#if i call something “grotesque” or say it has “poetic irony” one more time i think i might burst into flames
rubarb69 · 6 months
I need to make meta commentary where i blame all my problems on modernism and post post modernism
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kbstories · 4 years
syn·the·sis (n.) A higher truth gained from two contradicting ideas.
Every man has a breaking point - even Luffy. Good thing Usopp knows a thing or two about overcoming boundaries.
(Or: Sabo is in danger and Luffy is stressed)
Tags: Post-Wano, Angst, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Nakamaship, Canon Compliant (up until Chapter 977), Recovery, Usopp is MVP as always, Mentions of Ace
Spoiler warning up to Chapter 977. Anything beyond that is pure speculation.
There’s a poetic sort of justice to the fact that everyone knows and Luffy doesn’t, this time.
It’s fucked up, sure, a twist of fate so morbid only Robin would find joy in it, and even she looks vaguely sick. You see, repetition is a fantastic rhetorical device: There’s nothing more satisfying than a story coming full circle, when the intricate mosaic of setup and payoff results in much-needed catharsis. Simple and effective, any storyteller will tell you – and Usopp is damn good at telling stories. It’s the one thing he can be proud of, when everything else fails.
Usopp doesn’t feel particularly good about that – or anything really – right at this moment. Perhaps in future he will, by all the seas, he hopes he will because that means this too will pass, and they will emerge from it victorious, just another miracle by the miracle-working crew from the East Blue.
But right now, surrounded by the shaken faces of his crew mates, all he feels like doing is crawling back to bed and passing out until it’s all over. To run for the hills and never return.
Usopp can’t and Usopp won’t, however. Because it’s Luffy, and because he made that mistake once before and swore: never again, never, never–
The newspaper lies innocently between them, a few days old by the time it made it past Wano’s crumbling borders via a confused News Coo, a clearly-alarmed Bepo (he hadn’t even apologized for almost running over Brook in his haste to get to his captain, and looking back that should’ve been the first red flag) and Law bursting into the room the Strawhats have claimed for their recovery, covered head-to-toe in gauze and all warmth drained from his expression.
Usopp did not miss witnessing their ally that close to despair. It makes the bright smile Law shared with Luffy in their moment of victory seem like a distant dream, perhaps part of one of Usopp’s more ludicrous tales.
“They got him. They got Sabo.”
It’s like he dropped a live grenade in their hands, if grenades were made of words torn kicking and screaming from a nightmare they all share. Usopp wants to ask – They, who is they?! – and there’s always a ‘they’, the Marine or the World Government or CP0 or some other shadowy organization pulling the strings of corruption and misery. But it hardly matters because this… this is real, a realization that passes from Strawhat to Strawhat along with the black-and-white print staring at them from pages increasingly crumpled by nine sets of shaking hands:
Revolutionaries Defeated at Mariejois: No. 2 of the Revolutionary Army Successfully Captured!
And in their midst slumbers their captain, huddled in the softest blankets they could find and snoring away his injuries, and he doesn’t know.
The irony – horrible, grotesque, unfair, unfair – isn’t lost on Usopp. Two years ago, he would’ve killed to have this, to be there, to catch Luffy as he bled and screamed and burned at the pyres of his brother’s death. To save Luffy just as he saved every single soul in this room, Law included.
Please, is all Usopp can think of, begging to every deity he’s heard of and those he hasn’t, to anyone who will listen, let him rest. Luffy doesn’t deserve this, not again. Please, have mercy–
Zoro is the first to move and something in Usopp moves with him, a fledgeling sense of optimism fluttering pathetically in his chest. Because it’s Zoro and Zoro always leads them right when their captain is off saving the world or a country (or two). Yet all Zoro does is sit at Luffy’s bedside like a mountain shaken into rubble, a measured kind of collapse that hits Usopp square in the gut. He doesn’t know what the others are doing, doesn’t dare look away from their first mate, but someone is crying and someone else is murmuring comforting words, and that at least sounds like Sanji so the first must be Nami.
There’s only a handful of times Roronoa Zoro has yielded without mounting a counterattack right afterwards and none of them are memories Usopp wants to revisit. Not now, not ever.
