#if i could create a saw trap it would be to stick pat and brian in a room and force them to do one last episoze
sheriffofmagic · 1 year
fr though the fact that its been years and we're all still out here talking about how much we love and miss gill and gilbert really shows how special that stupid little stream was. it ran for less than a year but it will live in our hearts forever
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Shandi’s KISSteria drabbles 30!
Here we go, folks! This battle gon’ be BIG!! @misslivvie and I will most likely split it into a least two parts. Possibly three~ Here’s the first! Enjoy!
The battle of KISSteria: The Necromancer has a dirty little surprise for Black Dahlia and StarChild..
“Foolish Star Prince!!” the Necromancer scowled, holding his crystal ball high in the air. “The insignificant magic of the Sisterhood will not help you!! The Mistress is with us!! She will rend your flesh from your bones..and you shall rise again as her faithful servants!!” The red smoke swirling within the crystal ball burst forth, surrounding the undead. Black Dahlia knew exactly what would happen next. “So..he’s found a way to become even more powerful. He could resurrect those undead endlessly if they are still at his disposal. We’ve got to destroy them!” With a smirk on his face StarChild nodded. “I’ve got just the thing~” As Demon flew overhead he caught sight of StarChild signaling to him. His eyes glowed a deep red and he opened his mouth wide, raining fire down upon the rising undead. The Necromancer drew the smoke back to create a barrier around himself, leaving his undead to burn completely to ashes. 
“It is as we predicted.” 
StarChild turned to see Vinneketh standing beside him. “It seems so. Are you alright? Are you injured?” 
“Thankfully I am not. The Gods have shown me great favor this day.” 
“I’m glad to hear it. Where are the other Warriors?” 
“They have joined with the White Court in defending the Palace’s main gates.” 
A group of Cultists that had attempted to storm the gates were on their knees covering their ears. With the Sisters nullifying their magic Freddie had disoriented them with his voice, leaving Masika and Bomani an opening to give them a quick and bloody end with their blades. Any stragglers were shot through the head or the heart by Dalila’s arrows. 
StarChild stifled his laughter. “So much for them~” Vinneketh’s expression changed to one of amusement. “Indeed. The Cult is attempting to be clever, breaking off into smaller groups to attack multiple points around the Palace, but we haven them all..’beaten to the punch’ if you will.” Vince’s loud shriek echoed in their ears. Cultists screamed as they were blasted from the battlements and crashed to the ground. 
Deep, bone shattering chords rumbled from Nikki’s bass, cracking the ground open beneath the Cultists’ broken bodies. The last thing they heard was the Crue’s laughter as they fell to their deaths. Now it was Black Dahlia’s turn to be amused. “Well..they’re certainly having fun~” StarChild shrugged. “I expected nothing less~” He looked up to see Nikki wink at him, and he nodded and smiled in return.
 “I hate to say it..but they got a little bit too close for my taste.” Black Dahlia said with a frown. “I agree. That is why I sent a few of your Sisters to guard the southern walls.” Vinneketh placed his fingers against his temples to channel his energy. “I can share my vision with you.” StarChild and Black Dahlia’s eyes began to glow white. “Now..you may see through my eyes..” 
The vision opened to the Palace gardens. A group of Cultists had used an invisibility spell to get past the walls, but they could not get past the Sisters. With their staffs held high, the Sisters created a thick black miasma that ate through the spell. With no other options left the Cultists drew their weapons and attacked. 
“Entering somebody else’s home without knockin’? That’s impolite y’know~” 
The heavy black storm clouds that had gathered in the sky opened to reveal Ace, his eyes and hands crackling with electricity. He trapped the Cultists within a cage of lighting, making them easy prey for an enraged CatMan and his young Apprentice.
The vision faded as the Cultists were shredded to pieces by the WildCats’ claws and fangs.
StarChild sighed. “CatMan and Ace will see to the protection of the gardens. I have faith in them.” 
“And my Sisters will back them up.” Black Dahlia turned towards the red smoke growing again in the distance. “Vinneketh..send word. Tell the others to make certain they destroy the bodies utterly. If they are still intact then the Necromancer can use his magic to raise them again. StarChild, we must destroy his crystal ball. Without it he’ll be powerless.” 
