love of my life, you were the person I wanted to marry and have a family with. And you decided one night that what? I wasn’t enough? That you were tired of not being able to take me on tour? That you were just done with our relationship? And you threw away a five year relationship for a girl you met months ago!”
Tears were forming in Colson’s eyes. He looked away from me, trying to hide them no doubt. “That’s not what it was at all.”
I sighed again, shaking my head. “I don’t care what it was Colson. The fact that you did it at all pisses me the fuck off, and it pisses me off more that you think you can come around my place of work and harass me into listening to your shitty apology for it!”
Colson shook his head and turned to start walking away. I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms, leaning against a nearby wall. This was a waste of time, all it did was break my own yet again. I was finally getting over the heartbreak and he just had to come back into my life like that.
I was getting ready to walk back to the café and to get in my car when I suddenly felt someone grab my face and pull me to them, kissing me deeply.
I raised a hand at first to hit Colson. I was ready to shove him into traffic and cuss him out and hope he got hit by a fucking car. But something in me stopped me from doing it. I guess it was just the fact that I was so familiar with this feeling - his soft lips on mine, his calloused fingers holding my face - but I melted into the kiss without meaning to. I ran my raised hand through his hair, tangling his longer locks around my fingers, yet another familiar feeling.
At some point, my common sense kicked in and I pulled away from Colson, backing away from him and shoving both hands into my pockets. I couldn’t meet his eye. I didn’t even really know what to do.
“I’m not giving up on us that easily,” Colson told me. “I did fuck up, and I know that our relationship will never truly recover from this, and I don’t expect it to. But I’m not letting the best thing that ever happened to me get away. Even if I have to start all over from the start to win you back, I will try my best. I’ll do anything, (Y/N).”
I looked up at him. His face was so serious, so sincere. I blinked back any tears that were forming in my eyes.
I knew I should’ve said no. I knew I couldn’t let him back in that easily, not after what he did to me. But at the same time, I meant what I said; Colson was my soulmate. I loved him more than I had ever loved anyone in my life. He broke my heart, in fact he shattered it into a million pieces, but at the same time I wasn’t ready to let him go just yet.
I couldn't stop the smile that started to form on my face as I told him, “Okay, I’m willing to try and start over, but you have to be patient with me. You’re not going to fix everything within a few months, or even a year.”
He nodded. “I know, I understand, and I mean it when I say I’ll wait as long as possible if it means I don’t lose you completely.”
Lamely, I extended a hand to Colson. “You, sir, have a deal.”
He laughed at my lame attempt to lighten the mood, but shook my hand anyways.
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twdmusicboxmystery · 4 years
Hints of Beth and the CRM War in 5x09
So, after I re-watched 6x08 and 6x09, which I posted last week, I also decided to re-watch 5x09. I did so for various reasons, including a comment I received on an old theory. But mostly, I’d been wanting to rewatch this episode for a while. I had a hunch that there might be hints toward the CRM war in it that we couldn’t possibly have known about or recognized back in S5. I was not disappointed.
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Tyreese, Lizzie & Mica:
So, in this new comment I got, this commenter said she thought Ty was likening the twin boys to Lizzie and Mica. And I’m sure this has been discussed in some iteration, but I sat and thought about it in a way I hadn’t before. I know I’ve discussed that it seems, from the photos, that there seemed to be a “good” and “evil” twin, and obviously that has ties to Lizzie and Mica. But just think about it this way. Ty was obviously present for the Lizzie/Mica tragedy. Then, he’s killed by one of these twins as a walker.
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A random line from 5x04, 4 Walls and a Roof, came to my mind. After Abe and co get on the short bus to go to D.C., Ty is digging graves (for the Termites they killed) and Rick goes to help him. Rick asks him something about what happened on his way to Terminus or something like that (can’t remember the exact question) and Ty answers that what happened “killed me.” Rick, looking a little annoyed, says, “No, it didn’t.” And that’s it.
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 But it occurred to me that Ty’s line is a foreshadow. He was speaking about Lizzie and Mica, saying that their deaths killed him (emotionally) but it was a foreshadow that another set of siblings would actually kill him a few episodes later. I don’t have a whole lot more to say about this particular thing, though I’m going to talk more about Ty in a minute.  
The thing is, I really don’t think we understand the point of Lizzie and Mica, yet. We’ve had lots of theories, talked about how they impacted Carol, the ways in which they could be Beth proxies. But I don’t think we understand their significance in the grand scheme of things, and I’ve never quite known what to do with them symbolically. But given that they’re in Ty’s hallucination WITH BETH tells me we will probably figure it out when she returns.
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Hints of the CRM in 5x09:
Several years back (like during S6) I tried so hard to figure out what the radio messages in 5x09 pointed to, and couldn’t really come to any solid conclusion about them. Of course, back then we knew absolutely nothing of the helicopter people, so how could I?
We’ve definitely seen some of the things they talk about come to pass, both before and after this episode. They mention prisons (prison fell before this) and setting people on fire (Carol did that both in S9 and also to Karen and David in S4) and of course they mention machetes (Red Machete). All important symbols.
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But these messages also tell a story. Look at what they say:
“At least 68 citizens of the Republic have been killed in four deadly attacks along the main coastal district. The group has continued their campaign of random violence, moving across the countryside unfettered, with the Republic’s military forces in disarray.”
Okay, so I’m assuming the “republic” is the CRM. This suggests a different group performing guerilla warfare against them. Think about all the symbols these lines encompass. We have a group of rebels attacking the CRM, the COASTAL district, and of course the CRM itself. So it’s talking about some rebel group that will be fighting against the CRM.
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I think that’s super significant, especially because of the TWB template. Remember that we saw a group of rebels, perhaps led by Will, though it’s a little unclear as yet, who is Beth’s proxy in that template. And they’re outside the CRM and, presumably, because they saw the slaughter at the college, going to fight against it. So I’m seeing this as a huge hint for Beth’s return.
The other thing to bring into the mix here is the Wolves. Because all of this in 5x09 definitely foreshadowed the wolves, and it’s where we first saw their “WOLVES NOT FAR” signs. And where did we see TONS of Beth symbolism: around the wolves.
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Second message: “…then terrorizing the village by night, carrying out revenge attacks which include hacking innocents with machetes, and in some cases setting them on fire.”
Okay, so I get that this isn’t flattering for Beth or her group if she’s with the rebels, but it is really hard to know what they’re talking about here, since we don’t get the full sentence. The point is, these are acts of war, and even if this is talking about the rebel group doing this (and I think it probably is, given that wolves did all of these things a few episodes later in 6x02) it’s no worse than what we’ve already seen the CRM do.
But I can also see that if Beth is with or leading this group, this is a very Grady-like issue to be dealing with. Are we killing these people for the greater good, because the war needs to be won? You can see how Grady could easily have been a setup for what she’d be dealing with later on. And maybe she’s the “new sheriff” because she has to police her own people and not let them get too blood thirsty. Or maybe I’m reading into this WAY too much and the point is simply that there will be a violent war. ;D
There’s only one more message that comes out of the radio. So we had the first one, talking about the CRM war and a rebel group attacking the CRM. Then talk of wartime violence.
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The third message is Beth singing her song. That’s super on-the-nose, if you ask me. No more clear way to say that Beth will be part of the conflict the radio voice was just talking about. See why that made me happy?
I’m gonna make a sweeping claim, here. I think the themes around Ty’s death are pretty much the point of the entire series. Yes, I know that’s a tall order. Let me explain. It does tie heavily into Beth’s return, but it encompasses other things as well, and I think it’s a huge part of the current Negan/Maggie/forgiveness story line.
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So, when I first went to watch 5x09, I pulled up S5 on Amazon and it shows all the episodes, the first one, of course, being 5x01. And the little picture it had for that episode was Ty in the cabin with baby Judith. I sat and thought about that and that there’s the picture of a cabin in 5x09 that gets blood on it and it occurred to me that those two things are probably related.
So I watched 5x01 after watching 5x09. I’ll admit I didn’t see tons of smoking guns that haven’t already been discussed at length in 5x01. The biggest thing is simply that it was a setup for Ty’s death themes in 5x09, and I definitely need to revisit my cabin theories. ;D
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So, if we look at the people Ty hallucinated, there’s the Gov, Lizzie, Mica, Beth, Bob, and Martin, right? These are all obviously people and events Ty feels guilty about. Bob’s death, because he lied about Martin and that sent the Termites after them. He feels guilty about being duped by the Gov and not realizing what a bad guy he was. Lizzie and Mica for obvious reasons. And Beth.
I honestly don’t think Tyreese did anything to feel guilty about with Beth. Not in the same way we think Sasha might have (Sasha/Tyreese Theory). But based on what the Martin hallucination says, I think he’s just really broken up about it and wondering if he could have done anything to change it. Just my opinion, though.
So, if you listen carefully to who is saying what in the hallucination, we have two different representations of good and evil. There’s 1) Bob vs. Martin and 2) Beth/Lizzie/Mica vs. the Gov. In each case, they’re like good and evil angels sitting on Ty’s shoulder and they’re arguing.
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So, for example, Martin says the thing about Ty lying about his death and how, maybe somehow, if Bob hadn’t died, it would have changed things with Beth. Domino shit. And then Bob says [paraphrasing] “No, that’s bullshit. I got bit at the food bank. It went the way it had to. The way it was always going to.”
And we have the same thing going on with the Gov. He’ll basically tell Tyreese what an idiot he is, and then one of the three (Beth/Lizzie/Mica) will say, “No. It’s all right. It’s better now.”
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So, you can see that Ty is really at war with himself internally.
It’s important to note that one big thing that’s mentioned is that he forgave Carol for Karen’s death. The Gov actually says that Ty is weak and ridiculous because he sat across the table from a woman that murdered someone he loved, and he actually forgave her. The Gov really razzed him about that.
And this is one of the things I mean about over-arching themes. Carol killed Karen and David in S4, which we all know was one great big foreshadow of arcs to come, and Ty forgave her.
I really think this was probably meant to be a foreshadow of Negan. Negan’s story, killing Glenn, was a way bigger deal and way more front and center, mostly because no one really knew Karen except for an episode or two and Glenn was such a beloved character.
Now, we have this redemption arc for Negan and Maggie is going to have to decide if she’ll forgive him, moving forward. We could apply this to plenty of other story lines where Rick took the violent route or forgiveness wasn’t had, and it leads to trouble and death. So, I think this is pretty huge for the overall show.
And I really think it points to Negan doing something to save TF in some way. Because they forgive him and he’s allowed to live, that will save lives. We’ve talked about this with Daryl showing Dwight mercy as well.
My Biggest Beth Takeaway:
As the episode progresses, before Rick and Michonne come to get him, Tyreese does finally stand up to the Governor. He says that the Gov was a bad guy, and that wasn’t his (Ty’s) fault. He says what he talked about with Noah: that he never turned off the radio. He always faced it, and did what he could to help. He said he forgave Carol specifically because “it’s not over.” Which I take to mean that he has hope for the world’s future, and forgiveness is the only way forward. Being angry and holding a grudge only brings death.
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And then he said the thing that jumped out at me most: 
“People like me CAN live.”
Okay, so what does he mean by ‘people like me?’ Because obviously Ty didn’t live, so this doesn’t apply to him directly. Or if it does, he means that he’ll die, but people like him CAN live under some circumstances.
To figure this out, we have to go back to his cabin in 5x01. During that entire scene in No Sanctuary, Martin was giving him crap about being a “good” guy. Ty answers, “you don’t know what I’ve done.” And Martin looks at baby Judith and says, “no, you’re a good guy. You save babies. That’s a little like saving an anchor when you’re without a boat in the middle of the ocean.” (Total boat/water reference.)
So, when Ty says “people like me,” he means those who choose to be good. Who choose to be hopeful and moral, rather than violent. There’s a long-running theme in the show that Chris Hardwick mentions a lot, that people who function as the moral compass of the group often die. And that’s true.
But here, Ty says, “people like me” (meaning the moral compasses) CAN live.
And Beth is in the room with him when he says that.
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She’s looking at the clock radio that simultaneously reads 5:10 (music box) and also 8:22 (Resurrection).
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The skeptic might argue that all these other people are in the room too, and how can we be sure he means her? Well, putting all the mountains of TD evidence aside, they do have a point. After all, all the “good” characters Ty hallucinates (Bob, Beth, Mica) are moral compasses and fit the criteria. There are plenty of others not represented here (Hershel, Dale, Glenn, Denise, even Abraham to an extent) but these are the ones Ty felt particularly guilty about.
But I would argue that we only heard one person’s voice come through the radio: Beth’s.
So once again, look at this from a bird’s eye view. Talk of the CRM and a coming war. Then Beth’s voice comes through that same radio, suggesting she’ll be part of it. And later on, “people like me CAN live.”
See what I mean? As I told my fellow theorists, this episode really had all we needed to predict Beth’s return. We just couldn’t have understood the meanings back then.
And honestly, this may be the explanation for the Lizzie/Mica thing I mentioned above. It’s a representation of the evil killing the good, which is super traumatizing and messes everyone up because as humans, we’re hard-wired to believe good will win out.
So, we had Lizzie/Mica, Noah’s brothers, and then the good vs evil hallucinations I already talked about. And we might even have a representation of this at Grady because of evil officer Bob.
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We had good Bob who died in 5x04, and then Evil Officer Bob, who directly led to them only having two prisoners, which directly led to Beth getting shot. And I remember when it aired, the show brought a lot of attention to it by doing clickbait articles about why there were “two Bobs.”
