#if i feel like you're right then i won't bother presenting my argument
snallavanta · 2 years
kinda ironic how i studied communication, yet suck at doing it in real life
#idk#i read somewhere about someone else's experience & it resonated so well with me#they said how they rarely speak their mind because they like to have a full overview of the topic at hand#so they can have a full thought analysis on the topic before speaking about it#and it really related to me#except i find that i rarely come to that speaking my thoughts part because by the time it reaches that stage#i feel like i don't have anything else to offer to the conversation#if i feel like you're right then i won't bother presenting my argument#and maybe this comes off as uncommunicative a lot of the times#and idk as someone who always gets judged by what they say#i feel like it's becoming worse because the judgement & criticism just keeps piling onto one another#and ok maybe these criticism could be beneficial but idk people could still say them in a more motivational way y'know?#i don't mind being criticised if it's constructive#but sometimes it just hurts#sorry to trauma dump but i'm not having it rn#most of the time but especially now i feel like i can relate to simon so much#how simon dealt with the video then sara's betrayal is literally how i would cope with it#and idk it makes me feel less alone that other people deal with things the same way as i do#even if it may not be the best way to deal with it#i'm so tired#i wished someone would understand me in my way y'know#it would be very nice to have someone to talk to rn#why am i single & lonely#it's the worse combination fr#i am alone AND i have no friends 😐 seriously how pathetic is that
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Holy shit guys.
Did not expect that last post to blow up like that, like?? Thank you??
You're all amazing and I love you.
Almost as much as I love this sassy asshole.
Tumblr media
I mean look at him.
So anyway here's a ton of romancey headcannons, both fluffy and spicy, definitely NSFW.
LA!Mihawk X Fem!Reader
L'alphabet d'Amour:
Dracule Mihawk
A — Afterglow (How are they after sex?)
You're having a bath together. This is not up for debate.
He's going to get it started and carry you to the bathroom.
Candlelight, wine.
Probably not much talking, but he'll wrap an arm around your waist and pull you back against him, and trail kisses down your neck and your shoulders.
B — Backrubs? (Do they like them? Like giving them?)
Not really likely to initiate it on a whim unless he knows you're hurting.
He won't say no if you ask.
If he's sore and exhausted from training or fighting and you give him a massage, you're probably going to be getting a lot more than a massage in return.
Soft sighs and words of praise.
"You are an absolute treasure, my love."
C — Cuddling (Do they enjoy cuddling a lot ot only at certain moments?)
Again, he isn't likely to initiate it outside the bedroom, but if you drop yourself into his lap he's not going to turn you away.
Pulling you closer by your waist and brushing your hair away from your eyes.
Gettle kisses at your temple, the top of your head, your hands.
He's more iffy about it in public or when other peoole are present, and might be a little tense about doing more than having his arm around your waist while walking.
D — Dance (Are they good at it? Do they enjoy it?)
His grace and poise in swordfighting transfers directly to dancing.
It isn't exactly a hobby, but in the corrrect setting he enjoys it uwith you.
Strong preference for slow-dancing.
Holding your waist and cradling your hand gently in his his, gazing into your eyes in a way that makes your knees weak.
That little smirk when he notices you getting hot under the collar.
Leaning in to murmur in your ear, his hand slipping behind you to caress the back of your thigh.
"Now now...don't get too worked up, little one. We are still in public."
Soft kisses at your jaw and your neck when no one is looking.
E — Extravagant Genstures (Things they do to make you feel loved, things they appreciate you doing.)
He loves buying you things. Clothes, jewelry, perfume. Almost anything you mention wanting in front of him, he's going to find time to get it.
Taking you out for the evening to expensive restaurants and hotels, keeping an arm around your waist to make sure everyone knows you're his.
Possessive but not controlling—at least not outside of bed.
F — Fighting (How do they hand arguments/apologies?)
He ALWAYS has to be right. He doesn't like admitting he's wrong, but he will do so begrudgingly if he actually is.
He will apologize first if he has to—he doesn't like having you mad at him.
Silence doesn't normally bother him at all, but you giving him the silent treatment will drive him absolutely crazy.
"Would you just say something, woman? I prefer you yelling to this petty nonsense."
The make-up sex is absolute fire.
As if he isn’t the king of petty nonsense.
G — Getting Hot (What they do to turn you on, things you do that gets them riled up)
He doesn't beat around the bush—he has no problem worh pulling you to him, looking you in the eyes, and telling you he wants you.
Trails his fingers down your arms, your neck.
Deep, firm kisses, pressing you up against the wall.
He doesn't do much dirty talking, prefering to keep his nouth occupied with other things—but if you start talking dirty in his ear, there's not going to be much teasing before he's dragging you into bed (if you even make it that far).
Knowing how badly you want to touch him but pinning your hands above your head anyway.
H — Heartache (How would they handle it if you broke up with them?)
Completely devastated, though not showing it to anyone.
There's going to be a lot of wine involved.
Thinking of ways to win you back, though uncertain if or when it would be appropriate to attempt.
Seeing you in public and struggling not to just pull you to him and kiss you.
I — Intimacy (When are they intimate with you? And how often?)
He strongly prefers to be physically intimate in a private setting.
He has enough self-control not to be all over you 24/7, but he loves touching you and shows it plenty.
Sneaking up behind you and wrapping an arm around your waist, brushing your hair out of the way to kiss down your neck.
Whispering or murmuring sweet things in your ear.
Gazing into your eyes like you're the most incredible thing he's ever seen.
"You are a living goddess, my love."
J — Joker (How do they make you laugh?)
Usually it's his dry sarcasm. He's not the type to crack jokes but some of the one-liners that leave his mouth put you on the floor.
Undisputed king of shit-talking and insults.
"I envy everyone that has never met you."
It's fun to spout of stupid useless facts in front of him because the look on his face when his brain short-circuits always gives you a good giggle.
"Somewhere in the world, there exists a tree with the single purpose of replacing the oxygen you consume. I suggest you find it and apologize."
K — Kissing (How good? How often?)
It's not as if he can't keep his lips off of you, but he typically always gives you at least a peck on the lips or the cheek when you or he enters the room.
His kisses are deep and intense and tend to leave you breathless.
When you're getting intimate, he kisses every inch of your skin he can reach.
"You taste divine."
L — Lay down (How do they sleep with you? Are they cuddler or do they prefer their space?)
He loves falling asleep with you against him.
His arm under your neck and curled around your back, holding you against his side or his chest.
Combing his fingers through your hair as you drift off to sleep.
Pulling your hand up from his chest to press a kiss to it.
He doesn't say it constantly, but he always whispers "I love you" just before you fall asleep.
M — Making babies (Do they want to settle down and have kids?)
No kids.
Mihawk does not have the patience to deal with small boisterous humans.
He has never considered having children.
N — Nervous? (How confident are they when it comes to romance?)
Very confident, but not to the point if arrogance...usually.
Mihawk knows ehat he wants and he knows how to get it.
He doesn't beat around the bush or take half-measures.
If he knows you want the same thing—whether it's a kiss, a steamy make-out session, or hours of passionate love-making, he has no problem being the one to initiate.
O — Oral Fixation (Giving or recieving? And how good are they?)
He insists in being the dominant one in any intimate scenario, so he tends to be more of a giver.
Keeps his eyes glued to yours while he's trailing kisses down your body and up your thighs.
It's unheard of him to not have you moaning and calling his name within a minute flat.
No teasing or stopping right before you orgasm—he will literally make you cum until you pass out if you don't tell him to stop or slow down.
He isn't going to complain about recieving—but he always stops you before he can lose control, to either return the favor or fuck you senseless.
P — Pet Peeves (Things they don't like in a partner)
Questionable persinal hygeine. He's always clean and well-groomed and he values the same in his lover.
Uncleanliness in general, e.g. leaving trash or dirty dishes lying around.
Being indirect or aloof about your emotions. He doesn't mince words and he would strongly prefer you didn't either.
Q — Quiet Time (How much alone time do they need, or do they want to be with you 24/7?)
He doesn't utterly require that you be around him at all times, but it doesn't bother him if you want to be.
Don't bother him when he's training either, unless it's to request to train with him. He won't always agree to it, but he doesn't mind it sometimes.
Don't bother him while he's reading. He doesn't mind if you want to snuggle up next to him, but don't be distracting.
R — Romance (How romantic are they? Do they have to force it or dies it come natural?)
Romantic isn't his default setting, but when the mood strikes him he can and will make you feel like a goddess.
Candlelit dinners and expensive wine.
Laying out a blanket outside amd stargazing between tender kisses.
Making love on a bed covered in rose petals.
"You are my greatest treasure, little one."
Intimate, tender whispers against your skin.
S — Spending Money (How much do they like to spend on you?)
Being a pirate lord he's filthy rich, so he doesn't give a second thought about buying you things
If he sees a dress/outfit he'd like to see on you in a shop window, he doesn't hesitate to purchase it.
He buys you lingerie pretty regularly, in part because seeing you in lace or nylon more often than not leads to him tearing it off of you.
He gets quite baffled if you tell him he's spending too much on you.
"A beautiful woman deserves beautiful things."
He isn't going to stop, so it's better you just get used to it and enjoy it.
T — Trust (Are they trusting of you? Jealous?)
He trusts you implicitly—you wouldn't be his lover if he didn't.
That being said, he doesn't take kindly to other men looking at you or attempting to flirt with you, and he will make it known that you're his.
Even if that means grabbing you and kissing you in the middle of a crowded tavern, staking his claim for all to witness.
Too much PDA makes him a bit uncomfortable, but he doesn't want other men eyeing you like a piece of meat, either.
U — Underwear (What kind do they wear, and what kind do they like on you?)
Boxer-briefs. He's hung and he knows it, and he likes showing it off in the tighter fit of underwear.
He loves seeing you in sheer, lacy bras and panties almost as much as he loves tearing them off of you.
Caressing and playing with you through the fabric until your panties are completely soaked and you're begging for more.
V — Vulnerable (How vulnerable are they with you? Is it easy for them to open up to you?
Mihawk isn't one to wear his heart on his sleeve, but he's as open and honest with you as he can be.
You're the only person he lets himself be even remotely vulmerable around.
When it comes to his past he's an open book.
He'll answer any questions you have while he holds you close, his arm around your waist and your head resting against his shoulder.
W — Wine and Dine (Do they prefer meals at home or going out with you? Who does more of the cooking?)
While he very much enjoys taking you out to classy, expensive restaurants, he loves the sight of you flitting around the kitchen.
He isn't much of a cook, but if you ask for assistance with anything he'll do his best.
He doesn't make it horribly obvious, likely reading a book or the newspaper and sitting somewhere nearby, but he can barely keep his eyes off of you.
X — X-Rated (How good are they in bed? What do they like?)
He's an incredible lover—passionate, intense, attentive, and with the stamina that comes from years of strength and ensurance training.
Making you scream his name is one of his favorite passtimes.
He likes to pick you up and carry you to bed.
How rough he is relates directly to how wound up he is—he might lay you down gently and follow, trailing kissed down your neck.
Or he might throw you onto the bed, kiss you hard enough to bruise your lips while he's quickly amd deftly tugging your clothes off.
Not much talking, since his mouth is too busy, but he might murmur a few soft words of encouragement and praise against your skin now and again.
"That's it, goddess. Break for me."
"I can't wait to be inside you. I've craved you all damned day."
Trailing kisses down your body, his hands resting at your hips.
He wastes very little time, tightening his grip on your hips, his eyes glued to yours so he can watch you come apart.
Licks slowly up your wet folds before sucking your clit into his mouth, with a quiet purr of approval when you moan softly at the sensations his skilled tongue sends through you.
Unyielding and unrelenting—he loves when you grip at his hair and grind against his tongue, loves feeling how wet you get as he pushes two fingers deep inside you, pressing them against your g-spot until you're arching off the bed and he's shoving you back down by your hips.
He only stops when you beg for more of him, sitting up on his knees and pulling your body to him by your hips—pulling you right now onto his thick shaft with a quiet grunt, filling you in one firm, deep thrust. He loves hearing you beg, but he never makes you wait for long.
He prefers positions where he can look into your eyes, and see the exact moment when you shatter.
Pulls you up onto your knees to stradle him in the middle of your orgasm, kissing your neck while you cling to him and moan in his ear, lowering his head to capture one of your sensitive nipples in his mouth just to prolong the high of your pleasure for as long as possible.
Guides your hips with his hands, onto his cock again and again, shuddering slightly at the sensation of your inner walls gripping at him.
Being the one in control of your pleasure makes him *weak*, and he always gives everything he has when he makes love to you.
Multiple rounds, with deep, slow kisses and caressess between each one.
He strongly prefers to cum inside you, kissing you deeply and with soft groans against your lips, rolling his hips in time with each pleasurable throb.
He can go all night—you have to be the one to tell him when you're too spent to keep going, or he *will* make you pass out from sheer overexertion.
Y — Yearning (How long will they pursue the person they're interested in before losing interest?)
Absolutely loves the thrill of the chase. If he knows you aren't interested, he won't pressure you.
But if you're playing hard to get just to get under his skin, it drives him wild, and he'll keep it up however long it takes to have you.
His advances are subtle—soft, temder touches. 
Lowering his voice to an intimate murmur.
Like a hawk sizing up its prey before swooping in for the kill.
Coming within a breath of your lips touching and pulling back from it.
Z — Zen (What do they do to wind down and relax? Do they prefer to do it alone or with you?)
An afternoon nap is probably his favorite way to wind down.
If you're not nearby, he will find you and pull you to the nearest bed, armchair, couch, hammock, or any other such appropriate furniture.
Hold you against his chest and brush his lips to your temple, breathing in your scent and lacing his fingers with yours.
Watch you fall asleep ahead of him.
He also reads a bit to relax, and as long as you don't interupt him he enjoys having you close.
Particularly if you lie down woth your head in his lap with your own book.
Combing his fingers absently through your hair between turning pages.
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trashcanfanfics · 2 years
Can you please write a oneshot about Alastor after he had a fight with reader, and he clearly was the one in the wrong. What does he do to make it up? Does he realize it himself or does someone like Rosie or someone from the hotel have to point it out to him. Does he feel guilty? Did he make reader cry? Sorry if this is too much or too sad.
What a way to rise from the dead
He doesn't know what happened, really. One second he was telling jokes and you were laughing, the next you were in a heated argument. Something about him trying to push a punchline that you thought was hurtful and him disagreeing heavily. The argument was brief and he just didn't close his damned mouth fast enough.
"Perhaps you should learn to just take a joke, my dear. Wouldn't want to become a flat tire, now, would we?" His ever present smile held more condescension than he'd ever directed towards you before. your fists shook at your sides and you glared at him with all the rage and heartbreak you felt.
"I need space." And with that, you'd turned on your heel and left the hotel entirely. Alastor shrugged it off and sat down at the concierge-slash-bar to enjoy a drink.
It had been hours since then and Alastor hadn't made any moves to try to find you or remedy the situation. He did notice that his drinks have all tasted sour. At some point he knew he was going to have to face you again. The feeling in his stomach was curious but he was sure it's because of the amount of giggle water in his system.
"God, has anyone seen that asshole?" A certain feminine spider came down the stairs. "I've got a thing in thirty minutes and they still have my fuckin' glue." Angel rounded the pillar and looked at Alastor, tipsy, and squinted.
"They haven't been here most the day." Husk was grumpily cleaning a glass. "Why don't you text 'em?" Angel flopped halfway on the bar and half on a stool, a little too close for Alastor's liking. He decided that he was too sloshed to care much. The spider sighed and rolled his eyes.
"I tried that!" All four of his arms raised up in exasperation. "They ain't answerin'! I sent three already! Ugh, I'm gonna have to go to the store!" Two sets of arms crossed to show his annoyance. Alastor paused at this. It wasn't like you not to answer after the second text. Were you injured? Had you gotten lost? Was someone else bothering you right now? Was someone...entertaining you? More than he did? He couldn't bare it and stood abruptly, only to stumble slightly. The Radio Demon regained his footing and rushed into the shadows, leaving behind the two sinners. He'd ignored Angel's snicker at his less than stable start and focused more on finding your energy. It was harder in this state but he was determined.
You were sitting in a secluded garden of blood red roses near the more peaceful part of Cannibal Colony. It had been a few hours since you left and you keep going over how Alastor insinuated you were boring for not wanting to be the butt of a joke. It hurt you and made you angry at him for trying to turn it back on you. You'd spent too much of your life hearing other people tell you that you're "too sensitive" or "need to take a joke". You won't tolerate it in death and especially not from your boyfriend.
A loud thump ripped you from your thoughts. You looked in the direction of the noise and see Alastor, halfway in a rosebush. He hardly took notice as his eyes met yours. His smile almost looked strained and his eyes glassy.
"Darling! There you are!" He stumbled out of the bush, pants ripped enough to almost see his leg. He rushed to your side and tripped, falling to his knees. You looked down at him as he grasped your legs and looked up at you, slightly dazed.
"Are...Are you drunk?" His smile lifted at your voice and he sighed dreamily up at you. "Oh my god." He tried to get up again but his foot caught a rock and he slipped back down. You stumbled a little as he grasped your legs tighter during this.
"Dar-darling, where have you been? It's been hours!" He looked back up at you. "I missed you! Can we get home?" You couldn't believe what you were seeing. Alastor, The Radio Demon, was drunk and on his knees in front of you. A small part of you felt powerful like this, but you quickly tucked it away. You sighed.
"Yeah, let's get you home." You reached down and helped him to his feet. He leaned on you as you both made your way out of the garden. "I can't believe you're out in public like this." He giggled, actually giggled, in response and sighed as he leaned more on you.
"Mwen sonje ou ba ou dabitid mwen." You were sure that was a language but it was slightly slurred from his lips. With no other ideas, you pat his back and continued on. He took a deep breath and then disappeared into the shadows. You stopped and looked around.
"Alastor? What the fuck?" You groaned in annoyance. "Alastor!" You trudged back towards the hotel in a huff. He was going to have so much apologizing to do tomorrow.
Alastor, however, had face planted right into his bed. He rolled over and looked around. His room in the hotel was spinning and he couldn't see his darling, dearest, sweetest love anywhere. Had he not brought them with him? Did they go away again? His smile wobbled and his vision grew blurry. Was he not what they wanted? Hasn't he always provided for them? Did they not like his cooking? Or his jokes? Oh. Oh that was why. The joke from earlier. Tears dripped down his face. Oh no.
You made your way into the hotel and up the first flight of steps before heading for the elevator. Angel's voice called to you from halfway down the hall.
"Where's my fuckin' glue!" The only response he got was a quick "on my dresser" before the elevator doors shut. You tapped your foot impatiently. If he wasn't here you were going to scream. Idly, you wondered if he was even drunk and just trying to get you to interact with him. He didn't like going too long without talking to you unless it was his choice, and even then it wouldn't be more than two hours max. You'd gone nearly five before he found you.
The end of the hallway on the fourth floor was usually dark due to the fixture breaking about a year back and no one fixing it. It was the way Alastor liked it. "Easier to get a good spook in and deter those who bother me", he'd say. It never really bothered you, oddly enough. Especially now, since you could hear the muffled sniffles of your lover. You knocked on the door.
"Alastor? Im coming in!" You only got halfway in the door before you were yanked into the room and the door slammed shut. Tight arms wrapped around you and held you close to a heaving chest.
"I thought you left again! I'm sorry! For my cooking! For not giving you enough! For my jokes!" He sobbed. You blinked. Just how drunk was he? You weren't sure this was the same Alastor that would rip someone's face off, roast it, feed it back to them, and then laugh as they cried.
"Well, one of those is correct." You brought you hands up and pushed him back before tugging him to the bed. "Let's just get you to go to sleep, okay, we can talk more in the morning." God, he was a mess. Tears made his eyes redder than they were, his face was splotchy and snot was dripping out of his nose.
"But!" You didn't let him finish as you pulled back the covers and pushed him into bed. "Darling! I'm sorry!" You rolled your eyes and positioned him on his side before tucking him in.
"Okay, tell me about it tomorrow." You gently fixed his hair and kissed his forehead. His eyes closed and he hummed low. It wasn't long before his breathing became even and he was snoring slightly.
The next morning you opened your eyes to see Alastor, fit as a fiddle, staring down at you with a tray of breakfast foods in his hands. You screamed in surprise and sighed heavily after recognizing your boyfriend. Sitting up, you yawn.
"Good morning, Darling! I made you breakfast!" He set the tray down over your legs and smiled wider. You looked up at his with an eyebrow raised.
"If you think that I'm just gonna forget what happened yesterday, you're wrong." Your sentence made him droop a little.
"I'm sorry, for the joke and whatever else I did yesterday." He clicks his fingers together slightly. "I...Don't remember much." You snorted at that.
"I guess you wouldn't, but i guess...I forgive you. Just don't make any jokes like that again." You looked at the tray, which had huge servings of your favorite breakfast foods. "Now, are you going to help me eat this or not?" He eagerly jumped into the bed and beside you, making you giggle.
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lemonhemlock · 1 month
I think the thing that bothers me the most about Alicent’s betrayal of Aegon is that it’s essentially a mother giving up her disabled son to death so she can be ‘free’.