“Who else knows?”, Zoro asks, the steel in his voice worn down to a dull edge at best, and Zoro’s hand settles on Luffy’s head so gently it brings tears to Usopp’s eyes, too. Luffy mumbles in his sleep and smiles, nuzzling further into the covers with the clumsy comfort of a napping dog.
Law, too, is staring blankly at that gesture before blinking, focusing anew. He’s so tense a muscle visibly twitches in his jaw with the heavy swallow working its way down his throat.
“Bepo, me. Now you. Kidd is suspicious but he won’t leave Killer’s side, not yet anyways.”
The mere mention of Killer serves as an additional sucker punch on top of the veritable tsunami crashing over them, on the mend as he may be. That could have easily been Zoro, or Bepo, and the haunted glint in Law’s eyes says he’s thinking of it, too.
Zoro nods, absently. “And how long till we can set sail?”
For the briefest of moments, Law looks like he’s going to protest. The Trafalgar Law they met a few months ago would have, grim and annoyed, and the one from just last week would too, exasperated and loud–
Since then, they have beaten one of the Four Emperors and sent another one packing with her tail between her legs, and that feeling of having your dreams within reach if you only try hard enough, if you truly believe in it and your friends and yourself, it forges a bond like little else does. Hope is a dangerous thing – it can heal as much as it can wound, and Luffy has taught them all, one by one, how to endure both sides of that coin.
This pirate alliance of theirs has long stopped meaning what Law had wanted it to, and instead turned into what Luffy promised all along: Something permanent, something unbreakable, that all-or-nothing sensation of trust that is as much a freefall as it is flying.
So Law just… sighs. He rubs at eyes deeply smudged with missed hours of sleep and close calls all around, and Usopp can see his shoulders bend under the weight of being a captain.
“I… I don’t know. But I’ll find out. I don’t need to remind you all that this– It’s not like Kaido. Our chances against Kaido were slim to none but they were there. That report, it’s already outdated. The world has been shifting with us being none the wiser, and it could be that Luffy’s brother is already…”
It’s like Law can’t bring himself to say it, as if even speaking the possibility into existence will make them lose something they can’t get back. His gaze flickers to Jinbei, briefly, then to Luffy, and sympathy deepens the lines on his face.
“I’ll find out”, Law repeats, firmly. “Just… be there when Luffy wakes up. Then we’ll decide.”
And though many things may have changed, two years and countless battles later, this remains the same, always, always. Being at Luffy’s side is a privilege and a duty no Strawhat will ever turn their back on.
Blinking the blurriness from his vision, Usopp looks at the bandages wrapped around Luffy’s chest with loving care and the deep purple of bruises peeking out underneath, and he clenches his trembling hands to fists and hopes. As long as there is a sliver of sky above them and the wisp of a current below, they will follow their captain to the end of the world and beyond.
Come whatever may. Because this time, they are here and they're not letting go.
Luffy starts craving food the next morning.
It startles Usopp, the hand that knocks against his head and snaps him out of his doze by his captain’s side. He stares at the questing fingers for a few uncomprehending seconds. Usually he’d laugh, spirits lifted by the prospect of Luffy waking up sooner rather than later so they can celebrate properly.
There is nothing usual about this. Usopp reaches behind himself to the solid weight slumped against his back, shifting fitfully.
Sanji comes to with a tense breath. “It’s just me”, Usopp mumbles and doesn’t ask if his friend is alright. None of them are. Instead he says, “He’s looking for you”, and watches Sanji’s eyes soften somewhere between relief and heartbreak behind the strands of his fringe, weirdly unkempt.
“Mh, thanks”, Sanji replies in a raspy whisper; he gets up and leaves, side-stepping the jumbled puzzle of limbs that are the Strawhat Pirates. Only once he’s out the door does he reach for the pack of cigarettes in his pocket.
Sighing, Usopp rubs his eyes until they ache in an effort to wake up. Fuck, it’s like he hasn’t slept for a year and it’s been barely twenty-four hours. Beside him, Luffy’s hand inches its way towards Nami – sleeping close enough to brush knees with Usopp, head pillowed on crossed arms – and Usopp reaches out, takes it gently.
