#if he mentions golf one more time I actually will I swear to god
lovelyisadora · 5 months
listen I have strong feelings about little marcia okay. I just think that she and silas had a lot in common; I hc that they were both young when they lost their fathers and she doesn’t have any siblings and his are so much older than him and while he has friends, I don’t really think they’re particularly close. they both live in the ramblings and don’t have a lot and idk I think they’d just kinda stick together reluctantly you know. no one else gets it. silas drags her around like an annoying little sister and marcia could choose not to go with him but she’s got nothing better to do than get him out of the trouble he gets them both into.
PLUS they both see alther as a father figure and I think they compete for his affection tbh.
I need to find it but I DO have a finished scene somewhere from a larger wip where they’re at zelda’s (during magyk) and they discuss alther and their childhoods but it quickly becomes an argument and zelda has to intervene. I just moved across the country though so it might take me a while to find it but I can try.
Edit: I also have some other unfinished wips about her childhood okay actually hold on I have to go murder my brother he just hit me in the head with a golf ball
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papaya-twinks · 18 days
red hot chilli 🌶️ - l.n - part 3
Warnings: brief mention of smut, swearing, obsession
Pairing: Lando Norris x fem!reader
other parts
A/N - the golf pictures of Lando sent me genuinely feral so I’m making up another one for this 
And so, when Lando saw you yet again in the pit lane in Miami, he was more than happy. Yet again, you were in the Ferrari garage, with Alex and Rebecca by your side once again. 
“You know,” you said, standing between each of the girls as you watched the grid line up for the sprint qualifying, “some guy, I think his name was Luka, he messaged me the other day,”. Alex raised a brow at the words, gesturing for you to show her. 
“Have you seen him before? Like what he looks like?” Rebecca  asked as the cars came found the weaving straight. “…No,” you said, a bit surprised you hadn’t thought of actually ask your new friend. You and who you thought was Luka had been talking for ages, yet you never did think to ask. 
“Seriously? He could be some 60 year old pervert,” Alex said, raising a brow as she looked at you in confusion. “No, he’s not,” you said, shaking your head, feeling a little protective all of a sudden. “But Y/N-,” Rebecca started. “He’s not a pedo!” you interjected, a little frustrated as you watched the cars roll into their slots. 
Rebecca and Alex shared a look but said nothing more as you put your phone back down, watching as the lights started. “Oh my god,” you gasped as a car spun round, a bright orange car. The same one as, presumably, the same one you had seen in Australia. 
That was shitty.
You didn’t watch the rest of the spring, not all too concerned, as you busied yourself in the corner of your room, taking your phone out and typing a message to ‘Luka’.
Y/N: heyyyyy, how are you?
Lando pause mid-way through his conversation with his engineer upon hearing his phone ding, and he took the de ice into his hands, eyes lighting up as he saw your name across the screen. “Wait,” he mumbled absentmindedly to the hro of engineers, going to the bathroom. 
They’d all caught onto Lando!s weird behaviour whenever his phone would ring and he’d always stare at the message from whoever with such glee. They’d never asked, though, purely to respect his privacy, but it was a little worrying.  Seriously, who was he talking to?
Luka: heyyy, I was watching the F1 
Y/N: me too!
Luka: did you see how Norris went out?
Y/N: yeah, I saw it live, it was rlly unfortunate 
Luka: live?! you’re lucky :)
Of course, Lando did know you’d seen it live. He’d watched you walk down the pit lane in your cute, pretty little dress, the way your hips swayed. God, everything about you was damn hypnotising. Even the way he watched you sip your cup of coffee you had. 
It made him think things, things he no doubt should not be thinking. Yet everything about you was enchanting, almost pulling him towards you like some magnetic force. From small things, to the way your lashes fluttered when the wind blew a little harder, to the way you sipped you walked. 
Y/N: tyyy! You like F1?
Luka: I do, yeah, I love F1! Who’s your favourite driver? 
Y/N: I’d say…maybe Carlos or something 
Obviously you liked Carlos, he was your brother after all. But how was he to ask if you liked him without directly saying that he was the person? That he was Lando Norris?
Luka: Nice, my fave driver is Lando Norris 
Y/N: he’s the McLaren one, right? 
Luka: yeah, ya know him? 
Y/N: I know OF him, haha 
Luka: yeah…he’d be lucky if you spoke to him in real life :) 
Shit, was that too forward? And Lando didn’t even get the chance to check your reply, til he heard a knock on his door, followed by the voice of one of his engineers. “Hey Lando?” the engineer said, opening the door as Lando put his phone down immediately, “you have media,”. 
Lando sighed, nodding as he turned to follow him into the pit lane and to the TV pen. He’d been having an okay time getting on with it, managing to put the whole situation behind him - only to now have media work. That would be shit.
You frowned as you stared at the screen, blinking a few times as you watched Luka go offline. Oh, maybe he had something to do. You put it past you, putting your phone back into your purse and watching the rest of the race, as you stood in the corner. 
“Y/N,” Carlos said with his usual smile, walking into the garage as he nodded for you to come and follow him, “I’m gonna go to some golf course a few miles away. Wanna come? It’s just me and Lando,” he said, his accent thick and Spanish. “We can get out this place,” he said, grimacing a little at the slightly loud atmosphere. 
You ended up agreeing, still have some stress to do with your studying playing at the back of your mind. After all, you could never just…completely rid yourself so stress. If you could, the world would be perfectly…perfect.
You had changed from your other outfit into a new one, a white top and a small tennis skirt, your hair tied back in a braid. You and Carlos arrived at the course, watching a man, with tousled brunette curls, swung his arm, muscles flexing. 
His hair was hanging in messy curls across his forehead, a single one a little out of place hanging low as his biceps flexed beneath his black vest and shorts. Christ. “Hey man,” Carlos said to Lando, snapping you out of your thoughts as Lando tried not to meek his double take obvious. 
“I believe you had a run in with each other in Australia,” Carlos smiled, stepping back so you could shake Lando’s hand. “I guess, yeah,” you said, a smile on your face as Lando nodded silently, leading you to the golf buggy a few metres away. 
“So,” he said, attempting to start conversation as you sat down in the back, Carlos next to Lando as he drove. “You, uh, you gonna play?”. You shook your head in response to Lando, adjusting your top slightly as his arm flexed absentmindedly. “Just caddy, I guess,” you shrugged.
“Carlos wouldn’t trust me enough to touch a golf club, let alone play,” you said wijt a small laugh. Lando chuckled a little, adjusting his hair as Carlos drive down the court to the bit him and Lando intended to go to.
Wow. This was the first time Lando was speaking to you in person. And he’d made you laugh….well, you made yourself laugh. But still!
Though there was a bit of guilt at how he’d been talking to you on Instagram all of a sudden, pretending to be someone else. What if you messaged ‘Luka’ and found out it was Lando? Fuck. He hadn’t thought of that. You say on the side, cracking a few jokes with Lando here and there but said nothing more. 
Luka: Y/N, it’s lovely to meet you and stuff, but we should stop talking. 
Y/N: what? stop talking? why?
Y/N: Luka!! What the hell???!!
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sunraies · 2 years
Broken Glass
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Rafe Cameron x Pogue!Reader
Warnings - blood, mentions of feeling sick, fluff, moodswinging Rafe.
You have a hard shift at the country club, and it gets worse when you have to clean up Rafe Cameron's mess.
A scene from season 2 is used.
Working at the country club meant dealing with obnoxious, rich people. Demanding everything to be done for them, right there and then with a smile on your face.
Most days, you could do it. Providing excellent service with a smile, but as the day dragged on, it became harder and harder to do. Saturday shifts were always a nightmare.
The members who had been enjoying the club during the day loved to spend the evening drinking at the club's main bar. A lot of the younger Kooks enjoyed the atmosphere on a Saturday night.
With champagne practically on tap and beer flowing more freely than water as black cards and 100 dollar bills were placed on the tables, it was a busy night.
You could see Rafe getting more and more energetic in whatever he was explaining to Kelce and Topper. You sighed as Topper stopped serving as soon as his friends arrived, leaving you to cover for him managing drinks and inpatient, drunk people.
As he put his beer down on the bar, he leant back, making fake gun noises with a grin.
Rafe looked more relaxed than usual, most likely from the alcohol and whatever drugs he'd done that day running through his veins.
He kept moving backwards, nudging into another member behind him. They were getting more and more annoyed by the second.
"Do you mind?" Bob had enough after the third time of being bumped into.
"I'm sorry?" Rafe span around to him, his smile suddenly gone.
"Do you mind?"
Rafe stared at him for a moment before leaning in closer. "Yeah, I do mind, Bob."
Bob blinked and nodded, looking deeply offended as he turned away for a second.
"Take a shot with me, pussy" Rafe picked up, the nearest shot glass and began pouring it over Bob's hand "Come on. Take a shot."
"Hey, come on, man." Topper tried to defuse the situation, but it escalated quickly as Bob jumped to his feet.
"Hey! What the hell are you doing?" He snapped and pushed Rafe's shoulder back, making Rafe stumble and knock over glasses on the bar. Smashing multiple in the process.
"Take a seat. That's what you need to do!" Rafe pushed him back harder, causing him to fall back into his chair in complete shock.
Bob was one of the nicest members, always polite and tipping well. He even got on with Rafe when he golfed with Ward. You'd seen Rafe angry before but to snap at Bob like that was a new level.
"Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!" Kelce jumped up and pulled Rafe back as he squared up to Bob. Topper tried to get between them, but he wasn't much use, with the bar in the way.
Everyone around had gone silent, watching the exchange unfold. You hurried over from your side of the bar to Topper's, throwing a towel down over the broken glass and spilt drinks.
Kelce desperately tried to get Rafe to move away, repeating his name softly as Bob called for the manager.
"Eat shit!" Rafe pointed at him over Kelce's shoulder.
"Look at me. Look at me." Kelce sounded calm but clearly worried about Rafe.
"What?" He snapped, looking from Bob to Kelce as he breathed heavily.
"Calm down, alright?
"No one will drink with us, man,"
"I swear to god - Hey!" Kelce slapped his cheek lightly as Rafe looked around in a dazed.
Whatever he was telling Rafe, you didn't hear as you focused on cleaning up the mess of broken glass. Kelce seemed to have him under control as Bob was taken care of by another co-worker.
"Careful," Topper said as you used the towel to wipe the broken glass into the bin.
"I got it, Top"
"Just watch the big -"
"I said I fuckin' got it, Top" you snapped.
Normally, you got on with him. You could easily call him a friend. He was actually a sweetheart, and once you got to know him, you felt bad for the guy who had his heartbroken by Sarah Cameron.
But you were already stressed as it had been a day of cleaning up messes from having no lunch break on a 12 hour shift due to the lunch rush and the trash bags breaking on trash duty, leaving a disgusting stain of bin juice on your white sneakers. This was the icing on the shitty work cake. Cleaning up Rafe Cameron's fucking mess.
"Go check on your boy," you nodded towards Rafe and Kelce.
Topper looked from you to them and back again. He nodded before checking on Bob first. Seeing if he could win him over with his charm, free whisky, and the best hours for the golf course tomorrow.
You shook your head as it seemed to work. Good job Steve, the main manager wasn't in that night as Rafe would be out on his ass and Topper's job with it.
"Hey Topper! Come on, " Rafe called over to him with a smile back on his face. "Let's go, man."
He waved him over as he headed towards the door. Topper looked at you, and you sighed
"Go, I'll cover."
"You're the best." Topper smiled and quickly kissed your temple before throwing off his apron.
Rafe pointed at you as he walked backwards. "Put it on, Cameron! Add a round for everyone"
You had to laugh. One minute, he was ready to fight sweet Bob, and the next, he was offering to buy everyone drinks. He even had the cheek to wink at you. Luckily, it was towards the end of the night, so it wasn't a massive round.
As you shook your head at his wink, with a small smile, you felt a sudden sharp pain across your palm. Looking down, a large piece of glass had pierced through the towel and cut across your skin.
You stared at it for a moment before looking away and swallowing. You hated the sight of your own blood. It always made you queasy.
"Shit, shit, shit," you muttered, blinding grabbing napkins beside you and covering your hand before hurrying out to the kitchens.
It was dark, but you managed to make it over to the sink and winced as you ran your hand under the water. You tried to be brave and look at the damage before you just couldn't.
As you felt the tears welling in the cover of your eyes, the lights came on. Every little stress of the day had finally gotten too much.
"I'm fine, Top," You called, not looking over. You knew he had seen it happen. He'd been smiling goodbye, trying to push Rafe out the door as he walked backwards.
"He's says you don't like blood," Rafe's voice appeared instead, "and he's shit with it too"
You quickly wiped your eyes with your clean hand and glanced over your shoulder at him. "I'm ok, Rafe." You sighed. "You're not meant to be back here"
You really didn't have the energy to deal with him. Since working with Topper, you'd grown a civil relationship with his friends. But Rafe was still the Pogue hating Kook King. You tolerated each other when you were working or invited to one of Topper's parties.
"Says who?" He smirked, moving closer.
"The sign on the door. Or can't you read?"
"I can read perfectly well, sweetheart"
"You don't own the country club, you know that, right?"
He shrugged. "Close to it." He seemed uninterested as he started looking in cupboards.
"Whatever you are looking for. Stop." You took a glance at your hand again and winced as the water was still a little red.
"Any. Anything goes missing, and it's my job on the line." You stumbled on your words a little as you closed your eyes tight. Taking deep breaths, you tried not to break in front of him.
"You know where the first aid kit is?" He was still slamming doors, but he sounded sober.
"Uh, under the sink." You moved to get it, but he suddenly had his hands on your hips, gently moving you to the side.
"Keep rinsing it, no pressure in case there's still glass in there." He bent down beside you and rummaged through the cupboard.
All you could do was nod, grateful in your haze that you'd remember some of your first aid training. Being the only first aider on shift and unable to handle your own blood wasn't ideal.
Once he found it, he quickly checked the supplies in the small box. You watched him, welcoming the distraction from staring at the wall. He nodded to himself as he seemed satisfied that it would do before pulling out the necessary items.
"Can I look at your hand?" He sounded so gentle as he turned off the water. You glanced down to see how bad it was, but with no water, all you saw was a bloody palm.
"It's ok, you don't have to look at it," He said softly, ever so carefully taking your hand in his. His hand was warm and soft, his touch delicate as he wiped the blood away.
You hissed in a pain as he muttered an apology. "How bad is it?"
"Well, I think we may have to stitch it"
"Oh, fuck no!" You tried to pull your hand away as he laughed.
"I'm joking, baby," Rafe chuckled, "butterfly strips will do. A bit of gauze and bandage, you'll be good to go"
You hit his shoulder. "Not funny"
"Your face was a little." He had been calling you all sorts of nicknames for a while, so the 'baby' didn't faze you.
You sat on the workside after he made you while he gently put the butterfly stripes on. Once the gauze was over it you could finally look.
"Where did you learn all this?
"I was a life guard for a summer. My dad thought it would make me more responsible."
"Seemed to have worked." You smiled as you watched him place your hand on your lap while he grabbed the bandages.
"Not really." He shrugged, taking your hand in his again. "I spent most of the summer smoking behind the pool house and hooking up with any hot chick who looked my way."
You hummed. "Sounds like a fun summer"
He nodded and gave you a wicked smile. "Oh, it was."
"What happened out there with Bob?" You dared to ask. He seemed like a completely different Rafe.
"Shit with my dad," He muttered, but that was all he was going to give you.
You watched as he was so gentle in wrapping your hand. Who knew Rafe Cameron could be so delicate?
"To tight?" He asked, looking up at you. His blue eyes gave you a look as gentle as his hands.
You couldn't help the way your cheeks burned a little as you shook your head. Nope, you couldn't have a crush on Rafe. Nope, Nope, Shit.
"Perfect," you breathed as you found your words.
"Right." He nodded, still holding your hand in his warm one, his thumb absentmindedly brushing over your wrist "Perfect"
Your eyes moved from his, to his lips and back again, you caught him as his eyes copied. He leaned it a fraction more as you seemed to be drawn forward.
"How is the patient?" Topper burst through the doors, pushing them wide open as he made his wonderfully timed entrance.
"Fine, Fine," you said at the same time as Rafe had quickly moved away, rubbing the back of his head while you swung your legs.
Topper looked between the pair of you before clapping his hands together. "Well, our shifts are over. Alan is on lock up duty. Kelce heard that Cassey is throwing a party. What do you say?"
"I should probably head home." You still felt a little queasy. But you were unsure if it was from the blood or the realisation of your feelings.
"Booze are the best medicine!" Kelce appeared behind Topper
"I'm sure they are, Kel," you hopped down, "but I really just want to lay down"
You did look a little unwell, Topper realised once you headed towards him. He held your arms gently and looked over your face. "Alright, let's get you home"
"I'll take her home," Rafe offered, his eyes moving from staring at Topper's hands on you.
"You've been drinking," You pointed out, looking over your shoulder at him
"Fair point." He thought for a moment. "Top will take you home." He slung an arm over your shoulders, "and we'll come with. Right, Kelce?"
"I actually didn't have that man -" Kelce started before Rafe cut him off with a look. "Oh, no, right. Yeah. I had too many. We'll take you home in Top's Jeep"
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nikoruistyping · 3 years
Caddy Gal || Tom Holland
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Golf!Tom x Fem!reader
Prompt: My friend requested I write an imagine/one-shot where instead of being an actor Tom ended up pursuing his hobby of golfing and he is now a famous renown golfer.
Summary: Tom has dragged you (his girlfriend) to the 2019 Sony Open event in Hawaii and well you both getting into a heated argument which then leads to making up later on.
TW: Fluff, Smut, Nudity, Adult Language/Swearing, Established Relationship, Oral sex (Fem Receiving), Petnames (Princess & Darling), Slight Dirty Talk, Vaginal Sex
Word Count: 5,168 
A/N: Can’t believe I’m posting my first One-shot on here! Hope everyone enjoys and all the likes, comments and reblogs are greatly appreciated!
Nine O'clock in the morning, Tom was eager to get on the golf course and start practicing for the tournament the next day. This was one of the biggest tournaments of the year and Sony decided to hold it at the most luxurious resort in Hawaii. He, of course, had to bring you, his lovely girlfriend along to accompany him and to well hold his caddy bag too.
There you two were both at the 9th hole, it had been exactly an hour of standing on the courses and watching Tom from afar. You're not gonna lie the way he rocked those golfing shorts and how tightly fitted his polo was, it was hard not to stare. You had his stylish but heavy caddy bag full of drivers and clubs slung over your shoulder and the sun was extremely hot that morning. There he was again for probably the 100th time this morning getting into his usual stance in front of the tee, the white golf ball perched on it. You crossed your legs, thighs being squished together due to the tight black golf skirt Tom had insisted you wear because not only did he like how good you looked in it but also because he wanted you to be dressed for the occasion, although he didn't mention the part where you carry his bag practically the whole time. You readjusted the bag on your shoulder, a cramp starting to form at the top, the weight was just too much and the golf cart was too bothersome to get to being very far away. You slide the bag off your shoulder placing it on the freshly cut grass, the base of it embedded in the grass as your hands laid on top of the open part of the bag where the clubs were sticking out. Your head flicks up as you hear the sound of metal tinging again the ball and you squint seeing the ball go flying for miles.
Besides Tom being able to hit the ball that far you were more interested in how he looked afterward. His polo shirt lifting ever so slightly up showing a sneak peek of his abs, his happy trail being somewhat visible. His big muscular biceps flexing so hard it looked like his polo sleeve was suffocating them, god you wish you could just rip his shirt off him already. The way his leg muscles were clearly showing off his calves bulging thanks to all that hard work in the gym every day. What was even sexier than all of that was the way he would hold the club in the air in place after hitting it. The way his face was just so serious yet he had this glint in his eyes that only you had ever seen in one place when he was in bed with you. He held the perfect pose for a moment before turning to you and waving, a bright smile on his face, all signs of seriousness gone. He made his way to you jogging, the club twirling back and forth in his hands.
"Did you see the shot I made? That one had to be the best so far this morning." He asked his chest heaving up and down as you could tell he was out of breath just by jogging over to meet you and well who knows maybe something else was making him so out of breath. The sun was taking a toll on him and Hawaii weather wasn't exactly like the cold and brisk UK climate.
"Of course I did darling. You looked breathtaking out there. I'm sure you're going to do absolutely amazing tomorrow at the actual event." You say smiling as he hands you his club and you stick it back in with the others.
You feel his hands immediately snaking around your hips, spinning you around to face him as he lightly presses you up against his caddy bag, the only thing supporting your wobbly legs at that very moment. His lips immediately inches away from your ear as his hot breath hits you, whispering into your ear.
"Breathtaking huh? You don't look so bad yourself darling." He says pulling away slowly his eyes meeting yours, quickly scanning up and down your body. You couldn't help but be at a loss for words. This man would be the death of you, always teasing with that voice of his and knowing exactly what made you tick.
"God Tom, you're such a tease. I'm waiting for when you're actually gonna do something fun with me this weekend and stop making me carry your caddy bag. I'm your girlfriend you know, not your damn caddy gal." You say in a snarky voice, your tone not playful or flirty whatsoever.
He was clearly taken back by your response and raised his eyebrow at you, a smirk coming about on those soft pink lips of his.
"And who said I wasn't going to do something fun with you this weekend? You know how important this tournament is for me and I can't be slacking on practice but I promise after this hol-" He is cut off by you quickly pulling away from him, leaving his hands and arms empty of your body's presence. His facial expression clearly shocked and dumbfounded, he was in big trouble and not the good kind.
You purposely knock over his bag, the clubs falling out as you look back at him, your face still clearly mad at him. Regardless you had a plan in mind to get him to do exactly what you wanted. He just needed a little push to get him distracted from golf and more interested in you.
"Oops! Oh god, I'm such a clutz Tommy, I'm so sorry..." Your innocent voice comes out as you bend over to pick up the fallen clubs, your tight skirt clearly lifting up ever so slightly, Tom has the perfect view of your ass from behind.
"Since golf is more important than your girlfriend why don't you just go on and continue without your little caddy gal. If this is your definition of fun I don't want any part of it." You say in a more serious tone as you look up at him as your kneeling in a clearly suggestive pose, both your knees in the grass your thighs rubbing up against each other and your skirt hiking slowly up as you look up at him from the ground. A club in your hand as you make sure to point it at him before sliding it back in the bag. Your breasts bounce as you spring back up, and dust your knees off spinning on your heels walking off and back in the direction of the resort.
Tom was clearly stunned not only from how much you were seeming to tease him but also because you were mad at him, to him this was pretty hot but also he knew he wasn't gonna get what he wanted so easily. It was either golf or his girl and he couldn't ever say no to you.
"W-Wait Y/N! Come on darling! I'm sorry, don't be like that! You know you're more important!" He yells after you, trying to fast walk to catch up but your legs were walking just a tad faster than his and he was out of breath already, giving up. His eyes watched your beautiful figure walk off in the distance.
He takes off his glove and rubs his temples with his fingers clearly frustrated. He squints into the distance not being able to see you anymore and lets out an exhausted sigh.
"Good job mate, you fucked up. I swear she drives me mad but god do I love her." He says to himself before giving up not caring about practice anymore and grabbing his bag walking in the same direction as you were.
30 mins later...
You finally make it back to the penthouse suite, sliding your room key at the front door and letting yourself in. You take a deep breath annoyed at him but little fights like these never lasted long and you knew exactly how they ended, always with makeup sex. Knowing that he would eventually come back at some point you decide to take your time unwinding and actually enjoying the resort room for once. On trips like these most of the time, both you and Tom were always out either at a party, sightseeing or busy at press conferences all weekend. Not once did you guys actually enjoy the fluffiness of the bed or even take a dip in the jacuzzi.
You find a way to shimmy off the skirt and strip the polo from your torso leaving you in nothing but underwear. Your undergarments go flying onto the bed as you step into the bathroom running a warm bath to relax in. The bathroom is filled with candles so you take a match striking it and lighting a few to set the mood. The sweet smell of what seemed to be vanilla and mint filled the bath and you took a deep breath relaxing to the aroma. Squeezing some bubble bath soap into the water the tub soon fills to the top with bubbles that you submerge your whole aching body in. You tilt you head back sighing as the water starts to set in relaxing all your muscles especially your shoulder, no thanks to that heavy bag of his.
"Now this is what I call relaxing. I swear sometimes he can be so stubborn and this certainly isn't the first time he has ditched me for fucking golf!" You say a bit irritated but you still glance over at your phone on the counter not seeing the screen light up.
Minutes pass by and the pit in your stomach doesn't go away as you wonder what could be taking him so long to return. This was Tom Holland we were talking about, famous pro golfer, 3 time champion of the US Open, and the man who could finish an 18 hole course in a mere two hours almost setting the world record for putting so many holes in that amount of time. So what was taking him so long?
You had spoken too soon when you heard the front door open all the way from the bathroom and you had never jumped out of the bath so quick in your life. It was finally your time to tempt him and make him want you like no tomorrow. It was true what Tom had said at his last press conference, the two things he loved in this life were in his words "Golf and my girlfriend". So it's not like he could resist you now, could he?
You reach over to grab the white fluffy robe on the bathroom counter and wrap your body in it tying a loose knot in the front to close it. Your hair up in a perfectly messy bun as you shuffle out of the bathroom and into the bedroom but what you were looking at wasn't Tom at all. It was Tessa. She had jumped onto the bed and your underwear was hanging from her mouth so innocently as she decided to tear it to shreds.
"Tessa! Princess, I'm happy to see you but why are you chewing on mommy's underwear?! No, no, no!" You say rushing over to her and despite her doing something bad you couldn't resist petting her head and giving her a little hug.
"Ugh now, what am I gonna do? That was my favorite pair..." You say looking sadly over at your suitcase and you huff and puff annoyed but you could never be mad at Tessa she was basically Tom's baby and she was equally as loved by you too.
You go over to your suitcase sifting through your clothes tossing and throwing articles of clothing over your shoulder, pieces landing on the floor, others landing on the bed and some even on Tessa's head. She just whimpers and whines as she rolls around in your clothes, tongue sticking out panting. No underwear nor even a damn bra can be found in your suitcase and you furrow your brow in frustration.
"Ok, seriously what the fuck?! I know I packed more than one pair for this trip and I'm pretty sure you didn't eat them, Tess." You say turning on your heels to look back at her, those little puppy dog eyes of her staring back at you as she barks in response, her tail wagging back and fourth happily.
"If I find out one of the maids stole it I'm going to have a fi-" You're cut off by a familiar voice as you turn your head towards the double doors of the bedroom Tom standing between them holding what seemed like a beautiful black matching panty and bra set.
"You looking for these? What, cat got your tongue darling?" He said a smirk well on his face as his eyes clearly wandered to the white robe that was wrapped around your body.
You roll your eyes at him pretending to still be mad but oh how grateful you were that he finally returned to the room.
"Tom this isn't funny, I need those to go to dinner tonight. Don't think having Tessa come in here to soften me up means I've forgiven you." You say turning your head sighing but you walk towards him seeming reluctant but oh how you wanted him to just rip the robe off you right then and there, would he have the guts though?
He takes a couple of steps towards you throwing the undergarments he had just brought for you to the floor joining the other pieces of clothes. He threw off his baseball cap, letting his wild sweaty curls free, it was clear his eyes were filled with lust for you and he sure wasn't playing games.
"I think I'd rather see you in that tight black dress tonight without the panties and bra don't you think? Who needs those anyway? It just gives me better access," He paused biting his bottom lip taking even more steps towards you and you weren't stopping either.
"Plus I have no idea what you're talking about, having Tessa come in here to soften you up? Who could ever come up with a plan like that? Stealing all your underwear, hiding it, and then making you undress for me? How scandalous." A low chuckle coming from his lips as his eyes never left your body only focusing on you.
"Only a crazy man like you would come up with such an elaborate plan," You giggle at how silly he could be in such a situation.
"You don't have to steal my underwear to see me naked you know. All you have to do is just ask or maybe not even that you have to do..." Your voice trails off as your fingers creep down to your waist tugging slowly at the knot on the robe.
"So does this mean all is forgiven then?" He asks, god he could be so naive sometimes.
"I think you're gonna have to work a little harder than that. You can't walk in here and expect me to give in so easily," You say just as you're about to open the knot and let the robe open, you stop, immediately teasing him. Your steps are delicate as you stop just in front of him, your hands landing on his pecs, your nails playing with the fabric of his sweaty and damp polo.
"How about we subtract a couple of pieces? We are a bit uneven right now and that's not fair Tom."
Your fingers slowly dragging down the fabric, your fingertips being able to feel his abs through his shirt until reaching the hem and pulling it upwards. With his help, the shirt is on the floor in seconds as his lips curve into a smirk the more your fingers travel downward to the button of his shorts.
"I'm all about playing a fair game darling." His smirk only grows wider as your fingers play with the waistband of his briefs poking out of his fitted shorts.
"From now on, no more making me the caddy gal. Since 'Mr. Holland' makes so much money you're going to hire a proper caddy after I'm done with you. I get to watch from the golf cart, deal?" You ask or more like demanding as he nods his head in response.
"It's a deal, as long as you get to wear the tight skirt while you're watching me then it's definitely a done deal." He says a little chuckle leaving both your and his lips at the same time as you nod your head 'yes'.
You do the honors of unbuttoning his shorts as they fall to the ground and he immediately grabs the knot you had done such a good job undoing that he whips your robe open in one easy swipe of his skillful hands leaving you standing completely vulnerable and naked right in front of him. He was no stranger to your body and neither you to his so why did you always blush and act shy when you were with him? Probably because you knew despite being rough he could also be tender with you and go slow but be fast all at once and it just made your blood boil for him.
"Now this is my idea of fun." He said before the next thing you know you're already scooching your way up onto the bed, Tessa jumping off of the bed and scurrying off to the living room.
"Took you long enough to realize the idea of fun I was talking about." You say rocking your hips as you curl your finger calling him over, a smile on your face as he crawled up on the bed hovering over your body.
His hands glued themselves to your hips squeezing your skin between his fingers. He leans down closer, his nose nuzzling into the crook of your neck his lips brushing against the delicate patch of skin. His muscular body pressed down and grinding against your naked one, a small muffled moan escaping your lips as you buck your hips against his erect cock that had been brushing up against your inner thigh. He was already hard just looking and smelling your scent, his teeth grazing your skin, gaining another moan from your lips before sinking his teeth into you. His soft lips peppering kisses every so often stopping and sucking at your skin leaving his mark trailing down your neck and to your collarbones.
Your hands find their way to the nape of his neck letting your fingers play with his loose curls pulling every so often as soft moans slip off your tongue. His hips grind harder against you the sound of your moans like music to his ears, encouraging him to keep going. His hands running up and down your sides, one hand sliding up to your breast squeezing and kneading it. Your nipple hard to the touch as his fingers played with it flicking his thumb over the top of the sensitive area.
"T-T-Tom..." Your voice was shaky, stuttering as you could feel your core pulsing with want and need for him. Just watching him on the course was child's play this was what you really wanted.
"Fuck, you smell amazing darling...I wanted to rip that skirt off you, right then and there on the course but seems like I'll have to save that for next time." His voice husky and almost growling as he says it just makes you more turned on than before.
"W-Well then promise me you will buy me another one after you rip it off me, will you?" You say but before you could even get a little giggle out his lips were on yours.
