#if i do more liveblogging (which i will) or just. in general. i rlly need to get a tagging system
is chaotic liveblogging of stuff you read a thing you do often?
i did one of drowning (in plain sight) where i reread most of the chapters and then finished the final two a little bit back, making posts for each chapter! most of them are pretty hard to read because i formatted them horribly but the link to the first chapter's post is here: https://cloudsthatglowinthenightsky.tumblr.com/post/709920628830011392/ok-first-chapter-no-yeah-bbygirl-u-cannot. but doing this liveblogging was like literally so much fun so i'll probably do another as soon as i get a good longfic and set aside some time! i just need more recs tbh :,) so not really a thing i do often but definitely something i want to be doing!
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thewertsearch · 4 months
Ask Comp 11/06
@ben-guy asked: […] Imagine the Greek god level drama that would have unfolded with those 12 drama machines if they all went God tier. Even if they all entered the human universe without the two teams fighting over who gets to rule it, there would be no ending the divides that would form for any and all reasons, from quadrants to rulership over Kanaya's new trolls. Kinda curious about your takes on all this, even if it will take a while for you to see this :]
That's exactly it. Vriska's assuming that having a more powerful team would be strictly beneficial - which is hilarious, coming from her.
Like - Vriska. What have you done with your God Tier powers, lately?
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Did it benefit the team?
Anonymous asked: its really interesting how the first time vriska kills not out of necessity or due to any extenuating circumstances, she almost immediately regrets it
I think it's beginning to dawn on Vriska that she has nothing to hide behind this time. She's stopped being forced to kill, and has graduated to choosing it. It's little wonder she's falling apart.
Anonymous asked: for what it's worth, i've always taken vriska's interpretation of sburb at face value. it's a setting, or a stage, moreso than a character or an organism
Sburb certainly feels like a narrative, which is closely tied to its coming-of-age themes. John isn't John in the game, he's a character called the Heir of Breath from Consort mythology, and it's predestined that he'll fulfil this narrative role - or else.
Sburb is a play. And if you mess up your lines, the stage will collapse underneath you.
@manorinthewoods asked: You know, during your original analysis of the Creation Myth reveal, you made a lot of notes about how the Denizen grist caches must have been comically large, or multiplicative, to allow the alchemisation of universes. Clearly there is no need for that, given the Genesis Frog, so… what is it for, do you think? ~LOSS (7/6/24)
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This grist is confirmed to be for the Ultimate Alchemy, which I've been assuming is synonymous with the creation of the Genesis Frog. I guess Jade's currently creating the Frog without any Denizen Grist to speak of, but I assume it'll come into play later on.
My best guess? The frog has to literally eat the Denizen Hoards to grow into a full-sized universe.
Anonymous asked: I wanted to stop by and say your liveblogs are super interesting!! Back when I first read homestuck I didn’t really bother with analysis, just kinda screamed inchoherentoy at my friends, so actually seeing the narrative and char arcs broken down like this into understandable chunks of why might it be written this way, what is the char thinking, why are they thinking that, how does that play into what might happen - it’s super cool thank you for all this !! Anonymous asked: finally catched up with your liveblog, i have been a homestuck for like a semester and i am rlly happy to see someone go this in depth on a liveblog about it! Anyways! Whats the character you relate the most to, so far? - bralsra
Thank you very much!
It's funny. I've talked before about how I was never great at writing analytical essays in English class - but I'm essentially doing the same thing here, and I'm having a great time. I guess it's just more fun when it's a science fantasy webcomic and not, like, Nineteen Eighty-Four.
Who do I relate to the most, I wonder? To be honest, it's probably Kanaya, which probably isn't too surprising if you're a regular reader.
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I've said things that are 90% similar to the shit she comes out with. She's so great.
@manorinthewoods asked: I'd like to hear your thoughts on each individual blood caste[…]. ~LOSS (7/6/24)
It's hard to generalize the blood castes, since we've only seen one example of each blood color thus far. Broadly speaking, we're aware that:
Lower bloods have more psychic power.
Higher bloods have more psychic resistance.
Highbloods appear to be physically stronger.
Kanaya's blood color is extremely rare, which implies that, contrary to my expectations, higher blood isn't always rarer than lower blood.
Beyond that, I can't say much more. Based on Karkat's position in the Trollian friend list, he was probably 'supposed' to have green blood, but I don't know if mutating out of the spectrum has actually changed his biology in any way.
He's not psychic, so we can at least assume he doesn't 'count' as being on the bottom of the hemospectrum.
@john-egbert-rose-lalonde asked: the searcherrrrrrrr
"why so discarded" - the drawer
Anonymous asked: Hey, since you like to experiment with stuff, what dl you think would happen if a Tier 2 Sprite prototyped itself into a Tier 1 Sprite?