Luffy’s palm is warm against his, slightly damp from the fever he ran the first few days of recovery. His knuckles are a busted, swollen mess even now, and Usopp is careful. It wriggles impatiently, this hand that knocked a literal dragon out of the sky, and then it settles in Usopp’s grasp and Luffy sighs in his sleep.
Usopp can’t help but smile a little. “Food is coming, captain”, he tells him quietly. “Be patient with us, okay?”
Back to waiting it is. Not for the first time, Usopp plops his chin on the edge of the bed and just… looks. With his straw hat set aside (and safely tucked against Jinbei’s chest where he finally found a semblance of sleep, napping against the wall on the other side of Luffy’s bed), Luffy is sporting a truly impressive case of bedhead, the rest of him lost in a helpless tangle of blankets he tried to kick off during the night. He actually looks his age, Usopp’s age, like this – just some nineteen-year-old punk among many and not the one-of-a-kind captain of a crew famous the world over. It’s a rare chance to soak up this side of Luffy, the expression on his face relaxed and peaceful and lacking the chaotic energy that’s so infectious even eternally-grumpy Law had to give up fighting it off.
A selfish part of Usopp wants Luffy to remain that way, safe in the afterglow of a war well-won and unburdened by the cruelty of reality. It’s the same part of him that remembers the loving smile Sabo directed at Luffy, sleeping soundly in someone else’s bed just like this, and asks, why? Why didn’t you stay put? Why are you risking everything when your little brother is right here–
It’s selfish because stopping someone from doing what they truly want is the exact opposite of what Luffy is all about. Because the thing Sabo yearns for is freedom, and as long as the Celestial Dragons rule over their paradise built on the backs of countless slaves, no one is well and truly free.
If there’s a fight worth dying for, it’s that one. And yet–
“He’s going to be okay, you know?”
Usopp jumps a little, his neck protesting painfully as he whips his head around. Nami snickers at the wince on Usopp’s face before she sighs, the brown of her eyes bright with emotion.
“This sucks but… Luffy is strong. He’ll know what to do. Traffy is with us, we have a fleet to back us up, we’ll call in every favor we’re owed, and then we’ll show those fuckers hell for taking what’s ours. Sabo will be fine. I’ll kill him myself if he isn’t.”
She huffs, then, having talked herself into that righteous kind of fury that’s uniquely Nami even if she keeps her voice down for Luffy’s sake. Usopp finds himself chuckling.
“Say, what’s our going rate for personal rescue missions against impossible odds again?”
“A lot.” The grin on Nami’s grin is knife-sharp. “The Revolutionaries will be in a world of debt just for making Luffy worry.”
“Good”, Usopp says, and grins back just as fiercely.
They let Luffy eat his fill, for one because his healing factor is largely based on burning through incredible amounts of calories in no time at all, and also because Sanji looks like he needs to see it.
As much as their cook has his gripes about the bottomless pit that is Luffy’s stomach: Only when his captain is back on solid foods and on track to regain the weight he lost while unconscious does Sanji allow himself to relax. For Usopp, this means making sure his own plate is damn near licked clean by the time Sanji lets out a quiet breath and shuffles to the open window to smoke. The rest of the Strawhats eat, too, a low hum of conversation taking some of the tension out of the room they’ve barely left since Kaido.
The only exception is Zoro, and Usopp can’t help the glances he gives the door every few minutes, as if he’d magically reappear just like that.
The negotiations have been going on for ages now. As far as Usopp gathered, the Heart Pirates are heading intel and logistics, while Momonosuke assured them whatever resources Wano Country can spare – after taking care of their people, Zoro had added with a huff when he’d checked in on Luffy around dawn.
That’s not the problem, then. Eustass Kidd is, and after all that happened around the Kidd Pirates and pirate alliances, Usopp isn’t exactly surprised the guy refuses to compromise when it comes to his crew. Killer is awake now, though, and judging by the explosive arguments raging on outside, Kidd is not happy with his partner’s input on the matter.
The all-too-familiar sound of three swords being drawn is loud in the ensuing hush, and every scrap of metal in the room vibrates from the near-oppressive wave of magnetism sweeping through it.
“Oh? Who’s fighting?”