I have a few disabled family members, and have unfortunately heard people say to their parents to just put them in a care home so they (the parents) can ‘have their lives back’. I don’t think Condal/Hess meant for that meaning, and perhaps I’m being too sensitive, but it infuriated me because there is already so much ableism in this show (that they’ve made worse from the books in some cases), and this was I think my final straw to keep watching this show.
No, you're right, on a human level, if Alicent Hightower were a real person, we should be appalled if she acted the way she did in Season 2. This is a sensitive subject that this gaggle of writers isn't really interested in tackling properly, so I hope these blunders don't stick in your mind for too long. You decision to abandon it is completely understandable.
One indication that they are out of their depth is how they never stopped to think how it would look to eliminate the sympathy or understanding from the side who basically has all the disabled characters and then paint them all as doomed because they were not 'progressive' enough.* Another indication is how they practically pigeonholed the character of Helaena into a very stock autistic-coded box and did not bother to give her any interiority or motivations or present her in any way that doesn't infantilise this almost-20-year-old young woman. Aemond, of course, was sidelined this season after a very successful introduction in S1 that advanced him more than a cartoon mustache-twirling villain. Much has been written about Larys even before S2 aired, so I won't revisit that discourse right now, as this post is already too long.
*not meant as a dig against progressive politics, but as a comment on how HotD views progressive to mean 'stan of Rhaenyra', who is not a disruptor of the patriarchal status-quo by any quantifiable means.
A delicate topic such as this one is always going to split opinion and cause controversy and I think that sometimes a lot of feelings can be hurt by untactful takes and can cause many minority, underrepresented groups to feel even more unseen and disenfranchised. I personally hope I can convey my thoughts on the matter in a way that doesn't alienate the members of these groups, but sometimes even I lack the best words to properly express myself.
I would like to point out that, on the one hand, in the ASOIAF universe and especially in such a chapter like the Dance of the Dragons, the characters are often very flawed people that flirt with the boundaries of villainy more often than not and end up performing unforgivable acts, be they disabled or not, high born or not, men or women. At this point, such a statement reads more self-evident than not. In this regard, there have been times I've found fans who were exasperated with other segments of the fandom vying for more positive representation when it comes to these oft-ignored character typologies, citing the fact that, on the contrary, endowing them with negative or unpalatable traits emphasizes their humanity and promotes them beyond a stereotypical rendition that can easily be absorbed into some kind of artificial, formulaic 'woke' quota in media.
However, I think we should remember that for people who are part of these minority groups, whose lived experiences are marred by discrimination and harmful prejudices, these narrative arguments can (even unintentionally) feel callous or exclusionary. It not easy or encouraging to see how you are almost always represented on screen in a way that is reprehensible or ignoble or detrimental in some way - that is, in the few cases when the text in question is inclusive enough to even remember you exist.
In such a context, I have to recognise and acknowledge that, as a white / cis / able-bodied person myself, it is way easier for me to simply rely on narrative merit, because I am represented so much in media that I have the luxury of many stories catered personally for me, both heroic and villainous, and I can simply choose what to engage with if relatability becomes a problem. And it would feel inhospitable and condescending for me to simply expect the members of underrepresented groups to 'get over it' because it makes sense in the context of the story.
A while ago there was a viral post that I keep referencing back in these situations because I think it's the best explanation for this type of divide: the watsonian / doylist interaction of critiques. As such, disenfranchised characters can be portrayed in an unsympathetic manner within any story, but, at the same, the real-life individuals from that group have the right to feel estranged and frustrated by that portrayal, because they don't consume media in a void and, for them, it isn't a hypothetical situation that they can subordinate to the priorities of storytelling. They should also have the space to express that discontent within fandom without having to be involuntarily accused of wanting to moralize or sanitize the media landscape. I think that we should start accepting that both things can be true and integrate that sentiment within our analyses.
That being said, since Alicent is not a real person, in the second part of this post I would like to dismantle the potential argument regarding the right to tell stories about awful people and how a woman being a bad mother or a bad person fits that bill. As I said, in principle, I agree with the sentiment. But I don't believe that the writers were at all successful in pulling this off. Their storytelling skills have proved inadequate and they were unable to craft a believable arc for Alicent to justify her so drastically shifting her entire world view in a few short weeks. And, by 'believable' I absolutely don't mean something naturalistic in the framework of the 21st century on Earth where dragons and magic don't exist; I mean plausible and reasonable behaviour for a human person in the confines of the fictional universe in which they operate.
I'm all for villainstanning and difficult female characters, but this season should have taken Alicent from
point A: doing everything in her power to put Aegon on the throne and even shielding his body from the dragon Meleys
point B: offering him to Rhaenyra for execution
in the span of weeks.
This season should have given her a proper motivation to basically hand over her male children to the person married to the assassin of her grandson. If nothing else, Alicent should have demanded Daemon's head. Speaking of which, there is no way to delve into Alicent's psyche, into the mind of a person in her position, after years of paranoia about a loose-cannon like Daemon (a notoriously disliked figure in Westeros), and arrive at the conclusion that, yes, Daemon as King consort would somehow be a better solution for the realm than any of her sons. It's just not. Even with rhaenicent rose-tinted glasses, he should have been a dealbreaker. This type of shortcoming makes me think that they can't truly immerse themselves in the mind of a character to properly gauge how someone could react to the events around them.
As such, let's see what disservices were done to Alicent this season that might have made her regret her initial decision. Let's see what the writers think would be reason enough for Alicent to switch sides and undo 20 years of wanting to place Aegon on the throne:
2. Aemond burns Aegon
3. Aemond boots her from the council
4. Smallfolk suffering & revolts
5. Assassination attempt of Rhaenyra
6. Otto booted from the Council
7. she takes a few baths
8. goes camping
9. ??????
10. Dragonseeds
11. Aemond burns Sharp Point (?)
12. Aemond may endanger Helaena
Now let's see the plotholes in Alicent's thinking:
Most of these concern Aemond. Aegon, Criston, Otto, Gwayne and Daeron haven't committed any grievous sin against her that should be punished, yet, by conspiring with Rhaenyra, she would doom them all to their deaths. Even if Alicent is shown to have a complicated relationship with the first four, she has no reason against her 'nice' son Daeron and her brother Gwayne who was deferential and sympathetic to her. Now there is no way to make Queen Alicent Hightower "kind of forget" about Daeron and Gwayne or her Hightower uncle or cousins and not consider they would have to be executed by Rhaenyra/Daemon. If you have to suddenly make a character stupid or amnesic in order to fit your plot point, then it's not a good plot point. And Alicent has never before shown to be either stupid or amnesic. On the contrary, she is an anxious person who worries about everything.
Of course, one can argue Otto has manipulated her throughout her life and she could have reasonably developed feelings of animosity towards him, but he doesn't really factor in show!Alicent's decision at all. She isn't depicted to be thinking about him or to bring him up in any capacity after he leaves for Oldtown. Thus, we can't reasonably be expected to 'fill in the blanks' that Alicent is upset because of something Otto did.
She does not verbalise any opinion about Aegon & Criston sending Ser Arryk to assassinate Rhaenyra. At the end of that same episode, she is shown to slap Criston. But is that because he tried to assassinate Rhaenyra? Is it because Otto was booted from the Council and Criston became the new Hand? Is it because she told him they're not going to have sex anymore and he still came to her chambers? We don't know. They proceed to have another consensual sex scene. Later on, Alicent seems pissed because Criston is not telling her the truth about Rook's Rest. They part on OK terms, even though she is seen to be a little cold, but she does give him her favour. Is she even pissed at Criston? We don't know. Could she possibly be pissed enough at him that she would doom him to his death? No, I don't think that's reasonable to assume based on what we've seen. Show, don't tell. Golden rule of storytelling. In this case, neither did they show, nor did they tell.
I hesitate to assign Alicent any particular concern for the well-being of the smallfolk beyond a general sentiment to reduce bloodshed and not cause suffering on a grand scale. But individually? She is portrayed in Season 1 wanting to help Dyana and being affected by her situation. She tries to stop the guards from cutting off a man's hand during the riots, that is true. But she also allowed Larys to basically torture / execute her household staff without nary a thought. So which is it?
Coming back to Aemond. He remains the main point of contention. I am going to ignore his cartoonification this season, but, let us accept, for the sake of the argument, that Alicent did not realise how unstable he is and that now she regrets facilitating a situation in which he has so much power. If she has the power to make the guards surrender, like she tells Rhaenyra, then she is not as powerless as she laments, is she not? Then she could possibly even stage a coup against Aemond and arrest him. The fact that Aegon did not do so the minute he became conscious is another plothole. Aemond is one man with no network or friends because of his anti-social and anti-politics behaviour. He has a dragon but his access to her is restricted if he needs to ride a horse for several miles outside of the city to get to her. When he is inside the castle, as skilled a warrior as he is, he is still only one man. Him still being Prince Regent after Aegon wakes up is preposterous.
Larys does bring up the fact that without Vhagar, the greens are terribly outmatched at the moment when it comes to dragon warfare. That is true. But, if Aemond is a loose cannon who is threatening the life of the King and Queen, he cannot stay un-arrested. There's no reason they couldn't have kept it hushed for a while to buy some more time either. If Alicent is so sorry for what Aegon went through, she could have sued for peace after Aemond's ass was in a jailcell. But she makes no attempt to protect him from his supposed assassin. Her being overwhelmed with Rhaenyra's dragon superiority after Vhagar is out of commission would make more sense as a motivation for the second rhaenicent scene, it would give her more agency and not need her to abandon Aegon and the rest of her family all of a sudden.
But Aemond can't suddenly be removed from the narrative like that, because he has a part to play later on. Of course, in the books, there's not a lot to cling to when it comes to regicide. The narrator makes no such claim, nor is anyone else recorded to do so. Alicent is not upset with Aemond. Aemond doesn't attempt to kill Aegon during his long convalescence. You can argue it's not clear cut because Vhagar fell upon both Sunfyre and Meleys from above, but all three of them are reported to crash into the ground. Vhagar is old and slow, there is no certainty that she could have been sprightly enough to stop just in time so as to not crash fatally. It is not impossible to read this excerpt and think that Aemond may have tried to rid himself of his brother under the guise of battle. It is also equally possible to read Aemond's actions as a rash, dangerous move that could have ended in his death as well. It is self-preservation to let Sunfyre and Meleys kill each other. It is not self-preservation to rely on Vhagar's agility to save your life at the last moment. However, whichever way a screenwriter would like to go, Alicent can't suspect that Aemond tried to kill his brother or that he would place her beloved daughter in danger, because she would then act differently! This is another example of changing elements for the sake of changing them and not allowing the natural consequences of those changes to materialize because they would modify the sequence of events too much.
Like Rhaenyra in the sept scene, Alicent seems to be the worst negotiator ever. She doesn't get one concession from Rhaenyra when she goes to Dragonstone. Is that fair and unbiased storytelling? Helaena and Jaehaera's lives were never truly at stake, since they are girls and could always be married back into the black branch of the family. Why execute them when they could become useful? Alicent should know this, yet they need her again to be stupid and forgetful because she went to a live laugh love retreat in the woods. There is no attempt to truly settle this diplomatically. The scene is just a new pretext to humiliate Alicent and have her grovel at Rhaenyra's feet.
Below I am going to dismantle the narrative decisions regarding the dragonseeds.
Bear in mind that if we are to have 4 seasons of this story, then the sides must remain balanced for quite some time. Someone should tell the writers that biases and preferences are irrelevant because if the force differences become too great, the war ends and there will be no story left to milk.
The unavoidable truth of the matter is that the writers overpowered the blacks too much at this stage and this decision ended up massively affecting the plot. As it stands, the dragon parity at the end of the season became 2:7 - Vhagar & Tessarion vs Syrax, Caraxes, Arrax, Moondancer, Seasmoke, Vermithor & Silverwing. Out of these, Syrax was never truly considered a potential threat in battle. She is notoriously useless, does not hunt and does not fly in bad weather. Baela also rode Moondancer a grand total of one time at the end of the conflict and was never counted as a force during the war. They made Rhaenyra and Baela active dragonriders, but they refuse to do the same for Helaena to balance the forces a little bit more (Dreamfyre is a very large dragon, probably on par with Silverwing and a little smaller than Vermithor).
The book parity at this point was still unbalanced, but at the very least GRRM realised that and tried to mitigate it by moving the Battle of the Gullet close to the Sowing and making Ulf and Hugh betray Rhaenyra's side. Book!Alicent doesn't have to sue for peace because the greens get a fighting chance. I still think the Dance in the books suffers greatly from non-sensical military strategies and division of resources, but it surpasses the show with flying colours.
Let us return, however, to show!Alicent's POV. For a fictional universe famous for its amount of politicking, there is little to none in this adaptation. The writers are trying to sell us the idea that Alicent has to give up her disabled son for the good of the Realm or, like anon said, to "be free". Authorial intent is unclear on this point, but there is at least the germination of the idea that Alicent is "sacrificing" something - her family, her own ambitions etc - because she is desperate and there are no other options open to her. But is that true?
If the writers refuse to make Helaena a combatant because of reasons only they understand, even if they have no problem performing ~girlboss changes like that for TB (yes, I'm bitter about it), they could have at least given the greens the upper hand in politicking. But they don't because I'm not really sure they understand the universe they write for or posses that level of imagination. Why don't they have, say, spies in the Vale that report Aegon the Younger and his brother Viserys are on their way to Pentos as we speak? Alicent could have been shown to plot for them to be intercepted with the help of the Triarchy secured by Tyland.
Why doesn't she try to find out who these dragonseeds are. Can they be bribed? Do they have weaknesses? Ulf has a wife, no? Is there some way to use their friends and family against them and make them turn sides? Does Vaemond Velaryon not have any disgruntled relatives that have a bone to pick with Rhaenyra & Corlys and would be appalled by the decision to make Addam the heir to Driftmark? (in the books he did and they actually fought for the green side). Can they not try to assassinate one of Addam, Corlys, Seasmoke or Rhaenyra?
Alicent being involved in any of these plots would have been a more satisfying progression to her story that would have allowed her to remain relevant and maintain her screen time. Even her having a little more dignity and attempting genuine peace talks would have been more believable if she at least stuck to her guns when it comes to her family's lives, especially the son she herself placed on the throne and the one who turned out gentle and kind and has not wronged her in any way. But, of course, the show in that moment pretends yet again that Daeron doesn't exist and any other points of contention (like Gwayne and Jaehaerys) are swept under the rug because it would dismantle Rhaenyra's righteous stance. So Aegon is presented as this sacrificial lamb that Alicent must relinquish as the only way forward.
Even though the show has not established any substantial reason for Alicent to object to any tangible decision Aegon has made as king, even though she is specifically shown to regret what happened to him, even though she made no efforts via political maneuvering to mitigate Rhaenyra's advantages and even though it would have been more merciful for her to give Aegon a painless death via milk of the poppy. Instead of being an ambitious and shrewd politician, she is given a nebulous motivation of "finding herself" and discovering feminism, which apparently means her disabled son must be subjected to even more humiliation and pain. It is a very unfortunate framing because the scene invites you to think that Alicent is finally seeing reason and is trying to atone for her mistake of not stanning for Rhaenyra. Yes, Aegon is also portrayed as downtrodden and not deserving of more violence, but Rhaenyra is also not portrayed as being "wrong" to demand for Aegon's head? She is shown in soft lighting, soft-spoken, with tears in her eyes, hurt, wronged and Alicent doesn't argue back. Their parting words are bittersweet and yearning.
How can you make Alicent a selfish character overnight when you have spent so much time painting her the exact opposite and you don't even give her plausible motivations or any breaking point? She doesn't even do anything to try and gain power back for herself, change the things she doesn't like or counteract Rhaenyra's moves before she goes to Dragonstone. Her one attempt is proposing herself for the regency and it's supposed to be this grand moment of her realizing misogyny is real, even though that has been the case her entire life and, as a stand-in for her husband and a Council member, she would have encountered it often as a daily routine when trying to get anything done.
Ergo, I do have to ask again: how does Alicent get from point A to point B exactly?
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axlerica · 1 year
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Y/N and Pedri had a fight because he seemed to be ignoring her and didn't seem to care about her anymore.
Y/N: Hey, Pedri, I noticed you came home late tonight. Why didn't you tell me earlier?
Pedri: (irritated) Can't you just give me a break, Y/N? I had a busy day at work. Afterward, me and the team went for a drink, and I forgot to text you. It's not a big deal so stop being so annoying.
Y/N: What did you just say? Not a big deal? It feels like you don't even care about me! I worry about you, and you can't even bother to keep me informed? How could you say I’m annoying for caring about you?
Pedri: (defensively) Look, I said I forgot, okay? Why are you making such a big deal out of it?
Y/N: Because I care about you, Pedri! I want to know that you're safe. Is it too much to ask for a simple text?
Pedri: You're always overreacting! It's just one night. I don't need you constantly breathing down my neck!
Y/N: (teary-eyed) Maybe you don't need me at all! If you can't see how important this is to me, then maybe we shouldn't be together.
Pedri: (sarcastically) Fine, if that's what you want, then go ahead and leave! It won't bother me one bit.
Y/N: You know what? Maybe I will! If you don't care enough to understand my feelings, then I'm done!
Pedri: Whatever, do what you want. I'm not going to beg you to stay.
Y/N: Wow, you don’t care about me at all huh? Alright then, I’ll just pack up my things and go if that’s what you want. Goodbye Pedri. Maybe someday you'll realize what you've lost.
Y/N: (starts packing her bag) I can’t believe we’ve come to this. He’s not the same man i fell in love with anymore. It hurts so bad..
Pedri : What are you doing? Can u please stop overreacting? Stop doing whatever it is you’re doing right now.
Y/N : I'm serious, Pedri. I can't do this anymore. I can't be with someone who doesn't even bother to ask how my day was.
Pedri: (panicking) Wait, Y/N, don't go. Alright I’m sorry, okay? I know I messed up, and I've been a terrible partner lately.
Y/N: (tearfully) It's not just lately, Pedri. I feel like you're always on your phone, and you never seem interested in what I have to say.
Pedri: I didn't realize how much it was affecting you. I promise to change, to be more present, and to make an effort to connect with you.
Y/N: (hesitating) It's just hard, Pedri. I need to feel valued and loved in this relationship. It can't always be one-sided.
Pedri: You're right, mi amor, I've been selfish, and I haven't been treating you the way you deserve. I don't want to lose you.
Y/N: I don't want to lose you either, but I need to know that you'll change and that you'll prioritize our relationship.
Pedri: Alright mi amor, I promise. From now on, I'll put my phone down and give you my full attention. I'll show you how much you mean to me.
Y/N: I want to believe you, Pedri, but actions speak louder than words.
Pedri: (holding her hand) I'll show you amor, I'll prove it to you every day, starting now.
Y/N: (looking into Pedri's eyes) Pedri, I need to see real change, not just empty promises.
Pedri: I understand amor. And I'm serious about making things right.
Y/N: Show me, then.
Pedri leans in, and their lips meet in a gentle and tender kiss. It's a moment of vulnerability and a promise of renewed affection.
Pedri: (whispers) I love you, Y/N.
Y/N: (whispers back) I love you too Pedri.
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likeastarstar · 2 years
The Duke - Part One
(Part Two comes out tomorrow!)
You were in a pond.
A cool, even tempered pond without a soul around and not a stitch of clothing confining your body. Your hair flowed free, wading through the water like the sea grass that wrapped and caressed your ankles underwater. You could just float in complete silence, not a soul to bother you or prod at you.
At least that's what you told yourself when you found yourself in situations like this one, which was often.
"I detest this," You said aloud, snapping your eyes open sharply when a harsh yank of a hairbrush ripped you away from the daydream you had been so desperately clinging to. "All this poking and prodding and touching- Why must I always be touched by so many throughout my day?"
"It's your job to be poked and prodded," Replied your ever so patient handmaiden, who had grown used to this argument of yours. "You're a lady, we have to see to it that your hair is always neat, your dress is attended to, your posture straight, presentation immaculate."
"One day, I'll snap and bite anyone who tries to touch me," You plotted blissfully, before catching the insulted look upon her face and feeling guilty instantly, "Everyone except for you, that is."
She smiled in reply, squeezing the top of your shoulder with her well worn, calloused hand. You placed yours over hers and squeezed, wishing she could just be your friend and not have to attend to you all the time as a servant did.
"Well, all of this fiddling is done with one goal- find a match. Once that's done, I dare say you'll only be concerned with the touch of a singular person," She teased, "Then, you won't even notice the mundanity of having your hair brushed."
You stared at yourself in the mirror, narrowing your eyes. She was right- all of this primping was only meant to attract a man towards marrying you. The way your dress drew a sharp angle into your waist, how your chest was pushed up and flaunted to a specific degree as to allude without being directly alluring. The unnecessarily intricate fabrics that covered your body, the jewels your mother insisted on you wearing to any and ever occasion.
It was easy being rich but hard to maintain as a woman.
Tonight was especially bad, a ball held in celebration of some Duke visiting the city commanding all of your parents' energy. You didn't have to worry too much about attracting his attention in particular, your parents were had their sights on him for your older sister instead. No, you were as close to free as you could be for tonight, instructed to simply be a supportive accessory to your sister, something you were more than fine with- anything to get the attention off of you and onto someone else.