His soft lips pressed up against yours, his tongue swiping against your bottom lip asking for entrance. Your hands move from the nape of his neck to the sides of his face pulling him closer cupping his cheeks as you deepen the kiss. Muffled moans now leaving both of your lips as his tongue danced in unison with yours the kiss progressively getting sloppier. His hands wander slowly going down your side, his fingertip ghosting over your hipbone and going even lower down your thigh and squeezing so tight there for sure would be bruises. Your back arched in response to the roughness but neither of you minded to get a little rough once in a while leaving marks for the public to see. Despite being a major figure in the golfing community Tom wasn't afraid to show off that he loved his woman and that he had more skills other than hitting a golf ball for miles on end.
His lips pulled away slowly scanning over your facial features just by the lewd face you were making it made him even more eager to fuck you senseless.
"I promise...god you're so beautiful. I'm sorry darling, I've been neglecting you for too long." He says his voice low and throaty as he starts kissing down lower and lower until his lips reach your hip bone pressing kisses over the slowly forming bruises his hands had caused.
"Then show me how you make up for lost time and fuck me already." Your breath hitched as his free hand slowly trails over your stomach going even lower to your core, his fingertips teasing your clit.
Your fingers embed themselves into his reddish-brown curls as your hands push him further down till you were satisfied. He scatters kisses on your inner thigh trailing up till he reaches your entrance his tongue licking up your lips gaining a breathless moan from you as your fingers pull at his hair more tugging his head closer. You could feel his lips smile against your entrance and you tilt your head back against the headboard your moans only growing louder as your thighs are resisting to clench closed by how well his tongue is working into your heat. His hands gripped your hips keeping them steady as you had the urge to buck your hips against his tongue harder.
His lips pull away for just a moment to look up at you, his fingernails digging into the flesh of your inner thigh pushing your legs to stay open. His tongue poking out between his lips licking them as he takes his thumb swiping it across his bottom lip and biting it.
"You're so wet already for me princess..." He says lifting his head and peppering more kisses on your inner thigh seeing the way you shuddered and squirmed just by the touch of his lips on your skin just made him want to completely devour you.
Your breathing was uneven as he was clearly teasing you. He hadn't even let you cum and you knew that was just the start of his slow torture.
"I was already hot and bothered the minute I saw you swing your club this morning. Have I told you that you look so damn hot when you tee off?" You say biting your lip as he lifted his head up and ran his fingers through his curls shaking them loose, some stands landing on his sweaty forehead and sticking to the sweat.
He hooked his fingertips in the sides of his briefs pulling them down painfully slow, his cock springing up and laying flat up against his abs. A small moan escaped his own lips as he looked into your eyes full of lust, his eyes only focusing on the shape of your body, the scent of vanilla and mint radiating off of your skin. He grinds down on you till both your bodies, skin against skin, are both pressed up against each other. Your breasts pressed to his sweaty chest and his arms embracing you, holding you close to him as he positions himself right at your entrance. His hot breath hits your lips before pressing into you, a gasp coming from both you and him simultaneously. Your hands grip onto his back, fingernails digging into his skin as he slowly starts to move in and out of you slowly picking up the pace letting you adjust to his cock.
His lips immediately on yours, pants, moans, and grunts filling the room. As Tom picks up the pace thrusting faster into you, you scream his name over and over between wet sloppy kisses. One hand intertwining together with yours, an imprint being made into the mattress of both of your hands. You squeeze his hand so hard you thought you might break his hand by sheer force. His thrusts get sloppy the faster he goes sliding his cock so easily in and out of you, your walls pulsing around him as he let out a loud moan pressing you deep into the mattress his lips hiding in the crook of your neck as he tries to muffle his moans and groans, your name falling off his lips every few seconds. You turn your head slightly your lips brushing his broad shoulder as you manage to leave a few lazy kisses there.
"Princess I'm so close..." His breath running out as he pounds his cock into you so deep he was hitting just the right spot over and over again.
"M-Me too darling..." You manage to say before the both of you reach your climaxes at the same time.
 His hips buck into you one final time as your back arches off the bed his free hand sliding down your side and gripping your thigh as the pace slows down and he stops moving to lean forward pressing your body against his. His embrace wrapping you up in his arms his head lying in the crook of your neck as he catches his breath and he delicately kisses the side of your face. You stare up at the ceiling, your legs clenching around him pulling him close despite his cock going completely soft after cumming inside you. Your fingers find their way to his curls, stroking them softly as he hums content with the feeling of how relaxing such an action was.
"You haven't lost your touch darling and that totally made up for the lost time. I'm sorry for getting angry over dumb things. I know golf is important to you and you have enough room for both me and it." You confess realizing maybe you overreacted before. You never liked ending things badly and leaving even the littlest of fights unresolved.
He slightly lifts his head and rolls off to your side but still stays just inches away from you. You take the opportunity to wrap your body up in the soft white sheets that you're pretty sure room service would have a hard time cleaning the stains out of. He turns onto his side facing you his head propped up in his hand as his hazy coffee brown eyes look into yours.
"Well, I'm glad I haven't lost it just yet. No princess, I'm the one who is sorry. Lately, I haven't been giving you the attention you need...both emotionally and physically too. I know I get wrapped up in the whole golf thing sometimes but you will always be more important than all that. Plus I can tell when your body needs and wants me, clearly, you were in dire need." He says a smile growing on his face and you cover your face a bit embarrassed to admit you were being needy and you clearly just wanted more attention from him.
You lean a bit closer to him placing a softer kiss on his lips short and sweet as you savored his lips moving against yours. Your hair a mess and you gracefully pull the hair tie from it, as it cascades down the sides of your face and covers your shoulders. You notice he is staring at your every move and it makes you smile at how he looks at you in admiration even though you're nothing special. Well after all you were able to steal the place of "Tom Holland's Girlfriend" so that was an accomplishment right? You reach to cup his cheek, your fingertips gliding across his sharp jawline.
"You know I still have the candles lit in the bath and I even put bubbles in it." You say giggling as his eyes seem to light up at the words, this man was so pleased with such simple things, a true child at heart sometimes.
"Really now? Then we shouldn't let it go to waste." His eyebrows rise as he rolls off the bed standing up and already walking towards the bathroom.
You admire his ass from behind because yes you were a woman who liked a man with ass and he sure as hell had a good one. You roll around in the sheets groaning not wanting to move and he looks back at you in confusion.
"You know you can't stay there forever." He says sighing his naked figure leaning against the door frame, he looked like a perfectly chiseled statue right out of Rome when he was completely butt naked.
"I'll only join you if you carry me there." You say laughing into the sheets your eyes peeking up from under them looking at him as another award-winning smile is on his lips again, a chuckle coming from him as he rushes over to you his fingers playfully scratching you all over trying to make you laugh and giggle more.
"Ah! Tom! Stop! Stop! You know I'm ticklish!" You say between breaths from laughing too hard as you're able to lift the sheets up enough to distract him pulling him down onto the bed once again your body tangling together with his, the sheet had flown in the air gracefully covering the both of you and you're both caught in a giant laughing fit full of smiles.
As your body is pressed together with his despite being under the sheets (literally) you look at his beautiful eyes once more, it felt like the moment had frozen in time as you both just smile at each other loving the little moments of playfulness.
"Your so beautiful Y/N. I'm the luckiest man to ever exist." He says his nose nuzzling against yours.
"Then I must be the luckiest woman to fall completely and utterly in love with you. every single day." You whisper into the close space between your faces. The feeling of repeating the "I love you's" and "You're so beautiful" were constant but never tiring or old.
As you both laid in bed together with your bodies sinking into the mattress together it was all picture-perfect as you both knew, despite the little fights and arguments Tom's love for you and your love for him would be forever and always.
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vendettaparker · 4 years
Peanut Butter and Extra Jelly [T.H]
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Summary: Tom’s long time crush on you becomes painful when you and Harrison are cast as love interests in a movie. 
Paring: Tom Holland x Actress!Reader 
Word Count: 5.8k
Warning: Suggestive themes, fake smut (very light), jealousy, probably some typos, swearing 
a/n: i have no idea how filming a movie, or auditioning for one actually goes so don’t crucify me for this. i’m pretty happy with how this turned out, especially considering that this is the most i’ve ever written for a fic. also, Burt Kreisher is one of my fav comedians in real life, he has 3 shows on neflix and a mini series.  
     Tom was not a jealous person. At least, that's what he always told himself. He prided himself in thinking he was a very level headed individual who didn’t let his emotions get the best of him. That worked best for his job anyways; always being able to control his emotions and not get in his own head. That simple, pacifistic mindset seemed to change when it came to you. 
      You were one of the many actors Tom got the pleasure to help hone their technique and work closely with. You were new to the lifestyle of Hollywood and the only roles you had before were in small indie films that never garnered too much attention. The first major role that you landed, which also happened to help kickstart your career, was in the MCU. You played the secondary villain in the third Spider-man movie. 
     Meeting the cast was a dream come true; they were all extremely helpful and they provided tons of tips and tricks in navigating the hectic schedule required for such a huge production. By the time filming wrapped up, you were considered part of their little Spider-man family. 
     Tom was easily the most helpful. Whenever he saw you struggling with anything, he offered to help. You two spent hours upon hours together in his trailer, ordering take out and practicing lines. Some nights you two planned to work through your script, but inevitably ended up falling asleep binge watching The Office, and laughing about crazy shit that happened on set that day. 
     When the movie wrapped up and you went home for a month before the press tour, you were completely unsure and nervous about what direction your career was going in. You auditioned for a few new movies, but had yet to hear from any of the directors about casting decisions. You kept in touch Tom during the month you were apart and expressed your concerns. 
     “I don’t know, Tom. I’m just so sick of waiting around and hoping that some director out there throws me a bone, ya know’?” You said on facetime, while making cookies. 
     “Yeah, I totally understand that, (Y/N/N). I had that issue a couple years ago before the Marvel movies. Trust me, you did outstanding in that role and once it gets noticed I’m positive you’ll have directors calling you, begging for you to audition.” Tom smiled warmly into the camera as he walked around his apartment in London. 
      “Yeah, easy for you to say, movie-star.” You giggled, turning your face away from the camera in hopes that Tom wouldn’t notice the blush his compliments painted onto your cheeks 
     “I’m serious! You were outstanding! Like in that one scene where you—” 
      “Tom! Tessa chewed a hole in my trousers again!” A voice came from outside of the frame, “Mate, you gotta get her to stop doing that somehow.” 
     Tom sighed, and waved his hand dismissively at the figure, “Okay, sure. I’m busy right now.” Tom looked back to the camera, “anyways, as I was saying, don’t stress about not having a new project yet, (Y/N)—” 
     “(Y/N)?” The other voice whisper-yelled. “Let me say hi!”, suddenly the phone was yanked out of Tom's hands and the video shook around a bit as Tom wrestled to get it back. Finally, the camera stilled and Harrison was on the other end smiling. “Hi, (Y/N)!” 
     “Oh, hi Harrison!” You smiled back, laughing. You'd met Harrison a few times when he visited Tom on set. “How are you?” 
     The camera started moving around more as the background behind Harrsion whizzed past. You assumed Tom must’ve been chasing him to get the phone back. 
     “I’m good! I just auditioned for a new movie. You should audition too! The main female lead’s description looks just like you.” He exclaimed, running past the kitchen to his room. 
     “Oi! Give me my phone back you div!” You heard Tom yelling in the background, no doubt in hot pursuit of Harrison. 
     “I don’t know, I'm not sure I’m prepared for a lead role.” You sighed, “What’s the movie called? I’ll look into it.” 
     “It’s called ‘Collateral Damage’, it’s a spy movie.” Harrison said, shutting the door to his room, while Tom pounded on it from the other side. “Yeah, it’d be really fun working with you. Tom constantly talks about how much fun you are on set.” Harrison wheezed out, trying to catch his breath. 
      “Aw, that’s sweet of him.” You laughed. “Well I’ve got to go. Just tell Tom he can call me tomorrow or something.” You waved at the camera. “Bye!”
     “Yup, bye.” Harrison said right before the video cut out. 
      Harrison finally opened the door to a seething Tom. Tom grabbed the phone back from Harrison and noticed that the call had ended. 
     “Dude! Why would you do that?” Tom whined. 
     Harrison just patted Tom’s back, “Sorry, mate. She said she had to go, though. I was about to give the phone back.” 
     Tom huffed and sulked for a moment. “Whatever, I’ll just call her later, I guess.” 
     Harrison nodded and smirked at how whipped Tom was. “You should just ask her out if you’re so desperate for her attention.” Harrison teased. 
     “Shut up. I’m not desperate for her attention, I just like her voice and her personality, and the way she talks, and her funny sayings, and how her hair looks when she just woke up.” 
     It was only a few days later when you received an email from the director of the movie Harrison told you about, asking for you to audition. You were ecstatic, Harrison must’ve already sent in some things about you since the director seemed adamant that you were of high interest for the role. 
     You called Tom immediately to share the good news. 
     He picked up after the third ring, “Hello, darling! How are you?” he beamed when he answered your call. He usually was the one to call you so he felt a sense of pride knowing that you were calling him for once. 
     “Tom! The director of the movie Harrison auditioned for just emailed me asking for me to audition!” You squealed excitedly. 
     “Really? That’s wonderful, love! Harrison just got the part of the lead too, so you’d be filming with him if you got it.” 
     “That’s so exciting, I’m flying to London for the audition in two days. Are you still there?” You pulled the phone away from your ear and switched it to speaker. “I’m booking the flight right now.” 
     “Yeah, I’ll be in London for another week and a half. Then we have the press tour starting in Japan.” Tom said, also switching to speaker phone to look at his calendar. “You can stay with Harrison and I while you’re here. Since we have to go to Japan together anyways.” Tom offered nervously. He really wanted you to stay in his flat with him. It’d be all cute and domestic, and maybe, just maybe, he’d spend enough time with you to not feel nervous about asking you on a date. If he was lucky, that is, but awaiting your reply he was a jittery ball of nerves. 
     “Yeah, that sounds wonderful. I won't be intruding though, right?” You said, smiling from ear to ear. Thank god you weren’t on facetime and Tom couldn’t see the stupid smile adoring your features. 
     “No, of course not. Harry will be so excited to see you. And Tessa too, she really misses you.” Tom shuffled around with his phone, shooting a quick text to Harrison letting him know you were coming to stay for a week. 
     “Ok, thanks so much, this is really thoughtful of you. I absolutely can’t wait to see you!” You gushed, finalizing your purchase of a one-way ticket to London. “K, the flight is at 2:30 pm here, it’s about 9 and a half hours, but you’re also ahead of me, so I’ll be in around..5?”
     “Yeah, that sounds right to me,” Tom chuckled, “I’ll come pick you up. I’ll wear my incognito disguise.” 
     “If you mean that stupid t-shirt you got that says ‘I’M NOT A CELEBRITY’, then maybe I’ll ask Harrison to come pick me up…”
     “That’s cold (Y/L/N).” 
     You giggled softly, “I’m sorry, Tommy. If it makes you feel better, that shirt isn’t as bad as that stupid blue beanie that you never wear correctly.”
     “How the fuck would that make me feel better? You’re killing me, (Y/N/N).” 
     You laughed at his over dramatic reaction, “Sorry that you’re a sensitive babe. I gotta go now, see you soon!” You hung up before Tom could respond with a sassy quip. Then immediately after you received a text:
Tommy: The second you get here I’m bout to 👊 
     Tom called Harrison up after you got off the phone, he needed to make sure his best friend wouldn’t say or do anything to embarrass him in front of you. 
     “Tom, don’t you think this is a bit obsessive? I mean, she’s only staying with us for a week and you already know her so well from spending all that time filming with her.” Harrison sighed, sick of listening to Tom ramble about every possible embarrassing situation he could be put in, in the coming week. 
     “Yeah, yeah, you’re right. It's no big deal. But don’t mention that time I accidentally shit my pants at the club, or that time I got hit in the head with a golf ball ‘cus I got distracted by a flock of geese, or that time a got chased by a flock of geese, or—”
     “Geez, mate. At this point we might as well not even talk to her.” Harrison chuckled, thinking of all the stories he could bring up about Tom around the dinner table with you. Tom really was just a walking ball of embarrassing moments. 
     “Stoppp ittt,” Tom whined, “when we were on set it was usually just the cast and Harry around, but you? You could do some real fucking damage to my love life, Haz.” 
     “What love life?” Harrison barked out, laughing. 
     Tom then hung up and began praying to whatever god was out there that this week could go by without a hitch, and then you and him would be on your way, together, to Japan. 
     The whole week spent in London actually went really well, especially the audition. Tom and Harrison both accompanied you for moral support, well Harrison actually had to be there to be your scene partner, but it was still nice knowing he supported you. 
     The director shook your hand and you went through the normal formalities before beginning your scene with Harrison. It was a quick scene with a monologue in it. The main premise of the movie was all about choosing love over work, especially in dangerous, life-threatening scenarios. The scene you used to audition with Harrison was the scene where the main character, Lincoln, and his lover interest, Mallory, were arguing, trying to push each other away to keep each other safe. The scene had a lot of raw emotion that you were able to tap into, and the directors gave your performance a standing ovation once the scene concluded. 
     They said that they’d get back to you within the next few days, but they also mentioned how the chemistry between you and Harrison was off the charts, leaving you hopeful. Tom and Harrison both gave you hugs and pats on the back. Tom had watched the whole scene unfold and he was in complete and utter awe of your talent. Part of him was annoyed that he didn’t audition for the movie and a chance as your love interest. But Harrison deserved this big break and so did you, so he was hopeful of the outcome being something that benefitted both of his best friends. 
    After the audition the rest of the week went by nearly perfectly. The real kicker was when Tom’s family invited you and Harrison to join them for dinner. Tom had not anticipated his mom asking you to come to family dinner, so he wasn’t able to stop the embarrassing anecdotes his mom told on his behalf. 
     “Tom had the cutest little tush,” Nikki exclaimed, placing the old homemade scrapbook in your lap and flipping through a couple of pages. “See look,” she happily pointed to a picture of Tom as a toddler in a bath, surrounded by bubbles, his little bum poking through them. 
     Tom sat uncomfortably on the sofa next to you, cringing at the now 21 year old photo of him. He expected you to also cringe along, or worse case scenario, get up and make a flimsy excuse to leave his crazy family, but you just chuckled along with Nikki and continued making your way through the scrapbook, making little comments here and there. 
     “Oh, and this one,” Nikki said, pointing to a photo of Tom crying and Sam holding up a superhero action figure triumphantly, “that was Tom’s favorite toy, but when Sam saw how much Tom liked it, he made an effort to always be playing with it when Tom came into the room and he wouldn’t share.”
     You giggled at the little whiny face Tom made in the picture, and turned to him, replicating it on your face, making fun of him. Tom laughed along and playfully shoved you. He adored how well you seemed to fit in with his family and his feelings for you only multiplied. 
     The week in London was one of the best in your life. You didn’t realize how much you missed Tom until you got to the airport and he was there waiting for you, unfortunately in his stupid blue beanie, and no, it wasn’t on right, his big ears poked out of it horrendously. 
     The last day you had in London before you and Tom went to Japan, you finally received a call about the audition. The director called you to congratulate you on getting the part, and he sent you numerous emails about scheduling, where to be, and when. Harrison was elated to have a familiar face playing his love interest on screen, and Tom was over the moon excited for you, this on top of the Spider-man movie coming out, you were certainly becoming a force to be reckoned with. 
     You spent the night celebrating at a club, Harry and Sam also showed up to party with you. The night was still young and the club was already packed and in full swing. Tom ordered two shots for each of you to start off the night before he was whisked away by a few fans to sign autographs. When he didn’t return you took it upon yourself to have his shots, giving you an extra edge to help spice up your night. 
     Harrison found Tom in the corner of the club talking to some fans. But throughout his whole time taking pictures with them, he couldn’t help but glance at you every once and a while. You looked so carefree and beautiful, dancing around in your shiny silver top and leather leggings. 
      “Tom.” Harrison interrupted Tom’s gawking and directed his attention to the small group of fans Tom was with. 
     Tom nodded and finished up his pictures and autographs before wishing them all a good and safe night. Once he reached you, you engulfed him in a bone crushing hug. 
     “Thank you for such a great time in London, Tommy.” you slurred, already feeling the impact of the four shots you took. “I had the best time of my whole life.” You pecked his cheek and pulled him close to dance with you. 
     The following month or so on the press tour was a once in a lifetime experience. You travelled to more cities than you even knew the name of and you had all of your friends by your side. More so, you had motivation to remain approachable and well liked by fans considering that you were moving up in the industry. Some interviews were mostly for Tom, Zendaya, and Jacob. Your role in the movie was big enough for you to be needed for some interviews, and most people were genuinely interested in getting to know you, but there were also a handful of press activities that you weren’t included in, which you didn’t mind. 
     When you didn’t have anything to do for an hour or so, you would text Harrison and send him funny memes. He was quickly becoming one of your closest friends; you had already created a surplus of inside jokes with him just over the phone. 
     Tom noticed how you were always laughing at your phone or rapid fire texting. Even when you were being interviewed, Tom could faintly hear the buzz of your text message notifications going off. 
     “Tom,” you snapped in front of his eyes, “did you need something?” 
     “Huh?” Tom blinked a few times, “Uh—no, sorry.” Tom’s cheeks flushed pink, embarrassed for having been caught staring at you. He couldn’t help it though, you were dressed so pretty that day. You had your hair done up in two bubble braids and you wore his pink sweatshirt over your yellow sundress. 
     “Okay then.” You smiled at him. You went back to your phone, reading what Harrison had just texted you. “What was the name of that comedian we watched the other night?” 
     “The one on Netflix?” 
     You hummed out a yes, tapping away at your phone. 
     “Burt Kreisher, why?” Tom asked, leaning over to your chair to try and catch a glimpse of who you were texting. When he saw the contact name “Hazzy”, he couldn't stop the little angry pit of jealousy that started in his stomach. Sure, you were here with him now, not with Harrison, but when you two were apart you also texted him nonstop, and the texts seemed to all be inside jokes, which was something you also shared with him that he held near and dear.
     “I made a joke referencing him to Harrison and he didn’t get it. Fucking nerd.” You chuckled, texting Harrison a link to the skit you were referring to. 
     Tom chuckled along, but he couldn’t help but frown slightly at how bright your smile was when Harrison replied. 
     The press tour and premiere of the movie seemed to go by lighting fast. You’d never been to a premiere for a production this big, and your nerves for the red carpet were starting to get to you. 
     You and Zendaya were stuffed into a hotel room with both of your respective teams, both trying to rapidly get both of you ready for the event. 
     “So when do you start filming for your next project?” Zendaya asked, she sat in front of a broadway-equse mirror, bright bulbs of light giving a luminescent glow to her already near flawless complexion. She hadn’t even finished her makeup yet and she was so pretty.  
     “In a month, I have to go back to London next week.” You said, sifting through the opinions you brought for dresses. You brought three options, just in case you changed your mind after seeing yourself in the dress. “Harrison and I are going to go over the scripts together and we were also told to go out in public a few times; for press and whatnot.” 
      “That’s exciting!” Zendaya mused, she glanced at the clock and gave her hairdresser some instructions about how much time she had to do hair. “It’s a good thing you guys are already friends. I remember when I filmed ‘The Greatest Showman’ I didn’t know many of the actors personally, so we had to go out together and do press all while being almost strangers. It was a bit nerve wracking.” Zendaya smiled at you fondly, she was like an older sister to you during this whole movie-making process, she constantly had your back. 
     “Yeah, I mean I’ll probably be in a situation like that at some point, but for my first lead role it’s nice to be working opposite a friend.” You smiled back, finally deciding on the red, sequined dress. 
     You both sat and worked through the makeup process in comfortable silence. 
     “So you and Tom…” Zendaya broke the silence and looked at you with a smirk on her face. 
     “What?” You looked at her with a dumbfounded look, before nervously laughing, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
     “Don’t play dumb, (Y/N/N).” She poked your arm and laughed, “He’s literally obsessed with you.” 
     You laughed at how ridiculous that sounded. A movie star, and very famous movie star at that, obsessed with you? You? Impossible. 
     “Yeah no, sorry but you got the wrong girl, babe.” You sighed, pulling out your phone to snap and selfie with her for your instagram story. You quickly snapped a pic of the two of you, her kissing your cheek, leaving a small, faint lipstick mark. “I mean it’d be nice,” you back tracked, “but I’m sure that’s just my wishful thinking.” 
     “What wishful thinking? I thought you were a pessimist?” Zendaya chuckled, taking her own photo with you to post later. 
     “I am, but I can’t help but indulge a bit.” 
     Before you knew it, you were back in London, staying in a rented out flat for the next three to four months. Harrison was kind enough to come over to help you set up a work space, but he also offered you to spend most of your time at his place. Since Tom was in New York, doing interviews about the new Spider-man movie and having meetings with the Marvel Cinematic Universe team to try and gauge his future in the MCU, he wouldn’t be around for almost a month, so Harrison offered up Tom’s office when you needed to go over a scene by yourself and wanted a place that was already set up. 
     The days of filming seemed to go by in the blink of an eye. Most of your scenes were with Harrison, and he was the perfect scene partner. He rarely messed up, but if he did then he was quick to use it as an opportunity to improvise. His skills weren’t as well honed in like Tom’s, but it was obvious that their style ranged from a similar source. 
     The main thing about this movie that you were excited, but extremely nervous for, were the two sex scenes. The first one is at the beginning, where the two leads give in to each other for a night, then there's some implied stuff in between, and the last one is when the two leads part ways for the final time at the end of the movie. The first one had to be rough, fast, and needy, whereas the second one was direct to be more slow, thought out, and sensual. 
      Both were extremely stress-inducing to film. Harrison had also never done any scenes like this before, so he was on the same boat as you. Thankfully you had an amazing director and stunt coordinator to work with and with the help of other crew members, the scenes were mapped out so that it wasn’t too much improv or guessing on your part. 
     The first intimate scene you shot actually happened to be the one at the end of the movie. That scene was more tame and dealt with more emotional subtexts than physical. Since you filmed that one first, you went into filming the next one with more confidence. It only took a few days to get the first scene down to perfection, so with this newfound confidence, it shouldn’t take too long to get the next one done. 
     On the days you shot intimate scenes, you only needed to wear the costume you wore before the scene and then you changed into a robe with nude underwear underneath. The bits with the outfit on before were already shot, so the director called a 30 minute break until you could begin shooting the actual sex part. 
     You were standing by the snack table, eyes scanning the table for any more muffins leftover from breakfast. The robe you wore made your skin prickle whenever a draft came onto set. 
     Just as you had found the muffin you were looking for, a pair of warm hands covered your eyes. 
     “Guess who!” An all too familiar warm, British accentuated, voice called. 
      You turned around in his arms, effectively nudging his hands from your face, and soon you were met with the warmest hazel eyes. Eyes that you missed so much this past month. 
      “Tommy!” You squealed and thrusted yourself into him in a hug. He immediately reciprocated it and wrapped your body in warmth. “What’re you doing here?” You asked once you let go of him. 
      “Harrison gave me the location so I could come watch you film. I just got home, like, two days ago.” Tom eyed you up and down, not realizing what little you had on. “Um—are you wearing anything under that?” He pointed up and down your figure. 
     “Nope, today and tomorrow we’re scheduled to film the sex scene.” You said casually, doing a silly twirl. Tom gulped. 
     “A s-sex scene?” He choked, “I didn’t know you guys had one.” 
     “Yup,” you smirked, “two actually, this is my first one ever, Haz’s too, I think. Well actually, we filmed the sex scene at the end of the movie last week.” 
     “Yeah… t-that’s cool.” Tom smiled weakly. 
     Right as you were about to continue your conversation with Tom, an arm swung over your shoulder and pulled you close. Harrison smiled at the both of you. He wore a similar robe to yours, except he left the front open. His plaid boxers on full display. 
     “Don’t listen to her, Tom. She’s a natural.” Harrison pinched your cheeks. Tom clenched his jaw at the comment. He knew Harrison hadn't meant to imply anything with it, but he couldn't help but hear the hidden meaning behind the otherwise innocent compliment. 
      You giggled and pushed his hand away, “Only ‘cus my scene partner is so darn cute.” You retaliated, poking and tickling his pecs. 
      This kind of goofy banter was normal between you and Harrison, but Tom hadn’t seen either of you in so long. He also had never seen you two interact so fluently with each other. He watched the interaction with a tight-lipped smile, nodding along and shrugging every once in a while to seem like he was paying attention. In reality though, he couldn’t pry his thoughts away from how close you were to Harrison. 
     “Ok everyone! Places! Let’s wrap this scene up and put it to rest today!” Your director called. You and Harrison smiled and waved goodbye to Tom. Harrison pointed to a chair in the room that had a nice view of the set where Tom could watch. Tom nodded and walked over to the chair, enthusiasm for watching you work completely dissipating. 
     The scene started off rough right off the bat. The second the director said ‘Action!’ you and Harrison were practically pouncing on each other. Harrison had you pressed up against the wall and you were both breathing heavily. He was leaving sloppy, wet kisses down your neck, then across your collar bones. Your moans, which Tom always imagined to sound like music to his ears, sounded too real for his liking. But no matter how much he tried to look away, his eyes were glued to the two bodies moving fluidly with one another. 
     “Cut! Cut!” The director yelled, effectively ending the scene. You and Harrison pulled apart and he gave you a peck on the cheek, as in saying ‘good job’. “That was good, but Harrison,” The blonde nodded, awaiting further instruction. “You gotta be a little rougher, hm?” 
     Harrison nodded along with the critique. “(Y/N)?” the director moved his attention to you, “would it be okay if Harrison marked you up? Just a few hickeys to really sell the illusion. We can do without, though, if you feel uncomfortable.” 
     Tom overheard the interaction and internally hoped that you were too uncomfortable for that, but deep down he knew you would do it. You were never the type to stray away from a challenge. 
     “Yeah, that’s fine.” You nodded, chest still heaving from the scene. You looked at Harrison. “Is that okay with you?” 
     Harrison nodded, a shy smile tugging at his lips. Yeah, you guys have been working at this scene for days now, but he’d never been rough enough to leave marks. He’d be lying if he said the thought didn’t invigorate him. 
     So the scene started from the top, you pressed up against the wall, all your weight shoved between the flimsy wall of the set and Harrison’s strong arms. Harrison did exactly as the director required, leaving noticeable dark spots across the top of your chest. Unlike your previous moans, which had just been for show, this new roughness in his actions tore real moans from your lips. 
     Tom sat uncomfortably in his chair, wishing he picked a different day to visit you on set. He shifted around, watching twin moans pull from both you and Harrison’s throat. He watched as you nipped at Harrison's ear as he faux thrusted into you. The jealousy that had pitted itself in his stomach soon turned to self-loathing. You looked really into the scene, he couldn’t help but feel like he was intruding. He knew you were a great actress, but he couldn’t believe that this was all acting. In his eyes, he believed that some part of you must wish that this was real. And part of you did like this scenario, but you wouldn’t have picked Harrison to be opposite you in this little fantasy. 
     Your moans and Harrisons both grew louder, leading up to the climax as scripted. Tom, not wanting to watch anymore exited the set quickly before he could watch the scene end. 
     You and Harrison finished up, gaining applause and praise afterwards from the director and crew members on set. 