“Zoro and Kidd”, answers Usopp automatically, sighing. “Again.”
“Ah, okay. Not seriously though, right? We promised them a party after all. Like, a big one.”
“Kinda? It’s hard to tell honestl–”
Usopp blinks and turns to see Luffy awake and tilting his head at him. His hands are yet to stop shoving food in his face and Usopp stares with his mouth agape.
“Y-you’re awake!”
“Yeah!”, Luffy says with enthusiasm, and not a second later does he lift his plate away from the ball of fur charging at him with the force of a bull. Calmly, Sanji grabs the food and sets it aside for later. 
Chopper’s tearful wail is followed by a breathy oof from Luffy as the reindeer clings to his bandaged chest in a flurry of hooves. Luffy chuckles, “Hey Chopper”, sounding pleased as punch that the doctor is walking all over him. Then he meets the half-circle of relieved looks around him, his smile only getting wider and wider.
“Hey everyone! I slept in again, huh?”
“Hey yourself”, Sanji murmurs around a smoke-filled smile. He leans out the window and calls, “Mosshead! Crew meeting!”, and the clanging of swords on metal immediately stops.
The Strawhats coalesce from all corners of the room, crowding around their captain whilst leaving enough space for the impromptu check-up Chopper is conducting. This, at least, is familiar. Frazzled as they are, Usopp’s nerves are soothed by Luffy’s easy-going compliance with Chopper’s orders to make a fist, breathe deeply, cough, does this hurt? and if the doctor’s hooves are marginally less steady than usual, well, it’s only to be expected. There’s a line forming between Luffy’s eyebrows though, and Usopp knows none of them are ready to answer the questions forming behind that pensive look–
It’s in that moment that Jinbei steps up, eyes a little solemn even if the smile on his lips isn’t. “Glad to see you awake, captain”, he says, and offers Luffy his hand, palm-up. Cradled with infinite care between webbed fingers, Luffy’s beloved hat looks small and unassuming; met with immediate delight by its owner, it might as well be a crown made of gold and the finest jewels far and wide.
“My hat! Thank y– Jinbei!”
The name rings with joy the same way it did during battle, and while Jinbei regards Luffy with some measure of perplexity as he’s drawn into a rubbery hug along with the hat, Usopp exchanges fond looks with some of the crew. Dire news be damned, it’s still a little unreal to have their tenth crew member finally with them, like, permanently.
They couldn’t have found a better helmsman in any of the seas, that’s for sure.
“It’s so cool you’re back! We gotta celebrate! Oi Sanji–”
“Not so fast, Luffy. We gotta talk.”
Those gruff words cut through the smiles and laughter like they’re made of washi paper; finally Zoro is there, skin glistening with sweat and droplets of blood pooling around fresh scrapes, and the unhappy slope of his mouth is an important reminder that fate doesn’t care about reunions and banquets of epic proportions. 
The change in Luffy is instantaneous, eyes snapping to Zoro’s. His attention shifts like the wind, a physical force in this limited space. Almost absently, he places his hat where it belongs, a captain once more.
“Zoro? What’s wrong?”
No one answers, the silence lasting a mere heartbeat and an eternity all at once. This is it, Usopp thinks, the moment balancing on the precipice before a future as murky and uncertain as the ocean’s deepest trenches. He closes his eyes.
“What happened? Tell me.”
It’s said with authority, a weight similar to Haki but kinder, reassuring rather than suffocating – and resolve takes shape in Usopp’s chest, an urge to keep his head high and watch it all unfold with courage in his heart.
It has a similar effect on Zoro and it’s only then, with his shoulders squared and gaze steady, that Usopp realizes how miserable he had looked without Luffy by his side. Guilt creeps on Usopp, acidic in his veins. (Later. He can feel shitty about all of this later.)
“It’s Sabo. Things… are not looking good.”
Zoro produces the paper – a different one, newer, and Usopp feels his heart clench – from the sleeve of his yukata and hands it over, pre-folded to the relevant page. All Usopp can see from his angle is Sabo’s smile, determination apparent even upside-down. It’s a re-print of his wanted poster.
Next to him, Robin draws in a trembling breath and Usopp reaches out for her hand, interlacing his fingers with hers to stop them from shaking.