"I doubt even a husband could make me fond of brushing my hair," You noted lightly before closing your eyes, imagining yourself diving headfirst into that pond.
You wished you could live in your head forever.
"This is disgusting."
"Take this one, the red one," You offered, gesturing towards the pastry you had opted for. "It's some kind of berry."
You watched Seokjin take it gingerly, taking the smallest bite known the man but appreciating it nonetheless. He made a satisfied little huff of a noise and you smiled, your cousin's eyes widening in surprise.
"I told you-" You started, beaming at him before you felt a harsh hand clamp down on your shoulder.
"Will the two of you stop eating and acknowledge the other people in the room?" Your mother whispered harshly, "Honestly, it's like you haven't eaten in days."
"Well, it's a testate to the quality of your cook, isn't? Can't you think of it as a compliment?" Seokjin offered lamely, making you cringe in anticipation of your mother's response.
"No." She said plainly, in a tone so severe you were too afraid to look at her. "Now go talk to someone else, I don't want to see you two together again for the rest of the night."
"You're joking-"
"She's not," You muttered to Jin, sulking off into a nearest vacant corner.
There were people everywhere, making you feel totally trapped. You felt like you couldn't breathe, the waist of your dress cutting in too tightly against your ribs and making it hard to think straight. You avoided nearly everyone, stumbling away from the masses of the party and into the gardens behind the property.
Finally- peace.
You rustled through green bushes of overly manicured flowers and soft grass trimmed to a tee. Wading through it was as easy as floating in water, giving you the very closest thing to your dream that you could get.
"Not enjoying the ball?"
You jumped, freezing at the sound of a foreign voice. Spinning on your heels, you were confronted by a man- frankly, a gorgeous man.
He was tall, square jaw, sloped nose, strong gaze locked onto you. He was dressed impeccably but clearly had decided he was over it- coat thrown over one shoulder, gloves thrown off and tucked into his pocket.
You were momentarily distracted by his exposed hands, how delicate and nimble they seemed. You watched him bring one up to his face, smoothing hair off of his forehead and carding through thick brown locks carefully.
You stared at him blankly, enchanted and scared all at once.
"I don't like the crowds," You mumbled, taking a step back cautiously.
This man was like nothing you had ever seen- he appeared out of nowhere, like an angel and completely took you by surprise.
"Neither do I," He smiled, pulling a flask out of his back pocket, "Care for a stroll instead?"
So you strolled.
And you spoke- and you learned that he likes horse riding and his grandparents owned a farm. He liked playing instruments and watching ballet, he enjoyed the arts but didn't find himself immediately successful with a paintbrush. He was funny and shy and liked the drink but only wine that tasted of fruit.
You didn't believe him until you took a sip from his flask-
"Plums," You noted, licking the remnants off of your lips. He nodded with a shy smile, making your heart melt a little. You wanted to know everything about him, more than he had already told you thus far. You had a million questions and started with the most important, "You haven't told me your name."
The beautiful boy froze, throwing you an awkward look as if it were the wrong question to ask. Wasn't it natural that you'd ask him for his name eventually?
"What? Is that a strange question?" You wondered, drifting away from him towards a tree.
"No," He mused, "Just not one I get asked often."
You smirked, looking over your shoulder at him, "Maybe if you spent less time hiding in gardens and more time at balls."
"Then I wouldn't get to come across such beautiful women," He flirted, and suddenly he was right behind you, hand at your waist and twirling you to face him. "Taehyung. My name is Taehyung."
You squeaked in surprise, letting him push you up against the tree and step towards you. You let his name roll off your lips for the very first time, pulling him into your space- wanting him as close as possible.
Hearing you say his name seemed to draw a visceral reaction from him, lips parting slightly as a shaky breath left his lungs.
"I- I don't want to do anything uncouth, but I-" He stammered, breathless. "I think I might die if I don't kiss you."
Your heart raced and you wanted him too badly to care about manners or rules or what your mother would think. You kissed him once, soundly, and you knew he was yours. Whatever this man was made of, he belonged to your soul and your soul only.
"Take me somewhere," You whispered against his skin, looking up at him with eager eyes.
"You shouldn't be seen with me like this," He frowned, hiding his face in the crook of your neck.
"Then follow me," You decided, knowing your own home well enough to sneak in unnoticed.
He nodded nervously, his hand finding hours that that was it.
You were too lost in him to notice it- too focused on the way his skin felt against yours. How his nimble and fragile hands worked your body and melted you down into putty before shaping you back up however he pleased. You let him explore every part of you the way no one had before, the feeling of newness too strong to think clearly before it was too late. Instead, you found yourself rocking against him, making love to him again. The two of you spoke more, explored more, kissed more, slept more, fucked more.
It was so bad your handmaiden had to tell your mother you had fallen ill after the ball and couldn't be seen.
"Isn't your family wondering where you are?" You whispered to Taehyung,
"Not really," he sighed, with a wry smile that made you worried. "They don't question me, they have no need to."
You were aware of how foreign he was to you but this is what you wanted- some recklessly permanent bond to be made between the angel and you. Something you wouldn't forget no matter if you had to return to reality tomorrow.
For the rest of your life you'd have this in your mind, the way Taehyung held you, how he filled you up so completely, the way he begged for you, whispering out your name like the sweet hymn of an angel.
"Your hair is so beautiful," Taehyung mumbled, when the two of you had slipped into a warmed bath prepared by your handmaiden who only gave you one pointed look before obliging.
She wouldn't say a thing- you were sure of that much.
You pursed your lips, feeling him card his hair through your locks and drip warm water through the tendrils, "I wish to do nothing but tend to it, run a comb through it all day and make love to you as you please."
You laughed softly, wondering if all that time spent under torture of a hairbrush had indeed been worth it. Maybe your handmaiden had been right, because one compliment from him and your heart was soaring, head spinning uncontrollably. Your head was laid on his chest as he played with your hair, seated in his lap with your legs on either side of his hips feeling the upmost comfort in the world.
"What a dream," You mused, "bring my mother a dowry suitable and she'll oblige."
Taehyung tssked and pinched your side, "You're being flippant but I truly am determined to court you."
"Do you not agree we seem to have skipped a number of steps?" You scoffed, sitting up sharply. "You hardly know me."
"I know what books you like to read and that you don't like crowds, I know you love to swim and that you enjoy sweet foods over savory. The rest will come later, with time, I'll come to know you like the back of my hand and you'll know me the same."
It was a beautiful notion but you couldn't help some nagging voice in the back of your head telling you to slow down. You had never been allowed to have anything you wanted, even as a child your choice was never considered. It was hard to believe that things could be this easy.
You didn't miss the way his eyes drifted downwards towards your chest and cupped his gorgeous face in your hands, forcing him to stay focused, "This was a dream- but a dream is all that it was. My mother would never allow me to choose my own husband."
"Then I'll tell her I chose you instead- she has no need to know that I've already bedded you." He said adamantly, "I'll tell her you caught my eye at the ball and I wish to see you again. Supervised visits, walks, I'll take you horseback riding. We'll do it right. You can leave the same pathway we came up this evening open for me and I'll come visit you at night, brush your hair, keep your bed warm."
He smirked, leaning closer to you and laying a line of sweet but intention filled kisses down your neck. Imagining a future with Taehyung was easy, even if it wasn't perfect, a man like him would be worth it- wouldn't he?
You moaned lightly, leaning into the touch despite the anxiety in your heart, "And who's to say she'll say yes? What prospects do you have, are we even of the same rank? I don't know your family crest, you've only seen mine hanging above my bed."
"Trust me, your mother will not object to me courting you," He assured.
"How can you be so sure?" You said suspiciously, gripping his shoulders tightly.
"Because, my love," He sighed, leaning back completely so that his chest was exposed to you, glistening with beads of water running down his golden skin with his long arms outstretched and resting along the edges of the tub. He looked larger than life, angel wings fully expanded like this. "No one denies a Duke, not even your mother."
You felt the blood drain from your face, staring at him with wide eyes. Duke? As in, the duke? The duke your sister was meant to fall in love with and finally secure her happy ever after for her own sake alongside your mother's? You suddenly felt anxious, rising out of the tub too quickly.
This changed everything- you ruined everything. Suddenly, your heart was racing and your lungs felt heavy. You ruined your sister's future- brought shame to your family. How would she react? How would your mother react?
Taehyung's eyes scanned your suddenly distraught expression with confusion- too concerned at your reaction to take in your nude form before you threw a dressing gown over your body, not caring enough to dry off beforehand.
The fabric stuck uncomfortably to your wet skin but you couldn't care in that moment, turning on your heels in anger, "Why didn't you tell me? You- how could you just neglect to tell me who you are completely?"
Taehyung looked up at you with wide eyes and a slack jaw, "You asked for my name, not my station."
"What were you even doing hiding in a garden- you're a duke!" You exclaimed, stomping your foot childishly.
"The same thing you were doing, I dislike parties!" He laughed, as if there were anything funny about the situation you found yourself in.
"It was your own party!" You insisted miserably. "You're meant to court my sister, you know that- right?"
He flicked water at you petulantly, sighing dramatically, "I don't want your sister, I want you."
You threw him a look, rolling your eyes at him. Didn't want your sister- your sister was perfect. He had to be lying. He must be. He was one of those men, the high stationed ones who woo'd stupid, unsuspecting, women and then ruined their lives and left them in the dust while they went to-
"You look like you're an inch away from losing your mind," Taehyung commented, arms hanging over the edge of the tub.
"I think you need to leave." You decided.
"What? A moment ago I told you I offered you my hand and you're rejecting me?"
"I'm not- that's," You stammered, unsure of what to say. "We're strangers, the only true option here is to forget this night ever happened and you can meet my sister and fall in love and all will be right."
"That's what you want me to do?" He said bitterly, anger so palpable you couldn't bear to look at him.
You nodded wordlessly, gasping when he rose up suddenly. You turned around sharply, a deep blush settling on your cheeks as if you hadn't seen him nude for the majority of the night. He paid no mind, approaching you from behind and slinging an arm loosely around your waist, wet bodies pressed together- separated only by thin silk.
His lips grazed the shell of your ear, as it had before your lips touched for the first time but this time felt different- more dangerous.
"You'd deny yourself the pleasure of being loved for your family's social standing?" He hissed, "Can you honestly say you won't regret this? Standing by idly knowing how much i want you and yet turning your back on it?"
"I'd do it for my family's reputation- yes." You said plainly, "There's only a night between us, not love or want or fate- just lust."
Taehyung stiffened against you and suddenly he removed himself from your side, disappearing altogether while you stood there- trapped in deep agony. You did the only thing you could do as you stood there, closing your eyes slowly and speaking in hushed tones-
"I am in a pond..."
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saltminerising · 2 years
This probably won't get posted as the 'mins have declared that the recent Mousemod discourse has run its course, but I've been seriously peeved by the way she moderates since the whole blood "clarification" debacle and I just want to rant.
Mousemod's official title is "Community Manager," yet she doesn't seem to understand the community. Sometimes she doesn't even seem to understand the rules she sites (Once again I point to the blood "clarification" where she reworded a set of infamously vague rules and claimed it was clarifying.) and she never acknowledges the real emotions that are present when she locks a thread. Should people get so legitimately angry, hurt, frustrated, and generally heated over debates about pixel dragons? No, but they do. And shutting all of that down with a simple "this is against the rules," or even worse, deleting the thread entirely without saying a word is downright rude and honestly it's just poor moderation. It actively prolongs the issue.
I'm not talking about spam or bullying; a vast majority of Mousemod's locks have been fully respectful debates that were just deemed illegal because the team as a whole is too cowardly to let us discuss the rules in public. Now I'm fully aware that Mousemod is one team member and does not have total authority to make rules. But she is extraordinarily diligent in enforcing that rule, and always claiming that it's there to "respect the team" creates the opposite feeling. This is where people historically shut down criticism (ironically using the same shut down style as Mousemod herself) because a moderator abusing power or at the very least being overly strict on a pet sim isn't actually engaging in oppression.
You're right. Enforcing the letter of Pixel Dragon Law does not harm the livelihood or wellbeing of anyone. But she's still an authority figure and that still creates a power imbalance and regardless of whether that imbalance causes actual harm or just minor annoyance is irrelevant. It is wrong for an authority to enforce rules without accepting criticism. Contact Us is not a viable method of accepting criticism. It denies the necessary conversation required for strong, constructive criticism and has historically been proven to be as useless as a suggestion box. It is wrong for an authority to act as if plain, neutral language is a successful method of de-escalation, particularly when there was nothing to de-escalate. And no, criticism of this is not "backtalk." Backtalk doesn't exist. It is a word for ignorant misunderstanding of frustration as a challenge of one's power. No one is challenging the power of anyone on the team, we are simply asking them to be more empathetic, emotionally aware, and acknowledging of players as emotional and intelligent people.
And it is wrong for an authority to be inconsistent.
That, above everything else, is my problem with Mousemod. It was the core of the Blood Drama and it's the core of the current Ophiuchus Screenshot Drama. Many, many posts have been made on the forums and by extension, this blog, that actively harm people: posts containing "mild" transphobic and homophobic statements, ableist arguments, defenses of abuses of power, and others I'm likely forgetting about. Some of those have been removed. Many of them haven't.
And yet, with all of that existing, what Mousemod chooses to stick her nose into is a SCREENSHOT ABOUT SPAM ON A SITE SHE HAS NO POWER ON. Nowhere did anyone accuse Ophiuchus of anything other than spam, and extremely harmless spam at that. If that doesn't bother you, fine. But for me, especially after her actions in regards to the resurgence of the Blood Drama that happened this summer (which was to again restate unclear rules and claim that this was a clarification while flat-out stating that the lack of inconsistency used by the skin mods was by design), it's the cherry on top of the bad moderation milkshake. It's evident now more than ever that she thinks she's not only above the the players but is only obligated to enforce rules when and where she feels it's necessary, even if she was incorrect in said judgement. 
Go ahead, tell me to touch grass. That won't change the fact that Mousemod is not only bad at her job but she's purposefully not a part of the community she claims to manage. A problem doesn't have to be life and death to be a problem worth talking about.
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softquietsteadylove · 2 years
A little angst again, sorry. But it's a headcanon, I really think it happened in the film.
If you can remember the scene where Sersi told everyone that there is no Olympia, Kingo saying they're basically fancy robots, and Sprite saying that all this time Thena was remembering. And they had an argument if they should stop/delay the birth of the Celestial, if they should help the humanity. It's like headcanon to me where Thena suddenly stood during that argument saying that she and Gil already have a good life and then they started coming back again (the other Eternals) she's sort of stating that they're bothering their life and she's done and that she's sorry because she won't give a damn about it, then she walked out. Gil followed her and they also both started having an argument because Thena doesn't want them to be involved, she doesn't want to fight because she thinks she can't do it anymore, but Gil still wants to help them, the humanity, the mission. And Gil promising that everything will be okay, they'll be back home again together...
"All this time, Thena was remembering all the other planets we were sent to, and everyone dying during the emergence."
Thena was still quiet, barely having said a word since being pulled from her episode earlier in the day. Gilgamesh had excused that it wasn't uncommon for her to be untalkative. That was an understatement for their family present: Thena could go for days without talking after a bad one.
It had been so, so long since they had seen their family--sat down, had a meal with them. Even Ikaris had managed some warmth for them. But the warm welcome was no match for the sting of reality.
Thena knew it. As soon as she saw that Deviant on the horizon, she knew that the veneer of peace over their lives was going to be shattered. It was a feeling that came over her often. Only now, she was finding out that it was familiar for a reason.
"Sersi, we have no right to stop the birth of a Celestial."
Yes, it was called the birth of a Celestial. A deity of entire universes of galaxies at a time. A god borne of one measly planet's sacrifice. Even as part of that sacrifice, what they lost each time was mitigated by a cold, sterile reboot of who they were. Reduced to a question of numbers, the answer was clear.
"We're not going to let everyone on Earth die, right?!"
Heads turned as Thena stood, pushing herself back from the table and rising from her chair. They all looked at her to continue, but she held Gilgamesh's eyes.
"Right!" the human newcomer agreed. "We're not-"
"Our answer," Thena clarified with a frightening bite to it. The temperature in the arid desert home dropped several degrees. "Is no."
"Thena," Gilgamesh started, clearly knowing this was coming, and where it was headed.
"I'm with you, T," Kingo smiled, although his usual affability also failed to pierce through the hardened shell of the Warrior Eternal.
"No," she looked at her brother, and then at the rest of their family, "you're not. None of you are."
"Thena, please," Sersi pleaded, both the most gently and the most heartfelt of them.
Thena at least looked at her to voice her next denial. "Sersi, my life is here. Our life."
Gilgamesh also rose from his chair, seated at the opposite end from her to make room for their many guests. A handful of family turned strangers.
Thena met his eyes, the rest of them fading from her mind as her words finally surfaced. "We have done enough."
"Thena," he sighed, torn between the argument his family was making for human life and the other half of his life facing him a metre away.
"We have given up enough," she continued, palms pressing to the table. "Is that not why we are out here?--have been out here, for centuries?"
Sersi and Kingo met eyes for the briefest of seconds before looking down at the table again. That night left scars of different shapes on all of them, but inarguably the two to bear still-open wounds from it were the two standing.
"You're right," Gilgamesh nodded. He had never been one to argue for the sake of it, and the last person he would ever argue with under any circumstances was Thena. "But we're out here for another reason, aren't we?"
This time it was Thena whose eyes broke away--something the rest of the family had never witnessed from the Goddess of War herself.
"To protect humans." It was said with a faint smile--an attempt to draw the same from her. Gilgamesh was always good at that. "You made it all the way here on that promise alone."
It was true. She had endured Mahd Wy'ry, stormy seas and trembling in Gilgamesh's arms in the hulls of ships all the way to this godforsaken continent. Because she was unwilling to subject humanity to the destruction of which she was capable if left alone.
And Gilgamesh had never left her alone, in all their thousands of years together.
Gil pressed his palms to the table as well, mirroring his other half. "We have to help."
"No, we don't," Thena whispered, but it hit the air as if she were screaming and crying. Faces of shock and alarm rose and crumbled at the tears in her wide, green eyes. Even Ikaris pushed off the far wall at the development. But she shook her head ever so minutely. "Why this time? Why now?--again? Why is it always us?"
There was no flicker of white, or gold glowing under her skin. There was only Thena, asking why she was being denied her hard earned peace yet again.
Gilgamesh sighed, leaving his end of the table to reach the woman in tears. Were it not for those crowded around it, he would have simply tossed it out of his way to reach her. But he took the long way, unlocking her stiff posture and pulling her hand into his, winding their fingers together. "I know."
Thena held tight, shaking from head to toe. Every ounce of strength she had been given, and all it boiled down to was fragility. "You promised we had eternity."
"I did," he agreed, bringing her hand up to his lips. The family continued to stare, watching before them something that had unfolded thousands of years ago and yet was new to them.
Thena held his hand so tight that a mortal would break in her grip. She was built to fight--she was made to protect, but it only worked if she had the most to lose. "I can't."
"You can," he promised, as if it were just that simple. He still looked at her in a way Athens could never. "I'll be right there."
Thena's eyes moved definitively to his cuts and scrapes scars. He had been here this whole time, prey to a predator that she was just as vulnerable to, in a much crueller way.
He pressed his forehead to hers, "we have to help. You know we do."
Thena inhaled, breathing in the feeling of him in front of her. Her instincts demanded it, preparing her for the worst case scenario. "If I lose you-"
"You won't."
Gilgamesh. Her sweet Gilgamesh. Gilgamesh the Strongest Eternal, who would lay down his life for her, and for their mission for humanity, and both in twain if it came to such a conclusion. The ever present ache in the back of her head already knew what it would be like to lose him. She woke from nightmares with it, walked with blank eyes with it. She already knew how bereft any world without him was, in some recesses in her mind.
She knew the world would burn, because either a Celestial would burst from the Earth's core, or she would lose her heart and soul along the way, and burn it to ash herself.
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blazebladze · 2 years
Chapter 3
Chapter three the Extorted agenda
Hello, everyone, it's nightmare, and welcome back for more of Angelica’s sensations last time we learn that Angelica was hiding a skeleton of information from Susie we also found out that during the conversation Susie noticed that Angelica had changed her story to keep her protected and found out that she's being blackmail by Brianna, Mary, Kate, and her. Now yall probably wondering what exactly what down, let's find out together through a flashback to the very beginning of the story.
Saturday The next morning around 8:am Susie and Angelica Were fast asleep in bed cuddling each other, Susie had Angelica in her right arm and enjoying her company. She soon woke up first and tried not to wake Angelica up, but the reflections on the events of the concert and the blackmail bothered her, Susie started to have a flashback to the day of the blackmail and the concert.“,
March 14, 2014, Friday
After the disagreement argument over the ice London concert. Angelica and her mother continue to argue with each other. she couldn’t take it anymore she walked away from her and headed to her bedroom. She noticed that Angelica had walked away from her. told her she was grounded and was going to her cousins as punishment.