     “Where’s Tom?” You asked, scrambling back into your robe and smoothing out your now roughed up hair. 
     Harrison, now noticing the absence of his best friend, began to feel a bit guilty. He knew Tom had a thing for you, maybe he should’ve told Tom not to visit set today. 
     “Um, (Y/N)?” He mumbled, pulling you aside slightly. 
     “Yeah?” You still looked around for Tom a bit, heart sinking when you realized that he must've left without saying goodbye. 
      “I shouldn’t be the one telling you this,” Harrison began, drawing your full attention, “but Tom really likes you. He always downplayed it, so I didn’t realize how much, but I think watching this scene might’ve upset him a bit.” Harrison looked towards the exit, no doubtedly where Tom left through, out into the parking lot. 
     “Oh—oh!” You gasped, feeling terribly for having put Tom in such an awkward position. “I didn’t know he felt the same.” You whispered, smiling softly to yourself. Guess Z was right after all. You pulled away from Harrison, “I’ll go talk to him.” 
      Tom didn’t go far. He still wanted to be there to support you; he didn’t want to come off as a jealous prick, but he couldn’t keep watching that intimacy between you and his best friend. He sat on the curb outside of the building the set was built in. A few people passed him going to their designated buildings on the lot, but he didn’t pay any mind to them, too lost in his thoughts. He needed to tell you sooner rather than later how he felt. No time to be a pussy anymore. 
     “Tom?” You walked up next to his sitting figure, still only in a robe, tightly wrapped around you. He looked up to acknowledge you, mumbling a soft ‘Hey.’ before looking back down, trying to collect his thoughts and courage. It’s now or never. 
     You sat beside him and rested your head on his shoulder. “Harrison told me something interesting in there,” You paused for a moment before continuing, “about you.” 
     Tom’s head shot up, and he looked at you with frantic eyes, only imagining the worse. There were too many things Harrison could’ve told you about Tom to sully your image of him. 
     “Whatever it was, he's a lying prick!” Tom rushed out. 
     You giggled, lifting your head up to look him in the eyes, his dark hazel eyes boring into yours. 
     “That’s a shame then,” You shrugged, “considering I like you too.” 
     Tom breathed out a sigh of relief, before looking back at you, doing a double take. 
    “Wait, what?” 
     “Mhm, yeah.” You said casually, standing up. “But since Harrison’s a liar then I suppose he was wrong.” You teased. 
     “No!” Tom grabbed your wrist and pulled you back next to him, but his aim was a bit off and you ended up in his lap. “He lies about a lot, but not about this.”
     You smiled at him, “I should hope not, considering I’m crazy about you.” 
     Tom couldn’t help the smile that beamed across his face, but then he noticed the marks left on you by Harrison. Remembering why he was insecure in the first place, he looked away. 
     “What about Harrison?” He asked. You looked at him utterly confused. Tom caught on and explained further. “You looked like you were really into that scene with him.” 
     You giggled and pinched Tom’s cheek, turning it red. “I’m an actress, you idiot.”
     Tom scoffed, “I know that. It’s just— I didn’t realize you could fake that kind of love.” 
     You looked at Tom’s downcast face. You leaned in and kissed his neck, just under his jaw. You nipped and sucked softly, leaving a nice, dark pink blotch that would go away in a few days under his jaw and he whimpered softly.
     “I’d never fake that kind of love with you.” You grabbed his face, holding it gently in your hands. “I’d never have to.” You whispered, pulling him in for a kiss, soft and sweet. 
     Tom pulled you closer, resting a hand on the small of your back, kissing back fervently. 
     The short make-out session being cut short by the door to the set bursting opened. Harrison rushing out, now dressed in slacks and a white button up for the next scene you needed to shoot that day. 
     “(Y/N)! Hair and makeup need you.” You lugged yourself off of Tom’s lap, promising to talk to him after you finished for the day. You went back inside, jokingly blowing a kiss to Harrison on your way. 
     Harrison stayed outside and sat next to Tom. 
     “Did she confess first?” He asked after a moment of silence. 
     “Yup.” Tom smiled happily, licking his lips, tasting the strawberry chapstick he saw you put on earlier. 
     “You owe me 10 pounds then, you wimp.” 
     “Oh, fuck off.” Tom groaned, promptly pulling ten pounds out of his wallet and handing it to Haz. 
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nsheetee · 4 years
One Foot in the Golden Life
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Pairing: rich kid!renjun x caddie!reader Genre: rich kid AU, university au, romance, slight angst, mature content Length: 9.7k Summary: this is the story of a boy who is constantly pushed down by his father, a girl who just wants to not live paycheck to paycheck, and how they met on a golf course.  Warnings/Details: includes mentions of other NCT members, female reader, swearing, inaccurate depiction of golf, acts of sexual harassment towards the reader, mature content (unprotected sex, coming inside, oral [female receiving])
a/n: a big thank you to @insomni-writing​ for beta reading this ♡ also, if you are a minor, please beware that there is mature content in this fic!
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You thought it would be the perfect opportunity to work at the most well-known country club in the state, but really the only thing your job brought you was perpetual cold to your hands and feet, and entangled your simple life with one of the youngest and richest bachelors at your university.
The only place on top of Mt. Carla is the Augusta Country Club, and it is a sight to see by the regular people who gaze up at it from the city below, like mortals looking up into the Gods’ chamber. The first time you went up the mountain for your job interview at the club, you got lost and were almost late. Thankfully, you didn’t crash your car on the winding roads, and got the job as well.
The Augusta Country Club is equipped with the largest and most expensive golf course in the region, but also has Michilin approved restaurants and the finest saunas and gym equipment any CEO could ask for. Those are usually the type of people that have club memberships: CEO’s, congress men and women, top-notch lawyers, and maybe the odd business owner that made it big enough to afford the price tag.
When you took up the job as a caddie, you had an idea of what you were getting yourself into. You’ve only been working for a month, but there are already a few regular golf players that prefer you as their caddie, which in your book is a success considering the type of high profile people that come to relax here.
However, today is different.
You can sense it when Kara and Mina, your coworkers who have been working here for a year longer than you, walk towards you and your friend, Lia, before your shift today. Mina has a small stack of info cards in her hands and they both hold smug smiles on their faces. The info cards have everything a caddie needs to know about who they’ll be working for that shift, and by the looks of it, today’s game will have a good match up.
“I’m going to be Mr. Huang’s son’s caddie. Don’t even fight me on this, you know I’ll win.” Kara states boldly as the two girls stop in front of you, snatching an info card out of Mina’s hand when she holds them up like she’s playing a card game, flashing the photos and names on the cards at you.
“I call dibs on Mr. Lee’s son.” Mina hums, not even bothering to keep up the act that they just want to be good caddies. “You two can have the old men.” She smiles tightly, shoving the other two info cards into Lia’s grasp and turning on her heel to walk away with Kara.
Considering you don’t even know what they’re talking about, you have no right to be mad at them. There is more confusion clouding your mind than anger at their rudeness. However, Lia does not share the same sentiment.
“I’ll shove these info cards up their-” Lia fumes, her volume rising as the sentence went on, and you quickly pulled her out of ear shot, around a corner by the bathrooms. “-stuck up two faced asses!”
“Lia…” You mutter, her wording making you shake your head at how unstable her temper is, “They’ve been working here for a lot longer than we have, just let them have those clients. Either way, what’s it to you?”
“What’s it to me? ___, they’re talking about Lee Jeno and Huang Renjun. I know I told you about them before.” Lia states like she expects you to have those two names tattooed on the front lobe of your brain already.
“I think I remember them…. They go to our University, right?” You try to regurgitate your friend’s rambles from months ago out of your head.
“Yeah, business department.” She sighs dreamily, as if the business department is the sexiest thing on campus. “This might be our only chance to shoot our shot.” You can’t help but grimace a bit.
“It can be your chance to shoot your shot. Leave me out of this.” You randomly grab an info card out of Lia’s hands, turning it around to see Mr. Huang Lijun’s photo staring back at you. You send Lia one last look, walking around her to go change in the dressing rooms.
“Aw, you’re no fun.” You hear her whine, her footsteps echo through the hallway as she comes up behind you. She almost knocks you into the wall from how forcefully she grabs onto your arm and swings it back and forth like you’re two little kids on your way to the playground.
“Maybe we can shoot our shot at the old men?” You and Lia stop walking, turning to face each other for a moment of silence. You blink at each other as if you’re both considering it, before erupting into laughter at the ridiculous thought and continue walking down the hallway.
You and Lia constantly joke around about finding rich sugar daddies at work to pay for your college tuition, but both of you know you’ll never actually commit to the idea fully. Neither of you will admit it, but you both know you don’t have the guts to do something like that.
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By the time you, Lia, and your other coworkers change into uniform and gather your supplies for the Lee vs. Huang game, it’s already 10am. The air is crisp and cool, the signs of fall creep along your skin and taint the deep green trees in light oranges and yellows.
Despite the chill, you and your coworkers still wear skirts, long sleeve v-necks, and puffy vests; the only thing keeping your feet warm is a pair of short white socks and tennis shoes. You don’t mind the chill knowing that once the game starts you’ll be moving around enough to get warm. You stop thinking about your cold toes as soon as the door of the country club opens and the Lees and Huangs walk out.
The first time you lay eyes on Huang Renjun, you think your heart might stop.
You know it’s him because he walks close to his father as they make their way to where you’re standing by the golf carts. He has obviously dyed blonde color, his dark roots proof of that; it’s neatly gelled back in an effortless way with the light wind blowing a few of the locks gently as if an angel is personally moving them for him. His white jacket and black pants are slim and look like they cost more than all of your college textbooks this semester. He walks with his head high, his pretty, pink lips set in a straight line, and his almond eyes gentle.
Okay, so... maybe you understand the hype now.
“Good evening, ladies.” Mr. Lee announces, looking at you and your coworkers. You all politely introduce yourself and state who you’ll be caddying for.
Huang Lijun isn’t as tall as his son, but he looks to be more lively than Renjun, even at his age. He has a permanent smile on his lips and you can feel a friendly demeanor radiating from him when you approach.  
“Good Morning, sir. Let me take those off of your hands.” You politely grab the bag of clubs from him, feeling shy as his gaze doesn’t leave your face the entire time.
“You’re new here, right? I feel like I would remember you if I saw you before.” You’re surprised when he suddenly pinches your cheek, and he laughs at your shocked face. An unsettled feeling plants itself at the bottom of your stomach at the unwarranted touch.
“I’ve only been working here for a month, sir.”
“I think I’ll be coming around here more often, then.” He winks at you and turns to go sit in the front seat of the golf cart. You can’t help but let the feeling at the bottom of your stomach grow at how the older man looks at you. You definitely misjudged his “friendly” demeanor. Your eyes can’t help but glance at Renjun, who’s standing a few feet away from the whole interaction. He gives you a blank stare before turning and following his father.
In the past few weeks, you had gotten many lustful smiles and lewd gazes at your bare legs, but also many dollars in tips just in one morning by letting those smiles and gazes happen. The need to make ends meet justifies it all, and the cash you earn at the end of every shift only fuels this need.
The ride from the club’s main building to the first hole is short, so you quickly recompose yourself. You still have a job to do— a job you’re being paid lots of money for. You believe in your strong will to put up with whatever antics Mr. Huang pulls for the next few hours. Upon arrival at the first hole, you pull the bag of golf clubs out of the cart and follow in Mr. Huang’s quick footsteps, suddenly feeling sweaty from the exercise you’re getting by carrying these heavy clubs. When your group reaches the first hole, you set the bag down on the ground and press your hand over your face, but Mr. Huang’s voice startles you.
“Woah, there.” You jump and face him. “Those clubs cost more than my car, and unlike my car, they don’t deserve to be on the ground, darling.”
“Yes, sir. I apologize.” You smile shyly and pick up the clubs from the ground, your shoulders already straining to keep them up. ‘They weigh as much as a car,’ you huff.
This is going to be a long game.
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“You kids can clean the carts today,” Mina suddenly throws a keychain at Lia’s face, she barely catches it before it hits her, “I have plans.”
“Me, too.” Kara quickly says, following after Mina as they both walk away. The game ended right at lunchtime (the Lees won) and now you and your coworkers are back at the club. It’s supposed to be everyone’s job to clean the golf carts after they’ve been used, but it looks like today it’ll just be you and Lia… Maybe.
“___, please. I’m going to be late to the cafe, my boss there is already mad at me.” Lia turns to you and begs with her hands clasped in front of her chest, eyes pleading and feet bouncing. You sigh; you’re hungry and your muscles are sore, and all you want to do is go home as quickly as you can. Still, you roll your eyes and take the golf cart keys from her, making her face crack open into a smile as she hugs you quickly.
“I’ll bring you coffee on Monday!” She screams at you as she practically runs away, leaving you with two golf carts to clean. You sluggishly begin, crawling into the cart the Huangs were sitting in when you find a small notebook laying on one of the seats. Picking it up to examine it, you find out it’s your university’s yearly planner, a book that everyone gets at the beginning of every academic year. Along the binder reads “Huang Renjun” and your eyes widen, immediately looking up to glance at the direction that Renjun walked off to a while ago.
Your legs move quickly through the corridors of the club, moving past changing rooms, saunas, and bathrooms, the planner tightly clutched in your hand. Your head is on a swivel and your lower lip is stuck between your teeth, until you hear a door open and slam shut behind you, making you turn your head to catch Renjun walking out of a changing room.
“Mr. Huang!” You call out.. Renjun freezes at the name, spinning on his heel to see you walking towards him.
“Sorry to disturb you, but you left your planner on the golf cart.” You hold it out for him, but he doesn’t take it.
“How do you know it’s a planner? Did you look through it?” You blink at him, stunned, and then glance down at the notebook. You’re surprised by the sudden questions and at the same time annoyed that Renjun accused you of snooping through his things so quickly. The image you had of him earlier, graceful, classy, and attractive, slips out of your mind as he stares down at you. However, this is the first time he’s directly talking to you, and you can’t help the spark that ignites in your belly from the roughness in his voice. It’s higher-pitched, but unpolished and jagged as he speaks with you.
“No. I go to the same University. I have the same one.” You explain. Renjun’s stare turns into shock.
“Really? Which department?”
“Fine Arts. I study Studio Art.” At first you think that you’re seeing things, but after blinking, you can guarantee that Renjun has jealousy painted on his face. It’s so sour that he looks away, trying to preoccupy his hands by fiddling with his bag. “So, are you going to take this, or…?”
“Yeah,” The bitterness drips from his tone, but you have a feeling it’s not directed at you, “Thank you for returning it.” He finally accepts it and turns to his bag, taking out his wallet. The cards inside look thick and heavy; memberships to places you’ll never step foot in and credit cards with limits you could never even imagine. Your pride tells you that you don’t need anything he could give you, so you silently turn around and walk away.
Renjun shuffles through some crisp 10’s and 20’s, but when he looks up to give you the tip, you’re already down the hallway and halfway out the door. You have golf carts to clean.
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The next time you see Renjun is a week after the last game. The chilly weather remains, along with the useless uniform you have to wear, but this time around you’re not Mr. Huang’s caddie, you’re Renjun’s.
Kara walks next to you with Mr. Huang’s heavy golf clubs, her lips straight and head turned away from you to show her annoyance at how the caddie match up situation went this week. You’re sure to get an earful about this for at least the next few days, but you kind of like this revenge that fate dealt Kara. Either way, it’s not like there’s anything you can do about the match up. Renjun requested you to be his caddie this week, and you weren’t going to risk your bosses being angry with you by denying the request.
“Driver.” Renjun’s voice pulls you into the game. You pull out the correct golf club and put it into his awaiting hand, your fingertips brushing with his. “Aren’t you cold?” The words shock you, considering they’re the first words Renjun spoke to you today other than commands for golf clubs.
“I-I’m fine, Mr. Huang.” You respond promptly.
“Don’t call me that.” His tone is icy, and he quickly realizes how unnecessary it is to bite at you like that, “Just call me Renjun.” His father walks back from his shot, looking very smug. Renjun’s face is calm as he trades spots with his father and prepares for his first swing of the day, correcting his posture and loosening his limbs.
You remember the first time you saw him, how elegant and poised he looked. Your cold hands break into a sweat as your chest heats up from the quick beating of your heart. Renjun has only been icy and accusing towards you so far, yet you still feel warm while thinking about him. There has to be something wrong with you.
“Doesn’t my son look like he knows what he’s doing?” Mr. Huang asks from beside you, a small, unnerving smile on his lips.
“Yes, sir.” You reply back with your own, more innocent, smile.
“I taught him everything he knows about golf…. And women.” Mr. Huang leans into you, turning his chest to face you so that his breath is hitting your cheek. You can’t help but swallow to relieve your dry and cold throat, keeping your eyes forward as Renjun swings his club back and forth a bit in preparation.
“Yes, sir.” The only thought on your mind is to stop this man from stepping closer.
“Is that the only thing you can say?”
Renjun swings his arm back, breathing in as he keeps his eyes on the small white ball and his hopes in the green before him. Mr. Huang’s right hand is warm on your waist, but you would give anything to freeze right now.
A sharp crack ripples through the air as Renjun hits the golf ball and sends it flying into the golf course. His eyes are not where the ball lands, but instead on where his father touches you.
Renjun’s mom died when he was not even three days old.
He never got to meet her— to lay on her chest and hold her finger with his whole hand. He’ll never know what advice she would’ve given him when he got his first girlfriend, and he’ll never know how she would’ve reacted to him crashing his first car when he was 17. He only knows that his mom would’ve been there for him through all of that, unlike his father, who was not.
Renjun has had “mothers” through his life; three, to be exact. The first was when he was 5 years old, and she quickly asked for a divorce after Renjun’s dad went on a three month business trip and she didn’t hear from him the whole time. The second “mother” was a bit more mature than the first and with a lot more time on her hands. She wanted to shape 9 year old Renjun into a perfect student, which was something Renjun’s father appreciated, but still divorced her for “being too strong-headed.” Renjun only met his third mother twice when he was 13: once at the wedding and the second time at her funeral. He didn’t ask any questions, he wasn’t very interested in the first place.
These were the type of people Renjun spent his life around, but they really weren’t his mothers. The only similarity he had with those women was his father, and he treated them as poorly as he treated Renjun. That’s why when Renjun looks at you, cowering away from the very man who is his only link to family, he feels sick.
When is his dad going to stop being a fucking predator? How young does he want his next conquest to be? Will Renjun’s next mom be the same age as him? Something swirls in the pit of his stomach when he watches his father and it takes a moment for him to figure out what it is: jealousy. He’s not sure why he’s feeling jealous over someone he just met last week, but the feeling engulfs his whole chest and it burns him to his spot.
Renjun doesn’t even notice that he swung his golf club or that the golf ball went somewhere far into the green, probably an overshot. He only sees you, afraid of the man touching you but not stepping away. Why aren’t you stepping away?
“Nice job, Renjun.” His best friend, Jeno, claps a hand on his back as he steps up, hitting Renjun back into reality and forcing him to walk towards you. As Renjun approaches, his father slyly takes his hand away, and Renjun notices how you let out a relieved sigh. Giving you back his driver, Renjun strategically stands between you and his father, pretending to watch Jeno swing.
“Good job… Renjun.” You whisper, unsure about calling him by his first name so informally.
“Thank you.” Renjun sends a side glance to his father to see the displeased look on his face. “How was that, Dad?” Renjun hopes that maybe he can remind his father of why he’s here (to win against the Lees this week, not to feel up a girl 30 years younger than him) but in this moment, his father is acting like a 5 year old in the middle of a silent tantrum, not a 50 year old who runs the most successful construction company in the country.
“I’ve taught you better than that.” Renjun is sure they’re not talking about golf anymore, the authoritative tone in his father’s voice sends a lightning bolt of surprise and slight fear down Renjun’s back. He hates how he gets scared, he hates how his father can control him. The fury churns in the pit of his stomach as he accepts his father’s words with a bow of his head.
One day, Renjun swears he won’t submit anymore.
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After the game ended with the Lees winning once again, you, Lia, and your other coworkers convene at the golf carts after the clients leave to change inside the club.
“You ladies know the drill.” Kara throws both sets of golf cart keys at you before walking off with Mina. You push Lia towards the entrance of the building before she even has a chance to turn around and open her mouth.
“You should get to the cafe before your boss throws another fit.” Lia turns back to face you, her jaw slightly slack and her eyes shining.
“You’re seriously the best. I love you.”
“Yeah, yeah, just give me a few extra shots in my coffee on Monday.” Lia laughs at that, grabbing your face between her two small, manicured hands and kissing you on each cheek before hopping off inside. You can’t help but be amused at her antics, turning to the golf carts in front of you to start cleaning.
“They make you clean the carts by yourself?” The voice startles you, not because you weren’t expecting it but because it’s Renjun’s. You turn your head over your shoulder, he’s standing just a few feet away still in his golfing gear from earlier.
“Uh, not usually, no. But my coworkers haven’t been happy with me lately.” You explain, fully turning to him and crossing your arms over your chest to tuck your cold hands into your sides.
“The ones who have been working here for a while?” You nod as an answer, and Renjun nods back in understanding, shoving his hands in his pants pockets. “They’ve been trying to get with me and my best friend for a while...” Renjun trails off when he sees your eyebrows raise at the comment, “... But that’s not what I came here to talk about.”
“Oh? What are you here for?” The conversation has gotten too informal for a worker and their client to be having, but you kind of like talking to Renjun in this casual setting.
“I realized that the past few times we’ve talked I’ve been such a dick.” He laughs lightly as he remembers, “I wanted to apologize for that. I wasn’t in a good mood last week and this morning, and I ended up pushing it on you.”
Renjun feels lots of emotions when it comes to you, despite only having this one proper conversation with you. He feels envy towards you for being able to study something that he desperately wants to. He feels guilt when he remembers how quickly he made you into a thief when you were only trying to return his belongings, and he feels so many other secondary and tertiary emotions in between. His head is full when he looks at you. He finally feels like he’s thinking about something, not just doing the same day to day motions in a constant cycle of ‘when will this end?’
“You’re apologizing?” You ask, stunned when he nods his head in confirmation. Sincere apologies are important to you. You believe there are not enough of them in this world anymore, and his gentle almond eyes are too wholehearted and warm for you in this cold weather. Your heart feels full looking at him, and you curse at yourself in your head for being swayed like this.
“I also have a question… You mentioned you’re majoring in Studio Art and I was wondering if, maybe, you could let me into one of the studios after a class this week? I’ve been needing a quiet place to work since my house has been busy lately.” One of the hands that was in Renjun’s pocket moves to matte down his sideburns while he glances at his shoes. “Was that too forward? Sorry, I just know that you can’t get into a studio without a passcode and you’re the only person I know who’s in Studio Art.” Renjun explains after you stare for a while, blinking at him.
“You’re an artist?” You finally ask, Renjun giving you a weak ‘yeah’ in response. A part of you wants to say no, that it’ll be weird to do something like this for him when you’ve only known him for less than 2 weeks and up until this point, you’ve only been in a worker-client relationship. However, you’re curious about what he’s like outside of this setting, especially what he’s like when his father has no possibility of appearing, since that seems to be the factor that turns his mood up or down.
“Sure. Come by studio 3 after 6pm on Wednesday and I’ll let you in, but... I heard Mr. Lee already scheduled a game for next weekend?” Renjun nods, “Then in return, you can win that game. It’s embarrassing always being on the losing team.” You smile playfully at the end to let him know you’re only joking.
“Deal.” Renjun sends a smile back of the same caliber, holding out a hand to shake with yours. If you thought you were affected by Renjun’s nice presence, his hand in yours sends you into another realm. His touch is warm from staying indoors and from keeping his hands in his pockets, and they contrast to your cold skin. He sucks in a breath through his teeth when your hands connect, turning your hand in his grip to look at your knuckles. “Are you sure you’re not cold? Your hands are freezing.”
“I’ll be okay. I just don’t have any good gloves to wear while working.” He huffs, small traces of white smoke leaves his mouth as he digs through his pockets.
“Wear these.” He replaces his hand in yours with a pair of his own gloves, “Your hands are precious, they shouldn’t be freezing.” Before Renjun can get embarrassed by his own words, he shoves his hands back into his pockets and turns on his heel, walking away, “I’ll see you on Wednesday!”
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A knock on the studio doors shakes you away from staring at your painting, making you turn to look at who it is. Renjun peaks through the small window and waves when you make eye contact. You get up to open the door, almost forgetting that today is the day you agreed to let Renjun into your studio.
… Okay, that’s a lie. You definitely remembered that you’re supposed to meet Renjun, but you keep trying to convince yourself that you’re not excited about seeing him outside of that stuffy country club.
“Hey, sorry if I startled you.” Is the first thing he says when you open the door. He’s dressed in slacks, a dress shirt with a sweater over it, and a long coat over that. His nose and cheeks are slightly red from the rough wind outside and his supplies are clutched to his chest.
“Oh, you’re fine. I was just deep in thought.” Something about the studio makes both of you speak in hushed tones. No one else is here, but you feel the need to maintain the peace and quiet the room naturally holds. You and Renjun make your way to where you’re set up, he puts his things down on an easel to your left and takes off his coat, watching you from his peripheral vision.
Those uniforms they make you wear at work are just for show, Renjun knows that well, but that doesn’t stop him from appreciating you in the tight vest and little skirt. However right now, he likes your laid back look consisting of loose jeans and a layered shirt, he thinks it matches you.
“I was going to leave when you got here, but I think I’ll just finish this and head out.” You comment, aimlessly waving at your project.
“Please, stay as long as you need to. This is your studio, I don’t want to kick you out.” He laughs and licks his bottom lip. It’s breathtaking how innocent and nice his smile looks on his face. His eyes scrunch together to form laugh lines and his cheeks rise, he truly looks pretty when he smiles. You think this is the first time you’ve seen him like this.
You mumble back with a mixture of words that probably didn’t make sense and turn back to your work, leaving the room to continue with its peacefulness and quiet. However, Renjun’s presence next to you is too big to ignore. There are so many things you want to know about him and you have no excuse as to why you’re so curious.
“How about a game while we work?” You suggest.
“Sure… How about 20 questions?” It’s like he read your mind, so you smile and nod at his idea.
“You can go first.” You suggest.
“Okay, uh… Why do you work at a golf course if you’re majoring in Studio Art? Shouldn’t you be working at a, I don’t know, museum?” The question catches you off guard and Renjun notices how you stop painting, your brush and your hand floating in the air as you think, “Oh, sorry, is that too personal?”
“No, no… It’s just, normally, the first question people ask in a game of 20 questions is something like ‘what’s your favorite color’ or ‘what’s your sign’.” Renjun lets out a choked and embarrassed laugh, ducking his head down to look away from you. You can tell he’s about to change his question, so you quickly go back to painting and speak before he can.
“I did apply to work at several museums. I didn’t get any jobs, so I had to look elsewhere and Augusta was hiring. I know it’s not very fitting, but it makes good money and rich people know my name, even if it’s for just a few hours.” Renjun nods at your answer as if he could ever understand the idea of being poor, but the insight into your decision brings a fact to light that Renjun wasn’t 100% aware of before: you’re not like him, you need money.
“Don’t you hate the way people look at you there?” The words tumble out of Renjun’s lips faster than he can process the weight they carry. He turns to face you with guilt pooling in his eyes and his mouth opening and closing to find some words to correct the situation.
“No, I don’t like it.” You surprise him with your quick response, “But people like you don’t understand what it’s like to live paycheck to paycheck, to have to worry about how to pay the bills every month for years on end, always on your toes about money. I bet you think I’m cheap and—”
“No.” Renjun cuts you off promptly before you can continue, “Don’t make me into a jerk. I’m not like that. But the fact that that is the first thing you thought of worries me.” Your eyes widen at that, prompting him to elaborate. “Doesn’t that mean that’s how you think of yourself? Maybe not on the outside, but subconsciously. Sure, I won’t ever be able to understand how you live, but I wish you would not look at yourself as cheap and think of yourself as… beautiful.” Renjun lets the last words linger on his tongue, saying it quietly as if to not startle you.
You stare at him, your paintbrush resting in your hand and your back slouched as you watch him watch you. This is not the type of conversation you thought you’d be having with Renjun tonight, but you have to admit he makes a point. Eventually, you turn to your painting and stare at it some more, making Renjun turn and continue his own work.
“Ah, I asked two questions in a row.” He suddenly breaks the tense atmosphere, making you sigh as you remember you’re just playing a game, “You can ask two questions.”
He allows and relaxes when he sees you go back to painting.
“If you like to draw, why are you a business major?” Now it’s Renjun’s turn to freeze. Maybe if he did ask what your favorite color was he wouldn’t have had to endure this question from you, but he feels like he should answer it since it’s of equal weight to the one he asked you.
“It wasn’t my choice. I will most likely take my father’s place in his company and I need to at least know the basics before that happens.” You nod slowly. He looks so calm when he’s focused on drawing, but it’s not the same calm that you see on his face when he’s playing golf. You turn away before you get caught staring.
“Is that why your mood always changes when your dad is around?”
“Is it that obvious…” He trails off and you nod, “I can’t believe I’m about to say this out loud, but… It’s like everytime I’m around him, or at his office, or at home, my mind goes blank. I don’t feel like talking or thinking at all.” As he speaks, he sets down his utensils and turns to you, making continuous eye contact as he explains. You find yourself feeling comfortable at how easily he’s talking to you about such a deep subject.
“It sounds like… you’re angry.” You turned to face him now too, your paintbrush settled onto your canvas and your full attention on him, “My dad is like that. He gets so angry sometimes that he’s calm. No yelling or fighting, just silence. That’s how I know I messed up when he gets like that.” You nod, remembering all the times he’s been calmly mad at you.
“I don’t know… It’s confusing to me.” He straightens his back and stares at your foot as it moves around aimlessly. “What do I do?” He asks into the air, as if his pencil would suddenly start talking to him like a therapist.
“Just do what makes you happy.” Renjun’s glance over at you makes a smile pull at your lips, “I know it’s easier said than done. But you already know what it is that’ll make you happy, and that’s half of the battle. Why bottle it up?”
Renjun doesn’t know how he’ll ever get the courage to tell his father these things, but the way you’re looking at him as if he can do anything, he starts to feel tingles of confidence trickle into him.
“Oh, and why did you pick me to be your caddie this past weekend?”
“Well…” Renjun plays with his pencil. What is he supposed to say? He doesn’t want you to carry around his father’s heavy golf clubs? He doesn’t like the way his father touches you and gets jealous over it for some unknown reason? Yeah, he’s not going to say.
“Just because… I wanted you next to me.” The way he says it makes it sound so simple and true, but your heart drops to your stomach and springs back up going at 100 miles per hour. You can barely stop your hand from shaking as you pick up your brush, and it’s almost like you can’t see in front of you from the thrill of his words.
“Hey,” Renjun suddenly drops his pencil and turns to you, looking a bit confused and slightly upset, “Didn’t you ask three questions?”
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“We’re letting the Lees win again today.” Renjun is in the middle of pulling up the zipper of his jacket when his father drops the news. Renjun’s footsteps stutter slightly at his father’s words and he stops walking next to the older man.
“Again?” He asks as he already thinks up an apology to tell you later when he loses.
“Yes, I need Mr. Lee to be happy when I bring up the new contract to him later in the sauna.” Renjun sighs and continues to walk next to his father. It’s the next weekend, and the third Lee vs. Huang game is starting in just a few minutes.