It’s with clear surprise that Luffy utters his brother’s name, and Usopp watches helplessly as Luffy’s pupils flit left to right, reading, skipping over dense paragraphs and coming up to the picture at the top over and over–
Then he looks up, and Luffy’s eyes are wide with worry and confusion so earnest it hurts Usopp to the core. “I… What? But he was there, at Dressrosa. And he was fine…? I don’t understand. Is this a joke?”
Zoro’s eye narrows, something wounded there and gone like a shadow. “It’s not. I’m sorry.”
“I don’t understand”, Luffy repeats, insistent now, and he turns to Robin because that’s what Luffy does when something doesn’t make sense to him. “Robin?”
Robin’s hand squeezes Usopp’s, near-painful. All Usopp can do is squeeze back.
“The revolutionaries, they… There were plans to rebel against the World Nobles. The people in bubbles on Sabaody, remember?” Robin’s voice evens out and yet, her lashes are wet with unshed tears.
“It looks like they failed. We don’t know more than that – the Marine has kept the papers scrubbed clean, as always – but it seems your brother was in charge of the mission. They’re sending him to Impel Down, Luffy. That’s what it means.”
Impel Down.
Usopp can see the exact moment those two words sink in: all blood drains from sun-kissed skin, leaving Luffy’s face close to pallid in contrast to the mottled bruises underneath; Luffy’s mouth opens but no sound arises, no word of protest, no nothing, and Usopp would honestly prefer to see him scream to the heavens or burst into tears than this, this petrified sort of shock that doesn’t belong anywhere near Luffy. Then–
“We’re ready, captain.”
That’s Zoro again, and there’s a hard edge to his tone that Usopp recognizes as sorrow only because it mirrors his own. 
“Law has a plan, we’re fully stocked, the fleet is one snail call away. Killer wants to help so Kidd will come too. It’ll take a week to get there, tops. Just say the word and we���ll–”
It’s nothing more than a whisper and yet, they all hear it. And even if they didn’t, Luffy repeats it once, twice, gaining in volume.
“No, no. We’re staying here. Sabo–”
Luffy’s voice cracks, and Usopp’s heart breaks clean in two, and Luffy pushes on, panting like he’s running a hundred miles in a hurricane.
“Sabo has his friends, and my dad. He’ll be fine, okay? He’ll come back. Sabo always comes back. So we don’t need to worry.”
That’s how it works: If Luffy believes in something, his crew does, too. It’s how they’ve always worked, how they’ve pulled off miracle after miracle and will continue to do so until they have sailed the entirety of the Grand Line and their captain is made King.
Something burns in Luffy’s eyes now and it’s not… that. It’s desperate, hunted, wrong. A lie said like a truth, and Usopp would know.
It occurs to him, in a distant part of his mind, that this is the first time he’s seen his captain truly afraid.
And it’s that what kicks Usopp’s brain into overdrive, because on this crew of reckless monsters he’s the one tasked with a healthy sense of fear, to manage the doubts everyone else doesn’t have because those are important, sometimes.
Because true bravery is a road made of boundaries and the means to overcome them, again and again and again – as many times as it takes to reach the end.
“Luffy”, Usopp says, and his voice doesn’t shake. He doesn’t let it. “We got this. We can save your brother. You have to trust us.”
In many ways, this is Usopp’s personal nightmare come true. He sees Luffy clench his trembling hands to fists, and his eyes narrow, and the vulnerability there bends into anger in an instant and it’s all so familiar.
“It’s not about that. It’s my decision to make, and I’ve decided. We’re not going.”
But this time, Usopp breathes. He forces himself to pause, just a moment, just so he can think and not lose himself to the panicked rush of blood to his head.
“We’re not gonna die, Luffy. We went through hell before and we came out alright, didn’t we? So we have to go. Please let us go.”
Suddenly Nami moves, kneeling next to the bed. She places a hand on Luffy’s wrist, gentle over the tense line of muscle there. “Luffy. Usopp’s right. Sabo’s your brother. He’s family.”
“I know that. I know–”
Luffy pulls away from her, from all of them, hides his face in his hands and pushes his fingers into his eyes hard enough that the bones in his hand show, thin and fragile-looking. One by one, tears start dripping down his palms and to the covers below.