So, it’s something they wanted us to notice. And then we see Bob in Ty’s hallucination here. I gotta think that Sasha and Ty’s sibling relationship plays into this in some way as well.
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Okay, I’ll shut up, now. But re-watching this gave me tons of hope. We can’t say for sure that we’ll see her in the bonus episodes (though obviously I hope we will) but I’m more sure than ever that she’ll be part of the CRM war. And we’re kind of on the cusp of that. We just have to sit back and wait. ;D
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snesdudes · 4 years
Pairing: Lucas x MC
Prompt: Lucas’ apology to MC after he switches to Blake is out of character and just downright shitty. As well as the islanders behaviours when Blake arrives. Had to fix it!
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It was a beautiful night. From the roof terrace, there seemed to be a million stars, and the moon was full – somehow it seemed to be bigger than it looked back home. It was a shame Lucas couldn’t relax and enjoy the view… But he was the only one to blame.
A shaky breath left his lips as his hands gripped the balustrade, his knuckles turning white and his head hanging low. You will come up there at any minute and he would have to face the aftermath of his mistake, look at you in the eyes and explain why he decided to break your heart. He had to think about what to say, how to express his feelings properly to make you understand and, with luck, open a little the door to forgiveness.
But every time he closed his eyes, he could only see your face. Your skin illuminated by the firepit light, your lower lip slightly trembling and your eyes opening wide and starting to well up as you saw him arrive with another girl by his side. It felt like the floor beneath him have disappeared when he saw the empty space beside you.
I thought we had something special… I just don’t get it. What about everything we said before? We were going to work things out. I thought this was something we both wanted.
You jaw had clenched and tears fell from your eyes, your fingers quick to wipe them out. And he stood there, talking nonsense while his brain couldn’t process what had happened, while Blake stepped up and in no time she was telling everyone to not compare her with you, since you always had to try so hard to look good and how you weren’t his type. And he couldn’t speak. He was frozen.
You had taken a step towards Blake and Lottie had taken your arm to hold you back, loudly saying how it wasn’t worth it. Your face was red and he was sure he had never seen you so angry. It had been the first time he had seen Chelsea looking genuinely annoyed as well, as she walked to stand beside you.
“I just thought there were some similarities!” The blonde had screeched, her voice suddenly louder and wobbly. There was a cold tone in her voice as she continued. “I was awfully wrong. You don’t even know her, hun.”
“It was a bad comparison.” Lottie practically growled. “But they say you’re making it in life once people start to imitate you, right?” Her hand was gripping yours and he could see how strongly you were holding to one another.
Chelsea linked her arm with yours and looked at Blake with a frown and Lucas saw the gratitude on your eyes. Priya let out a laugh and left Noah’s side, striding towards you, briefly staring Blake up and down with loathing before standing between you and Blake.
“You really should be more careful with who you try to insult, babes.” Priya snarled, tossing her hair above her shoulder and linking her arm with Chelsea’s.
Gary and Bobby stood beside you as well, comforting hands on your shoulders, and icy looks on their eyes, and he watched as your body relaxed softly, all this time still tense and ready to have a go at Blake if another word left her mouth. Blake seemed to notice half of the Villa was looking at her with hatred and stepped back, taking his hand.
Lucas had realized he had to take Blake awake from the tension before the girls ate her alive. You were probably the most loved person of the Villa, your friends hurrying to step up for you was the proof. You had devoted yourself to make everyone’s time in the Villa more peaceful and fun, helping everybody and listening to their problems, playing mediator and making them all feel better. Being a true friend.
He walked away as your friends formed a wall around you, hugging you and murmuring soothing words, and his heart broke beyond repair as he heard a sob cut through the night. He couldn’t go back. He needed to get Blake out of there. Also, if he had gone back, Gary and Bobby would have probably made sure he couldn’t get to you. They had been giving him the silent treatment all day long, since he said he was going to switch. Gary had broken a cup when he slammed it against the counter stronger than he wanted to. Bobby had stared at him open mouthed for a moment before the both of them started yelling at him how stupid he was being, that he was a fool, a tool, an idiot…
“You’re so gonna regret this decision, mate.” Bobby had finally murmured, more sad than angry, when they realized they couldn’t talk some sense into him.
And he was right.
He was so lost in thought he didn’t hear the clicking of your heels as you climbed the stairs to find him. You stood there for a moment, looking at him and trying to swallow the tears that were about to slide down again. Lucas hadn’t noticed you yet.
A part of you had been worried this might happen all the time you were away. Lucas came off as someone confident and strong, but the days you had been coupled up gave you the feeling he was actually quite insecure. And while you knew he had feelings for you, the right words would make him doubt about your relationship. Not about how he felt towards you, but about how you felt towards him.
The brief moment you had met Blake was enough for you to know she was a proper snake. She had apologized to you, and a moment later she tried to humiliate you in front of everyone. While your friends stood up for you, your eyes found Lucas’ face. He looked so lost, so shocked, it took you a moment to understand he was sure you had found someone else. That was even harder to look at than the moment your eyes landed on Blake.
Now on the roof terrace, he looked like a mess. You could see he had run his hands through his hair multiple times, since it was tousled and that wasn’t usual. His head hung low and you couldn’t see his expression, but his shoulders were trembling ever so slightly. Your initial anger had dissipated, but the hurt wouldn’t leave so easily.
“Hey.” You murmured softly, Lucas head snapping up and looking at you with wide eyes. He seemed speechless again, but you couldn’t find the strength in you to make this easy for him. You walked towards the terrace’s couch and sat down, softly patting the place beside you and he hurried to obey.
“I needed to clear my head a bit.” He almost whispered, you wouldn’t had heard him if he wasn’t right beside you. The familiar scent of you – a mixture of perfume, sun cream and body milk, all of it kind of fruity, hit him with the strength of a hammer. He had missed you so much. He just wanted to hold you and kiss you and never be far from you again – but he had lost that privilege.
“Were you thinking about me?” You asked, a small smile on your lips.
Jesus. She’s smiling at me after what I did to her. I don’t deserve this.
A smile of his own paired yours. “Straight to the point. Alright…”
Your expression didn’t falter when he told you about the video the boys had gotten, and it remained as stoic when you told him you would do the same again since you had followed your heart. He felt like a piece of shit.
I am a piece of shit.
You took one of his hands in yours. “Lucas, you’re not.” Did he say that out loud?! “I just wish you would have found the strength in yourself to trust me.”
“It wasn’t about trust.” He was avoiding your gaze, while you were dying for him to look at you. “That video made it look like you were having the time of your life. I suddenly felt as if I was weighing you down, and that you probably realized that while you were away. I kept hearing Blake saying it would be safer to switch, that I would look like a fool if you came back with another lad –”
So Blake messed with his head. Figured as much.
“And I’m the one who actually looked like a fool.” You tried to extract your hands from his, but he grabbed them tighter, alarmed, looking up at you. His eyes glistened.
“No, I’m pretty sure I managed to do that myself anyway. I am so sorry. I understand if you want me out of here, and to be honest, I wouldn’t be surprised if I get kicked out by the audience --”
“That’s not what I want, Lucas. I need you to know something, anyway.” You took a deep breath. “I stayed loyal to you all the time.” His heart hammered so loudly he was afraid you might hear it as well. “The guys grafted hard on me, you probably saw that, and I turned them down as nicely as I could. The only time I got close to any of them was during the challenge… The very same challenge where you kissed Blake. In fact, I asked Hope to send it to me –”
He was caught off guard and you managed to let go of his hands, he quickly missed their warmth, but you only pulled out your phone and handed it to him, a video playing.
He cringed all through the video, unable to believe just how fixed it was to make them all look like unfaithful assholes. Except Bobby (and well, Rahim, who had actually found someone) the rest of them seemed to be all crazy about the new girls, his awkward, way too long, horrible kiss with Blake manipulated to make it seem like they were terribly into it with the others cheering at them. It even seemed Noah had cheated, the video barely showing Jakub at all.
“And you still…” His voice broke.
“Chose you? Yeah.” You murmured. You both remembered the night in the Hideaway when you both said you chose each other.
“Will you ever forgive me?” He asked, his voice low. Your hand found his cheek and he shuddered slightly at the touch, leaning in to you.
“You still hurt me, Lucas.” Your voice trembled slightly and he wanted to punch himself. “I understand why you acted like that. But if you ever want this –” You gestured between the two of you “to work, you gotta believe in me. Believe in us.”
He swallowed as your lips momentarily found his, caressing them softly before pulling away.
“I want to. I will try, as hard as I can, if you give me another chance. Please.”
You kissed him again, a little harder this time, but still wary enough, he didn’t get to deepen the kiss before you pulled away again. He sighed with frustration.
“You are with Blake now.” A dangerous glint sparkled through your eyes. When you were close like this, he felt that familiar sensation, his stomach flipping and his breath faltering, the effect you had on him making him dizzy. “So we shouldn’t really be doing this.”
He recognized the playful tone in your voice and slid his arms around your waist, pulling you closer to him and crashing his lips against yours. Lucas’ kisses always stole your breath away, his familiar touch making you growl with happiness into the kiss as his tongue danced along your lower lip. You bit on his lip and pressed your body against his, earning a snarl from him which made you moan as heat surged through your body. He moved his lips towards your neck, leaving a trail of kisses, before you put a hand against his chest and pushed him away. Lucas looked at you, pupils blown and mouth agape, as you stood up, ready to leave.
That would teach him to never do something like this again.
“I don’t give a fuck about Blake!” He quickly spoke. “It’s not like there’s something between us. I don’t care. You’re the only one for me. I only care about you. I only want you.” He started to get up, but your sweet smile stopped him, as it oozed danger in a way he couldn’t describe.
“Good.” You winked at him. “Cause I’m going to fucking destroy her.”
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valeriahornyy · 3 years
The Creatures do work like cleaning to earn money, there's a shop near the very bottom so they can buy stuff
Phineas actually takes care of the whales and other marine life, meanwhile Aurla tries to kill them
Spooky's and Eyth's magic seems to make people stop aging or at least stop aging at a certain age, which explains why Spooky is still 12, 15 years later
Speaking of magic involving Spooky and Eyth, they were brought back to life by the ssme thing (along with Taker), that thing being one of the specimen 1s, that being Jeli
The Demon child was a child that was murdered in the kid's hospital and was brought back by Jeli as a demon, although it seemd she's trying to resist the magic that's trying to make her evil by hiding in a mirror
Some of the kill counts for Specimens are inaccurate as those a few were actually caused by the 1s (E.i, Bab, Jasper, Chomper..)
Phineas / Fin really liked marine life, mainly dolphins, Jeli got an idea and used his magic to make him go wild, causing him to operate on himself, everyone thinks he did it for his love of dolphins but Fin was just mind controlled
Lines' body ends at the end of his torso
Lines' speech tends to get distorted (backwards speech, random muting, glitching)
Paina was AI for sunshine academy but got out via Spec.1 magic, yet she can still be developed further
Subject 5s are named 5 as they are the 5th Specimen 3s, the others died either in testing, having to be exterminated or they just. Dissapeared
Lisa and Bab tend to get along very well due to their shyness
Bekka likes to blast music just to make everyone mad lol
Jaime has honks own dimension, it sometimes goes to it to see how everything is going (the dimension being an abandoned theme park)
They let other Specimens, monsters, dolls and unknowns in to play, although xe makes them leave after a while, claiming that staying for too long is risky
Hooky was a runaway and went to the mansion for security, didn't work out as planned for her
Parry isn't just red, xey can be green and blue too
When Parry has a host, xey are asleep and someone enters xem, the host will have trouble knowing where the person is, only when under xey're control or when xey are awake can the host know exactly where they are
Parry and Stanely are like roommates, they get along sometimes but they fight and annoy each other a lot
Stanely also has a furry coat
When first encountering Parry, xey were a greenhouse, xey kept trying to scare him and lock doors but he just kept pulling through, xey tried getting him attacked by ferocious plants and only let him have a scythe but he still lived, Parry got angry and tried xeir last trick was to turn into a mansion and hang him, and it worked
In some of the crates, Aurla has some things like files, or just random papers, in others there's some beach toys, in others theres drawings Bab made for him, that's another reason he doesn't get on the crates, he doesn't wanna accidentally break them
Lines can travel via electricity (through telephone poles, computers, wires.. obv he can't leave the mansion tho)
Taker and White Face are one of the biggest frenemies, they usually only get along when trying to harm others and most of the time they just argue
Tirsiak used to be extremely cold and mean to everyone besides Kanerek, he wanted nothing to do with anyone fearing they'd hurt him or he'd get attached only to lose them, but after a while of basically forced friendship activities he warmed up to Bab first and then slowly to everyone, hes still a prick but he's doing better
The ones made their own mansion, they only took in monsters that were similar to the creatures from Spooky's or made their own
They were created as back up and to challenge the others. They represent what the originals (reffering to the ones in Spooky's) don't wanna be and their trauma. The ones liked to joke and call some of them coincidences and calk them rip offs
Lisa is welsh and has a bit of an accent
None of the hospital monsters have forgiven Eyth for what xey did, it affected them all and Eyth takes it as a joke, xey constantly make fun of the monsters for being "petty"
Bekka and Jon are the only ones fluent in Japanese but their accent shows sometimes
Bekka has a lot of medical and biology based knowledge but is still a complete dumbass when it comes to almost anything else
Lisa hasn't and never will forgive her ex husband for shooting her. Hell she's happy that he's probably dead
Lisa has frequent aches and pains all around her body
Bekka REALLY likes chocolate
Tirsiak is very good at archery and hunting, as apposed to Kanerek who's pretty mediocre
Tirsiak used a spell to give himself antlers and appear more masc
Tirsiak had died in the past but never realized, his necklace kept him somewhat alive and is what gives him his powers
Bab sometimes cleans his sword, he's dissapointed in himself that it got a bit rusty as that sword used to belong to his dad
Aurla can talk to marine creatures and loves to take care of the landsharks
Jasper was interested in how humans made food so he'd often steal recipe books and try making things himself and when he got to the mansion, Otto helped him out
Jasper doesn't like being viewed as a fast food worker or manager, he just wanted to protect his kin from constantly being used as food
Spooper sees Lisa as his mom because his old parents were abusive and Lisa is the mother he never got to have
This makes Lisa very happy
Kal is like an older brother to Spooper
Bekka's hands are black due to frostbite
Noah is very good at reading people, mainly because of his own experience. He's very good at telling if you're lying, sad, happy, sketchy..