Angelica had tears running down her face as she walked up the stairs to her bedroom and slammed the door behind her.
It doesn't make sense to me, I've spent two months of hard work and three months of overtime even through the house. It won't surprise me that she continues to behave towards other people, but when it comes to circumstances involving action I'm forever to blame she comments.
Angelica, walked over to her bed and laid her back against the bed frame, and continue to cry. she decided to grab her phone from her bed and thought about calling Susie, and asking her to come over and save her from this terrorizing nightmare but she decided not to.
Angelica's phone started Vibrating from the text message from Susie, she wakened up from the vibration and noticed that she was still half asleep so she picked up her phone that was laying next to her and checked that Susie was texting her and asking what she’s doing, and if she would like to do something together, she unlocked her phone and texted her *
Angelica: laying down after a long day at school and work, I was just sleeping so I decided to take a nap afterward, I think we should probably do something together it’s Friday, and I could use the fresh air and the wind hitting my face, but I’m surely going to be busy with work tomorrow, anyway how about this after work both you and I can hang out together “,
Susie: you're laying in bed after a long day of school and work plus it’s only around 5:40 I can understand taking a nap would help, and can I be honest with you whenever I do ask for us to hang out theirs aways am busy with work and school or something like I don’t have time to hang out I have a feeling that you’re just shutting me out and I constantly feel like you don’t want me around or you don’t want me wasting your time.’
Angelica cross her legs and felt guilty about the text messages that Susie sent her after crossing her legs she started tearing down again and commented “, it’s not that I’m avoiding you but I’m just trying to protect you from Brianna, Mary, and Kate they've been blackmailing me since the beginning of high school and I can't get enough of it. ‘I'm tired of being used, tired of not being understood. I’ve been trying for weeks that turn into months to figure out how to get out of this situation, but I don't know how to says Angelica who uncrossed her legs to text Susie back .”,
Angelica: yes I'm sitting on my bed since 5:40 thanks for noticing that I was sitting here. Susie, I'm not shutting you out I love hanging out with my favorite person who cares about me, I miss having you around my presents, you are the only person I care about Okay how about this I promise that the next time I'm free from work we can hang out with each other as much as possible say, Angelica “,
Susie: Charlotte the last time I asked about hanging out, you Belled out at the last minute and pretend that you have cheerleading practice after school. Fitting that cheerleading practice was technically over after cuts and wasn’t letting anyone join. I've noticed something was wrong and that bothers me are you sure that there was no suspicious activity said, Susie”,
Angelica's eyes widened to Susie's Question about any suspicious activity in regards to the blackmailing, and the agreements with her mom she Quickly thought of something and commented “, there's no way She’s catching on to this quickly, but what makes it even worse is she's basically catching up on my lies and almost close to the actual truth. it's only a matter of time before all hell breaks loose and the fact that Susie catching on is impossible to deal with. I can't allow Susie to intervene neither suspect I'm getting blackmailed and if they find out of the suspicion that Susie is catching on they are going to make my life living hell, I can't jeopardize Susie she's my world said Angelica who was coming up with a plan to cover herself “,
After a few seconds of coming up with a plan, Angelica comments “, just say that there is no suspicious activity and I have nothing to hide yeah, it should be enough besides everything is under control “, and start to text Susie back“,
Angelica: yes I'm sure there's no suspicious activity, I promise you that the next time I'm free we can hang out on my days off’s “,
Susie: alright Charlotte, and tomorrow after work can hang out with each other as promised “,
Angelica: yeah as promised after work okay see you later
Susie: see ya
after the conversation with Susie, Angelica started overthinking the situation with Susie caught on. meanwhile, Brianna, Mary, and Kate three were inside Brianna's bedroom having a conversation with each other about their plan of blackmailing Angelica and keeping her away from Susie from finding out mary comments “, I can believe that this blackmailing plan took full effect on that useless fool of a tool. ‘but Brianna how were you able to get through the bitch anyway said, Marty.
Yeah said kate”, we’re just dying to know what exactly happen besides that you are the one who decided it.
Brianna looks at Mary and Kate and says “, it’s just simple enough my dear friends, I pretended to be friends with her doing a group project for lab and she took the bate the only problem was getting information from her, but luckily enough I don’t expect her phone out of all things to out in the middle of a lab oration table, so I took the opportunity to search through her phone on any information she was hiding, after a few minutes I discovered her secret plans for ice London, the Constant arguments with her mother. it wasn't until she realized that her phone went missing. soon after lab was finished I stop her from leaving and told her everything about what I found and what would happen if anyone else found out that we blackmail including Susie, she won't be having a normal life if she doesn’t open her mouth besides that we only have until November 15th to check up on everything and see if she’s holding up said Brianna with a smile on her face.’
Extraordinary said Marty“, so check up on things around the month of the concert date of the 15th of November and continue to be absolute jerks, but I’m curious about the whole thing going south here what them Brianna what are we to do Question Marty.
If things go south said, Brianna”, we simply impersonate to be someone else, which has to be reasonable enough to swindle the victims who became suspicious of us blackmailing Angelica, but the only suspicious people who have been closed for bustling us we're those lame brats, the mathematic teacher Mrs. Rosenthal, the principal, and Susie who's she's falling into as long we keep the façade running nobody is going to suspect the damages and noticed the scars. so don't worry about it everything from the blackmailing is under control, and if anybody Questions or asked for any information about this blackmailing business we simply blame the rejects they're known for getting into trouble.
Speaking of the lame brats I've heard that they were creating a system of claims to cheat on the Science and Technology project after overhearing our conversation about blackmailing Angelica. I rated them out to their professor and got them disqualified from the contest said, Kate”,
What about the teacher and principal asked Mary”, the last time I checked the two were occupied by the diversion.
The teacher and principal are the least of our problems, I've been throwing them off their game against us, and I've managed to get the information mixed up with completely different types of information about the softball team getting Certified Compensation
Kate and Marty chuckled and agree that they would not have anyone know of the claims to the blackmailing against Angelica and promised to keep the others including Susie away from Angelica. After the discussion on the blackmailing. On the day of the ice London concert, Angelica's mother had dropped her off at her cousin's house as punishment for the next few weeks only to sneak off to the concert with Susie and her sister Alyssa.
At the ice Leonard concert, Susie could be spotted hiding behind a group of people who allowed her to blend in with them so she could be in close range of conversation with Brianna, Mary, Kate, and Angelica.
Look who finally decided to show their face once again, we assumed that you kicked the bucket and chickened out angelica said Brianna with an evil smile.
Y'all we're the ones who me forced into getting tickets for this concert, and this situation is becoming more problematic for me said Angelica who was getting tired of dealing with pointless drama said mary.
Of course, were the ones who forced you and we could care less about your problems with this blackmail, besides you haven't been Interactive and Gossipy about it have you, Angelica, we won't let that happen now would we fitting that you're grounded comments kate waiting for Angelica's reply.
She shook her head no fitting that she's always been got for lying about cheerleading practice.
Wonderful, but remember that we're always watching said kate as they started walking away from Angelica.
End of Flashback.
After the flashback Susie couldn't get over how much Angelica maintained in the blackmailing. She also couldn't believe how Brianna, Mary, and Kate got away blackmailing her let alone getting Suspended from school During the school semester. She knew the blackmailing couldn't resume, so she settled on a plan to stop Brianna, Mary, and Kate.
She notices Angelica waking up from her sleep, so she acted quickly and falls back to sleep without giving herself away.
Right after Susie fall, back to sleep Angelica wakes up from slumber yawning. She carefully lifts her head and seeing if Susie was awake. but little did she know that she was awake this entire time before looking back down.
She started talking to herself about the previous events. I haven't had a great slumber since The blackmailing began in the second semester began. I don’t know how much longer I can take, over the past few weeks the intimidation to my mental health has been unstable to the point where I'm constantly emphasizing the fact that Brianna, Mary, and Kate keep annoying the hell out of me. Just wish this nightmare could be done with said, Angelica who was slowly giving Susie the information she needed to stop Brianna, Mary, and Kate.
While Angelica was rambling about the blackmailing situation enough for Susie to overhear everything she started waking up from her fake slumber. I never thought I'd share that wonderful moment after yesterday besides. what you rambling about anyway more importantly what's the time said, Susie opened her eyes while stretching both her arms.
Angelica started setting up from the bed and allowing Susie to stretch both her arms. Oh, nothing important that matters besides how was your slumber hopefully it wasn't a problem she questions her while playing it off while waiting for Susie's reply.
Susie stops stretching her arms and started getting out of bed before facing Angelica with a smile on her face. Nothing important that matters huh if I remember correctly, the only thing that mattered was giving the most beautiful and heartwarming girl the attention she truly deserved, and I'll promise that she'll get the most affection for me starting with breakfast. So you wait here while I make my special girl her favorite meal said, Susie.
Angelica turned to face Susie who blushed red after her comment. I’m super flattered that you're given me all this attention, it's very heartwarming Susie but I don't think it's. Before she could finish her sentence she noticed Susie getting ready to close to her face and putting her index finger on her lips to cut her off.
necessary for me to show love and affection
towards the most beautiful girl that's right in front of me. ‘ Charlotte everything you've been through since the beginning of the school year I'll make sure you get the most out of your school year before college she said to Angelica who was distracted long enough to grab her phone from the nightstand without giving herself away.
Susie slowly puts Charlotte's cell phone into her right short pocket that she was wearing. before she could do anything eles she removed her index finger from Angelica lips and kissed her cheek before leaving the bedroom and heading downstairs to the kitchen to make breakfast for her.
Angelica immediately turned into a tomato and covered her face with her hands while she was screaming with excitement into her hands. “I can't believe she actually kissed my cheek and what could she possibly mean by everything you've been through since the beginning of the school year I'll make sure you get the most out of your school year before college said, Angelica, trying to understand what Susie meant but was too overwhelmed by Susie's kiss.
While Angelica was completely distracted by the kiss on her cheek. Susie overheard the excitement coming from angelica fitting that her strategy was finally active. She's completely distracted and doesn't have a single clue about what's truly happening neither suspect that am catching on to their plans. “ the most important thing is that I must get in contact with her teacher miss Rosenthal and the principal himself they are the only few people who came close to the truth the last time I recall. Brianna, Mary, and Kate are incredibly well known for getting out of serious trouble even though the last few month's hands have gone out of control, and dealing with her mother is a pain and the neck. I should start by saving Angelica first then deal with the main problem, later on, said, Susie who started cooking breakfast.
While Susie was making Angelica breakfast the phone that was inside her pocket started vibrating and letting her now she received a text message. Who could be texting her at this time of morning . ‘highly doubt it would be her mother fitting she’s on a business trip Susie comments. She reached inside her right short pocket with her right hand and opened up the phone , when she opened her phone she saw nothing but messages from Brianna, Mary, and Kate from a secret group chat and from miss Rosenthal.
Susie started reading the the message between the group chats with Brianna, Mary, and Kate.
Hey wakey wakey we haven't had a good breakfast in Quite a while could be a good person to fetch us something worth eating from Brianna at 8 am.
Sorry but Unfortunately am unable to get y’all breakfast in the morning due to the extra hours at work, besides I'm exhausted I don't get paid until next week from Angelica.
Better figure out how to get Our breakfast times ticking from mary.
She keeps searching through the messages and couldn't find anything. ‘It's weird the message started around the second week of September and ended on the 21 she barely respond to any of them Susie's comments.
Susie closes the secret group chat conversation with them and starting to look for her mathematician teacher miss Rosenthal number. After enough searching, she found her number called her immediately.
Meanwhile, inside the house of miss Rosenthal the mathematical teacher, she was enjoying her morning with a cup of coffee along with her favorite pajamas while having a nice breakfast before getting back to grading more papers for Monday morning. While Susie getting a hold of miss Rosenthal. She was located in the living room watching tv on the couch. It wasn't until she hears the sound of her cell phone ringing. ‘I wonder who could be calling me this early in the morning said Miss Rosenthal reaching for the cell phone that was on the couch with her.
She checks the caller ID and saw Angelica’s number pop up She picks up the phone. ‘Darling, it's everything alright said, miss Rosenthal, waiting for a reply from Angelica.
‘Miss Rosenthal, this Susie Carmichael sorry to bother your morning but I’m Angelica friend there’s something you need to know about her replied Susie.
Miss Rosenthal stop what she was doing and placed both her coffee mug and tv remote on the living table.
‘Ah yes, miss Carmichael, Angelica speaks highly of you. ‘you're not bothering my morning Anyway, what seems to be the problem what's wrong with her said, miss Rosenthal.
‘The problem is, miss Rosenthal ‘Brianna, Mary, and Kate have been blackmailing Angelica since the beginning of the school semester last year. I'm getting worried about her she's mental health, ‘is there any way to put a stop to this blackmailing Susie Question miss Rosenthal who was almost done cooking.
Miss Rosenthal lets out a sigh after hearing the news about Angelica’s blackmail. She became curious about the blackmail situation fitting that she was already aware of Angelica's actions.
‘Yes, it’s not a surprise that am not aware of her actions and what goes on inside my classroom, but to fully answer your question yes there is a way from putting an end to this blackmail said, miss Rosenthal, waiting for Susie's reply.
‘Wait, you’re already aware of her actions that’s impossible Angelica it’s good at hitting things, but how exactly Susie reply who fished with the food and could her Angelica calling her name from upstairs.
‘Hey, Susie what's the hold-up I've been waiting for a good 15 minutes, is everything okay down there said, Angelica, getting worried about Susie and waiting to hear a reply.
Susie covered the phone with her right hand after hearing Angelica calls her name and Question her whereabouts.
‘Yes, everything, okay heading upstairs in a few minutes promise, besides I have a special surprise later on today with your name on it comments Susie who was trying to distract her a bit longer.
‘ a, special surprise later said Angelica who got very excited about her surprise. Susie took her right hand off the cell phone so she could finish the conversation with miss Rosenthal.
The reason why I'm very aware of Angelica's actions is I overheard the conversation while I saw busy teaching a lesson, but listen very carefully before you hang up the phone with me. I want to know everything from start to finish understand said, miss Rosenthal.
‘ yes, I understand but how’s does this help with her blackmail if you don’t mind me asking said Susie waiting for her answer.
‘Simple, take pictures of absolutely every single conversation and from there you make sure you on Monday morning you head straight to the principal office and you make sure you tell him everything said, miss Rosenthal.
Susie agrees with miss Rosenthal and promises that the evidence gets handed over to the principal who started to tell her everything from start to finish. After the phone conversation with miss, Rosenthal and explaining the situation Susie ended the call phone and start heading upstairs with the food before putting the phone back into her right pocket.
End of chapter 3
Hello my nightmare readers it’s been awhile since I’ve uploaded or even given a single update. Reasons why I haven’t posted an update is because Wattpad has been done for more then awhile, so I decided keep writing and wait until the chapter three was completely finished and posted on tumbler but looks like everything is back to normal so hope you enjoyed the chapter with that being said see y’all all soon In chapter 4 .
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atinysunbaby · 3 years
Meant to be | Choi San 🖤
Tumblr media
Warnings : Cursing, violence, mention of rape.
Words count : 2.2 k
Previous 《 Prologue
Chapter 1
My cheeks are burning from the salty tears escaping my eyes. A tightening feeling in my chest growing by the minute. The sobs keep escaping me, making my body move uncontrollably. Chocking from the sharp inhales and shaking from the cold temperature. This moment, forever will be imprinted in my mind. Those images I wish I could forget, unfortunately will hunt me till my last breath.
I suppose it's what most people feel too when they lose their parents. I wanted to deny it, but I saw their bodies. They were cold, bruised, bloody and no longer held any signs of life.
The last time a saw them, I didn't bother much to say goodbye to them. Only telling them to enjoy their little vacation in the woods. I was more exited about being alone then making them know how much I loved them. Now it's too late, I'll never be able to see their faces again, hear their voices, feel their arms around me when I need them the most.
I woke up to my cellphone ringing this morning, answering grumpily, thinking it was my mom who disturbed me from my sleep. It was actually the cops telling me to come to the hospital, but I wish it would've been her instead. I wish she could annoy me every morning now, but it's over. She isn't here anymore and neither is my dad.
I'm in my room, at this moment, crying my heart out. I ran out of the hospital immediately after seeing their corpses. They wanted me to identifie them, but I left with people screaming for me to comeback. I guess they probably know from my reaction, that it was indeed my mom and dad.
People keep calling me on my phone, but I don't answer. I'm laying on the floor, looking at the ceiling, waiting for my sadness to subside. I know that won't happen anytime soon, but it's the only way for me to calm down. Being surrounded by people telling me how sorry they are for my loss. A bunch of fake assholes making me feel even worse about the situation definitely won't make anything better.
Slowly my eyes get heavy, I try to fight the exhaustion but fail miserably. I fall asleep on the cold floor of my room, my window open and the sound of rain filling my ears. All of this crying definitely used up a lot of my energy.
The car crash, I wasn't there and I have no idea of what happened. But I see it, something is in the middle of the road and dad just told mom a joke. They're laughing.. until they hit that thing, an animal maybe. It goes right through the window and kill my dad instantly, but as for my mom. The car rolls off the road and fall down a small cliff. Mom's still alive, she's in pain, blood everywhere, she's crying for her husband to open his eyes and answer her. She keeps screaming that she can't feel him anymore? His presence? Her breathing is getting worse the more she panics. Suddenly the door on her side opens and something stabs her in the chest, putting a end to her desperate cries. Blood is streaming down her chin, her eyes looking directly through mine while she takes her last breath.
I open my eyes to see nothing but darkness. I frantically search for a sign of light, I reach around with my hands. My eyes are open wide and my breath shaky, until my fingers brush against an object. I stop every movement, slowly gripping it and letting a breath of relieve when I realise it's my phone.
I turn it on to see a ton of messages and missed calls. One standing out, my aunts name, my mom's sister. I never talked to her, but mom insisted on giving me her number. I look around my room and stand up to look outside the window, only to notice that it's night time. The reason of the darkness and freezing temperature. I close it and turn the lights on in my room. Then I sit on the corner of my bed and hesitate a few minutes while looking at the screen in front of me. My fingers finaly press on call. A few rings later, Aunt Kath's voice is heard. "Y/N! Y/N is it you?"
"Yes it's me.. why did you cal-" I'm cut off by a loud sob. My eyes widen in confusion, but I soon remember that my mom, her sister is no longer a part of this world. I sigh and wait for her to stop crying on the other side of the line. "S-sweetie- where are you? Are you safe? You're not alone ar-"
"Kath, my parents just died. I'm obviously not partying right now, but I'm okay.. I guess.." She stays silent for the next few seconds, my blunt answer probably wasn't expected, but it's understandable. "Sweetheart-I uhh.. you have no one to stay with right? So.. your mom made me your godmother, i-in case anything happened to her.. will you come live w-with me, here in Korea?"
It takes some time to process what just came out of her mouth, my eyebrows are furrowed. Many feelings are fighting to take control of my body, but the one that wins is frustration. "W-what?.."
"She told me to take care of you if she wasn't there anymore... It was just a precaution, but I guess it really happened." She says with a small voice, trying not to upset me further. Judging from my lack of response, she can tell I'm not that excited about this new information. "I asked you, but it ins't really a choice that you have. It's an obligation, you can't stay alone out ther-"
I hang up, not wanting to listen even for one more second. I need some time to think about it. She's right, I don't have much of a choice. I turned seventeen not too long ago and I don't have any family member here. At least none that I know of. I sigh defeated, once again pressing on my godmother's contact.
She picks up not even a second later, as if she knew I was gonna call her back. She doesn't say a word, waiting for me to start talking. I clear my throat after freeing my lower lip from my teeth. "How will I get there? How about my clothes and everything else in the house? My parents' funera-"
"I'll take care of everything you don't have to worry, just bring the necessary and I'll transfer some money on your account so you can pay for your plane ticket. As for the ride to my house, my boyfriend will pick you up" She spend a whole hour explaining to me how everything will go and I agree after hesitating for a while. If my mom gave Kath the role of godmother, she must trust her. So I will trust her too, anyways I don't really have a reason not to. She's been nice till now and she'll even welcome me in her house, she's taking me in. "Thank you Kath, I really appreciate it. I don't know what I would've done if I was all alone."
Days later
I prepared all my stuff, ready to fly to Korea. It took me a while to accept, but eventually I warmed up to it. It's an opportunity for me, to start over. A new life full of adventure, new environment and culture. I want to explore the world so why not start there.
Unfortunately though, I had to say goodbye to all my friends. We cried and spend the last few days together. We promised to text each other everyday and not to forget about one another. Sad thing is, my friends aren't the only ones I need to leave behind. It's hard to leave the place I grew up in, my house, my neighbourhood, my city, everything.
In a few hours, everything I ever knew will all be in the past. Only the memories will stay, the rest, all gone. So the day my parents died, I didn't only lose them, but my life too. The life they gave me. Now, I have to make a new one, by myself.
Landing in Korea
The flight was boring and quite annoying, I didn't know what to do. A baby cried for what felt like years and a couple had an argument at some point. Then the person next to me started to snore so loudly I thought the plane was crashing. I'm glad to finaly be on the ground, the loud voices of people speaking indistinctly seeming to sooth me from what I went through previously.