Vinneketh nodded and ran off. “There is only one problem,” Black Dahlia said to StarChild as they readied themselves. “Getting close enough. He will be guarding that crystal ball more closely than he guards his fellow Cultists. He will suspect us.” 
That gave StarChild an idea. “Not if we lure him to us.” 
Black Dahlia looked at him for a second, then grinned. “I like the sound of that~ It’s the best we’ve got anyhow.” 
Snarling and screaming made them turn their heads, and they saw undead and living Cultists alike descending on a group of soldiers, slashing their throats and piling on top to overwhelm them. 
StarChild clenched his fists, and purple energy swirled and coiled around them. “Shall we~?” 
Black Dahlia twirled her staff. “Let’s~” 
They broke into a run towards the building mound of bodies, and right as they reached it Black Dahlia slammed her staff into the ground and StarChild leapt into the air. A powerful gust of wind tore through the battlefield, blowing the undead off the soldiers, while StarChild, now a comet of purple light, flew over the Cultists to pick them up and throw them off like they were nothing. Then he flew down to help a soldier off the ground. “Are you all right?”
“Yes, my Prince, we are.”
“Good.” StarChild patted his shoulder. “Keep fighting!” 
Freddie’s voice could be heard from the main gates. Brian continued playing his Red Special, assisting Freddie in incapacitating the Cultists, while Roger changed his drumsticks into escrima sticks, and John’s bass guitar became a morningstar mace. “Let’s get to work, Johnny boy!” Unfortunately John was caught off guard before he could attack when a Cultist’s weapon hit him in the head and sent him to the ground. 
“You shall be sacrificed to my Mistress!!” the man said fanatically as he raised the end of his spear in the air, aiming for John’s heart. “Rejoi—”
An arrow struck him through the heart, and he fell to the ground. Dalila lowered his bow and ran to John to help him up. “Are you all right..my darling~?”
“Fine…” John rubbed his head and gave him a nod. “Thank you..lovely~” 
“Dalila, c’mon!” Masika called from where he and Bomani were fighting. Masika was flipping and twisting and throwing his daggers, with the biggest grin on his face. “You’re missing all the fun!” 
Bomani cut down a Cultist with his axe. “That’s twenty for me!”
“I’m only on seventeen, come on!” 
Dalila sighed and shook his head. Leave it to his brothers to turn a battle into a competition. "As if they need my help. They seem to be doing just fine on their own~" 
"They certainly have an..interesting idea of fun as well~" John remarked. When Dalila turned to him and smiled he returned it, their gazes reflecting unspoken words of affection. As much as they longed to embrace, that had no place on the battlefield "This is..rather embarrassing. I must admit..as skilled as I am with my weapon I have never been in a battle of such..intensity. I would appreciate your assistance if you would care to accompany me~" Dalila's smile only widened. "We are allies are we not? I would consider it a grave injustice to not render aid when I am asked~"
"Then it would be an honor to have you backing me up~" John gripped his mace tightly as another group of Cultists ran towards them with weapons drawn. "Now..let's go make them seriously regret their life choices.."
In the sky, Demon swooped down, drenching Cultists attacking another group of soldiers with his blood. He landed next to the smoking, melting pile of flesh, setting it ablaze with his fire. "There's a few more that maniac can't resurrect." 
"W-we must fall back.." An injured soldier spoke in a voice barely audible. "If we die..we will just become undead fodder for the Necromancer..and we will not disgrace KISSteria in such a way!!" Demon nodded. "Regroup then. Take your injured inside the Palace where the Sisters can attend to you. Tell the others that can still fight to go to the Sisterhood's Temple. The people need their soldiers. The Armies of Rhye and Jendell can relieve you." 
"Yes sir! Retreat to the Palace, Army of KISSteria! We must ensure the safety of the people!!" 
"Demon! Demon!" 
Demon didn't even flinch when a frantic Fox barreled face first into his chest and fell backward. "Having trouble are we?" Fox rubbed his sore nose. "I've never had to fight like this. They won't even listen to reason. They just..want to kill.." 