Noah had to be bumped down to a hospital patient due to an incident and Bekka was his nurse
Noah usually has to change his bandages, he thinks he looks hideous but most people think otherwise (especially Jon)
Tirsiak used to be very cold and aggressive towards everyone as stated before, his best friend had died thanks to Ben in the past and he lost his tribe and family. He trusted no one
Once he learned how to speak english better he would learn to cuss out and shoo most people away. He only trusted Kanerek
Bab always tried to be his friend but was regularly pushed away even if all Tirsiak wanted deep down was a friend again, he was just afraid of losing everything again so if there was nothing to love there was hardly anything to lose.
It took a long time of lectures but one day he noticed Bab didn't seem to get the hint. Actually it never seemed like they did. Tirsiak gave in and let Bab just hang around, Tirsiak was surprised to find that he somewhat enjoyed Bab's presence.
He started to be less of an ass, he let Bab just hang out with him.
Maybe having friends again wouldn't be a huge risk?
He decided to be a bit nicer, he's still harsh and agressive but makes an effort to make friends and be nice
He found that he really liked Hooky and Ringu, at first he merely thought they were attractive but now he really does love them
Tirsiak learned english via the others teaching him and him repeating what others said. That's where he got his voice lines from, he stole them from Kanerek (and she ended up changing hers)
Lisa knows sign language
Bab's mom was trying to contact him in the afterlife via the cult and the cult tbought she was mother. One day her grasp and connection was slipping and she told thet cult that Bab was the new mother
Despite this, Bab never planned to be a mother, but then came the landsharks
Bab doesn't mind being their mother figure
Lisa sometimes gets carried away and will write their thoughts or make random doodles on notes made for chases
Lisa likes to listen to music while drawing, Bekka will let her borrow her MP3 and headphones when they're hanging out
Lisa has tourretes and autism and often hums and twitches
They'll flail their hands and tip toe as a happiness stim
Jasper has major sensory issues and the slightest High pitch, weird looking thing, anything that feels uncomfortable, or smells bad or extremely strong it'll will drive him off the walls
Lisa was taken away from the hospital while trying to hide from GLA and when she reunited with the hospital monsters, whenever they sense a GLA is coming they get hostile and if Lisa is over, Bekka won't let go of her until they're gone
The dolls sometimes disobey Spooky and GLA because of how bitter they are about what happened
Hooky tends to drown her sorrows in alcohol and it's become a regular thing for her
Because of how GLA treated him, whenever Charles feels any negative emotion coming on he'll go to sleep, it often results in nightmares but the emotions most of the time go away and he feels better when he wakes up
Frenzy has tried helping them but Husker knows all too well that there's no helping them
Clicky doesn't regret killing her dad, she always knew he was a bad man
She also just doesn't care
She never cared if her mom was unwell, she never cared if her friends were hurt. Sure she has some sympathy for the mansion residents but not much
Clicky likes waking people up with her constant clicking
She can detach herself from walls and walk freely, not very easily but she can still do it
Hooky, despite it being part of the reason she's in the doll, treasures hooks and many slim sharp objects
Although she also has an interest for anchors and morning stars
Frenzy often bakes small things like cookies and cupcakes for people and shares it's recipes with Jasper and Otto
Otto, despite seeming like he'd be a dumbass, does have common sense
He takes no shit from White Face, constantly triea to tell off Tirsiak for being a dumbass, gives Lisa the rudest reassurance and just ignores Spooper and Kal
He's friends with Jasper but even he admits that Jasper isn't very bright
Otto can swim and is warerproof
The pizza he gives you is poisoned, but it usually fails or takes a long ass while to kick in no matter how many times he's tried different poisons
Otto is aware of the whole FNAF thing and hates being seen as some FNAF rip off and being called the names of the animatronics from FNAF
Otto used to be a cook before he died and was stuffed inside of Otto The Otter
Spooper will sometimes change his costume to sort of socialize and copy others (dressing in all black because of Bekka, wolf outfit because of Tirsiak, face paint for Jaime..)
Hooky is drunk when he chases you
Husker is emotionally detached and has no desire to be attached to anyone, it just knows they exist and pays no mind to them
Jaime doesn't like scaring people and admits that she wishes she didn't look so ugly
WF used to be bullied to a breaking point
She gets overly attached and easily falls in love with whoever even tolerates her
She is aware people can die from her game but she just wants literally any fun even if it's for a short while
She loves to wear dresses and likes to appear femminine, and HER is unsurprisingly her favorite form to take
WF constantly picks on everyone due to her past, shyer and weaker people are often her main victims
She loves teasing Lisa all the time and is often super rude to them even though deep down, WF does care about Lisa a little
Bekka has a room saved for Lisa for whenever they come over to visit to the hospital
They love watching movies together and hanging out
They're also super comfortable with each other and will fall asleep together
The deformity wing in the hospital is a psychological torture chamber Eyth made
Some of the residents have tried exploring it but either got lost or got scared and ran out
Lector loves to make sure things are spotless and perfect, if it's body bag gets even the smallest stain it'll be pissed
Taker has a collection of stuffed toys but doesn't tell anyone
He thinks they're cute
Bab found out and hasn't said a word about it to anyone
Bab also thinks plushies are cute and will often help him in his collecting
Taker is surprisingly a good babysitter, the kids adore him
It loves to get into mischief with whoever it's supposed to be babysitting and pull pranks
Tirsiak has a stuffed toy of a wolf that Hooky made for it
It treasures it dearly and doesn't let anyone touch it
It even sleeps with the toy
There's a sewed on heart on it too
Sleeping with it reminds him of Hooky
Ringu and Hooky love cuddling Tirsiak because he's fuzzy and Tirsiak and Ringu Love cuddling Hooky because soft
Ringu is also cuddle material to them
Hooky is good at knitting and making plushies
If anyone tries flirting with the creatures it often times leaves them confused or angry or both
The most common one to take the flirt and possibly flirt back is White Face
Bab used to have a girlfriend but they broke up because her gf was an asshole to others
Fleshy is very good at reading people, they're even better than Noah
Kat can too but is too apathetic to care
Kat forces a smiley face and a good attitude when Fleshy is soon about to chase them to give the victim a false sense of hope
Fleshy often has to calm down or stop Kat from being overly angry
Fleshy can hear the other souls but is also capable of tuning them out
Kat is the spirit of a GLA who was used for testing and nya killed Fleshy out of rage
Kat is capable of giving souls and bodies to fleshy but doesn't want to because xe doesn't care
Kat fucking hates other cats, hell xey hate almost everything
Fleshy on the other hand loves everything but doesn't love some organisms enough to let them live
Fleshy loves to cause trouble and is a general nuisance
Bekka hates wearing pink
Ben loves making and trying on outfits and will willingly wear dresses and anything embarrassing
Goop can be mixed with other substances but it makes him uncomfortable
Goop boils and heats up when he's mad
Two and Three are capable of reproducing asexually, but choose not to because they know not a lot of people wanna deal with mini S3s
Lines is quick to anger and violence
Her body is electrical when she's angry
That's gotta hurt
Lisa has dyspraxia and autism
Bekka has ADHD
Whoa. (゜o゜;
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▌Kratos' revenge... Or was it Thor’s?
A/N: Hello people! I hope you liked this oneshot, I was in the mood for some time to write something with Thor, not necessarily romantic or something. And so this plot was born.
Hope you like it! :))
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— You gotta be kidding me, Pumpkin — laughed the young human jumping on the bed — If you are making a prank, I swear ...
The scream, mixed with a cry, could be heard from a distance, and (Y/N) promptly rose to their feet.
— Hey, I'll call you back in a minute — (Y/N) explained to their friend on the other end of the line and hung up the call without receiving an answer — Liam!
Their feet ran out of the room towards the screaming. On the way to the living room, a young human took a quick look out the window, checking to see if their father's car was parked, but they didn't see it, just looked at the entirely cloudy sky.
— Liam, what happened?! — they screamed, waiting for a response from the boy, who sobbed as (Y/N) approached him.
— I-I didn't do it on purpose — stammered — He just wanted to play and then he started yelling at me.
— Who screamed?! — they wanted to know impatient.
— The other player, and he was from my squad! — He explained annoyed by the series of questions, and as if a light went on in (Y/N)'s head, they looked at a television that had the image of the game paused.
— You messed with my game!
— Noah plays it, but as I wanted to know that only you like Fortnite, I found it easier to get in soon with your user.
— And where is that idiot? — (Y/N) asked, referring to his brother's friend, (Y/N) was terrified of the little bugger, because at another time the same, he filled his computer with viruses, entering different websites.
— He left when that player started to threaten!
— What other player? — they countered slightly.
— Korg something... Noah cursed him for the mission and then another guy came in and started threatening us, that's when I started shouting for his father and he called me daddy's little boy and hung up.
(Y/N) processed the whole story with patience, as they knew that if they discounted everything in his brother, he would have problems with his father.
— This is to learn to not...
His voice was drowned out by a high-pitched thunder, and a general shouting from the brothers.
— Crap! — shouted the boy with his hands to his ear.
— Is it my impression or is someone walking on top of the house? — whispered (Y/N), walking to the door.
The young human's heart sped up with a possible coincidence, but not enough to stop them from going to the door.
When he opened it, they just looked up a little more:
— I'm looking for the noobmaster69 — thundered the man with a beard and long hair, with a large coat and sunglasses — Introduce yourself, foolish Midgardian.
The boy's cry came from behind (Y/N), who closed their eyes, annoyed by his stupidity, who denounced himself so easily.
— Ah, there you are! Come face me — he howled in preparation for a possible fight and entered the house pushing (Y/N)to the side.
— Hey, take it easy! You are the son of who to go into the house of others like that? — (Y/N) stopped him in the middle of the living room.
"I am Odin's son, and I have an affair to discuss with this foolish warrior," he confessed, ignoring a female figure.
— He's a child, what are you going to do with that ax? Cut off his head? Did you know that I can call the police, you maniac?
The chosen man halted with the words and took steps back as if he were processing what had been said. Great, message (Y/N), in addition to being upset, the man was a drunk.
— Cut your head off... — he stammered.
— Hear, guy, if you came because of the curse when it was cold in that game of Fortnite, I can explain... It wasn't me, but I know who did it — suggested Liam.
"Yeah, we can give you the address, man, it's okay," (Y/N) agreed, slowly approaching the man.
— Noobmaster69 is you, why would I go after someone else? — he wanted to know looking at Liam.
The young human, tired of the discussion, interrupted him:
— Noobmaster69 is me! Now, what do you want? It already scared us, didn't it? Now go away, before I call the police for you, this is my last warning.
The stranger looked confused and just laughed:
— An little creature like you can't be the noobmaster.
— What? Are you underestimating me?
— Er... That's not what I meant, I know other humans, who are fragile and without any divine power but can kill without mercy, and I'm also a friend of a spy who... What I mean is that I don't doubt it of your strength and...
— Okay, man, I get it. But if you don't mind, I need you to get out of here, you already scared us, my brother certainly got his pants dirty, you tried to praise me, but it sounded arrogant... I think it already did, didn't it?
He nodded slowly.
— Yes... Forgive me, dear human, I acted out of hatred, since the young man has fought for some time... Noobmaster69 has been offending my friend, Korg, and sending images of naked Midgardian maidens.
(Y/N) shook them head negatively as if a large plant is already present.
— Everything is resolved then... But wait a while, for some time? Naked maidens? — the confused look of the young human to the brother who watched his hands nervously — Liam... Tell me that idiot just played on my user today.
The boy shrugged awkwardly.
「• • •」
The man knocked on the door so hard that (Y/N) pulsated the floor shaking, then a few moments later, it was opened:
— What are you doing... Holy shit, you're Thor! — exclaimed Noah before watching the trio standing there in front of him.
"And you came into my game to curse him," exclaimed (Y/N).
"So I'm glad I didn't play God of War," he countered awkwardly.
A/N: That’s my first one-shot on tumblr, and one of my favorite!
You can always message me for doubts and constructive criticism. 
Follow me either on Wattpad, if you enjoyed. Kisses :))
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theholycovenantrpg · 4 years
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In the beginning was GABRIEL, an ANGEL loyal to the cause of the ANGELS. He is said to be IMMORTAL and uses HE/HIM pronouns. In this New Testament he serves as THE SUN. Blessed be his name.