Renjun won’t lie, purposefully losing to his best friend and his dad every week is not the greatest stroke to Renjun’s ego, especially since Jeno won’t let it down around his other friends.
“Oh, I’ve been meaning to ask you,” Lijun swivels on his heel to look at his son, “Have you been requesting for ___ to be your caddie?”
The questions stuns Renjun, making it hard to answer so his father takes it as a yes.
“Well stop it. Dad wants to have some fun.” He claps a hand on Renjun’s back and  smiles. In the past, Renjun would’ve just rolled his eyes and let his father do whatever he wants, but this time his blood boils. He feels true anger when his father struts away with the intentions of doing whatever he wants to someone Renjun cares about. He can barely move his feet after the old man, his mind cloudy as everyone makes it to the golf carts.
“Let’s have a good game today, Mr. Huang, don’t make it too easy to beat you.” Mr. Lee jokes around and the two old men laugh as they settle into their own golf carts. Renjun walks up to his cart and you wave to him, the white gloves he gave you last week snugly on your hands. Renjun thinks his anger is what spurs him into doing what he does next.
He steps close to you, leaning into your ear and wrapping his hand around your covered ones with his thumb rubbing on your exposed wrist, “Keep these on for me, babe. I don’t want you to be cold.”
The amount of jaws that drops after Renjun’s words makes him bite down his smirk and slide into the front seat of the golf cart, pretending to not see the daggers his father is  throwing at him with his eyes.
Your heart beats so quickly and loudly you’re sure Kara can hear it next to you if she wasn’t busy huffing about what Renjun just did. Sitting in the back seat of the golf cart, you watch the back of Renjun’s head on the way to the first hole. What got into Renjun? Why did he all of a sudden call you ‘babe’ and get so close? Not that you’re opposed to it, you’re just shocked.
The game begins once you reach the first hole, and the Huang’s put up a good fight throughout the entire game, keeping the Lees on their toes and the score sheet even. Everytime Renjun comes back from a shot, you smile at him and tell him good job, which earns you a pat on the back from him that warms you up from the inside out.
Renjun can tell his father is getting more and more annoyed with him; how Renjun is keeping you as far from his father as he possibly can, the gentle touches on your waist that you welcome wholeheartedly compared to the ones Mr. Huang would lay on you before. He likes how angry his father gets, especially knowing that he can’t do anything about it right now. Not to mention, you seem to be enjoying Renjun’s attention, which just adds to his confidence.
Now, your group arrives at the last hole of the game. The Lees step up and swing, setting their total score to 357. All Renjun and his father have to do is move the ball around a bit more to get their score to be higher and the Lees will win the game. Mr. Huang is up first, acting clumsy so that the ball doesn’t make it into the hole and brings the game to Renjun.
As he sets up his posture, his hands suddenly go stiff. This shot is so easy to make, he has made this exact hole several times. He breathes in and out deeply, deciding on if he should throw the game like his father said he should, or give his one last ‘fuck you’ to his Dad.
He glances at you and makes eye contact; you nod your head and smile a bit as if to say ‘go ahead, we all know you can do this.’ Renjun then grips his golf club and swings it back to effortlessly hit the golf ball, rolling it along the green and perfectly into the hole.
You and the other caddies clap for the perfectly executed shot and Jeno and his father come up to Renjun to shake hands. They don’t look upset, instead they look pretty happy for Renjun. However, Renjun’s father is deathly silent, not even congratulating Renjun on his win. Renjun wasn’t expecting a whole ceremony for him, but it does feel nice to put his father down a peg or two today, and that’s the thought that fills Renjun’s head as everyone rides back to the country club.
While getting out of the golf cart, Renjun attempts to turn back to you but is promptly pulled away by the back of his jacket by his father. Renjun yelps and pulls away, but that doesn’t stop Lijun from grabbing onto his son’s arm instead and pulling him inside.
“What was that? I specifically told you to lose the game and you did the exact opposite. How am I supposed to talk to Mr. Lee now?” Renjun’s father fumes, his low voice belting out into the corridor and making some of the passing staff turn their heads.
“That’s not my problem.” Renjun shrugs and his father stops shaking, stepping closer to his son.
“Excuse me?” He asks with menace dripping from his tongue.
“I said, that’s not my problem.” Renjun is fired up. He doesn’t see a way out of this now, no way his behavior is being excused, so might as well go all in.
“You did it for that caddie, ___, right?” His father squints his eyes and turns his head slightly. When Renjun doesn’t answer, Lijun laughs in his face, “It looks like I’m right.”
“What?” Renjun asks dumbly.
“It’s okay. You’re just a boy and you can make some mistakes over a girl, we’ve all been there once or twice.” Lijun fixes Renjun’s jacket and pats his shoulder, his angry disposition turning passive. “Besides, you can’t do much for that girl anyway. Is a ball in a hole really all she deserves?”
“I won the game because I could. I won it because that’s what I wanted.” Renjun states, his blood beginning to boil once again when his father says he doesn’t deserve you. What is he thinking? Does he actually think he has a chance with you? He can keep dreaming.
“We can’t always do whatever we want. There are consequences we have to face for doing whatever we want. Are you ready to face the consequences?” At the question, Renjun is reminded about the words you told him Wednesday night.
‘Just do what makes you happy,’ Those simple words are so hard to turn into reality. Renjun wants to be happy so bad. He wants to be away from this man and he wants to be closer to you. The consequences? Sure, he’ll deal with it all if it means he can stop living in the personal hell his father set up for him. Renjun pushes his father away a bit and steps out of the trap his father pushed him into, making Lijun’s eyes widen.
“Yeah, I’m ready.” Renjun says and turns around, walking back towards the exit of the building.
“Hey, where are you going?” His father shouts after him.
“To do the thing that I want to do the most.” He yells back and walks around the corner, out of sight from his father. Renjun practically runs through the hallways to get back outside and run to you, but you surprise him by greeting him by the saunas. He stops in his steps and you smile as you walk up to him.
“Hey, I just wanted to tell you that you did really well today. I know I said I wanted you to win last week, but I didn’t think you’d actually do it.” You laugh.
“Thanks.” Renjun simply says, afraid of what else could come out if he keeps talking.
“Oh, I also want to give you these back.” You dig out Renjun’s gloves from your pocket, holding them out. This is it. This is the moment Renjun will start to do whatever makes him happy, whatever he wants.
And what he wants right now is you.
He quickly takes the gloves and then tightly grips the wrist of your outstretched hand, leading you down the hallway and around some corner. He hears you exclaim a small ‘woah’ but you let him guide you into a sauna, the door closing tightly behind both of you.
There’s no one else in the room, just the stuffy steam that floats in the small space between you two. Renjun has a tight grip on the gloves you gave back to him and his other hand runs through his hair and messes up the perfect form it held.
“Tell me to stop.” He demands, looking straight into your eyes.
“Tell me to stop right now.” He takes a step forward, his eyes full to the brim with lust and his hands shaking with how much he’s holding himself together. You’ve barely been in the room for a minute, but your clothes are already sticking to you from the intense heat.
“I don’t understand,” You reply back as he keeps moving toward you. You take small steps back in return, “I don’t know what I’m stopping you from.” Half of you is playing dumb right now; you know what Renjun wants from you just by the look in his eyes. The other half just wants to hear him say it himself
“I’ll fuck you the way you deserve. Right here, right now.” Renjun’s voice is too angelic to say such nasty words, but he growls them out like he’s a tainted angel. You’re pressed against the wooden wall of the sauna now, Renjun just a step away. You lean into him slightly and rip the gloves out of his hand to throw them to the side.
“Do it.”
It’s all the permission Renjun needs to feverishly connect his lips to yours.
The action is so sudden, you don’t remember how Renjun got close to you so quickly. Despite his forcefulness before, his lips melt into you like chocolate melting over a fire, so hot and delicious that you just want more. His hands hold the sides of your face, pushing back your hair and his body pushing you back into the wall.
He sucks on your bottom lip, softly biting afterwards and making you let out a whimper, and then a moan when his thigh pushes between your legs and further presses you against the wall. Amidst the kissing, you find the zipper of his expensive jacket, unzip it, and pull the piece of clothing off. Afterwards, you pull his shirt off and break the kiss while you’re at it.
“I’ve been thinking about you in this skirt since….” Renjun hums at the thought, his hand sliding up your bare thighs and under your skirt, then he grips your ass and brings your core down onto his thigh, the friction enough to have you letting out a strangled moan.
“Since the day I first saw you.” He finally whispers and connects your lips once again. His hand on your ass doesn’t move, his other hand is placed on your waist as he helps you ride the rough material of his pants. Renjun can only watch your reactions; the way your head lolls back into the wall and your eyes screw shut, holding onto Renjun’s shoulders tight enough he’s sure there will be marks afterwards.
“Fuck— Renjun, don’t stop, please.” He’s mesmerized, absolutely addicted to how you look and sound right now, and it’s all because of him. The thought spurs him along, he removes your jacket and you blindly help him in removing your top and bra. You must look like a mess right now, especially since you’re coming close to your climax just by Renjun’s touch and his thigh. Not to mention the sweat dripping down both of you, a glistening sheen coating your skin that makes Renjun let out a low growl before he leans down and takes one of your nipples in his mouth.
He sucks and swirls his tongue, and you can’t help but moan his name again, digging your fingers into his blonde hair and tugging. Renjun moves from your chest downward, not letting an inch of your stomach and hips go past him without a kiss and a nibble, leaving you breathing heavily. He makes his way down to his knees and folds your skirt up, glancing at  you from his position.
“You don’t wear anything under here except your panties?” You nod, your head stuttering as Renjun applies pressure with his thumb over your slick hole, a wet spot already there to greet him.
“You’re so fucking dirty, baby.” He groans and leans in to swipe his tongue over your center making you shake as a response. He slides your underwear down and throws it somewhere to the side, catching the sigh of your arousal dripping down your thigh. His intense stare makes you shake him, embarrassment crawling over you at how he’s not reacting.
“Are you shy?” You whine, not really answering his question. “You don’t need to be. You’re beautiful.” The softness from his voice contradicts his more dominating tone from before, but you don’t have time to think about it before he dives in. You sigh in content when the pressure in between your hips caused by Renjun turns into pure pleasure. His tongue laps at your essence and his lips suck on your clit, you can tell he’s trying to find what exactly will make you tick.
When Renjun slides a finger into your hole unexpectedly, you jump and whimper a bit but the feeling of him sliding in and out along with his tongue circling and sucking on your clit makes a knot form in the pit of your stomach, tightening up your muscles and making your eyes roll back.
“Right there. Oh my god, right there…” You keep repeating, praying that Renjun treats you good and let’s you come. He adds another finger and you gasp, starting to move your hips in rhythm to his hand, holding onto his shoulders for more stability. He glances up at you, watching your eyes screw shut and your tits bounce as you use his hand to get yourself off. Renjun hums against you, and you can almost feel the ecstasy of coming undone, until Renjun pulls away. You groan, feeling like crying when your orgasm fades.
“Hey..” You whine, pouting when Renjun stands back up and licks your juices off of his lips. He has some on his chin and you bring your hand up to wipe it away, Renjun stopping your hand and kissing the wetness away, then kissing up your arm and to your shoulder, up your neck and to your ear. He tugs at your earlobe, licking the skin under it and biting some more, his hands sliding up your waist at playing with your nipples, pinching a little to get whimpers out of you and making your hips buck up, ready to continue where Renjun left you at.
That’s when you feel the hardness in his pants; it must be painful. That’s why you understand his next words, whispered into the shell of your ear between kisses: “You’re not coming until I’m in you, got it?”
You nod quickly, attaching your hands to Renjun’s zipper and button, undoing them and sliding down his pants.
“But, you’re gonna need to do something for me…” He says, helping you pull down his boxers, watching his angry, red length swing out. You gasp, feeling a bit bad that you just left Renjun like this to eat you out, but you’re sure you can make up to him now.
“What is it? I’ll do it.” Your hands run over Renjun’s sweaty shoulders, moving away some longer hair in the back of his head that’s sticking against his neck.
“You’re gonna have to yell my name. I need you to let everyone know who’s doing this to you— who’s making you feel good, okay?” Your breath gets caught in your throat as the words tumble out of his lips. He tilts his voice higher at the end of every phrase to make him sound innocent, but you’re not fooled.
“There’s people outside…” You mumble back, sending a glance at the door. You know there are several staff and customers walking along the hallways outside. What will they think if they hear you screaming Renjun’s name? Not to talk about what will happen to your job.
Those thoughts melt away when Renjun’s dick slides between your folds slowly, making you turn your gaze back to him and hold on tight as he lubricates himself over your wetness, holding onto your hips so that you don’t move and take anymore than what he’s giving you.
“That’s exactly why I want you to scream. Can you do that for me?” He asks and you nod frantically, doing almost anything to get his dick inside you. You’re not sure what’s going to happen once you step out of this room, but at least you know Renjun is going to give you the best fuck you’ve had in a while, and you know it’ll be worth it for what’s to come after all this.
“Finally…” You moan when Renjun’s length disappears into you inch by inch, going slow as to not hurt you. He sucks in a breath through his teeth as he bottoms out, picking up your thigh to hang it over his hip and wrapping his other arm around your waist to keep you close. You hold onto him, adjusting as he kisses your lips sweetly and carefully, and waits to move his throbbing cock through your velvety walls.
“Go, Renjun, move….” You whisper, and he looks at you confused.
“What was that? I didn’t hear you.” He asks, cocking his head.
“Please, move.” You say louder, but he shakes his head and purses his lips as if he still can’t understand.
“I said, fuck me, Renjun. Please, can you fuck me already?” You all but scream out, your voice almost cracking at how whiny you sound. No doubt, if someone passed by outside they would’ve heard you. The thought makes you tense up, but it feels so good to be able to yell out what you want.
“Your wish, baby.” Renjun mutters before he starts rocking into you. You both groan at the sensation, Renjun’s hips speeding up as he gains more momentum. His lips don’t leave yours, kissing you into oblivion while his dick stuffs you. He has you against the wall, his hips powering away and you don’t dare to disturb him, realizing he’s burning all of his anger away as well.
“Yes, Renjun, fuck me just like that…'' You moan loudly to spur him on, now not really caring about who’s outside or who hears you, just wanting Renjun to know you love how rough he’s going. He presses you higher up the wall and pulls your legs apart more, hitting a new angle that literally makes you scream out, tears mixing with the sweat on your face as he relentlessly pumps into you.
There are so many things going on at the same time. Your hard nipples and soft breasts rubbing against Renjun’s chest, making goosebumps rise on his arms. Your hot and sweaty bodies are basically sliding against each other. The clapping of his hips against yours no doubt attracts attention from outside along with your screams and Renjun’s grunts continuously get louder as you both get closer to the climax.
“I’m gonna come… Renjun, come in me…” You’re already fucked out, the words barely leaving your lips coherently, but Renjun understands and moves his finger down to find your clit, circling his thumb fast and steady, just like everything else he’s doing.
“C’mon come on my cock, babe. Let it out, I wanna hear it.” And just like that, you unwind and scream his name as your orgasm washes over and takes control, making you claw onto any part of Renjun that you can reach. Renjun feels your walls deliciously convulse around him and with a few more sloppy thrusts, he comes into you and fills you up, staying wrapped up in you as you both calm down.
Renjun presses small kisses wherever he feels like as your breathing settles down, his softness and the caring way he rubs at your sides and hips where he was holding so hard that you’re sure to have bruises makes you smile hazily.
“___… I don’t regret any of this.” He whispers into your skin, leaning back to look at you properly. “Do you?”
“No.” You answer truthfully, making his eyes shine and you both smile dumbly, your sticking bodies relaxing. The happy moment doesn’t last long before there’s a knock on the door to the sauna. You and Renjun stiffen up as you glance at the door, waiting for whoever it is to announce themselves.
“Renjun? Son?” Your heart drops to your stomach and you cover your mouth at the voice of Renjun’s father on the other side of the door, but when you turn to Renjun, he doesn’t seem bothered. He sends a smile at you and moves some hair from your face before answering.
“Occupied, go somewhere else. We’re busy.”
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shadowgirl138 · 3 years
Pouge Princess Chapter 1
(Rafe Cameron x Reader)
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A/n: Thank you guys so much for all the likes on my pouge princess blurb 🥲🥰 This has really helped rekindle my love for writing and I can't wait to share more with everyone. I hope you all enjoy the official first chapter 😁
Word count : 2,227
Warning ⚠️: swearing, mention of sex and drugs, drinking, Rafe being a dick (are we really shocked about that in a rafe cameron fanfic)
The best job to have on the whole island had to be working at one of the county clubs. Simply for the fact that there was no such thing as a bad tip day. It was totally worth watching stuck up seniors and spoiled kooks play golf all day because you knew you'd go home with plenty of money in your pocket.
The only real con was you'd be stuck serving people that you have to see at school once the summer ends. Most of the kids at school do summer internships or at most are forced to "work" part time at their parents' jobs. No one you knew in figure 8 had to work a real job. On the cut almost everyone you knew had a job it was the only way most kids could stay afloat there was nothing odd about it.
But when you are in figure 8 It was one of the things that made you feel embarrassed, having to serve the same people you call your friends at school reminded you that your diffrent. Today was a prime example of that your manager told you that you were personally requested for a party of 3 on the course. When you pulled up at the first hole you saw none other than Rafe, Kelce and Topper.
"Well look at this isn't it nice that everyone's favorite little baby doll finally decided to grace our presents." Rafe shouted leaning against his club arms crossed.
"Come on man don't start already " Topper said, hitting the tall blonde upside his head.
If there was anyone besides Sarah you could count on it would be Topper. He was always there to be your knight in shining armor and the only one that could truly put Rafe in his place besides Ward.
"No it's fine Top, you guys are practically giving me a chance to hang out instead of work today. So you wanna get started I'll get the drinks going?"
You couldn't help but to bounce up as you passed the drinks, Rafe snatched the beer from your hand eyeing you when you waited to give Topper his drink. He couldn't help but notice the way your hand lingered longer than it should when you passed a beer to Topper.
Hole after hole you followed the boys as they played watching as they'd talk shit to each other and slug down more beers.
"Well guess who's finally out of the single guys club. What are you two losers gonna do now that I'll be spending a lot of my time with Anais? " Kelce said with a toothy grin.
Anais is the girl Kelce has been trying to get with for months even coming to you for advice on how to win her over knowing you'd have a better perspectivecompared to Rafe and Topper.
"Oh God don't tell me your pussy whipped already." Rafe couldn't help but to nod his head in disapproval.
"Well there goes our plans for hot boy summer. I'm finally ready to live the single life with you guys and you have the nerve to get cuffed." Topper added 
"Omg Kelce don't listen to these two they're just jealous, congratulations I know how much you really liked her. I'm happy you two are together now its about time." Kelce patted you on the back, his smile never fading.
"I'm glad someone actually cares about me here. Now the real question is when are you finally gonna get yourself a boyfriend (y/n). I think its time you threw yourself out there, you need to get one so we can go on double dates" Kelce said snickering at the sight of your panicked face.
"Um I mean I don't know I guess I just haven't found a guy that really likes me."
The real problem was the guy you liked didn't seem to realize how much you liked him but of course you couldn't tell them that.
"Oh come on there are plenty of people dying at a chance to go out with you (y/n), there hasn't been anyone that sparked your interest ?" Topper chimed in looking over at you.
You felt as if your face turned into a giant stop light with how red you've turned from the conversation.
"Or maybe you're just a prude that thinks she's better than everyone else. That could be why you've never had a boyfriend." Rafe said smirking at the little stink face you gave him.
"It's not that, I mean you've never had a real girlfriend Rafe. Everyone says you're only known for a good hookup, as far as I'm concerned we're basically in the same boat." You retorked wanting desperately for the attention to be off your nonexistent love life.
"That's only because I don't want a girlfriend no one can hold my interest for long. Word must get around that I'm known for great sex if even you know that I'm good for hookups. It's just a fact that I have a BIG presence in the bedroom." Rafe couldn't help himself from putting emphasis on the word big with the way he smirked. "And at least I have experience in the bedroom unlike some people we know little Miss Virgin Mary."
It was common knowledge around the obx that everyones favorite pouge has never had a boyfriend. Everyone also seemed to know that you held onto your v card as well. so it was only natural that Rafe would try to throw it in your face every once in a while to try to get under your skin. 
"You know I think you have it confused Rafe everyone says that you are a big dick not that you have one."
Topper and Kelce turned to each other before erupting in laugher causing Rafe to simply roll his eyes.
"Oh you know what (y/n) my bottle seems to be feeling a little empty mind getting me a refill."
Rafe began to wave his bottle in the air clearly trying to gain control of the situation again. As the laughing died down you made your way over to the cart and handed Rafe another drink. He leaned over to you making sure that Kelce and Topper couldn't hear him.
"If you ever wanna find out if the rumors are true you know where to find me, I think I need to remind you who's in charge here (y/n)."
Rafe couldn't help but to smile as you looked down clearly speechless from his comment. He took this as a silent win before turning his back to go take his turn. A few more rounds where played and the boys could feel themselves getting a little sloppier as each hole progressed and the sun seemed to get dimmer as the hours went on. They all still managed to have a good game going though not letting the fading day and alcohol take them out. Kelce was clearly winning seeing as he had a slightly better tolerance for his alcohol compared to the other two.
At this point Topper decided to sit in your cart and you couldn't help but smile as he looked over at you. "Thanks for coming along today, you know I appreciate you putting up with us all the time." He said ruffling your hair a little with a smile.
"You know I don't mind I like spending time with you guys."
You would be lying if you said you didn't have a little crush on Topper after all these years. You where practically devastated when he started dating Sarah but you couldn't help yourself from feeling mildly happy that the people you cared most about found love in each other. A part of you was relieved when the two of them broke up when Sarah decided to date John B. Even though it was a hard time for all of you, especially being caught in the middle of your two closest friends. You couldn't help but to hold onto a glimmer of hope that maybe after all of this time Topper would stop seeing you as just his childhood best friend. But this was a secret that you'd take to grave not wanting to complicate things or have anyone's feelings hurt explicitly your own.
"Hey Top how about you get your ass up and finish this hole with us? Or are u just gonna talk to the fucking pouge all day, there not paying her to chit chat there paying her to serve us."
Rafe yelled, stepping towards the two of you and resting his arm against the canopy on your side of the cart. Rafe was clearly feeling the affects of all the alcohol he consumed. He only ever became meaner the more he drank. You couldn't help but be grateful this was all he did today knowing that if he had done a few lines then he'd practiclly become a whole new person. Rafe couldn't help but to stare deeply at the two of you with a scrunched up look on his face.
"Come On man just quit it already you've been throwing jabs at (y/n) all day I just wanna have good time. I'm out after this I'm not gonna stick around for you to just be an ass"
Topper pushed himself up walking towards Kelce to take his turn. When Topper was far enough from the cart Rafe leaned in staring you directly in the face making your cheeks flare up at the proximity for the millionth time today.
"What do you want this time Rafe ?" You asked.
"What do I want (y/n) ? Well let's see I want you to stop with the fucking goo goo eyes your always makeing at Topper. You're starting to seem a little pathetic. When are you gonna learn that he just doesn't see you that way."
At this point your body felt like it was on fire and you where doing everything in your power not to let the comment affect you.
"I dont know what your talking about Rafe, Topper is my friend maybe your just not used to seeing a stable relationship between a guy and a girl that doesn't involve sex."
Not the best comeback but it was the only thing you could think of when all you could do was think about was how fast your heart was pounding from his accusations. Obviously they where true but Rafe was the last person you would want to know about your secret feelings towards Topper. Rafe didn't seem like he was backing down yet either and you weren't sure how much of this you could take. You continued to stare at him when suddenly he started to fish in his pockets to reveal a wadded up 100 dollar bill he crumpled it up even further and chucked it in your face watching as it fell perfect in your lap when it hit you.
" What the heck are you doing ?" You said, picking up the crumpled money and holding it in your hand.
"I'm tired of dealing with you so I figured I'd just give you what you came for. Isn't that why you hang out with kooks so you can take our money and show off to your little friends on the cut."
It wasn't the alcohol that was making Rafe act this way it was the sight of seeing you with Topper. It was something that always got under his skin after all these years, he was just able to mask it by blaming it on drugs or his natural hot headed temper.
You could feel tears swelling up in your eyes but couldn't bear to give Rafe the satisfaction of knowing just how deep he cut you. You didn't know why he always felt the need to  remind you that no matter how hard you tried you'd always be diffrent from everyone.
"I don't need your damn money Rafe I get paid regardless if you're here or not, and I'll have you know that Topper asked me to be here. My manager said I was requested to come serve you guys today. I'm just doing my job."
You took the crumpled bill and threw it back at Rafe letting it hit him before falling into the grass."I'm heading back to the club, my shift is ending soon anyway."
Turning the wheel of the cart you started to make your way back to the club not wanting to deal with this any longer then you had too and not wanting everyone to see the tears that started to trickle down your cheeks.
Rafe stumbled back once the cart started to move looking down at the money before glancing over at his confused friends. He couldn't bring himself to admit that he was the one that requested to have you with them today but the fact that you assumed it was Topper had him even more pissed off then before It always had to be about fucking Topper.
"I'm fucking done with today I'm leaving."
In a fit of rage Rafe stormed off throwing his club down before heading back. Deciding he'd rather be alone then have to explain to his friends as to what just happened just now. (Y/n) wasn't the only one harboring an unrequited love for someone that didn't seem to notice them.
Another A/n: Well I hoped you guys liked the official first chaper. I have a lot of ideas circulating on what I'm gonna do :3
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miyagihawk · 4 years
i don’t even know you anymore pt. 2 | eli “hawk” moskowitz x reader
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part one
a/n: a lot of people wanted a part 2 so here it is!! some hawk redemption :)))
warnings: a bit of swearing, mentions of violence maybe
summary: after your bad breakup with hawk, he wants a second chance
word count: 1,547
It’s been months after you and Hawk split, and you could confidently say that you’ve moved on.
It wasn’t easy; his group kept ruthlessly attacking your friends. It was like he wanted to make your life a living hell.
After that horrible fight at Golf N Stuff, watching Demetri’s arm get broken compelled you to join Miyagi Do. You never wanted to feel helpless again when your friends are in trouble.
Karate helped you move on. You became confident with yourself and instead of focusing on your break up, your mind was on self improvement. Seeing Hawk stoop down to his lowest level also helped; you wanted to be better than him.
“What... the hell?” you gasped.
As your friends arrived at your lunch table, they looked like they got trampled by a zoo. They almost looked unrecognizable with the amount of bruises and cuts decorating their faces.
Sitting down painfully, Sam said, “It’s a bit of a long story.”
“Well tell me! What happened last night, you guys look insane! Are you okay?” you exclaimed, worried and protective about your friends. They all looked so worn down, not meeting your eyes.
Last night, Miguel and Sam were planning on inviting both Miyagi Do and Eagle Fang over to “combine forces” against Cobra Kai. But you felt sick, so you couldn’t make it.
Your mouth fell slightly open as another person came up to the table.
What is he doing here?
No one was answering you, but you couldn’t blame them, they probably had the worst night.
Ignoring Hawk’s gaze on you, you got up from your seat and walked around the table to Miguel. You grabbed his arm and he winced. “Sorry,” you apologized, leading him out of the cafeteria into the hallway.
“Miguel can you just tell me what happened last night, who did this to you? And why is he here? I couldn’t make it one time and this happened, god, you couldn’t have texted me or someth-”
“Y/N, Y/N please calm down,” Miguel placed his hands on your shoulders, and it was only then you realized how hard you were breathing.
“Look at you. Look at everyone,” you felt your eyes tearing up. You were angry and frustrated, at yourself for not being there. Maybe you couldn’t have done much, but you still could’ve helped.
“Hey, I’m okay, alright? Everyone’s fine, just relax,” he took a deep breath before continuing, “Cobra Kai came last night.”
“What? To Sam’s house? How did they even-”
Miguel cut you off before you could ramble again, “I don’t know. But they showed up and it was like the school fight part two. Don’t worry though, they look pretty bad too. And we won,” he smiled.
“So why is... he... with us?” You looked over his shoulder through the cafeteria entrance where Hawk sit awkwardly with your friends, looking out of place.
“He helped us Y/N. I know things between you guys didn’t go down so well but I do believe he wants to change,” Miguel explained.
You tried to imagine Hawk fighting alongside Sam and Demetri, but it felt wrong. He’s done too much damage and you don’t think you can forgive him for any of it. How could they forgive him?
“Look, I lost Eli to Hawk too. I was friends with both of them. So I know that he’s being genuine. He wants to be better,” Miguel tried to convince you, leading you back to the cafeteria with him. “He also still cares about you, Y/N. I think you were the main reason he left Cobra Kai.”
You didn’t say anything, you just pondered on his words.
Could that be true? Hawk still cares about you? Then why did he put you through all this? Why now would he leave Cobra Kai for you when you aren’t even together?
You sat back down at the table, head hurting from all the questions you want the answer to.
There he was, sitting across from you. The only one who could really give you the answers. But you acted like he wasn’t there.
The first practice with Miyagi Do, Eagle Fang, and a tiny bit of Cobra Kai had just been dismissed. It ended early because it started raining, and you were all outside.
It went well. It definitely felt good to have a full team and that one less rivalry was gone.
But there was still a lot of awkward tension between you and Hawk. You guys had carefully avoided each other; you were never less than 5 feet apart and when you accidentally made eye contact, you both looked away in a millesecond. 
You said goodbye to your friends, putting up your hood over your head to prepare for your wet walk home.
You didn’t mind the rain, you actually loved it. But despite the Valley being known for its good weather, the winters were still harsh and frigid.
You hugged yourself with your arms as shivers shook your body. The sound of a car pulling up made you turn around; your first thought being that someone might kidnap you.
But the red car was familiar and you refrained from running away. The window was rolled down and Hawk’s face was revealed. “Y/N, what the fuck are you doing?”
“I’m walking home,” you say bluntly, and start continuing your walk. His car follows beside you, matching your pace.
“It’s cold as shit. Come on, I’ll give you a ride,” Hawk offered.
“No thanks,” you said, not even looking at him.
As you quickened your stride, you heard his car engine turn off and his door open then shut.
He caught up to you, grabbing your arm to stop you from walking. “Get in the car,” he demanded, and you just rolled your eyes.
“Why would I get in the car with you?” You laughed mockingly and he swallowed. Raindrops were falling on his eyelashes and he looked pretty, but you shook away the thought.
“Fuck, why are you so difficult. You’ll get sick, just come on,” he pulled you towards him, then without thinking your karate reflexes kick in and you hit him in the chest.
You almost feel bad, but he steps back, with an almost proud and amused smile. He thought it was cute.
“Why do you care?!” you raised your voice over the rain.
“Y/N I-”
“Why? You didn’t care for all of these months! Why now? You didn’t care when I wanted you to stop hurting people, why do you want to change now?” You bombarded him with all the questions that have been swirling around in your thoughts for days.
“I did care! I do care. I’m sorry, Y/N. I really am. Just please get in the car and we’ll talk about it,” Hawk pleaded, reaching out for you again, but you pull your arm away. His jaw clenched from your rejection.