“You guys don’t understand”, he says, his voice a hoarse, quivering mess. “You think you’ve seen hell but you haven’t, ‘cause Impel Down is hell and if we go there– There’s no way we’re getting out. Not a-all of us.”
It’s so quiet Usopp can’t even hear anyone else breathing but Luffy, every inhale hitched and barely realized before rushing back out. It’s like he can’t but speak, the horrors he’s seen and never talked about strangling him from the inside.
“Back then I wasn’t thinking ‘cause it was A-Ace, and he was trapped in there and not free, and just the thought of him dying like that made me sick. I only survived ‘cause I had a ton of help and ‘cause a bunch of people died instead of me.”
Luffy stops, and breathes, and rubs his arm across his face until the tears are gone. Usopp doesn’t mention he’s probably ruining the careful work Chopper put into binding that arm. Chopper himself is too busy crying his eyes out against Franky’s shoulder to really notice.
“I’m not risking it”, Luffy says then, eyes dull and red-rimmed. “Mariejois – that’s at Sabaody, right? Marineford and G-1 are around there, too. It’s gonna be a huge mess, again, and I…”
I can’t do it, not again.
It goes unsaid, in the end; perhaps, despite everything, Luffy isn’t actually capable of expressing something so devoid of hope, so close to giving up. That’s… more than nothing, it’s enough to hold on to, and that’s exactly what Usopp does.
“Then we won’t go to Impel Down. And we won’t go to Marineford, or G-1, or wherever those assholes are gonna make a show out of– That. Okay, Luffy? We won’t go to any of those places.”
“But… then how…?”
Usopp searches for Zoro, his gaze bridging the few feet between them that feel endless and Zoro blinks and gives him that devil-may-care smirk of his. To Zoro’s credit, it almost looks right.
“We’re pirates”, says Usopp with enough conviction for both Luffy and himself. For all of them, really, for one brilliant moment.
“We’re going to catch them at sea, because we have the best navigator and the fastest ship and the most skilled helmsman. We’re going to fuck them up because we have the strongest swordsman and a musician who can cut through souls and a freaking cyborg with laser beams and Nico Robin. And we’re going to be fine, because Sanji’s food raised you from the dead just this morning and Chopper can heal any wound and because our captain always leads us right. And even if they manage to account for all of that…”
Usopp grins with far too much teeth.
“We just have to get in range. I’ll shoot those bastards from so far away they won’t even see it coming, and if anyone even thinks of laying a hand on your brother I’ll shoot those off too.”
Luffy just stares at him like he’s seeing him for the first time, eyes swimming in tears. Then he laughs, an awkward, hiccupping kind of laughter that’s raw relief more than anything else. “That’s right”, he gasps, a hand rubbing at his chest where the starburst scar is currently hidden from sight.
“You’re right! We’ll save Sabo, and everyone will be okay, and then we’ll throw the biggest party ever. Right?”
“Right”, Usopp says, “and don’t you dare forget it”, voice wobbling all over the place now that his captain is smiling again, and he hears a fond sigh from Sanji to his left and a melodic chuckle from Robin to his right and Nami looks at him with so much pride Usopp doesn’t know what to do with himself.
It’s Jinbei he settles on, who gives his captain a soft look before he meets Usopp’s eyes half-way and nods, his smile full of admiration. For him. Usopp, son of Yasopp, from Syrup Village, East Blue.
None of his storybooks taught Usopp what to do after the heroic speech is over and the day is saved. And perhaps there is no trick to it, no how-to guide to achieve that dream of his – perhaps, for now, it’s enough to let himself be dragged into a rubber-limbed hug that threatens to crush his ribs, and share the laugh that found its home in his captain once more.
If that’s the case, then Usopp thinks he’s doing alright on the hero front after all.
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analysis-by-vaylon · 7 years
Double Take #5: “Monster Arm” -- Toffee’s long-foreshadowed arc.
Welcome back to Double Take! For those of you unfamiliar with this segment of my blog, Double Take involves examining an early episode of Star vs. the Forces of Evil and showing how the writers subtly introduce simple concepts in order to prepare the audience for increasingly complex ideas in later episodes. In doing this, I also intend to demonstrate that this hidden gem of a show often has some underappreciated writing.