Great question. I went in-depth into it during a previous ask - although I can imagine it's quite a rare occurrence. How often are two unprototyped Sprites on the same Land?
Anonymous asked: While I think a discord server is a good idea, I think it might be best for everyone if it's one where only you and those helping you with the blog can post anything. That might ruin the community aspect a little, but I feel like it'd be worth it to not get spoiled if you do ever make one. Feel free to completely ignore this- not exactly riveting things I'm sending here.
Right! Quick update on the Discord situation.
Initially, I was going to have Cat help me set it up, but she's been incredibly busy with her thesis lately. Plus, she hasn't really used the platform either, so we had no idea what we were doing. Might need to shelve the Discord server idea until later, or until it becomes necessary.
@krixwell asked: John Egbert when he's told the Earth is done for: John Egbert when his friend is his sister and his dad is his half-brother: John Egbert when he dies ignoble deaths at the hands of manipulators: John Egbert when Fruit Gushers are a Betty Crocker product: MENTAL BREAKDOWN
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Dude's got his priorities straight.
@mhafanlol2000 asked: I’m taking an IT course next year, and I want a head start during this summer. Would you know any free beginner’s courses to any languages that would help in that department?
I'll always champion W3Schools as a great first port of call for tech self-learning. All the resources I've found there are well-put together, and let you test your code out in-browser.
As I mentioned to a previous asker, I'd recommend starting with the C language if you're genuinely interested in programming. It's a little harder to use than other, more high-level languages, but it'll teach you more about programming than they will. I'd liken it to learning to drive in manual, rather than automatic. You lose nothing, and acquire skills you wouldn't otherwise know about.
@caliquill submitted:
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i'd like to briefly point out this tidbit of the first conversation eridan has with kanaya @krixwell asked: Gamzee to Equius, page 2221: "iF i CoUlD mAkE yOu SmIlE iT'd Be ThE bEsT fUcKiN mIrAcLe I eVeR dId PaRt Of." @dopplesgryndthloggle asked: I'm just gonna put this here: pg 2221 TC: WhAt CaN i Do To MaKe A bRoThEr FuCkIn ShApE hIs ShIt Up? TC: iF i CoUlD mAkE yOu SmIlE iT'd Be ThE bEsT fUcKiN mIrAcLe I eVeR dId PaRt Of. TC: hOnK hOnK hOnK! :o)
...this comic is going to go absolutely wild on a reread, isn't it?
Anonymous asked: oh god no, the clown got you :(
Thanks for the migraine, Gamzee!!
@5am-nztime asked: Insert the one millionth "The Heir of Void, Devoid of Air" joke you've probably gotten. I love dramatic irony
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You're actually the only person who sent this one in - and I'm glad you did. It's kind of killing me.
Anonymous asked: a common interpretation is that equius smiles because he knows nepeta might find his body and he doesn't want her to think he died in pain :((
Shit, that's kind of devastating. That said, he had no reason to think Gamzee would leave his body where it was - but that said, he clearly wasn't thinking straight at the time.
Anonymous asked: fun little detail: the ==> leading to equius taking an arrow to the knee is replaced with an arrow, -->
He used to be a Sgrub Player like us :(
Anonymous asked: The idea that he somehow has the freakin' WARHAMMER OF ZILLYHOO in his jokerkind specibus but he STILL only brings out a low-tier pair of juggling clubs is somehow even more intimidating
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Where did he even get the thing? When did he get it? Is this from before or after the Pen-Pal got their hands on it?
...if Gamzee is the Pen-Pal, I'm quitting the comic.
@morganwick asked: Well, as long as you don't know for sure whether Nepeta died, you could say… she's both alive and dead until she's observed? @ipunchvampires asked: By cutting away from Nepeta's fate, it's technically ambiguous right now whether she's alive or dead, since we cannot observe her. So you could say that she… heh heh, that she's Sch… she's Schröding…
....oh, god damn it.
Anonymous asked: I feel like there should be an intermission style counter. 4/12 Alien Children Murdered.
If you include Aradia and Vriska, the tally's up to seven. Murderstuck started a long time ago, it seems.
Anonymous asked: i would like to think equius says b100 like how boris johnson says blue in that one interview where he mentions the us brand new BLUE passports or whatever
I also think his voice suits Equius's character fairly well...
Anonymous asked: To be fair on the “overwhelmingly violent purplebloods” angle, Gamzee was stoned out of his mind basically 24/7 until they got to the meteor, so they probably would’ve thought it was a nonissue. […]
I suppose. But if everyone knows purplebloods are habitual murderers, I don't know why you'd ever let one into your friend group. There's always a possibility that one day, his slime delivery will be late, and he'll snap your neck for fun.