When the Holy Land was instituted and claimed in the promise of sanctuary for mortals, demons, and angels alike it was clear that they trusted in Gabriel to don the responsibilities and title of The Sun. Michael was perhaps the most vocal in his support, likely due to the leverage that he thought would be offered to him if someone so close to him were to be in such an influential position. That has not been the case, as Gabriel keeps his intentions rather close to his chest, illuminating his intentions to the Moon and the Stars of the Tridium. Much of his time is devoted to helping his brothers-in-arms or those undergoing great suffering, particularly on the battlefield, so that they might ease into death’s awaiting arms. No one has witnessed the darker aspects of his ability, which is to render them completely incapable of their senses; no longer can they see, hear, or taste -- the faculties that they once had are no longer their own, but Gabriel’s. It is something he deliberately chooses not to wield, having only utilized it for those awaiting execution, moments before their death. There are those who wonder if he even has abilities granted to him at all. But Gabriel does not much mind the rumors that mill about, let them wonder at his power -- or lack thereof. He, and he alone, is the one that wields it.
What was God thinking -- creating an angel filled with such irreparable longing? Perhaps longing was too kind of a word, too soft at its edges and too warm at its core. If Gabriel were to sit and think, which he was rarely idle enough to do, then he might admit to himself that it was hunger that he was suffused with. Not a hunger that was ever meant to condemn him to hell, as some of his lesser brethren were, but a hunger to protect the innocent that God seemed content to let wallow and suffer. It was what stripped the tenderness that was once shining in his eyes, the revelation that such unnecessary suffering and punishment was meant to be doled out to the sinners and saints alike. Being the herald of God, he was able to traipse across the earth, unfettered by the constrictions of heaven - was able to bask in the liveliness that the mortals were known for and witness, with keen interest, the way that they slid into sin’s suffocating embrace. The more time he spent with God’s creations of flesh and bone, the more palpable he began to feel the hunger, until he tasted its bitter tinge on his tongue. A hunger for justice to be given to the mortals who knew not the mysterious workings of God, who only knew to follow the tenets that Gabriel himself heralded on blind faith and infrequent miracles. Why, father, fill me with such hunger and let it burden me with anguish and discontent? He asked God upon one of his returns, the world burning beneath them. Because, my son, he answered wearily, it is only with an insatiable hunger that one would want to protect the children that I created, no matter their misdeeds. 
And with that answer, he made peace with his perpetual hunger, knowing that with it he might defend and protect those mortals that were deserving and undeserving of a champion such as he. It was with an almost manic tirelessness that he sought to defend the mortals whenever their necessity came into question. It was he who convinced God to save Noah when the great deluge swept across the earth, it was he who wept for the souls that were lost and punished time and time again - in the great land of Egypt when they refused to listen to Moses, in Sodom and Gomorrah when they were seen as irredeemable. But still, his hunger riled and rallied him to take up his arms in their name, not in God’s, time and time again. As he wandered the earth, taking their prayers and petitions with him whenever he would be called back to the kingdom of Heaven, creating for himself a number of personas that might let him tie his heart to theirs, might let them feel and think as they did. It was not long before it reached heaven that an angel walked among the mortals, that they had learned to love him and revered him as nothing less than a saint. A saint with a shrewd tongue, a sharp wit, and an innate inability to enthrall all those who encountered him that liked to play mortals’ hearts like a harpsichord -- merely to have them as enraptured with him as he was with them -- but a saint nonetheless. 
And God did not like to have one of His sons revered more so than he. It was difficult to ignore the way that they spoke of Gabriel -- with such warmth and ardor, as though he was the one to thank for the blessings and protections that were bestowed upon them. Gabriel did not think much of it, and was skeptical of the glint that seemed to creep into his Father’s eyes whenever they would thank him for his deeds. He was fulfilling the duty that he was given since his inception, was he not? Was he not doing as was expected, honing his hunger into a shield so that the mortals might join them in the great kingdom that had been created? His trust in the sanity of God was his folly, and his faith in his Father became the shackles by which he was imprisoned. It was his own siblings that grabbed him by the wrists and tore off his wings to keep him from descending to the earth again. They dragged his limp body and threw him into the farthest corner of heaven, hoping that God might forget about his transgressions and punish him no further. The celestial army could not afford to lose another brother to God’s wrath -- especially not one that was as beloved as Gabriel. And so he let his anguish overcome him, let the numbness of defeat sweep over his torn frame, but still on his lips was a prayer of forgiveness, not for himself but for the innocent mortals that were still able to recall his name. 
And when his prayers were answered in the form of Michael, he was ready; his brother-in-arms shoving a blade into his hand, the word retribution on his lips -- a rallying war-cry for an angel that has perpetually hungered for it. Though his wings were torn and bloodied, though he knew he would have to slay his own brethren, nothing would stop him from gripping God by the throat and ripping him from his throne. And nothing did. When the world was remade, Gabriel sought to make it better than the world that had been smothered in God’s fist, there would no longer be the divisiveness between mortal and immortal, the world might know a semblance of peace -- though there was no doubting that many would have to die and bleed for it still. But in the newness of this world there was hope to be fostered and still innocents that needed those who were stronger - who remembered the cruelty of the Old World - to shield them from the onslaught of those who sought to take advantage of the weaker. But, even as he bent his knee and bowed his head to receive the title of The Sun of the Holy Land, he knew without a doubt that he would not be so blind as to allow those who wielded absolute power to dictate the whims of his heart again. The worst deeds mortals had committed against one another that he had borne witness to were done in God’s name, they could just as easily be done in Michael’s; he was no longer the naive little angel that once had shone so brightly in his eyes. God had made an irreparable mistake when he created Gabriel with that abyss of hunger for righteousness -- not a single creature could strike down an innocent before him, and hope to live another day.
MICHAEL & RAPHAEL: The Archangels. They were known as the three Archangels in the old world - famed and venerated. A soldier, a messenger, and a healer. They are brothers in every sense of the word: bickering over the smallest of things, needling one another, but loving one another all the same. Though, as of late, Gabriel has noted a rift between them, the root of it lies within their differing loyalties -- Gabriel’s in particular, being the most outspoken of them all in his determination to ensure the sanctity of the Holy Land. Perhaps chasm is a more accurate word to describe it than rift. Before, their arguments would end in jest, but now Gabriel can only ruminate on the biting words that seem to dig deeper each time they do anything other than recall their days of glory and revelry. What causes an ache in him is the fact that, since the dawn of time, they have been at one another’s side - have been the wards against his own weaknesses. In truth, though, he is excited to know what it is like to be completely and utterly free. 
REVNA VOLK: Reprieve. When one has lived through as many ages as Gabriel, one grows used to the weariness of the world -- novelty becoming a far-off idea, growing more and more distant with each passing year. Imagine, then, how utterly beguiled he was by the mortal that could weave everything she dreamed of within little more than a careful pull of her fingers, an artful arch of her brow. Whenever he has had the pleasure of her company, he has always been allowed another glimpse into the gears and cogs of her mind. Sometimes it is in an enjoyable silence that they indulge one another, other times it is only when he has carefully baited her into an argument that always leaves him grinning. There are times, though, when he finds the moon high and stars bright, that he wonders whether the moments that they have with one another -- in the quiet of one another’s company -- is something to be ashamed of. Whether he has fallen under an enthrallment that renders him incapable of seeing another other than the novelty of their connection. Everyone vies for the benevolence of The Sun, why should she be any different? 
MAMMON: Abyss. There is little in the world that unnerves Gabriel -- he has seen too much of its darkest corners to not arm himself against it. He had thought himself thoroughly prepared to look chaos itself in the eyes until he encountered them. Their gaze slides over him, assessing every weakness that he has seen within himself, and going even further to look into those flaws that he dare not see. When they enter the Holy Land, it is as though a shadow falls over it -- or perhaps the shadow falls over Gabriel and Gabriel alone. He has spent so long cultivating creation, being the harbinger of it, that the notion of living without strikes terror into the very core of his angelic soul. Mammon is nothing more than an empty hunger whose existence only serves as a reminder of the parasitic sickness that stains the world they have bled to protect. Who would miss a creature that has nothing to offer, save leaching from the universe all the color to be found within the world? 
RAHMIEL: Agent. Within the pearly gates of heaven, not many had taken note of the friendship that had been fostered between Rahmiel and Gabriel. The two of them had been rather intrigued by the indulgences that humanity had taken for themselves, and had thought to mirror it within the serene kingdom. Upon that penchant for mischief they had built with one another a partnership that has lasted the test of differing loyalties and the overthrowing of monarchies that were thought to be eternal. Rahmiel had resigned himself to the notion of solitude, being God’s confidante and scribe, and yet within Gabriel he had found kinship -- and within Rahmiel he has found a wealth of knowledge that seeks refinement and utilization. Since his ascension to the throne of The Sun, Rahmiel has offered to be Gabriel’s eyes where they can no longer reach, to armor him with intelligence so that he might do as he swore when he shouldered the burden of power. What greater power can one have, than being able to have eyes within the darkest corners of the kingdom?
Gabriel is portrayed by Marlon Teixeira and was written by ROSEY. He is currently TAKEN by CLAUDIA.
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aleenayervant · 4 years
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I guess it all starts with what happened this winter. On the 17th of December just as everyone was
settling into bed, Chanel walked out to the bus station just outside her house, she was known to have been seen talking to a boy of her age but no one can say for sure.
A few days later her body was found and there was a funeral for her not long after, her casket was buried empty in the local graveyard and no one knew why. They suspected that the family wanted to bury her in the family graveyard. Like they wanted to have a private memorial for her but we never got told. It was said by her parents that she was happy at home and had no reason to have wanted to run away before she was found dead and now there saying nothing. Some people say it because there hurt but I think they're hiding something.
Everyone was still talking about her mysterious death as it drew closer to Christmas day and just as people were setting up for the last day of school before Christmas break the truth was starting to come out. I was in the hall when I heard someone say that they had seen someone at Chanel’s gravestone digging late at night wearing all black but then left not long after seeing that the casket was empty. They say the only thing they saw was the eyes and that they would never forget them. Thepolice went there this morning but the grave was untouched.
It was a small town that we lived in where everyone knew each other so everyone was pointing fingers at one another blaming them for Chanel’s death, especially Elizabeth, Chanel’s mother. She had never liked me as my dad was an “outsider” as she’d like to say.
Chanel was a very hated but well-respected girl at her school, she would force people to like her but when you got to know her she was an okay person. She was a lot different than people thought she was. She had a lot to hide that no one knew about.
It was midnight and my old friend Noah came to the one place we would always meet. The coffee shop, it was quiet and was always open. He wasn’t there to see me, even though he was there to see Stella but instead he found me. Sat in the same booth as always near the window with the lights shining through. We sat and talked for a while about Stella, he loved her, as a friend. She was his best friend and he had hurt her.
He left and went to her house to talk to her. She was in her room looking out of her window and saw him. She went to the front door and opened it slowly, he was stood there alone with flowers in his
hands and his arms out ready for a hug. He knew he had humiliated her with what he said but he was ready to say sorry if she was ready to accept it.
They both stood there, tears rolling down their faces, she was heartbroken. He had done the one thing he said he’d never do. Break her heart. She wasn’t going to forgive him easily and so she hugged him, took the flowers and walked inside. She broke down into tears sat behind the door. Noah didn’t know whether to go back to her door or leave her. He slowly walked away from her house, head in hands and as broken as she was. He had lost his best friend, forever, or so he thought.
The next day at school she ran up to him with open arms and hugged him. He apologized for what he did and she apologized for walking away from him. That was that they were best friends again. It was almost as if last night had never happened. Accept one thing.
You see that was the night. The night that they found Chanel’s body. It was found in the forest by two hikers that were making camp. That morning everyone was texting and talking about the body and how there was a bullet hole right near her heart. The world we once knew was now changed, maybe even forever. This small town was no longer our home it was a crime scene. A town of secrets.
The next day the autopsy would take place on Chanel’s body and the first suspect would be taken into custody. The fingerprints would have faded whilst he had been lying there in the forest and the fingers would be pointed at many people before the right person was chosen.
Many of us were hoping that maybe Chanel hadn’t died by being shot and just died some other way like drowning in the nearby river, maybe she hadn’t even died. We would come to school the next day and she was there sitting at the table she always sat at in the lunch hall. Or that we would see her at the coffee shop a few days later, happy with her friends.
That was all before she was found dead in the forest. The horrible truth was that she’d been shot, that she would never be around again. Her corpse with a bullet hole in her heart. A truth that could only be solved by Chanel herself or her killer. Maybe she didn’t have a killer. Maybe it was suicide people thought but there was no gun to have been found.
No one walked to school alone that morning. Everyone was too scared to be alone in the town of a potential killer. Everyone wanted company and as Chanel’s parents were pointing the finger at so many of there enemies not many people even left their houses. Everyone was too scared of being arrested for something they didn’t do. Elizabeth had
the money to bring anyone down no matter how close she was to them. She was the kind of person that got what she wanted.
Everyone had set up a little memorial for Chanel outside her locker. It was our way of paying respect to her and her family. All of a sudden the silence was broken by the sound of an officer's voice through the school intercom. He said that if we knew anything to go forward and that it was still an open case. We all knew that meant we were all going to go down for this no matter who did it.
I walked past the trophy case that was full of her things, things to remember her by like her cheerleading outfit and all of the things she’d won and most things people had made for her like posters and cards. She was now even more popular than before.
There was one thing though, me and Noah were supposed to be meeting at the coffee shop the night that Chanel went missing and I wanted to know why. I asked him and there was no answer, he just shut down and walked away. From then on we didn’t talk. For like 2 weeks he just shut me out.