I sit on one of the chairs in the airport waiting for James, my godmother's boyfriend. He'll drive me to their house, apparently Kath arranged a room for me already. She doesn't have any kid, so she's looking forward to having me over.
"Y/N!!" I jump from the chair almost falling on my ass. I luckily manage to stay on my two feet and not make a fool of myself. Upon hearing a chuckle, I turn around and see an old looking dude smirking at me, maybe in his late forties. "Umm.. Hi can I help you?"
"James, I came to pick you up remember?" He asks while pointing at himself. I'm still unsure, he's looking at me weirdly. I can feel an odd vibe from him. It makes me feel uncomfortable, but I push it aside and nod before following him.
We enter his rusty jeep, the doors creaking when moving. Despite the outside looking a bit ugly, the inside is clean. The only negative point would be the smell, cigarette and..alcohol? Paying a bit more attention to the smell though, it doesn't only come from the jeep. The man next to me is even worst, it seems that he might shower rarely. Subtly, I bring my sweater paws to my nose, looking outside to distract myself.
"So, Y/N! How you holding up?" His loud and deep raspy voice makes me jump for the second time. I turn a bit a towards him not to be impolite and think before answering him. "I guess it's a bit easier then I expected. I didn't think that I'd feel any better, but after a few days it prove me wrong. But I feel bad, to already move on.."
He hums next to me, nodding his head lazily. I wait for him to add something, but the car is filled with silence. I'm relieved he doesn't speak further, not really being in the mood to have a whole conversation, especially with someone I don't know. So, slowly I turn back around towards the window. My mind drifting to the events that happened in just a few weeks, everything is so fucked up. Fortunately, Kath and James decided to help me.
About an hour past since we came out of the airport. We just entered a forrest, James informed me that it'll take a while still. He insisted that I should go to sleep and when I'll wake up, we'll be home. I ponder for some time, but eventually agree. It doesn't take long for me to fall asleep due to not being able to get much sleep in the plane.
I wake up when the car come to an halt, a man's voice coming from next to me. Curses escaping his mouth, confused I open my eyes. The events from the previous hours coming back to me, tears threatening to escape my eyes. My body shaking slightly from fear, uncontrollably.
The ride was a lot longer then what James had told me it would be and I slept, only to be woken up by a hand covering my mouth. Horrible things happened in that car and it wasn't a nightmare, no mather how much I wish it was one. He said he would tell Kath it took us some time because of the traffic and the airport. Then he threatened to kill me if I open my mouth.
I can't let him see me crying, I don't want him to have another reason to hurt me. Despite being terrified and completely drained from energy, I swallow the bill in my throat and wipe the tears from my eyes. While I'm breaking down, next to me James is whistling and turning the car off. Announcing with a loud scream to Kath that we arrived.
"Omg! Y/N! Sweetie you really are here." Kath comes out of the house shouting happily, her arms open, waiting for me to give her a hug. I rush to open the door, but a hand grabs my arm. His nails dig in my skin and I whimper, both from fear and pain. "Remember. You talk, you die."
He puts my bag in my hand, pretending to be helping me. Finally I escape the horrible vehicle and run into my godmother's arms with a heavy heart. The second she engulfs me in her warmth, sobs spill from deep within me. She cries with me but not for the same reason. She cries because she lost her sister and now I'm here. I, cry because I've lost my parents, I lost my house, my friends. Because I've been raped less then an hour ago. Because I feel completely broken and hopeless. The new life I wanted for myself, only starts with even more problems then I had before.
Next 》 Chapter 2
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Short break from the ask request because I was almost finished with this.
And I've already done Mihawk, Shanks, and Zoro's so...
Sanji's turn!! 💙💙💙
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Honestly chef whites have never looked better on anyone.
(Please don't tell my husband he's a chef)
(Also he wants us to watch OPLA together, please send a prayer for my tainted soul)
(Gonna be twitching like I've downed two pots of coffee through all of Sanji and Mihawk's scenes)
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Absolutely uncalled for 😒
Deep breath.
Anyway. Here's the headcanon thing.
Spicy, super fluffy, NSFW.
ABC's of Romance
A — Afterglow (How are they after sex?)
Absolutely, totally and hopelessly devoted to making sure you know just how much of a goddess you are.
Kissing you all over—your neck, your shoulders, your chest, your jaw and your lips.
Praising you endlessly.
"You're so perfect. I don't know how I ever lived without you."
Leaving you only long enough to prepare a quick snack, likely something like a fruit and cheese board paired with a light and tart Rosé wine.
Bonus points if you let him feed you.
He wants to pamper you like the queen you are, so just let him and he'll be in heaven.
B — Backrubs? (Do they like them? Like giving them?)
Yes and yes, and also *yes*.
Any reason to have his hands on you.
Obviously works with his hands all the time, and they are absolute magic.
One can get pretty sore being bent over a cutting board and a stove half the day, so if you get behind him and start rubbing his shoulders, he's going to melt right into your hands.
"Oh, my love, what did I ever do to deserve you?"
C — Cuddling (Do they enjoy cuddling a lot ot only at certain moments?)
Super clingy.
Like super super clingy.
He would probably just glue you to his side if the option presented itself.
Forever coming up behind you and wrapping his arms around you, kissing the top of your head and your cheek.
Nuzzling into the crook of your neck.
Any moment he isn’t holding you is a moment wasted.
D — Dance (Are they good at it? Do they enjoy it?)
Being a good dancer sort of goes hand in hand with being a hopeless romantic.
And again, he never gets tired of being close to you. Any reason is a good reason.
Seeing you in an evening gown or a cocktail dress is going to floor him absolutely every time.
"You look absolutely stunning, darling. Not that you aren't always stunning."
Lacing his fingers with yours, wrapping his other hand around your waist and rubbing his thumb there in slow little circles.
Resting his forehead against yours so he can gaze into your eyes the whole time.
Curling an arm around your back to dip you, and using it as an excuse to oh-so-subtly brush his lips to your neck.
E — Extravagant Gestures (Things they do to make you feel loved)
Preparing a surprise full-course candlelight dinner for just the two of you (and locking the rest of the crew out of the kitchen to ensure you won't be bothered, very much to Luffy's irritation).
Buying you little presents literally all the time, potentially to the point of financial ruin if you can't convince him to stop.
Laying out a blanket and pillows at the helm of the ship in the evening so you can watch the sunset or stargaze with a bottle of wine or mixed drinks.
F — Fighting (How do they handle arguments/apologies?)
Absolutely endless apologizing.
Literally begging on his knees if he has to.
Doesn't matter if he was in the wrong or not, he just can't stomach you being angry with him for any length of time.
"Please, love, just tell me what I can do to fix this. I'll do anything."
He's going to brush it off if you apologize because he just wants it to be over and done with.
Holding you close and cradling your head against him, kissing your forehead and assuring you he isn't upset.
G — Getting Hot (What do they do to turn you on?)
Full-on seduction.
Moving in behind you and brushing your hair behind your ear, his knuckles across your neck.
Rubbing his his hands up and down your waist, grazing his fingertipa across your stomach.
Trailing soft kisses up and down your shoulder and neck, soft little purr in your ear.
"Do you have any idea how badly I want you?"
Pulling you gently back against him and turning your head to gaze into your eyes.
Caressing his thumb across your cheek and brushing his lips slowly against yours. 
H — Heartache (How would they handle it if you broke up with them?)
Oh dear. Let's not do that.
It would absolutely shatter his entire world.
He will do anything in his power to fix whatever is wrong.
He is absolutely not above begging you to take him back.
And if you don't, well, you're his whole universe, and he'll almost definitely fall straight into a depression and refuse to get out of bed ever again.
I — Intimacy (When are they intimate with you? And how often?)
When isn't he?
The rest of the crew is constantly cringing and rolling their eyes.
Keeping his arm around your waist any time he has the chance.
Pulling you close and playing with your hair while he kisses you slowly.
Sneaking up behind you to lift you off your feet and ravish your neck and jaw with kisses.
It can honestly get to be a little much sometimes, but you really can't stand seeing how pitiful he gets when you shoo him off or tell him you're busy.
J — Joker (How do they make you laugh)
His relentless flirting makes you giggle more than anything.
The way he acts like he's still trying to win you over.
His little pout when you tease him about it.
"Well, who in their right mind wouldn't shower the most beautiful woman in the world with praise and affection?"
K — Kissing (How good? How often?)
All the time, and all over.
Your lips, your neck, your shoulders, your chest, your cheeks, your forehead.
Rubbing his hands up and down your waist, tilting his head in to kiss you slowly and deeply. 
Lightly brushing his tongue across your lips, letting you set the pace.
Absolutely losing his cool when you deepen the kiss, pulling you flush against him, picking you up and backing you up onto the nearest counter or table.
He absolutely doesn't care if there's anyone else around, because the rest of the world just melts away when your lips are on his.
L — Lay down (How do they sleep with you? Are they cuddler or do they prefer their space?)
He wants you absolutely flush against him.
Facing you with one arm under your neck and his other around your waist, cradling your head under his chin.
Pressing his lips to the crown of your hair.
Always making sure to tell you how much he loves and cherishes you before you fall asleep.
"I love you. So much. You're the best thing that has ever happened to me. I wouldn't ever trade this for anything."
Maybe more than once.
M — Making babies (Do they want to settle down and have kids?)
Yes, yes, a thousand times yes.
Maybe not right this moment, but starting a family with you would be an absolute dream come true.
Two or three kids, your own ship, searching for the All Blue together.
He literally daydreams about it.
N — Nervous? (How confident are they when it comes to romance?)
He was absolutely confident about winning your heart...
But he's a little nervous about keeping it.
That's why he's more than a little clingy. He wants to make absolutely sure that you know how devoted he is to you.
To your happiness, your hopes and dreams, your pleasure.
He wants you to know, every moment of every day, that he is absolutely and hopelessly in love with you.
O — Oral Fixation (Giving or recieving? And how good are they?)
Absolute giver, through and through.
Would gladly suffocate to death between your thighs, as long as the last sounds he heard were your moans.
He's going to eat you out like a man dying of thirst in the desert and you're the first water source he's seen in weeks.
Gripping at your thighs and your hips to pull you closer, his tongue working a steady rhythm, his eyes rolling back when you grip at his hair and moan.
Just living vicariously through your pleasure.
Kissing around your thighs and your stomach when you orgasm, before going right back in to get you there all over again.
You're going to have to tell him to stop, because he could literally do this all night.
He's not going to complain if you return the favor.
Watching you the entire time, his breath shuddering and his fingers combing through your hair, biting the side of his fist.
"O—oh god—oh god yes, love, you're so perfect...."
Absolutely losing his mind when you gaze up at him through your eyelashes and swirl your tongue around his cock.
Gripping at the bedsheets and pushing his hips up, swearing under his breath.
P — Pet Peeves (Things they don't like in a partner)
Being disrespectful toward hospitality workers (wait staff, line cooks, hosts, etc)—big pet peeve for anyone in the culinary industry, and he absolutely will not abide it.
Being inderect/aloof. He's more than happy to give you anything you want or need, so just tell him and he will.
Flirting with Zoro. Just don't, for god's sake. He'll kick that moss-head's face in.
Q — Quiet Time (How much alone time do they need, or do they want to be with you 24/7?)
Just let him glue you to his side already.
He wants to be with you every minute of every day, and he's going to make it known.
Every second of downtime he has, he wants to spend it with you.
Cuddling, kissing, making love, he doesn't care.
What you're doing together is completely on your terms, as long as you're together.
R — Romance (How romantic are they? Do they have to force it or does it come natural?)
Sanji is the most hopeless romantic you have ever met in your life.
It's impossible to count how many times he tells you he loves you throughout the course of a day.
It's also impossible not to believe him, the way he pulls you close and gazes into your eyes.
Cradles your head in his hands and curls his fingers in your hair and kisses you like might never have the chance to kiss you again.
S — Spending Money (How much do they like to spend on you?)
Too much.
No, literally too much. If you don't stop him he's not going to have any money left for basic needs.
Hide his wallet, for heaven's sake.
T — Trust (Are they trusting of you? Jealous?)
Yes, on both accounts.
Sanji absolutely trusts you.
But he gets jealous pretty easily. He does not abide anyone else trying to flirt with you.
He's not going to get upset with you about it. He wholly understands that you're the most beautiful being in the entire universe and that men are going to flock toward you.
But he's going to make sure that they know they can't have you.
U — Underwear (What kind do they wear, and what kind do they like on you?)
He tends toward boxer briefs, but if you told him you wanted to see him in a thong he probably wouldn't object.
You could wear a trash bag and he'd still be ga-ga over your.
But he still loves seeing you in soft, feminine things. 
Lace and satin and silk.
Seeing you in any kind of lingerie is almost enough to give him a heart attack.
V — Vulnerable (How vulnerable are they with you? Is it easy for them to open up to you?)
Sanji is a complete open book with you.
Wants you to know that it's perfectly safe for you to be open with him, and the best way is for him to be open with you.
Even if it's a difficult subject, he will bite the bullet and be completely honest.
Even if it's harder for you to be vulnerable, he will be without question.
Because he wants you to know that he'll be there to listen and understand wheneveryou feel like you can be.
W — Wine and Dine (Do they prefer meals at home or going out with you? Who does more of the cooking?)
Both, honestly.
He wants to take you out to lavish five star restaurants where he can focus all of his time and energy on you.
But he's always thrilled to cook for you.
The best answer is that he would prefer to cook with you.
Asking him if you can help in the kitchen melts him into a puddle.
X — X-Rated (How good are they in bed? What do they like?)
Absolutely hellbent on making you feel like a goddess, and he definitely knows how to.
While Sanji is a relentless flirt, he doesn't tend to jump into bed with just anyone, prefering that sex have both a physical and an emotional connection.
Slow, tender, and loving, making sure that you know he worships every single inch of you, inside and out.
Fingertips caressing up and down your inner thigh while he kisses you slowly.
His lips slipping away to trail down your neck, fingers trailing higher up your thigh, across your soft folds, rubbing your clit in slow, gentle circles. 
His breath catching a little when you moan or arch your hips arch toward his touch.
Every sound you make, every moan amd whimper amd gasp, is like music to his ears.
Trailing his lips lower, kissing and caressing every square inch of your chest.
His lips and his fingers brushing across your nipples.
Circling them with his tongue.
Alternating between rubbing your clit amd pushing two fingers inside you to focus on your g-spot.
Keeping a steady, perfect pace that sends you over the edge in a matter of minutes, over and over again.
Trailing soft kisses back up your neck, murmuring against your ear and gently stroking your wet folds.
"You're so beautiful when you're moaning."
Brushing his lips to yours in a slow, tender kiss before sitting up, gently pulling you with him by your waist and hand.
Pulling you flush against him so your thighs straddle his hips.
Slow, deep kisses, breath shuddering as he grinds his cock slowly against you.
Gripping your hips and lifting you up slightly on your knees, lowering you back down slowly.
Drawing in a sharp breath and moaning quietly against your lips as he slides into you.
Tightening his grip on your hip and your waist, fighting the urge to thrust right into you, wanting to savor the feeling of your tight inner walls slowly enveloping his cock.
Lifting a hand to cradle your head, his thumb brushing your hair behind your ear.
Lips slipping away from yours with a slow sigh once he's fully inside you, gazing into your eyes.
"Oh, you feel like heaven, love."
Lips brushing against your neck and your collarbone as he rolls his hips to meet yours in long, deep strokes.
One hand on your hip to guide your movement and his other trailing up your waist, caressing your stomach, your breasts, tangling in your hair as the pace increases steadily.
Lying you back on the bed and lacing his fingers through yours, gripping your hand to keep himself under control.
Kissing your neck and shoulder and caressing your thigh, grianing quietly, whispering in your ear that he loves you, how perfect you are, his beautiful goddess.
Pressing his lips to yours when you come again, your moans and the tight contractions of your orgasm driving him over the edge.
Thrusting fully into you and coming deep inside you, hands gripping your thigh and your hair, his moans answering yours amid a deep, passionate kiss.
Y — Yearning (How long will they pursue the person they're interested in before losing interest?)
Literally to the ends of the earth.
Sanji is a little obsessed with you. Just a little.
He isn't going to try to push you into anything you don't want, but the flirting will be utterly incessant.
He can't help it, it's his default setting.
He worships the ground you walk on and will stop at nothing to make sure you know it.
Z — Zen (What do they do to wind down and relax? Do they prefer to do it alone or with you?)
Always, always with you.
If it's coming up with a new recipe, he wants your input.
If it's lounging back on a lazy afternoon, he wants you lounging back against his chest so he can play with your hair and breathe in your perfume.
You are his peace.
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For me, it depends on the media and how personally attached to it, or the way I'm attached to it, how much I will or won't care about ships in that media, and going another level down, how much the Problematic* ships bother me.
It also matters how the fandom interacts with these things when they're present.
Spardacest shippers have always been aggressive, rude, and far too pervasive in the main fandom space to be able to brush under the rug as the usual Fandom Space Weirdos.
Story context is definitely a big factor too; to take the Sparda family relationships and make them into something sexual inherently cheapens EVERYTHING about the narrative, and I'm deeply opposed to that. Like I find it to be the same kind of disrespectful as that one girl that was being really loud in the DMC tags about how Vergil was a prime example toxic masculinity, that he didn't deserve his redemption arc, while being Big Mad that V wasn't a separate character from Vergil for her to Kylo Ren simp for. The kind of disrespectful where it's like, "Why are you here? Are you even paying attention to the games you're playing?"
Censorship is a slippery slope that honestly terrifies me quite a bit coming out of a really strict Christian upbringing, so I hesitate to align myself with the side of the argument that wants to purge these things from existence, because I know from experience that it will never stop with just the stuff that people like you and I find distasteful or even triggering.
I do wish this stuff could stay on a place like fuckin. Rule 34 or something though. Keep the Nasty shit sequestered somewhere where the common folk don't have to risk having a Bad Time just scrolling through their comfort media.
I've been doing a lot of research into psychosexual pathologies recently and it's... a fucking rabbit hole of an endeavor lemme tell you. Some things in this vein are more complicated than I could have ever imagined, the kinda stuff that keeps my eyebrows at my hairline the entire time, and tbqh, sometimes it really is better to just back away slowly and pretend You Did Not See.
I guess my personal bottom line is I'd rather devote my time and energy to intervening in cases where an actual, living, breathing person is being harmed or exploited, rather than wasting energy running around in circles arguing with horny jackasses whomst don't care about making other people profoundly uncomfortable, or even causing them to walk right into triggers like a field of rakes.
Feels real "get a fucking room" vibes as I smash the block button.
I full heartingly agree, I know there's no getting through to them at the end of the day. They're stubborn that way and it's just arguing with a brick wall each time you interact with them and it's exhausting. I try not to talk about this matter too much because like you said, there's better things to do with time and again it as a topic is a bit triggering for me but sometimes you have to address it at sometimes because they're fucking everywhere and they don't keep their shit on places like r34 or some shit like that just ugh 😑 you have to get something out or you're head will explode.
And yeah it does feel like they don't get the whole family narrative dmc has had since the very beginning they just turn everything sexual when those things were never supposed to have that intent.
I've never heard of the whole "toxic masculinity vergil" thing but like I said in an earlier post about the early days of pre launch of dmc 5 and those fans getting mad over the V twist... it lines up.
But hell I've seen a Spardacest shipper on twitter before claim Kyrie is "abusive" to Nero just because apparently (according to this person) she was the one responsible for taking the foster kids in and Nero had no say in it (also according to this person) and that it's her fault that Nero goes out to work in old ragged clothes and only accepted food as payment instead of money so he can't buy new clothes, guess what? All according to this person using the before the nightmare novel as "evidence" but also admitting to never reading the damn thing to know any context about the points they made and if they actually read the summary or the translations they would've known it all wasn't just "big bad abusive Kyrie's" choices, just taking the ball and running with it all because Kyrie got in the way of their ""ship""
It just baffles me of all the hoops they go through to justify this shit, but again I do try my best to just block and ignore it but I've been in this fandom for years and it's just impossible to miss this type of shit that slips through the cracks and maybe just watching them also making themselves look fucking stupid also makes me feel better on the whole trigger thing.
Anyway, if I'm ever asked further on this I'll answer and restate my stance but anyhow I'm not letting them ruin my fandom experience, I've dealt with this shit long before and I don't doubt it'll ever go away. I'll just block, block, block every time I see it and watch the clownshow of ""justification"" that slips through the cracks.
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juviaafullbuster · 4 years
Not a party person
Summary: Despite not being a party person, Lucy convinces Juvia to come along. There she gets to know a guy who manages to enchant her with a smile.
A/N: Thank you @anaken101 for requesting a modern day AU. I've been worrking on one but I kind of got stuck in a writer's block so here is a short one as an apology until I manage to finish the main one.
Also it's midnight here in Germany which means Juvia day is over and I had to contribute something to it.
Hope you like it. :)
If Juvia could go back in time and change things, there is one thing she would do different for sure: She would never agree to go to this stupid party. She wasn't even sure how Lucy and Levy had managed to convince her to come with them, but her she was. Juvia is anything but a party person, so really, what were her friends thinking?