@wickedsick asked: You know, this would be the perfect spot for a paradox space intermission. You can read the fluffy comics to wash the taste of blood out of your mouth!
I thought about it - but in the end, I decided to liveblog the Paradox Space comics at the point in the comic where they were released.
Otherwise, Cat'd have to spoiler-check each comic with a fine-toothed comb, and I'd have to delay many of them anyway. Better to get them all out at once.
Anonymous asked: considering that eridan was on feeding duty for gl'bgolyb and had to kill lusii year round under apocaliptic threat im not surprised his response under pressure is to kill something
It really says a lot about the difference between him and Vriska, doesn't it? Vriska's reaction to killing Tavros was a full on existential crisis, but Eridan's first reaction to killing Feferi was to immediately kill again.
@witchoflight asked: hey sally i just wanna remind you of the conversation that dave and gamzee have, specifically about the line: "TC: My mInD'S NoT ThAt sHaRp nOw tHoUgH, iT'S BeEn aGeS SiNcE I HaD A GoOd pIe" gamzee hasn't had access to sopor for WEEKS, not since they entered the game. […]
Was he sober, though? He's still acting stoned, and using his original quirk, so if he did sober up, he must have immediately decided to pretend he didn't, and then arbitrarily reveal himself as sober later on.
To me, it feels like it just took a while for the slime's effects to fully fade. It might genuinely have taken a month for it all to leave his system.
@mimescantscream asked: Now that Gamzee has swiftly become the most important character, any thoughts on his transformation?
It's weirdly drastic, isn't it?
Like, if he was hiding this personality under sedatives this entire time, surely we should have seen some hint of it, in all the time we've known him. We've even been in his head, and he seemed like exactly who he appeared to be.
Was Gamzee unaware of this latent personality? Do we have a Jekyll and Hyde situation on our hands? He does say he's 'both' of his messiahs...
@elkian asked: You've now reached the point where I can (probably) say that the common fandom Exile match for Kanaya is Problem Sleuth, as he has the Vampire schema mode. (Plus a jade-green ultimate attack.)
Oh, I love that for her. We better be seeing Team Sleuth in some form before the end, even if it's just a cameo.
@krixwell asked: I think you're blaming the wrong chat program. Trollian is an advanced alien chat program powered by futuristic sci-fan shenanigans, with features specifically designed to allow the user to choose the timeframe at which they try to contact someone. Pesterchum, not so much. Pesterchum if anything is retro, with only the most barebones of 1-on-1 chat features, a status setting that barely changes anything unless you're rancorous, and a block feature that seemingly fails to recognize incoming Trollian connections from the same user at different times (possibly Trollian's fault). Even setting aside the frogskin barrier, it's a wonder the two programs can communicate at all. So when someone uses Pesterchum to contact a Trollian user whose timeline is entirely separate from their own, with no interface to pick a timeframe on, how exactly is either program supposed to know when to contact them?
I guess most of our nonlinear conversations have been Trollian-to-Pesterchum.
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Karkat has tied himself into knots over memos, but that is admittedly a slightly different use case.
And can I just say, I love the concept of a 'frogskin barrier'. These two parties have been beaming messages from frog-to-frog this entire time, and the walls between their dimensions are literally made of skin.
@captorations asked: consider: this means that the sbahj joke that following kanaya's death was actually foreshadowing given the comic it's from
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I can't fucking believe this.
Anonymous asked: tbh i'll never get over how the presumable FIRST THING kanaya did upon coming back to life was just. to wade through the horn pile to drink blood from a corpse.
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Vriska's getting a little competition for Troll Of All Time!
@morganwick asked: I mean, technically Jade was already in the Fruity Rumpus Asshole Factory, it was just with two Karkats and Dave only made a brief appearance.
16-player fruity rumpus argument or we riot
Anonymous asked: do you think you'll liveblog tsg if you read it?
I wasn't planning on it, but if there's a lot of demand, I'll definitely think about it. If I was to liveblog any fanfic, it'd probably be that one, since it's a proper 'event fanfiction' from the author of TLT.
Anonymous asked: re: the ultimate riddle: karkat actually already explained it on page 1903. basically its just some more timeloop/alpha timeline predestination stuff
The sense I got was that there was a section of the conversation that we missed.
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On Skaia, John begins a conversation with an early version of Karkat about the Ultimate Riddle, but the camera moves away before they really get into it. Then, on the Veil, an early Karkat shows up to continue a point he was making about the Riddle, implying that there's a section of this conversation that was deliberately obfuscated.