This particular Double Take is, I feel, important to post just ahead of tomorrow's movie, as the movie will undoubtedly have particular focus on Toffee. In addition to the above-stated goals of Double Take, I hope I can provide some context to the role that the elements of storytelling play in Star vs. the Forces of Evil -- I'm trying to show you, in other words, that this series doesn't simply tell a story: it tells a story which intentionally has multiple meanings.
As with all my analysis, it is my hope that, by the end of this post, you will have glimpsed the patterns of meaning in Star vs. the Forces of Evil as I see them.
Why This Episode?
"Monster Arm" is the earliest episode featured on Double Take so far. I emphasize its early place in the season -- episode 3a, in fact -- because that makes it all the more remarkable that it hints at something which would not come into play until season two (and the latter half of it, at that).
Simply put: "Monster Arm" is about Toffee. While, yes, ostensibly the episode is about Star misusing her magic and giving Marco a demonic tentacle arm -- in actuality, the episode subtly foreshadows not only the appearance of Toffee but the entire arc with Ludo using Toffee's arm as his wand. Toffee's arm is the real "monster arm" of the episode's title.
Not only does the episode foreshadow Toffee's season two re-emergence, it also is explicitly linked together with a later episode in the same season -- "The Hard Way" -- which I will show by comparing each episode scene-by-scene. I want to be as clear as possible about what "Monster Arm" is doing: by telling one story -- Star, Marco, and his tentacle arm -- the episode is preparing the audience, through the use of narrative, tone, and structure, for a more complex story -- that of Star, Ludo, and Toffee.
The Toffee Connection
It may sound implausible at first that "Monster Arm," as silly as it is, could be about Toffee, but think about the title: is there any other monster's arm in the entire series that has as much importance as does Toffee's?
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It's only due to wielding Toffee's arm as a wand that Ludo, channelling his negative emotions, is able to subdue the rats, take the corn, steal Star's spellbook, and restore the ancient monster temple. In fact, I think there is some subtle wordplay going on -- an arm is both a part of the body and something you use as a weapon.
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Much of "Monster Arm" hints at a number of future events:
The brief glimpse of Glossaryck when Star opens the spellbook, for instance, foreshadowing his later significance.
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Or the book being a source of demonic influence:
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Or the combination of two differently-colored magics:
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Or the presence of an evil intelligence inside someone's arm:
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Or the fact that the arm literally becomes part of someone else:
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These are all things that presage later events. Indeed, to drive this point home, the series itself draws upon "Monster Arm" in the season one finale.
References to “Monster Arm” in “Storm the Castle”
In "Storm the Castle," Star and Marco visit a dimension in order to get sandwiches -- the danger of which triggers a memory for Marco of Monster Arm.
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In fact, there's a great deal of arm- or hand-related horror going on in "Storm the Castle" -- all of which, I believe, is intended to reinforce the idea, revealed at the beginning of season two, that Toffee's arm has become a wand:
Marco injures his hand punching the crystal cage
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Marco injures his hand swatting at Toffee's sandwich.
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Beard Deer injures his hand punching the crystal cage.
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Ludo has a disgusting castle-shaped mole on his hand.
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Star blasts off Toffee's left arm.
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Marco's arm nearly gets stuck in the crystal cage.
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Glossaryck sticks his arm out of the magic mirror (interestingly enough, just as he's saying the words "cleave something apart" -- the missing piece of the wand is now embedded in Toffee’s hand).
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Even the ominous tone of the ending of "Monster Arm,” at first only seeming to be a joke at Marco’s expense, is later echoed in the ominous ending of "Storm the Castle" -- decidedly not a joke.
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Indeed, the series has a habit of introducing concepts as jokes only to have them later return with serious consequences -- nor is this, more specifically, the last time that we see an episode-ending joke with Marco later return in a serious light when in context of Toffee.