The corpse was still being examined and there was still no more information about Chanel’s death but we were sure it would come out soon. Noah was
still trying to fix things with him and Stella even though she said she was okay she would break down when she saw him.
And all of a sudden I knew, I knew why Noah didn’t like Stella. He was seeing his teacher. He and the music teacher were now a thing and I knew. I couldn’t believe what I saw but I can't tell anyone because Noah could get expelled and the music teacher could lose her job.
It was like Noah was gone now, he’d changed. He had known Stella since he was in 1st grade. In 2nd grade, Noah was going to be put back a year and Stella wanted them to be together so she tutored him and he passed. He kissed her and asked her to marry him and she said to wait until your 18 and ask me and i'll say yes.
And there I was, sat on Noah’s doorstep, about to ask him for one last time. I just told him that I was here to help him and that we couldn’t be enemies because I knew that he’d been sleeping with his teacher. He said that he loved her and she loved him and that it had been going on since summer and he couldn’t tell anyone because they’d get into trouble. And then he told me, he said he was in the forest with Miss.Carpenter when he heard a gunshot early in the morning, like the gunshot.
I’d known Noah for a long time now and he’d never been so protective over someone other than Stella. He was deeply in love with his music teacher. Our music teacher. He was breaking the law and I had to stop him somehow.
And all of a sudden there it was, the finger was pointed at me. The lunch room was never a place where people fought it was where people hung out and studied. Instead, a certain boy came up to me and said I murdered Chanel Noah stepped in and then was accused too. A love thing was what Zach called it. We killed her together apparently. That day Zach left with a broken nose and a fractured wrist.
Noah went home to his dad and asked him if he should do the right thing. He never told anyone about Miss.Carpenter he just said to him he thought he needed to do the right thing. That was his mind made up. The next day he was going to go to the sheriff's office and tell him that he was jogging before school in the forest and he heard a gunshot. Then they could ask everyone what they were doing at that time of the day and they could find there killer.
It was after the baseball game in memory of Chanel that me and Noah decided to go to the coffee shop. When we got there we saw Stella and the new girl
Vanessa. Stella asked if we wanted to sit with them and so we did. I was there, with them at this time. It was something that was like a dream. Out of a movie. For one shining moment we were just kids, 17 and happy, the bright streetlights keeping us safe in the coffee shop. We were happy there, it was our safe place.
The innocence of one should never have to be taken like this, taken away so quickly. She had said it, I’m guilty were the words that came out of Sarah’s mouth. But what was she guilty of. She didn’t kill Chanel because she was with me. She was believed to have said she was guilty of lying, She knew more than she had said but no one ever actually knew what she did because it was private police information that couldn’t be shared.
The only thing we were told is that she heard a gunshot on the same day that Noah did and that then Chanel was still alive. She was with Chanel on the day she was reported missing and that was when they both heard the gunshot.
A few days later Stella called me and asked me to help her with the school newspaper. I didn’t really want to but the look in her eyes lit me up inside. She also had an assignment for me. She wanted me to ask everyone what they were doing and when and ask the one person who was there when Chanel went missing. The last person to see her. Jamie Lloyd.
He was at the bus stop when she was, he was the last person to talk to her. He told me she said that she was going to meet someone who she had been talking to online, he said he had already said the same to the sheriff and that he wasn’t about to talk to me about it.
There was one boy though who when I was talking to Jamie gave me a lot of funny looks so I went to the coffee shop after school where I knew he’d be and asked him why he was giving me that look. His name was Dillon. He said that Jamie was the one who shot the gun. He was teaching them how to hunt. Apparently they need to protect themselves.
Stella and a few of her friends went on an investigation in the school that night looking for a stupid checklist about how many people they had been on a date with. It was a baseball boy thing and they would rate there dates with the new people or the nerds. It was supposed to be cool but no one else knew about it until now.
Whilst Stella was looking for evidence that she soon found, Noah was with the school band helping them practice whilst they were teaching him about band work and writing songs. Stella and Noah didn’t know that they were both there in the same building after hours not too far away from each other.
The next night I was going to the local town hall to watch our school band play whilst Noah had snuck out to watch. I wasn’t there for long as I had to go and see Jamie. I told him I knew that he shot the gun that night because Dillon had told me.
Everyone found out about the boys' kiss list because Stella put in the school paper and all of them involved were kicked off of the baseball team and suspended for a while. The book was destroyed by the head teacher but Stella and Vanessa were punished for being in school after hours and taking matters into their own hands and not saying anything to anyone first.
One thing was for sure though. Stella and Vanessa were now inseparable, they had been through this whole thing together. They took him and all of his disgusting friends down together. They now had justice for all of the people that were hurt in these games and lies.
Me and Stella were back at school the next day with Jamie. He said that if we published that he fires the gun he would be a suspect and taken down forChanel’s death, he would be kicked from the scouts club and suggested a better story.
He said he saw something in the forest that morning, something no one else saw. He saw Miss.Carpenter’s car, by the side of the road, parked. He said she wasn’t in the car when he saw it but it was her car. She was there. I knew it was the day Noah and Miss.Carpenter was at the forest because he told me but now that Stella knew, she would publish it and there was nothing I could do to stop her.
It has been two weeks since we found Chanel’s body in that forest but her death was not the first and nor would it be that last casualty that the town would suffer. With the sheriff knocking on all of the doors in the neighbourhood and everyone was still pointing fingers, the town we all known and loved was turning into a horror movie.
We were at the local coffee shop, I don’t know what happened that night but all I remember was that I was sitting next to Stella and she said something to me with a smile on her face and that was it. I smiled so hard, I liked her a lot. She was beautiful. Her blonde hair and her sparkling green eyes. She was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen.
Noah had walked into the coffee shop that night too and also walked out with Stella and Vanessa. They both knew now about his little affair with his music teacher and they weren’t about to let him go so easily. They were out there for a while and he didn’t stop looking in the window at me. All of a sudden Stella looked down. Noah must have said something to her that night that really upset her. Her mum pulled up and she left and that was it.
Noah came and spoke to me the morning after. He was a little mad at me for not telling him that Stella knew about him and Miss.Carpenter but if I’m being honest I didn’t really know either. I tried to stop her from going over to him but she wouldn’t listen to me.
Little did we know that whilst I was telling Noah that I would let him know if Stella would do anything else about him and Miss.Carpenter, she was with Miss.Carpenter, asking so many questions about the morning of Chanel’s disappearance.
That night Stella and Vanessa had gone to Miss.Carpenter’s car and broke in to see what they could find. Not only was this a felony but Stella had also just promised Noah that she would stop digging for information on Miss.Carpenter after she had found out she didn’t exist before this year.
I didn’t expect they would find anything in the car of a teacher but they did. She had a box in her car with a padlock on it but that wasn’t the scary part. She had a gun in it and also an ID, and it wasn’t named the same which means Miss.Carpenter was a liar and a fake. Miss.Carpenter, a school teacher, had a gun in her car. When Noah asked about it the day after she said it was for protection from her ex- boyfriend but she didn’t say anything about the ID.
Whilst I was at home and Noah was talking to Miss.Carpenter, Noah’s parents were at Stella’s house getting ready to tell her parents that they no longer wanted them to see each other anymore. They knew that Noah and Stella wouldn’t be happy about it so they waited until they were both out. Noah’s mum said that they were a bad influence on each other and that they apparently knew that Stella was sneaking out to see Noah when she wasn’t.
Noah was at school with Miss.Carpenter when everyone else was busy. Well, he thought they were busy until Stella’s mum and Noah’s dad burst in on them both, it turns out that Stella had told her mum about Noah and his music teacher. She had to so that she wouldn’t get into trouble for having a gun in her drawers. It belonged to Miss.Carpenter, as it was the one Stella, had found in her car.
It turns out that when Stella’s mum found the gun she looked through her diary too. It said everything about Noah and Miss.Carpenter and what they had been up to and how they had both been there during the gunfire that morning. Her whole life was documented in those diaries. Everything she did in her life was in that book and her mum found the worst of it.
Stella and Noah both stuck up for Miss.Carpenter that night. Stella didn’t have to but it was like something snapped in her that night. Like all of the things she had been holding in had come out. Her frustration with her mum and all of the anger she kept inside. It all came out and that was it, there was no stopping her.
That wasn’t the only thing going on though. Vanessa’s mum had been doing her dad’s dirty work and was caught by Vanessa. When they got home Vanessa finally found out that her dad wasn’t as innocent as she thought he was. She didn’t know that he was planning things a lot bigger than that though that she was soon to find out about. In fact, all of the things they both owned were brought by her father's dirty work.
It was a long weekend that week. Noah had been training for baseball again and me and Stella were working on the school newspaper. At school that
Monday me, Stella and Alfie were in the room that we had to do the newspaper with all of the laptops and computers. Alfie had put up a board of all the people that may be associated with Chanel’s death. The board was massive. There were a lot of people on it. We couldn’t point the finger just yet at our suspect just yet as we didn’t have enough information.
Whilst everyone else was getting on with school, Noah was working on how he would fit in his baseball and his music into so little days. He was getting help from one of the members of the school music group and was boxing every day to get up his strength for baseball. He was working harder than any of us.
Chanel’s family were getting ready to say goodbye for the last time. Tomorrow was the memorial for her, she had already been buried but she said that before she died that after she’s put down to rest she would like everyone to have a get-together and celebrate her life so that was what the family was going to do.
It was the day of the memorial. Me and Stella were getting ready to enter the belly of the beast, as I call it. We were going to Chanel’s house to see if we could find anything about how or why she died. I walked into Stella’s room in my suit that she said I
looked cute but when she turned around I’d never felt so happy. She looked so beautiful, even though she was in all black her smile lit me up.
We turned up when everyone was getting ready for the party. Me and Stella carefully walked up to her room looking for anything we could find either on the way up or in the room. There was nothing in there anymore other than a bed and a desk. We never knew what it looked like before but we expected a teenage girls room to look a bit more full and alive. It felt almost like we had walked into a freezer, it was so cold and our voices echoed when we spoke even so quietly.
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lucastheunlucky · 4 years
sense of touch| noah&lucas
Summary: Noah comes over Luke’s. The two talk werewolf abilities, the intensity of their senses, and Luke still thinks Noah & Winn are a bunch of idiots. It’s nice having friends for the werewolf though, and the two veg out and relax. Triggers: drug use (marijuana) @noah-kalani
Standing there 6 pack tucked under his arm Noah wrapped the knuckles of his good hand against Luke’s door, hoping it was loud enough. He never quite knew how hard he should knock, but then again Luke was a werewolf so he probably already knew Noah was there anyway. He hadn’t exactly wanted to do this at first, their whole ‘last time we messaged I was so angry we talked in circles at each other’ a bit cringe worthy. But after, well almost drowning (again) and then reuniting with Winn, Noah knew he needed to at least rekindle something with the other boy. Luke had had a valid point after all, even if Noah was loath to admit it at the time. Plus Luke has said the B word in his last text message, which was intriguing to say the least. Because Noah didn’t really know many bisexuals, least of all ones who played football.
Luke had the uncanny ability to let shit bothering him go when he needed it to not ruin a night. He was pretty private anyway about most stuff, and he’s not even told anyone about what happened with Salva and Gotch. Which, he knew he’d probably get yelled at about that, but he couldn’t think about it. This one text erased his mind of it. Willing to throw his phone in the loft, and make sure he actually did have something in the fridge to drink (he did). The moment he heard the other, Luke quickly swung the door open and reached out quickly for Noah’s shirt to yank him in. Hoping to scare him a little-- because Luke was ridiculously playful and loved the chance to be silly. “Noah,” Luke stuck his tongue out playfully. “You got here in 16 minutes, speeding much?” 
The last thing Noah expected from this night was to be forcibly yanked into Lukes apartment. But then again, here he was, being forcibly yanked into Luke’s apartment. Things were already off to a great start. “I'm sorry officer,” Noah started holding up his good hand “I must have a lead foot.” Smiling wide he jabbed Luke playfully in the side, the bro-ish comradery code demanding he up ‘minor bodily harm’ ante. It was funny just how much Noah missed this playful roughhousing with the “boys” mentality that was so prevalent in football culture. And ok yes their locker room talk and general passive misogyny left much to be desired, but there were still moments that Noah wouldn’t trade for the world, and he was glad that Luke understood all of these antics. 
“Or, you are just bad at guessing timing,” Lucas locked the door, and latched it out of safety when he received the jab. Everything in him wanted to turn and tackle the other, but he noticed his hand right away-- even the smell on him faintly off to bring his attention to it. The wolves were filled with injury this week. He playfully snapped his teeth, and wrapped his arm heavily over his shoulder to lead him into the small, modest apartment. “What, brings you to see lil o’l me? Did you get in trouble? Did you want us to look each other in the eye and apologize for being losers over text? Cause--” He waved it off, and stepped into the kitchen. “We can have a difference of opinion. All’s good.” 
Letting Luke lead him further into the apartment Noah rolled his eyes playful at the other. Well until Luke pinpointed exactly why Noah was here. Setting down the 6 pack Noah reached for a bottle handing one to the other man  “It’s partly that. But its also partly” Noah paused trying to figure out how to phrase what he was going to say next. He didn’t think this part of the meeting was going to happen till he was at least a beer and half in so the script he’d had in his head was definitely all outta whack “Ok so I’ve had to do a lot of emotional heavy lifting and like refocusing this week so I figured I might as well address this too while I’m at it.” He continued before taking his own beer from the package  “Cuz you know like I know we can have a difference of opinion, but part of growth is being open to listen to other’s points of view.” Fishing out his keyes from his pocket he popped the top off of his own beer before handing them to Luke “So I guess what I am here to say is. I’ve seen Winn, I’m not angry anymore, I am simply here to listen. If you want to talk, we can, if you don’t we can just drink beer and blow shit up on Call of Duty or something. Your call.” Noah shrugged. 