I initially thought that the Riddle was the mystery of Sburb itself - ie, what the point of the game is. I still think that's probably pretty close, but I do wish we got this full conversation, just in case.
Anonymous asked: “Scratch positioned [Vriska] as someone who will perpetuate a monumental, large-scale mistake, and I don't think there's anything she could do on the Veil that fits the bill.” When John was about to prototype jades sprite with a broken doll, Vriska made him fall asleep, and Becquerel jumped in the sprite instead, leading to Jack Noir becoming an unbeatable boss and destroying the trolls session. I think that could be the perpetuation of a large scale mistake.
Possibly. But as violent as Jack is, I don't think he's a huge threat to the rest of the multiverse.
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He takes hours to rampage through a session, but there are presumably trillions of sessions out there in the multiverse. From a top-level perspective, he's not doing meaningful damage, and it's certainly within Vriska's comprehension.
I actually think Vriska's going to do something much worse than make Jack. If she contributes to the creation of Lord English, for example, she might be breaking something that can't be repaired.
Anonymous asked: Honestly its a little sad though right? That the troll kids are snapping and dying? Like yeah they were raised on a violent murder planet but also, they're all still 13 years old and have been without their means of Sleeping Naturally for a while (the sopor slime is how trolls usually get sleep) not being an apologist or anything but the murders could've been prevented with healthy moraillegences and good nights sleep.
Oh, it's horrific, that should go without saying. If the trolls had got some decent shuteye, it'd have kept them stable for at least slightly longer.
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tiptapricot · 2 years
MK liveblog moments, The Goldfish Problem
Steven checks for footprints when getting up and winces at his ankle
I love Steven I love him so much
Oh my god episode one has so much foreshadowing
Wonder where Steven keeps his name tag when he’s at home bc he takes it from his chest pocket
I NEED to see the convo that happened w Dylan in a season two also she seems so fun
Taweret plushies my beloved
I literally cannot see Steven as Oscar they just look diff it’s ridiculous
Ammit plushies :-)
Steven already had a crush on Dylan n I’m just… thinking ab Jake or Marc setting that up for him again
The sound effects r so nice but on these speakers the dialogue is less crisp
Steven looks like he’s eating cereal while researching?
What is the origin of the staying awake thing like what is it for bc it sounds like it’s for somth paranormal
Marc bestie whYYY did u jump out the window ily
Steven’s lips look nice w blood he should wear lipgloss
I wonder if Steven got shot while running away nnjust didn’t notice bc he was too scared
One of the ladies brings a dog to see harrow it’s v cute
Shaky cam following Steven is so gOood
“Call me Arthur” I’ll call u a bitch that’s what I’ll do fuck off
When harrow tells the lady he believes she’s been good but that the scales don’t lie it hits weird when u know he knows he’s unbalanced
I wonder where Marc n Harrow have met before. Like it had to b through or bc of Khonshu or somth with the avatar switch n I wanna know like… bc he doesn’t seem to have actually met met him so maybe he’s been watching the caped stories from afar?? V intriguing.
Steven’s lil eye crinklies :-)
The. Score. I’m. HMGGGHG.
I rlly wanna know which of the Alps switches r Marc vs Jake
Wham :-)
There should b more wham songs in MK and in action movies in general esp beyond Wake Me Up bc there’s some other fantastic songs
I’m glad that we see Steven swear normally bc it wouldn’t feel right if he didn’t
We need to hear him say fuck tho
I like that Khonshu’s voice always seems to be coming from above, like he’s in the overvoid
Oscar has such good acting in every ep but this one esp it’s like
He does such a good job w Steven’s panic
I hope Dylan n Steven get to b friends again
The failed date scene… aughhhhh
Call 32 looking at u so hard
Watching this on a big screen in a dark room truly brings out the creep factor n makes all the darker scenes so much more fun n dramatic
Also Steven mentions contacts which I assume he actually had w the glasses
Also fuck that lady in the elevator who freaked out from Steven just bc he was acting distressed
Also I wonder what Marc did that evening when he took back over for Steven
Also he dressed him in a flat shirt instead of a patterned one that’s such an interesting deet
Idk if I just dk how displays work but are the pillars in the gallery w Ammit on em like remakes or are those real n just not behind glass
Steven asks “are you going to kill me?” So plainly I love him. And hen Khonshu flickers the lights bc no way his avatar isn’t gonna die. Also the speech harrow gives Steven is ab Khonshu but it probably hits more like ab Marc to steven
Steven’s fingers twitch while harrow judges the body
I wonder if Steven watches horror or not I could see him being interested in the effects
His poor arm :-(
Ur not gonna die. Let me save us.
