#if i don't get it or i don't get hired at w*lmart then well!
godgavemenoname · 2 years
Everything is fucking falling apart
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theid0loftimeandspace · 10 months
Honestly it genuinely frightens me how even the horseshit, underpaying/overworking jobs don't have listings.
They won't even call you back if they do. I wish I was motivated and resourceful enough to start my own gig-business because there aren't going to be jobs soon. The working class are fucked unless they can figure out a way to make reliable income doing their own thing. The grocery store and supermarket jobs are becoming monopolized because kr*ger just bought up quite a few of their competitors and there's going to be a massive layoff in the next year or two. w*lmarts are closing due to well deserved theft problems. Fast food seems OK for now but they're functioning on skeleton crews so you will be overworked for minimum wage and scrap tips. Government facilities won't hire anyone without college, experience, or anyone under 40. Then there are businesses that idfk how they run. Never post job listings, but I can't imagine they don't have turnover. Half of them I'm sure I have no idea of their existence otherwise. Pre 2020 I remember jobs were so easy to get and there were actual opportunities for something other than flipping burgers or stocking shelves. Not a good time to be someone with no skills. In my personal experience college won't give that to you either! I was told my degree (decided not to finish because of the encounter) was worthless! This was for horticulture!! That's not a useless skill, but it's underpaying and no one will hire you entry level unless you're willing to be an unpaid intern. 99% of my problems are involving work and money. Not a new human experience but it's impossible to live outside of the system because those environments do not exist anymore. This ain't shit people in the 1900s had to deal with. Been saying this since uuuhhhh many years ago but I gotta figure something out LOL. Because massive layoffs are coming!
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