“You know how awkward I can become at parties, I need you there! Come on, it will be fun!” Levy was begging Juvia to come along.
“Levy is right. You will like it, I promise. Besides you need to meet new people. And my friends have been begging me to introduce them to you.”
“I know enough people already.”
“Gajeel, Levy and I are anything but enough. Besides I think you need to let lose a little and just have fun for once. ” Lucy did have a point. Ever since Juvia moved in with her, she hadn't made an effort to get out and meet new people. To be fair, she was busy with her new job most of the time and when she wasn't she would spend the time locked up in her room dealing with her wounds that messy breakup with her stupid ex Bora had left her with.
Anyways, after a lot of arguments and discussions the girls had managed to convince her. And that's how she ended up here. On a couch, stuck between couples who obviously felt no shame whatsoever, with her friends nowhere in sight. She did see Levy leaving with Gajeel earlier. And Lucy was supposed to get them drinks but she has yet to come back. At this point Juvia was positive she wouldn't see her blonde friend for a while, judging by the looks she was giving that friend of hers who she introduced as Natsu, the guy hosting the party.
Juvia sighed and pushed herself of the couch. She really needed to get out of here. When she did manage to arrive outside, she felt like she could finally breathe. The room has been suffocating her. She sat down and leaned her back against the fence enjoying the calm of the night. She didn't realize the presence of another person until he spoke up.
“I take it you're not a party person.”
Juvia looked up to find a guy staring at her. He seemed to be around her age. Dark hair, droppy eyes, shirtless. Why the hell was he shirtless? It's not like it was warm outside. The cool breeze was leaving goosebumps on her skin after all. Why was it bothering her anyway? Juvia shook the thought away. Should she just ignore him and hope he will go away? Would that be rude? Lucy's words about meeting new people came back into her mind. She was right. Juvia really needed to learn to be more open. Besides it was really time she'd let lose and have a little fun. The guy seemed nice enough. And he didn't appear drunk. He was very handsome too, not that this is of importance.
“Um, yes, you could say so.”
Smiling, he settled down next to her, leaving enough space between them in order to not make her uncomfortable. Juvia couldn't help but laugh inwardly. What did Bora say before he broke up with her? You're too clingy. Jerk.
“Most people are declaring this party the best one ever.”
“Might be. I can't really judge. Like you figured already, I'm not really a party person.”
“How come you're here then? Not that I'm complaining, I'm just generally curious.”
“I was pretty much forced to come here by my friends. They can be quite persistence."
"What are friends there for? Mine forced me to be here too." He chuckled, leaning his head back against the fence and eyeing Juvia from the side. "There is already something we have in common stranger."
"Alright, my turn to ask a question. Why are you shirtless? Not that I'm complaining, I'm just generally curious.”
“Nice one, using my own words against me.” The guy flashed her a smile and Juvia felt like she couldn't breathe for a moment. He wasn't just handsome, he was straight up gorgeous. Suddenly Juvia felt insecure about her appearance. Maybe she should have put a little more effort in and taking up on Lucy's offer to do her hair and make-up. Well, it was too late now. And the guy didn't seem to be bothered either because Juvia kept catching him staring at her, before shyly averting his eyes.
“Some drunk guy spilled his drink on me earlier so my shirt was all sticky which is why I decided to take it off. Noone complained yet. It doesn't make you uncomfortable, does it?” He seemed genuinely concerned and for some reason it warmed her heart.
“I was stuck on a couch with two different couples fiercely making out around me for a while. I had to push this one guy away from me four times. I think I can handle you being shirtless.”
“Well, I'm glad then. I was afraid I was making you uncomfortable and would have to leave. Especially because I am really enjoying talking to you.” He smiled shyly, scratching the back of his head.
“My name is Gray by the way.”
“Nice to meet you Gray. I'm Juvia.”
“Juvia.." he let the name roll on his lips a little, before giving her a satisfied smile. "It's a pretty name, fits you. It also sounds much better than stranger." "
At that Juvia could feel her cheeks heating up. She was sure she looked like a tomato at this point. Juvia wasn't sure how to respond to that and for a short moment an awkward silence was present before Gray broke it.
"Wait, Juvia? As in Lucy's new roommate?”
“Yes, you know her?”
“She's a very close friend of mine. I assume she's the one who managed to drag you here?"
Juvia nodded. “To be fair, it took her a lot of convincing. Although I'm not exactly sure why she dragged me along, considering I lost her after the first ten minutes here.”
“Yeah, I'm afraid you won't find her anymore. As far as I know her she's probably getting busy with my best friend.”
“I assume your best friends name is Natsu?” It was more of a statement than a question but Gray still nodded. “Honestly, I suspected something like that already after she went to get us drinks and never came back.”
Gray laughed, shaking his head slightly. “I think you'll fit right into our group. I honestly don't know why Lucy was so scared of introducing us to you. She kept rambling about us leaving a bad impression and scaring you of, but I like to think I'm doing pretty good.”
“You're doing okay, I guess.” Gray laughed and stared at Juvia, who had a playful smile on her face, before she started to nervously play with her hair and turned her head a little sideways. Something about this guy was turning her into a blushing, nervous mess. Gray realized he was staring and shook himself out of the trance that blunette seemed to have put him in.
“Since Lucy never got you a drink, can I offer you one?”
“How could I possibly say no when you ask so nicely?” Gray grinned and got up before reaching out a hand to Juvia and helping her up. They started walking back to the house in silence.
“Are you single? Just asking.” Somehow he had managed to ramble out the sentence calmly, inside Gray was a mess though. Juvia looked at him, seeing the slight blush on his face and the way he averted looking her straight in the face. She couldn't help the smile that appeared on her face.
“Yes, I am. You have a friend you want to hook me up with?”
“Something like that. Would that friend have any chances?”
“Well, he might.”
“In that case, could he get your phone number?” At that Gray pulled out his phone and held it towards her, a boyish grin on his face. Juvia took the phone and typed in her number before handing it back to him.
“I better hear from that friend or I'll be seriously disappointed.”
“Don't worry about that, he'd be an idiot if he didn't contact you. But for now, he'll be enjoying talking to you in person while you are still here.”
“Yeah? Well, I like the sound of that."
“Great! Now lets get you that drink you have been waiting for so long.” With that he took her hand and continued walking back inside. Juvia couldn't help but notice how perfect their hands fit together and when he looked back at her, with a beautiful smile on his face, Juvia was glad she had come to the party.
After all it's where she first meet her future boyfriend / husband.
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smileyoongle · 5 years
Yandere BTS! Birthday Banters
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@min-t-posts I got you! This is a sweet request and I really like it. Hope you like it too. Since this is a soft Yandere, please know that their Yandere tendencies are gonna be at their lowest. Now.... LET'S GET IT!
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Kim Seokjin:
It was hard, in fact, very hard. Having a boyfriend who never left you alone along with the problem of buying a birthday present for him, how could someone handle it? Because you certainly couldn't. When you had sneaked out of the house and met Jungkook and Hoseok at the mall, you didn't think Jin was gonna find out. But you were stupid. Of course, he had to find out. Your giddiness was replaced with horror when he turned up to take you home, not even muttering a word to the other two who had helped you.
"I don't think you should be mad at me, princess. You were the one who left without my permission." Jin said, his voice sending shivers down your spine but you were too angry to deal with him. You glared at him and placed your hands on your hips. "I have every right to be mad at you. How do I do things when you're following me everywhere, Jin?!" You bellowed, kicking the couch beside you, only to have it hurt your foot. You winced but composed yourself. However, Jin had noticed and he took a step towards you, stretching out his hand to pull you to him but you swatted it away. Hurt flashed in his eyes but it went just as it came. "There's nothing that you have to do. You know you can just tell me and I can-" you cut him off with a frustrated groan, running your hands through your hair. "No, there are some things that need to be done by ME. I can't exactly tell you to go buy yourself a birthday present and not look at it until I give it to you with my own hands, can I?" You argued, watching as Jin's jaw dropped. His heart swelled at hearing that you wanted to buy him something. He was screaming at himself internally for spoiling everything. With a defeated sob, you plopped down on the couch and buried your head in your hands. Jin gulped and kneeled in front of you. He couldn't help that he didn't want you hanging out with someone else. He just loved you too much. Taking your hands in his, he removed them from your face and tucked your hair behind your ear. "I'm sorry, Y/N. But thinking about other people being around you is just....I'm scared that someday they'll realize how perfect you are and take you away from me." He apologized, looking at you with eyes full of desperation. You shook your head and leaned your forehead on his, smiling softly. "I only love you, Jin. No one can change that. But I'm still mad at you. I'll forgive you after you apologize to Kookie and Hobi." You pulled back and crossed your arms. Jin's jaw clenched at your words. He didn't wanna apologize to them at all. But if it was you, then he couldn't risk it. Nodding at you, he kissed your forehead as you snuggled closer to him.
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Kim Namjoon:
You threw the fluffy pillow across the room, sighing in satisfaction as it hit the wall and fell to the floor. You were almost ashamed of yourself due to your inability to convince Namjoon to let you go out. Alone. You recalled the time when you were really good at convincing people but you probably lost that skill while staying with Namjoon. He was far too good at reasoning about everything which made you question your own choices. It had been about two weeks and you had made no progress with your problem. In the coming two days was your dearest boyfriend's birthday but he was too busy protecting you to even consider the possibility that maybe you wanted to do something for him. The door to the bedroom opened, revealing Namjoon holding a tray of food and taking in the appearance of the bedroom. He raised his eyebrows at the fallen pillows and the messy sheets of the bed where you had been whining and rolling around. His eyes fell on you and he tilted his head making you gulp from your place on the bed. He slowly walked around the bed and placed the tray on the nightstand before grabbing your wrist and pulling you into his lap. "And what exactly is bothering you, hmm? Don't think I haven't been noticing how annoyed you've been. Now tell me, so that I can take care of it for you." He said, his fingers drawing circles on your back as you stared at him with wide eyes. If you didn't know any better, you'd have melted at hearing his words. Sometimes, Namjoon took things too far and you wondered how you fell for him. Nonetheless, you loved him truly. "Speak up, baby." He prompted, his breath tickling your neck. "Why won't you let me go out?" You asked in a small voice, not wanting this discussion to erupt into a full-blown argument. "We talked about this, Y/N. You want to go out alone but there are too many dangers out there. And what am I going to do if you try to ru-" that was the end of the line for you. You yanked his hands off of you and got up from his lap. "Run away? Really, Namjoon? That's how much you trust me? All I wanted to do was buy something for you since it's your birthday but I guess that's dangerous too." You scoffed and crossed your arms, not even looking at him anymore. Namjoon blinked at you with a confused expression. Did you want to give him a present? Him? "What? A gift?" He asked, confirming as if he was hearing things. You nodded at him mockingly, pulling the blankets over your head and hiding. Namjoon cursed under his breath, feeling guilty that he upset you even though you were only doing something for him. Lifting the blanket from one end, he got inside and hugged you from behind, letting his fingers tickled your sides until he heard your laughter. He grinned and straddled you, your giggles coming to a halt. "I am sorry, baby. You just make me so crazy. Now if you still want to get me something then let's go. I'll keep my eyes closed the entire time, okay?" He smiled as you nodded and pulled him to hug you, the blanket surrounding the two of you in your own twisted but sweet love life.
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Min Yoongi:
You dragged your feet towards the car, sighing loudly while glaring at the bags in your hand signifying all the branded things that Yoongi bought for you. This wasn't supposed to be about you at all, it was supposed to be about Yoongi. But you couldn't exactly buy anything with him following you like a tail, could you? Tossing the bags in the backseat, you slammed the door shut and got in the passenger seat. You leaned your head on the window after fastening your seatbelt, patiently waiting for Yoongi to start the car. After what seemed like an hour, you frowned on noticing that you were still in the parking lot and turned to see what your boyfriend was up to. All this time, Yoongi had been burning holes in the side of your head at your lack of communication. You hadn't spoken to him even while shopping, seemingly lost in your own world. This was the one thing he despised with all his heart, he couldn't help but feel like you were ignoring him on purpose, even if you weren't. Yoongi's intense gaze made you shift uncomfortably in your seat, your hands clutching each other in your lap. The silence was overbearing and it threatened to consume you until Yoongi decided to speak. "We aren't going anywhere unless you tell me why I'm being ignored after treating you to a perfect day." He said, his voice completely blank. You bit your lower lip, contemplating what to say. Your plans of shopping alone went out the window anyway, and it's not like you could lie to him and go somewhere else without being caught either. So then how were you supposed to get him a present if he was gonna stick to you like glue? Yoongi let out a frustrated groan and picked you up from your seat as you yelped, placing you between him and the steering wheel. His hands gripped your waist and pulled you to him, your breath hitching at the proximity. "I can do this all day, you know." He murmured against your neck, your hands tightening around the collar of his shirt. "I needed to buy you something." You said, your voice coming out strained. Yoongi stopped his torture on your neck, pulling back to look you in the eyes and tilting his head with a frown. You sighed in defeat and fiddled with your fingers. "It's your birthday and I wanted to do something special." You confessed, stealing glances at him. You missed the blush that crept up Yoongi's cheek, your words hitting him in the most gentle way possible. This showed just how much you appreciated him, though not more than he did you. His lips stretched into a smile as he cupped your cheeks. "I don't need a gift, babe. I have you and that's the only thing I need." He stated before kissing you. You smiled into the kiss, your heart banging against your ribcage. At times he made you question why you loved him but he made sure that your questions weren't left unanswered. He loved you in his own way. But it was still love.
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Jung Hoseok:
The movie played in the background as you hurriedly typed on your phone, oblivious to Hoseok who was standing behind you and eyeing you like a hawk. It had been a week and Hoseok had never seen you this distracted before. He had tried to get your attention by doing all sorts of nonsense but you were too busy to give a damn. He couldn't help but think that maybe someone else had caught your eye. Sure, your relationship was rocky at the beginning, purely because Hoseok had come out of nowhere and professed his love for you when you didn't even know him. But with time, everything had become okay and you ended up falling in love with him. "Why would you be texting Jimin when I'm right here, sunshine?" Hoseok asked from behind you, his lips beside your ear. You flinched and locked your phone, clutching it tightly as you stood up and turned to Hoseok. "What are you talking about?" You chuckled nervously, brushing away the strands of hair that escaped your ponytail. Hoseok gritted his teeth and walked around the couch until he stood in front of you. You swallowed thickly, eyes darting around the room and spotting the clock. There were still 2 minutes left and you had no idea on how to keep Hoseok occupied when he was angry. "I saw it, Y/N. So cut the bullshit and tell me what it is. Have you been getting a little too close to Jimin?" He accused as your eyes widened. Your heart broke a little at his words. Is that what he thought about you? You narrowed your eyes and clenched your jaw. You weren't scared of your boyfriend, although you did agree he could be scary at times. "Is that how low you think of me, Hoseok?" You replied, not taking your eyes off of him. Hoseok felt bad that he was jumping to conclusions but you weren't giving him much of a choice. His eyes landed on your hands that you had hidden behind your back. Without a word, he moved forward and grabbed your hand, trying to take the phone from your hand as you shrieked. Your little wrestling went on for a minute until the bell rung and you mumbled a 'thank god' under your breath. Hoseok paused and glared at you, taking slow steps towards the door and disappearing from your sight. You closed your eyes and caught your breath, deciding that you didn't need to be mad at Hoseok, it was his birthday after all. You heard the door close and you smiled, rushing towards where Hoseok must be standing. "Happy Birthday!" You cheered, laughing at hoseok's shocked expression. You couldn't believe you had pulled it off. You had managed to keep everything a secret from him for an entire week. Hoseok wanted to cry because of how touched he was. He had spent the entire week worrying about losing you whereas you had only been trying to set up a surprise for him. He stared at the box of cake along with a bouquet of flowers and a blue velvet box that Jimin had dropped off. You ran to him and picked up the blue box, opening it to reveal two silver rings with both your initials carved on the inside. Taking one out, you grabbed your boyfriend's hand and slipped it onto his finger. "I love you, Jung Hoseok. So don't you ever think that I'd cheat on you because you're the only one I want." You mumbled before pressing a quick kiss on his lips. Hoseok found himself nodding and smiling at you. He picked you up and spun you around, hearing your giggles that made his heart swell.
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Park Jimin:
Jimin rubbed his eyes, frowning on feeling the empty space beside him. The moon shone it's light through the curtains as the clock on the nightstand illuminated the room with its neon display. 2:03 AM. Jimin looked towards the bathroom, waiting for any kind of noise indicating that you were in there. And he did hear a noise but it wasn't from the bathroom, it was from outside of the bedroom. Jimin quickly got out of bed and walked out of the bedroom, looking around the dark hallway until he saw light coming from the study. He almost ran, curious as to why you were awake at this time. Meanwhile, you had managed to knock down the lamp on the table, wincing as it fell on the carpet with a thud. You continued writing messages on the small strips of paper after confirming that your boyfriend was, indeed, asleep. How stupid of you! Jimin peeked in at your form hunched over the table, watching as you tossed a paper behind you with a heavy sigh. Not being able to control himself, he opened the slightly ajar door and grabbed the paper, not even looking at you as you turned around with a horror-stricken face.
Home is the only way to describe you.
Jimin's lips quivered as he read the sentence, again and again, not being able to believe his eyes. Were you writing love letters to someone? He slowly lifted his head to look at you, his eyes glossy and sad. "What....who is he?" He inquired, unable to stop the tears from falling down. After all, he had given you everything and never once let you cry so what went wrong? You frowned, ignoring the chills that ran down your spine. "I don't understand." You explained, eyes widening as jimin clenched his jaw and punched the table. It didn't seem like he found out about your birthday present yet. This was something else. "Who are you writing this for, Y/N?! And don't lie to me because you know I will find out. He won't get away from trying to take you away from me!" He yelled making you flinch. Jimin had never been this mad at you so this was a first. You took cautious steps towards him and placed your hands on his shoulders. "I was making your birthday present, Jimin." You mumbled, looking at him with apologetic eyes. As soon as the words left your mouth, his anger deduced to nothing. "What? Th-then why are you making it at this time?" He stuttered, mentally slapping himself for reacting so harshly. You smiled softly and hugged him, rubbing soothing circles on his back. "Because my dear boyfriend doesn't leave me alone for a second, not that I'm complaining. So I don't have much of a choice but to do it at this time." You explained, feeling his body relax under your touch. A small 'oh' left Jimin's mouth as he wrapped his arms around you, pulling you closer to him. "Sorry. I promise I'll leave you alone. But only until my birthday." He said, pulling away and cupping your cheeks, smiling when you laughed. As much as jimin hated the idea of being away from you, he decided to give it a go. You didn't care that he found out that you were making something for him as long as he didn't feel insecure. He was exactly as you described him. Home.
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Kim Taehyung:
"I need to get to work." You whined, trying to pry your boyfriend's hands off of you. He mumbled something sleepily and pulled you closer to him, not wanting to let you go. You sighed and looked at the clock, cursing under your breath on realising that you're getting late. Taehyung had already called in sick for you twice in the current week because he wanted to spend the day with you. You were surprised at how the company allowed it even though aware of taehyung's tactics. "Just relax, babe. I called in sick for you." Taehyung said in his raspy voice, your eyes widening at his words. A lot of emotions hit you all at once, anger, sadness, frustration etc. But mainly, you felt defeated. Because your plan of buying a birthday present for your boyfriend had gone out of the window. And the worst part, the next day was his birthday. You clenched your jaw and pushed him with all your strength, sending him down to the floor. He let out a yelp, closing his eyes and rubbing his back where he had hit it on the nightstand. You gasped on realising what you had done, shivers running down your spine when Taehyung stood up and glared at you with gritted teeth. Before you could get the words out, he grabbed your ankle and pulled you to lay on your back as he straddled you, pinning your hands above your head. "I don't understand the problem, love. You're acting like I committed a crime." He sneered at you, your heart pounding in your chest. You gulped, trying to decide if your complaining would make things better or worse. "I- I just had something important to do, Tae." You whispered, watching his eyes soften just for a second. It was probably because he loved hearing his nickname from your mouth. He tilted his head mockingly at you. "What could be so important, Y/N?" He asked, narrowing his eyes at you. You closed your eyes and took a deep breath. It was definitely no use lying to him now. "It's your birthday. I just wanted to get you a present." You confessed, feeling his grip on your hands become loose. You had caught Taehyung off guard seeing as he never expected this from you. Yes, people did buy him gifts but they were just a formality. Coming from you, it meant a lot to him. He picked you up in his arms and hugged you tightly, kissing your head. "Really?" He asked while displaying his famous boxy grin. You giggled and nodded as he hugged you again before leaning his forehead against yours. "I'm sorry, my love. I shouldn't have reacted like that. Hit me harder next time, will you?" He said, his voice holding a little seriousness in it. You replied with a kiss, smiling when your lips met his. "Also, waking up next to you is the greatest gift I could ever ask for." He mumbled against your lips as your hands wrapped around his neck.