Lucas accepted the beer and leaned on the counter while Noah spoke. He could see the wheels turning in the other, and he made his way over to the living room with a gesture so they were at least comfortable. Plopping on the couch, his feet bare, Luke dressed in a cotton shirt and workout sweats looked quite at home and comfortable, his arm not bandaged, but the wound had been aggravated open from the fight. “Ah, we don’t have to linger on it if you feel okay about everything. Growing up with three other siblings and being in the middle has given me a lot of training in forgiving people, and also in saying sorry, so I am-- sorry,” Luke said easily. “I do, really have to ask you.” He lifted his brow a little, smile blinding in his cheeky tone. “You and Winn-- still a bro relationship? Or… you know, finally upgrading?”
Noah shrugged slightly as he made himself comfortable on the couch. “I mean the fact you even feel the need to say sorry is something I think we should probably talk about” he started taking another swig of his beer. “But I will follow your lead” Because if Lucas truly didn’t want to talk about it then he wasn’t going to force the other boy. But of course, that was before Lucas decided to play dirty. If Noah had been in the middle of drinking he’d have spat it all out on the couch, the older man insinuating that he an Winn were together  “Oh we’re not like-” Noah quickly corrected, nervous words now flowing freely from his mouth “I-I mean I’m like all for the cause and everything but I’m just not-” Oh no Noah stop. “Ok let me start over. Winn and I-” He stopped trying to figure out how to phrase his relationship with Winn. Friendship didn’t quite cover everything that Noah wanted it to but he was definitely not. Upgrading. Like he was not, totally not, 100 percent not pursuing a relationship with Winn alright. Like he might have thought about letting Winn kiss him that one time, and then cried in his arms, and generally didn’t want to live without him, but that was normal right? “Winn and I are just friends” Noah finished. Yea there was something about that word that didn't sit right, but he didn't have the mental capacity to deal with it now, much less in front of Lucas. 
Oh man. Okay. That was a harmless tease-- in that Luke really enjoyed pushing buttons and being a total butt sometimes, however, Noah’s reaction was actually pretty surprising. His eyes were wide as he rambled off, and Luke was stunned just a little bit in silence (which was really hard to do), his mouth open comically and holding his beer an inch from it. “Oh, bro-- it’s chill,” he actually giggled, and hid it with a deep swig from his beer. “I was just teasing. You know-- you argue then make up-- you know, then have-- nevermind.” He laughed a little, shaking his head with a wide smile and waved his beer between them as if to brush it off. “You are funny, man. Don’t have a panic.” Lord. Shit. Do these two shit heads even get it? Luke wasn’t sure if he wanted to be in the middle of this, but also felt like he totally wanted to be in the middle of this. He quieted, and inhaled to try to clear his shipping thoughts. “So, alright. We need to start over,” his smile was wide, still welcoming and not combative. “You smoke? I’ll roll us one. If you don’t like it, we can put it out.” He reached over towards the side table and pulled over a small marble box into his lap. Bringing his legs up to criss cross them, he got comfortable situating everything on his thighs, opening the box with a waft of marijuana. He hummed, rolling out a joint. “Tell me, in all seriousness-- just so I can understand better. Why is the concept of hiding or running away so bad for you?”
Downing the rest of his beer, Noah tried not to let the blood rise to his cheeks. Because of course Luke was just teasing. Because of course there was nothing going on between him and Winn whatsoever. Shrugging it all off though for a better subject he shook his head when Luke asked if he smoked. “Not religiously. Football had a pretty strict drug testing policy. Which of course was hilarious to me considering my performance enhancer of choice was a werewolf kidney” He grinned. But the grin slowly turned back to somberness as the older boy started asking the real questions.  “It's a bit hard to explain,” Noah started with a sigh. Because again, there was his tragic backstory, rearing its ugly head. Looking over at the casual way that Luke was rolling the joint though Noah figured that maybe now was time to rip off the bandaid “So I lost my mom, my dad, and my little brother in a boating accident when I was 13. And before you begin, you don’t have to apologize. Life happened, I’ve dealt with it, still actively healing the whole shebang” Noah waved off the other man, not really wanting a repeat of the emotional evening he had with Simon. “But i guess to actually answer your question, running bothers me because yea it seems like an easy choice to make at the moment, but it hurts so many people that care about you. Like my family didn't even leave me on purpose, but I’ve had to deal with so many ramifications of that. So I guess-” Noah paused cocking his head a little staring down into his beer bottle “Like if the shoe was on the other foot, and I had a choice. I still would choose to stay, mostly because I know what it feels like to be left.” 
Lucas didn’t need to be told to interrupt, but the wave between them spoke volumes to how this subject was approached by others, or the very act was Noah putting up a wall between them without realizing it. He licked the paper, sealing the edges with practiced motions, and set the stuff on the table to pull out a lighter. Luke felt terrible about the tale, and could definitely understand a lot more why such a thing was difficult for Noah. He, however, was on the other side of it. The one who left, the one who always leaves, hides, or keeps away. He never did hear from Miles on how it felt-- Miles seemed so relieved to have him back that it honestly never came up. Luke struck the lighter and lit the end until it caught, drawing the smoke in and passed it to Noah. With a careful release, the burn, pleasant and familiar, “thanks for sharing that man.” Lucas said honestly, “I’m still sorry you suffered, but I do get it. I think most people who leave don’t always want to leave. It was lonely for me, and I felt awful the entire time, but it also felt like the only path in front of me or the only one I could see. It’s hard to explain.” 
Taking the joint from Luke, Noah took a long inhale, letting the smoke sit in his lungs for a few moments before exhaling. He knew what Luke was trying to say but….. “But that's the thing, it's not the only path.” Noah replied, passing the joint back to Luke and setting his beer down on the coffee table.“I mean I don't claim to know anything about your situation. But from what I know about Winn’s and well running in general” Noah shook his head. He wanted to figure out how to put everything he wanted to say delicately but it didn't seem like there really wasn’t a way to do that so he just came out and said it.  “It's not the only path. It's just more often than not the easiest one.” Because to Noah’s eyes it was. Running was easy. Staying was harder. 
Lucas slid down in the couch, and relaxed. It was already late anyway and he was in clothes he could sleep in, so the mood was comfortable. He took the joint back, and huffed a laugh at the word easy. “Exactly, it’s not. In that moment though, it’s like the only one illuminated,” Lucas enjoyed the smoke for a few seconds, pondering the best way to put it. It really was difficult to explain, and when he thought about how he convinced Winston all those years ago he’d not even sure if it would make sense to him now. “Easy-- isn’t the word I’d use for me, at least. I was recovering from three bullet wounds laced with silver. Shit fucked up my organs, my brain-- crawling from a damn grave by myself. I didn’t even exist for a couple months. I don’t remember healing or how I did, or who was always there. All I knew,” he passed the joint, voice deeper as he spoke from it, and swirled his beer giving Noah all the attention. “All I knew was that this person existed and had me murdered and watched it. So my reasoning was-- well I’ll stay dead then, so he can’t hurt me anymore. Then shit, years went by so fast. I regret it though. Now-- I regret being alone.”
“I dunno about that.” Noah shook his head before grabbing a pillow and placing it casually on his lap legs sprawling out a bit between them. It was too early to feel the effects of the joint but he was prepared for his body to loosen nevertheless. “I think, and maybe this is just my brain, but like. I’d rather take a second and assess my options before I just blindly choose one. That way I know it's a decision I won't regret” He shrugged out taking the joint back from the other man. “I do get it though.” Noah started after another drag. Because he did in some way. Healing from his kidney procedure and the aftermath of well everything had put him in a very weird headspace that was hard to get out of. “Like not all of it obviously, but yea. Shits not fair. And I know from experience that this really doesn't help but, sorry you had to go through that.” He nudged Luke gently with his foot hoping the other took the touch as sincere and heartfelt. 
Luke hummed in response. He’s promised himself after the last attack, the glaring one up his arm and scarred over, that he would make sure the people around him had a version of Luke that wasn’t like his past self. When he was in his twenties, it was different. He was selfish, he partied, and got into trouble to hide from the fact what was happening to him was happening at all. Everything Gotch has instilled in him had to be unraveled, unlearned, and it had to start with him listening a little more carefully. “Thanks-- before I met you all, I considered just leaving with him. But that was just because he was in my head, still is mind you-- but it’s getting better.” Lucas’ hand rested on his legs, fingers easily toying with the skin just above Noah’s shoe. “Well, I’m not going anywhere. If Gotch wants me, he has to kill me cause I won’t go without a serious fight.” Lucas wanted that fight more than anything, even if he probably couldn’t handle it mentally yet. “Hrmm, come here-- you are too far away.” Lucas pouted just a little bit, but it was with a smile as he tucked his head back on the couch and drank his beer. “What do you want from family Noah? What does that look like for you?” 
Noah nodded solemnly as he handed the joint back to Luke “Glad you didn’t” Lukes touch on his foot was nice, Noah wouldn’t deny it. “Too far away for what?” Noah asked playfully poking Luke again with his toe before repositioning so he was fully on the couch now, legs folded underneath him. There was still a good few inches between the boys but Noah was closer than before. “Cuz If you lure me in with a hug just to kidney punch me Imma be mad bro.” He didn't think that's really what Luke was going to do but he had to jest any way, especially as Lucas hit him with the family question. “Oh god, thats a loaded question” Noah ran a hand through his hair as he thought “I guess i really just want loyalty, and love, and people who care”  
“I won’t punch you,” he laughed, “I might be bigger, but your arms are no joke.” Lucas knew he was asking a lot of personal shit, but he really did want to know. Family was important for anyone, and he hoped Noah hadn’t forgotten that feeling after losing his. Lucas slid down on the couch, all six foot two of him taking over most of the thing, forcing his legs and feet around Noah’s criss crossed position so he didn’t kick him off. The joint played easily on his lips, taking soft inhales and holding it near his mouth when Noah explained further. “It’s not that loaded,” he let a low swirl of smoke. “I was curious-- I want to see you find that. I’m a sap though, totally sensitive, it’s why--” He stopped himself from saying it, that's why he’s always the one fucked up by people who take advantage of him. The high rolled pleasantly in a way that made his mind linger in thought a little deeper. “Alright, ask me anything. No matter how crazy or invasive, I’ll answer it honestly.” Luke looked at the joint almost gone, handing the very last bit to Noah to finish. 
“Bruh you are a literal werewolf. You could knock me out easily” Noah huffed simply accepting his fate between Lucas’ outstretched legs. In any other situation he’d be panicking, mostly because positions like this were reserved for the boys and the boys only, not people he barely knew. But he was relaxed enough right now that he kinda didn’t care. Which was new. But ultimately nice. “No problem with being sensitive bro,” Noah clucked as Luke stopped mid sentence patting the other’s leg gently.   “You’re a born wolf right?” Noah scrunched his eyebrow slightly trying to remember what he’d been told as he took the last hit off the joint “So is touching like a wolf thing? I know Winn likes to touch me a lot, and then there’s this” He motioned to Lucas’ legs around his middle, blowing out the last bit of smoke out of his lungs “To which I don’t mind or anything, but just thought I’d ask, for like reference you know”
“I am,” he confirmed, sipping his beer and closing his eyes to let his high roll into something relaxing and not paranoid. “Touching is just nice. Men never let themselves experience it so easily-- thinks it's taking shit too far with their friends, but being a wolf trait? Hmmmm, probably. The last guy I was with for a night-- his scent, that smallest touch. God. I still think about him, want him.” He huffed a laugh-- his mind didn’t need to linger in kissing Otto right now even though his fingers lingered on his lips. “Maybe touch is too, all our senses are heightened, hearing, smell, taste, sight, so it might be.” Lucas shrugged, glancing down at his position and grinned cheekily. “Ah, that’s probably more me. I can move if you don’t like it, but since I’m being honest. You seem very snuggable, do people hold you enough? It’s ‘probably’ why Winn hangs all over you. You have that vibe, my dude.”
The last guy. Noah made a mental note of the gender. Not that it mattered to him, he was fine with Lucas being bisexual after all, but still that was interesting. “I agree about the men thing” Noah nodded with a sigh “My best friends and I are pretty touchy, but it took a long time to get to that point. Or at least it did for me. Being the weird new kid in their group and all” Noah shrugged looking down at lucas’ leg. He was tempted to poke it again, but stopped when the conversation turned to about him being touched and snuggled. “No, they don’t” It was out of his mouth before he could stop himself, the mixture of weed and the alcohol lowering his brain to mouth filter. “I mean, I’m just usually the one doing the emotional support snuggling, not the one being snuggled I guess. Goes with the vibe” Noah shrugged out, hoping that wasn’t too much of a noticeable backtrack, though he could already feel the red tinge to his cheeks. He knew he shouldn’t be embarrassed to admit he wanted to be touched and held, but it still was hard. Noah wasn’t exactly the type to ask for what he needed after all. “You’re good though, like with me and touching and things.” He was rambling now, and probably really needed to stop talking, but hey, in for a penny in for a pound. “Like I’ll for sure tell you if you cross a line” 
Lucas frowned a little, surprised people didn’t bother giving Noah something so simple. Luke didn’t overly think about werewolf traits, but those around him now that were either bitten, or in a special case like Noah, they kept reminding him that he might take it all for granted. “I’ll leave this out there for you, but if you ever need to just cuddle up and not even talk about shit, just hit me up, man. Everyone needs to feel comfort, and I really don’t always need an explanation.” He pulled out his phone, and started ordering them cheesesteak subs and fries from a nearby place. “You don’t mind? Good-- its free real estate then,” he chuckled at himself, “I’m glad you told me the stuff about your family.” The sensitive side of Luke always surfaced while he drank and smoked, “I think I get you a little more. I’m sure I’ll piss you off again, but at least you know you totally come fight me and you won’t hurt me too much-- weakling--” He winked in tease. “I ordered us food.” 