The way the bandages r hesitant n slow bc the switch is
The wedding ring being cracked in three haha Layla ur marrying three guys
Also didn’t realize the bullet hole in the glass in the credits has their face reflected in it
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tfw-no-tennis · 4 years
mtmte liveblog issue 18
lets goooo
I love the ‘no guns no swords no briefcases’ sign sm
NEVER over the ‘my first blaster(tm): big grip for little hands’ fucking iconic
‘get the hell out of my bar’ swerve lmao ily
so now we continue on with the remain in light arc, this issue subtitled ‘house of ambus,’ which is a dopeass name and also promises some ambus lore, which is exciting
first aid holding his gun sideways like a gangsta lmao I canttt
forgot there's literally a guy named dipstick LMAOOOOO that's funny on so many levels like...it sounds like dipshit, and also a urine dipstick is a urine test used to detect various stuff so that's the first thing I think of...what a name
‘put two and two together and make it a fist’ skids ily sm
pharma is in full-on dr thot mode over here, oh boy
lockdown looks like such a nerd on his edgy decepticon hoverboard
the fact that cyclonus immediately goes along w/whirls suggestion to disobey rodimus and attack the enemy....both of them are icons
OOOH ALL THE TITANS...that's such a good panel 
ok but I cant get over how lowkey funny it is that there's this battle going on rn where most of the participants can turn into various vehicles, but they're all riding around on dorky air scooters instead. this series, man
well, at least chromedome transformed
I fucking love that rodimus is always doing this like, ridiculous 80s action movie nonsense, I feel like that's perfect considering his g1 debut was in a ridiculous 80s action movie
poor tg just found out he’s gonna die in like 3 days and then rodimus immediately is like ‘wanna make that today?’ and does some crazy shit while tg clings to him like a terrified baby
rodimus mid-car transformation is fucking wild lmao
and now we finally get to see a bit more of what’s going on with our framing device flash-forward - it’s not just rodimus, everyone’s there! except ratchet...also, they’re in jail. woohoo!
and then there’s magnus, looking completely healthy but strangely unresponsive...
TYREST....this motherfucker....he is like, SO MUCH. the cape...the helmet crown thing...the holes....
tyrest told rodimus to ‘shut up or be held in contempt’ ayyyyyyyyyyyy
‘crimes against creation’ that's pretty dramatic dude
Let The Robots Swear!!
ok but rlly I find it funny that they're not allowed to say swear words (I'm assuming its not allowed rather than it being a creative choice) but all the death and violence and body horror is ok
chromedome is sitting there like oh holy shit did I find my now-dead husbands missing 1st husband after millions of years, like a WEEK after my husband died
chromedome mimicking the moustache with his finger...cute
its interesting to see a ‘sibling’ type of relationship here, since that's really uncommon for tfs since they don't really have families/lineage - of course, we don't really get to see dominus and minimus interact (until the FU), so
minimus really tried to pass himself off as a law-breaking smuggler lmaoooo that was never gonna work mdude
like he just continues acting exactly like ultra magnus except he pretends not to know these guys lol
‘forceful expressions of innocence’ tailgate ily
poor tg :( 
OH GOD pharma time. he’s out here looking totally unhinged and also thotty somehow, like usual
I SO subscribe to the idea that ratchet and pharma are exes are pharma still isn't over ratchet. that's the most entertaining and interesting way to read their interactions imo
dual chainsaw hands.....Bruh.
skiiiiiiiiiiiids....I love skids, he’s just such a good dude
also he’s really cool and also sexy. I feel like if anyone would be the mary sue of the series it would be skids rather than rung lmao 
oh shit I forgot skids gets skewered by star saber
aaaaaand ratchet’s in the box!!!! jesus pharma just say you kin the joker and go
HOW is ratchet alive tho like....wouldn't he need energon?? isn't energon basically blood for them, but also food, and fuel, and basically everything? I don't get it but yknow what, ill suspend my disbelief bc its so entertaining 
see, the little backstory on tyrest is really interesting, cause it seems to me that at one point, tyrest did have the best interests of the cybertronian people in mind, and he really did stand for true justice and tried to end the war peacefully - but somewhere along the way things went bad, and now here he is
oh rung, scolding somebody for revealing top secret information, that’s rich coming from mr hipaa violations himself 
lmao and minimus cant restrain himself from scolding rodimus either, and then very obviously fishing for information so he can ask questions without it being clear that he already knew all about the lost light 
vhbjahdbhjhdf im NEVER over rung passive-aggressively antagonizing minimus so he can accuse him of being ultra magnus hvbhjkdnfssfhsabjhdfk that's so funny
also its another example of rung maybe not being the best at his job - he’s basically manipulating magnus’s OCD to try to force minimus into revealing his identity...ethical? perhaps not. effective? oh yeah
I mean I guess you could say this is an example of rung being really good at his job, bc he was able to use psychology to deduce minimus’s identity...it’s more like he also decided to disregard medical ethics and ethics in general 
and then the reveal....ultra magnus is actually a much smaller green dude?! whaaaat!? 