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Jeon Jungkook:
You huffed and flipped the pages of the book, ignoring the knocking on the door along with jungkook's whining. It had been hours since you had locked yourself in the bedroom after having a small argument with your boyfriend. "Fine, I'll just apologize for all the things I think you're mad for. I'm sorry that I almost killed your coworker who was shamelessly eye fucking you. I'm sorry that I didn't let you attend your manipulative best friend's party. I'm sorry that I burned your favourite dress on purpose-" you were somewhat smiling at his apologies but when you heard him talk about your dress, you just couldn't sit there anymore. You opened the door harshly, internally wincing when it hit the wall at the side. Jungkook's hand was balled up into a fist and hanging midair, where he had been knocking on the door without a pause. "You burned that dress on purpose?!" You exclaimed, not believing what you had heard. Jungkook cleared his throat and put on his scary demeanour but you seemed unaffected by it. "It was too short, Y/N." He stated, putting his hands in his pockets. You scoffed and walked past him, hitting his shoulder with yours. You were almost in the living room when you felt his hand grabbing your wrist and turning you around. You gasped when your back hit the wall and Jungkook stood in front of you, his hands placed on either side of your head. "You can't stay mad at me forever. And that too without telling me why." He complained, frowning at your arrogance. Lately, you had become a little too comfortable with him and that made you lose all the fear you had regarding him. Now he was just your crazy but amazing and handsome boyfriend. "Watch me." You challenged, feeling your confidence waver when his eyes turned darker. "Y/N." He taunted, moving closer to you. You turned your head to the side to avoid his eyes which didn't look so innocent anymore. "I'm gonna stay mad at you forever just because you didn't give me my space so that I could plan something for your freaking birthday." You said hurriedly, clamping your mouth shut immediately when you realized you had told him everything. It was actually quite amusing to watch him struggle but maybe it was getting too much. Jungkook's eyes widened as he took in what you had just said. He had been wracking his brain with all the things that might have upset you but here you were, sad that you didn't get to do anything for him. You were too adorable for his heart to handle. He chuckled softly and leaned his head on your shoulder as you frowned. "That's it?" He questioned with a grin while you rolled your eyes. You pushed him away and started walking away. "It's a big deal for me, okay? I love Jeon Jungkook too much to just let this day go by without a celebration." You replied, crossing your arms. Jungkook rushed to you and wrapped his arms around you from behind, hugging you with all the love he could muster. "I love you more, princess. Now for the birthday, you plan out everything and we'll spend the day however you want. Will you forgive me then?" He asked, kissing your neck as you smiled. "We can work with that." You said, turning around to hug him back. Jungkook was glad that he had taken it in his hands to make you his. Things could have gone bad but they hadn't and he was grateful. Anything to be with you.
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This turned out to be too soft and now my heart can't handle it. I'll just suffer while you check out other imagines on my blog. Thanks for reading!
- XX
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Rio & Buster
Rio: [Before, probably late PM night before or early af AM] Rio: What time are you getting there? Buster: [A time that Baze would fuck with] Rio: In time for the easter egg hunt then Rio: I've got to help set up Buster: Ava refuses to miss it, meaning none of us can Rio: Well, duh Rio: and no, I won't tell you where any of the eggs are hidden Buster: I could help you set up Buster: Then I'd know Rio: Then you would be disqualified Rio: also, doesn't seem very 'you', does it? Buster: If anyone asks, I'm doing it to help my sister cheat Buster: I'd argue that's very me Rio: I can see that Rio: I'll see you then then Buster: I miss you Rio: I miss you more Rio: today is going to be weird Buster: If it gets too much, just tell me Buster: Nobody'll be surprised to see me leave Rio: Not you, no Buster: I mean it, I don't even have to go at all Buster: If you don't want me to Rio: You should be there Rio: and I'd rather see you than not at all Rio: we have to try, don't we Buster: Yeah Rio: when did we get too old for the egg hunt? Buster: I wouldn't know, I was always getting disqualified Rio: you're too competitive Buster: There's no such thing Rio: I think the 😭😡 suggested otherwise Buster: You couldn't handle losing to me, that's not my fault Rio: it wasn't just me, thank you Buster: But I only cared about you so Rio: if you really cared, you would've let me win 😏 Buster: That wouldn't impress you Buster: Don't act like I didn't share the prizes Rio: I think you might've been forced to Rio: very ungracious winner, you Buster: Nobody's ever been able to force me to do anything, you know that Rio: I know Rio: and you always looked very cute Buster: Like I said, I had to impress you Rio: You did Rio: and you will Rio: it'll be very distracting from 🐇 duties Buster: You're not gonna dress like one, are you? Rio: Probably not Rio: make the adults uncomfortable and can't chase 'round after the kids very well in stilettos and a corset, like Buster: I'd offer to carry you but that would make everyone even more uncomfortable Rio: 😞 Rio: like no one cares about my comfort, honestly Buster: I care, baby Rio: I know Rio: we should have a few minutes though, when your dad is fighting granddad over the lamb/to be the new alpha and the rest are trying to keep the kids from ruining their lunch by making themselves sick on chocolate Buster: What could be more romantic, like? Rio: Yeah Rio: but we've got to make the most Buster: We will Buster: I don't wanna call it a leaving present but I've got something for you Rio: Is it a surprise? Buster: Until you find it Rio: Ooh Rio: what if someone else finds it? Rio: am I gonna have to snatch it from a child's hands real fast, like Buster: They won't, I'm gonna leave it somewhere that means something to me and you Buster: Separate from the Easter Egg Hunt Rio: I'm excited Buster: Good Buster: 'Cause I can't sleep Rio: Me either Rio: let's be together now Buster: Alright Rio: we can make each other sleepy when we wanna Buster: When we have to, not before Rio: That's good with me, baby Buster: I love you Rio: I love you, don't forget Rio: in a weird way, it'll be fun trying to find ways to show you without anyone noticing Buster: Put a dress on, that'll really help me out Rio: 😳 oh Buster: As long as I'm not the one blushing tomorrow, nobody should notice Rio: I can't promise no ears but I'll leave the tail for when we're alone Rio: that should save your blushes Buster: I appreciate that, babe Rio: I'm clearly not as thoughtful as you, but I do try Buster: You're clearly more thoughtful than me 'cause you don't have to try Rio: but I didn't get you a surprise Buster: You're not the one leaving Rio: so, when I come visit you Rio: okay Rio: gives me time to think Buster: I always think about that Rio: you better have a clear schedule next weekend Rio: 'cos all I need is an excuse to be in London Buster: I'll clear it Rio: I need the whole weekend Rio: we'll have so much to catch up on Rio: show much to show you Buster: You had me at next weekend Rio: you know I'm bad at being patient Buster: You've had to be patient for far too long Rio: I'm gonna have to get a better job though Rio: to see you as often as I wanna Buster: If you get another job you won't get to see me at all Buster: And you don't need one, you've got me Rio: You can't pay for everything, it isn't fair Rio: and I didn't say another, just a better one Buster: It's not fair that you'll have to find excuses to come to London Buster: Or that you'll have to job hunt Rio: I've got enough saved for a bit anyway Buster: Keep saving it Rio: Baby Buster: No arguments Buster: I don't need to save money, I need you Rio: But Buster: But is the beginning of an argument Rio: I don't wanna argue with you, daddy Buster: Then don't Rio: tell me it's alright Buster: You know it is Buster: I look after you and you look after me Rio: I just don't wanna take advantage Buster: You're not Rio: I'm not that bitch Rio: not with you, anyway Buster: I know who you are Rio: if your friends got any hot dads I can scam though Rio: lmk Buster: Obviously Rio: I'll do mums too Rio: if they're dumb enough Buster: They are Rio: Figured Buster: [Everyone's parents deets casually] Rio: 😂😂 Rio: damn, coming through Buster: Have you forgotten who I am? Rio: no but I always want another reminder Buster: [a selfie like oh hey] Rio: oh my god Rio: I want to be there to cuddle you so bad Buster: Tell me we can get lost for a while during this fucking egg hunt Rio: you've not forgotten how many hiding places there are, I know Rio: lots of people but enough space Rio: 🤞 Buster: You've not forgotten how much I've grown since I last used any of those hiding places, I know Rio: 'scuse me, I'll just be reminiscing over here 🤤🤤🤤 Rio: still, though, I know places Buster: I can't wait for you to show me Rio: [selfie back] Rio: show you that for now Buster: Oh fuck Rio: Can you think of a valid excuse for you to come to church with me tomorrow morning? 😏 Buster: Like you said, it'll look good when I apply to uni Rio: in theory, very 🙏 Rio: in reality, so 😈 Buster: I'll be there Rio: actually? Buster: Yeah Rio: I'll die Buster: I won't let that happen Rio: The others don't come Rio: not even Junie Buster: All the more reason why I should keep you company, babe Rio: Seriously though Rio: it's pretty nightmarish Buster: You've already sold it to me Rio: at least you can sit next to me Rio: none of our family will be there Rio: unless my nan swoops in and steals you🙄 Buster: You'll just have to hold onto me so she can't Rio: I will Rio: so tight, like Buster: Don't let go Rio: Never Rio: You gonna go to confess whilst you're there? Buster: Should I? Rio: Probably not Rio: but technically, he's meant to keep his mouth shut Rio: so you could Buster: You're a secret, not a sin Rio: we could ask Rio: definitely wasn't back in the day, everyone in the bible is cousins, basically Buster: I don't need a second opinion, especially from someone whose first opinion isn't something I particularly need to hear Rio: Okay Buster: We're not doing anything wrong Rio: it won't stop me if we are Buster: It wouldn't stop me either if I thought we were, but I don't Rio: Yeah Buster: Is that what you think? Rio: I don't know what I think Buster: Yeah you do Buster: You just don't wanna say it Rio: like I said, it isn't going to stop me Rio: but it must be Buster: If it was that wrong it'd be illegal Rio: I know it's not illegal Rio: but it's not accepted Buster: Neither's being gay by some people, that's not wrong Rio: well that's different Buster: Why? Rio: we could technically not do this Buster: My sister could technically never fuck a girl, she's still gay Buster: I still love you even if we don't Rio: Yeah Rio: that's true Rio: okay Rio: I don't know Buster: She has a right to be with whoever she wants, so do I Rio: I don't know how to shut out everyone else's bullshit Rio: the jokes, disgust, whatever Buster: They don't have to know Buster: I'm saying any of this 'cause I wanna tell them all tomorrow Buster: not* Rio: No, of course Rio: it still gets in my head though, is all I mean Buster: Yeah, I know Rio: do you think your parents ever cared Rio: it's different but people would've been funny still Buster: Of course Buster: My mum could've got thrown out if it'd have gone wrong Rio: at least we don't have to worry about that Buster: And people have always said shit about this family, one way or another Rio: don't need to tell me Buster: So stop worrying Rio: Helpful 😏 Buster: I can easily help you relax Rio: I've not totally killed the mood? Buster: Don't be ridiculous Buster: I'll do anything to make you feel better, whenever Rio: Do I ever make you feel better? Rio: feel like I'm not pulling my weight here Buster: You know you do Rio: I can do better Rio: just not tonight Buster: There is no better Buster: You're perfect Rio: I love you so much Rio: I'm not gonna lose you 'cos people are idiots with opinions Buster: You're not gonna lose me for any reason Rio: No Rio: but especially that Buster: Good Rio: so, about relaxing Buster: What can I do? Rio: What can't you Rio: you wanna call? Buster: Or you could sneak me in again Buster: What time's church? Rio: 9 Rio: most people sleep through it Rio: my dad, if he bothers to show Buster: So if I'm going with you, it makes sense for me to come over now, yeah? Rio: I think so Rio: you'd have to leave so early to get here on time, you don't want to wake your fam, like Buster: Exactly Buster: And there's less traffic now than there would be at that time of the morning Rio: Right, just makes sense Rio: leave a note for 'em to find later and no one will think anything of it Buster: Fuck that, all our calendars are synced, I just need to add this into mine Rio: 😂 Rio: Wow Buster: You've met my parents, babe Rio: Once or twice Rio: at least I know you aren't such a loser that you always stick to it Buster: Cheers, like Rio: Awh, babe Rio: you're an adorable nerd, you know that Buster: Come on, don't lie Buster: What do I need to bring with me to wear for church then? Rio: you can probably wear what you're gonna wear for the rest of the day Rio: assuming you aren't planning to dress like a 🐇 too, in which case, probably not Buster: Fair assumption Rio: not even if I ask really nicely? Buster: Try it Rio: Will you dress up for me, baby Rio: it'd make me really happy Buster: How happy? Rio: Happy enough I could be persuaded to do whatever you want in return Buster: But you know I could persuade you to do that anyway Rio: but please Buster: I can't say no to you Rio: Don't Rio: 'cos I never wanna say no to you Buster: Don't Rio: What do you want then, most of all Buster: I'm already getting what I want Buster: I'm on my way to you Rio: I like having you in my bed Rio: do you know how often I've dreamt about that Buster: Tell me Rio: I honestly think I thought about that every night Rio: just sleepovers when we was little, but then it turned into sleepovers where you'd kiss me again Rio: and then, you know Buster: Yeah, I do Buster: 'Cause I had the same ones Rio: if I knew that you would be fucking me where I fucked myself over you Rio: it's crazy Buster: Jesus Christ, when you come to London you'll have to pinch me so hard Rio: I can think of better ways to show you how real it is Buster: But I'm trying not to think about any of those possibilities while I'm stuck in this car Rio: But I can't stop thinking about the first time we do it in your bed now Buster: Me either Rio: I haven't been to your house there Rio: ever Buster: I've imagined you there so many times that I was literally about to disagree with you Rio: it doesn't seem possible right Rio: you've been there for what Rio: four, five years Buster: I know Rio: that's ages Rio: no wonder I've missed you as much as I have Buster: I'm sorry Rio: it wasn't your fault Buster: I took the dare Rio: I wanted you to Rio: you know I did Buster: You wanted me to kiss you, not lose my shit and ruin everything afterwards Rio: it makes sense Rio: you know what happened to your parents Rio: that's exactly what would've happened Buster: At least if it had happened that way you wouldn't think it was what I wanted Rio: you're strong Rio: you knew I couldn't do it Buster: We were just kids, I didn't expect it to feel like something we couldn't laugh off Rio: How could we Rio: nothing could've prepared us for that Buster: Like you said, I knew about my parents Rio: but that's special circumstances Rio: you didn't have to save me from anything awful, thank God Buster: We were best friends though, same as them Rio: Yeah Rio: why didn't they notice, tbh Rio: glad they didn't but Buster: They didn't want to Rio: yeah Buster: Whatever they'd rather I didn't do, they look away Rio: Mostly works in your favour Buster: It always works in my favour Rio: Lucky you, then Buster: Don't you feel lucky, babe? Rio: I'm sure I will when you get here Buster: You'll feel everything when I get there Rio: we can go out in the barn for a bit Rio: it's probably trashed but Rio: if you don't wanna be quiet Buster: You're gonna have to be so quiet when I touch you under the table tomorrow Buster: Tonight you should be as loud as you want Rio: I'll be so good for you Buster: I know you will, baby Buster: You're an angel Rio: I've gotta be, you treat me so, so nice Buster: I've gotta, you're the love of my life Rio: say that again please Buster: I love you so fucking much, Rio Rio: You're everything to me Rio: we've got this Buster: 'Course we do Buster: I can do anything as long as you're mine Rio: I've always been yours, and I always will be Rio: nothing will stand in our way Buster: Like you said, I'm lucky Rio: I feel it too Rio: when you go to uni, maybe I can come too Rio: not go to school, I wouldn't get in Rio: but be with you Buster: I'm not going without you Rio: Then I'm coming Buster: Okay Rio: I'll work out a plan for then Buster: We've got time Buster: And you've got loads of options Rio: How long have you had your plan though, nerd baby? Rio: since birth Buster: Shut up Rio: you know I love it about you Buster: Obviously, I know what I want and I get it Rio: 🤤🤤🤤 Rio: see Rio: so tell me Rio: don't tease Buster: You know I had to work it out when I didn't get scouted to be a footballer Rio: that's a crime Rio: but you'll look better in a suit Buster: Well yeah, I manage to make our school uniform look good so Rio: I know Rio: I've seen the evidence Buster: I know, I posted the evidence for you to see Rio: I don't know whether to thank you or get my own back and pose for some evidence of my own now Buster: You can do both, don't limit yourself Rio: Do you deserve both though Buster: You tell me Rio: Let me go look at those pictures again Buster: [also sends a pic of rn] Rio: FUCK Buster: So what do I deserve, babe? Rio: [vid saying thank you over and over] Buster: I should've recorded the sound I just made Rio: Can I ask the driver about it? Rio: 'cos I really need to know Buster: Or you could just make it happen again somehow Rio: You got any ideas how, daddy? Buster: A video worked before Rio: Well, I am desperate to hear you Rio: [pleases AND thank yous] Buster: [sending his oh so extra reaction, so soz to whoever is driving him rn] Rio: I'm gonna listen to that tomorrow when you're touching me Rio: so you can feel what that just did to me Buster: Jesus Rio: I'm gonna cum as soon as you touch me tonight, I swear Buster: You're so beautiful when you do Rio: really Buster: Don't you know that? Rio: Daddy 🥰 Buster: Get in front of your mirror right now, you have to see what I do, this can't wait Rio: Oh God Rio: yes, sir Rio: [pic for proof] Buster: Good girl Rio: How do you want me to touch myself? Buster: Like we're in church Rio: How you're going to touch me in church tomorrow or how I've touched myself in church before? Buster: How you want me to tomorrow, 'cause I'm gonna need to see all the ways you have before, and this isn't about me Rio: it's always about you, Buster Buster: Baby Rio: Do you think we can do it standing up Rio: 'cos we wouldn't even need to be quiet, when they're singing the hymns Buster: I can keep you upright if that's what you're worried about Rio: More worried about how high you'd have to pull my dress up Rio: but worried might not be the word Buster: We can do it Rio: I want you to Rio: how much do you think the people behind will see though Buster: We could sit at the back and then there won't be anyone behind us Rio: We could Buster: How much do you want people to see? Rio: I want you to be in control of that Rio: as little or as much as daddy wants Rio: 'cos I'm yours, and you're the one making me look and feel so good Buster: We'll sit at the front then Rio: Everyone's gonna see everything then Rio: what I do for you, what I let you do to me Buster: That's what real devotion is, which is what they believe they're there for, it's only fair Rio: it feels like a miracle every time you fuck me Rio: they should get to see god's divine touch at work Buster: You're the miracle, babe Buster: I want everyone to know that Rio: Shit Buster: Look at how fucking heavenly you are Rio: I look how I feel Rio: whenever you're with me Buster: I feel it too, never forget that Rio: I make you feel good, don't I, daddy? Buster: [photographic evidence of how good he feels rn because at least that's more subtle than the vocals earlier lol] Rio: Mine Rio: Be here so I can make that feel even better Buster: Soon, just never soon enough Rio: I'm so close, too Rio: if you let yourself in... you don't even have to say anything, just come up behind me and watch us explode together Buster: Fuck Buster: That's the greatest idea you've had in all the years I've known you Rio: I told you, when it comes to you and me Rio: the fantasies I have are never-ending Buster: Thank Christ we have forever then Buster: 'Cause I'm gonna make them all happen for you Rio: You're gonna fuck me forever, aren't you, no matter what Rio: I don't want anyone else ever again, it's not even like 1% of what you give me Buster: Fuck all could stop me, except myself and I don't ever wanna stop, you know that Buster: Never mind the idea that I'd ever let any other cunt touch you now Rio: You have to protect me Buster: I will Rio: You always have Rio: that gets me Buster: I'll never stop doing it either Rio: I need you Buster: I love you Rio: I love you the best Buster: Yeah, you do Rio: More than anyone else Rio: ever Buster: Of course Rio: Tell me to stop touching myself or I'm gonna cum before you get here Buster: No Buster: I told you, you look beautiful, I want you to Rio: but Buster: It's okay, baby Rio: Buster Buster: Rio Rio: Oh God Buster: Don't stop Rio: I won't Buster: I know you won't Rio: [recovery time] Rio: Jesus Buster: You feel better now, yeah? Rio: That's one way to put it Buster: How do you wanna put it? Rio: I feel everything, like you promised Buster: I'm gonna keep every promise to you Rio: I trust you Buster: You can Rio: Actually looking forward to tomorrow now Rio: how do you do that Buster: I told you, I get what I want Buster: And right now all I want is for you to be happy to see me, no matter what Rio: I was Rio: technically it's everyone else I don't wanna see, like Buster: Forget about them Buster: We don't have hardly any time left Rio: Yeah Rio: I can't think about that yet Rio: especially not if we wanna make the most of it Buster: [shows up so they don't have to think about it and can make the most of it/that fantasy she mentioned earlier happen while they're still very much in that mood] Rio: [live your best life kids, we can probably skip to the main event now/everyone being there, right?] Buster: [just know that before we do he's gonna leave her present in her bed because of what she said about having him there and what he said before about hiding under it and also know because I was cockblocked that my idea was some kind of matching jewelry moment that isn't obviously matching so that anyone else would notice but they will know and he'll be wearing his before she finds hers] Rio: [love that so much] Buster: [also x 3 I had an idea that maybe her boyfriend shows up to the egg hunt because you said that he has a load of younger brothers so they could be invited and he thinks it'll be a nice surprise for Rio cos she's been spending all this time with her fam so how awkward] Rio: [that checks out oh boy] Buster: [Buster gonna be LIVID] Rio: [at least it will be painfully obvious you do not want him there lmao] Buster: [that backs up the lie you told