“You say that noooow,” Noah drawlled “but in 6 months when me and my dog are always here, wrapped around you like spaghetti noodles, I have a feeling you’re gonna regret it.” He grinned at the other boy. It was reassuring to know that Luke would do that for him, even if part of Noah knew he probably would hesitate before seriously taking him up on it. Or maybe he wouldn’t. He was here after all, already settled in a comfortable and weed induced pretzel. Nodding along gently to the other Noah settled back further into the couch pulling lucas’s legs into a little bit more comfortable position. “Oh yea Catch me a couple days before a full moon asshole and we’ll see who's weakling” Noah started with a playful huff flicking the other man’s leg with a grin. It was safe to say Noah had really missed this kind of close brotherly ‘I’m gonna love you but first I’m going to threaten to hurt you’ vibe he’d had with his football team, as well as his own brother. “Good.” Noah’s ears perked up at the mention of food “I was about to die of absolute starvation. What did you get us?”
“Cheesesteaks, fries, and brownies,” Lucas snorted in amusement, for whatever reason that was funny to him, and tossed his phone on the coffee table rougher than he should have. “I’d take you on--” Luke challenged, but with his dopey grin and relaxed body it really wasn’t threatening. His mind wandered easily while he was high, and he couldn’t help but find himself happy right now. Just staring at Noah, and finding it just so damn nice. He’s almost had everyone over now, a few more people in his life needed to come over. This place-- he refused to let it be touched by Gotch, or anything negative. Even with the ghost attached to his soul, feeding on what was so easily bright and happy in a world that played him bad hands. He rolled up in an impressive crunch and grabbed Noah into a wrestling hold, kicking the pillows everywhere, even the cushions. He laughed loud, comfortable-- happy. 
“Nicceeeeeee” Noah breathed out with a happy grin, easing into his mellow. Yelping slightly as the other boy grabbed him though Noah couldn’t help but feel this surge of belonging, even as the cushions went flying, and laughter filled the room. They hadn’t known each other for long but yet wrestling with Luke on the couch just felt so normal, and so right. While they didn’t always see eye to eye Luke was becoming a brother figure he hadn’t had in a long time, and Noah wouldn’t trade it for the world. 
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lambourngb · 5 years
Behind the Scenes- Last Year’s Wishes
@zuluoscarecho - ““Oh man you have been busy! I’m glad the writing Has been going well for you. I would love to hear about your process when you get a chance if you’re keen. Like whether you plotted it out, whether the whole fic came to you (more or less) or how hard you had to work to fill in the gaps to get you where you wanted to go, whether you’re a “push through” kinda writer and just sit down and do it or whether you scribble stuff down all day and then type it up at the end or whatever. Many questions I have”
Oh boy, these are great questions- my approach to writing has changed from how I started “Last Years Wishes” and how I’m finishing it. First of all, I was out of practice. The last long story I tackled and finished on my own was in 2002-2003 on ff.net  (for a moment I thought it was 2012-2013 but I just looked it up and still can’t believe it was that long ago, hahah) Then I wrote a follow up with a co-writer that ended …poorly due to stuff outside of writing with that person. I hit a very bad depressive cycle and didn’t write again until 2019 and RNM.
The idea came after I watched some true crime story in August- I think it was “Murder Comes to Town” - which is all small town population less than 10,000 gets hit with a salacious murder. I immediately thought about Michael, and first I thought he could be blamed for Max’s disappearance, but then I remembered how visible Noah was to the town, and I was off plotting. Carina said on twitter- oh lord what a loaded sentence that is - that we don’t know when Alex was at the Airstream or what he had to say- which fine, but that made me think about juggling the time a bit, letting the police show up first, then Alex go to the wild pony, THEN MAX, and yeah boom! Conflict! Alex knows Michael wants to be with someone else, but he just gave him an alibi. They are stuck! Fuck Alex’s whole life, amirite? That part of the idea came all at once.
I wrote the first draft of the scene for Tumblr - August 8th - started it before work when I like to write- kept writing once I got to work (bad employee!) posted it and as the comments and likes rolled in, I kept writing. First day was like 6,000 words.
Then I didn’t really touch it for 2 weeks. I kept adding stuff here and there, using WIP Wednesday to motivate me to share a bit. In one month though, the story was at 10,000 words by September 12. Mainly because I just wrote as it came to me, and let my brain just fuck off on Tumblr or reading other fics. I wasn’t really serious about it. Six weeks later it was 15,000 words by the end of October. This time I thought the reason I didn’t have more progress on it was because I didn’t have the practice of finishing a story- so I attempted at the very beginning of October to do Whumptober. I managed to write 2 stories - truth (to the people we love) and If You Regret (What You Know).
So two stories finished, I went back to Last Year’s Wishes and used everyone working on NaNo for November to buckled down. I wrote out a rough outline of future scenes. I made a point to write, if I could, every day something. I do try and write in a linear fashion, but if I couldn’t move forward in the story, I would go back to previous stuff to add in descriptions, put in some introspection- sometimes a whole scene needed to be inserted, then I could push forward again.
The story grew from 15,000 words on Nov 1 to 28,000 words by Dec 1. Nearly double in size. And the more I put my ass in the chair to write, the easier it became to focus. It will never be easy to focus for me- I really like scrolling on my phone, chatting with other people, etc. But I had to build a muscle in my brain from the ground up with no real belief that I would succeed because I thought depression and anti-depressants had broken my brain. But Malex kept me interested.
By the time December rolled around, I made a goal of finishing it by New Years, but then my outline kept growing. I kept thinking about the underlying plot, I kept thinking about how big the communication divide was- I couldn’t just say “they talked, they fucked HEA!”. As December came to a close, I realized I had written 32,000 words in the month of December but I was only half done with the story. So while I was disappointed I hadn’t hit my goal of being done, I was very pleased at the progress. The story was around 60,000 words by the end of the year.
January- I increased my goal of 1,000 words a day, to 2,000 words a day.  I really believed I could finish it in one sustained push. I wrote nearly 40,000 words in the month of January- bringing it to just under 99,000 words but…it still wasn’t done. My assistant quit. I got sick. Progress stuttered. But I felt like the end was in site- so I contacted  betas, two of which came through- tasyfa and Maura - and kept writing. I thought it was just 20,000 words to go, and since I just wrote 40,000 in one month, I could easily write 20,000 2-1/2 weeks, right????
February- beta comments were great, I started releasing it publically in chapters, and then the feedback started rolling in- and instead of motivating me forward, I started obsessing over the next thing people would read- I wanted it to be perfect. I started inserting new scenes, fleshing out other areas- driving my betas crazy I think- because I kept poking at it. I wrote those 20,000 words easily as the story was getting posted, but they were all in the existing frame of the plot. New stuff … that didn’t really start happening until March.
Another thing that I realized was my outline needed to be supportive but flexible. Originally (which remind me once it’s complete) but I had some different ideas for how the last few chapters were going to go, and I had to let those narratives go because it no longer felt natural to me with the narrative I had established.
Even now I have 5 scenes outlined for chapter 22, but as I started writing it this morning, I am leaning toward blending it into 4 or 3 scenes. Oh- my scene should have a standalone point to accomplish, and if that point isn’t clear or can be accomplished in another way, then it gets moved or blended. I don’t really jot things down on paper- but I have two documents- the writing doc, and the story doc. Writing doc has the outline, I always write with my outline heading just below my cursor so I can keep looking down at my goals and construct the scene from there. The story doc is where I cut and paste it into the whole thing. Sometimes as I scroll to find where I am in the doc, I will add something or edit something, before putting in the next bit at the end.
This is what chapter 18-19-20 looked like on Feb 9th in my outline : [1.. After their pathetic attempts to decorate Alex‘s leg was starting to bother him. Michael took one look at him and advised that he remove the prosthetic. Alex protested mildly about being seen that way. Michael reassured him that Isabell not only knew but didn’t care.
1a. - Isobel and Kyle arrive- she found him in the grocery store attempting to leave with the last baked ham - Mom working a double, Rosa was going to midnight mass with Arturo and Liz- 1b. Isabell and Michael have a quiet talk that Alex overhears while he changes and removes his leg for the night-. He discusses talking to Maria and reframing some of what Alex had said. 1c- walks past them to the kitchen with Kyle]
[2.  Isobel and Kyle show up  to the cabin for Christmas Eve- Isobel sleeps over. Michael offers the spare, Kyle takes the couch, Alex objects to Michael sleeping in the airstream. ]
[ 3. Alex wakes up to an alert on the day after  Christmas Day that gets an alert about someone at the cave. Finds Michael staring at Jesse and not Max.. Why did you think you were like him- that night that Noah died. What did that mean. It means he was ruthless about his agenda and so am I. I’ll do anything to protect you. Michael is silent and closed off, but follows him back to the cabin - knowledge from the ship piece ]
ONE MONTH LATER on March 10 the notes looked like this based on how the story looked: [2.  Isobel and Kyle stay in the face of the weather- Isobel sleeps over. Michael offers the spare, Kyle takes the Airstream ,Michael volunteers himself to sleep with Alex - Michael quietly explains he isn’t going to have a conversation with anyone afterward, Christmas gift exchange- Michael gives him the handprint- remnant from the console and his mother, sharing the intensity - they have sex  ]
[ 3. Alex wakes up to intense sorrow by Michael via the handprint n the day after  Christmas Day that gets an alert about someone at the cave. Finds Michael staring at Jesse and not Max.. Why did you think you were like him- that night that Noah died. What did that mean. They discuss Alex’s family and the future- do you think you would ever forgive them? I’ve been mad at Max, but if he came back today I would take him back, What about Flint and what he did ? Do you think he’s sorry? knowledge from the ship piece- soul mates, forever tied together ]
Err— I’m long winded, so did I answer your questions? Feel free to ask more!!
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Harry Potter AU! Drabble...
A relationship between a Head Boy and Head Girl. + NPC AU Stuff
           A photo showed the head girl on her knees doing what her title could only allude to, obviously movements and clothing being removed. Bellamy pursed her lips, thankful that at least Daniel wasn’t pushing things so far this time that the picture showed who she was blowing. No, it just showed her, and she was thankful for that.
            “I really hope you’re not the one taking these photos, because I don’t think Love would be very pleased with you,” Bellamy said, tearing up the photo even as she knew he probably had more. Really though, if she and Daniel actually hated one another he’d probably have sold the images, there had certainly been worse ones, but usually it just meant that he wanted to do something that he knew Bellamy would not want to.
            Daniel chuckled, waving his wand to clean up the torn paper. “Who do you think took the picture? Love’s got an eye for these things, the lighting was very well done,” he answered and Bellamy rolled her eyes. She actually sort of liked Love, in a strange way. They weren’t very similar admittedly, not from what Bella could tell, but it was hard not to admire the way his girlfriend got what she wanted. Sometimes he wondered if Daniel actually wanted the same things, or if Love was just terribly good at convincing him that he did.
            “Yeah, I’m sure she waited for the right moment when the clouds were out of the moons way,” Bella responded sarcastically, adjusting the head girl pin on her blouse. Unlike Daniel, who was very well put together, Bellamy’s shirt had clearly been raised a few inches, and despite the fact it was freezing cold she wore not a vest or a robe and had her blouse unbuttoned. Daniel never looked, because despite the image he had of her, he seemed quite solely devoted to his Love. “Just tell me what it is, Daniel?”
            “We’ll be addressing Headmaster Dumbledore with a request for some of the dorm enchantments to be removed,” Daniel informed her and Bellamy rolled her eyes because she knew what he was talking about. The enchantment to the Gryffindor Girls Dormitories that meant no boys could go into them. 
            Bellamy started to walk off, knowing she’d have to agree, “you just want to spy on them!” she called back, walking backwards and turning to her front without thought, slamming directly into someone. Love.
           “It’s about equality, Bella,” Love told her and Bellamy chuckled.
           “Yeah, allowing the boys to sneak up to the Gyffindor girls dorms is about equality, sure,” Bellamy said as Love joined her boyfriend, long sandy blonde hair falling over the girls shoulders, fuller than Bellamy’s own, but with a sterner jaw. “You two are up to something, and if it was actually interesting, or about equality I’d know you’d have just asked,” she answered, tone growing lighter as she easily recalled her fondness for being part of the schemes she liked.
            “Oh Bella, you’ll like it when we’re done,” Daniel insisted, arm wrapping fully around his beloved girlfriend, drawing her into him and pressing a soft kiss to her cheeks. “Just wait.”
🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍 BONUS EMMETT AND BELLA ( BEMMETT? ) SHIP + Noah is there too...