ill talk more about it later but fr this is one of my favorite concepts that mtmte introduced, I fucking love it 
ahhhh I love this issue. tho tbh I love basically every issue. anyways tho I love the continuation of ratchet and pharma’s story, with pharma officially going off the rails with some complete bullshit, and also the big reveal about magnus/minimus! great stuff
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suteshiro · 5 years
ALL for crown.
If your character wasn’t an adventurer, what livelihood would they lead?
Wouldn’t you want to know
Who in the party would your character trust the most with their life?
For now I can’t say for sure? From the ones he currently knows it’s hard to tell bc he trusts Love in a Personal Way but is lowkey convinced he’d sell him to Satan for a corn chip. And Gank seems p trustworthy in that regard but they have only briefly met each other
What are your character’s core moral beliefs?
No one gets to control or take away someone else’s autonomy
What relationship does your character have with their parents and siblings?
Parents? Hate ‘em. Siblings? H
Does your character have any biases for or against certain races?
Eeh, I don’t think so
What is your character’s opinion on nobility? On authority?
Take a wild guess ksvjfnskjv 
He doesn’t think someone having authority is inherently bad but he hates every person in authority he’s ever known of so his opinion has been formed based on that
Describe your character’s current appearance: clothes, armor, scars they’ve picked up along the journey, etc.
I’m lazy. You know what she looks like
What location encountered in the campaign has your character felt the most “at home” in, or just generally liked the most?
Campaign hasn’t started yet so I can’t say anything about which locations visited she’s liked! She feels very comfortable at the spot we’re starting at tho
What deity, if any, does your character worship? What’s their opinion on other people’s worship?
Caenrys babey. She’s a bit weirded out by people who dedicate themselves to organized religion but in general she doesn’t stick her nose in others’ religious business
If your character had time to pick up any artisan’s tools, game set, instrument, etc., what would it be?
Artisan’s tools: I think he’d like glassblowing! Woodworking is cool too
Game set: playing cards probably
I don’t think he’s rlly interested in music as something he himself might perform vkjfnfksjn
Learning how to use a poisoner’s kit could be fun
Describe your character’s current relationship with the player character sitting to your right.
I’m not sitting next to anyone so I rolled for it and got Gank (@prophe-seer​‘s character)
Crown likes Gank a lot! They only met like, once but they rlly got along. She feels a bit bad for them bc they seemed to think she was rlly nice and instead of considering she Might genuinely be nice she jumped to “oh shit the bar is fucking underground for this guy” skvjfnksjfvn. So she’s surprisingly attached. She wants them to have an actual friend bc it seems like they need it
What is your character’s current goal, summed up in one sentence?
I’m headed straight for the castle
Does your character ever want to “settle down” with a spouse, children, house, etc.?
Currently, no. She has a lot of dangerous shit to do and is too caught up on being A Free Spirit That Actually Gets To See The World to like,, consider settling down. And she hasn’t given any thought to what life she’ll have after her goals have been fulfilled.
But I’ve actually given some thought to this and I think she wants to make a family one day. Idk if it’ll include children (probably adopting older “problem” children tbh) or a spouse but she definitely wants to settle down with at least one pet
Has your character ever been in love?
What battle in the campaign has been most memorable to your character?
Haven’t played yet!
If your character wasn’t whatever class they are, what would they be instead?
Probably a fighter skjvfnskjfvn or a paladin
What is your character’s favorite season?
Autumn! Lovs the cronch. Loves to get to cool down after summer
What would your character’s Zodiac sign be, following stereotypical astrology?
I actually already made this decision ksjfnkvsjn she’s an Aries. I remember liveblogging my decision making to a friend regarding this but i cant remember what it was and im lazy
Where in the world does your character most want to visit?
Oh you know
What is the biggest mistake your character has ever made?
Oh you know,
Does your character have any noticeable scars? If so, what are their stories?
Probably not!
What animal best represents your character?
If your character could go back in time and change one thing about their life, what would it be?
Oh you know,,,,
Which other player character does your character find themselves having the most in common with?
Not sure yet!
Does your character regret any particular choice the party has made?
idk yet ksvfsjfv
What would your character say their best trait would be?
uuuh i dont think he thinks of himself in positive terms a lot skvnksjfvn
he’d probably name his strength or smth like that
What is your character’s greatest fear? Deep, irrational?