"And they want my daughter." Demon snarled, red smoke billowing from his eyes. "But they won't have her. Not while I still draw breath." Fox looked up with wide eyes. He wished he had Demon's courage. His determination. Now he just felt..so useless.
The sound of StarChild's voice startled him from his thoughts. 
"Why is my army retreating?!" 
Demon cracked his neck. "They were taking too many casualties. I told them to fall back to the Palace." StarChild frowned. "I had..no idea things were so dire for them. If that is what is best then so be it. Fox, you can help them. Make sure they get inside the Palace safely. These savages mean to end their lives to make more undead for their Master. Deny them." Fox swallowed a huge lump in his throat. "B-but I.." 
"Fox." StarChild's tone was firm but at the same time..comforting. "I would not have asked you to join KISS if I did not have faith in your abilities. I remember what you showed us when we performed together, don't you? I know you are afraid. We all are. Don't let it hinder you. Let it steel you. Let it make you fight harder for the innocent. Show them they should never underestimate the cunning and strength of the Fox." Demon placed a hand on Fox's shoulder. "You're not alone. You're never alone. I will be in the sky above. I will rain hell down upon them." Fox watched as Demon spread his wings again and flew off, disappearing into the clouds.
"StarChild, I need you!!" Black Dahlia yelled. StarChild clenched his fists. "I must go. Don't forget..you are not dead weight. You are here because you deserve to be." He smiled briefly before flying off, impaling the attacking Cultists with his star blades. "GET YOUR DIRTY HANDS OFF HER!!" 
"I am cunning. I am strong. I am cunning. I am strong.." Fox repeated those words over and over under his breath. Just saying them wasn't enough though. He had to believe them as well. He looked up. Demon could not be seen, but he could be felt. 
He was always close just as he said he would be. "I have a job to do." he said with a furrowed brow, now glowing a bright orange. "I must protect the soldiers. Come to me, Fox Army. Help me fight for the defenseless!!" Energy burst forth from his body and took shape. Giant foxes. Regal. Beautiful. Powerful. They stood on either side of their Summoner, fangs and claws bared. "You all know who the enemy is. Not one more soldier dies today." 
Meanwhile Starchild and Black Dahlia were making headway. So much that it enraged the Necromancer. His brothers and sisters had accomplished nothing save minor scrapes. Could nothing be done about their blasphemous magic? 
Very well. If they could not kill the pesky prince and the Sister of the false gods, he would do it himself. 
"Time to face facts, Necromancer.." Black Dahlia pointed her staff as she and StarChild closed in on their target. "..you've failed. You're finished. Surrender now and we may find it in our hearts to go easy on you." 
"Easy..as in killing you outright instead of you rotting in a dungeon for the rest of your life." StarChild said, his eyes glowing brightly. The Necromancer held his crystal ball tightly in both hands, his expression seething with hatred. "You think you have me? Think again, blasphemers!! You.." He pointed to StarChild with a twisted grin. "I have a little gift for you~" He cringed. "Save it. I don't want anything from the likes of you." 
"Are you certain~?" Red smoke poured out from the crystal ball and began to take shape. A human shape. StarChild backed away, looking on with wide, horrified eyes. "No..no. It can't be!!" Black Dahlia  was at his side immediately. "What is it? StarChild!!" 
"NO!!" StarChild backed away from the smoky form of the Crimson Witch. "You can't be here!! YOU'RE DEAD!!" The Necromancer laughed. "Do you really believe you can stop the Mistress's resurrection?! You may think you are on the verge of victory by killing my brothers and sisters..but their deaths have only strengthened me!! Their souls fuel my power!! And now I summon the Mistress's spectral form to annihilate you!!" 
“Bastard..” StarChild cursed through gritted teeth. He glanced over at Black Dahlia who nodded to him. “Ever at your side, my friend.” He smiled. “I admit it..you caught me off guard with that one, Necromancer. But you’re forgetting..we’ve destroyed her before. Try not to cry when we turn your precious Mistress to dust. Again.” 
To be Continued!!
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