              Noah’s fingers moved up Bella’s jaw, dirt and sweat on them, as it was on the rest of him post game. Emmett had to listen to her squealing loudly for his brother, the Captain of her house’s team the whole game as he tried to focus on his charms work. He’d read the same paragraph over and over again because each time she shouted ‘go Noah!’ he wished he knew of a spell to make him deaf, if only for the hour. Now he wished to be blind too.
               “You’re touching my make-up,” Bellamy objected, immediately pulling a mirror from her robe and checking to see that his fingers had not smudged her foundation. It wouldn’t have, she had spelled most of her make-up to only be removed by an exfoliating potion cleanser that she had, but it stopped Noah from touching her without deterring him from flattering her latter with flowers for being his loudest cheerleader.
               Due to her comment Noah didn’t kiss her as he headed for the showers, instead rubbing her arm softly as she continued to look at herself, admiring the way the gloss on her lips made them look full and pink.
                “You know you could play too,” Bellamy said as he closed the mirror, looking to Emmett who was still seated. “I’d cheer for you over him,” she playfully teased as Emmett slowly closed his book. He’d not retained any of it, of course.
               “You’d still cheer for him,” Emmett said plainly, standing with hands shoving his book into the messenger bag he carried over one shoulder. Emmett was smarter than his brother, he knew that Bellamy toyed with both of them, but logic defied love and when he heard her screaming for his brother. All he could recall was the summer between third and fourth year, when his father had agreed for the girl to stay with them for the season, and he’d walked into his brother’s room and saw them kissing, his brother’s hands on her. Sometimes it felt like she was only teasing him. "He’s Captain of the Slytherin team,” Emmett added so he did not sound bitter as he went to walk by her.
                  Slender fingers stopped him, false nails with a snake dancing across them magically pressed into the soft cotton fabric of his shirt, and the navy of his tie. Like his father he was well put together, his clothing pressed and worn appropriately, and, quite like his father, he had eyes for only one, gaze lifting from her hand, to her cleavage and finally to her face, where her golden eyes caught his, surrounded by thick false lashes and covered with soft green shadows.
               “You’re never going to forgive me, are you?” Bella said, full eyes open and looking into his own, her lips shining in the setting sun’s light. “You could have kissed me too, you know. When we were playing hide and seek and we hid in your mother’s closet for an hour from him, when your dad had that party with all the ministers and Noah was spouting ridiculous stories and you had me to yourself all night, or the countless times I heard you walk past my bedroom door and stop. You can’t be mad at me when you never did anything, Emmett. Sweet notes, romantic songs, heartfelt birthday gifts, they don’t do anything,” she insisted, hand grasping at his shirt, leaving lines in it’s previously crisp fabric. “If you want me, take me,” Bellamy insisted, remaining there with her grasp desperate for a response.
             Had he actually been shooting himself in the foot all this time? Was she waiting for him? Noah had always been the one to take what he wanted, screw everyone else. Emmett hadn’t been shocked when he saw Noah kissing her, why would his brother care that he liked her too? Were his efforts to gain her affection through songs dedicated to her on their radios, notes flown to her countless times by his owl, and gifts catered to everything he knew of her simply overruled by the fact she’d been waiting for him to show a bit more of himself, be perhaps as determined and assured as his father had been with his mother?
           She went to let go and he refused, hands grabbing her waist and pulling her closer, his long fingers practically able to engulf her small waist. Eyes moving through hers as he searched for the right answer to not lose her entirely. “Take me,” she repeatedly, almost pleaded like when she begged to stay with them each summer rather than go home to her mother. He knew then.
             “Emm-,” Bella was cut off by his lips, finding hers fast. Even though she’d wanted it, she hadn’t expected he’d give in, he’d pushed his brother out of the way on occasion to get her attention, and get her preference, but he’d never actually done it when they were alone, when it was just them. Bella’s hand relaxed between them as her mouth opened and pressed for more. The rest was instinct, every action Emmett had thought over in his head time and time again was like muscle memory, fantasy slipping into reality. Emmett did not intend for this perhaps temporary reality of fantasy to end before she was screaming his name with far more passion and need than she had been cheering his brothers for the past few hours.
             “Emmett,” she whispered at his lips with soft desperation. He was getting closer.
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blkholeinfinity · 5 years
God in Good Omens: Why Her Plan is Ineffable Headcanon
I’m a polytheist so my view on gods/goddesses/deities give me a... different view on Good Omens’ God than those who grew up in Christianity and/or Judaism have (probably)? I try to reconcile it with what little I DO know of the Old and New Testaments, but God in the Good Omens miniseries in particular is a fascinating character to me.
So, time for some Good Omens God headcanon!
Disclaimer: I am unlearned in Christianity and Judaism beyond what pop culture has taught me, and what was forced at me from living in the United States. I’m not trying to offend anyone with this headcanon; I simply see the Good Omens God in the same light I see the gods and goddesses and deities of the religion(s) I follow. I am willing to learn more, but I am also unwilling to go out of my way to learn it because of how much Christianity is forced down my throat on a daily basis (‘Murica). So feel free to comment/reblog to point out inaccuracies or specific things from the mythos to support either your stance or mine, but please understand the knowledge base and personal experience I come from. If I say anything inadvertently offensive, please help me learn by pointing out what I said and why it was problematic and I promise to do better next time. As long as you’re not rude, I won’t be mad.
Tl;dr - I welcome criticism on my headcanon, but please be patient and kind with me about it and I promise I will return the favor. ❤️
This mini-essay is going to be focused on the miniseries as God is more of a character in the show vs. the book.
To start, God has an interesting character development through human history — both in real life and in Good Omens. She started off as an easily angered, violent, and vengeful deity: Satan/Lucifer and the demons rebelled (to varying degrees) and she cast them down; Adam and Eve gave into temptation and she threw them out of Eden; the whole Noah’s Ark thing; and many other (Old Testament, iirc?) examples, I’m sure. But then she chilled out, it looks like, around the time of Jesus and probably because of Jesus.
I think this was when her Armageddon Plan changed. Originally, it was absolutely going to be a war against Heaven and Hell like everyone thought. Then, she decided to make it personal against Satan instead (because she decided he was who she was really mad at, and all of her other grievances stem from his initial rebellion - for better and for worse, but she’s still salty) and started moving the pieces into place to ensure that the Antichrist would rebel against him at the crucial moment.
He needed to feel how she felt when he rebelled, was her reasoning. Because God can be petty. Just because Jesus forgave his enemies didn’t mean she needed to.
Over time, she also grew to love humanity for all our stupidity, goodness, and yes, wickedness, much in the same way as Aziraphale and Crowley albeit as a distant observer. I’ve heard Christians say that she made humans in her image, and she probably started to see that - that all of their flaws are her flaws. And maybe even started to see humans as being even better than herself. 
Then she looked at her own angels and realized that they (all but one) were dicks. And at the demons and saw that they (all but one) were also dicks but she was less surprised and disappointed about that.
So before, when she decided not to clue in anyone, not even the Metatron, to her change in plans, it was for the sake of making sure no one interfered with the Antichrist. Once she realized that all the angels and demons were assholes, she decided that they deserved a good trolling, too.
(Okay, maybe she let ONE person know her new plans: one Agnes Nutter. Because God wanted to be mostly hands-off in the affairs of humanity, because she kind of felt bad that when she did get hands on, it was only to punish them, and she was always ruthless in her punishments. She didn’t really trust herself — but also she wanted to test the humans one more time to see if they were really worthy of being saved. More on that in a bit.)
But the centuries are long and she got bored. So the plan was in part a lesson to be taught to all the immortals, in part for the lulz. (Because in my head, God is a trickster. Sort of like a mix of Odin and Loki from Norse mythology. And iirc, there is historical evidence that when Christianity came to the Nordic countries, Odin was kind of rolled into the Christian God in order to more easily convert the masses?)
Which brings us to our favorite angel and demon: Aziraphale and Crowley.
I have a few different mindsets as to why she didn’t punish Aziraphale for giving away the flaming sword. A part of me feels like she might have been particularly fond of him in that “aw look at my cute puppy, I can’t stay mad at that face” sort of way (because, I mean, look at that face). Another part of me feels that she was too exhausted from her anger at Adam and Eve, at Satan and the demons, to care anymore, like “ugh I can’t deal with this right now whatever” and then just never got around to it. I have other thoughts, too, that he was following her Ineffable Plan, but that doesn’t fit with the theory I’m presenting here... or maybe it does? That maybe she felt bad for Adam and Eve, hindsight is 20/20, and she was like, “Well, okay, I don’t feel so guilty anymore. Good job, angel. Not that I’m ever going to admit that to you.”
But outside of that, I don’t think she was paying too much attention to what Aziraphale and Crowley were doing on Earth until after Jesus, and with her now more benevolent attitude towards humans (again see: because of Jesus), she appreciated them a whole lot more and started to work her into the New and Improved Armageddon Plan.
Which is why she didn’t mind that they were, as Aziraphale infuriatingly put it, “fraternizing.” She saw in them a new potential - for humans, for Heaven and Hell, and for herself. And that’s why she let them have Agnes’s prophecy on what they needed to do to survive their respective punishments from the other angels and demons. And also yes because she still wanted to troll the angels and demons because they deserve to be trolled.
(And yes, I do prescribe to the headcanon that God ships it, too, and set the events of Armageddon into motion because she was sick of the slow burn mutual pining of these idiots like the rest of us. But for her, that was more the cherry on top than the true goal. To incorporate the two headcanons, the timing corresponds with “you go too fast for me” because I imagine shortly thereafter was when the American Air Force base near Tadfield was established, so she began moving the chess pieces from that point forward because FFS AZIRAPHALE ARE YOU KIDDING HER. Maybe Armageddon came a little earlier than originally planned, or maybe the timing was Just Right and therefore coincidental, I can get behind both.)
So, for the next Armageddon when it’s all of Heaven and Hell against all of humanity, she’s counting on Aziraphale and Crowley to fight on behalf of humanity. And also that’s why Aziraphale never became a fallen angel and never will become one; unfortunately, Crowley has to remain Fallen, because forgiving him in an official capacity isn’t in the cards for what she’s planning next... right now, anyway.
Because I think the real reason the Ineffable Plan is ineffable is because God keeps changing her mind and therefore the plan. So yeah, this is her plan right now, but give it a century or two. It might change again. And maybe that’s when Crowley would be forgiven in the official capacity because it’s necessary for God’s plan. Or something else entirely, who knows. That’s for fanfic writers to speculate.
But I mentioned about how Armageddon was also to test humanity. And that’s all tied up in Adam the Antichrist.
She wanted him to go to the wrong family. Send him to the most boring, normal family and ensure that he would receive no interference from Heaven or Hell and just... see how he turns out. If he became the prophesied Antichrist, humanity fails, time to start over. If he turned into a normal kid, “Human Incarnate,” then humanity passes. And needless to say, humanity passed the test, because without even knowing what they were doing, they transformed the embodiment of evil into the embodiment of a human child. And that’s what God wanted to see.
That and the Antichrist screaming at Satan, “YOU’RE NOT MY REAL DAD.”
Which, again, was God’s real goal with Armageddon anyway. It was always about getting back at Satan. And now she has. Everything else was a happy bonus.
But there was more to it than that. See: Agnes Nutter and her descendants, and why they were the only ones entrusted with the real Armageddon plan. Now, this makes my headcanon shaky - because if God knew that things were going to go down exactly the way that they did, even for things having little to nothing to do with Armageddon, why even bother testing anything at all? I mean, it does go back to the whole, she’s testing humanity via Adam and Adam was the one Unknown. (Which means that Agnes’ second prophecy book was always meant to be burned, but that’s a whole other theory.)
It could also be that she was going to make sure everything happened exactly the way that they did. If her plan was written out in full in Agnes’s book, maybe it was a checklist of things she intended to happen, and certain things would be left up to interpretation. After all, some prophecies were very specific (these were the ones she was absolutely sure she was going to make sure came true), and others were less so (these were the ones more up to interpretation). Which then begs the question: how much of how things went down did God actually intend? Is she just clever enough to have planned everything to the last detail? Or did she encourage things along a certain way to make sure that they happened exactly according to her plan? (For example, moving the pieces into place so that Shadwell would see Aziraphale talking to the Metatron to be sure that the prophecy “Three shall ride as two” came true.)
Who knows? It’s ineffable, after all.
And Anathema was always meant to lose the book, and Aziraphale was always meant to find it, because this was the exact moment God wanted Aziraphale and Crowley to actually become involved in the Plan. Now that the Antichrist is... well, not all grown up, but at the apparent proper age for Antichristing, now Aziraphale and Crowley can start “interfering” with the Plan. Because they can’t hurt anything anymore. Yeah, they were about to kill Adam, but that was also part of the test for humanity, I think: would Madame Tracy stop them from doing it? And she did.
As for why Agnes’s prophecy forced Anathema and Newt together, idk, I’m going with God was bored and trolling. But honestly, getting into the specifics of plot points wrt God’s Plan is beyond the scope of this essay. Maybe I’ll give my thoughts on it later. Maybe if you actually made it to the end of this essay you’ll give your thoughts?
Seriously though, if you made it to the end of this mini-essay, you win a few dozen gold stars. And thank you so much for sticking with me if you did.
Tl;dr - I think God’s plan is ineffable because she keeps changing her mind about what she wants to do, and she just... fits her new agenda in with the old somehow so she can act like she “planned it like this all along.” And she’s trolling everyone. And testing humanity. And really is fond of Aziraphale and Crowley.
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