Oh, you know!
What is currently motivating your character to stay with the party?
I don’t know cause we don’t have the plot hook yet
What are your character’s hobbies and interests outside of their class?
he likes collecting small trinkets and going to festivals and thats. about it
What would most people think when they first see your character?
“Oh shit sexy”
What stereotypical group role does your character play in the party? (The Mom, the Mess, the Comic Relief, etc. Optionally: What role would your character play in the “Five Man Band” structure?)
Surprisingly, I think it’s The Mom skjvfnksnvksjnvf he seems to be really going in the “What The Fuck. Are You Okay. I Must Protect You”
But also he’s absolutely the mess
 In a five man band he’s the leader, lancer and big guy all at once. Probably the lancer tho
What is your character the most insecure about?
He’s completely unable to see himself as a kind person worthy of tenderness
What person does your character admire most?
Gaylia!!! He thinks she’s so strong and cool
What does your character admire and dislike the most about the player character sitting to your left?
Going for Love since I talked about Gank already. He bedrudgingly admires how cunning and People Smart Love can be. Absolutely hates how much of a Bastard he is and how hot he is
Why is your character’s lowest stat their lowest (the in-character reason, not “because there’s no reason for a wizard to have 16 strength, duh”)?
Both int and wis are at a -2!
Wisdom: he wasn’t uh. raised in a way where he rlly got to learn the ways of people’s minds, or do anything but repress his own feelings. and once he was out on his own he was so focused on being a reckless fool he never even tried to change that
Intelligence: He has big adhd and always had a hard time learning. Instead of being supported he was yelled at and punished for stupidity. He retaliated by refusing to keep trying. So now he’s dumb 
What would be your character’s theme song/favorite band/favorite genre of music?
I have an entire playlist for him please look at it I worked so hard on it-
I think most  relevant are Castle by Halsey and Emperor’s new clothes by p!atd. I think he would also associate those songs with himself and really like them. Royals by Lorde is also up there for sure. And Rise from League of Legends
What stereotypical role would your character play in a high school AU/if they attended a normal high school? (Nerd, jock, bully, goth, etc.)
Goth jock.
What treasure/item/artifact that your character has collected during the adventure is the most important to them?
Not particularly precious to him and not in the adventure since we haven’t played yet but he has Love’s broken antler skvjfnksjfv
Is there any particular weapon, item, etc. that your character longs to find?
Oh you know
Where does your character feel the most at home?
Gaylia’s place probably,
Does your character care about how they’re perceived by others? How do they change themselves to fit in with other people?
She’s built her entire identity around refusing to give a fuck, however in truth she probably actively tries to be seen as rebellious and maybe intimidating
What does your character think is the true meaning of life?
Bold of you to imply she thinks that much
What is your character’s scent? (Bonus points for a description that sounds like it could be from a bad [or awesome] fanfic.)
Roses, lilies and musk ( have no clue if those go well together)
Does your character think more with their heart or their brain?
Heart, absolutely
What is your character’s most recent or frequent nightmare?
haha,,,, ha,,,,,,, h
What opinion does your character have on [CERTAIN ESTABLISHED GROUPS/AUTHORITIES IN THE GAME WORLD]? (Dragonmarked Houses, royal crown, etc.)
Wouldn’t you like to know
How did your character spend their childhood? Where did they grow up/who were their childhood friends?
Tumblr media
What aspect of your character’s future are they most curious about? (If they could know one thing about the future, what would it be?)
I will keep that to myself!
What colors are associated with your character?
Tumblr media
Who in the party would your character prioritize rescuing, in dire circumstances?
Is your character the most swayed by ethos, pathos, or logos?
If your character was granted a single use of Wish, what would they use it for?
I will keep that to myself!
What is your character’s favorite spell? If they don’t use spells: what is their favorite personal weapon/combat maneuver/skill/etc.?
She has spells and enjoys using them (probably mostly eldritch blast) but nothing beats her good trusty zweihander
How does your character feel about keeping secrets from the rest of the party?
She has no qualms with it ksvjfnskfjv
What type of creature in the world is your character the most intrigued by?
Love I dunno, snakes? Snakes are weird
When they were a child, what did your character want to be, or think they were going to be, when they grew up?
I don’t think Crown thought she was gonna make it to her 20s
The player character to your left admits that they’re passionately in love with your character. How would your character respond?
I rolled and got Gank skfvnksjvfn
I think he’d be flustered and flattered and be like “oh! we can. certainly try dating! but I can’t say I return your feelings right now. uh. sorry,,,”
If somebody (an NPC, someone from their backstory, etc.) your character trusts/loves asked your character to do something against the party’s best interest, who would they side with?
