#if he wasn’t hiding …!!!
puppetmaster13u · 6 months
Prompt 271
“Grandmother is visiting,” Damian suddenly said with no warning and with his usual not-quite demanding tone. 
“Who?” Tim wasn’t the only one to startle, seeing as Bruce had practically froze, a downturn to his lips in a silent show of confusion. 
Damian scowled. “Are you deaf Drake? Grandmother is coming to Gotham to, quote, make sure I am being properly cared for.” None of them had known that Ras was with anyone actually. At least Tim was pretty sure that would have been in the files. 
“Oh?” Dick didn’t quite crouch to Damian’s height but it was a near thing. “She-” “He,” Damian corrected, interrupting him. They all exchanged a glance before Dick continued. 
“Is he coming to the Manor or…” 
Damian scoffed again, a tiny bit of a flush against his face. “No, Grandmother will most likely be staying with Akhi-”
Now wait one moment-
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bookshopbentley · 1 year
crowley’s love for humanity has got be my favorite thing . he’s seen it all . he’s seen the absolute worst side of it , and he loves it anyways . crowley , you beautiful soul . what a terrible punishment it must be to have a heart that bleeds as much as yours .
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magpie-come-east · 23 days
Do you think Morgott cringed a little whenever he was called the Grace Given?
Where does that name even come from? (I have my theories but they are just HC)
Was Gideon Ofnir- worlds cleverest lad- ever like: odd that the Lord of Leyndell and child of the Golden Lineage bears a title that suggests he was once without Grace. Hmm. Let’s never look into that.
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waywardsunlight · 9 months
Raine, Eber, and Darius are the most obvious rebels ever but it’s so funny how Terra was like. Raine and Eber make sense. DARIUS?? I AM SHOCKED. Darius, who suspiciously hangs out with unsurprising rebel Eberwolf 24/7. Darius, who’s moody and has beef with the primary weapons designer for the Emperor’s Coven. Darius, who started being affectionate to Hunter right before he went AWOL and fought Adrian.
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moonilit · 23 days
why is polygamy not an option for Dick Grayson and im asking the writers, like he loves both Kory and Babs? I don’t see Kory and Babs being together but if they are ok with it Dick can be with both of them? Like he have a family in both the titans and gotham ?? Instead of this on and off with both that leaving everyone hanging let them be happy
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It’s not that Jason came back to a changed family where he didn’t fit into the gap he left behind anymore. It’s the fact that his family never scooted over to make more space for him once he returned.
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asparklethatisblue · 10 months
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Hodge is a little confused but he has the spirit
Introducing the Fitzier Shotgun Wedding Cinematic Universe, cause @aurpiment made me have brainworms
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rickybaby · 3 months
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Blake IS there this weekend!!
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The Twin Boys; One in Black, One in White
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milimeters-morales · 4 months
maybe miles g develops that sort of humor that doesn’t always show on his face when he’s feeling it? like sometimes he would find something hilarious and be like “that’s funny ash i’m dying” but he has a blank expression. or is that just the autism leaking through to another character
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Thinking about poor, doomed Young Griff and how it’s not even important if he is or isn’t Rhaegar’s real son. Because what makes him a fake goes beyond blood - it’s really down to intent and experience. He’s a poor rich man’s Aegon V, but like without the organic hero’s journey.
He’s a lab experiment pretty much. However well intentioned he is, there isn’t much indication that his journey has been authentic. Varys and Illyrio are trying to recreate Aegon V with a fake...literally down to the “let’s hide his hair” scheme. They even gave the boy Aegon’s freaking name (it’s a king’s name after all so I can’t blame them). But they missed like the biggest, most important lesson of all. Aegon V CHOSE to go out. HE made himself, no one else did. His journey was organic as it was derived out of his own autonomous decisions, not manufactured down to the smallest detail (does YG really know what it means to starve and be homeless and hunted?). And there was no promise of a reward (I.e., kingship). Egg didn’t know that he’d be king and even after his dad rose to the throne, there were a ton of people ahead of him. FFS he’s called Aegon the Unlikely. Bro just woke up one day and was like “ay wouldn’t it be nice to actually experience this realm from the perspective of a disenfranchised person?”
Meanwhile, our poor Young Griff is being made to go through all this with the expectation that it’s all going to pay off when he becomes king. BUT (big but!), who’s to say that he actually gets it? Like does he really get why he needs to see how this horrible feudalistic society preys on the smallfolk and makes corpses out of them? Wait, does he even know or recognize that the system needs changing? Like did Varys and Illyrio just tell him “people poor” and leave it at that? Why are they poor Young Griff? How did they get there?! Do Varys and Illyrio even get it? Do they understand that Aegon V was a radical change maker?
How hollow is it that it’s not Young Griff making the conscious decision to actually try and see how his subjects live. He’s not making the conscious decision to be a change maker, no matter what Varys and Illyrio say. People in this fandom will talk about how Young Griff will be the perfect king but…perfect for whom? In what way? In a series that critiques this entire system, what about YG screams that he’s going to actually tackle some of the systemic issues that need tackling - the systemic issues that Aegon V tried to tackle after organically going through his own journey?