“And I still loved you! Through it all! You broke Demetri’s arm, one of my best friends. He was your best friend too! And I still missed you! Do you know how horrible that feels?” you continued letting out your anger. All of the things you’ve wanted to say to him are spilling out of your mouth and you don’t even notice your tears.
His eyes were starting to brim with tears too, but you couldn’t tell if it was just the rain.
“I am sorry Y/N. For everything. I’ve never stopped fucking loving you and I missed you too. Like hell. I can’t take back what I did to Demetri but I’m trying, I’m trying to fix it,” he confessed, moving in closer to you.
“You’re a liar...” you hit him in the chest, but he didn’t budge. “You can’t say that... that you love me, you’re just a huge fucking liar!”
Before you could hit him again, he stopped your hands and put his arms around you. At first you tried to squirm out of his embrace, but eventually you gave in, letting out full sobs of heartbreak.
You missed this. His warmth and his soft skin. The way he rests his chin on the top of your head and how he rubs your back to soothe you. You hated the way you were just giving in, but you didn’t have it in yourself to pull away.
“You were right about all of it. I wasn’t myself,” he murmured into your hair. He missed holding you too, and he wondered how he went so long without doing so.
You looked up at him with your glassy eyes. His hair was drooping down from the mohawk because of the rain and he looked more like Eli.
The rain was still pouring down on both of you, but you had gotten used to it. Still in his arms, you were no longer shivering from the cold.
You lifted a hand up to place on his cheek, and you admire the kind blue eyes you’ve missed looking into.
You pushed your previous anger away and pressed your lips against his, revelling in the feeling of reuniting with your lover. You missed him so much. You got butterflies as you two moved together perfectly and he smiled against your lips.
“I never stopped loving you too, Eli.”
okay here’s a tag list for the people who wanted a part 2 :))) thank you so much for reading and feel free to send in any requests!
@rosiahills22 @sinicalh4wk @lina-lovebug @rudypankow-whore @miyagifang @blvxktvmmx @lulu-yuming @melinda-hargreeves @emmyboo019 @lllyyysss02
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allthingsarmin · 3 years
fratboy/stoner armin!! in love with how you write asshole! armin ❤
Thank you for your request! I feel I didn’t do a good job with this one, so I will probably go back later and rewrite it. (And I really appreciate your feedback <3 I hope this dose of asshole!armin will satisfy your needs haha)~
MINORS DNI! Ft. NSFW TOPICS (weed, one mention of vomit, and sex (groping, drunk noncon), mentions of religion, one mention of sexaul assault).
Fem!Reader, FemBodied!Reader
ᵔᴥᵔ Fratboy!armin who dresses like a gentleman - wearing white shorts and a white button-up collared shirt under a cerulean sweater that compliments his mesmerizing blue eyes as well as a dainty silver watch on his left wrist and always comes to class with a freshly shaven face and cologne that is just a little too “manly” for him - but acts like a complete hooligan, making inappropriate jokes in class, pranking innocent passersby on campus, and getting black-out drunk at frat parties every Friday night.
ᵔᴥᵔ Fratboy!armin who looks so poised and has such a refined posture, having enough manners (like holding the door open) to swoon enough girls but is such a menace when it comes to anything serious… like being harshly shushed in the library because he was being too loud or skipping finals to go on a spontaneous road trip with his frat buddies then sending an email to his professor saying he was sick, even printing out a fake doctor’s note, or pranking the sorority across the street by TPing their house or even how he can’t seem to care less when the police ruthlessly question him because there have been so many reports of sexual assault done by his frat friends.
ᵔᴥᵔ Fratboy!armin who thinks he is so smart because he’s a business major and genuinely believes he is better than everyone else because he gets out of class to go to all these events even though he is undoubtedly one of the most irresponsible and reckless people on campus… having unprotected sex with countless unfortunate women who have fallen for his false compliments, throwing parties that become too big for him to handle - so loud the police become involved, so messy with red cups littering the floor and vomit being found in every trashcan in the house - and failing nearly every class he’s in because “it’s too easy for me, my advisor put me in the wrong class, and the teacher is an old hag.”
ᵔᴥᵔ Fratboy!armin whose backpack is filled with anything but college textbooks and notebooks, like a chewed pencil, three packs of condoms, some headphones, and an energy drink.
ᵔᴥᵔ Fratboy!armin who swears he’s being a good boy when his rich parents who are on their abroad trip ask him how he’s doing over the phone but is actually spending most of his weekly allowance buying weed and smoking it with his frat buddies, who often gets into intense fights with them because he “knows he had two ounces left, but now he only has one,” and who shows up to class high the few times he does actually decide to go - eyes red, a constant small smirk, can’t stop rambling about useless things.
ᵔᴥᵔ Fratboy!armin who walks together with his big group of frat friends, taking up large amounts of room on the sidewalk and in restaurants, cat-calling girls they think look fuckable and loudly mocking those who look prude.
ᵔᴥᵔ Fratboy!armin who has a main Instagram where he looks so well-mannered, posting pictures with his family or his frat buddies when they go on a trip together but also has a secret Instagram where he posts thirst traps, follows barely clothed women, and stalks accounts of girls who go the same college as him, even DMing the men at your college to see if they have your nudes.
ᵔᴥᵔ Fratboy!armin who knows how handsome he is, who knows how easy it is to make your knees weak and your heart flutter when he looks at you from across the campus soccer field with such intent, biting his lip, maliciously smiling because yet another girl has fallen for his seemingly innocent aura as you excitedly wave at him.
ᵔᴥᵔ Fratboy!armin who revels in the fact that he can convince you to do anything. When he’s whining so pathetically in the driver’s seat and pressuring you to just hit the blunt one time while he locks you in his car that’s parked on the far end of the campus parking lot. And you, so submissive and selfless sitting in the passenger seat, not wanting to disappoint him because his frown harshly tugs at your heart, take a hit, choking on the fumes and heart pounding at the unfamiliarity as a warm buzz sets in.
ᵔᴥᵔ Fratboy!armin who pressures you to skip class with him so that you both can go to the campus cafeteria and buy an unholy amount of cookies and chips because he’s high and he’s hungry… and now you know why his bedsheets at the frat house reek of weed and why his crusty floor is littered with food wrappers.
ᵔᴥᵔ Fratboy!armin who so easily persuaded you to play those type of sexually suggestive games at the weekend frat party where everyone is drunk, breath seething with vodka, and sweatily rubbing up against each other, so horny for a release, and so desperate to feel something besides the headache from the loud music… who you somehow wind up in the closet with, his right arm holding you close against his body as his left hand slithers into your panties and forces itself into your cunt because he wanted you to play ‘seven minutes in heaven.’
ᵔᴥᵔ Fratboy!armin who promises that there’s nothing to be afraid of because he’s ‘secretly a sweetheart’ but calls you his “bitch” and pats his thigh, signaling that he wants you to come sit in his lap so that he can feel you up in front of his friends at the frat party when drinking cheap, shitty beer.
ᵔᴥᵔ Fratboy!armin who swears he won’t bite but gets you so drunk at parties that you can’t even tell him no when he takes you upstairs, locks the door, and practically forces his hard, throbbing cock into you while holding you into a mating press, covering your mouth to suppress your cries as his tongue trails your jawline and neck.
ᵔᴥᵔ Fratboy!armin who prays before every dinner, keeps a bible in the lowest drawer of his nightstand, and goes to church promptly at 10am every Sunday with his frat buddies despite being hungover. Sitting in the front pews, he listens intently to the preacher, letting the word of God spill into his heart even though he was rigorously fisting his cock the night before to your pictures on Instagram, cumming four times but his balls still swollen and cock still desperate for your messy cunt, having to hold back his needy whimpers each time his slender fingers brisk past his sensitive tip as he imagines your warm, wet tongue licking off the pre-cum.
ᵔᴥᵔ Fratboy!armin who invites you to a Sunday lunch with his frat. Of course, he looks so polished: a clean, white button-up with a baby blue sweater hanging around his shoulders and a pair of new Sperrys. When you show him what you’re wearing, he tells you that you could do better as he convinces you to wear something a little low-cut but not too much because he doesn’t want his frat buddies to think he’s dating a slut.
ᵔᴥᵔ Fratboy!armin whose friends look at you like starving dogs when you both finally get to the restaurant, never including you in the conversation except for when they comment on your body and how irresistible it is.
ᵔᴥᵔ Fratboy!armin who doesn’t defend you and instead soaks up all of this appraisal.
“Yeah, she’s a good toy to play with,” he proudly smiles while gripping your thigh in his strong, pale hands.
ᵔᴥᵔ Fratboy!armin who makes you order a small salad and only allows you to drink water because “you need to watch your figure.”
ᵔᴥᵔ Fratboy!armin who’s the perfect predator, the perfect manipulator. He can do whatever he wants without ever getting caught, howling at the fact that you try to tell advisors or teachers how Armin violated and manipulated you, but they just never believe you. “You’re talking about Armin? Armin Arlert? He would never do anything like that,” they chuckle… because everyone knows Armin’s an angel; he’s part of the frat, so that makes him a good boy, right?
ᵔᴥᵔ Fratboy!armin who you can’t possibly ever escape from because he’s done such a good job at manipulating you to be his little slutty girlfriend, his heaven-like appearance making it impossible for others to believe what a devil he is, isolating you as he convinced all of your friends that you’re just some cock-hungry whore.
ᵔᴥᵔ Fratboy!armin who has done such a good job at defiling you, successfully taking your virginity and eagerly pressuring you to do things for him, letting him so easily enter your sloppy cunt as he takes in the sight of your tender breasts, contorted face, and bright red hand imprints on your thighs.
ᵔᴥᵔ Fratboy!armin who despite all the manipulation and sexist comments, you don’t want to leave because he smells so sweet thanks to all the treats he eats; because his arm muscles look so good when he plays golf with his rude friends; because he makes your high from weed more fun as you two cuddle and talk about nonsense; because he is able to bury your shy side and awaken your submissive side as he slowly degrades the human being in you and raises a filthy slut whose pussy he makes so wet, so needy, and so pathetically sloppy.
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flamminghotweedos · 4 years
could you please do prompts 74 & 75 with JJ from outer banks?! I LOVED your last one, you're such a talented writer ugh
A/N: thANK YOU that made me go WHEE :) I hope you liked this one!
Also! I thin I’m gonna start doing outer banks preferences so let me know if/what you’d like to see!
Word Count: 1599
Requested: yes. #74 “are you listening to me?” And #75 “no I was too busy watching you undress in my head,” (two of my faves)
Pairing: JJ x reader
Warnings: the usual swearing, and some flirty JJ x reader goin on
~Wipe Out~
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(Set in Season 1 Episode 3) (btw I listened to Evan Finds The Third Room by Khruangbin from this episode ON LOOP and holy shit it adds so much I recommend it)
“I’m so proud of you right now, holy crap,” JJ said to the soaking wet Pope who got back on the boat. Pope has just taken the plug from Topper’s expensive boat, and his face fell serious.
“JJ?” He started,
“You can’t tell anybody,”
“Oh yeah no. Totally dude,”
“No. I’m serious, dude. Not Kie, not John B, especially not Y/N. Nobody,” JJ put his hands in up in defense, knowing you, his girlfriend, would kill both of them if you found out.
“Yup. My lips are sealed. Give me that,” JJ took the plug from Pope’s band and threw it over board.
Miles over on the beach, you sat in the sand with your surf board, rubbing on it trying to get some of the build up off of it. You looked up and at the sun setting over the water, John B. and Kiara conversing as they floated on their boards. You smiled and heard JJ’s familiar voice from behind you.
“Board works better if you get in the water, babe,” You stood up and turned around, giving both Pope and JJ that look you had. The, you guys spent way to long to have been working, plus word got out of some Pogues on the golf course today...you two did something, kind of look. It worked every time. JJ was the hardest, blondie had the thickest skull. But Pope? Man, Pope was blurting the truth out to you in seconds. Even spoiled three of your surprise parties the other Pogues had tried to throw you.
“Don’t submit, dude,” JJ grabbed Pope’s arm with his free hand.
“I took the plug out of Topper’s boat today-“
“What?!” You yelled, making the two boys shush you and take a step forward.
“Him and Rafe teamed up on him today when he was out delivering,” JJ argued for Pope and he nodded, moving his hat slightly to show you the scar.
“Oh my god, Pope why didn’t you tell me?” You grabbed the side of his neck and examined the gash. “Did you clean it? Are you hurt anywhere else? Did-“
“Y/N, chill. I’m alright,” Pope smiled and adjusted the board in his hand and ran towards the water.
“Hey! Save some waves for us!” JJ yelled and Kiara responded, but your hand on JJ’s bare chest stopped him.
“JJ,” you have him a warning look. The sudden authority you had in your voice sent a unexpected chill down his spine. “You realize how much Pope could lose if he get caught?”
“He’s not gonna get caught, baby,”
“JJ, you don’t know that,” and unexpected rant started from you, but JJ couldn’t pay attention. You just looked so fucking good in the sunlight right now. The way your hair feel naturally from the sea water, the way your bathing suit complemented every curve of your body. Not to mention, JJ’s eyes couldn’t help but wonder from yours, to your lips, to your breasts and down. An endless loop of him remembering what’s underneath the bathing suit. If he had the skill, he could probably draw every inch of you from memory with how many times he’s stared at you.
“Not to offend you JJ, but I don’t think you’d be the college type. You’ve told me yourself. Pope? Pope has a scholarship he’s gotta chase after. Baby, you gotta promise me you’ll watch after him if anything does happen. And if anything happens to him tell me. My dad’s got enough Kook cash that we could bail him or you out, okay?” You noticed the way his lip was stuck between his teeth. He only ever did that if he was focusing really hard on something. “JJ? Are you listening to me?” You asked and stepped forward, now only a few inches from you boyfriend.
“Huh?” His eyes finally met yours again, “no. No I was too busy watching you undress in my head,” you were taken back by his honesty. You blinked and few times and shook your head, leaning in for a kiss, your free hand cupping his cheek, patting it when he tried to deepen the kiss.
“Maybe later,” you pulled back and winked. You turned and walked off towards the water, feeling two familiar eyes stay on you. You weren’t worried about if JJ listened to that rant specifically. You knew he’d do the right thing in that situation.
“Hang on! Maybe?!” He called back and ran after you. You quickly straddled your board and started to paddle towards your other friends.
“If you wipe out less than five times, I guarantee you I’ll undress for you tonight,” you said once he caught up to you. He smirked and held his hand out, to close the deal. You took his hand and shook it, but as quickly pulled towards him, water splashing on both of you as he pressed him lips on yours. The salty sea water now on the taste on your tongue.
“Come on now! Remember the new rule!” John B. yelled as the other three paddled toward you two, pulling away from each other, you smiled to your friends. “If pogues are gonna Mack pogues, you either gotta not do it in front of the others or warn us,” you quickly took your hand, splashing water towards John B.
“Consider that your warning,” you all laughed, and Kie nodded and gestured for you all to start surfing.
And you kept count of JJ. The first wave he simply stood up and road out. Then the second wave, he did noting but stand up. You caught on to his tricks.
“Come on Jay! Not confident in your own skill?!” You yelled over as you road out a wave of your own, watching him smile and shake his head before paddling further out. The next wave, he did a few of his spins and turns. Next wave was bigger than he expected, catching him off guard and slipping into the water. The same on the next, yet he fell off when he tried to top the wave.
“That’s two, JJ!” You yelled and straddled your board. Kie floated over towards you, laughing.
“I’m afraid to ask,” you looked over at her, nothing the moon had started to come up.
“He wouldn’t pay attention when I was talking to him earlier,” you sighed as he skillfully spun and road the next wave out, sticking his tongue out at you as he passed. “So we made a bet, if he didn’t wipe out more than five times...I’d-“
“Got cha,” Kiara nodded with a giggle and watched Pope. surf through the tube.
“Ladies,” John B. said and floated over, you three catching some air. “What are we doin?” He asked as JJ raced Pope to a wave.
“Trying to get JJ to wipe out,” Kie said as you all kept their eyes on the two boys.
“Do I wanna know?”
“Just a bet we have,” you smirked and John B. nodded.
“How many times has he wiped out?” Just ask he asked, JJ got cocky, going for his normal rodeo turn at the peak, but his board got caught and flipped from underneath him.
“That’s five now, JJ! You sure you wanna try again?!” you yelled, teasing your boyfriend and he straddled his board and put his hands on his hips.
“JJ! Get some air on this one!” John B. yelled back. JJ looked at you, hopelessly tired, but his hard headedness made him turn his board and paddle out further. He started to effortlessly ride the wave out, it growing as it neared the shore. JJ gained some speed and looked for a water ramp. Once he found it, he maneuvered his board up the wave. The four of you, Pope floating towards you more, all yelled as JJ caught the air he was going for, but the cheers made him cocky. Turning his body to try and spin his board a little in air, he missed the flat of the wave, slipping from the board and flopping on the whitewater.
“Ooh,” you all winced, laughing slightly.
“I’ll go check on him, head to shore we’ll catch up,” you giggle as the other three started to paddle away, you laid on your stomach and paddle towards JJ. He was now laying on his back on his board, taking deep breaths.
“Don’t say a word,” he warned once you floated over. You grabbed on to his board in order to stay together in the moon lit water.
“That was actually pretty impressive,” he let out and laugh and he sat up on his board, smirking over to you.
“Yeah...but you lost so...I won’t be undressing for you tonight,” you shrugged, all ready with an idea in your head. JJ could tell, and played along.
“So you won...what’s your prize?” He asked as you two began to size up the next wave to ride to shore.
“You have to undress me tonight,” with that you shot a wink and paddled before standing up on your board and riding the wave to shore.
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eberles · 4 years
On The Course
Rafe Cameron
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if this gif is yours, lmk and i’ll tag you!
A/N: this is the longest thing i’ve ever written coming in at 3.8K!! it’s set the summer AFTER the show so like a year later basically and rafe isn’t a murderer obv, it’s also loosely based on A Cinderella Story - the one with Hilary Duff, okay enjoy :)
Warnings: mentions of parent death, brief mention of toxic living environments, swearing, lots of dialogue (idk if that needs a warning but)
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You never had many friends growing up, or any really. Except JJ, he was always there for you, your very best friend and even though he offered all the time for you to hangout with the other pogues, you always declined. Of course, you went to school with them and had classes together and sure they were nice, but you never actually felt welcome. JJ was the first friend you made when you moved to the Outer Banks after your parents died. It’s been 4 years since then and living with your ugly aunt and her horrible twin daughters was the last thing you ever wanted for yourself. The only upside of moving to Outer Banks all those years ago was meeting JJ.
Everyone assumed you were dating and both of you had considered the fact, but quickly decided that it wasn’t meant to be for the two of you. JJ liked to be a playboy and he wasn’t really your type anyways. for years you watched him get with girl after girl while you sat idly by watching and looking out for him, never having a guy of your own to trot around with. You never minded it though, being by yourself gave you a sense of comfort and with your current living situations, your cousins made it difficult for you to have many friends or otherwise anyways. JJ always made you feel better about it though and assured you that you didn’t need a man to be happy because of how independent you were and how ‘one day you’re gonna get out of here and meet the guy of dreams, the one that lives up to your standards.” You would always shake your head and roll your eyes at him when he said that, but he believed it. At least the getting out of here part. JJ knew from the moment he met you 4 years ago that you weren’t destined to be on a little island like Outer Banks and you had bigger things coming to you. For now, this was home and you were making the best of it.
“JJ, please talk to your boss. I need a job, I have to get out of my house this summer.” you begged JJ one sunny afternoon, knowing that school was ending in a few days.
“Y/N, you’re gonna hate it. Trust me, you don’t wanna serve a bunch of rich pricks.” JJ sighed, looking over at you briefly and noticing you had your best puppy dog look plastered onto your face, the one you always knew got him to cave. “Fucking fine, i’ll talk to him.”
A few days passed and you were finally done with school. This was your last summer before heading off to college and as much as you didn’t want to spend it working, you knew your aunt had no intention of giving you any money for college. So here you were, serving your first day as a cart girl at the most prestigious country club on Figure 8. The course was fairly slow today and you had a small training session for the first few hours of your shift, but it wasn’t all that hard. Drive around, serve drinks, get tipped. As you were riding around on your little golf cart you noticed none other than Rafe Cameron flagging you down.
“Hi, what can I get for you?” you refrained from immediately rolling your eyes at him and forcing a smile onto your face as you climbed out of your cart.
“I’ll just get a beer, thanks.” he pointed to his beer of choice and watched as you poured the beverage slowly into the plastic cup. “I haven’t seen you around here before.”
“That’s because I just started.” you stated pointedly, handing Rafe the drink and giving him a small smile. “Can i get you anything else?”
“Do you know how to golf?” Rafe was speaking before he could stop himself and you were taken aback by his question, let alone his politeness towards you. You’d never actually come in contact with the boy in front of you, but you’d heard horror stories from JJ surrounding the summer before. You shook your head no, not moving back to your cart just yet curious to where this was heading. “Do you wanna give it a shot? I can teach you.”
You knew you shouldn’t, JJ would scold you up and down for it, after previously warning you Rafe was an often golfer and that you’d probably see him quite a bit, but this wasn’t the Rafe you were expecting. Not after JJ’s multiple stories of Rafe beating him and the other pogues up and constantly giving them a hard time. However, you couldn’t stop yourself from agreeing to Rafe’s offer. Moving closer to him and grabbing the club from him you did exactly what you’d seen in the movies: knees spread, club down, aimed at the small golf ball and raising your arms back only for them to swing the club right into the dirt.
“Damn, you weren’t lying.” Rafe chuckled, taking a spot behind you making sure it was okay that he helped you first. Rafe was a good 6 inches taller than you, but when he came up you could still feel his breath hitting your ear causing your heart to beat out of your chest and goosebumps to erupt all over. He wrapped his arms around yours, placing his hands over yours adjusting your grip on the club. “Ready? One...two...three.”
“Oh- oh my god! I did it! Well you did it, but I did it!” you turned around in Rafe’s grasp jumping up excitedly after watching the ball move this time. Before Rafe could react, realization hit you that you were at work and not making a very good first impression. “I have to go, I'm sorry.”
You ran back towards your golf cart, jumping in and driving off checking in on the other golfers. Rafe had a big smile on his face watching the cute new girl drive off. He felt a sense of home building in his chest after your small interaction and he wasn’t sure what was going on. No girl had ever affected him the way you did and he didn’t even know your name. Yet.
“Dude, what’s got you blushing?” Topper asked, joining him on the course and snapping Rafe out of his thoughts about you.
“Have you seen the new cart girl?”
“Yea she’s cute but she’s a pogue.” Topper stated and Rafe looked at him skeptically not wanting to believe the words. Rafe was almost positive he’d never seen you around before and definitely not with the other pogues. Granted, the way everything happened last summer he never saw the pogues anymore, choosing the high road and turning himself into a better man so he could eventually leave Figure 8 on his own.
“Y/N!” you turned around hearing JJ calling your name. You just entered the cut after having to walk home from your first shift at the country club. “I’ve been texting you for hours.”
“Oh sorry JJ, my shitty phone died.” you shrugged letting JJ catch up with you before continuing your walk home.
“How was your first day?” you knew JJ would ask, but you hadn’t quite figured out what you were planning on telling him. Do you bring up your weird but pleasant interaction with Rafe?
“It was good! It was a pretty slow day, perfect for learning.” JJ hummed in response, looking at you quizzically not fully believing you didn’t have anything more to say. You decided to keep it short, not looking forward to JJ mocking your newfound connection with his enemy. You felt bad enough about it without having him breathing down your neck. JJ walked you home, the two of you making small talk for the rest of the short distance to your house.
“Charge your phone, how else will I annoy you?” you rolled eyes, laughing at what JJ said, pushing on his chest.
“Goodbye JJ, Y/N has things to do.” your aunt spoke, catching you off guard as you were saying bye to JJ outside your house. JJ gave you a sympathetic look before walking off, never wanting to leave you alone with them. “Y/N, I’m going out of town tomorrow. I’ll be leaving you this list to work on while I'm gone. I expect everything to be finished. You will go to work, come home and work some more. Zero play time and in the house everyday by 6 pm, missy.”
“Okay but there’s this one event the country club is having and it’s a night shift for me.” you followed your aunt around the small house, hoping she would let you out of the house for Midsummers knowing the tips would be great.
“Well that’s not going to work, now is it?” she huffed, shoving the 7 page list into your hands and storming off, her heels clicking with every step. “One page for everyday, don’t miss anything.”
The next day your aunt left just like she planned to, her twin daughters staying behind to ‘keep an eye on you’ but really, they were just going to annoy you the whole time. The only thing you could really look forward to anymore was going to work and hoping the customers were nicer than your cousins.
“Y/N, we’re coming with you today!” the twins spoke at the same time with fake chipper voices.
“Great.” you deadpanned, turning away from them and making your way towards their shared car and climbing in the back seat. The drive was short and they talked the whole way there so you practically jumped out before the car stopped moving noticing your arrival. You were feeling giddy to be at work today secretly hoping you would see a certain kook boy again. You didn’t know much about him, only the awful things JJ had spoken about him briefly but didn’t see that side of him only enticing you to know more.
After a few hours driving around the course serving drinks to mostly middle aged white men you finally noticed Rafe with a few of his friends. You wanted to talk to him again, but having his friends around made you unsure about the situation so you decided to play it cool.
“Did you guys want drinks?” you stopped on the path behind them before getting off the cart and making your way to them.
“Rafe, is this your cute cart girl from yesterday?” Topper laughed, hitting Rafe’s back pushing him towards you and you noticed a blushing Rafe shoot a quick glare in his direction.
“Hey, how’s your second day going?” Rafe moved closer to you and the cart hoping to get out of ear shot from Topper and Kelce.
“It’s been good, lots of older men come around here I’ve noticed.” you laughed handing Rafe the same drink as yesterday since you remembered the specific beer he wanted. “It makes for good tips though so I can't complain.”
“Yea these guys might be old but they’re rich as fuck.” Rafe sipped his beer, smiling at you and apologizing for his friends being stupid behind him. “Hey so I never got your name-”
“Hey Y/N!” you turned, hearing your name being called and saw JJ running towards you. You mentally cursed because of course this was the one time he would ever step foot on the course to look for you. Rafe looked at you confused even though Topper previously told him you were technically a pogue yourself. “Y/N, your cousins are inside and they’re driving me crazy. I needed a break. What’s going on here?”
“Oh JJ, I’m sorry about them, they insisted on being here for my whole shift.” you ignored JJ’s last question, putting all the attention on your cousins, hoping it would deflect from you and Rafe chatting.
“You okay?” JJ asked in a hushed tone, glaring at Rafe and you laughed nodding your head yes. “Okay I guess I’ll go back inside then. Be careful.”
“So your name’s Y/N?” Rafe stood back a few feet while you had your short conversation with JJ and returned to your side once JJ started walking away. “I’m assuming since you know Maybank that you already know who I am.”
“Well I know of you, but if we keep meeting like this maybe i’ll be able to find out more.” you were feeling brave all of a sudden, hoping putting yourself out there would get your somewhere with Rafe. Everything felt natural with him, and you didn’t want to let that feeling escape you by ruining it.
“Why don’t you give me your number and then it won’t have to be exclusive to only here?” Rafe smirked, pulling his phone out and placing it in your hands. You laughed, typing your phone number in quickly and returning it back to him.
“I should really get back to work, Rafe but I’ll see you around yea?” you climbed back into your golf cart as Rafe smiled and waved bye to you.
The next few days passed and you hadn’t seen Rafe at the club, but you had been texting quite a bit. Just in a few days of talking you felt like you were already learning so much about him and his life. He told you everything from who his friends are to how overbearing and controlling his father was. He explained that he went to college at Chapel Hill for a year before dropping out and his father never forgave him. You shared your deepest feelings with him about your parents deaths and how your aunt and cousins were Satan's children. You told him you couldn’t wait to get out of Outer Banks and go off to college at the end of the summer. He understood you and you meshed together so well just after a few days.
i haven’t told my dad, but after getting my shit together this past year i started applying to schools. my first choice is princeton.
princeton?! rafe, no way! that’s where i’m hoping to go.
You couldn’t deny the fast connection you felt with rafe, everything in your body was telling you that you belonged together. Rafe told you he was looking forward to seeing you at the Midsummers event tonight, but you had to break the devastating news that there was no way you could go.
curfew is 6 pm cameron, get with it😂
jesus, i’m sorry i didn’t know you were 7
You laughed at the text on your phone when a tapping noise on your window startled you. You dragged yourself out of bed to see JJ standing on the ground below you.
“JJ, what are you doing?!” you whispered after opening the window and sticking your head out.
“I'm coming up!” JJ whispered back, scaling the side of your house next to your bedroom window. Lucky for him there was a small rock wall giving him the perfect entrance. “I'm breaking you out, you’re coming to Midsummers.”
“JJ, I can't! They’ll kill me if I leave!” JJ gave you a look as if to say ‘stop being a baby.’ It only took a few more seconds of convincing from JJ for you to agree. He successfully helped you out your window and down the rock wall without your cousins noticing you had left for the night. JJ borrowed John B's van and left it parked a few houses down so the twins wouldn’t be suspicious.
“Thanks for this, JJ. You’re the best.” you smiled wide, feeling free for the first time in a while. It was nice getting out of the house while it was dark out.
“As much as I want to take credit, I can’t. This was Rafe’s idea.” you looked at JJ with wide eyes, completely caught off guard.
“What?!” you all but screamed, not sure why JJ would ever talk to Rafe about you. Especially since you hadn’t even told JJ that you and Rafe were talking almost constantly.
“I’ll try to forgive you for not mentioning your budding relationship, but yea. Rafe came to me and apologized for everything last summer and although I don’t forgive him. He does talk pretty highly about you and I can't deny that.” JJ explained and you couldn’t have been more proud to call him your best friend in these moments.
Once you arrived, JJ snuck you in the back and you couldn’t help but take a peek out and notice Rafe standing by the bar dressed in a navy colored suit with his dad who looked like he was scolding him for something. He looked good, really good. JJ pulled you into the locker room handing you a uniform with a white shirt and a black vest to put over it and informing you that you were on drink serving duty. You made your rounds looking over at Rafe every so often wanting nothing more than to approach him. You noticed Rafe's dad pulling him away from the crowd with a yank to his collar and watching as he stood in front of him yelling and pointing a finger in his face. Your feet were moving before your brain could process it and before you knew it you were in front of the two.
“Hi, can I get you guys anything to drink?” you put the sweetest smile on your face, hoping it wouldn’t be obvious that you were trying to distract Rafe’s dad. Ward cleared his throat before looking at you and ordering a whiskey on the rocks with a fake smile on his face. Rafe took the opportunity to make a break for it while you wrote down his fathers drink, exactly what you hoped would happen. After returning to Ward with his drink you went looking for Rafe only to find him back inside the club.
“Oh look who it is, my savior.” Rafe teased, watching you approach him before pulling out a chair for you to sit next to him. “Thanks for that by the way, you didn’t have to.”
“Of course I did, I understand family issues all too well, Cameron.” you laughed, taking the seat beside him.
“I’m surprised to see you here, so much for that curfew huh?” Rafe smirked, eyeing you from across the table.
“Funny enough, JJ came up with this super smart plan to sneak me out. Usually he’s not that on top of it, but I guess something changed.” you joked and reached for Rafe’s hand across the table. “Thank you for talking to him, you have no idea how much it means to me.”