Nancy at least] Rio: I'm so sorry Buster: You didn't invite him Rio: Of course not Rio: still Buster: Don't Rio: There's nothing else I can do Buster: Bullshit Rio: What Rio: I can't make him leave Buster: You could Buster: Or we could talk without making him the centre of the conversation Buster: Those are just two obvious options Rio: I was just saying sorry Rio: we don't need to talk about him Buster: Like I said, don't Rio: Okay Buster: It's shit enough that he's here without you feeling bad about it Rio: It's unavoidable Buster: It's not Rio: Anyway Buster: Don't dismiss what I just said Rio: I don't know what you want me to say Buster: Do something then Rio: [leaving your mans like you really gotta go help with something right now] Buster: [😏 can't even help it like] Rio: [so unfocused on whatever nonsense you're doing like don't ruin the meal or anything lol] Buster: I'll make him leave if that's what you want Rio: You can't Rio: even less than I can Buster: 'Course I can Buster: And you know it Rio: You could Rio: but you've got no reason Buster: I don't like him, that's the only reason a selfish cunt like me needs, babe Rio: have you even spoke to each other Buster: Since when is that necessary? Buster: It's been a while since I ruined a family function, like Rio: Don't Rio: because I'll have to leave with him and I don't want that Buster: You never have to do anything with him, except the dumping Rio: Do I have to do that today Buster: He'd fuck off Rio: No he wouldn't Rio: why do you think I'm waiting Rio: you've not dumped anyone, it isn't that simple Buster: Yeah I have Buster: Girls get the wrong idea Rio: then you know, it's at least a conversation Rio: more if you've been together any length of time Buster: Why can't you at least start the conversation? Buster: If he can read body language even slightly then it's not exactly coming out of nowhere Rio: I'm just trying to have a not completely shit day Buster: What so you're enjoying having him here? Rio: Jesus, no Rio: but I'm not gonna enjoy dumping him and having to think up a valid sounding excuse that isn't the actual Buster: Tell him you're over faking it every time, that's basically the actual Rio: Well that's nice 🙄 Buster: You're not gonna stay friends however you do it Rio: Why not Buster: 'Cause he's well into you and you're telling him you're not anymore Buster: If he reckons he wants to be friends, what he really reckons is he can still fuck you/ get you to change your mind about being exes Rio: We've known each other before we did this Rio: we can at least try Rio: either way, I'm not going to tell him he never made me cum and reckon that'll do it Buster: Whatever Rio: he'll have to leave before the meal Rio: it's fine Buster: Yeah Rio: can we talk about something else now Buster: You tell me Buster: He's your best friend all of a sudden, apparently Rio: No he's not, come on Buster: Forget it Rio: Buster Buster: What? Rio: I'll do it, okay Buster: No, that's not okay Buster: Do it on your on terms, not mine Rio: I don't want you to be angry with me Buster: I'm angry but not at you Rio: you can be angry at me Buster: I don't need your permission Buster: [when you playing with aforementioned jewellery that he's wearing but she's not yet because you're not mad at her] Rio: you are though Rio: just let me fix it and be my friend Buster: Don't tell me how I feel Rio: then come see me Buster: [obviously does] Rio: [hug moment] Buster: [everyone busy yourselves for a sec cos they need this] Rio: [at least you're at your house so not everyone needs to be all over this gaff, you'll find somewhere] Buster: [just kill me cos he's so tol and she's so smol] Rio: [it's a mood everyone get on board lol] Buster: [gonna let you makeout for a bit so she knows he's not mad at her lol so hope it's a good hiding place] Rio: [have at it, we can break you apart by one of the kids shouting for one of y'all 'cos kids do not care] Buster: [Grace probably cos she's obsessed with Rio's everything at this age and forever lowkey] Rio: [we know you're that bitch babe] Buster: tell her you love her in between kisses though boy before we ruin your mood again] Rio: [we're having this affirming moment so you both don't freak out any harder here] Buster: [you're welcome] Rio: [go have some boozy bunnies] Buster: [I'm jealous tbh] Rio: [aren't we all] Buster: [Alison knows how to throw a good party honey] Rio: [its this whole fam's thing tm] Buster: [Except you Ro, thank god she's not there] Rio: [how awkward you aren't though like where's the excuse, you would've had to of been at the wedding] Buster: [fake sick but actually always on death's door so] Rio: [we see you sweaty, literally everyone else is here] Buster: [Only the couple on their honeymoon aren't babe, how dare you] Rio: [that is by the by, you've gotta join this party again, soz lads] Buster: [gotta pull her back for an epic last kiss though for that wrist touching again] Rio: [we always pushing it 'til we nearly get caught that's the vibe] Buster: [mhmmm] Rio: [when you've got to go idk paint faces or some shit and you're so 😍 like 'scuse me kids] Buster: [we should decide what they all get though for the cute] Rio: [better be easter themed children] Buster: [you know Grace has gotta have the girliest flowery moment that popped up as soon as I opened pinterest] Rio: [all the pastels for easter which when did that become such a thing really] Buster: [Billie gotta be a bunny for those Carly mems cos she not too old ever to be not be about it] Rio: [you like 11, live your best life gal] Buster: [even if she was 21 she'd still do it lol] Rio: [obviously Junie won't, Edie should also be a bunny but a horror one with fake blood moment, Janis should have American football player stripes but in easter colours] Buster: [what's Ava gonna have?] Rio: [idk a sheep or something] Buster: [how adorable] Rio: [obvs there's other fam kids and kids there but we don't need to worry about y'all] Buster: [Devastated that Buster isn't that kind of bitch to get involved, where's jimothy when you need him] Rio: [lmao, when her mans probably would so she has to awkwardly be up in his grill] Buster: [your actual bae just like 😒 and starting a fight with Nance cos he's annoyed] Rio: [joy of joys, like lads you need to go now] Buster: [at least they probably would eat next cos it's usually a lunch time vibe like christmas so they'd have to go then] Rio: [exactly, you can't invite that many extra people to a roast so soz] Buster: [there's so many people already good lord] Rio: [mhmm] Buster: [leave, get out! in my best jojo impression] Rio: [the casual relief] Buster: [we all know he's gonna try and kiss her goodbye and she's gonna switch it to a cheek one, take the hint Daniel] Rio: [we all know this has been v awkward no one be living] Buster: [at least there's so many adults round this table that you can accidentally touch because in each other's grill] Rio: [we're talking multiple tables and still being on top of each other, that's the vibe] Buster: [exactly so you're welcome for that lads] Rio: I miss you Buster: [putting his hand on her leg because same] Rio: [putting her hand over his] Buster: [smiling cos we wanna] Rio: [can't stop us smiling fam] Buster: [if anyone's looking just make a silly face at your fave sister it's fine] Rio: am I gonna have to talk to Nancy Buster: I keep telling you, you don't have to do anything, babe Rio: She looks 😠 Buster: That's her resting bitch face Rio: [😏] Rio: shh Buster: [does something a little bit saucy under the table] Buster: I will if you can Rio: Easy Rio: [definitely not but you don't want him to stop so] Buster: [going a little bit harder because you don't wanna stop either so you're not gonna go too hard and risk that] Rio: [just shifting forward in your seat, biting your lip lowkey] Buster: [when you have to just sneak a look because maintaining eye contact how you want is not an option rn] Rio: [when that lowkey makes it so much worse in a good way] Buster: [we're having a good time finally] Rio: [you gonna have to try and talk 'cos you ain't this unsociable so enjoy that lol] Buster: [he'd be loving that] Rio: You're very mean Buster: Not yet Rio: [look like ?/oh no] Buster: [going IN rn soz babe hope you're not mid-sentence] Rio: [just try not to die honestly] Buster: [and when you can have coherent thoughts think about how you're gonna get your own back] Rio: You're just the worst, you know Buster: Yeah, I know Rio: What am I meant to do now Rio: you can't just Buster: What do you wanna do? Rio: You know exactly what I wanna do Buster: So come on Rio: they haven't even brought out dessert yet Buster: And you really want a piece of cake, yeah? Buster: That's exactly what you want Rio: Obviously not Rio: but you're timing is rude and that's exactly why you did it Buster: I did it 'cause I wanted to and you wanted me to Buster: The timing's just a bonus Rio: [gives him a faux 😒 look 'cos you can do that freely] Rio: for you, perhaps Rio: I'm just over here, needy as hell Buster: [leaves the table like he's got a phone call he really needs to take because real and baze energy] Buster: So come on Rio: where am I going? Rio: really strict diet so I can't even look at cake? 🤔 Buster: Where makes sense? Buster: It's your house, you tell me Buster: But nobody'll believe that you need or think you need to go on a diet, try again Rio: I'd hope no one is gonna need to go to my room for anything any time soon Rio: Do you reckon your parents will wanna head off before coffee is being offered or? Buster: Not unless your mum makes a really shit one Rio: Okay, 'cos I could say I'm not feeling great but not if you're gonna be here for a while yet Rio: I don't wanna be stuck in my room without you, like Buster: Throw a drink on yourself, you'll have to get changed then Rio: Don't you like my dress? Buster: I like you more Buster: And if you're willing to sacrifice it, I'll make sure it's a worthwhile one Rio: Okay Rio: wait for me Buster: [a picture of him chilling in her room casually like yep I am] Rio: you look so good there Buster: I feel good here, I'll miss it Rio: Me too Buster: We've got time to make loads more memories here yet though Rio: [show up 'cos yep] Buster: [you're gonna have to be quick lads so make every second count] Rio: [also gonna put that jewelry on even if we have to take it off after] Buster: [the perfect moment to find that he's hidden it in your bed for you and yeah she can put it on cos gotta serve a new lewk so we can just pretend it's part of that] Rio: [they're just in love ah this is gonna be so hard for you lads] Buster: [you know he's putting that jewellery on for you and redressing you even though he should just leave] Rio: [we always doing the most to drag things out without getting caught] Buster: [gonna make her leave first anyway even though this is literally her room cos she's more social and would hurry back in any circumstance whereas he's a rude hoe and nobody would be shook if he was on the phone for an age] Rio: [gonna save him some dessert 'cos any lil way you can low-key be nice 'cos you are typically nicer in people's eyes] Buster: [that's so sweet] Rio: Come say bye to me properly Buster: I would if Granddad wasn't mid-story Rio: I see how it is Rio: 😏 Rio: well I'm going to my dad's so when you're finished Buster: When he's finished, you mean Rio: same thing Rio: apparently 😜 Buster: You want me to burn this bridge for you, yeah? Buster: Alright, when I ain't allowed to move in, you'll only have yourself to blame, babe Rio: Don't be silly Rio: I'll wait Buster: Me too Buster: When are you back? Rio: Probably not 'til you're gone, that's what I'm saying, boy Buster: You should've led with that Rio: why did you think I needed you to say goodbye Rio: I'm not just nipping out Buster: Don't go Rio: You'll be going soon enough Rio: we have to do it at some point Buster: Soon isn't now Rio: I have to go though Buster: Your mum won't make you Rio: Of course not Rio: that's not the point Rio: I have to spend time with them too, I've got two families Buster: Come on Rio: What? Buster: Your dad is a prick, Rio Rio: You don't get to talk about him Buster: I have to Rio: You don't have to say anything Buster: I do though, 'cause you're the one who gets hurt by him for still caring Rio: That's my business Rio: and he's still my dad, end of Buster: He'll still be your dad if you stay here Rio: Well I'm not Buster: [showing up to give her the most intense look of all time] Rio: [arms folded like what?] Buster: [putting his around her of course] Rio: ['say it then' but so quiet] Buster: [pulls her closer to him because cannot] Rio: [hugs him back the tightest] Buster: [keeping this going for the longest time cos we having emotions] Rio: ['what time's your flight tomorrow?'] Buster: [let's say it's early cos Baze have shit to do] Rio: [quiet for a bit like thought as much vibes but also thinking 'maybe on my way back, you can come out for five and see me?'] Buster: [nods because we all know he's gonna make that happen regardless] Rio: [overly cheery like great we have a plan 'cos now you don't have to commit to that goodbye] Buster: [gotta do what you gotta do kids especially if that's delaying the heartbreaking inevitable] Rio: [off you go to see your dad who clearly did not show to church] Buster: [have fun with that babe] Rio: [not to mention creepy Drew and shit nan, we living lol] Buster: [are the others going or just Rio like oh hey] Rio: [maybe the twins should have to but I feel like Junie is already like no thank you] Buster: [I feel that because all the more reason for Rio to go cos she's not just gonna leave the twins with any of them] Rio: [exactly and they're probably creating 'cos don't wanna either so then it's more stress than it would be just showing as is] Buster: [so soz that Buster is adding to it by not wanting you to go gal] Rio: [none of us wanna but this the life we're living of forcing effort upon Caleb 'cos thinking the twins might still want it even though we're already like eurgh] Buster: [mhmm and we don't even have Gus to soften the blow so please stay the fuck back shit nan except you won't because Caleb is basically always just making you do everything for these children] Rio: [when we pretending it's 'cos the cousins are here so you didn't wanna go but really it's just this hell fam and you're the only one old enough to properly grin and bear it Buster: [poor Rio in so many ways rn] Rio: [just making excuses for Junie like he's working so hard at school always 'cos 1. not not true and 2. she'll love that 'cos smart boy but we know he just can't hack the blatant homophobia] Buster: [tea, and when you should wanna see Edie and Billie cos they're Drew's kids and he's your son too effectively but you don't] Rio: [when we truly pretending they don't exist like the delusion] Buster: [it's so fucked] Rio: [and rude, and we blame Ali for having these white children for them not being together still, like that's what Caleb ever wanted and like they're not fucking Drews like okay lmao] Buster: [don't even go there on the shit she would say about Carly, my sweet summer child] Rio: [shit nan I'm soz your life is so busted who you fooling here but yourself] Buster: [but before we get derailed do you wanna leave this here?] Rio: [we probably can like they'd talk whilst she's there probably but we don't have to do that up to you] Buster: [we know the vibe, you love and miss each other and we wish none of this was happening in terms of him having to leave] Rio: [yeah she's not gonna spill loads on this whole dad situ after how it went just now so nothing of note would be said tbh] Buster: [we're not there yet, one day lads]
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theangrypokemaniac · 5 years
I appreciate that you take the time out of your day to read my witterings, and respond to them in detail, but I'm somewhat intellectually limited and it takes a while to write an answer.
The final one is a bit of a problem. The original post is long, your bit is long, and my addition is probably twice both put together.
Did you know Tumblr has a limit: no more than two hundred and fifty text blocks per post? I discovered this from experience, unsurprisingly.
I think the only solution is to split it across several posts.
Tumblr media
I wasn't going to say anything, but I suppose I should.
I started this blog last May, to relieve the boredom of my main embarrassment, whose only likes (all three of them) were from porn bots.
It wasn't even meant to be about Pokémon. I'd left the fandom years previously. It was odds and ends, but I happened to find a few silly screen shots so wrote a couple of joke remarks, not expecting a ripple of interest.
Within a couple of hours I got more notes than t'other's managed even to this day. I had the idea this was where I was more at home, so I started taking it seriously.
My pseudonym was just daft thing I'd made up previously, to reflect that, whilst still in love with old days, I'm not exactly pleased with how it's gone.
I thought it might stand out as memorable, plus I like acronyms, so it affords me the opportunity to call myself 'T.A.P.'
In the early days the focus was on the 'maniac' aspect. Anger as a description didn't fit at all. The farther back you go, the more stupid and clownish it gets. It's not been like this all the way through!
Seriously, it used to be an entertainment blog, designed to make people laugh. It's all ages: no swearing, no porn, nothing to put anyone off.
(This post under discussion contains the only profanity I've ever deployed. I thought saving it up might add some oomph.)
I mean it, it's was all light-hearted ridicule. Every so often, there would be a slightly cutting remark, but mild compared to now.
Then, last September, someone I spoke to regularly, who assured me we were friends, suddenly cut off all contact.
At first I wasn't aware of it, but by October it became too glaring a silence to ignore.
I thought rifts started because of massive disagreements, but as far as I remembered our last exchange ended normally.
I found out by accident that the reason for it was because I am repugnant and morally inferior and so swollen with my own ego that the existence of others doesn't register. Instead they are but soulless droids built to worship the great T.A.P. mollusc.
Well that was news to me. I had no idea I came across like that. As far as I knew, I was on my best behaviour when we interacted.
I was polite. I tried to be ingratiate myself. I kept talk to the fandom. I didn't pry. I attempted humour when the opportunity arose.
I thought I'd done all I could to be liked, but apparently I hadn't. It was a revolting experience for them, for all of saying they loved me and I was 'honey'.
It really, really, really got to me, and the feeling hasn't abated, if anything it's worse.
As I said, I don't know what I did wrong, and because I don't, I can't mend my ways. If I am this repellant waste of flesh I'd like to change, but if I'm not told my offence, what am I meant to do?
If what I thought was the best I could be wasn't good enough, and instead was so sickening I don't deserve their presence, then I have no idea how to interact with people.
Maybe every time I respond to someone, thinking I'm at worst, civil, is really grotesque conceit, because my arrogance is so extreme I'm not even aware it's there. In my head it sounds normal.
It'd be too easy to scoff that they were the one with the problem, but, given all the arguments that happen in life, it can't always be someone else's fault. It's got to be you at least once.
They obviously think they were justified, so who's to say they weren't?
You may say not to let it worry me, that I should just get over it, and you'd be totally right. Being bothered makes me feel pathetic and petty on top of the rest, but this is me you're talking to, not a sane person. Self-hatred is more instinctive to me than breathing.
I always dwell on the negative. If one hundred people were assembled, ninety-nine of whom declared me the most wonderful being ever to live, and one remarked I wasn't all that special, it's him I'd remember. 
It's called ghosting because that's what happens. There comes a moment when you accept that, no, it's over, rejected again, and it's like realising I'd died, and had been gone for a while.
Except I hadn't noticed the process, so I was always dead in a way, and they spoke to the silvery silhouette left behind, until that too dispersed into untraceable nothingness. Again,  the silence is my fault for dying, not theirs.
I feel there's no point in messaging anyone, because I'll only disgust them too. Some blogs encourage contact, and when I see it I always think:
Yeah, but they don't mean YOU.
If it's another person I already spoke to, I can't shut up. I bombard them with text in the hope they know I don't think they're a menial droid. Every one I immediately regret, and wish I could take back, because that will irritate them until I'm just a sad, nagging past.
The Ghost-Maker used to reblog 99% of my work. This dropped to nothing overnight, so not only am I worthless, but so is everything I do.
Posts G.M. didn't like got 0-5 notes. Ones they did had 20+. Many a time, it took their reblog for anyone else to notice.
It was like others used that blog as a filter to pull the fool's gold from the murk of this one. Once their favour evaporated, so did a lot of the goodwill from elsewhere, so it's was as if Tumblr agreed I was scum.
Saying that above just shows they were right, because it takes one smug bastard to believe their existence registers with anyone else.
Please don't think I'm demanding likes, that my stuff deserves them, although as I'm arrogant I am. It's just that 99% to 0% is a bit of a fall.
Up til then, I held back much of what I thought about the current state of the anime, as they liked it, but now I have no reason to stop.
If I'm to be accused of all these vices I might as well have them. I'm dead, so who cares what I say? No one listens to a ghost.
It's not that I'm unconcerned if I upset anyone, it's just the truth that I don't matter enough for what I write to be valued enough to offend.
As a ghost, I think of this blog as invisible. It's there, but not really, so how can anyone mind?
Incidentally, the first week I was here I got blocked by someone who hates all fans from the Nineties. I don't care about that, as they sound like a cretin, and I'd have to be defective to gain their approval.
I just want to say I find that moronic. I don't hate new fans at all. I wouldn't block someone because we disagreed.
Blocking denies people access to your blog, stating they don't deserve your ART. That's arrogant to me.
Blocker likes Ghost-Maker, but...
Ever since around October, I've progressively become angrier and angrier. Whenever I'm here or Pokémon enters my head, it just reminds that I'm pond slime, about the most crude, malformed half-life freak you can envision.
I don't like being here anymore. I keep intending to leave, the site and the fandom, and set fire to it all before I go, wipe away the slug trail to spare people's stomachs.
I kept quiet until now, but holding it in just made it more intense. If I may describe myself in ridiculously flattering terms, I feel like a shaken champagne bottle, but the cork is welded in, so the only option is for the glass to shatter.
If anyone's reading this, wondering where the fun went, well this is why I flipped. The red mist won't clear. I can't see beyond it.
I won't name Ghost-Maker, because I don't want to start anything, plus most will take their side. They may see this as they still rifle round these parts occasionally for posts that aren't mine.
Well done, Ghostie. You're the lucky one. We'll never meet and you haven't seen me. Pity the poor sods I've encountered. There must be vomit trails across the land provoked by my vile condition. I wasn't aware of this until you let me in on the secret.
There's an English television presenter called Caroline Flack. She killed herself yesterday and everyone loved her. I feel guilty that I'm alive and she's not.
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