WELLLLL….isn’t it cool that Jon and Dany are the true heirs to Aegon V’s legacy not because of blood, but because they actually get to the heart of Aegon V’s journey? Say what you want about them but they are radical as it gets (Jon at the Wall and Dany all over Slaver’s Bay). No one manufactured them. No one told them they had to care about people. No one told them they had to do this lab experiment to become king/queen. They actually did their own thing, while themselves being disenfranchised (GRRM identifies both as outsiders). And without the expectation of a reward (like Jon is literally told that his entire life will basically amount to nothing).
And it’s even better that they were unlikely. Young Griff is meant to happen - well someone is pulling the strings to make sure he works. He’s taking the role of someone who was always meant to be king - for Rhaegar’s son was meant to be king. But Jon and Dany are actually following the Aegon V blueprint because they weren’t meant to happen. Jon is a second son who is presumably a bastard with a contentious claim, and Dany is a daughter who was never meant to survive being sold off to slavery let alone rise to queenship. Neither one of them was meant to be on the throne. No one told them to do the things they did. No one took them and placed them in the positions they’re in. They rose to the occasion by themselves and made changes by their own volition - just as it was with Aegon V. And what makes it even better is that just as Aegon V was chosen to be king, so were Jon and Dany (Jon was literally elected into office and basically won over the wildlings while Dany was dubbed “mhysa” because of her actions in Slaver’s Bay).
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lorax-devito · 6 hours
Mike please stop the internalised homophobia it’s hurting Will 😭
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in the will room scene before they got interrupted they were going to kiss im calling it
Mike seemed really nervous before it and I think it's bc he knew he wanted something new,or something he always wanted he just wants it soooo much more now
in conclusion Mike was so nervous bc he wanted to kiss Will
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The White Star learns that Cale Henituse transmigrated from a body that he stole. He learns that the person inside Cale Henituse lived with the same curse that the White Star has to.
“Cale Henituse,” the White Star sneers, “or should I address the person inside of Cale Henituse?” Cale stiffens. What is this crazy bastard saying now?
“Yes, the man inside of Cale Henituse. How did my curse feel?” He shouldn’t know this information, but he does, Cale realizes. He has an informant on a god’s level. Raon flinches at these words, and Choi Han levels a deadly stare at the White Star. Oddly, Cale thinks, the blood draining from his face, it feels like he’s glaring at him. Cale doesn’t know why but it feels like he made a mistake somewhere down the line.
“You know the one. I’m sure all of your friends do too at this point as well. Was it fun? You must’ve lost your parents, or even been abandoned? Abused? Did everyone you care about die in a horrible accident?” Cale struggles against the sparking Records, trying to keep his mind on the White Star. In a way, Cale has experienced it all.
The past is the past.
“Raon, he’s stalling.” Cale whispers as quietly as he can, and Raon silently sends out the message to everyone. They need to be prepared. The White Star wouldn’t reveal this knowledge for no reason.
“Cale Henituse, you lived terribly, didn’t you? Yes, you must’ve been pathetic. No wonder you’re like this… You cling onto everyone you know but keep them at arms length, never daring to let the little bug within you know what counts as love, and what counts as use.” The White Star drifts closer, threateningly, and everyone flinches into position. Their eyes are shaking.
“You whiny bitch.” The White Star flinches, pausing in the air. “Do you think that’s how I lived? Is that how you see my actions?” Cale scoffs in disgust.
He’s wrong.
I took everything I could until everyone was gone.
I was selfish.
“We are nothing alike. We are not the same. You may be a disgusting liar, but at least I’m honest trash.”
I barely care about anything because it was always taken away. I don’t care about things because I don’t remember how.
“White Star, do you know what the difference between us is?”
Two similar existences stare at each other.
“Cale Henituse, stop rambling,” the White Star frowns.
Cale rushes at the White Star suddenly, grabbing onto his arm. Before he can shake him off, Cale whispers.
“I’ll tell it to you as a secret.”
Confident as ever, the White Star humors him. Cale whispers even quieter.
“You knew how to care before you chose to lose everything…”
“… While I never had the chance.”
An explosion erupts from their location.
Cale coughs up blood, smiling at the dour expression of his enemy.
“You throw everything away, but I hold everything as close as I’m allowed. As close as I’ve ever able to hold anything.”
Cale drops his expression, glaring up at the disgusting person in front of him.
“Just out of arms reach.”
The White Star launches an attack, and the fight begins again.
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Please enjoy the following Resonant memes:
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bonus: i started watching Gargoyles and this scene reminded me of certain people and an idea occurred:
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So, in this universe, Robert caught Rhaegar but discovered Lyanna was never kidnapped. Needless to say, he handled it with the utmost professionalism, I’m sure.
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phatcatphergus · 9 months
Sunny didn’t recognize Tubbo. The man in front of her was wearing her Pa’s face, he had the same smile lines and eye color, and he even had the same chronic bedhead as her Pa.
But this mad had a vacant stare in otherwise warm eyes. He had a tight stance that was ready to spring into action. This man carried the smell of blood and gasoline instead of oil and eath. This man was barking orders and slamming doors while telling her to keep safe.
This man was not her Pa, but she could still see him beneath the layers that this man wore. She could hear it in his voice beneath the growl of the other man’s orders and the rumble of the chainsaw. She could see the way his eyes softened when he looked at her and how his cold fingers would tighten around hers when she grabbed his hand. 
This man was not her Pa, but someone her Pa became.
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mustbethursdayy · 4 months
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How I’m feeling about The Acolyte. (I’m not watching it.)
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