“I know it sounds weird, but I think I would do anything for you.” Rafe blushed, squeezing your hand in his and putting his head down to hide the pink tint on his cheeks. You pulled your hand from his and reached up to lift his face to look at your before moving in closer to him. Your lips brushed his softly before he pulled you closer by your waist and your lips molded to each other and you melted into your first kiss with Rafe.
“Uh, sorry to interrupt but Y/N your aunts outside.” you pulled away from Rafe hearing JJ’s voice and you couldn’t believe what you heard. You looked between the boys with a horrified expression on your face and walked passed JJ outside to where your aunt and cousins were standing and causing a scene.
“Where the hell is she?!” you frowned, running up to them, hoping you could get her to leave without losing your job.
“There you are! You ungrateful piece of trash! How dare you sneak out with this scum of a boy!?” with each word your ugly aunt used her finger to push on her chest and you felt the anger bubbling up inside of you.
“Don’t touch me! And don’t talk about him like that. I’m 18 now, you can’t tell me what to do anymore!” you pushed her hand away, yelling back in her face with JJ and Rafe watching you from a few feet away, everyone else at the party enjoying the show.
“I sure as hell can if you’re living under MY roof!” you could hear your cousins laughing from behind her and that only fueled more anger in you.
“Don’t worry about me, because I'm moving out.” you finally had it, you couldn’t take dealing with her for another second longer. Unbeknownst to you, Rafe and JJ were sharing knowing looks at each other as the scene unfolded in front of them.
“And where do you think you’re gonna go?”
“With us!” JJ spoke up, and you felt him take a place at your side with Rafe following his actions on your other side.
“Good luck with that. They’ll be tired of you soon enough, don’t come crawling back.” your aunt scoffed, rolling her eyes at the two boys and retreating back to her SUV, “Girls! Here! Now!”
You felt tears start to roll down your cheeks and you laughed feeling both the boys wrap their arms around you. “Everything’s gonna be okay now, y/n.”
“Jeez, I don’t know what to say. Thank you guys for being here.” The rest of the party goers were clapping at you standing up for yourself and finally being free of her even though they didn’t know you or your situation.
“You don’t have to thank us, Y/N.” Rafe smiled as you pulled him into a tight hug feeling safe as his arms wrapped around you.
Summer was officially over and you were sad to be moving on, but you could easily say this was the best summer of your entire life. After the screaming match with your aunt you moved in with JJ and John B and yes it was tough adjusting to living with boys but it was amazing. You were finally getting close with the other pogues Rafe’s sister Sarah and you just wish you hadn’t waited 4 years for it to happen.
Rafe did some digging with a private investigator and found a savings account in your name for your full college tuition that your aunt had been hiding from you. Everything was falling into place for you and speaking of Rafe: you guys were officially dating and going two months strong. You felt the happiest you ever had in your entire life and he was partly to thank for that.
You wound up going to Princeton together and lived happily ever after. At least for now. Hey, you’re only a freshman.
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jesslockwood · 4 years
olive | chapter one
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pairing: actor!Tom Holland x actor!reader
words: 3.5k ish
warnings: swearing, mentions of sex and smut (in between the ***)
a/n: special thanks for @stuckonspidey for helping me not only start a kinda guideline for this story, but go over the beginning of this chapter, go check out Lilly’s works!
I also am taking name suggestions for one of the characters (little miss diva celebrity personal) as im horrid at coming up with names and also want to involve you! (That’s why she don’t have a name in this yet lol) so send me an ask with your suggestions!
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You couldn’t believe it. How could it even be comprehended of what was going on when it felt like a dream? 
bro, you’re living every Instagram jealous fangirl’s dream right now…
Man, you couldn’t even imagine the backlash you’d be getting after this once everyone knew. 
Let’s hope they never find out.
Maybe this whole ordeal should be explained...
You had been at an after-party for the first big movie you did, well it was a featuring role, that the character literally had a sex scene with Sebastian Stan- yeah you know what you’re thinking, he’s a literal Greek god heaven-sent being- we all know.
Anyways me being me found him way too unattainable- God all those marvel actors and actresses were-, especially after the mishap of seeing his butt naked self before the scene, and him telling you it was fine because you were like his “little sister”. Either way, he was a no go, and you kinda wanted to find someone to take home. you hadn’t been laid in a while, and after seeing Sebastian naked you kinda needed relief. 
you were looking for someone more in your league scanning the room, until Seb decided to bombard you at the bar, with probably another one of his actor friends he wanted to introduce you to. 
Yeah, heh… I know how this sounds, but you two actually became pretty close on set, as the lead to his opposite, was a total snob, and Seb couldn’t stand her so you’d do a spot-on impression of her while roasting her, and Seb and you got along pretty well because of that. You’re probably questioning: why Seb? Of all people why would a famous person like him get along with a weirdo like me? 
Boy, do I look like I know?
in all your years it would still probably be a mystery till you died. 
Throughout the night Seb had been introducing you to all his friends and helping you “network” even though they all knew you sucked. That still didn’t stop you from having a small heart attack every time it was an actor you admire.
This time maybe was a little different because you had downed some drinks, and was a little more… bodacious? That’s probably the worst description you could come up with but it is what it is... anyways it was the only way you could get through the night without completely dying of being in front of literal heaven-sent beings.
“Hey Y/n! you’d like you to meet one of my pals!” Sebastian yelled over the music, cutting through people to get to me.
you were sitting at the bar just getting another martini with olives. Before taking a sip you saw him. Holy guacamole! He was definitely out of your league, but alas, he was trailing Sebastian, coming over to you, with you almost doing a spit take. you knew who he was, but man, was he ever hotter in person! pictures did not do his beauty justice.
“Hey, Sebby, who’s the next victim you’re introducing to moi?” you ask, stirring your drink with the olives. 
Seb shook his head at you, with a smirk on his face
“This is Tom, and Tom this is the infamous Y/n.” you definitely rolled your eyes at that one.
“It’s a Pleasure.” He says all gentleman-like.
Just as Sebastian is about to speak, none other than the stuck up lead of the movie calls over to him.
“Sebastian, they're taking group photos of the main character’s with Drake Doremus, our director.” 
You could tell Sebastian refrained from rolling his eyes at the way she was smirking at you.
 “Sorry Tom! Y/n and I have to go-”
“Uh, Sebastian, they want the main cast. No extras.” she snarkily snaps.
“She’s not an extra she’s a featuring role and y/n-”
“I’m fine here entertaining Tom. Besides I’m all photoed out.” you cut him off quickly trying to deescalate the situation before Seb snapped on her causing a scene for all the hungry photographers to eat up.
“See? She doesn’t want to get in the way of our spotlight. I’ll meet you over there.” she blows a kiss at Sebastian and walks over to our director.
“Are you sure about this y/n? Because you know Drake would be fine with it, and she has no say over it anyways and-”
“I’m fine, and anyways, it would be rude to leave your friend here when you just introduced us.” you comforted giving the most genuine smile you can.
He dramatically sighs, raising his arms in surrender,  “Well if she ends up in the pool, it’s not my fault.” 
You laugh and wave him off before turning your attention to the arachnid superhero sitting beside you now at the bar. You sit in silence for a bit, admiring his freckles and eyes before speaking up.
“I’m sorry about all of that she can sometimes be such a-”
“I was going to say Diva but that works too” you giggle as he starts to laugh with you.
“So Mister Spider-man, what made you come over here to be introduced to me?”
“I’m gonna be honest, I didn’t know anything about you till today, and seeing you act in this movie, I really am a fan of yours. Your acting ability in just this one movie blew me away!” He says intently, gazing into my eyes.
“You’re just saying that because I have a sex scene in the movie. It’s also probably just because of Sebastian’s acting. Or maybe you were turned on. ” you joke winking at him as you turn towards the bar, almost finishing your drink for the second time
He laughs, with a sly smirk on his face, “maybe.”
Before you can respond Sebastian interrupts.
“Hey, sorry I took so long, Miss Diva needed her ‘best angles’”
You internally groan. You just got cock blocked by the one you wanted before this whole ordeal.
“Well, I think I’m going to head out. We’re still on for breakfast tomorrow right?” Tom says, getting up abruptly.
“Yeah, Unless Y/n wants to bail on breakfast then we're still on, Then golf which Y/n will definitely bail on.” Sebastian jokes.
You were almost speechless, Seb said you’d meet some of his closest friends at the big brunch tomorrow. At least you’d be seeing him tomorrow. Maybe Sebastian set this all up? Either way, you weren’t turning down the opportunity.
“Well, uh I better get back to my hotel as well. We need to get up bright and early, and you know I need my sleep.” you mention, before downing the rest of your drink- very unladylike- and popping the olives into your mouth cringing a bit while eating them.
You hated olives, but it felt like such a waste to not eat them. You may have been in ‘high society’ but you still knew how rude it would have been, at least in your head it was.
“Party poopers. I’m gonna go say my goodbyes. Don’t wait for me.” Sebastian turns away going towards a group of his friends.
“I have a car coming, I can drop you off?”
“Oh, uh- are you sure? I don’t want to be a burde-”
“You’re not at all! Great company so far if you ask me,” he comments so… gentleman like.
You fight the urge to roll your eyes, and Once you got up and going, with Tom trailing behind you, you had to dodge a couple of waiters, apologizing every time, before really bumping into a waiter, who accidentally pushes Miss Diva, who wobbles before falling into the pool.
You stand there in shock almost watching as she, in slow motion falls into the pool, screaming on the way down. 
As soon as she emerges, she looks dead eyes at you, with looks that could literally, and probably would kill you.
Everyone falls silent before Sebastian, from across the pool breaks out into a fit of laughter and yells for you to “run”. Everyone who worked in the film and even the waiter starts to laugh along. Drake, your director takes out his phone before snapping a few photos. 
“AH! I‘m gonna kill you Y/n!” she screams at you before trying to swim to the ladder of the pool.
“Here,” Tom says before handing a hefty tip to the waiter before grabbing your hand and pulling you to the exit, “C’mon Y/n!”
The only thing that ran through your mind was “Holy shit. I’m dead now.”
Tom kept dragging you, to the entrance, through the paparazzi, and into the car, which mind you, the car was really nice, almost tumbling onto him.
“I’m a dead man now” you chanted a couple of times, before Tom started laughing really obnoxiously.
“Dude! You think me being six feet under is funny?!” ,You try not to giggle along to the now almost intoxicating sound, before hearing a pinging of his phone.
“Y/n, you’ll be trending for being Hollywood's hero!” He says before checking his device, “Trust me when I say she has no fanbase, at least won’t after this video Sebastian just sent me.”
“What?” you say stunned, before Tom shows you the video.
“That Fucking Bitch Y/n! You All saw that?! Y/n pushed me in purposely! She’s only out to get me, the talent of the movie! Talentless little bit-”
Sebastain cuts in the video “Yeah we’ve all heard it, you think you’re so much better than Y/n, Blah, Blah, Blah! You’ve treated her like shit from day one, and all she’s ever been was kind to you! I think karma is finally getting to you!”
Then your director steps in, “Well, I have news, we’re doing another movie, but in this time, Y/n has been bumped to lead role! I’m not so sure where your contract lies anymore though... Maybe it's just floating around in the water like your louboutins!”
Everyone cheers in applause in the video, chanting your name before it ends.
“What?! No, no, no! I don't deserve this because of a faulty point! She doesn't deserve this either! I know she's mean but to steal away from her talent and for someone to post that video?! She doesn't deserve that!” 
You started to freak out. Not only would she murder you if she had the chance, but no one deserved, not even she deserved the worst of what was going to come from the backlash from that video.
“Please tell me no one posted it!” you ask frantically.
“No, not yet, I’ll tell Seb not to, but I don’t think he can stop all the people who videotaped it.” He almost cringes, looking guilty.
“It’s fine I’ll just tweet something in the morning.” you sigh covering your face before telling tom where your hotel was.
It was almost upsetting, you felt like a second choice because of a bad apple in the batch, and you were the next.
“Hey Y/n? I know we don’t know each other well, but even though she might be booted down, or even off the next movie, your talent is real, and it doesn't take away from what you can do. From what I got from you already is that you're beautiful inside and out, as cheesy as it sounds.”
What the fuck. He was a fucking sweetheart. Let’s hope the fucking part litterally.
“Thanks Tom.”
You sit in an almost comfortable silence, all the way till you get to your hotel.
Once stepping out, Tom speaks up “Goodnight Y/n.”
“Dream of me Tom.” you wink before heading up to think of the game plan for tomorrow.
Once you got into bed, you couldn’t help but think of him. 
Why did he have to be so nice? Like god, did sweet guys ever make you horny.
Oh shit. Tom Freaking Holland made you this way.
Lets just say, you really did dream of him, probably because you thought of him while- well you know before falling asleep.
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“Tommy!” you moaned loudly, as he went down on you, licking stripes from the base of your pussy to your clit.
He moaned onto your sensitive clit, sending vibrations all the way up your body, and especially to your core.
You could feel yourself getting close. His iron (man™️) grip on your thighs had you wishing it would never end and then-
Your obnoxious ringtone you had for Sebastian went off abruptly waking you up. You had set it to a fucked up sounding avengers theme song. 
“What the Fu-”
“Y/n uh, apparently there's a shit ton of paparazzi at your hotel right now… do you still want to go to the brunch?
You pause, “What? The Fuck?” you continue to look outside your window and sure enough, there's a hoard of them outside.
You really weren't sure about going, until you got a call from an unknown number. 
“Uh I’m getting another call gimme a sec-” you end the call with seb before answering the mystery person.
“Hey Y/n it’s me, Tom, Im uh almost in the back alley of your hotel waiting for you, I mean, only if you want to come, you were on my way anyways so i thought-”
“Hey Tom,uh yeah- okay, I’ll be down in twenty?” You say rushing around trying to find your suitcase.
“Okay, I’ll uh, tell Seb we’re coming soon” 
Tom hangs up after you say goodbye, and couldn't help the grin that reached his face being almost smacked back into reality by his brother, Harry and best friend, Harrison, goofing off.
“You div! You almost ruined my hair!” Harrison whines, as Harry rolls his eyes.
You, on the other hand, were rushing around taking a Guinness world record shower, before drying your hair, putting on minimal face shit, because thanks to Tom you didn't have time, and putting on an outfit that made you feel super cute and ready for golfing, well, watching it.
You weren’t much of a sport player, minus the competitive side that came out as soon as anyone challenged you. Then suddenly, you were an allstar (by smash mouth p.s fuck smash mouth) at whatever came your way.
Lets just hope you had this in the bag if someone challenged you. 
Your phone buzzed and you jumped, before quickly answering the texts you had gotten.
‘Are you coming?’
‘Yes seb im coming soon ;)’
‘Hey y/n it’s tom were here when your ready :)’
‘Wrong “you’re” but im coming lol ;)’
As you made your way down, Tom kept fiddling in his seat, trying to relax yet impress you. He just had to get over her, and you were the perfect solution for that. He didn't want to use you or anything, just have some casual fun that will help him move on.
As soon as you come into sight, of course looking both ways of the alley because who knows who's lurking, or going to hit you like Regina George, Tom couldn't help but almost drool in admiring you. You had your gorgeous legs on display, almost gleaming in the sunlight starting to peek through the alley, and your hair, looking almost effortless in your hairstyle, that took you like, five minutes to do. 
 As soon as you got into the car, Tom was snapped out of his daze, quickly trying to catch himself before being caught.
“Hey Y/n! You remember Harry? And this is Harrison. Harrison, Y/n-”
“Y/n I’m a really big fan! Maybe not as big as Tom’s di-” 
“Mate! Shut up!” Harry jabs Harrison in the side. You couldn't help but laugh at the interaction.
“Y/n i’m sorry about these divs.” he glares at them red in the face which makes you laugh even harder.
“It’s fine, I’m used to it from my catty family.”
“Oi! We’re not catty!” Harry says before Harrison gives him a wet willy in the ear.
And that's when you started to block out their fighting to focus on Tom.
“So uh, how many people will be at this? Sebastian totally didn't tell me for legal purposes of marvel-people-are-coming-so-don’t-tell-y/n-or-else-she’ll-freak-out.” You joke before earning a snort from Tom.
“Uh well, if you really want to know, the people I know are coming are Anthony Mackie, Chris Evans, Scarlett Johansson- you should close your mouth love, don't want any flies in there.”
You couldn't help but have your jaw slacked, and mouth hanging open. These were people you only had ever dreamed of meeting. You had to focus on what you wanted though. Tom was the priority, but damn were you going to freak out on the inside.
“That’s not the only thing you’re worried about going into my mouth? Right?” You joke, definitely meaning a sexual innuendo, but with a cover-up.
Now Tom’s the one with the open mouth.
“Damn bro!” 
“Oh my God!”
A chorus of reactions come through from Harrison and Harry, only leading you to say,
“Well? Don’t you have a frog in yours?” 
He tries to brush it off with laughter, though you could see his red face. He only hoped he didn’t have an even more noticeable way of telling he was turned on by that.
As the driver stopped, you realized you were at the restaurant, and man, was it ever a fancy and probably extorting you of all your life savings one too.
Tom almost rushed out of that vehicle, getting hotter than he should have been with the air conditioner blasting, if you were to ask, he’d blame it on the weather (we all know it’s not the weather).
You got out next, covering your face with your hand to block out some of the sun, and crossed your arm over to hold it steady, which may or may not have slightly squished your boobs together, making Tom’s mouth salivate. Man, was he ever screwed today, maybe literally as well.
As soon as he hurried into the restaurant, with you following closely behind, dogging more paparazzi, Tom goes to the front and asks where “Mr. Stan's table” is directed at the hostess. As soon as she saw Tom she looked behind to see you, which she definitely recognized the both of you, and that was pretty surprising, as you've never been recognized, other than hanging out with Sebastian, due to the movie.
“Right this way sir.” the hostess says professionally, leading you to your demise.
You were holding your breath. There were so many of them, all at once that you admired, it was going to be a difficult task. You could barely handle meeting sebastian stan, but all of your favorite celebs at once? 
Once you got to the table hidden away in the corner, everyone said a chorus of greetings to Tom and friends and you.
You swallowed hard, only mustering out a small wave, before Tom pulled out a chair for you, (his momma taught him to be a gentleman) and you slid in whispering a small thank you.
Tom sat beside you to your left, with Harrison and Harry on your right. Sebastian was sitting right across from you, alongside Anthony Mackie, Scarlett Johansson, Chris Evans, Jeremy Renner, Chris Hemsworth, and Elizabeth Olsen surrounding the rest of the table.
“Hey everyone, so this is infamous Y/n, as you've probably seen the film or, the viral video, either way, this is her.”
“Hey! Y/n Seb here has told us so many stories about you, it’s like we already know you! You're a fan right? So who’s your favorite?”
You try to get words out but they don't seem to come. Tom notices and barges into the conversation,  “It’s obviously spider-man, ‘cause i'm so her type.” Tom mentions, in a cocky yet sarcastic tone, which started a spark for you to say something.
“And apparently I'm sitting beside a div? If that's the right word you use for a blubbering idiot.” you retort, re-using the words of his own. That got you a bunch of responses of “burns” “ohs!” and laughter.
It was almost as if the tips of Tom's ears were red in embarrassment with him still laughing along. You couldn't help but laugh as well at the sight.
During the rest of the course of breakfast, you had actually been vocal and had become quite fond of the people you now could say you knew, in one brunch. You especially loved the banter between Anthony, Seb and Tom, whereas you talked mostly to Scarlett and Lizzie, as she told you to call her, and Jeremy about projects they had done, and were looking for in their next ones.
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Soon you had all had finished breakfast and had gotten the checks, with your eyes almost bulging out of your head at the price. 
Tom whispered into your ear, “I’ll pay, don't want your kidneys sold for this meal. Besides, I have to beat Seb in some way today.” he winks at you.
Your face feels slightly warm. 
Why did he have to be so nice?
“Well we should go to the course now everyone, I know Y/n’s out of playing so she can go to the pool, cause she apparently sucks at golf even though she's never tried it.” Sebastian taunts you. 
“Oh screw you Seb, I can totally do it, maybe, probably not but i'll try-”
“It’s nice to see some A list actors eat here too.” 
oh shit. It was her. 
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pretend-writer · 4 years
Invisible Man (Diego Hargreeves x reader)
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Summary: Y/N confesses her crush to her best friend, Diego who happens to be someone who he is very familiar and close with.
Pairing: Diego Hargreeves x reader
Title Reference: Invisible Man x 98 Degrees
Word Count: 2.3k words
Warning: swearing, mention of death, fluff
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Diego’s POV
This man was all Y/N talked about, always wondering if this superhero was hiding among us just like us human beings. Was he a waiter at a local restaurant or was he working as a business man? 
My response was always ‘Yeah, maybe you’ve already met him.’ She would always laugh and say ‘No, there’s no way. I would know if I’ve met him.’ 
What she doesn’t know was that the guy she’s crushing over was me. Not me, me. But me in disguise.
The superpower I had was in my blood since I was born. My siblings and I were adopted by a man who raised us as a group of heroes that would stop crimes around town. 
Father named us by numbers, we never had a name. Until our "robot" mother decided to give us a name, since then I've been called Diego. To my father however, I was always Number Two.
He treated us the way he named us, some object for his experiment. Me and my six other siblings were nothing but a tool for his amusement. I always enjoyed fighting crimes because it made the rest of the town happy but I missed every single childhood that "normal" kids had.
Growing up in this household, I started to realize I had enough of my father's experiment. When I was old enough to leave my father and this "fantastic group" that he would call The Umbrella Academy, I walked through that front door and never looked back. That was the day I decided to throw away everything I was and live as Diego Hargreeves, a normal man with normal dreams.
But it wasn't for long.
I missed the feeling of accomplishment and the sense of worth I had when I fought the bad guys; the only time I felt like I was something, like I mattered to the world. That was when I decided I was going to be Number Two once again.
This time, I kept it a secret and hid my identity. Showing my true self would've been exactly what my father wanted; fame and fortune. I didn't want that, however; I did it for me and to save the citizens of this town. I didn't care for all of that other crap. Besides, Diego was the new me and I couldn't give that up.
Then I met Y/N, the person I've been in love with since I've laid eyes on her. She came by for boxing lessons one day and from that moment I knew she was someone special.
We've grew closer, eventually going to places like watching movies or mini-golfing. She would even invite me to her friends' house for parties and introduce me to them. This was the first time I felt like a part of something important, a family.
I always had that thought in my head where I told myself "Maybe she feels the same way." There were moments where I wanted to tell her the truth; my true feelings toward her. Then that one day when I planned everything out, that was when she started talking about Number Two.
"Number Two is so brave."
"I wonder if he's alone and needs a friend."
"He's always saving everyone, that's the most selfless thing anyone can do."
It was just so hard to see someone you love talk about another man. Especially when that person was someone you were really familiar with.
Some days I wanted to tell her that I was him. The person who she was looking for, the man of her dreams was right there in front of her.
But how can I?
She loved the man that was selfless and caring, saving everyone in the city one by one. Y/N loves the thrill of the mystery behind Number Two, his hidden identity and figure out who he can possibly be.
Not only will that ruin her fantasy, she would be disappointed that it would be me. Seeing her reaction would just crush me. It also wasn't worth losing an amazing friendship over. There was no way I could live without her, I couldn't lose her.
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'A ski trip?' I questioned Y/N as I sipped my coffee. 'It's in the middle of January, probably the coldest time of the year. You sure you want to go?'
'Diego, I've been planning this trip for months. You know how much I need this.' She did her puppy dog face, knowing there was no resisting.
Rolling my eyes, I chuckled. 'You'd go anyways even if I say it's a little dangerous. There's no stopping you.'
'That's right.' She grinned, 'Besides, it wouldn't be as tragic if something happened to me anyways.'
'Why would you say that?' I frowned, not waiting anything bad to happen to her.
'Number Two might come and save me.' Her grin got wider as she fantasized about being rescued. 'Wouldn't that be romantic?'
Faking a smile, I nodded. 'I guess but I wouldn't know though, I don't know anything about romance.'
'You don't have anyone you admire, Diego?'
'No.' Maybe I answered too quickly as I tried to hide my feelings. It didn't really matter because Y/N knew me too well and detected my fib easily.
'Well, whoever the girl is Diego, she must be really great.' She giggled.
'Yeah, she's amazing and beautiful.' I smiled but deep down I wasn't feeling alright. All those words were towards her but she didn't even know how great she was.
Y/N finished her coffee as she started eating her pastry. 'You know, we can invite you to the ski trip and maybe you'll be able to hit it off with this mystery girl.'
'No, no. I'd prefer to enjoy my Y/N free weekend.' She gasped and hit me on my arm playfully. 'I'm not joking.'
'Har har. I know you'll definitely miss me, Diego.'
'Yeah, I will.' This time, I didn't joke. It was only for a few days away from her but I know I'd think about her all the time.
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Diego was right
I hated admitting he was right but dammit he was. I was walking around a snow storm which of course had to be on the day when my friends and I decided to snowboard.
The vision was terrible and I couldn't see anything but snow on my goggles. I knew that my two friends weren't near me because I haven't heard them say anything for a few minutes now.
No matter how much I shouted their names, I got nothing. They were most likely long gone and who knows, they probably lost each other too.
The longer I was here all alone with nothing but the sound of the wind blowing, the more scared I got. I've walked everywhere but I could be just walking in circles. At this point, I didn't know anymore.
Suddenly, I felt a grip on my wrist and heard whispers in my ear. 'Follow me, I'll help you.'
With the wind blowing strongly, I barely heard what he said but I knew for a fact it was a voice of a man. I had no choice but to follow him, it was either go with him or die in the cold snow.
As the man led me to God knows where, I silently followed from behind him as he continued to pull me through the snowstorms. Even though I had a sense of relief of someone actually saving me, I could've gotten kidnapped by some freak. I still didn't feel a hundred percent safe.
After a few more minutes of hiking, I saw a small shed where the man took us both in. The place must of been some kind of equipment storage as I saw a few things they sold to us down at the lodge.
As I patted some snow off of my face and the rest of my body, I laughed. 'Thank you for saving me back there. Or kidnapping me. Either way I'm out of the snow for now.'
I heard the man chuckle but hasn't said anything else. He looked around the snow equipments with his back against me as though he was highly intrigued, I could tell he was listening but wasn't much of a talker.
Deciding to have a good look at him, I took off my goggles. Getting a clearer view, I've recognized the black outfit, it was practically engraved in my mind. Granted the journalists never had clear pictures of the man, we all knew the signature mask and the outfit he always wore.
'Number Two? Is it really you?'
He stopped moving and froze in place as I figured out who the man really was. He still didn't want to turn around but I wish he did so I could officially thank him.
'I thought I was going to die out there so thanks for saving me, uhm sir?' I bit my lip and face palmed, thinking to myself "way to go dummy. what was I thinking saying that!?"
Number Two paced towards the door, about to leave me in the shed. I went up to him to try to stop him. I tapped on his shoulder, 'Wait!'
'Oh, oops. I didn't mean to touch you I'm so sorry sir. Anyways, uhm. I really admire you and your work so the fact that you came all the way here to save me means so much. Just thought you should know.'
Number Two continued to just stand there, frozen in place; He hasn't said a word either. I didn't want to move either especially because scaring him away was the last thing I wanted to do.
As I was about to give up, he slowly turned around, revealing his face with a mask covering around his eyes. This was the first time that anyone has seen Number Two upclose as in the articles, they all say he would vanish right after he saves the people in need. Hence the lack of photographs of him.
If there were pictures of him however, I would've definitely recognized the superhero as his face was too familiar. 'Diego?'
'Surprise?' He mumbled, looking down on the ground shyly as he avoided eye contact.
My mind froze as I was still trying to put two and two together. 'Wait... so all this time, it was really you?'
Diego nodded as he scratched the back of his head, 'I'm sorry. I didn't mean to lie to you.'
'No, it's-' I stuttered as my mouth didn't keep up with my mind. After all, there were so many thoughts running through my head.
'Don't worry, I made sure your friends were safe too. They're back in the cabin but they were really worried about you.' Diego spoke softly, knowing that I was still processing everything.
There were more I wanted to say to Number Two but now that I found out he was Diego all along, I didn't know the right words to say. Everything was confusing at first but as it gradually started to sink in, I realized who my feelings were really for this whole time.
Reaching for Diego's arm, I pulled him closer to me and stared into his eyes, 'Who's the girl?'
He cocked his head, confused on the change of the subject. 'What do you mean?'
'The girl you said that was amazing and beautiful. Who's the girl?'
Diego sighed, fighting in his mind whether to say it aloud or not. It took a lot of him to turn around and reveal his true identity, he wasn't sure if he was ready to reveal his feelings.
'It's okay, just say it.' All this time I was blinded by my infatuation for Number Two, I blocked out my real feelings for someone else. 'Tell me.'
'Y/N...' He had a nervous look on his face, having second thoughts about blurting out the next words. 'It's you, Y/N.'
I caressed his cheeks, inching slowly to his mask as I took it off of his face. He licked his lips which gave away that he was feeling vulnerable. Diego and I knew each other so well, we knew the body languages of one another. 'You're not fucking with me, right?'
Diego eyed me up and down, then shook his head. 'I'll never do that to you.'
With my hand back on his cheek, I pulled him in for a kiss. Diego was surprised, not expecting this outcome as he paused to take his new reality all in. As the realization hits Diego, he cupped my face and finally kissed me back.
Slowly pulling away, I breathed heavily. I looked into his eyes and smiled. 'Number Two was some crush I fantasized about but it was always you, Diego. I'm sorry it took me until now to realize that.'
'Don't apologize for anything. I just want you to be happy.'
'I am, I really am. Especially because you saved me from freezing to death or flying away in the snowstorm.'
'Glad I helped you when I had the chance.' The cute grin slowly turned into a chuckle.
Furrowing my eyebrows, I asked. 'What are you laughing about.'
'"Uhm, sir. I admire you so much."' Diego mocked me and laughed louder.
'Ah, can we not relive that please.' I scrunched my face, closing my eyes as if that would help the memory go away.
'Nu-uh! That was too funny. You know, I was this close to laughing my ass off, Y/N.' Diego crouched and held onto his stomach, dying of laughter.
'Oh my-' I covered my face from embarrassment. 'I was nervous okay! I didn't know what to say.'
'Okay, okay. It was cute though, don't worry.' I gave him a death glare, knowing that he'll never drop this conversation.
The cute and romantic moment was over, but I'm not surprised because of course it was. It was Diego for crying out loud, the boy who thought "romance stinks." But man, I loved my best friend so much; I couldn't hate him.
He bit his lip to stop himself from laughing again. 'Fine, fine I'll stop. We'll just talk about it again tomorrow.'
✤  ·  ✤  ·  ✤  ·  ✤  ·  ✤
taglist; @seiraswriting​
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thegreatestofheck · 4 years
Ocean and Alcohol Pt. 12 ✘JJ Maybank✘
part one! part two! part three! part four! part five! part six! part seven! part eight! part nine! part ten! part eleven!
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(gif not mine. All credit to rudypankow!)