Recall the joke ending to "Page Turner," with Marco being possessed by reading Eclipsa's chapter:
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If "Monster Arm" foreshadows the idea of a demonic force being released by the book, then "Page Turner" is what reveals the true extent of the danger the book presents -- and, in fact, the ending of "Page Turner" later returns in a much, much more serious context with Ludo being possessed by Toffee at the end of "The Hard Way":
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Interestingly, "The Hard Way" has some unusual connections to "Monster Arm" -- I've noted them before in another post but never fully explored or explained them. I will attempt to delineate those connections and make sense of them.
Echoes of "Monster Arm" in "The Hard Way"
If you've read my sonnet theory (or the Indiana Jones theory), then you know that I believe that season 2B's episodes were intentionally structured so as to resemble a sonnet -- and that each episode referred back to an older episode through dialogue, composition, and scene. I believe "The Hard Way" is an echo of "Monster Arm," and that the purpose of this deliberate reference is to reinforce the idea that the only real monster arm of significance is Toffee's.
Let's run through some of the similarities.
Shared dialogue:
Janna: I want it to be my boyfriend!
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Glossaryck: Uh… well, do you want it to be? Ludo: Oh, yes! I so want it to be.
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Shared scenes:
Ludo: Did you keep him up all night?
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Ludo: You haven't fed him, have you?
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Ludo: Time to turn up the heat.
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Shared jokes:
Marco’s arm hits him in the face with his own arm; Ludo hits himself in the face with his wand.
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Shared concepts:
Both episodes involve a magical being who promises to unlock the host’s true potential – Monster Arm for Marco and Glossaryck for Ludo, respectively.
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Both episodes involve a sinister entity with a bad influence on its wielder – Monster Arm on Marco and Toffee on Ludo, respectively.
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The purpose behind “The Hard Way” drawing upon “Monster Arm” is, I think, to borrow a covert structure of pre-built meaning and context for what is happening. In other words, it is a subliminal reinforcement of the idea, established in “Monster Arm,” that someone‘s arm could not only be evil but take over someone else’s mind completely.
As you might have also noticed from this list of similarities between "Monster Arm" and "The Hard Way," the show appears to be making some kind of comparison between Marco and Ludo, especially in the context of Glossaryck and the spellbook. Glossaryck introduces himself to both of them with the line, "At your service, milady" -- and both Marco and Ludo fetch pudding for Glossaryck. They both read Eclipsa's chapter and are influenced by the dark magic within, and both have their right arms transformed into something grotesque, malevolent, and powerful. Even their first names have similar sounds, both having two syllables, the first syllable stressed, and ending with a long -o sound.
I don't know what, if anything this comparison could mean. Plenty of fans have speculated that Marco might eventually fall under Toffee's influence, just as Ludo did -- which would indeed bring "Monster Arm" full circle -- but personally, I don't have enough evidence to say one way or the other. It nevertheless remains a tantalizing possibility, of course.
Wrapping Up
Hopefully, I have given you a different perspective on "Monster Arm." It's an early episode which at first appears to be a silly side-story -- but, like the other episodes featured on Double Take, it actually features some concepts that are repeated in later seasons with more complexity. Toffee’s arm was always the intended “monster arm” of the series.
Thematically speaking, pairings, partners, and repetitions of history all play big roles in the show, and I think it's smart for the writers to reinforce those notions not only by drawing on previously-established story elements (which is overt) but also by structuring episodes to reflect previous ones (which is often hidden).
I've mentioned this many times over by now, but the staff behind Star vs. the Forces of Evil are masters of their craft. They have a concrete vision of what they want the story to say and how they want the story to say it. The heart of good storytelling -- the heart of irony itself -- is this: the ability to say something without saying it.
Writing fiction in this way, in what I call the poetical mode, is always a gamble, even for skilled writers -- you risk muddling the message, losing the audience, or, worst of all, having a confused audience draw precisely the opposite meaning you intended. But, in my opinion, given the impressive success of Star vs. the Forces of Evil, it is a gamble that has so far paid off. I sincerely hope that trend continues.
I hope you enjoyed this post! Please feel free to ask me any questions you may have on your mind regarding previous or future topics or to suggest topics you'd like to see me write about.
"The Battle for Mewni" is tomorrow! You can rest assured that I will be watching -- and no doubt writing some pretty lengthy analysis afterwards. See you all again soon.
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