That’s a very complicated question that depends on many factors I’m afraid 
Does your character value their own best interest more than the party’s?
He wants to think he does, at least skvjnskvjf
What decision would the party have to make in order for your character to consider splitting off from the group?
Who knows!
How does your character imagine the way they will die?
Doing something stupid, completely alone
What is your character’s greatest achievement?
Making it to 25 honestly svkjnksfjnv
Is your character willing to risk the well-being of others in order to achieve their goal?
Depends on who those others are
What is your character’s opinion on killing others?
Sure why not let’s do it man
What is your character’s favorite food? Beverage?
Pizza and orange juice?
How generous is your character? Especially to those they don’t know?
Surprisingly generous! Maybe not so much with money but she’s always willing to lend a helping hand
What is your character the most envious about, regarding anyone in the party?
I don’t understand this question svknskjfv
The player character to your left and the player character to your right are both telling your character two different versions of the truth. Who does your character believe?
Again I keep choosing between Gank and Love bc they’re the only ones she knows kjfvnskjfvn I mean. it depends. if it’s on something Important I think she’ll side with Love but in general she’s more likely to believe Gank 
What is your character’s sexuality/relationship with sex?
Big bisexual, first of all!
She actually has a complicated relationship with sex! Being in any kind of Intimate Situation used to be very triggering for her. But she worked through it and now she’s. Horny
What is your character’s biggest pet peeve?
When people leave without paying their part.
Describe how your character feels about the party’s current situation/objective/etc.
Shit man I dunno we have no plan
Who in the party would your character trust the most to keep an important secret?
Love is the only one she’s known long enough to build any meaningful trust with svknskfv
If your character knew that they were going to die in a month, how would they spend the rest of their life?
Probably with his only genuine friend, trying to live life to the fullest kvjfnskfv,
What makes your character feel safe?
Being fully aware of his surroundings with easy access to his sword
If your character had the chance to rename the party/give the party a name, no questions asked, what would it be?
No party yet!
What memory does your character want to forget the most?
If your character had to multiclass into a class they currently aren’t the next time they level up, what would it be and what reason would they have for doing so?
Fukinuh. Paladin? He rlly likes Caenrys and is like “fuck it let’s do another combat charisma-based thing”
What television/book/video game/etc. character would your character be best friends with? (Or: what media character is your character the most influenced by/similar to?
He was heavily influenced by a webcomic character but i will keep Who a secret just in case it makes people figure stuff out skvnskvn
What unusual talents does your character possess?
Really good at doing things without looking, apparently skfjvnsfv
How does your character feel about receiving/giving orders? Are they more of a leader, or a follower?
Giving orders is. Kinda hot
Receiving orders? Die
What does your character’s name represent to them? (Or: why as a player did you choose your character’s name?)
Among other things, Crown’s name represents her proclaiming herself as someone with full authority, if anything, over herself. She’s claiming at every moment a position of power and I think that’s very sexy of her
Is your character more of an introvert, or an extrovert?
Ambivert, probably! Loves people but may get overwhelmed being around them too much
How far is your character willing to go to pursue the “greater good”? Do they believe in a greater good at all?
In theory she doesn’t believe in the greater good but she lies to herself so who knows what she’d do when push comes to shove skjvfnksjfv
What does your character want to be remembered by?
It’s complicated and I’m too lazy to explain it, especially without spoiling anything
What would be your character’s major in college?
He’d shrivel and die in an academic setting pal
Does your character consider themselves a hero, villain, or something else?
It’s complicated,,
Let’s say hero and keep it there
What major arcana tarot card best represents your character?
I’m between The Fool and The Magician. Strength is also fun
Where does your character see themselves in 20 years?
Oh, you know!
What is your character’s relationship with magic? Are they scared of it, wish to know more about it, indifferent to it?
Magic is,,, kinda hot!
Who is your character’s biggest rival?
Love ksjvfnksjfvkjsfv
What is your character’s guiltiest pleasure?
Bold of you to imply he feels guilt over anything pleasurable
What does your character hope for the afterlife?
He doesn’t think about that
Who in the party does your character trust the least?
Just as he trusts Love the most he also trusts him the least. Shady bastard
What is your character’s biggest flaw?
-2 wisdom
How did your character learn the languages that they speak?
Uh. Growing up and being raised?
What is your character’s favorite school of magic/type of weaponry?
What is most important to your character: health, wealth, or happiness?
What advice would your character give to a younger version of themselves?
“There’s power in your anger. Take action before it gets worse”
Are there any social or political issues your character feels strongly about?
It’s hard to explain bc I don’t know Politics Words
What, currently, is your character the most curious about?
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