Word count - 5522 Warnings - Swearing, underage drinking Synopsis - The Pogues have internal issues in regards to a new member joining. But John B comes up with a clever idea on how to smooth things over.  Taglist -  @bitterbethany​​​​​  @lovelymaybankk​​​​​  @ilymarkchan​​​​​  @downbytheouterbanks​​​​​  @clearcolourlessglass​​​​​  @obxwriterfan​​​​​  @tangledinsparkles​​​ ​​ @chill-sushi​​​ @summerintheobx​ @kiarasgold​ A/N - Thank you all for the love I got on the last chapter. It was truly astounding. I’ll admit that this chapter wasn’t my absolute favorite, but it was important that I carried on with the story. After rereading some of the earlier chapters, I decided that I needed a chapter that wasn’t about the plot and was just JJ and Ellie hanging out, so that’s what the next chapter is going to be. Fluff and maybe a little bit of angst, but mostly fluff. I hope you can enjoy this chapter for now, though! Thank you all again for the love and support. Stay safe, stay healthy, stay groovy out there ladies, gentlement, and all the rest of you wonderful folk! 
The cool breeze ruffled your hair, goosebumps prickling your skin. JJ’s white collared shirt he had worn to the party was draped over your shoulders. He sat next to you, so close that you could feel the warmth radiating off of him. With your adrenaline from the night fading fast, a rather large rock of fear dropped into your stomach. You couldn’t imagine what kind of storm your father was raging back at home. Shutting your eyes, you prayed silently that Kid had the smarts to stay out of his way. 
“So, like, my dad’s already going to kill me,” Pope said as John B stoked the fire. “What’s this mandatory meeting about?” 
JJ looked up to John B, who pointed finger guns at him. 
“Might as well tell him, man,” JJ said, the barest hint of a smile on his face. “Before we’re gaffed.” 
Kie turned to look at John B slowly, a look of worry on her face. 
“Ready for this?” John B asked. You nodded your head eagerly. It had to be about the gold. There was nothing else that was so important. 
“Uh, yeah,” Kie said, eyes widening. 
“So, the gold went down with the Royal Merchant,” John B started, as if telling the beginning of a long ghost story. Your heart started to pound as if it was. Pope sighed and rolled his eyes. 
“Here we go again with this,” he said, leaning back. 
“Hold on,” JJ said, “Hear him out, alright?”
Pope looked away from JJ toward John B, who had a finger to his smiling lips. He was really enjoying this whole story-telling thing. If both him and JJ were this excited, it must be a real lead. 
“It’s been here the whole time,” John B said. You scowled, your eyes narrowing as you gazed into the fire. John B looked around, letting his words settle in. “It’s on the island.” 
You sucked in a sharp intake of breath, a smile starting to widen across your lips. 
“Are you serious?” Kie asked, glancing between JJ and John B, as if one of them was going to jump up and say ‘sike!’ But neither of them did. “Oh, my god!”
“I’d like to voice my skepticism,” Pope said, leaning his elbows against his knees. 
“I’m sure you would, Pope,” John B said as he stood. You rolled your eyes at him. JJ threw a stick into the fire. “But can I please present my evidence, sir?” 
“Proceed.” Pope waved his hand in a mocking manner. 
You watched, eyes wide with merriment and a grin on your face, as John B presented his so called evidence. He spoke of Denmark Tanny, the slave who freed himself with the Royal Merchant gold, about the letter he left to his son. He told the circle about Tannyhill, the plantation that Denmark Tanny bought and how he freed slaves and got richer from his rice production. You weren’t surprised when John B told everyone that Tanny was killed, but it still made you sad. All the good he had done in his life, only to be murdered. 
“Harvest the wheat in parcel nine near the water,” John B said. “Except, there’s no wheat.” 
Your mind was swimming. It was so much to take in, so much that you didn’t really understand. 
“So, wheat is a code for gold?” you asked, squeezing your eyes shut in an attempt to understand. 
“Look at this,” John B took the two papers he had handed out and held them up. One was a picture of the gold with the wheat symbol stamped on the top. The other was the letter with the same wheat symbol on the bottom. Your heart started to soar. Kie laughed, her mouth falling open with glee. 
“Holy shit,” Pope breathed, looking at the pictures closer. 
“All we need is the original survey map of the property,” John B said, pacing back and forth in front of the fire. “And we’ve found the gold!” 
You covered your face with your hands to keep from screaming with joy. You had a chance after all, the chance to get Kid safe. 
“Okay,” Pope said, looking up. “This might have a small chance of being actually true.” 
JJ stood and walked around Pope and the fire toward John B.
“Dude, it’s like King Tut,” he said. 
“I am a genius,” John B just before JJ engulfed him in a hug. “Hello! Fire. You’re near the fire, you’re gonna burn.” 
“I’m so proud of you right now,” JJ said, pulling away. 
“Thank you,” John B breathed. 
Everything seemed to be going fine until Pope asked for the plan and then John B made the mistake of mentioning Sarah Cameron. You were excited to hear her name mentioned, but Kie was less so. 
“Why Sarah?” She asked. 
“Well, see, we, um-” The throne that John B had just been so gracefully sitting on seconds ago had now toppled over and he was fumbling. 
“This is gonna be good,” JJ mused, looking at his fingers. You watched rather uncomfortably as John B tried to explain to Kie what exactly had happened, how Sarah had helped. He may have almost convinced her that it was innocent, until JJ piped back up. “He was mackin’ on her.” 
You dropped your head into your hands. 
“Really helpful,” you said, shaking your head. 
“I wasn’t macking.” 
“You were totally macking Sarah Cameron.” 
“I really don’t think you’re helping here, JJ,” you said, cringing as you looked back up. He just shrugged. 
“I wasn’t macking on her,” John B protested, still trying to defend his innocence. “I was using her for access, okay?” 
You could see the lie in his face, but that still didn’t help the ache in your chest. You remembered when JJ gave the note to Sarah. John B must have been Vlad. The smile on her face when she saw who it was from had been real joy. If John B really had been playing her, Sarah had no idea. The thought of it made your stomach squeeze. 
Kie and John B continued to argue about Sarah while you kept your chin in your hands. You had no idea why Kie hated Sarah so much, but after knowing Kie, there must be a good reason. But also knowing Sarah, you weren’t sure what she could possibly do to make someone so levelheaded as Kie despise her. 
“Look, you guys know me!” John B said, looking around at the circle of friends. “Do I look like the type of guy to fall for Sarah Cameron.” 
You nodded your head a few times, glancing up at him. 
“Do you want us to answer that or-” Pope started. 
“You don’t know her yet. But I do,” Kie said, desperation clear in her voice. “You can’t trust her.” 
“Her brother beat me in the back with a golf club,” Pope said as he stared at the fire. You pointed at him, agreeing non-verbally.
“Rafe and Sarah are two different human beings,” John B said. 
“What did she do to you, exactly?” JJ asked Kie. That got her fired up more than she was already. 
“She’s like a spitting cobra,” Kie said, using her hands for dramatic effect. “First she blinds you and then-”
“This is a bad analogy,” Pope told her. 
“Listen to me!” Kie yelled, her voice breaking. “Whatever we get, she’s going to try and take.” 
You didn’t know if you could believe that. For years, Sarah was the closest person to you. She had been nothing but kind. She even invited you to her birthday party once. 
But John B wasn’t taking no for an answer. He had you all in the van less than five minutes later, Kie still smoldering with anger. 
When John B pulled to a stop at the Hawk’s Nest, JJ and Pope pulled the door open. 
“I think I’m going to go alone,” John B told you guys, turning around from the front seat. He looked at Kie, still hoping to convince her he was doing the right thing. But she just gave him the longest, most exaggerated eye roll. 
Thunder rumbled outside. You pulled the button up tighter around you, a chill running up your spine. You loved storms, the static in the air, the rain and the wind, the flashes of lightning. But this storm felt different. Like a warning. 
“I don’t think you should go alone,” you said, looking out the open van door to the storm out over the sea. 
“I dunno. A bad feeling, I guess.” 
A bad feeling wasn’t enough to keep John B from leaving, it seemed. 
“I don’t see why we’re involving her at all,” Kie said as she leaned back against the van, arms crossed. 
“We’re not involving her, Kie,” John B protested, clearly tired of having the same conversation. “It’s just like a business meeting...thing.” 
“Promise me nothing’s happening between you two,” Kie said. 
“Nothing’s happening!” 
You and JJ looked at each other, rolling your eyes in sync. Maybe you and JJ had different ideas about what was happening between the two of them, but you both knew that something was going on. You just weren’t entirely sure why John B was being so stingy about it. 
“Dude, she’s gonna get inside you’re head,” Kie said, narrowing her eyes. Her mom voice was coming out again. Part of it was concern for her best friend, but the other part of it was obvious disdain for Sarah. This time, John B looked her dead in the eyes. 
“I promise.” 
“That was believable,” JJ said as you cringed. John B just really needed to come out and say it. It would make things a thousand times better than lying continually.
“A hundred percent believable,” Pope echoed. 
“Just go,” you said to John B. “It’s gonna start pouring soon.” 
“We’ll just sit here,” Pope said with a sigh as John B stepped out of the car. “In this hot ass car...while it’s lightning.” 
Kie was less than pleased. 
“Is it lightning or lightninging?” You asked, fiddling with the frayed edges of your dress. 
“I think it’s lightning,” Pope said. 
“But then it’s a verb and a noun. That doesn’t make sense.” 
“That’s just the way it is, Elm.” 
You sighed, looking back out the window. Yeah, you had a really bad feeling about this. 
“I told him not to go!” Kie paced back and forth, the bottom of her dress sweeping past your feet. 
“You act like it was Sarah who pushed him,” you grumbled, legs bouncing beneath you. 
The four of you sat outside of John B’s hospital room as you waited to hear from the doctor any news. Kie hadn’t stopped pacing. Pope hadn’t looked up from the floor. JJ hadn’t taken his hand out of yours. He wanted to kill Topper and part of him knew that if he left you, he might do just that. Even when he squeezed too hard, you didn’t let go. Since seeing John B unconscious on the ground, JJ had barely said a word. You couldn’t imagine what it might be like to see the person you care about most in the world in that position. You tried not to think about how you would feel if it was Kid. 
Sarah was inside the hospital room, sitting on the edge of his bed, holding his hand in hers. After hearing everything that John B had said about using her, you couldn’t help but feel horrible. You should tell her so she wouldn’t have to find out the hard way. But you also barely believed John B when he said it. 
“I’m gonna kill Topper,” JJ ground out through his teeth. You hid a grimace as he squeezed your hand even tighter. The two of you kept your heads down when doctors passed, not really wanting questions about the bruises and cuts. 
You wanted to kill Topper just as much. It was his fault you were in the current condition, after all, and now he had shoved your friend off a building. You couldn’t believe it, but you were almost starting to hate him more than Rafe. 
Of course, you didn’t say that. JJ needed someone to keep him out of trouble, not throw him deeper into it. 
Sarah emerged from the room, arms wrapped tightly around herself. Kie rolled her eyes and turned her back, JJ standing and dragging you up with him. 
“They said…” She cleared her throat before lifting her head higher. “They said that it’s just a concussion and a fractured wrist. He’s going to be fine.” 
There was a collective sigh of relief. You felt JJ’s grip loosen just ever so slightly. 
“What about DCS?” Pope asked, finally lifting his head. “They know he’s here. They’ll take him away.” 
Sarah shook her head slowly, biting her lower lip. 
“I talked to my dad. He’s willing to be John B’s legal guardian.”
That was a bombshell that you weren’t expecting. Your mouth fell open and you glanced over at JJ, whose eyes widened. 
“Wait, like, live with you?” Kie asked, accusation heavy in her tone. Sarah nodded her head a few times. 
“Great. That’s just great,” JJ scoffed, pulling his hand out of yours. He turned around, messing with his hat. You walked over to Sarah and pulled her into a hug. She was hesitant to reciprocate it, but eventually, she wrapped her arms around your waist. 
“Thank you,” you whispered. All she did was nod, sniffling. 
“We should go,” Pope said finally. You let your arms fall from around Sarah. She wiped a quick tear away and turned back toward the hospital room. 
“Where do we go?” You asked, turning toward them with your hands on your hips. “I don’t think any of us can go home right now.” 
“We can go to the Wreck?” Kie suggested. “There are some spare clothes there than we can change into. Get some food. Wait for John B to wake up.” 
“Maybe we should crash at the Chateau first,” Pope said, rubbing his palms against his shorts. “I’m beat and I need to sleep.” 
“I second that,” JJ said, lifting his hand. When Kie looked at you, all you did was nod your head. You hadn’t realized how tired you were until they mentioned sleep. It had been a long, exhausting day and you somehow knew that the next few days weren’t going to be any easier. 
“You two do anything funny,” Pope warned, pointing a finger at you and JJ. “I’m setting your bed on fire.” 
You found the energy to smile as you dropped into the bed. 
“Aye, aye,” JJ said with a mock salute. He fell, face first, against the bed beside you, his arm flopping over your stomach. Kie shook her head as she walked into John B’s room. Pope disappeared down the hall. 
It was too hot for blankets. You kicked them onto the floor with a huff as JJ threw his shirt at the wall. You could feel JJ start to pull at the bottom of your dress. 
“What are you doing?” You asked him, glaring. He shrugged. 
“It’s hot in here. Just want you to be comfortable.” 
You shook him off, rolling onto your side. 
“You heard what Pope said. I don’t want to be responsible for John B’s house burning down. JJ sighed and kissed your shoulder before flopping back against the pillows. 
Your eyes fluttered, already half asleep. Something kept you awake. A few minutes past before you saw something large skittle across the floor. It didn’t take long for you to realize what it was. 
“JJ,” you mumbled. When he didn’t respond, you tried again a little louder. “JJ.” 
“Hmm?” He was more asleep than you had been. 
“There’s a big old heckin’ spider on the floor,” you said, limply pointing at the spider. JJ sat up and looked down at you with a partial smile. 
“What happened to your sailor’s mouth?” He asked. You turned to look at him with half open eyes. 
“JJ,” you said. “There’s a big old fucking spider on the floor.” 
He clucked his tongue, smile widening. 
“Atta girl.” 
He slid off the bed, tiptoeing to the other side. He walked over to his shoes, but you held out a hand for him to stop. 
“Don’t kill it though,” you asked, your voice whinier than you wanted it to be. 
“Sure.” JJ disappeared into the kitchen and came back with a large cup. You nodded your head against your pillow. You watched, vision blurry from a desire to sleep, as JJ scooped the spider into the cup and carried it outside. 
“Thank you,” you mused as he lay back down beside you. Instead of answering, he lay on his stomach beside you, his head resting against your shoulder, arm laying across your back. Despite the added heat from his body, you couldn’t have been more comfortable. 
You fell asleep with a smile on your face. 
Arriving at the Wreck, you couldn’t be happier at the smell of food or the prospect of a new set of clothes. 
“I’m burning this dress,” you grumbled as Kie helped you shimmy out of it. She was unusually quiet. “Are you okay?” 
She shrugged her shoulders. 
“I’m sure John B is going to be fine,” you said with a smile. “He’ll meet us here.” 
“Yeah, I’m sure John B is doing just fine.” Kie turned around so you could help her unzip her dress. 
“What did happen between you and Sarah anyway?” Kie tensed. “It’s just us girls, right? You can trust me, Kie.” 
“Yeah? I thought I could trust her, too.” You were tempted not to push further, but then Kie sighed, pulling a tank top over her head. “We were best friends once. And then she stabbed me in the back, turned everyone at school against me.” 
Your stomach dropped. Even though you couldn’t imagine Sarah doing anything like that, you couldn’t not believe Kie and the grief on her face. 
“Kie, I’m so sorry.” 
“That’s why I didn’t want John B to go. It’s clear he likes her and I just don’t want him to get his heartbroken.” 
You nodded your head. That made more sense to you than an impersonal vendetta. There was a knock on the bathroom door. 
“What are you guys doing in there?” Pope called through the door. 
“Anything I can watch?” JJ asked. You could hear his smile in his voice.
You looked at Kie with a sigh. 
“Why do I like him?” 
Kie shrugged her shoulders, but there was a hint of an almost smile on her face. You shook your head and opened the door. 
“Surprise,” Kie said. “We were just changing you perv.” 
John B showed up a few minutes later and the smile that had graced Kie’s lips was gone.
“So, do you have a membership card?” Pope asked, tucking his hands behind his head. You helped Kie pass out a few drinks as John B sat down. 
“I don’t know, Pope.” You could tell he was exhausted.
“Does it come with a free sweater vest or do you have to buy one on your own?” 
You scowled to yourself, sitting at one of the open chairs. JJ leaned his hands on the back of your chair. 
“Look, you promised,” Kie said, staring down at John B. “You said you weren’t with her.” 
Even though you understood Kie’s concern, you weren’t sure why they weren’t happier for him. He got around the foster system, wasn’t that a good thing? Maybe since you were the only other one at risk of the foster system, you were the only one who really understood how terrifying the idea could be. 
“Bro, just own it,” JJ said, taking a sip from his cup. 
“If you want to hang out with her, that’s fine. But I’m letting you know now, I’m doing anything with her,” Kie said. You let out a heavy sigh. 
“Do you guys see her here?” John B asked. “No? Right. A little focus would be fantastic.” 
The switch was almost instant. John B pulled out the map, the conversation switching from Sarah. 
Thirty minutes later, you were sitting at the remains of Battery Jasper, staring out at the ocean. Pope had the map spread out across the wall. You leaned in close to get a good look. 
“Parcel 9,” you said, pointing at it. 
“Right, so it’s northeast of here,” he said and you nodded your head. 
“Somewhere over that way.” Kie pointed out over the land. 
“That’s not Tannyhill, that’s a subdivision,” JJ said with a shake of his head. 
“Tannyhill used to be the entire island.” 
“We need another marker,” Kie said, walking over. 
“What about that?” You pointed a thick line right in front of Parcel 9. 
“That’s a wall,” Pope said. “Perfect, Elm.” 
Back on the road, Pope sat in the front of the seat with the map. He navigated for John B. You felt your pulse spike. You were actually doing this. And it might actually work. 
But then you pulled up to the Craine House and your heart sank. You remembered the story that JJ had told Kid about Mrs. Craine and her husband. You felt sick to your stomach as the five of you hopped over the wall. Barely listening as JJ retold the story he learned from Hollis, you looked behind every tree as if expecting to see the old lady jump out and chop your head off. 
Chills ran up and down your arms as JJ recounted the story. 
“JJ, stop it. You’re freaking me out,” you said, peering behind another tree. 
“You’re so full of shit,” John B laughed. 
Pope asked a few more questions, feeding into JJ’s story. You stood closer to Kie, who clearly didn’t believe anything JJ was saying. John B rolled his eyes and started to walk away. 
“Dude, wait!” JJ called after him. 
“What?” John B snapped, turning back around. 
“You sure you wanna do this? She’s an ax murderer. You got a cast on.” 
“I don’t give a shit if she’s an ax murderer, okay?” 
“I do,” you piped in. “Just a little bit.” 
“I got nothing to lose,” John B continued as if you said nothing. “You coming or what?” 
Kie was the first to follow him and Pope went after her, but JJ stayed back, scratching his arm. 
“You want me to walk behind you?” You teased, walking up to him with a smile. He looked around. 
“We’ll go together,” he said, taking your hand. You were glad for it. You didn’t really want to walk behind him, afraid that the crazy murderer lady would creep up behind you and cut your head off, but if JJ asked, you would have. His hand in yours made the fear fade. 
You snuck through the tall grass behind Pope until John B called for you to stop. 
“You scared, JJ?” Kie asked with a playful grin, looking down at your interlocked hands. 
“I was,” you said, squeezing his hand once. “Call me crazy, but talking about ax murderers doesn’t entirely make me feel safe.” 
“Fair point.” 
“Okay,” John B interjected. “Here’s the plan. We need to look for the wheat near the water like it said in Denmark’s letter.” 
“What kind of water?” Pope asked. “Like...pond water?” 
“Bong water?” JJ suggested with a laugh. Both Kie and Pope turned to look at JJ, eyebrows raised. You closed your eyes, breathing steadily through your nose. 
“No, it just said look for water, okay?” 
“That’s the shittiest secret message ever,” Kie said as she started to walk toward the house. 
“You wanna complain a little more, Kie?” John B asked after her. “Nobody said it would be easy.” 
“I’ll search the northeast, you guys search the northwest quadrant,” Pope said. 
“The decapitation quadrant?” JJ asked as Pope walked away. You let out a deep sigh. This was going to be a long day. 
There was little to do as John B and Kie slapped skeeters off of each other. All you could really find to do was lean up against the wall and swat bugs away from you. 
“Can we leave?” JJ asked, looking around the small basement. 
“Don’t you think it’s weird there are so many bugs?” Pope asked you. You pinched your eyebrows together, but then nodded her head slowly. 
“There aren’t usually so many, unless they’re by-”
Realization hit suddenly. You pushed yourself off the wall and walked over to where Pope was, eyes scanning the floorboards. Flashlight scanning the floor, you froze when you heard the ground beneath Pope creak. He looked up at you and you felt your lips twinge upward. You shuffled a few of the broken pieces of wood out of his way as Pope plucked a small rock off the ground and crouched down. You knelt beside him. 
“Hey, I think I found Mrs. Craine’s voodoo doll,” JJ said. Kie and John B continued to slap each other. 
Pope took the rock in his hand and dropped it through the floorboards. You waited, straining your ear. You heard the splash and a grin spread across your face. The same smile grew on Pope’s face as he looked up at you.
“The water,” you breathed. He nodded and the two of you started to move the rest of the junk. 
“Hey, guys!” Pope whispered. 
“Hey, Pope,” JJ replied. 
Kie shushed the two of you, turning away from John B. 
“Hey, help us move this,” Pope said, standing straight. He grabbed John B’s arm. “We need to move this.” 
“Okay.” John B lifted his hands. “Just...quietly.” 
With all of the hands working together to move the trash, it went a lot faster. Then, moving the boards, you found yourself staring down into a deep well. 
“Well, well, well,” Pope said. You almost laughed. 
“They built this part of the house right over it,” Kie said, squatting down. 
“This is where she hid the bodies.” JJ stared into the well. You shook your head. 
“Dude, c’mon.” Pope tapped his fist against JJ’s arm. 
“No, I’m dead serious.” 
“Yeah, you will be dead if you don’t stop talking about Mrs. Craine,” you said, nodding toward the well. 
“She probably doesn’t even know it’s here,” Kie added, shining her flashlight into the well. It was too deep to really see anything. 
“So, we found water,” Pope said, turning the attention back to the object at hand. 
“We’re gonna need a really big rope.” 
Once you got back to the Chateau, your nerves abuzz with excitement, John B took off on some unknown trip (but you guessed that it had something to do with Sarah). You elected yourself to go and pick up some groceries. 
In doing so, you managed to miss the entire Kie vs. John B and Sarah debacle. You walked up to the Chateau, bags hanging off of your arms, a smile still on your face. You had found the water where the “wheat” was. The gold was right there. All you had to do was get down a really deep well and find it. No biggie, right? 
But then you saw JJ and John B sitting in the kitchen. Glancing around, the skip in your step slowing and your smile fading, you saw Pope and Kie down by the docks. Something about the separation didn’t feel right to you. 
“What did you two do?” You asked as you walked inside, setting the groceries on the counter. 
“Wasn’t me,” JJ said, putting his hands in the air. 
“I tried to pull Sarah in but Kie wasn’t too fond of that idea,” John B said, hanging his head. 
“And by ‘not too fond’ he means that Kie wants him to choose between the two of them, but he won’t.” 
You pursed your lips and started to unpack the bags. 
“That’s not really a fair ultimatum,” you said, tossing JJ a bag of fresh bread. 
Pope walked back in with a deep sigh. 
“What’d she say?” John B asked.
“That you’re an idiot.” 
You wished that you could shrink away from this entire conversation. It felt like a Pogue thing. The boys argued back and forth for a moment as you passed out apples and set out some grapes. Maybe they were all just hungry. If they just ate….
“I’ve got a plan,” John B said, which pulled your attention back. “And you three are going to help me out.” 
You were assigned to Kie duty with Pope. It felt wrong to be lying to her about what was really going on, but you knew that it was for good reason. Hopefully, she would understand that, too. 
“Can’t you guys do anything without me?” Kie asked as you pulled up to the boat. The sun had slowly started to set, getting closer to the horizon. 
“Definitely not,” you breathed as Pope pulled up to the HMS Pogue. You leaned back against the side of the boat while Kie climbed into the Pogue. As soon as she was off, Pope turned his small boat around. 
“They’re going to kill us,” you said, squinting your eyes against the heavy glare of the sun. 
“Most definitely,” Pope agreed. 
You sat up when you heard the sound of hollering and two large splashes. Running to the front of your small boat, you offered your hand to the boys as they neared. 
By the time they were back on, Sarah and Kie were both leaning off the edge of the Pogue, shouting. You grimaced and gave a wave. 
“Get your assess back here!” Kie called. 
“Can’t. Not until you two figure things out!” John B said. 
“I will kill every single one of you!” 
“Don’t let her mean words scare you,” JJ whispered, grinning like an idiot. 
“You can’t just leave!” Sarah cried. 
“There’s food in the cabin and JJ rolled a blunt,” John B said, waving his hand. 
The boat started to splutter away, leaving Sarah and Kie behind. 
“Love you guys!” John B called one last time. JJ gave a whooping laugh. 
As you made your way back toward shore, you wondered if this was really going to work. After all, Kie was probably the most stubborn person you had ever met and if she was dead set on something, she wasn’t about to let it go. Then again, the boys did know her better than you did. 
“So, what now?” You asked. 
“Now we wait until morning,” John B said. By the grin on his face, he looked rather pleased with himself. 
“What do we do until then?” 
“I could think of a couple of things…” 
“Really, JJ?” Pope rolled his eyes. “In front of my boat?” 
JJ shrugged, leaning back as he draped an arm around your waist. 
“If you wanted,” John B said, fiddling with his fingers. “Pope and I could get out of the house if-”
“God, John B,” you cringed, covering your eyes with your hands. 
“I mean, you’ve….” John B waved his hand through the air. You felt your cheeks burn hot. Once again, you wanted to be anywhere but here. 
“Is this what you boys talk about on a daily basis?” You asked. 
“Only sometimes,” Pope told you, not taking his eyes off of the water in front of them. 
“No, John B,” JJ said. “It hasn’t really come up.” 
“It hasn’t come up?” John B scoffed. “Why don’t I believe you?” 
“Ellie isn’t a fan of sex.” JJ shrugged. You turned to look at him, eyes wide. This wasn’t really a conversation you wanted to have right now. “I can’t push her.” 
“JJ,” you said quietly, trying to smile. “Please stop talking.” 
“You don’t like sex?” John B asked, somehow surprised. You turned to look at him, trying to keep your smile, but it was obviously forced. 
“Not really, no,” you told him. 
“Any particular reason or-” 
You almost considered telling them. There weren’t supposed to be secrets among you, but this was a secret that could cost you your life. If the beating you got from your dad was just after he found out that you had been sneaking around, there was no telling what he would do if he found out that you told them what he had done to you. 
You shook your head. 
“Just not a fan.” 
“Hey, you know what?” John B said, handing you a beer. “That’s valid.” 
You felt yourself give a real smile as you accepted it. You popped it open a took a long drink, feeling the familiar taste on your tongue. In recent weeks, you found that that feeling of calm it brought you could be found somewhere else. 
You put your head on JJ’s shoulder, letting your eyes close. The wind drowned out the cries of Kie and Sarah, rapidly disappearing behind the small boat. 
With the alcohol in your system and the smell of the ocean filling your nostrils, the craziness of the world didn’t seem to be able to touch you. 
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lyricalimerence · 4 years
10 Things I Hate About You • 002
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masterlist • 001, 002, 003... coming soon
Chapter Two — Heinous Bitches & Cliché Bets
summary: intro to kacey & the bet is made between kelce + topper
word count: 2196
warnings: mentions of smut like two or three lines total, swear words, and high school stupidity. oh, how i miss the dickstains i go to school with 😌.
a/n: i actually love writing kacey's character. n e who, this is for @popcsheyward because i'm making jj simp for u
Deep in the heart of the high school, a class of bored and inattentive seniors doodle in their notebooks and up the exposed skin on their arms; others text, their phones “hidden” beneaths their desks. Kacey Brooks was in the middle of it all. Everyone knew her, whether that was a good thing or a bad thing. It was the advent of spring, encroaching on summer, and on an island, that means it is hot. But, there Kacey sat, in baggy denim jeans, cuffed above her ankle so the hems didn’t drag along the floor. Her hands were tucked underneath her denim-clad thighs as she leaned over the desk, tracing the looping font that said “Romeo and Juliet” on the cover of the book on her desk with her eyes. God, she hated that book. They read it in Sophomore year, and she didn’t understand why they had to read the stupid play again.
The English teacher, Mr. Martin stood from his swivel chair, picking up his own copy of Romeo and Juliet just to drop it down on the podium, catching the drifting seniors’ attention. “Okay, slackers. What did you think of the play?”
A girl in the back of the classroom, another clean cut Kook with pink lip gloss and tight crop tops raised her hand. With a smile, she rushed into her opinion, not bothering to get permission to speak. It was a well known fact that in the Outer Banks it was easier to ask for forgiveness than permission. “It was so romantic. I loved it.”
Kacey’s brows stitched together, not mulling over her personal rebuttal for more than a moment before looking over her shoulder at the girl. Her eyes were glossy, lost in her romanization of the play. Ever since the second semester of her freshman year when she just snapped, she had been braving each day, treating it as a singular battle in the war against high school ignorance. “Romeo and Juliet was not romantic. It was two people having a teenage rebellion and wallowing in their own angst. They simply wanted an escape from their family lives. And Shakespeare? He was a racist, anti-semetic misogynist who is praised when he couldn’t decide on one way to spell his own name.”
The entirety of the class rolled their eyes, including Mr. Martin. It hadn’t been the first time Kacey had spoken out on her take on the social issues that came with the authors of novels and how they correlate to modern day society. Kelce, a Kook Prince of the highest degree and sitting to the left of Kacey, pokes at the metaphorical bear. “As opposed to a friendless, holier-than-thou wench?”
The girls pining after Kelce for his looks or trust fund giggled, despite his dig into the girl next him not being all that funny. Mr. Martin slapped the wooden podium with his Folger Shakespeare Library copy of Romeo and Juliet. “Pipe down, Slick.”
Kacey pulled the hem of her army green crop top to cover the slight bit of tanned skin exposed before quipping, “I guess having a dick and being a dick makes you entitled to our time.” The brunette pushed the hair falling over her forehead out of the way before waving her copy of the play in the air. “What about Sylva Plath or, I don’t know, Emily Bronte for all I care.”
Before Mr. Martin could respond with his own activistic rebuttal, Rafe Cameron walks into class, holding up a copy of the first Harry Potter book and raising his eyebrows, silently questioning whether that was the right book. He knew it wasn’t. “What’d I miss?”
A Pogue who was a known theatre nerd started humming the tune to the song from Hamilton titled What’d I Miss while Kacey all but spun in her seat. “Just the patriarchal values that run this lovely institution and corrupt the minds of dimwitted Kelce’s everywhere.”
Rafe nodded along to Kacey’s statement and through to her next breath, not having stopped in between words to breathe. “Good.” After his simple response, he immediately turned on his heel and walked back down the hall, rather enduring more uncomfortable conversations with the Dean than English class.
Kacey and Rafe had no ill will towards each other, only being able to base an opinion off the presumed stereotypes of each other that get passed around the school. Kacey and Rafe had known each other for a long time. When they were six, Kacey’s father was Rose Cameron’s obstetrician, seeing as he’s the best on the Outer Banks and the Camerons are the richest on the Outer Banks. That’s where they met: outside his stepmother’s hospital room, playing chopsticks with their fingers while they sat cross-legged on the tile floor, drinking apple juice from juice boxes. That’s where their friendship ended. They hadn’t really spoken since, only having that snapshot into reality before the doors were closed. Kacey was popular, had many more friends than Rafe did, and boys trailed her. When freshman year rolled around, he kept his distance because he knew he would walk away with a sharp pain in his groin. That was just how she carried herself, and he carried himself differently.
Mr. Martin attempted to call after Rafe, only to hear the cicadas buzzing outside.
“Mr. Martin, do you think we could get Kacey to take her Midol before class?” Kelce asks, his signature smirk gracing his face as he continued his quest to make Kacey’s life a living Hell. Snickers erupted from the class, causing Kelce’s smugness to go to his head, lifting himself onto his selfmade pedestal.
“One day, you’re gonna get bitch-slapped right across that brazen face of yours, and I’m not gonna do anything to stop it. Kacey, thank you for your input.” As Mr. Martin took a brief pause, Kacey smiled to herself, please that her social activism finally was justified by authority. He continued, “I can’t imagine how hard it must be for you to overcome upper-class, Kook oppression. It must’ve been awful.” Her chest puffed out with pride deflated at his words. She knew he was right. “But the next time you storm the school board campaigning for more recycling bins or whatever you white girls complain about, ask them why they can’t buy a book written by a Black man!”
��Understood. Anything else?” Kacey asked, looking straight past Mr. Martin and out the window overlooking the quad behind him.
“Yeah, go to the office, you’re pissing me off.” Her neck whipped to look at her English teacher at his words, opening her mouth to argue, but he shot her a stern look and pointed towards the door. In Kacey’s rageful frenzy, she decked Kelce in the face with her bag as she stormed out of the classroom towards the office.
The Dean sat in her office, her rouge painted nails clicking against the keys on her keyboard as the sleazy thoughts in her head transferred onto the Word document housing her novel. She whispered to herself as her fingertips ghosted the letter labeled keys on her laptop. She snapped her head up, calling out to the secretary, asking for her to look up another word for ‘engorged’ despite being able to pull up the thesaurus on her computer.
“Tumescent?” Kacey suggested as she walked into the small, pink office.
The Dean snapped her fingers, pointing at Kacey as she morphed her hand into a finger gun. “Perfect!” Kacey swung her bag off her shoulder and onto the ground next to the chair in which she seated herself. “I hear you’re terrorizing English class again.”
“Last time I checked, it wasn’t just English class, and expressing my opinions is not a terrorist action.” The eighteen-year-old raised her eyebrows indignantly, her head nodding slightly in authoritativeness.
The Dean smiled sarcastically at Kacey, “The way you expressed your opinion to Topper Thornton? His testical retrieval operation went quite well, if you’re interested.”
“I maintain he swung his own golf club up his legs like a field goal.” Kacey crossed her arms over her chest. She settled into her chair. Her conversations with the crude woman in front of her always went the same way; Mr. Martin threw her out of class for existing, and her previous deeds suddenly have updates that the Dean thinks Kacey should know about.
“The point I’m trying to make is that people think you’re a heinous bitch and you should work on it.” Her eyes flickered to her still open laptop and back up to the eighteen-year-old. “What do you think about blood sex?”
“Okay, yeah, this has been lovely, however,” grabbing her backpack, she swung it over her shoulder as she rose from the uncomfortable chair. “I think I’ll let you get back to Chris chokeslamming Jackie into a wall.”
As Kacey left the office to walk the halls of Kildare County High School, the Dean seemed to take her words into serious consideration, whispering Kacey’s final sentiment under her breath as she typed the word ‘chokeslam.’
. . .
Kelce leant against the stone wall that surrounded the courtyard and only rose to about waist-high of even the shortest of students. His best friend and fellow poster child for the effects of affluenza, Topper Thornton ( who is very acquainted with Kacey Brooks and her golf club swing ), stood next to him, the two of them surveying the inhabitants of the grassy lawn in the back of the school. Topper noticed Gracie walking through the gap in the stone wall, her Spanish textbook pressed to her chest as she nodded along to what Arianna said next to her. The familiar breeze carrying the scent of the ocean and the feeling of home blew the short strands of Gracie’s hair that framed her face in almost an angelic way, and her sundress that fell to her mid-thigh swayed as she walked. Gracie and Arianna were picturesque, almost like they actively strived to be compared to Cher and Dionne from Clueless.
With a carnal smirk, Topper elbowed Kelce, muttering “Virgin alert” as the sophomore passed the two guys, smiling and waving at Kelce as they went.
“Lookin’ good, ladies.” As if Kelce’s remark was a que, Gracie and Arianna pushed forward, leaving the hormonal teenager guys watching them like they were prey for them to catch.
“No way, Bro. They’re outta your league.”
“No one’s out of my league.” Kelce’s eyes didn’t leave Gracie as she distanced herself from them.
Topper pulled fifty dollars out of his pocket, “Wanna bet?”
“Nah, I’ve got money. This’ll be for fun.” Kelce pushed Topper’s hand that was holding onto the bill away and dapped up his empty hand, sealing the deal. Kelce was about to embark on one of the most cliché, tropical bets of his high school experience.
“Just look at her, man.” JJ watched Gracie and Arianna pass him, John B, and Pope. He followed her with love struck eyes and wistful pining.
Pope tilted his head, the cap that sat on his head almost falling off his head as he tried to understand his friend’s mindset. “She’s just so…”
“Perfect?” JJ offered.
John B and Pope shared a glance, rolling their eyes at JJ’s suggestion. “I was going to say ditzy.” John B replied.
“How can you say that?” JJ turned to glance at his friends who were totally unimpressed by the girl that captured almost all the guy’s hearts at the high school. “She’s totally…”
“Narcissistic?” Pope said, getting a nod from John B in agreement.
“That’s her sister, c’mon, guys.” JJ waved his hand in the air for emphasis. There was no way Gracie was like Kacey. They were too polar. “There’s more to her than you think. See her smile? She’s totally pure.”
“Yeah, pure money. She’s a Kook, dude.” John B ran a hand through his overgrown brunet locks. “What’s there is a snotty princess wearing a dress that was purposefully planned to make Pogues like you realize you can’t have her and Kooks like Kelce and Topper want her.”
“Besides, JJ, you know the rule. It’s not like she could date you even if she wanted to.” Pope added on, readjusting his baseball cap to fit snugly on his head.
“Put her in the Spank Bank and move on, Bro.” John B and Pope started walking in the opposite direction, lunch was about to start.
JJ jogged to catch up, shaking his head in denial. “Nah.”
“Move on, man. Jizz Wizz and then dip.” Pope reiterated John B’s sentiment as JJ held his arm out, stopping them in their tracks in front of the bulletin board to the right of the door into school.
“She needs a Spanish tutor,” He ripped the paper advertisement off the cork board.
“You can’t even speak Spanish.”
“What do you mean?” JJ looked at John B as he traced Gracie’s phone number printed on the paper.
“Broken Spanish and fantasizing about lobsters from Yucatan doesn’t mean you know Spanish.” Pope pulled the paper out of JJ’s hand, ready to tack it back to the board before JJ took it again.
“Okay, so I don’t know Spanish, but I will.”
tags — @perkily @mortifiedposts @poguequeen @abigailpankow @curlybrownhairedboys @steverogers123 @outerbankslut @jayjaymaebank @jjssarah @whOreforharry @wowitswondergurl @anonymous0writer @kodi8314 @outrbank @aestheticcraze @kylosleftbuttcheek @x-lulu @dailygrace06 @calswildflower95 @insanitysparkles @prejudic3 @ilovejjmaybank @apoguecalledjj @xxxxxxxxxxxxxooooooooooooo @calumbroutledge @rudys-pankow @bxllasanosa @write-from-the-heart @thelocalpogue @fandomsinapile @starkeymarkey @lovingxjj @beatement-l @drew-starkey @beckester @butgilinsky @kayak-huesgen @everydayimfangirling @delinquentstarkey @g4bster @crumpetsandmarmite
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mrs-hollandstan · 5 years
Make Me Love You || Frat Boy!Tom [three]
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Pairing: Frat Boy!Tom x Student!Reader
Warnings: language, mentions of sex (always), mentions of toxic masculinity, men controlling women, bullying, feminism and Tom’s dyslexia
Word Count: 5,117
Author’s Note: Here’s part threeeee, I kinda hated the chapter until I edited it haha, but the teaser I feel like did the best out of all three so… idk. I hope you guys like it though. Lemme know what you think!
Series Masterlist || Add yourself to one of my taglists
Fate has a funny way of throwing you signals and signs to do something. The morning after the game and your breakfast date with Tom, you discovered that the class you and Ivey had together that you mentioned to Tom, was in fact the one he had with Harrison. Setting up shop in the back of the room, you and Ivey talked for the time being before Harrison entered and Tom followed, doing a double take from his observation at the floor to confirm it was you sat beside your roommate. Your cheeks flushed before they both approached, Harrison kissing Ivey and greeting you before he sits beside her, Tom squeezing past the three of you to sit on your left side. You pay him no mind for a few seconds before he leans in to ask you for a pen he definitely doesn’t need, but it gives him something to break the ice about. Glancing at him, you give a soft smile before offering the one in your hand and fishing another from your bag for yourself. 
You and Tom tiptoe around each other for the hour and fifteen minute class, two times a week, glancing at each other every once in a while, giving giddy, awkward smiles and soft laughs when one catches the other looking.  He bumps your shoulder as the four of you walk out in twos that first day, sighing and tucking his binder under his arm as you reach up to hold the straps of your backpack,
“Wild that the class we were talking about sharing with these dweebs would be the exact same English class.” He says, eyes widening dramatically. You smile up at him, giggling after a moment, 
“Isn’t it? Now I get to see you every Monday and Wednesday until what, the middle of December?” You tease. He hums, 
“I think I could live with that.” He mutters. You click your tongue, cocking your head, 
“Like you have a choice Mr.” You whisper back. He’s never had a woman, especially one that he likes, as defiant and cocky as you in his life. He loves it, its sexy and intoxicating. You’re so fucking beautiful in so many ways and he can’t get over it. Especially when he sees you every other day, is faced with having to introduce you to the class for an icebreaker activity, have you introduce him to the class for the same activity with projection and confidence. The way you describe him makes him sound more interesting and sweet than he actually is. But for two whole weeks, he sees this new side of you; sees how you’re dressed, how you act, how you normally operate and he’s into it. He loves how interested you look in whatever topic is presented in class, whatever information you’re being given and he finds that he watches you and your reactions more than paying attention to the course material, and Harrison catches onto it, unknowingly to Tom. 
After almost three weeks of getting comfortable being around each other so much, both boys pack up their stuff early on a somewhat shiny Wednesday afternoon, quietly exiting the room with apologies to the professor who smiles and waves them off. Once class is dismissed, you follow Ivey, frowning as she leads you in the opposite direction of her car,
“Uhm…  where are we going?” You pose. She smiles as she turns to look at you, trotting along the sidewalk towards main campus, 
“Club rush is today. Where do you think the guys went?” She replies. You nod, following her into the tree covered quad, towering buildings shielding the various tents from the sun. You look around at the different clubs set up in the grass, wandering for a few minutes, stopping in at all the clubs you could see yourself involved in. Ivey drops in to the conjoined sorority that neighbors Psi Sigma Tau to say hi to the girls who all welcome you just as the boys and your roommates had. By the time you move on to the frat house’s booth, both of the interesting boys not in attendance, and down further to the sports clubs, Ivey has a wide smile plastered across her face when she sees Harrison and Tom informing a few freshmen on the club’s purpose. Tom glances up when he sees a flash of movement, looking you over for a moment before his eyes land on you and he gives a slight smile. You return it before crossing your arms and listening in, standing off to the side with Ivey. 
“You can get your volunteer hours for helping some of the under experienced people in the club if you’ve had previous experience and if not, you can just put on a resume or whatever you need that you were involved in a sports club which is pretty equivalent to an academic club." 
"You still get that social aspect jobs and such look for.” Tom interjects on Harrison’s informational rant. There’s more chatter back and forth before the small group takes pamphlets and turns to head off with quick thanks, the boys’ attention averting to the both of you, 
“Ladies.” Tom greets as you approach their booth. You smile, uncrossing your arms as you look over the various papers on their table, 
“I didn’t know this was a thing.” You inform. Tom smiles and nods, 
“Yup, its non-professional, non-competitive golf. You know how to play?” He asks. You lick your lips and shake your head, a blush covering your cheeks gently,
“Remember us talking about how good you did at the game the other day and how I didn’t know much?” You pose softly, shyly. He chuckles softly, nodding,
“I do. S'alright, here, come here. I’ll let you shoot one.” He holds his hand out, letting you hesitantly take it after you glance between Ivey and Harrison. Pulling a club from the bag beside him, Tom curls his hand around yours and pulls you behind the table with him to the small makeshift golf course behind the table. He hands you the club, stepping back to watch you pose before he steps up, 
“Bend your knees just a little, don’t look so tense. It’s alright.” He reassures, letting you do as your told before he places his hands on his hips, licking his lips, giving an almost teasing smile as you glance over your shoulder cutely, innocently at him, 
“Do you mind if I… help?” He asks, gesturing out to you. You shake your head, straightening up before he moves himself behind you, arms wrapped around your body, hands placed over yours on the wrapped end of the club. Ivey and Harrison glance at each other with knowing looks as Tom’s knees gently bump your own, bending them before he brings your arms closer to your chest, hands holding yours in the correct area. You’re convinced he can hear or feel your heartbeat with his chest pressed to your back and you’re thanking the gods that your already clammy palms are turned downward, into the club. You can feel your cheeks flush as he guides your whole body, one of his hands leaving yours for a moment to guide your eyes down to the golf ball in the tee rather than anything else including the hole, people wandering, and his whole body wrapped around you. You look down at the ball before he squeezes your hands, guiding you in hitting it. It rolls to the small hole the boys made, dropping in. Tom hums, 
“See, easy. You wanna try it by yourself?” He asks, stepping back. You nod, turning to look at him. He nods back before walking to fetch the ball, coming to stand before you and set it in the tee again. He steps back and watches you, hands on his hips again. You do all the correct movements he’s just taught you moments ago before you hit the ball, Tom watching it roll just short of the hole. He smiles and nods when you turn to look at him, somewhat proud smile on his face,
“That was good. Good job. Give it another go, see if you can get it in.” He says, walking with you to just before the hole, watching you get into position again before nudging the ball forward to roll in the hole,
“Nice. Very good. You’ve just got to work on thrust. Hit it a little too light that first time.” He tells you, taking the club from you. Your fingers touch and you swear there’s a spark that ignites, your heart pumping loudly in your ears. You smile and nod as the both of you walk back to the table, you walking around it as Tom sighs, 
“If you sign up for the club, I can give you private lessons some time.” He informs, smiling at you. Harrison, and Ivey laugh, 
“Funny, I think you’ve said that to me.” Ivey jokes, pointing accusingly at Harrison who shrugs, holding his hands up, 
“It works." 
"Yeah, but instead of actually giving you golf tips, the privacy is used for taking your pants off and working their magic.” Ivey informs, the both of you giggling. You look up at Tom, eyes singled in on his somewhat expectant face. His eyes wander your own face, the noise around you seeming to dissipate as he awaits your answer. And suddenly you speak, 
“I’ll think about it. I dunno if I’ll have time for this kinda stuff.” You inform softly, Tom’s lashes fluttering at the small gesture that holds such insinuation. And you didn’t blatantly turn it down. And damn if Tom isn’t interested. 
“Well you can wait to sign up. You don’t really have to sign up here, especially with how much we see you. You can just… show for a few sessions and such and… get some lessons if you want.” Tom informs, crossing his arms with a shrug. You nod, 
“Maybe… dunno yet Holland.” He smiles, tucking the club away, 
“What else are you guys gonna do?” Harrison asks Ivey, breaking the momentary silence. She shrugs, 
“Go home, dunno what else to do. You can come pick me up later though, if you want to and we can go out.” She tells him. He nods, smiling softly. Tom clears his throat, 
“Y/N, you wanna… help me out a little with English? Like… they can drop us off at the library or something?” He asks, bringing your attention back to him. You blink a few times, 
“Oh, uh, sure.” You sputter out. He nods,
“I uhh… I have dyslexia so it’s a little difficult to grasp certain stuff and with this first essay I could use some extra help. You seem to be doing pretty good and I thought I’d just… ask if you would. You don’t have to though." 
"No it’s okay. I just gotta go home and gather all my stuff.” You reassure him with a giggle. He smiles and nods,
“Okay… just don’t want you doin somethin you don’t want to.” He reaffirms. You shake your head and smile, turning your attention back to Ivey when she gives a somewhat dramatic gasp, 
“Speaking of which… there’s a Halloween party next month. You gotta start thinking of your costume now Y/N/N. We gotta make sure we don’t go as the same things as Scar and Phoebes.” She says, playfully punching your arm. Your eyebrows knit together, 
“Okay.” You reply. Tom groans,
“Fuck… can you please tell me beforehand what you’re gonna be so I can prepare myself for a boner?” He says, head tipped back. You click your tongue as Ivey giggles,
“If that isn’t an invitation in itself to wear the sluttiest costume ever, I don’t know what is.” She tells you, eyes lingering on you as Tom sighs, his own eyes locked in yours. You shrug, 
“Dunno. I’ll look around.” You tell them both, eyes locked on Tom who licks his lips like he’s staring at his last meal. You can see his tongue come out to run over his upper teeth, raising his eyebrows playfully as you draw your phone out, handing it over to him, 
“Gimme your number so we can figure out what we wanna do, where to meet and what time and everything.” You explain to him as he nimbly types away with a continuous nod, 
“Sounds good to me.” He replies, eyes locked in yours for a moment longer before he glances down at the table and picks up a pamphlet, handing it to you, 
“This has times of meetings and stuff. If you find some time to come… I hope you will. And… you’ve got my number now so if you want a private lesson with yours truly, or Harrison if you prefer less teasing, just shoot me a text or a call.” He informs, adding a wink for good measure. You nod and give him a smile,
“I’ll try and take you up on that Holland.” You purr, another hum slipping from Tom’s lips at your tone of voice, 
“I hope so.” He speaks up lowly. Ivey sighs, 
“Please just tell me when you two start fucking or become a thing, I can make a group chat with the four of us.” She almost begs. The four of you laugh, Ivey leaning in to bump your shoulder as you roll your eyes and then the two of you share a giggle. She looks back up at the Harrison, 
“Pick me up at six and we’ll go to dinner. We’re gonna go get ready for our dates.” She directs at him and then tells the both of them, wrapping her arm around you and guiding you off as the boys watch after you. Harrison bumps his best friend’s shoulder, 
“You whipped asshole." 
"Can’t be whipped for something I’ve never had dickhead.” Tom quickly implies, punching Harrison’s arm and crossing his own. Harrison clicks his tongue and shakes his head, 
“Denial asshole, you have it. The way you look at her, the way you let her make her own decisions, the way you fucking… talk to her and let her run your ass rather than controlling her. You’re fucking whipped.” He tells his best friend, irritation prevalent in his voice. Tom shakes his head, but he doesn’t outwardly deny it, staring out at the stragglers passing by the numerous sports booths, Harrison watching him. He clicks his tongue and shakes his head, 
“Fine, fucking deny it you idiot. See if I give a shit when she breaks your heart.” He finally says, turning to grab a water bottle from their cooler. 
After texting back and forth with Tom for a few hours with inquiries from all three of your roommates, Harrison drives Tom to your dorm, dropping him off and trading him in for Ivey who jokingly wishes you luck and gently taps Tom’s cheek like an old woman with a younger boy. He smiles, the look never fading as you walk up to him, Ivey and Harrison going separate ways from you and Tom. The both of you walk across campus to the only lit building nestled between the other buildings, Tom on constant vigilance and engaging you in comfortable conversation every so often. 
The library was mostly quiet, save the crackling of thunder overhead from a new vein of storm clouds that spread to release thick rain drops that met windows in quick tandem and great succession. A few straggling students opting to study in the quiet center rather than their dorms or off campus apartments perused the books quietly, others hunched over notebooks or laptops, lips moving mindlessly as they studied or typed up assignments. Your eyes wandered the beautiful, old library while Tom sat across from you, reading your thorough, beautifully penned notes with some struggle and a furrowed brow, but he didn’t feel pressured to hurry for once in his life with you sitting across from him, 
“Okay but like… how the fuck do you write a thesis statement, cause I’m convinced that this intro paragraph is where I’m going to get docked the most points.” He breaks you from your thoughts, eyes flickering up to yours when you smile. He gives a half hearted chuckle as you reach across to grab his own notebook, looking over his own haphazard notes
“Its uhm, it’s basically a summing up of your points you’re gonna talk about in your body paragraphs in a normal essay, but because it’s an argumentative essay, it’s a little different. So uhm, like you wrote here, you were going to write about breaking unhealthy emotional standards, especially in men and boys in your first paragraph, equal opportunities for single income families in your second, and the purpose of women in the workplace in the third, so your points line up with you supporting gender equality. So you would basically make a statement you believed in similar to uhm, like-” You help explain, Tom nodding along with you before he interrupts as you try and think of something to say on the fly, 
“Oh I actually have one, uhm, so… something like, seeing that now it’s the 21st century, women are a part of everything and men wouldn’t exist without them, women deserve the same, if not better rights than men. Or… something along those lines.” He tells you with an almost shy voice, soft blush covering his cheeks. You smile and nod,
“That’s good actually. That’s really good.” Your voice holds surprise, but not at Tom’s abilities, just that you didn’t think of something as witty. 
“Obviously it could use some polishing but uhm, i-it is good right? Like… it doesn’t sound stupid? You’re not fuckin with me to get me out of your hair cause you really don'tknow how to write one either?" 
"No it’s good.” You reassure with a giggle, looking over his notes and scribbles of sources to use. You smile, reading his half legible writing, 
“Who knew you were such a feminist Tommy?” You tease, looking up. His somewhat nervous, embarrassed face contorts into relief, a scoff leaving his lips, 
“Shit… don’t call me out like that.” He replies through a string of laughs to counter yours as he toys with his earlobe. His smile is big and bright and you know he enjoys your company, despite the academic circumstances. He sighs, 
“I just… I know that without women like my own mum or your mum, whoever, we wouldn’t have the friends we have. We wouldn’t be sitting here. We wouldn’t have the opportunities we do. Women do basically EVERYTHING and we don’t give them enough credit for it. It’s bullshit and… I can guarantee that any girlfriend, fiancèe, wife, mother of my child is gonna have control over me. It’s not the other way around. I’d be blessed as fuck to be considered a woman’s rather than her being considered mine.” He lectures, running the tips of his fingers over the hollows your pen created on your notebook paper. You cock your head, 
“You’re really passionate about this.” You speak quietly. Tom looks up again, 
“Yeah well, my dad’s had coworkers that’ve sexualized my mum and basically said she belongs in the kitchen. Shit, there were guys that I knew that practically beat their girlfriends for talking to other men. It’s just, its bullshit. Women are people too. I’d never do any of the shit I’ve watched happen to women, to you.” He says, looking around in frustration. Your head stays cocked, eyes looking him over before you give a small smile, 
Is that supposed to woo me?“ You joke again. Tom looks back into your eyes, searching them, his own glittering in the lamps above your head. He purses his lips, 
"Is it working?” You giggle, his own lips turning up and he feels all that anger, frustration from the memories of his childhood boil down. He hums and shakes his head, 
“No, in all honesty, I’ve been into dance and such from a very young age and… I got bullied. I got bullied because the stuff I did was for ‘little girls’ and I got called gay and I just… I don’t get it. If I was gay, so what? But… telling boys that they can’t be into dance or ballet or whatever the hell else men in society have considered too feminine for boys, its bullshit. Telling a little boy he can’t be involved in something he loves because its feminine is stupid. If it wasn’t for women and girls these assholes wouldn’t have the little boys they bully and conform to crush down their emotions and become these menaces to society. I mean seriously, how often is there a female mass shooter? Men lack the empathy needed for fully thinking out their plans when it comes to taking other lives.” You let him rant, watching his face redden in irritation. You know he speaks from some sort of experience. His position on toxic masculinity isn’t something he learned from television politics, but something he endured and you know if he has sons, he’ll let them do whatever they want to do rather than control them. He sighs and shakes his head,
“No, don’t be. Us women need more men like you. I completely agree with you. I seriously think Cole stopped crying once we were kids because my dad told him he was weak if he did and you’re not. If you cry, it doesn’t make you weak. It shows that you’re human. There is no reason for you to apologize to me Tom. I completely agree with you.” You reassure, reaching across the table to place your hand over his. He glances down at it, nodding as you trace the hollows his somewhat clenched knuckles provide. He shrugs, 
“That’s the way I’ve always felt to be honest. Women have always had a bad wrap and sure I get along very well with those that I meet, and sometimes I’m guilty of being a dick to some of them, but they deserve way more than they get. That’s why… I, in part, haven’t had a steady girlfriend. Any woman capable enough to put up with me deserves way more.” He trails off quietly, eyes cutting back down to your notes. You purse your lips, pulling your hand from his and looking down at the folded corner of his notebook. Your straighten it out, tracing your finger over the crease. You let out a soft laugh after a moment, leaning back in your chair. Tom glances up, watching you pick hair from your sweater, eyes wandering your face when you look up at him again,
“Why do we always do this? Everytime we talk about… dating or us, together, it always turns depressive and way too serious and we just get to talking about how stupid we’d be together or how incompatible we are. I’m starting to think that we’re a good balance and we’re both just in denial.” You tell him. He blinks at you, heart stuttering at your use of the same word as Harrison earlier. He really doesn’t want to admit he has feelings for you. He finds it easier, less heartbreaking if he just screws around with women that are willing. He purses his lips, 
“But we want different things-”
“Do we? What exactly do you want from me Tom? Why flirt, why touch me the way you do, look at me and act the way you do to get in my pants? I mean seriously, how important are academics to you that you’d go out of your way to make sure I was the one person that tutored you tonight?" 
"You don’t know what I’d do. I have to have good academics to keep my golf scholarship.” He remarks, stone set face as he leans in on his elbows. You mimic him, leaning in, 
“So tell me Tom, what would you do to get me into bed?" 
"A lot.” He quickly implies, blinking with hooded, unamused eyes. You gesture out to the table, 
“Tell me Tom. You can’t just give me that. Because… I-I’ve only had one boyfriend but I know that this isn’t how you act with someone you want to sleep with once. This isn’t normal and if you’re justifying it as normal, you need fucking help in so many different departments.” You tell him, frustration lacing your voice. He hates the look in your eyes. You look hurt, scared, vulnerable. There’s more you’re not saying and he’s intrigued, but he won’t show the interest. He wants you to come to your own terms. He shrugs, 
“You don’t know how far I’ve gone Y/N-”
“Right, because the horror story associated with your stupid little British ass is the story of how you pretended to date Delilah Rhodes and then once she gave you everything, you just,” you lay your palm against the table in a somewhat loud smack, “dropped her. You crushed her and you pretended you never knew her. Did you act like this with her? Did you treat her like you were interested and enforce little… dates with her before you even established what you wanted? What did you do different with her than me Tom?” There’s fresh, frustrated tears sparkling in your eyes and Tom’s brain scars itself wondering why the hell he cares. He purses his lips, jaw clenching, 
“What do you want out of this? What is the point of doing this? Forcing me to tell you what-”
“I like you.” You admit. Tom’s mouth hangs open, eyes locked on you as a tear rolls from the corner of your eye. You blink to clear your vision and see the look on his face as your sleeved hand comes up to swipe it away, 
“That first night, the first time I saw you I was drooling over you. I remember what you were wearing and how I felt and the more we talk, the more you touch me and do all of your bullshit seducing, I-I can’t process it. And I’m just wondering how far up you’re taking me. How big are you going to blow this up before you drop me and leave me to pick up my own fucking pieces? How long do I waste my time on you?” You ask, more tears falling, but you ignore them as he stares at you with somewhat wide eyes. He doesn’t know the answer because you are different. He likes you too, he won’t admit it, not yet, but he does. You rub your eyes on your sleeve again, sniffling as you break the eye contact. You sigh, glancing down at your lap, 
“I would’ve never admit something like that in high school. I actually… can’t believe I just did.” You say into the void with another soft laugh. He plays with his own fingers, listening to you with a beating heart that overpowers all of the other noises around you. He can’t even hear you continue to  ramble as you fight the emotions that overtake you and curse yourself for getting this close to Tom and his toxic essence. He licks his lips, staring at a light blue line on your paper in front of him. He can feel his blood rush through his body in adrenaline and preparation, making him lightheaded as he opens his mouth for the words that spill out next, 
“So make me love you.” He interrupts you, your eyes finding his after another heart pounding second. Your eyes narrow, brain struggling to interpret his words, 
“What?” You finally say. He gives a one shoulder shrug, lashes fluttering as he sits back in his chair,
“You like me… make me love you. Harrison, Ivey, fuck, even Scarlett has commented on the way we run around each other. And obviously I have some sort of attraction to you. I wouldn’t be trying to get in your pants if I wasn’t attracted to you in some sense so use that,” he points to his notebook, “I just poured my fucking heart out to you talking about my respect for what women do and how I’d be my girlfriend’s possession. So make me love you. Use all that you know about me and you seduce me." 
"It doesn’t work like that-”
“Fuck that. I like you too. I think you’re fucking beautiful and smart and I find myself more focused on you in English than the fucking material, clearly,” he gestures to his mixmatch notebook again, “if you’re giving me an excuse to not do it because you’re scared, fucking break the cycle. Take control, do something you wouldn’t and force me to conform like none of the others girls do. You wanna know what sets you apart from the other girls? The shyness. You fucking speak your mind like they didn’t. You fucking put me in my place and push me around and I fucking love it because I’m not the one doing the chasing. I like being chased too Y/N. I would never, ever admit to any other girl that I liked them, but here we are.” He rambles, his words seeming to mold as he tries to say everything he thinks, his emotions bubbling up just as yours did with every word. You stare at each other for a moment before he leans on his elbows, jaw clenching again as he stares you down with intent, 
“Starting right now, if you’re up for it, you can say we’re a thing and I’ll tell Harrison the same to get him the fuck off my back,” he says with a roll of his eyes and a dramatic sigh, “we’ll go on dates and shit, do the typical couple stuff, but you’ll be making me love you. Rather than me being the man that seduces his crush, we’ll flip the roles. Whatever you want, and if we sleep together, and you’re still trying, I’ll still fucking play, alright?” He draws up. You stare at him, mouth held open, shock paralyzing your body. But a change in his face forces your hand. 
“Make me love you Y/N.” He reiterates again, folding his hands before him as if wrapping up a deal made. And that’s when you catch up. Your body surges with power and excitement, and fear, all in one, a blackness taking over your sight like your brain craves oxygen. And you find yourself nodding before your body’s on the same page. His eyebrows raise and he cocks his head softly as if to confirm it. To make you say it. And that’s when you fully nod, 
“Okay.” Is all you croak out.
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